twin[ faul s p ajly times esec ik^ w with ''tlip'tltt'es;' ^ ; vo|i, n...

Post on 10-Dec-2018






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> Ik ^ W WITH■ ' 't l ip 'T lt t 'E S ; ' ;

v o |i , n t l ' m o ; i m .

H K d ' 0 l! l M : M


Propoiol Hado to U nited States ■ F o r Cooperation Is F la t. '

iy R ejec ted .' .

^ I» O ne-S ided‘ Porelgix Control Ib Frowned

Upon b7 tb» American 's ta te pep& rtm est.

W A 8in:tpT 0N , Oct. G—KfforU Ijy Japan lo conlrol n cabin nerom th<<

. 1‘aclric ocMin liotv«»n tlii< Unltod / S U lo J’M tf 'jap u h cuDiP to llsi.i hero •I todoy.

A pfoponal wa* maile Himie timo n|0 wllh tlia approviil nf ilio inlknclo'H

< |OV«mmenl tha t tUo UitlH-J Stale* anil Japan co«pnritti< In liuttilinx a eabla ni;rc»i>i'. dr I’acltlc. TIip plan

_ WBA r»]ectt<l. b«»UBo o t llio ln»l«i-cncQ of Jopaa tliat ttin cable be con* irollctl by a JaponcHu roinpanx-

Thi* proponal wan coimldorod ulR- niriM nt htrr«. becauHO a t the rosxl* Jilllty of the Japanw c - ileluRailon lirlnjInK up tho plan iiRnln n l itio ^‘rellramary meellnic lior« W lday ot \h« {W« In con&vcilun^ llh the iiitornatlonal rolnmunlca- llon ii• conference, .Should iho pro- po ta l B^aln ba liroachod. ll In bc- Hetfed Joi/#n wllJ modify lho plan with 0 »lftw of innoUnit lhe objuo- Uonii.,of lbo Unllwl Staion.

'Hpoimorfd by Jaj)ineKe.Thfl bulldlne of Iho eablei wat

proponod lo 'the state department br an enilm ry' ot Japunene capltallMs. Tlie plan' was uponiored by Uba Ja- s)ana«e embajwy «n lho riainn Ot lho ToUlfr fov.«rnmcnt. It wa* proponed tho' frob'ji 'of Jopnnojio-ftipllBliiitfl and flitter tboUnlied Stales xovorn* nan t o r ' Amarlcan eapltallsU build

• the cab|« In conluncilon.- ,Thu cable would facllltato commorcial rolattons and better illpiomaUc relatlonii bo-

J lwean th e Iwo counirloi, It wa« a r- ^

Tba alnU dopartnient pointed out 1 tha t t h i Jopaneno KOvernment forblili J the JandInK of any toralKii cable on Japanese shorm . and replied that tho American suv«>rnm«nl couM not allow the lohdlns uf the jiropoHOd cable on Amorlcan soil If, It woro conirolled by foreign lntore»tH. .

cox B I g ;’fHiAl'BRlVES:

nOampaign ! • Now W ithin Pour *'

W eeki of E n d and Nomi. . ° nee A rranges Coup ”

• . COLUMBUS. O.. OCI. C .-W lih lessthon four w rolu ot lho cunipalin re­maining. Quvcrnur C' jx wan today campletlns plana for hln final hiuqip drive for tS>o prooldency.

T h a t Ihe nomlneo s lill has Homc ot h is b«iC campaign cards "np his a leere" w tu Intimated.

BcilA»ln« lom orrow th e Rovemftr ezpacls ta be on Iho wtunip erery week day until tlie nigcHoa- Nor»m- bor S. Ho wa» to loavo hero Inlo ibis aflirnoon fnr a awing down throuRh Kentucky and Tennesseo—tbenro went to SI. Louis and back on far e u l as Boston.\ HU lo u r will take him Jnlo tho r u le s Of Konlucky, TonneaiM , Mis­souri. m tnota. Indiana. Mlcblfsn. Ohio. Naw York. M ossacbusetts. New Joney . Rhodo Island. Maryland and probably W est V irginia. I lls InTaslon. of Kentucky nnd Tennessoe U (cn- orally construed to bo a m ore to make Iba solid south "Cox-suro."


B ereral' A rreita B eport«d Uod^ b n t AO j&eprinili Hava Yet

Been B e p o rte l

DUQUN. Oct. C (UPl.—Bxtonnlre m ilitary rslds wero carried ont lost n lgbt and today In Dolfast. SerentI

. a rrasU wore modo b til so t i r M i**s learned today thero w ere no rtp rtsals fo r a ttock i on po llc t p ttip is by BInn Fe la tn i noar Cork o n M n King's coun­ly. Tk* S i n n 'm n o tta c k a 'm u lte d

<} lu no. Woodshed. T ho arrea ts today / by o«(J#ra wor# accompltohad wtthbul

y . / . ,



S . ' m

m^ £ l ■

y iQ /ffcY’ 1

: , s - . ' y - r c j

v .rp \

* ' ' ' ‘ \ i l

3 . ' -I — '' ~ _r— ‘ -----

n '


Indlclmvnit o( linncljul^playfrN and namblom l>y iho Oooltfcauniy Krand Jury iDrvnllKall’iK liaMclmll 'crcHiked-

1 noAH today aw alm l iliu p(u>'litK <>t the S world norlcs.^ Numoroun »i1tn*ciiii o'xpoctrd to for*

nlnh .ralua£lo InfDniiuilon iiKulnii a l If least two N'allonal Iouruo pluyrrn who

ore odtvu In the Inicr'.li-aRiio cIokhIc urnl rather thun liiiorfi-ri» w ah lUo ovont lhe Jnr)- declilnl lo rm t until these players aro freo to appear.

*- Man Killed in Fail j— ; I at the Smith RanchJf A man cmplnyoil on Ihe ro n ra d Is Smlih ranch noar Klnjhcrly was.*''

Inntunily killed lato Ihln nfirrnoon In u fall Irom u Ncatfoldlnc, nc- cording lu a report reaching hort*.

In 'D r . W eaver waa qalled lu the Ih ranch, and la ter tho roronor n m



"• NEW YOHK. Oct. T lie hooch ot pre-Volsload days was nooiblni syrup compared to tlin concocl|on .of

’”-Uud«y. according to Muglilrato* 5o- soph M. Swab. In thn w est nUte

' "The hooch Ihal's being passod around - tbese dsy>.” bo natd, “docs nol cootaln onO-half o f ono por cent alcohol, ila the r ll oppeam to contain aboui 200 p a r cent olcohol. It tha

n reported actions of somo of thoaa | \ defendants cun be taken us a cri- V* lerion." y


S nu tles i total world series receipts.. Sew Vork-Plilladelphla aerlon. 1905.

live g a m ^ . t(8,40(>. . /Bmallest Indlrldnal sh a ro - lo wife*

Its pinp players, liod Sox ot 1918 reeelv* tai ed 91,io :.(l oscb. ml Sm alleat Individual ih a ro lo loctBg raa jA v r m , Col» In IM S rocalved lla each, '''xnn Sm allest toU l world sorlcs olteniD m- snr« , Chlcago-Oairoii le rim of 19M, :mI ftvo gatneo. 412SS. itajr Btnallesl a tU ndanro for pna Jtanjrf n it SI NaVin fleld. Datroli. ttf th gamo^ol

C h |ca ifrpo tto lt m i Im ; 04110. J



• C O ' i ^ V

.________ __________ ,c

WENTSINTHE RANDAL EXPECTED .,or AddlUonal Indlcimoiiln wcro )>«I[flv- n j ed ready ' to liu vointl whi-n lhe non-

sion rc.uniM .Charloii A. STonenom, pronlileni of

the .Now York Olanis; Jnhn McOniw, ho Qianin mnnaKor. and Hnnh Jennings.• nianngvr of ihu D dm ii toum. tuniify-

ir* Ing yeaterday before Uiu Juror*, laid oi “ t (tlo ground for new nunHutlons In J ho baneball, ncconllnn lo rep o ru today, nc "lc - Ownera In nuvcral major league fc ho clnbn In conferenc<* hero hove lieen d ■tll, p reparing for a complelo rcorganirn- a ^ tiun o t baseball. ni

™ i E D i BY R y » 1 IN MCUTIfll

.En __________

och PA niS , Oct. 6 (IIP ),-F ou rteen han- ling dr,ad Ilu silan Sallnrs led a ravoU In l .o t PMrograd September 28. which re- ■ Uta I” sireei flgbtlng,

according In nonnpapere here loday. isod Tl** reports said Ihe InnurrecUon was Iocs oraihod 1>y Chln»o merr^narlen and cent th a t flfty-fqur Ieadern of Ih'o ninllny tain werV.shiJi. •Iha ' Tbo sollor* wera Joined by munl-

' V A n o t l ^ r L y n c h i n g ;

s i s i f o H p w I G l l i n s

Ip,^ . klACcliW NY, n a .. Oct; -0 (DI*).'- A tr lpU lrnch lng ' hero awaited loduy

, 7 eqj^uro ' o( ' Jlih’ O Itfqi. nogro mur- irffe. OfcrtK >d b K ^ a qoodniple. OUens' » 1». n p l ^ w M . ^ a r p ^ hou rb .

lll tio BcgToea killed wara Dni ( tea a s a .A a r .O hrm a'and F a itoa Bmllb, t i .H MipUutlon

k f prom JainlV ooar•ni& S r t w I ’ A 'n o b t l o t e td th o Jail and ig V Whsal'a k«r« aad .'i ir ts.

I H m , b w n d iheD aaroM to t m a alid tm f. wtuj boiiou. .

Uf c h a ? ^ wllh h 'irJn i < a c iu a tlr ' tbo i ^ t U a t . ktUiS


I s TH E> *



i '



^Copyright 19M by Public: U d g er Co. -


r i iK v io r s w im i,i» hkk ikh

I Trln Speaker, wlih Ilod Sox lu ' norJes o f ISIIi und lUir., U rry Uur<l-

nor. Chet ThomaH and ' Jlic Wood, wllh It<Hl Sux In ni-rlcn o f .m i: . 1»IC, I

■ 1D16.L osllo Nunamaker. wlih lied Sox

In sorlca o t 1912._______________


- TOKIO. 0«-l. C.— (ir. 1V> Tlio chlrf ' 1 of pollco of Munchnn iind M uihi-r ' I JnpancKo -wero killed and miiny pnr- "

nonn wero wnundisl OclnliiT 1! when ” > four hundrod luindlln aiinckvd llun- I cliun and net Iho'Jupanenv cnmrulute '- a fire . acconVliR tu an nfllriul un-

nouncemoni from the torolgn otllce. J— J

NWGiD ; ILflRS ENDS i MLEiERSi1- tiomi factory w orksrst according lo Q the new»p«pcr dU paichei. .and aided

lu tha manning of otgbtecn n iv a l gunn ‘ taken. 10 Potrbgrad from Kronstadt.

Four hundred sailo rs ware aald lO Y' have been killed and wounded In tbe ‘s two days of lighting. - >d Tho flgh tlng 'w M •xtanslve. noth >y hides employed bartnadas'in Ihe street.

Snlpem from Oth sides operalod from ‘I- Iha roofs ol buildings.

BROOKI,T?t I’LAYBBR'W iio IU T I! r iU im E D TK


•' Jim m y JobastoB. J e t t P^elTor. Ivy uy Olson, Loon Cadore. Zach Whoat,. Sborrod amlib. HI U yon, Olio MU'-

le r.' n u b s Marouard. a tt wilb Brook­lyn In aeriea of 1918.

• ' Bill WcCabe. and Pote K lldaft wUh f Onba in s e r i e s 'o f 1018. Marq|iar4

Dd U a r r ty , Ha « c i ip « l‘linmadlatoljr af- 1*. tw Ute c rim e., . . ] * 4liil 'A C » g ro wna found hera laio yas*

tM laV'Slaot lo daaili., I t Is no t knowa iTi .wUalhar ho v a a I^ipltcaled in 'H ar^

_v ' „:

JLY Ty., OCTOBER 0, 1020


OF POLmI Advance Stem m ed in Ma I Reported to Have Been I viki; Fierce fighting Is < ! One F ront; Peace Pac I Friday, According to Rt! I.().SI)()N, (III. I) i i r i ’i. Uii«i.l;.n vmi

Ivalii'i! In limnV liliurn Jll.nil- lin- I'nl 'imriuui ilivtuBvUvii, ;i M«n.i«w;vlr..|.'m. »nl,l l.Kluy. j|.Iv

.K-Ii.uvuril rruili lln- rlv.T .S‘l.'in;in. Illr;ill IVIIII iirliiillli'il. r r l n u l n'lilinui'i] "a>-| nmllnc. I<> l>lali.- . !

"Olir iiilv;iiiri- lii\v;inl IIii- rJviT j * Klillrli riiiillnili'>* iill('<'i'<ir>fiil1v," IIm'ITi'I wlr.-li'«K >i;il.l, "111 Ilmt ri'Klun « ... H"’ 'll'l ii|i|i.i| l.i-lirt>i-I( auil I>.-rliiizaii>’, | l'>

"III llll- rfi;l(iii »I .N’nv.iK-rriilrk iinil ‘......wanl Ir.mi iIik rivi'r M^niaii‘■iiiillmii'il r.) r .ir i 'a i a.'; , i i i l ‘‘" phlii.

I'lifhlliij: «‘iiiiilnn."i "I'lRlilinK .ouHiiiii'k iii>rlliwar.l m a r

, .N>-.'-»UI.. . ■•'.Vl'ur l.iinlii'iz florou ilnliilnK In

Ill iii'i'Odllu; wiih iiui IriMiiin ii.lvaiulnr .ir .SoviiKiircKt Viilliynnk. KlKlillng I'on- lIlliU'B fur Ijic juinm-nnliiu of Ix 'llli'hftl ,ju mill n<iiilliv.M:.l from DiTailiuya.

"Ou lllf WnitiKol Irout >vo liuvc i-np- j,, luri'il .Marlu])iil.''' . 't |

I’l'uni b.Mw.'vn I’liliinil nn.l IlurKla j|,f wlll lie nuule Kriduy. uciontlm : K.'ro- IHiriK Iroul UlKii whlclt luil.l ilu- iw.> mu .U-lvKDilunK will meul iliiii .lay t.i alsn ; nil unnlmli'o Ulld pr.Olniluiiry ix-ain or.ler, .i,,

Adolpli Jiif/i-. huud nt the lUiHiilau ynmnilKKlou. iiinl Jun IMiiiiliHkl, i:lil<'r (ll tliu I’ollnli di-lcKUt.-H. wurn lAilil l.l || |i hnvo ri'udinl BKronmcni on ihu nuiln y[, P<j;nl» in prlvuK’ T»iuvi'rKutl(ini. kI’

-------- ■ poWAIiaA\V. Ocl, 0 lU Pl.—"Our ud- sn


Republiban Nominee Leaves^To- ^ day on Trip and W ill Oo os

For 08 Oklahoma.

KNUOUTK WITH SK.VATOIl HAJtD- ,, 1N(1, Ocl. B,—W nrren 0 . Hnnllnis lefl ; .Murinn lodny on thu iirnl leg o t hU

nouihwriiiern trip, tho longcni hu mukun durlnjt hl» campaign. Ho roc* nn fur on Uklulioniu Clly. ri-tumlni; i.i

■ Marion Momlny.I'lardlng w^n iluo lo urrlv.- In Clil-

cniio laio Kxlny and will lay uvor a few lionm buforc lunvlnR for Ui-n

“ Molncn. where h o . n|M-akn tomorrow forenoon.

Thuro WBH talk In high counclln yf Ihe rvpulillcan party o t trlrnnilng Sun. ftlor llurtllng’M npooking prugmui nnd “ (illoWnK doner lo lho front porcli In "■ Marion. Hanllng has anucher irlp booked Ihat wlll carry him inln Ken- lucky and 'ronn<>*«va It a ll engago- menta tt?o kept.Tlier# In real doubl now as lo wheth- ^

Ser ho will go 10 Now York s ta le or n mako an eoaiom tr ip a t . a ll. l i e han a a leniatlve engagomont a i Buffalo for t< Ocioher Sl. No date han been made h tor .S'ow York Clly. *'• a

;;V0NSCHACKTQ j i ( P I FPPO Mbe -

Former Hermim Vica Ooninl a t ’II' San F randsco l i A w iiitln; am P arole Paper*.

— LHAVENWOnTH,' Kanft.^ Oct. 6 } lUPJ,r*BcWiprf VoR :Bc»ia.fA,, form er I Cerman nro,C onsul a l Baa f ^ c t s c o . l

M was ♦•xpectW to bo‘ »r*ed from iha fsdsral prison hero today on rsealpt

l»r of parbi* paper* from W ashington: a t . m n t iB o p p , torthar O ennan consul t

MO»nl a ir Ban ftanoU co . v a s par- oled yostsrdsy. Both' war* convlctad < nf vlolaUna Botflrftlltr . law ^ They i

^ will return lo Oermany. they said.. ' M , .. ' , - Io* JBWlilEXT ‘RErtltoTO '

_ ' cmciwoi.oct,:* |Wl»rtKe Ua|t at- od.B ialas court.lOf a p ^ a bar* n ^ TsrsaS^ lb'a JodroeD t -ot-'Uio! faderal '7 coart ot Uia waslom dUtrlet otWlii >wo e ^ r i j n tbo «wn^t ,Ortat]r I tr l t . M. B*eker.; f M iM .n m y of Tjp-

luioa ot ms 'MpWiiih>

IMESO N D ClAlMTO u PPED RUSH;h troops____ . . : Rl

Vlany Places and Gains :en Made by the Bolshe- [s Going Forw ard Along' 'a c t Will . Be Signed on Reports From Riga. j ,.,

•'.V lliiv.i|il«'il llll' vlillti' Itl....... Illl' I.lila Itiiviiii I,’:.iralhvny." . ^ iw

I I.ONIIDN. Oi't. 'I i;oniniliiKliiucrj„,|' !t.'IiIi>I><tIii uf {iir.'iKM at(ulr^>. .ini- .if |xv .till- UiiKiilau (rInuiviiK-, u-,i» r.-iiurleil j f j I in ItlKH, llr.•^nlllal|ly, 111 niala- a illlio rl-L j ‘ t..llv.' till' .oni-.'K.loiii. i;raul.-.l l.y;' ,tlii. ^.ivl.'l .l.-I.M;alliiii. TliP ji.'aro, {.'<iniiiihnluii.>rn »lll .onilniu ' lli.'lr ; ni.'iiHiiK" :iftiT i*li;iilni: Uu- prolliuln- la iy iirili-i' lo ili'li.ili' niliiur affalrn on

h'I iIcIi nu ............. -lit Uiik ri'li. hi-il.(Ini' <if 'IVI.Ili'liiTin'H llr ....... . mmu

urrlvul at I tk a . a rt.inllui; to th.r .lor- r.'.i|uiuili'nt uf 111.- Dully Sk.-trli, was ' ' lo lx<iic a fraiilli- uol.' I.i thi- rnnK-li T;

, Kovoriiuii'iii uml ii.'u|ili' .•.iiiiiilalninR Ihut Kruiii-i- 1* liulll 1.1 bl- iilunitlnr; III'W aiitI.ltuKxlui) jnuvi'H, im rtlrulurly lu ulilInK WrunR.-l, imlc-tt "thu lir.ilhi-rly HU|i|iiirt of tli<- w ork -i’

■ InK inunHi-M (If Fri.m'1- ........ nl uRgrrR-p)■ -Iv.. iii'ii.iii uKaliu.1 llll' working 1^' ' muM..'ii of ItUNKla anil i Iik Itkralni-."j' L.indon ui'Wiiimpcrii loil[vy puh-|' llnhv.1 lu»plr.'il lliut thu

ilrufl ot the Uunm-ll;Ulnh trudo ' uKri'Knii-iii l» inurBly prfllinlnory und ’’I fuhjort lu umrndmunl.' AccorJIng to D<• Ih r Ilnlly Mall. I.ciinlil Kramiln. ho-I vlul ri'pronniiiulvr huru. hun bvrn S|

Klvrn full anthnrliy to procuud with pl pollllcnl UN well iut comniiTclal nu- In

• snllullonn. C O

— " I !■ .............— 1

To B&Preaented■ O ld C ontract to ' c [ Keep as Souvenir

NKW VOllK. Oct. n llJI').—I. Trln Si>i-ukcr, niuiiUK'-r uf the *

• I'lrvcluiiJ Inillunit, will l>c pro- Bi'Wrii till- rir«l iirotrwllonal buxcUull conirnct he I'ver nlgn- uod hifon- ih«\uppnlng game In - I'luvulunil Suiuriluy. ,

Tlie pT<i\eniatl«>n will U« mailn {, ^ ll wan Iinnouni-od. by lh)uk Hnb- |,

<-rl9 , o 'vnrr of (hi- Hnuntnn club | of Ihe Trxa» IruKui-. whn un lho ,d

II licnil of lho i:lrli«m r club ofIhe .North Tuxiu l.-ugui* Hlgncd 1

. Hprukur to pl«)' In 1900 fur »60 (u a innnlh, I

SiH-ukur hUH irllll m anyilm es I ^ to obtain the ron lrurt on u ' <

nanvunlr. ul It wan pronilned to <. him nuly iifirr ho liu.l won a '

■' iicnmini. ’

id y . 1


“■ KLAMATH FA L ta . Ore.. Ocl. 6.—I,. Local nilnlstsrn havo doclared them- i r nolvcn In favor of a moral cleanup < m and have announced tb e lr inlentton |

to place candidates 'fo r clly offices • le In lh« field lo dbplace tbose wbo do ,

not aeem to come up lo th e ir stand- . a rd a t competency and responslbUlly.

.B R O m O F ra J PA SW M )?

LONDON. Ocl. 0 (UP).—Taranco’ 6 Wac8»lnry was overcome wltit

ier lodsy when his bm iher PM er a t^ v a tt eo. here from Ntw Yfirjc. Tbo Iprd m ajor, h e bcElnoIng his .day .o t b o s -Ipl ^ r siHklng iii Brtxibn-jalLi «hUp«r*d »n: his greeilngs. lp ,Ws pldar .> w t(ter, lul then d ro p p ^ tock iipop Ws ,cot »r- Peter, a sh o t c itlle r 'M> t te v lYorV tad c ity , arrived here' w lthbjit wiiralaiu >ay and w Uia, r u n a n u a a ^ K .. was bis firsi s lg b i 'o r .b ia > ro lb o r lq

iwaniy yaars. . 1. ^

Bit ro(Qs«4 to u l l &0V .‘bo r t a ia bu t i t siaa r o ^ e d i i ) *

t n l tci L«i)ion. a a . a^ j t l ip r - .a a d .fU ^otu rtiM nassportfc .; r - • i-.'.i-

I by e,


PITCHING A i: R oliins N obo O u t 3 -to 0 in B e<^I - Coincsi or the W orld 's B eri

:ind the Spltball Is O rod|^, W ith Doing the-W ork.

t i u ; .sidiiK, r i .i.\ 'i;i..\ .v i) Al! It II I'O A '

il.urii'.. ;'l, II I) 11 O' I)

M . < li Cl '[ 0' |i::;iilu.'>, ::ii :i II i I ‘ 1 ‘i\v. Joiin-hiii. 11, < I) o ;i

I'r.N.-lIl ..................... 4 0 1 7 1lllaKby. |i ... ;• D O- 2 IixvCninuy • • 1 u 0 iJ 0 '■‘'I '; I’ .................n 0 ll' 0 0

|\xx.S'unainul;er I U 1 0 0 “

J Tntiil»............... ;n II' 7 -H 8 ,xliiiticil for liagliy In sovrnih. xillutii-il for Wnnihy In Hghlb.';. xxxlluii.-<l tor Dhlo In nintb. '■

IlllOOKl.VN AB R H- PO AOlnon. i.ti .....................4 1 I 3' s '

' J. Ji.Iini.ton, 3b .........* 1 1 0 1‘Icrlffllh . rf ...............4 0 • 2 8 J;|wh<-m. If ..........:...... a 0 I 3 ; (;lMyi'rn, <'f ............... .<..3- 0 I S . j.jlC inclchy. lb .........- 3 0 0 I0 '; l. loi.iiiif, uji ...............3 0 0 . a,\;. M llirr. .■ .................3 0 0 : '5 ; .. criiJinK, 11 .............. n 1

ToiulK .............30 3 7D Sforu by Innings: . . n Oi'.] i ’l.-vclund .......... 000 000 000^ .1 llrooklyii ........... 101 010 OO*—».

S um m ary-/rw o base Id tiM I 1 Sj'cukor. G ardner, a r i O l i b ^ J

O rlmra 4 1 Uagby 1. ^ T lm f

nimbu.t tndny 10 tbo

of^ilie N atlonarieagu'a opening gsme, was

llurleigh Grimes giaired ' a ' i j ^ ^ B

Icagurra to sevenInning werVi tba C le v e la a ^ e n n ^ ^ H .drive UUI- more Ibai) o n e - ^ ^ ^ ^ H

IP f l . - N o b i u i t i u ^ ^ £ S ^ ^ ^ J



«ek of E n th iu lu m U a t Iu Open- i<'a<»nn i:.<

; Id ; O o n te tt y e t U r d a y in mvtorn (rr.i 8 « r lu , '

jirlKi'il l>v . Bjr tU ro Id n . aaeoM , rinv (irr

CntUd PrM> fiiiift C o r m p o n d rn t until <Uiyli NBW yORK. Oct. 6.—Somabo.!)- will lihu inu.iili

&T0 ta ibOOC ft|U U l9 h o p ‘ lnlo tlic II. ' T hr I OWd Bt Ebb«U Sold today jo muhfl onu of t I n d t u t anrt Dod*«r« m llx o Uii>y l’»f‘« plkylog tM fon a bunch o t run* >’o » ( tM d of U l ondM Ukern- conteniKm. iHncov. r-.l, M arb* I t w»« Ujo, A rctic wcatbor; 'I 'ftjtb* II WM tho trlinmlnR tbu bmiiu “ “ur

& *ot~*nyw *y. lho 23,0011 tfl»h ‘•'"■"'im a n v b o a ttended theo iiomIiik i iin- In brhn W t a r e a p«rf««t tmltollon c>( rbvu-. iiiIikIiii; I» Sfttic paralyUen who wnro .Ivi.l ''" in l «"■<' £ d dtunh. ‘"K 'I 'i t b a B0la«*maVlnR ili-v.lccn w hirh In >>'<'>'> ' ‘’rt W aertM h a ro been a* inurb u pnrt ‘" 'y ' f i b * (an>» aa lUo playrrH«lv.-»'Wr* ah.«flt. T hero w..r« no .cow- /h lK Ih| tJ a .* n o moiQr horni., m. wbl......i t . moat o f a ll. ihere wu- no, i r i n g th f g rea ter jmrt « t lhe l r '„ . • ,U’ .'fani a a t huddled iK-neaUi llmlr '' ' " M reoata, ahlmmylnB unon o» a .n a r- . . , i ^ l r ooolUh l.rcri# ntriick ib.nn, ,

K l4 ..eo m lD g up tor a ir only Wbun a dog** vcDdiir pniined w ithin hnll- >

of (llnupi^ a j t . t o n e Cle*el«nil rooler. however. , ui.

ou t Uka &.aoro thumb from ihn „ne xH I I M r waa Pretl a ItoeKKO. prenl- reavod pu

■ P h 'o );A fC l« * « Ian d tire rompany. lit) o i r l K. ■ B l a w f , upper « “ »"> ''"ck of ihf_ Jnf,. ri'poi H B B t , KRn»d w ith lhe only iiivRapbone iak<iii iv ^ B t b * n«1d and an nhldlni; fullh in (Ion uiikn' ^ K l f l i l ^ a ' ablllix-IO Mrh the nllck- ri>relv<><l i H m tb a Ig cllybbbbrebhhh to hix <lri^ ^ m b l g 'ctiy. He wnn r ra lly Hot IKo .Mrn. Jnm ■ B t t t pftrty. H il Tolcr WUN KUPOW- lowu.

b a 'iia e d the rrn t« r Crhl fi-iirr Koy^ B b B ^ d l n s board. O h Mnrln

______:_________ July, 1U|>FBOV JAVA TO rucrlve.1 I

BREAK JfA nK ET I.V I '. M. »«««»'--------- hurlvd,

^ H j M e a a Product lU la lU a l 13 3-5 Mo»>< r •• ■ p O n l i a Found.

______ Doluiiey.^ ® ) R T L A N D , Ore.. Oet. X .-A ll lh«

tha Idand of Java, north ot ^ ^ O t r A nalralla. th e nuiiar rerinen.

hurrylnit (beir proil- .^ B f i r . t t f tho United HUie* In order to ' H M '* k tnarket boforo (lie bollom ■ R a . m m n U f l , .out ot -lhe, prlco,

tbroUKlf-^ H ^ t r l i d g a r U already helnx nfrornl --------------

P ortland piihllc, and tbe KI'CK.UtI V * forcing Iba hund nt Amer- (Ml

■ M ' ; n g a r baronii whn -jinvo hehl and forced tbom m

^ K f ^ n i ^ a i i y n o n ih t '(ho hUhcm Iio ts i: . ^ B i lM ^ J a tbo world. iirKUiiinii^ R w I m of Java lu g a r are birlnx inaar lund. a 1 ^ » r « a l l e r a aa low an 13 3-5 renin (uir. him ^ K f i m a d - whllo. th e . bem domoKtlc litlvUon.- ^ H l ^ . l i 15 cen ti a pound. Juvn n blnck e ^ ■ m r la not Bi tlnvly ground iih the | 2r> In (in ^ n p r t c a n product bui ll In nweclrr. Tbi* ur

W B p IB A M E Y , CAL, TO « 0 l l . r n u l . ! ■ H ^ B R JIAXMElt .NKXT IIU.NTII fool i)<rou

^W A SH IN O T O N -, Ocl. 6.-DI.IU fi.r Hn IltKt.'^ ^ V g a lO 'O r Camp Keurni-y, Cul.. will llm romlu^ K b p t B O d by the commandlnR o((l- Silvliion

Nor. 1. U w ai anounced nl lhe for liutin^ ^ f t .d a p a r t a o n l . Kallroadn und thnlr ItTc-il lh<^ ■ S lp m o n t. buildlniK op ihe properly plrudoU g

r to governmenl occupation and« eroeiod by bencvoloni luKiltu- .‘'.IVS IIIt , eommunliy nyniemn uml ihu MH t bo«p)lal «<iulpmvnt an- not hi-lod la lh« lale. COUI-M

■ £ ------------------------11-ve Ihul■ I Dl, SOLD IIT (iUOUKU-S huve kri■ g rO R 'B IH l-EM .S FKK 1'(M:MI »i>Hl M.n

: ' --------- ' John i ‘(..|UIPA . Oct. a.—Thi> Ihilxe Viil- t'oiiimlnKli

^ ^ m B b t o p Q row en ' u»nurlallon huv- Hvr in tli^ ^ ^ S p O O lid m oil of the wool produi'i'il I'otixlnlvn ^ H n a u l i grow er! In ib r vulli-y ur« Hoim."■ ■ i B g (or bcller prUrK. A rroeni "Tlu- < ^ ^ H r , ' v a a tu rned down un brinrr loo Inx rirxr^ | W . ' . : T b t growofii oninldo of th r Hu- I'.mt.'

