travellive_chuyên đề kiệt tác nghệ thuật 072015

Post on 14-Apr-2017






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InterContinental® Danang Sun Peninsula Resort


Trong chuy™n Æ“ Kh∏ch sπn - Resort n®m nay, thay v◊ giÌi thi÷u danh mÙc Gold List nh≠ m‰i n®m, l«n nµy Travellive sœ th˘c hi÷n theo tıng chÒ Æi”m gæn vÌi c∏c nhu c«u dch vÙ kh∏c nhau cÒa du kh∏ch. Qu˝ ÆÈc gi∂ c„ th” t◊m th†y Î Æ©y nh˜ng kh∏ch sπn c„ dch vÙ ÆÈc Æ∏o, hay v tr›, kh´ng gian vµ

thi’t k’ nÊi bÀt.

Ngoµi ra, th∏ng 7 Æang gi˜a mÔa hà n™n nh˜ng kh∏ch sπn, khu nghÿ d≠Ïng sœ mang tÌi nhi“u

ch≠¨ng tr◊nh ≠u Æ∑i thÛ v trong thÍi gian l≠u trÛ.

In this Hotels - Resorts publication, instead of Gold List as previous years, we would like to introduce you some specific hotels meeting

different demands of customers. Readers can find out hotels with extraordinary services, unique

spaces and masterpieces in design.

Moreover, in this hot weather of July, hotels and resorts are also offering guests many special


By: Que Lan - Thao Nguyen - Thanh Truc



Trong nh˜ng ngµy hà th∏ng 7, ch≠¨ng tr◊nh “Gia Æ◊nh d∑ ngoπi” tπi Madagui Forest City sœ lµ mÈt gÓi ˝ thÛ vfi dµnh

cho bπn vµ gia Æ◊nh.

Madagui lµ mÈt khu du lfich mang Æ∆c tr≠ng ri™ng vÌi thi™n nhi™n trong lµnh, nh˜ng d∑y rıng xanh chπy d‰c dflng s´ng ßπ Huoai trong lµnh. Khi

tham gia vµo hoπt ÆÈng gia Æ◊nh d∑ ngoπi tπi Khu du lfich Rıng Madagui,

bπn vµ c∂ gia Æ◊nh sœ c„ c¨ hÈi ghi d†u †n tπi rıng xanh bªng mÈt c©y xanh l©u n®m do ch›nh m◊nh gieo trÂng.

ß©y kh´ng chÿ lµ mÈt hoπt ÆÈng thÛ vfi g„p ph«n lµm xanh m´i tr≠Íng,

mµ cfln gæn k’t c∏c thµnh vi™n trong gia Æ◊nh vÌi nhau. Sau k˙ nghÿ tπi

Madagui, c©y xanh cÒa gia Æ◊nh bπn sœ Æ≠Óc ch®m s„c, nu´i d≠Ïng vµ cÀp

nhÀt li™n tÙc th´ng tin Æ’n bπn.

N’u th›ch nh˜ng bÈ phim hoπt h◊nh vui nhÈn nh≠ Minions, hay nh˜ng

chuy’n phi™u l≠u Æ«y mπo hi”m nh≠ Jurassic World; bπn c„ th” tho∂i m∏i

cÔng gia Æ◊nh vµ bπn bà tÀn h≠Îng nh˜ng bÈ phim bom t†n ngay gi˜a

rıng xanh hung v‹. TÀn h≠Îng c∂m gi∏c hoµn toµn kh∏c bi÷t vÌi nh˜ng

buÊi chi’u trong c∏c rπp k›n cÒa thµnh phË cÚng lµ mÈt trong nh˜ng

tr∂i nghi÷m Æ∆c sæc tπi Madagui. N’u ham m™ kh∏m ph∏, tπi Æ©y c„ c∂ mÈt

khu rıng nguy™n sinh vÌi nh˜ng Æi”m tham quan h†p d…n: c∏c con Æ≠Íng ngoªn ngoÃo, hang ÆÈng lÈ

thi™n, rıng tre ÆÈc Æ∏o, tuy’n Æ≠Íng Æi bÈ tr™n kh´ng, khu ÆÈng vÀt hoang

d∑ Æ≠Óc th∂ t˘ nhi™n... T†t c∂ lu´n sΩn sµng chÍ Æ„n gia Æ◊nh bπn ghä th®m.




In this hot weather of July, “Family picnic in Madagui Forest City” is an interesting suggestion for cooling off your summer days.

Madagui is a tourist destination bearing the true distinctions of a forest city with pure, natural and green forests nestled alongside the mythical Da Huoai river. When taking part in “Family picnic in Madagui forest city” program, you and your family can plant a perennial tree. This is not only an interesting activity to protect our environment but also a chance for enhancing close-knit relationship among family members. After your vacation, the resort will properly cultivate the tree and frequently send its updates to your family.

