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1. The ode was original a ceremonial poem written to celebrate public occasions or exalted subjects.  A B C D

2. Knowledge of the rate at which a ship is traeling through the water is important if the naigatorA B C

need to estimate the time of arrial.


!. The earth is the onl" planet with a large number of ox"gen in its atmosphere.  A B C D

#. $obert %rost was not well &nown as a poet until he reached the forties.A B C D

cf' The amounts of ox"gen and nitrogen in the air almost alwa"s remain stable( but the amount of water

A B Capor ar" considerabl".  D

). *ulticolored woodcuts must be printed with as man" bloc&s as +++++++ colors in the composition.,A' there are ,B' man" ,C' some of ,D' it is

-. A painter who lied most of his life in the *iddle est( /rant wood has called America0s ainter of   A B C Dthe 3oil.

4. hile ancient times people simpl" painted inanimate objects( during the $enaissance the paintingof

A B Cstill life deeloped as an accepted art form.


5. The American frontiersman( politician( and soldier Da" croc&ett is one of the most popular ofA B C

American hero.  D

6. Three months after the" hae been laid( crocodile eggs are read" hatched.  A B C D

17. eas re8uire rich soil( constant moistures( and a cool growing season to deelop well.  A B C D

11. A dolphin locates underwater objects in its path b" doing a series of clic&ing and whistlingsounds.  A B C D

12. The greater an objects0s mass( the more di9cult it is ++++++++++++ . ,A',A' to speed it up or slow it down,B' it speeds up or slows down,C' than speeding it up or slowing it down,D' than speeding up or slowing down

1!. A desert area that has been without water for six "ears will still bloom when rain will come.  A B C D

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1#. :ne of the essential features of the modern s&"scraper is being the eleator.  A B C D

1). A rabbit moes about b" hopping on its hind legs( which are much longer and more strong thanits

A B C Dfront legs.

1.A 2.D !.B #.D ).A -.D 4.A 5.D 6.D 17.B 11.D 12.A 1!.D 1#.C 1).D

1-. The snow" egret is about the si;e of large crow.A B C D

14. The grape is the +++++++++++ ( juic" fruit of a wood" ine.,A' s&in,B' which is smooth,C' smooth s&in,D' smooth<s&inned

15. =n the second half of the nineteenth centur"( textiles from the southwestern >nited state(particularl" fabrics woen b" the ?aajo people( +++++++++++++++++++++ .,A' began to be used as rugs,B' rugs began to be used,C' as rugs began to be used,D' began to used them as rugs

16. During adolescence man" "oung people begin to 8uestion <<<<<< held b" their families.,A' the alues,B' of the alues

,C' the alues are,D' are the alues

27. During the *iddle Ages( handwriting notices &ept groups of nobles informed of important eents.  A B C D 21. =n her writing( @limor "lie often dealt with her own personalit" as it was( rather than +++++++++ .,A' as was denes b" others,B' its denitions b" others,C' other0s denition,D' as others dened it

22. Congress chartered the rst Ban& of the >nited 3tates in 1461 to engage in general commercial

ban&ing and ++++++++++ as a scal agent of the federal goernment.,A' to act,B' acting,C' that has acted,D' haing acted

2!. @ssentiall"( a theor" is an abstract( s"mbolic representation of +++++++++++++ realit".,A' what is conceied,B' what it is conceied,C' what is conceied to be,D' what is being conceied

1-.,D' 14.,D' 15.,A' 16.,A' 27.,B' 21.,D' 22.,A' 2!.,C'

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2#. Tenant farmers are those the" either rent a farm and wor& it for themseles or wor& the farm forthe

A B Cowner and receie pa"ment.  D

2). 3lightl" oer half of the population of @l aso( Texas( sa"s both @nglish and spanish.  A B C D

2-. ic&ories are medium to large trees common in eastern and the central areas of ?orth America.  A B C D

24. Approximatel" one<third of all persons inoled in adult education programs in 1647 wereenrolled in

A B Coccupational education course.  D

25. ?atural adhesies are primaril" of animals or egetable origin.  A B C D

26. As a glacier melts( roc&s( boulders( trees( and tons of dirt deposit.  A B C D

!7. The 3uwannee $ier has been neer important for transport and no signicant h"dropowerpotential.  A B C D

!1. American manufacturers depend on ocean shipping for most of trade with other countries.  A B C D

!2. The root of the chicor" plant is often ground up and added to coee to elimination its bitterness.  A B C D

!!. 3ome nematodes are er" tin" that it =s necessar" to iew them through a microscope.  A B C D

!#. =t is estimated that a scientic principle has a life expectanc" of approximatel" a decade before it  A B Cdrasticall" reised or replaced b" newer information.  D

!). The more arid the continent( the less the amount of annual precipitation +++++++++++++++ .,A' runs o that,B' runs it o ,C' that runs it o ,D' that runs o 

2#.A 2).D 2-.C 24.D 25.C 26.D !7.A !1.C !2.D !!.B !#.D !).D

!-. e reall" desered the award because he performed +++++++++++++++ was expected of him.,A' much better from,B' more better than,C' much better as

,D' much better than

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!4. e was stopped each do;en "ards b" friends who wanted to congratulate him.  A B C D

!5. As we hae nished the rst lesson( now we will read the second one.  A B C D

!6. To ta&e pride in what deseres boasting is one thing( and to ta&e good care of it is 8uite +++++++++ .,A' others,B' thing,C' another,D' the other

#7. The doctor0s records must be &ept thorough and neatl"( so as to insure good boo&<&eeping.  A B C D

#1. h" is a man in ciil life perpetuall" slandering and bac&biting his fellow men( and is unable tosee

A B Cgood een in his friends  D

#2. Do "ou thin& that the labor bill will be passed  :h( "es. =t0s +++++++++ that it will.,A' almost surel",B' er" li&el",C' near positie,D' 8uite certainl"

#!. Ei&e a s"non"m of speech( which is the general term( address implies some degree of formalit".  A B C D

##. $abbits and hares loo& much li&e and are often mista&en for each other.  A B C D

#). As eer" other nation( the >nited 3tates used to dene its unit of currenc"( the dollars( in termsof

A B C Dthe gold standard.

#-. The prime minister0s coniction for improper campaign practices is li&el" to result in increasing

A B Cpressure that she resigns.  D

#4. hen the boulders are made of roc& that is dierent from the bedroc& which the" or the soil of the

A B Celd rests( the" are called erratics.  D

#5. =t would be di9cult for a man of his political a9liation( +++++++( to become a senator from thesouth.,A' though charming and capable is he

,B' een with charm and so capable

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,C' charming and haing capabilit",D' howeer charming and capable

!-.D !4.A !5.D !6.C #7.B #1.C #2.B #!.A ##.B #).A #-.D #4.B #5.D

#6. enicillin is perhaps the drug ++++++++ more lies than an" other in the histor" of medicine.

,A' what has saed,B' which saed,C' which has saed,D' who saes

)7. After his trips to the west between 15-7 and 1542( $alph Alber Ba&eloc& would often painted  A B CAmerican =ndian encampments on brown<and<"ellow<toned canases.  D

)1. The cit" of Boston was settled in 1-!7 on a hill"( wooded peninsula where the charles $ier Fows  A B Cinto a natural harbors.  D

)2. Artist elen %ran&enthaler returned home from college on 16#6 to her natie ?ew Gor&( the cit"A B

producing the most art reolutionar" of the da".  C D

)!. Contralto *arian Anderson became a member permanent of the *etropolitan :pera Compan" in166).  A B C D

)#. The fact that half of the &nown species is thought to inhabit the world0s rain forests does not

seem A Bsurprising( considering the huge numbers of insects that comprise the bul& of the species.  C D

)). A politician can ma&e a legislatie proposal more +++++++ b" giing specic examples of what itseect will be.,A' to understand,B' understandabl",C' understandable,D' when understood

)-. Before eer" presidential election in the >nited 3tates( the statisticians tr" to guess the

proportion of the population that +++++++++ for each candidate.,A' are oted,B' oting,C' to be oted,D' will ote

)4. The decimal numeral s"stem is one of the ++++++ wa"s of expressing numbers.,A' useful most world0s,B' world0s most useful,C' useful world0s most,D' most world0s useful

)5. ?ebras&a has Foods in some "ears( +++++++++++ .

,A' in others droughts

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,B' droughts are others,C' while other droughts,D' others in drought

)6. *an" of the recording instruments used in ar" branches of science are &"mographs.  A B C D

-7. =n the >nited 3tates among -7 percent of the space on the pages of newspapers is resered forA B C

adertising.  D

#6.C )7.C )1.D )2.C )!.B )#.A )).C )-.D )4.B )5.A )6.B -7.A

-1. The spontaneit" of children0s artwor& sets it apart from the regulated uniforming of much of what  A B Cotherwise go on in traditional extraordinar" classrooms.  D

-2. %ossils of plant that hae been extinct for ft" million "ears hae been found in large deposits ofA B C

amber near the Baltic 3ea.  D

-!. The luxuriant hardwood timberland of the southern Appalachian *ountains is classed as atemperate  A B Crain forests.  D

-#. Bone and ior" needles found at archaeological sites indicate that clothes hae been sewn for

some A B C14(777 "ears ago.  D

-). The sun seems to hae been formed when the unierse was alread" 17 billion "ears.  A B C D

--. The satellites are fre8uentl" eclipsed b" Hupiter and ma" be seen to transit Hupiter as dar&shadows

A B Cor passing behind the planet.  D

-4. Though Artist Tatun was totall" blind in one e"e and had onl" slight ision in another( he becamean

A B C Dinternationall" renowned ja;; musician.

-5. ?ot since /erald $eed has a chief executie sered two full terms or leae ashington withcheers

A B Cringing in his ears.  D

-6. @en the most discriminating gourmet will agree that food in the south is as good as an" other


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region in the countr".

47. =n her writing( @linor "lie( often dealt with her own responsibilit" as it was( rater than +++++++ .,A' as others dened it,B' other0s denitions,C' its denition b" others

,D' it was dened b" others

41. 3ome scientists predict that( despite greater material output( the people in the "ear 2(777 will be  A B Cpoorer in man" wa"s than it is toda".  D

42. Ienus approaches the @arth more closel" than an" other planet is.  A B C D

-1.D -2.A -!.D -#.D -).D --.D -4.C -5.C -6.D 47.A 41.D 42.D

4!. +++++++++++++++ left before the deadline( it doesn0t seem li&el" that Hohn will accomplish the job.,A' Although such a short time,B' =t is such a short,C' ith so short time,D' ith such a short time

4#. ith the start for the penn" papers in the 15!70s( the number of people +++++++++ a newspaper rose considerabl".,A' regularl" reading,B' were reading regularl",C' regularl" reading what,D' who reading regularl"

4). Tempera( a t"pe of paint( is prepared from a mixture of water( egg "ol&( and one but more tinted  A B C D powders.

4-. :er fort" "ears ago( elen all0s outstanding contributions as a settlement organi;er catch theA B

attention of president %ran&lin $ooseelt( who appointed her to his adisor" committee on economicC D


44. art of the sunlight that stri&es the @arth is reFected into the s&"( and a rest is absorbed b" theA B C



45. At present production leels( +++++++++ deposits of bauxite can proide the world with aluminumfor hundreds of "ears.,A' &nown,B' &nown are,C' the" are &nown,D' what is &nown

46. =t seemed as if = hadn0t scarcel" done an"thing worthwhile with m" time( for = failed threecourses.  A B C D

57. The o9ce manager insists that his sta use all of its acation time( but he hardl" neer ta&es a

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  A B C Dacation himself.

51. Eife insurance( before aailable onl" to "oung( health" persons( can now be obtained for oldpeople


and een for pets.  D

52. *oon8ua&es originating at deep of some 577 &ilometers indicate the *oon has considerablerigidit"  A B C Dand is not molten at such leels.

4!.D 4#.A 4).C 4-.B 44.C 45.A 46.A 57.C 51.A 52.B

5!. Biologists and anthropologists possesses a wealth of eidence to indicate that human beingsarose

A Bfrom lower forms of life oer a time long period.  C D

5#. Ead"bugs are desirous in the garden because most &inds eat aphids and other harmful insects.  A B C D

5). =t has been estimated that onl" 21 percent of the world0s land surface are cultiatable and thatonl"

A B C D4.- percent is actuall" under cultiation.

5-. To become a s&illed photograph( a person should hae both manual dexterit" and a good e"e fordetail.  A B C D

54. %or centuries( music hae pla"ed acoustical guitars( which produce sound from the ibration of the

A B C Dstrings.

55. Eangston ughes alwa"s seemed to &now exactl" who he was( and those &nowledges helpedma&e


him one of the most respected writers in the >nited 3tates.C D

56. Ban&ing is ancient origin( though little ! &nown about its histor" prior to the thirteenth centur".  A B C D

67. Au bones hae an exterior la"er( termed the cortex( that is smooth( dense( continuous( and +++++++++++ .,A' of ar"ing thic&ness,B' aried thic&ness,C' its thic&ness aries,D' its thic&ness ar"ing

61. The holograph was an instrument emplo"ed to send signals b" reFecting sunlight a mirror or

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  A B C Dmirrors.

62. =n retrospect( sadness( rather anger( seems to be the oerriding emotion in Eangston ughes0s

poetr".  A B C D

6!. :bsidian( an uncommon olcanic roc&( polishes good and ma&es an attractie semipreciousstone.  A B C D

6#. Business c"cles hae been placed the scrutin" of statisticians so that recurring patterns notapparent

A B Cat rst sight might be disclosed.  D5!.D 5#.A 5).C 5-.B 54.A 55.B 56.A 67.A 61.D 62.A 6!.C 6#.A

6). %or a long time cotton ran&ed rst between Alabama0s crops( but toda" it accounts for onl" aA B C

fraction of the agricultural production.  D

6-. The earliest steam<drien ehicles produced great amount of noise.  A B C D

64. The double bull0s e"e in center of a dart board is worth ft" points.  A B C D

65. 3eaweed nurtures numerous communities of liing things( which are protected under the wetA B C

coerings of the weeds while the tide out.  D

66. The wan&le engine( sometimes referred as a rotar" engine( deliers more power for its si;e thana

A B C Dconentional piston engine.

177. %arm animals hae been regardless b" nearl" all societies as a aluable economic resource.  A B C D

171. Bauxite ores dier considerabl" ph"sical appearance( according to their impurities andstructural

A B C Dcompositions.

172. elen Iendler0s essa"s present &e" insight into and ital anal"ses the wor&s of major british and  A B C DAmerican authors.

17!. The waterwheel is a mechanism designed to harness energ" from a source instead thananimals.  A B C D

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17#. ?o other beerage comes een close to rialing coee as the more widel" drun& refreshment inthe

A B Cworld.  D

17). *os8uitos usuall" la" eggs on top stagnant water.  A B C D

17-. Eanguon ughes0s The Boo& of ?egro Eoo&sore is a too much aluable introduction to anintegral

A Bpart of fol& literature of the >nited 3tates. C D

6).B 6-.D 64.C 65.D 66.B 177.A 171.A 172.C 17!.D 17#.C 17).D 17-.A

174. 3een of planets rotate in the same direction as their orbital motions( while Ienus and >ranusrotate

A B Cin the opposite direction.  D

175. The *illicent $ogers *useum houses e thousand pieces of ispanic and American =ndian jewelr"(

Atextiles( and other objects document the ibranc" of these cultures.  B C D

176. %rom 15-- to 15!!( the bison population in ?orth America was reduced from an estimated 1!million

A B Cto a few hundreds.  D

117. The :bie Awards hae been gien annuall" for 16)- to outstanding artists in o<Broadwa"theater.  A B C D

111. Along the @ast Coast( American =ndian women0s councils could eto a declaration of war atrefusal

A B C Dto suppl" moccasins and eld rations.

