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  • Settlement Events – Town (Littlemonk)



    11 THROWN OUT Your Warrior's wild behaviour attracts the attention of the Settlement authorities and he is thrown out of town. He must wait outside the Settlement gates for the other Warriors. See the Out in the Sticks rules.

    In addition, roll 1D6. On a score of 1 your Warrior is fleeced by the gate guards as he is thrown out and has all his gold stolen!

    12 WISHING WELL Strolling alongside a dilapidated old house the Warrior spies an old, stone well, the bottom of which cannot be seen. She may throw 20 gold into the well and make a wish.

    1-5 Nothing happens. 6 The Warrior gains one extra Luck point for

    the next Adventure!

    13 FIGHT Your Warrior argues with a burly street trader who has tried to charge him far too much for some cheap, shoddy items. The argument escalates to a brawl very quickly. Roll 1D6 on the following table:

    1 Your Warrior is soundly thrashed and loses 200 gold.

    2 Your Warrior is bested after a hard struggle against the trader and his cronies and loses 100 gold.

    3 Your Warrior walks away with a bloody nose and 50 gold worse off, but leaves the trader badly bruised.

    4 After a fierce struggle, your Warrior knocks the impudent trader to the ground, where he stays to collect his teeth. While he is busy, your Warrior takes 100 gold from his stall as compensation.

    5 Your Warrior quickly disarms the trader. With a sword at his throat, the lout has no choice but to apologise and offer your Warrior 200 gold as compensation.

    6 A dozen evil-looking thugs - the trader's bodyguards leap out from the shadows, attacking your Warrior with knives, coshes and cudgels. Unperturbed, he coolly dispatches them with a few well placed sword strokes, empties their purses, and ends up 300 gold better off.

    14 AN ADVENTURE! Roll on the Adventure Table to see what exploit the Warriors might participate in next!

    15 DEBT A debt collector catches up with your Warrior, demanding payment for money borrowed years ago. The sum your Warrior borrowed was not substantial, but the interest rates are astronomical. The outstanding balance is 1D6x20 gold, and if your Warrior cannot pay in full immediately the debt collector takes all his gold plus one piece of equipment or treasure.

    16 FIRE As the Warrior passes by a large house he sees smoke spiraling out from a window. Rushing inside he drags out the lifeless bodies of the inhabitants as he calls for help. Many in the town turn out to fight the blaze and the house is saved with no casualties. Your Warrior is being congratulated as a hero, especially from the surviving family who ply him with 1D6x50 gold.

    21 INVESTMENT In one of the wharf side bars, your Warrior meets a young entrepreneur with great ideas for establishing a trading empire to cover the known world. He talks your warrior into investing 1D6x50 gold, giving him a certificate of partnership. From now on, at the end of each dungeon, whenever your Warrior reaches civilisation, he may visit the local Merchants' Guild and show them his deed of partnership. Consulting their records, they can tell him how the company is doing. Roll 1D6 on the following table:

    1 The company has gone bust, and your Warrior's investment is worth nothing. In addition, he must pay the merchants 1D6x50 gold in outstanding debts.

    2-5 Your Warrior's investment is performing fairly well, and the merchant forwards him 1D6x10 gold as his share of the profits

    6 Business is booming! After consulting the ledger, the merchant confirms that he can forward your Warrior 1D6x50 gold.

  • Settlement Events – Town (Littlemonk)


    22 NIGHTMARE As the Warrior retires for the evening he falls into a deep slumber. He begins to dream that he is fighting a terrifying gorgon; her hair composed of vicious snakes and her eyes hold the ability to turn men into stone. With a paralyzing scream the gorgon attacks! Roll 1D6 to see how the dream ends.

    1 No matter how many times or how hard he strikes the creature with his weapon, the beast seems invulnerable. With a terrifying scream the gorgon shoots an arrow directly into the Warrior’s heart! When the Warrior wakes, he finds that he has permanently lost 1 Wound! If the Warrior is ever reduced to 0 Starting Wounds because of this dream, he is dead. Make a note on your Record Sheet: tomorrow night the nightmare returns and he must roll on this table again!

    2-5 The battle is brutal and neither the Warrior nor the creature seems to get the upper hand. The Warrior wakes in a cold sweat. Make a note on your Record Sheet: tomorrow night the nightmare returns and he must roll on this table again...

    6 The Warrior courageously stands his ground and with a blood-curdling scream dispatches the wretched beast! When the Warrior awakes he discovers that he is +1 to his Starting Wounds! The nightmare ends and he does not have to roll on this table again, unless he encounters this Settlement Event again!

