tuesday. december 5. 1922. lcpllbson defeated i...

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TUESDAY. DECEMBER 5. 1922. No. 12.






"-/, --McAllb tM"'• LOnJt 'PA..C!!I "!\) G•t'docr

D r"(!&b T ic J\nd Glt'iH • \"ltdco~ \ 'IC"COI")"

DU111D ER8 t:S~nlAf, ATJ'ACK

Came W M J~ i.•o u i;;ht ~t1fl Moet. li:n • tl.)' ' ' '"'-'hod l~tt.lc

Seen On H omo Gridiron

w. t;. lll2'hop • • ~ n lrk <i, n . .... \\'aa..<t And Otcnr l .ankfor1I

\\' 111 ('on !i'lJl.•U1• Tt•1u11

I FU.'TE E-:X rox'l'•:ST .\\TS T it\' Ol'T

Gt"rald_ln r 0-111 And l~·om1MI Hlrkln \\"In l ' IA«':" On Tt\nlll A'"

Allt'l"DfU• ...

Soutbwe1torn College camo Crom behind and with a 11~crlnUve paill· tq a ttacfk pul over two 1ouchClownt in t he f lnal porlod or play, tn n t.hrll1· t og gridiron conteet he ro on Tha~k•· giving Oa)'. Tbe w.&..,nnlog acore came Ju• l five 11o<:ontl1 bofo.rc the final whllltlc wlton McAllls Lcr. Soulhwoetcrn qua.rterbnck, tosacd n t o.st twit t er from t he for ty .. two yard Hae: Ga rdner running bard j a 11t

£d" •ard Frant.z., A.l M .. D. D. T he Colles~ debat•· tryom w 11i0 u 1•1111 IL .1. tturnt.r. :\. M .• P h. D.

held In Lhc chl\pel W N ltlCfltl3)' lifl<:r• "I n \\'h oMI lfooor T h•• St•\\' ~h'n~·p Who ~lh·ettd Tt10 ' Dedicator)' A d · dro8s Por :&I. 0 .'11 Ne w ~lenoo l:l all.

noon from 1~30 lo 3 : 30 with Prof. H RH \\'aoi ~ornrd. Hon In charge. The question whlC'b was cll1cu8sed waa thl' tcnmc ouo -- --..---·---­



which 'li'· lll be dobntcd tn· the l .onJrn.@ tbl1 )'Or-Hcsotvcct : 'f hnl t ho Unit• ('d St ntcs 1ho u ld adorn the C11b lhet Parllomcotary sy1tem or ~n,·orn·

meot. uught,J.bo ova l at the te n yard mark NVMl lERS BY TANDY MACKESzn; C<:>Uf•f(o Team C'hoM·n and went o,·er for & touchdown. ARE APPRECIATED A~"D T he fou r conteataut11 who plncNI

. The game, the lat1t of t be 11ea1on. \\'ELL RECEl\"ED. h lgheflt In the tryou t nnd who wlll wa.1 plared b<lfo re a large H ome· constitute the collel(' trrun for thlii ccmJnr;: crowd and waa full of lbrllls, T he recital glnn by Tabdy l\le.c· yea r a re W, E . Bishop, liwac Dirk!!.


lll'~ll t.l'f\' IS T i ii'! son. W fllCll

t·XlHTF:n s T IU: ~PllUT Ol ' <~nA,,Tnu:

Ht:•\'. ll. r . H.lchnr1b In h i!\'! 1'bankl· ch'lo~ rsddrf's~ gh'~ll In the ch11.pel 1"hur>d&)' mor nlnR told why one ahould be thankful a.ud e numerated the thl111w tor •hlch one •houJd be thank ful. Thf' Old Teat•ment urge• 10 1hankfulnns. In one hundred and flftJ pla.cf'll In tho Dtble. eif.­l'Kl•ll>' ln thf" Old Testament. God's

Wit h t be 1coro 6·6 at the opening kentJe Tbunda y nl.l'bt 83 t be second n. F . Wan. and O»tar f.n nkford. pla)" of the fourt h quarter the fren .. •number of the Concert Seri~ proved The a.Uernalea chosen •·e~ Cera I· zl!d apectatore ran the 1amut or an to be one a t t he bel!lt nu::nben which dine Crtll and Leonard lllrkln. The h•m•o emoUODIJ u t be man>" break• bu a ppea red in ).fcPberson d urlng former t wo debatort ao:ued tor the went for one faction or aaotberi t b; IHt yean. Mr. Macktn.%.le ,_..u aa- nepUve and tbe la tter ruur uphe ld Tbcn, the mosl •~lacular play 0., ilited by Powell Weanr w bo5e acho-- the a ffirmative 1lde or the Queal1011. tlle seuoo, at t be eleve nth hour , l~rly accompanJmen ta gTe&tlT en- T be Judie• were Dr. Kurll. Or. elec'trUlcd tbe cro wd u tho ball aod hanced t he wor k o f lb! celebrated Cralk. Prof. lllalr. Prof. AndeN!on,

::::::C::~:!~1::t1t~~0a C::~e!'~~ ============.J,============::l:,~-,==......,,===;===== to a Soutbweatern .. 1ctory.

B uUden £11'.ctrl WSth P&NCti

Ur. ~Alu"Anl •"rftsaC.& Dcll~n'tl M»l~ ful A\hlrrP on " \\11a1. SC"~n~

1kM'fl T u 1-"ahh.'"

IU-l11H IX(: XAMR» n\' un. K t;ltTZ

J .. "'rgi• ('rnwd u~hl nml \ 'hdtON .U h•ml M. <'.'ro: ~tcr.-1 l:h•hon ln

ll-0m1'('(unl11.& l<n·~1t

D~dlcatiOll or 1-fornly llall, l-'rlt1a1, o ecemberl. when nhnnnl and rr1~nd1 lt'Mhl'rcd from •mr r·ouudhui: ierrt,orr co cclellrato ,.tb(' com1~1ct1011 o f t bo t1u e11t buildi ng on th" t:a llllHUl , WH

a gnln dll)' for· McPhtm~on C0Ue10. l)r. f~clwa rd ..-rnnt:& or E lg lt\, lllln.011. Pr<?l\hlcnt of Mcl'trnr"on ('otl~~go from. 190:1 10 19 10 lrnd now E llltor o! tho OOrJIJt•l Mcai<on,.:.~r. ddi vc.:1•cd lhCI de· dlcat ory ndllrru. " What Scie nce Does to f.•u1th" nl t e'n o·c1ock In tho m orning. The 11<.11111• t.:conornlct. Oo· i>urt meu t cQnducted a cnre terb at noon. nnd nt 1wo o·cloc.k Or. Kurla «&YU t1 1!.horl addren. utunlnR the bulldln1. to whtch Or llarn))· rt>­•poudcd; Prof. Yodier gue ao ad· dr~n of •ppr~claUOn to donora, fol· 1o-·M by varloua re1pon1u. Alumni , racull)". and .-h1ltot1 had a bat:Qu.tl tn Arnold llall at el& o'clo<:k, a.ail Lbe t:anrei--t h)' tho > ... ine ArU lkbo-11 • t ('IAht ctol!:~ the dar.

l'r'OJlT&m lk'C1a!t a t. lO O 'dock. A• Miu J eule Bro•• plaJM.

Marehe ltt.llgle ute bJ Olll•Ut at tall o·clock In the mornto1 tbe facaltT and epea.ken took tbe1r plaCM OQ lbe p1a tf<;irm, afll't wbleb. Dr. C. It. 8aJT't, r utor or the Ccrn1resa t1onal CJ11lnk offered lt1t lnTocaJ,lon. and Pf'ot. A. R. l..aH.r l"VlJ t•o rlolW IOIOe. 01',. Kurt:& then lutroduced f)r, .. ·rants t.o th!" la rac1t nudll.!llCl' hel41 by tho M. C. Chape l thh1 >'e11r.

"McPh<'non hit.II come- lo bu 11 re.al t•ollc,;o. nutl l.!ii c111rr h1"' u1mn A new a rul J::r(:tltilr t.!frl of 11r0Krc1• a nd :1chiM'(l.mc 11t'• d t•th1r,•d Ur. FrKnll at· H•r 1·x111'\!f't4lru; h ltt rturi1rl~ ill Lbo l;reuc elinnJt(• l n t ho liu~Llluthm .. lth lu t llf• llllt4! r (•W )'(!:UK, lllm lo lhO In· \' l ;tOrulluf( ki(IUt'llC(' of l'rm11llcnl K u r l,.;t om.I l hu l lfr lu11K ~1·rvh't 1,f Dr .

• T• same wu t.be bard~t con· lated ud moat tYen1y matched at· ft.Ir pla16d OD lbO homo crldlron U ta aeuon . Ft&:·a res abow tha t the Noundbullde ra ,..ere tbe moat aub­c• aful In ro rwa""rd p.aaalng, complct· 1.c.g 1 tor JUI y audli 'ft"bllo lbc D~lt­d oga won 18 yards In two a tte mpts. McPberaon mndo 12 earned Clrat d own1 aod soutbweetorn U. Yards from 1crlmnia10 give 220 LO SOuth· weetcrn a nd 196 to tho Bulldog11. la the toe work Barton waa s uper · IH, punting tor a n avera ge of 40 )'&rdfl while the Soutbwcatcr n too artlat a ve rn1od 27. Neither t onm 1corCd tn tho f lr&L h ntt The ba ll wa1 In pOHOH IOn of Soutbwestcm llornly. for the mol l pn.rl, l\tcPhcraon play- t:tri·~· t 1o. or Ht·lp m·1· Ar4• fl"uur· fold lllg a defonllVO game. \Vhll+," ch•nfhlK Ill" kuo w lcd&O Of

n ulldofp Scol'O .f'lri:t t1rl1•1w1;> uud lnshHlt111t t hat hi• vie w The DuUdo11 received poue1alon wua lhfll ur a 11111111111. l)r. )o-.r•nta

a t tbe beginning o f the second ba U ''lvldly luti:Fproted tho lnfln ll~ value and llned up o n their own 36 )'ard .• or l!cl"nf'e to faith. Th" ruvr-brroct1 line. Paulng a nd i>l ua glnr brought o f 11c:lcnc(' on Calth . •• h~ 1lwe1 t hem Uie ball to tbo two toot line and are. thot ll lo•plre1 one with • new

