today is a special day at church because we are sharing ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___

Post on 13-Jan-2016






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Today is a special day at church because we are sharing

___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___

Communion Quiz

On the night before He died,

Jesus took a loaf of

__ __ __ __ __ and said,

“This is my__ __ __ __ given for you.”

Then Jesus took a

cup of __ __ __ __

and said,

“This is my

__ __ __ __ __

poured out to forgive

the __ __ __ __ of


Today, we share

the bread & wine to __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __

that …

Jesus __ __ __ __

on the __ __ __ __ __

and came __ __ __ __ __again.

If you want to receive


Go to the front with an


stand with your hands

crossed palms facing


An elder will offer you the bread and say:

“Body of Christ given for you.”

You will take the bread and say:


Hold the bread

until the cup

comes to you.

An elder will serve

you wine saying:

“Blood of Christ

shed for you”

You say: “Amen”

Dip the bread in the wine and place in

your mouth. Say a prayer in your

mind when you do this to remember

what Jesus did for you.

“Jesus thank you for loving me so much that you died on the cross for me so that no matter what I do or say, you will forgive me and carry on loving me always.”

Sometimes you may

be served little

glasses of wine or

grape juice. If that

happens eat the

bread and then

drink the juice.

Then pray.

Everyone is invited to communionIf you don’t want to

take communion or if

your mum or dad don’t

think you are ready yet,

then come up front and

leave your hands at

your side and the

Minister or an elder will

bless you.


Communion is very special and

serious so DN’T chat to your friends while

you’re waitingD chat (pray) quietly to Jesus

while you’re waiting

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