trans;ating the language of government norwich november 2009

Post on 23-Jan-2015






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an introduction to some government thinking and initiatives for a church audience interested in social action



Thank you for coming

Translating the language of government

Paul Whitnall

Some housekeeping


Fire Exit


Something about me Not an apologist for this or any other

Government I’m interested in the place where social issues

and my Christian faith meet I advise Churches and other Charities on how

to be stronger Usually that’s about money and funding

What I doI work with YMCA Norfolk, and other YMCAsI am active in supporting charities tackling youth

violence, anti-social behaviour and so onI am a retained adviser to the Bishop of Barking, and

with various Churches of all traditionsI am involved in redevelopments of church buildings

and land to create community service centres – at no cost to the Church!

I was until recently chair of the East London Community Foundation

I do work for the East of England Faiths CouncilI have served on PCCs for over 25 yearsI work with Time for God, who place international

gap-year volunteers

Format Really heavy on input –

I’m going to do about 90 minutes, in 3 bits We’ll do some workshop work, about 30 minutes 20- 30 minutes for questions and framing any follow-up


My 3 bits: Introductory stuff Some things Government is formally saying Some opportunities

Workshop bits

What we can or should do

Move from known to unknown From what Scripture says to what Government

says Or even what a potential government is


Start with the end in mind

Not real until its local So how are we going to bring this down to

earth So there are some tangible takeaways This presentation is already on Search “Whitnall”

Tangible takeaways Hand-outs

NB: Spoon-fed is not as effective as Self-help

You should leave later with Understanding of trends of thinking

Places to find out how to keep up with that Specific funding opportunities

Where to look How to find out more Who to contact What to say

An idea of who can or could help Supporters Consultants Potential partners and collaborators Look around

All wasted if you don’t make time to follow up Book 3 or 4 half-days in your diary to do some

stuff It is work

Research Read Browse the web Ring someone up Arrange to meet someone

Some Scripture: source of our agenda Isaiah 51 Luke 4 Acts 10:38

God is love Loves everyone Wants you, me and all of them to be in His

family He and we want people to have fulfilled lives His word is full of compassion and care

That’s the spring that drives God’s people into:

Health Care Education Youth work Community development Support for broken families Justice and mercy for offenders Welcome and care for ‘aliens and strangers’

Government is concerned for Each and all of these We have hugely congruent agendas We want the same things In many cases, driven by the same motivation

Gordon Brown interview with Premier Radio, august 2009• stressed that the “role of religion and

faith in the public square is incredibly important”.

“I think it is impossible for Christians to be expected to detach themselves from their faith as they work, because when we talk about faith we are talking about what people believe in. We are talking about the values that underpin what they do. We are talking about the convictions that they have about how you can make for a better society.”

Prime Minister also confirmed that the Government would still prioritise foreign

aid for those in poverty despite the current worldwide recession.

Mr Brown said, “We have responsibilities to those in need and in difficulty and we cannot walk by on the other side.”

He added, “Our responsibilities to the poor are even more acute and obvious at a time when people are facing difficulty.”

David Cameron talking to Songs of Praise David Cameron has said he is a Christian who

believes in God and goes to church, although “not as regularly as I should”.

The Conservative leader said Sunday School was one of his earliest memories, but said he did not “drop to my knees” and ask for help in a crisis.

However Mr Cameron added his Christian faith was a “part of who I am”.

His comments on the BBC’s Songs of Praise diverge from other party leaders who have not discussed their beliefs.

Mr Cameron was brought up in an old rectory and told BBC One’s Songs of Praise, which was filmed in his Oxfordshire constituency of Witney, that his family were “relatively regular churchgoers”.

He said: “I believe in God and I’m a Christian and I worship – not as regularly as I should – but I go to church.