~r~~e:•P~t ~•rer~be 8~~00~{~!~~: Hawaiia n t.enor. ~tr. wea.-er's own and Prof. McOarr~r. peo11h· are urlflll to ~Ive thanks. :.~:·~1:~, 1~/~::l~~ t:~;!:: :.b~~~1:::: a place k ick . number " Gray Da1t'n," is a g~m of Promh1lng ~uwrtaJ AJ>pt•i.r,..J .. I.el th~ rf!deemrd or tho earth sa)' It on 11ure r •nd flruu~r ground, a nd

lo the .aame per iod tbe )found· barmonr sui>por tlng an exquisite Fifteen member• or the Colle&~ t'o.'· 1'hank•Klvln& I• a meal vital ltmapen It wltb lhe .:rat:" or char ity. K lldera llne4 on t betr S5 n N melodJ aud. la wortby of a place l>t'bate Club tri"d out. Amon~ piut of pra)•er; It formt • batil• ,pt ~lencll!. h•• dlACOYered tbe aatH lal"

d b I tall d t U- b t.allYe ISODg• of fahh: It lhtk• the paal •Ith Lhe Cu· tr1cac1 or atructu"' by th•• talcra .. :::~=· 1~~ d:r::! tbe; r.:rl:: To ::

0::,..\ :r. r~~~=~le was at h ie ~~::1.;:~n d:~:~dra 1:;:~a::.'t~~& "'~~;r. turP. o:.e o u,;ht nut tu h~k at the scope u In tha t Yl~•ed by tho telo-a 'PUllD.g 0Uen11w1. Tbr6e Ulpa be5t In the ltgbte r lyrics or Lbe pro- racl i peaka hOJlf'fuOr ror future u l('nrhlr In ordt>r lo ltnow when lO eco~. There •re u ndreamed or ~ tr.m Ute 1tordr u m of M..c.A.Ullte.r , ,.._m and dlaplayed a wonduf ul yel'ln. A n umber o r 1pectalora werf' J:h'f" thanks, nor lihoufd Lbanli!igh'· t1lhlllti~ In the de.-elopmenl and • t>­foand rr1eodl1 ann1 aod l bo t.blrd voice control and lyric poulbilltles. prc~nt and cooslderab1o lntt..'rf'll 10' d ept"nd 0, llH t bleplnge alone. pllcallon or pown. In the t rea tment qa.art er e nded w1lh Lb1 onl on. lbe He 11 to be c.la.seed wlt.h t.be C"reat wu i hown bf the m. Prof. J1e11 T\t.o Aullr.:,·· "i M.111 llr Takm o r dl11eue. 1nd ht lho tran1ml•lon Balldop' 15 J'llrd llH. &enn Umee tenors of tbe day and McP beraon wu wut coach t be t eam tbla )'t-lr aa for · There u e wo allltudn: thu ma r or b11n•a n thought. "Piel~ the a ttack wu launched apJ.o;'t the ortun.ate lo aecurln.g hi m for l be mer))'. I n vie"' or l htH facu the be tak1•1:, the one In which notblng guara nty agaln•l lnteUaC'lu.1 error : oppoaltlon and then !Uhler we.nt opp lng aea.aon of h it debut. T he c u tloOk for lhl• year .. •erJ prom· la ever right aud the othe r In wh ich K lcnllflc quc11tlona must be settled m er Ctom tb& ioar ,..,d Une. Me- numben g l•eo In, HawaUa.o were In· ls l.ng . It 11 hoped that the •tudent lb& lndlvldoat caket •n optlml1llc t;y aclence only" WH reiterated . .Alllale r fa lled In a n a Uempto4 place tereaUng both from a 10.-el u well body wUI recall tbe aple ndld achieve· •le w toward llt e: In fa ct, eve.ry. World ' " Oot'l!rned Uy Law kick for the addtlloul Point . The as an artl•tlc etaDd.pol.Dt and forme d we nt• or latt r ear and boost our for· thing denend11 on the atUtude taken. Tho means of est•bllshlnllf 0t a1Lh nmalnder of tbe came wu tit fo·r a nn much api>re<.la t ed part of the eni lc nulldOll to another Ylctory. There a re plenty of thlng11 for oD 111urer and flrmc r ground ate tbe tat with each team. •Urtq lo ta.- Dl'Ol'fam. wblcb l o be tbank ful, for when Pe<>-1 compelllnc or the lmprovenun1t of t eroepted pa.uee. ta.mblM, ud 1how· Tlle prognm wu b earUlr re.celnd , pie re.llr think they begin to lba n\c. Ila rormu lu, tbo adJuatln11 to lhe I.DC rood defeDH unUl tho rare feal \,y • fa.11 b oa.se detplt• the DUntMOUI DEMON&TRATED .LJDC?fURI-! , HT "- ruri ber • l.ep toWard t.JlankfuUi'ea. ract of ta w In tho world o r naua~. with ttl momt nloaa 1tpmcaa.e& put aetlvt tlo• of tbe daJ, a nd ma nr • .,· WILL DE QIVEN TONIO I• llu mllltY, 1bl11 la t h& .oil In which an1J th~ plucln1 or fai th IL.elf with · 1 damper on Bu.Ud.oc bopea. coree were dema nded. · tba nk1g:tv1n1 gr ow• . The g re a teAt Ju the dom•ln or Jaw. Wh lla the

QM'll:: b 8,&ar Of a.me J . Smlt.b Damron, t bt poUor l t hhll• to be thank ful for 11rc tbe ace torm may cbanfCe, the 11.1b1tanc1 doea The CaolnM played on• of their CHAPEL ROLL ADOPTED craruman. wUI prennl 1 dttmon· of opportunity, 11 country, a good not ; t bo Jaw of t he con11ernuoo ot

btil 1•m• o~ ~· MUOD. aD4 Lhtlr al raled art ont.c"lrtaloment "The Pol· Ood a nd l)fJflona l rehatlon• ~ with rallh 11 11 1u re a• th e lo.w of the cba. .. 111!• oat dlarafil.t tbe 1'a.tee11aoa.'1 A few more era.dent» were to· cba- utr and tbe Clay" ID tbo cb apet this Him The re 11 a etron1 tende ncy, BVY• tlon of maN . The world of u ,.. lint Uae d.r... ottnW· • P well for l>ol Uah week on a ccow.\t a t tbe altw e vening a t e ight o'clocll:. Mr . Dam·1 howe ver. to keep ID the- •plrit of l\fre l•1~overned b1 law, •D4fl11 tbe U.,, backtlt ld e~ars-. Ola.rls, tl.&7· ;Jt&n of tali:tag tbe da..let roll w lllcb ron 11 • i>r" u cal potte r a nd an fl'I"• 1ra tltud1; It 11 often . not ei:pre11ed. provtnce or 1cle nce to d laeove r. Seara laS b.111 lut' eoll ... tbod*U ..._ tM Nia n J'Hterd.ay mOrall.1. llolllt.on pert with bl.I potter'• wbH I. The ror l.bl• re.tt..ton there 11 a need o f bow to control, and UH la w. Oil lb e a tata.a4Joa •La.r or tbe ..... &ad: 1laft bl!ea dlOMit. tor -.ell a~ , ... •orlt b e dooa 11 moet tuetaat.101 "a nd 1n epidemic of 1ra lltude. Ood.'• peo· na tu re a t t b lil11 ca nftot be Hpi.a.t..a: wOa ~o•D4 eo .. 1at.niu,. wttlt W. 1'ieMatee an. ec.w1 waao sue11u 1 ta1ui 1mtnact1ve. H c o..crll.tw llH• p ro.. pte a1'e w bo t.b• cba.o nel• o r cnu- we muat ran back o o , •' tn th• M a l.., ._.,.,...._oft .. tac:1!'-,. 4.rl•• · C&ptala .D* Of an ablen- Each atadnt pantlon or the cla7, s lu ln1. deco-- tu"de. 'l'bl• a ce 11 eallln1 loudl.r tor n.la s . God-.'' T be a ttitude ofl Carter. w1Mi 'I"" .. ~ &M ~ .Ut ....... w. 'eN.L ii aot Y&C&Dl. a Unr. and burnlq, st•IAI a brier (Jreater canaecratton or mea, meaa.1, CbtlaUau t.lth toward tc!ea Ullo ...... .lib a .._ ..... ~ ~ If a a.•t le .,....l ud 19 aat I• '.)st.tory or the a rt of lbe patter. Not a a d ,Ue to catTY out tbe p ropam of tetircb aboold be a1a tu t p~t ~ ll«T U4 hnai.Wa IM _. kt. Ullpe4 ~ IM Will "" mark°' <>•Ir l• Jl!l:· DaDI,..,. • moalder ol Ood. · II abould '"'*' Ille pati..L , .. nldli woe tM B.udoea' ~ ..._L aomton re-port ~ar but-"it.O a mOll..IUr of cbar· .. ,,...., faYettt1•Uoa. or t.be U -. L -. . ... i.6jil•.... 11117 aat !- ~ ~. Tllo 1pleaN - OD cb&r- Bmll1 awbllo; aa4 wlletl r ou 1mlle, ·-· ID ,.. t.l>ora&orT.

tlfl> - "' IM -. I'• - 111-. ~"' nwr •-L 1er n lldJq 111•1- - .,..uer-4 la - ... u .. .,.. - '*-• - 7- -- d . .............. _ ___ .,.._.. t1i1o i.et•n --· .,. .,.,.-. er ' -.,. tom,.,. faltll wttl tM

- · - ~ s.Mor • .....,., _,,......._ - w111 111:1ect - .-..-.... "' at.- Mth111 tlcl<· - ... ..- or - · ._. _,..._,__, .....-.--. ll •ftllF- ur.·e-wtilo U _nt_ 1-•- 11


~=#.========r========~====~=============;:==============~============s The G--1-.tor tD4.l'Yldaal 11 aa.b)ect to God'• moral GL&RmfCB 8JIOWAJIJSR DDS I .oD. Ku. lfr . ud lln. z. M. 8en111, CUtoa, .,....,.._ 1.,... Tb• buts cl membenblp bl 11111 L1P1t llUNDA"I" l'IOBlllNO t.. I'. QaaoUao. McPbe,_, Ka'.'_t Kano. 1

hbUlb.d eH,Y WMk.at KcPber .. the Y. M'. C. A. hU. bMo cb&Aled -- W. E. Bbbert, llcPhtrlOD, .Ka.U: Tfllle Hadle7, Holmenute, Nebr. \ .oa Collfige bJ Ult Student Coaocll. In that 1aot onlr chncb members Almott anbeUenble WU lbe tllOCk· K. 8or9GMD, llcPbtnoD, Kant. Bert 8. TrolUe, Nic:Ur9oa., J[&u.

