ucsu adjudication procedure

Post on 08-Mar-2016






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All you as a UoC student need to know about the adjudication procedure.


Information about

The University

Code of Conduct and

Adjudication Procedure

Independent Advice, Support and Representation

What is the Adjudication Process?

The Adjudication Process addresses breaches of the Student Code of Conduct which is

a set of standards that students are expected to ‘abide’ by in terms of their personal and

professional conduct (including fulfilling course requirements such as attendance).

The intention of the Process is to treat complaints as allegations and have trained

Adjudication Officers investigate allegations and decide whether a breach has actually

taken place (although it is possible for students to be suspended whilst an allegation is

investigated). There are a range of sanctions that can be applied after investigation if it is

found that a student has breached the University Code of Conduct.

As a policy it is broken up into sections – the policy, the process and the Code of


The Student Code of Conduct

The Code of Conduct sets out some detailed expectations from students. It includes

behaviours and attitudes both on and off campus and is broken up into the following


• Behaviour towards students, staff, agents, visitors and guests of the college

• The use of buildings, grounds and equipment

• Acting within the adjudication procedures themselves

• College administration (ie. not defrauding college services, breaching confidentiality,

payment of monies owed to college etc.)

• Acting within other college policies eg. Equal Opportunities etc.

A student, member of staff or agent of the University (eg. security staff, placement staff)

can make an allegation against a student using these procedures.

The Policy

The Policy documents are available on the University website or you can contact the

Students’ Union Student Adviser using the contacts on the back of this leaflet for a copy.

It includes information about:

• confidentiality

• what happens if someone makes a false allegation

• the timescales in place to address allegations

• what documentation is required by those involved

• who the policy applies to

• sanctions imposed

• suspension procedures

• cases which involve the police

• what advice, support, representation and guidance is available to those involved

• how the policy is monitored, evaluated and reviewed.

The Adjudication Process

Although it is a long document, it may be helpful to have a look online and read it.

Students often become aware of the policy when they receive a letter from an

Adjudication Officer. This will set out what they are alleged to have done, the rules they

are alleged to have breached and should include evidence where relevant and details of

what will happen next. Although, if you have been suspended your letter may not

include detailed information about the exact nature of any potential breaches and may

simply list any codes that you are alleged to have breached.

There will either be a request to:

• write back to the Adjudication officer with a response to the allegation by a certain


• attend an Adjudication Meeting

• attend an Adjudication Interview

• attend an Adjudication Hearing

Anyone making an allegation has to do this in writing to an Adjudication Officer. They

have to include as much information as is relevant and include evidence where there is

any. The Adjudication Officer will have checked that this is the correct procedure to

apply and is likely to have spoken to the person making the allegation before contacting

the student who is alleged to have broken the code of conduct.

The Adjudication Officer involved will be relevant to the alleged breach – unless he or

she is implicated in the allegation, or is the person making the allegation.

It should be remembered that although it is not assumed from the outset that a student

has done anything wrong, if they have, it is worth being honest and accepting

responsibility as this will be looked on positively by the Officer.

Adjudication by correspondence

Adjudication by correspondence provides a student with the chance to respond to any

allegations. The Adjudication Officer will contact the student in writing to inform them

about any allegations made against them. Any evidence that supports the allegation(s)

should be provided at this stage. The letter will ask the student to respond in writing

within a certain time limit by either:

• admitting to any allegations

• admitting to any allegations and submitting mitigating extenuating circumstances

• denying any allegations and submitting a supporting statement or evidence

• requesting an adjudication meeting

The Adjudication Officer will then normally look at the student response and either

make a decision about an outcome and inform the student in writing, or they may

decide that a further adjudication procedure may be more appropriate.

Adjudication Meetings

The meeting will take the form of a discussion about the allegations made and the

student’s response to them, usually attended by a PAT or Programme Leader. By the

end the Officer may feel s/he is able to make a decision:

• that there has been no breach

• that there has been a breach and discuss an outcome (sanctions are mentioned


• they may recommend external agencies – medical, counselling, mediation etc

• they may refer the student to an Adjudication Interview

The student is generally informed of any outcomes and sanctions at the meeting,

although the Officer may wait and inform the student of the outcome within five

working days of the Meeting.

If a student fails to attend an Adjudication Meeting, they will be asked to attend a more

formal Adjudication Interview.

Adjudication interviews

The Interview will take the form of a discussion about the allegations made and the

student’s response to them and is conducted in a similar manner to the Adjudication

Meeting but generally attended by two or more members of staff and a minute taker.

By the end the Officer may feel s/he is able to make a decision:

• that there has been no breach

• that there has been a breach and discuss an outcome – sanctions are mentioned


• they may recommend external agencies – medical, counselling, mediation etc

• they may refer to an Adjudication Hearing

The student may be informed of any outcomes and sanctions at the interview or the

Officer may wait and inform the student of the outcome within five working days of the


Adjudication Hearings

A Hearing can take place either as the outcome of an Interview or if the allegation is

considered serious enough.

The process is similar to an interview except that there will be a panel made up of three

Adjudication Officers who have not been involved at an earlier stage and a

representative of the Students’ Union. The Union involvement at the panel is to make

sure the policy is followed and although s/he can contribute to deliberations doesn’t

form part of the final decision making process. The student may not be informed of the

decision at the end of the meeting and will need to wait to receive a letter within five

working days.

Appealing against an outcome

Students can appeal about the decisions made but they do need to have good reasons –

speak to the Students’ Union Student Advisor if you are thinking of appealing.

What the sanctions might include:

Different levels of sanctions can be applied at the different stages and are more serious

at a Hearing.

Although more detail can be found in the Appendix, examples include:

• verbal or written warning(s)

• making an apology

• a fine where appropriate – up to £25 at Interview or £100 at Hearing.

• Temporary or permanent exclusion from University services * or residences

• Temporary or permanent suspension or exclusion from the College, withdrawal of

award (can only be sanctioned by the Principal)

*Note; The Students’ Union does not fall under the umbrella of University Services. The

Adjudication Officer(s) therefore, cannot suspend or exclude a student from Union

services or facilities. At most they could contact the Representation Sabbatical or

General Manager and make a recommendation that the Union initiates its own

procedures to determine what if any action may be required.

Support and Representation

The Students' Union Advice Service can help whether students want to make an

allegation or are responding to an allegation. We can assist in putting statements

together and strongly recommend that an Advisor accompanies students to any

meetings that might take place. Contact information is on the back of this leaflet –

Students should feel free to contact the Students’ Union Advice Service at any stage of

the process, although we can generally be of more help if we are involved sooner rather

than later.

Contacting the Advice Service

If you would like any further information, would like to arrange

an appointment or want to speak to a Students’ Union Advice Service staff member then contact:

Students’ Union Student Advisors Telephone: 01524 590810

email: suadvice@cumbria.ac.uk

You can also drop in to your local Students’ Union Office on each main Campus to speak to the Student Advisor in person,

on the telephone or to arrange a suitable appointment.

If you’d prefer it you can arrange an online chat with the Student Advisor on MSN Messenger (Mon-Fri 10am- 4pm)

email: suadvice@cumbria.ac.uk to arrange an appointment.

Why not visit the Advice Service section of the Students’ Union website so see what other information and advice we can offer?


If you would like this document in an alternative format please contact Mike Taylor

On Tel:01524 590810 or e-mail:suadvice@cumbria.ac.uk

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