toeic speaking test(091231)

Post on 08-Nov-2014






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Toeic Speaking Test(091231)


TOEIC Speaking TEST 소개

■ TOEIC Speaking Test 의 개발 목적은?

현재까지 TOEIC 시험은 R/C 와 L/C 만을 통해 ‘말하기 능력’과 ‘쓰기 능력’을 간접적으로 측정해 왔다. 그러나 Business 나 일상생활에서의 Speaking 능력의 중요성이 확대되면서 이 능력들을 직접적으로 측정할 필요성이 증대되어왔고 이에 따라 ETS 에서는 영어“말하기 시험” 개발에 착수하게 되었다.

TOEIC Speaking 도입으로 이제 기업체의 인사담당자는 인재채용의 의사결정시 효율적인정보를 얻게 되었으며 영어 학습자에게는 종합적인 영어 의사소통 능력이 높이는 좋은기회가 될 것이다.


■ TOEIC Speaking 측정 범위는?

TOEIC Speaking Test 는 국제화 된 비즈니스 환경에서 공통어인 영어로 효과적인 의사소통에 필요한 말하는 능력’을 측정하는 시험이다. 그러나 이 시험은 일반적인 비즈니스 상황에 해당되는 의사소통 능력만을 측정하며 전문영역의 비즈니스나 산업 관련 지식을 요구 하지는 않는다.

■ TOEIC Speaking TEST 시스템은?

TOEIC Speaking 은 ETS 의 Internet-Based Test(IBT) 방식으로 실시되며 수험자의 응답은디지털방식으로 녹음되어 정장되며 ETS 의 온라인 채점 통신망(scoring network)으로 전송된다. 채점은 컴퓨터가 하는 것이 아니라 ETS 평가자들에게 다시 보내져서 이루어지게되며 아래의 도표를 보면 쉽게 이해 할 수 있을 것이다.

▶ TOEIC Speaking TEST 채점에서 성적발표까지 진행도표

■ 채점은 누가 하는가?

TOEIC Speaking Test 의 채점자들은 고등학교, 대학교 또는 성인 교육 기관에서 비 영어 권 국가 사람들에게 영어를 가르친 경험이 있는 대학 졸업자 출신의 전문 평가자들로 구성되며,

모두 ETS 에서 개발한 통합적인 채점 기술을 훈련 이수하고 ETS 가 감독하는 자격인증 교육을 수료한 사람들이 채점자로 활동한다.

■ 성적 증명서에 기록되는 채점정보는?

TOEIC Speaking Test 성적은 각각 0 점에서 200 점의 점수대의 환산 점수와 응시자 개인의 Speaking Test 를 보기 위한 일반적인 요령과 능력에 대한 기준도 제시될 것이다.

Speaking Test 는 8 개의 숙련도 수준을 제시하게 된다.

▶ Scaled Score (환산 점수)

채점된 환산 점수는 수험자가 응시한 시험을 근거로 Speaking 의 일반적인 숙련도를 나타낸다. 환산 점수는 0 점에서 200 점까지 10 점 단위로 기록되며 시험의 부분별

점수는 제외되며 총점만을 나타낸다.

▶ Proficiency Level (숙련도 수준)

숙련도 수준은 말하기 영역에서의 일반적인 능력과 표현의 숙련도를 나타내며 숙련도수준과 함께 제공되는 응시자의 해당 수준에 대한 설명은 그 수준의 응시자가 가지고있는 영어로 말하는 장단점이 무엇인지를 나타낸다.

Scaled Score Proficiency Level 0-30 1

40-50 260-70 380-100 4

110-120 5130-150 6160-180 7190-200 8

■ ETS 는 점수의 신뢰성 보장은?

채점 과정에서 평가자의 편견과 오해, 부정 등이 있을 수 있다는 불신을 방지하고 채점된점수의 공정성과 변별력을 높이기 위해 ETS 에서는 다음과 같은 방식으로 채점의 과정을관리한다.- ETS 는 채점 과정을 처음부터 끝까지 감시한다.

- 모든 응답은 응시자의 성명을 알 수 없는 상태로 채점된다. 즉, 평가자는 응시자에 관한어떠한 정보도 볼 수 없는 상황에서 채점하게 된다.

- 여러 명의 평가자 들에게 각각의 응답을 나누어 채점하도록 한다. 따라서 각 평가자는 응시자가 다른 문제에서는 답변 정도를 알 수가 없다.

▶ 채점 과정 흐름도

▶ Calibration Test 란?

평가자가 당일 채점 시 일정 수준의 능력을 보여줄 수 있는지 진단하는 테스트로서 평가자의 테스트용 채점 결과를 표준 결과와 비교하여 일정 수준 이상이 나올 때만 채점 업무를 맡기 는 시스템이다.

■ 시험성적의 유효기간?점수는 2 년 간 유효하다. (ETS 에 기록, 보관됨) 유효기간을 설정한 이유는 영어 실력은 응시후의 경과된 시간에 따라 달라 질 수 있기 때문이다.

■ 합격점수TOEIC Speaking Test 는 일정한 합격점을 두고 있는 것이 아니라 0 점부터 200 점까지응시자의 말하기 능력을 측정하는 시험이기 때문에 응시자는 본인의 말하기 능력에 따른 점수표를 받을 수 있을 것이다.

TOEIC Speaking Test 문제유형


번호문제유형 답변준비시간(초)





1-2Read a text aloud

"문장 읽기“각 45 각 45


억양과 강세0-3

3Describe a picture

"사진 묘사“30 45

위의 모든 항목들에 더하여

문법, 어휘



4-6Respond to questions

"듣고, 질문에 답하기“0

4 번: 15

5 번: 15

6 번: 30

위의 모든 항목들에 더하여

내용의 관련성

내용의 완성도



Respond to questions

using information


"제공된 정보를 사용하여 질문에



지문을 읽는

시간 30 초

7 번: 15

8 번: 15

9 번: 30

위의 모든 항목들 0-3

10Propose a solution

"해결책 제안하기“30 60 위의 모든 항목들 0-5

11Express an opinion

"의경 제시하기“15 60 위의 모든 항목들 0-5

TOEIC Speaking 시험전략

◆ 묻는 것에만 정확하게 답변하라.

최고 점수를 받으려면 질문 받은 것만 대답하는 것이 중요하다. 문제와 관련이 없는 내용 의 정보를 제시한다고 해서 추가 점수를 받을 수 있는 것이 아니며 오히려 정확하게 말을 잘 못할 경우에는 감점의 요인이 될 수도 있다. 반드시 질문의 내용을 정확하게파악하고 그에 따른 명확하고 직접적인 답변을 하는 것이 좋다.

◆ 단어의 발음을 정확하고 분명하게 하라.

평가인들도 사람이기 때문에 점수를 채점할 때 먼저 정확하게 답변한 내용을 알아들을수 있어야 한다. 평가자들은 응시자가 말한 내용을 알아들으려고 노력을 하겠지만,

부득이하게 못 알아듣게 된다면 높은 점수를 주지는 않을 것이다.

고득점의 가능성을 조금이라도 높이려면 이것만은 명심하자. 정확하고 분명하게 나의 의사를 전달하라. 이것이 두 번째 시험 전략이다.

◆ 생각하고 말하라답변은 먼저 생각한 후에 하는 것이 중요하다. TOEIC Speaking 문제에서 일부 유형은,

응답하기 전에 약간의 생각할 시간이 주어지는 것도 있으며, 문제를 들으면서 답변 할 내용을 생각해야 하는 문제유형도 있다. 문제 유형의 조건과, 준비 및 응답 시간을 항시머릿속에서 계산하여야 한다.

◆ 지시문에 충실한 답변을 하라.

고득점을 받으려면 지시문의 내용에 충실히 따라야 한다. 지시문의 요구대로 답변하지 않을 경우 결코 고득점은 받을 수 없다. 당연한 이야기 같지만, 의외로 많은 응시자들이가장 많이 범하는 실수로, 지시문의 요건을 충족시키지 못하는 답변을 제시하는 것이다. 아무리 유창한 영어로 답변했더라도 지시문의 내용을 따르지 않았을 경우 결코 좋은 점수를 기대해서는 안 된다.

◆ 문항별 시간 배분을 숙지하라 고득점을 받으려면 우선적으로 TOEIC Speaking TEST 출제유형 및 문항별 답변시간에

대해 정확히 숙지하여야 하며 TEST 전에 모의 TES 를 통해 시간배분과 출제유형에 대한충분한 연습을 하라.

Preview for Speaking Skills

1. 소개하기 ( 자기소개 , 가족소개 , 친구나 다른 사람 소개하기 )

자기 소개하기Q> Can you tell me a little bit about yourself?/ what can you tell me about yourself?

Interview Tips OPIC 은 “Proficiency test”이기 때문에 많은 연습을 통해 능숙하게 말할 수 있는 준비가 되어 있어야

한다. 고급스럽고 세련된 형용사, 부사, 연결사를 사용토록 한다. Self-related story! 자신만의 이야기를 만들어 준비하도록 한다. 인상 깊게, 약간의 과장을 하여 자신의 인상을 깊이 남길 수 있는 소개를 한다.

※ 6 Factors

Essential Expressions1. 나이

I am ______ years old. I am in my early/mid/ late ___’s.

2. 외모 묘사하기 I am average height and wear glasses.

저는 평균 키에 안경을 씁니다. I am quite tall (or not that tall) and don’t wear glasses.

저는 키가 큰 편 (큰 편이 아니며) 이며 안경을 쓰지 않습니다. I am fit.

저는 건강합니다. I am petite.

저는 몸집이 작습니다. I am a bit chubby.

저는 약간 통통합니다.

3. 성격 (personality) I am punctual. 저는 항상 시간을 엄수합니다. I am fond of meeting new people.

저는 새로운 사람들과 어울리는 것을 좋아합니다. (= I get along with new people well.) I am down-to-earth. 나는 현실적입니다. I am a little bit shy. 저는 수줍음을 조금 탑니다.

이름과 나이자신의 외모: 키와 언경 착용여부 등성격학교와 전공가족 관계현재 하는 일

I am laid back. 저는 느긋한 편입니다.

I am a person who + 동사 + ~ 저는 ~한 사람입니다. I am an outgoing person who has a positive attitude.

저는 성격이 시원시원하고 긍정적 사고방식을 가지고 있습니다. I am a sociable person who loves making new friends.

저는 새 친구 만드는 것을 좋아하는 사교적인 성격입니다. I am a person who enjoys what I do. 제가 하는 일은 즐겁게 하는 편입니다.