112. Carrie Chapman Catt organi;ed the Eeague of women oters after successfull" campaign for the  A B Cconstitutional amendment that gae women the right to ote.  D

11!. An" group that conducting its meetings using parliamentar" rules will encounter situationswhere

A B Cprescribed procedures cannot be applied.  D

11#. Coinciding with the deelopment of ja;; in ?ew :rleans in the 16270s ++++++ in blues music.,A' was one of the greatest periods

,B' one of the greatest periods

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,C' was of the greatest periods,D' the greatest periods

11). Despite its wide range of st"les and instrumentation( countr" music has certain commonfeatures +++++++ its own special character.,A' gie it that

,B' that gie it,C' gie that,D' that gies it to

11-. +++++++ around stones that are sunwarmed( een the smallest of stones creates tin" currents of warm air.,A' The cool air,B' =f the air is cool,C' That the air cools,D' The cooler the air

114. @en as he wrote copiousl" on such dierse topic as education( politics( and religion( Eewis*umford

A Bremained actie in cit" and regional planning.  C D

174.A 175.C 176.D 117.B 111.D 112.C 11!.B 11#.A 11).B 11-.B 114.B

115. %or centuries the aromatic spices of the %ar @ast has been in demand b" the people of the @astand

A B C Dest.

116. ?ine state attorne" generals hae been meeting latel"( apparentl" to prepare a tobacco<

compan"<st"leA B C Dhumdinger court case against softies.

127. hen seeing near the hori;on( the moon appears stri&ingl" larger than when iewed oerhead.  A B C D

121. The remen were unable to determine exactl" what caused the re( when the" said that the"would

A B C Dcontinue the inestigation.

122. Because of its strong record during earlier recessions( the mutual fund has and will continue to

beA B C

attractie to small inestors.  D

12!. Both china( $ussia( and the united states are aware of the role the" pla" in world aairs.  A B C D

12#. ?either $ussia nor the >nited 3tates hae been able to discoer a mutuall" satisfactor" plan for  A B C Dgradual disarmament.

12). heneer = hae to write a paper( = don0t &now where to begin.

  = hae the same problem( but +++++++ the paper seems to write itself.

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,A' starting,B' haing started,C' once = start,D' after to start

12-. An echo is a sound heard subse8uentl" it is reFected from an object.

  A B C D

124. hile the two reappeared after being absent for oer a month( eer"one in the expedition wasA B C

surprised to nd them so little changed.  D

125. e had been in the cit" not more than two da"s until we found that we needed a guide.  A B C D

126. A measuring worm can hold itself straight out from a branch so that loo&s li&e a small twig.  A B C D

115.C 116.A 127.A 121.C 122.C 12!.A 12#.B 12).C 12-.B 124.A 125.C 126.D

1!7. 3cholars of historical change feel that the elocit" of histor" has been fastl" accelerated b" theA B C

onward rush of science and technolog" during the twentieth centur".  D

1!1. A narcotic is a substance that is haing a strong depressant eect on the human nerouss"stem.  A B C D

1!2. After searching for eidence in the house( the police concluded that the thief must hae comeinA B C

through the window and stole the siler while the famil" was sleep.  D

1!!. To become a member of the ciic association( one need onl" attend three meetings and to pa"his

A B Cfees regularl".  D

1!#. hen our neighbor0s grandson caught his nger in the car door( he did not cr" een though it

mustA B

hae hurted him a great deal.  C D

1!). All alligator is an animal somewhat li&e a crocodile( but with a broad( Fatten snout.  A B C D

1!-. Ei&e other animals( the tin" &angaroo rat has the abilit" to manufacture water in his bod" b"A B

metabolic conersion of carboh"drates.  C D

1!4. ?ot until ten "ears ago was there much need for personal computer.

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  A B C D

1!5. 3ea turtles can spend their lifetime in sea without eer touching land.  A B C D

1!6. A &angaroo moes around b" leaping on its rear legs( which is much bigger and stronger than

itsA B C D

front legs.

1#7. =n order to preent disease on a worldwide base( nations must wor& together.  A B C D

1#1. The etried %orest ?ational ar& of Ari;ona is one of the most uni8ue par&s in the >nited3tates.  A B C D

1#2. %ound in all parts of the state( pines are the most ordinar" trees in /eorgia.  A B C D

1#!. redators and parasites share a fundamental characteristicJ the" both surie a the price of others.  A B C D

1!7.C 1!1.A 1!2.D 1!!.B 1!#.C 1!).D 1!-.C 1!4.D 1!5.A 1!6.C 1#7.C 1#1.C 1#2.D 1#!.C

1##. This =nformation +++++++++++++++++++++++ to a great man" people.,A' was proed to be useful,B' has proed it useful,C' has been proed to be useful,D' has proed useful

1#). s"chiatrists are ridiculed for ++++++++++++++++ ( but new research on genes and the brainsuggests the" might be right.,A' a mental illness calling eer" 8uir&,B' a calling for mental illness eer 8uir&,C' calling mental illness an eer"

1#-. =n the 16#70s and 16)70s( biochemists stried to learn what each of the itamins was essentialfor health.

1#4. Biochemists discoered that &e" en;"mes in metabolism depend on one or another of theitamins as


coen;"mes to perform the chemistr" that proides cells energ" for growth and function.  @ %

1#5. These gene hunters( or genetic engineers( use recombinant D?A technolog" to identif" andclone

Agenes and introduce it into bacterial cells and plants to create factories for the massie production of   B Chormones and accines for medicine and for better crops for agriculture.  D

1#6. The railwa" networ& expanded rapidl" until the railroad map of the >nited 3tates loo&ed li&e aA B

spider0s web( with the steel laments connect all important sources of raw materials( their places of

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  Cmanufacture( and their centers of contribution.  D

1)7. The railroad contributed to the industrial growth not onl" b" connecting these major centers(but also b" themseles consume enormous amounts of fuel( iron( and coal.

  A B C D

1)1. The increased urban population was nourished b" the increased farm production that( in turn(was

A Bmade more productie b" the use of the new farm machine.  C D

1)2. @urope now began to send tides of immigrants from eastern and southern @urope < most of them  A Bwere originall" poor farmers but who settled in American industrial cities.

  C D

1##.D 1#).D 1#-.C 1#4.% 1#5.B 1#6.C 1)7.B 1)1.D 1)2.B

1)!. :ften when the weather is extremel" hot( people hae er" thirst" but are not terribl" hungr".  A B C D1)#. ioneers on the plains sometimes liing in dugouts( sod rooms cut into hillsides.  A B C D

1)). =n 145- Benjamin %ran&lin rst suggested da"light saings time as a means of cutting down onthe

A B Cconsumes of candles  D

1)-. An extremel" dangerous forms of cocaine( crac& attac&s the nerous s"stem( brain( and bod" ina

A B Csharper fashion than cocaine.  D

1)4. :n %ebruar" 27( 16-2( %riendship T has orbited the @arth in a manned Fight that last just undere



1)5. hile his rac&ing da"s( racehorse Hohn enr" earned a record -.) million( 2.! million morethan

A Bhis closest competitor. C D

1)6. Cartilage coers the ends of bones helps to protect the joints from wear and tear.  A B C D

1-7. The Alas&an malamute( used extensiel" to pull sleds( is closel" reacted to the woles.  A B C D

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1-1. *an" of the characters portra"ed b" writer Ho"ce Carol :ats is mentall" ill.  A B C D

1-2. The new s"stem responds at seconds to an" emergenc".  A B C D

1-!. The /ATT is an international agreement designing to increase trade among member nations.  A B C D

1-#. The closer to one of the @arth0s poles( the greater +++++++ graitational force.,A' is,B' the,C' has,D' it has

1-). The Famingo uses its bill +++++++++ feeding to lter mud and water from the tin" plants andanimals that it nds in shallow ponds.,A' when,B' is,C' that it is,D' was

1--. The amount of lapsed time between the thunder and lightening can be used to determine ++++++++++ .,A' how the thunder and lightening are far awa",B' how far awa" the thunder and lightening are,C' how far awa" are the thunder and lightening,D' the thunder and lightening are how far awa"

1-4. The >nited 3tates celebrate the birth of its independence eer" %ourth of Hul".  A B C D

1-5. Eaminated safet" glass is produced with combining alternate la"ers of Fat glass and plastic.  A B C D

1-6. =n one t"pe of laminating( alternate la"ers of wood are placed with their grains running at nightA B C

angles to each others.  D

147. =n general( prawns lie shallow coastal waters or in streams.  A B C D

141. The ;enith proides a means for ma&ing arious calculates in astronom".

  A B C D

142. The application of electronic controls made +++++++++ b" the microprocessor and computerstorage hae multiplied the uses of the modern t"pewriter.,A' it possible,B' possible,C' it is possible,D' possibilit"

14!. After the great bli;;ard of 1655 in the northeastern >nited 3tates( it too& some +++++++++ thesnow awa" from their homes.,A' da"s to shoel people seeral,B' people seeral da"s to shoel

,C' seeral da"s people to shoel

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,D' people to shoel seeral da"s

14#. A merger is a combination of two or more businesses down below a single management.  A B C D

14). Bats rel" on their hearings to naigate and to nd food at night.

  A B C D

14-. :ur urge to classif" dierent life forms and gie us names seems to be as old as the humanrace.  A B C D

144. *an" of the trees natie to the state of maine "ield useful woods( a number of which are of tallA B C D

mar&et alue.

145. 3ugar cane( a natie of Bengal( became the chief produce of est =ndies.  A B C D

1)!.B 1)#.C 1)).D 1)-.A 1)4.A 1)5.A 1)6.A 1-7.D 1-1.C 1-2.C 1-!.B 1-#.B 1-).A 1--.B 1-4.D1-5.D 1-6.D 147.B 141.C 142.B 14!.B 14#.C 14).B 14-.B 144. 145.

146. *ount 3t. elens( a olcano in ashington 3tate in the >nited 3tates( erupted in *ar" 15( 1657.  A B C D

157. Despite of its isolation in the 3unda 3trait between Haa and 3umatra( oer !-(777 people died  A B C  in the tidal waes following the explosion of Kra&ato.  D

151. *an" of the satellites of space carr" telescopes and other instruments used in astronom" to

A B C  loo& at the stars.  D

152. ood( the hardened material from which trees are composed( is made up of millions of tin"A B C

  tubes of bers pac&ed together.  D

15!. Animals that lie in areas that are coered in show in winter change the color of their coatA B C

  according the seasons.  D

15#. The dodo( a giant bird now extinct( lied on the island of *auritius( in =ndian :cean.  A B C D

15). elican =sland in %lorida and :regon =slands in :regon are wildlife refuges.  A B C D

15-. The most coral islands deelop from reefs that grow up around olcanic refuges.  A B C D

154. hen the island of 3urtse" was eighteen months old a rst leaf" green plant appeared.  A B C D

146.,D' 157.,A' 151.,B' 152.,B' 15!.,D' 15#.,D' 15).,D' 15-.,A' 154.,'

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155. The new island of 3urtse" is its ideal natural laborator" for scientists.  A B C D156. Coral reefs are limestone formations composed of tin" sea organisms and the remains.  A B C D167. The most of the energ" used in our homes and factories is generated from coal( oil( and natural

gasA B C D

161. Lachar" Ta"lor was rst president to be elected from a 3tate west of the *ississippi $ier.A B C D


162. :ld faitful in the Gollowstone ?ational ar& is probabl" the world0s most famous ge"ser.A B C D


16!. The world0s fastest animal is cheetah( but if bird are included( the fastest of all animals isA B C

  the spine<tailed swift.  D

16#. 3o"beans were rst grown in the :rient and brought to the estern world during the orldar

A B C D  Two. 16). =t is ama;ing what discoered %arada" in the eld of science without the use of mathematics.  A B C D 155.,C' 156.,D' 167.,A' 161.,A' 162.,B' 16!.,B' 16#.,D' 16).,A'

16-. The production of tin ore in the >nited 3tates is relatiel" insignicant( ...... less than onehundred  tons annuall". a. amount tob. in the amount

 c. amount to it d. to the amount of 

164. @arlier or later( all la&es are inFuenced b" eutrophication( a process in which la&e sedimentlowers A B

the depth of the water and drains ox"gen from it.  C D

165. He&"ll island has been one of /eorgia0s 3tate par&s in 16)#.  A B C D

166. Bells are fre8uentl" made from bron;e( an allo" of approximatel" three part copper and onepart tin.  A B C D 277. A logarithm is .......algebra as an exponent.a. &nown whatb. &nown what it isc. what is &nownd. what it is &nown

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271. ?egotiable instruments such as personal chec&s ma" ordinaril" be transferred to anotherpeople

A B C  b" endorsement.  D

272. 3cientists and economists beliee that human beings can neer use awa" all the mineralresources  A B C D  on @arth.

16-.A 164.A 165.D 166.D 277.C 271.C 272.C

27!. =daho ran&s rst among the states in potatoes production.  A B C D27#. The deca" of a muon is an example of an wea& interaction between atomic particles.  A B C D27). All illage or tribe of the ?orth American =ndian confederac" had its annual green corn dance(  A B  a festial in which social ties were renewed.  C D27-. ipelines are continuall" inspected for lea&s and for damage caused b" such conditions asfree;ing  A  temperatures( hea" rain( and soil erode.

B C D274. lastics used to ma&e textiles can be drawn into ne threads( then woen or &nit into fabrics.A B C D 

275. ?ot onl" ............... in the eld of ps"cholog" but animal behaior is examined as well.

a. human behaior is studiedb. is human behaior studiedc. is studied human behaiord. human behaior

276. The new information on asbestos caused panic in construction and industr" li&e.  A B C D

27!.,d' 27#.,c' 27).,a' 27-.,d' 274.,d' 275.,b' 276.,d'

217. The weaing design was then embellished with a series of small chained diamond of A B C

  ertical and ;ig;ag lines.  D211. Aside from the resolution to hae more ecumenical conferences( the most accomplishment of the

A B  group was that it met at all.  C D212. The intelligence abilit" of an athlete is usuall" far more than the" would expect.

A B C D21!. The more $obert tried to please his mother through mere Fatter"( the greater he succeeded in

A B C D  anno"ing her. 

21#. Do "ou &now that the population of ashington D.C. is about as man" as that of *inneapolis

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  A B C D 

21). *ost illiam %aul&ner0s noels deal with the uniersal problems of eil as represented b"famil"


  disintegration and degeneration.

217.,c' 211.,b' 212.,c' 21!.,c' 21#.,c' 21).,'

21-. /enerall" spea&ing( tax returns must be led annuall"( but in few cases the" must be submitted  A B C

eer" six months.  D214. A 8uestion often posed about journalism is ow much freedom should reporters haeA B

interpreting an" gien news item  C D215. An anal"tical index group man" indiidual subtopics under major subject headings.  A B C D216. ithin the Alamo were one hundred and eight" men( more than two thirds of them hadA B  recentl" migrated from near<b" states.  C D227. @er" one of the bo"s ....... here "esterda" has a bic"cle.  a. was b. were c. who was d. who were

221. The building opposite to the ban& is among the few higher ones that has been put upA B C  during the last few "ears.  D

21-.,c' 214.,d' 215.,a' 216.,b' 227.,d' 221.,c'

222. The hurricane( coming while it did( too& the %lorida coastal communit" b" surprise.  A B C D22!. h" did the /alapagos =slands hae so man" nches( a dierent &ind of bea& suited toits special feeding habits  a. each has b. with each c. each with d. with which22#. All steam engines wor& for the same reason J steam occupies more than 1(477 timesthe water from which it comes.  a. of the space of much of   b. much of the space  c. with as much space as

  d. as much space as22). 3cientists hae recentl" argued that @instein0s contribution to ph"sics and mathematics areless

A B C  important as ?ewton0s.  D22-. @en the most discriminating gourmet will agree that food in the 3outh is as good as an" other

A B C D  region in the countr".

224. The stud" of astronom" is so recent as the past centuries( but astrolog" has existed forthousands  A B C D

  of "ears.

