trinity united methodist church 75 east high street, mount … · 2020-04-29 · the chimes may...

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The Chimes

May 2020

Trinity United Methodist Church 75 East High Street, Mount Gilead, Ohio 43338

The Church office hours will be sporadic.

Please note that all worship services, meetings and dinners are subject to change because of the COVID-19 situation

As of this writing it is the middle of April and we are still in the midst of practicing the cautions because of the virus. Hopefully in May or when you read this in the May

newsletter things will be getting back to normal.

I have shared in messages via YouTube and Facebook about having faith in these times. And so allow me to focus on an issue that has been in the news and is a part of national interest: Socialism. I have heard it said, or I have read: All that has to happen for democracy to fail is for those voting to realize they can elect someone who will give them a handout. A lot of promises have been made in the electoral race. Free tuition, free health care…. Especially from one candidate who has now bowed out. The problem is there is no free lunch. Someone has to pay somewhere behind the scenes. It’s the way life works! And yet, when it comes the Gospel, it is free. Salvation is a free gift. We are saved by grace through faith, Ephesians 2:8,9. The only thing is, and the truth is, the free gift that we receive, the forgiveness of sins, salvation and eternal life was bought and paid for by the Lord who suffered and died on the Cross. So salvation is free but it comes at a price. That price was Jesus shed blood, His life given for our life. God does not forgive our sins in a vacuum. The just penalty our sins deserve was paid for on the Cross. It’s called redemption. Jesus paid the price. Thank God for the free gift of salvation. But… on the other hand, I hope people realize that in our everyday lives, including politics and the election of a president that this “free stuff” is a lie. Capitalism as an economic system is far from perfect. The thing is, we live in an imperfect world so what is best, capitalism, socialism or communism?

Capitalism is the belief and practice of free markets, personal property, incentive, and freedom to create wealth. We need to be socially conscious of those in need but it’s amazing that we are talking so much about socialism which is the redistribution of wealth. Capitalism is the

only system that creates wealth. It is noble to think of those in need. But let’s pray our nation wakes up and realizes what’s going on, by that I mean the younger generation seems to be prone to thinking that socialism can work. Communism has been responsible for terror and the death of millions of people. Socialism sounds good but lowers the overall living standard for everyone. And besides this, socialistic nations have a lower percent of belief in God generally because there’s no need for God or to trust in God because the government becomes God. To have a more just society is a good goal. But how we get there is another thing completely. Life on this side of heaven is always going to be a struggle and some things are not going to be fair. Utopian dreams are just that, dreams!

God Bless,

Pastor Jeff

A big thank you to Ken Barnett for picking up the Easter flowers and organizing them by family. And another big thank you to Ken, Dennis Hill and Allen Stojkovic for delivering the Easter flowers to their owners.

Heritage Sunday – We are planning to celebrate Heritage Sunday on 5/24 (if we can once again meet for

worship). We will be honoring during the 10:30 worship service, those in our congregation who have been members of our church for 50 years. We will honor: Jane & Merrill Brucker, Olen Jackson, Jim Patterson, Jim Seckel, Michael Sterritt, Alan West, Jerry West, and Bruce Young.

PRAYER CONCERNS Trinity members and friends

who have been in our

prayers the past month…..

New Prayer Concerns: Bob Curts, Gavin Robinson

Ongoing Prayer: Barb Brewer, Barb Detwiler, Rev. Beth Mansperger, Bill Brucker, Deb Dupilka, Doris Hildebrand, Doug Van Horn, Ele Thompson, Gale Graham, Glen Lamoreaux, Jerry Hand, Jim Brucker, Merrill Brucker, Pat Tolbert, Phyllis Bell, Roger Anotlik, Sherry Seckel, Steve Dabney, Tom Rocks, Mark Sterritt, Unspoken Request. Civilians serving overseas.