If you are interested in funny cartoons such as Minions or risky adventures like Jurassic World, your family and friends can enjoy famous movies right in the majestic green forest. Unlike closed cinemas in the city, the green forest will offer you a great new experience. Moreover, if exploring and conquering new challenges are your passion, the primeval forest with impressive attractions led by zigzag roads, mysterious open-cast cave-chains, a unique bamboo collection, amazing sky walk and a variety of wild animals are waiting for you. All these excellent things are ready for your family’s journey at all time.

Madagui Forest Resort

National Road 20, Residential Area 1, Madagouil Town, Da Huoai, Lam Dong

Tel: 063 3946 999Website:








T‰a lπc tπi mÈt trong nh˜ng b∑i bi”n Æãp nh†t hµnh tinh, Naman Retreat hi÷n ra nh≠ mÈt b¯c tranh ÆÈc Æ∏o khæc h‰a nh˜ng c©u chuy÷n ÆÀm truy“n thËng v®n h„a d©n tÈc Vi÷t Nam.

`ng dÙng ki’n trÛc theo nguy™n l˝ th©n thi÷n vÌi m´i tr≠Íng, vÀt li÷u thi c´ng ch›nh lµ Æ∏ vµ tre, Naman Retreat Æem Æ’n cho du kh∏ch nh˜ng tr∂i nghi÷m nghÿ d≠Ïng hoµn toµn kh∏c bi÷t bÎi s˘ k’t hÓp tinh t’ gi˜a Vi÷t Nam truy“n thËng vµ phong c∏ch hi÷n Æπi sang tr‰ng.

Ki’n trÛc Naman Retreat ∏p dÙng nguy™n l˝ “K›n vµ MΔ. C∏c c´ng tr◊nh Æ≠Óc ch®m chÛt tÿ m»n Æ’n tıng g„c cπnh tı k’t c†u, vÀt li÷u Æ’n c∏ch bµi tr›, bË cÙc nÈi th†t. S˘ lfich l∑m, sang tr‰ng pha l…n Æi”m nh†n t˘ nhi™n cÒa nät d©n gian Vi÷t hµi hfla vÌi kh´ng gian xung quanh. Nguy™n l˝ “K›n vµ MΔ tπo s˘ ri™ng t≠ nh≠ng kh´ng t∏ch bi÷t vÌi th’ giÌi b™n ngoµi nhÍ h÷ thËng v≠Ín c©y t≠¨i tËt vµ k’t c†u tre n¯a thu«n Vi÷t cÒa ki’n trÛc s≠ V‚ Tr‰ng Ngh‹a.

Tre trÎ thµnh bi”u t≠Óng ki’n trÛc Î Naman Retreat, vÌi hai trong nh˜ng c´ng tr◊nh ki’n trÛc bªng tre lÌn nh†t Vi÷t Nam, nhµ hµng Hay Hay vµ nhµ HÈi Nghfi. Nh˜ng vflm tre lÌn Æan xen tπo thµnh khËi ki’n trÛc hoµnh tr∏ng, g©y †n t≠Óng cho b†t k˙ ai tıng Æ∆t ch©n tÌi Æ©y. B™n cπnh mÈt Vi÷t Nam truy“n thËng cfln c„ mÈt Vi÷t Nam hi÷n Æπi Æ≠Óc t∏i hi÷n trong kh´ng gian cÒa khu nghÿ d≠Ïng vÌi nh˜ng b¯c t≠Íng b™ t´ng gi∂n dfi d˘a tr™n lËi ki’n trÛc thi“n t‹nh tËi gi∂n cÒa khu Pool Villa, hay khu nhµ hµng bi”n B Lounge hi÷n Æπi ÆÈc Æ∏o - n¨i bπn c„ th” Ææm m◊nh trong kh´ng gian Æ™m lÈng gi„ cÒa bi”n mi“n Trung vµ læng lflng nghe ti’ng t©m hÂn m◊nh. VÌi vi÷c sˆ dÙng vÀt li÷u Æ∏ - lµ nguy™n li÷u nÊi ti’ng sΩn c„ Î Æfia ph≠¨ng, h÷ thËng c©y xanh

Æ∆c chÒng Vi÷t Nam k’t hÓp xu h≠Ìng ki’n trÛc th©n thi÷n m´i tr≠Íng tr™n th’ giÌi, m‰i ¯ng dÙng trong ki’n trÛc Î Naman Retreat Æ≠Óc Æ∂m b∂o theo nguy™n l˝ ki’n trÛc xanh nh≠ ti’t ki÷m n≠Ìc, Æi÷n, ¯ng dÙng n®ng l≠Óng m∆t trÍi, h÷ thËng t≠Ìi ti™u gi˜ n≠Ìc, gπch kh´ng nung... ˝ t≠Îng thi’t k’ ÆÈc Æ∏o nµy Æ≠Óc th” hi÷n xuy™n suËt qua c∏c c´ng tr◊nh Æ∆c tr≠ng cÒa Naman nh≠: Nhµ hµng Hay Hay, Sitini Bar, cˆa hµng Boutik, Bi÷t Th˘ S„ng vµ phflng HÈi Nghfi.

