trainers: students research & planning examples

Post on 28-Jan-2018






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Graveney Students Trainers Adverts:

Examples of Completed Research & Planning

Which of the demographic group does the majority of your target audience fall into and, how do you plan to appeal to them. Also,

produce a mood board that best represents your target audience

•I will be appealing to a female, student demographic. I plan to use emotions to appeal to them.•My psychographic will be aspires as my product will appeal to them because its about being cool, being in with it, about being attractive•It will be appealing to them because it will reflect their lifestyle.•My product will appeal to their need for attention aand prominence

Mood board that best represents your target audience

Now that you’ve studied real and past examples of trainers adverts, make a list of do’s and don’t’s

• Do make sure the product is in clear display in the advert

• DON'T be a copycat and use someone else's idea for a product or service without their knowledge and approval.

• DON’T make it misleading to the audience

Now that you’ve studied real and past examples of trainers adverts, make a list of do’s and don’t’s

• Do make sure the product is in clear display in the advert

• DON'T be a copycat and use someone else's idea for a product or service without their knowledge and approval.

• DON’T make it misleading to the audience

Mood board that best represents your target audience

Logo -

Practice Photoshop

Model Name

I have chosen the model name: Street BLADE. The word, “Blade,” gives off a feeling of edginess and connotes danger, agility and sharpness. This links well with the theme of the product, a sports trainer. It suggests that the shoe is powerful and swift and good at what it does. As well of this, a sense of competition is highlighted in the word, “Blade.” It shows that this specific trainer is better than any other opposition.

However, I have also considered using the name: Street ARROW. The name connotes rapidness and focus and links to the words, “Bolt,” and, “Dart,” which also highlight great speed. As well as this, the idea that the product will allow you to achieve your full potential and match the speed of an arrow, is sold. Once again, this links well with the product of a sports trainer, displaying what it can do for you.

Target Audience The target audience and demographics I have chosen to appeal to, are 17-25 year old males and females. This is because I feel that there are many different and effective ways of advertising and satisfying the needs of the age group. As well as this, the more mature audience will be able to understand a more complex and meaningful advert, which would allow me to use a range of techniques e.g. enigma, shock, selling the idea etc. that would not usually appeal to younger people. A more atmospheric advert can be created rather than something simple.


To understand which age-group you are asking.

Provides and idea of what the advert and product could include

Understand whether the group are interested in the product.

Tells you which type of advert to create.

Set price of product- if needed.

Helps in deciding what type of trainer to advertise.


Road links with the idea of a street.

Color matches the product but also connotes: royalty, danger, luxury,

Horse represents speed and agility; sells the idea of the product. Could be swapped with a different animal e.g. cheetah, which links more to the product and its theme

Maslow Hierarchy Of Needs Esteem Needs:I feel that my advert and product needs to satisfy the needs of the targeted audience. It should bring them a feeling of confidence and achievement, mostly in sports as it is a sports trainer. As well as this, it is for people who respect others and are respected by others. Once again, because it is a sports trainer, there are many athletic idols that people can look up to and many ordinary people (friends, family, children etc.) who look up to them. However, it can also be argued that the avert and product meets the Self-Actualization needs; because audiences are feeling the sense of achievement, they have reached the best of their ability and are at the top of their game.

Practice Shots

Target Audience Who is my target audience and why have I chosen them? Having carried a questionnaire, what have I learnt about what my target audiences look for/ consider when

buying a new pair of trainers and what have I learnt about which advertising techniques my target audience finds most appealing?

- My target audience are young people aged 13 to 19, of unisex demographics. I have chosen to base my advert with this target audience as it is an age I can personally relate with, and it is easier for me to be able to know what appeals to the audience, as I am in between the age range. I also have access to people between the age range, meaning all the ideas I come up with will be based on the opinions of the public, and what they think would work, and what wouldn’t work.

- My target audience are likely to be aspirers, meaning they are more into a good design or packaging than the actual aspects of the trainers. They tend to seek status and to look and feel good and are normally more into good packaging rather than the actual product. What they may find appealing is to know that the trainers are very stylish and ‘within the era’. This is because they will most likely want to catch up with the trend as they like to follow the crowd.

- Advertising techniques such as targeting the needs of the audience will be the most effective and appealing, as it will be something they can relate to, such as the need for prominence.

Model name of “Streets”• The model name I have decided to go with is Stomp. This is because ‘Stomp’ has

the connotations of: galumph, barge, plod, pound.. Which suggest the shoes have an attitude and are loud, demanding to be worn/bought. It thrives for attention, and is also the name of a rhythmic stamping jazz dance, which convey the fact that if you wear them, you will feel full of life/lively.

• Many teenagers will be able to relate with this ‘within-the-era’ choice of name as ‘Stomp’ is a word that is used very often within this modern society. The main target is to be able to appeal to the target audience, so it is important to be able to interpret their language and use it to make a brand that they will eventually love and adore.

Which advertising techniques do I I plan to use and why?

• Demonstration: models wearing the trainers. This is so the audience know what is being advertised when they see the advert and so that they don’t get confused with what item is being advertised. The technique ‘demonstration’ allows the audience to be able to easily recognize what is being advertised, without having to make inaccurate assumptions on what the product may be.

• Emotive language: will have an affect on the audience. People will also link the positive connotations of the advert to the brand (such as the enlightening anchorage etc.), which may then create an attraction to the product . This is because the feelings and the emotions may give them an affection towards the brand.

How Has My own Survey Results Impacted On My Plans?