Military: Curt Belohlavek, Emily Garry-Kearnely, Eric Mann, Jonah Maggs, Kelly Mann-Sorgenfrei, Jon Tschudi, Travis Hill, Troy Hill, Tyler Hill, & all other military personnel around the world

Nursing Home Residents & Shut-Ins: Alice Foley, Carlotta Blair, Charlotte Geyer, Martha Kubbs, Nettie Lyon, Mary Dianne George

Missionaries: Gordon & Ardell Graner [Dominican Republic], Matthew Laferty [Austria]

Our Trinity Family wishes to extend prayers to the following families in the loss of a loved one this past month: Sue Hershner










04/05/2020 No


04/12/2020 No


04/19/2020 No


04/26/2020 No



Trustees: Tuesday, 5/5 7:00 pm Finance: Tuesday, 5/12 7:00 pm Ad Council: Tuesday, 5/19 7:00 pm Education: Tuesday, 5/26 7:00 pm


The Sames and Cook Bible Study will be studying Moments that Take Your Breath Away by James W. Moore. Come and join us!

May 5: Ch. 7 – The Moments When Faith Overcomes Doubt (John 20:24-31) May 12: Ch. 8 – The Moment When God Redeems Our Troubles (Psalm 23)

May 19: Ch.9 – The Moments of Responsive Gratitude (Luke 19:1-10)

May 26: Ch.10 – The Moments When the Holy Spirit Uses Us (Acts 2:1-4)

From The Lay Leader

Wow, who would have believed we would be in these circumstances dealing with a Coronovirus Pandemic? But you know it has given many of us extra time, time we can use in building spiritual strength from reading scripture. I’m enjoying the Psalms and Ephesians right now.

Unfortunately, we can’t meet as a church family and boy do, I miss that privilege. I’ve heard that the church building has been closed, but that’s not the church. Our church has been deployed; we’ve been sent out. But what can we do without face-to-face contact privileges? May I suggest:

1. Phone calls – I know lots are being made, but many more would bolster our efforts of sharing Christian love.

2. Emails and texts are bits of contact that don’t intrude inconveniently in the life of someone we don’t know super well yet.

3. A warm card or note can also be a blessing to someone.

If we each aimed to do two reach-outs a day, would that be a good goal?

And be sure to listen to Pastor Jeff’s fine message each week on the internet.

Praying for each other,

Anne Cotton

May Youth Schedule

Sunday, 5/3 7:00 p.m. – Youth Group at church

Sunday, 5/10 7:00 p.m. – Youth Group at church

Sunday, 5/17 7:00 p.m. – Youth Group at church

Sunday, 5/24 7:00 p.m. - Youth Group at church Sunday, 5/24 7:00 p.m. - Youth Group at church

Tornado Kits for Midwest Missions: Buckeye Chuck and Punxsutawney Phil both predicted an early spring and with that comes rain and tornados. You can help those affected by those storms by purchasing a Tornado Kit for $50. The cost

will cover the cleaning supplies, the tote and the shipping all of which Midwest can get at bulk rate prices. Stop by the Tornado Kit display in the Narthex for forms and

envelopes. They can be placed in the offering plate on Sunday or left in the office with Denise or a Sunday Secretary. Your purchase will help those in need who have experienced a natural disaster or catastrophe. Check on our progress as each red check mark means a Tornado Kit has been purchased. Thank you for supporting Midwest and its missions. ~The Midwest Mission Team

This year Missions Committee will have

three regularly scheduled meetings. 2020 meeting

dates are:

Tuesday, June 9 at 7:00 PM Tuesday, October 13 at 7:00 PM

~ Donna Jackson

The American Red Cross Bloodmobile will be held on Monday, 5/4 from Noon until 6:00 p.m.


Hello UMW ladies,

I hope this finds you all in good health. It is uncertain whether we can hold our May meeting. It is to be a program from our program book led by Della Mosier. Perhaps we will be able to sit with social distance and masks? I’m sure it would do us all good to be able to catch up with one another.