Tho∏t kh·i kh´ng gian chÀt hãp cÒa Æ´ thfi ngÈt ngπt, kh´ng gian tre tπi Naman Retreat - b∂n giao h≠Îng cÒa thi™n nhi™n, lËi ki’n trÛc ÆÈc Æ∏o, n“n v®n h„a b∂n Æfia Æ∆c sæc cÔng s˘ Æ´n hÀu sœ kh¨i dÀy nh˜ng nguÂn n®ng l≠Óng vµ c∂m h¯ng b†t tÀn n¨i ch›nh bπn.



Situated on one of the most beautiful beaches in the world, Naman Retreat is a unique portrayal of Vietnamese traditional culture.

Constructed with eco-friendly materials, such as stone and bamboo Naman Retreat creates an unparalleled experience. Accented with traditional Vietnamese beauty combined with luxury modern style, Naman Retreat evokes the feeling of peace.

Naman Retreat applies a closed/open architectural principle. Every buildings details were skillfully selected from the structure to materials, and from exterior decoration to interior layout. Chic and luxury design, along with traditional highlights perfectly suit the surrounding area. With lush green gardens and Vietnamese bamboo

architectural structures, the talented architect Vo Trong Nghia has applied an closed/open principle to create private, but still open and spacious space.

Bamboo is an architectural symbol at Naman Retreat. The retreat features two of the largest bamboo works of architecture, Hay Hay Restaurant and the Conference Center. The bamboo domes are amazing works of art that create lasting impressions in every guest. Besides traditional elements, Vietnamese modern designs are incorporated into Naman Retreat. In particular, the Pool Villa showcases a stunning minimalistic design featuring concrete, glass, stone and wood. The modern contemporary B Lounge is an ideal place to be immersed in the tranquility of the night in a trendy and sophisticated lounge atmosphere.


Naman Retreat is mainly constructed of stone and designed with distinctive green Vietnamese trees and plants, therefore emphasizing the sustainable eco-friendly architectural style. Green architectural principles were incorporated into many aspects of Naman Retreat including solar energy, rainwater management and unique construction material to reduce the overall environmental impact of the retreat. This unique approach is applied to all the distinctive architectural masterpieces of Naman Retreat including Hay Hay Restaurant, Pure Spa, B Lounge, Sitini Bar, Boutik Shop, Pool Villas, Wave Villas and the Conference Center.

The amazing bamboo architecture, as well as the distinctive local culture and intimate hospitality will inspire you to escape the stress of life and retreat into peace.

Naman RetreatTruong Sa, DanangWebsite:








Trong phong thÒy ng≠Íi ch©u É, “t‰a s¨n h≠Ìng thÒy” lµ mÈt nguy™n l˝ ki’n trÛc Æ≠Óc ∏p dÙng tπi r†t nhi“u c´ng tr◊nh. Nguy™n l˝ ki’n trÛc nµy mang ˝ ngh‹a tπo s˘ v˜ng chæc cho n“n m„ng c´ng tr◊nh Æ” Æ„n gi„ lµnh tı bi”n trÍi. VÌi nh˜ng nghi™n c¯u chuy™n s©u v“ ki’n trÛc cÚng nh≠ th†u hi”u v®n h„a Vi÷t Nam, ki’n trÛc s≠ “phÔ thÒy” Bill Bansley Æ∑ mang “t‰a s¨n h≠Ìng thÒy” vµo Khu nghÿ d≠Ïng “thi™n Æ≠Íng” InterContinental® Danang Sun Peninsula Resort.

T‰a lπc tπi b∏n Æ∂o S¨n Trµ, toµn bÈ 197 phflng Î InterContinental® Danang Sun Peninsula Resort Æ“u h≠Ìng bi”n vÌi cˆa sÊ vµ ban c´ng lÌn tπo n™n t«m nh◊n hoµn h∂o cho du kh∏ch ngæm c∂nh tı tr™n cao, cfln ph›a sau l≠ng th◊ t˘a vµo ÆÂi nÛi c©y cËi xanh t≠¨i. Resort kh´ng chÿ thu hÛt du kh∏ch bÎi vŒ Æãp v“ ki’n trÛc mµ cfln bÎi vŒ Æãp thi™n nhi™n trÍi phÛ. Nªm tr™n mÈt b∑i bi”n t∏ch bi÷t, d≠Ìi lµn n≠Ìc xanh trong lµ nh˜ng rπn san h´ tuy÷t Æãp cho du kh∏ch l∆n ngÙp kh∏m ph∏, bÍ bi”n c∏t vµng lµ n¨i th›ch hÓp Æ” cÔng tham gia c∏c trfl ch¨i, hoπt ÆÈng tÀp th”. B™n cπnh Æ„, khu rıng ƪng sau l≠ng resort sœ mang lπi kh´ng kh› trong lµnh, m∏t mŒ vÌi nguÂn oxy dÂi dµo khi’n bπn lÛc nµo cÚng c∂m th†y kh·e khoæn.