------------•( bat en17 man wbo la I.a 17mpatby I•& ae•• •bJch spread o•-er College W. E. Blllbop, Ster1Jn1. Kalla. AU~ A.111111, WtcbJta, Ka.ae.. btyed u MCOlld cl.ult mauer with the caue tor wlalcla It 1t&Dda Bill 8aada1 • enaOOD tbat Cl&r· Lawrence 8. Alllle'J, KcP.lillenon, Crace Elltrlkea, McPbenon~ lC&M. If~ JO, U17, at the postotqee i. eUslble for membenhJp. eace BbowaU.w,~romlnent m"ember .Kua. M.r. and Mn. ». L. YUltrr, McPlt_.. at lfcPb;.,._oa, Ka111&1, under tbe •ct That tbfl ~tti"itHn b7 Mr. Doty of the c1 ... Ot . b•d take.n hi• CerU CaJhoun, Lonwell, Kam. eon, Kane. of i(a.rcb I, 1111. wa. much a6pre8ated WH en.d ent otrn Ute W'blle bis m lb er and broth- Harold Bo'ibwell, Lonwell, Kant. Setb P1 0.borne, McPhenon, KaD.1.

tro~ tbe tolenn tntereet mantteated e r were atteadlng l e charcb lier· Mr. , and JI.rs. J . A. Freeburg, Mc· JoHpb.lne Jobn1on, Clay CenLtr, 8abacrJ.rUoa u .H per year tD ad· by tho audience t.brougbout bl• talk. Ylcel. When M.ri. Showalter reta.rn·1 Pbenon, Kane. Kana.

n.ace. The local Y. M. C. A. ls now macb ed from church 1be dlac0Hrt1d the Cb&rltt Freebu1, McPbenoo, Kana. Amoa 0. BnM.ker, Wtcblta, Kap. beller_quautled to do peat.er &Dd Ufel•• form of Cl•ruce In the Nen Yode r, ConwaJ, Kam. Nellle Cuna, B.uen, Kana. more efflcle.nl aen'Jce for haT1nc baaement of tlae home with the top of c17de Cline, Rope, Kaa.a. Oaten 8&J1,or, Holton, Kans. at-at • dele&ate to thlt National Con· bis bead 1bot off. DelPondeney &nd Frank SIJYiu, Hope, KanL Rena Fbhban1, Onrbrook, Kaat. '

Ontue D. Pote ............ Edttor•ln..Ctllef notion. ./ worry onr school acth·IUet we re the Gladis NaJJor, Portl1, Kane. Lloyd Saylor, Carleton. Nebr.


------ oal.J ro&1ons tbat could ban caused Golda Ebbert, M:ouodrld1e, K.an1. Mrs. E . • B. S&rgent, FrulUand, Jda. :::::t :.t ~::~:t~~~:if:tt: ::::~ CLASS Qt' '22 E STERTAJNBD Mr. Showalter to do IUCb a drutle Mn. C. F. And.erton, MePbenoo, C. H. Danoport, McPbenon, Ku.a.

-Dale Str1ck1er ........... .Athletic Edttor. DY PROF. AND HRS. MOlll.iER d~~ a iludent Mr. Showalter rank· E1~~~··Jhrlc, McPbenon, Kall. Mr~~~di:!:-. C. ll. Penland, McPber.

Reportnw .... Tbe CINI of U!! e.nJored a real eel well amonc ht. claumatff and al- Ro1 Roelr:, Enterprise, Kana. Marlon Muse. Great Bend, KaDJ1. 1A1ll"A McOaUe7 • Earl Lblbotm "Homecoming" on FrldaJ momh1g, wan took an act.he part In all achool Loren Roe~. Eoterprtff, Kane. Velna Sondercard, Ramona, K.an1. B4ward Law•er Mabel Hoffman December ftnt, wbeu lblrty ::e! II• act1Yllle1. Bealde1 belnc a member Lawrence VanlmaD, EUJI. Kam. Mr. and Mn. O. F. Holsopple, Bel·

Jleelha Sto~~a!:~ .. eo!alpb oi .. on ;ry;~~~·k1~11~:!~' v!::u~::1~'e~e u::~ ;l~~~~:~~e::v=~~r~~~e~e :::1c~l ~~: i1!~1°:: ::~!~~·,~'i::::~d~::~.. Mr:.0~~r:::~w1, McPher•oo, Kaua. Dr. Cran,, Ma.r«aret Dleb, Prof. tel'taloed al bl'eaktut In the home ,;anlnllone, occupied the pretldeocJ H. A. Bowman, La.rued, Kant. C. L. Sayl'e, McPhe r1on, K&n1.

Lauer, Emery C. WJne. Eulah cr3m· of Prof. and Mr11. Noble r, ahlters ot the "M" Club, and taucbl a c~ Mr. and Mn. J . H . Kllnkermao, Ct.a· Margaret AolbODJ, Boise, Jdabo. •padi::er. Paul Sargent, aad Wll lam of the CIUI. In Uae SundaJ Sebool. Wheuenr a ton, Kans. Nannie MarUn, H.,.-enlown, Md. Riddlebarger. Pre•lou1 to the eenlee of a de- taltbful and 1op1 'lll'orker •as needed Frank Price, McPberton, Kans. M. D. Anthoor, Boise, Jdabo.

BUBl'~'B88 STAPP Ugblful breakfut, duoUona were Mr. SbowaU.er could be depended up- Mn. Robert Llncle, l\tcPbenon, Wm. Antbon1, H 11erttown, Md. 'Vlla1 D. Bett1 ........ DU1lne11 Manager conducted by Henry Stover and ro1- on. J%t1 absence will be keenly felt Kan1. Mr. and Mrt.' D. B. Correll, McPher· Paul Sar1ent ...... Au't. DUJlne11 Mer. towing, a reading wa1 gtn n bJ Mar· by the Cius of 1923. Edith Muae. McPbe r1on, Kans. 100, Kans.

J'ACUJ.lrY ADVISER8 cuerlte Mute. \ Many, tdeaa and e:r· Ralph Holsinger. Sedgwick, KaD.I. Mrt. E. M. Schnelder, Liberal, Kan1. Prof. UcOartu Dr. Ct'aUr: periencet were tben ucba.nge<l onr t•M .. m~un HA.8 SOCIAL L. E. Blackman, Manhattan , Kana. Mr. and Mn. Chrl1 Cbrl1te11.100, Me-

t.be cotfH cup• and CetUmonlalt Mr. aa4 Mn .. E. F. SberfJ', Conway, Phenoa, Kau. Addreu all conapondence to Tlle trQLD nrSou1 memben of tbe Clua TwenlY·lhree •'M" Clab me mbere Kan•. Maude Ru..el, McPherson, Kaua.

lplctator. lllcPberaon, Kan.aaa. re vealed lottresllng fac tt. Prof. accompanied bJ the ladle• .. of lbelr Hope Sberf)", Conway, Kane. Lon H. Eake1. McPbenou. Kant. and Nra. Mohler have oodeo.red choice gathered at tbe pmnulum Irma Wttmore, Plevna, Kans. MrfJ. Myrtle Haugh. McPbonoa, tbem1elve1 In the Ute 'of tbo rnem· Saturday evening for 1 good lime. Mra. N. E. Roberta, McPherson, KaM. • lVf! T RANK YOU bus of the CllUl.a ~., ·22 and thl• a1- Each gentleman beroro enterlug bad K•ns. Cora Da•onport, Duc);lla. Kans.

To the bualnoea mtn In McPbereon we he.uU11 mend our alncere ihanks for tbe 1ptendld '1l'aJ lo wbtcb rou helped ld carr7 out the Idea of Homecoming. The 1plendld docora· tJ0111 In Mnroon and \Vhlto, M. C.'s own color111, not Only made tho Homecoming •l1ttor1 feel wclcomo. but alao catabllahed a closer bond of trlend.9hlp between Iha student bodJ aad '!1e bu1ln~u men: Al a token of craUtude we ex.pres. our hearty apprec.la.Uon tor your ~o-opentl?n.

aoclaUon with them wa1 • Joy :and his meaaureraent taken ror whJcb be Mra. A. T. Allln&, Wichita, Kam. Allee Ma0Je1, llabel, Kan.s.

a ~=:·~~=~• of '%:? bu enJoy&d the pa~~aca;~::::~:·entertaJnmMt at~l· ~=~• p~:::=~·a:!c:~!~· i!:.:~ Mrph~~!,n~~a.:: M. Emme rt , Nc-Homecomln" aouon. We are f;:lad t d .,·ben Dig Bill Mudra played two Fannie Trostle, Nlckenon, Kant. Godtfred Swa nson, McPbt1non, to obserYe tho growth of tho ln11tl· aelocllon1 on tho piano. There's no J. H. Saylor, Ramona, Kana. Kans. tutlon 11nd will i:we r contribute lo quc1.1Uon now hut that Diii took plane' Tolin Buckman, ManbattaD, Kana. Honrf Kit toll, McPhorson, K.am1. her progrcH. E. C. W. lc•11on1 'l»llen a mere l&d. Henr) Ruth Miiier, Marqu~tte, Kans. Mn. J. E. Reut. McPherson, Kao1.

Stover rollowed wltb a very Interest· Mary Mtller, i1arqdette, Kaos. Mr. and Mn. E. T. Zink, McPher· l ' . W. C. A. tot talk of the "M" Olub'a hlttory Mable Brubaker, llanbat.t.ao, KaoL son, Kaut.

from birth untU the prese.at time. and :-i. P. Brubaker, Mf:Phenon, Kans. Mn. "W. B. Wner, McPberaoo, Kan1. The de YOtlon1 al tbe Y. W. meet· guo a rc w ldeu aboul the future 01 Mr;a:. r. T. Nouen1c:bwander, Canton, Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Crumpacker. Me·

TU£ 1101\fEOOm:NO

lni;- Wedncidar mornln~ woro lod by the organization. Clarence Sho· Kanl'J. • Pherson, Knnll. Olive Lebmnn. A violin 11ulo render· waller l flllg two l!IOIOH wblch were Stella Thomu, Canton, Kans. J. A. Scott, 1o1cPher1on, KaDfJ. ed by Fr1..od Mnrk WD.!1 e1ccllent nnd ve ry nppropritl.le for tbo occasion·. Marguerite Mu110, McPbera.on, Kane. J . l". Scb.wart1. MePhcnioo., Kana. f}QJOJ~ by a ll . Mias Anderson gave "Chalk" Saylor, 8 i;raduate of l!lP Mr, a nd Mrs. Vf. H . Yoder. Morrill, Mrs. F. J. WaJlao, Dela.in, Kan1. a few Yer.es of thank.a followed by CJasa ot '!2: and a member of the Kana. Edwin Waylan, Delnin, Kan1.

