town crier - sullivan, maine · 2019. 3. 11. · town crier gateway to schoodic peninsula march...

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Town Crier March 2019 Gateway to Schoodic Peninsula

6th Annual Winter Fest at Flanders Pond A Huge Success.

Mother Nature’s best effort to wreck Winter Fest couldn’t stop the Mountain View Youth Sports group from putting on a fantastic party at Flanders Pond! The sounds of ice augers cutting into the ice and joyful people fishing and celebrating on the pond could be heard throughout the day. Trisha Mason performed for Winter Fest from the back of a pickup truck at Flanders Beach. Chainsaw artist Dan Burns wowed people with his beautiful, rustic woodworking. The Ice Fishing Derby had over $2500.00 in prizes and there was a 50/50 raffle so many people walked away happy. The Phillip Carter Reading Foundation and Mountain View Youth Sports were the recipients of the proceeds but our community was the real winner at Winter Fest.

Thank you to Jason Soule, Jackie Wycoff and all the volunteers who worked so hard to make Winter Fest a big success! We hope you enjoy a few pictures from Winter Fest 2019. See you next year.

Photos below courtesy of Lynn Dunbar.


Sullivan Town Office:

Mon-Thurs: 8am—4pm

Fridays: 8am–12pm

Phone: 422-6282/422-6719

Fax: 422-4785


CONTACTS: Town Manager: Rob Eaton: 422-6282 Town Treasurer/Tax Collector: Lynn Dunbar: 422-6282 Town Clerk: Stacy Tozier: 422-6282 Selectmen: Rusty Gordon: 422-3088 John Guyton: 460-7189 Ray Daley: 460-0389 Plumbing Inspector: Charlie Peterson: 483-2398 Code Enforcement: Rebecca Albright:: 537-3263 Fire Warden: Ryan Daley: 460-1403 Library: 422-2307 Post Office: 422-9033 Animal Control: Marie: 460-8920/266-5027 Beverly: 422-9504/812-1360 Harbor Master: Michael Pinkham: 422-9953 Sullivan/Sorrento Historical Society: 422-0995

Selectman’s Minutes for February 11, 2019 (DRAFT)

In attendance: Selectmen Raymond Daley, Russell Gordon and John Guyton plus Town Manager Rob Eaton, Recording Secretary Candy Eaton, Roger Wakefield, Mike Pinkham. Meeting was called to Order by Selectman Gordon at 5:02pm

Motion to approve minutes of January 14, 2019, by Mr. Gordon, second by Mr. Guyton. 3-0 vote.

Sullivan Fire and Rescue reported on activity by Deputy Chief Pinkham II.

Sullivan Harbor Committee report by Chair Roger Wakefield and Harbormas-ter Mike Pinkham.

Age-Friendly Sullivan report by Candy Eaton on activities and grants.

Town Manager reported on Tunk Lake Rd. renovations scheduled by Maine DOT for 2019.

Selectmen discussed striking a paragraph from the Transfer Station Policy ap-proved by the Select Board in 2009. The paragraph authorized action that is no longer necessary and also creates a potential liability to the Town. After discussion, the Selectmen will review their Policy in full at the next meeting. Mr. Guyton moved to strike the paragraph from page 5. Mr. Daley second. 3-0 vote.

Selectmen approved two (2) new concealed Weapon permits. Motion to ap-prove by Mr. Gordon. Second by Mr. Daley. 3-0 vote.

Selectmen discussed bids received for replacing dead generator at Salt/Sand Shed which is also used as backup power for Fire Department communica-tions. Motion by Mr.Gordon to accept the lowest bid submitted by Donnie Lee. Mr. Daley second. 3-0 vote. Motion by Mr. Gordon to forward contract to the County with an annual increase to $1500.00/annually for the three year contract. Mr. Daley second. 3-0 vote.

During “Other Discussion” a resident questioned the reason for a 2% discount for early payment of real estate taxes. He also questioned the need for post card notification of auto renewal and dog licensing. The Selectmen directed the Town Manager to provide the details of cost and impact.

Next Meeting is February 25, 2019 at 5pm. Mr. Gordon made a motion to ad-journ. Second by Mr. Guyton. 3-0 vote.


Special Town Meeting March 25, 2019

6:00pm Coastal Recycling approached the Select Boards for the towns they serve including Sullivan to request a letter of support for dissolution of Coastal Recycling. The Selectmen from Sullivan and other participating communities provided said letters to support dissolu-tion and now it is time for the citizens of the towns to cast your vote.

