twitter practices you should ditch right now

Post on 15-Jul-2015






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Twitter Practices You Should Ditch Right Now!

Twitter can be a fun place for brands. Why? Think of it is marriage between a chat room and instant messaging – it is quick, it is happening, and it is a place where all the cool people hang


Twitter for Medical Practices

This micro-blogging site offers fantastic avenues for patient engagement. Medical practices can also use Twitter power to

give their practice brand greater visibility, and for establishing reputation as a “thought leader.”

No Room for Errors!

Twitter is massive and home to a large and highlyactive audience. What you post will be viewed by potential patients, your competitors, and also by

other industry experts. It adds to your digital footprint so even a simple error can be your

undoing in the social realm.

5 Ways Your Twitter Influence Can Go


If you want to get embroiled in controversial topics, it is best you keep away from social media! So you have polarized opinions,

well pretty much everyone does – just don’t stand on social soap-boxes to do it.

Favoring Polarizing Topics

Remember - Your potential target audience, competitors, and other industry peers/leaders are

watching you on Twitter. And the last thing you want is for them to judge your entire practice brand based on one polarized or politically in-correct post

or opinion.

Twitter is a public place and there is every chance you will meet disgruntled or unhappy patients. The thing is, regardless of whether or

not you’re on the receiving end, taking your negative feelings to a public platform is a big fat absolute NO!

Getting Involved in Negative Exchanges

If you are in the habit of tweeting mindlessly, you need to stop right now. Apart from the fact

that it can dilute your influence, keep in mind your audience wants quality and credible

information source. So keep it tight and keep it highly relevant.

Twitter audience is global.

While some users are more

accepting of conflicting

opinions, others can take

offense easily. So predicting

how your posts will be

viewed can be difficult.

Humor, political ideas and

affiliations, religious

sentiments, cultural

differences - just stop to

think before you Tweet!

Stop and Think

Tweeting Excessively

Don’t you find it annoying anytime you come across someone who tweets just about anything and

everything 24/7? Whatever happened to life outside social media!

So yes, if excessive Tweeting is your thing, you may want to think rethink that.

What Matters?

Think relevant…think useful….think trending…think expertise in your area of specialization. Twitter is hot and there is every reason why you need to be making your mark in this space. Just be careful

about the battles you pick and choose.

One Doctor, One Area, One Goal ~ Results!

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