M. C.'• HCOnd annual Homecom· a dezcrlpllon of a n old New England "M" Club. g&l'e a 't'et".J tnte restlns Mr. and Mn. L. J . Smllb , )lorrl11, ).fn. Wm. M•rtJn, R erlogton, K.au. Inc l• now recorded u bletory but Tbanttglvln& f'eut bJ Mrt. Kurtz.. talk about tbe "M" Club and the Kont. W. J . Martin, Herington, K1n1.

,. tt t1 history thal will Uve fore•cr In It wu portrayed so vlTldly that ono tblngt that It can do for tho college. Mr. and Mrs. n. w. Mrora, Paola, A. J . Buckman, l\tcPberaon, Kane. tbtl memory of tho1e wbo enjoyed could o.Jmo•l expm-icnce lhc enjoy· Tho mom-Gers of the "M" Club also J<nns Mr. and Mn. J . A. Stouder, MCIPher· the l'arloua octhlth111. With n e w able ple1U1Ur(l of be.Ing u KUHt lq bad tho pleaaurc or bearing what· Orace 1lrubaker, McPbouon, Kn.ns. aon, Kau. trtendehlp1 t11U.bll1hod, with old ac· one or these typical Now England aomo of tbe glrls t.boubt or tbe Or· 9, Eno• Miller, B eHton, JU01. W. Knaus, McPherton, Ka.1111.

QnaJotancOI renewed, a nd with the bomea oo Tbank1gl•lo1 Day. The ganlz.atlon. Minnie Edsecomb and Mn. Jo.le Young, McPherson, Kana.. Peter Aurell, McPherson. Ka.01. cbolceet of 1em1 and t.bougbtl of moetl.ng doled by sing-I~ the auo- Ode NeATOJ were lbe ladJ spokea· Dr. J. w. Fields, JdcPberson. Kan.a. Mn. M. F. Brubaker, McPl:lenon, the 1'arlou1 1pcakera to meditate ctatfon b1mo. It ts a r are t~t Lo men and the mem~n of the cla.b a re Bertha Frants, Conway Sprlng-1. Kan •. upon, Ute w-111 be made sweeter and have llUCb an lnsplrlug prOS'rtm and glad that tbe7 make 1uch good tm- Kane. Mr. nod Mu. A. J. Moomaw, MC· ricber to each one as he re1ume1 hlR fortunate aro those wbo attend. pre111lon1 upon the "out.aldon." After Erneat Marker, L11rncd, Kaus. Pherson, Kant. work ala ln. tho program\ games were plared in Jnoz Henry, Larned, Kans. Mr. and Mrs. John Raugb, McPher-

ParUcalarly will lhl1 HomecomlnJI; ON O'l'HER GRIDIRO_NS wbicb OY«U')' oue took an active part. Mn. u . A. Bowman, Larned, Kana. ion, Kana. alwan stand aloof from all others .... Then au thared. wltb tbe two coarae Mn. Jra Marker, Lan.ed, KanL C. n. Caldwell, 1JcPhenon. Kant. b9cauae of llt coonectJoo wllb tbe After bel.ng touted u bJ fn the refr•bmenu. Tbe tint coune con- J. c. Raaael, Uo..1•. Place, Nebr. Mn. J eu Caner. McPheraon, Kant. de4icaU011 of Harnli Ball. Tbl1 clau of ,..tbe COD.ference, Kan.sea aisled of hamburger -.ndwlcbes and Mr. and Mn. w. E . Brubaker, Dodge Mr. and Mn. D. Jr. Brubaker, Mc--be&aUrul tlrueture named l.n boi::i.ot State Normals lo•t the.Ir Turke y d&J' colfee and the 1eeond of apples and City, Kani. PhenoD, Kan1. of ooe who b&1 &l't'en th1rt7 1eart or game to their long bated rlnla, the pea.nun. Ellubet b Hoerner, Wichita, i;can1. J. ,V, Lear, Cblc11.10, JU. uuUnted aorvtce to M. C. 11 now COUege of Emporia. Tl:le Normale Eroeet Crow, \vJcblta. Kan1. Belle McKln.ney, Elll1, Kaui. dt41cated for Hrvlce to tbo cJly, the wert!f doped to win but •truck a ~· Kutz. • . ..ect1U'M

0 ta Nebraaka Mr. and Mn. Arthur F. Morris, Mor~ Mr. and Mn. E . E. Yoder, Coow&J,

couty, lbe it.ale, the naUon, and 1tumbUoc block wben tbe7 met - - rlll, Kans. Kana. to the whole world. Mar UaoM wbo Coae1:1 Owlno HeDrJ''• lea.m of PrH- Tboucb IUt\t'fflr: wu a nry btiSY Net.a Cbrlalensoo, McPberaon, K&D.1. Wltela Dunt. Moundrldce, KauL ,.... from It.a doon 4e•ot• tbelr bJterl.llna. Thia game gue Baker one for Dr. Kurt.s on accon.nl ot the J. Howard ED&le, 1'eodeaba, Kaai. Leat.er Peck, Morrtn, JC.au. U... a1 l1ncerel1 to tl:lelr work aa the state c:bamplouablp--an honor dedJcailon of tbe HaroJJ Hall, be wu Vietor Vanlman, Cordell, Okla. Clement Haldeman, Morrtll, Kau.. Dr. llal'DIJ baa to the adnoeement that tbe Baker team well deeerHe. not too...busr to give tour addreuN R. B. Llncle, McP-'aerioD, Kan•. · Mr•. Marr Vanlman, Morrlll, Kaa1. or JI. C. Baker took on eaiy game from the ai.• Red CIQ_ud, Nebruka, Saturday Loll Warwick, Gain, Kant. ~r. and Mrt. Wm. Mat.son, McPber·

Qt.lawa Dapt11u but H the Ottawa it11bt and SundaJ. Two were gtnn .Bernice Ranaon, MePhe raou, Kana. 100, Kana. Y. Ill. C. A. team held tbe cellar poelUon In lbe to the city coqnsaUoo and two Co Elmer Rupp, CJaJ center, Kans. Emma Fn.DU, Cerro Gordo, 111.

con.tereace tbere 19 no HUOD wl:lr the rural eburcb ID lb.• Oarfle.Jd '?Om· w. F. Vanlma.n., JfcPllenon, Kalli. Ida Frants. McPbereon. Ka.na. One hundred and twent1 men Baker abould not hue ecored the munlty. Monday n!&aat. hi ga•e a Ida Bowmu. Qutnler, Kaai. Mn. B. Aoderaqn, McPherson, Kana.

tame' to Y. M. C. A. Wedntad•J 40 to 0 l'JctorJ theJ were credited lecture at Kirwin, Ka.n.1&.1. Mrt. RJnda Showalter, MePheraon, Rebecca K.auUman, McPbenon, m.otDbt&'. m"llnr for tbe flrtt time with. McPber.on won trOm Baker K.ani. .. Kans. ha B&rnlJ ~all, to hear LoRoy Dot)' but lbe breau of tbe game were In Prof. J . J . Yoder gal'e t•o lecture. Oolda ZOOk1 Kan .... Clt7, Kane. Paul Harnly .. Obanute, Ktn1. tit• local delo1ale 1tn b.l•rtport tuor of tbe Bulldop. Coii1ratula· Sunda7 al tbe Comm.u•ll.J Home- Olton Strtcltler, Ramona, Kan.a. El. W. Joues. Elltott, Iowa.

:~:.F:~~~!"'~~=~:ri::~~~~ tloa• Baker, )'OU llan a Sood foot- comlas a t Oltfta.

Uu A.laoclaUoo which be at~eoded be~lt'::;, and Wubben played a RID(U8TRAB'8 RmOOBD OP' :•• • • •••••••••••••••••.••••••e••••••••••••••••••••••: :rA~~~:. Cit~, Ne• J ener NoYem· bard fou1bt game, the tonaer win· • JIOHBOOJUHO VISITORS : OON'T FORGET THE STORE :

Mr. Doty verr clearlJ brou1ht the :!a:c:r:o s!;er:*:t':!::\!~'~=~:: C. F. Ouitaf•on, KantU CU,y, Mo. : k ' : ochoeo lrom tho cODTODLl<>n moklnc to lock Ibo neceuary puncb to put Ro• , C. El. Barre, .McPbenoo, KAn.o. : where the tur ey WaS gIVeil away : •T•°'"od,.r ~reC•b••~ .. ' .. !-~i."'u ·~~ tbe ••••kin ocrou. Mr. aod Mn._P. W. Beldol, !Jlm&D, • CITY NEWS & MUSIC SHOP :