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225. The scientists who are probabl" mostl" interested in Fights to the moon are geologists.

226. *icrowae oen thermometers are more cost than other &inds of thermometers.  A B C D

2!7. *ercur" is the most small planet in the solar s"stem and the closest to the sun.  A B C D2!1. The store .  a. that had the recentl" big sale went ban&rupt  b. that recentl" had the big sale went ban&rupt  c. that had the big recentl" sale went ban&rupt  d. that had the big sale went recentl" ban&rupt2!2. The intelligence abilit" of an athlete is usuall" for more than the" would expect.  A B C D 222.,B' 22!.,C' 22#.,D' 22).,C' 22-.,D' 224.,A' 225.,D' 226.,B' 2!7.,B' 2!1.,B' 2!2.,C'

2!!. %armers grow popcorn in much the same wa" .......... eld corn( except that the rows are plantedcloser together.a. that the" growb. that growc. the" grow itd. do the" grow

2!#. .......... often added to sauces and soups( is plentiful and relatiel" inexpensie.a. arsel"( an herb that isb. %or parsel"( an herb to bec. An herb( parsel" isd. arsel"( is that herb

2!). The /rapes of rath( a noel about the Depression "ears of the 16!70s( is one of Hohn3teinbec&s0s ........... boo&s.a. most famousb. the most famousc. are most famousd. and most famous

2!-. A semiconductor is a substance that seldom conducts electricit"( but ......... under certaincircumstances.a. so can dob. do so canc. can do sod. so do can

2!4. Among the giants of the sea .........( which ma" weigh up to 1(777 pounds.  a. tuna b. the tuna c. being the tuna d. is the tuna

2!5. ........... one of more units of liing substance called protoplasm.a. All liing things consist of b. Although all liing things that consist of c. All liing things consisting of d. =n all liing things consisting of 

2!6. A newspaper0s political cartoons ........... capsule ersions of editorial opinion.  a. sere as b. sere c. in sering d. be sered

2#7. A painter who lied most of his life in the *iddle est( /rant ood has called America0s

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ainter  A B C D  of the 3oil.

2#1. Chromosomes as appear long( tangled threads when the" rst become isible during the earl"A B C D

  prophase stage of mitosis.

2!!.,A' 2!#.,A' 2!).,A' 2!-.,C' 2!4.,D' 2!5.,A' 2!6.,A' 2#7.,D' 2#1.,A'

2#2. =n the *iddle Ages( boo&s called bestiaries were prepared in an attempt to describe animals(real or  A B imagine( that exemplied human traits.  C D2#!. The relationship of Eatin American music to Blac& music in the >nited 3tates is clearl" eidentin  A B C the unaccented beats that are common to either.  D2##. 3een of planets rotate in the same direction as their orbital motions( while Ienus and >ranus  A B C rotate in the opposite direction.  D2#). A good exercise program helps teach people to aoid the habits that might shorten the lies.  A B C D 2#-. ?obod" should be able to nd fault in that argument.  A B C D2#4. 3ince the earl" 16670s Euther Burban& bred a spineless ariet" of cactus that can be eaten as

food.  A B C D2#5. The highest temperature eer recorded in the >nited 3tates was 1!#。% on Death Ialle"(California(

A B Cin 161!.

 D2#6. All sewing was done with hand until the inention of the sewing machine in the nineteenthcentur".  A B C D

2)7. :nl" a few species of the wasp can adapt to cold enironments.  A B C D

2)1. A drama is a stor" intended to be presented b" actors onto a stage.  A B C D2)2. The relationship between law to libert" is een more paradoxical than that between law andorder.  A B C D

2)!. An opera combines the excitement of drama and spectacle to the power of music.  A B C D

2#2.,C' 2#!.,D' 2##.,A' 2#).,D' 2#-.,B' 2#4.,A' 2#5., ' 2#6., ' 2)7., ' 2)1.,D' 2)2.,A' 2)!.,D'

2)#. ?o custom( belief( or action can be full" understood awa" its social or cultural context.  A B C D

2)). The Alexandria /a;ette( published dail" since 1464( is the oldest regularl" published

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newspapers A B C  in the >nited 3tates.  D2)-. Diamond is the hardest substance &nown( whereas graphite( another carbon allotrope(is.............. .A' the softest one of B' softest of the one C' the one of the softest D' one of the softest

2)4. Texas is the onl" state whose constitution permits it ............. into smaller states.  A' diides B' diide C' be diiding D' to be diided

2)5. >nli&e ordinar" light sources( a laser sends out a narrow beam of light on onl" one direction.  A B C D 2)6. A thorough stud" of m"tholog" re8uires familiarit" for the properties of plants and trees( andthe  A B

habits of wild birds and beasts.  C D2-7. 3eismolog" has not reached "et the stage where earth8ua&es can be foretold with aA B C  great deal of accurac".

D2-1. >ntil the ninth centur"( written words were not actuall" separated( .............. in some

literar" writing( dots or points were used to indicate diisions.  A'in spite of B' contrar" C' contrast to D' but

2-2. *edical research indicates but large amounts of histamines can be responsible for colds(A B C D  ha" feer( and other respirator" reactions.

2-!. recisel" because photographs are produced b" mechanical deices( a camera0s images now

seem A B  to some artists the perfect means for expression the modern era.  C D2-#. The 3wiss admit to running wor& camps for refugees during the war( but den" whether the"were

A B C  specicall" designed to ictimi;e Hews.  D

2)#.,D' 2)).,C' 2)-.,D' 2)4.,D' 2)5.,D' 2)6.,B' 2-7.,A' 2-1.,D' 2-2.,A' 2-!.,D' 2-#.,C'

2-). e was stopped each do;en "ards b" friends who wanted to congratulate him.  A B C D

2--. All objects are composed of man" molecules and the force of grait" pulls on eer" of them.  A B C D 2-4. :ne or the other of the secretaries hae to attend the meeting. But both of them are reluctantto  A B C D  do so.

2-5. agner and 3trauss were such good friends that the" fre8uentl" exchanged gifts with oneanother.

  A B C D

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2-6. Culture and societ" are so interdependent that the" do not occur without each another.  A B C D247. The characters in *rs. ale"0s short stories are unable to understand an"thing about

Athemseles or to communicate with one another in an" but the most primitie and

B C D  unreealing fashion.

241. The farmer uses wood to build a house .................. to store grains.  a'with which b' where c'which d'in which

2-).,A' 2--.,D' 2-4.,C' 2-5.,D' 2-6.,D' 247.,B' 241., '

242. The seenteenth centur" was one in that man" signicant adances were made in bothA B C D

  science and philosoph".

24!. 3ome antibiotics used in the treatment of human disease are li&e onl" in that the" areA B C Dobtained from fungi and bacteria.

24#. =n the attempt to control inFation b" eliminating social programs( there are ethical limitsA B

be"ond where man" economists and politicians are reluctant to go.  C D24). The biggest single hobb" in America( the one that Americans spend most time( energ"

A B Cand mone"( is gardening.

  D24-. Constructed in Chicago in 155!( the ome =nsurance Building was the rst building in

Athe world that the Foors and the exterior masonr" walls were supported b" a s&eletonB C D

  framewor& of metal.

244. Adancements in technolog" are inextricabl" lin&ed to the strength and surial of theA B

  high<tech industr" and its potential to create new jobs.  C D

242.,B' 24!.,C' 24#., ' 24).,B' 24-.,B' 244.,C'

245. The chimpan;ee possesses hand tool( the stic&" termite stic&( with which it digs termites

A B C  out of logs and stumps.  D246. %or the past few "ears( researchers hae perfected their control oer the moement of

A B Ccells and microbes b" using low<power laser beams.

  D257. erhaps the most uni8ue thing about carbon atoms are their abilit" to combine with

A B C D  themseles.

251. s"chologists and ps"chiatrists are trained to encourage their parents to tal& for theA B C

  things that are causing them di9cult".

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  D252. h"sicists sought wa"s .................... man" others to emit light( amplif"ing it to much

higher powers.A'how one atom or molecule could stimulateB'one atom or molecule stimulatingC'stimulating one atom or molecule b"

D'b" which one atom or molecule could stimulate

25!. =n mathematical terms( modern algebra is set of objects with rules for connecting orA B C

  relating those objects.  D25#. enns"lania has the most institutions of higher learning than an" other state has.  A B C D25). An ideal is a standard .................. people judge real phenomena.  A'how B'of C'b" which D'for it

25-. %ounded around 174)( the Acoma pueblo is considered ..............settlement in the >nited3tates.A' the oldest continuousl" occupiedB' occupied continuousl" the oldestC' the oldest occupied continuousl"D' continuousl" the oldest occupied

254. :ne of the most di9cult problems in understanding sleep is determining what theA B C

  functions of sleep is.  D245.,A' 246.,B' 257.,C' 251.,C' 252.,D' 25!.,B' 25#.,A' 25).,C' 25-.,A' 254.,B'

255. Hacobson is often referred to ............... at the factor".

A'as the best engineerB'be the best engineerC'b" the president to be the best engineerD' as being the best engineer

256. Teaching and learning are part of the same educational experience but unfortunatel" the"A B

are often thought of to be separate.  C D267. An epigram is usuall" dened to be a bright or witt" thought tersel" and ingeniousl"

A B C D  expressed.

261. e usuall" dene an epigram to be a bright or witt" thought tersel" and ingeniousl"A B C

  expressed.  D262. erhaps "ou hae found some words to lie b" and treasured them because the" sa"

A Bsomething which "ou regard to be ital.

C D26!. The truc& was found ................ an ighwa" -!.  A' to be abandoned B' to be abandoning  C' abandoned D' abandon

26#. =magine to m" surprise when = saw one man tn the car pull out a poc&et boo& and begin


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  to read.  D26). To read Tolsto" and to be introduced to nineteenth<centur" $ussian literature is two

A B Cexcellent reasons for ta&ing professor *orrel0s course.  D

26-. aris is one of the man" cities in the world that are currentl" deeloping programs ofA B

restoring their historical buildings.  C D264. .......................( a %orm )4 must be completed.  A' To appl" for this job B' =n order to get his job  C' *a&ing application for this job D' =f "ou want to appl" for this job

255.,A' 256.,D' 267.,B' 261.,B' 262.,D' 26!., ' 26#.,A' 26).,C' 26-.,C' 264.,D'

265. Ballads were earl" t"pes of poetr" and ma" hae been among a rst &inds of music.  A B C D266. During the 1-770s s&illed shoema&ers scarce were in what is now the >nited 3tates.  A B C D!77. 3alt la&e cit"( >tah0s capital and largest cit"( is industrial and ban&ing center.  A B C D!71. The arthropods( including insects and spiders( are great economic and medical

A B Csignicance.

  D!72. The research of erc" Huliar has contributed to the creation of drugs that are in

A B C  widespread use oer ictims of arthritis.  D

!7!. To his rural neighbors( $obert %rost was an li&el" farmer who wrote poets late at night.  A B C D!7#. 3tatistics suggests that the population of this countr" will be doubled in ten "ears0 time.  A B C D!7). The walls of this chapel are of solid masonr" twent"<two and a half foot high and four

A B Cfeet thic&.

  D!7-. The wee&s of summer training are often as tense for sports writers as it is for football

A B C D  pla"ers and coaches.

!74. *aritime law regulates commerce and naigation on the seas or other naigable waters(

A B  including inland la&e riers.  C D!75. =n all of the wor&ers0 union( the" had denite and detailed rules about pension.  A B C D!76. The tartar chief controls a thousand men( all of them must obe" his orders in both war

A B C D  and peace.

!17. The farmer uses wood to build a house ................... to store grains.  A'with which B'where C' which D'in which

265.,C' 266.,C' !77.,C' !71.,B' !72.,C' !7!.,C' !7#., ' !7).,C' !7-.,D' !74.,D' !75.,C' !76.,A'


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!11. =n the *iddle Ages( boo&s called bestiaries were prepared in an attempt to describe animals(real or

A B  imagine( that exemplied human traits.

  C D!12. The relationship of Eatin American music to Blac& music in the >nited 3tates is clearl" eidentin

A B C  the unaccented beats that are common to either.  D!1!. 3een of planets rotate in the same direction as their orbital motions( while Ienus and >ranusrotate

A B C  in the opposite direction.  D!1#. A good exercise program helps teach people to aoid the habits that might shorten the lies.  A B C D!1). ?obod" should be able to nd fault in that argument.  A B C D!1-. 3ince the earl" 16670s Euther Burban& bred a spineless ariet" of cactus that can be eaten asfood.  A B C D!14. The highest temperature eer recorded in the >nited 3tates was 1!#。% on Death Ialle"(California(

A B Cin 161!.

  C!15. All sewing was done with hand until the inention of the sewing machine in the nineteenthcentur".

  A B C D!16. :nl" a few species of the wasp can adapt to cold enironments.  A B C D!27. A drama is a stor" intended to be presented b" actors onto a stage.  A B C D!21. The relationship between law to libert" is een more paradoxical than that between law andorder.  A B C D!22. An opera combines the excitement of drama and spectacle to the power of music.  A B C D

!11.,C' !12.,D' !1!.,A' !1#.,D' !1).,B' !1-.,A' !14., ' !15., ' !16., ' !27.,D' !21.,A' !22.,D'

!2!. The production of tim ore in the >nited 3tates is relatiel" insignicant( ............. less than onehundred tons annuall".  A' amounting to B' in the amount C' amounts to it D' to the amount of !2#. @arlier or later( all la&es are inFuenced b" eutrophication( a process in which la&e sedimentlowers

A Bthe depth of the water and drains ox"gen from it.

  C D!2). He&"ll island has been one of /eorgia0s state par&s in 16)#.  A B C D!2-. Bells are fre8uentl" made from bron;e( an allo" of approximatel" three part copper and onepartin.

  A B C D

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!24. A logarithm is ........ in algebra as an exponent.  A'&nown what B'&nown what it is C'what is &nown D'what it is &nown!25. ?egotiable instruments such as personal chec&s ma" ordinaril" be transferred to anotherpeople b"

A B C  endorsement.

  D!26. 3cientists and economists beliee that human beings can neer use awa" all the mineralresources on

A B C D  @arth.

!!7. =daho ran&s rst among the states in potatoes production.  A B C D!!1. The deca" of a muon is an example of an wea& interaction between atomic particles.  A B D D!!2. All illage or tribe of the ?orth American =ndian confederac" had its annual green corn dance( a

A Bfestial in which social ties were renewed.

  C D!!!. ipelines are continuall" inspected for lea&s and for damage caused b" such conditions asfree;ing

A B  temperatures( hea" rain( and soil erode.  C D!!#. lastics used to ma&e textiles can be drawn into ne threads( them woen or &nit into fabrics.  A B C D!!). ?ot onl" ................. in the eld of ps"cholog" but animal behaior is examined as well.A' human behaior is studied B' is human behaior studiedC' is studied human behaior D' human behaior

!!-. The new information on asbestos caused panic in construction and industr" li&e.  A B C D

!2!.,A' !2#.,A' !2).,D' !2-.,D' !24.,D' !25.,C' !26.,C' !!7.,D' !!1.,C' !!2.,A' !!!.,D' !!#.,D' !!).,B' !!-.,D'

!!4. The weaing design was then embellished with a series of small chained diamond or erticaland

;ig;ag lines.

!!5. Aside from the resolution to hae more ecumenical conferences( the most accomplishment of the

group was that it met at all.

!!6. The intelligence abilit" of an athlete is usuall" far more than the" would expect.

!#7. The more $obert tried to please his mother through mere Fatter"( the greater he succeeded in

anno"ing her.

!#1. Do "ou &now that the population of washington D.C. is about as man" as that of *inneapolis

!#2. *ost illiam %aul&ner0s noels deal with the uniersal problems of eil as represented b" famil"

  disintegration and degeneration.

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!#!. /enerall" spea&ing( tax returns must be led annuall"( but in few cases the" must be submitted

  eer" six months.

