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Unit II: 600-1450

The Travelers

Marco Polo (1254-1324), is probably the most famous

Westerner traveled on the Silk Road. He excelled all the other travelers in his determination, his writing, and his influence.

His journey through Asia lasted 24 years.

He reached further than any of his predecessors, beyond

Mongolia to China. He became a confidant of Kublai Khan (1214-1294). He traveled the whole of China and returned to tell the

tale, which became the greatest travelogue.

Marco Polo (1254-1324), is probably the most famous

Westerner traveled on the Silk Road. He excelled all the other travelers in his determination, his writing, and his influence.

His journey through Asia lasted 24 years.

He reached further than any of his predecessors, beyond

Mongolia to China. He became a confidant of Kublai Khan (1214-1294). He traveled the whole of China and returned to tell the

tale, which became the greatest travelogue.

Ibn Battuta was born at Tangier, Morocco, in 1304 C.E. He began

to travel when he was twenty one years of age. His travels lasted

for about 30 years, after which he returned to Fez, Morocco at the court of the Sultan and dictated

accounts of his journeys, the famous Travels of Ibn Battuta. He

died in 1369.

Ibn Battuta was the only medieval traveler who is known

to have visited the lands of every Muslim ruler of his time. He also

traveled in Ceylon, China, Byzantium and South Russia. The

mere extent of his travels is estimated at no less than 75,000 miles, a figure which is not likely to have been surpassed before

the age of steam.

Ibn Battuta was born at Tangier, Morocco, in 1304 C.E. He began

to travel when he was twenty one years of age. His travels lasted

for about 30 years, after which he returned to Fez, Morocco at the court of the Sultan and dictated

accounts of his journeys, the famous Travels of Ibn Battuta. He

died in 1369.

Ibn Battuta was the only medieval traveler who is known

to have visited the lands of every Muslim ruler of his time. He also

traveled in Ceylon, China, Byzantium and South Russia. The

mere extent of his travels is estimated at no less than 75,000 miles, a figure which is not likely to have been surpassed before

the age of steam.

 This is a map of the Muslim World about 1300. Ibn Battuta mainly traveled in the area surrounded by the green line - countries with Muslim governments. Beyond that, Muslim traders had already ventured out into China, Indonesia and further, and had established small Muslim communities in more regions of the world. Ibn Battuta would seldom be far

from fellow Muslims on his travels, and he would greatly benefit from the charity and hospitality offered to Muslim travelers and pilgrims.

 This is a map of the Muslim World about 1300. Ibn Battuta mainly traveled in the area surrounded by the green line - countries with Muslim governments. Beyond that, Muslim traders had already ventured out into China, Indonesia and further, and had established small Muslim communities in more regions of the world. Ibn Battuta would seldom be far

from fellow Muslims on his travels, and he would greatly benefit from the charity and hospitality offered to Muslim travelers and pilgrims.

The Travels of Ibn BattutaThe Travels of Ibn Battuta

He was a Franciscan missionary, traveler and statesman, founder of

the earliest Roman Catholic missions in India and China, and

archbishop of Peking. He was born in 1246 at Montecorvino, Southern Italy and died at Peking, in 1328.

In 1289 John revisited the Papal Court and was sent out to meet

with the Great Khan, the Ilkhan of Persia and other leading leaders of the Mongol world. He translated the New Testament into Turkish

and built several churches in China. He claimed to have

baptized six thousand people.

He was a Franciscan missionary, traveler and statesman, founder of

the earliest Roman Catholic missions in India and China, and

archbishop of Peking. He was born in 1246 at Montecorvino, Southern Italy and died at Peking, in 1328.

In 1289 John revisited the Papal Court and was sent out to meet

with the Great Khan, the Ilkhan of Persia and other leading leaders of the Mongol world. He translated the New Testament into Turkish

and built several churches in China. He claimed to have

baptized six thousand people.

A Nestorian Christian priest born in the Mongol Capital of Khanbaliq but of Turkish ancestry. He was sent by the Mongol

Ilkhan of Persia as an envoy to the pope and European leaders. In 1287, the Mongols were planning to invade the Muslim held

lands of southwest Asia, capture Jerusalem, and crush the Islamic Empire.

He met with the kings of France and England, the pope, and other high officials. He enjoyed a fine reception but could not gain an alliance with them. In 1295, Ghazan, the new Ilkhan of Persia,

converted to Islam.

A Nestorian Christian priest born in the Mongol Capital of Khanbaliq but of Turkish ancestry. He was sent by the Mongol

Ilkhan of Persia as an envoy to the pope and European leaders. In 1287, the Mongols were planning to invade the Muslim held

lands of southwest Asia, capture Jerusalem, and crush the Islamic Empire.