Our UMW Sunday will be on Mother’s Day, again if we are having church by then. If we are able, I will confirm everyone’s part of the service. If we are not having a church service on Mother’s Day, Pastor Jeff said we could do it later in the year.

I rather doubt we will be able to hold our annual June Salad luncheon.

The Spring District meeting will not be rescheduled. We will be hosting the Fall District meeting.

I pray for everyone’s safety and health. Please reach out to one another and let me know if there are any needs. I have resources available if anyone knows of a need. Perhaps we could remotely organize some kind of mission service or at least send messages to one another via email

Love you all. Marilyn Turner

Spring Rummage Sale has been Postponed

The spring Rummage Sale has been postponed. New dates will be posted on the church parking lot sign at a later time and on the Sentinel Community Page. There will be NO early drop-offs. Please hold on to your treasures until we ask for them! Stay healthy and take care of each other! ~Sandy Snyder

Trustees Moments

The COVID 19 crisis has affected all of us. It has especially affected the use of God’s church here in Mount Gilead. The building has been all but shut down at least until sometime in May. Heat use has been shut down to minimal levels especially in the Sanctuary due to the pipe organ requirements. I even shut the boilers off thinking outside temperatures would rise to the point of not needing its use but had to turn it back on due to the recent low evening temperatures.

We are active in resolving the roof leakage damage to the west facing sanctuary wall. Weather will be a factor as to when this repair will be completed but should be soon.

We have received three estimates on resurfacing the parking lot. It will be discussed at the next Trustee meeting.

The security system has been finished with the exception of the monitor in the office to track the five cameras. Only the office keypad has been activated at this time. Only a few key holders have access to the offices, and they have been trained. All other key holders will be required to enter and disarm the system if the Center Street door is locked. Entering any other outside door when the system is activated will set it off. We are planning on a training session soon for all key holders. It is simple to use and should only take a few minutes of your time.

As usual, comments and questions are welcome. Our next meeting is May 5th.

Thank you! ~ Gary Begeman

A letter from East Ohio Conference UMW

Dear Sisters in Christ,

I have just received notice from the UMW National Office that they have made the difficult decision to cancel the virtual Mission U training (planned for April 30-May 3 and May 27-30) and they are urging that every conference also cancel their own Mission U events. Given all of the unknowns and the health risk due to the coronavirus pandemic, it is with a heavy heart that I have decided that we will not hold the East Ohio Mission U as originally planned for July 2020. I will continue to work with the National Office and the network of Mission U Deans as we consider alternative ways to share this year’s studies safely.

Mission U holds a special place in all of our hearts. It is not only a time for learning, but an important worship space where we gather comfortably with longtime friends and families. Mission U has been foundational for our mission work. Please continue to uphold and pray for each other. In this time of physical distancing, it is more important than ever than we maintain social closeness. Please keep yourselves, your loved ones, and your neighbors, known and unknown, safe and healthy.

Blessings, Martha Banks Dean, 2020 East Ohio Mission

A Prayer for Memorial Day - We remember, O Lord, all those people throughout the years who have made the supreme sacrifice for our country, for liberty, for us. Whenever we breathe the air of freedom or claim the right to justice or enjoy the privilege of worship, fill us with gratitude for those who selflessly gave the last full measure of devotion — their very lives — for our benefit.

May these brave men and women now know the joy of eternity and your presence. And may the families of the fallen receive comfort and peace amid their grief. Help us as we minister to their needs. Through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.


Because of our Child Protection Policy, we need a 2nd person in the nursery with Diana Kemp during the Sunday school hour

and during the 10:30 a.m. worship service. Please contact

the church office if you are able to help during either of these times at or 419-947-6040. There are also sign-up sheets in the nursery. Thanks to all those who volunteered in the nursery: Gary Begeman, Kristi Bulkowski, Tom Cotton, Alberta Stojkovic, Pat & Dick Miller, Joyce Overmoyer, Vince Brown, Kimberly Neal and Sue Williamson.


Exercise to Energize - Classes are on

Mondays & Wednesdays at 7:00 p.m.