DUI eu: I r l 0. -- OD ... Tbe Bet.ban Swede. bid • r-.J . • • a mott wort.bJ' tutlt11Uoo and. ~bat · Y Kut. : D. C. STEELE, Prop. : tll• loea1 orru.ll.a.Uoo 11 a T1L&I 11inlt Tltubcl•la1 feut. the Wetltra-u 111,r. and Mn. Oalen Tic., Windom, • o •

aMlllUJ7 lo th• Ja,rcer wbole. Tbere CoTOl• belac their l'tcUma. :nse Kana. :•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••e•••••• an 500,000 )'ouns men tn collesM acore o r 10 to o ~ a declt1H vie- Kr. a.ad Mrs. Paul )I, Patr, St. Jolla, aad uJLlnrtlllee ln thll country who toTJ' tor IJo.daay 1 trlbe. Tbe •b- Kaai. &N m.tmh4ff or the Y. If, 0. A. Tbe Hnce or Paa1 Cannon, W111eyan'1 Mn. Ro7 Rock. Nuarre, Kan1. .._., pv.:rpoae or thll connaUon wu trlpl• tb.reat man, weakened llle Clarlee Rock;; Nal'atre, Kt.DJ. to llrtac loCtlbtr lbe Tarloaa dlJ', CO)'ole. detldedl7 ancl t.baa lat• the lllldred Rock, Nuarn, Kao.a. eout7, atat.e, ra.Uroad. and arau Sweda a btcser score than tbey G. J . Ooochbelle r. Mar1o•. Kau. u4 U'7 ueotLaUoaa t:or a belt.tr ml.lhl hne had. OU.erwiM. L. G. Jolnuon. Pea.l>o4J', Kalla. ..._.taa4las ud helpflltn... to Frlead1 lJolnnll}' al.lo won from Oeorr• o. M..Une, Peabod'J, Kane. Mcb otber ln le&mlUI' tbat wblah la lb.tr .mucb bated .rlYAll, the htr- Kr. and Mra. J. M. Sl•llmu, Coll~ ._ la Ute. A fJY•J'e&r tonrar\l JOoa.nl Wbta!thocken. The Quk· Wa.J', Kua. llonm•t ti MJna pat OD lD eollec• .,... WOO ~,. • ICOte of II t~ , the Mr:. ud Mn. J . I(. Berk•blle, St. ... ....,. ..... t.M dole ot wklU larptt 1COr• to the footh&ll lalatory .loll, Kua. ,,. ~ tM a.tt.&IO ual~ ot of: u. ... two tc:b.oola. 0.Pt.al• Wiley Mn. a. lit. BooY.v, llorTtlt • . Kua. tlwt T. ll. o. A. 11u7 nporta, ....., ot Jl'rltad.a ... , lht o•te\aa41aa •tar Fra:ada BeTkehll•, a. .loha. Ka.u. laUolla.,u4 NeOlalD-4a.lloaa wtn al Ula saalt-.. 11.r. aad Mn. s. B. MWW, B-to•, .....,._. .. ,.,.-. . Kau .

···················································~ . . Only Twenty Days Left to do 1011.r xmu P,oppln.&. RfJmtmbet we h&l'e a loU line ol Sil· 'HtwaN. Alumla•m WAH, OMHto,M, FIUJlllcbta, Pocket Kal••· oau. wuou, aad man)' ot.Mr an)c1H tll&t wUI mall• l'004 u.. tal X.U attta tAat • • wW be &1a4 to thow 7011 •

' we ai.o un a pod uae ot: cud.NI &a4 ••*- oa w'-lc!a •• .,.. aaklq a --1 prb to loadMn u4 8u4q k•DOla.

Tove J'or ~

Strohm GrQCeJ"Y Co,

• . • . •

..-i -pMllo wu -. •- TM 0- ol 'II llol4 • NU!•• J. K. u4 8. B. -•· Wllulom, J[aDa.

a. ~ 0( -- tor l'rl40T _..,.at UM - of Nelli• A. IL ~ Btllllloro, Kua. _.... ....,_.. - lor "'"'7 ~ TM U.. wu - ta u Jin. Ooloa 8- "-'-• Nollr. -._ -1 - 31 .. M"7 - -. lo a - 'lnJ', - .,elll8S ... _. VlrSll MuUa. B-- .---- • .._,,.. ftf 1' ... 0. ........... lllralMlq ... _ , L. ....... .._ - I- • \,. .• ...... ...... • ... ... .. - • ... - Jin. 1 ... .._ .-.. __ .. __ ..... -, .......... - .......... 14~ .. ,, ..... --

. . ' ~ ~ . t:!. ,

• P..--ol P~ ,._-'Jill.... uoa or Ml .. Walt&ro 6<!•ducted a

William a.ad Theodore Hiebert, ca.reterla I.a H•roly Hall tor the .,111_ 6 3 ON llA VlNOS from U.tt -- Adel:7n ADdenoo, Inez Heat on. and tor • o'0 u o.oto. Pll1'•b)e cull M-DL u ____ _

Mr. Jacob Deardorff, an old ac- Qeoqe Bodin all of Kan.au u•t- PToi y , u..s:. coapnadecl. ' UDerlOD ~' Qutotaoce of Prof. Henber'• ftom Yenlty, attended -the acth-ttJes or ta.1t pf r ~ ~ •• At~ 1aC:-~ Oelt11burc, Pa.. and Yr. Sam• e1 • lr

0 · · · oder prealded at tbe Sh

11.1.Dter of Abilene, Kan1u, Yialted ~f Bla ir and famtl~ and Fonda ~~Lflrn°i.n Pn>sn.m ln the chapel. p;..._ Sa1"ilp I: Loa AaJ. op J• the Henbey home Taffd&J and Hardt~ Yislted al ReutoQ.. Satarday HJt~r t e ln•oeaUon by Rn. F . '·1:~gA~-~~~~-~~~~§·~11 E. Adamson, Prop. WedJletday. &nd Sanday. '50: m~b::~~r D~~ ::u~~w•eclamt.b :m1-

llr. and Mn. Leonard Cram· Pao.J Kortz attended lbe Slxt.b Old· ed lbe Special Bargains in Oxfenls, packer or Windom apent the week er 801• Collf•-••e at "&Dhattaa bvUdlDC Ha:ra.lr HaU, pa.Jtnc trtbo.t• Dr H S C . 1 Travel'•& Ba~ Etc. u4 at K C -- - to '/'• ·U r<1I ... e llorto of Dr. H&nolJ. • • • ar son ~. •~

ll_t. iiar~aret Blah or Rock;y F'rldar. S.tarday, a nd Sa.-nday. ''Great thtnp cannot be paid ror wtlb Osteopathic Physician Ford, Colorado,

1peot the week end ca~~~0:11~c:,o4,:;::,. '~~~01.,11!: :one:~: beealllH t.be7 are tnrtotte ta Phone 192 See us before buytn1

w-llb college frtenda. fowl chase·• held by one of lbe bu.I· Ha lue • • be uJd ID • peakloa or Dr.1:~~0v~er~~S~u~nd~a~hl~'s~,~C~af~e~~lf~~~~~~~~~~~~ The MINN Wloou McOaffe r a.nd .oeta tJrms laa Wedne:ad.ay a nd u • ~ly • llfe. Dr. Harnly la • Ltac:be r R1illb Martla aad )leun . J ohn and result tbe boys at tbe football table who hat not oolr t.au.gbl fa.eta, bat Rufus Da1c1tt mo,tored lo Jade])ein· e n.Jo1ed a rea l f eed Friday noon_. ~e:a:le!:, :1~:b~D r~:i:/0 •: forth W ALK.£R. STUD)()

eoee. Kao.._1, Wedneeda1 where J ohn Mohler , Robert Blougb, Roland Ood an Jed lew of IJiris'a Jitney Line ' e' • PtDJ t he Tbank11t•l• 1 lotena1 J ones, Glade Flaber , aad Jobu. B a.rn· an adm~n~!:-:o::r::lth;b He wu 120 Soatla Maia. St. t tbl! Daggeu boOSie. ty a lao prond their a.blUty to cateb I °" hard Day and Night Line Porb"a. .,.. ___ ._...._ Hele n HarteU aud Lloyd eaw· bl k da,. when m u.ch faith and courase lb. ft.VU&& F .........

leJ le ft Wedne:1da1 by motor for c ~r:::·and Sa.ra.h~Ftke Abrsm Hot ••ere needed. ..Tbl1 lnnhutlon 11 Phone 520 Red

P la.U1bvr1. Ml1tourl, where t b eJ tt lte r, Harry Rttre l, and Arno Rode; -~bat tt It a.nd tbOIO alumni • rt: wb•tl~~~~~~~~§~~~~I epent Tbaok.11Jvln g at the Harten 1-pent the Ja,u e r pa.rt of lu t week at ~d::1:r:r~::.:.~r. ~~arr:ly ~:•d ~~0 (i r---------- --home. Tbe1 were accompaoted bJ Ramona. Arno found a Uttle Ume to n e

0 >' Relieve That

Mr. a nd Mr1. Hvn1le1 of Wlcblt.a . Yft lt at Hope 0 e J)OnOD that a n 7one C(IUld think Of B. J. ALLEN Cand T- -aLf

Beulab He l1trom apent Tb1nk1· ?dr. a nd M~. Rowland ParrY and ~u~~oor In t hlt Wlf," dtclt red Dr.• CBlROPRAaroR Y uuwm ITJor In Sallna a u endlng a ho ute Abe and N. B. Gelman were a moo& Dr · OfUcc. Old Hoepltal lhW.A•~. Buy arty. the Homecoming vlelton1. · · H ..-nlr lb-preNC~ Appt"C'Clatlon .......

Mn. Sanb Tbompion Saller. a Doney Hoover , wbq_ was Jn school Dr. H . J . H arnly, Dean or McPhe r· PRONE NO ea. QUINBY'S ·r&duate of tbo ~u1tc and Exprea· lu l y..ea.r-," wa.s a campus v-taitor seY· son College. modettlr rcspondcdl~§§§§§§§§§§§~llThe Famous California B ed.-loo Departmoul ln 1910, aang In eral da.yi Jaat week. Doney 11 at- thnt be l1ad bad no other cnuae In the jj wood Chocolates--Juat Re-ba pel Wednesday mornJng. tending high achoo! at Overbrook laat thirty yeara than the cauae ot ceived a New Shipmenl

Mr. a nd Mr1. Cla ude wnson a nd Kan$1.8 tbla winte r • l\tcPhonon College for 1110 11akc ot DR. G. R. DEAN at Roy Franu a ll a lumni ot M. c., at· Ralph and Addi~ H ime& Gel'*-ld the Church ot tbe BrNl1rcn. llo tohl 'SMALLEY S ended tbe Homecoming Celebration Eddy. Carrie Feuer, and CJ~ra And· bow be h ad 111atcbed nod nlded 1tte Phyaician and Suraeoa

Jaat _:«eek . e raon V fthd a t. Navar're Ia.at week. growt h of the Sctenro Department Phone 49. - The""'Lebmoae oent tbe Tbanb gl•· 1'.lr. Ernear'Watii'iii iiiOtored down nnd that It 11 bt1 convlcllon that t he l';:===========~!=============­

t nr ncatton at their home a t Carl· trorn ?\u a r re Thurada.y to see lh real Joy ot llte comtit from hel pln~ r toa, Kaoso.t. Homecoming" game. Elli• a nd Celt: to build up tblog1. "A pereon wboir-::-----------.