!##. A 8uestion often posed about journalism is ow much freedom should reporters hae


an" gien news item

!#). An anal"tical index group man" indiidual subtopics under major subject headings.

!#-. ithin the Alamo were one hundred and eight" men( more than two thirds of them hadrecentl"

migrated from near<b" states.

!#4. @er" one of the bo"s ............. here "esterda" has a bic"cle.  A' was B' were C' who was D' who were

!#5. The building opposite to the ban& is among the few higher ones that has been put up during the

  last few "ears.

!!4.,C' !!5.,B' !!6.,C' !#7.,C' !#1.,C' !#2., ' !#!.,C' !##., ' !#).,A' !#-.,B' !#4.,C' !#5.,C'

!#6. ?o custom( belief( or action can be full" understood awa" its social or cultural context.

!)7. The Alexandria /a;ette( published dail" since 1464( is the oldest regularl" published

newspapers in the >nited 3tates.

!)1. Diamond is the hardest substance &nown( whereas graphite( another carbon allotrope(is.............. .  A' the softest one of B' softest of the one C' the one of the softest D' one of the softest

!)2. Texas is the onl" state whose constitution permits it ............. into smaller states.  A' diides B' diide C' be diiding D' to be diided

!)!. >nli&e ordinar" light sources( a laser sends out a narrow beam of light on onl" one direction.

!)#. A thorough stud" of m"tholog" re8uires familiarit" for the properties of plants and trees( andthe

habits of wild birds and beasts.

!)).3eismolog" has not reached "et the stage where earth8ua&es can be foretold with a great dealof


!)-. >ntil the ninth centur"( written words were not actuall" separated( .............. in some literar"writing(

dots or points were used to indicate diisions.  A'in spite of B' contrar" C' contrast to D' but

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!)4.*edical research indicates but large amounts of histamines can be responsible for colds( ha"feer(

and other respirator" reactions.

!)5.recisel" because photographs are produced b" mechanical deices( a camera0s images now

seem to

some artists the perfect means for expression the modern era.

!)6.The 3wiss admit to running wor& camps for refugees during the war( but den" whether the"were

specicall" designed to ictimi;e Hews.

!#6.,D' !)7.,C' !)1.,D' !)2.,D' !)!.,D' !)#.,B' !)).,A' !)-.,D' !)4.,A' !)5.,D' !)6.,C'

!-7. *ount 3t. elens( a olcano in ashington 3tate in the >nited 3tates( erupted in *ar" 15( 1657.  A B C D

!-1. Despite of its isolation in the 3unda 3trait between Haa and 3umatra( oer !-(777 people diedin

A B Cthe tidal waes following the explosion of Kra&ato.  D

!-2. *an" of the satellites of space carr" telescopes and other instruments used in astronom" toloo& at

A B C Dthe stars.

!-!. ood( the hardened material from which trees are composed( is made up of millions of tin"tubes ofA B C D

bers pac&ed together.

!-#. Animals that lie in areas that are coered in show in winter change the color of their coatA B C

according the seasons.  D

!-). The dodo( a giant bird now extinct( lied on the island of *auritius( in =ndian :cean.  A B C D

!--. elican =sland in %lorida and :regon =slands in :regon are wildlife refuges.  A B C D

!-4. The most coral islands deelop from reefs that grow up around olcanic refuges.  A B C D

!-5. hen the island of 3urtse" was eighteen months old a rst leaf" green plant appeared.  A B C D

!-7.,D' !-1.,A' !-2.,B' !-!.,B' !-#.,D' !-).,D' !--.,D' !-4.,A' !-5., '

!-6. The new island of 3urtse" is its ideal natural laborator" for scientists.

  A B C D

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!47. Coral reefs are limestone formations composed of tin" sea organisms and the remains.  A B C D

!41. The most of the energ" used in our homes and factories is generated from coal( oil( and naturalA B C D

  gas. !42. Lachar" Ta"lor was rst president to be elected from a 3tate west of the *ississippi $ier.  A B C D !4!. :ld faithful in the Gellowstone ?ational ar& is probabl" the world0s most famous ge"ser.


!4#. The world0s fastest animal is cheetah( but if bird are included( the fastest of all animals is theA B C D

spine<tailed swift.

!4). 3o"beans were rst grown in the :rient and brought to the estern world during the orldA B C D

ar Two. !4-. =t is ama;ing what discoered %arada" in the eld of science without the use of mathematics.

A B C D !-6.,C' !47.,D' !41.,A' !42.,A' !4!.,B' !4#.,B' !4).,D' !4-.,A'

!44. The production of tin ore in the >nited 3tates is relatiel" insignicant( +++++++++++ less than one  hundred tons annuall". a. amount tob. in the amount

 c. amount to it d. to the amount of 

!45. @arlier or later( aoo la&es are inFuenced b" eutrophication( a process in which la&e sedimentlowers

A Bthe depth of the water and drains ox"gen from it.  C D

!46. He&"ll island has been one of /eorgia0s 3tate par&s in 16)#.  A B C D

!57. Bells are fre8uentl" made from bron;e( an allo" of approximatel" three part copper and one

part tin.  A B C D

!51. A logarithm is ++++++++++++++ .algebra as an exponent.a. &nown whatb. &nown what it isc. what is &nownd. what it is &nown

!52. ?egotiable instruments such as personal chec&s ma" ordinaril" be transferred to anotherpeople  A B C b" endorsement.


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!5!. 3cientists and economists beliee that human beings can neer use awa" all the mineralresources

A B C Don @arth. 

!44.,a' !45.,a' !46.,d' !57.,d' !51.,c' !52.,c' !5!.,c'

!5#. =daho ran&s rst among the states in potatoes production.  A B C D

!5). The deca" of a muon is an example of an wea& interaction between atomic particles.  A B C D

!5-. All illage or tribe of the ?orth American =ndian confederac" had its annual green corn dance(A B

a festial in which social ties were renewed.  C D

!54. ipelines are continuall" inspected for lea&s and for damage caused b" such conditions asfree;ing

A Btemperatures( hea" rain( and soil erode.


!55. lastics used to ma&e textiles can be drawn into ne threads( then woen or &nit into fabrics.  A B C D !56. ?ot onl" +++++++++++++++++ in the eld of ps"cholog" but animal behaior is examined as well.a. human behaior is studied

b. is human behaior studiedc. is studied human behaiord. human behaior

!67. The new information on asbestos caused panic in construction and industr" li&e.  A B C D

!5#.,d' !5).,c' !5-.,a' !54.,d' !55.,d' !56.,b' !67.,d'

!61. The weaing design was then embellished with a series of small chained diamond optical andA B C

;ig;ag lines.


!62. Aside from the resolution to hae more ecumenical conferences( the most accomplishment of the

A Bgroup was that it met at all.  C D

!6!. The intelligence abilit" of an athlete is usuall" far more than the" would expect.  A B C D

!6#. The more $obert tried to please his mother through mere Fatter" (the greater he succeeded inA B C D

anno"ing her.

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!6). Do "ou &now that the population of ashington D. C. is about as man" as that of *ineapolis  A B C D

!6-. *ost illiam %aul&ner0s noels deal with the uniersal problems of eil represented b" famil"A B C D

disintegration and degeneration. !61.,c' !62.,b' !6!.,c' !6#.,c' !6).,c' !6-., '

!64. /enerall" spea&ing( tax returns must be led annuall"( but in few cases the" must be submitted  A B Ceer" six months.  D

!65. A 8uestion often posed about journalism is ow much freedom should reporters haeinterpreting  A B Can" gien news item  D

!66. An anal"tical index group man" indiidual subtopics under major subject headings.  A B C D

#77. ithin the Alamo were one hundred and eight" men( more than two thirds of them had recentl"  A Bmigrated from near<b" states.  C D

#71. @er" one of the bo"s +++++++++++ here "esterda" has a bic"cle.

  a. was b. were c. who was d. who were

#72. The building opposite to the ban& is among the few higher ones that has been put up during the  A B Clast few "ears. D

!64.,c' !65.,d' !66.,a' #77.,b' #71.,d' #72.,c'

#7!. The hurricane( coming while it did( too& the %lorida coastal communit" b" surprise.  A B C D

#7#. h" did the /alapagos =slands hae so man" nches( a dierent &ind of bea& suited to

its special feeding habitsa. each has b. with each c. each with d. with which

#7). All steam engines wor& for the same reason J steam occupies more than 1(477 times ++ thewater from which it comes.  a. of the space of much of   b. much of the space  c. with as much space as  d. as much space as#7-. 3cientists hae recentl" argued that @instein0s contribution to ph"sics and mathematics are less  A B Cimportant as ?ewton0s.  D

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#74. @en the most discriminating gourmet will agree that food in the 3outh is as good as an" otherA B C D

region in the countr".

#75. The stud" of astronom" is so recent as the past centuries( but astrolog" has existed forthousands

A B C Dof "ears.

#76. The scientists who are probabl" mostl" interested in Fights to the moon are geologists.

#17. *icrowae oen thermometers are more cost than other &inds of thermometers.  A B C D

#11. *ercur" is the most small planet in the solar s"stem and the closest to the sun.  A B C D

#12. The store .  a. that had the recentl" big sale went ban&rupt  b. that recentl" had the big sale went ban&rupt  c. that had the big recentl" sale went ban&rupt  d. that had the big sale went recentl" ban&rupt

#1!. The intelligence abilit" of an athlete is usuall" for more than the" would expect.  A B C D #7!.,B' #7#.,C' #7).,D' #7-.,C' #74.,D' #75.,A' #76.,D' #17.,B' #11.,B' #12.,B' #1!.,C'

#1#. %armers grow popcorn in much the same wa" .......... eld corn( except that the rows are plantedcloser together.

a. that the" growb. that growc. the" grow itd. do the" grow

#1). ++++++++++++++ often added to sauces and soups( is plentiful and relatiel" inexpensie.a. arsel"( an herb that isb. %or parsel"( an herb to bec. An herb( parsel" isd. arsel"( is that herb

#1-. The /rapes of rath( a noel about the Depression "ears of the 16!70s( is one of Hohn3teinbac&0s +++++++++++++ boo&s.

a. most famousb. the most famousc. are most famousd. and most famous

#14. A semiconductor is a substance that seldom conducts electricit"( but ++++++++++++ under certaincircumstances.a. so can dob. do so canc. can do sod. so do can

#15. Among the giants of the sea +++++++++++++++ which ma" weigh up to 1(777 pounds.

  a. tuna b. the tuna c. being the tuna d. is the tuna

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#16. +++++++++++++++++++ one of more units of liing substance called protoplasm.a. All liing things consist of b. Although all liing things that consist of c. All liing things consisting of d. =n all liing things consisting of 

#27. A newspaper0s political cartoons ++++++++++++++ capsule ersions of editorial opinion.  a. sere as b. sere c. in sering d. be sered

#21. A painter who lied most of his life in the *iddle est( /rant ood has called America0s  A B C D ainter of the 3oil.

#22. Chromosomes as appear long( tangled threads when the" rst become isible during the earl"A B C D

prophase stage of mitosis. #1#.,A' #1).,A' #1-.,A' #14.,C' #15.,D' #16.,A' #27.,A' #21.,D' #22.,A'

#2!. Dallas( Texas( has become a national hub of ban&( fashion( manufacturing( trade( andtransportation.  A B C D

#2# Iibrantl" woen ?aajo rugs and tapestries are mar&s of elegant and taste in homes and artcollections  A B Cthe world oer.  D

#2). Eillian D. ald was an ardent pacist( and participants in peace moements held her in big

regard.  A B C D

#2-. ................... west of the $oc&" *ountains.,A' Tornadoes almost occur neer,B' Tornadoes neer almost occur,C' ?eer tornadoes almost occur,D' Tornadoes almost neer occur

#24. =n ..................( the adent of the telephone( radio( and teleision has made rapid long<distancecommunication possible.,A' one hundred "ears later,B' one hundred "ears ago

,C' the one hundred "ears since,D' the last one hundred "ears

#25. ?ot eer" peal that is found .....................,A' of alue,B' is aluable,C' to be alued,D' aluable

Answer. #2!. ,C' #2#. ,B' #2). ,D' #2-. ,D' #24. ,D' #25. ,B'

#26. The cla" burial essels from the earl" opewell culture of ?orth America are decorated with;ig;ag( grooed( and ....................

,A' geometricall" designed

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,B' designs are geometric,C' geometric designs,D' geometr" designed

#!7. The common eld mouse is about four inches long and has a three<inched tail.  A B C D

#!1 manifest is an itemi;ing list of the goods or passengers a essel is carr"ing.  A B C D

#!2. *inoleum is a trade name for the waterproof Foors coering most often used in &itchen.  A B C D

#!!. =n 165# the world population rose to oer #4 billion( up almost 5) million from an estimatemade the  A B C"ear ago.  D

#!#. Goung eagles deelop adult mar&ings after their third "ear( at which time the" leae parentalsuperise

A B C Dand see& their own mates and territories.

#!). The rst person belieed to hae used a series of photograph to produce an illusion of moement was  A B C Dcoleman sellers.

Answer. #26. ,C' #!7. ,D' #!1. ,B' #!2. ,B' #!!. ,D' #!#. ,D' #!). ,B'

#!-. The fruit of the plantation loo&s much li&e a banana( and it is not so sweet or so pleasing inFaor.  A B C D

#!4. Aerage world temperatures hae risen on half a degree celsius since the mid<nineteenthcentur".  A B C D

#!5. h" certain plants contain al&aloids remains a m"ster"( although botanists hae formulated anumber of   A B Ctheor" to explain it.  D

#!6. Dimness of light will not harm the e"es an" more than ta&ing a photograph in diml" light canharm a

A B C Dcamera.

##7. Contemporar" lm directors( some of them write the scripts for( act in( and een produce theirown

A Bmotion pictures( are thereb" assuming eer more control of their art.  C D

##1. The earl" periods of aiation in the >nited 3tates was mar&ed b" exhibition Fights made b"


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  A B CFiers or b" teams of performers at countr" fairs.  DAnswer. #!-. ,A' #!4. ,B' #!5. ,D' #!6. ,D' ##7. ,A' ##1. ,A'

##2. Being the biggest expanse of brac&ish water in the world( the Baltic sea is of special interesting

A B C D  to scientists.

##!. hile stud"ing the chemistr" of human bod"( Dr. $osal"n Galow won a ?obel ri;e for theresearch she  A Bconducted on the role of hormones.  C D

###. During earl" nineteenth centur"( the building of canals and railroads strengthened the state of indiana0s

A B Clin&s with the eastern >nited 3tates.  D

##). *assachusetts was rst explored in the late sixteenth and earl" seenteenth centuries( and therst  A B Cpermanent settlement at pl"mouth in 1-27.  D

##-. @agles are predator" birds that hae large( hea"( hoo&ed bills and strong( sharp claws calledas 0talons0.  A B C D

##4. *ost of our ideas of what ancient people loo&ed and dressed come from the wor&s of $enaissance artists.  A B C DAnswer. ##2. ,D' ##!. ,B' ###. ,A' ##). ,D' ##-. ,D' ##4. ,A'

##5. Ancient @g"ptians used asbetos to weae funeral garments for &ings and another importantpeople.  A B C D

##6. Besides being a good heat and electrical insulator( other use of asbestos has been to &eepdown noise  A B C Dleels in public buildings.