Tory policy on 3rd Sector

Politicians now do “do God” Stephen Timms in Cambridge

Contact Graham Dale “We want the churches involved and active in

community life” This government

heard the criticisms of the Report of Von Hugel on the Church of England

Black churches are heavily and naturally engaged in social action

We are natural allies We should work together

They realise we cannot abandon our faith basis They have to have us as we are We do not need to - we must not - sell out We do have to articulate how our faith

impacts our social action So look at, and if you can, sign up to the

FaithWorks Charter

SOURCES about Government Huge amount Getting it Filtering it Using it

Perhaps there’s an opportunity for an information pool?

Ways to access Government Thinking Publications

Parliamentary Bookshop Websites

Department by department

Regional and Local Agencies

intermediaries But we may still need a translator!

Explore reasons for not accessing information

Time Knowing the way around Knowing what we’re looking for

Even when we find it, what do we do next?

Daily updates...

Government funding



Departmental websites

The need for translation Government has much to communicate Much of interest and relevance to faith groups Often a common purpose

Improve society Improve life for the people

But often faith groups are unaware Unresponsive Disconnected To the detriment of all parties

Benefits of engagement People get the advantage that Government is

designing Trust us (The Third Sector) more than ‘the system’

Your faith group is engaged in the social fabric Connection Voice Influence Respect

Government intentions have greater hope of being realised

Government Organised by theme Complex shape to reflect the complexity of

our 21st Century world

Which departments are we familiar with: (there are 27 in all) Some have greater resonance with us

In which department is the Faith Community Support Unit?

Departments of State [27]

Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs

Foreign and Commonwealth OfficeGovernment Equalities OfficeDepartment of HealthHome OfficeDepartment for International Development

Ministry of JusticeLeader of the House of CommonsHouse of LordsNorthern Ireland OfficePrivy Council OfficeScotland OfficeDepartment for TransportHM TreasuryWales OfficeDepartment for Work and PensionsHM HouseholdRegional Affairs

Attorney General's OfficeOffice of the Advocate General for Scotland

Department for Business, Innovation and Skills

Cabinet OfficeDepartment for Children, Schools and Families

Department for Communities and Local Government

Department for Culture, Media and Sport

Ministry of DefenceDepartment of Energy and Climate Change

Here are Six

Department for Business, Innovation and Skills

Cabinet Office (includes the Office for the Third Sector)

Department for Children, Schools and Families

Department for Communities and Local Government

Department for Culture, Media and Sport

Ministry of Defence

Here are further Six

Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs

Department of Health

Home Office

Ministry of Justice

HM Treasury (the origin of Futurebuilders funding)

Department for Work and Pensions


1. Local Involvement Networks (Health)

2. Face to face and side by side (DCLG)

3. Real people, real power (DCLG)

4. Future Jobs (DWP)

5. National Offender Management Services (MOJ)

6. Community Asset Transfer

7. Real help for communities (Office of the Third


8. Capacitybuilders

9. Social Investment Business


Local Involvement Networks (Health)

Help build a better health service...

Sometimes the people who use services don’t feel they have a strong enough voice to change aspects of their health or social care. The introductions of LINks is part of a wider process to help the community have a stronger local voice

The opportunities Local Involvement Networks (LINks)

Will give citizens a stronger voice in how their health and social care services are delivered.

Run by local individuals and groups and independently supported –

the role of LINks is to:

find out what people want,

monitor local services and

to use their powers to hold them to account.

LINKs presentation (DoH)

LINk contacts

Here he is:



If you didn’t get it first time...

Mini Media Box Mini Mediabox accepts applications for grants

of anywhere between £1,000 and £5,000.

To enable the voices of young people to be heard in ways which bring positive changes to their lives and to the lives of their peers and communities.

To achieve this by supporting innovative and high-quality community-based media projects that target disadvantaged young people and empower them to shape the nature of their activities.

Key Criteria:

Organisations should have a turnover of less than £100,000 to be eligible and be one of the following: a registered charity; not-for-profit organisation; trusts and incorporated association; non-statutory youth and community

based organisation.