Norma Finfrock wu called to be r Watkins. Eate11a Eng le. a nd Ma bel 11 noL aplrllvallr n1l11ded connol DR. A. ENGBERG ome at Darlow Tuelday e"f'enlng 00 Hoffman returned wltb blm ror a i;eo thl• world as I t la and cannoL be ccount or &be de1uh of a cousin. • lslt at their homes. a normal t eocber ot 1107thlna::• h e Ere. Ev. Noee, &ad 'J'hr.ua.t.

R aebel and Edna Dunham 'Plaited John surer. wbo wu a student In aqer ted. "IL l• mt prayer," he con· Sf:.lcn~~~tr~ttba&

lhrig'a Caah ~ DcJITcrieti al 10 a. Ql. &ad 9 p. &


ID t heir home al Cl•J Center onr M. c. last year etttinded lbe gtune duded. "lba t tho10 wbo teach In this lbe we:e:ll: end. Tbursdiy. bulldlng henceforth may be 1plrltu1l· i~;;;M;c;P;b;e;non;;;';K;;";";";';;;;; I~===========

McPherson people wltl be glad to Jenica Carter spent Tbankqlvlng Ir minded.'" k now tbat at the r6C'ent Wate r Color at her borne In Lyons. Prof. Yoder In• few word.1 of ap-. 1,... ______ _ ___ _:._1 S E:a.blbltlOD at Pcon11lnnla Academr preclallon thank ed tbe arthllt!ela, the w ~ unflower Barber oar Kaaua artlai. Blrger Sandt.en, Ala.mnus b JIU't!d in W khita cc.ntrutor9. the plumbers, tbe elee· • E. GREGORY Shop or ,wbom we are JuttJf 'proud, won __ trldaoe, the home morcbaota, the Dentiat JI. F. ALKQU18T, PTop.

the Pblladelpbla Wate r Color p rtz6, When I.be bleachers r~n al tbe big manual traJolo1 bo11. the otber 1ta · ~.'" Ploorl~on:_~s..... • •••--- THR.EE CillA1R8. and now b&1 the honor wall there . Prt~od1·Fa1rmount rootba.11 game in denll, the patrou, and the city ror '"'"'"" u ..--.nu ~ 8crYtee a:9d SatJdactlioa.

Edd Nlcbo1ea, Merrie Holcomb, Wfebtta Tbanktglvlnc day, inJurl.nc tho Joni eo-operalloo wblcl:!, mildel ~==~'.............,~~~~n~..U~di"l<~·:_ _ _J1~;;;;;:::::;~~~~;;;;;;; Sanford Eaton, aod Howars4 Trent- tenral per$GOIJ. a former M. C. atu.d· Harnlr Hall po11lble. ··co-opera·!:!:============ man of 7Ainda accompanied Emef7 ent wa1 af.oog tbe Tic.llms. GUf w. tlon,'" be 1tate-d, "ll JUllit a 101 or peo-. ;------------~ Wine a.ad Etbel Whitmer to Ulii S t.all:ma.n, Commercial uos, of E lb- Pie working together. bulog a , com. II""------------ McPherson Hal B om ... ml•r ... .... lag, Rao., .... r eported to b ave beca mon ....... and a comm•• Inter- DR. w. c. HEASTON Works and sm-

A partf compoa&d of tbe Ml11e1 r ende red uneooadous by tho fall but est." In ap«kln1 or the Chamber Physician and Suraeon Parlor Floreneo and Ju1Ie Klltoll and ...-u a ble to be about t be n ext day. o f Commerce, bo tald, "Tboae pull~

, Ml!H,.. R• Y V•nlman •nd w mtam No ratalltlee occurred. Ing to1etber brought the project Roolll9 1

a.D4 2

O•er :M&rt.ln..seae- Halt Cleaaecl and Blocked. R iddlebarger motored to Wichita o•cr tho taat hlgb hill ancl mado tM k• aw-. Md'h~-. X....-..

Wodao1d a1 to mett Mr. Victor v au· DEDICATORY SERVI CES acbJcvement poaalblc. Wo v.·ant "O li~§§§~~~~~§§~ Ima n who r etu r ned with l be m to OF HARNLY BALL Al}E ' make t ho cau10 worth)"," !;------------, a ttend tbc >I. O. Homecoming. SUOCESSFULLY GfVJ';." A.luuull l'•Y Trlbulo lo M. C. RICHARD MILLER

M n . L. J . Lodell and MIQ Hilde-- (Coviittooed from p..,. 1) l'1r. 1' ... rank K . Ucnm, In I\ 11hort re· E. L. HODGE J~ SoufA Maia. 8lrftfttl. l garde Lad oll • Pent Tuesday aftor . grace or eba.rlty In toaehJng ft to be 1Jl)on10 told ot tlic tilonaer achieve~ DE NTIST Boob, Sta tionery, Conldia 11 noon with Anna Myer1 at Arnold le11 dog matic:. to bo bumble, to bo re· menta of McPhor~n : .Mc1tr1J, f...aucr Office over McPher.oo. Citi· Fountain Pea.a, E•enbarp H all. 1peettu1 or the Jo.dgmentl or otbe reJ Oa"''• and Mark go.vo A vlollu . vJola. zena Bank. • Pencila..

Tbe Cor rell Q.uartel 11peal t he lu ma king tbo whole world o ne tam~ and piano trio: t hen P ro r. J .C. Rua· Offtco PhoDC 959. Ra-232;6. Thaaktghlnr ncatlon at the ir bome 117 by t.be developmu:t or means or aol oC the Soll• Depa rtment ot tho near Ahllone. commu.nlcatJoo. "We hue got to Unhe ralty or Nobra1kl, and rrof. C.

Prof. Hea1 eoJored a 1'1alt Fridar loa m bow to get along a.ad Jhe t o-- 1'". Ouata f100, b ead or tbe Cbeml•· r------------,1 from ll1I fr iend. P rof. H . E. Crow of set.her ," be malota.lDed. Summfag lrJ De partment ot Ma nua l_ Hl&h Dr. C. F. MAHLER Friend.a UnSnnlt:r. It UD, aclence 1Umalatea faith, sh apes School. Kaotu CH1. alumni of M. C. (0.teopath Pb)'&ician)

Jllrt. Oaten EnDI a.ad little dauch· u . atablllaea It. and 1weetena u . told of tbe lr appreciation o r Dr. Ottice o•er lllller'• Book St.ore. ter, Be rnice Mu.lot. 1topped tn Mc· Mere k .nowledg:e or tacts It not Ha rnly, and or McPber100 College. Pbo9e Red u.e. Ree. Orem M&.

Patronize Tho Royal Barber Shop

College Trade Our SpeclaltJ Four Chairs

Ptr.t non tor MYe.r&.1' d.aJI on their enouch, lloweTe:r , empb.ulr.ed Dr. " It la not tbe bronie tablet , nOl &be ~~~~~~§§~§~~~ W&.J to Tllom ... Ok talaoma. Kn. Fraou. H e went on to ... ,. tha t the re butldtn1 th1t we are proud ot, but •e !============= En.u ll a 11.tte r to Ocie lleA.TOJ. mut be morally, •plrltuatly alert eoil a re proud or t be Ideal.I or tbe lottltu·

Other memkra of tbe ClUI or 'ti tor lbMe tact.a to fUl tn. coiilpell!Jig tJon l~•t made aucb a thing potal· 1.--------- ----wbo eoJ01e<1 tlle Uomecoml•s ....... -•I• to act l o accordance wl tll ble." declared ~r. Ro ... 1. Pro!. G. H. Matchette, M. D. McPberaoo Steam bat wbOM D.llJDM do not appear ta fact.I kaowu. To aea.rcbe:re for truth, GutaflOD Wd, "Tbtre nenr wu a La··-.1-. tbe ns:tatrar'a record are Ja., W. he aald. ~·oo ahead.. be tearleu, time when the world n eeded aa In· 0.-er Annabil-Almen uuu.--7 Tncer. OUnr W . Trapp, SU.el teuth,un.coYer,hu.ota.n 1012 ca.n uad; 1Ut0 Uon wn h the Ideal• that tbl1 tn· Dru.s Store. Earl Morrie, A.,.eat..

Wh1Lmw , E:mery Wine, A•p.et t.nth alone cao make man tree. Bo 1Utulloo 1tand1 for •• It needs tbem l::§§§§§§§§§§§g~;;B.;;ok;et;;;in;;Bo,;;;•';;Doc;;;-;·;·;~;;· ~ R1lDlp, Roy Ne her , a.nd Mr. ud lln . NYereol ln. tlle preeence ot the On.at today." H. 9. J"oata. E nera with which rou deal. Re-- LJ&Ue J eule Zimmer-man can a

Mlll Glad" Klopler of W indom me mber alwa71 that beblod tbal dim much apprec:tate:d • lollo 1010. arte:r • I.Sled with Rutb K ine onr the ankno•o at:a.ncla God a moos the wblcb tbo Alumni Auocta&lon «!Oft· Week...ad. 1badow1 keeplog wat.c.h aboTo bis ducted oo la1pccllon o f Haroly 11111,

Opal Eao1, We lcome Sonderp.rd, own." tbe otbe r bulld lo11. and tbe campus. and BOA.le File • lilted. at Ramona Aflf!r two nambua by the College Three Colll'WC' Da.nqaec. lf~ld.. OTtr lha week~nd. Quarte-t ud a pl.a.Do aolo b1 11111 El· EnJora ble wu the OYenlDI and

Mr. and Jdn. D. JI'. Wau and ale K Uake:rman, Dr. SaJT9 pronouDC· 1pScy were tho toalll al the three. Florence aad Vtota Dowser • •pent ed the beoed!clfon.. Tbe Home E e- coune banquet In Arnold Hall gh'q,n Tba.akas-1.-lor In tbe Bowser home oiom_lca dep.a~ent unCier tbe dlrec· to r nlnety·atoe a lumot, racult1,

~··················································· • . . ~ ~cPherson Coll~ge : A member of

and •l1ltor1 at 1ls o'clock. Dr .W. C. HeHton a bly ac led as to11l mM1ter. and tout• we~e glveo b7 Dr . H . c. All.en of K . U .. Ro•. W. R . Yoder or Morrill, Dr. Edward Frant&, Prot. H. E. Crow ot Frla od.1 Unhon ll 7, Rov. J , w. t,..ear ot Betha nr Ulble School, a od Dr. Harnlr. P roc. Crow and R•"· Lear ca me to repro.t!ot their re1pecU•o M:boolt at the dedlca· lor1 program.