#)7. Asbestos can stand so high temperatures that it was used as protectie clothing b" re ghters.  A B C D

#)1. A small amount of radiation can help cure someone( whereas too man" will cause harm.  A B C D

#)2. A few radon can be found in man" t"pes of soil.  A B C D

#)!. $adon gas is not a threat to human life almost of the time.  A B C D

#)#. ?o new innoations hae been deeloped to replace asbestos being used for bra&e linings on

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cars.  A B C D

#)). :ther( mere common( name for crocidolite is blue asbestos because of its color.  A B C D

Answer. ##5. ,D' ##6. ,C' #)7. ,A' #)1. ,D' #)2. ,A' #)!. ,D' #)#. ,A' #)). ,A'

#)-. hen asbestos bers are breathed in( the" ma&e damage to our lungs.A B C D

#)4. A liing pol"p loo&s li&e little sea anemone( with tentacles to trap tin" animals for food.  A B C D

#)5. =nestment ban&s do not accept deposits from the public or do loans to businesses orindiiduals.  A B C D

#)6. .................... the surface of metal( but also wea&ens it.,A' ?ot onl" does rust corrode,B' ?ot onl" rust corrode,C' $ust( which not onl" corrode,D' $ust not onl" corrodes

#-7. All marble is composed of cr"stals of the minerals calcite or dobmite( ....................( areperfectl" white.,A' when( pure which,B' when( which pure,C' which( pure when,D' which( when pure

#-1. A bod" weighs .................... from the surface of the @arth.,A' less the farther it gets,B' the farther it gets( the less,C' less than it gets farther,D' less than it( the farther it gets

Answer. #)-. ,C' #)4. ,C' #)5. ,C' #)6. ,D' #-7. ,D' #-1. ,A'

#-2. An" propert" that a ban&rupt person ma" still hae is usuall" diided among the arious peopleto whom  A B Cmone" are owed.  D

#-!. hen a bacterium becomes to large( it splits on half and forms two new bacteria( ....................its own cell wall and protoplasm.,A' each has,B' with each,C' has each,D' each with

#-#. :f all the natie American tribes( the shawnee =ndians were a most transient.  A B C D

#-). *an" corporations hae found that doing a great deal of business in the telephone is moreprotable


than sending o9cials on fre8uent business trips.

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#--. The bod" does not sta" at the ali&e temperature from morning till night.  A B C D

#-4. The concentration of hemoglobin in branchiopod blood aries inerse with the ox"gen contentof the

A B Csurrounding waters.  D

Answer. #-2. ,D' #-!. ,D' #-#. ,D' #-). ,C' #--. ,C' #-4. ,B'

#-5. >nderground gold deposits are usuall" wedged in the crac&s of bur"ing 8uarts slabs.  A B C D

#-6. The photographs of *ars ta&en b" satellite are .................... than those ta&en from the @arth.,A' clearest,B' the clearest,C' much clearer,D' more clearer

#47. A loudspea&er functions on the same principle that the telephone receier does( but is morelarger and  A B Clouder.  D

#41. e cannot con8uer disease nor we cannot educate all humanit".  A B C D

#42. =n man" parts of the >nited 3tates( houses are considerabl" more energ" e9cient than the" are

a decadeA B Cago.D

#4!. @lectric streetlight hae been rst used in 1546 and soon replaced gas<burning lamps.  A B C D

#4#. ?ew Gor& cit" has been the capital of ?ew Gor& 3tate until 1464( when the state capital wasmoed to  A B C DAlban".

Answer. #-5. , ' #-6. ,C' #47. ,C' #41. ,C' #42. ,C' #4!. ,B' #4#. ,A'

#4). :ur friends are expected to assume the burden of their own defense( .................... the" arecompetent to do.,A' which we are certain,B' that we are certain of,C' of which we are sure,D' for which we are sure

#4-. = hae written about the change in the social s"stem ................... to promote happiness.,A' to re8uire,B' re8uiring,C' to be re8uired

,D' re8uired

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#44. Cro8uet is a popular lawn game which pla"ers hit wooden balls through wire arches calledwic&ets.  A B C D

#45. The seenteenth centur" was one in that man" signicant adances were made in both science

andA B C D


#46. =n the attempt to control inFation b" eliminating social programs( there are ethical limitsbe"ond where

A B Cman" economists and politicians are reluctant to go.  DAnswer. #4). ,A' #4-. ,D' #44. ,A' #45. ,A' #46. ,C'

#57. 3pring is arriing a wee& earlier in the ?orthern hemisphere than it was a decede ago( andstrange

A B Cthings are happening with wildlife.  D

#51. The >.3. 3enate Department warms that unless signicant steps are done soon( greenhousegas concentrations  Awill er" li&el" triple in a hundred "ears( reaching leels higher than at an" time in the last )7 million"ears.  B C D

#52. A butterF" in the American est &nown @dith0s chec&erspot has moed about 277&m north of 

where it  A B C Dused to lie.

#5!. %ift" eight "ears after noel $ichard right left his home in *ississippi( the state proclaimed?oember  A B C D21M25 as $ichard right ee&.

#5#. Alexander /raman Bell receied a potent in 1557 for the ideas of using light to rela" sound iaa telephone.  A B C D

#5). Both as a hobb" and as a profession( photograph" has fascinated people for more than hundred"ears.  A B C D

Answer. #57. ,B' #51. ,A' #52. ,B' #5!. ,B' #5#. ,C' #5). ,D'

#5-. %or all their &nowledge and "ears0 obserations( astronomers hae more 8uestions thananswers about

A B Call"0s or an" other comet.  D

#54. The conditions most faorable to the form of dew are relatiel" high humidit" and a clam( clear


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  A B C D

#55. The" emplo"ed a sensitie computeri;ed cloc&ing deise capable of defecting orbital timingchanges of   A B Conl" a ft"<millionth of a second.


#56. Traditionall"( ethnographers and linguistics hae paid little attention to cultural interpretationsgien to silence(  A Bor to the t"pes of social contexts in which tends to occur.  C D

#67. .................... that the formation of the sun( the planets( and other stars began with thecondensation of an interstellar gas cloud.,A' Belieing,B' To beliee,C' The belief,D' =t is belieed

Answer. #5-. ,B' #54. ,B' #55. ,B' #56. ,D' #67. ,D'

#61. =t is a widel" held theor" which the ancestral protot"pe of the Fowering Asterales was a wood"plant(

A B Cperhaps a small tree.  D

#62. =t is inconceiable if aggression against the small republic would not be met with the full forceof her

A B C Dallies0 militar" power.

#6!. =t was not until the accident and his hospital connement in 1647( when he made up his mindto become  A B C Da doctor.

#6#. Iarious animals hae shells that &eep themseles from growing be"ond a certain si;e.  A B C D

#6). The president announced that he himself would act upon the eidence as presented to himself b" the

A B C Dcongressional committee.

#6-. hile remaining accountable to the administration as well as to those indiiduals who submitcomplaints(  A B Can arbitrator must decide each case on their own merits.  D#64. Loologists hae determined that each deer usuall" has man" mates in the lifetime.  A B C D

Answer. #61. ,B' #62. ,A' #6!. ,B' #6#. ,B' #6). ,D' #6-.,D' #64., '

#65. The space shuttle will continue to proide scientic researches along with its role to proide

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transportation  A Bserices to priate industr".  C D

#66. ?ew :rleans is dierent from most an" other cit" in the >nited 3tates.

  A B C D

)77. At least ninet"<nine percent of the atmosphere0s total mass is contained within a distance of ft" miles

A B C Daboe the @arth.

)71. =n the >nited 3tates( the indiidual income tax is the goernmental largest source of reenue.  A B C D

)72. The stud" of astronom" is so recent as the past centuries( but astrolog" has existed forthousands of

A B C Dtime.

)7!. Dried fruits are not costl" to produce but can be stored satisfactoril" for long periods of time.  A B C D

)7#. 3pectrum anal"sis was led to the dramatic discoer" of the element helium.  A B C D

Answer. #65. ,B' #66. ,A' )77. ,B' )71. ,B' )72. ,D' )7!. ,D' )7#. ,D'

)7). e was standing 8uietl" when presentl" a "oung woman( who had been combing her hair and

watched A B Chim( approached and as&ed him for directions.  D)7-. The art students were enthralled b" the sheer beaut" of the portrait .................... before them.,A' which hang,B' which has hung,C' b" that hung,D' which hung

)74. The fol&lore of the natie of the Bland of ua includes some of the most strangest legends&nown to



)75. Hupiter is the fth planet from the 3un and the biggest planet among the solar s"stem( with adiameter

A Bapproximatel" eleen times that of the @arth.  C D

)76. As eer" other nation( the >nited 3tates used to dene its unit of currenc"( the dollar( in termsof the

A B C Dgold standard.

)17. Eife insurance( before aailable onl" to "oung( health" persons( can now be obtained for old

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people andA B C

een for pets.  D

Answer. )7). ,C' )7-. ,D' )74. ,C' )75. ,C' )76. ,A' )17. ,A'

)11. ithin the Alamo was one hundred and eight" men( more than two thirds of whom had recentl"migrated  A B Cfrom near<b" states.


)12. Because the publicit" had been poorl" handled( the organi;ers of the rall" were afraid thathardl" man"  A B Cpeople would attend.  D

)1!. where to nd him and how to nd him ..................... to us.,A' is not &nown,B' not &nown,C' has not &nown,D' are not &nown

)1#. The museum uses olunteers from the communit" who act as a guide to show isitors thedispla"s of

A B Clocal artists0 wor&.  D

)1). =f one had read all of the committee0s report( "ou would not hae been so 8uic& to disagree.  A B C D

)1-. @ither the carpenters or the electrician can store their tools in the shed( but there is no room forboth  A B C Dsets.

Answer. )11. ,A' )12. ,C' )1!. ,A' )1#. ,B' )1). ,C' )1-. ,B'

)14. The >nites 3tates census of 1557 too& seen "ears to compile and put together.  A B C D

)15. The more one &nows about @li;abethan @ngland( the more "ou understand the importance of the British  A B C Dna".

)16. After careful consideration and planning( he was determined ..................,A' that the merger should go,B' to go on merging,C' to start merging,D' to go ahead with the merger

)27. Although the mole cric&et spends most of its underground life( it is a strong Fier.  A B C D

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)21. ............... about @mil" Dic&inson0s ps"chological and emotional well<being is inferred from herpoems and letters.,A' hat is &nown,B' To be &nown,C' Knowing is,D' Known

Answer.  )14. ,D' )15. ,C' )16. ,D' )27. ,C' )21. ,A'

)22. *ountain ranges are important that the" determine the climate and water Fow of surroundingregions.  A B C D

)2!. =n "ears scientists hae been warming that the eer<increasing emissions of carbon dioxide willwarm the  A B Cglobe with disastrous conse8uence.  D

)2#. The courage and heroic of &apiolani( high chief of awaii in the earl" nineteenth centur"( werethe inspiration  A B C Dfor a poem b" Tenn"son.

)2). hile ancient times people simpl" painted inanimate objects( during the $enaissance thepainting of

A B Cstill life deeloped as an accepted art form.  D

)2-. istor" sometimes eects a &ind of reerse perspectie in one0s perception of the past J eents

appearA B Cmore signicant the for awa" the" get.  D

)24. All of the >nited 3tates residents( Hames Buchanan is the onl" one who was not married.  A B C D

Answer. )22. ,A' )2!. ,A' )2#. ,B' )2). ,A' )2-. ,D' )24. ,A'

)25. *uch of the precipitation that falls on the earth ................. b" plants,A' are absorbed,B' absorbed

,C' which is absorbed,D' is absorbed

)26. The fountain pen( which feeds in& to the pen point from a reseroir( was rst producedsuccessfull" on  A B C Da commercial scale in the 15570s.

)!7. 3een of planets rotate in the same direction as their orbital motions.  A B C D

)!1. A rat0s sharp teeth can gnaw through wood( plaster( or soft metallic such as led.  A B C D

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)!2. The acic is the deepest ocean( with ................ at more profound depths than an" otherocean.,A' a bottom area more than,B' more bottom area,C' more bottom area than,D' a bottom area more

Answer. )25. ,D' )26. ,D' )!7. ,A' )!1. ,D' )!2. ,B'

)!!. *ealii Kalama( creator of oer #77 awaiian 8uilts( was granted a ?ational eritage %ellowshipin 165) for

A Bherself contributions to fol& art.  C D

)!#. :ur urge to classif" dierent life forms and gie us names seems to be as old as the humanrace.  A B C D

)!). @ach da" 1-(777 people contract =I( nearl" doubled the preious estimate of the infectionrate.  A B C D

)!-. =n the last "ear in @urope and the >nited 3tates( the biggest research brea&throughs since theirus was

A Bdiscoered in 1651 commuted the disease from a certain death sentence to a nagging < though stilldeadl"

C D< infection.

)!4. *ulticolored woodcuts must be printed with as man" bloc&s as .................... colors in thecomposition.,A' there are,B' man",C' some of,D' it is

Answer. )!!. ,C' )!#. ,B' )!). ,C' )!-. ,C' )!4. ,A'

)!5. The" would come out to attac& and then disappeared bac& into the deep forests( where theiropponents  A B C Dwere at a disadantage.

)!6. The prime minister0s coniction for improper campaign practices is li&el" to result in increasingpressure

A B Cthat she resigns.  D

)#7. Carbon<1# anal"sis is not able to be used to date such inorganic materials as pott" shards orroc& and  A B Cmetal artifacts( often the onl" traces of earl" man.  D

)#1. e confessed that for months he was scarcel" being able to loo& at the law"er without become

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angr".  A B C D

)#2. /irls usuall" mature faster than bo"s( so that at &indergarten age girl ma" be nearl" a "earadanced  A B C

oer a bo" of same age.  D

)#!. Articial rubies and sapphires hae the same hard and composition as the real stones.  A B C D

Answer. )!5. ,A' )!6. ,D' )#7. ,A' )#1. ,C' )#2. ,D' )#!. ,C'

)##. rofessor %orester thought that because historical parrels are so much used unprecisel" andA B

uncriticall" it would be better to aoid them altogether in our themes.C D

)#). A microphone enables a soft tone to be amplied( thus ma&ing it possible the gentle renditionsof

A B Cromantic loe songs in a large hall.

D)#-. Bauxite ares dier considerabl" ph"sical appearance( according to their impurities andstructural

A B C Dcompositions.

)#4. The land of the united states is as aried as is ast.A B C D)#5. ?o other beerage comes een close to rialing coee as the more widel" drun& refreshment inthe

A B Cworld.

D)#6. 3ince oer a foot of snow fell( the principal decided at 12J!7 to dismiss all classes earl".  A B C D

))7. The giant se8uoia is one of the largest trees in the world( but the" are not merel" as tall as theA B

related redwood( which reaches a height of !5) feet.

C D))1. There are almost a million people with spanish surnames in Eos Angeles( out of a totalpopulation

A Bof more than seen millions.  C D))2. $ecent archaeological studies indicate that Acoma was established b" A.D 1177( howeerma&ing it

A B Cthe oldest continuousl" occupied illage in the >nited 3tates  D))!. = intended to hae written her a letter "esterda"( but = forgot to because of the da" and eening  A B C

appointment that = did.

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  D))#. :rganic gardeners nd that leaes were one of the best substances to add to compost piles.  A B C D

))). resent<da" farms are more extensie than those in the past and will no doubt become largest.

  A B C D

))-. Toward the end of her life Anne 3ullian *ac"( elen Keller0s teacher( nall" started to receiethe

A Bnational recognition that preiousl" had been withholded.  C D

)##.,B' )#).,C' )#-.,A' )#4.,D' )#5.,C' )#6.,B' ))7.,A' ))1.,D' ))2.,B' ))!.,A' ))#.,D' ))).,D'))-.,D'

))4. +++++++ in science was important for %arada".  ,A' Children that were interested  ,B' That children interested  ,C' That children should be interested  ,D' That interested children

))5. Despite recent attempts to proe +++++++ did indeed reach the ?orth ole in 1676( the eidencestill remains 8uestionable.  ,A' hat $obert ear"  ,B' That $obert ear"

  ,C' $obert ear"( who  ,D' $obert ear" was

))6. +++++++so incredible B that it can grow !5) miles of roots in four months( or about ! miles in ada".  ,A' That ma&es the r"e plant  ,B' hat ma&es the r"e plant  ,C' The r"e plant  ,D' The r"e plant which was

)-7. +++++++ was lowered to the sea bed in a glass container to ma&e obseration B debated.  ,A' Alexander the /reat who  ,B' hether Alexander the great

  ,C' Alexander the /reat  ,D' hat Alexander the great

)-1. A coral reef consists in millions of tin" coral pol"pse which are a form of small animal related toA B C D

anemones and jell" shes.