M id to huvo HOld. Tliu in rr- P'-'ixr ulbo Sutlon dlpn . near Mnplu Profit.Ada couniy. wore nobl Um irmimy in

^ H h . 7 e r 31Vi cent* pur pound. They ihoni op<-^ ^ H M :C O - C « n r n a n t year. « r lo (111

— ------------------ "Thu d£('OM()MK-H ( X n i . >hui Ibr

H k . ' ---------^ ^ ■ d S C Q W . O c t s.—L eillo N. Mor nli.n lit

TMlorday ovonliiR wus P'ltroii ii p ru id o m o f.lh e rn lrcrn lly o( pr.-Commarco and K'-c.m.iiiU-H r n u . .m

orcftnlxatlon comprlnlnr; all vndergndua ien whu urr

■ K n d ia on« o r mon< <,l tu« FA.UI.VK H B i M t .« n « r t t d by tbo ocanomirn di-

. Cart Nagol (>( Ocnii«'.>Tie* p reilden l of tin- rluh. NI--W

San Fm noUco wun ('r:iii<'. ^ ^ ■ W M e r M i l r y and H enry Tororii <'l>lnu. c ^ ^ ■ I l l G n r w u choaen triinnurrr. lu ll ' In t

— ------------ In Hu- IFOR T in : ||'U«>I h

^ ^ m g m . o r w e a l t h y FAu.MKa f " " " nii

^ ^ ^ ■ l ^ j b i ^ ’ Ocl. Jsck Wexlnn H"* >‘>ur<charged wlih tho mur- Arr.,ril

K rug. 70. woallhy i In 1

^ H E ^ m l b t w r U cU lm i h e ,h an ee- Rro'^hiK*Tldoace lb lub ilnn - I” >eiur

^ ^ ^ E 'h f lfv U id e ify K n ig waa m urdered friRhituI la a vain oi-

raro ai the hIdInK

^ H K i « n ! i r M v f l n d X nig-i home

, ■ . z ^ 'rO et» iK i-l1r t » n a * d men ' ' ' ‘"•id w

s , ' :


MEWSOF AMERICA!r \V, i> Kr.-..|.<1 llriilrli- Family 1u>K (oiniMiiy. :.Mb Inf.. w.i> (<iriimll<in i:.i. .■nmlmiiy liit.i u nrw pn- drrKH Dun I tl,.- UoIk ilc Fay, rlsh l kilo- lUymon< (rr.rii .\1iinlf..iir.,M .m lh r n lchl fompuny. 1. lyiS. Tho column wu« Hur-«Hoiin. •V u t.Tririo mi.rhln.' Kun and u ird lo rr uml tbo tui-n look rovor I ra rr of I ayhreuk. whrn they nlormnl of rvoor.1 >lilh« Kun n«"i nnd raptured kuiik'h" b r binly ti( Corporal HchmlOl, liiollmr cl t.lpuli'nanl (.’ralt!'* men, wun may bo nl

•artly nlrlppnl <i( clotbliiK. 1>nl Mri.. Mun u or lho iifdciT hun over b rrn llroudwuy. rrd . allhonxh It wan nuppoHPd v„n ^

tim e tbul h f hud prt.huhly i oundr.l and mnd.. p rl.m irr hy nimnn. klll.'d. 1,rhnf( or th r m d lirr of ih.i lak rn aw ; hun. r ia rk M lllrn. ot Ai Orl- hl-i iiUlrt Itl-r.-1, .Nrwurli, N. J , Ir. Iry- 7H, Kibiir

riiul oul ilrlallH l.r lilH IllllM Carl I., torricn prli.oiifrH .>( u iir ..r | nuniniry i r I'l^r who may bavr n-rli or Mllllrd lu « f }i(»i. j Hr>». nwi'In oim ot till- mnrr than l» o | H.i'nrOn ■

Id iini-olv.-.l inynlrrlrn .i( llu-.K Irnry ( blrh Ihf Am<Tlr.<li I.rKinn i tirpl. S'*

'. Ill co-nprratlnii wllh th r { frrlnK frc Ih riiilruvurlnK H> <'1i'ur u p .'(rnm whl< rrad.T blin any Inrnrnmlloii radr rrpi

M nil. I'ralR. h.> or olir In r r- l HI. In u I I lo ('ummiml'':,i- wiib M r.'M r». AnnIII <inrr. • vlll.', Mil,

iwlMK lirr Krvrral o llirr ra«rn W alkrr upix'uranri, In wbtch uni-or-j Inf.. o((l UH lo th r (nlr ri( th .'ir lovril | m olhrr I. H brruklnit tbit bvurin uf h r - 1 kviih- biopurenin ihroUKhoiil lh^ lnml: ; him in J K. .Ml-hlrr. pvl.. Ci(, II, ISlh I lllr K. tli

'P ort.ll »(niiiilrd In ui’lloii nnd I Ion. (IhloIV u .......................... lind lnr.T | ll;irryiknowii. Hln m olhrr hnn i i . 'v r liK.. clnm •d uny .Irdn llr ln(ornii.llini iiKjpiirlmrntIlrulli Whrrruhnnl... W rllrl llrporln l

In...... 1,. Ml-hk-r. I'carl I’lly. liilS, \ViI I.uki'1un<l

Ilny Ilarry ........... .. C.i,! Jii 'k I-irlni-H. woiiiiilril at SiilTOOiiri'liil warfar.' I'JI.H. ucicirdlnK to word family 1 lU ls. In I Ml from a hrrKrunl In bln com-j miivalm c

I.ii« April Itr wan r«r{Hjrfr/I Wrili- oh. Ilnlr and plnre iinknownJ 'Aiiro - i.riikH woril (rom any ourj Krnnk new him. 'A ddrm # J lrn . Jo h n |In (., rrpf y. Hnlpin I'Ikr. MiiunI M'linb-1 rompnny . I'lnclunull. Oblo. I Jnly r.. IL'r l,..K Inn ra r. 2nd I.I.. n r .lb jO . wrotr iKt hrard (roni In .March, ItMl', |b r .lour hln fulhcr, K, ll. KInnriir. H rrr-i inOMl era: :oln. • m olhrr. ’Kr .M. lllnnrl, cpI.. II rnmpuny, T m m , ", nt.. UiKt Urun Uhniii f, p. in. on uny Infor 29. ly is .. flKhllnit Illn wuy «h r han h n thlfikrt In ih r , ArKonnr. n in e Dc

U(f»0 AM) .STHFKT ' A SF1‘AR «CMH'<'TOIl .MIX ;

• AM) AUA (lir.ST V M'lNS w h in I-------- tn bu ml

3E. Ocl. O.-An lhe rrnuil o t nn tlm r hccrni ovrr chaiiRi', J. H. Slrlok- nol purna htirknroo who roile a t the pbiiiRcil IIllll u Imdly ru i toni. Jobn < wuh Ikiuii'n .-n KiroPt n ir conductor, bun wllb whk eyr nnd Ada rouniy nrciirril hourn I( Inn . oicnrrrurKontPnt nvrr nhnrl rh iin rr to ro (n

.-.I im a 111,l .r m rcn o ir and In to lhe nli-iip Ibr hiirkarno Hhot 'h l 'i |,1cuh carirougb lh r n ir window, rulllnr: .ly Ranh Jum ubovo lh r ankir, ... , , rnt. biiwcvrr, runnrc lrd wllhnilurlor’* oiillr, b -ciunenon hml Iho huckacoo arrm l.'.l ‘ ‘ , ,,U rry nnd Frlduy nlKbl he rn - . 1 J , Ih r J>.M!cr rou rl. rht'crfully

d KUllly unit puld hln J2,'. flnr,


_____ rcKur(oihl-SliirS, Ohio. Ocl. br- "I..1 11,,.. . . .1 ,nul,.rnv ..I l..« rh krp t rillh wllb Um puhllc." A’lolliur Maurlcci l.nnRun, nrcrrliiry to l‘(rltrr, ()hlo-H frd rn il fair prlcr ln»1onrr, "Tbry u rr connrrva- " ’e “>■' I th r lr cbarR.-H unil aru riillr.'ly »H our < Irn i wllh prrvulllni: cimill- wiilrb ll ' rnnlhiiiril Krcrrlury UinKiin. vulii.ihir

■-■I." hr Hnlll. •■II- i.vrrhrull’ rx! I will.

Muny ....... acluul'ly lon’r In hunk.■ lu th rlr rr.luuruiiln uu.l k rrp llicy urropen only nn «n uilvrrtlnrnirnl. Ibr(111 Ihvlr ronmn. T br orr ilrpurtnu'iil of JuKlIrr rrpnrln Vrnt oniIbr .................... . froni Tbnl nrhnlrln flirn Ibr follnwlnR illvl- nlwayn 1 ■|( rnch dollur npcnt by ih r l'»l Inlo I in lhr ri-ifTuuranl; Fm.d roal. wllh yniprrpiirullou uml ncrvlrr. .:!37; ------------•Uir.; III'I prodi and lum nvrr.

________: /Tot•VK .STJtlKI.Vt; JiOVV.V

THI)1'SAM)S UV (’h in k s i ;

>V YOHK, O .I, fi.-ch«rI..M II.I’nllc.l K lul.'i in lnM rr I..

. rnt.lrd I’r r.l .lrn l ..................... n h o111 full Ilf th r rilntlnic ciiiiitUlDnM '!• I’rkliiK faniln.- dlnlrlcl. I lr

bin fucin on wnrd rrc rlv n l a alllnhnp Wllnnn I.owln. who l» IVl

i-nrni iloliiR r r l lr f work unioiii; , ,lurvloK punplr. A n d iirilluR 10 illi-hop I.rwU 30,nui),-r r KutferlnR and tlm dally iln^lh ' -n l,«in. Condlllonn are ruplilly _______n« worxB nnd unlrnii iiomr h rlp w w n cured taniliir wlll tu rn Inln a


NVKIt,'t- 4 ( fl> l—Jumrii A u l rnn of McFull, Mo., ,wa. found , , in hU room here. l>e.i(h wun J o r lu hearl dlicuie . phyniclaiis p

1. llurnn wan a vrlerun of Uio ^I w ar ond hln dlichnrxn paprrn,I In tiU room. »/iowr<l ho hnd'Mpatoil In tb rre mnjnr rnnnRr.• und hod heen sufn.-il. H r rn-

a l Kl, Jnnrph, .Mo. X v w

AN LEGION ! m• ha-. rrcrlvr<l un dv(lnlt« hi- Xlon irc.inlliii: bh. (»ir. • All.; -J; lluncun lllnnell. Alnrnla. .S. II.' mond Alvin I’lnki'rlnn, SUlli, p.ny. filb .M.irlnrr., woundnl 1.1 /un. Jn ly la , lam . und ovucu- in n honpliul, whore o(flclal , ” , of him I'ndn. In lh r uhncncri * i-iir.lH. the ■tmtrluu I'orpn "p tr-; ^ i . I !

b'o I* 'lend. Iiui Ihe '.hoy’n ; Uny dl r cllnRH to Ihu hopu thnl h r , blood. >0 nlivii lti ««mn hoipllal. W riir. trcatnt MiirRurci S. I 'inkm on , N .. e ltaa it wuy. .MIilillrtoKii. Obln, , and ro

r .„ fc Mi:i7ih In(,. rrporird inlnHinR im r,„„i,„ you'r 2il, I'llH, iinil lu ir r ru p o rlrd ;,,,,, ,

Uml HI'OII In II Iruck b.ilnu; y^uf awuy from Ihr frnni. Wrlle

U lrr. Klliahi'ili H. am llh. Hnx |„ v r uf tniIbiirn, Ml, 1,..,., ,vhuru1 I.. In .r. :iir.ih Amb. Co.. :imib • - . . . . ■ry .................. . ............ .1 In firld bonpllul ilrrnKliiR Mu-, . nrJir .Mului.miirl, .Srpl, 2S. i:'l» -f„„, P- On .if rvuruallon honiillal IU ,' . ,j y (M runr). UldlontrH Ihul o n ' 29 h r WUM admillril iIiitii tnr hi

: from mulHple jiunnhol w’ouuilnl , which ho ,llcil on o n . 1 Cou.-, rrpnrln h r naV U ro r allvr. hnl ... . u bonpllnl on Ocl. ll, Addrr-H! , ,, ,

Annu iv rrlvu l Klror. l''«rl‘lll»-:

Ikrr J, O rlfdlb. rnmpuny r , 7lb 1 o((lclalI>- rrporird killed hul 1

,.r h r llrv r, b r In iii«nlul cuHr Inj bonpllul. Hhr Innl brur,I f n m i',^ |; ; „

In July, IMS, H rl lr ,Mr». j ,’. OrKdih, ’lOib J^i.. N. 1.:., <*«n-j;;” ‘j J ‘;

■ry J, Sh.-U. H compuny, I llh 1 s-'"* wo'w................ nn kllird hill wnr Or- ' ,irnt hnn -no ilrfliilic r r c o r d . r ' l l lm lrrlrd ml...... Iiril.m Hcpl. 12, ® hJ

W nir OIIM,uvr K. Sl rrll 2122 | ,,nn.1 uvriiur. l.nkrwnod, Ohio, 'K u irc iiil. k M rrhrnhuum uk. - i-nilcn I y th irr Krrv . r la.1l mi cu t)rr. U .L ppri-clale In honpliul ul (halriiii T h ir rry .L

ilrncInK trom rffrrin uf jjnH.i ••{jcnutoi• -In .rr, M r., .Mny A Hnlllvnniiiroru H lrrn . s i, 1‘uul, MImi. - ,>iik J. Cihnon. II compuny. 3Sth[„pp,., • u , roporlril prrnrnt for duty with Inny ul Anilornurh, Urrniany. ^.clded Hir.. I'lilt. Two duyn Inlrr A. <5.•otr im uhrr nnklnp "whul nboul.l iniorlcnn .ur wllll hln body," "I nm nl- ..^.,,0 y]

., "und would bo uru lrtu l (or nformuiloii roururnlnn my lK>y,"L.,„, hun n-crivril no Innll from him „

----------------------------------------------- clvllliod IS i’llVIVIM; FlIlK M I.Sm i'. inrOuruno

II) Thnniu. D rrler. wrakor crn I wu.1 a hll younRcr I uned Annwerl < nilnornblu.A KrwU ilrAl o( Ihti ,

h rcau1.11 my friomlnblpn werr iiurmunrni. I found tha l nn l |:rrl Inlo new tlrldn o( IhoURbl I] iKiunil to lonve mnny ot tho«o,

whom 1 bad npcnt plcnnunljI, I t wnn nul un lll 1 hecumol IT vinlonrd llml I Wun uhlu,1 (nrwnnl wllh u nmllInK (iirr' le now world Inlo whtck n rw

carried me. ;cnnnol hnld frlembi hy furce.'

nrrd no chuhiH 10 koep thone' hrIunR 10 UH. I used lo K’o rry ' me old friendn would nllp'. Ilul I fonml thnl thonu trlnuiln'10 nllp nwuy from nm In n n lrr 'I inlRlil Uvr, Jum. a* th r nniikr' rnnt off llii ohl nkln. |

irn I mudo trlond-niaklne my':1 wu.1 unhnppy. Whon I dln-|

•<0il* pernonn und roncentratrd} ly enrrfil'.-ii upon «ott e*pren«lou.rrul work, I found conlenll.... .tiur Iblnc I lourned wan tbat li '

nny onu prrnon o rlunk. j. a re l.dd Ihul we nhould plucr ur OKRH In ono baK kn’und th rn i b Ihr hunkel. My tlm ,. In lon<■hir to wulrb huHkrlti. | wnuld [T dlHlrll'Ulu my i-rrh hrro und '• nnd he. trer to w andrr whrro]II. If onu .-KK In brok\'o. Ih rr r ' olbor rrmuilUR. Ilrniik-H, okrh; lunkrln nro ot no vuluc whllr,uro th rr r . Tbo i.(H,ner ihey nrel lh r hcllor. |

r only i.iitr pliico In which to In- ono'K lltr Ih In UB.-tuI work, n rv rr llion. novor iloncrln onr.

,yn rriu rnn wllh Inierrni whal In Inlu ll. It ynu will tull in love '

ynur work, dn iill you ran In I

m i C A V t ^ r ^ O R I H D \ \ j i w i L W f / / [ \ p v r ^ € M n J f \

n o V ala A re. N.The 9tor« ^Tllb tbo ntumDteo*

Meet Ratmiuien I nd Wear DiamoncU

For Satisfactory Repair Work i -

Vutd Service Stationfohnion & Mallory ,

FILER, IDAHO expert .Auto Repair


R h e u m a t i s m C o m e s

F r o m T i n y P

iM t of a ll, g e t It firmly fixed In T h li ii r mind tb a t a ll tho llolrocnU Jio w orli have no cffcct whaUr on lUicumatlim. . tbs blood,k r e ry common form of Rbeu- esio gemLinm l l caucod by millions of mstlcai,r dlieaM s e r a i which Infe it Uw genuine.■ I. T bs one and only aeneible S.8 .S. Iitn ten t therefor*. I* ons whfch Prw» Jlt<»ju c a tho blood of theno gcrm i, rjin be lu

rouU tbem entirely o a t of tbo Mcdlcal Aulation. tory, Alla

ou'rnclf a nucccnn In Ih&t, srw ' hi-huvlor 1 ir rainU und take »nch curo o ( ; Indicnli-H i lody Ihat you will ra illa la ' uKxrnndlxi and Joy. you'll find tha l lbo lho wrnk. tnen and women will folI6w "I huvr

uruver you so. | lllzuilon,"I - I ' T h rrrA(ii:iNAI,ni)*S FAITII, ................ Ini\inurl>an Iniorvlowor nouRhlju" Klllplu I Kmllfo ARUInalilo, oncc tond-

lbi< I'hlllppinu Innurrorion \ Ihal man) Atimrlcnu fopcoH. anil u tikrdlund ihui 1

- hln vluw on l>hlllp]iinr Imlr- iiiR u pai

mldo Iiull!:' i>ennr ol uIVO kepi Uin onih I mndo to <li;ml In n llrd 'H lnteH nol lo lulk tioIl- Tho krj I now tbul the Aniorlrann nre Houul uc| lho vlwwH of tbo KillpliioH, linn;*wrr K ply. Our poopio u rr hupjiy. ;Hko Aru: od und moro proHprroun than | world'n cl IOT drvamod ot becomluR nn u |l" lo r, of the American rulo. Tbu]

havji luu»Jit Uium to think.I 'NK'dumrlM nnd comnmrcu huvo | MvW V tlu-m tho ruwardn of work. Trum cm

0 wnih Ihu Imloprniluncu which opcnrd .11 oniinod to nn, ficr. whU

lurrilo rlal form of sovern- m rri ibrwhich tho Anirrlcann in lh r — :---------, led hy Hunulor (IrorRu H.hi. u rr iidvorallnic. i^orn not Z

lho Flllplnofi. much aa ' wo i Aa ir llm honur o t hucomlnR Z I . 1an clllienn. t I I Illtor Fairchild ban dono mucb Z W l1 (ho pronporlly of tho fnlaml|i * > a uinn whoio oplnlonn wo re- ZIiow ever. ho han apparently T

en Ihnl tho Atnrrlcun conRreMn ZIhal ll would he Imponalblo T

e Fhlllpplnos ui bocomo an Z 1an .tcrrH orj;._ I

Flllpfiios aro ahlo lo Rovarn ♦ H igheIven and tho counlry will bo 1 pftJd.0 nnrvlvo nit an Indopendoni J Y qu j

thoush it III nniull compared ZIher nalionn. 'T h o recrn l wur ♦d lho world'a lilcnn. und now ll Z Q ,»ldlTred rlnh t that the n rru ier J j , .d nutlonn nlxuihl protcci nml ZaRO tho nniaUor, und t

conntrle*," Z i-erlnR a iiuo:cmlon tha t . th r

R l

S im ple, Sthis wa

F i r e U tKo sa fe ,« « w «y lo d smt heo ltiiy , bloomin&ilcin. A n c u y < to l im p lo t h a t r a a n y ■women •v/ill et

con 't bo truQ.

I t ca lif fo r n o m udication , i t roquirc tp c c io l t r o a im a n t . l l i# s im p ly hu l n a tu re b y n id in ^ tK« n a tu r u ociion o skin.

F o rw h o n y o u kn o w tK o sk In is compos countless n in u ta n d s a n d t in y por«i vrill u n d e rs tan d th a t i t m u s t bo kep t c A cm m ulationA o f d ir t , o i l a n d driod s p ira tio n c io ^ e n d ir r ita te a n d u ^ y b lo i result.

T h is c leansing can o n ly Im dono w ith i puro, soolhin{i soap w h ic h does ils ' w ilh o u t Itnrshnvss. S u c h soap is you


? A L y .


A m erican' n ? te ro iU In

’ ? commercial

P a i n G e r m s I • o S ' ,I'urln. Havi branch In

I is « h y S.S.S., Uio ffrta t«st unit, condi . blood puriltor U so success- and render

U » trea tm ent o f Rheuma- now bookie I t l i A poworfnl cleanser o f " »bii

» d , « id V ill romovo tho dis- ,T m i th o t causo your Rheu- 'n. alTordlnc relief th a t la ,e. • • the QunroiS. is fold by a lt drupelsts. on reiiurm. itorsturv meaical adWco a luid by wrlUng lo Chief al Adviser. JM Sw ift Labora. Tbo Tlmi \U anta, Go. s tborong

vork5r of notion* nlnce the war _ _ _ _I-H us tnncb derlro a» ev rr fordltrm eni ul lbo oxpennu ofI'nk. AxnIUDlilo nihled:luvr talih In lho world'n civ- .

r In nnnlrlhlliR (uililumunlal Ilial Ibul Alnrr1i-4in us 'Wvll

Iplni.H nbould retleci on, Tu •thlit tIiltiKK K» w ork o u t waH, lankind In hrudod Somiiwhore,,ui our p rn o n l sorloiy U pluy-

pan In-RrtiinK ll ih rrc. rr- u tollh Ibu l’ co'iltuInn ihc en-

or u rriij-lon. All optliulnni'lii-" « .............. .... on falih.kry lo nino-ienlhn of our «a> . .uciionn will be tounil In our ^

r lo tho i|urntliin whelher wo.'\Riilualdo, bavu fullh In thn H clvllliallon.-rniin Molnon HrR- r

?iK»' DKKHK 0 l’K5KJ).V VOIl'lC. (Id . C.—Tho Qunrnnty

n.mpany o t Ncw York todny I iiH now Connianilnoplo i.f-1 vhlrb huH boon 1'i.tuhllHhrd to |Ibr Kriiwliii; ruqulronionm o tj

la s l) P a id I adj<r o E v o m I APPLES i Vf „

A N D I J l y ;POTATOES to t

Shest O u b M arket Prico : id. aivo Mo a Call Before : u Sell Your Apples aad m

Potatoea l


Twin Falls. Z p k «Phone 30 and Phone ^ {

a g i rS ure a n d E asway to a pretty skin

smoutli, Pulmolivc, mildosi yot mosi uywiiy, cicttfiscfs. i le u y i t In classic doys Palm and Oli

botliusclufinsorendalsoQsali uircs iH> n.>cords picturo tho ir uso at hulpih^ bfiioQls. n o( lliu Now, t h o u ^ conturies h tv i

'omo oriental oiU still hold iposcdof. cleansin{^ cosmetics. T h e ir 1 or«syou olivohas rondo thero famous t pt clcan. I t has produced* soap w ith ■lod ^>r- ira iin j Jath«r, w hich e lm a blotchcs whiUitaooth«s,rcavinfe*hoi

velvet.ith soap. If you valuo tlio hcollh of yi iu wurk yourfacodsily—w nshitthot yours in it w ith Palmolivo Soap.

P. C O M P A N Y ,-M IL W A U K E E .. U . S . ^


,_yEDKt!8DAY. OOTOBER j . 1620>20 _______

in ' nnd European business In- In the developmeni of ihelr I I I I I clal rolalfons wf(h lhe N esr I M I I Uka I'he compuny'* oihor lor- fflcen ul Ixmdon, l.lverpool,Havre and Hru»s«l«. tbo now r B

In on Indopendenl banklnR 'onduclad on American lines ndoring American senrice. A I.Q innS oklet. ••TrndlnB Wllh lhe Noar W a i l i p i which oulllne* preienl condl- nd lhe ponnlblltUen (or Amer- • L . f •ade, has Just boon Issueil . by -inroniy ond mny be obtained INOl

. otli.,rim ss Job printing oepartmeo Ph o n e rongbly oQttlppod w do Hrs N E U ro rk —a t roMoaablo srtcM . _ ,., ’

T h e B a b y Beei,ight d ra f t , stro n g co n s tr d ju s tm en t for la rg e a n d s ood, c lean vyorjs. maljLe the:

is fac to ry b ee t 1^1 e r on E you n eed a b ee t p u lle r yo ) buy an y other. C om e in

b efo re buyinf


'hone 133 15

A luToiry—but popul

IF m a d t in am all qi; fa e ta l aoap, P a lm ol

pensive. P a lm a n d Oi from ovet^scas. The ir]

B u t th e dam a n d fo r f i i c to r ia u>orI:in3 tia: c iia e th a e r a r e oils il

;T h is kee p s ih e c o s to f ' iiv c $ y o u tk e fin e s t ol

th e p r ice o f a n ordin i

' I 'm ost ih o ro u ^h of C \X. O liv a oils se rvedisa lo iion . A nciont 110 a n d rcc o rd tho i n

iiave p asted , theso >old th o ir p laco aa e irb le n d in P a lm -ou sth a w o rld o v er. ^

v ith 0 th ick , p«no- Vloans** lik o jn a ^ c I•H o ak ln sm o o th as A

sfy o u rs k in .w a sK thorough ly . W ash

S. A .


- . r.».T«.nr-


npaign Headquarters


Jorlh Main A y e .

flco H o n n , 0-12 a n d 1-6 me 163 P . o : B o x M 6 '■ BT-T-TT- P A B E E B / 8 ^ .

e t P u l le ritruction , ea se o f 1 sm all beets, ^n d hem th e m ost sa t- )n th e ' m a rk e t you ca n n o t a f fo rd in a n d see th em


E I G SMPLEMENTS 154 Third Ave. S.

pular priced[ q u a n fic ic i, c s a lu x u ry moUvo w o u ld h t v a y cx - I O liv e o ils a re im p a rted c ir p r ic e is n a tu r c l ly h t i) t .

fa r P a lm o live k ee p s o u r d a y a n d n i i h t W e p u r ­ls in en o rm o u s q u a n tities . t o f m a n u fa c tu re low a n d t o f fa c ia l soaps m a d e o l i i n a r y c ? fan s tr. ' ..


i i ' : tlfl


ill—« om)

. i i l E W 1^ConUuuoa from Pago i j V

tb e r o u u l wlicn Ui«y mel ibo Intllivnii y ^ ^In A q aacond K»tno o( tbe 1020 cliui> , » lc;l»ro.toclay br,'addlni; jUat Jln* lolh o bb iU ic lcp .ibv mu*t oyorcoms. i/,,,

hand«p>th«6r r •R alnit th« ladlam t tn t i|, f u w or a rl|rt»l h&ndcr. llo wu* alow , ll. rlYlOB n tip on hU i.tlchlnK <-ctoc.Hon U ll opinion Icnnwl lowvril, Durloy ^ Q rln iu , (lie roal act o t tlto R a f t aod a valuable man nl (lio tinl.

Spaakcr. ju t t a s nnxtoua to Incrsass }itn aitvanloico. Indlcattd Serjccani Jim y Uagby, klnRpIn of American leaguo inoiind^eii.-rK ould lie xonl In lo nhow ,tlie riatliutiheni notne more (Niching '••n U-CoM leskle."' T < ) ; ] ^ d i i . f e U Icm llko a rrlrlR- , cruM>r ifian r<intardn)’. ‘ ^

T he blodchera loiulfd iijv mplilly. ,The Kobl^nif‘ivoro again early blnln

un ib« tle li.- Tbcy-eMOTRed Irnm ilic ilugout bfiblni] lho tabby llohlnson, a („ ,|tt l it tle a tU r 13:30 o'clock.

Tha ladlann look llia Hi'ld fo r linl- ting p i^ctlcV 'at

Tho Ircunilkcoper'dunled o tf -the - 0, , I>lsio ai?L67rMmean»J »n6lliiT coat of jot„„

i w hllcw afe aeroM the plale .md drag- n'Ncl Red the ebuKh'ipolif off lho Inftold J ju f Thn Brookl)rrf clul) trolled to iholr 41, 11,, jilacon. while rcody , joto .v iu rt. •

The -llnoup for necond Knmo: ^ am C IIB V E U n d BROOKl.VN nullJamlM on, 'It. Oloon. bk. ivulkW amby. SU. i l . jnhnm on, 5U, Mytt

■ tipeakor, t l . Urlfdtli. rf. Olmiitim lth, rf. Wlical. If. ' iiinn

• a u n in e r, 31). Mjorn, cf.Johnitun . lb. Konclcby. ll>.Hewell, ta. Klldoff. 2t>. Cl<0'.S'eni, c. Mlllor. c. 1. IU ogbr. p. C rim e , p. rii^cu

Umpire*: j. 5*Coane^ly, American leaRuo, a l lliu 10 |<

p late. . .locoiO'Dwy. Nisllonnl Icngiie. rA flrnl Card

Ufie. lor I..Olaesn. Amorlcan loasuo. nt xeuond \V*. J

baw . l .tu ik le n t Nallonnl lengue, a t Uilrrl. nieil BatterleR ;. ClaveluQd. nngby nnd ruim

O'Neill: llrooklyn. (irimon nnd Mil- rucli le r. .* no I

- n r a t Inning OrCleveland: Jamlnton up. Slrlko fully

called. I t - w s s 'u curvo th a t e a t ihe tlmo c o rse t o f the plate. Connolly looked bane Kt the ball and threw li out tn n Dr aouvonlr hua to r In tho Cleveland dug- ey pi o u t and imhailtuted another. Ball onn. nlih Jamleoon om. Knney tiT Orlmen. whO duft covercd flml. I t w ai a aparkllng play vltfc nnd lho ded ilo n was cloae. Wnmlty flpra

' up. na il 1. Strike I, ciillnd. IUU 2. Mllti t 'o a l. «lrlko 2. t'oul. ball 3. M’ainby Jc-hr ou t. J . 3($hni<tnn to'Kooey cm an easy no I pop down Iblrd. Speaker wa* given BI a Ms hand when he came lo ih e ^ la te . bear Strike 1, called. .Sppaker alnglod yard th rough ' 3. Jiiltnnlon. U wnn hln top flra t h it of, tho aerlca. B. Knilih up. Striko 1. IJa lH . t'oo!. K irlkc.2. llall fii2. Smith fanned. No runs, one h it: calli no crfomi*'

O rlmcs showed bewildering »peed c rlr In Iheo .pen lu f round. He worked pou paloilakliigly. slowly, and look IoIh o( otnf tim e botween e /ery dcnvery.Mlo u»e«I pUy « aiCller on Suijlh for lho third ny •trlko. . - , erro

Brooklyn: OU»n «ti. ih’P- (jped lo Wamby. He offrred nt lho flrnl i>«i( ball and aent up an ruxy fly. J . John* had a lon up. Strike I, callcd. Johnnton m d •Ingled. l l wan a alow h it ball (o b«j( nhort which he heat out. Sewell'a he i throw wan low and Uock Johnaton B tuade B nice atop. Orlffllh up. Strike ell 1. He altcm ptcd 10 bum. l-\)ul. airlke groi3. Dull I. IUU 2. ,Johnnton ntolo s ir l accond. I t wns the flrat iiolen baae Qa]i o t the aerlea. Orlftllh oul. W. John- dro' atoa (0 Bagby. J. Johnnton look j . j th ird . Bagby covered tho bag on a wan deep h it-h a ll. W heat up. IUII .1 . cov< 'W heal ^oubltd to center, acoring orl<

. Johnaton. Dy fine baso running, hit m e a t alretcbed a alngle (o two bases cU illd lng under Speaker's throw. Myers wer

' u p .‘ Strike 1. He swung hard. Bull up. 1. 'I^ u l, s trike 2. Ball 2. Mysra oul. alH OardBer to W. JoboMdn. 2>a|]

One run. two b lu , no errors . tn 1Bagby scmod to be away ofl form, ing,

H e was wild and aeeuied aervoua. hlt4 t l l l e und Clark woro hurried ou t to u tbe Clevoland bullpen lo w arm up. nibt

Secoad lonlDg riodClevoland: Uardn'er^up. Strike I.

-- called. Bnll ! . ' Oardaer.'doublc<l to ' le f t J. Johnston h ll tho ball wllh C

one hand but was unable to knock It call 4own. W, Johnaton up. Ball l.-S trtte Kot1. iie attem pted to 'bunt, poul, atrika tloT2. He tried to bunl.agaln, Kbnl. w . iw i Joh iu ton b it to Ortree* n b d 'O trd n e r hig! vras caught o lt aeeosd w hN ^'Orlm ts (fol threw to OiROa. ^oboiton reaehedYlret n ' aafaiy. Senell up. ' W l ^ up. Sewell popped .10 O U oivta abort le ft, alst O'Neill up. Ball 1. -ftirlke 1. ealled Spe W. Johnston du l ite a l laC ..;n ile r (o u ' Klldutr. No nra*. o a a 'b lt, no 'o rrara. oae

:Q rliner plichid ittrU ag b^ll la t|ila drtt itinlnif. He Ugblened tip a tte r Oard- tng .n e r opened wl^l h li two baae kanii. ' .B

. and ib ’a l(Bl»an» were'UDabto ko.rield 1, ' i rp la c h e a .’ '* lu. Brooklyn: Konetchy up. Strike l . Sir called. Ball 1. ’ Kba«r Uaed 10 J a a - t ' ieaoa wbo mada a a t ^ rvnala s-oK M th r

; cloae IA t{M i>itl Uae. Kllrtuft np. Ral y lu rlke g n W T Id .: K lldttK -lteed • t o n h

■dnor. whu w cnl tn liln |(nocB und field k tho amonh ugnlam hln body. Mil- rors. up. Strike 1. cnllcil. Mlllor fDulcd Biiii to O'Nolll. No runn no hitn, nu und a

orn.Ugby wan h it hunl uRuIn In tliln cio IhR, bu t luck wns wltli him. Konoy tln>vaI K lldutt h ll tho bull lorrlllc ,indo aahon bu t the Indian dcroiiHii wun jia n ml to thu occnalon. ,ip.

Third InnlnR ,uonTIovclumI: O'S'olll im. Hull 1. (t> Kl ■IkA 1. Cnlleil. IUII 2. O.-^rlll out. 1. cn Uiion Id Kuucy on 11 illnliy rollur lu j. cu mt of Ihc box. lluRliy tip. KouI. .main Iku I. m u 1. HuRhy not. Orlinon johni Kiinry. UrlmeH plckcd up u HlitUnR uall inndor und hnd plenty u t time lo h r ) ,ka> (he piny, Jnnilonon up. Strike iiuite

Ho tried t« limit.' ' JuiutcHon' xnro id 10 centur. neiidliir. Hio Imll dl- ;iirlk ;i1y on n Ilno nvcr nct-cma. Wumliy ;wa . Wnmliy filed Io Whom. Nc rum*. Wl n h ll.' nn errorn. ,<,rkiWhcnl mado n prelly running rnlcl) tiiok .Wumby'n fly. a rhnen wnn working Ur :<> tt clock nnd the llriKiklyn Inflold ('Icvi jHtorvd Bnimi(fhlm und claiijiflil him ud, 1

the bnck na ho walked k> iliu dun- m uk I. . urvllronklyn: Crliiirn up. Clrlnien nin- died sd lo centor. hin (troundfr nklpplnr. up.