A. J . McKINNEY Printer and Optician

8ac.U-facUoa ID Del')' I tem a..a.a. .......

......_. AIU&aoe 1-mc1c.


Of'tke HOD.n: 10 to 19 •~ m. a to e p. m •

8aada7• 10 to 11 a. m. 3 c.o e p. m.

Dr. V. N. Robb & Son OPTOJIETRJ8T6

" " 8peclolhe .. Tbl.I Prof­OVB OWll' OJWID(l(O PLANT.



Up-to-Date Method Photos taken at night, be'­ter than dny time. Make 'our appointment for _eve• · nga.

FRANK C. ROBB Colle1• Pbotocr•P"-

Ftao MU Pacullf Ql•OI P'rOSram The a udleace at tb e eo ocert elven 1-;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~

: by tbe Fine Ari• Facoltr la the cba·I"

North Central Auociation of ·Colleges Thoroqb co~ in:

Uberal Arts Muaic:

: ::!t •:b.:'~-:.!t:::k m~-: c~~•lo;: •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••

•• K•rta !ba t olb• r 1 .. m.uo .. · bH• Friends Appreciate a Thought : a Holiday Tim- .: : bl&Pt de partment•. bat not better. • wu 1111e. Pro!. Gaw at tll• ptuo The J>e.t Expreaslona of Remembrance cu be : : "'d Pro!. IA•er wltb Iii• •lolln ,....1 , found among our larire Amortment of •

McPh Con : deHd oH numb4r; U... nadlap 1'1' CHRISTMAS CARDS ~ : ,

. enon ege . .... AodenoD. •ocal OOIOll bJ Pro!. • : O.w, paaao 9oJorl 1'1Jllla Browa. aad Our Uae II cUstiDctiYe a.ad nov.i. •

I or. D. "·~j.Yit·#' i ;:: :: :,.::-~ ..=:::: w~ ., 91Mda::-..::!.:= ot •••••


Bible Art Raaiwa

. ~ I --•or.-....-. ~ 11BPU11L1CAN t hr 1111111 11111111 1111111 .. 11 ................ •-• .. •- .. ,...., ... ___ ......... ~ ...... .,._..,~._,. .... - •• -- ..,_.. ·"

• .... - ~- ..__ --- - , ""

Jic:PHiBIJoN DEllBArED the tou cbdowa.. 11cAIU1te r fetled ID BU'LLDOG8 END 81CNJON' •••••••~•••••••••••••••••••••••••••• .. ••••~•11•••••••••• an •ue m pted. place kick. Carte r rtr WITH :5 G.um:fil Uf \\'OS : BY 8011TH\\'llln'ERN L'"

UBr :imnrrE OF PLAY celved the k-lc1r.o0tfl'and retu rned t o .. COLUMX Al-"'D 4 0£P'EA'1'8 : 1a rd.1. Clark made te:D n r-cb bu t. -- : tu01bled on tbe oe:r.1 p1ar. 1An1e1 P llf" t;p A Total of t8 Po llll• To •

wbo iiiHt8d to offeD•h·e ha il. we.s Intercepted aD enemy put!I and OppGDf:ntA' 98--0al1 A Fp · · :

::~~ng drh'lng PQwer tor the Bate•· ;~~~~I ~e::::::· .:anl:11::1 to: 5~~~~~ \'•~Mlft :

l' lni.I Q uartl'r a nd Hoover rclle•ed Thornton. Tbe With Lbt moleskins laid u lde : Sout hWC!lt , r n wa" dclegnted to Moundhulldera lolfl 1& )'ards on fl ~rldlron f ollow'ra may hrlot ly re · :

l <tck otf nnd nuide R 1;ood boo!'lt. lo f)cnn ltY nnd twice were thrown for r.ount t he seasoo'» la urels and loolc • t.he teo fa~d llnc a ga inst a atrong \os!Jet, A McPhertton player Inter· tnr ward to fu turt pro"p~Cltl\ tor the :

Special Showing of Fancy Plaid Back Overc.iata Raglan Shoulders


1;0uth wlntl. l .. lnc ~l•Y• 1nade rlrst c~plr>tl one ot McAlli'Jter'" P•1Jaee. ) lc l'bcnon ,Bu_Udu~•· f'h·e ,;ame1 : THE GOOD ~LOTHES STORE.. .

: :;n"pl:;.l ~·:~on n:~:!~n~n 11tr~~ ~~:;;:t:l~n~hecad~~:n~~a::d !~,:·~:: ~h~= :::~r:.u:n~~~.'.a.~:~011:.:;.1:~ ::; •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• eharge neUed 17 y:iird1: the line b:ill on the 10 ya.rd line H:arton at· team • hould In nn re1pee1 con.Ider - ; -- -· ~tren.gtheoed and on the third do.-n lf'm1ned a d rop-kick .-htch mt .. ~d ahl.;i an unsuccn_ ... rul record. Lall I .---- ----------, W -11 Aklrted r htbl ~nd tor a forty 111 .. JH>llll. Wall headed aa attack )P:lr the Canlnt-~ wt're rle,·enth In yard run. 1-"our line 1110.ys rollowcd whleh crtrrlMI the b:.ll t o the :S!i ill•· 1'a11us -Conft>rc-t1ce with urn TIC· a nd mea11urt• uuvo t•n l'Hh~r flrt 1 y11rot m•H'k " ' h er e f.A)ll_fli"~l f iell 0 1\ .. 1orJe~ u nd rtve <11•h !tt1• 1uuJ wH.h

downt'. Forcrd lmek to lhe fr S )·ard rumhlQ, Unrt0n punt(!d ttnd South· l)rM<:lleallr the H111n e clC\'t·n Outch lino I.h o J .. on1Jc1n; cruw he ld anti re~ Vi"Htcrn wrut rorccd to n.:JiC't\t: ("or .. h ttFJ 1u·otluced un inrlultc l)' he l te r ng­<:elv<:d t ho lulll 011 rlowuPi. ('IDrk tor dro1)Jh•d Iii(' lioot .. nd Snut hWt"Ht· v r (',;ntltrn. CJu~k nnd 811rgent are

LLOYDS Cnfct c rla f'l.nd O•nd)' ltltcbe.n. HOT M"'D OOLO 1.-UNCHES


.UO So uth l\f 11Jn S t .

Annabil-AJmen Drug Co.

Parker Fountain Pena.

TU!'!hed \he 011ot1hlo n tor 12 ynn.18 NU rN~O\'t-r(Hl poitst.:sslon . i\ 11a.1u1 thn ren-ular.s who 11·111 not h\l ff" " n c:>n l:§§§§§§§§§§§§~I and llarton again J)Untud. F(!ur ue111•d !? yardM :ind 'hen tllf~ U:Hf•l4· tlw l11l11l" jt'round" ncx\ 11oe.uon and .--------- - - --, downs locludlng a u r111l run by Ham· men comphited u thrlllln1; pa ... tor ,1·!th thh :n~:i.r·"' hard hltlln.ci: tine re· moDd made !G yardti And lhe Uull· 4:? yardtt. 31c Allhner lQ Gardn11r. lhf' malnh)f;'. Intact tbc Bulldog" l!ihonhl dop agetn nwllled a nd on lbe fourth l11t1f'r 1eorln11t • toucbdo .. n Jut l 5 1u111 out an aggro~atlon ot ,;rid U·

Gu.. NorUn. Moody Knowles.

clown McAlllller ullempled a 1J1•cf> ~n,1.- bdort: the Unal whistle. tl .. u .-Ith s kill an1l e s:perienoo a nd k ick which tell 11horl 2nd the Dull· The llnc·up: th(' winning punch. With th<' ne w FOR

Norlin-Knowlea Reataurant


Save Money Buy Suit or Overcoat of

HULTQVIST 4op Jlned on 1ho !O yard mark. SOCTJlWESTJ-;H.?\ \ JcPttr:nso:-;: ma1erlal and :h<" regular 11ubn l-

Barton punted :1flor n. fh·e )'&rd Hcndor1on n .1-;. S tan.el turn~ 1here will undoubted!)' ~ a '-;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;; 1;~==========::; gain by Ca rlOr, t ho J)lf:'Akln hound· IJrlckncy R .T. S. 1-\e:lm wcullh or matcr\:1 1 with Which to t111 I,============= J ng ove r tho goal lino. Cornwell R.C. RCr~f~~~ t he- \'acanclcs. " ll:tl'' Durton and l..-------------n J. E. GUSTAFSON

souU1wo11orn took tho btllt on l he Ko~lor • L.T. c::;,~~.~ •ho rlg u<ed strongly In lhl• y .. r"• MEAT Diamonds, Watches, and tlfleen yard Jlno and with t he aid Onrdncr L ~. Ellwood t'h nwlng. The former who ably fill· CL - J ewelry. ot a Bu lldog paDDltY and a pas,,. M"A111ner Q. Thornton f>t1 " fullback JJO~Hlon wa.1 11.l.•o an .;JCC Fine Watc.h Repairins a

6ot."<m<I Q uru't,1•r S1110n.~t01,•1,. LC.~. "Pat" Colburn_ wc:r(,I two new men For All Kinda Of I Dl&rcbed 61 1ard1 before tbey were Re inhardt R.H. Clark able punter and a. dangerou• open Maple Tr~~~at Market. Specialf;y. _

-atoppod. The remainder or lbe Ha rnmond t .... H . Ca.ner tl•ld runner . HI~ deteo9IYC workl '-------..:;....- ----' :......;;2...;1...;4_N'-'-. _M_a_in,..:....M_cP_b_e.;....-.;..;;.. _ _,

