two glyph base sets twoletterglyphset

Post on 07-Jul-2018






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  • 8/18/2019 Two Glyph Base Sets Twoletterglyphset


      lyph SetsGlyph SetsOf The Prime and Two Letter Sets

    The Retranslated Ancient Hebrew Texts

    The Complete SDH System


    Version update March 25th 2015

  • 8/18/2019 Two Glyph Base Sets Twoletterglyphset


    Prime Glyph List - - - 

    Aalaf  - To begin -

     bayatha - Amid -gayamala - To compound -

    dalatha - To suspend to continue

    ha-A-a - To define -

    vava - To add -

    zayan - To center -

    - center of attention

    khayatha - To reflect -

    tayatha - To organize -

    yavada  - To manifest -kaf  - To press -

    lamada - Toward -

    mam - To raise up -

    navan-To follow - ... what happens next

    samak  - To enclose or end -

    Eayan - To arc -

    faAa - To release -

    tsadaya - To position -

    kwavaf  - To empty -

    rayasha - To spread out -

    shan - To project -

    thava - To continue (along) -

    22 shapes - 


    xjy klm

     ns [pcq

    rX t

    5 Final forms





    English meanings of the Hebrew names 

    @la to commence to release

     tyblmyg to furrow to raise up towards


    ah  To discern

    ww  to add being

     !yz what follows notable countenance,

     tyx to represent (as a reflection) tyj  to continue

    dwy over

    @k to depress

    dml toward to calculate

    ~m that those

     !wn forever$ms

     !y[ to view

    ap to puff 

    ydc  to choose to manifest

    @wq empty being to release (boastful)

    Xyrto spread out thin, (poverty)

     !X to diverge

    wt to last

    Can be used as prefixes and suffixes

    - to put attention on



    amid to dwell

    to align

    to be visible

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    a - To begin - @ Aalaf - To begin toward to release -ba - To have seed - to begin to amidga  - To gather - to begin to fold - as in to harvest.

    da - To rule - to begin to overha - To commence - to begin to definewa - To require - to begin to add

    - To focus (now) - to begin to center 

    xa - To match - to begin to reflect (a matching reflection)ja - To collect, amass - to begin to organize

    - To initiate - to begin to manifest

    $a - To impel, to cause - to begin to pressla - To begin toward - to begin, toward

    - To conceive - to begin to raise up

     !a - To exert - to begin, what comes nextsa - To confine - to begin to enclose

     [a - To support - to begin to arc

    @a - To expend or exhaust - to begin to release

    ra - To vary - to begin to spread outXa - To extend - to begin to project

     ta - To join - to begin to continue (along)





    #a - To ______________ - to begin to position

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    b - Amid - the middle to continue  -  t  bayathaab - To go into - amid to begingb - To reinforce - amid to fold

    db - To detach - amid, to overwb - To be inside - amid beinghb - Among - amid to definezb - Selfish - amid to center jb - enumerate? - amid to organizeyb - To import - amid to manifest$b - To burst Forth - amid to presslb - To devote - amid toward

     !b - To branch - amid, that which comes - To control - amid to enclose (control emotions)

     [b - To outpour - amid to arc

    qb - To clear - amid to emptyrb - To replicate - amid to spread outXb - To make known - amid to project

     tb - To retain (A daughter) - amid to continue


    #b - To stick - amid to position

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    g  - To compound - to fold an item to - lm  gayamalaag - To accumulate - to compound to beginbg  - To stack - to compound to amid (to round the back)

    dg - To yield - to compound to over compound

    wg - To layer - to compound being as a person's back zg - To shave - to compound to centerxg - compoundyg - To furrow - to compound to manifest, as in the mound left by the tillinglg - To roll to or be round - to compound toward (to fold one side to the other)

    ~g - To take in - to compound, to raise up !g - To repel - to compound, that which follows [g - To bellow - to compound to arc - (as an animal bends its head and then arcs back to call)@g - To crumple - to compound to release

    - To chew (pulverize)- to compound to spread out

    Xg - To shower - to compound to project

     tg- To compress - to compound to continue


    hg - To crease - To , to define

    To unlayer - to to reflect


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    d - To over - to suspend to continue   tl dalatha

    bd - To uphold - to over to amid

    gd - To wave - to over to fold, as in the motion of a wave, or item waving.dd - To boil - to over to over 

    wd - To impassion - to over, and ( the present state of being over )xd - To push down - to over to reflect (opposite action, to push down)yd - To ring - to over to manifest.$d - To push in - to over to pressld - To suspend - to over, toward