¬m th˘c tπi InterContinental® Danang Sun Peninsula Resort vÌi h÷ thËng nhµ hµng mang tÌi nhi“u s˘ l˘a ch‰n ÆÒ Æ∏p ¯ng nhu c«u th≠Îng th¯c »m th˘c cÒa du kh∏ch trong n≠Ìc vµ quËc t’, tı nh˜ng m„n ®n truy“n thËng Vi÷t Nam cho Æ’n ph≠¨ng T©y trong mÈt kh´ng

gian th≠ gi∑n vµ sang tr‰ng. Ngoµi nh˜ng b˜a ®n ch›nh b™n trong c∏c nhµ hµng sang tr‰ng, chÛng ta c„ th” vıa nªm ph¨i næng th≠ gi∑n tr™n bÍ bi”n vıa th≠Îng th¯c mÈt ly cocktail m∏t lπnh tπi L_o_n_g Bar hay Barefoot nªm ngay tr™n bÍ bi”n cÔng bπn bà ngæm nh◊n bÍ bi”n th¨ mÈng, læng nghe tıng ti’ng s„ng vÁ bÍ.

Ngoµi ra, trong thÍi gian l≠u trÛ tπi InterContinental® Danang Sun Peninsula Resort, du kh∏ch cÚng c„ th” Æ’n vÌi HARNN Heritage Spa vµ Pedi:Mani:Cure Studio by Bastien Gonzalez Æ” tr∂i nghi÷m dfich vÙ spa th≠ gi∑n vµ ch®m s„c sæc Æãp cao c†p, ho∆c dµnh thÍi gian gi∂i tr› b™n gia Æ◊nh vµ bπn bà tπi phflng karaoke M-Rouge, rπp chi’u phim Auditorium ho∆c v≠Ín trŒ. ß∆c bi÷t, nh˜ng l˘a ch‰n nµy Æ“u hoµn toµn mi‘n ph› vµ nªm trong gi∏ phflng.

InterContinental® Danang Sun Peninsula Resort cfln ghi Æi”m trong mæt du kh∏ch vÌi phong c∏ch phÙc vÙ chuy™n nghi÷p, tÀn t◊nh, mang tÌi du kh∏ch c∂m gi∏c th©n thuÈc vµ d‘ chfiu trong suËt thÍi gian l≠u trÛ tπi resort “t‰a s¨n h≠Ìng thÒy” nµy.




According to Feng Shui (Asian geomancy), “leaning against

the mountain and overlooking the sea” is a major architectural

principle applied in many works. This principle makes the works

more stable and well-aired. Deeply understanding about architecture

and Vietnamese culture, Bill Bansley, a talented architect,

has bring this principle to the “paradise” of InterContinental® Danang Sun Peninsula Resort.

Located in Son Tra Peninsula, all 197 rooms of InterContinental®

Danang Sun Peninsula Resort feature windows and large

balconies, which offer guests the striking panoramic views

of not only the sea but also the lush green forest in the back. Additionally, travelers can be

surpised by the impressive beauty of nature. Immersing yourself in the blue water, diving to explore

wonderful coral reefs and joining activities on the yellow sand

beach will be your memorable experiences. Moreover, the fresh

and cool air with abundant oxygen from the forest will make you

more active.


Restaurants of InterContinental® Danang Sun Peninsula Resort promise to meet all demands of domestic and international visitors. In an excellent dining space, guests will be satisfied with the lavish menus featuring a wide selection of Vietnamese cuisines and European delicacies. Moreover, you can also lazily sunbathe on the picturesque beach and listen to waves lapping while sipping a cool cooktails served by Long Bar or Barefoot.

In addition, at InterContinental® Danang Sun Peninsula Resort, travelers will have chances to experience spa and wellness services at HARNN Heritage Spa and Pedi:Mani:Cure Studio by

Bastien Gonzalez; and relax with family and friends in M-Rouge karaoke room, Auditorium cinema or kids garden. All these services are free and included in accommodation fee.

During the vacation, guests are also impressed with the friendly, intimate and comfortable atmostphere created by the delicated and professional staff of InterContinental® Danang Sun Peninsula Resort.

