twelfth sunday in ordinary time june 25, 2017 -...

Post on 15-Feb-2019






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Pastoral Staff Pastor Father Vincent T. Euk Parochial Vicar Fr. Vicente Magdaraog Weekend Assistant Fr. Bill O’Brien Deacons Tom Cechulski, Sr. Charles R. Daye , Jr. John Franey Gino (Louis) Esposito School Principal Sister Cherree Power, C.R. Religious Education Sr. Ann Norton, D.R.E. Linda Clayton Business Manager Deacon Gino Esposito Director of Music Emer O’Mahony Youth Ministry Coordinator Sister Ann Norton Phone Contacts Rectory—732-363-4200 Convent—732-364-2361 School—732-364-4130 Religious Education— 732-364-4137 Rectory Fax 732-370-3891 Rectory Office Hours: M-F 9:00-4:30 PM Second & Fourth Saturday 9AM—12:30 PM Baptisms: Every 2nd and 4th Sunday of each month,.

Weekend Masses: Saturdays: 4:00 PM Sundays: 7:30, 9:00, 10:30, 12 noon, 5PM Daily Masses: Mon-Fri—7:20 AM & 12 Noon, Sat: 8AM

Holy Days: As announced in the bulletin. Healing Mass –every third Tuesday at 7:30PM

Sacrament of Reconciliation Saturdays from 3:00 to 3:45PM and before each Sunday Mass

Twelfth Sunday in Ordinary Time June 25, 2017

Mass Intentions for this Week June 25, 2017

MONDAY 7:20 Father’s Day Novena 12:00 Guiesppina Carollo .....................................Maldonado Family TUESDAY 7:20 Pat Salerno ......................................................... Brian Walling 12:00 Anna Rocha .................................................... D’Annas Family WEDNESDAY 7:20 Sr. Roberta Mozdziak .......................... Maureen & Frank Albano 12:00 Vera & Dominick Lentini .......................... Susan & John Spoto THURSDAY 7:20 William Davis……………………………………………….Brian Walling 12:00 Kristen Butterfield……………………………………….Alice Nasdeo FRIDAY 7:20 Francis Halloran…………………………………………..Masini Family 12:00 Richard Maring………………………………………...Roemer Family

SATURDAY 8:00 AM Int. of Terry Rizzo Casio……………….Vic & Priscilla Lagdameo 4PM Joseph Vincent LaBella ........................... Toni & Connie LaBella SUNDAY 7:30 Alana Allorto ....................................................... Hoefler Family 9:00 Charles Cartana ........................................... Mr. & Mrs. Ramos 10:30 Helena Gniazdowska........................... Geraldine & Allen Ward 12:00 Salvatore Fzio ..................................... Geraldine & Allen Ward 5:00PM For the People of the Parish

Sanctuary Candle– Week of June 25, 2017

Int. of Daniel Post……………………………………………………….Mom & Dad

Chapel Candles– Week of June 25, 2017 Special Intentions

Events for this coming Week– See our website

Sacrificial Offering Update

Last Week’s Offering: To Be Announced Next


Thank you for your continued support.

Readings for the Week of June 25, 2017

Sunday: Jer 20:10-13; Rom 5:12-15; Mt 10:26-33

Monday: Gn 12:1-9; Mt 7:1-5

Tuesday: Gn 13:2, 5-18; Mt 7:6, 12-14

Wednesday: Gn 15:1-12, 17-18; Mt 7:15-20

Thursday: Acts 12:1-11; 2 Tm 4:6-8, 17-18; Mt 16:13-19

Friday: Gn 17:1, 9-10, 15-22; Mt 8:1-4

Saturday: Gn 18:1-15; Mt 8:5-17

Next Sunday: 2 Kgs 4:8-11, 14-16a; Rom 6: 3-4, 8-11; Mt 10:37-


Pastor’s Notes

The first reading is from one of five confessions of

Jeremiah. They are lamentations of troubles that

obedience to God has caused him. His experience is so

bad, like Job, he wishes he never was born, a climax of

spiritual suffering. But what is unique about Jeremiah is

he never loses hope and he never stops proclaiming

what God wants of His people. The message is God is

fed up with idolatry. The people went so far in believing

in these idols that they even sacrificed their own sons by

holocausts. Because of this, God will permit the

Babylonians to overrun them in a long and painful

siege. Naturally those who are “comfortable” with the

way things are going on have the chief of police beat

Jeremiah and put him in stocks. You can understand

why Jeremiah is in fear for his life. He is probably

eventually murdered.