성격을 나타내는 표현들Cheerful 명랑한 (=perky, happy-camper)

Goal-oriented 목표지향적인

Extravert 외향적인 (opp. Introvert) Self-motivated 자발적인 Logical 논리적인 Quick-witted 두뇌회전이 빠른Self-controlled 자제력이 있는 Rational 합리적인 Well – rounded 원만한 Level-headed 냉정하고 분별력이 있는Sociable 사교적인 Intuitive 직관력이 뛰어남

4. 전공이나 학위, 출신대학 등 학력을 언급한다.I will be graduating with + 학위 + (in + 전공 + ) from + 대학저는 ~ 대학을 (…전공) ~학위로 졸업할 예정입니다.

I will be graduating with a B.S. degree in zoology from Boston University.저는 보스턴 대학에서 동물학 학사로 졸업할 예정입니다.

I am expecting a Bachelor of Law degree from Boston University.저는 보스턴 대학에서 법학사 학위를 받고 졸업할 예정입니다.

I major in + 전공 + with a minor in + 부전공 저는 ~전공에 … 부전공 입니다.

I am majoring in microbiology with a minor in statics.저는 미생물학 전공에 통계학 부전공입니다.

I am a history major with a minor in English literature.저는 역사 전공에 영문학을 부전공으로 하고 있습니다.

I finished/graduated with + 학위 + in + 연도 + with a major in + 전공 + (and a minor in + 부전공) 저는 ~년도에 … 전공(과 ~부전공)으로 ~학위를 취득했습니다.

I graduated with a Bachelor of Science in 2004 with a major in physics and a minor in mathematics.저는 2004 년에 물리 전공과 수학 부전공으로 이학사 학위를 취득했습니다.

I am + 직업 + with + 자격증/학위 저는 ~자격증/학위를 소유한 … 입니다.

I’m a certified accountant with a CPA. (Redundant) → I’m a CPA.저는 CPA 자격증을 취득한 공인회계사입니다.

I’m a registered nurse (with a nursing degree). → I’m a registered nurse.저는 간호사 학위를 소유한 간호사입니다.

5. 가족관계 설명하기 기혼이면 I am married., 미혼은 I am not married. 나 I am single.

I am married and have _______ children.저는 결혼을 했고 자녀가 ___ 명 입니다.

I am single and live by myself.저는 미혼이고 혼자 삽니다.

I come from a large family: I have ___brother(s) and __sister(s).저는 대가족 출신입니다. __명의 남자형제와 __ 명의 여자형제가 있어요. ‘대가족/소가족’은 각각 big(large) family, extended family 와 small family 라고

한다. (family man = 가정적인 사람)

I am the oldest/youngest of ____ children in my family. 저는 ___ 자녀 중 맏이/막내 입니다. 둘째, 셋째라면 영어의 서수를 써서 second, third 로 말한다. How many siblings do you have? 라 묻기도 하며 이때 sibling 은 ‘형제’라는 뜻으로

‘how many brothers and sisters do you have?’와 같은 말이다.

I am the only child. 저는 독자입니다. I was brought up in a very strict Christian family.

저는 매우 엄격한 기독교 가정에서 자랐습니다. ‘bring up’ 여기서 ‘~을 키우다’, ‘양육하다’라는 의미가 된다.

Our family is very close. 우리가족은 매우 화목합니다. ‘가족(친척 등)과 친밀하다’에는 friendly 를 쓰지 않고 close 를 씀에 주의!

6. 하는 일 묘사하기자기 소개에서 빠질 수 없는 것이 종사하는 업종 혹은 회사 입니다.

I am employed at (=I currently work at/for) + 회사이름 a multinational company 다국적 기업 a trading company 무역회사 a telecommunications company 통신회사

I am currently working as + 역할 a sales manager 영업부장으로 a teller at Boston Bank 보스턴 은행에서 창구직원으로

대학생인 경우> Freshman, sophomore, junior, senior 등 학년 다음에 전공을

덧붙인다. I am a junior in college majoring in business.

저는 경영학을 전공하고 있는 대학 3 학년생입니다. I am a senior in university majoring in political science.

저는 정치학을 전공하고 있는 대학 4 학년생입니다.

학과명을 영어로 말해 봅시다Anthropology 인류학 Economics 경제학Pharmacy 약학 Western History 서양사 Biological Science 생명공학 Statistics 통계학Chemical Engineering 화학공학 Sociology 사회학Clothing and Textiles 의류직물학 Social Welfare 사회복지Architecture 건축학 Political science 정치학Computer Science 컴퓨터 공학 Industrial Engineering 산업공학Electrical engineering 전기공학 Food and Nutrition 식품영양학

부서명칭과 직함Planning Department 기획부

Sales and Distribution Department 판매유통 부

Senior Managing Director전무이사

Legal Affairs Department 법무부

Marketing Department 마케팅 부 Managing Director 상무이사

Research and Development Department 연구개발부

Public Relations Department 홍보

Director 이사

Sales Department 영업부 Materials Department 자재부 General Manager 부장Human Resources Department 인사부

Chairman 회장 Superior 실장

Clerk 사원 President 사장 Deputy General Manager 차장

General Affairs Department총무부

CEO(Chief Executive Officer) 최고경영자

Manager 과장

Vice President 부사장 Section Chief 계장 Assistant manager 대리

가족 소개하기Q >> Tell me a little bit about yourself and your family.


Q 3>> Tell me a little bit about yourself and what you do in your free time.

Essential Expressions I do flower arrangement. 꽃꽂이를 합니다. My hobby is to write. 글쓰기가 취미에요 When I have free time at home, I either take a nap or watch TV. Consistently 끊임없이, 꾸준하게 Any and all movies 어떤 영화든지 전부 Besides ~외에, 그밖에

Q 4> Please briefly introduce yourself, and then I’d like you to tell me about an activity that plays a major role in your life.

Interview Tips & Essential Expressions 질문은 an activity that plays a major role in your life 의 형태로 주어졌지만 답변에서는

이를 약간 변형해서 the activity that has had the most impact in my life is 로 끌어 나가도 좋다.

과거에 있었던 일(과거 시제) 부터 시작해서 현재까지 계속되는 일(현재 완료), 그리고 현재의 생활에서 차지하는 비중(현재 시제) 을 다루면서 여러 가지 시제들을 활용하는 연습을 많이 하도록 한다.

Be in such a good mood 기분이 아주 좋다

사는 곳 소개하기Q>> Tell me something about yourself and also a little bit about where you live. (level 8)

I decided to move out of the house just to be a little (financially) independent from them (parents).

I’ve moved in with my friend.

다른 사람 소개하기Can you describe one of your colleagues or your best friend? What does he/she look like?

Interview Tips 묘사형의 질문으로 면접관이 내가 묘사하는 사람에 대한 그림을 확실히 그릴 수 있도록 한다.


Essential expressions1. 소개하기Let me tell you about _________________

One of my colleagues. 직장 동료 중 한 명 My best friend. My close neighbor

이름나이직업가족 관계취미사는 곳

이름 (누구에 대해 설명할 것인지)외모 (키, 몸무게, 얼굴형, 머리스타일 등); 특정인을

닮았다면 그대로 서술어떻게, 얼마나 알고 지냈는지성격

2. 알고 지낸 기간I have known 사람 for 기간 (완료시제, ‘얼마나 알아왔다)

I have known him for a year and a half. I first met her/him 10 years ago.

3. 근무 부서 (어떻게 만났는지)Work with 사람 in 부서 이름 at 회사이름

He works with me in the marketing department at my company.그와 나는 마케팅 부서에서 일 합니다.

He has worked at the company for 5 years. I first met her when we were in high school student. She was my classmate back

then.나는 그녀를 고등학교 때 처음 만났습니다. 그때 그녀는 내 학급친구였습니다.

4. 외모 묘사하기 얼굴이나 피부에 대해 언급하는 것도 좋은 방법으로 면접관이 그 사람에 대해 그림을 그릴 수

있는데 도움이 된다. He has fair/dark skin. 그는 피부가 하얀/어두운 편입니다. She has a round face. He has a receding hairline. 그는 머리가 벗겨졌습니다.

얼굴 (표현)묘사A lovely face 예쁜 얼굴 An ugly face 못생긴 얼굴

A blank face (의도적이지 않은) 무표정한 얼굴(no expression, not deliberate, when person has no idea about answer)

No make-up face (a plain face)화장하지 않은 얼굴 (평소 얼굴)Cf. She has no make-up on. She doesn’t wear make-up.

A poker face (의도적인) 무표정한 얼굴 Unattractive face 매력적이지 않은 얼굴

A smiley (an angry) face 미소 띈(성난) 얼굴 Fuller Lips 도톰한 입술A clean-shaven(an unshaven)face 깨끗이 면도한(안한) 얼굴

An elongated (a flat) face (x) 길쭉한(밋밋한) 얼굴* 원어민은 얼굴이 길다라는 표현을 잘 쓰지 않음. an oval face/ a round face 를 사용.

A bright red face 불그스름한 얼굴 An eager(a sober) face 열심인(진지한) 얼굴A grim face ( = too serious)근심 섞인 얼굴 (a troubled look on his face)

A troubled(proud) face 걱정스런(자랑스러운) 얼굴

A malnourished face 여윈 얼굴 (영양이 결핍된 얼굴)

A freckled(suntanned) face 주근깨(햇볕에 탄) 얼굴

A familiar(sweet) face 낯익은(귀여운) 얼굴 A wrinkled face 주름진 얼굴

얼굴표현에 관련된 Vocabularies He frowned. (인상을 찌푸리다.) He grimaced. (His eyebrows furrowed, and his lips pressed together) (우거지상, 찌푸림)

He smirked. (능글맞게 히죽히죽 웃다.) He grinned. (The corners of his mouth quirked upward) (씩~웃다. 싱긋 웃다.)

How to describe facial featuresSample Answer

She obtains a supernatural beauty and flare, and yet, her face portrays innocence and tranquillity. She has an oval shaped face with high cheekbones and rosy cheeks, transparent looking skin, soft, clear, slightly freckly. Somewhat wide forehead and a thin, angular nose. Large brown eyes, with perfectly arched dark brown eyebrows. Plumped, slightly pouty and protruding, soft-pink lips, very little makeup which makes her look very natural, and rather exotically, immensely beautiful.

Vocabs for appearancesHairHeadFaceNoseEyebrowMouthEarsCheeksChin

curly, straight, short, messy, tangledsquare, round, big, small, fatflawless, scrunched, wrinkledcrooked, big, long, piggish, flatarched, bushy, thin,big, small, lush, fuller lipscute, little, big, small, tiny, elvishround, full, red, pink, puffy, swollenpointy, square

5. 특정인 닮기 ‘와 닮았다’는 look life 혹은 resemble 을 사용한다.

Many people say he resembles the movie star Brad Pitt. I think she looks like the Korean actress Hwang Shin Hye.

Role – play: 3 자에게 친구 묘사하기Q> I would like to give a situation and want you to act it out. Your friend is returning from an international trip. However, you got very busy and so you send your brother to pick up your friend. So now describe your friend to your brother so that he can find your friend easily.