InterContinental® Danang Sun Peninsula Resort

Bai Bac, Son Tra Peninsula, DanangTel: +84-511-3938888Website:






Nªm b™n bÍ dflng s´ng Thu BÂn, Hotel Royal Hoi An sÎ h˜u t«m nh◊n tuy÷t Æãp h≠Ìng ra toµn c∂nh thµnh phË, trÎ thµnh Æfia Æi”m l≠u trÛ l˝ t≠Îng dµnh cho du kh∏ch. Lµ thµnh vi™n cÒa bÈ s≠u tÀp MGallery tπi Vi÷t Nam, kh∏ch sπn mang c∏ t›nh vµ phong c∏ch Æ∆c bi÷t thuÈc dflng kh∏ch sπn Di s∂n.

Hotel Royal Hoi An lµ h◊nh ∂nh ph∂n chi’u trung th˘c v“ HÈi An - “N¨i g∆p gÏ b◊nh y™n”, hfla hÓp gi∏ trfi lfich sˆ vµ lflng hi’u kh∏ch. Ki’n trÛc cÒa kh∏ch sπn mang ∂nh h≠Îng cÒa ki’n trÛc Vi÷t Nam vµ NhÀt B∂n x≠a, nh≠ng v…n th†y Æ©u Æ„ ki’n trÛc Ph∏p Æ≠¨ng Æπi mµ thÀt tinh t’.

Kh∏ch sπn gÂm 119 phflng, mang Æ’n kh´ng gian nghÿ d≠Ïng thanh b◊nh. MÁi c®n phflng Æem Æ’n mÈt tr∂i nghi÷m l∑ng mπn nh≠ th◊ th«m k” c©u chuy÷n t◊nh gi˜a thu¨ng gia ng≠Íi NhÀt B∂n - Sotaro Araki vµ c´ng chÛa tri“u Nguy‘n - Ng‰c Hoa. Toµn bÈ c∏c phflng vÌi sµn gÁ vµ Æ nÈi th†t thÒ c´ng sœ giÛp du kh∏ch gÓi nhÌ v“ qu∏ kh¯ cÒa phË cÊ. Tı ban c´ng, bπn sœ bfi thu hÛt bÎi quang c∂nh th≠ th∏i vÌi cÈng ÆÂng d©n c≠ sËng d‰c ven s´ng. Hπng phflng Æ≠Óc Æ∆t t™n Sotaro Suites Î t«ng cao nh†t nh◊n v“ h≠Ìng Æ´ng lµ NhÀt B∂n, Ani-o Suites cÚng Î t«ng cao nh†t nh◊n v“ ph›a T©y lµ Vi÷t Nam, vµ hai loπi phflng Deluxe Suites lµ Yasu and Tau. “Yasu” lµ t™n con g∏i cÒa Sotaro vµ Ani-o, “Tau” c„

ngh‹a lµ con tµu trong ti’ng Vi÷t.

Hotel Royal Hoi An chµo Æ„n th˘c kh∏ch vÌi th˘c ƨn »m th˘c phong phÛ tπi h÷ thËng nhµ hµng vµ bar. ß’n Faifo Cafä, th˘c kh∏ch Æ≠Óc th≠Îng th¯c b˜a s∏ng t˘ ch‰n vµ th˘c ƨn a-la-carte (th˘c ƨn ch‰n m„n) vÌi h≠¨ng vfi Ch©u É, M¸ vµ Ch©u ¢u cho b˜a tr≠a vµ tËi. ß«u b’p cÒa nhµ hµng NhÀt Wa Ka Ku sœ tr◊nh di‘n ngh÷ thuÀt cÒa sushi vµ m„n thfit gµ xi™n n≠Ìng yakitori vÌi nguy™n li÷u b∂n Æfia. Nh˜ng m„n cocktail truy“n thËng, thi’t k’ phong c∏ch vµ kh´ng gian nÈi th†t th≠ gi∑n tπi River Bar vÌi ©m nhπc lounge trµn ngÀp kh´ng gian sœ mang lπi cho bπn nh˜ng tr∂i nghi÷m kh„ qu™n.




Nestled on the bank of the picturesque Thu Bon River, Hotel Royal Hoi An, with the wonderful

vista of cityscape becomes an ideal accomodation for visitors. As a member of MGallery collection in

Vietnam, the hotel features a distinctive style of the “Heritage” hotels.

Hotel Royal Hoi An is essentially a true reflection of Hoi An - “peaceful meeting place”, with the values of historical tranquillity and memorable

hospitality. The hotel’s architecture draws upon ancient Vietnamese and Japanese influences

in a dramatic display of French style with a contemporary twist.

The hotel’s 119 guestrooms induce total relaxation as a serene haven of peace and tranquillity. Each room exhibits a romantic touch like the love story of Sotaro Araki, a Japanese businessman and Ngoc Hoa, the princess of the Nguyen dynasty. The rooms are adorned with wooden floors, handcrafted furnishings and fixtures that bring the city’s storied past back to life. On the balcony, guests will be captivated by a magnificent view of the river that meanders leisurely and the age-old communities that thrive along its banks. Rooms are typically named as: Sotaro Suites on the top floor facing east to Japan, Anio Suites on the top floor facing west to Vietnam, two Deluxe Suites, Yasu and Tau. “Yasu” is Sotaro and Ani-o’s daughter while “Tau” means “a boat” in Vietnamese.

