top ten best google tips!

Post on 22-Nov-2014






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Top Ten Best Google Tips!

By: Lacey Reed

Number 10Sync Your Calendar

Busy schedules demand attention to detail. Google's calendar sync makes it easy for educators to sync the course assignments and exams to students' mobile devices.

Calendars can be viewed by the day, the week or the month; and new events can be added quickly and easily.

Number 9Use The Image Search 

Adding high quality images to assignments and presentations makes the experience more valuable and educational to everyone. 

Google's image search feature makes finding and capturing images quick and simple, allowing educators to easily create more enriching material for their students. 

Number 8Convert Units

With international studies becoming more and more commonplace, it's important for educators to be able to provide students an easy way to convert foreign currency, as well as American to metric units. 

Google's Convert Units feature makes converting any unit an effortless process.

Number 7Collaborate on Group Projects

This Google trick allows users to work together and share documents with other users. 

This is a great tool to use in that you can join together with other teachers and share not only many documents but many different kinds of documents in a very simple, organized way.

“Great teamwork is the only way we create the breakthroughs that define our careers.”

Number 6Create Online Surveys for Research

ProjectsEducators can teach their students the importance of primary research using this powerful tool by Google.

Surveys are an important first step in most any social research endeavor.

Number 5Google Squared

One of the difficulties with Internet-based research is the unstructured nature of the data spread across the web.

Google Squared organizes search data, leaving everything neatly labelled and categorized.

Both educators and students can benefit from this more logical approach to Internet research. 

Number 4Google Scholar

Educators expect their students to conduct their research using primarily peer-reviewed, scholarly sources.

Google Scholar provides a search of scholarly literature across several disciplines and sources, including books, abstracts, articles and dissertations. 

Number 3Google Timeline

History books often fall short of providing the nuances of important events.

Google Timeline allows educators a way to retrace historical moments using the news articles published while the event was unfolding, which provides a much richer experience for students. 

Number 2Google Groups

More and more, students are required to work in groups, both as an exercise in teamwork and project management.

Google Groups allows students to not only create groups to collaborate with classmates, but also with students across the nation and around the world.

Number 1 Google Notebook

Any tool that helps students stay organized and keep track of their research is an invaluable asset to educators.

Google Notebook allows students to save and organize information while conducting research online, and even offers sharing and collaboration features. 

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