애완동물 소개하기Q> You indicated in the survey that you have a pet. Can you describe your pet for me? How did you find your pet?

Interview Tips & Essential Expressions 강아지 이름 – 어디서 보게 되었고, 어떻게 키우게 되었는지 – 외모, 종, 성격이나 습관 I have a dog named Harry He’s a brown Yorkshire Terrier He grabbed my attention because he was so active He was also very vocal as he kept barking for my attention My neighbor’s dog is very vocal (짖는 것) He also constantly waged his tail.

2. 묘사하기 ( 사는곳 , 동네주변 , 거주지 장단점 등 묘사하기 )

사는 곳 묘사하기I would like to talk about where you live.Q 1. Describe your house to me. What does it look like? Where is it located?Interview Tips

출제된 질문의 핵심을 먼저 파악 후 어떤 방향으로 답변할 지를 먼저 생각.

질문에 주어지지 않은 내용도 얼마든지 추가 가능하다.


Essential Expressions 1. My family lives on the ____ floor of an apartment building in +town, city.

I live on the top floor of an apartment, which is in Mokdong, Seoul.아파트 꼭대기 층에 삽니다.

2. It’s a typical + 크기 + 방수 + house/apartment. I live in a small-sized(mid-, large-) one-bedroom apartment. We bought a mid-sized two-bedroom condo.우리는 방이 2 개인 중형 아파트를 구매했습니다.

I used to live in a small studio.저는 예전에 작은 원룸에 살았습니다.

3. I use the master room, which has an attached bathroom. ‘half a bathroom’ 샤워 시설 없이 세면대와 변기만 있는 화장실.

There is an attached bathroom next to my room.제방 옆에는 별도로 딸린 화장실이 있습니다.

4. We have a nice view of the neighborhood from our balcony. ‘view’ 집에서 밖으로 내다보는 정경. (a great view/bad view)

We have a great view from our apartment.저희 아파트에서 내다보이는 정경은 아름답습니다.

I can see the Han River from my balcony.베란다에서 내다보면 한강이 보입니다.

관련 표현

Q 2> I would like you to talk about where you live. Tell me who you live with – do you live with your parents? Or do you have a roommate?


Essential Expressions Split the rent 월세를 나눠 내다 Maintenance fee 관리비 Utility Fee 부대시설비(통신비)

주변 환경 묘사하기

창 밖 정경 묘사하기Q> Tell me what you can see outside your house. Buildings, parks, cars? Describe the things you can see outside your window from your home.

Apartment complex 아파트 단지Residential area 거주 지역Commercial area 상가 지역Suburb of Seoul 서울 근교

집 묘사 --- I live in a studio.위치 --- I live in Gyeonggi Province.식구 --- There are two of us: My wife and I방의 용도 --- I use the master bedroom.동네 --- I live in a retirement community.살기 좋은지 --- it’s a good neighborhood to live in.

More natural in U.SSmall apartmentAverage sized apartmentLarge apartment

Cf) 1.5 bathrooms1 bathroom has toilet, sink, and shower or tub1 bathroom has only toilet and sink (aka "powder room")

부모님룸메이트혼자 사는 지형제 자매대가족

Essential Expressions 눈에 잘 띄는 이정표가 되는 건물이나 구조물은 landmark 이라 한다. 거리상 제법 멀리 있다는 표현으로 quite far away 라는 표현을 사용한다. Underneath the building 건물 지하에 Bike path 자전거 도로

동네 묘사하기Q1> Can you tell me about your neighborhood? What is like to live in that part of town?

Interview Tips 집의 외양에서 집 주변의 공원이나 지하철 역, 학교 등으로 범위를 넓혀 가면 된다. 시설들만 나열하지 말고, 내용을 더 풍부하게 만드는 것이 좋다. 예를 들어, 편리한 점은

무엇인지, 불편한 점이 있다면 왜 그런지 등등.Brainstorming

Essential Expressions 1. I live in Ilsan, which is a residential city north of Seoul.저는 서울 북쪽에 위치한 주거형 도시인 일산에 살고 있습니다.

I live in a residential city called Bundang. 분당이라는 신도시에 삽니다. The city I live in is east of Seoul. My parents’ house is located south of Daejeon.

저희 부모님 댁은 대전 남쪽에 있습니다. 2. It is very easy to get around in our city because public transportation is well-

developed. ‘get around’ 는 말 그대로 ‘돌아다니다’라는 뜻이다. If you have a GPS on your car, it’s very easy to get around.

차량에 네비게이션이 있다면 돌아다니기가 매우 쉽습니다. Public transportation (public transit) is relatively cheap in Korea.

한국의 대중교통은 비교적 저렴한 편입니다. 3. The reason I like _____ so much is that it’s very peaceful and quiet.

The reason I like Bundang so much is that it’s very safe at night so that I can go for a walk alone after dinner.

4. Property prices in town have been rising quite rapidly recently. ‘부동산 가격’은 ‘real estate prices’라 표현, 일반적으론 ‘property prices’라 한다. ‘빠른 속도로 인상되다’라는 표현에 ‘rise rapidly’라는 표현이 자주 쓰임. Real estate prices have been steadily rising in Korea.

한국의 부동산 가격은 꾸준히 인상되어 왔습니다. It’s getting more difficult to buy a house in Korea because property prices are

rising rapidly. 부동산 가격이 가파르게 상승하고 있어서 한국에서 집을 사는 것은 점점 더 어려워지고 있다.

5. If you ever come to Ilsan, you should check out the large park that was created around a huge artificial lake.

‘check out’은 ‘확인해 보다’ 라는 뜻이다.

Q>> I’d like to talk about where you live. Describe for me the area around your house. Are there stores, parks or schools? What else? Describe what the area looks like?

Essential Expressions Falling apart 무너지는, 갈라지는 A breeze 아주 쉬운 일 Run out of ~가 떨어지다 Feel the need for ~의 필요성을 느끼다 Hit ~에 가다

살고 있는 지역교통 여건동네 분위기집값지역명물소개

On the outskirts of Seoul 서울 근교에

집 근처 장소 설명하기Q>> Tell me about a place near your home which is in walking distance, maybe a school, a sports center, or a park. Tell me how long it takes to get there and what people normally do at that place.

Interview Tips 집 근처나 동네 주변을 묘사하라는 문제의 경우 몇 가지 전형적인 표현을 이용하여 대답할 수

있다. 대표적인 것이 ‘근처에’ 라는 표현의 ‘nearby’이다. There is a bus stop five minutes away 등으로 소요 시간으로 집 주변을 묘사 할 수도

있다. 걸어서 갈 수 있는 거리는 within walking distance 라는 표현으로 알아두도록 하자.

집 근처 정거장 설명하기 Q 2>> Tell me about a transit spot near from your home. It can be a bus stop or a subway station. How do you get there and how long does it take?

Interview Tips & Essential Expressions 위치를 설명할 때 많이 사용되는 표현 중의 하나로 on the other side 가 있다. 두 곳의 나머지 하나가 맞은 편에 있다 라는 표현으로 the other is on the other side 이다. 이 외에도 위치를 나타낼 때 one the right side (오른쪽에), on the left side (왼쪽에) 라는

표현도 알아 두도록 하자. Route 노선 Newspaper stand 신문 가판대 Underground subway station 지하철역 Go in a circle 순환하다 A bit of a walk 제법 걸어야 하는 거리 Neighborhood bus 마을 버스

집 근처 장소 설명하기Q> Pick a place you can walk to from your house. It could be a park, store, school or a subway station. Describe how you get there from home and what you normally do there.

Interview Tips & Essential Expressions 대답을 할 때는 유사어를 최대한 사용하여 문장의 반복적인 느낌을 없애는 것이 좋다. Within walking distance 걸어갈 수 있는 거리에 있는 Breath-taking 숨막히게 하는 Creek 시냇물 Hang out 시간을 보내다

살고 있는 동네의 장단점 얘기하기Q> Tell me what the area you live in looks like. Where do you live? Do you like your neighborhood? If so, why? If not, why not?Brainstorming

Interview Tips & Essential Expressions 자신의 생각을 말할 때는 I find that 이란 단어를 사용하자. I think it’s funny 와 I find that funny 의 차이점. Fairly quite 꽤 조용한 Greenery 숲, 나뭇잎들 Hustle and bustle 왁자지껄함, 시끄러움 Decent 적당한, 알맞은

좋은 점 – I like my neighborhood because it’s quiet.나쁜 점 – I don’t like ~ because it’s loud.안전한지 – it’s a safe place.편리성 – it’s convenient to live in ~ because ~

Content 만족한, 행복한 Watch out for ~를 챙겨주다, 돌봐주다 Close-knit 사이가 좋은, 가까이 지내는

동네에서 일어난 일 얘기하기 Q > I would like to know whether there were any memorable events that took place in your neighborhood since you started living there. Can you tell me about the event and why it was so memorable?

좋은 일 이든 나쁜 일이든 인상적이었던 일을 설명하면 된다. 기억에 남는 일에 대한 묘사를 할 때는 one of my favorite memories is~라는 표현을 사용하면

좋다. 주로 과거로 묘사, 그러나 그 때의 일이 현재까지도 연결이 된다면 현재완료 및 시제를 사용하는 것이

좋은 점수를 받는 비결이 됨에 주의하자.


이웃과 하는 일 설명하기Q> Tell me what you do with your neighbors. How often do you see them? What do you like to do with them and what do you usually talk about with them?

Interview Tips & Essential Expressions 자주 만나는지 – 어떤 활동을 하는지 – 무슨 이야기를 하는지 – 어떤 사람들인지 정도로 얘기를 끌고 나가면 좋다.

People in my neighborhood sometimes hold parties. I just moved to where I live so I don’t know anybody yet. Community meeting/neighborhood meeting 반상회 Get-together 모임

이사 온 날의 기억 Q> Think of the day when you moved to your current home. I wonder if you liked the area around your home or not. Tell me what you liked the best. Then tell me if there was anything that you did not like.

Essential Expressions A good portion of a week 일주일 중 많은 부분 Solicit 요청하다 Agonizing 고통스러운, 괴로운 Appreciation 감사, 사의 Fabulous 멋진, 마음에 드는 Considerate 사려 깊은

Role-play 거주지에 대해 질문하기 Q> you’ve told me a lot about where you live. Now, ask me three or four questions to find out about where I live.

3. 학교생활 ( 수업 , 전공 , 학교정경 , 수강신청 , 학창시절 추억 등 )

학교 생활 수업 설명하기You indicated in the survey that you go to school. What kind of courses are

무엇 이었는지 먼저 소개- one of the things I can’t forget is ~사건에 대한 부연 설명- It was a big deal.사건의 영향그 일로 인한 결과인상 깊었던 이유

you taking or have you taken in the past? Please describe the classes you are taking or have taken in as much detail as possible.