In the Gospel Jesus warns disciples about

persecutions. Jesus, rejected by crowds, now teaches

disciples in private. Some even call His activities

demonic. Unlike Jeremiah, Jesus is looking forward to

His demise because He came into this world to be

crucified to save us from our sins. The lofty goal of

redemption did not exempt Jesus from anxiety and

fear. He sweat blood the night before He died. But the

climax of His sufferings of fear and pain brought us

redemption because it was motivated by His infinite love

for each of us. It also gave a purpose for suffering. We

can imitate Jesus to make up for what is lacking in His

death, temporal punishment due to sin. Christ

redeemed us from our sins, but in justice our sins

require atonement on our behalf. Our sufferings, along

with the saints, joins Christ’s sufferings to make up this

deficiency by what we call indulgences. However, we do

have free choice.

St. Paul reminds us of the damage caused by the first

sin. It was and still is devastating to human

nature. Adam and Eve's sin was so great that it became

an inherited consequence for their offspring to this

day. As a result we do sinful things which God never

intended. Some of these will bring us eternal


Jeremiah reports that idol worship actually brought

people to burn to death their own offspring. We

generally do not do these things in American society. We

do them legally and subtly with the assistance of

medical doctors. True, forty percent of American society

has been involved with abortions. But there is a much

more subtle killer of the soul. What excuse do we give

for paying coaches to keep our children from church on

Sundays? It is ironic that many parents pay people to

destroy their children’s spiritual life. It even prevents the

family meal where parents can get an understanding of

the spiritual progress that their children are making.

These two opportunities, one mandated by God through

Scripture and His Church and the other mandated by

common sense to preserve the family unit, thwart the

wholesome development of children both spiritually and

mentally. The gift of redemption and the gift of family

have become so neglected that many are just happy to

be “together” with iPads, even at the dinner table! Could

ISIS be the Babylon overrunning us today? If it is, the

solution is so simple, but it requires family responsibility

both on the parents’ part and on the children’s part. Per-

haps the cheapest way to begin is with a family Rosary.

Fr. Euk

What does fear have to do with the kingdom of God?

Fear is a powerful force. It can lead us to panic and flight

or it can spur us to faith and action. The fear of God is

the antidote to the fear of losing one's life. I sought the

Lord, and he answered me, and delivered me from all my

fears. O fear the Lord, you his saints, for those who fear

him have no want! Come, O sons, listen to me, I will

teach you the fear of the Lord. (Psalm 34:4,9,11)

What is godly fear? It is reverence for the One who made

us in love and who sustains us in mercy and kindness.

The greatest injury or loss which we can experience is not

physical but spiritual - the loss of one's soul to the power

of hell. A healthy fear of God leads to spiritual maturity,

wisdom and right judgment and it frees us from the tyran-

ny of sinful pride, cowardice - especially in the face of

evil, and spiritual deception. Do you trust in God's grace

and mercy and submit to his word?

When Jesus proclaimed the kingdom of God, he met op-

position and hostility. He tells his disciples that they must

expect the same treatment if they are to live and to pro-

claim the reign of God. There is both a warning and a

privilege in his statement. Just as Jesus had to carry his

cross, so the disciples must carry their cross and not try

to evade it. To suffer for the faith is to share in the work

of Christ. As one hymn states: Lift high the Cross of

Christ! Tread where his feet have trod. The Holy Spirit

gives us power and grace to live as disciples of Jesus

Christ. Do you trust in God’s grace to carry your cross for

Jesus' sake?

