ucs nuclear power safety briefing, 11-13-2012

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David Lochbaum, Rob Cowin and Sean Meyer of the Union of Concerned Scientists present a webinar on nuclear power safety issues on November 13, 2012.


Welcome to the

Nuclear Power Safety Briefing

Dave Lochbaum

Rob Cowin

Sean MeyerNovember 13, 2012

What We’re Up To

David Lochbaum

Director, Nuclear Safety Project


November 13, 2012

104 Reactors Licensed to Operate

From: UCS’s web tool called the Nuclear Power Information Tracker

47 Outside Fire Safety Regulations

From: UCS’s web tool called the Nuclear Power Information Tracker

27 Have Earthquake Issues

From: UCS’s web tool called the Nuclear Power Information Tracker

8 May Shake and Bake

From: UCS’s web tool called the Nuclear Power Information Tracker

34 Have Flooding Issues

This Safety Issue will be added to Tracker in the very near future.

None Have Fixed Fukushima

What We’re Up To

Safety IOUs protect no one.

The squeaky wheel gets the oil.

We are squeaking as often and as loud as we can to get ALL reactors to comply with fire protection regulations, ALL reactors to resolve known earthquake issues, ALL reactors to resolve known flooding problems, and ALL reactors to expeditiously and effectively implement lessons learned from Fukushima.

The NRC must not set the safety bar and then watch reactors limbo beneath it. We seek to end this nuclear limbo.

Rob Cowin Washington Representative for Clean Energy

Will Congress Act to improve nuclear power safety?

Ranking Member Lisa Murkowski (R-AK) (left) with Chairman Ron Wyden (D-Oregon)

ENR Leadership

ENR Members, 113th Congress

Majority Minority

•Ron Wyden, Oregon, Chairman•Tim Johnson, South Dakota•Mary Landrieu, Louisiana•Maria Cantwell, Washington•Bernie Sanders, Vermont•Debbie Stabenow, Michigan•Mark Udall, Colorado•Jeanne Shaheen, New Hampshire•Al Franken, Minnesota•Joe Minchin, West Virginia•Chris Coons, Delaware•Martin Heinrich, New Mexico?

•Lisa Murkowski, Alaska, Ranking Member•John Barrasso, Wyoming•Jim Risch, Idaho•Mike Lee, Utah•Rand Paul, Kentucky•Dan Coats, Indiana•Rob Portman, Ohio•John Hoeven, North Dakota•Dean Heller, Nevada•Bob Corker, Tennessee

The next EPW Chair?

Chairwoman Barbara Boxer (D-CA)

Sen. Carper (D-DE) (left) with Sen. Lautenberg (D-NJ)

EPW Members, 113th CongressMajority Minority

•Barbara Boxer, California, *•Max Baucus, Montana•Tom Carper, Delaware *•Frank Lautenberg, New Jersey *•Ben Cardin, MarylandClean Air and Nuclear Safety Subcommittee Chairman?

•Bernie Sanders, Vermont•Sheldon Whitehouse, Rhode Island•Tom Udall, New Mexico•Jeff Merkley, Oregon•Kirsten Gillibrand, New York•Potential vacancy

•David Vitter, Louisiana, Ranking Member•Jim Inhofe, Oklahoma•John Barrasso, Wyoming•Jeff Sessions, Alabama•Mike Crapo, Idaho•Lamar Alexander, Tennessee•Mike Johanns, Nebraska•John Boozman, Arkansas

Asterisk denotes potential EPW committee chairperson in the 113th Congress.

Energy & Water Appropriations Leadership

Former NRC Chairman Jaczko (left) with Chairwoman Feinstein Ranking Member Lamar Alexander (R-TN)

Eric Cantor, (R-VA) House Majority leader (left); John Boehner (R-OH), Speaker of the House

House Environment and Economy Subcommittee Leadership

Ranking Member Gene Green (D-TX) (left) and Chairman John Shimkus (R-IL) at Yucca Mountain

Energy and Commerce Ranking Member Henry Waxman (D-CA)

House Energy & Water Appropriations

Chairman Rodney Frelinghuysen, R-NJ

Sean MeyerManager of Strategic Campaigns

Global Security Program

How You Can Get Involved & Work With Our Campaign

Congress Copes with Nuclear Safety

Don’t Let Them Ignore the Problem

Elevating State Voices

Old-fashioned advocacy still works best.

• Sean Meyer

• Bettina Fest

• Christian O’Rourke


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