Winnby Jum om of hln rcuch. 01- 1II up, Unil 1. .Bull 1. Olnon wnn .win fo u l flrat nnd Grlnie» nl nocond Nc: licn UuKliy Ihrow O lnoiiiL J»uai.^ ld utnttoinptla;; to turco Orlmv*. brlm cn vorl

la hun ,jil!d lug to nccond nnd thu .iirlli nyera u t btjMi clubs cluntori'd nround ni. Ho wun'_ll|nplnii hudly wlion he d >1 up bul hc' s tayod 'In Iho J.ihUJiton-up; J. Johnnion fouled 10 jn,„ 'NoUl.whcii he atteiiipiwl lo hunt. rllfllli up. ' KouI. nirlke 1. Kwil. rlku H. Orlffllh Hoorcd Orlmen with ^.yi, doulilu tu rlghl. O hnn 'tio ing held Ihlrd. CrIfflih'H drlvo Iwunded otf

'ttmby'H hnudti. WheUt up. IUU 1. ^,,.u nil 2. Ullll 3. Whcnl wun piirpuiicly i_ ulkcd. t:illnK (ho liUHcn. .Myorn up. lyerH h ll tn J. JoUn»ion vilin Inrvttl ,\j|n Inou Ul Ihe pinie lo O'Nrlll, O'Nclll'n .j„p iniw 10 flrnl cnmplclvd u, doulilfl luy. Ono run. lwo hli.i, om? error, <

Kinirth Inning (u,;rW'Volund up. Hull I . , Kliul, iiirlkr „„

, Konl. iilrllio 2. IUll 2, Ilnll 'i c |,cukvr wnlkrd, K. Smllh u|i. Strike , , iiwunr>. Smith wnn <iul on u rollur ),„]! ) lOmey unsniiiHteil. Spcukvr tukUig ,(,1 u-ond. 'O iirdncr’up. .Strike 1. xwung. 5 ardnor nent n fly lo .Myew In con- ,nij ir nnd SpvnkiT wun held u t nocond. r. Johnnion up. Ball I. Uull 2. Strike j.oii , (lallnl. KouI. slrlko 2, W, Johnnion ,j,,. Ileil lo Wheiil who mndu u prolty uiinlng cairh ovur hin iihouldcr wlillo ,(,) Mclni; tow ard lh<) bleuchera. No runn, ty, o hitn, nn error*. ,trlOrlmcu tonllnuiMl to p ltih houiill- •„

Illly. Ho wu» unlng hln npliter over- „„ imn with Kpcnher renting on accnnd • «ne. ' ' • » tBrooklyn: Kiiuey up. IUII 1, Kon* ^ |

y popped lo Wamby who took Ihe ball ilthou l moving oulo f hln Imckn. KIU uff up. Ball I. K lldutf iimunheil a {,7j l^'oun drive to lofl cen te r which Iprakor captured a fte r a loni; run. in te r up. Miller out. lUghy 10 W. I'bnHiun. on Uiq tlrs t ball. No runs,10 h its, no crrora.

Spcukor'B play on KUilnff wns u leaiitlful play. He rnccd fully r.o ardii n llo r hln unmiih and took ll ul up aiMcd. I

n r ih Inning (lovolond: Scwull . up. Slrlko 1.

»llcd, Uall 2, KouI. nlrtke 2. I'liui. „ * Jet^'ell a u t on un oany bouncer which ' Jrlm es th rc r/ lo Konoy. O'Neill up. * 'uu l. n trlke 1. Hull 1. O'Nolll out. >liion to Konry on u p retty (leldlng ( lUyr-'IU ghy-ttli, Irtgby sen t an eaay I 1y In Myera. Nu nmn. nu hlta. nu nor •rrom. . . . <

UrImcH sopin'ed to'Tie Rcltlng eron j letter un the fptme proRrcnnoil. Ho iad Sewell and C N elll awlnglng weak ( ind th e ir renulln wcro puny,-rollem. Ba*by r«ache<t wide for n ctirva but le popped up to Myor*. '

Brooklyn: Grimes up. Dull 1. Sow- " ell Uirc<r ou l Orlmee, tuking hln iraunder In deep short. Olnon up. Sirlke 1. called. KouI. a trlko 2. t'nul. ’'?*! [Ull 1. Puul. I^^ul. IUII :, Olnon . ' Jrovc a sh o r t single Uii^ugh the Iw*. , , I. Johnaion up. Ball 1. J. Johnnion wan om . W. Jolm aton lo Bagby, wbo " , covered th c bag. Olnon look accond, , Srttflth ttp. Ball i . BaU 3. Q rtfn ih ^ hit over socond. acortng Olson. Sew- cn mado a valiant t i r hu l lho ball ™ went tlirough him for a^alatle . W heat f up. Ball 1. Ball 2. S l r i k e r ~ 'l ''o u l . ■iHko 2. Connolly called for the , ball and looked It over bu t pu t It hack In play. Ball 3. G rlftlth out, steal- Ing. O'Nein 10 Wamby. One run, two *V blU. no crrora,

Bagby had another bad Inning. Two ■ more hlta caabet ano ther run (or iba Dodgera. The IndUn pItcheV was un- sleady and oorvmn.' '• . —

Sixth Inning vCloveland: Jamieson up. Strike >1. U

called. Jamleaoa died. K lldutf to ^ Koney on a vlolm u grounder tha t r e le tloTded.prettily. Yf»/aty up. S trlk e .l. twURt- 'O rim th u p tu r a d 'Wamby*a 1 high Hy. runolng>i<"lloiie't» tho In- i liold. SpM ker up. Speaker cracked J a vlc loui double "(o'^lett. £ Sm ith • up. Ball 1. SalU i out. Koney unaa- * alkted. N o-ruaa. one h it. no errora^ Speaker delivered hla aeeond h it ia t u 'm a a y tlmea a t ba l. .h a rla c walked t oaea. Hla double '•nu m tromend'dbf > drive, aluirp tleldiag by Myera Iteep- * tag It to ^ double. a'.S r o o k l j s : W beai np ; Fm il. a trika j l , ; ^ e a t aent a.)ilK)> tiy to Speaker lu figh t canter. M yen up. Ball 1. .< B i r l^ i . called, a. Pt)uL atrika. | t ' M m a alngled. . jKe beat Qardner'a throw-'.to t i n t by a 'b a l r . Kooiir np . ' j Rail ). n a il S. Konoy tllrd (o Smllh '! w M teo lf-tbe hall ataliuU ' tb* - rt fh t '•■

I'ld wnil. No runs, onu h it, no or- UI.MI )f8. ■ >VAtlUgliy hud n botlor Inning thin Umo i'luiu 1

nd showed bctlvr conlrol. Iled ulBovonih Inning »iu*ituO

Cloveluiid: Onrdnar up. U srdncr l‘> Wa rovo n sloslu pnnl accond. K llduft l'li>»i<i' lado «i pretty onc-handod ntop bm U'Id nol a ttem pt lo ihrow, W. Jolinntoii H"> I” p. m i l I. Slrlko 1. culled, W. John- 'l»». ion forccd G ardner ut uocond, Olnon Ool tip i> Kllduff. Bowfll up,. Itall 1; Sirlko !»•»“., cnllc'if." Scwfili up: Dnil 1. S irlk rli 'n i '^ f . called, SoHoll Illcd' l.i ' O rlKIIIiI'l'i 'i 1: nslnnt Iho righ t Hold wull nnd W, uhnnton ■wnn hold a f l l rs t . O’NulII u|i.|AUi-Ui mil 1. O'Nolll ningled to lell. nend- iiR W. Johiuiton to nocond. (Irnnoy inltecUtfor BuRi-y. .Strike 1, Uhln M vnrmlnR tor ClovvliMid.. K««l- ‘ ,trlko 2, Crnnoy ftinncd. Nu runn, "(irld wo hlln, no urrorn,

WUh two runnorn on. (irlmon un- «'li'n urkod hln np lllrr nnd mndo Cruuoy Duk foulbili Ul lho plulo. '

Uruoklyn: Uhlo now plichlUK fi’r •Icvelund. Miller up. Strike 1, Cnll- 'I'K " ;d, t'oHl. »lrlko*2. lu l l 1, null 2, »«li‘'i' Miller tanned, thn Ihlnl nirlko. u wide Uruul urvc. bcliiK ailloil. (IrliiiDS np, llo

:lled to Smilli In iiliart rislit. Olnon jp . Bull 1. Slrikii 1. called. lUUL.;. Ulrlkr iiwuni. .Olnon fanno»l. .wlnRlng weakly nl llif Innl oiH', *'d ul

Nn mn;i. mi him. no rrrnrn.Ulll.. workptl nk'oly In hU , fiml Uonn.

vorld. ncrli-n rumio und roRlntorcd ' ’pit i 'iirlkcoulM nn M lllrr und OInnn, inR'n

KlRhlb InnhiRClevolnnd; Juiiitonon npf Strlki- 1.

I'llrd. Hull 1. Hull I. I'uul. ilrlk<' I’t'- Ininlp;-un w ultcd. Ilnrnn hni*lnK (or i>nd '.Vumhy. I!;.ll I. Slrlko I. nwung. I" ;i(tM ’. f'oijl. n f rlk .':'. IJnll ,r HtJHi" ?,ulkod. Speaker np, Slrlkn 1, cniled. «’>*•' IUll I. Hponkcr unl. Klldnff 10 Kuncy, '^ ''o lumlPKun. going Ki Illlrd nud Uurnn 10 *.:ond. K, Smith up. Hall I. Sirlke u« “ 1. rnilcd, K. Smith fotiliHl to .Miller, lurdnor np. IUI I. liu ll' 2. IUII T.. " “ l ’ Mlllur went OUI H. oncoiiruat. tJrlm w . riunlncr milked. fUlIng th r Imnrn. W, r '"" lulinnlDn up, BIrlkn 1. .'ullril. SlrlKC J. cullcd. Johnnion furrrd (lu rdurr. '.Cllduff lo Olnon. Nil rnnn. iio hin>. no orrom,

Crimen' ntruuk uf ivlldm^Kn hud lilin :n dcrp iruuliln liul ho plK-lioil Rrcnl tiull to Doc Jnlimion. nirvInK iw« t’’ ilrlkrn ucronn lho plulo. '"S.-

Ilrouklyn: l.unte now playing nec- ind biutn for ClavoUnd. J. Johnnion up, l-'OUl. strlhu 1. J. Johmiinn pop- pod in Sowell Iwck /if Ihlrd. Orlflllh up. Uall 1. Kuui nirlkr 1. Knul. nirlke

HaU 2. «T »m h tnnnMl, Tln»_lb'\T'\ •irlko wun called nnd hu klnko.1 lolid- ty, W hcnl up. Slrlito 1 culleil. ^■ lnl. " f iirlkn 2. Ball 1. Ilnll 2, W hrnt fllod

•o Jnmlr«on In idiori left. No runn. - f*' 110 hlln. no orrurn.

Ninth InnlMK C lo v ^ n d : Sewell tip, Uull 1. Uuil

3 Striko 1. callcd, KouI. i.Irlkn 2. Hewcllo dl. Koaoy unn«nlnio»I. O'NnlU utl. Sirlke 1. culled O'.S'olll filed to (Irlftllh . Nunamnker bailed fur Uhlo. Nrniamnkor up. Slrlko 1. cnllcd, Slrlko 2, swung. F\juI. IUU 1. l'\)Ul.Ball 2. Nunamnker alnglod to ccn- •or. JomloKOa up. Uall I. S lrlko ' I. "**' culled. Hull 2. I--11UI. nirlko 2. Hall ‘"o ;i. Jnmlcnon fllr.l 10 WhcuL .S'o runn. inu h il, no o rro rs . '

_______________ HK,tfTH .tlH H T nO IU .n SKIIIKS

rrinclpain—Brooklyn Natlunuln ond * 1 Clevclnnd Americana. i , , ,

Brooklyn ownor—O iarlcn H. Bb- mai lioln. A

ClovrUnd ownor—Jnmrn C. Dunn. ’*lrt Brooklyn niunngor—Wlllicrl llobon-'

I tClevrlnml ninnugor—Trln Spcnkor. Drooklyn cu|ilain-7.uch Whent. lofl

Holder.Cleveland—.S'ono, Spoukor in the tha

wholo workn. ->tUniplron—Klom and O'Dny; Nnllon- 16'

al longue: Connolly nnd Ulneen, Moi Amerk-un longuo. I®

Tlmo o t RBmea-2 p. m. (duylletit «>< nnvloR tlmo). •

Oamen—Brooklyn. Oclobor B. 0 and <>< 7. Cleveland. October 0. 10, I I atid 12. B rook lyn , Octobor 14 and IB If '®‘‘ neceaaary.

DivUlon of recoipls—Ten p e r e<nt ^ uf rocelptn of cndi game gooa to the ,

' m ulonal comm/ssion: 80 por cen l o t J r I tbe bnlaoce of the flrat tour games , goes to Ibe playern and forty per cent .

10 th a club ow nen ; of the playom 'I nbare U tier -cent goes to lho playera . of th e contesting clubn; IS per cent ^ , I ROO* to tho second place clubs In eacb ‘ league, and 10 per cenl to tho th ird , | ,

placo clubn; o t tba 76 per cent for rut coniesUng playera. 00 por cent, goes dbi to tbo wlnera and 40 per cent to Ibe pii

. lo a a r s ,^ - . . . . j i i

; ISoife fillet, M '


■ 1

_ _______________ T W IN Ti

I.M8'CEH,H A lli; Tlt.tNSKtUUKI» k'ASIIlNU’rON. Oil, 6 (L 'l').—'nil' lu duiMruiient wun ufllctully noli- j K t I uf lho (rnnxfrr uf (lie llallnn i>m- iiiudur und iil ihi- Chlnt-i.o mlnlnior WanhUiRloii. WtUln«lcin Knu..llio Ini'i'o inlnlHlcr, will lir ii.imiforrod j-,,',,,],,. l.ondon und Uln |h);.i Ii.tu lukon by j,,,,,,, 'I prcncnl •Ciiliu-tio ntlnliiti'r ul L«iii- . I, TllO ninlo dipurununi hun nnl Lbrcn Inliirniod whoro Bumn |..iu.sin

i». llulliin umlannuilur. Ik 1‘* - .nnfurrcd 10, It In uiidnrulotid lio ,[p||,.|,II I'.o lu l.,uudiin nnd llmt thi- Wunh- !l..ii ponl will 'ill- fllluil by lu run liiUl. ll.-illiin nijnihlur lu Chlnu.

S i ', \ i , r i : n s ,\irK k i. \ i ; i»Si:\V VlllUi, Oct. fl UII’I.-KiKlil:ll ulll'Ki'd ll) huvr. ||.1(.I| pt-ddlllir, , mirld nrrlfii lU'koln In III.- in-lKlilmr-.Ml .if ICIilii-lH tlillll « .T r fined lil l M,„Htin »rr.ilRncd brturc MuRlnirnlo•yno!il.i In Ilie Klnllninli iiitirl. T h f ,.11 w rrr llnrd on n ictlinlnil ih iiritr violiiiliif; 11 clly nrillnitni'u In bliH'h-

K Ihr nlilcviilk, un lln-r.' In nu ordi- •nor iiRalnvl llcki'l nin'iuliilion' In ,-ouklyn. • lonvr

TO S n : ,tK I.N .M.VIIIIIN' HJ"’. ^C0 I.I;MUII.S., (lllll). di l, r. ; l i | ' i . - At. y , riii-y Kilwnr.l A. llyuii, »liu'»^un jnll- I Ul lUlllniur.' IntirrnptlUK S.m- ur llurdUig'n np .rili l.y iwkliiK cinr~. inin. wui Invited Iiy Uio i-'iix-Uti.iHi.- „|.|.,i| -It clnb ut Murlon li> )>|ipnlt m llnrd- B':i linintt town lho ni'Xi fow uock". (.vrnl

----------------------- MrTUIKH'S I.K.IVJ: II|;NVKU inolo

Di-;NVKil. C4)1ii.. (li:l. i (Ui>|.-'C1vll ,.vriil nd ntuin uitthurltlrn. uncr mure wen .Mr I uimpli-tr cnnlrol her.- followlnK th r lu ih r ■muyjil nf Uir jruiiilDdir of ilir frd- i-r.iJ ■ ui iruoiin Siulur.Uy nlghl. 'rrooim Wllli ■rro bniUKlil hi-r.i Aur.uM 7 >«mi ut. M amp Kunnion, KunmiH. In ren|iunne lo A. n uppi-ul noni oul hy -lulu nuiliorl- UnKr

dnrlnir thir fniul r'miiiR uiU'ud- -'If ni wllh tliu nlrrel r;i1lwiiy i-niploym' irlVo which WUK nilV'il AiiRunI 1.'«vu hundred und Joriy mrn wcri' In tiu Ium lonllnnelll in lr;iv,'.

('KNHl'H KI(.'I Ili:S ■ ''-JWAKIIINISTO.S'. Oil, r. ( I 'l’l,-T in :

rmnin linri'unl o^lay unii.inn. ril llu' ' 1.II0WI11K 10211 j.'.ptil.itlMn IlKnr.-,i: " V ''

Kiiti.) llf Arlionii. .in;i,-:T:i. in.-rcnno V'S.filD or GXl, ' ,,Stnft) n( Nnrih Curiilhni, 2,ri!i«.<Hn; ,

ncri.iii.« ::r.o.i39 nr ifiS, ' ,.H1.-IIC nl Knnnan l,7(iU,|Sf.; tw Ii

(','Jli) or -4.C, \(iruhum coumy. Arii., lo ,H s: d.i- ,n'i'i

itru.0 lajt&l or &7.7.' KliiKmiin. Arlz„ drrrvnnu <r> j,,)r r„o, - •* J,

Bnniiniu, ('olo.. riwiicril ‘J l ; ili.i;rni;ir tluy 5 nr r..'.’. ,vhi.

----------------------- ,tprl1li:.STIIIIYKK IK IIAMAIiKH nirr

WABIllNliTON. Out. 4 |U1‘I—'H irer 11 lirtnlH'rn <if llio cruw wero nllBhtly In- nun Inrrd whrn Ilto Amorlenn dentrnycr .'I Kunt> nlruck u nniall tnlnn in lUgii In tinyii n Ocluhcr I, tho nnvy dnpurlmciit do» wnu 4dvl:iod, .Thr nllor purl ot ihe • ' •Mnoi wan ilumnKvd uud bolli onRlnrn ««l' knookml nn hudly oul of i:no ibnl nellher cun Iw unod. Uinull Icukn In (he.vetnci wcro nlrn nlnrtcl.


Ilce woro wIMiiwi n mnllvo Iho iv l m unler here n \ Minn Klnronco Bar­ton. 24. socloty Rlrl. Phr wnn killed whllo motoring wllh R. L. Wlolorn, ber fUncee. WIntem. n real enluio man. wnn shot In th r nrm.

According 10 Wlnier*. tboy were " tired a t by n Imndlt.

. (JotU’s Not a Crime nd.

To Be Thin, But— "ifli'a ronlly om^rranalnR to bo no thin tha t people nponkrof you nn being . •>klnhy.i'"Afl'er all. it's not nocemmry 16 be ■pHhi’r 'th in , 'w o a k or anomic.Mont any man or womnn who wantn to pul on tienh. Increase ntrengili. . endurance and vliu tlty-caii do ll In a few wcokn by getUng a.pucknge of DIood-tron Pbonilhate . f r o m ^ Schrninm-Johasnn D n i r A w k Co.. or-any other good dnigglet. nnd U k- ^ Ing a* directed. This InCTcasen the j red £lood cells, itrengtbena the aervooa Hyatem and thna helps to . - qoicVly overeoma tboae trouble*, sucb as thlnnesa. anemia, neurakthenin. . aleeplesnness nnd physical' weakneai due In o r accompanied by imfttver* laheil blnod and waak nerves. Blood- Iron Phospbaie coata obly |t,CO for a three weeks' traatmant. aml Is no genuinely to o i thal the -dragglat ot w hanryou buy It Is aulborlted to re ­fund tho full, priea to yoU tt you are dbitatlatled. Better get. Biood-Iroa ; Plioapbate anil begin ll* u ia today.— lAdv. , !,


? L * T r


Rogerson Items m

illxn l'ul),y Ih-n-lrlx lirr H Dilay niltonl cUuri Suiurduy u ( i t - | U in ut I i i t hum.- Ibr.'i' inlirn Wi-nl o r ^ .n 111 nn purly. Thr .l.-.ur-l nnn w rr r yclliiw, und brown. Tlu-1 rnln ui-io ruch prrticnlr-d » llh n: all liniikitl u t uutilMin cnlnrn nmll llrloiKi dnllilli.1 Irnl!. H rn-;.1 und Mb-, liru.n. ix-nl n->:ilKi.'<l Uir; t.lrni wllll Ul't hi-rvliiR and i ni.-r- i li 'n r . T1ii).<r i.r.-r.i-nl wrr.- Mill:*;Itb Klrhnniii. MI-.M.-n V^nla. Dri,,;,.! ll MarKiirrl Sllrni c-. Mlim no rrnc -1 ul, Ml.m ll-rnlilin.- Srklry. Ml"’ K-l-1

Mi-MlUan. Mlxrr» MiirR,irir lon^l tby Slltnri, Minn lli-'lr l.rnnanl,i f un Kviillnr llrown. Ml«n (irii.ivlvi- .•rn. Mbir. Iia7.-l Nrllli-. M'kp.cii l lro f. i It nnil K.-ni Siiddrrilt. Uny Siuldi-nli. |Inn Ji)-.,.pMln.. Wllll:', .Matiillr, ’ irrln in an.l Wllmn lli-lnrry mnl M1v> | ibiTlii Viinclc-iilmrli. The i'lni" r.iHi-I n l at l1n> rlinrrlt .nn.l ;i!lv:i ,|lrndri.v ' nvryi-.l llirm lo hrr lioiiir by utii.. j ir ynnuK fulkn .ri-pnrt a >rry .'njoy. • ■

i'ilir'Zn:;';:::;:;;:;;.....|' IT, J. Mi-.MI!l;ili III O’.S'.nl l-.ilii Ui'K ] Inon (ur a Ii-»- .bivi i.iir„ ,lliiV o Hir 1 ■Ilplni: of llvr ntork. ........... a Inn' | ■1.T.1 Irlp ll) TwJn l-'.ill.'irc!a,i I . B.rnlnr.. ' ___Mr. Ullll Mi«, Clul.-nrr Mlnnrly

lolorni 111 Twin KalN .'<;ilnr.l,iy

.Mrn. A lbrrt uii«iil.-n nn.l Ml"* Miiblr .iibriini wll.) liuvr lirrn rli>lr|ilK_».iv- . Ml iJ.iv.N tlllll Ih .lr nl»l.'r Mr-. Hn«l) | k’lllin Irft Hiilnrdjiy tu r tlirir liom.r , II Idnhii Kail.'.A. K. Ilow rll of ll i .l lh ir r wun In p

Incrrniin Sutnriiuy un IniuJupn....Mrr U K. JuliUn mnlnrrd In frT.nit

lir ranch Saturday lo ilii kuimo

.Mr. und Mri.. VM Tnrphira und laiiKlilrr iv r r - • Km;.Tnon »lr.lUirji 1111

■ |-:rni':.| I’rtrrnon of lUlIll'i.prtil tin- v r.k --llll In IloKrtM.i) und tllr Slin- ( bon- lia..lii wllll frirnils und lolii- X

I). I). VaiulrrbarW. Krril nnd llrn ry | 'oIrr.Hon. John (-iiuiirrn and Du<l i \ lu«n mtrinli'd Iho pulillr ngiu Kri- ♦ luy ut IlDllt'Kler. X r

('. W, and I), 11. I.ukr inotured 10 ♦ I'wln uilr. Salnrduy nn Imulnrn.i. I

A. niliRliam llf Ond-n. i:tah, unn t n lloRrrnnn Snturduy. - X~

T. J. Mnrnnlno i-pi-nl llin wrcli n n l 7 ' In UoRrmon. ■ I

Jnhn WrlRlnill wan In lown Sulur- i liny, l l r uayn hul l-'rank Wolchull 4 ' v,bn wan urrlilriilly nhul al Itnlibll X nprliinn u Irw .luyn nco. In duliign irrly nl Ih.r conniy honpllul. ___

IJoraro Wnlupnlft'wna ln fnim hla riuirh -Sulurdav nn buftlnr«n.

Mr, nnd Mrn,' Horry Uiinrjin tvnrr'In liMvn Snluriluy and nininrod on down lo Twin Kull".

Alfirrt Crddun rrlu rnrd fmm Unhl Suiurduy whoro ho hun hron nu bun- Ini-nn tu r nevrml lUyii..

W. K. i^hrphonl wan In Inwn Hnliir- dny.

(', II, lloncor nnd fumlly niolurud tu Twin Kulln aalur.lny.

Motorman NotLosing Any Time

•'1 don'l think , uiiyono cvtir nuf- forod muro from niomach iroublo nnd blnulliiR Ihun I Imvr. 1 hmi lu iny off my run mnro thun hulf lho tlnin und could Rct nu h r |p frum preocrip- ilnnn ur mrdlrlno, Ono nf niy frirndn luWlnud u.ting Mnyr'n Wonderful Itnm- rdy.' wblcb I found to bo iho groat- ent roniodv rv rr put un Uio rarth , 1 bavo not lonl u duy nlnre lakhig ll.II In wurth Uk weight In gold," ll In u nlmplo. hannlm u propurollon that rBinuvrn Iho cniarrhul liiucnun from tho Inie-itlnal tr.ict nnd nllnyn lhn Inflammntlon which cuuno* pracllcal- ly a ll Hlntunch. Iivur and Inie^tinnl ulim cnln. It'icludlng appondlt Hint Ono done wlli I'onvlnce u r monoy refund­ed. DruggliilB overywhoro.—Atlv.

Subacribe tor tbe T laos. tOXOyaar. Snbacrlha (o r Tba Dally TUOm . «aa

yea r fo r W J t._____________________

m mWill take $2^ per acre for his 160 acrei^ a , fe^: milM .northeast of-Jerome

; p U c a o a _ 8 i ^ ,

; i n r t . It-.lpis n«ver b m on ! :: t i t e ' ^ i i ^ t :

t e p M v e d .im d iocatM L :

;'(iio a a d '^ t t k e a :i

« d | f w ^ I t .w t t* i

ISDAY. OOTOBER 0. 1P20 " '

U n e i^ M g

U n o c d a B i s c u i t a r c n lw a j

f r c a l u ic s s . w h e l h c r y o u b u y c i t y s t o r e o r a l t h e r e m o t e

k U ic y u r c a l w a y s e n jo y e d , w h c i d i n n e r o r w a y s i d e m e a l . K cc


B i s c


Nc'W'ildw. Tone

Di-chai'd.’ P i icu ?1(I0 po t $.500 annuull.v , 7 per a [ b a lan ce 10 .years, optior

I 7 p e r cent.



T w in F a llSmith Elce 1

Phono 1

])U . I 'IK H

Kur(jiirV iukI f ic ii'T a l


U isvnsr« l.c UciiiTiil Ml

DK. \ v i-:a v i -:i :

.\-K (iy niuKitoHiH u n .l ( 'iV i-atinoiit

" " l i n i A i OF TWIN

Twin Falli

papital anc

I ■ ^

r . F . JO H N B O M , P m . ’■3 . 't/I H A Z W I ^ , :CMhiflr

' a I . . i t a » n a i . iA . 'D 0 B i u ] r i e B ] n 0 :

^ S iiiv a y s o f t h c s a m e o v c h - ’ u y t h e m o t U ie g r e a t ’ t e i r o d i n g p o s t . A n d h c l h c r s e r v e d a t f o r m a l ;C cep a s u p p l y o n h a n d . . • '-J


g u i t !

s i i i lUTH OF f i l e r '

need, hcaririfr fam ily |)or u c rc ; .'tl OOO cash , f l

cont. o r $f5Q00;..C4slav:a ional y e a rly p a y m e n te *

U s C l i n i ^;e B u ild in g10 135 ' . - | H

Hit. CAl.inVBLIj . . H

n i l . SAW YER .

O htcdpiitliiu T llC rapcuU c•^.^ ,Q B B UliKlctricH a n d Ia{iuit.i,V^|m

N f M i : ; iills, Waho :

,nd Surjp\us v

w J |


THE TWIN FALtS DI P u b lU M t i n r r B r ta ln g B xc tp t Sandftr b r Tfa«

U r . OOTWBILBH------------------------------------------

I. A. C l t O M . , -------------------------Hpcy-T


K o u n d At ib« Tw in Fmllt poiioific* u i»»Qbllc»tlqB.^Apr» 11. X»ll. _________________

” flU B lieU l‘TlU > ttA'J. fM lr . -----------------------------------------------

M l r . 81z U ooU u ■ , _______ , —OtUy. Ofl* M p n lh ................ ....................................-

I t i s n o t o n l y o u r d u l y t o n m k c th e rif i t p r c r a i e t : t . ’- E I ) M U N t) IW R K J i .


T h e rfiTiiniiiiiUiiiiH lir lw rt 't i him I’OllKr MIOIT IK-Uti', NIlliKull-ll tiiul lit piiMt, w ci'k. Ill tlnr i-iinfiisioii nf <■!

• tnkviL f o r itru ii tv il; Hnwi vi'i- tin- Ntmnuti- " i ii tv n tio n »»f a k>"'-iiI iiiviisitm n r , iH tlnnuiir : L itU uou iuu t i- r ri ln ry w e rr in tli«‘ m illin ' ; .] ta v iu g liiuilu ppiii'i! w ith lhi- mivii'lK u ii'l In- li'iio'viot f n i i i t i m whh iiro jiitlii’iil iijruiiihi I 'f o o v c n -o in r ImHfililv J.y i

p u lf io u ,«)( thiK iiiovc lh r liillin iiu in iis iiK'ih'KiH ttiiisl III- U'l ll.

J t 'Pho ijiipHtluir <if I ro u liiT is iiii|iiirlin il. In £«ii JoiiiiiiK •httliiiiiiiiii Id I’oIiimiI Iiv |i<ilit |t>riwURC <>r Poluiiil iiiiinnt; th o S luv i.' jin ip l

0 li’iiKUO « r luilioiiH, I'Oiivciiii-iitly iitliu u n in in ju i t a si^ iu itn ry iin 'iiilirr nT lli »rovo i i i i j f f t l iv i- iim l l'ri-iii'!.i np iiiinn wi *olcs to Ucal ( lirc r tly w illi I^Uiiiiiiiiia a l to ig c d ; • ■

hnH iit?iiiii lin 'ii iirK<’'l l<» nu'ili' ie '^ -C iolilli-.M ilhrniin l .o n r iT i 'i in '. T lir vi ipW rciill.v caiiHt’il « ilip lim iiilic «iiilc-iimi.- | i f ^ u 'r Uluo a tlll tliu I ’oluih ariiik>M a rc iml jjln j? to pn-shiire frnm outHiiU'. 'I’h .' r r | ' i M o d c i;a lc ," if th e y an? coiiHidcn't! an a lm ld>}lnwuiiL urinicK a r t ' n -fiin n iu i,' in i>ra

litobr i liB t-a i io lh p r w in to r orrvimiv.- nm JQ v ic tt..- r ' .

T ■ P 'O L ffiB AT CENTR;*■ j i iia tiiiiia l I'o iiinm iiilcr n f tin-.

I. litiuiuKi-' « t llll ' t?iuv.M, iiT llll- Illlll' ^ _ l.ftuy. n m n ir r ti a t O iiitn ilia . Ak m - L ogiou liiHlory Iiitvi< w a n a 'i l , lln< ii iIi Ii'i hs U)U sJiru ic o f thi- A m urii'iui L fg iu ii hi-rvi-il r o r l d wut- vt'tunuiH w ill Hlami tn th n hist Ul iilv b tu tc i i o f v id lM nc, w lic th i'r ' th.-y >li p f “ P n r lo r H<ilnln‘viHlK,” kiivh lh e I’li.ifii- ;^'iThcrcwiui.«uilMt»Ki9l. w r ' f '•> w ho k illed till' iH-ai-ffiil |ia ra ilp rH .” wrol.- c d llo r o f T h e Aiin-rii-ini I.i;ulnn W ci-ldy, on h is tlin r <if tin- Wc-st. " T in - 'W nlilil [(Uriice, Woulil liavi- In-on ilisKUKli-.l iit lln Fiegiuit r t - f r r w l l'» tia- an-mii-'* nl'^riuinics o f liiH orj;a iiij:iili 'iir.s .•n n n lry .”

