twitter - things you really shouldn't do

Post on 26-May-2015






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Whether you are new to Twitter or just starting to use it for business there are some things you just shouldn't do. When you have finished viewing this slide deck, pop over to and click "likeables" like or share the page to grab a great free report that accompanies the slides. Enjoy!


10 things you really shouldn’t do on Twitter

Presented By

Mistake #1: Quantity over Quality

Contrary to popular belief, the number of followers on Twitter is not a direct measure of success. Balance quantity and quality for best results.

Mistake #2: Auto-Follow Back

While it’s nice to reciprocate, automatically following everyone who follows you results in a lot of spam and makes it difficult to interact meaningfully.

Mistake #3: Auto Direct Messaging

Make real connections, not automated ones. Don’t sound desperate!

Mistake #4: Not Customising Your Page

Create a great first impression. Customize your background and profile.

Mistake #5: Taking Extended Breaks

Don’t leave your audience hanging when you have to

be away from Twitter.

Mistake #6: The Same Time Each Day

Mix it up and connect with your followers in different time zones.

Mistake #7: Not Responding to @s

Twitter labels the @ mentions tab as “Connect” for a reason. Connect with your audience that is

already talking to you.

Mistake #8: No Personality Tweets

No corporate smugness required. Have fun and show personality in your tweets.

Mistake #9: Stingy with Retweets

Share the love and share great tweets with your followers. It builds connections and brings great stuff to your audience.

Mistake #10: Taking vs. Giving

It may sound cliché, but stop worrying about Twitter can give you and instead think about what you can give Twitter. It comes back manifold.

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