Hotel Royal Hoi An provides decadent dining experiences through its several top-notch bars and restaurants. At Faifo Cafä, guests are treated with a full breakfast buffet and delectable a la carte dishes of Asian, American and European cuisine for lunch and dinner. Chef Wa Ka Ku at its Japanese-food outlet exhibits his prowess in the art of making sushi and yakitori dishes using the finest local ingredients. Classic cocktails, chic design and a relaxed vibe at the poolside River Bar with cool lounge sounds will bring you memorable moments.

MGallery Hotel Royal Hoi An39 Dao Duy Tu, Cam Pho, Hoi AnTel: 0510. 3950 777





T‰a lπc trong lflng phË cÊ Hµ NÈi, vÌi t«m nh◊n tuy÷t Æãp h≠Ìng ra h Hoµn Ki’m n™n th¨ vµ thanh b◊nh, Apricot lµ mÈt trong nh˜ng kh∏ch sπn sang tr‰ng bÀc nh†t Hµ thµnh. M∂nh Ɔt x©y d˘ng n™n Apricot h´m nay gæn li“n vÌi c©u chuy÷n lfich sˆ cÒa Hµ NÈi vÌi nh˜ng con phË quanh h G≠¨m mang vŒ thanh lfich r†t ri™ng, tı ßinh Ti™n Hoµng, Hµng Khay... vµ nh†t lµ Æoπn cuËi Hµng TrËng käo dµi cho h’t L™ Th∏i TÊ, mang nät giao hfla cÒa tinh hoa v®n minh ¢u - É.

Qua thÍi gian, m∂nh Ɔt †y c„ nhi“u s˘ ÆÊi thay, Æ∆c bi÷t lµ mÈt kh∏ch sπn mÌi mang t™n Apricot Æ≠Óc ch›nh th¯c khai tr≠¨ng vµ bæt Æ«u Æi vµo hoπt

ÆÈng tı th∏ng 4/2015.

ß≠Óc x©y d˘ng vµ thi’t k’ l†y c∂m h¯ng d˘a tr™n c©u chuy÷n lfich sˆ tr™n m∂nh Ɔt kinh k˙, Apricot to∏t l™n phong c∏ch thi’t k’ ÆÈc Æ∏o, vÌi s˘ hfla quy÷n tinh t’ gi˜a ki’n trÛc t©n c´ Æi”n vµ nät Æ∆c tr≠ng cÒa v®n h„a Vi÷t Nam. Nh◊n tı b™n ngoµi, tfla nhµ træng ki™u sa nÊi bÀt vÌi lËi vµo h◊nh m∏i vflm th†p tho∏ng kh´ng kh› ch©u ¢u cÊ Æi”n. NÈi th†t kh∏ch sπn lµ n¨i t´n vinh ngh÷ thuÀt vµ v®n h„a Vi÷t Nam.

Tı s∂nh, hµnh lang, nhµ hµng cho Æ’n 123 phflng nghÿ sang tr‰ng, Î b†t c¯ g„c nµo, du kh∏ch cÚng c„ c¨ hÈi chi™m ng≠Ïng mÈt trong h¨n 600 nguy™n t∏c hÈi h‰a, k˝ h‰a vµ Æi™u khæc cÒa c∏c h‰a s‹ hµng Æ«u Vi÷t Nam. ß≠Óc thi’t k’ theo phong c∏ch t©n cÊ Æi”n

k’t hÓp vÌi nät Æ∆c sæc cÒa m¸ thuÀt Vi÷t, 123 phflng nghÿ cÒa kh∏ch sπn lµ 123 kh´ng gian vıa sang tr‰ng tinh t’, vıa †m cÛng vµ g«n gÚi, t∏i hi÷n nh˜ng nËt th®ng hoa trong cuÈc ÆÍi ng≠Íi h‰a s‹.

C„ v´ vµn nh˜ng ch†m ph∏ mµ du kh∏ch sœ nhÌ v“ k˙ nghÿ tπi Apricot. ß„ lµ b˜a s∏ng †m cÛng tπi nhµ hµng L’Artiste, lµ phÛt gi©y th≠Îng l∑m nh˜ng tuy÷t t∏c hÈi h‰a cÒa c∏c h‰a s‹ t™n tuÊi vµ cÚng c„ th” lµ kho∂nh khæc b◊nh y™n b™n t∏ch trµ chi“u. ß∆c bi÷t, Ưng tr™n t«ng cao nh†t cÒa kh∏ch sπn, ngæm H G≠¨m cÊ k›nh vµ tÀn h≠Îng phÛt gi©y Ææm m◊nh trong lµn n≠Ìc trong xanh cÒa b” b¨i tπi kh∏ch sπn sœ mang Æ’n nh˜ng tr∂i nghi÷m kh„ qu™n trong k˙ nghÿ cÒa bπn.