H tit tiiiTi! WUH Ihl- .................... u ln v n l nI.w u n d ia l Iiy D ’O li .r . I lc w a«t.-il nn wnnl> illR venom a l Un- I. W . \V.. Iml In- voin-. ■uul o f t-vi-ry I,i-«ioTin«irr In h.-i- iliat V M cB lfrt-sh , D ale l l i i l i l .a n l nml l lm I'usai* in vn in .I " 1 I'lniii- In-ri- a s lo tin- ulirim - nl' lln- b y o n r firKt itin rfy rs, In-.-fUtM- l'ctitniii:i. w h n t n n tik i-r I lil l , lir lty s lin i '^ ' nm l I 'Im t ■ ua tiu ii." Hiiiil till- lii 'dil o r m -iiily •J.oim. w o n i# a n - i-chnni in lln- l i r a r i nf . .v r ry 1,'

Iiifl' i-i niaili- ni- ..f om- Imij; fi.rinv' proM ilitly o r li 't t in t: Hn- o]>]>i.rtunity i>as;< tn n y c u n a lly affi-i l ns fu r Koml . . r , f » r a .............. ........... n s o f Ihl- .■ii.lli-^-i rlniiiiUptm In niiihi' mi I" m ’ us Ii'I'i- i'> in ns.

.. 'Y ow 'w ill .............I l..'sf (in.l .;iij.iy lif.- in.ik o bcn l. l-'iml III.- H oil; in to whi-'h vi

h lA K a m l Mini, ax you w onl.l il' > ..n m -r. ^ « d , n n d yon w ill Iiiim- rnnm l th r w ork

y ! i » r f i*iTH»ary lo visit ICnri>|n- to s.-r CloP:^ Wall'll n la in lln i'.l Inis fin iv liril vi'iih

''TiiOMO wir winil to lirrir I'rinn h iiv r noth taV u u o tli in g to hiiy ]<rrsist in l.- tlin i; ns li

■^.IminiBraiitH an - i-mnini; in ilm v rs . y l ’lvi h a t 't b i x in im lo n ^ rr n Innti oj' HiirmKmK

C ttu 'l cx p c .'l nim-li ..r W n in i'-I t o be aK.<taH.sinal.-il i-mt.v t'l-w .Inyi

Ik ? tn i-k in K ofiL r .i tto n hnll.

u iiio iin i r h a p w lto r.itvr.1 s.iim im (f fo r thcsr <]ry <biys.

n y n p n i f i tn - r r n n t r l l a fim-

•lU *^ d ro p in food [iritiH is

the ointm ent 5b thi- a^i' n.-<|n

■ , PAGE FOTm _____________

DAILY TIMES ...• IHR (vn^i

rfa« TitDM P r u u a i * P a b l'th ln ii , lii-ho . ____________________ n,,, '----------------------------------P ra tld rn i Vuiiia,

y-Twi... niKl ilu«lncii* M»uaK«r

^ Clcuru

itrcoa* oia*> m t t u r u • d*llr ('a^lcr

. . X . . - ..... — ' ' S -


r iir lli k i jo iv n h n t t u n u ik e I’uymi Twill

. u.«r,r, niND ARE in ia innl I’n ia n d In .v r l„ -

a c a in In-.'.nnrn ithiiri) in lh r ] |-u r, r r in in is tlirsi- lll inu^ tnny In' Kiiniic: l-lr .slarli-il, t l i r I 'n l. . , liml Im :« 'v min, IIII-I st.'p 'i tu k r n low iir.l rc o f a I 'rrl.'r- Tl).- iiiry MmiDim. I.riiik* in .ain .'.I t 'l Hii.'li lo tin- .:o.

a l-nli.n.l, Ull.l I '.ilam l ir i . '.l ' " t I - i V n show o f (uc-rr. Tl»- ir- ‘"Li­llis inilirar.-il In I 'o la n d tlnil „ / k,7. ’

'nuihi,, Iml. m-iirly :.n iit ip n r lan l <’r 1.:'. ilitii'-id i r r a iy . i-xti-ndinj: tl.r I.pli's, T h r I’.ilf'K m ay a |.iirn l y im 'i'linn in I’ai'iH, Imt in ur : ' Ihl- h-ii«nr tlio H ^ n rd mivl'*

' i i . l I 'l " . ..... I.V .Iiva l a . '. in f r r rn .o a lrc a .ty ar-'iiilim i, lli is tinn- (liioiifjli

v ir .n ry o f I'oUsli' a rm s In.s l .lr ,is till- |{..-:smnH a n - |.l..y- ml ...nvim : fn rw a rd , (iro liah ly Apiian ■rpiirtril I’olish ti-ni.K nn- not1.1.siH .'.nil noi a s fix.:.!, T lm t

,)ra . 'l iu d ly r r r la in . a n d il ism ay lm n m lr r lii la 'n hy tli> u , . . i

rRALIA. [v"|“ |,'■. A n ..'r ir ;in I-.-j;ion hns jmiil iit„i„, o u r vii-lim.s nl' lln- A rm istic f Curtir

M -ar.- o f iilliri- im 'iilcnlH ol ■h:, o f C n n n a m .d rr D ’O lir r a l ,1,*;' “ r rd no li.'c tliiil tin - in'Kiniizo.l {;,rl.o, ist ns a Wllll o f s li-r l aKiiiiisI

d u ll tlicusi-lvr,., ■•W ohblii-.s" f ir l.r iiio n .M aiiazinr. jy\.^ l,-> ,i'i;^T .;i^p i;.m t]ni,iii(yi hooup, >li- .lam es H. l)arH l, iisHocial.' iv.inr. v; win. a rrn m p iin i . 'd D ’O lii'r l.llly - n n .lo r . o f lv |.i,- ,d rl..' ill.' r . 's in i in l w iili M'I.irli Un- ny (.q, o f hi.s f>r};aiii/ation a n d th e I’luiic


Ntr,-I in t h r not,- .,r warniMB ■nls in i .l l r iinnii^js, siim tt- j5iie|.l',l .-r.l ll .e d .- l.-rm inalion in tin- A|i|mi.

W a r r r n O. (Jriin m . A rt liu r ........................... l.nvo ,lin l

lown..- A n n 'ri.'an l..'u io n . hn llinvrtl ]1.1, iv ill w iw i I'l th r J’.Hla. n itra ii T lii r r rv n„-i,n m m .r MUI.«I rx .s rrv ii ... .m-u. Mis H 'V t' • l,r- io iim .iri-. |„,;reu

WrlKlio f ilrr is in n s „l' . I rr i .H ,.,

■as.s. Doi..;: o r f a il in u to lloill. C ln in ir i r r is I in ill U|i by n.ii;k, Nill of di'i'isions w i' n r r ru li.'.l M.-rrli

I li'll.w

in.'.,I ill lln- w.«rl; iv liirli vni. ' ',3 .',V y o n lill. tlir.iw y .m r w l.i.l- iVilar,

i-ri- lOayinir i. Kunn- Umt you rli in u l . l r l . .M.„ w ill sm-.'r.-.|, '

1'I.i'y.-........ m ils . ()l .:...r\ r n |'i iv .'li li.i.lsr,ilh il, " '•'•ir

irarrc .\.li.iii

n ih il ... In MIV. m i.l ,vlni Md't.. IS l . r a r I'ro... U irm . rarlw------ Cr.lurK v i.lrn lly ll..-y liav .-i.'t n i

-'lufl. ..iiy V"

;r ! n n lil In- if.-ls iir j 'in in rn lliilniirlf.-c .

----- - wotW.inlira l Ull.l Un; y j . - . ' i.', lliiit Uir "

.'t(p<l i— - Tlipn I•s r u r sl.imt,! I„, „s siini.h- as ovtr.hl

for wl.-- - bosj. Is

iinirilMiii’ fo r :. .u in y ,luy ill--.

____ jkni)wi

o f niilliK iily Ull.l .............. 11, h,u|“Whrn I

in.- fr.m i u Inx is th a l tin- lino "'Jhim }u

------- Jolm I

i s a p , . . r | . . - n l l y u .M lr M iin .

i-«|iiirfil ill hiiflViiijr, IIAH _____ Ifycorn

. i . _ i ^ . ^ . _ i i . . d . _ _ x i :

C K S Sfs K i( ir iti:s ■ s ih k -kf. i--------- s.'

.\K11IN0T0X. ncl. L'—The tollow.:V11M1II tl|{urc'_ii .<\rt[ uniiuinirttl; Arliiuli-

...... . ......... ......." " S i H '"miu. Aril., H,yiH. l.itrri.t.H 7,J7l'

nmilnilly;iimT. lilaliu, iU'.:rt-UH„ SM* Ull Illunll rarw nlrr, tilulio, .t,liii:i. uu <.»...• rlinulcr.

Hlidivi'Si:ilcr. liliil..., Iiirrt'uiiii f.O or .oiivoyor ili.\111. t'lalio. 110 citi.iiiurliiou. »JII. Kjirlulm. Iduliii, 11.74'J. (Ic.:ri<ani- Olj Hrivrn U> .1.ituli, I.l«l.o. 18.031'. ilocrc».-io 7i;c

lynU*-. tilatni. 7,Dili no co.niiurboii,‘ 111 f'VII-. IiJuln>, I S .m . UicruuKf . ,

n r loa.7. , ^aKliluKnu.. Idiilio. ') ,<;i, .locri'uxf ''"■'’’'f' ■ rw n i} y

...... r . Imvu, i:.r.:7. lni.Tcanr -J.SIl

z , ■•aiK.iil. Iowu, ir',M7. .ll.c.^.;.«o 17(;'

mm. I..WH, 17.1-::,, In.Toanr .,r ,^ ,1• wl.ll) nwa

irl.'U, luwa. I'J.Oit. l.iirCiifK- I,7k;i rirlw....n ', II.C

ury. :'i;,lss, l.i-TPi.n.. :, |.i :7. s i i .u i i ' ;

niiii, I..1V1I, :;1,KI,1, il.'.rraiu. :;if,.

■ ylor, l.ovo. ir,,r,n' il.-i-ri'UKr Tas

ciHlluiry. Ii.»u. s : . l7 l . liicr.-aiio ;:i.- !,","7rl!i".III ^nll 1

.Vrl., "auo. Nviir,. tb.«<.

■ " r rIKP. lawu. :4.i;i7, „„„„a rm .. I.ova. IM.oi:,ii-rl<l;iii, Nolir.. „r,. ■lam-'. lowii, Id.f'il. j.rmiK*, 'iliBinK'*.'. lowa. tiu.',;;:,. ,n .,.u „ rr'llion. lowu, i;4,(i!(il.KUU-, lown, jn.X't" lIKI.ICmiiyil, Iowa, ih,Hr,u, M■wra, tiiwH. iR,i;ou. .H-. town. M.'n O. ' ., NVIir., VsGli, . iiioupy [iiliinin.-, Iowu. Ui,r..nimlll.a!i, low;., ir,,nR.;. IliP <on-ilrlRlil. I,.wa.'i:0,;ns, IiriivliT-lI:nl".?. NVli.. 1.T7K. '•-I of H"irtlPlil, .SVljr.. t.y I;iiil,t'rl. N, l,r„ i . m . 'iiliMiimll.c('licrs.>n. NVIjr., l.V.K. h.iI.Jp.i iIiok, Npl.r., :.S.i:i. l’oii..lurirlion, Wyo,, O.-VJ.V S..plonil<riirrl»N|. .Vi'lir., «,ir.l.-Inwari.. Iowa. lS.lS:i, an.l a rc i.CI.IM-, Arlx., 48,165, r».lInl.. filaiiiH, Noiir., :;::,fl-Ji.XIIIP, Nd.r„ U.Hfi. 1-Ilnr. Nelir,. 7,044. ^JckoIlH, Nolir,. I3^r.G, iV f 'itM..dRc, NpIi.. '113,197. r s iliicri-iinfr. «inci) im o: t couiuldi:lul.c, N ebr. 458 or ::,4,rrrii. lowa. 444 or „unilnil. lowa. J.351 or 7.H, ,yIRP, I.IWU, tnr> or O.o. ari- nollerlilaii. .VeUr.. I'.:!i7 o r 3l.:t. .Ii-rlurr-i;i|ml.wir>n, lowu. I.SHI or C.4, In ijnloii, lowu. ICI o r 4.0, iHnui-, IKjilp. Iowa. :.L’G6, o r 8.2. win. .....<iyil. In.. 741 o r 10,'J. iili-iorrH•wn. lowii, 191 nr l.u. iiolorl.iUKM-. 111.. :,574-or 8,t. Iiik M"h,Hlawjiiiajj))!-, lu-. C.7JR or 10,:',. iminil<-.l niyil, .Si.lir. 771 or IS.S. ’ Ir.t waniabu'iur. I<hvu. Kt: or 1.4, l>lr(ur.- ..iran, liiw,i. n r Ifi.r., manufai-lKTcm.,. n lll.r IDIU l.y roiinlli :,: « '‘■''IIIR rlKln, lowu. :.:i07 o r Kl.4. Ii,'r -lr.mlalllr. .S>Ur„ llli; o r fi.l ufi-'ln, Nrl,r.. 73 o r :.:i. ' ' ' 'nuixiii. N ri.r, or t:ii n. .k. K rfir, ;r. ,,r : . . . . :) 'J',.rrlll, Ni-l'r.. 4,r.fi7 o r OD.n. , ,

A rU . I),M4 or ,'luwarr. Iowa. :0r. .,r l 'i. J'” '

S l . w i . ’S . t r ' . M ‘Z S l

lii'yi-ni;.-, .N.'i.r, ;;,s,-.4 nr ^ |7 Ikc, .NVI.r., l.ur,: o r 4.H. -|'p.i.'..h,' >,|uii' t:ini l.y r.-ui.ili'i'. |iri,.„ n,i •arrrfi, lown. MT o r VH. ^.li.iiiK, Inna. 477 o r 4.". Ii.k R.-i:il'tipr*oo, .Srhr., 77S nr :il.r.. c iip ra l.arlHiii, Wyo., 1.7r>7 or I5r,. , uljlr In |,'.1ur. .Vulir. 'JOr, o r I.'J. |irl.« ru

......................... ... • |tin ru i« l.“l>V l,ri:N ('» :'’ \ l» ll .\« lt.n 'K . i ‘i( lm«ln Inrli.Mirr .« till' worr.t 1iuiiill>'ai> ili-rgoui-• vnUiiK man .-ui. linv.-, I( ImiiIk I rr off Illlll Cci'l Iir ii.-nl not r iv r l lu .:kcl 1 i-rlf to llln Cnll <-uli;irlty an.l lia> li.orlMR , -J.l UIUIII hhti. W lm t n lhrr otber Jju rWmcn li-nrn lliul on r o tth ..lrm in i-(—I''orb.-ii

a n |u.l1 wilt, lilRtii-ri (Iirr look ut iilm nnkuni'K un.l ilirl IMH

r<t 111,011 llii-ni- u llirr inrn U bu.l.| WAHII I-n llie rurnman, or wli,,pvrr l>{Kruii.I T.hlin, will rillii'r nliiiw lilin uii.lup aitiiln u orn mill IlU.ll blm iuto a i.o^lilon lnK Ibri

wblcli he I,, no. or, 11 tlip wllh rl»,1. Is ot a lUrfrreiit niuniii, !l<- will Jlrrn. >tlB.<- In promolr Illni nrpa wliriil Tbo ll

ili-svrvfs II )i«cuu>.> thu ho** tlRutlon >W5 th r nlhi-m win think U a ciHfl|emptoyn ravorliinm. 'T h e llicreforc.j‘ll»r» oihu.l yi.on Ihc whole orRBHltailon. [ »«cureIfll nny y.ninK rnR ln ftr n r rollpuB, tlicin. .(lualf or uny U>dy i-l>r coinea to ' Amoni Bi-kluB for n 1<-Ilpr tn enable b lm j' HalUhi

Rcl a Job ul our work* I nuy to . Orli.wol. . Juil whut I ha*o mil.1 lurr*.."— } 0 'K « f« m I). Ityan, Annromlaj l’«lflrk |.|>er Company, tti Korbe* MaRuilnr,i

------------------------ 1 .m a :IIKAI) .SIX TIMKS. tiltKK

IAH.\ION. .V V., Ort. C,—J. Bar-! Mr. atid corn In dna.I a ll rlghl. (:onnUl.lPii,coIn, w. it)d lho aviaonce when lh«>r nintipcd. O urllnft lesfnf here. Sl* c«*e». | 0i0l,l!e

t w in f a l l s :

KF.K F«)K OliAIN ViKI.PK n t l . I . ill SAVt:S JU T II KAliy LAIKUt

lali-it by till- crowluK il<-;.rtb of <abor 111 Ibl- Rrral whi'iil rrRtoii ‘'rrl.iun Ir .(.-rn (Taiinilii, a tariiior In tliulI bu« ilrnlK.i.-.| u muilllne "Oll'll'lrd, attuoliril n- u 1,1.1a,-r, unto- counly 11 illy formn uml ili'i,u«Un com- " bock* nf Kruln In tbo i,uyn 'inxlnHon jiiirflit-rt urilclu 111 I’opiiliir .Mu- *»' -. .\l;iRa*lar f..r H.'i.lirmbor, Tbo bu I'!, from tbo blmlor lu.nn uii a I ,or Illlo a boppfr. an.l lliun.* llown. Inlb a banket mii.latUiuB .prlnR uraiH ihul ndlum ibi-m- -aio.Ilfloi U- lho «lio of the nliuck, iioroliy hi

____________ _ li-arhorn

K I.KJIIT.NJM; IIIH.T ro ln tvua illL T rJIEItS m U 'K OK.HllKKf ,,lUo,i to

, --------- will i nniinrrlnR rruiib of UrIiiiiIiir In- e<|i itr.l Ibl- ri» i of (wn horilnnicn u luiiiiilr) }y iirt Oioy hU'iii na ir ilicSr Couilrii of j.':r,u nbi'uii on Ibe runcu blitn an-~ lh e Anierlcun Kork xauon. lu crn lru l f luh ., A hurrli'.l walk 1.. -Jll r.'l'l brmiKbl ibcm In Ibrlr •n, .l".-larr« I’opiilar .MrcbinilcM . 'Iiik Id all llhmlrulc.l iirllrli- tor Ilbrr. HlrlkhiK tb - cl.iKr-Ralh- IIO-STO: I.M'k, th r IlRliinlhR ha.l rn l (wo fit-o prov< iwaihn. nhimi ;;r,u nhccji la i-arh tn rr for .'0 tl.eno nwullm aii,| on r l.h rr trn.Icul n Ihc unlniulH wer.- nol (o .nlicl. who r.h I

■ _______ _ iinnilniitloI' .sriKKS ll> Ai ro WIICKI, irlci.

A M I.SK III A'nACH.>IK>T <'i-ff-y,_____ , . him »;

rw .iull->ikl'l adarlmiriil fur ail- Iln irnrk-. In lnii-n<lril for nn- , , i ' n .i Ituil an.1 Imrlliiril nurfucrn, and , 'ri niiiil. u.:<-.or.llnR to «n IIIuk- '" ’.',1

urilcli, In (do HeiKi-uKicr I'oiv ,ti-rhualrn MukuiIiip, An Clamp- 1,Ihe oulMlilr lit rnrb wbi-i.l. Ibe jj,mcut ron-ilntn of two rnnctiilrir , „of nicrl, tbo outer nf u IKilr “1 thun (lie .llum ilrr ot lln- wbrH [ru-rcloR. ibcs.1 rlnsn ru.llully ‘

u- IK beavy, polnti-.l Blilkrn. nr u n i u >| ., wblrb liy tbe wclRhl ot (he an . fnrce.l Inlo lhe blr.bway.

1'(|»*TKU o r < ;i(i:a t .si/.k hi t k . lU 'll.T Itv A FItKNCH.MAX “ O', un ,

-------- l i e uniKiilllutril by rrceni olf.Tn of lurRe <-'il I'lm I' • prices, a nnmber ot French ""'i <anil inllcat rnKlii..rrn are buny wllh bom.\ het in-ilrupllon nf lerllcally rlslni?, « '■r-lbun-alr machliii'n. T br lurs- l‘C'-- ‘\hii Ibo.e In a bellcopler vburucler- fnr "“ 'V'

ly III, iinuiiuully larite. nlile un.l ‘''•"tiy nV inllal fOlinlriicllnn. whlcb l-i lhe I'ol'':-'•t l.r Ull llliinlruteil urllcl,i la ") « " ‘if ur Mrrhank'n MuRUxlne for , uber. . Tbe wiURn rmemblu In be Icavoiv of a four-lgaf clover, re currlpd nu n.einl liiben wlilch 1. from u i-enirnl uprlRht, Tlil*II In inounleil oi. the ml.ldlo nf letul funnluRC, uiul In revolv.-il nliie-<;ytImlor ra.llnl enntne. '

t.M! SI-KNK-S IX .VDVIKS TflT t.SC TI>TK1> ( tt’DllKIl KIKil I H il

•le nporlsninii who ntnlk lutn i/cj./rr varryliiK tiy rmln utul '' ’ " n nf iront. uppurenlly no fre-h- - - . iRhl Ibal Ihelr lulln siill wIrrIo, M A I 01 nerennnrlly lucky flnriernieu, ' ' cn I’opubir Mechanlcn MuRu- In an arltcle In lln Snilenibtfr

I'n tll recently, film itlrcrlorn......... . uiiBllnR n.'eiipi In th rlr■en w rrr ilnpnmleiil upon Ihe..unly uiirrllublo ni'H>.ln ot llv-nh, Ilut ino.lurn effl.lriiry ilc-:-.l u iiiethoil more e.-rtalii und i ^ H i ilaaletul of Hnio. ,\ rullfonilu!• iioiiceril llirrctnru I'liRaKoil u[ai-lurer of rubber (ii pro.luriiIIR ot u irurale ly fanbbmuil rub-r.iul. uml an arlli,I cnniplftleil'r inlinllllinlr by tliitlar; llie elnn-li, win. nlln. In nniure'a n.I.irn,

i;n iii) m siN»:.H.s~T'Oi,K’y.ilworlb unn- declared thnl imn . Mccri-''. ot llh nurn-M lu plck- notllubl,' Incalli.nn f,.r iKoren'ml ......... ver IMe.1 i„ hiicU thel l r ah.i, ..f rourne. Ui.e Kor.t

......... rolPK atler mnny inoiler-irolli'. ralber Iban nlrlvluK lo I n frw l,l« profllj., T hr j.bll.i'"- wbl.'b bai. ylrl.l.'.l rl.-b rrsultn.

iiimeni|.-<l a l ihln Ilmu to many fa.liircrn uml hunlminn

The,- arc iryluR (.i buck ibe H.l.-, Th.-y ar,. iryluK In ilety (r.'ii.f w/.fcl. fs Iweom- Rcn.TuI -an.l nbould become ill. It u lll iiriiu- moro firntlt- In 111.- euil to KO atoUR wllb the cu rirn l lhan in try lo nlay the

ul rourne of rvenln. Tho.e Ilnea i.lnenn whlcb liavr alreudy ua- lae ri-uiljuntnieni nrc Inday bet- iff limn ihixe which uro cleail- d be<-'uiino ot »tie.iipted profl- IK on Ihr one l.und ami. on tho Jjum), iJ.-r.'.J-.ienf relma} lo hay.

b.-n JtaRuilne.

M iK TK It VOK “ KIUfT)S.».HIIIXRTON-. Ocl, G (U Pj-T I.O I Jury here relurned Indict- n uRuliint noven pemon* churR- ben. with fraud* In couuectlon rink paymenl* a t dliubled lol-

0 Initlcimeui* tYillowed un Inve*.Ion n t cbarRc* that wur rUk iiycn obtained money from lol-

on repre»«nlB(ion« they could e laireuneil coiiijienaatlon (or

lonR tho .e indicted were WlJIlam l»bury. Jr.. of Uuffalo; David M- vold of Ilrooklya;- Danlol K. ef« of New Britain, fnnn .. and rk O-nrlen of Den Molnoa.

>CA> AM) W IFE KIIXKI).KKNWOOD. Nob.. Oct, 4 ( U D - ind Mm. Mlrh»«l Kelly of i.jn-

woro ln* tasllr k l l l^ when u Dfton train iln ic lr ttielr iuto- !e al »' cnm stu j nenr hero.


iio :u i: ' .TO H(H’SK ’TKAflli:H.S

,T c o u . i y s . Colo,. Ocl. 6, - 8i>It In Ihe houninx problem for

Iu:ichcr-i In lbo WliiilHOr Vun- :ed nehool illnlrlct of w eld ' Ibul lho *cbool bourd wlll n "icucbcraKe" for tho accom- ^ion of nearly (wo ncuru lulom

tliKtrlcl,bullillne win bo like n lurRu

la genoral appouraiici.. hul will iloled. In (be m ailer of necimi- Umn. Ilko nn apartinoni houno lflo.l idislitly to lbo fortii of n .,' liini»i-. It wlll bn for women feffS ■rn only. _ -•

builillaR’ will bo of inoUern Cuctlon, to com ’ tac.ono. In ud- \

to bedrooniH. l>olh«. etc.. ll _____j■nninln a InrRO UvlnK room, t« cimlppivl n ld . a lllirury, nn.t

{•Iry in tbn linncnicnl. ^lifrurJfoa »•}» lirain «/i iirxni .tn if|.“ [rT.


iT().‘<. 0 .:i, C ,-im nnlnB fnr of- roved u .I'roURbl-pmilurlnK veil- 'or Tl.on.un K, Coffey, impi-rlii- il of eluvnlnrn ul tho rlty hull.:nl XO volen in Ibe ctnlKreimional utlo.i fiRht In Ihfl Tenth dU»

eyi nlalen hln ciinillilncy ronl :i.I<V t4 nf whli-b III reprni'n .lril

Iiih;. o t two whInUi-y pfe»crl|i-

It..|nl2ril e ipcnsr u iroun l. tbe necrvlury ot ulal.-. f..llow n ; | l>t- 3; I..1I-I two doctor'll prr-1 Innn for nplriluii fruinenll v a I-‘1 I I ; ulno lont a ntriiw bul vul-I <r.. nud Um lonn of Ibi- lioni-

crnlwbllo candldale • oplnen le Will Iry II nRuln.

< H fSllA M I 0F.K.\-1.0VV;il i IN A FIT OF .lE A I.bfSV '

I’K. Mont., Oil, fi.—Knnu.l Juh -! in AnKj rlan. confennod. tbe pn- j niKuim-ed. Hint Jrulouny iironiiii- [II lo -boot and kill. IIURb ('.111- ^ nil .iiuunt .Mr*. Olbnon In ilielr Iberr. ' I

y womun, nci-or.llnic ’ lo the' pn- . IiKlniliie.l intimnry wllh Juhruy JuvVrul yearn, but nulil nbe re- ' nVurni-d him. Jn h ray tohl tbn

the aiirnllnn-i .uC ilr* . Cibnoii Iblnl mun "mndp, lilm mud."

I D A Y ' j ^ f cTINEE


From the P jay ani*- A super-fcature w

. duced from the play author o f “Scandal,” E.xchange of Wives/' sensational successes, . Im agine yourself

reared in luxury—fu abounding energy of suddenly bankrupted place on a rocky co where. As a girl o g lad to shift for youi such exile?

A dded A ttraction-

‘‘C L E A.Matinee 3:15

J i aT H E

, OOTOBER 0. 1020

I Why Mazola has the ■ o f any brand oi

or cooking oil

H0 U S E % V IV E S cvcryw l know I b c dc licioua oppct

g reen solado n rc n o w using M ii io la is cqur.1 t o tb c finest: n n d o n a c c o u n t o f i t s low pri c an b e o « T cd e v e r y d a y o f tJi F o r ‘fry in g , coo k in g o r al M nzoln g ives r e su l ts t b d t cam

c u rc d b y o n y o ih e r fo rm o f co E v e n li ic m o s t d e lic a ic people food p rep a re d w ith M nzo la- ] lic ious p ic c ru s t , ijo -jg linu la ; o f c v e jy

M agotn is u se d b v m o re U m illion d isc r im in a tin g f:imilies i s used b y le a d in g b e te ls , club: in g cars th ro u g h o u t A m crica . econom ical th a n b u t t e r o r la rd , a b e tte r f lavo r th a n o rd in a ry oils.f r e e lUiit.fiHir j ,a « . Wiuilfull* muIJVCC, Uook. W,li« Il-raducM lUfialas C eopur, I'.O. Uoa li

MAZCStlllot RtpMnitUtl—


I ' V ' M■

I X y


EXILEand Novel by Cosmos Hiwith a big, dram atic tlic

lay ancl novel of Cosmo 1 I,” “The Blindness o f Virt i , " and many others on a lc ses.Gif a ' girl— beautiful, < -full of the fire and vjti of youth— daughter of a i ted, plants you in a little coast, a thousand miles

1 of these m odern days, ourself, would YOU meek

in—Two-Reel Billy West (

S . N I N G IEvei


h e g r e a l a t

o f a a l a d

o i l

y w h e rc w ho ipenl o f fresh, sing M nzoln . test; o liv e o il, p ri^c , sa lads

r d ie w eek,r a h o rten inp , ••M nno t b c se- f cook ing fa t. pie cnn d igest I- M a k e s de- ^Is a n d cakes ^

e th a n sev en ies to d n y n nd lu b s a n d d in-a . I t is m o re ’ord, n n d w itli u y vegetab le

- inu« ,« J Com • .


H T|DAY ,k H n i g h t

■««a - .

Hamilton...theme. P ro - ' ■) Hamilton, irtue,” “An. l o n g l i s t o f , ^

c h a r m i n g , 1 ' i t a l i t y a n c i a m a n w h o , l e o n e - e y e d :s f r o m n o - 3, a b l e a n d ^ ■■:ekly accept.,

t Comedy

U P ”vening 7:15 •

------ ^ X .



Oounty P o n a Product*, W lancrs mibi, a t Bolie Fftir, WUI Be DU.

played Thursday. Hr:

An opporiiiht^r U> m o a nmull part of the C2hil)ti« c f tiw l a m product* dt ,

- Tw in f'nlln coiiniy raria# which uxik • nwny the big end o r. w inning canio

nnd rtbbona-Bt-tJTo «i«to-f»lr n l IIdIko will b« nrtordoU roHldenlH o t ll.o com- y muiilty n l itio Uwvobi Homo t’cBilvnl a t Uio clly pnrk on ThuniUuy.

A fnlr roprciKuumiou of iiroam;!* i„hn will 1)0 exhibited In clm rsc o t Cuu)iiy oriio, ArrlcuU urnl A |;cnt II. li. I'owerii. U ck ,o,„j of Bpnco *>lll maki) li imi>ui»ill>lo to t,, dlnplny ntt o r tlio Htuff. A i.nri of th o «mnll itm ln Ix now lii.N anit'". wlio«fNU'w|ll bo lioUl Illllll the niitiu coiuIl ((cpcj Rfiott* fn JicW. and {(rt) portnhalilo f rr . ed ilh lU . of courno. cnn nol lio "howti. iimlM

A. I. 0-Ilullly. to iim y flul. leader, ly ht will bIro b»To lho, crcnm.of work dono f.iclo by Twtn I^ltK wtiiiiiy'M Junior turiii- ITB on U!i*plny. 'n io cxiillill In u vcry Hr crcilKnl)to onc. newlni: und nrcilln- Mhki rurk comlnR Iti fo r u lloti'n nlinro of fHoM

Bwsrdi. Bpacti nnni Iiy tho cuuniy al Um nU to Ja lr HiHouwlcd *.« (u tlve “ '" t

y biiiidrM nijuaro feol. and only diic- <I'"> »Ulli pn much room will li» aTallaUlrr

"\V«< w ont lie ublo to ,;|»o ii very tompleio fdeii of lI)o reul iiniillly of *" otir product!, uk they-w.-rn»ii at Holfio, hut wc'll havo Jnnt u» koikI (•tuff, ercn If llio display Is nw m. largn." Mr. I 'ow em nald ihli. morn. '■ . W ork 0|i nrrnnj;lnR for vladtiR ol the ,|,i„ prodiicu h u already. l>fj?un. I Ouhi(

OLD GOLD MINE l'"«“ TO BE r e o p e n e d !;,"";:

Local M ni P lan to Operato Kim.| Ml meJ M ine a t Lead, O rojon; (“JJ.""

W,000.000 .in a ig h t. • I mu' u• _____ _ • p-ny

Wllh etiouBh or« In n^elii trom one Khntl lA 'kc«p -a forcc o t tnun biii'y len yearn, iho old Inimcl mine ncurl^ a d . Oregon. promlieN to develop In- f a , |Jty n paylns proponlUoii. acconllas lu p„bnthe ntaicm cot of Mark Whilmnii. who iha ,hnn Juil r tliiroed from, an InnpscllOD iuIih nf the property.

Thc mine wan Ihti »eenn o t miii.h to t nLlWlly aQvornl y e « ij‘l l u c i Ju il h « ;k |x i b»en filfe fo r : r h U ;^ o f tM

. <*ii<i-«iai^Iie^rt. Iiuht tneitr*Bti4 Twla •■(•iS)h'slla mon a n In tere iicil lu tlie prop* flno

I orty . sa d -iliey. plnn to s ta r t opora- plcaiV tion* wtUiin U io'noxi fow monUin. By drive

/ January 1 Uiey e x p cc i'to Be jiroUuc- he »Ing. Jnnii

J-*lv« nilllloa dollarn worth ot ore »»ehnro nn ld 'to h« opened up from the “" 'yOita th » n HOW aralM hto. aaii thoro (» /»»'• nioro tha t can be icciired. Obld ahd nllvcr nro llio n ilne rnb found In pay- IHB quajvlltle*. .