    If your Warrior leaves the Settlement before the dream resolves itself, the nightmare ends. At the next Settlement, however, it returns!

    23 DRUGGED! Visiting a local hostelry in a rather seedy area, your Warrior partakes of a curious drink offered him by the bartender. After one swig, he feels the effects of the liquid take hold he has been drugged! Roll 1D6 on the following table:

    1-3 Your Warrior has been poisoned and is at -1 Toughness for the duration of the next Adventure.

    4-6 The liquid in question is simply very strong ale, and your Warrior quickly gets a taste for it. The only ill effect is a pounding head next morning.

    24 FAMILY HEIRLOOM A randomly determined Treasure Item that the Warrior is carrying is identified by a wealthy, influential member of the local citizenry as his family heirloom, stolen last year by wanton burglars. The local Watch confiscates the item and you must discard it immediately. If your Warrior has no Treasure Item the local accuses your Warrior of hiding it and demands 1D6x50 gold in restitution instead.

    25 ACCIDENT As your Warrior helps an old crone to cross the busy main street, a beer wagon unexpectedly crashes into him. She carefully peels him off the heavy, iron-shed wheel, and takes him to the infirmary to be patched up. Your Warrior cannot buy anything or visit any Special Locations for 1D6 days while he recovers. While he is recovering you do not have to roll for him on this table.


    31 RIOTOUS LIVING Taken with the joys of hot food and a comfortable bed after so long out in the wild, your Warrior overspends on such luxuries by 50 gold.

    32 CIRCUS There is a travelling circus in town, and your Warrior spends the rest of his day wandering from sideshow to sideshow. Having met the bearded woman and the two-headed goat, he decides to have his fortune read. Perhaps the sign above the door to that particular wagon should say 'Have your fortune stolen', as for a cost of 2D6x10 gold, your Warrior is told nothing more than that his destiny lies with a tall, dark stranger from Erengrad!

  • Settlement Events – Town (Littlemonk)


    33 CRIME Your Warrior is accused of murder and thrown in jail. The matter is sorted out eventually, but only after your Warrior's companions have bailed him out.

    Each Warrior in the party except the accused must pay 1D6x5 gold to the authorities.

    If his companions do not have the money, your Warrior must spend 1D6 days in jail. While in jail he doesn't have to pay Living Expenses or roll on this table.

    34 POTTER’S STORE As your Warrior passes by a store, a man comes running out hollering about a poisonous snake that has slipped in. He immediately hires the Warrior to rid his shop of the snake, but he warns him not to break any of his wares which line the walls and shelves. If your Warrior accepts roll 1D6 on the following table:

    1-2 The venomous snake is much harder to catch or kill than anticipated and the Warrior breaks many pieces of pottery before finally corralling the reptile. Angrily, the shop owner demands 1D6x100 gold in payment for his loses.

    3-4 Just as the Warrior slips the snag into a burlap sack, he stumbles backward into a rare and expensive pot which falls to the ground with a loud crash. After deducting his pay for catching the snake, the Warrior still must pay the merchant 1D6x20 gold for the damage.

    5 Stepping into the potter’s shop your Warrior spies the cold-blooded creature coiled up in the rafters. He manages to bring it down along with a few cups hanging on the wall. The potter is elated and after deducting for the damage he pays the Warrior 1D6x10 gold.

    6 No sooner than the Warrior enters the store does he pounce upon the terrifying reptile, snatching it with his bare hands. As he brings the beastie back out the potter is elated that nothing in the store was damaged. He pays your Warrior 1D6x25 gold for his services.

    35 WITCHCRAFT Your Warrior is accused of witchcraft, and is chased through the streets by an angry mob. Roll 1D6 on the following table (the Witch Hunter may add +1 to his score):

    1-3 Your Warrior escapes by jumping over the Settlement wall and into the filthy water of the moat. Pelted with eggs and rotten fruit, he staggers out onto the far side, and out into the sticks. See Out in the Sticks rules.

    4-5 Your Warrior ducks down a side alley and escapes, but from now on must wear a disguise when out in public!

    6 Your Warrior turns angrily on the mob, demanding an explanation. Shouting down the leader of the mob, he establishes his authority over the crowd, who sheepishly return to their hovels, pausing only to give him 100 gold as way of compensation.

    36 PET DOG Your Warrior is adopted by a small dog. It follows him around everywhere, skulking in the shadows while the fighting goes on and then emerging after the adventure is completed to shower his new master with adoration. Roll on the Pet Dog Event Table to see exactly which type of canine has attached himself to you.