Located at the edge of Hoan Kiem Lake, offering a splendid-sweeping lakeview, Apricot is one of the most luxury hotels in Hanoi. The area in which the hotel was built associates with historic stories of Hanoi. Elegant streets around the lake such as Dinh Tien Hoang, Hang Khay, and especially Hang Trong and Le Thai To are a harmonious combination of Asian and European essences. Just opened the door in April 2015, Apricot has adorned this area with a new painting line.

Inspired by Hanoi historic stories, Apricot ambiance blends the authentic Vietnamese tradition and neo-classical design. From the outside of the hotel, guests are amazed by the gorgerous beauty of the white building and the entrance designed in classic European-style dome. Unearth the local heritage and culture through Vietnamese artists

on a private and insightful lobby and corridor. The lobby, corridors, 123 luxury rooms and other corners of this hotel are adorned by more than 600 original artworks, skethches and sculptures created by the nation’s renowned artists. 123 guestrooms are also 123 luxury and intimate spaces reappearing the upheavals of the artist’s.

There are a variety of experiences for guests at Apricot. It may be the cozy breakfast at L’Artiste, the moment of enjoying paintings drawn by famous painters or the peaceful time sipping the afternoon tea. Enjoy the breathtaking view of the legendary Sword lake while soaking in the deep blue rooftop pool, you will have a whole time to daydream about the day’s adventure in this dynamic city.

Apricot Hotel

136 Hang Trong, Hoan Kiem, Hanoi

Tel: 04. 3828 9595





T‰a lπc tπi vfi tr› Ææc Æfia ngay trung t©m thµnh phË, g«n khu kinh doanh vµ c∏c Æfia Æi”m tham quan nÊi ti’ng, Kh∏ch sπn Norfolk lµ Æi”m dıng ch©n l˝ t≠Îng Æ” tÀn h≠Îng nh˜ng phÛt gi©y th≠ gi∑n gi˜a nhfip sËng n®ng ÆÈng hËi h∂ cÒa Sµi Gfln.

Norfolk lµ kh∏ch sπn Æ«u ti™n tπi TP.HCM c„ vËn Æ«u t≠ tı Ûc vÌi phong c∏ch thi’t k’ tao nh∑, tinh t’ pha trÈn vÌi nh˜ng ti÷n nghi hi÷n Æπi, gÂm 104 phflng theo ti™u chu»n quËc t’, Æ≠Íng truy“n internet k’t nËi kh´ng d©y tËc ÆÈ cao vµ khu v˘c lµm vi÷c Æa ch¯c n®ng dµnh cho kh∏ch doanh nh©n. CÔng vÌi nh˜ng ti÷n nghi hi÷n Æπi mang Æ’n s˘ tho∂i m∏i, dfich vÙ c∏ nh©n cÒa kh∏ch sπn lu´n Æ” lπi nh˜ng †n t≠Óng tËt Æãp cho du kh∏ch.

VÌi nh˜ng ai c«n t◊m ki’m s˘ th≠ gi∑n, Norfolk Spa cung c†p c∏c dfich vÙ nh≠ sauna (x´ng h¨i kh´), steambath (x´ng h¨i ≠Ìt) - sœ lµ ph≠¨ng ph∏p th≠ gi∑n hi÷u qu∂ sau mÈt ngµy kh∏m ph∏ thµnh phË hay lµm vi÷c c®ng thºng.

Tπi t«ng tr÷t cÒa kh∏ch sπn, Nhµ hµng Corso Steakhouse & Bar c„ thi’t k’ sang tr‰ng, »m th˘c Æa dπng theo phong c∏ch É ¢u, sœ lµ n¨i l˝ t≠Îng cho c∏c dfip h‰p m∆t gia Æ◊nh vµ chi™u Æ∑i ÆËi t∏c.


Conveniently located in the heart of the city center, close to business destinations and famous landmarks, Norfolk Hotel is an oasis of rest and relaxation from the hustle and bustle of Saigon life, where you can truly relax and feel at home.

As the first Australian owned hotel in Ho Chi Minh City, Norfolk Hotel features 104 renovated rooms equipped with modern conveniences, complimentary wireless internet connection and functional working spaces for busy executives. The hotel’s facilities are stylish yet comfortable and friendly, personalized service offered by the staff is guaranteed to leave a lasting impression.

For those guests seeking to relax and be pampered, Norfolk Spa offers spa treatments as well as sauna and steam bath facilities - the perfect way to unwind after a day of discovery or hectic day at work.

