types of speech presentation

Post on 12-May-2015






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Types of Speech


Types of Speech Presentation

1. Informative

2. Persuasive


• -a speech designed to convey knowledge and understanding

Classification of Informative Speech

1. Speeches about objects

2. Speeches about processes

3. Speeches about events

4. Speeches about concepts

Sample Informative Speech Outline

Specific Purpose:

To inform my audience about four major elements of Japanese garden

Central Idea:

The four major elements of a Japanese garden are stones, sand, water, and plants.

Main Points:

I. The first element of a Japanese garden is stones which symbolize mountains and islands.

II. The second element of Japanese garden is sand which symbolizes the sea or other vast areas.

III. The third element of a Japanese garden is water which symbolizes the purity and life.

Sample Informative Speech Outline

Guidelines for Informative Speeches

1. Limit your speech between two to five main points

2. Keep main points separated

3. Use the same pattern of wording for all main points

Guidelines for Informative Speeches

4. Balance the amount of time allotted to each main point

5. Don’t overestimate what the audience knows

6. Relate subject directly to the audience

Guidelines for Informative Speeches

7. Don’t be too technical

8. Avoid abstractions




9. Personalize your ideas


-a speech that creates, reinforces, changes people’s beliefs or actions, make people to do action

• “The more you know about persuasion, the more effective you can be in using your powers of critical thinking to assess the barge of persuasive messages you are exposed to everyday.”

Objectives of Persuasive Speeches

a. to get listeners to agree with you, and/ or act on that belief

b. to defend an idea/ to disprove an opponent

Objectives of Persuasive Speeches

c. to sell a program/ something

d. to inspire people to action

While delivering a persuasive speech, your listeners are assessing your:

a. Credibility

b. Delivery

c. Supporting details

d. Language

e. Reasoning

f. Emotional Appeals

While delivering a persuasive speech, your listeners are assessing your:

Classifications of Persuasive Speeches

A. Questions of Facts

B. Questions of Value

C. Questions of Policy

A. Questions of Facts

-a question about the truth or the falsity of an assertion

-similar to an informative speech, but you take sides

-speaker acts as an advocate


Sample Outline of Questions of Facts

Specific Purpose:

To persuade my audience that an earthquake 9.0 or above on the Ritcher scale will hit California in the next ten years

Central Idea:

There are good reasons to believe that an earthquake of 9.0 or above on the Ritcher scale will hit California in the next ten years.

Main Points:

I. California is long overdue for a major earthquake.

II. Many geological signs indicate that a major earthquake may happen soon.

III. Experts agree that an earthquake of 9.0 or above could strike California any day

Sample Outline of Questions of Facts

B. Questions of Value

-questions about the worth, rightness, morality of an idea or action

-involves value judgments

B. Questions of Value

-based on a person’s beliefs about what is right from wrong, good or bad, moral or immoral, fair or unfair

Sample Outline of Questions of Value

Specific Purpose:

To persuade my audience that capital punishment is morally and legally wrong

Central Idea:

Capital punishment violates both the Bible and US Constitution

Sample Outline of Questions of Value

Main Points:

I. Capital punishment violates the biblical commandment “Thou shall not kill.”

II. Capital Punishment violates the constitutional ban on “cruel and unusual punishment.”

C. Questions of Policy

-questions whether a specific course of action should be taken or not

-goes beyond questions of fact and value: to decide on the action

2 Types of Questions of Policy

A. To gain Passive Agreement

-get your audience to agree with your idea

-does not urge them to take action

2 Types of Questions of Policy

B. To gain Immediate Action

-you want your audience to do something

-make your recommendation as specific as possible

-tell your audience what to do and how to do it

Analyzing Questions of Policy

1. Need: Convince readers that there is a serious problem with things as they are.

2. Plan: Explain your plan for solving it.

3. Practicality: Explain how your plan will work.

Organization of Speeches of Questions of Policy

A. Problem-Cause-Solution Order

1. Identify the problem

2. Analyze the causes of the problem

3. Presenting a solution to the problem

B. Comparative Advantages Order

1. Convince your audience that the problem exist

2. Compare the advantages and disadvantages of competing solutions

Organization of Speeches of Questions of Policy

C. Monroe’s Motivated Sequence

Organization of Speeches of Questions of Policy

Monroe’s Motivated Sequence

1. Attention

: relating to the audience, showing the importance of the topic, making a surprising statement, arousing curiosity, posing a question, telling a dramatic story

2. Need

:make the audience feel a need for a change; show there is a serious problem with the existing situation

3. Satisfaction

:provide a solution to the problem

:present a plan on how will it work


4. Visualization

:visualize the benefits of the plan/ solution

:show listeners how will they benefit from your policy

:use vivid imagery

5. Action

: say exactly what your audience has to do and how to do it

:state your final appeal that reinforces their commitment to act


• Lucas, S. E. (2009). The Art of Public Speaking. 10th ed. New York: McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

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