We exercise with music and mix in

light weights and floor exercises. We

would love to have you join us! If you

have any questions, ask Allen or

Alberta Stojkovic 419-946-4982.

2020 Altar Flowers Sign up Calendar

The Altar flower sign-up sheet for 2020 is hanging up and is located in the hall next to the workroom.

Make sure you write who is purchasing the flowers and who they are “In Memory of” or “In Honor of”. The cost of the flowers is $30. Please mark “Altar Flowers” in memo line of your check made out to Trinity UMC. The church office orders flowers for anyone who has signed up the week before the Sunday they are for. If you decide to get them yourself at another florist, please let the church office know in advance. Thank you!


We are fortunate to have a facility that is busy through the year. If you plan to hold a special event, work session or other function in the church, please make sure to check availability of date and time with the church office as far in advance as possible. A Building Use form may need to be completed and returned for approval and signature by the Trustee Committee. The forms are available in the church office or may be emailed by the office at your request. Your cooperation in this process helps everyone coordinate use of the facility. Thank you!


Trinity is part of the Kroger Community Rewards program. Just by using your Kroger plus card when you shop at Kroger, they will make a donation to our church. Our most recent check was $246.24. To sign up go online at and register your Kroger Plus Card. Kroger recently updated its Community Rewards system. Trinity has been assigned a new number. You will need to enter Trinity’s number #RH570 and your email address. Thank you for supporting this program and Trinity UMC!


If you make any authorized purchases for the church, please return the original

receipt and a completed Voucher to the church office within one month of the purchase. This will insure that you receive your reimbursement on time and it also helps the church keep its accounts up to date and accurate. Blank Vouchers are available in the church office.


May 2020

8:30 am Greeters

8:30 am Call to Worship Readers

8:30 am Scripture Readers

3 Loretta Curts

10 Rod Clinger

17 Pat Tolbert

24 Amy Barr

31 Gary Begeman

May 2020 10:30 am Greeters

10:30 am Call to Worship Readers

10:30 am Scripture Readers

3 Allen & Alberta Stojkovic Vince Brown Dennis Hill

10 Jim & Joyce Overmoyer Anne Cotton Kristi Bulkowski

17 Juanita Piercy & Suzy Piercy Dennis Hill Donna Jackson

24 Ruth Logan & Evelyn Shoults Nancy Grossman Della Mosier

31 Juanita Piercy & Suzy Piercy Joan Mhers Joan Myers

May 2020 Pre-Worship

10:30 am Music

Altar Flowers ($30.00) 3 Ken Barnett

10 Canned Music Pat Irons

17 Amy Barr

24 Dennis Hill Mike & Donna Jackson

31 Ken Barnett Becky Maggs

May 2020

9:30 am Nursery Volunteers

10:30 am Nursery Volunteers

10:30 am Acolytes

3 No Worship No Worship The Bulkowski Family

10 Volunteer Needed Volunteer Needed The Rocks Family

17 Volunteer Needed Volunteer Needed The Hand Family

24 Volunteer Needed Volunteer Needed The Bulkowski Family

31 Volunteer Needed Volunteer Needed The Rocks Family

10:30 am Ushers: Merrill Brucker, Dennis Richardson, Dennis Hill, Glenn Hayes

Trinity United Methodist Church: Office Hours: 8:00 am – 3:30 pm [Lunch 12:00-12:30 pm]

Phone: 419-947-6040 Fax: 419-947-6050 Website: Email Address:

Pastor Jeff’s Email Address:

The Chimes is a monthly publication of Trinity United Methodist Church. Copy deadline is the third Wednesday of each month by 4 pm.

Trinity United Methodist Church Staff: Rev. Jeff Canankamp, Pastor - Parsonage Phone: 419-751-7572

Sabina Anderson, Music Director Susan James, Pianist Tina Schaeufele, Treasurer

Denise Canankamp, Secretary Barb Brewer, Kitchen Coordinator Diana Kemp, Nursery Care Giver

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