Interview Tips 이수한 특정 과목에 대해 자세하게 설명하기 보다는 전반적으로 어떠한 수업들을 들었다고 서술하는 것이 답변을 쉽게 풀어나가는 방법.

Brainstorming 학년 전공 필수과목 (mandatory courses) 선택과목 (elective courses) 구체적인 수강 과목 이수하고 있는 전체 학점

Essential expressions1. My major is + 전공과목 ~을 전공하고 있습니다.

My major is electronic engineering. 전자공학을 전공하고 있습니다.

2. I’m currently in my senior year in college. 저는 대학교 4 학년에 재학 중입니다.

I’m currently a freshman in college. 저는 대학교 1 학년 입니다. I’m a sophomore in college. 저는 대학교 2 학년 입니다. I’m a junior in University. 저는 대학교 3 학년 입니다.

3. I chose + 과목 + as a major because I wanted to work (or wanted to be) in + n. (회사) ~에서 일하고 (되고) 싶었기 때문에 ~를 선택했습니다.

The reason I chose to major in Business was because I always wanted to work in international business. = I majored in Business because I always ~제가 business 를 전공과목으로 선택한 이유는 international business 에 일하고 싶었기 때문 입니다.

4. I take + (듣는 과목) 수 + elective courses + 학기저는 ~학기에 ~개의 선택과목을 듣고 있습니다. I am taking two elective courses this semester.저는 이번 학기에 2 개의 선택과목을 이수하고 있습니다.

I took three elective courses last semester.저는 지난 학기에 3 개의 선택과목을 들었습니다.

5. I am taking on courses in + 과목 ~에 관한 수업을 듣고 있습니다. I am taking a course in modern Korean history.

한국 근 현대사에 관한 수업을 듣고 있습니다. I plan to (am planning to, am going to) take some courses in statistics.

통계학에 관한 수업을 들을 예정 입니다. I used to take a lot of courses in my major.저는 전공과 관련된 수업을 많이 듣곤 했습니다.

6. Overall, I’m taking 16 credits this semester and I’m auditing two classes.

이번 학기에 16 학점을 이수하고 있고, 2 개의 수업을 청강 하고 있습니다. I took at least 15 credits every semester.저는 매 학기 최소 15 학점을 이수 했습니다.

We need to have 140 credits to graduate.

우리는 졸업하기 위해 140 학점을 이수해야 합니다. I plan to audit some courses in psychology next year.저는 내년에 심리학에 관련한 수업을 청강할까 합니다.

Unit 2. 학교 정경 묘사하기I would like to know what your school looks like. Please describe your school for me in as much detail as possible.

Interview Tips 최대한 자세하게 묘사 대 달라는 질문: 질문자기 머릿속에 그 풍경을 그릴 수 있게 답해야 한다.


위치 별로 작성해 나갈 수 있다.(at the center of, in the middle of, in front of, opposite etc..)

Essential expression I attend a large/small University in Busan. I go to a fairly large public/private University in Seoul. There is a mix of old (historical) and new (modern) buildings on campus. I used to live on/off campus until last semester.

저는 지난 학기까지 교내 기숙사에서/학교 밖에서 살았습니다. The newest building on campus is the cafeteria building, which is only 2

years old. One of the oldest buildings is the dormitory, which was built 40 years ago.

가장 오래된 건물 중에 하나는 기숙사 건물로, 40 년 전에 지어졌다. The student administration center building stands opposite the library.

학생회관건물은 도서관 반대편에 있다. The multimedia building is in the middle of the campus.

등교 첫날의 기억Q> Describe your first visit to your school. When was it and what was your first impression of the school?

Brainstorming>>언제 누구와 이유 첫인상 그 후에 한 일문장 시작하기>When I first visited my school…I first visited the school when …The first time I visited my school was …I visited the school for the first time …

수업 중 에피소드 소개하기Q> I would like to know about something memorable that happened to you in one of your classes. What kinds of interesting stories do you have? Please tell me about one from the beginning to the end.

Interview Tips

학교, 규모, 위치

교내 건물소개

본관 건물소개

학생회관 위치 At the center of the campus, there is the student center building

The oldest is the school administration building that is ~

There is old/new building on campus.

I go to a large University in Seoul.

답변 소재의 신선함보다는 그 소재가 질문에 얼마나 적합한 것이며 그것을 얼마나 정확하게 전달했는지가 높은 점수를 받을 수 있는 관건이다.


Essential Expressions 1. Once I had to write a paper for an economics class I was taking.

I once had to submit a paper for a computer class I was taking. I once had to hand in a paper for one of my classes.

2. I was a little nervous that I might get a bad grade. I was a little nervous that I might receive a bad score. I was a little worried that I might get a bad grade on the paper. I was a little worried about getting a bad grade.

3. I was very surprised t get an A on that assignment. 과제물에 대해 A 를 받았다고 하고 싶으면, get an A on the assignment 혹은 get an A for the

assignment 라 한다. I got an A on the paper. I got a B for that class.

4. He asked me whether it was okay to share my paper with the rest of the class. I had to share information with the others. I shared my book with another student. We shared the paper with other students.

5. I learned that it’s good to express my opinion, even if it is different from the professor’s. I learned that it’s important to be honest. The book was different from the books I had read before.

수강 신청이 어려웠던 경험 설명하기Q> Have you ever been in a situation in which you wanted to take a particular class but faced some difficulties getting into that class? Tell me what happened. How did you resolve the problem?

Interview Tips Faced some difficulties 라고 했기 때문에 곡 정원이 차서 수강신청이 어려웠던 상황이

아니어도 된다. 어떠한 수업에 대한 것이었으며 어떻게 결론이 났는지를 언급하면 된다.


Essential Expressions 1. I wanted to sign up for an English conversation class last semester.

I signed up for a history class. I registered for an intro class in Linguistics.

2. All the guys wanted to take her class because she was not only very pretty but

수업에 리포트 제출나쁜 성적에 대한 걱정실제로 받은 좋은 학점교수님의 칭찬느낀 점

수강을 하고자 했던 수업수업이 인기 있었던 이유문제에 봉착한 이유대처 방법해결과정

also very friendly. I was not only frustrated but also very angry. She was not only well-educated but also humble. It was not only the UN but also many NGOs that took part in the campaign.

3. Unfortunately, as soon as registration began, her class was fully booked. The class I wanted to take was fully booked. The movie tickets were sold out.

4. I put my name on the waiting list. Many people put their names on the waiting list.

5. Some students had dropped the course and there was an opening. I had to drop the course because it was too difficult for me.

좋아하는 수업Q> I’d like to know about your favorite class. What kind of class is it and what do you like about it? Give me all the details.

Essential Expressions 유머 감각이 있다 라는 말은 He is humorous 또는 He has a sense of humor 라는 표현을 쓴다.

영어가 편해지다는 I 를 주어로 써서 I am becoming comfortable with English 라 하며 이때 comfortable 다음에 전치사 with 를 사용함도 명심.

전공을 선택한 이유와 배운 점 말하기 Q> You indicated in the survey that you are a student. Tell me the reason why you have chosen your major and what you are learning from it.

Interview Tips & Essential Expressions 학년과 전공 – 전공을 선택한 이유/계기 – 배운 점 – 느낀 점 (만족 하는지) A inspired me with B A 가 나에게 B 로 영감을 주다 (계기가 되다) Natural decision 당연한 결정 I was deeply interested in + 과목 + 특정 시절 I always liked + -ing, so I decided to study ~ further

학교에서 사용하는 technology 에 대해 말하기Q> You indicated in the survey that you are currently in school. Tell me what kinds of technologies are commonly used at your university?

Interview Tips & Essential Expressions technology 라는 표현에 당황할 필요는 없다. 흔히 많이 사용하는 컴퓨터, USB, 또한 voice

recorder 등을 예로 들어 설명하면 된다. 먼저 어떠한 것들이 사용되는지 --- 학생들이 많이 사용하는 것은 그 중 무엇인지 – 본인이 많이 사용하는 것은 무엇이며 언제, 왜 그것을 사용하는지 – 좋은 점은 무엇인지 등의 순서로 이야기를 이끌어 가면 된다.

최근에 끝마친 과제Q> Think of a school project that you recently completed. Describe for me the steps you took to get started on and finish the project.

Essential Expressions Create a survey 설문지를 만들다 Distribute 배포하다, 분배하다 Nail down 못박아 붙이다, 확정시키다

현재 진행중인 과제Q> You indicated that you go to school. Tell me about some of the projects that you are working on in school.

Essential Expressions Relevant to (당연한 문제에) 관련된 Feel comfortable speaking 편안하게 말하다

학교 행사소개하기Q> What kind of special events do you have at the school you go to?

Essential Expressions Put on 상영하다, 방영하다, 개최하다 Jazzed up 재즈식으로 연주한, 편곡한 Vendor 노점 상인, 행상인

입학 초기에 겪은 문제Q> sometimes problems come up at a new school. For instance, students may get lost on campus and end up missing a class. Think about a time when you had a problem while you were still new to your school. What was the problem and what did you do to solve it?

Essential Expressions Sign up 신청, 등록하다 Read ~라고 쓰여져 있다 Set up 출발하다 Construct 고안하다 생각해내다 Lean over ~로 몸을 굽히다

시험 공부 경험과 결과Q> When was the last time you remember studying for and taking a big test? Tell me about the situation. Start by telling me what the test was for and when it took place. Then tell me everything you did to prepare for the test, and what the result was.

Essential Expressions Comprehensive 포괄적인, 범위가 넓은 Overwhelmed 주눅 든

Role-play; 도서관 이용법 질문하기Q> I’d like to give you a situation for you act it out. You want to use the school library system to do research for a paper you’re working on. Ask the librarian about the things you have to know about using the library system.

스터디 장소에 대해 질문하기Q> I am going to give you a situation and ask you to act it out. You are looking for a quiet place on campus to study. Call one of your friends and ask three or four questions to find the best place to study.

친구가 곤란한 부탁을 할 때Q> I’m sorry, but there is a problem which I am going to need you to resolve. Your friend wants to come to study with you but you really need to study alone. Explain the situation and offer some alternatives.

Essential Expressions Cubicle 칸막이한 작은 방 Go over ~을 조사하다, 검토하다

4. 직장생활 ( 회사 • 동료 • 직무 소개 , 프로젝트 , 출근과정 등 )

직장 생활회사 소개하기Q> You indicated you work. Please give me a description of the company you work for. What is the name of the company? What kind of business does it do? Where is it located? Give me a detailed description of your company.


Essential Expressions I work for/at an electronics company named AA Electronics. It was established/founded/started in the early 1970’s/ten years ago. Our company is based in Korea but has many branches overseas. I worked at the company headquarters. (기업의 본사, 본부) ~을 상대로 일하다 라는 표현에 work with 라는 말을 쓴다 (we work with small and

mid-size companies that need help in financing). I am very satisfied with my work at my company.