    Your Warrior can kill the dog if you want, but it would be a cruel and heartless thing to do and it will cost him 1,000 gold to pay for a decent burial for the hound!

    If your Warrior already has a pet dog, roll on this table again. If not, name him and note him down on your Warrior's Adventure Record sheet.

    41 FOOLED Your Warrior must discard any one purchase he has made in this Settlement, as it was a fake and is worth nothing! 42 INHERITANCE A town official approaches your Warrior and, after asking him to identify himself, informs him that a distant relative has just passed away and has left him an inheritance. Roll 1D6 to see what the inheritance is:

    1 The inheritance is a debt and the town official has come to collect! The Warrior must forfeit 1D6x100 gold selling items and treasure if necessary!

    2-3 The inheritance is actually a pet dog. See #36 above. If your Warrior already has a pet dog, see result #1 above.

    4-5 The inheritance is a small sum of money in the amount of 1D6x100 gold!

    6 The inheritance is a large sum of money in the amount of 3D6x100 gold!

  • Settlement Events – Town (Littlemonk)


    43 AN ADVENTURE! Roll on the Adventure Table to see what exploit the Warriors might participate in next!

    44 STEAMBATH Your Warrior spends the rest of his day in the heady atmosphere of a steam bath, sweating off the after effects of last night's sojourn at the tavern. He emerges feeling far healthier than he has for a good while, with +1 permanently added to his Starting Wounds score.

    45 OVERTURNED CART Your Warrior hears a loud cry from for help from around the corner and when he goes to investigate he sees that a cart has turned over and is crushing a local boy. The Warrior runs over to try and push the cart off the young lad. Roll 1D6 and add your Warrior’s Strength then look up the result below.

    1 As your Warrior lifts the cart up his loses his grip! The cart falls back on to the boy, killing him instantly! The boy’s family demand restitution for the accident and the Warrior must give up all of his gold or be sent to prison for 1D6 weeks. If your Warrior has no gold, he must sell 1D3 Treasure Items (your choice) instead.

    2-3 Your Warrior manages to move the cart, but not before the boy dies. You feel so terrible about the situation that you give 2D6x50 gold to give the boy a proper burial.

    4-5 Your Warrior lifts the heavy cart up off the boy, saving his life. His father, a local merchant, is so grateful that they give your Warrior 1D6x50 gold.

    6 Your Warrior hauls the massive cart off the boy and he escapes unscathed. Three cheers go up from the crowd and the boy’s family, who are rich nobles, gives your Warrior 1D6x100 gold and an Item of Dungeon Room Treasure for saving his life!

    46 SWORD FOR SALE Strolling passed a bazaar your Warrior sees that a young woman is selling her sword. The woman claims that the sword is a family heirloom handed down generation after generation, but she’s down on her luck and must sell it. Upon first inspection, the sword indeed looks quite impressive. An interested buyer is hovering over your Warrior’s shoulder and he tells the young woman that he will purchase it if your Warrior doesn’t.

    The price of the sword is 1D6 x 100 gold and your Warrior may buy the weapon if he wishes by first paying the gold and then rolling on the table below. The woman then disappears into the crowd.

    1 The sword is a piece of junk and falls apart later that day.

    2 The sword is the same one as can be purchased from the Weaponsmith.

    3 The sword is actually the Bronze Sigil Sword and gives the wielder +2 Initiative.

    4 The sword is actually the Sword of Might and gives the wielder +1 Strength.

    5 The sword is actually the Blade of Leaping Copper and gives the wielder +1 Attacks.

    6 The sword is actually the Heartseeker Sword and once per turn the Warrior may re-roll any one of his Attacks that misses.

    51 BEGGARS Your Warrior is accosted by beggars and, overwhelmed by the sadness of their plight, gives each of the 1D6+4 pitiful wretches 5 gold. If your Warrior cannot pay he is a beggar himself, and you must roll 1D6 on the following table:

    1 Your Warrior is thrown out of the Settlement – see Settlement Event 11.

    2-6 Your Warrior gains 1D6x10 gold by begging.

    52 BARD A colourfully-dressed minstrel notices your Warrior as he passes by. With an exasperated laugh he follows your Warrior, loudly strumming his harp and singing a ballad all about the Warrior’s exploits. Roll 1D6:

    1-2 The raucous tune is an insulting account of all of your Warrior’s follies; from his missteps in combat to spilling his drink at the tavern. The bard also recounts the unfortunate encounter with the miller’s daughter down by the river which angers some of her close male relatives. They wait for your Warrior around a corner and, throw a sack over his head, and beat him severely. Your Warrior is -1 Strength for the next Adventure.