If you can answer ‘yes’ to the following questions, your organisation will be eligible for Mini Mediabox: Does your organisation have a Child Protection

Policy? Are you a not-for-profit community based

organisation? Does your organisation have a written constitution? Does your organisation have a dedicated bank

account in the name of the organisation with two signatories?

Do you or any of your partners have a track record of working with 13-19 year olds?

Do you or any of your partners have experience of participatory media projects?

National Offender Management Services (MOJ)

Real help for communities (Office of the Third Sector)

Real Help for Communities: Volunteers, Charities and Social Enterprises

an action plan outlining £42.5 million support for the third sector

in the difficult economic climate.

third sector groups can access the funds via the Social Investment Business. 


In Nov 2008 the Office of the Third Sector formulated a number of guiding principles. They aim to ensure continued and strengthened delivery to deprived communities.

The Principles: Helps achieve economic growth, equality and social

mobilityDelivers real help now and in the future for

individuals, families and communitiesEnsures as many resources as possible are directed

into frontline servicesEncourages third sector organisations to work

together to provide help now and in the futureProvides a rapid response to current and emerging


How does the funding in the plan break down?Meeting Demand for Services and Tackling

Unemployment Up to £10 million investment in a volunteer

brokerage scheme for unemployed people. This will create over 40,000 opportunities for people to learn

new skills and give back to communities through volunteering.

From April 2009 A £15.5 million Real Help for Communities:

Targeted Support Fund will provide grant funding to small and medium providers in communities most at risk of increased deprivation due to the recession - meaning more small grants to more community groups – Available from April 2009

Strengthening the Sector now and in the future A £16.5 million Real Help for

Communities: Modernisation Fund:

Will support viable third sector organisations

to access specialist services

in order to restructure and

become more resilient and efficient in the

recession. Funding for organisations available from

summer 2009

Community Asset Transfer This is potentially very exciting

Local government owns lots of community assets –

land, buildings, community centres

The belief is that the community would use these

assets more imaginatively and efectively

Improving communities

Releasing local government from operational


The Road to Asset Transfer

Especially interested in these 2 Action 16

Transfer more assets to communities supporting partnerships ... to demonstrate what works in

asset transfer and the creation of sustainable community enterprises which strengthen communities and create local jobs.

Action 18 Invest in local community anchor

organisations as resources to support local community activity

Over the next three years, we will invest, with the Office of the Third Sector, in the long-term sustainability of the third sector through supporting community anchors to develop their role in stimulating opportunities, attracting resources and supporting community sector organisations at a neighbourhood level.

Deeper in the document: page 25 1.5 What needs to change?It means local agencies, such as neighbourhood

policing teams, mobilising the positive will of the many to counter the anti-social destructive actions of the minority. Local people of all ages, coming together to participate in and shape local services to ensure they address the things people care about in their community;

crime and anti-social behaviour, safe and clean streets and high quality and welcoming public spaces, schools, leisure and health services.

Deeper still...


Action 16: Transfer more assets to


In many areas local authorities havealready transferred assets such as

disused buildings or old swimming pools.

The government is implementing fully recommendations on how to boost the transfer of public assets, such as land, buildings or facilities, into the control of communities – see case study 10.

A consortium led by the DevelopmentTrusts Association is supportingpartnerships in 20 areas to demonstratewhat works and find the best practice tohelp others.

Making Assets Work: The Quirk Review of Community Management

and Ownership of Public Assets [Quirk, 2007] said optimise the community benefit of publicly

owned assets, transfer of asset ownership and management

to community groups. 

transfer of public assets to community ownership needs to realise social or community benefits The benefits of community management and

ownership of assets can outweigh the risks There are risks but they can be minimised and


The secret is all parties working together. This needs

political will, managerial imagination and a more business focused approach from the public

and community sectors.

More information from the Asset Transfer Unit Also offer free business plan and viability



Social Investment Business

Contact Tom Young, Business Development 0207 842 7715

If We Had Their Ear: What would we want Government to hear

from us...





Paul Whitnall

075 1525 4040

Thank you for coming

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