)-2. +++++++ more than 2777 minerals are &nown( nearl" all roc&s are formed from seen mineralgroups.

  ,A' Although ,B' oweer ,C' Despite ,D' 3ince

)-!. +++++++ energ" for growth or repair( a plant must carr" out photos"nthesis

  ,A' To obtain ,B' =t obtains ,C' =t is obtaining ,D' :btaining

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)-#. %oods of animal origin generall" suppl" greater amounts of iron to the diet than ++   ,A' are foods of plant origin  ,B' foods of plant origins

,C' do foods of plant origin  ,D' plant origin foods

)-). +++++++ food we eat lac&s minerals( then the bod" can use the stores from its bones for moreurgent needs.  ,A' As the ,B' =f the ,C' The ,D' 3ince

)--. s"chologists use standardi;ed tests to help measure abilities( aptitudes( interesting cand"(ba&ed

A B Cgoods( and canned goods.  D

)-4. hen radio programs became popular( approximatel" around 162)( man" people stoppedattending

A B C Dmoies.

Answer. ))4.,C' ))5.,B' ))6.,B' )-7.,B' )-1.,A' )-2.,A' )-!.,A' )-#.,C' )-).,B' )--.,C' )-4.,B'

)-5. >ranium is extremel" reactie +++++++. =t combines igorousl" with ox"gen.

  ,A' such ,B' and ,C' which ,D' what

)-6. =n blan& erse of ten s"llables( re of which are accented.,A' line consists of each

  ,B' consists of each line

  ,C' each line consists  ,D' it consists of each line

)47. agon trains were organi;ed b" defense with an almost militar" discipline.A B C D

)41. 3aturn was the most outer of the planets &nown in ancient times.  A B C D

)42. luto( the outermost planet of the solar s"stem( discoered photographicall" in *arch 16!7.  A B C D

)4!. Hohn Nuinc" Adams b" most students of diplomac" the greatest of the >nited 3tatessecretaries of state.

,A' considered ,B' has considered,C' is considered ,D' considering

)4#. =nternational cartels in the drug and steel industries until the late 16!70s.,A' were existed ,B' that existed,C' existed ,D' existing

)4). *ost educators toda" consider computer literac" being a necessar" addition to the basicscholastic

  A B C D re8uirements.

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)4-. ?utritionists goat mil& to be rich( nourishing and readil" digested.,A' consider ,B' is considered ,C' are considered ,D' considering

)44. Charles Babbage is generall" considered haing inented the rst computer.A B C D

)45. The operetta rst has emerged as a popular form of musical theater in the nineteenth centur".  A B C D

Answer)-5.,A' )-6.,C' )47.,B' )41.,B' )42.,B' )4!.,C' )4#.,C' )4).,B' )4-.,A' )44.,C' )45.,A'

)46. *ore ethnic and cultural groups are represented in awaii than an" other states.  A B C D

)57. $oc&" shores that +++++++ beaches are eentuall" destro"ed b" the sea.  ,A' lac& ,B' without ,C' do not ,D' no

)51. A person0s blood Fows through a pipeline of essels that( end to end( would stretch more than +++++++ half times around the @arth at the e8uator.  ,A' twice a ,B' two and a ,C' two and ,D' twice and

)52. Ei&e that of an" other commodities( the alue of gold results from the interpla" of he forces ofA B C

suppl" and demand.D

)5!. /uar is a sturd" drought<resistant legume grows for forage and for its seeds.  A B C D

)5#. =nheritance laws goerning the distribution of propert" are complicate and dier in the arious

states.  A B C D

)5). All paper is formed into sheets from +++++++   ,A' which cellulose bers

,B' cellulose bers,C' bers are cellulose,D' which bers are cellulose

)5-. /asoline is a blend hundreds of chemical compounds called h"drocarbons.  A B C D)54. B" destro"ing harmful germs( disinfectants stop deca" from becoming progressiel" worst.  A B C D

)55. Corporations( companies owned b" much stoc&holders rather than b" a single proprietor( beganto

A B Cpla" an important economic role in the late nineteenth centur".  D)56. Because of a high birthrate and considerable immigration( the united states population in thelate

A Bnineteenth centur" increased tremendousl" into !1 million in 15-7  C Dto 4-million in 1677.

)67. umus( a substance found in soil( is soft and suppl" and enables plant roots to end out tin"

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hairsA B C

through that the" absorb water and food.  D


)46.,D' )57.,A' )51.,B' )52.,B' )5!.,C' )5#.,B' )5).,B' )5-.,B' )54.,D' )55.,B' )56.,D' )67.,D'

)61. Drumbeats which the actual words of their tribal language is communicated is a traditional formof

A B Ccommunication in Africa.  D

)62. A sil&worm has glands that secrete a li8uid that hardens into sil& +++++++ comes into contactwith air.

,A' as it ,B' when ,C' that ,D' it

)6!. +++++++ sodium chloride,salt' is not used b" sea<liing organisms( it forms the dominant mineralin seawater.  ,A' 3ince ,B' Although ,C' =t is since ,D' Although it

)6#. =t is said that a special arnish used on a iolin helps to produce the more beautiful tone.  A B C D

)6). $ecentl" doctors warned that too much animal fat in the diet can lead to heart disease( +++++++ special t"pes of margarine made with egetable oils are becoming popular.  ,A' because ,B' so ,C' and since ,D' except

)6-. *ost scholars are unsure whether the wheel was rst used b" potters in *esopotamia and inthe

A B C Dcentral or eastern pants of @urope.

)64. The carboh"drates( proteins( and fats in food are brea&ed down into simpler forms in thedigestie tract. A B C D

)65. @ach lichen consists of an alga and a fungus that lies together in a &ind of plant partnership.  A B C D

)66. The aurora is a common features of the planet @arth and appears along two oal belts calledthe

A B C Dauroral oals.

-77. The actiities of the Tennesse Ialle" Authorit" hae aided the economic rehabilitation of the Tennesse Ialle"( +++++++ of some #7(777 s8uare miles.  ,A' an area ,B' its area ,C' area ,D' areas

-71. Ciili;ation toda" had depended on woods at great cost to the world0s natural resources.  A B C D

-72. The marimba is a percussion instrument ali&e to x"lophone.A B C D

-7!. A soluble substance( al&ali reacts with acids to do salts.  A B C D

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-7#. The sun0s ra"s shine more directl" at the e8uator than do the" at the poles.A B C D

AnswerJ)61.,A' )62.,B' )6!.,A' )6#.,D' )6).,B' )6-.,D' )64.,B' )65.,B' )66.,A' -77.,' -71.,A' -72.,D' -7!.

,D' -7#.,C'

-7). A reagent is an" chemical that reacts in a predictable wa" +++++++ with other chemicals.  ,A' when mixed

,B' when is mixed,C' it mixed,D' mixed is

-7-. =n 1644( *aril"n Gadlows&i( a undergraduate at Cornell >niersit"( found that pigeons hadexcellent

A Blow<fre8uenc" hearing( far surpassing that of humans.

  C D

-74. Being the biggest expanse of brac&ish water in the world( the Baltic sea is of  special interestingto

A B C Dscientists.

-75. The glass tube in a Fuorescent lamp contains mercur" apor under small pressure.  A B C D

-76. The discoer" of gold in 15#5 transformed 3an %rancisco suddenl" form a 8uiet port into one of the

A B Cworld0s richest and most famous cit".  D

-17. Cotton is one of the most popular ber used to ma&e clothes.  A B C D

-11. The wood of the tulip tree( sometimes referred to as American hitewood( is one of the mostA B C

aluable timber product in the >nited states.  D

-12. enicillin is perhaps the drug +++++++ more lies than an" other in the histor" of medicine.

  ,A' what has saed ,B' which saed ,C' which has saed ,D' who saes

-1!. Biochemists use reFies to stud" bioluminescence( +++++++.  ,A' the heatless light gien o b" certain plants and animals.  ,B' certain plants and animals gie o the heatless light  ,C' which certain plants and animals gie o the heatless light  ,D' is the heatless light gien o b" certain plants and animals-1#. Tenant farmers are who either rent a farm and wor& it for themseles or wor& the farm for the

A B C Downer and receie pa"ment.

-1). The opening section of a sonata is the longest and +++++++.  ,A' introduces its principal theme

  ,B' its principal theme introduced

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  ,C' being introduced its principal theme  ,D' its principal theme introducing

AnswerJ-7).,A' -7-.,A' -74.,D' -75.,D' -76.,D' -17.,C' -11.,A' -12.,C' -1!.,A' -1#.,A' -1).,A'

-1-. A red<hair bo" is needed to pla" the part of Alfred in this new comed".  A B C D

-14. =gneous roc& +++++++ from the cooling and solidication of molten matter from the @arth0sinterior.  ,A' being originated ,B' hae originated ,C' originates ,D' originating

-15. Considerabl" higher on the smoothed roc& appear fourteen gures in precisel" the same st"leli&e

A B C Dthose at the Tuchte( Hum 3heed.

-16. Almost eer" morning = receie cards initing me to art exhibitions( and on the cards had beenA B C D

photographs of the wor&s exhibited.

-27. =n the past decade an embarrassed number of mon&s hae demonstrated that beneath theirhairshirts

A Bbeats a desire for something besides monastic self<denial.  C D

-21. The colonists who rst settled in ?ew @ngland so did because the" felt there was no social justice

A B Cin their homeland of @ngland.D

-22. Arteries with poor blood Fow can leae the heart muscle stare for ox"gen( a condition thatoften

A B Cleads to heart attac&.  D

-2!. =n 16#5( arr" Truman was re<elected the president of the united states to the surprise of allthose


who had predicted his defeat.  D

-2#. =n 1547( the general attorne" was made head of the Department of Hustice( gien an enlargedsta.


-2). Columbus miscalculated the width of the acic :cean and therefore made the unexpecteddiscoer"

A Bof the Americans where he expected to nd =ndia and China.  C D

-2-. *ajor adertising companies hae traditionall" olunteered their time to publici;e serice

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accounts.A B C D

-24. 3cientists at the medical center are tr"ing to determine that there is a relationship betweenA B C

saccharine and cancer.


-25. 3eldom hae cactus plants found outside of ?orth America.  A B C D

-26. =n a recent sure" of Americans( more than 4) percent expressed the iew that a goernmentshould

A B Cta&e a more actie role in health care.  D

Answer-1-.,A' -14.,C' -15.,D' -16.,D' -27.,A' -21.,B' -22.,B' -2!A' -2#.,A' -2).,D' -2-.,C' -24.,B' -25.,B' -26.,C'

-!7. The dangers of noise are( unfortunatel"( not as clear<cut as are those from other most healthha;ards.

  A B C D

-!1. %ew economists beliee that the 8uic&er wa" to reduce the federal decit is to place increasedA B C

restrictions on foreign imports.  D

-!2. Although the audience was well informed( no one &new +++++++ he spo&e.,A' which ,B' that which ,C' of which ,D' of what

-!!. ith its antlers +++++++ the feet of a duc&( the ?orth American moose is eas" to identif".  ,A' web<li&e ,B' li&e a web ,C' webbed li&e ,D' the webs li&e

-!#. hen Darwin presented his explanation of how liing things eole( he challenged the belief that

A Bhuman beings hae special( indeed uni8ue place in the unierse.  C D

-!). A centur" and more after his death( oe is still among the most popular in America authors.


-!-. illiam @merson died in 1511( when the bo" was eight( left his window to face poert" and toA B

educate their e sons. C D

-!4. %ew men of letters hae been more full" honored in their own da" than T.3. @liot( and een whoA B

strongl" disagreed with him seemed content with his selection for the ?obel ri;e.  C D

-!5. Than&sgiing Da"( a uni8ue ?orth American olida"( is celebrated in the >nited states on the


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  A B C D Thursda" in ?oember.

-!6. A theor" ma&es a series of simplif"ing assumption from which it deduces how people willbehae.


-#7. A long life is not just the result of being good for the bod" and staring o disease.  A B C D

-#1. Deelopment refers to a process of change in growth and capabilit" oer time( with a functionof

A B C Dboth maturation and interaction with the enironment.

Answer.-!7.,D' -!1.,A' -!2.,D' -!!.,C' -!#.,C' -!).,D' -!-.,A' -!4.,B' -!5.,B' -!6.,B' -#7.,C' -#1.,D'

-#2. The pharmacolog" is recent science( but it is closel" connected with one of the oldest(the

A B Cgiing of remedies to reliee disease.  D

-#!. The puer is a t"pe of sh that can inFate one0s bod" li&e a balloon.  A B C D

-##. The Eouisiana urchase( made in 157!( almost was doubled the si;e of the >nited

3tates.  A B C D

-#). Thomas *althus claimed that disease( war( famine( and +++++++++++++++++ act aschec&s on population growth.A' moral restrainingB' morall" restrainC' b" moral restraintD 'moral restraint

-#-. ++++++++ most brilliant /ree& inentor was Archmedes ( who lied about 22)7 "earsago.

A' TheB' :ne of theC' As theD' :f the

-#4. ++++++++++++++++ around stones that are sun<warmed( een the smallest of stonescreates tin" currents of warm air.A' The cool airB' =f the air is coolC' That the air coolsD' The cooler the air

-#5. The nitrogen ma&e up oer 45 percent of the @arth0s atmosphere( the gaseous mass

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  A B Csurrounding the planet.  D

-#6. The giant panda closel" resembles the bear( but account of certain anatomical

features it A B Cis placed in the racoon famil".


-)7. harmacist ll drug prescriptions( &eeping records of the drugs their patients areta&ing to  A Bma&e sure that harmful combinations are not prescribed.  C D


-)1. ith the incorporation of ja;; histor" into current academic curricular( leading ja;;A B C

musicians are now founding on the faculties o seeral uniersities.  D

-)2. =n 1546( +++++++++++++ ( Alice %reeman armer became head of the histor" departmentat wellesle".A' twent"< four "earsB' at the age of twent"<fourC' age twent"<fourD' of twent"<four "ears

-)!. Knowledge of the rate at which a ship is traelling through the water is important if the

A B Cnaigator need to estimate the time of arrial.  D

-)#. The Texas anhandle region( in the northwestern part of the 3tate( produces moreA B

wheat( cotten( and grain sorghum than an" of other area of Texas.  C D

  O A?3@$ -#2.A -#!.C -##.C -#).D -#-.A -#4. -#5.A -#6.C -)7.A -)1. -)2.B -)!.D -)#.D

-)). ++++++++++++ not a single hard<surfaced road during the entire colonial period asidefrom cit" streets.A' =t wasB' There wasC' =tD' There were

-)-. +++++++++++++ in 144- that the declaration of independence was signed.