사무실 내부 묘사하기Q> You indicated that you work. Where is your office located? And can you tell me what your office or work space looks like in as much detail as possible?

Interview Tips and Essential Expressions 큰 윤곽을 먼저 설명하고 세부적인 내용을 설명 후 분위기에 대해 한두 마디 덧붙인다. Our company headquarters is in downtown Seoul. My office is on the tenth floor. We have our own cubicles at our office. I have my own office (별도의 개인 사무실) at the end of the hall. One hundred employees share an open space office. Our office is very bright, as there are many windows. Everything is well-organized and easy to find at our office. The photocopies are in the middle of the office.

사무실 밖 정경 묘사하기Q> What can you see when you look outside your office window? Describe what it looks like outside your office in as much detail as you can.

Interview Tips & Essential Expressions 일단 창 밖을 내다보면 가장 먼저 시야에 들어오는 것을 묘사하고 아래를 내려다 봤을 때

거리에 어떠한 정경이 펼쳐지는 지를 묘사한다. My office is located in the middle of a commercial district (상업지구 한복판). When I look outside the window, I can see the Han River. I can see busy streets with lots of people and cars. The streets are packed with cars during rush hours. (~로 붐비다) Buses are jam packed during the morning rush hour. Overall (전반적으로), I really like the view from my office.

사무실 일과 설명하기Q> You indicated in the survey that you work. What is your normal workday like? Please describe a typical day at your office.

회사명과 업종설립 년도회사 위치비즈니스 파트너업무 만족도

Interview Tips & Essential Expressions 출근부터 퇴근까지 사무실에서의 전형적인 하루를 설명한다. 오전과 오후로 나눠서 어떠한 근무를 하는지 서술 하는 연습을 하자. I normally arrive at my office at 8 O’clock. The first thing I do when I arrive at my office is to check my daily schedule. I normally work at my desk throughout the day. (하루 종일) I have to work outside the office (외근하다) to meet with clients Some of my co-workers have to leave the office to get contracts signed. (계약 체결)

I usually get off work (퇴근하다) at seven in the evening. I get off work at different times every day depending on how much work I have.

Q 1. What kinds of projects do you normally work on? Interview Tips

Project, normally 가 key-words. 현재 시제를 사용해서 일반적으로 행하는 프로젝트에 대해 묘사한다. 평소 회사에서 프로젝트를 수행하지 않는다면 통상적인 매일의 업무에 대해 자세히 이야기 하면 된다.


Essential Expressions I work on ________ project.

데이터 _____를 수행합니다. The project is about ________. This job/project requires ________.

Very good team work. A certain set of skills 특정한 기술들 Many nightshifts 수차례 야간교대근무 Some work experience 어느 정도의 업무 능력

______ in the team is working on it. The project is to be completed/finished in ______ month(s). The project turned out to be a success. 결과는 성공이었습니다.

직무능력을 나타내는 표현들

집에서 회사까지 출근하는 과정 설명하기Q> Tell me how you get from your house to work everyday. How long does it usually take to get to work?

Interview Tips & Essential Expressions 집에서 회사까지 출근하는 과정을 시간 순서대로 묘사하라는 문제임. 시간이 얼마나 걸리느냐는 두 번째 질문도 잊지 말고 답할 것. I take the subway to ______ and take a bus there to ____

Ability to adapt 적응력 ability to handle stress wellAbility to focus 집중력 스트레스를 잘 관리하는 능력Ability to meet deadlines 마감일을 맞추는 능력Ability to achieve goals 목표를 성취하는 능력Ability to think of creative solutions for problems창의적 해결방안을 모색하는 능력Ability to handle multiple tasks 다양한 일을 처리하는 능력Ability to work across multiple disciplines 다양한 분야에서 일할 수 있는 능력Ability to work in a team 팀 안에서 일하는 능력Ability to work independently 독립적으로 일하는 능력

프로젝트의 내용과 종류 프로젝트의 명칭프로젝트에서 자신의 역할프로젝트에 함께 참여하는 사람들프로젝트의 목적 과 결과

지하철로 ~역까지 가서 거기서 버스를 타고 ~까지 갑니다. I go to the ______ on subway line 1 and transfer to line ___.

1 호선을 타고 가다가 시청역에서 2 호선으로 갈아탑니다. First I take the subway. I get off at ______, and then take a bus to ___.

먼저 지하철을 타고 가다 역삼역 에서 내려서, 버스로 회사까지 갑니다.


연수 내용 설명하기Q> I would like to know about any training you had to get to do the work at your current job. Please tell me about an orientation or a workshop you had to take when you started working.

Interview Tips & Essential Expressions 출제 가능성 과 빈도가 가장 높은 문제이다. We all had to take a month-long training course for new employees at the

company’s training center. (신입직원 연수) My colleagues and I grew very close after the training course. My fellow employees and I worked very hard to finish the project. All of us were assigned to (~ 배치되다) a mentorship program for two months. I learned a lot from a senior employee. (고참 직장 선배) It took me a long time to adjust to the work at my company.

직장 동료 묘사하기Q> You indicated in the survey that you work. Describe your manager or boss to me in detail. What kind of person is he or she?

Interview Tips & Essential Expressions 그 사람의 성격,장/단점, 일하기는 편한지 또한 사적으로 어떻게 지내고 있는지를 설명. My manager is a rational/outgoing/talkative person. My boss is a friendly/logical/quiet person. However, my manager is a stubborn. I often have arguments with my manager

because he is quite stubborn. I like my boss because he is easy (편한) to work for. My manager sometimes takes me and the other team members to a lunch.

지각 했던 경험 얘기하기Q> Tell me about one particular experience that you had where the weather or traffic or some other problem caused you to arrive late. Explain the problem. What did you do in response and how did things turn out (결과)?Interview Tips & Essential Expressions

Traffic congestion 교통 체중 I was stuck on the road because of traffic congestion. There was a serious car accident on the road due to heavy rain back then. I forgot to set my alarm.

문제를 해결하고자 했던 경험 얘기하기Q> There must have been a time when you had to solve a problem at work. Think of one of those times and describe the challenge and tell me what you did to overcome them.

Interview Tips & Essential Expressions 먼저 문제 설명 --- 극복 방법 --- 결과 --- 교훈 의 순서로 얘기하듯 자연스럽게 설명하도록

출근 방법.. I take the subway to work every day.통근 시간.. it takes me about 30 minutes to get to work.대충교통.. I use the bus system.자가용.. I drive to work지각.. there were times when I was late for work.

한다. I made a mistake working on a document (문서 작업 중) I asked my boss to help me. Fortunately, no damage was done. I was reprimanded (혼나다) by my manager (상사) I learned that problems need to be solved quickly. I figure out the problem by myself. I successfully resolved the issue (문제). I was reprimanded by my manager because I could not resolve the problem. With (덕분에) the help of my co-workers, I could solve the problem.

프로젝트 설명하기Q> You indicated you work. Describe one of the interesting projects that you have worked on, from beginning to end.

Interview Tips & Essential Expressions 내용 --- 기억에 남는 이유 --- 내 역할 --- 관리자 --- 기간 It was about the IT system. It was memorable because it was the first project I’ve ever worked on. I was to find errors and record them. My team leader was the project manager. It was a nine month project.

기억에 남는 프로젝트 설명하기Q> Describe one of the interesting projects that you have worked on, from beginning to end.

Interview Tips From beginning to end 가 중요. 듣는 사람이 자신의 이야기를 듣고 프로젝트의 처음부터

끝까지 단계적으로 이해할 수 있도록 자세히 묘사하라는 질문이다.


문제 해결 경험 말하기Q> There must have been a time when you worked to solve a problem at work. Think of one of those times and describe the challenges and tell me what you did to overcome them.

Interview Tips & Essential Expressions 과거 시제사용에 대한 문제 이며, 현재완료 시제도 사용하면 좋다. 해결책은 어떤 것이

있는지를 반드시 답변에 포함한다. I asked my co-workers a lot of questions.

동료들에게 여러 가지를 물어보았습니다. I tried to figure out the problem by myself.혼자서 연구했습니다.

I successfully resolved the issue. 성공적으로 문제를 해결했습니다. I was punished by my manager because I could not do anything about the problem.

문제에 대해 어떻게 할 수가 없어서 상사에게 혼났다. With the help of my co-workers, I could solve the problem.

동료들이 도와준 덕분에 문제를 해결할 수 있었답니다.


내용.. it was about the IT system.기억에 남는 이유.. because it was the first project I’ve ever worked on.내 역할.. I was to find errors and record them.관리자.. my team leader was the project manager.기간.. it was a nine month-long project.

문제 설명..i made a mistake working on a document극복 방법.. I asked my boss to help me.손해.. fortunately, no damage was done.결과.. I was punished by my manager.교훈.. I learned that problems need to be solved quickly.

Role – playQ> I would like to give you a situation and ask you to act it out. You’ve just been told that your current boss is leaving the company. Call your boss and leave a message, asking three or four questions about the situation.

Q> I’d like to give you a situation and ask you act it out. You are being interviewed for a new job. Ask the interviewer three or four questions to find out more about this job.

Q> I work for ABC Corporation in the USA. Ask me three or four questions about my company and its products.

Q> I’d like to give you a situation and ask you to act it out. Your supervisor has just assigned you to participate in a new assignment and has invited you to a meeting. Ask three or four questions about your responsibilities for this new assignment.

Sample questions>>1. What do you usually do at work? Do you read e-mails or attend meetings?

What else do you do at work?2. Tell me what your boss does on a typical day. What are some of his or her

responsibilities?3. Describe one of your colleagues at work. What does he or she look like?

What kind of person is he or she?4. Tell me about one particular experience that you had, where the weather

or traffic or some other problem caused you to arrive late. Explain the problem. What did you do in response and how did things turns out?

5. 관공서 관련 표현 ( 은행 / 병원 / 경찰서 등 )

은행 가기은행에 대해 설명하기Q> Tell me about the banks in your country. Describe them and the people who work there. When do they open and when do they close?

Interview Tips & Essential Expressions 여러 가지 은행 수수료를 commission 으로 표현하는 경우가 많은데 commission 은

상거래의 수수료나 소개비 명목으로 받는 금액을 일컫는다. 은행 수수료는 fee 를 쓴다. Take out money 돈을 뽑다 (withdrawn) Pop up 튀어 오르다, 생겨나다 Transaction 거래 Charge (대금으로) 청구하다, 부과하다

은행을 이용한 경험Q> Tell me about the last experience you had at a bank. Start by telling me when it was and who you went with. Then tell me everything that happened at the bank that day.