_______________ ___________no of

More Labor Needed lum'! tO'v<2are for Crop# T'*oy

______ und. A Iwjjporary whoriajfi) of labor 1* " / **' bcin* felt In Uio viclnlly ot Twin , h'alla durlHK tho lant fow day*, ac- canllnA ;o a i|W /m icnt jiuidr th li inorDlnc hy II. A. i;rydnr. In tlinrso nf Uie labor deiiarlm cnl ul Ki« inuuly

..torm bureau./V Stipply o t workera han hrcn nufll- , i ^ e n l to mont demandn np until thn ji'flmi df Octolwr. I.ui hnrveatlnjr; of ^ u l t nnd potatoon han U ken up e stra . r ^ e n . A need for moro hel|. In carlnB j w r (m il and apudn In now (oil. Mr. ^ r y d o r ban placoa for a doiou men. |)y . ^ *J«">n7 Eve in Exile Is > Feature a t Idaho

--------------------------------- AllIn Bzlle,” Uio much exploited t an

pholopln'y fouBdod on Coumo Hamll- To t^ ' (nn'a nonnallonni play nod novel, l» I un

Bl the Idabo today. DeycV A» thiB la heralded as aurpaanInK 1 antil l ' prevloua worka boUi In dramatic Andp o f« r and brsatlth ol appeal: and aa I anhU fplay '-S ca n d ar enjoyod phenomen- I at

: at popularity vrberover performed on > an(he apeaWns a'laro. ft In w r to (o n - -'tw icaat for "Bve la ExUo“ a auccena thal T hrt

' will border on tbe aonaaUonal._______________ ___________LIbe


WASHINGTD.n: 'O v i. i (Ul*).—Tbe * ‘B latricl of Columbia court of appcala * •"

H.'i:rkDted Iho co tem m enl'a nioUon for o t a •ul{,brt.u«i?t by a u ftra ft

V tppotfw U u> te a l )tLe Validity of the• j 9th amandm;i)L ..................." The illll. w b lcd .aou th t to rea in ln ...Secreury o t 8 u t e Colliy (u ra ' liau lnf ' a proclamatlgn of the aufrrage amend* . ,

m eat, waa dluOaaod ob the eround die’ action aousbt lo be lialted bad boen .......

Uken.. AUorneya to r Charlea S. Fklrchlld, j j . .w ho broush l Ibo aulu aald they would gj^Q. ‘a t otice B»p«^ 10 the Unlled S U ta t QfH -au p ren e court:

' - ' fV IW ‘ W. htb*r. Jr., K,• , DenOal. ll ,h

aoAOnacM th» re a o ra l o f b li pfOca hon lo 8mlUi-IUe« bi<tdin« over U nfud f «0 fllor«t: lUcapU oa Vbom with Tw lo llavi

I FkHs CttiUe. OR1c« pbo^a UB. HMl- (Or / d eae t vhOBO M w . ........ ' thal

____ 7 "I'll>'^rm and clly loana. A rlburR’lin. I rcori

----------------------- Tl,To K nlrrtsln—Mr«. Kcmlnll iitid: ftiriii TK. Noblo will eiitcrliiln the pu i.i!n irn Dblo Krundn in th.- Ketidnll’Mi riday evcninx. Uct. S. { reau

------------------------H rrp fct.m .Vuiitnnii—tt. J. Krli'd-' of il an him nrrlvod In Twin Kalla from; lho ■ oinnnn. to vlnU Wii t);iri'nli.. Mr, liiurei id M n. I... Prlcdmiiti. ill:

----------------------- Iilatl.Mnrrlapr I.IrrnKO—A llcciino lo wed un iMutHl Wrdiieniliiy lo lltil.orl K. Uli'i' lowurd. an, of Twin Piilli., nml J.).h1« Tho I. I*»rroll. J l , of JliTgrr. lho

----- ------------------ihroi« 0M «o V'llcr.-I*tnlii«tlon Offic.-r I’f"!

i>hn II. Auil wux 111 K1I.T Ihln ufl- iiuni moon whoro h« wim i-ullcil m ui-l'ii'Ka m<J lo ntime trunacf uikm , ilc I M urtuush Tnr»ilny,' ' * | tloni

Ini|irotr-> Aficr dpcrntli.n - ,Tlii'| fom indlUnn of Mint. Mna Morlcy. .IiiiirIi- ! fn.ii: r of Hcv. nnil .Wri.. Mor/cy. n-Iifri/j.rf;; idorwont lltl oiirratlnn hi the i:i)iin.; I'"!' liOHt.ltiil. In roportcil un vrry ;iiiilii-1''"li* ,clory. . • lurtl>

I lr ln rn i frnin .Majos’ -Mr-.. Cciiirml. " f ' liiKrI, iirniniiiaiika hy h rr kdu. lolin. huH rciurnvil from iluchmior, I Hnn.. whcr.1 nlie rcc.-nily nmlur- ■cnt u major oj.crnllon. lllm v.nidl-l on In nutlnfurlory. I

H rrp Krom Jc rnm c-Ilpv . nnd Mri..,*’""" 'n li.T K. Ilurniuu of Joromo I Jh.-*f:IIV llxlHX "» noted with H «v.-llurmuir,. work on nld necrclary for Ihi- 1'lirli.Unii i "’'1’ lu rch III Southern Miilit.. i ‘1”“ '

,U k . M K iH fiit «H , \ . . f J - ;> . „» . o.),. on fllPd loduy Seth nu.l Nunry 1-;. I» " nrc mado-d.-fonilanln. Dr, J . | “ 'i'<. MorKiin hrc-k-i I-UMii.'lil of »5ni,1il levthcr wllh inicrcm.-contn nnd n i. l>l»>i irncy fven oii un uTk-Rcd uh|)iilil ‘•'"“ i 1)1?. ,i.r<iu

------------------- --- 1 AllKllr ,lrllrlr<>—Artl.'l.'o of lnrort>or-j

lion huvo I.CCM fllpil In lli.- county [ I'""'' •rnriler-N officc liy lh.- MnriauiiKli :uliial K lerlrlc ronipnny, Thn coiu-l liny proi.onM lo furnHh lluht uiidl*''""' ower for tho vlllar.o of MnrluuRh.; hero arn about 35 nlockholdcri..

______ _______. IlDVInj.prctor’n Jlepurlc^S'lnciy ni.pll- j

illonn for prlviiio .•onnccllon wlih uhliu acw eri. woro muilc durlns la nioitUi o l Septcmher. nnil fiS par-' ' Illn for ln«inlhnK plumblns work ei-c g ran ic l by lho city. iiccordliiR> Ihe report of Innpecior A. W .; '“ '>"

•INjr^-tnwrr-iOlmin MaRol paid i . ^ ' - ’- nii Wedueaday when ho p le a d e d ; . ,^ Ictidod Kullly~ln court I'o linvltii; ' rlveo B oar wlih a doulern’ llccuao. ] 8 waa lakxed I 2R. Il, K. Kull an.l • I «mon llugbCK paid flncK not JJO I ich. The former drove n car with nly one llceiine plale. and IIURhvn ail no jjght*.

L'nlt^d In .Varrbun*—Kmd Mllar of win n illn and .MnrRurcl Vuu.lan. nl-> of this clly wore unlle.l in.mnrrlaRc f n«v. K. s. IVhlfo Bt Tfic Jfcllltlillnt irnonnso <m Tuenlay ovenhiR uthoy wcro aciompnnled hy Hen Milur id Allco .Mllnr. hrolhor un.l hIkIit ’ tho Rroom, nud Mrn. A n Ahim of urioy. Mr. and .\lrn. Mllar will nmke i iclr^homo In Twin l-'ulln. j

• ,U,1-»A ANII (niKfJA. 1lly .Mary .MartlD IJurrlnon. j

am Joy nnd 1nn|ilratlon • {nd Iho Rlory,of ihe world. «■1 m y. train a ll men URtemldc lilllonn havo my flas unfurled: ho*9 who unrre me purely, frc?Jy lod In mo iifo-H Imppintna '• am homid of all proKresn nd the pathway to auece**. ly my mlKhi nunui'nlior.'d 'wondori. oomlnKa mlraclen uppeur;Ilno the power to lift <ill Ininlenii. *Ilno lho right In calm a ll fonr, I

Bm m aile r of earth 'a lecrciK, H .11 her ireaaureri. I reveal; Iam poncft and 1 am plenty. J L

o my call a ll pleaiurcn ylold; um proof of all devotion

leyond aacrlflce o r prulne; am purity and honor

nd lho wladom of lho nagn; am law and I am Juntlco; aupply a ll mortal need; am freedom, and rellclon"

ibor« gor«rnmciit and cread; lironea may vanUb. crow ni uiuy

crumble. 1.Iberty and love may wall. | Jlut wy relkn goea on (orover, ;■am Lord of human fate. |'am Alpba nod O m egar | 'am Ibal which nono raay nhirk

Vbo would fin llfe'n measure full and Innnln* over. 1 AM WORK.

SOT nUKSKIl UY BltlTIHH..NSW .YORK. Ocl, 0— Alfred Jlaci .>

Cen*}t. the B r l l i^ •atr}e«l. who holdi f ill conceiiloni In Lower CalKoral'a. ' leoled lha t ibe • penlnaula la con- rolled by BrltUh oil lolereiia. He aid the American holdlnga ihere vero twice aa greal «■ ibe Orlilib,U dvclsred ilu t tho drltfah eoocm- lona ware nol lubildlzod by the U lilah tovernm enl. ■ .

DDIMJUR IS ACTIVK. ,KOOU nrVBR. or*.. Del. C .-A d a y -

I tb t burg lar tn te rM three local lomea, ilM )lii( m onar a c ( r« |a t in t i«0 BDd a dbuQond pin. Police be- p l lave a weli-dreia«I tnaa loqalring o r m lOit child eommltied the :he(U. ^


Reorganization W ork IjW/ P lanned by Bureau

Tho lllURhani ,l'..iiiily ru n n ' lUir.-iiu ^'llh hcuduuurtoVi. ut lllackfoi.t, lilu..>ro funuulutlnR vxicni.lvc I’lum. fori :corK.iMl:«tloli .•umixilRn. I

TJip expriillva o t tin-•arm hiin.aii iil lll.ii'kfDol hlivo i.i-li 'f '- tl •nml lho MiT>'h:rn .if it iiiiin ri'coui-’" '“ >‘li' iU'nde.1 by iho Amerkiiii Kurni llu- I'cau h'eilarnilon lo direct thu nivm- ‘'"y i' iornl.Ip i'alii|<nl|;n uud wfth (Iio aid "'I'ti )f Ihli mun niul tho loi'ul lou.kTH In >i>iii.n; .ho counij' li hiR motuhrri-lili) In ui.-j' it»1.. tu reil Ijoycl

IllnKlmni counly In luklnR llu. l i i -!____llatlva In liluho |u .l.rVL-lopiiiR !urm huronn iilonR thv plun uf lh . '‘D | | IlllnolH i.nd MIchlRnn fi.rin hurcauH, | I>V ) 1-ho farmom of ItliiRhaiii .oun ty fed ] lho Mfcrnnlty of .m orRanli.Ulon' :hrouRh w hl.h limy ran Uliirki.i ihi.jrl proilmtii nn.l In ronn.-iiui'iicr-ar.- .1.-iiuiniUnR Ihal lliclr fann ' hnrniu r .- -----(irRaiilr.i; tin u hanlH thul will i.niiUl.'II 10 di> inonoml.- i.» w rll un ciluin- T llon^il work fnr it-. oirnili<-r». | <

Al l>r(.«.-nl wrllitu; .tho Ill.iBhi.m; ** l-ounly Ki.riii lliiroiui hnn .I in k .'i l null from llH .iffi.'o iT.'.oiXi uiimnK lii. fiirm ru In tli>- <<>■<,i,cTutlv<- miirkri- Iiik of liv.-ni.x'U uii'l wool nnd lhn 1'iili.rBod orf:niil7iitl..ii will .•ju-ml lm >-'i unlvlili.ri lu .'0-0]><TutlTi< iiiiirk'-IInKl oil to ull fiirii) i.ri.di|r|H und th.- voluniu I or l.r ( ;illl 111- unliirr.'.l «) a j Rri-al extent. ' I llf

('IINTlHII.I.INt; TlU ; .MIMI. ! ll>r.'oiil.' nuy: "On., ra ii 'l hi'Iji .im-V i ' .'o

Ihon^lilK." llul ..n.. .'^.n. T h .- .•on lrn i; ra n f 'lho llilnklnR nmrliln.' In 'n.-rfrctly 1 l i ' DOKKlldv. And Klnr.1 notlilUR whoi-i W I’vorliai.p .-nH toui.ouiM d.. < ii irl .ia ln ;| fn> Illnr.) Iiothlnis h iiru n-. o r kIv.-;. ii.h I i |d.-iii>ur« uxr.'j-l wlihin llu? hraln, lli.-j II" .ui)r.-ni.i lniii.irti.nir of h.-liiK ubk- ll.l lln i-.>nln)l wh;il ro.-n .m In ihal lu.vsl.-i mi rIoUH liriilij li> |iiili-nt. TIilx lilra I-.I h" W),- ul Ull. |»))jtJlij<J<-/(. l;ii( ll i UaIh n tdutlluilo wlion.- iirofoitinl in ilh l < ^nd iirR.-nry inont |iwi)l.- Uv.- unil| »ri ill.- withonl n-allilnt;. I'.-oido .n in -i T ' l.lafli nf (ll.- Inrk <if i>i>w.-r in ron-1 !'•' :;«ti(ra(c, iw t wlfdirc tlu .f (fi^y m uy' lo iulrc Ihlt iioKi.r. If thi-y rlmonr, [“ r t r

And without Ihn pow rr to ...iirr ii- , A .— Ihui In to i.ay. wllhnui l l . . - i ^ ® ' liowrr to .Ilrlal.' In th r hruin lm tai.k I ind (0 Innurr olic.llrnr.-- iru.- lit.- 1-.' ImrooiUli-. Mliid contr.d in Hi,. (ir>t t'o.; of full .-Xl-.lrti.-.-. -Ain.)ld i.miir Hcnneil. n ,,.. ,

iiDV IM i{,j.y I'"!!,,nim ivNK U IN >viNt:: ,u„r

I’AUIS. Oul. n .-.Juan llii l-.Tiiii.lrx, J,U . fell Inio n wlun vul in tl.i- Al- Rcrla dlnirUrt. urc.rdliiR i.. \ r r .L ,,,,,,, cMved hero nnd ovorpowornl .b>- the fumen. nnnk hcncalli lh.- uinc a m i! , , , ', wnn drnwued. '■ ,'"T __________

--.w ixw > c.* :uK .M w --------Joicph ScKnl. .M, I)., ove r'U ooth ,

Mi-rcanille. I'mctlco lim ited to worn- ‘Jrrl,

Eve^thing ^ Ready

F O R "work

______ 1..iIk.‘

, The ■ 1^Big ' i

Festival IA Whole D ay and

Night, of Fun


Twin FalU Store* W ill Be O pen U ntil Noonit Closing T hen for the . Re»t o f Day.



Max l.liidrr |., Urrr analii,’ Tli.-r-iM .vrn .• flvr rrrli, nt I.N Itiliiiltalilr ton 11 I” iklnx In ••The I.lltlr „ I 'a ih r .'l rUtuitiir.- r..nilnR t.. th r i;..|u Ili.-Iilrr t.,-,,.'<.>w y und K.niorrnw, ] Tin•Tfl.. Mill.. V(ir<r- (- u riliaw lr:il>'^.ii oilier wnr,l:, n |s „ ,.Ilrul Avnii rnl.m^of a nuiKlrn! -h,i« t>Uli:h ..|i - IIi. - m It .l a* Kfri.t lioputarll> <1II ih r r.liiR.. »;ii>' ‘


T e l l t h e M a n W h a t ,Is a Wampus K itty

"Kitty, kltiy, kitty." Di1.. 11 ll)«l Jil»d l.f ,,)j,j.iilj).nl;

. ; .n - . t walk or hn|,| u .ldnkh . 1 !<.irrtii.d.-.. nr drlim nilllt i.nd Olhrr;H? O r l-i It i.tiilfnl..-', . ,nr wl.ut: 1..... . II « r„ r M<lrl.i/ I

A UVimcn. r.<( J. (Ji'r ..o i.J-’f Tin.., nf dlM iimlnn. und lirri Snv.1i- I , |„ „„

.................. ' “'i 'm ”. 'll,n"'"‘lKi-.’ u '['ut ■'

............... "Old rn. tlir A iurrl.ran T.rKL.ii'- Hi.r\r..| K,.,.. , livul III whirl, llir {..amr.- 1-.Wiini|.im l-at. anil I..- »;.nl-. tn t i,,hill '. III.- old RlrJ -..iM-i;

Krvrtal ,ir,.,il.. I.uv.- 1.)1il lllni11..'y illiUri know aiiythlii- i,;,.i>n : ,. m lln.t kind nl u t.-llii-, :ui.| h tm . ,|„„vMiiiir ..llu'm li:i\r Mnllr.1 ;iin1 i \lo.iU.-il w l.r a'. II 11,.V itilCl'I r la . .

..rr ln'niiid tn (Iml out uh.'ti f I.Ui'l’r Twin Kalh tu rn- nut for lln- ir> r.i-llv;,l ThUiHilay al- tl..- rlly „

___________________ I________ ,.T,. .

isks Cooperation ioff All Housewives I ' iC

.......................... . ln.ii-..-«k.- m n r Atnniirrty I.WIIITN tlnu ih rlr kllrln i. r.‘- < i-H'-i M- and lihhr, u rr tila....l In lln- rlr.l': ••'I I nd .-f . Icr. will l,r ..[ • .• ' «l:o nlKliim r I.. Ihl- .-11. in M.r .-('n i. , I-l i .• .w IH-IIIK madr tn .nllii.i tin- m .iltrr , o.:i>i>.IIH rlv. fi.mi.lDlnl^ havr ..... .. Ind.-,-i '

xvlili Ihr adn> that car- i >'> I' K,' iUh<-r ,ur.

A tiiirt III 111,- Iilunn- rr~ln with ih r! rn hnliiniK inn tri..! fnr r.-iiiovlnr.['’ '''''^ irhui;.-. urtnrdljii;. In i-iiy t'l.-rk .W. . " ’

Mlnnkk, hut .h . .- , iu „ lk h a . fa lk d l llo 11.-. i-»ri In M|t.ic rr^ll.•l•l•.. |

(’lly n rd lnan ir. covorlnr ill" Mil. ' ' r t, provide tl.m lalilit r r l n . r m nnll , i j-l«.-.vl 111 « -ult:il.I.. rr. rill,irht 'm « ull.-y wh.-fr II will b r 111 han .ly ’«.di. It mii-i nm hr i^x.-d w l'h 1 di-n. d in ..r Ilk., maii.-r 'if:rp ure lwo .nnlrnci!. nnd.rr wlM.-M | p wnn(i> fn r.-inirrr.I, (Iir c lrrk tli--; -i.i, n r n . and whrn tho i-oi.iri.rtnr who movcK iiwlll 1n». pnK~...t u rru!d..i.rc i „„„„ l.l fafn lo tnko Ihe i.nhrn, whirh l-> aurll )l n part o( Uln .-.m irurt, a . omtjlulnt I m tl often 1niinnillal.-ly ma.l.-. Sii.'li ( oin- j .<)||

nrk ninl'nr.-, iinil n kuu\v>|.'rlvr iIk.> n( Vi.- fartn In Ihr .'UKr w ould; aurll llkn Inr n lyfiinr iiiiiIit •uiitillnr. ' oiniSomr RurliiiRn Ih Irlt ul lh .' k1lrh.-n Th n .r in rfiru.ln .a n n . nnd Ihr . I t f Ih .d rr no .ddlRnllon In lal;.- It awuy Th.t ilrnn II In In . Iohi. iii'.)\I.Mlty I IonI un ullry In th.- t.r.'i .rrlhiil r.lyf-t o fl« '* '" in I

_______________ _ of llM,\Y rri ic itA S K iia .sk . '''••*

ASTOIUA, Ore.. Ori. (l,-.-f..l1lloiin inclinj Iho .lu.'niion nf lh.- imrHinne r th r ....................Illl han.i nit.. o n l [ '" '”1.. Novrmbpr hallol wcro fil.-d Sat- rduy with tho counly rlerk . A to- «‘'‘tiII of -4.132 name* nppcnrpd ou Ihe 1 • nililon. Ihln h.tln* 70 por conl of l , " It) numher of reglHlorod votorn a t l* " ' ' '’ 10 lime ot tho lft*l fiuneral c l e c - | ' '“' tm. ' I--'"''-

THE GIMax Linde

' A B r i^ t , Sparkling, J

Broadway S tage S.ucLong Bun Musical Comedy

A Jo.vniiH whirl .iT Iiik iiiii|{1i Miti wliii'li puukcit llicm lo lhu <lii fill- .S’t-H-' Amnlrrilnm ' tlifjili-r,

. York, fnr •OVIT ..ijf y*-nr. Ah | ; *J» iniinii-ii!' Miiiw nn l•v^r

Ixmrtlx. U 'h 'i.|iit-k, {li.iiiHnl n tcn-!(liii({.

“ The Shootf ^ M a d h e e n n d E v e n i n g


. O O TO B ER Q. 1020 __________ _____

S l A C f ”' '[E LITHE CAFE1b„.vrral yr.iT- ai:., « llli ll../,-l |i.;»ii i

•iKii.ii ll.-riiard, .. I 'm i .li ; , , , Iiywri,;lil. lirlm; lU,. ;,utlMir. ! 'Tin- i.rinrl|i:.Iii rtl.m n( tl„. ,,i,„ , ’ " '

Ifl IIKI- -.-rr In • riiUi. .Ir:. Trinr;., in I’arl... ainl ;ili;., ',,1',

M..1I.-:. ..rr.l.ihl In ainn irl

m m s TTURING FESTIVAL[ ieh School L a d s W ill Qivc B ox . J;;';,',,;'

in g a n d W ro sllin ff E xhib ilionB n-- "

fo r B e n ef it o f L eg io n 's B ig ."i,'.,!']' D iiy— V nuduvillu am i A ticlion

on P ro g ram . ____

i f l i l l hir .............. . l-n:,d i r . J - -U.1M and Kntiry Imv,. ;,iij>i,;..,1 lor ^ 1

u : t ! ; , ' iV 'n n ‘’' ; s ^ ii.i^-ii...nd ^

■ Ii>il aiid.;:iililri Wi,...-r ;.i Un |>i.innU »III hiiv,. uiuill.rr .nn '-rhniily 1.. |n-w U inr . lin . t;.n,K .. .. ..........I iId w im .ini.c-i.t.;.., (11 tlir i:-.r,.i„,ii,i,ij;**-*

yih.1,1. will l.r.’‘i.lin.,l ;„Mii„i ..icl, I * * * * ' In-r. and K,Uai,l II,.,It;,-. \>ll| h a i r j * a

i.... i I

..........................................................-rl-ni ■■iiirrlaliin..-nl h th.. <il(nli»:: Indian J’rln .'-.n Iihn- |.v>.ihrr. =

I i. r M , I V I ’> h r , a ,..... h n r .Ilrr:,III-,alrhlMi; rI.-v-> lirr,:. j,. ;,.,|,1 ! O:

> ll.' :i iiiiallly of K rau'l'. .S,.>ii i„id 3 ruri, nllKlu.of.han.l l»-r(nMiirr., an- ■ H ih.-r (ra llirr that hnr. b.-.-n n rn irn l ') nwrll tin- IiIr Unl of .•.ttriKlloni..

\rifrliilih -' ('inirrsyhnii'.’ 1Tbr 1,. I). S. liiiji. urc roiindlni:. nu ,

1)1.millrn nr vo,;,-l;ildci Whlrli thry ! D •111 .,"11 and ilriivi r .>n lho Kr-llv»l uy. Atiynnr wlm .nii ihmalr v.-Rr..(.I.-. {.. I... nnr.f fnr ftii:, ,, HI fln,I i...liir<,i,.- al Ih'- v.^Ki-ti.lilr

ml loniorrow, " " Sulr.

T h r Tv.ln Ki.lln Miniiij; ami Kir. . a l..r .•..iniiany hun u h.rRr' ! I nuniliy nf flour whlrli will hr • IK urllon.-d off jil.d th.- proc.-rdn Rlvrn:! ! T ) tin- Am.-rlrnn l.fKloii. J >i(Ilher iirodiir.. ir.)ni different .-oin-!X .|i

;.nl.'« n r linllvl.luuh. will b r rr- t s| rlv.-,I ..n the Rroiiniln und Kludly ♦ .•• unii.nril and nohl l.y th r l,eR li)n ;|

Th., hiKh -rlim.l a rt hrRlnning u l ' t ‘ ::m In u varlPiy of fnn und » i.o rt-,J ‘h.t <!lr1»’ iJloc clul) under tlui dintr- X ^ lon nf Ih r iiiunlr di.'|inrtnirnl will. ■ ’ Iv'f rurhi!'- tplt^-tloiiH. Tf/c inihKr ' p rahlnc .Irimriin.-nl will ntnRO one' I' f Ihr varlnnn 1nl.'r|irrlntlvi. dani-e*.1m> a onr-uri ..ailil-d "Thn ' T I1l.-nl Syi.t.-in,“ whirh nhown lh.- y hiiiKn lhat hii|ii.rn In ihc llvlnR. g, nnill un.l Rlvrt. the iruRedl.-n of i. „ .rn.|..-rkr.l hnnliaiid ulnl u ,H...r nn- ' ® lU-tlrd wlf.-.

I'nlnR ordinary ...a l tn r un n t ^ mnlK, u farlory In Kurope In lu f n - l l UK nnl nhout 2un tonn • of urtlflrial t ' nhl er dally. ,

E M TRElM The Famous Comedia

p r th e G r e a t Five Q l C o m e d y S ta g e Sue

Jazzy Connedy of Parisiar

,uccess M ax LindH it ,, Ido l b f .France, P e t 0

Hituutiojia Tlu- ftrn l nur.'i;)i i-oiii.’.lin(llll,m llf , l.v 1‘ntU.-. A, ciliini«ti-iil

IT, K ew l-r. A liilHrioiw liil o f kIbH |)o |iitl|ic j.oUU' Hiici'-t.v. '' I i o k i t t i r 'liiypd til.! fi)tuf.l.v., . . . " T lto ittli- ( '

nn d ill-, l . im lf r in i-vory vein of■ jiK -iilurily.

itin Kid”ig ' BANNER PE

ound Guilty ofA ppropriating Car

ill B ush W l i r Bc S c iitw c c i l . ' I k '

F o r Uiiiiih' F u rd F o r

Joy^Riilc. II. ,.ii

:l i ™ ! I '- ...... -Iinl..^ |i.i%rll . S.^n >;irI...- ..Mil !,.• |.t'.|...u:.. '..I -'.,1111.1.1' I'i.’.'-

■Il"-I ........"I! I" .' I.'n.'.ii.: I.l

.!.• l k u., . ■■■•■' it

......... ■' Ill

- r....r1iT[>' 1'-" .

iia'.li H|1 M.illli n l ;li..^ 1 IU \ M..,1. - y 'l


W ill liill! :ill b ad Ivcth fn Twin Ifail.s 'riiui\-;il:iy a



Closing 0Wednesday, (Oni! inllc n o r tli. r> 1-2 m iles cas t t 3 m iles n o r lh a n d onc-h .tlf m ile e Hftviiijj re n te d o u r p la ce s w e w ill i

fo llow ing

11 H ead of Horses^ 50 h bercular Teated; About

Ford TourirFarm Mach

:: l-i: ......... Il Wiiitxii: ........... 1'h i..... l.n lo in , w iir .i... X iln-ll l i r e ; I

1 It,HI,I.- n i.I .'- 'l ji.- U ini, In ir I Sliui.-i.nUiT liiiL'ify; Moii iii.iw rr, w ill.' H li.-.'l>; D .'- jii Tlmm nn Im vn.!;.-: 1 D.-i-riiitf linyt>iiH;v , ila v ; :: l l.i in - li w nlkiiii; pl'.1.-11 i.ii ltiv n ln i'; I .. ..................... W.Islinv.'j Kli.1|.i- .• '. l l l l l ja l i .f ; 1 lli.iHxr .•:irl; I 1’-'-lioli- Vllll l ln i i i l Kiviii. s [ ir -n .l ,T : 1 .folit. D.-.-tv l.i'.'i .-iiltiv I ao.-ij |.ii/i- Imv .l.-n-i.-li; :i Imy .•r; -i M‘ln li.-nvy w ir l ; l.nrii.-vs; 1 nilliii- 1inriii-ns; :| .'.II.umIIdii sln -l

, l).-l.iival M-|mi-nloi-; 1 .\,) . !7 D.-l.i li;.iT-l i-liiirii; K..1UI.I O nk li.-«1.-r; l-'ilrli foi-kt.. sliov.'U nn .l Iitim rfo iis

SO M E H A Y IN ; T E R M S ;- l ( n a i i r SIO.OO c a sh ; a ll ; y c a r ‘8 tim e n t 10 p e r 'c e n t . 6 p e r

su m i o v e r $ 10,00.: Suio B eg in s R ig h t A fto r F re e L u n d

' Y o u r O w n D riag

: A. M. B arre tt and C. H. ¥; H . B. L U e, A u c tio n ee r.

;a t r e

‘TheLittian Gayety—A Five-Par

nder Excepti<Bt o f A m e ric a L av iib , D lf.•.linn, .li«.-ov.'i-cil <!uy j’a rc e n t i,i-iil liiiiifli Imilll- ntlll .-afi’H, f r t' Hlnji K lirk, fa r . 'c . Kjn.lK kiiovhi |.>1111*’ ntlll li.iu tio ir '.Vitfht lif .’ inI- Ciifi-” fX|ili>il.s r i .’ty tjf I 'lirisi » r m i-n y -n i.-rry In-iniliL’H, nn >\n

llfho, l-luKX UII.I I

W u t e r n M e l o - O .

nm a S t a r r a g

P R O G R A M ,

■ " p a o e . : F ? r a

smiiKH “onexti^W^SMC i '. il .- t L.lul HorUiill'.-. ciiiriiiiKttlChlr.-iRO aerlM'

lii'M t. t ......Iin for onn Rntno, thOACOT. r l , .......... 11,.. ,.iMh Runia In.,r„:na:.(".in .„-............ of

* ^ . i l . . | iinlhliliial r^hl.r.. I(>Ul.’. iil.iv'i . Ur.lK nf tbo m » ,* »•M. . . '.U '- . l j : .,J 'i-n r;,r)Li;i.'.,'.-.i -han- lo 1<wln«V:;:

: i Whll.- Sn» nf 11,0 isia.,^::

i;i.-.,i.-,t r-.-ri.-,i n jlend. :Y'. r , .-..H V,.rl..|M.i,in ...-rt.-i o f lS fJ f V

i;i'-..i. I .,ti'-ii,l.iiiir ,.n.' (fume . ;*111 ...- . ii"i.|, ii.v,i,iii, iirih Rumo

: li,,.,,;.b i,.ll....|„n -.-rll.', 4:.fi2ll.

i:iiiiiii:i;s lil.T shjhhi •

■ 11 .................. llir K.,tlk .)f Do-.','V. . '• 'I i i 'tii . ii.i.l th r .ini.loyca- .

1-1 ................... iMV „' llir Iinini nf'■■I."- l."V "l ..... |i|r- |,|..lil of lh.)

-Il 111'- v.,,il, ....I .....I will,

-Bad Teeth IY S T E M D E N T I S T S | 'j

1'i ’L‘O o n t l i e s L r c e t r i o l ' |

; i r u - n ) » o n a n d e v e -

I I N A T I O N j

liitSaleO 0 o b e r ^

st of Washinffton ichool to d e east o f Bank o f K im berty^'j ill sell a t Public AucUoning : .

I Hea4 of Cattle, ut 130 Hogs; Gbja^ ring CarLchinery '-4I i-.'jir, ;i-iiu-li lir .- ; U 1-4 Co-^i ; I I ii'lil M nlliiirii w uki»i Hiid ni,-); ivilli nii.'k'; 1 h n v r a c t : ' l.iliiii- liiiiil.-r; '^ fiiii t Moltiie]^'•jin tr iiiDw.T. widi- ivIivuIh; I'i inyn ik .-; 1 l-iii.-ii .lolm Docpf:l.l'.wt,; I tviiiK I 'lo " ': I hnrrow-; 1 twi»^ lisi- h n r r o w ^ Molill.- liarroj*;^1. .h ill; I .P i i i n^rc tnnnurd^ ltival.>r; 1 8x20 luml Jovclerif.

I fvi-i] <-00k«;i; 1 M-t. HkIiI liiiriiciM: I - M r a ^ H -I 'HMiliiic Inirr.’la; V No..-Lnvnl M-imrntof; ] - t ;V |f a l lo ^ ^ H <-r; :iiHl iioiiii.U itiriilfii i c e d ^ l^ Hllis otliiT ni-li.-li-8. ’IN STACK 'all sums $10.00 and oV*r

per ccnt discount fo r eaili’oig^Huich a t Noon. Everjrone ’iag:inff Oup.