~:~ ::.. •b~:bcl~;nm~l~b!:.,:!~ w;!~elltullons-;:;utbwestero~·.~~~~ :::r 0~~~~i:;:::fe..:::e re;,~~~::- pr~I: I=============!============= QRl.bltantlat g-alo1 tor tbe Mound· •lo•• for lloderlck, Sea lon for Corn· 98 points which the Oulldog1 scored bulldert. Thornton Intercepted a well, Kaiser tor Harun'.l.ond. ndd,rtck tor "''th~ $C&t;on'lf total 1how1 their pue but a Ufly yard march for rorl\1~11~~:~~:·~: Co~~~~I ::; S~art:;~·ot, 111uperlorllY O"VOr their oppone nts who t ouchdown WAI ho.lied by thu e nd Siirgcnl for Stau soI. Hoover tor wtore held 10 88 un it.II. Tho work of

Home State Bank WANTS YOUR

BUSINESS. ot the bait , Carte r nnd Cla rk ma klu&, T hortiton . '"Tok" Ca r ter. who ably led Lho grid~ .coulilent galne on oacb pi ny. Hter" Mth the captaincy, wa3 out~ I~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~

1.'tllrd Quarte r t .AUll•! l-'4 WOS DY BULJ .. 1)()(JS 1tandl11JI:'. and he de,•eloved Into one I= Ku rtz WH put In to tHl th e pivot P U•::SE!\"TF.O T O TR()P1n · C'ASI-: ot the ClasbleAl hcb of 1he Confer-I ..-------------,

-poalUon, Crofoot ha.Ink rece.h·etl __ cnee. The local s upportorfl: or the aUa b t loJurtu. McPht1raon k.lcked Th~ two {potballa • ·on by Lbt t eam are lookir;g rorward to nea:t o tr; Boutbw61tern made 10 yard• Du11doas on ton:lgn gridirons lhl• )'tar with e.zpectancy and abould but Wu forced to punt, Carter re-- ieuon-one tro"m Kai'ui.aa Wetle yan boall ot tbe beal embryonic 11greg:a· u tYiDI' o n tho IG yar d line. On tbe aod the other trom st. Mi.ry·a- were lfon QI the sta.te and a conrerence. con· ·ttrat pla y Cl alr lc cha.r1t&d 1brou gb t he rormally preaentcd lo M. C.'a t ropb7 lender. ·

• 1.ie fenae tor a. 2G yard g a in. Otr· cuP W eduosdny. mornfug. Co11.cb tackl e play1 with Carte r a nd Clark Lonbor g In presenting t he trophlOI ?'IL t '. HAS P'RO.':WEf'TS Jt'OH lagging t ho ova l won tint downs compared the 1u ccess or tho le1&.m A SUOOES.SJ"t; I, u. n . ·na.,f wltb. eue. T wo nerlnl gai ns Car ter th la yur with that of 1:1sl ycu. A l· __

t.o Thorn ton a nd Outon lo Carter though In the Kansas Coorercuco (or Sow that the toolball aeason 11


McPheraon & Citizem State Bank

of McPberaon, Kan ... •

Capital and Surplus $115,. 000.00. We are pleued to

be of uae to any atudent.

We Frame Anything!

Over one hun~red differ ent ;lesigns of mollldlng from which to select.

Expert workmanship, best iuality material, and quick aervice.



pat the ball •llblo •trlkln1 die:lanee. only the 1econd year the Dulldoga C lark t::11m1 tu find an . opeol.ng: captured fitly per cent ot rhc game• llarou1b the llne and on the third ther plAJ'e d a way trom home-a d oWD. Caner 1eorod on an off-tackle record ot •hlcb Ibey -.:an Juallr he ~dthe. Dar l0n"1 11lace kick re ll HOUd. Dr. Kurtz accepted thl" prlz­allort.. McPbcnon kicked otf. South- ~-- 1n bebllt ot the tnslhutlon .

~:=:r:11ba:~=~~~~I~ .:~~h:: p~;:tC:, '--- ----------'! ~============ colle,;P atbletl('S that l.11 tollowed

1,.. _ ____ _ _____ --,


• •llb much lnternl. Coach Lonborg 1"\.IJlll;lliili!!!!!§E~.,f' •·111 ha,·e a we1llh ot rn•U1rl11.I 10 'I

• 'Ork with th!• ,. • • , nn<I unde r bl• PEOPBLAESNKST A TE ~-.··'!,·,.:: we.stern banuna red nway al the Bulldoga' &launch forward wnll with no gains and rc1orto<l to I.he (\Ir.

t\Jlll"''" ( '0 11t (or c-t1cc S lantlh tK aupcrvhllon a tcnm ghould be Jlro- _ d uc.::ed that will even excel 11181 )'f'!lr'a r ecord of cle,•en vlc1ori('ti. and only one dereat. Studenta Welcome.

Ot the six men • ·ho won .. M'.$" U11kcr

• TAroo oaucl!I rrom McAlllelur were complet ed. l¥t'O hy l(nhlc r nud o ne b7 Gardner. T he qunr le r ended Wltb lbo ball on the OulltJog.!!J· 15 n rd line.

Knn8u t-:ormals <'. ot .,.;.

w. L. ·r. Pct. 7 t o .SiG 6 1 !J .&G7 5 ! : .SH 5 2 0 .7 U 5 2 ! .714 5 3 0 •• u

:n~ Y~::n~~>" ~·;:·m:,.1~!~~: n~~~ See Vaniman for l\ _ guards. wm be ml&1ln• when •h• Life Savinga Plan. [i';-~UI Friend•

fo'oUrch Qua rte r Sou1hwe1tern Senn Uno pla11 were necef.&arr netbanr

\~bJ=r~06:h~1~11:k~~n:;:; ~::r ':;; ~~:~~~~ton tint prac1lce ts: teld tomorro'· eYen- J ~ Inc. Strie1'1cr. a re&~lar ot laat1------------- ._ &.:tr - \

{; 4 0 .6U )'ear, and Bartol who has a good - :> 4 4 0 . GOO record on the we•t cOIMl Rre ravor-3 3 0 .600 eble 11roapeeta w fil l theao vacant 3 1 0 .U, poeltfona. Cuter and Tll)10n >t1.•llJ 3 G 0 .37G q utto likely tJc 11iron~ co111 c11der11 In

St. Mary'11 Pllttburg

.DR. A. A. FREEBURG f' nlrmounl H11yJJ Normal ! 4 I .33~ this doparl ment a l•o. T ipton ta on e

· Re1toradve and Preventative Kan•H Wl'llefatt 2 7 O .2:!:! or the mOlt reliable point coiners . DENTISTRY Wathburn L 5 O .1'7 f rom a Ruard position eYer produced

Offlocr O•f"r £Ills Shoe fitore. g~::;~ ~ ~ ~ :::: .-r the McPherson H igh School. J>omLal X-Ray. Sanf;er Crumi-.cku. nufUI Dag·

Pbo- =====~========l geu. Stansel. an• Rugp ot Ian year

n.-.. 671 GreeD.1.---.-Le-t_U_ a_So_ l_Y_e_Y_ o_u_r __ "1 ;~11thb:seo~~1:0:. P~::: ~~Dl~o;.;"·~~~: Olflce-.

lnaurance Problem• :h~·~1~".i';0:0 ":::1.~!'0;~:;:d::•: . Carl M. Anderaon ~i::k~~.:h;;~~~ In hl1h ••h ool clr-Hlnauranc~ With Service" Sargent will bo a 1trong • con-

McPherlOll A. Citizena tende r to r hie o:d Job at t he plv9t Bank Buildiq oo•tllon. He wlll have 1ome keen

Phone 145 competition. howe¥er, In Bell• and

' Echo Re1taurani


Meah Sernd •In Beat Style.

~-----------Jl>--------------1 Hollo-war. The la tter h.. made a 1 ood rf60rd a.a center lo wuter o bla b tch oola.. Ther e wtll p robab1J

:•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••: be o ther pla yer• of a blllt y wbo wm

i .. Furniture, Rqa, Picture Frainina, Etc. : l:::~ u~1~~te;1~ ~:~ n1~:,:r1:~ vr::~ : YOUR TRADE APPREC~ TEI> ,_,,. : pro1pecu. l ook n t'f la•ort.1>1e tor a : U~L- F· • du d ...... _,_,_ eo' : ....... 1.1 •• Hon !or tb• Dulldoca . . • .-.-w Ul'IUture an n en&IUlle • .. '•••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••• •••• ••••• ••••••••••••• : 8CHEDULE8. TO DE MADE 800?1f

Clothea Cleaning, Guaranteed BETTER CANDY Sati1faction

RAY VANIMAN, Aa-t. Quality candy h as come back. Quality is better

Boya Dorm. Room 17 than ever now. Only

MODEL CLEANING the best candie11 in the world are sold here.

WORKS HUBBELL'S Over Crary Hdw. Phone 247


Maple Tree Barber 'Shop

Sheaffer Fountain Hany M. Sweeney, Prop. 108M --BL Pena and

Everaharp Penc:ila

"ff- ol Goo.I Funaiture" Headqaarten At



200-202 North Main St. McP....._ Kauaa


~===:c:===============~.==\ ====:::.-1 Prat. R. E. M-oll-1•-raad Coach A~ !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!! !••·················································~ lb.ar Lonbora: wm so to Lawnnce ·~··················································· : : T r ld&T for the a ua.u.al meeUa• of t b e : • • :

: Come To Thia Exc:luai-n Shoe S•- : xa .... Con!e .... ,. boada.. At lllla . c~-tmas Gifts • ' : ... -,,..- • m .. tlD• lhe Khedul• t or th e comlq: : ,~ : • • Fw .. _,. Lalloot la ,.._... : ,'llultet ball ...... • • well u aut ': : i. N tt H ' · : ~··· toot1>an ...., .. " 111 be ar- : • It's tline to 'itart your Chrlatmaa ahopplns. : •. · _1 !;~ •.• ~•-;I'd To Flt. Call Aad ,See Our U.. • i4lrtd. .i • · Thia at.on hu 1ultable &ifta for every ~n. • • i ' we-- i~ ", : forev~CIOCUioa. LetDMllow1ou. ·: :; IM' . F.I. Sboi . • ,.,. mi,r (la -u. Alt<- :: ... ~ . .... : ' l I'm · "1IUl1: !I ._ .,..,, ...,... C: \• '""':"•


:; '11.'Lu.. ., a ......... _ ·c ~.i . ....._,, .. ""' .. - : : ~ rn. ""- 1• t z. y. !\".)U~; .: ;..;i)i ;;Ji if I ~ ~ .......... -1: i . .,., ..................... ,, ........ _. .......... ~... . . . . J. ' .·, ,_; •. " •· .·, • I

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