    - To beat (as Blood) - to over to raise up

     !d - To decide - to over, that which follows [d - To know - to over to arc@d - To drop - to over to releaseqd - To be thin - to over to empty, as in being too thin to stay erect

    rd- To broaden - to over (or across) to spread out

    Xd - To grow - to over to project- To regulate - to over to continue

      - d

    ad - unknown - to over to begin (as in to hover nervously)

    hd - To encase - to over to define



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    h - To define - to look - haAaah - To discern - to define to begingh - To muse, relax - to define to fold

    dh - To overlay - To define to over wh - To develop - to define beingyh - To exist - to define to manifestlh - To distance - to define toward~h - Them - To define those

     !h - To look - to define, to followsh - To silence - to define to enclose or finish (to be quiet)

    rh - To peak - to define to spread out (reach maximum)

    When the h  appears before the glyphs not listed above, it is not part in the word chosen in English, and is therefore translated as " THE "or...To define. 


    @h - To ____________ - to define to release

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    z - To center - what follows to mark center   ! zayanaz - To mention - to begin to centerbz - Center inside - center amid

    dz - To designate over - center to over hz - To afore mention - center to definewz - To flow from center - center beingzz - Dead center - center of the center xz - To expel from center - center to reflectyz - To mark center - center to manifest

    $z - To be clear - center, to press (as in oil)lz - To waver - center towards (as in to move one’s center)~z - To plan or layout - center to raise up (the point around which a plan or devise is built)

     !z - Center to follow - the point where an action begins [z - To issue - center to arc (the point from which something comes forth)@z - To melt - center to release (the idea that, that which held an item together has given way)

    qz- To tip - center to empty (as in to bend over, or bend down)

    rz - To scatter - center to spread out tz - Center to continue - (all are Proper Names)

      - yz

    gz - To ______________ - center to fold

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    x - To reflect - to remember to continue - t khayathabx - To cherish - to reflect amid, (as to hold to the bosom)gx - To encircle, to gather around - to reflect to fold

    dx - To equalize - to reflect to over (to be like that beside one)wx - To cycle - to reflect being (to tie a knot, or sew, or a looping motion)zx - To look outward - to reflect center xx - To alternate - to reflect to reflect (as links in a chain)jx - To entangle, disorganize - to reflect to organizeyx - To remember - to reflect to manifest$x - To lift - to reflect to presslx - To come from - to reflect towards~x - To heat - (to sit as by a fire)

     !x - To bestow - to reflect that which followssx - To discharge - to reflect to enclose@x - To protect - to reflect to release#x - To throw - to reflect to position

    qx- To enact (as a law) - to reflect to empty

    rx - To withdraw - to reflect to spread outXx - To retract - to reflect to project

     tx - To break up - opposite of continuing


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    j - To organize - to align to continue - t tayathaaj - To put in order - to organize to beginbj - To compile - to organize amid

    hj - To clean - to organize to definewj - To manage - to organize being


    to organize

    ~j - To pollute - to organize, to raise up !j - To weave - to organize that which follows [j - To wander (physically or morally) - to organize to arc (away from)


    xj - To ___________ - to organize, the opposite

    @j - To ___________ - to organize to release

    yj - To arrange - to to manifestlj - To condense - toward

    rj - To design - to organize to spread out

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    y - To manifest - to move to over - d yavada ay - To exhibit - to manifest to beginby  - To bear - to manifest amid

    gy - To push away - to manifest to fold (as bend away)dy - To grasp - to manifest to over hy - - to manifest to definewy - To be visible - to manifest beingzy - To sprinkle - to manifest center xy - To wait - to manifest to reflectjy - To arrange - to manifest to organize$y - To authorize - to manifest to pressly - To transfer - to manifest toward~y - To measure, water - to manifest to raise up

    - To maintain - to manifest that which follows

    - To complete - to manifest to enclose

     [y - To sway - to manifest to arc

    @y- To exclaim - to manifest to release

    #y - To form - to manifest to position

    Xy - To sprawl - to manifest to project ty - To dwell - to manifest to continue


    To materialize


    ry - To pool - to manifest to spread out

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     k$ - To press - to depress - kaf ak - To feel emotional pain - to press to begin

    bk- To weigh on - to press amid

    dk - To deepen - to press to over hk - To emphasize - to press to definewk - To pierce - to press beingzk - To fabricate - to press centerxk - To resist - to press to reflectyk - To confirm - to press to manifest (as so, there)

    lk- To pack (all) - to press toward

    ~ k - To yearn for - to press to raise up (your) !k - To impress - to press, that which comes nextsk - To make higher, plump, to canopy - to press to enclose (to pad or fatten)

