truck trailer manufacturers association underride guard response

Post on 05-Apr-2018






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  • 7/31/2019 Truck Trailer Manufacturers Association Underride Guard Response


    TTMA is an international trade association comprised of truck trailer and tank trailer

    manufacturers, along with manufacturers of cargo containers, cargo tanks for trucks and

    container chassis. The associate membership includes material, component, and various

    service suppliers to the industry. TTMA monitors and participates in regulatory

    initiatives that affect its members, but it does not design or manufacture trailers or set

    standards for the manufacture of trailers. The following responses are therefore those ofthe association and not of any particular member.

    Questions: The IIHS is asking NHTSA to strengthen the designs and to include

    many other types of trucks that are now exempt from the regulations. NHTSA tells

    us they are doing their own field evaluation now. We would like to know what this

    could mean to the trucking businesses, truck drivers, and trailer manufacturers.

    TTMA is aware of, and it supports, NHTSAs rulemaking and research initiatives that

    seek effective ways to reduce injuries and deaths in accidents involving motor carriers,

    including crashes into the rear of trailers.

    This type of accident often involves driver error, so we recognize first that the rules

    already in place to prevent these accidents must be followed, including laws that prohibit

    driving while impaired or distracted, or driving at speeds that are too fast for the roadway

    and visibility conditions presented. In addition, proper maintenance of vehicle lighting

    equipment is also critical, both for passenger vehicle headlights and for trailer tail and

    brake lights and the red and white retro-reflective tape that FMCSA has required by

    retrofit since 2001 on the rear and sides of trailers.

    Beyond prevention, TTMA supports the FMCSA requirement that motor carriers

    maintain the rear impact guards that have been installed on trailers in accordance with the

    federal safety standards. If a guard has been damaged, it should be repaired properly.

    Bent components, poor quality repair welds or excessive corrosion can undermine guard

    performance in a rear collision.

    As for the IIHS petition to change the current federal safety standards, the goal must be to

    make sure that any new regulation is actually effective and does not cause unintended

    consequences. NHTSAs past studies have shown that serious injuries and deaths can

    occur in rear crashes due to the sudden forces of deceleration that are imposed on the

    occupants even without underride. These forces will necessarily increase if guards are

    made more rigid. As shown in the IIHS data, fatalities have continued to occur in rear

    collisions even without excessive underride. The potential for more fatalities of this type

    will go up as guards are made more rigid. An unbelted occupant who strikes a dashboard

    and is merely injured in a rear-end collision would strike that dashboard with a greater

    and possibly fatal force if the trailers rear impact guard is made rigid. The belted

    occupants who are not being injured in rear-end collisions now will also face greater risks

    of deceleration injury if guards are made rigid. These are real world scenarios, and for

    this reason NHTSA has previously rejected rigid guards.

  • 7/31/2019 Truck Trailer Manufacturers Association Underride Guard Response


    If rigid guards are going to be proposed again, all of the consequences must be

    considered. The suggestion that rigid corner structures on trailers will save lives in offset

    underride crashes may seem intuitively correct in one crash test scenario, but the analysis

    must also consider deceleration injuries and deaths in all types of rear crashes into those

    same proposed guards. In addition, adding structural components to trailers to support

    full-width rigid guards will add weight to the trailers and necessarily require thedisplacement of some cargo onto other trucks and trailers. This would increase the

    number of trucks and trailers on the nations highways and thus increase the potential for

    crashes of all types involving cars and trucks, including those that result in fatalities in

    non-underride crashes. More miles would be driven by heavy trucks to move the same

    amount of cargo nationwide, and more crashes would occurmost not involving rear end


    Questions: Are the manufacturers working with IIHS or looking at what they have

    done in terms of research? Do you oppose or agree with the proposed changes?

    What would it cost to strengthen these guards, to bring them up the standard ofsafety the IIHS is proposing? What would it cost to add them to all the trucks on

    the road as they are proposing? Should it apply to all truck trailers on the road?

    The current NHTSA safety standards for rear impact guards are based on dozens of crash

    tests that are not mentioned in the IIHS report. The recent crash tests by IIHS will add to

    the accumulated knowledge about the risks of underride injuries, but they have not led

    IIHS to propose any specific strength or energy absorption criteria for rear impact guards

    only the IIHS opinion that guards should be more rigid than any of the guards it tested.

    Since neither IIHS nor NHTSA has issued any specific proposal to change the

    regulations, TTMA is unable to respond to any proposed change. The feasibility and

    costs of a proposed change, and whether it should apply to all trailers, cannot be

    determined until the specific change is proposed.

    Questions: The IIHS says they have seen design changes by some of the

    manufacturers guard design already. Is this a result of the crash testing and results

    they have obtained? Is there a better solution?

    TTMA is not sure what design changes IIHS is referencing and therefore it cannot

    respond. TTMA does note, however, that trailers are highly customized and a customers

    component selections on items such as tire size, wheel type, suspension type, subframe

    flooring, rear frame and door type, will often affect the rear impact guard design, even

    within the same trailer model line. In addition, trailers manufactured for use in Canada

    have to comply with rear impact guard standards that are different from those in the

    United States. So there are many reasons why guards may appear different, and these

    differences may well have nothing to do with the IIHS.

    As for other solutions, TTMA certainly hopes that the 1998 safety standards willeventually be shown to have reduced the number of lives lost in underride accidents. The

  • 7/31/2019 Truck Trailer Manufacturers Association Underride Guard Response


    recent NHTSA study suggests there has been a benefit, and we know that the crash tests

    conducted by NHTSA before implementing these standards predict benefits at closing

    speeds up to 30mph. High closing speeds present greater challenges, as do rigid guards

    as noted above, and NHTSA has recognized that no guard will be perfect given the vast

    array of possible crash scenarios (vehicle type, speeds, angles, offsets, etc.). Crash

    avoidance technologies are being developed for passenger vehicles, and these may helpprevent all kinds of crashes, including rear-end collisions involving vehicles of all types.

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