Scripture Meditation


Please Pray for Our Sick

Tom Lovito Lorraine Groh Marjorie Paulmann

Mark Stoughton Mia Castellan Baby Dylan Gallego

Connie Camilleri Rosemary DeFalco Diane Grad

Erin Haber Monica Noble Steven Hensle

Paula Baiga Diane Cudhedy Deacon John Franey

Bob Yuro Michael Connolly Joe Oates

Jane Oates Ann Donovan John Kerod

Robert Farrell Christine Clements John Rodrigues

Cathy Forman Ed Kelly Dennis Hayward

Kathy Hayward Claire Archer Vincenzo Centineo

Greg Mador Brayden Walton Victoria Burke

Robert O’Malley Sr. Karen D’Souza-Casiero Carl Lahetta

Gianna Faith Malen Kevin Corcoran Barbara Sewing

Rose Perrotta Sharon Calabria Nicole Kessner

Joanne Oates Carmen Devone Mike Kuris

Milagros Martino Susan Messina Francisco Masini

Don Ryder Katherine Scotto Shirley Alino

John Burke Retired Bishop John Smith

Please Pray for our Parishioners Serving our Country: Sgt. Sean T. Curran Sgt. Brennan Six

PV2 William Wotton GSMI Sandro Farduchi

Sgt. Krystyna Cechulski Capt. Julio Collazos

S.R. Steven Brennan Sgt. Gregory Hiller

PFC Zackary Burkey LCDR Matthew W. Smith Sgt. Luke Wlodkowski 1st Lt. Robert F. Farrell

1st Lt. Ash Young Sgt. Paul Coyle

Sgt. Matt Myers

Baptism St. Veronica’s Parish Family wishes to welcome

those who have become members through the

Sacrament of Baptism.

Hailey Elizabeth, daughter of Timothy & Casey Dembowski

Hayley Jade, daughter of James and Linda Sasso

Dominic Robert, son of Darin & Crystal Banjani-McClain

Savannah, daughter of Janet & Haskell Wallace

Giavanna Genevieve, daughter of Joseph & Patricia Falco

Gianna Samantha, daughter of Richard & Krystle Mataka

Thank you for the gift of life.

Church and Chapel Sanctuary Candles

If you would like to donate a Sanctuary

Candle for a loved one, please contact the

rectory office (732-363-4200). Candles

will be in memory of or intentions of the

named individual for one week

(Sunday to Saturday) and announced

in our bulletin. Weekly Donation: Church Candle $15

Chapel Candles $20 (2).

Electronic Giving Program If anyone wishes to give to the church electronically,

please go to to sign up. It’s a safe and

easy way to support the parish.

Attention Students Do you need service hours for school or Confirmation?

Consider helping maintain the gardens and grounds

around St. Veronica Church and campus.

We will meet every Tuesday 6:30-

8 PM in front of the Church,

starting June 20, 2017- August 15, 2017. Participate as

much as you can or want. After each session attended,

you will receive proof of the time you served.

What to bring:

1. Signed Permission Slip (link below)

2. Enthusiasm

3. Gloves and hand shovel if you have them

4. Water to drink

Any questions please contact Lisa Franey or 732-905-6811

See the website for more details.

THANK YOU FOR MEMORIAL DAY The Respect Life Committee sincerely thanks all those

who helped make the Memorial Day Mass and Commun-

ion Breakfast such a wonderful occasion: Fr. Euk, Fr. Vic,

our Deacons, the Knights of Columbus Color Guard, the

music ministry, altar servers, reader, Eucharistic minis-

ters, and ushers. Special thanks also to the Knights of

Columbus Council 6201 for providing a terrific breakfast

and to the Prayer Shawl Ministry who hand knitted and

distributed 65 Prayer Patches at the breakfast. Thanks

also to the stores which donated food items or money for

the breakfast: Big City Bagels, Dunkin Donuts,

Stop&Shop, and ShopRite.