On Monday, March 25, 2019, the Town of Sullivan will hold a Special Town Meeting for the purpose of voting on the following ballot question:

“To see if the Town of Sullivan will vote to dissolve Coastal Recycling.”

Sullivan to begin Recycling Waste in May

Starting in May, Sullivan will begin sending our Mu-nicipal Solid Waste to Fiberight. Our recycling will increase dramatically as Fiberight will remove all mainstream recyclables, like paper, plastic and met-als. Fiberight will convert what’s left into products like biogas and biofuel. Further opportunities like sin-gle sort will be available at Fiberight if Sullivan choos-es that route.

Do You Qualify for a

Property Tax Exemption?

Homestead Exemption If you have been in your permanent residence for more than a year and you claim only one residence, you are eligible for the Homestead Exemption. It is simple to fill out the form, and there are no income guidelines. Just fill in the blanks, sign, date, and re-turn to the Town Office prior to April 1, 2019.

Maine Veteran Tax Exemption

You qualify if: 1. You served in the Armed Forces during a recog-

nized war period or other recognized service peri-od or you received an Armed Forces Expedition-ary Medal; and

2. You will be at least 62 years old on April 1 OR you are receiving a total disability pension from the U.S. Government.

If you have questions about these exemp-tions, please contact the Sullivan Town Office. Applications for these exemptions must be received in our office before April 1, 2019.


Age-Friendly Sullivan Updates

Volunteer Driver training will be offered March 28th, 2019, at 1pm at the Frenchman Bay Library by Friends in Action’s Jo Cooper. Our partnership with Friends in Action provides additional insurance for the volunteer driver, a nifty computer program that allows you to see who needs rides and allows you to choose volunteer opportunities that are convenient to your schedule. Contact the Frenchman Bay Library at 207.422.2307 to reserve a spot for the March training.

Sign-ups for private garden plots in the NEW Sullivan Community Garden are open — $25.00 for a 100 square foot plot in the bright sunshine. New England Grass Roots Founda-tion has provided Age-Friendly Sullivan with a $1000 grant to get this project off the ground. Baskets at the Town Office and Library are ready to accept any extra seeds you may wish to donate. Information & registration sheets are available at the town office and online at on the Age-Friendly Sullivan page.

Neighbor-2-Neighbor “Friendly Caller” program provides you with an opportunity to stay in touch with a friendly neighbor. Our motto — “Helping each other…stay safe, stay home, stay connected” is available to any Sullivan resident who wishes to remain safe in their home. Call 207-546-1856 to enroll or for more information.

We already have an update to the Sullivan Community Resource Guide: The Leonard Lake Senior Housing apartments, Shore Road, Ellsworth are managed by the Housing Founda-tion in Orono. Application form and information are available by calling 1.207.866.4634 or 1.207.866.7944.

Sullivan Cares


SULLIVAN EARTH DAY CLEANUP Please save the date: Our Earth Day cleanup of US Route 1 is scheduled for Saturday April 20, 2019, from 9am-noon. We will follow the cleanup with a cookout and celebration from noon-1pm. Last year 48 volunteers picked up 250 30-gallon bags of trash along US Rt 1. This year the cleanup should be much easier, and we are shortening the cleanup routes to make the job easier for our volunteers. Our rain date is Saturday, April 27.

Please join us in making our stretch of the Schoodic Scenic Byway a beautiful site for all!

Sullivan Playground Bottle Redemption at Tee-Tee’s in Sorrento!

Thank you to all residents who have contributed bottles and cans for the benefit of the Sullivan Playground. Effective March 15 the Town Office will no longer accept bottles and cans, BUT we en-courage you to take your bottles and cans to Tee-Tee’s Redemption, 9 Buteau’s Alley in Sorrento and let them know you are donating to the Sulli-van Playground.

RSU 24 Adult Education is your resource for:

Earning Your High School Degree (it’s FREE)

College Preparation and Planning

Career Planning

Building English Language Skills

Career / Workforce Training Programs

Medical Pathways—Healthcare Training Programs

Computer and Workforce Skills

RSU 24 Adult Education 1888 US Hwy 1, Sullivan · · 207-422-4794

Give us a call about our classes and programs

and see what we can do for you!

Look for your RSU 24 Adult Education Spring flyer

in your mailbox next week!


Monday: 4—7pm

Tuesday: 1—5pm

Wednesday: Closed

Thursday: 1—5pm

Friday: Closed

Saturday: 10—2pm

The Book Club meets the third Monday of the month at 2pm. Check our Facebook page for the schedule!