Interview tips & Essential Expressions 가장 최근의 경험을 얘기할 때는 the last time, the last experience, the latest 등의

표현을 사용하면 된다. Open an account 계좌를 개설하다 Hang out 빈번히 출입/방문하다 Dividend 예금이자

문제 설명..i made a mistake working on a document극복 방법.. I asked my boss to help me.손해.. fortunately, no damage was done.결과.. I was punished by my manager.교훈.. I learned that problems need to be solved quickly.

이용하는 은행 서비스Q> What services do you typically use at your bank? Tell me why it is beneficial for you to use that specific service.

Interview Tips & Essential Expressions Advanced 로 진입할 수 있는 전략 중 하나는 서로 다른 두 가지를 비교할 수 있는 능력을

보여 주는 것이다. ATM 을 사용할 때와 은행 창구에서 일을 처리할 때를 비교해서 장단점을 영어로 말할 수 있다면 등급이 올라갈 수 있는 가능성이 그 만큼 높아진다.

Make deposits 입금하다 Make withdrawals 출금하다 Fill out 작성하다 Deposit slip 입금증

은행 카드 사용 경험Q> Can you remember an experience when you had a problem with a credit card or an ATM card? Maybe you lost the card or the card would not work. Tell me about the experience in as much detail as you can.

Interview Tips & Essential Expressions 한 번쯤 갑자기 카드 비밀번호가 생각나지 않아서 낭패를 당한 적이 있었을 것. 유사한

경험을 설명할 때 제시된 답안을 활용해 보자. Hurry over to ~로 서둘러 가다 At any time of the day 하루 중 어느 때나 Pin number 비밀번호 Draw a blank 머릿속이 백지 상태가 되다

Role – play; 은행 계좌를 개설할 때

Q> I will now give you a situation and ask you to act it out. You need to open a new bank account. Go to the bank and ask the representative three or four questions to find out everything you need to know to open an account.

Interview Tips & Essential Expressions 친구끼리 대화를 하다 갑자기 뜬금 없는 질문을 할 때는 I have an off the wall question if

you don’t mind. 라고 한다. Automatic payment 자동이체 결제 Debit card 직불 카드, 현금 카드

6. 여행가기 ( 해외경험 / 가고 싶은 나라 / 휴가 / 여행과정 )

여행 설명하기해외 여행 설명하기 Q> You responded in the survey that you go on vacations overseas. I would like you to describe one of countries or cities you have visited. What was it like over there and what kind of impression did you get of the locals?


Essential Expressions One of the most memorable places I’ve visited for vacation is Thailand. Since tourism in Thailand is well-developed, there are various kinds of

가장 인상에 남는 휴가지지역 특색휴가 중 할 수 있는 활동추천하는 말

accommodations there. You can do activities such as scuba diving and snorkeling. You can also just relax on the beach and perhaps read a book. I would strongly recommend Thailand to others.

Interview Tips & Essential Expressions 해외 휴양지 – 대제적인 분위기 – 유명한 곳 – 현지에서 했던 활동 – 추천 장소 마지막은 자신의 소감이나 여행의 경우, 추천으로 끝맺음을 하면 좋다. Hong Kong was a memorable place I visited for vacation. Since tourism in Thailand is well-developed, there are various kinds of

accommodations there. We had trouble getting accommodations. 활동적인, 활발한의 표현으로 active 를 쓴다. You can do activities such as scuba

diving and snorkeling. Many people just relax on the beach. I would strongly recommend Thailand to others.

여행 경험 설명하기Q> Tell me about some of the trips you took when you were young. Where did you go? Who did you go with and what did you do or see?

Interview Tips & Essential Expressions 아주 오래된 일이라는 것을 강조하기 위한 표현으로 way back when (한참 전에)라는

표현을 쓴다. Plane trip 비행기 여행 Set foot in ~에 발을 들여 놓다 Firsthand 직접 Lava cave 용암 동굴 Coastline 해안선 Characteristic 특성, 특징

가고 싶은 나라 얘기하기Q> Pick a foreign country or city that you would like to visit, and describe to me why you’d like to there.


Essential Expressions Go through security 보안 검색대를 통과하다 Go through customs 세관을 통과하다 Catch a plane 비행기를 타다 (miss a flight 비행기를 놓치다)

휴가 기간 설명하기Q> I’d like to know about the amount of vacation you get each year, and more importantly, how you normally spend this time.

Interview Tips & Essential Expressions 몇 일 – 무엇을 하는지 – 작년에 한 일 – 올해 할 일 – 가고 싶은 곳 I get five days off a year. I usually go on a trip. 전치사에 주의 할 것. I just want to take it easy at home (집에서 쉬다). Take a day off 월차를 내다

나라도시가고 싶은곳가고 싶은 이유언제 갔었는지

Take annual leave (정기 휴가), take a leave of absence. Leave days 휴가 일수 Make a vacation plans 휴가 계획을 세우다

여행 과정 설명하기Q> Imagine that you are going on a trip. Please describe the things that you may have to do from departure to arrival at your destination.

Interview Tips & Essential Expressions 출발 전 – 비행기에서 – 도착 후 – 숙소 Take off /land I make sure that I have my passport before leaving home. I usually sleep/take a nap on the plane. The first thing that I do when I arrive at my destination is to take a shower. I check in at the hotel. I list the things that I need to pack.

기억에 남는 여행 얘기하기Q> Please describe one of your favorite trips. Where did you go and where did you stay? Why is this particular trip so memorable? Include as many details as possible.

Interview Tips & Essential Expressions 장소 – 숙소 – 즐거웠던 이유 – 누구와 함께 – 언제 – 기억에 남는 이유 의 순서로 질문에

모두 대답을 해야 한다. It was the first time that I was on a plane. We took a road trip (자동차 여행). Motion sickness/sick 멀미 Jet lag 시차로 인한 피로 Time difference 시차 Share the driving 돌아가면서 운전하다

Q> Think of some the trips you took when you were younger. Pick a trip and tell me where you went and who you went with. What did you do or see during that trip?

Interview Tips & Essential Expressions Fondly 다정하게, 귀엽게 Walkway 보도, 통로 In bloom 만개한, 활짝 핀 Relive 회상하다, 다시 살리다

여행 전에 준비하는 일 얘기하기Q> What kind of things do you have to do in order to prepare for a trip? Tell me about all the things you do right before a trip.

Interview Tips & Essential Expressions 여행을 떠나기 전날부터 공항에 갈 때까지 일들을 시간 순서대로 설명하도록 한다. 여행의 목적에 따라 준비하는 것 역시도 다를 것이다 (가족 휴가 여행, 학교 MT 등). Set my alarm clock Double-check Not-too-far-away 그리 멀리 않은 An overnight trip (1 night 2 days) 1박 2 일 여행

여행시 준비 품목 Q>Let’s say you are preparing to take a trip somewhere. Describe for me all the things that you do in order to get ready.

Interview Tips & Essential Expressions 짐을 많이 가져가는지 아니면 필수 품목만 가져가는지에 초점을 맞춰서 얘기를 진행하는

방법도 좋다. 옷장 확인 – 어느 정도의 짐을 가져 가는지 – 그러는 이유 – 그 외의 것들 (카메라, 간식거리,

책들) – 왜 이것들이 본인 에겐 여행에서 꼭 챙겨야 하는 건지. 짐을 많이 가져가면 I tend to over-pack 이란 표현을 사용한다. 짐을 가볍게 가져 간다면 I pack light 또는 I travel light 이라 표현한다. Wardrobe 옷장 The warmest and coolest of days 가장 더운 날과 추운날 Handy 아주 가까이에, 곁에 있는 Haul around 끌고 돌아다니다 Complimentary 무료의 Toiletries 화장품류, 세면도구 Engage in ~에 몰두하다, ~에 종사하다 Hassle 골치 아픈 것 I find that putting these important items in the same place

every time prevents the hassle of losing them.

Role – play 휴가에 대해 질문하기Q> I enjoy overseas travel too. Ask me three or four questions about my vacations.

기본 사항 이나 구체적으로 질문하는 것 모두 가능하다. How do you choose where to go on vacation? How long can you take off from work? Where is your favorite vacation destination (휴가 장소)? Can you tell me what it is


여행사에 문의하기 Q> I’d like to give you a situation for you to act out. Let’s say you are planning to take a trip in your own country. Call the travel agency and ask three or four questions about the trip you would like to take.

~때문에 전화 했습니다 라는 표현에 I am calling about~/I’m calling to ask about ~이란 말을 사용한다.

Vacation cottage 펜션 Get around (이곳 저곳을) 돌아다니다 Make arrangements 일정을 세우다 Snowboarding gear 스키장비 Accommodation 숙박시설 Extend one’s stay 투숙기간을 연장하다

좋아하는 국내 여행지 Q> You indicated that you take vacations domestically. Can you tell me some of the place you like to travel and why you like going there?

Interview Tips & Essential Expressions 좋아하는 곳 – 이유; 어떤 대상을 좋아한다고 말할 때는 간단하게라도 이유를 덧붙여 주는

것이 좋다. 남쪽으로 내려간다/서울로 올라간다 의 표현으로 up/down 을 사용한다. Chilly up in Seoul (위쪽 서울은 춥고), warm down in Jeju (아래쪽 제주도는 따뜻하다) Off the South coast of Korea 한국의 남쪽 해안에서 떨어져 있는 Compared to ~와 비교하면 Combined with ~와 함께, 더불어 Following Seoul 서울 다음으로, 서울에 이어 For that matter 그 일이라면 Any time of the year 연중 어느때라도

자주 찾는 국내 여행지 Q> You indicated in the survey that you take vacations within the country. Pick one place you have traveled to more than once and tell me all about the place.

Interview Tips & Essential Expressions 국내 여행을 언급 할 때 보통 travel domestically 라고 하는데 travel within the country

나 travel to domestic destinations 라고 달리 표현하는 것도 좋다. Things of interest/things that interest me 관심분야, 관심거리. Interesting things 는

개인적인 관심사를 가리키는 의미로는 약합니다. 정확히 things I’m interested in 이라는 표현이 더 정확한 표현임을 명심.

For no reason 아무 이유 없이 Unique geography 독특한 지형 Enrichment 가치를 높이는 것, 질의 향상 Rejuvenate 다시 젋어지게 하다.

집에서 휴가 보내기 Q> You indicated that you sometimes spend vacations at home. Tell me what you like to do when you are taking a vacation at home.