He met with the kings of France and England, the pope, and other high officials. He enjoyed a fine reception but could not gain an alliance with them. In 1295, Ghazan, the new Ilkhan of Persia,

converted to Islam.

Reasons: Commercial, political, militaristic, diplomatic, or Missionary

Cultural Diffusion: Songs, stories, religious ideas, philosophical views, and technological and scientific knowledge. (Compass)

Spread of Crops: Muslims introduced Citrus fruits, rice, and cotton to west and Sub-Saharan Africa. They also brought sugarcane to southwest Asia and north Africa. Europeans brought sugarcane to Mediterranean islands of Sicily, Cyprus, and Crete. (Led to use of slave labor)

Reasons: Commercial, political, militaristic, diplomatic, or Missionary

Cultural Diffusion: Songs, stories, religious ideas, philosophical views, and technological and scientific knowledge. (Compass)

Spread of Crops: Muslims introduced Citrus fruits, rice, and cotton to west and Sub-Saharan Africa. They also brought sugarcane to southwest Asia and north Africa. Europeans brought sugarcane to Mediterranean islands of Sicily, Cyprus, and Crete. (Led to use of slave labor)

Spread and development of gunpowder: Mongol

invaders learned about gunpowder in China and by 1214, they had an artillery unit in their army. They

used catapults to lob powder bombs into cities.

Muslim armies soon developed similar weapons.

By 1258, gunpowder had reached Europe, who began making gunpowder-fueled

rockets and cannons.

Spread and development of gunpowder: Mongol

invaders learned about gunpowder in China and by 1214, they had an artillery unit in their army. They

used catapults to lob powder bombs into cities.

Muslim armies soon developed similar weapons.

By 1258, gunpowder had reached Europe, who began making gunpowder-fueled

rockets and cannons.

Result: Cultural Diffusion led to increased population, promoted economic development, enabled mariners and explorers to travel more safely and efficiently, and changed the nature of warfare.

Result: Cultural Diffusion led to increased population, promoted economic development, enabled mariners and explorers to travel more safely and efficiently, and changed the nature of warfare.

Ming China

Political DevelopmentMongols collapsed in 1368.

Hongwu established the Ming Dynasty.Erase memory of Mongol occupation. Strict centralized government – eliminated chief

minister position.Confucian education and civil service

reinstated.Private merchants traded and manufactured

porcelain, silk, and cotton.Ming “Brilliant” Dynasty lasted until 1644.

Political DevelopmentMongols collapsed in 1368.

Hongwu established the Ming Dynasty.Erase memory of Mongol occupation. Strict centralized government – eliminated chief

minister position.Confucian education and civil service

reinstated.Private merchants traded and manufactured

porcelain, silk, and cotton.Ming “Brilliant” Dynasty lasted until 1644.

Mandarins and Eunuchs

Mandarins were a special class of powerful officials sent out as emissaries to ensure

that local officials follow imperial policies.

Eunuchs were relied on for government services and enhanced the authority of the

central government.

Mandarins and Eunuchs

Mandarins were a special class of powerful officials sent out as emissaries to ensure

that local officials follow imperial policies.

Eunuchs were relied on for government services and enhanced the authority of the

central government.

Intellectual Development

Neo-Confucianism promoted

Yongle Encyclopedia promoted Chinese


Jesuit missionaries (Mateo Ricci) introduce

European technology and beliefs.

Wider production of printed materials. Novels

written in Chinese.

Intellectual Development

Neo-Confucianism promoted

Yongle Encyclopedia promoted Chinese


Jesuit missionaries (Mateo Ricci) introduce

European technology and beliefs.

Wider production of printed materials. Novels

written in Chinese.

Economic Development

Conscripted workers to rebuild irrigation systems to increase agricultural production

Promoted manufacturing of porcelain, lacquerware, silk and cotton textiles.

Domestic trade increased.

Chinese cultural revival – promoted cultural traditions and discouraged Mongol names

and dress

Economic Development

Conscripted workers to rebuild irrigation systems to increase agricultural production

Promoted manufacturing of porcelain, lacquerware, silk and cotton textiles.

Domestic trade increased.

Chinese cultural revival – promoted cultural traditions and discouraged Mongol names

and dress


“Comeback Back” Tours (7 between 1405 -1433).

Massive naval and trade fleet headed by Zheng He, a Chinese Muslim eunuch.

Established tributary relations with regions throughout the eastern hemisphere.

Voyages ended in 1433 as Confucian bureaucrats claimed foreign interests had no value to China and military resources should be directed towards protecting

northern frontier from attack.