     [k - To segment time - to press to arc@k - To depress - to press to release, (a bowl, spoon, palm leaf, etc.)rk - To brace - to press to spread out

    Xk - To totter or waver - to press to project tk - To write or engrave - to press to continue



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    l - Toward - toward to calculate - dml lamadaal - To not exist - toward to begin

    bl- To resolve, the heart or will - toward amid

    gl - A log, a Hebrew measure for liquid - toward to folddl - To traverse - toward to over,hl - To draw to - toward, to definewl - Toward being (in the state of going to)yl - To transport - toward to manifestjl - To conceal - toward to organize

    ll - To mix - toward toward

    #l - To scorn - toward to position, to position against [l - To _______________ - toward to arc

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    ~m - To raise up - that, those - mamam - To give increase - to raise up to begin (as that which you grow or raise)dm - To calculate - to raise up to over 

    hm - To identify (what, why) - to raise up to definewm - To start - to raise up beingxm - To lower, cast down - to raise up to reflect

    $m - To strike (a blow) - to raise up to presslm - To fill - to raise up toward (the edge or brim)

     !m - To extract - to raise up, that which followssm - To afflict - to raise up to enclose or finish

    @m - To breathe deeply - to raise up to release#m - To post - to raise up to positionqm - To plead - raise up to empty

    - To rebel - to raise up to spread out

    Xm- To hold up to see - to raise up to project

     tm - To mature (to die) - to raise up to continue


    ym  -To determine - to raise up to manifest


     [m - To _____________ - to raise up to arc

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     n ! - To follow - To be following to follow - ! navanan - To agree to - to follow to beginbn - To fore tell - to follow amid

    gn - To touch - to follow to folddn - To put across - to follow to over (what follows putting stuff over something)hn - To flow - to follow to definewn - To be following (to neutralize) - to follow beingzn - To spurt - to follow center xn - To precede - to follow to reflect (to go before)

    yn - To come after - to follow to manifest$ n - To bruise - to follow to press (the finish action of a punch or hit)ln - To complete - to follow toward (follow through)

     [n - To cover up - to follow to arc

    @n- To issue - to follow to release

    qn - To make a hole - to follow to empty (what happens after emptying something)rn - To wick or waft - to follow to spread outXn - To carry - to follow to project. (what happens after extending your arms)

     tn - To section - to follow to continue (something becomes bigger, its divided)


    jn - To _____________ - to follow, to organize (subservient)

    ~ n - To ________________ - to follow to raisesn - To ________________- to follow to enclose

    #n - To post - to follow to position

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    s - To enclose or end - to incline to press - $ samak 

    bs - To circle - amid to enclosegs - To prostrate - to finish to fold (to kneel with your forehead to the ground)ds - To bind - to enclose to over hs - To round or surround - enclose to definews - To be enclosing - to enclose beingxs - To trail or travel along with - enclose to reflectys - To congregate - to enclose to manifest$s - To crowd - to enclose to press (as in overcrowded)ls -~s - To incline - to enclose to raise up

     !s - To narrow - to enclose to follow, (to narrow)ss - To spiral - to enclose, enclose (as a moth flies)

    @s - to take hold of - to contain to release

    rs - To shut in - to enclose to spread out ts - To be Hidden, a covering - to enclose to continue ( like winter snow )



    as - To ____________, a Hebrew measure for grain - begin to enclose

    To ____________ - to enclose toward

    qs - To ______________ - to enclose to empty

     [s - To wrap up - to enclose to arc

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     [ - To arc  - to view - ! Eayanb[  - To curve - to arc amid

    d[ - To place to, unto, from one point to another - to arc to overw[ - To distort - to arc being (as an arm to embrace)z[ - To power - to arc center j[ - To create a semi-circle - to arc to organizey[ - To eye ( to Watch) - to arc to manifest (to use the eye to see)$ [ - To intertwine - to arc to press (as in weaving a baskets, not cloth)l[ - To mount - to arc, toward (as to mount a horse)

    ~ [ - To accompany - to arc to raise up ![ - To respond - to arc that which followss[ - To encapsulate - to arc to enclose (as a hand wrapping around an item)@[ - To swell - to arc to release#[ - To chop - to arc to positionq[ - To concave - to arc to empty

    r[- To swing open - to arc to spread (as a book)