Interview Tips & Essential Expressions 휴가에 대해 묻는 질문에 집에서 휴가를 보낸다고 답한 경우, 이러한 문제가 가끔 출제된다. 왜 집에서 보내는 휴가를 선호하는지 – 집에서 무엇을 하는지. There is no place like home 집이 최고다 Kick back and relax 편안하게 휴식을 취하다 As opposed to ~과는 반대로 Facial treatment 얼굴 마사지 Feel refreshed 기분 전환하다

TOEIC SPEAKING TESTNo. Type of Question Preparation


Answer Time(Seconds) Scale

1-2 Read a text aloud 45 each 45 each 0-33 Describe a picture 30 45 0-3

4-6 Respond to questions 0 No.4: 15No.5: 15No.6: 30


7-9 Respond to Questions 30 (Text Reading) No.7: 15 0-3

using information provided No.8: 15No.9: 30

10 Propose a solution 30 60 0-511 Express an opinion 15 60 0-5

레벨 학습 기준점

레벨 (1-2)

Listening + Basic Grammar 말하기에 앞서 먼저 문제를 정확하게 듣는 것이 중요합니다. 기초 학습자의 경우 대체로 지시문의 내용을 정확하게 이해 하지 못하는 경우가 많으며, key word 가 될 수 있는 단어를 중심으로 정확한 문제해석이 필요합니다. 또한, 문장의 기본 5 형식에 맞는 어순의 배열이 가능해야만 Level 3, 4 단계로 올라갈 수 있습니다.

레벨 (3-4)

Grammar + Vocabulary 아무리 말을 많이 해도 가장 기본 문법 오류인 주어동사 수 일치, 동사 시제 변화, 단∙복수형태의 오류가 많으면 레벨 5 이상의 레벨을 얻기 힘들 것이며, 제한적인 어휘사용과 단문위주의 패턴, 애매모호한 부정확한 표현 역시 레벨 3,4 단계에서 반드시 극복해야 할 문제점 입니다.

레벨 (5-6)

Accuracy + Logical Structure 주제와 적합하며 정확한 어휘사용, 논리적 일관성, 표현의 다양성이 학습 기준점이 되어야 하며, 관계사를 이용한 복합구문의 사용 및 능동형태의 문장구사 훈련을 통해 보다 세련된 문장과 원어민식 영어에 근접할 수 있어야 합니다.

레벨 (6-7)

Fluency (Pronunciation + Logical Thinking) 레벨 6 와 레벨 7 을 받은 학생의 현저한 차이는 바로 ‘Fluency’입니다. 토익 스피킹의 시험 특성상 60 초안에 답안을 형성해야 하므로 Fluency 가 높다는 것은 정확한 발음과 끊어 읽기, 관용표현의 자유로운 구사와 함께 특정 주제에 구애 받지 않고 자연스럽게 대화를 이어나갈 수 있는 능력을 뜻합니다.

레벨 (7-8)

Background knowledgeIntermediate-level 시험응시자와 Advanced-level 응시자의 뚜렷한 차이점은 Fluency, Pronunciation, Vocabulary, Grammar, 마지막으로 Background Knowledge 입니다. 토익스피킹 Question 11 에서 요구하는 답안은 단지 언어 능력만 요구하는 것이 아닌 창의적, 논리적, 일관성 있는 사고로 자신의 의견을 설득력 있게 제시하는 것입니다. 폭넓은 주제의 시사, 상식에 항상 노출될 수 있도록 다독하며 항상 Thesis (논제: 자신의 주장/의견)를 정리하는 습관을 기르셔야 합니다.


Questions 1-2: Read a text aloudDirection: In this part of the test, you will read aloud the text on the screen. You will have 45 seconds to prepare. Then you will have 45 seconds to read the text aloud.

TOEIC SpeakingQuestion 1 of 11

In the 20th century, females led very different lives compared to their counterparts. They were forced to sacrifice their freedom and had less right than men. There are no exceptions for female teachers. They had such a hard life because there were so many rules for them. There was a set of ‘golden rules’ that they had to abide by or risk instant dismissal. In the 21st century it probably seems unbelievable that female teachers had to follow such hard rules while teaching.



TOEIC SpeakingQuestion 2 of 11

Disney’s most popular animated firm just got even better! This is the only animated firm that was awarded an Oscar by the Academy of Motion Pictures and Arts. In this DVD edition, this classic film has been restored thoroughly, and a lot of special features have been added, such as an interview with the director and amazing original prints and the director’s cut. You can decorate your cabinet with this fabulous DVD. It will be like a trophy. Remember this is a special edition and is only available this summer. Act now before they are all gone!



TOEIC Speaking

Questions 3: Describe a pictureDirection: In this part of the test, you will describe the picture on your screen with as much details as you can. You will have 30 seconds to prepare your response. Then you will have 45 seconds to talk about the picture.

TOEIC SpeakingQuestion 3 of 11



TOEIC Speaking

Questions 4-6: Respond to Questions.Direction: In this part of the test, you will answer three questions. For each question, begin responding immediately after you hear the beep. No preparation time is provided. You will have 15 seconds to respond to questions 4 and 5 and 30 seconds to respond to Question 6.

TOEIC SpeakingQuestion 4 of 11

Imagine that a marketing company is doing research. You have agreed to participate in a survey about cooking.

How often do you cook in a typical week?RESPONSE


TOEIC SpeakingQuestion 5 of 11

What is the one dish that you can cook the best?RESPONSE


TOEIC Speaking

Question 6 of 11Describe the advantages of cooking compared to eating out.



TOEIC Speaking

Questions 7-9: Respond to Questions using information providedDirection: In this part of the test, you will answer three questions based on the information provided. You will have 30 seconds to read the information before the questions begin. For each question, begin responding immediately after you hear a beep. No additional preparation time is provided. You will have 15 seconds to respond to Questions 7 and 8 and 30 seconds to respond to Question 9.

TOEIC SpeakingQuestion 7 of 11


Loan Date11-04-2001


Loan No.56200321

Borrower : Ralph WigginBorrower : Mary WigginBorrower : 482 Main StreetBorrower : Los Angeles, California 91466

Lender: Firs Dominion BankLender: 293 Thatcher StreetLender: P.O. Box 8331Lender: Los Angeles, California 91476


FINANCE CHARGE Amount Financed Total of Payments

The cost of my credit as a yearly rate.


The dollar amount the credit will cost me.


The amount of credit provided to me or on my behalf.


The amount I will have paid after I have made all payments as scheduled.$14,585.28

Payment Schedule: will be 48 payments of $303.83 each month beginning 12-04-2001.

What does the above statement show?



TOEIC SpeakingQuestion 8 of 11


Loan Date11-04-2001


Loan No.56200321

Borrower : Ralph WigginBorrower : Mary WigginBorrower : 482 Main StreetBorrower : Los Angeles, California 91466

Lender: Firs Dominion BankLender: 293 Thatcher StreetLender: P.O. Box 8331Lender: Los Angeles, California 91476


FINANCE CHARGE Amount Financed Total of Payments

The cost of my credit as a yearly rate.


The dollar amount the credit will cost me.


The amount of credit provided to me or on my behalf.


The amount I will have paid after I have made all payments as scheduled.$14,585.28

Payment Schedule: will be 48 payments of $303.83 each month beginning 12-04-2001.

When will the contract be finished?



TOEIC SpeakingQuestion 9 of 11


Loan Date11-04-2001


Loan No.56200321

Borrower : Ralph WigginBorrower : Mary WigginBorrower : 482 Main StreetBorrower : Los Angeles, California 91466

Lender: Firs Dominion BankLender: 293 Thatcher StreetLender: P.O. Box 8331Lender: Los Angeles, California 91476


FINANCE CHARGE Amount Financed Total of Payments

The cost of my credit as a yearly rate.


The dollar amount the credit will cost me.


The amount of credit provided to me or on my behalf.


The amount I will have paid after I have made all payments as scheduled.$14,585.28

Payment Schedule: will be 48 payments of $303.83 each month beginning 12-04-2001.

The bank will profit from this transaction. How much do you think the profit will be?



TOEIC Speaking

Questions 10: Propose a solutionDirection: In this part of the test, you will be presented with a problem and asked to propose a solution. You will have 30 seconds to prepare. Then you will have 60 seconds to speak.

TOEIC SpeakingQuestion 10 of 11

TOEIC SpeakingQuestion 10 of 11

In your response, be sure to Show that you recognize the problem, and Propose a way of dealing with the problem



TOEIC Speaking

Questions 11: Express an opinionDirection: In this part of the test, you will give your opinion about a specific topic. Be sure to say as much as you can in the time given. You will have 15 seconds to prepare. Then you will have 60 seconds to speak.

TOEIC SpeakingQuestion 11 of 11

Sometimes teenagers have jobs while they are still students. Do you think this is a good idea or not? Support your opinion by using specific reasons and details.

Actual Test 2TOEIC Speaking

Questions 1-2: Read a text aloudDirection: In this part of the test, you will read aloud the text on the screen. You will have 45 seconds to prepare. Then you will have 45 seconds to read the text aloud.

TOEIC Speaking



Question 1 of 11Charles John Dickens was born in Portsmouth, England in 1812. His first novel,

’The Pickwick Papers’, was very popular, and was soon followed by ‘Oliver Twist’ and several later novels. As he grew older, he worked harder, and the novels of his later years are considered to be his finest works such as David Copperfield, Little Dorrit, A Tale of Two Cities and Great Expectations. He is called the greatest English novelist, and his characters have become so real to us that they are now part of our culture. Who doesn’t know about Scrooge the Miser or Oliver Twist the orphan?



TOEIC SpeakingQuestion 2 of 11

Dear Mr. Stanford, on Oct. 25th our office sent you the office supplies you ordered from our catalog. The cost of the items and delivery came to a total of $825.28 which you agreed to pay within 30 days of delivery. It is now 90 days and you still have not made the payment or even contacted our company. This is the fourth reminder we have sent you. Since you have not reported any problem with the products you received we have no choice but to take legal action against you to collect the money we are owed. Unless you call us immediately, you should expect to be contacted by our lawyers very soon.



TOEIC Speaking

Questions 3: Describe a pictureDirection: In this part of the test, you will describe the picture on your screen in as much details as you can. You will have 30 seconds to prepare your response. Then you will have 45 seconds to speak about the picture.

TOEIC SpeakingQuestion 3 of 11



TOEIC Speaking

Questions 4: Respond to Questions.Direction: In this part of the test, you will answer three questions. For each question, begin responding immediately after you hear the beep. No preparation time is provided. You will have 15 seconds to respond to questions 4 and 5 and 30 seconds to respond to Question 6.

TOEIC SpeakingQuestion 4 of 11

Imagine that an Australian marketing firm is doing research in your country. You have agreed to participate in a survey about Korean pop culture.

How often do you go to a concert hall?RESPONSE


TOEIC SpeakingQuestion 5 of 11

What kinds of music do you like the best?

TOEIC SpeakingQuestion 6 of 11

Who is your favorite singer in your country?



TOEIC Speaking

Questions 7-9: Respond to Questions using information providedDirection: In this part of the test, you will answer three questions based on the information provided. You will have 30 seconds to read the information before the questions begin. For each question, begin responding immediately after you hear a beep. No additional preparation time is provided. You will have 15 seconds to respond to Questions 7 and 8 and 30 seconds to respond to Question 9.