Pajama Story Time is on the first Monday of the month, at 6pm, September through June.

Library website:

CABIN FEVER SALE!! Our annual Cabin Fever Book Sale is being held on Saturday, March 16 from 10-2. We have added two things to this year’s sale. Pie and coffee will be served in honor of Pi Day (the 14th). Also there will be a Second Time Around Silent Auction. We have some really nice like new contributions to auc-tion. Please join us for books, pie and unexpected treasures.

Income Tax Help- Thursday March 14. Free income tax help offered by Downeast Community Partners. Call 664-2424 to see if you qualify and for an appointment. Writing: March 9 & 23, 10am-noon. Please join us. We have the best discussions centered around writing.

Nimble Fingers: Our new craft group that meets every Saturday from 10-12 in the community room across from the library. Bring any needlework project to work on while sitting and chatting with friends. A good time for sharing, learning, creating.

Book Club: Meets at 2pm March 18 Becoming by Michele Obama April 15 The Other Einstein Marie Benedict May 20 The Velveteen Daughter Laurel Davis Huber New Books: We have some “new to the library books” lovingly donated by friends of the library that have been added to the new books section.

Sign up to be on our email list by calling 422-2307 or email: Librarian: Christina McGowan Library Administrator: Cyndi Stanley

PJ STORYTIME FOR KIDS—Did you know that once a month we gather at the Frenchman’s Bay Library for PJ Storytime? Guest readers pick their favorite children’s book and share it with the kids. It’s a chance for adults to share their love of reading books. Storytime is also a cool way to connect kids and families in our community. PJ Storytime continues first Monday of each month thru June at 6 pm.

Make new friends and improve your heart-health by Walking Indoors at the Sorrento-Sullivan Recreation Center, every Monday at 5pm, Tuesday & Thursday at 1pm.

Future book purchases for the Library

Us Against You by Frederick Backman Closed Casket by Sophie Hannah The American Agent by Jacqueline Winspear

These titles coming soon!


Loss of the Schooner “Rachel” In November of 1798 Captain John Simpson of Sullivan set sail from Sullivan for Salem, MA, with a cargo of lumber on the schooner Rachel, which he owned. The Rachel’s crew included William Abbot, mate, Stephen Merchant, Zachariah Hodgkins and James Springer. Paul Dudley Sargent Jr. was a passenger. During the voyage the ship encountered what turned out to be one of the worst nor’easters in the history of New England. There were reports of four to six feet of snow. After the storm seven vessels, including the Rachel, were found to have gone ashore on Cape Cod with many or most of the crews lost. All aboard the Rachel were lost. Captain Simpson is buried in the Old North Cemetery in Truro, MA. There is also a stone in Simpson cemetery in Sullivan.

The Society is closed for the season. For any questions or inquiries, please contact Gary or Jeanne Edwards at 422-0995 or

All aboard were from prominent families of early Sulli-van. Captain Simpson was married to Rachel Sullivan, daughter of Daniel Sullivan. It is safe to say that many descendants of those lost reside in the area today. More complete accounts of the event are available for anyone who may be interested. Thanks to Alan Gray of the Hancock Historical Society for providing information and the photo for this article.