• The colours blue, white and black were the most popular choice of colour for trainers when I carried out my survey between 5 boys and 5 girls. Therefore I will be including these colours in either my final advert or my actual pair of edited trainers

• What the surveys told me was that the target audience didn’t like it if the information on the advert for the trainers were too over-exxagerated/ overhyped or too much text/information that was irelevant as it is time wasting and discourages them to look at the advert. This has impacted as I will now not include too much information in my advert

• On average, most people thought style was the most important aspect in trainers when I carried out my survey, meaning I will now focus more on the style of the trainers when I edit them, and make sure the shot of the trainers is appealing to my target audience

Mood Board of My Audience

Unique selling point of the trainers (UPS) (please brainstorm) Overall I believe my USP will appeal to my target audience and possibly secondary audience because?

Unique Selling Point:• They are extra lightweight• They are non slip trainers, meaning there is extra grip on the soles and the bottom of the

trainers to ensure a non-slip experience even when there is a wet surface• Made out of sensory materials which will adapt to the weather when necessary- such as

when the weather is hot, the trainers will be cool, and when the weather is cold, the trainers will give out warmth

• Suitable for anything- leisure, sports, running• Very trendy style and in season

A copy of my questionnaire

The Maslow Hierarchy of NeedsThe needs of my audience:Need for affiliation- the largest number of ads use this approach: are you looking for appreciation from your friends to be liked and be crowned style icon? Advertisers can also use this negatively, to make you worry that you’ll lose friends if you don’t purchase the pair of the trainersNeed for prominence- the audience want to be admired and respected, to have high social statusNeed for attention- audience want to be noticed and to be looked at

Aspirers seek attractive packaging more than the actual product. This means they will only notice the cover, and not bother what the actual contents are. They are also easily influenced by the latest trends, and generally suffer from peer pressure.

Who is my target audience and why have I chosen them? Having carried a questionnaire, what have I learnt about what my target audiences look for/ consider when buying a new pair of trainers and what have I learnt about which advertising techniques my target audience finds most appealing? Please upload a a copy of your questionnaire

• My primary target audience is between the ages of 13-19. choosing this I believe I will be able to relate the target audience to my own age and the needs and wants they have.

• Teenagers are often prone to peer pressure, forced to purchase the latest and best football boots and through the use of celebrity endorsement I will be able to associate the advert with this.

• Therefore my questionnaire is revolved around the above:• When buying football boots what do you look for? Comfort? Style? The latest? Celebrities that have used it? Other?• Who's your favourite football player? Ronaldo? Messi? Ibrahimovic? Other?• What type of colour’s do you look for on football boots? Vibrant? Dark? Multicoloured?• How much money do you spend usually on football boots? £20 or less? £21-40 £41-60? £61-80? £80 or more?• What type of football player would you choose to be? Goal scorer? Playmaker? Team player? Other?

• I plan to use celebrity endorsement of a football player to appeal to the consumer. Through the use of my questionnaire I will discover a minority of my target audience’s favourite player. Using this I will appeal to them as linking the product to this football player reinforces the high quality of the product and also expressing if you purchase the product you are also a high quality football player

• Endorse large font, in order of the consumer recognition of the product name/brand

• link the font style to the advertising am to reinforce the target market• use of vibrant colours of the product to make it stand out, in contrast to the dark

colours of the background • through the advert depict the psychographic of the target market/consumer.• life style appeal is displayed in the advert• large scale of product to reinforce it’s the main focus of the advert• slogan.

Which advertising techniques do I I plan to use and why?

Mood Board of My Audience

Now that you’ve studied real and past examples of trainers adverts, make a list of do’s and don’t’s

• Do’s– Symbolizes the products of high quality through the advert– ensure the main focus of the advert is the the product when looking at it– produce the trainers of a large size so the consumer can fully see the product– change the logo on the product to your own– ensure the product name links to the advert– celebrity endorsement to highlight quality of product– link the font style to the target market– endorse large font size of the product name/brand for recognition– use of advertising techniques

• Don’ts– Don’t use vibrant colours in the background, as this draws away the focus of the

product– produce the trainers of a small scale– keeping the original logo on the product– Not associating the product with the advert– use no advertising techniques– use of small font so that consumer can’t see the product name/brand

What did I ask?1. What is the most important thing you look for when buying


2. What colours are most appealing in a trainers advert

3. What advertising techniques are most appealing?

4. Do you prefer simple or complicated adverts?

5. What colour scheme is most appealing

6. Do you find the writing important?

7. How often do you buy shoes?

8. What are you favourite colours?

9. What is your favourite season?

10. What’s your favourtie she brand?

11. Which slogan is most appealing?

12. What makes you want to buy new trainers?

13. What appeals to you most when buying trainers?

14. What do you focus on when looking at an advert?

Unique Selling Point

USP:•High Quality•affordable•Style (Colour etc)•Uniqueness•Good quality•Everyone wants it•CreativeOverall my USP will appeal to my target audience and secondary audience as it is high in quality but not to expensive.

Who is my target audience and why have I chosen them? Having carried a questionnaire, what have I learnt about what my target audiences look for/ consider when buying a new pair of trainers and what have I learnt about which advertising techniques my target audience finds most appealing? Please upload a a copy of your questionnaire

• My target audience are teens between 13-19 year olds, and I have chosen them because they long to fit in and be cool. Older generations don’t care as much for new products because there isn’t that need for recognition or to be part of a popular group or movement.

• Young adult also respond well to humour so that could be a technique I could use in my advert.

Having carried out secondary research, what useful information have you found out and how these findings influenced you decisions.? (Remember to say where you got your info from

• I have found that it is easy to target teens because they have many insecurities and also have the strongest desire to fit in out of all of the other groups.

• Teens believe they are buying an image and a lifestyle, not a product

• Teens are the largest consumer demographic• They have money that can be spent on luxuries that

aren’t necessary• if a teen is attracted to a brand at a young age, they will continue to shop that specific brand for the rest

of their lives.

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