. Warringtoo/OwnenHw. H. Tn&N2B^<<icni^H


t I e Ma r t P r o

itional Settinigiih^^l^^HDlfforrat, kt tiK KaycHt.frtvolouH MoiitfS C SRr1d|2g^^H |.> ihc -'•‘Yank **

II nuii'Khty P a r ia .r iirisinn ’ifulrnX-iHtv

■■ .• ..wvy

p O R l p E D ^

B i i i A T E N l,K o a e lc h y ’» l l l i j u d i m c n t o f H ig h | ''

P o p r i ^ L e U I n d ia n s ’ 1 | ?

B f ta a m n ‘.O rqta _P lat« . t 1

-B r L. U. i l l u r l ia r d | , 1U alU d SU H <;nrrrK]iiiii(lrnl. Z >,‘MKW YORK, Obt. 6.—Iluii'imll nf *

tha^N tb decroo jrM tc tI the llriMiklyn X■ ,1>0dt«n .TMiiOrdkr Jn tbo flrnl Rimio ♦ ^ W ^ w o r w ^ r t r i c i •• 1

. A tehiss, flaM lnx nml ,n roiiecn- ♦ tn t a d )u*t Uio rlRhi opoi 2 ro t.W M knnu in lho Brooklyn dflfeiiHotj :

:tC«T«.Tri«’Sp«Bkor and Iila CIctoIhikI Z■ : i a d ^ ' t t a o Tictorjr. <X

dow ofall o i tlic Doaeeni can * ...............dlr*cUy to iho cnijr e rror * * * * * * *

• :« a m * -* n e rro r th a l lioBan •/ffitttk-K M O lciiy 't ml.JudBiucnl ot a

pop n y ftnd ondod with » wild- l>tMOLI ^^bttrrlM )'throw p««t arcouil Uaxo that

't b t Indiana* flrat biuiemun crom cc-U wnn a tnrtllnnly poor wrvoiory

for ft world R«ri«s coiilemldr Clintnworl ( n a d Jktlped in aimottUaic nuba Mar* col^ « ^ - > w h o l iiu e il a walk to M'ood. hlRh otpl M B A k , I to rflM fd . h i 4 , a « lle d down n« "urcly S w ^ Q J a ftd 'driven 'ftnotber run acruin n i niiy K |^ C e o V > t ln r » i* U o n . • on iho »«K y y * Infllft"!. wfttchfiil nn linwkn, Mechaiilcn

t tl io d /o o tho t i m woakniwa of Tlm rUm w t t i w w a y . 'm d mndo nway tho ’g B n A fc ; " . KVent Cr;^ i ^ a l w k l o ' t pltchtDK WM n Joy lo »” '■ B m t c h . Calmly and uiihurrlodly. Htlll ■ M m k iB r r«pl<lly cnnuRh lo rlliiwiia 'Qi’fi'

In near record (line. ’‘'R ''' I P ^ T o l l l t i tw ir le r net’ tbo National '«<'u>cO tl B w i w a r i bnck willl 87 pitched ballii. M | | » . v ‘t o ‘'cmly:>*ls moro ,hall# than ■ M M ld h a to been rmiulrnd lo work ‘ ^ m :tbo I ltt whUflBf «»et7 player H K U s r M pllched lwll». In the nine M P iP CoMletklo c lipped, o w 31 '', '7 1

t a . r. I l» .h o t Ul.

R ™ ■ _______________ cnrripil o

K - ' tA W 8C II«0I, fJAIXH. iX L T ’g - W f W W -.Occ C .- W lb , n ’ f l r .1- Cli.le. WlI g y w cU a i 76 per con^ JnfBer lliun ),„» |,cerK w lnoralnK m w ip lii li* protlmin i„ tho" ,\B U i t o r r . lho Unl»#r»lty of Idaho la\» |,* chllcfB m u w I tb i l y e tr bM made, even mur« xi„uon IW ^ l t a t l a l . praxr«ai thn n ' Ita ^nnut cjoudlo.a ■ y N U o u M u d a b a d amielpDled, ac-| m B U a f ; i 6. j 3e&9. 0 >'P. Cockerin. for- i i r l i| ^ W ‘.SMUJe pnu tltlono r f h o la now d k n t I

du tln lea of the Idnho jj. ntirn here whi’

Incroaao lian certainly kIunh wiiB s f f i ® " ' * I I I roul*

«“<«««>••»••*»'>• beciuM lth a t I i o ‘Olher profeiiRlon ciin b* liivon

K t m hope to equal the law anil I nm g jU I t th te d to aoo ao many youni; Idn-

doclrto. definitely ujMm locnl W.ASIIITho law faetilty hna lirm inR nt.pi.l

B p i ifU c tt lu ly pltaaed by lho tact thnl ,.,i tneluy;K M t e o U bftve como from' a li parin of Coiiflr d'H w . l n l a n d Em pire an well at> from hjK i.r ll

WCtlOD of IdMio."

TBAW JU JJP8 TIWCK|fc ,n a U ,U R T D B . c o in . Ocl. -B fe P iO M were, ib ju r id .nnd tliiriy nur- Crarlto.* < W eseapeil serlou* Injury whcn u or 36.'1.w U » Onuidft Southern painooser iraln ('aldw<>:B l A ' t b * tn e k 2S rolloi north of here, tcU o r t f■ p W c ars of the tra in were dllchwl iJurlryK b« wer# held from rollInK down u n inilahir | r o » to o t embankment )>y ilie locunin-B M n wblcb m m alsed on IIia ralln, l'lm ]>|t|R lM jD red w ere bruuRht to n hoxpKul iioSK rR i t m Tbft cauin or the nccldont la dnilR or

baown. plalnlneg : • ------- :--------------- Jlllcr" ca■rlTBT nus i:r.T FAT 11,ren pr

IS XO>r EX ri-,U >K I) dUtrlci.

K /« H I C A 0 0 . O n. s.—ro ln ln nkln*. IIand Aour milk, Thene MKDKC

■ m . t b r e e of the "foadB" rrcommend- men havbent m oani fnr kecrlnir the duyn knn

by doctora attending the offer iio^ B K n l 'S M l e t y o f 'I lij'a lcA l Th<ruu- lo cncou^ ■ ■ ■ U n hera. trade he

W D ^ .G A M B U N G ^* T ^ E NAMED TOB e t o C A Q O . Oct. s (UP),-Tlio head . “J" B H ^ n n b l i n r ayudicate w him •■tu- .

Sdx playen. tn- the ]Q19 ‘^ ■ w 9M ^ > t ,C l n c I n n ^ wua expcci- "

IB evidence preiented ^ ^ H w k X b b i u i t y 'f n i n d ju ry problni; ^ ■ W ' . 1& nbaU b tre - today.

to a .reliable auihorliy. ^ ^ ^ ^ W n S P b M B 'p r o c a r e d which will

itplll.liualfo Kombh-r Hdk- The evldgnro,

be aonl an Dcent . / ' ' l V ith In itn ic llo iia to het / .

to beat the 8o : y- t of 133.000 with u

^ ^ ^ ^ B B B / s a m b l e r . . made by thx V {

who han l>o<-n V j oxpoctcd lu

ptftyerp worn to ~iluyer rum ors of u jinn Aup

^oporallnR umiinR nml prosi K auff. Jobn Mc> tirouiy y<

^ ■ B H S & g g ^ a U « : w r o -;an)OD| "Utyt

packftseo^ ^ B w il llM lW T lil liilW ff I«intf f fm M ir r Oayer Mj


( ABL-tOUC-O'Nc ' TOONNCC -rON-C,* ' AJtCM Ili^i----1-

COINC. TO ^ , )V o o r y vI ^ v j v COSTOMC !»,*»•

p f ' 1 ON NOW- ff, ^

7 : K '

u p ' " ^ 1

I'H ¥.*i<lWSH tmv.RNHtiVHK T i l l T ’ )MHIIK1) 1V1TII KXn,t»HlVKH

crlelirnlcil iioriiriiliiirnl ron- a iiry on the diirnl cnlui«« nl / I I «irlh hull. M.:ar .Miini'hvnliT. . colliipned wllh u ruiirlnc nf jtploilvBi a .fuw Wfekn uro— • ely demroyoil by lho world war r Krcnch or ilelRlnn Mructiir"

w ettern from, roporta I’oimlnr nicn MuRBXIno for 'fieptember, Ilann houao wus erttneil In IK3C- Ui•ll *(5Tved an a ii»>d«l-Si>r tU«>; rCryntal I’alaco nllll to be n.ini < '\rll(.-n [million. Il wun llnulf of nonlte. meamirlnK. ii» ll dlil, 2“7 NKW ^ing. 1S3 f m wide, nnd 'M feci cdkhUI—i Koriy lho.i«nnd piiitiM <ir Riann

I the nrchlnn wulln mid ruof.•________ , I'liliiliy I


_____ OIH> iiiIrIi> ilKi llnijiin Hnlll inoiinlnlnn In ■>‘U<'d Ibc.•nrt of Ibn denolnlii di'nert ni- liav.i lopi>r ArlJ<m;i. Hid SnilUiMinlan Ui- daw yc»l rm In nnw e.'tialillHhlnK'unnihrr nlonlil liti ulmnrvlni; xtnllon. necordlnR lo rei-r.M ll rilclu In t’lipulur Mocbiinirn ci! nil ll:lne for Keplomher. The work rnnn. Ai d (in here wlll bn nlmltar nnd dijjiHt m micnlal lo th a t nf tlm Innll-‘n.exInllnK ntallnn nl > Cnlmni^ KnKllnli

which for lho lni|i fnw yi'ara ^leen furnlnhlnr dully ropnrtn , ,)■ ArRenllno Rovornini'ni. t.lko • illcftn prcderi-niior. too. ihx now -----------II U liH-jitod In n procllrnlly J

RLIKYKII Tl) HK HOIIKil.'.TKII. Ocl. <--Junion .Murnhull.Itrnclod ronnldcrnblc iiltFnllun whon ho iininnhixl flvo blR pinlo windowfl 111 11 doA-n-lnwn iitnro. '

auldji't vtpla lii Illll miiilvn mul i« hti wa* nober h la irunlfy * lll ‘ t 'n llrdvontlRntccJ. X iW

-----------------------------------------(if llic 1;NAMPA IIAH *oai lo lho I

rtlll.NC/TON. ()<-l, a,—-n,o fnllnw'. Thnn 1ipiilallon fiRunvi wi-r<< uniiounL- (n nituln

Pdonl irr d'Aleno. Iduho. i:,473; (Ivrrcann ('|i-rcliin

Imon. Iiluho, rt,674. Incn'nwi r.3i ' w'iiHc u

. |» , lilul,.,, 7.M1. I,,,,,..,.,, .i.lio W ori.l"”

rlion. Jowii. fi.lT-';. Incrruj.i) |,.1SI

Iwell. Idnho, r-.tOC, liicrt-nno 1.- s,^rK0unt

Icy, Idaho. n,40K, no coniparliion

' ;___________ ____________n innnnK'I’KirNK in iim j >i s i ,ik k i>.?K m ;ua. orc,. n.-i. f.,-iicn i- ‘‘"'i’,"

or .Nnrlh noncUurR n ro ' rnrn- ne of the noKdj of “prune ' caunad by thn oprrnlldn of lho v’

pnino pncklOR plania In thut V’'''''" '- , lo .l MIC_______________ • ll Wll.

nAIUJAIN HAYS .SKT.DKOIll*. Ore., O r\r,.- .IIn« lnM n ‘I-Iiave urranfird In lirN«jJ).’i-ilnci>- T '''" "■knnwn hm harRalu duyn i«nd will KI'ho ca•lock nt prea lly rodnrcd prlren Ki

icouruRe out-of-iown people lo on flmlhere. nnd wlni

yNDlCATE p0 GRAND JURYuprolnicreil window ncal han Iiw h UhI llml cuu vDii- ' W

1 Inlo n couch o r full »licd I

“ A s p j p r ^ -

;iie " B n y c r” o n G e n u in e

: wc va

yer Tablet* of Anplrln ’ 'n sen . ; *' Anplrln proved sale by mllllona . JIO rescrllied by phynldnnn for over f yearn. Accept only uu unbrok- W C layer packaso" wblch coouina r dlrectloni to rolleve Head- 6 a Tootbtcb*. E arache . N^aaralKti.Datum. Coldn and I*ain. I land r _ i x xei of 12 labloto coat few centn, data alao m il la rm r "Ilaycr -r, son.” Anplrln I* iniile mark

Maoufaclure .Monoai'Vllcacldrn- BallcyilcAold. . .

I r o « i> ic c w ^ c c


EXPERT OF-THE EUy II. Nii|ilpr Moure, , ilio ptibllc

UrIlNh I'rlcVet K sperl. Icn'n uponKcn for llic lllllloil I’rc-*!' Ai>:io- *"

ruclarnSW YOUK, Oci. (I - When llic In- i l - i l m i K’lim of uniiiiciir llrll- i'i,dii.n:i ui rkko lcn i-iilaycd a niiiOli In llio luicly llioj ly or I’hlludclpliln Ihc oilier Tn Rel , Ifinlr iirnrfl fnr nno niillnli-hn'l c rlik c l’ii ( C wai> 473 rnnn. Wllh concrvnlh::ii .New Yorli niR lil'huuinl llml had Ihcy fin- iipcclulrirji

Ibe innlnR iln 'lr iicnri' wotih! ilay, ll'a lopped r.0O. Al Mr. Kliliel'i nn-u- i-nliiusn ill ycwltrilay utieruroii ^nlnc iir.ilc-- In crirhci I hanelmll playera rnnn Cleveland 1 loro iut p d ilirmiKh nine li'in lnn-nnd i>i1-[vun» tn i p lh< iilJiSD'rlni; lolul nr Ihrcc* Tlicrc li . An I nnili'rniniid II. ilic priiimry jiwecn cri 1 nt ba»(^1iull, u« in crIeUci, l.i in rriekci iiiunii rnnn. Ohvloindy ihcn. lh o L .|ia t In i Inh upon oflorn mon* vnlne for „„.|i hi ll •y r w lv c d Ihun lirx-ii liunel'all, jcr.i whul dogn M-oni l(j mo Ihnl hpuotlnc liif;iy frc.

ILU CK N O W i i r O N raESlD Efl

Ily Henry I . V arrell. ■ Hi>K 'hoilli-d rrcnn Htiitf .riirrcnpohdrnl. airw.n ihW YOlUt,"V)(ti. C.--Thirieen onl lllchnr.:... I . .I . i j . r c n 1...VL. K„.„. I ' l " " " ' - . ',0 « Jr.rfi.s Ih , nrm i»n.n. " " ' I na Unelo Wllbcri llnlilnnon inn»lRUlnnlcnHloni.lra.llllnn ulld pr.n:- «*'•'«I i[ ......................... . i» 1"i-liind In llio prtncnl woriiL. ncr- [’"'yy,,* |

lic n ltcry lu-lkllinin were nhroud- I lho unim riilr ot m ynicry-inan- ,ial ntmleKy lo cm ihc KUinl.lcrn ' ' nocnipil u nnfc hel Ihln mnrnliiR tlohiiinon wnnid .n il lJuriclRh

ICB widu- Spcnkrr would rely on eunl Jim ll.iRiey lo keep Hic I n - ’• r ' l - <•'« - o r pulh. '

rcuk", hri-akn—Ihi'y’rc nnc Ihlnj; nnKcr cjiiinot llRiirc." MlUcr Mhr- -^viipn lhe llllic nianiiRcr ot the Vnn-I nnld one urtcrn.Kin lanl i.iiiiinicr..

I donhl I 'nelc ItoUl.y wlll necond ^innlinn,> co iiinn l onlflRUrc liic hr'iaknlinl him yenlerday uiid Ilnhiklyn ,,j.Mil' openlnR Rumc.wnu nolhinR nnir.' Um? .n «1nd „y,

n rolt>~tilan roviiicHkii'—iliul did ,,|j

m "IiIr lirciik" Ihlll dreidc’il 'hi-l(-|„y,.|„,”n] ;• came III lho noeoiiil InnlnR. i KoiiL-iciiy, riRureti n (•ll)rail<'r c’levcia Iml bane. Iwl n iinll In lhe nnn ],uj ,, wind und Itu-n hfuved wildly, lel-

Last Week We Adv.


LUMBER. This week quite a numb in Twin Falls and vicinity a real sale means. As prei ber is going very.|fast. He few otliers are not tiie oni btu-st tiio liigji .fost of livjn would and we are doing it.' yard .last weelc and a glanc now will convince you tiiat we say. Tiie’proof of tiie { eating tiiereof. You will 1


T W I N T ^ L j ^ D ^ )

II -"CLI. FE« Lll I I11 ?C J —p C.OOOWUVO I i

T J 'V *><e -A « C 'TOO /S»*n^TV r CONNA. TA .K C A


’ unntilnioui

lllc u l whut M HcenilnRly Amer- ^,5wrUiiR cInriBic In nol the ihinK, fi,apm an. 101 crlcVel. >Yc hnd been le<l till(wl du'i loci n content wllli un Inter- „„nnpcel. In polni of fuel, the »nm« wor nen. from Olcvchind were nolI Ul all. Wo xuw thnl Immed-Uioy cnnionn lo .the pl^cli, „sO,D3; cl :ei hack lo llic pnhn, tiowcvor. tni.iKlen’ii V Iho Kami* for ncnrlnR, Tlio orlc prenii cnipiuinUrt tha t-lho JJRnrn lacked cnlhuidanm yonler- ll'a nuliinil. Whul la lliere lo CI.KVKI 0 iilioni a rnw of oonnooo? Now. in lodayV hcl ll la qnlie n coninion evenl tlnnnlII player. In knock nno hnndred Irred nl>o n II MlnKlo nfiernoon. onl Ullo 'c (nil ne nirlUlnr difference bu- Hoacnthn crickcl nnd nnenll—lhe crowd. Itononlhu

rkoi Ihn capiuin leiln Ihu leam 0 Ilcd Ct10 do. Ill Imncliull tho Rentltv11 Iho Rraudninml lell the piny- IlI.'TC ml to do. And ihey'ro no rhiirm-frco. Anil never uftllntled. DIC.NVli

HpelRitl,~ horo nn


J IhroURh

ho llrul citvcluiui n m irlukloliie pinto, ' • ■

inrd Mnrgunnl. veteran or five ic.ciuHKlcji, niurliido n l Ilka ufull plunl ,but llie "break" up- r.ilI(!Ani. Uo ncenied In Inmi nnnio rnllroadHit or hir. truHly lell winK and friiin Ihr

hu had comu down m eorth, AlbufjueiO'.S’elll ijiany had dump- opemtinr•r Ihreu rti^ |, * will leiiv.:i Iho exception of tw o InnlnRH. arrlvlnR'i;klo nilRhl hoTe Rono throuRb m,;:i leuin of Intlrm Kmndraihorn. Kronclsccw hcnerer ho ROl In irouiiln thu111 oultlcid, wllh Speaker a t lliu Subierlund un Impreirnablo Influld. cut ________roal of ull Drooklyn chanccn. _ _Rnniu could be nuiimmriied In ^

onln or I’itiB llodlu luiil num-

len Ihut I'oveleaklu In rlRht Ihey luilMxIy Ronna beal ’lni,"Ilnned cold wciUhur, wllh lln K olfecio III hu a rdo r ot Ihn witn pronilned for today, rover, u ca iuclty crowd waa- aa- by lhe niiinsRcmcnl which 1»-

ihu cnnimunlquo laal nlRhl—All

clubri piny hore today aand to- w. IcavlnR tomorrow niRhl for nnd whero a fonr-Rume nerlon ecttinLry) up«n« Saturday, reiand'n victory In liie opener0 cffeei on lhe bclllnR, Com- morn wcro a llll offerlnR even

ivertised a |


iber of tiie .public | y appreciate w hat J redicted, this lum- | len ry Ford and a J ■ niy ones who can | ing: We"Said we | t.' A sui-vey of our I nee' over the same |1 a t we m ean w hat I ; pudding is in the |1 have to hurry. |

I'ESTM ENT CO. I .P h o n e 842 |


' ' " ’“ ^ iy i^ iN G ’u p ’i•YOU OOfM-T V N O E R t l T A r t o '~ ^I'M T O O A M C e A M*.TORV. OAT<.Er C«fHTMt U A W N T O t^lC H T T M I^ r

’]? PWOPCCJ CO^b'rOM E ]

IN V o i7r

f ' '

oil today'9 Bame and *1x 10 llvo IHAllt). Ti: iicrle^. T(

pman’a Widow toje t Share o f Money reception <r vb llK . Oci. 0 (UP).—Clcre- luyurn meotinK laul nlshl voted ; iiounly 10 Rlvo n full nliare o f * ^ 1 ^ luyorn’ dlvlaion o f lho world monuy to the widow o t Ray I ^

lan. tbe lr icnni mnlo wliu iTnu durlns tho laat nconon, _offUJal NRurea o f lhe optnlat: . “ ftvO

atten'dnnce, :3,SD4; Ininl ro- $79,040; plnyer*' nliare. JI3..

, clubn' ahnro.-»2R.4S7.64: com- 1n’ll nhnro $7,904,1)0. , ^

---------- ----------- . ' PhoneJJKKT8 TITLK IIOI,UKII -

VKU_NI). Ocl. P. (U l ') - ln le n a it -— C ~ '~ny'n i>luy of ihu wonien'ii'' nu-~ ' | | | 'Kolf 'rhumphmnhlp hero cen- S _

ftlioui MIhh Alcxn Silrllitr;. preii- S BJtio holder, nml Mfin Eiulne ■ ■thnl, Sevuml yearn aRo MIhm H Hilhnl defeated ,lho champion ut .”I Crunn mnlch,


S’VEIt. Colo., Ocl. 4 ( irp )-O tto ■tl, bulcher, ntlenipled nulcldenn hln flfiy-nrnl birthday by ------

InR hlniHolf In tho temple wlih 'olvcr. Ilia nlKuupl to ond Ulu rnn unnuccennful. Imt Bbyalrlann hn would bo to ta lly blind for e it of hln Ufa TllO biillcl ,wna / .;led by hln nkull nnit' crMlied m Rh b«ilh eyen. Ill-health li bo- S f I lu bnvo been lh o wollvo for . .cl_. ...... ....... ■ ^

TiKVf TIU IN PU T OX j g f B

I(!AOO. Ocu G.—Tlie RunU Fd ad annonnced a new 'llniilod ' M ^ H throuRh lo Ran KranclHco, via '

juerque, which wlll be plftced In tinn .S'uventiier 14. Tho Iraln eiive ClrfcaRo u l ll;4 C a . lii, ilnlly, I h I nR u l Kuniaa Clly a t 11:45 p. 1AHI AnRolea 7:4C a . ni. und San :lsco 1^:40 noon th o third dxy. I

iBcrlbo for Tbv Tlmea, tS.GOTUr. '•


H O W D Y P E T E !

A lw a y s ican th is o ld to w n ,

- s - to a fine, bu t< • « ' ' P u l lm a n d rcsi

M th ia o p e n e d up ta lk c

in E to H o y le l

4 c ic a rc ttc a ” sai? W fi'

•' J B J i K spUis (he who ^ don’t g e t w ha

the w o rd in pu t i t th e re w c o m ln g l T h a t

• m e llo w -m lld 'b no c ig a r e t ty 0 in th e world a

P e te , w h y c everyw h ere • That's beeauxt T h e y k n o w tr have tb e qu t C«m eU b le n d

, D om estic to h i' ful c ig a r e t te t

l ip s t O ld o il w ell

C am els a r t g< K B— L c . l n , every o n t o l t

for K. C, lon lsh t 18 a S ig h t to S , hottaed sa c lo ai to

*tbo roof a t ' thty « o u ld p u t R1«l D rop tno • line cara H ole l Bahl-

O B S E B .llH O

" F A T H E R G eorf

- J A \ '

~ ||!L ^ .___ \ \ / C ’6 law a. Mn.

............... ..

). Tl) DTlBfiATES ln«lon. ' TO LURKING CO>'VKMION Arlonn. S

--------- adu lo tlCOUVKIl. II, C„ Oct. C .-P rep - Wedneada in nro complelt-d horo for lho ora aro : ion n{ ISO dolcRnieg from Wanh- expen fo

V O T Iavo yonr old w ora down C asin g B0.1

of E o tm d ; wears bc



roil 1Ila t

Udy. I • tRON ■

i}......A ■'Sf . £ » , atriact

J f .' ^ . ■ *» a rla m •

^' .^ 1 i A hr tm

H i ' - - ^ ' •Mb

lUXATElfU s e d B y O v e r 4 , 6 0 0 , 0 0 0 B e d B l o o d , S t r e n g t h a n d

learn som ething when I h^ad into iw n .. Passed m y deck of Camels buoincas-looking citisen in the

Iressing room th is m orning and l u p a conversation. L isten . Pete, alkcd the Camel language accord- 'le l

are the vcry gt/inffssence of ’ said th is party . Pe te , g e t tha t : Rts—i t spreads th e ncWs— if whole Camel story! A nd. If you Mhat I 'm d r iv ing to you, look up in W ebster'sl W hy. U ncle Dan 'e w hen he dream ed Camels were 'h a t mah a lipped in to one w ord Id-body, no d g a re tty afte rtaste , ty o 'dbr-^and— c/ie'£e$t cigarette Id a t any pricei iy do you hca r 'm en o f all types re a c tu a l ly b o o s tin g C am els?3u.fc they know Camels tre rightl w from Camela flavor tb a t Camels _ quality— a n d ~ th e y k now , tha t

:nd of choice T urk ish a nd cnoico tohaccosm akes the.m ost delight- Ite any m an ever p u t between h is

well. I'm no gusher, b u t th e way t going l« lliefe and more men o l the seven days in every iweek to seel

3 r g e M c M a n i i s

l L ^ jn " .HARO W A R E R e-W E T U t- ^ s c n o TCri - 0OLt.N5 j r t h o f T A C K -b :

T u ' • . I i

«n. »utv««, a«»n»*..taa. •. ' ’ ^ •

I, ' Idatio, brbcon.' 'Callfornlq,'I. ftlontaiia and W estoro Can*D the Taelflc losRliiit coSronn Mday n e a t Among tho apokV- ro Prof, P o tfr l.ofUrfj foroatry t for north o t .ScoUaod.

B eca lm ed . B o i f th e p r ic « S b e tte r . I

iU T PZ B D I * •

ING WORKS 4>*SOS S b o l^ b n e 8 0 . t

%it Mrcta al.nlail'MiA Ir, Ibal.aaU intW faw cn tkaa m w n x 4lut « haMBr<l»at aul .*( • hwabb a M . • llUutra M ia f ■ fmnUm* Imut*

Do ' tra lack p*»ir al M iM i ntr. aad a ta a lu t A n »»«r iWawa trm u r “ Oui% t m t «a«tbT Y«t -aM< Ml k db>■ssfjras tsis ss:r (kt.Uaad ,rm ,«rSM la Iraax ,

r i ' i . E s t . ' i S ’S i S ;a r»t-UMd*d Aai«f<tta.:rBB.aC

■w aai lairgy W e wtaMacaM."Inalvd Ina. to i>a*« and •»«•»(*' «mNr>Ual(a4'J|aMa'SMa»M«

i ‘a a , 2 . ‘^ r i - 3 t 2 InaaB.te'tn.wiafea'.'.ttaN^

i linil00 People tor

W l i " : ■'Plillidelphla

— T u e s d a y .

■ . ' > y

■ / ' i '


Winies CAre Be

RATES:B w in eu C ^^ rtu m tS es For i

’’ciSaSM rPtclfle Itellirar ^ } iLand*, i r a d l piTmeata.' ^ 7 Urmii. irrlxutei 6oId'«xelulvi>y b r Brown Bros. 8he«p ruaiti bCb. ‘ ^ .________ y n n V

U ^a w t o a 'to Iw ro 10 oper*tooud n p t l r »QtM'B«d.u«elON. m&rlo* sod If"*- • u t l o u r r ea«lBM. I*nlUon. B u n iu c . ‘■‘'U'-:-- U rtU a c 'iy fl« iB ^ Kor fu ll pM lleu- room ni U ri^w rlU lo H tm pblll B roi. Auio.& lawa. t

• TrwtOtgBchoOi; seo B u l Jud SouUi. cur line B all j M t Clt»: P h t h ._____________ _ WDlklni

„ Help W anted °J=-. . . . roti WANTED—Xnin and w^lo wiiMed prov«l

on ranch.- niettdy work.’ U. M. Kuiiw. jVromo, caro Tlmea unUl TIiurHday, aflor llial jj y . Arco, Idabo. - ' ■, ------ —

■ AI>PLB{>pieK12U8- W A .S T K I> -^"■yGZOtt o;^16. i \ - ' ■ ■ ■ I,.

' ' W« b a ro *t> o r tig h t place* wlioro ord* niyouBs ladlkii u n M m th e tr Imard and huuse troom. wliH* a lirn d Ju r OreM -IJiiilnom Mum «<Coli'«f* o l Twin ►'alU. Idaho. ----------- - ------ rO ll

7A N TE D r-A TOunc maa- biRh 1 ivorysebool o r collofa Kradual*. wbo can olectrlu

, w rit* ib o d ^ U fll th . T h li I* a ip ls ii- ,uag,or did opportunity to l# am roporilnic.No ezporiane^ nocuiai-y. Apply T luiei

• _________________ ilOVO f

Situation WantedW A N TCD -T^lU pn boiiMkoc^or

by «W«rljr ladk onwWencwJ. tor'ooa j01- IWO SBdUatam- 'A d d rw i N. C . care nyonuo o{ B. Cathro, lioirte 1 o r phone 616R1. - ____ , . — .11 . ------ TVPJ

W A N T B D ^o cleah your furnace SALB- an d chlmtliys. W ork gua ran tied , n . Q ro n

. Sallibnry, plione.flSW. llf i Mala ayo- an a e a i t -. .

Wanted-MiscellaneousWANTEI>~Yonir< m en and youtiR

women lo attend, n igh t nchool a l the Oregg 'B usinu* College.

WANTEDTO IlESNT—40 or 80 aure^.■Mmm..aiif timm. ._______ "

W A N T S p 4 ^ r t i^ _ r a o n a -8 g ff ._ ^ luiuie-

CASIf' PAU) T O n CTL,i.«X ftLES— *TOU

JTwln r t l i r V ln e g o r tm d 'y iaef'C o '. . good ai

WANTBO—Your baby to cara for by ' ' V tb a bour, day or week, a t lho day f o r

n u n e rr . StS Snd iTCBne aorth . Pbone niKingJU>- '_____________ M tho

FnO N E 488^ f 6 r~

WANTBD^-Yottf o rdo r for P I ^' TUNINO. l x ^ n J< U ilcC o.,10» . FOR

For Estatep o a 8Al.B->S nrw C room bouie. " p o R

J u it tHiUhed.^-Hardwood floor* and builnei furaaca. Q huiad (n sleeping porcbei. accoun E . A. Moon (Owner). whlcb. No exp

near BtAU Cloio to ichool aad m ar- ii tami kat. Would accspl paym ent down o t V/llI 1 tl.O<K) oad balaace on easy. lem i. Bd- you mi win Dammab. T w la PUll*;.,'tW fllxU> Timet. KTiaua oast. Phona astM.*;' ;

FOR B A L £ - t ^ i.yooia Jsouie, otisl p a rt f i tb shade a n d ^ M U io g ^ U . (r«M. w»f«r and UgbU la botia*. TTIaw be ra e s^ t In a few daya^.,t»rfc*‘|3&00, f 1600 e a A : Phone B. A f l l io a ’, owner. " p q J J

POR S A ^ (5i;tTVADB^^%)4c'res.lo B lfa lta :la i*a r^aefa. 'k»W 's u l i« l to r - = ^ d s lr y o r s a e d fanning. Eaofa properly ^ ‘

berly. Idaho. W b as IZ P,

, rO R 8A LB~H ousa on Main street.V N o .« » , ' Term s »W60 down, balance ^ S ia s y -U h a i . P rice «4S60. btra. A. J . !