Corso Steakhouse & Bar, located on the ground floor of the hotel, with an extensive menu, including Western and Asian cuisines and luxurios and intimate space, is a perfect choice for a family celebration or formal business dinner.

117 Le Thanh Ton, Dist. 1, HCMC

Tel: 08 3829 5368






Trong nh˜ng chuy’n c´ng t∏c dµi ngµy tπi mÈt thµnh phË lÌn, vi÷c l˘a ch‰n n¨i Î phÔ hÓp r†t quan tr‰ng Æ” bπn kh´ng ph∂i lo læng khi di chuy”n, lu´n c„ m∆t ÆÛng giÍ trong c∏c cuÈc h‰p quan tr‰ng vÌi kh∏ch hµng, ÆËi t∏c. Khu c®n hÈ dfich vÙ Norfolk Mansion ch›nh lµ n¨i Æ∏p ¯ng nh˜ng ti™u ch› cÒa bπn khi Æ’n TP.HCM.

Norfolk Mansion gÂm 126 c®n hÈ Æ≠Óc thi’t k’ sang tr‰ng, tinh t’ cÔng nh˜ng ti÷n nghi hi÷n Æπi. VÌi nhi“u loπi h◊nh c®n hÈ kh∏c nhau tı 1 Æ’n 3 phflng ngÒ, Æ∆c bi÷t lµ c®n hÈ ∏p m∏i (penthouse) 4 phflng ngÒ; t†t c∂ Æ“u Æ≠Óc bË tr› khu lµm vi÷c ri™ng bi÷t, kh´ng gian sËng Æa ch¯c n®ng vµ nhµ b’p ti÷n nghi. Tπi Norfolk Mansion, bπn c„ th” tÀn h≠Îng mÈt vflng b¨i s∂ng kho∏i ho∆c nªm th≠ gi∑n tr™n gh’ dµi tπi khu v˘c h b¨i sau mÈt ngµy lµm vi÷c m÷t m·i.

Bπn cÚng c„ th” tham gia lÌp yoga vµ nh˜ng bµi tÀp vÀn ÆÈng tπi phflng tÀp th” dÙc, cÔng c∏c dfich vÙ th≠ gi∑n kh∏c nh≠ phflng x´ng kh´, x´ng h¨i, bÂn tæm thÒy l˘c, th≠ vi÷n, bida vµ khu tÀp Æ∏nh g´n. Ngoµi ra, dfich vÙ gi∆t Òi tπi Norfolk Mansion lu´n sΩn sµng phÙc vÙ nh˜ng vfi kh∏ch bÀn rÈn. N’u bπn ngπi dÔng b˜a tËi b™n ngoµi hay kh´ng c„ thÍi gian v◊ ph∂i gi∂i quy’t c´ng vi÷c, Nhµ hµng Shang Palace chuy™n phÙc vÙ »m th˘c Qu∂ng ß´ng HÂng K´ng ch›nh thËng, hay Terrazzo Cafä gÂm nh˜ng m„n ®n theo phong c∏ch Ch©u ¢u sœ lµm bπn hµi lflng.

DÔ bπn c„ nhu c«u c´ng t∏c

dµi hπn, du lfich ngæn ngµy, hay muËn tr∂i nghi÷m phong c∏ch sËng hi÷n Æπi, ƺng c†p tπi TP.HCM, Norfolk Mansion lu´n lµ l˘a ch‰n hoµn h∂o dµnh cho bπn.


When travelling on business, choosing accommodation in the right part of the city can mean the difference between arriving on time for an important meeting, and turning up late due to traffic delays. That is why Norfolk Mansion is the perfect choice when visiting Ho Chi Minh City.

Norfolk Mansion’s 126 apartments are designed with comfort, luxury and modern living conveniences. Available in 1, 2 and 3 bedroom configurations as well as exclusive 4 bedroom roof-top penthouses, all apartments feature private work areas, functional living spaces and well equipped kitchens. Relaxing after a hectic day is easy at Norfolk Mansion; enjoy a leisurely swim or unwind in

a poolside sun lounger. Yoga classes as well as body toning sessions are also offered at the fully-equipped health club. Other recreational facilities include private male and female saunas, steam baths, hot and cold Jacuzzi’s, a fully stocked multi-lingual library, billiards table and golf driving range. Too busy to worry about laundry? Public laundries as well as dry cleaning services are available. Too tired to go out for dinner, or facing tight work deadlines? Shang Palace Restaurant offers mouth-watering Cantonese and Hong Kong cuisine while Terrazzo Cafä serves international cuisine in a casual, cafä-style setting.

Whether you are visiting on long-term business or a short-term traveler seeking a unique luxury living experience, Norfolk Mansion offers the ultimate in city living.

Norfolk Mansion

17-19-21 Ly Tu Trong, Ben Nghe, Dist.1, HCMC

Tel: 08 3822 6111



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