Prayer for our Deacons and an Increase in Vocation to the Diaconate

Heavenly Father, since the time of the Apostles you have

inspired the Church to commission certain members to

assist in a special way in the pastoral mission of Christ.

Bless our Deacons so that they may be humble and faith-

inspired in their service.

We ask this through Christ, our Lord, Amen

Peter’s Pence Collection Collection Date Change to July 2nd.

Next week, our second collection will be for Peter’s

Pence (Holy Father), which provides Pope Francis with

the funds he needs to carry out his charitable works

around the world. The proceeds benefit our brothers and

sisters on the margins of society, including victims of

war, oppression, and disasters. Please be generous. For

more information, visit

Adoration Chapel "Our hours of adoration will be special

hours of reparation for sins, and

intercession for the needs of the whole

world, exposing the sinful, sick and

suffering humanity to the healing,

sustaining and transforming rays of

Jesus, radiating from the Eucharist." St Theresa of


Unpredictable schedule? Subs needed for this busy

season of vacations. Please sign up for one single hour

on chapel bulletin board….You do not need to be a

registered adorer.

Hours Urgently Needed:

Sunday : 12 noon, 5PM, 7PM

Monday 1AM

Wednesday: 3AM,

Saturday: 6PM

Weekend and Overnight Adoreres needed.

Contact Debbie or leave message 732


Registration for Religious Education AFTERNOON CLASSES will meet on Monday, Tuesday,

Wednesday and Thursday from 4:30 PM until 5:45 PM for

grades 1-8. On Mondays at 4:30 – 5:45 PM, we also offer

Special Sacraments, Holy Innocents, and RCIC classes.


and Tuesdays and Wednesdays.


6:30 PM until 7:45 PM for grades 1 to 8. Come into the


call Sr. Ann at 732-364-4137. ( Classes will be available

on a first come, first serve basis only). Remember Monday

afternoon fills up fast and is first come, first served.

NEW STUDENTS and students receiving Sacraments this



Registration begins the week of June 5th and continues

until June 29th. The CCD office will close for 2 weeks and

then registration continues July 17th-August 30th.

We are also looking for catechists, aides, and hall monitors

for the 2017-2018 CCD year. Please email Sr. Ann

Elizabeth at if you are interested in

volunteering for any of these positions.

Pantry Needs Instant potatoes, syrup, canned fruit, jelly, tuna helper,

stove top stuffing

Air Conditioner Replacement Campaign Goal- $200,000.00

To Date Donations: $15,385.00

Please continue to help reach our goal to replace the AC

system. Thank you to those who have donated and for

your continued support.

Ask the Pastor Ask the Pastor will not meet during the summer months.

The next meeting will be Friday, September 22nd at

7:30PM. Have a safe and wonderful summer!

Mega 50/50 Raffle Dinner Dance.

Tickets will be on sale in July.

Drawing will be held

on November 4, 2017,

6:00PM during a costume din-

ner/dance in St. Veronica Gym,

4215 Hwy 9, Howell, NJ


St. Rose of Lima Carnival

June 27th thru July 1st

Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday


Friday & Saturday 6:00—11PM

Featuring: Father Jim’s Food Hut,

Lobster Dinner Night, Games, Rides, Food, Rock Climbing

Wall, Live entertainment.

Parish Census- Every family in the Parish should be properly

registered. You may do so at the Rectory Office during the week

or on Saturdays. Envelopes-Using Parish envelopes or Parish Pay (electronic giv-

ing) helps us to maintain up-to-date records of those actively at-

tending and supporting our church. Baptism-Baptisms are held every 2nd, and 4th Sunday at 1:30PM

in the church. Please call the Rectory in advance of the baby’s

birth to schedule and make arrangements. Parents are required to

be registered parishioners. RCIA-Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults, for those inquiring

about the Catholic faith and practice, or for adult Catholics who

have not been confirmed. Marriages-Please call to make arrangements at least one year in

advance, and before scheduling your other wedding arrange-

ments. Perpetual Adoration Chapel-located at the rear of the Rectory




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