tottori route bus map with osm technology

Post on 31-May-2015






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M a s a k i I t o , T a k a o K a w a m u r a , K a z u n o r i S u g a h a r a T o t t o r i U n i v e r s i t y

Tottori Route Bus Map with OSM Technology


Route Bus Map

•  Find how to get to the destination

•  Representation for human •  Need to read the map •  Trace the route •  Choose the

appropriate path 作成:公共交通利用促進ネットワーク

Machine Readable Route Bus Map

•  Readable for a Computer Program •  Accessible via Flexible API •  Representing its topology, geometry etc.

•  Infrastructure for various IT services •  Path finding system •  Guidance for a tourist •  Generate a beautiful route bus map automatically •  etc…

Bus Location System

•  A smaprtphone on a route bus reports its location in every one minute.

•  Operating the system with 80 smartphones in Tottori City since last Dec.

Real-time Location of Route Buses

•  Never need to wait for a bus without knowing when it will arrive

Cannot Make a Precise Route Bus Map only with the GPS Data

Select the Paths from OpenStreetMap

Combine with the Bus Stop Database


•  How to Contribute to the OpenStreetMap ? •  Need to manage the route data on our custom DB for

technical reason •  How to feedback to the OpenStreetMap ?

•  Need to open the raw GPS data? •  We need to open route bus map data under ODbL •  How about the raw GPS data ?

•  Is it possible to marge with the existing bus stop DB •  Bus stop DB is not under the open license

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