TOEIC SpeakingQuestion 7 of 11



Last week’s biggest gainers in the stock market offer investors a chance to diversify holdings into attractive non-technology sectors that have a longer history of stability and growth. This table lists some of the hottest buys.News Symbo

lName Trading


PriceChange %

ChangeDHX DHX Corporation 46,800 8.813 +1.563 +21.55

%BRK Bork International Corporation 1,068,40

029.000 +3.500 +13.73

%SOG Synnogy Holdings 7,000 28.250 +3.250 +13.00

%HSC Health Masters Service

Corporation172,900 5.750 +0.625 +12.20

%UFX Ultrafax Inc. 1,590,70

029.938 +3.250 +12.18

%WA West America Inc. 5,312,30

026.938 +2.438 +9.95

%VMI Vicker Markets, Inc. 52,800 42.250 +3.688 +9.56

%FGB Franklin Greaback Tech 413,200 24.500 +2.125 +9.50

%MPC Mountain-Pacific Corporation 470,600 9.438 +0.813 +9.42


Which company had the largest volume of trades last week?

TOEIC SpeakingQuestion 8 of 11



Last week’s biggest gainers in the stock market offer investors a chance to diversify holdings into attractive non-technology sectors that have a longer history of stability and growth. This table lists some of the hottest buys.News Symbo

lName Trading


PriceChange %

ChangeDHX DHX Corporation 46,800 8.813 +1.563 +21.55

%BRK Bork International Corporation 1,068,40

029.000 +3.500 +13.73

%SOG Synnogy Holdings 7,000 28.250 +3.250 +13.00

%HSC Health Masters Service

Corporation172,900 5.750 +0.625 +12.20

%UFX Ultrafax Inc. 1,590,70

029.938 +3.250 +12.18

%WA West America Inc. 5,312,30

026.938 +2.438 +9.95

%VMI Vicker Markets, Inc. 52,800 42.250 +3.688 +9.56

%FGB Franklin Greaback Tech 413,200 24.500 +2.125 +9.50

%MPC Mountain-Pacific Corporation 470,600 9.438 +0.813 +9.42


Which company had the lowest Current Price last week?



TOEIC SpeakingQuestion 9 of 11

Last week’s biggest gainers in the stock market offer investors a chance to diversify holdings into attractive non-technology sectors that have a longer history of stability and growth. This table lists some of the hottest buys.News Symbo

lName Trading


PriceChange %

ChangeDHX DHX Corporation 46,800 8.813 +1.563 +21.55

%BRK Bork International Corporation 1,068,40

029.000 +3.500 +13.73

%SOG Synnogy Holdings 7,000 28.250 +3.250 +13.00

%HSC Health Masters Service

Corporation172,900 5.750 +0.625 +12.20

%UFX Ultrafax Inc. 1,590,70

029.938 +3.250 +12.18

%WA West America Inc. 5,312,30

026.938 +2.438 +9.95

%VMI Vicker Markets, Inc. 52,800 42.250 +3.688 +9.56

%FGB Franklin Greaback Tech 413,200 24.500 +2.125 +9.50

%MPC Mountain-Pacific Corporation 470,600 9.438 +0.813 +9.42


What do the companies listed in the table have in common?



TOEIC Speaking

Questions 10: Propose a solutionDirection: In this part of the test, you will be presented with a problem and asked to propose a solution. You will have 30 seconds to prepare. Then you will have 60 seconds to speak.

TOEIC SpeakingQuestion 10 of 11

TOEIC SpeakingQuestion 10 of 11

In your response, be sure to Show that you recognize the problem, and Propose a way of dealing with the problem



TOEIC Speaking

Questions 11: Express an opinionDirection: In this part of the test, you will give your opinion about a specific topic. Be sure to say as much as you can in the time allotted. You will have 15 seconds to prepare. Then you will have 60 seconds to speak.

TOEIC SpeakingQuestion 11 of 11

Some people love to live in a modern apartment. Others prefer to live in a traditional house. Where would you prefer to live in? Be specific and use details to support your choice.

Actual Test 3TOEIC Speaking

Questions 1-2: Read the text aloudDirection: In this part of the test, you will read aloud the text on the screen. You will have 45 seconds to prepare. Then you will have 45 seconds to read the text aloud.

TOEIC SpeakingQuestion 1 of 11



In Korea, we’re lucky to have four very distinct seasons. Some countries have very few changes throughout the year. My favorite would be a toss-up between spring and fall, since both of them have milder weather than winter or summer. If I had to choose just one, I would have to choose spring. That’s because of the white cherry blossoms that we can see at the beginning of spring. It wouldn’t be spring without new flowers and plants blossoming everywhere. Also, to me, air in spring smells clean and fresh, especially after it rains.



TOEIC SpeakingQuestion 2 of 11

One of the most memorable places I’ve been to for vacation is Thailand. Thailand is a tropical country with incredible beaches. Since tourism in Thailand is well-developed, there are various kinds of accommodations there. You can choose from resorts, hotels, bungalows, and guesthouses. Thailand is a great place for everybody: families, couples, or single people. You can do activities such as scuba diving and snorkeling. You can also just relax on the beach and perhaps read a book. Overall, the people are very kind and welcoming. I really enjoyed my trip to Thailand. I would strongly recommend Thailand to others.



TOEIC Speaking

Questions 3: Describe the pictureDirection: In this part of the test, you will describe the picture on your screen in as much detail as you can. You will have 30 seconds to prepare your response. Then you will have 45 seconds to talk about the picture.

TOEIC SpeakingQuestion 3 of 11



TOEIC Speaking

Questions 4: Respond to Questions.Direction: In this part of the test, you will answer three questions. For each question, begin responding immediately after you hear the beep. No preparation time is provided. You will have 15 seconds to respond to questions 4 and 5 and 30 seconds to respond to Question 6.

TOEIC SpeakingQuestion 4 of 11

Imagine that a marketing firm from Germany is doing research in your country. You have agreed to participate in a survey about exercise.

How often do you exercise in a week?



TOEIC SpeakingQuestion 5 of 11

Where do you exercise?RESPONSE


TOEIC SpeakingQuestion 6 of 11

What is your favorite exercise?



TOEIC Speaking

Questions 7-9: Respond to Questions using information providedDirection: In this part of the test, you will answer three questions based on the information provided. You will have 30 seconds to read the information before the questions begin. For each question, begin responding immediately after you hear a beep. No additional preparation time will be provided. You will have 15 seconds to respond to Questions 7 and 8 and 30 seconds to respond to Question 9.

TOEIC SpeakingQuestion 7 of 11

Good Wheels Trucking CompanyGPS Installation Committee Meeting



PresenterEd Harrison

Kelly ClarksonBrandon LarsonLunch BreakRay AbramWarren PetersonGuest Speaker : Henry SpenserVice President

TopicWelcomeMeeting OverviewShareholder Meeting ReviewStatus of Installation & Budget

Test Results & AnalysisFuture ApplicationPresident of Spenser & Thompson ResearchClosing Address

To: Ray AbramFrom: Ed HarrisonSubject: GPS Meeting

Thank you for your presentation at the meeting on Thursday. Your handouts were easy to understand and very informative. However, I am concerned about the results of your research. While your survey did a good job of detailing Delta GPS tracking abilities in the US and Canada, it doesn’t seem to have any tests for drives across the U.S/Canadian/Mexican borders. As you know, a lot of our routes are international, so it’s necessary to know if Delta GPS units operate across international borders. You need to discuss it with your staff and we’ll talk about it at the manager meeting again. And I’m attaching the survey results that were presented by Mr. Spenser, which show the status of installation in other companies.

ThanksEd Harrison

Who talked about the shareholder meeting?



TOEIC SpeakingQuestion 8 of 11

Good Wheels Trucking CompanyGPS Installation Committee Meeting



PresenterEd Harrison

Kelly ClarksonBrandon LarsonLunch BreakRay AbramWarren PetersonGuest Speaker : Henry SpenserVice President

TopicWelcomeMeeting OverviewShareholder Meeting ReviewStatus of Installation & Budget

Test Results & AnalysisFuture ApplicationPresident of Spenser & Thompson ResearchClosing Address

To: Ray AbramFrom: Ed HarrisonSubject: GPS Meeting

Thank you for your presentation at the meeting on Thursday. Your handouts were easy to understand and very informative. However, I am concerned about the results of your research. While your survey did a good job of detailing Delta GPS tracking abilities in the US and Canada, it doesn’t seem to have any tests for drives across the U.S/Canadian/Mexican borders. As you know, a lot of our routes are international, so it’s necessary to know if Delta GPS units operate across international borders. You need to discuss it with your staff and we’ll talk about it at the manager meeting again. And I’m attaching the survey results that were presented by Mr. Spenser, which show the status of installation in other companies.

ThanksEd Harrison

Why was the memo written?



TOEIC SpeakingQuestion 9 of 11

Good Wheels Trucking CompanyGPS Installation Committee Meeting



PresenterEd Harrison

Kelly ClarksonBrandon LarsonLunch BreakRay AbramWarren PetersonGuest Speaker : Henry SpenserVice President

TopicWelcomeMeeting OverviewShareholder Meeting ReviewStatus of Installation & Budget

Test Results & AnalysisFuture ApplicationPresident of Spenser & Thompson ResearchClosing Address

To: Ray AbramFrom: Ed HarrisonSubject: GPS Meeting

Thank you for your presentation at the meeting on Thursday. Your handouts were easy to understand and very informative. However, I am concerned about the results of your research. While your survey did a good job of detailing Delta GPS tracking abilities in the US and Canada, it doesn’t seem to have any tests for drives across the U.S/Canadian/Mexican borders. As you know, a lot of our routes are international, so it’s necessary to know if Delta GPS units operate across international borders. You need to discuss it with your staff and we’ll talk about it at the manager meeting again. And I’m attaching the survey results that were presented by Mr. Spenser, which show the status of installation in other companies.

ThanksEd Harrison

What will be the guest speaker’s topic?



TOEIC Speaking

Questions 10: Propose a solutionDirection: In this part of the test, you will be presented with a problem and asked to propose a solution. You will have 30 seconds to prepare. Then you will have 60 seconds to speak.

TOEIC SpeakingQuestion 10 of 11

TOEIC SpeakingQuestion 10 of 11

In your response, be sure to Show that you recognize the problem Propose a way of dealing with the problem



TOEIC Speaking

Questions 11: Express an opinionDirection: In this part of the test, you will give your opinion about a specific topic. Be sure to say as much as you can in the time allowed. You will have 15 seconds to prepare. Then you will have 60 seconds to speak.

TOEIC SpeakingQuestion 11 of 11

Some people prefer to live in the country. Others prefer to live in a big city. Which place would you prefer to live in? Be specific and use details to support your answer.



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