    X[ - To finish - to arc to project (from one point to another)


    g[ - To____________ - to arc to compound

     t[ - To pass time - to arc to continue

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    p @ - To release - to puff - faAaap - To puff or blow - to release to begin

    dp - To ransom or redeem - to release to over 

    wp - Releasing, to leave, to let go - to release being- To smelt - to release center 

    xp - To contain - release to reflectyp - To loose - release to manifest

    - To open up to - to release to organize

    $p - To squeeze out- to release pressedlp - To dispense - to release toward~p - To voice - to release raised up

     !p - To look to - to release to follow.sp - To open the hand - to release to enclose

     [p - To hit - to release to arc#p - To pull away - to release to set downqp - To give charge - to release to emptyrp - To break forth - to release to spread outXp - To flow out - to release to project

     tp - To allot - to release to continue


    gp - To _____________ - to release to fold

    hp - To emanate? - to release to define



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    c # 

    - To position - y tsadaya - to choose to manifest -

    ac - To come forth - to position to beginbc  - To amass - to position amiddc - To choose - to position to over hc - To be golden - to position to definewc - To command - to position beingxc - To be bright - to position to reflectyc - To situate - to position to manifestlc - To shade - to position towards

    ~c- To contract - to position to raise up

    - To displace - to position to arc

    rc - To pressure - to position to spread out 


     !c - To plant? - to position, to follow.

    @c - To unfurl? - to position to release [c

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    q - To empty - Emptying to release - @ kwavaf aq - To expel - to empty to begin

    dq - To topple - to empty to over 

    wq - To unload - to empty beingxq - To take - to empty to reflect (opposite to empty)jq - To ration, a little - to empty to organizeyq - To empty out - to empty to manifest

    lq- To recede - to empty toward

    ~q - To rear - to empty to raise up !q - To abide - to empty that which follows.sq - Unknown - to empty to enclose or finish

     [q - To scoop out - to empty to arc

    - To reach - to empty to set down

    rq - To pour forth - to empty to spread out (to make cold)Xq - To thrust - to empty to project


    bq - To scoop - to empty amid (a hollow vessel used as a dry measure)

    hq - To issue - to empty to define

    #q@q - To ______________ - to empty to release

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    r - To spread out - to disperse to project - X rayashaar - To perceive - to spread out to beginbr  - To multiply - to spread out amid

    gr - To clench (to seize) - to spread out to fold (to fold the spread out hand)dr - To explore - to spread out to over hr - To embolden or strengthen - to spread out to definewr -zr - To hide something by moving it from a center point - to spread out to center xr - To draw up - to spread out to reflect

    $r - To soften - spread out to press~r - To mass - to spread out to raise up (a large volume)

     !r - To sound, a shout, noise, etc. - to spread out that which follows- To restrain - to spread out, to enclose

     [r - To fear - to spread out to arc@r - To relax - to spread out to release

    #r - To support - to spread out to set down (as a hand placed on something)qr - To hollow out - to spread out to empty- To deploy


    To be spreading - to spread out being

    yr - To disperse - to spread out to manifest


    Xr - to spread out to project tr - To emit - to spread out to continue

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    X - To project - to diverge - shanaX - To set forth - to project to beginbX - To distribute - amid to project

    gX - To draw close - to project to fold (as to fold the arms)dX - To dominate or control - to project to over hX - To show - to project, to define ( prominent)wX - To widen out - to project being

    xX - To collapse - to project to reflectjX - To direct - to project to organize

    yX - To display - to project to manifest$X - To send forth - to project to press (as a hedge or tent)lX - To go to - to project toward~X - To locate - to project to raise up

     !X - To diverge - to project that which follows (outcrop from an original) [X - To pivot - to project to arc@X - To expel, put away - to project to releaseqX - To pour out - to project to emptyrX - To station - to project to spread out (station in life, a place of station)XX - To invoke - to project to project (how the high priest positions his hands for blessing)

     tX - To cup (to cup the hands together) - to project to continue 


    zX - To _________________ - to project center

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     t - To continue along with. To proceed (in front of a word) to last - thavabt - To store - to continue amiddt -ht - To go on - to continue to definewt - To last - to continue beingxt - To stop - to continue to reflectyt - To remain - to continue to manifest$ t - To cut - to continue to presslt -

    ~ t- To arise - to continue to raise up

     !t - To span - to continue that which follows [t -@t - To be constant - to continue to release (as a tambourine)qt - To expel - to continue to emptyrt - To beacon - to continue to spread outXt - To eject - to continue to project

     tt - To perpetuate - to continue to continue


    Unknown - to continue to over 

    To rise ? - to continue toward

    Unknown - to continue to arc

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