“Comeback Back” Tours (7 between 1405 -1433).

Massive naval and trade fleet headed by Zheng He, a Chinese Muslim eunuch.

Established tributary relations with regions throughout the eastern hemisphere.

Voyages ended in 1433 as Confucian bureaucrats claimed foreign interests had no value to China and military resources should be directed towards protecting

northern frontier from attack.

Recovery in China

Ming China

Zheng He (1371-1435), or Cheng Ho, is arguably China's most

famous navigator. Starting from the beginning of the 15th Century,

he traveled to the West seven times. For 28 years, he traveled more than 50,000km and visited

over 30 countries, including Singapore. Zheng He died in 1435.

In all, Zheng He made seven wondrous voyages of discovery

between 1405 and 1433. His achievements show that China had the ships and navigational skills to

explore the world. Mysteriously, China did not follow up on these voyages. The Chinese destroyed

their ocean going ships and halted further expeditions. Thus, a

century later, Europeans would "discover" China, instead of the Chinese "discovering" Europe.

Zheng He (1371-1435), or Cheng Ho, is arguably China's most

famous navigator. Starting from the beginning of the 15th Century,

he traveled to the West seven times. For 28 years, he traveled more than 50,000km and visited

over 30 countries, including Singapore. Zheng He died in 1435.

In all, Zheng He made seven wondrous voyages of discovery

between 1405 and 1433. His achievements show that China had the ships and navigational skills to

explore the world. Mysteriously, China did not follow up on these voyages. The Chinese destroyed

their ocean going ships and halted further expeditions. Thus, a

century later, Europeans would "discover" China, instead of the Chinese "discovering" Europe.

The flagship of the fleet was a nine-masted vessel measuring 440 feet. In comparison, Columbus’ St. Maria was eighty-five feet.

The flagship of the fleet was a nine-masted vessel measuring 440 feet. In comparison, Columbus’ St. Maria was eighty-five feet.

Trade Fairs and the Growth of CitiesTrade Fairs and the Growth of Cities

Most trade took place in towns. Peasants from nearby manors traveled to town on fair days, hauling items to trade. Cloth was the most common trade item. Other items included bacon, salt, honey, cheese, wine, leather, dyes, knives and ropes. Such local fairs met all the needs of daily life for a small community. No

longer was everything being produced on a self-sufficient manor.

Great fairs were made possible by the guilds which controlled the crafts and trade. A guild was an association of people who worked at the same occupation. In medieval towns, guilds controlled all the

wages and prices in their craft.

Most trade took place in towns. Peasants from nearby manors traveled to town on fair days, hauling items to trade. Cloth was the most common trade item. Other items included bacon, salt, honey, cheese, wine, leather, dyes, knives and ropes. Such local fairs met all the needs of daily life for a small community. No

longer was everything being produced on a self-sufficient manor.

Great fairs were made possible by the guilds which controlled the crafts and trade. A guild was an association of people who worked at the same occupation. In medieval towns, guilds controlled all the

wages and prices in their craft.

By the later Middle Ages, trade was the very lifeblood of the new towns which sprang up at ports,

at crossroads and along rivers. People were no longer content with their old feudal existence. Even though they were legally bound to their lord’s manor,

many serfs ran away to live within the growing towns and cities.

Some of the largest trading cities to develop included Flanders, Genoa, Lisbon, Florence,

Venice and Constantinople.

By the later Middle Ages, trade was the very lifeblood of the new towns which sprang up at ports,

at crossroads and along rivers. People were no longer content with their old feudal existence. Even though they were legally bound to their lord’s manor,

many serfs ran away to live within the growing towns and cities.

Some of the largest trading cities to develop included Flanders, Genoa, Lisbon, Florence,

Venice and Constantinople.

Economic Recovery in Europe

The Crusades had the affect of reopening some of the trade routes. During the crusades both men and supplies were carried back and forth from Europe to Palestine. The Italian cities of Venice, Genoa and Pisa carried on most of this trade. The Italian ships traveled across the

Mediterranean Sea to the Near East and carried back goods that came from as far away as India and China. From Italy, other European traders took the goods and traded them all over Europe.

The Crusades had the affect of reopening some of the trade routes. During the crusades both men and supplies were carried back and forth from Europe to Palestine. The Italian cities of Venice, Genoa and Pisa carried on most of this trade. The Italian ships traveled across the

Mediterranean Sea to the Near East and carried back goods that came from as far away as India and China. From Italy, other European traders took the goods and traded them all over Europe.

