trading issues? give yourself credit

Post on 25-May-2015






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DESCRIPTION Many times it’s all too easy for us to become wrapped up in what we aren’t doing well or more specifically, what we’re doing wrong. Naturally, if a trader is losing money they will look for reasons why and although identifying problems has a role to play in creating sustainable solutions, the other side of the coin could be just as important.


  • 1. Its easy for us to become wrapped up in what we aren't doing well or more specifically, what we're doing wrong.

2. Reasons Why 3. Buying/Selling Pullbacks In Trend With Trigger 4. Human Error 5. - Actions 6. Wrong. Excellent! 7. Negativity and setbacks can take their toll on motivation. 8. Weakness ------------------Strengths 9. 1. Things that you're good at are likely to be easier to improve with little effort.2. Where you are weak, you can certainly improve but the effort is much greater. 3. Recognizing why you're doing certain things well can help you spot patterns and behaviors that you can use to help create a plan to change where you are weak. 10. Boasting Traders! I made 500% trading my Flange Method! 11. I have to stop taking profits too soon 12. Constant Failing = DISCOURAGED 13. The experience of these consistent failures only adds to your doubt and fear. 14. MSTEAKS Happen 15. Focus on the things that you do well & give yourself credit where credit's due 16. Dramatic Results Over Time 17. Concentrating on weaknesses can fuel negative beliefs and discourage you.Concentrating on strengths can support positive beliefs about your own ability and motivate you. 18. Be Honest With Yourself 19. W W W. N E T P I C K S . C O MHave patience, stay positive and things will progress.

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