A' =t was

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B' There wasC' ThereD' =t

-)4. +++++++++++++++ more than !77(777 people in hiladelphia b" the end of the colonial

period( ma&ing it the largest cit" in the colonies.A' There wasB' =t wasC' The" wereD 'There were

-)5. =n the eighteen centur"( +++++++++++++ not man" women who had access to formaleducation in the colonies.A' There wereB' =t wasC' ereD' ere there

-)6. After the $eolution( although some adances were made in education ++++++++++ aslow process.A' the" wereB' itC' it wasD' there was

--7. +++++++++++++++ toda" was deeloped b" the 3wiss scientist orace de 3assure around144!.A' *ountaineering it as we &nowB' *ountaineering as we &nowC' e &now mountaineering isD' e &now there is mountaineering

--1. The marathon( rst staged in 156-( +++++++++++++ the legendar" feat of a /ree& soldierwho carried news of ictor" from the battleeld at *arathon to Athens.A' was commemoratedB' commemoratedC' commemoratesD' commemorating

--2. The :l"mpic torch ++++++++++++++ throughout the /ames and is then extinguished at

the closing ceremon".A' burningB' is burnedC' burnedD' burns

--!. 3eahorses spend much of their time clung with their tails to underwater plants.  A B C D --#. 3ome sh ++++++++++++++ distortions of electrical eld through special receptors.A' senseB' sense are

C' sensing

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D' senses

--). *ount 3t. elens exploded in an eruption with the energ" e8uialent to 17 million tons  A B C D


---. lague and famine can be results in social problems within a communit".  A B C D --4. Konrad 2.Eoren; deeloped a new approach based on the idea that an animal0sbehaior is determined b" its struggle for surial and is therefore the product of adaptieeolution(

A B just as animal0s ph"sical features.  C D

  O A?3@$

  -)).B -)-.A -)4.D -)5.A -)6.C --7.B --1.B --2.D --!.C --#.A --).B ---.C --4.D

--5. Among the most important ja;; innoators in the 27th centur" is Eouis Amstrong(A B C D

%letcher anderson( Du&e @llington( and Di;;" /illespie.

--6. =n 1552 3chu"ler 3&wats heeler inented the fan electri;e( a propeller drien b" amotor.  A B C D

-47. ?atural adhesies are primaril" of animals or egetable origin.  A B C D

-41. :nl" rarel" +++++++++ neuroses leae a person unable to function in eer"da"situations.A' hadB' areC' doD' that

-42. Einoleum is a trade name for the waterproof Foors coering most often used in

&itchens.  A B C D -4!. The common eld mouse is about four inches long and has a three<inched tail.  A B C D

-4#. erhaps was his own lac& of proper schooling that led orace *ann to struggle forA B C

the important reforms in education.  D

-4). Eatent learning is the association of indierent stimuli or situations with one the other


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without reward.

-4-. Tooth deca" is the most common disease of humanities.  A B C D

-44. A soluble substance al&ali reacts with acids to do salts.  A B C D

-45.A great aiation pioneer Amelia @arhart was alread" famous when she sets out on herA B C

ill<fated attempt to circle the globe in 16!4.  D

-46. lants range in si;e to tin"( single<celled( blue<green algae( inisible to the na&ede"es(

A B Cto giant se8uoias( the largest liing plants.


-57. During the 16#70s science and engineering had an impact on the wa" music reach itsA B

audience and een inFuenced the wa" in which it was composed.  C D

  O A?3@$--5.D --6.B -47.C -41.C -42.B -4!.D -4#.A -4).D -4-.D -44.D -45.C -46.B -57.B

-51. The time has long since passed when inspired amateur wor&ing with simple toolscome

A Bup with nding of genuine scientic importance. C D

-52. =t was upsetting to Tim to nd his classmates responding so sarcastic to hispresentation(  A B on which he had wor&ed diligentl" and seriousl" for da"s.  C D

-5!. The reiewer declared how there was a dearth of serious boo&s being published on

A B C Dissues of social importance.

-5#. *ost animals cannot recogni;e their reFection in a mirror themselesP the" usuall"A B

react as if confronted b" another member of their species.  C D

-5). /reat salt is fed b" fresh<water stems( ++++++++++++ is about four to e times as salt"as the ocean.A' "etB' which

C' there

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D' despite

-5-. =n illiamsburg( the capital of irginia until 1457( people conducted themself muchli&e


the gentr" in Eondon.

-54. Delicious golden<brown maple s"rup comes about the sugar" sap of the hard maple.  A B C D

-55. All the blood in the bod" passes through the heart at least twice the minute.  A B C D

-56. K"anite is useful as an insulting substantiall" because it is heat resistant and doesA B

not fuse easil" with other materials.  C D

-67. @er" "ear seals migrate to the /ulf of 3t. Eawrence in Canada( congregate on the ice  A Bpea&( and there are giing birth to their pubs.  C D-61. As a glacier melts( roc&s( boulders( trees( and tons of dirt deposit.


-62. 3pruce resin was chewed as a thirst 8uencher b" natie Americans( from whichA B C

pioneers adopted the practice.  D 

-6!. is criticism does not full" express the degree which the majorit" of delegates suggest  A B Csuch protection of nancial interest extend.  D

  O A?3@$-51.C -52.B -5!.A -5#.B -5).A -5-.C -54.C -55.D -56.B -67.C -61. C -62.C -6!.B

-6#. =t is extremel" necessar" that "ou will reali;e that reading is not onl" a ph"sical andA B C D

mental process.

-6). =f /reg would hae tried harder to reach the opposit shore( we would not hae had to  A B C Dpic& him up in the boat.

-6-. The" are the ones who assert that a better bridge could hae been built hae we hadA B C D

their assistance.

-64. e loo&ed li&e he had been in some strange land where age adanced at a double


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  A B C D

-65. = would wear m" red dress sae it +++++++++++ a stain in the front.A' hadB' has

C' would haeD' has not

-66. = would hae gone with him to ashington except = had had no time.  A B C D

471. * J ould "ou li&e to isit Eos Angeles on "our acation   J =f = +++++++++++ a wee& o. A' haeB' hadC' hae had

D' would hae

472. /old was originall" alued for the magical powers that +++++++++++ to come from it.A' hae thoughtB' were thin&ingC' hae been thin&ingD' were thought

47!. * J =f someone falls into deep water and can0t swim( what will become of him  J e will probabl" be .A' drowningB' drownC' drownedD' drawn 47#.@nerg" specialists hae found that airtight stoes are much more e9cient at heat

A B C Dthan replaces.

  O A?3@$-6#.B -6).A -6-.D -64.A -65.B -66.C 477.D 471.B 472.D 47!.C 47#.D

47). =f each of the seen continents were placed in the acic :cean( it would still be

A B C Droom left for another continent the si;e of Asia.

47-. Cro8uet is a popular lawn game which pla"ers hit wooden balls.  A B C D

474. There are er" few areas in the world +++++++++++++ be brown successfull".A' where apricots canB' apricot canC' where can apricots canD' which apricots can

475. Qenon has a number of applications( ma" be mentioned its use in Fesh lamps

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fog high<speed photograph".A' among whichB' whichC' and whichD' each of which

476. The extent of the harmful eect of locoweeds on animals depends on the soil whichA B C D

the plants grow.

411. A majorit" o people in the >nited 3tates can get all the calcium their bodies ++++++++ from the food the" eat.A' re8uireB' re8uiresC' re8uiring

D' to re8uire

412.:f all the economicall" important plants( palms( hae been ++++++++++++++ .A' the least studiedB' studied the leastC' stud" less and lessD' to stud" the less

41!. ++++++++ two thirds of the grants made b" the %ord %oundation hae been for thesupport of education.A' ThatB' h"C' AboutD' hat

41#.. 3cientists are still uncertain of what the unierse originated millions of "ears.  A B C D O A?3@$

  47).C 47-.B 474.A 475.A 476.D 417.C 411.A 412.A 41!.C 41#.C

 41). 3ociological studies hae found that deepl" hold alues and principles are highl" resistant tochange.

  A B C D

41-. =n 15-- to 15!!( the bison population in ?orth America was reduced from an estimated 1!million to

A B Ca few hundred.


414. Boo&er T. ashington( an educational leader( wor&ed throughout the lifetime to improeeconomic

A B Cconditions for Blac& people in the united states.


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415. A dancing is the oldest and lieliest of the arts.A B C D

416. The rst practical inestigation into atomic energ" was made as part of attempt to explain theA B C D

source of solar power.

427. Documentar" eidence indicates that portraiture became an established art form in the udsonIalle"

A B Cregion around the 1--7.  D

421. The @arth traels at a high rate of speed around 3un.A B C D

422. Eunar eclipses happen onl" if the *oon is full( but the" do not occur at an eer" full *oon.A B C D

42!. 3ince beginning of photograph"( inentors hae tried to ma&e photographs that duplicatenatural

A B C Dcolors.

42#. 3olar eclipses alwa"s begins on the 3un0s western side and the end on their eastern side.  A B C D

42). =n ancient times boo&s came in cumbersome pac&ages and could not be carried under an armor read


on wa" to wor&.D

42-. ewter( a metal with an ancient heritage( is still practical medium for the nonprofessionalA B C D


Answer41).,B' 41-.,A' 414.,C' 415.,A' 416.,D' 427.,D' 421.,D' 422.,D' 42!. ,B' 42#.,C' 42).,D' 42-.,C'

424. The dentistr" is a branch of medicine that has deeloped er" dramaticall" in the last twent""ears  A B C D

 .425. Although apples do not grow during the cold season( apple trees must hae a such season inorder

A B Cto Fourish.


426. @xcept for the sun( all stars are too far from the @arth for their distances +++++++ in miles or&ilometers.,A' to be conenientl" measured,B' which conenientl" measured,C' to measure conenientl",D' conenientl" measured

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4!7. *" reaction( = suppose( could hae been called to be instinctie.  A B C D

4!1. @agles are predator" birds that hae large( hea"( hoo&ed bills and strong( sharp claws calledas



4!2. @ach and eer" witness is expected that he will be as&ed to gie testimon" he does not wish toA B C D


4!!. Thurgood *arshall was appointed to an associate justice of the >nited 3tates 3upreme Court inA B C D


4!#. Hohn Hoseph pershing ++++++++ in 1616( the highest ran& held b" an" American citi;en since/eorge ashington.,A' to be full general,B' he made full general,C' made full general,D' was being made full general

4!). $eturning to m" room( +++++++.,A' m" watch was missing,B' = found m" watch disappeared,C' = found m" watch missing,D' the watch was missed

Answer424.,A' 425.,C' 426.,A' 4!7.,D' 4!1.,D' 4!2.,C' 4!!.,B' 4!#.,C' 4!).,C'

4!-. Brom"rite cr"stals hae diamond<li&e luster and are usuall" colorless( but the" dar& to brownwhen

A B Cexposed to light.  D

4!4. Dr.*ar" *cleod Bethune( the founder of Bethune<Coo&man College( sered as adisor to both  A B C D

%ran&lin $ooseelt and arr" Truman.

4!5. The photo periodic response of algae actuall" depends on the duration of dar&ness( +++++++..,A' the light is not on

,B' and not on light,C' but is not on the light,D' is not on light

4!6. The noels of pearl 3. Buc& show a &een understanding of china and the chinese people(&nowledge

  A B which learned b" liing there of man" "ears.


4#7. Certain ;oologists regard crows and raens are the most intelligent of birds.  A B C D

4#1. =t is the interaction between people( rather than the eents that occur in their lies( that are the

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main  A B C focus of social ps"cholog".


4#2. =n the earl" da"s of the united states( postal charges were paid b" the recipient( and charges

aried  A B C

with distance carr"ing.  D

4#!. =n the united states during the earl" 15770s( indiidual states goernments had more eect onthe  A B C econom" than did federal goernment.  D

4##. A gunpowder is made from a mixture of potassium nitrate and other substances.A B C D

4#). >ltraiolet ra"s are inisible to humans( and ants and hone"bees are sensitie to them.  A B C D

4#-. umans hae no direct perception of infrared ra"s( unli&e the rattlesna&e( which has receptorstuned

A B in to waelength longer than 7.4 micron.


4#4. The world would loo& eerie dierent if human e"es were sensitie to infrared radiation.A B C D

Answer.4!-.,C' 4!4.,C' 4!5.,C' 4!6.,C' 4#7.,B' 4#1.,C' 4#2.,D' 4#!.,B' 4##.,A' 4#).,C' 4#-.,C' 4#4.,B'

4#5. =n the earl" nineteenth centur"( some @uropeans were er" impressed b" the increase of population(  A B C territor"( and wealth of the >nited states.  D

4#6. *ost beautiful of all was the rier itself( sweeping grandl" from the mountains to its rest in  A B C D


4)7. The seenteenth centur" was one in which man" signicant adances were ta&en in bothscience

  A B C Dand philosoph".

4)1. The biggest single hobb" in America( the one that Americans spend most time( energ" andmone"(

  A B C D is gardening.

4)2. Constructed in Chicago in 155!( the ome =nsurance Building was the st building in the world


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 whose the Foors and the exterior masonr" walls were supported b" a s&eleton framewor& of metal.  B C D

4)!. The columnist feels sure that who wins the election will hae the support of both parties.A B C D

4)#. A number of animals hae alread" done their serice for research( and the" are read" to retire(

 A B  sa"s Dr. Dani Bolognesi( chair of a ?ational $esearch council committee that last summerrecommended

 creating sanctuaries for the retiring chimpan;ees.C D

4)). ?earl" half of the research chimp in the >nited 3tates are currentl" housed in the Coulston  A B %oundation0s multipurpose research facilit" in Alamogordo( ?.*.

  C D

4)-. %riendl" to eer" human who approached her( in 1655 poachers easil" &illed and s&inned Euc"(the

 A B world famous A3E<spea&ing chimpan;ee( her hand feet ta&en trophies.

  C D

4)4. The *aelstrom is a swift and danger current in the Arctic :cean.A B C D

4)5. Because oa& trees are highl" resistant of storm damage( the" usuall" lie a long time.A B C D

Answer4#5.,C' 4#6.,D' 4)7.,D' 4)1.,C' 4)2.,B' 4)!..,B' 4)#.,B' 4)).,B' 4)-.,D' 4)4.,C' 4)5.,C'

4)6. A majorit" of people in the >nited 3tates can get all the calcium their bodies +++++++ from thefood the" eat.,A' re8uire,B' re8uires,C' re8uiring,D' to re8uire

4-7. +++++++ usuall" thought to end in ?orthern ?ew *exico( the $oc&" *ountains reall" extend

southward to the frontier of *exico.,A' Despite,B' To be,C' hile,D' oweer

4-1. The noelist @dith harton considered the writer err" Hames ++++++++,A' a strong inFuence on her wor&,B' as strong inFuence on her wor&

4-2. won이 #형식 문형으로 쓰이는가

어떤 연구 won somebod" a ?obel ri;e

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4-!. /rant가 대통령이 되고 난 후 한 첫 번째 일은 somebod"를 =ndian aairs 의 a chief 로 부 !이"#$%name이 #형식으로 쓰이는가

4-#. hich of the following is not mentioned b" the author as a mean b" which arious desert plants

are able to surie dr" conditions

4-). Doctors too& blood and Fuid samples but could defect an" &nown human Fu irus.  A B C D

4--. The trouble started in %orth Dix( ?ew Herse"( when seeral do;ens arm" recruits came downwith

A B Cthe Fu and one died.


4-4. The inFuen;a irus infects us again and again( +++++++ .,A' howeer we ght o it man" times,B' no matter how man" times we ght it o,C' no matter what man" times,D' we ght it o how man" times

4-5. These strands of $?A come pac&ed in a fatt" membrane( which is studded with tin" proteinspi&es &nown and ? antigens.

Answer.4)6.,A' 4-7.,C' 4-1.,B' 4-#.,D' 4-).,C' 4--.,C' 4-4.,B' 4-5.,D'

4-6. Tools and hand bones excaated from that the 3wart&rans cae complex in 3outh Africa suggest

 A that a close relatie of earl" humans &nown as Australopithecus ma" made and used primitie  B C D

 tools long before the species became extinct.

447. A distinctiel" America architecture began with %ran& Elo"d right( who had ta&en to heart the  A B

admonition that form should follow function( and who thought of building not separate architectural  C D entities but as parts of an organic whole that included the land( the communit"( and the societ".

441. There must be oer )7(777 s8uare &ilometers of land to coer with ice for the glacier to 8ualif"as

  A B C D an ice sheet.

442. An" dome<li&e bod" of ice that also Fows out in all directions onl" coers less than )7(777s8uare  A B C &ilometers is called an ice cap  D

44!. Although ice caps are rare nowada"s( there are a number in northeastern Canada( on Ba9n=sland(

  A B C D and on the Nueen @li;abeth =slands.


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44#. :ne form of mountain glacier that resembles an ice cap in that it Fows outward in seeraldirections

  A B C called an ice eld.