Italian Trade

Of course, the Italians needed something worth while to trade. At first they only had raw materials to trade. Soon though, they learned to make products to trade. They made woolen

and silk cloth, metal ware, glassware and leather goods. The Italian traders not only traded with Europe but they sent their ships

around to England and northern Europe from which the Italian ships brought back furs,

wood, grain, copper and fish. Key centers of trade developed in the city-states of Milan,

Florence and Venice.

Of course, the Italians needed something worth while to trade. At first they only had raw materials to trade. Soon though, they learned to make products to trade. They made woolen

and silk cloth, metal ware, glassware and leather goods. The Italian traders not only traded with Europe but they sent their ships

around to England and northern Europe from which the Italian ships brought back furs,

wood, grain, copper and fish. Key centers of trade developed in the city-states of Milan,

Florence and Venice.

Economic Recovery in Europe

What was the focus of

the Venetian Economy?

What was the focus of

the Venetian Economy?

In the High Middle Ages, Venice became extremely wealthy through its control of trade between Europe and the Levant (Mediterranean lands east

of Italy) and began to expand into the Adriatic Sea and beyond.

What would be a good mascot or symbol for the Venetian city-state?

Why does a maritime city like Venice have a Winged Lion as

its sacred symbol?

How about a Winged Lion?

St. Mark

Venetian Merchants

wanted to put Venice on the

map! They decided to go to Alexandria and

take the remains of St.Mark.

They covered the remains with pork so the Ottoman officials would not take it! Then they

sailed home, presented the remains to the Doge, and St. Mark became the Patron Saint of Venice.

Map of Venice, c. 1000 AD. Republic is in dark red, land borders in light red, approximated sea borders in dotted light red.

During the sixteenth century, the manufacture

of silk and woolen textiles developed

rapidly in the Republic. Venice exported silk and

wool textiles, dyed by a special

method, throughout


Venetian glass was particularly famous. A special high quality type of glass and a unique range of colors were developed at the glassworks of Murano, near Venice.

Chemical industries were also developed, producing sugar and soap, and the city was famous both for its metalwork and as a center of printing.

How does this paining reflect how the Venetians thought of themselves?

What symbols do you see in this painting

Neptune and Mars helping to protect Venice. Winged Lion of St.Mark also watches over

the city-state.

The Campanile, Bell Tower in St. Mark’s Square, has become a famous landmark of Venice..

Who do you suppose had an influence on Venetian art and


Venetian art and architecture is inspired by Gothic Cathedrals, Byzantine mosaics and domes, Renaissance and Baroque ideals, and Muslim influences.

At the beginning of the seventeenth

century, Venice was the capital of the

independent Venetian Republic. It

was ruled by the Doge and a council with ten members (dieci), who helped

to manage the state's affairs. The

Doge was elected by the council of state, which was made up of representatives of

rich and noble families.

The Venetian Rublica, La Serenissima

La Serenissima

What do you think was the purpose of this bridge and

relief sculpture?

The Hanseatic LeagueThe Hanseatic League

In the 1100’s group of traders and merchants in medieval North German towns joined together

to form an association. The league formed because central governments of the medieval

period were weak, so there were no navies and no international law regulating trade. As a

result, merchants in trading towns needed a way to protect their interests, and banded

A depiction of Hamburg, a Hanseatic trading city.

together. In order to obtain security, exclusive trading

rights, and possibly a monopoly on trades, the towns

drew closer together.

By the mid-1300’s, many northern German

towns, including Lubeck and Hanburg, were

members of the Hanseatic League. Eventually the

league was able to monopolize (control) trade in the

Baltic and North Seas. It worked to make navigation

safer by controlling piracy, building lighthouses, and

training sailors.

Economic Recovery in Europe

The Portuguese Spice TradeThe Portuguese Spice Trade

During the Middle Ages, spices such as pepper and cinnamon were extremely valuable.

Spices could be used for many things; such as to preserve and favor meat, in perfumes, and in

medicines. Their value prompted many people to risk their lives traveling to Asia to obtain them.

When the Ottoman Turks expanded their empire and blocked traders from crossing Eastern Europe

and the Middle East into Asia, Europeans looked for new sea routes to the East.

In the early 1400’s, Portugal began to explore

Africa to find a direct sea route to Asia and its

riches. Prince Henry the Navigator founded a

school for navigational studies and expedition

planning. From the late 15th century, the

Portuguese dominated trade with the Arabs on

Africa's east coast. Portuguese explorers

eventually rounded the tip of Africa, and

established trading posts in Africa, India, Japan,

and China. Trade, especially the spice trade,

brought great wealth to Portugal.Portuguese trade in China

Economic Recovery in Europe

Portuguese Spice TradePortuguese Spice Trade

The map above shows the voyages of Vasco Da Gama, who was able to reach India by sea and gain access to the Spice Islands.

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