    3-4 The ballad is all about the Warrior’s exploits but no one seems to even notice or care.

    5-6 The bard embellishes upon all of the Warrior’s good deeds and heroics! Soon a large group gathers and they are giving three cheers! Your Warrior’s inner spirit is bolstered and is he is +1 Strength for the next Adventure.

    53 AN HONEST DAY’S WORK Your Warrior is employed by a local apothecary to unload supplies at his shop for the day. This task earns him 35 gold.

  • Settlement Events – Town (Littlemonk)


    54 ROBBERY The Warrior witnesses someone performing a heist at the jeweller’s store and he intervenes. Roll 1D6:

    1 The culprit escapes and the shop owner arrives and accuses the Warrior of breaking in! He immediately summons the Watch who throw the Warrior in jail for 1D3 days and fine him 1D6x100 gold!

    2-3 The robber throws some jewels at the Warrior, yelling “Thief! Thief!” and then escapes down a dark alley. Townsfolk come running out of their homes and shops screaming for the Watch. After repeated pleas of innocence by your Warrior, he is fined 1D6x100 gold to avoid incarceration.

    4-5 Your Warrior knocks the culprit down, forcing him to drop all of his loot. He manages to regain his feet before disappearing down a dark alley. A passerby who witnesses everything alerts the shopkeeper who rewards your Warrior with 1D6x25 gold for saving his merchandise.

    6 Your Warrior catches the thief with a pile of loot on his person. The Watch is immediately summoned. The shopkeeper is found inside the shop bound and gagged. He lauds the Warrior as a hero and rewards him with 1D6x50 gold! In addition, he is given a bronze pendant of inscribed with an ancient rune of fortune. Each time your Warrior visits a Settlement the pendant allows you to re-roll one Settlement Event. You must accept the result of the second roll.


    56 HUNTING Your Warrior is invited by a group of locals to go on a nocturnal hunt.

    Meeting them just before sunset, he is informed that tonight's prey is the great Quarg - a beast of fearsome temper and foul disposition. His task in the group is to take the hunting tools a net, a small pole with a bell on it and a bag full of garlic - and wait in the middle of the woods while the rest of the hunters spread out into the forest and drive the Quarg towards him. As the sun rises the next morning, and the owls return to their nests, there is still no sign of the Quarg, your Warrior begins to wonder if someone is being made a fool of...

    61 PICKPOCKET As your Warrior rushes through the busy streets, his money pouch is stolen.

    Your Warrior loses 1D6x30 gold.

    62 RIOTOUS LIVING Taken with the joys of hot food and a comfortable bed after so long out in the wild, your Warrior overspends on such luxuries by 40 gold.

    63 FAILED ADVENTURER Unbeknownst to him, your Warrior is being watched and followed by a young man. The stranger is a failed adventurer and he longs for the fame and glory that your Warrior seems to have obtained. He jealously decides to sabotage your Warrior’s achievements.

    Each time an Unexpected Event occurs in the next Dungeon the adventurer has somehow alerted the denizens of the dungeons to your Warrior’s presence and you must roll a further 1D6. On a score of 1-3 you must roll twice on the Monster Table with the minimum amount of Monsters arriving on the second roll. On a score of 4-6 you roll only once on the Monster Table as normal, but the maximum number of Monsters arrive.

    64 JOIN THE WATCH The Captain of the Watch marks your Warrior as a useful looking recruit and, as he is short on manpower, press gangs him for a week. Your Warrior can either try to escape the Watch by making a donation to their funds of 2D6 x 10 gold, or join up.

    If your Warrior joins up he does not have to pay Living Expenses for the week and earns 20 gold in wages. However, while in the Watch he has no time to visit any traders or Special Locations.

    65 SALESMAN A Holy Water salesman has set up shop just outside an inn. He offers to sell your Warrior some of his wares which he claims will protect the wearer from evil spirits and destroy the undead.

    You may buy up to 1D6 Holy Water vials at the cost of 1D6x50 gold each. After purchasing the vials, the salesman takes down his wares and disappears into the inn. Now roll for each holy water vial purchased. On a score of 1 or 2, the vial is filled with simple drinking water and is useless.

    On any other score, the vial actually does contain a magical holy water, purified and blessed by a priest. If drunk, the imbiber is protected by a magical aura which lasts for one turn and all attacks against him made by Undead Monsters do half Damage (rounded down). If thrown at an Undead Monster roll on your Ballistic Skill, each successful hit causing 1D6 Wounds with no deductions for anything.

    66 AN ADVENTURE! Roll on the Adventure Table to see what exploit the Warriors might participate in next!

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