44). The ice of alle" glaciers. bounded b" terrain( Fows down alle"s( cures around their corners(and

  A B C falls oer clis.


44-. +++++++( Cameron had thought of both The Ab"ss and True Eies as loe stories( but he &nowhe0d failed to cone" that.,A' :ddl" heard it ma" sound,B' *a"be it was as odd as,C' :dd as it ma" sound,D' =t ma" sound as odd

444. is c"nical and often saage ision of life and loe +++++++.,A' hae won him a considerable critical acclaim,B' hae won considerate critical acclaim,C' has won considerabl" critical acclaim to him,D' has won him considerable critical acclaim

445. After all( it was onl" the dinosaurs that hae been disappeared( not the whole of animal life.  A B C D

Answer.4-6.,D' 447.,D' 441.,B' 442.,C' 44!.,A' 44#.,D' 44).,A' 44-.,C' 444.,D' 445.,C'

446. During the Food of 1642( the $ed Cross( +++++++ out of emergenc" head8uarters in *ississippi(set up temporar" for the homeless.,A' operates,B' was operating,C' operated,D' operating

457. ?o form of mone" has eer proed completel" satised in terms of proiding a stable measureof 

  A B C D alue.

451. =n the >nited 3tates among -7 percent of the space on the pages of newspapers is resered for  A B C

 adertising.  D

452. @mil" Dic&inson0s garden was a place +++++++ great inspiration of her poems.,A' that she drew,B' b" drawing her,C' from which she drew,D' dream from which

45!. $ecentl" in the automobile industr"( multinational companies hae deeloped to the point

where such

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  A Bfew cars can be described as haing been made entirel" in one countr".

  C D

45#. 3cientists beliee that b" altering the genetic composition of plants it is possible to deelopA

 specimens that are resisting to disease and hae increased food alue.B C D

45). The purpose of traeler0s chec&s is to protect traelers from theft and accidental lost of mone". A B C D

45-. As a result claim that eating a diet consisting entirel" of organicall" grown foods preents orcures

  A B C disease other benets to health hae become widel" publici;ed and form the basis for fol&lore.


454. =n the beginning( the human beings iewed the natural forces of the world( een the seasonal

changes( as unpredictabl"( and the" sought( through arious means( to control these un&nown andfeared

A B C Dpowers.

455. %inancial problems loomed largel" in both the ?orth and the 3outh.A B C D

456. :ne chromosome considered to be made up of one er" long D?A molecule with proteinmolecules

  A B C

 attached along its length.  D

467. B" the 16)70( *ahalia Hac&son0s powerful( jo"ous gospel music st"le had gained her +++++++.,A' of an international reputation,B' international reputation,C' reputation of internation,D' an international reputation

Answer.446.,D' 457.,A' 451.,A' 452.,C' 45!.,B' 45#.,B' 45).,D' 45-.,A' 454.,B' 455.,B' 456.,A' 467.,D'

461. =ncluded is the coer he created for Eife maga;ine0s -7 the anniersar" issue<*aril"n *onree(composed of 

  A B Chundreds of old Eife coers<and two commissions from Eucas of Darth Iader and Goda( usingstills from

  Dthe 3tar ars trilog".

462. %or centuries the aromatic species of the %ar @ast has been in demand b" the people of the @ast

and ast.  A B C D

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46!. Although best &nown for her prose wor&s( *a"a Angelou was also published seeral collectionsof poetr".

  A B C D

46#. %ound b" the 3panish as Gerba Buena in 15!)( what is now 3an %rancisco was ta&en oer b" the

>.3  A B C

in 15#- and later renamed it.  D

Answer. 461. ,B' 462. ,C' 46!. ,C' 46#. ,D'

46). /old and siler bullion sered into commerce as mediums of extra exchange all oer the world.  A B C D

46-. Though the process of imitating( the "oung of a species rapidl" learn to recogni;e and follow

other  A B C

members of own species.  D

464. hoenix( Ari;ona( stands where the oho&am( =ndians built a canal s"stem and carried onirrigated

A B Cfarming before long the time of columbus.


465. @lectric motors range in si;e from the tin" mechanisms that operate sewing machine to thegreat engines

  A B Cin hea" locomoties.  D

466. @en as he wrote copiousl" on such dierse topic as education( politics( and religion( Eewis*unford

  A Bremained actie in cit" and regional planning.

  C D

Answer. 46) ,A' 46-. ,D' 464. ,D' 465. ,C' 466. ,B'

577. =nstructors at the school of American Ballet rst examine a "oung applicant0s instep to seewhether it is

A B Cpliant and shows promising of a good arch.


571. The unit of measurement &nown as a foot has originall" based on the aerage si;e of thehuman foot.

  A B C D

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572. A paragraph is a portion of a text consists of one or more sentences related to the same idea.  A B C D

57!. 3ome t"pes of instrument to appl" paint has been &nown to painters since the 3tone Age.  A B C D

57#. Doctors often stud" lm records of complex operations for improing their own &nowledge ands&ill.

  A B C D

57). *ost educators toda" consider computer literac" being a necessar" addition to the basicscholastic re8uirements.

  A B C D

Answer. 577. ,D' 571. ,B' 572. ,B' 57!. ,A' 57#. ,C' 57). ,B'

57-. Anthropologists hae interest in &nowing what human beings loo&ed when the" rst began todeise stone

  A B Ctools of ma&ing potter".


574. A sextant comprises an arc( mar&ed in degrees( a moable arm with a mirror pioted at thecenter( and

  A B Ca telescope mount to the framewor&.


575. As ineitabl" as human culture has changed with the passing of time( so does the enironment.  A B C D

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576. @arthworms improe soil b" aerating it as the" burrowing through the ground.  A B C D

517. At night the desert Foor radiates heat bac& into the atmosphere and the temperature ma" bedrop toA B Cnear free;ing(


511. The age of a geological sample can be estimated from the ratio of radioactie to nonradioactiecarbonA B

present in the object is examined.  C D

Answer. 57-. ,A' 574. ,D' 575. ,D' 576. ,C' 517. ,C' 511. ,D'

512. Ancient people made a cla" potter" because the" needed it for their surial.  A B C D

51!. Ancient people used pot the" made for coo&ing( storing food( and carr"ing things from place toplace.

  A B C D

51#. The potter" was so important to earl" cultures that scientists now stud" it to learn more about

ancientA B Cciili;ations.


51). The more adanced the potter" in terms of decorations( materials( gla;es( and manufacture(the more

  A B C Dadanced the culture itself.  @

51-. /ood potter" cla" must be free from all small stones and other hard material that would ma&ethe potting

A B Cprocess di9cult.  D

514. lain wire is used to cut awa" the nished pot from its basis on the potter0s wheel.  A B C D

Answer. 512. ,A' 51!. ,A' 51#. ,A' 51). ,B' 51-. ,A' 514. ,D'

515. The uritans( the religious sect that dominated the earl" British colonies in ?orth America(regarded idleness

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  Aas sin( and belieed that life in an underdeeloped countr" made it absolutel" necessar" thateach member

  B Cof the communit" perform an economic function.


516. The rst such attempt the ambitious roject *ohole( got under wa" during the 16-70s andproed the alue

  Aof deep<sea drilling b" ma&ing seeral test holes in the mantle beneath the crust before spiralcosts led to

B Cits cancellation.


527. The g"mnosperms were ........................ of water for reproductie purposes.

,A' independent to be the rst plants

,B' the rst independent plants to be

,C' the rst plants to be independent

,D' to be the rst independent plants

521. simple pressure gauges such as li8uid<leel manometers are .................. insensitie for use inacuum wor&s.

,A' too ,B' so ,C' than ,D' enough

Answer. 515. ,B' 516. ,C' 527. ,C' 521. ,A'

522. A single infection can "ield a dierse swarm of iral osprings.A B C D

52!. And if one of those osprings sports an antigen that few hosts hae eer encountered( it canrender

  A B Cmillions of people defenseless.


52#. 3uppose( for example( that some ariant of !?2 irus manages to slip past half the antibodiesthat

A B Cwould neutrali;e its past.


52). These seismic eents apparentl" start when a single host is simultaneousl" infected with Fuirus from

A B C Dtwo dierent species(

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52-. ?estled along the shoreline of udso Ba" .......................

,A' are seeral recentl" settled lnuit communities are there

,B' seeral recentl" settled lnuit communities are there

,C' near seeral recentl" settled lnuit communities

,D' is where seeral recentl" settled lnuit communities

524. 065 1& T:@%E a neighbor ' a neighborhood (이

Answer. 522. ,D' 52!. ,A' 52#. ,B' 52). ,B' 52-. ,A'

525. @en the best of driers can hae an accident if the" are tired and driing conditions are bad.  A B C D

526. hat is the dierence This furniture is dierent from .......................

,A' that boo& ,B' "ours ,C' that one ,D' that

5!7. >nli&e the budgets of some countries( ..................... focuses chieF" on expenditure.

,A' that of the >nited 3tates ,C' those of the >nited 3tates

,B' which the >nited 3tates ,D' the >nited 3tates

5!1. @er" spring trains of coered wagons rolled oer the :regon Trail to the promise of better life

across  A B C Dthe continent.7

5!2. 3o when hitman returned to the acic that "ear( oer thousand settlers went with him.  A B C D

5!!. Because of this great migration( @ngland made an agreement with the >nited 3tates( and:regon became

  A Bthe American territor" in 15#-.

  C D

Answer. 525. ,B' 526. ,D' 5!7. ,A' 5!1. ,C' 5!2. ,D' 5!!. ,C'

5!#. The Canadian ?ational $ailwa" was built ..............................

,A' to lin& ,B' lin&ed ,C' lin&s ,D' to be lin&ed

5!). Desert shrub also hae tin" leaes that lost little moisture on a hot da".  A B C D

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5!-. =f Texas joined in the >nion( therefore( ?ortherners felt that American slaer" would beextended.

  A B C D

5!4. =n famous experiment conducted at the >niersit" of Chicago in 165!( rats &ept from sleeping

died afterA B C

two and a half wee&s.  D

5!5. Driing while tired is er" similar to drie drun&( sa"s *ichael Bonnet( director of the sleeplaborator"

A B C Dat the Da"ton I.A. *edical Center.


5!6. ?ight wor&ers hae a hard time not pa" attention to the 6<to<)da"( because of noises or famil"  A B

obligations or that0s the onl" time the" can go to the dentist( sa"s biologist Kennth /roth( whostudies

  Cthe circadian cloc& at Argonne ?ational Eaborator" in Eemont( =ll.


Answer. 5!#. ,A' 5!). ,A' 5!-. ,A' 5!4. ,A' 5!5. ,C' 5!6. ,A'

5#7. Eouis 3atchmo Armstrong was the most famous ja;; musician of the da" and woninternational fame

  A Bboth as a trumpet and as a singer.

  C D

5#1. *an" people sought to brea& awa" from rigid( conentional rules and traditions( just as ja;;trumpeters

A Band saxophonist departed from written notes in order to express them.

  C D

5#2. Comparatie anatomists hae been recentl" shown that man0s ocal apparatus is in seeralrespect simpler

  A B Cthan the great ape0s.


5#!. The roc&s of the crust are composed mostl" of mineral with light elements( li&e aluminum andsodium(

A Bwhile the mantle contains some heaier elements( li&e iron and magnesium.

  C D

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5##. A specimen is a single plant( animal( roc&( etc( which is an example of a particular species( ort"pe and

  A B Cis examined or anal"sed b" scientist.  D

Answer. 5#7. ,D' 5#1. ,D' 5#2. ,B' 5#!. ,B' 5##. ,D'

5#). The goernment exploited their labor while den"ing ......................

,A' their social e8ualities ,C' social e8ualities of theirs

,B' them social e8ualit" ,D' that the" hae social e8ualities

5#-. *$=s show that one region of cerebellum is smaller in an autistic brain than in a normal one.  A B C D

5#4. Hust as mental illness hae less seere shadow ersions( ..........................

,A' a deelopmental disorder( so does an autism

,C' so did an autism( a deelopmental disorder

,B' than does autism( a deelopmental disorder

,D' so does autism( a deelopmental disorder

5#5. Through the "ears( scientists hae deeloped smaller but increasingl" more powerful batteriesfor theA B C

growing number of portable electrical deice.  D

5#6. British entr" into the @uropean Communit" was the culmination of a long commitment of @>.  A B C D

5)7. *ore than 57 percent of labors at the construction site are temporar" wor&ers.  A B C D

5)1. There exists more than 2(-77 dierent arieties of palm trees( with ar"ing Fowers( leaes( andfruits.

  A B C D

5)2. er best<&nown role of Hud" /arland was as Doroth" in The Wizard of Oz.

  A B C D

5)!. ?utritionists recommend that foods from each of the four basic groups be eaten on a regularl"dail" basis.

  A B C D

5)#. The Kentuc&" Derb" .......................... eer" ma" at Churchill Downs in Eouisille( Kentuc&".

,A' to be run ,B' run ,C' it ma" be run ,D' is run

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5)). The jaelin used in competition must be between 2-7 and 247 centimeters ......................

,A' in length ,B' it is long ,C' its length ,D' length

5)-. ........... peaches are classied as freestones or clingstone depends on how di9cult it is to

remoe the pit.

,A' The 1 ,B' About ,C' hether ,D' 3cienticall"

Answer. 5#). ,B' 5#-. ,B' 5#4. ,D' 5#5. ,D' 5#6. ,C' 5)7. ,B' 5)1. ,A' 5)2. ,A' 5)!. ,C' 5)#. ,D'5)). ,A' 5)-. ,C'

5)4. Astronomers do not &now how man" galaxies there are( but it is thought that there is millions or  A B C D

perhaps billions.

5)5. The amino acids sere as the building bloc& of protains.  A B C D

5)6. The diering curricular at the communit" colleges in Kent Count" reFect the fact that thestudent population

  A Bat each sites is not consistent.

  C D

5-7. Among Thomas Heerson0s man" accomplishment was his wor& to establish the >niersit" of 

Iirginia.  A B C D

5-1. %rom 145) to 1667( the capital of the >.3 is located in ?ew Gor& cit".  A B C D

5-2. *an" Ciil ar battles were fought in Iirginia than in an" other state.  A B C D

5-!. 3cientists stress that the oerall warming trend of the last decade holds much more signicance.............. single "ear0s temperatures.

,A' an" do ,B' than do an" ,C' than an" do ,D' do than

5-#. hen .................. impulses from man" of the neurons in one part of the brain( an epilepticsei;ure occurs.

,A' the simultaneous bursts ,B' simultaneousl" burst

,C' there are simultaneous bursts of ,D' simultaneousl" bursting

5-). The human bod" has four jugular eins( ..................... each side of the nec&.

,A' there are two on ,B' it has two on ,C' two are on ,D' two on

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5--. Aspiria is used ................... a construction of the bleed essels.

,A' the counteraction ,B' to counteract ,C' counteract ,D' counteracting

5-4. An alligator is an animal somewhat li&e a crocodile( but with a breed( Fatten snout.

  A B C D

5-5. Dr"ing of meats and egetables is no longer considered one of .................... of presering food.

,A' the wa"s are useful ,B' useful wa"s

,C' the most useful wa"s ,D' most are useful wa"s

5-6. The sea mammal meduoa is popularl" called a jell"sh because it ................... jell".

,A' loo&s rather li&e ,B' loo&s li&e rather

,C' li&es loo&ing rather ,D' rather li&es loo&ing

547. Therapists are currentl" using mental imager" in the hope that it might proe ................. in thetreatment of cancer.

,A' helpful ,B' for help ,C' helpfull" ,D' with the help

Answer. 857. ,C' 5)5. ,D' 5)6. ,C' 5-7. ,B' 5-1. ,A' 5-2. ,B' 5-!. ,C' 5-#. ,D' 5-). ,B' 5--.,D' 5-4. ,C' 5-5. ,A' 5-6. ,A' 547. ,C'

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