travelling in cuzco, peru

Post on 22-May-2015






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Travelling in Cuzco, Peru


Cuzco In Corpus Christi

I went to Cuzco and just by chance there was a traditional catholic celebration “ Corpus Christie “

During two days the carved wooden images of saints went from their church to the Catedral, in from of the main square.

It was a mix of cristian beliefs and local people ( inca ´s descendants )

Music and singing was everywhere.

wooden figures & masks

Entrance to “ L a Merced” convent

This cell was painted by a monk that used his blood to obtain a rare & special red.

Inca Garcilazo ´s house, altar & bed.He was a famous local writer.

Tambomachay : Inca´bath ( fed by natural springs )

At the side of this doll, hanging higt in a tree, rural people left mesagges.

It works as a comunal mail service

Moon ‘ s valley

Center of sacred ceremonies at day & night


Religious site which name means labyrinth, contains sacred caves & on top huge stones .

Typical inca´s construction, a window carved stone.


It was a fortress and a sacred center, belived to have been an astronomical observatory.

Stones are enormous, finely worked with no mix in between them.

Music : ( peruvian folk)

Photos: Taken with a non digital camera By

I spend at Cuzco a fantastic time, enjoyng the people, the music, the festivity.It was quite an experience watching all those images in the steet, carried sometimes from far away churches.

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