Greetings from RSU #24, It certainly seems like time is flying by! The end of February is just around the corner and spring is less than a month away. I'm ready! Our winter sports season is almost over. Congratulations to the Mountain View boys' basketball team and the Ella Lewis girls' basketball team, as each took home their re-spective trophies! At the time that I am writing this, the Sumner boys' varsity basketball team has advanced to the semifinal game at the Cross Center. The boys went into the tournament ranked #8 and upended the #1 Central Aroostook team in a 1 point thrilling victory. Their next opponent is Houlton High School. The end of the boys varsity season also brought about a major accomplishment for one player in particular, as Colby McLean scored his 1,000 point during the last game of the season. Also important to mention, our Sumner cheerleaders had a very successful season, taking home the Downeast Athletic Conference title, the Pe-nobscot Valley Conference runner-up trophy, the runner-up trophy in the Eastern Maine Regional Competi-tion and they put in a solid performance at the State Competition. Congratulations to all of our winter sports athletes and a huge thank you to all of the RSU coaches for your commitment and hard work!!! The Sumner High School building project continues to move along at a fast pace. We are nearing the end of the Concept Design phase and continue to work with the Maine Department of Education to iron out the de-tails. Very shortly, we expect to come to an agreement with the Maine DOE in regards to a project budget. With a new school and with the combining of grades 6-12, there will be financial implications on the school district. The exact details are unknown at this point BUT we will have that information ready for the upcom-ing Public Meeting and Straw Poll. The date for this meeting/vote has been tentatively scheduled for March 20th at 6:00 p.m. in the cafeteria at Sumner Memorial High School. To verify the date/time or to check out the latest information on the building project, please visit our website ( and click on the "New Building Project" link. The budget preparation process is in full swing. We have Budget Committee Meetings scheduled for February 27, March 13, March 27, and April 10. These meetings provide an opportunity for the public to get a deeper understanding of the RSU #24 operating budget, as we drill down into the details of each school or depart-ment budget that contributes to the overall cost of education. These meetings will take place at the District Services Facility, starting at 6:30 p.m As always, please know that I greatly appreciate the support that our communities continue to provide to our schools. We work hard to try and find a balance between what our students need and limiting the financial burden to our communities. If you have any questions or comments about our school district, the new build-ing project, or the upcoming budget development, please don't hesitate to contact me at 422-2017 or Sincerely, Michael Eastman, Superintendent Regional School Unit #24 2165 US Highway 1 Sullivan, Maine 04664 Email:


Sullivan Thrift Shop

The Sullivan "Thrift Store" is located in the Sorrento-Sullivan Recreation

Center on Route 1 in Sullivan, Maine.

It is open on Tuesdays from 12pm-4pm and Saturdays from 10-2 pm.

Donations are always welcome, please drop them off on Tuesdays or call 422-


Please donate to our shop instead of Goodwill!

Proceeds benefit the

Recreation Center Repairs Project.

P.A.W. is seeking people to help foster cats until a forever home is found. We vet check, vaccinate and spay/neuter. Food will be pro-vided. We rescue stray and abandoned ani-mals from Sullivan, Hancock, Franklin & sur-

rounding areas.

Contact Marie at 460-8920 (home) or 266-5027 (cell) or email

For more information, stop by the Town Office for a pamphlet.

Spay/Neuter Program

Do you need help getting your animal spayed or neutered? The Ark & SPCA have a voucher program that offers

some help.

They pay 1/3, a participating vet will pay 1/3 and you would pay 1/3.

Call the SPCA PAL Program at 667-8088 or The Ark’s Stitch in Time

Program at 546-3484 and ask for a voucher.

Also, the Help Fix ME Program is open for cats and pit bull mixes– call at the

beginning of the month for a voucher to fix your animal for only $10.

Visit for a full list of assistance programs!

Coastal Recycling

114 Franklin Road, Hancock

Open: Wednesday through Saturday


*No longer taking glass or paperboard which includes white paper, cereal

boxes, and junk mail.

Burn Permits

Get your burn permits

online 24/7:

Or call Ryan Daley at 460-1403 /

Mike Pinkham at 610-2374

Transfer Station

Tunk Lake Road, Sullivan

Open: Saturdays 8—3pm

Sundays 12—4pm

Bag stickers are available at the Town Office for $1.50/each and from Han-

cock Grocery for $1.75/each.

Stickers are not sold at the Transfer Station. Bulky waste bills must be paid

at the Town Office.

The Sorrento-Sullivan Recreation Center

is available to rent for events! Kitchen use and cleaning is included

in the rental fee. Call 422-3134 for more info!

Online Vehicle Registration Renewal

Rapid Renewal is now available for Sullivan residents!

Simply go to:

Credit and debit cards are now accepted at the Town




All you could ever want of the finest FREE horse (and a little bit goat) is available in Sullivan now! Bring your buckets, your barrels, or your truck. Both old and age-

your-own available.

Call 664-4253 to get directions and arrange for pick up.



To advertise in the Town Crier, email

or call 422-6282.

The monthly deadline for ads and news is the 20th.

charleston church downeast Who are we? As the second campus to Charleston Church in Charles-

ton, Maine, we are looking to bring something different to the Downeast area. At CC Downeast, we don’t care what you wear, what you’ve done or where you’ve been. We’re not perfect either. We’re laid back, real and serious about getting to know God. We hope you

will drop by and experience something different.

Great music. Good coffee. Real people. Charleston Church Downeast * 2501 US 1 * Sullivan, ME 04664

Find us on Facebook: Charleston Church Downeast On the web:






Postal Customer


Town of Sullivan

1888 US Highway 1

Sullivan, ME 04664

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