Jon« ,- #10,N.; 6U1 8U Saa Joae, Calif. '

Fpr^& le MisceUaneous mfu. POrT baL S»-^ wo < *asu o V d r tw r i

sn ltab ll t t r office. 415 Bth A renue *_____N ortb. . Bole

FOR B jlL S ^ A tu r 9 a. m. Tueaday. •noiM. one VnlvenMU ra n g ^ one dresser and : bed compIsl«.-S90 2nd W e tt ,

POR a A L P ~ g to compteU. O aaaoet Oar»g< range, ^lrji.'.: 'w all,T nlrT pr. «x l con- “ J ^ R golen&t m . a a d graaa rug. All new ^ except .M g k 'v ’ l l l e - P a r iU f , Union ^ a JialU . rab n a le ly - ., , ' T l» “ -

POR.aAUfrr-IU>lMjI>niaes, 4 canU FOR p e r Xii- m llo OMt 0! t tu n - d«r. w

. d ry .;& D. t ta w , . Pbona 60»R». y m 8^___d*llT»r, ihyT rttsrt l a town. ________ iro n

F 0 R '8 A i< l » r ^ iba. aalact Turkey * R ^ ’ 'W lB(«rW bMt. n ^ a d oa'- clean b u a sronB d ,, Tbao. K luendar, 7 miiea

?t)R <8A l® -A in o a l new Prinoaat ed nx drM M T r.ii^ f t r a t a fo r r a n t . m 41b 0 . 404

. •»»>••• tl -»•' - -VettlU (9 a W. C. Cnrtla, Hansen. . l o s

■ n » » <

Classifiediest Result Getters

c e n t p e r w o r d . M i m m u m

i u w t i o i i , Ipc f o r each lUbi

r Sale Miscellaneous ' :•K SALS o n TH A D E -F or Jdaho TOJI stcd land, itr lc lly modern i-lglil* lo town I biiiigalow Jn 8«Btt1o, Wanli.. 4 ••H old. hurdwood noom, Lullt.ln ire i. fumuco. flrcplaci-, G room", room.. tollut und lirnnktux^ nook, flntl '; .::nd floor, 3 Innto roumn, Imlh .w),.» and lolloC, liirno corncr lol. u lc o |^ o „ , j, I. flno vlow, gnroRC. lwo blocks lino, nour grade and IiIkIi nchool.King dlainnco to uulvvrxliy. Svu I-----ur. 469 cm Avo. Nortli.— | l-'OU

)H 8A U i-M y eqully In woll Im -lply i'la ed KO on cmToIod highway, noor mo. for. iuodom houau aud conh. tioiiii-n. r . euro of TltnoB. 347 411,

kllOAI.S'—Leaving lown, UrafanolaI two moniliu. in perfccl condlUnii. rout Itype sells fo r JISO. 40 choice roc- lU-ally

nnd Qrafonola for »100. Mrntle norlh counly homiKul. Smlili'H. „‘ ^ ."t. Ai ) Il 8A1.B—1 library lalilo jaO.OO,ory dreiwod iilmwit nuw ViC.OO; {..011irlu readlog lamp $IU; dvc trlc by wolo r t S . J ’lionu IWS. Jlciover

) l t SA lJ’ -ltound Oiik hoaling . . .0 No. IG. good IM now. alno nU-<tlte.' In good »'oiulUloii.' mu Nliilli —IUO oanu l-'OIl

- ■ Ih-nry31t SAL12—Hoovlvr klulicn cnbl- ---------

I'rtce #22,CO. Call a t 24C Slli >'0K IUO N. a fle r 0:30. Shorthi

— — ^ — --------- Jorgoii:yPBW lUTEIlS FX)lt KENT O il - .I'J—Spoclal lermn lo ntuUenln. >'0 R (g U uiineii College. Twin V'alln.

■ W>D'DU BAU>-»uil)» for fall planllnR.« now and you will havn ploniy priBg flowora, Tullpi.. hyuclnllin.:lnsus. D arrow Bron. Seed A Sup*30.. TwJ« r t lb i . ---------

uy your w in ter onlona dlrect from Bi-ri 1> 2 and 3 centa pound. Gnu > went, IVft miles soulb and tlilrd le west South Park U rocerr. I'jimr

OU B A L E -John Deere boet puller. ° J a a new. Prico |19,00. Xtiawell

n . No. 1. Kimberly.

OR SALB—Bave $7S to | 1S0 on a SparIng machine—buy a Slngerpbono o ij, w ho_«p«cfaJ fntroduoJng prtee.5 r SA L S -T he naw singerphone old, wIng nacb lne ,. playa e ll m aket of liayird t with a full rich tone. Blnger DrovIn g Machine Co. ____________ . u rm

OR SALEi-Offer, subject lo p rior I. any p a rt of 6,000 iha iM KImmel ing . Price aOc. A ddreu Box 26. old. w) Times. Ulac

OR S A L E -O ne of the best payingIneiies in Twin ra ils for aale ou , , lu n i of o ther faulne*i Interehtscb the ow ner baa. A-«Uplo line. *>'’experlenoe neceaiary. Owner will orn 1 :r w ith anyone who buya unlll be 3 (0a m ila r w itb I t $3,000 w in handle, eaih.1 stand slriC teil Investlgallon. I t o iack mean b u tln e tt address Ooz 1.000.

^ ! :____________________’ OnaOR SALS — W indibltlda, baad- on ani lU aad wladow glaas. K. ▲. Moon CaUtoi » . ■ . John ;

>r Sale—Automobiles m i u r

OR S A L ^ f m d rte lU ? !^ ^ ^ ^ JUSc* tland bag. ~ » B 2nd Avt. E.

OR' SALB—191M cylinder 6 paa- *' gor au to In good order, o r will le for cUy lo t dose. P. B. Dean. «*>!•*

Blue Lakea, com er i lh av iaue . 76 bui

OR TRADEr-Qood car a i p a rt pay- conslsI t on realdenca. Addreis Box 0T6. beds. <In miM .__________ ______________ etc.

0 TRA D B-O verland louring car. T *"1 trade for amall houie or vacaat ' o r will sell a t « U rgaln. Call the '

. . . o in e ,._______________________

inlck tonr In flN t c lu s coadlUoa. e« (4SO.OO. A ddrtts B. B.. care o t IL a

Ilgbeit cash price paid to r Fords. r e FO . Ul asil you r car to r you. Cantral •aga, 31< Sbosbcpa W. ' / ,

X)R BA L B -Ford touring car. Uo- ' eom plataly,o*attaniad. W ill seU

^ i^bargaln. Addraaa J . B., cara

O R SA L E -B aby O rerlaad «< 7lla - S K . used oniy 8 months. 741 l«oes4t a^^<U:

■ a fte r '■OR S A L B -F ord tooHbg e a r . la o f Ibi ■d condition. Plain Prloa Btora. of Idi

Wanted to Kent ^_________ _______ ________•____-?i pro^ai7ANTBD i to n 8 NT<-Two inmlsbi> W atrt room t, by respacUbU conpla. P .404 or pbona 60IR1L / ^

,pST A N D , F O U N D , !*“A ST ^BatV M R XbnbaHy. and Tw in a a ir li lls 08 blgbwi)r« Bbapard cback s a l t t b i B J t a t . vPlata*. w tttra to Tlmaa o lrR, ..

tobterfbc i o i ; ' t b d , t t o s < ; M « r « i ‘, | ^



i Ads ~I’ve o«

onpeclall: fund I wl

—T .J -. ^ Of yourn

can Rot

Jri Charge 25c for ubsequent insertioxi w hcai m

.• por ncropay for KO much

: For Rent ’.“ ."'o,OJI JIJ-:.NT—3C acre* punlurc, clo«u uwn. I'huno ClOUl. conio ii>

O il UENT—One lurK.i front bi-d- '*■ m. 80:i' lllUQ linrui>. corilur »ili

n|i uml_ J._________________________ ___ Jui Cl 111■OU U K .'JT-h'urnUhid front tied, tlin vulu m Jn modem hump. U rgo .c loncl. (jrnw Jm ■nuce boat und bulh prlvllegft. Call do and 1064 UlUP LuI(m Hlvd.__________ vuluii 111

•Oil UKNT—0 room iiiodrni fur- “!li.J 1.0 . . . , . I ,- m m u ,. i ™ .Plain Pricn Slciro.

'OU UKNT—Room wllh board. Ron- trelKlit r non .prufurred. linili In coiinuctlun.

4tU Wvni. i-liuiio 4<1!U.'OU UKNT—Two offlco rciomn fur mIiico I ,t lu llio roar of ilin Uu-liauKu noUlibot illy Co. Oood locutUin. Apply Kx- liouRhl mgo Ilculiy (>). ‘• ''•o

'Oil UliST—UKko furnlnliiMl room. „„ AtJillMon. two )>luck)> from Uucoln

lOOl. Illucltftii

•OH IlIi.NT—Underwood typowrltor. '’' “ ''J' wook o r month. «<•« or phuno

over Ori'tK Uuulnciin collono, ra'■ — ’ " I wuiiUI

livestock and Poultry•'OR SAl.I'>-MMk C«W>1. In(]ulr<'[iry Kiiiidiicin. Unuo I. Kimberly.

•X>Il 8ALI'>-0He ri-jiJ»lfrr<J Itwl arthorn bnll welghl 2000 lb». J. K. ‘‘‘'"P •gouiicn. W ctrlch, Idaho.■ - ou tlic•'OR SALI':—Pure bred Buff Orp- Koins ti ;lon eockorela. Mrs. 0 . C. Slver, 2 uy go Icb ouBl. % south of foundry. bccaiineWant a Jobt T ry a ‘ SiinaUon Want- * ' ' “ 'o ■ • ad In our w anl colnmna. wnui"'o

Auction Sales m‘iit . AITTION m am :- * '!

T hum dar. Orleber ? ^ h r y ' . iuglnnlng aftor n frvu lunch n t nnon, lUlIcM norlll, m mllon «u« ot Hol- Hir nm l I, mile r*’.'!!.*' can RctKt o t iluKiwr'dl Siding An I um j ivlns tho ninch 1 will soil a ll my youmoll r ional property aa foItuAni: ^

llORSKB g«h] plSpan black BoldlOK". 0 and 7 yearn J, w u 3,000, and yni[H ack 'm aro. coll Uy aldu. S ycar« o 1, wt. 1.COO. p. 8 .[iay geldlng.vll ycai old, wt. 1.360. nalnboi Qrown golslng IrrlgathUroim gelding, amooth moulh, wt. j^ i the 00. at T«i*r[loan m arc, cold by elde. 11 y e a n dox 301J. w l. 1,200. ----------Ulack more. 11. yeara old, w t 1.200. yearling filly, good bone.

CATTLE To5 Joraey cowa fro»i '3 10 S yearn old, »ocieCfci . giving good flow of milk; U helf*» 1 year old. ou^ndI fo l hogs. 20 ahoats. (0 pounda lh . 4 d o u n White Wyandoti und ikwrd ( ack Uock beai. byteriai

MACHINERY, ETC.000 314 inch tin . Studebaker wag- -----------1 a n d hayrack: 3*4 Winona wagon. tltom la rack; John D«er« Dearo niower. McCormick mow- i" * ‘,• Champion hay rake, clover aower. ^ ilU ng plow. 3-row teal corrupator:lk ba rrow ; apring tooth harrow ; Itlectlon harrow : Van B runt 13-hole payaln d rill; leveler: pole hay derrick u d allngs; blacksmltho u tfit: grind*jne : a ll amall tools such a i forki, ‘®»-ovelt. etc. 20 tons ot I l n t ’class hsy, I

buahela blue bariey, new Butterfly atocearn neparator; honiebold gooda. comnslstlng ot ateal range, dresiera, .arads, cholra o t al kinds, oil cook store. [cnl>c. ■ / l iT erm s—3 o r 12 n o n tb i'w lth ]0 per rlgbn t; C p e r cen t iLscount for caah on andma over 110. . , thro E reryono bring your own drinking

J . U IIARIUS, Owner. r* “ l, a LUB, AueUoneer. . * * • '



. S T iT B O F JW IlO im ,F o r the Octoer, 1920. Term. ■ xi

' ’ NOTICE II tb a M attar o f U a Appllcalloa i ot Oaorga Lewis t t r Pardon. ‘ ) T , N&Uot U h e rsh r glTeB..Uial on Wed- n d a r. lb* 0lb day of October, l»» l. A , ^

10,o’clock A. M.. o r u soon tU r t - T.Uva te r n a b a caa b# heard a t the pftlca ‘ Ul* Socralary o t.S U la o t tba .ata ta - T : Id tb o , In Uio.Capliol Balldlng; {In rldal [>U«. Idabo. Oaorga L ew U ,'«bo v** o a l int<c(«d o r Ui« o rao a of obUiafog >r ■o»arty under f&laa pratsnsas In ttaa latrlct-C ourt o t tba FoarUi Jnd ldal Is trlct oc Uia Stat* o t Idabo, In and T i b t County Of Twin m i a apou tba b d a y of Marcb, IMO, and ta a U n M I a s m » ;la rro of from ona to four- f r * b a y i n in . tba BlaU PanltwUiuT :.tba S la ts o t Idabo. a s d who U now ^ o T la c 'a a ld aantaae* w m .a p » |r - to p rii l i B m i^ o t Paidoaa o t tba S u ia . ol s ' p labo fo r .a . fa ll aad; o w p tM « tr -


_____ , cuniius Id hln lollor to hlB friend SUI folio 'll"! icklooi, Iduho: ^

, i Z n Zoen thinking of you lalcly n iidjg^ .,3

a lly nlnco I_hurvo»U‘d by crop] ^ , 1,',,’ wlnh you would nell Ihnl farm I pruiiHu :

irn and come ond bo u'neighbor i moro. Why. Junt iblnk. Sid. ynu j lot four o r flvo acren here lu i.Uicolii unu .thero. lluw wnnld yuu (vci nu l omi u 4(io acrij floldo f sn iln with' Johiim . thut would UV0r»K< 4(1 bl|l.Uclr. <.K17; Incro? I t only tukun two yonm tii -----or a pluco hero nud ilicro Isn't jch work nnd worry. I j't 'n nc.'e. ro paying ubout »30 per ucro in- j ; fl Ui

on .lho. doferrpd |iuymciit» on 'a . p i c lund. and Ihon yuu hnvu tho NoUt:u und {llll Jalwr and irlwii you l;(HtfHiJa II) (iRuro ll a ll imt Il'n too darn- un Dccv lich. llenldoK. t«d, you cuii’t tell oniry Nu inuK llui prli-oK uru «olng tu nluy id 'lf tiind vuluoti i-lioilld liimblo llltio ll wnnld ..urc Imrt whcro

•ulucii aro ni. high, I Jnnl an.m uch por nrr.. un you |*owern.

id thon my laud will doublo In Kalin. I< In lho noxt fow. yi-urs wlillo K.bcr, 1!

I can 't iio-iilbly dtmlilo und Ifn ; Cl;ilmi tnl It ll over R.'i.. uny l.lRlicr, I analn 1 «ot more for my ,train yuu no Ull wo u«v<i u i.vIt m tu in tho hiK iiillllnB ‘'’•niern,> cnul. I don 't wutit to dlni uurnci' ■ llllt rvi- dono nn murh Ijctter] ' -• -

I cume lii-rc'uiid onn uf 'm y .fii'p t. 8-iiborn Junt ucrmm Ulr rond who -------—tit lant yoar han bopii nffored!, un m ud. un he pnld for Uln lt»i<l *V" tiu (infil ull o f Jll" ilofcrrpil iw)'-

out of Uln nocond rroii. -n n .;';lf 1« ulMiil Ih r xiwu- H )•,ifot und wo can rain- Junt i’" ' ', . , ;« a . I" Ul.’ "cn . .....................' bcoln an yi)u cnn. <it oi.uriu. woralne all klndn of fnill horo. I ____ _

nld Kithi'r farm nnutliir noro ut ><)TI('KI and buy luy-poarliivi :in,| rriilt ; STA' lai hind. Thin Ih nn i Xi-. Uonl I .Nullri ' I'oniitrv Ulld >uu umiUl imiko,l( Annmnnoy with yuur c iv . . l.lia'n ’'' TvIi.k im r muro l.llln ull nniiimor 'vMli

L'rcuin obuchn nnd whnii 1 kci „rop In I w on't owo bul very llitlo j|,t ,j,'„ j y farm. Of courno I koI "Ix yearn ,,llie deferred t.oyinonin, bul I am ty of T ; , t» cul uul tho liilrront. |llucombBonh, you’d muko u ofanlng lieroijudKo «

une you ulwnyn did till the liall *orm ul lo hurder'U iuu I did. Tho irnublo m. muny of tho boyn In llioy ilun't 1 " " ‘“•"J

. lo gill awuy from; hc uhl town. ;jy.,g • Uilnk they'd ntarro If ihoy got ti | mllrn froni thc old fulka. Union. I ,|,U'tu |u » hity tny IiM h oul In l» 'n Hi«rp(«.ld kv. n. und thoy nuru Uilnk U-h (Ino. rftocl I’ alayod a couple !of wi-wkn wllh ______Illn HUtnmcr and ll|c}''ro IryUlK l<>Kum Ulld Juo tu inuvo whllo Uiey }(()' Kct 'nuch borgalnn hore. fhwlnh you'd come ohl and noe for U. S. 1. nolf. l l would dn you ROnd. -I’II a port n f Ooil'n cnuniry nnd a I placo lo live.'ta Jolnn In noiidlng lovo to you Hnmonl youni. sV/% i 1 ovor. MIKE. 8 % HE S. 1 boUKht my land through tho U*. To'

ibow U n d Cn. Tlioy know whut I’ ;atlon mean^ und they nure have ihebargftlnn. You can write them !,i.ove)l '«i*n y^lln, 112 Bhoahona St. Went. c . S. ' 306, o r O reat Palla, Monl. Idaho,

---------------------------------- -------------- - 1920.. >'«TI(’K Claln

_____ JohnTo the ladloa of the MUilonary kJm o f tJia cUy; „oa q">u aro very cordially Invlled to nd on addreia given by Mlin Ina*1 Crawford, aocretary ot Woman'a S o p t 1 rd of Homo M illions, lo tho Pron- — ^ riaa fhu rch Tuoaday a t 8 o’clock. 151.

M R a McBUIDE. Secretary. — —


I t Is hard to make 1400 land>ay for Itself. ______

It t l easy to make 176 or 1100 land do th a l nnd more. OS00. ' " ’

I have for sale an Improved itock ranch lo the Twla Falls :ountry a t a price which cpv- Vira tbe actual cnUlvated land Offlcs:miy. abo< 9

l i bas an IndepeodtDl water Igbt for the eulllraled land *md 260 acres o f rongb pasiura — « brow a In. witbont any charge

T here la p lsn ly of open _ _ . -ange adjoining, and direct ac- p;ess by tb s gfliTommint trs ll ”,0 tba forest reserve. — «»«*"

Tbero la n gopd school with- j j i 411 n two m iles and. good rail­road town w itbln 8 miles, wllb rm»»l road. ^ „

Tbe entlr* raneh is Inelosad *with .good fence, and Uiere la I fine o rchard In full bearing, irltb a ll Tarielim o t best Idsbo K■rult . . , W ]

Tbere a re 160 acres In cu l-' |J ratlon a ad .100 a c r u seeded to iifalta . . Roald«

Tbe ow ner la obliged to leara ---------tdaho'on fcc o an t a t bealUs. a n d .. nakaa a p rice fo r ' Qulek u l e I ' ] >r tU,0M.O9O fo r tbe <«aUrB I . .! mneb. A ta lr payment In caab T 'i i i ind good tarm a o a Uia deferrod .-Ad ^ym enta. Desirable p ropehy In Twin F^lls wfU-b* consid- •red a s pa rt; payment, l a . az- .* )

. 'B e * 'a * i^ ^ l f ic ^ a a d 1 w tjl'SiHre yon a n t 't o Ui* laad. . . •>



TKNSl'S Kliil'IIKS. kSHISCTON. Oct. 6 ( I ' l 'l - T b . ' J ts burcuu ludny nliiiDUiicoiI Un- X I «lng 111:0 roimlnllou flguroni ’ ' f I itu I'f Novailn. 77.107; dccroamv I I

'Oinllli:; ImToanu <S.437 5

Ito i>f Alabunm In- JIU :<)9.2U:: «ir ;>.!( ocni. <X H Mitc of Soulh (:i,riiiinK,nr,’. ' t >unc 10)1,20:: o r l l . l per c u t . ,1 llll cuuiily. Wyir. 1:'.<S7; liicn.aHi' J ouiiiurlniin (ur 11. X l l f ilimin cuunty. Wyo. Irovlnoill. T y l f ; liicfon.o I.IM i.r :i:t.7.________ X • f f

<OTici: r o u n m i 'ic A tio . t |

DepaTtmcul nf the Interior. i J Land Udica n t Itnlltiy. Jd a h o ,T

ilonibor 3, IU20. JUcu l> horeliy Klven (hul Mabel V- X 7 1 »i}ar/cr o t Twin Fulin, Idaho, n b o ;* locvmlor 4. lUlll. nmdo UniiorliT B• No. 01434H for K'4 .S\v',J, N '.i .^ K 'l , W ii RKU Sec'J-jn ll.Town.dilp 10' ^ r I. llango 17 ICiini. Iluino .Mcrldlul.. | Xr.led iioilcu of Inionllon In iiuiU" ( I

I'rimf. 10 onlnlillKli clnlm Id iIk' X ubnve dciicrllx-d. Iivtiiru H.

•rn. K. S. l^iininlunluiior. nl T w liijX QO I. Idhlio, Hin thu 181U duy o t O i - l j •, 15iO, > »ilnianl namen uh wllnoHi-i-i: ,Z ^ aiiU U reffondar.iT of T «ln n .ll .. X • I u ; ^Yafl<-oll IC. J)lff<-«il« of J ‘ rnon. Iilaliu; lla rry (i. JackiM.n <>i ^ ( I l-'ulln. Iilaliu; Krnont \V. Ilunjiir- T uf Twill l''nlln. Miilio. X

I!1-:NU. (iltAY. ♦• - Hci:1»ter. I ' 80' . S.Oct, 7. __________ (

” m it icT : ' ^ 15 *uri'holdnr:! mi'i'tUiK <if M nrtiiunli'S { ml W colrlr Cn. wUI I..' lirld 1.I ' j ansli Si'Iiool H.iiiho Wodiuv-ili)’ , 5 *IniT, tU'lDolir :;il. nl T:::u |i. III. f ,ir !^ Iiunxiiio I>r Iiriiiiiilr.'iii:. adniiim^’ JlUB 1111,1 oloctlui: illriTlurii. |X g Q

A. j\1. IKlOVKlt, IX Sooritary I’ru-tom. [X {

ICK TO 'I 'ih : h i im >i<,\iu .i: X < t a t i : itoA iiii o r p a u d o n .s 1 ^■Iiru Ll l.iTiby Klvcn. 'I'liiit I, J . ; T . < MinU. wl.i> uin new a |irlii»nir! X liiK^ lir in o( froni live lu flflin.iijT H In llll- iii'nltciiili.ry uf tbo nlnii'IX Q r\ lalm, liuvIiiR hccn .■uuvl. lod of lln-l ♦ O’J IJ 0/ rubbery Jn 1)10 l>l!iirlrt Conn j X III ^^lurib Judlri.-ii DiiitrJci Ilf tlii-'X I- «t Muho, ill and for lliii Ituuil-IX i if Ti^ :u l-'ulln un ll:<i. Ctli d u y .u I |X imber. lUlU, und ncntcliccd by llivl 2 ;o uf tho nuld Court lu nervo » ie |X I abiivu mated; will niako u p ] i:i-{ t 40 III lu lhc llunorulik- lluurd ofi! lunn u f lh o Kiuio ol Idubu. n t ll* • ], ri'Kiilar nioeilnK In Oclobcr. ;. ul Ibo Stulo ('apKiil of Iilahn. un tideil by law. U.i.t a (ull und com- ■ , u luirdun 1»i Ktnnli-d iilo und llinl X

Ki-lili'riii’ hit iiiniiiiulitl lo tiihe • ■: l Iniinodluu-ly tlieritalier. ' ; 1

J, It. ANNIH, i

.’ Serlnl No. om7tl0 NOTH'K »'Oll l-IIilLICATION . ]

flepanment of lho Intorlor. ♦ .3. U nd Oftlcu Bt llulluy, Idabo. 9

-Hnpt. J l . 1U20. . . ; : 1 5 (ollco In hereby given th»t Andrew ■ ■Wilson o( Huhl, Idaho, llox 3H, •I on Novomhur 12, lOlD, made ! iionlcud oniry. No. 01»70J for S\V>; ■ |>A .Soc. 17: I » u 3. 4. 8 E% SWi;.BEU Bor. IH; NKU Nl'-K Sectlun . ^ Townnhlp IG 8omh, Rangu 13

t, Uoino Meridian, Imn filed nollco ntentlon lo mako (inul ihrca ytar g O Jf, to entabllnh c lilin to tho land ve dencrlbed, botora ll . E. Powen,8. Commlisloner, a l Twin Falli.Ito. on tbo la l day o t November. ;

lalmantv namea as. wltneaiea:Dhn II. Wllnon of Twin {''alls. Ida- !Harry Noh of Buhl, Idaho; Jamen 1

non of Uuhl, Idaho; Oeorgo Wll. I of Huhl. Iduho.

UKN P. ORAY. 7 3Uoglslor. ;

t IS-Oct. 14.


M & M h w e l i ~ O i t ’(A a isM ♦ BOTHWILL 4 CHAPMAN t

Office: Saagh Bldg. |

' HOMBR a MILLS J 1 C _________ Boyd Bldg. ♦ * 0

ABHBR B. WILSON XOttlM F irs t b a t l B aak tU g . X

S. D. DAVIS tAttorney ft C onnsilor a t lAW ' X

Probata a Specialty fLODIS L. ALLEN, Associate t « n

Ice: 137 Mala Ave. N. over Md4si T i l J >s Co-. WlUl D r. Bmea. Pboae 124-W


U J Mata A raaaa M Fbeoa M l

HEMSTITCHING' ^ ’ 'mTi C E L J A A; O A ra .^ -" ■

4tb At*. E. Work guarautood and P rom pt Bervtce.'

2Cleaniiig and Tailoring

nOBBBTS ft STILLWXLL' ..» Main ATi. Bo. Pboaa 411-J.

0D8TAV CL FLECHTNEB ' T ea ch it o l.V io lin , ,

ildeaca «lBd(ct..48» TMrd Aye.' Norih :

.. . Now L o < ^ WHh w W « r n e i ^ * : ^ ^ T .

'.:»Maaw- 'S K ^ W ’ ' r - . f f

i n a i U j t i W r f - F - i e ;

DBER 0, 1020______________________ _



n Acres— Five miles from acres in a lfa lfa ; family 1 house, sm ali barn, deep per acrc.

30 Acres— Seven miles fr 25 acrcs in alfalfa; 25 beans, balance grain; 6- ble, garage, deep well.

50 Acres— N ear Casticfor a lfa lfa ; 6 -room house, and harness and all me thc place. Price $300' pc

50 A cres-N ear Buhl; all silo, lambing shed; a ll f en .wire. Price $175 p cash, good terms on ba

SO A cres-N ear Jerom e; 40 small orchard, balance ] ing. Price $185 per acre

40 Acres— N ear Curry; 22 balance plow land. Pric

120 Acres— Near W endell falfa, balance grain; 4-r barn, deep well; all fci per acre.

156 Acres— Near Hazeltoi fa, balance in grain; 3>r barn, cistern; a ll fcnccc

80 Acres— N ear Eden; 17 balance in grain; 6-roo cistern; a ll fenced with good, no rock. Price $2' proved acreage up to 5

73 Acres— N ear W endell;. vation; 3-room house, d«

engine; barn fo r ' 12 horses; a ll fenced ai Price $300 per acre; : $1,500 per year.

15— Close in, with r ern house; M ajestic i house. Price $8,500; $ terms on balance.

10 Acres— N ear Town; 7 acre in com ; crop go< room house, shed, bar $2 ,000 cash; balance $1

10 Acre*— Close in; garage; all fenced; Price $6,000; cash $1,«

20 Acrefr—Cloie in; 5-r< stable; good family o rd right fo r sugar beets; Price $12,000; cash $3


s e e u s b Ie f o r e

D - L

— z z ^

L A l i


3m Twin Falls; 32 y orchard; 5-room p well. Price $335 ;

from Twin Falls;25 acres corn and 6-room house, s ta­ll. Pricc $250. I

‘ord; nearly a ll in t i, barn ; onc team machinery go with per acre.

ill in a lfa lfa ; big1 fenced with wov- per acre; $2,000


40 acrcs in a lfa lfa , e grain ; fa ir build- .re. ■: :>&22 acres in a lfa lfa* ' J rice $210 p er acre* . ^

sll; 100 acres in i J -v Q }-room house; shedji';?^ fcnccd. Pricc $ 180-^

ton; 40 acres a lfiJy iM ^room house, smaJli^H:cd. Price $180 pei';^*

17 acres in a l f a l f ^ ^ a oom house, s tab le^^fl Jl woven w ire ; l a j ^ ^ S ^275. W ill take 5 s^res in trade .

ill; a ll under c u lH ^ Sdeep w ell w ith g li lr a l

2 cows; b a rn iAmw B and cross-feiicecB H

; $1,500 cash

h new S^rooia,’ range goes

$ 1,000 cash; g o Q ^

7 acres/m. t e u u (oes w ith 'l a m . . ' P r i c e V - j i ^ p Q g g B

$500 per

house^ 'S p j^^H ; fam ily- oriail ^ M 1,500'

-roomrchardi'baU uaSei^ll^Hi; d o se$3,000.



_ j __________ P A Q B 'S H vaaw w

■ PAQB EIG H T ________________

' Ip Ljg^er VeinT b i C o tb u l—I'm ploylDff Mr. IC t d d l ^ l l i caBDA pU y a t all. ! I‘n i« C o ld d il^ T h o n 'n J beat 1>lin. ' ■C a j ld i « ^ 6; y« ' w u n iu t—John I ■

O 'U ndon 'a 'W eakty. ! ■

. ’'J 'lU kn 'a Id fm ! W. SrldK«croom—T he bnix tor ynur i I .

irooaaadut > .m jr , I iliuuslil your ’ i |!fftUiar pa ia thaaa." U

Orldfr~ '‘J i la cualom orr, <lur>r, lliii ^^ P 4 thought you wout'U ru ilirr do ll |R(lian .glva blm tlia liunilllndnn <>r ' S{iorrojfUig tha monoy Croin yuu." I

E aan r Id rn iK M . i g; 7 U > r tw '8 (a n o g —I faricui lo Inlilul m

^ a a iM lon . Shall I <Io ii now?iV a ' Correaponilent—Don't l«nUcr i

about lu I II knnw llivy'rii yonr. work ! . / 'tty you r fln io rprln ia.—Di-troli Suwn.

. ■ ]Ib 4 No I’r»it|< AirrnIA i< ‘ Shakaapaar^ hail no Hcuuvrj' worth I ’S}

■ iftBBtlonlrig." I ' ' ff'.rA iia’ ‘he had no prrxii ' BRi-ni. • '

'i llh a r.'; aald Jilr. SiorinliiRion <*“ ; . Barnea. "Oiherwliie thurn vrbulil have■ ; ! ^ d no llngorlng doubt #» to who .riiUU"' • y ro la hill pldya.'—W aahlnRtun Ktiir. s.

V g » Ibe n r T n i l i ’hlnff llfiifh . ‘‘- M ib a lU x h a fa o lote ly ha th lngou ii VvUich o •'[■•yott’h i^ a a r tn g . D ut.a ren 't you ofrald . .> » i4 r ’w in ikka tha color out? '! . ' r J « n ~ U might, to I olwuya hnvr . ; JI -drT c leaned .-D o tro ll Nown.

World** Series Notes , . i ' ' i , a r ’i'n m .D o a n an i, for Oliivulana und ili6 innim no

ir Oliio. ui„.. --------- Ishvd .ra i

P peDmint (ur Urooklyn under m ro u lli' i rvRlme.. m<l In r

^ j& ro th e n i—"Ooo" nnd •'.'Immy" John- --hunlrii (K M n. .paying on oppoxhiK Ivninn Inr u riirlo inK B ra l Uiso in world** Hcrlon. 'i|>|H'r Jiix

. --------- jy. u ' rhiK A u rt t i 'ro rld aorlea for liultu Mur- A E |M r t; '. j io c p n d for Johnaton. Pfeffcr R-lBaoB. Cculore. Whoat. Sm lih. .Myem., .V lliar. McCabo ond K llduh. >>■' '

, , IpoclCfi •" ^ ^ F o u r th aariaa '.fbr Q ardnor. Thoiniu " " 'y ; m i V o o j : Ib im I . rH j r ; ••cond to r Nunaniakur. »MHnr in

' ;{’.Bp«akar, yoiingoM ond only iibylnK KltOM ^ ; « a y g c r IR m ajor Isokumi.

.^WMliila. .Urooklyn rast-ofr. (a Clev«- rh r-buhl; L4 ^ '* - » U r aoulhpaw. I '

• - - - . lU'caiitio

f i^ 'a n k k e r h D ld a <llaltn>'>;on nr hav- "" f ,throw n out ih re f hiu-o toiiiHTH In

Iw k lg a g ^ o a t Detroit AilBuat 3. ^

__ _ '' »>"iBpMkar. greatPM of oiiiflHd-

.■:'4nl bolda raeord or having itibdo twc v S n u i la tM douhio play« from ih.. cni. 'ga-ii ' _____ • v„„

;3'v'Coraloakle. rollurlng .Kloprrr In ihc ,,,,i l^^aloQt lon lng or u gnmo Jnnn i::. is lc ' ,\ J t r u e k oo t Oldring. SchonR and b tfll ^

;.,ti " flhull btf IM arquard. with l!> RtralKhi f„r '

holdi tho nio<ti!rn lonanrnilvr ij|„ ,.;,r „ {;{flcuiry. reco rd .. ii<>»pa '. , ----- liii'h

H er'C aldw ell. ocilnR an n pinrli u >\ - i jU a r on Juno >0 and 11. 1917, knock' Ami hr,

« Mamor each day.V ’ ' ' ' --------- ll.-;ir fnir

M n a g o r Iloblnaon holiln the rroortl Ih iI Vo( having made Hven bane hllH In unc V 'K t&e' w ith tbe old Ualtlmoro Orlulvs ■ /aw taat St. Loula Juoe to. 1SS3,

S.*»- • ______ IlKHI.i:I '.V 'pam lqr; Jolm aton and O'.ScMl nn.l ■''’K -Vflpeaker. Smilh and AVumby luilto.l P "" ''' - j l i f a M p ia a ttaU lam I'fa’ion,

'.crtweliujd and ■phlllnltflpktu ptnyp.lhrirt dooble hw dor 8«-ptcmhi-r 10. -------------u u , . Cleveland wlnolng l>oih.

?!‘6leTe1and holda r n o n l nr lo.InR tlir fcraalMt nuniber or Kiinipx—IHI In » » • ______ T r i . .Sp

' j i l d w e l l pitched only no-llli Kam<- la M jo r 'iM g u e laal ycnr aRnlnm Nrw ""fYork ^ p ie m b e r 10. « in . Urc

: ----- A 1,11 wo,;8ewel>; 9t. la youngcnl p layrr In llir ,,„r, ,] ierlaia: Konatchy. as, l« thn. old<-i.i.

NOTlJK n v SCIKXCE, _____________________ I;oyii< pln>

W ench dociora huTc Invenlrd n ‘nd I kn■ w a i Ot' bdnann riour ror unr o> u ;l-i y'll n

aave apacft lh r tower part of |B j ( a e i r klichon coM nn c-unlalnH un

^ ^ S ^ w f l e a l apparatun fl>r rcniovlnR ixm:. rii from olay hax bvuii <ii>-

■ r a l F f e £iiroi)u. '<rc■ O p i l U a d ^ lover operated by a ,K K ^ ^ ^ o a h e a hot rood frum ,ih<- ^ ^ K « r - R j « a w oooking fork.^ M t iM . ' i a d l B m . a Knrop«an i-clrnih.l

P'"**'* •’“‘I >" ,R*r. Sl ^ R ^ a i v ^ ^ ? a onnbltf-one arm ed per-

‘ho Idcu of issu N<. K K w . ^ e W a » a n ( o r . tic.■ B ^ h M c s l c a o governmenl U plan- ISOC a . B ^ ^ l M U b i U h 30 .new radio mu- 9«5 | ^ ® . < U - h e a r fn iu rr. .‘»J .B a i i i ; vw iU m H tM a w ork bonch han ;,o; pH l w M f i l i i K <'«» >’«’ tiltil Pti

rhvut. . J 9X1 pti:M r o iM iiiiB g?.lttkard fl n ro rained fo ID13 Iln

, i;;;. j - reada which jtrnw ,3(7 <;j,

■ B H W l r 'U r a r . e r l r a r near Dun- tHIii Itoi' 1S1» CI1


l4" Onndll rx-flri.t hunl'limn ( t) . Ih ucrni 1 SciK-H. Ill"«in;iiilK iir.- Milil. lo hav ’ inlloldiir. Ch'olti', |illi'hiT Ct). und Jo I nniClelitrr iTi). und "U-rty" WtlllumH, i> vhilr ncciiixtd nmy ln' fouml Iniioo.mi. i»n


rnrlcMl murfno iiinnsl-'r l.lnnifcr-0 lh r n u ..f u Sun I)in:i. fiKh-nol l..n,:aKo, lln I.Hur pnllml ' “

,10 riKhlnK ,o , .r k by lho n ..«n- » * , rapialn. U wuk foun.l I., ni.-n-1 llnl.' morn Ihon ^6 r.'«*^>iiK. "11 Runornl cniitlKurull»n 10 re- ' ''*. u Mhurk. rc-imrtH Populur Mr- ‘* iliiRuiln.' In un lHuHirni.^1I in IIH Sif|Ui:ni1)iT nuniljur. l u ' _ 'Jhw uan ............. .. hiiwi-vor. ,rhiuisy h M 'n r honi of «nll.l .A monlh afi.>r li» .Ir.iruullon ' ' ' , furtilU rr plunl. n prt.inlnoni ,

Inl ni)llfi.-d ih.» flnhlnit n i|iln ln '• le hud cuuBhl n lnnu!.- <if ih - 'n •'ImnkliiK -diurk." of wlilch l '" '''".IX or.- known 10 huvc l.ron,luk- riiiR Itio hl.I.iry .)f llir ' worlil'n ? InduKtry.

_______________ llalllnli f

«,n THK l!(II,1>K\ IKKIKS.

I como liy.lie n.y f.-«l find mraauro wllblm ru ll: **',lriln know whon Ihr frlrUilthoy lu».- In nlRh, «»l«rl«" 11am known lo ihoni. U.ih Krral '■‘''n I’n'i.un.l nmull.iiwrr thut on Ihi- lonrly hlllnldr Z-U* ,:r.iwH SAN Utn IIIO iliorr frhvii xiirluK U" ^>a|" itn. u liluoin hurt i;lv..n; wnn aIi’oIluny u i n r Ull.l huiili niy wuii- ada durln ilrrhiRi. known. . (ornla a 1>11 I l f (l.iiidx nn.l KlUul nturo u rcHuU < ijf ho.-«Yon; An ImuI- who wllh hlH Muk.-r wutkn uuyr of ll nrlKhl, to Ibo thoir lord lui Ailum wn* tie- piirinicnt.

’ Zopo.lar nhall cul.-h .i;i<-h iioniiil wllh |i,„ ju,. ii-'w d.OlRhl. - ,.„„tu'« rihjrri wrur Ih.- .Irn.u llial Ihcn |

.......... ..... .............. -frmn hhv i'Vnhrr'n li|iu iliai all Im ko.kI '___■____________ Appllrn•MIC OV IIDU

.STi;.\I,lM} IX IlKllI.IN l" 'rv '" '’'‘ I J.IN . Oct. C .-A n epldomlc ot uatUiK h trc ho» heou uidod by J * " " P '" ' llirr. Itam IVlcra. urroniod nn f'-'''**' mrg.'. .:ont..»ird li.- molo doRii •»• rnl.> oC 3U u day un.l »ald|11>r offlre I.) buK-hWs.. |U y, tduhi

statementTofI.Sprakrr "VVr'rr off lo u i:o«.l liuKl.y w iliu r.1 all 1 ran Tm ov.mnuro now ihi.l w r 'rr p.InR In llrooklyn'l i.ltch.^rw .lUt havo ni. worrlod bui wo tookrd , .ibnr r. 1, k,io<I t f Ihrm y.'-slor.!uy und' Ihry .lldls'>r*. liul Ilhrr UN. whllr Junl unr uf ulir * 'lod nmull .la t t .lollv..rrd. Tho ,Dinycd wundcrliil hult yi«irr<l:iy 1.111. (ir know thrm woll cuimich «• nuy ono

n<> IhrouKh Ih.l nnmo ivny. will .k ll

Results of Previous WriilcuRO l.v. I..) wnn Hi , Umln (A.

. huiniiliin.flrooklyu (N. I. l wnn I»iif«vlllr ( /

.hunii'lon..Vn nrrlm.

ir in ii uinn- .iri;nnlu.ilou .if p rr.'rn i Amn Wliinvr

I'rovldrn.o (N. l. i, won X N,Sl, Ijjulii (A. A.) won I, “ CbicDeir.ill iN, t. . l ' won in. 8t. INuw York (N l. l wnn r.. «l.Nrw York (N. 1. ) v/im C. llro<tInKlon (A> I..J won PUli(;hlc,ii;‘> IA. I. I won A. I’hllNrw York (.V. t..) won A. <’hlc(•!ilr;.;;n I.V, I,.* w..ii 4, Ih'CIClilruao (N. I...I wnu A. DrlrPlllKt)UD; IN, I..) wou A. I 't t iPlilladolidila (A. I,.I won A. - i -Chiu PlillDilrlpbla {A. t*l won 4, ' '-N rw

PhlliulrltiVu *1A. 1..I won I. -“ rwllonlon IS. I .) w.m A I'hllJkiaiun (A, l. l won t. I'M'Ilowon IA. I..I w.m A. MiikChlcoRo (A, I .I won A. NrwItopton (A. U l wnu 4. ' ‘'u ra o c ln u a tl (N. L.) wbn 5. l^hlC


icruKrd of holuR Ihu rlnR lrud rr ' .if Itm'* havo hern "Hwfil.*'; IllHhrrr. nh.iriidoi) (fi Jo r Jnckxin n u r o u iflrld rr (.si. u rr hulil

r», iiltohrr |7 ) itro aln.i Imullrutrcl, "llu( . an ho iihiyrd oxr.Hloiil bull durlni; the ,.

KKItS PKKIIKT lUUIP IN I — p in iK x n i r r m i t a i iu . s iS |

HTON. Oi:l, B,—Pros'porliy h on t . ■ ■■■ . dod in Ihn i:mtod Htui..-., I 'ro f.j •nK U ilylnK u tlmoly .Ira lh .j N . 1 In lho c.>u>iour>un o t ()|iliil»n ofi

lirn'from wldoly .................... . . ;0 counlry. Ruihor.-d bri-r for tlioj •'■r-w i ilni'Jiil bunkers' ukuo. Inllon <-iin-''»'>'■« niu on, I’rlcrn \ylll drop. The bnnk-i'lay- Sou U.I.I, bul not wllb ;iufh nudd.’ii-1 ' . ' ; r r :a» in ................... u crlnlN, ' i * '’xan i

___________ _: ' Iwn .i I'ri'AI.I.KI) Tl) «'A S»IM ;T(IN isix ''- ''' III',SHINGTON. o n , r. l l ' l ' ) . - J o h n , '> "1“" >'='Illhriiry, Aui.,rloun Ilnan. lul ud-110 lho Halrtun rovcrum rni. hnncallod in Wunlilnisloii u . .-onfrrIh.! nialo ilrm.rllileui on (hr rc- “ ' ' ' '‘“"'f®'oonlnivorny rlw ..m llio Amorl- ,7 ' '

lai.i dri.uriiurui. . I|rum*wan'arlrn ot lh r pr.Mdilriii an.l o lh rr;..fflcluin .If Hum room ily i uau -.^ np by llll' Ajurrlonn o ttluiiln hr- J*

llm llultlun Kovorumcui lullod )lx'n»to In carryluK <iHt lho irottiy ■ — . . whirl) tho llnll.-d Hlulin undor- FOr thn (iccuiialiou o t Ualll. T lir-.' on aro now lin.tornl.Hid lo liavo NKW VI pnld. n iiirillnB 01

.......:___________ toiluy. K-r/.APKDA niK S 111-' WDI'MI ' I f J UtKllU. Orl. 4 i(T P).-I.;'ijnardo "If -""Ol. la. uull-fun lll idlll. cat,lain who ih’ol by C'AUtu otllc-rrn a; Kuiion- CnlCai iiirluR thfl crlKln In I.owrr (’uU-1 a few wuuk.H ai'.o. dl.1l ln-ru ait ult or. hhi woiinil'i,lmiu.-«l will b r Inn.l hy lho .:or- 'Vh.-al; of Ibln o.iuniy.'oii.l iho Iliid'niM *’*,• to lUo UuUod Sluloi u la lr il"- j a j ' ’" ’

■0.1a wai. luaslor of .. pi.trol Ikiui > Mo» f.-l.!ral c rrv l..'. Whon •.'u rritlBnailoii ns »:ovoriii)r ot,, r (‘ulltornia wun rr.ium in l froinl u CUy, Zopiilu W..11 Ju n d unhor.,] nrliadu uud idiol. [,

KAMiKU KXA’IINATIOV j,|;iihrmiln th r iiO>*1lUin o t Tor- VanR..r will be oxamlnu.l by t^ii- |]iinp|(<n,|..or It- 1). Vnrver :u Hurley, Ida- I*urk-Uctober 26.Tho rn iruncr mil:iry I'. U in l -Iiplun a bonilt o t $24(1 ir lh r vrtv- |:0(/>2C>.li).

rondorM nro Mtinlucliiry, Sujsur -- (urihor infornintlnn apidv ul weak; ;r:-ifflrc of l■^lrr»t Si'iprrvhior.- llur- Oofli.o -dubo, ( tfTS'ic; 8

mM ^ rs ■ ::Cy will In' Junl nti hnr.l I.1 hral ' , ..vr1o-.hl.'." ClIll'.'.C

--------- lU.fllJIl. ;;iilt>eit llotihison - "T hr brr:ik» «ilr,(,.-,; I

UKalnnl uh. Marcjuunl |illchrd Uir IJ!i5 ud Ruiiir un woll us hU nncctn- pjR. r.’.Ti: hul lital onn li;i.l break hy lh r Cullli —

wont n'Kulnm nn, W r'rr ntu «ir«nr:, pud —nol hy 11 Ions nhol. Wo------lull. •oiulUK liack n l liiriri to.iay uud nvm uml

(Irlmon mnm Ilko);.- will nturl und tr.Ui ono nf uur a rr ,. itn.l I'm niir,. h r ]1.:>C; ,u .lillv rr." -------------------------------------- Sb. . r - I ------------------------------------------------ - I ui;;!,. 1

W orld ScriesWtn.(l:

(A. A. n.,1 won ;i: nno llr . n> -

• (A. A.) wnn r.: our lln: no|

\lnrrlcnll tr.inup) I “ DiiIxi»cr. '

N, V. l.v A.) wou 0, f tlCblcnuo (N, L.) won .2, '■ t t8t. UiuU (A. A.) wnn r>. .* ill. Luula IA. A.) wun 4.Urooklyn (A. A.) won ;i,P lii.fn in t I.'J, I . l won Color; Phllailrlphiu (A. !..> won I,ChlraKi) (N. I . ) won i ! Ofll.-(rnll I._) w»n O; nno tlo ,!— — —n n ro it (,v u » won 1, (A. I..I won n. cnnlulnaDili:aRiLLV.J..) wnu 1. 1 nny wornN.'WV.*SI l.v K , won X | rleh. tad.Nrw York (N. I..1 won H; 1 llr. 'Karmeniii,Nrw York I.V. U ) w..ii 1. jo r w.h>I,l'hllndrli.|iiu (A, I .) wnn 0. r.oo.ln-I'Nt'lludelfhla (,\. I..1 won I. I Ituy "lliiHjIilyn t.v. I ,) won 1. k in d - lh rN.'W y„fl< uV, I .) won " unt.-ed 01••|ii<Mi:.i IN. I..1. won hrforo,C h if^ o ( . t L.) won 3. ,\dv.

_______________TW IN FALLS DAILY

'|2 .0S i Nc Itiard 11,9■ Corn: :

1 1 yollow 01. No. 2 whi

85 =Vf‘JVw w hiio 't,

M p g a C W H E W r ilarleyityu $1,

I. TlmoihjB I S m (.'luvur

uvK »T Hoks- I

niroBR., 2 C a ttto -

c m lisT i.

SKATI.: t{pin.-utn.l

.|. will eot'hrlnllnn olutlou ni

'>hit; In Su

— .................................... ' ■■■■■'■I'- I ' M SAN y‘ Ornduul

u'Voiinj.Iracy lo "ihrnw" ihr;v,'oru coul l«l and Krod MrMut'lIn (41, | In Hnn

uld 4n hnvn coutoiu<r'.|, "Hnp|iy" |'» . ('ouno llurk" W'.uvrr, ililr.l buiirnian 1 “ "’"•‘•'“ 'I '' le norlo.1- i " '" ' ‘'>'‘*1'------------ . — luilo' Icda

I I I ......Jil < I drop froi

DAY’b m a r k e t s ] j j £ '£

. Y . S t ^ M a r k e t E l m l ' l_____ r r lhan 0

YOIUC, o ’n . ii i r i ’i .-T h o niurhol opo.iod Irn-Rnlur lo-

Some ,ot il;r ..pouln/: p rlc.n n, Ko.’n d.iwin i:nnip;iuy r . ll i . Up '/ j; To-

I'rniluctn r.'j'i. up %: I 'n ilrii li'j-jIndunlrlal Alcohol K4. up j'i ' i. j.vkPuclfir l.-'lTn. off u ; Ann- vork Intnf.2il. oir l.rhlr.h Vnlley Clo.irwuto

rhaiiKOd; Kullrd Htnt*^ Htr.d HpnuldlnK •'ft Houlhorn I 'ad tio yD’i . |'„ „.hul li iKod; Amrrh-an Snunr j th..

II, 8, llubbrr 1S%. oft 1j„ ,.„Mlyan I'aclfir I2.Si,i,. up ■/.. „„.„i hav cm u ituikr.l Ih r olin duriiiRm trudlns und .Mrxlran I'eiro- ------ -- ■■

■ polnin hrlow TiiondayVhlKli. ClASSIIworn huiiirwlmi runli'r un.lor ■■ukJnx.

p r e i g n { E x c h a n g e , ,„ i,' ron.lltlnn.

■ YOUK. Oct. C (HI'),~Doinond - s t 4th a .? ..p«jii--l Bt M,r.vW. unuhangod —-----------K-runr-t woro .ur,7u. up .0002; I-O ST-

i!»7. nft, .DUUIi. nnd iiiurka .0150. I'^IU.' boaM. I'anodlun .lollarn wnn. .nt, niull lu tl

---- ------------------- . UiMo. .S'o»

sago W heat M arket--------- nlrud. In

OPEXKll..1: Drr.mibrr up C; Mnroli U|>

: l i . . im b .r n |. = !i: M.y ap

: l)rrriiih.jr Up 1; May up 1. " V B H HIn...... . HlRhrr. _ 'IllCACO iJHAiN n.d.HK. r a iii; D.'crnilirr np ;i>4; .March n

‘ iK-rcinhrr no H ; May U|i 1?;: .: D.‘.en ih rr u]> May np U. "*

----------- — driKiXi:w VOHK PIIOULTK. “ '" 'p

VOItK. O ct n .- H o n r - D u l l . . Pl"* ml. »nil:-Q u I r i; nienn J.10OB1.-Irr.-KUlar: middle w.'am.npol •“>.H), • rnintr -Haw. caHler. W.Rl; refined •Ki-auulaled IlS O H .

.0 -lllo 'N o. 7. nn thn itpol. 7%; 8onti.n 12«4ti«13»ic. iv.-KIiHy: cfiy 'a^Tc; country

'lu li'i; pfline'«..HO»l.OO; .So,•;.v-u l.n:., • '-anir r - ji,: i5 < . ••““'I

- placM.1.1VKST0CK '''«

•.'.RO, Oi.i. «.—irhfin-Ilccelpi!! 'iiiurk.'i ia.-hlKher: hulk 14.10

; buichrrR l3,9O<fiC.00: pack* ^i « o i 4 i & ; iigtrt lasooiD.TC: •’“J ' " ' •.■-r,flH.7C; rouRh 13.4ttCf 13.86.I —Receipt* 9,000; lhe market W y <

UfiftEO hiRher; booven IS,:3© I'hoe# hiiicherH alock 6.J6<MXC0; can- iu\ cuitor* 3.7C«7.00; atoekar*I'lUorn 2.0000,00; cowa S.COQ

rulTOR 1400(n7.S0.I -l lrr .- lp is 55.000; inarkel firm K T . . 10,5O<J12.SO; owen 2,2508.60.

------ A. S uK \ s n (JHAis CincACO ^

• il: No. 3 rLiI 12.11; No. 2 hord

- ; p d

Diamond Dyes" ||^ Are GuaranteedJors never S tre ak , R un , F^ailc m,",-!'

or lu v e “ D yctl” Lool:

h .package o t "Diamond Dyw" *‘l ■’« na dlrtsMlona ao almplo tha t ynS 'n ^oinan can dJujiiona-dyn a new. ona .u hidelcnn Color loto worn, ahabby ’ »«> wi ni«. drupcrle*. covrrluRa, whatb-« l, Kllk linon, culton o r inlzcd loiurrr

xoti fr"llhimnnd , IJyra”—no othor

Ihm porfMt rniuIlH ure guar* Uurau1 oven It you havo never dyed Ur,', DruuKljt haa color card.— aiwvb

t y i .


No.. 3 aprlng ftO O U i No. 3 ♦1.99. 'i : -No. 3 yellow 9ZV4c: .S'o.'S ' 9H4V93c; ,Vi>, 4 yullow OOc. POCATf white O2OI130; No, 3 white 9 1 0 prealdent

moreo, m1: No. 3 whllo r.2HO&3; No, 4 i hounen In0 &:M 0C3Kc. 'th e Clurk. ley 7709BC. . luor.. hou>

$l,02Hn>l.Ci;. mi.nih ihioihy |(iOC.r,u. tin- Humn'ur flCi<(U. 'i'hu .Ion

--------- ------------- tlonn IH <KiiTOCK.OPKXINfJ (^ltHM(ll) ir, Imiulrl a—tu.bou; markn nieudy ii> uhoul th r ., Iloldovern 4,iilM. i l r . Clato—9.00U. real onlal!p—rC.OUll. c.m HOO i;

........ InK duwnSTIAX IIKAI.IX(I TO vuluo o t I

IIK HUIWKI'T OK IN<)i;iUY ‘ ‘‘y■ _____ CInrkc am

iTI.K. (Id . I!,—Tho Protealnni itml cliurch ot tin. Pnelflc coai.l 'I '*:o ihtoply Into tho nnbjort of Inn h.inlln,:, according to u ron- u ndopird ul lho annual c o n to r- l '’ “ which clo-rd a lwo-.!ay mrei-i*'"-* Suutllr,, lllnliop W. F. .NichnlH "

1 Kruuclnro wun ru-oloclo.l pro;i-' , hiK youiiK

______:_________ pu.1 tho bPlIICKS KAM.lMIJ. I'hrptiiK

: KllANUiaCO. Orl. c (V P )-- ul r.:ducllona In tood prlcr.i couilnulnic oQ- lho Paeltlc counl.Hnn Krunclico .W riiia ry Krunk mnolly of tho noiulN-Orocem ' utlon announced iliul tUmr]Irop 40 cunu n barrol wholo. cday nnd lh r rrU Il prlco wlll from |3,S2 tn |3.7r. to r a 49-

nnrk, ■f'l;. ucwlPortlnnd nnd «an .rnnclncn

Iloa or Java nuCTr hnvu l.tM-n ■ “ 'l"h n nntn lho m arket, in both ‘

ll In rriaillnK nl 13 contn pur " " i> which In connldorohly. chenp- '‘'" “ '‘“ '‘■'I ■n o lh rr grndon of itugar. ,vT.n-n,<■land dcnlorn today nald ro-

or Java «uRur u r r runhinK , V’''®!.':'-'' niockn onto tho m arket in nn

I., unl.iad lirtoro lhe prlco Jown mill further. I*’" "'lOi

_______________ Wull mn-ITAKT UORK-O.N IIOAD. huunun lailAKXTA. Oet. C,—C onntrucilon ________hltn brKun on the link .If iho « 0 0 0 0 0 0 >utor hichway InudlnR from S ' imK (o Armw Junction, Duo 9 ‘I l-l knnwn a* tho Wllaon hill 5 lUr nr flvo mllon of roa/1 will 9 I'lly. Two carlonda o t \iqulp- p havu arrived, ? i .« 0 a

— ' -1---------- , voaoodo

iS i f l f P < D V B lT IS t« E N IS T " "

l«»ltWt.aUli<.rCUtrin€ath, 1 1

SA I.>:-Uoward heolor, good Ileanunuhls. Phonu

T—UoiwMn Hogemon oud Twin hoavor coluroilo. n n d o r pleaau0 Mra. J,. A. S'ewHuin. Han Jn- .S'orn.ln. Howard. -

III'.VT—noom nnd honrd It de- lu niru houio tu r iwo ladloiL

u at )):'(! Anh Rl. '

H A l.K -U h rav inhln. l>ook> imall donk und lizlU rug. 40L'

'a rm L a n d o n E a sy T e rm s

A rrra—H mllo trom Jerom e 5 . rtMit; 40 a r m n ltnlta, bal* P ncc ntubble land reccnily 5 lowed out o t a ltu lta ; deep g nil; fenced; laya fine; no S J * ^ viler land on north aldo. S

Arrea—2 ^ milen trnm Je- S Tl nmo: moal a ll In old alfa lfa; 5 ‘ t -i- ot bulldlngn on oarh n lrh ty ; 9 lillC, an aell each eighty aopa- 5 ately. . ‘ 5A cre.—1% mllea from ata- tOPOOOOi

lun; choice land und lay* OOOOOQC xccpllonally woll; rabbit S . l ih t loiico; good houae and m>nm; 20 ncr^a altatfu. ■leadgaiu on each of above ^cen.V« o tte r Uitno place* a t a y reaHonablo price, wllh a all caih payment nnd with

youra' Ittnu un dofurred rincniii.'o r purtleulam, call o r wrllo^yatt & JohnsonOft# 1 0 8 -J Twin T elia |

kheumatismSSS” ’.

ivi''h**‘’jju5cui ’”*(t r“n “**try l{^«uriiitil>oi. 1 nurtnrv.l only tlioas who bave II Knuw,

nvrr ihrvv yvam. i irl«( n ftrr remedy, am) .Toelar er doctor, bul nuch r r l l .f an 1 Ijlvf.t wna only iBnti«rar»r. Kl-

i d irmtnlf"*'»»i 'w»rn ' 'V l l

boonrt.^'^wllh g

• nnft™ Bn'*'(n"n.y ow m 'ek*"'”1 want BY*rT *utr*r«r frem anr,in of .mnuniaiw irouble lo lry’' ffMAnnwrIH marvfloun hrAlliic powrr. OOOOOC 4t‘i arnil * i^ n ir «lmply mallur ..01.10 nn.l aO<lr*«> unil I will lOPOOOO''•Ml trro lo lry. A tlrr you h.-iv* QNl II Mini ll hnn |irov*ii ll**ir 9

| w.'i: i s s - a a . ”! Ss | * « ;I want ynur mon«)r uuIm * you 9t SMrriollv Ullnfl«tl lo ««0<r II. 8 Atl l Hint fair? Why »n tttr any Surrr whan w lu f Im |hu> orfarcd gu frt»T IKin i .Ulny. Write, lu- Kfu rk II. JarknAn. No. Jt'o. O , l l p O O e WE“"j.Ki, T'SS.S.u'.; T H nr■»vw ■ tauintnl tru*. IhruuRh 1

)BER 0,-1920________________________

I.M) > 'un l i o i m s TKAVELCOSTINUKS 1,'NABATEI)

JATKLLO. Oct. C .-B . H. Clarke, FRB8^ lent o f tho chambor of cum- Murphy , anya ihat the dnmanil for s^ ,, n I* picking up, Hla own firm, jf,;, lurke Heally compuny. tiua nuld houae.i and Inla during tho pant gygf, I Ihnu ttiiiy .Hd, durlnK thc.uii,- |,„ur. »

jilace. 01. .loniund tor rented accominoda- u ,lrd . • la onurnuiUH, wllh from 10 'to ■ ■

iiulrlva u day. -IlenUIa avoraRe th r aamo aa o year ngn,Clarko belluvua thnt .valuua o f y

'Mlatu will remain aloady un ho *00 n.> Imllcuilun of labor com- m . , lown. On tho olher tiatid lho *.® ®: o t lola In Ix.un.l to rino n i Ihff o eed ,

Incrrunea In pojuitullon, Mri0 uiiimrin,

------------- :------ WuVLVll'IIEKf, IJIT.S UIUL. p rico

IIXtOND. Ky,. Ol'l. C .-A porllon “ I’P” ' iumilnK flywhucl nullod ihrough t . j . oot «rt the electric llfiht plant to Ihu homo of Wnllni-u lim it- M M H i 10 ynnla nwny. whoro It killed — — )UiiR daiiiihier. Kanny. and clip- ‘f l H | lie bruldn frum the head of her iiK woman .-oniiianloii. Tlie

crunlied throuKh thu floor . H I . «ldr .>t Ihr dwollloK aild wan ^In tho yard two teet undor'


H3AW, Oct. 4 (l1P)-(;.iiiatoroa- J B n lho llunainn 'ronhn la InL-roaa- S H , ucwlr.lliiK to the Pollnh cum- —^I.UD.' ForII.h cuviilry hax domroyod a

dlvlnlon un.l near Horodynzcce 'V ftllri) lilrJiado . aurrmderod, .lho GrapSounlrjuo nuld, othernM

----------------------- table, miHTMKXTS AHK ItKTl UNKD ‘baolutel SIU.N'UTON. Oct. 4 ( U P I ,-W, (Nicky) Arni.ti.ln and alx o u ip w j woru dn.Nclcd hem In connec-

ivlOi Liborty bond iliudn from F I S la irc fi hr.ikoragv und bunklnK .. laut »pfliiK._ . ■ • I /And A

o o o o * o * « fla a o o o ,p o i)o e » o o o o p a a o o o i

THE V0 (l o a t s , D r e s s e s , S u i t s , l ^ k i r b

o d o p P o p P C K K w o o p o o o o o o a a a s a o o i i o o o a o ^ a 9 0 9 0 o o o « ia 4 K a o ksooooo





m ,

I H.| j H >

KiooodR■ I P P i p i n P H n>AJ


r. A . Q A L L I H E R ITllO Iiw urnnee ftfnii g

life, A c r iJ c n t nm l I lc n l lh 2 I ® Itix iiraucc a S N £ \

J o o o p o a a a a o D o o a c 3600000% I m lo p o o a o o d a a o a o o o Q o p o o o 5

O a s i sO U L ;OOOOOD


Co„ i ^A home S I t

company 1 1I I Oenl

o f h o m e p e o p l e | ^ o p o o

d e v e l o p i n g 1 1 w

I d t J i o ' s r e s o u r c e s 1 1 C

I I AH om e O tQ ce, T w in f s S i f

I I Cll!1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 . ' CIT^

o o o o o o e e o o a P o o o o o o o o o o g .AVOID r r iU T c u L o . § Won

We n a n d lb« tip* f i PhotAnd patd ied Uw holaa. S

UulId np the beeta . SAnd tave your aolea. o t?^*pOOf' PB TRn SHOR NHOP 5 S H e s

. vr. BboabcM i f . .> 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 5 _ .I — M I — A XWU1 1* fe.1 In ft now founialn'Iiei) 9iRh 0 ttra lb le lube fro;n ii re«- S .B p I r airuppod lo a wrllor* wriiit. * 5 0 0 0 5

rE W t w o HO^DRBD '. ' Z m n s A T OS A-x n o u s

-----: •B8N O ,'.C allf« ',0 c(. JIm iar hy wuh Uie tw o .)tun^:«d mjle Jooqnl)) autoRiobtlu n c o here, tme woa t« o h'ntira. four mln* and thirty -tw o aeeondi, ndklSK iverage o t over 9 ( 'm llea pVr

I':ddlo O'Donnell gained aecopd . am) Tommy . MUlon came Ih■ V • . . . ■ ■

w A m W l} b n l l y o ttre d ,' a t \H jte . B c d ib a ri* ;

■W ftraboMe

u will p a y th e h ig liert ico fo r, g o o d fluciL ‘W iii d i . t n m a b e a t S e p t, 1 0 . :

Id a b o S w e e t OlOTW Oo. .

1 littafniraM W at I

\^ d o e e n o t 'c e ^ a . c a M o S , oc rnw m hir e i l t t . ' I t i e i ^ r . 'v e g e -

a r b a s s ' i s . ’i s i s s .UMied teU ete are a y to lak&

«Bl?nSw grl3 n j? * W c ^ c e n ta .

SHER DRUG CO.Tw in Valla,' T ^hho.

I All J.eadiBff S m n la U .



V.B.W allPtumb- I ing Co.. ' I

I'boBB a i IF o r G ood. F lo m b ln ff . 5 '

lOOOOOOOOOOOdOM PPPlM ^ BQ fi0000000b£{ljiffi}aM 00flC 4 UK N O B t I ! . n R B T ^

a s N E B A L i m r a . |Jticccfutora t o ’W m . o ie tlaen a ]30 8 .U iU n .BiOBe.TaOr ip p o o p o o p p o m p o ^ M O d . o o o o o o a a o o ^ o Q i a o M o o d o

Fi. HEARTFIELD ImNCU Dnf Cl^EB - I H a tt^ and T uibr | (O o o o o o o o o o e w o o e 'o e a O Q tH M p O O Q O p ^ 'b O fW i^ p p P p O O .>ABO O IO A B rA O T O B T |

m io te fa l4i t o d Retail'. g S o u IUU tn d fJe lm n ie Bird S

X eadlac B x a e d e . gF . G. A O B U -ia & ic ia ii I ^ ■

lo o o o o o o o o e o o o d o o o Q O O p o t o e w o o o f l ip o o o ^ o o w

H o o ila r ? .a n > i ( a n Op, . : 8 new A M D BKOo i r o - |

B A m V T n S N lT U B B ' X ^ A v e n f t 8 6 t l i b . r ' «

ip c v a ^ n p p o o c ^ i^ o & f t a m o o p t n p a a p o f ^ t f f c f i ^ a ^

Iduhfli. Vol6||Dls(iy[f0o. ff ' 'S e p a ir , r t l i a i U s n d • : 1

r e n ^ ^ p j a p * ^ ' |

AffMti U. a TJreii : |

E. V. SHlipLEY' 1, . •:J. G. B A IU U iV

S9CCSH UeptW BtttlvV

T H E I N S y ? ^J e n t n l S M te t ^ e

W h e n . ' ‘‘ ‘ t& t s t IO p e n .D a y a a d N i ^

rnK r«ii». iHMUiaiMiriw' §


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