ufcfx5-15-3mobile device development android development sdks and publishing

Post on 27-Dec-2015






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UFCFX5-15-3Mobile Device Development

Mobile Device Development

Android Development SDKs and Publishing

UFCFX5-15-3Mobile Device Development


Create an Android Project with Eclipse User interface design Start Another Activity Saving and loading Data Access to website Building, Testing and Debugging Preparing marketing materials for publishing Publish app to Google play

UFCFX5-15-3Mobile Device Development

Create a Project with Eclipse

UFCFX5-15-3Mobile Device Development

Project Basic Setting

• Application name: Should be checked with Google play first. Can be changed after publishing

• Package name: Unique and permanent. Can not be changed after publishing

• Minimum required SDK: Should be as low as possible to support more devices.

• Target SDK: Should be the latest version of android or most popular android version

UFCFX5-15-3Mobile Device Development

Android Manifest File Filename: AndroidManifest.xml Declaring permissions Declaring activity Declaring version code and number Declaring device filters

<supports-screens> <uses-feature> <supports-gl-texture>

UFCFX5-15-3Mobile Device Development

Design UI Using Graphical Layout

Drag & Drop

Visual Design

No coding is required

UFCFX5-15-3Mobile Device Development

Supporting Multiple Screens

Screen Size Metrics Physical screen size (10, 7, 5, 4, 3.5 inches ) Screen density in dpi (dots per inch): low, medium, high, and extra

high Screen resolution

Filter out devices (minimum screen size) Different layouts for different screen sizes Different bitmap drawables (e.g. icons) for different

screen densities Different layouts for different screen orientation

UFCFX5-15-3Mobile Device Development

Create Another Activity

UFCFX5-15-3Mobile Device Development

Start Another Activity Triggers for starting

Button pressed Hand gestures Key pressed

HelpBtn.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {


public void onClick(View v) {

Intent intent;


intent = new Intent(AnatomyQuizLite.this, HelpActivity.class);



UFCFX5-15-3Mobile Device Development

Android storage spaces Internal storage

Always available No permission needed Files saved here are accessible by only your app by default When the user uninstalls your app, the system removes all your

app's files from internal storage.

External storage (SD card or USB storage) It's NOT always available Writing permission must be declared It's world-readable, so files saved here may be read outside of your

control. When the user uninstalls your app, the system removes your app's

files from here only if you save them in the directory from getExternalFilesDir()

UFCFX5-15-3Mobile Device Development

Write and read in internal storage

Write a fileFileOutputStream fOut = openFileOutput("test.txt", Context.MODE_PRIVATE);

String str = "data";



Read a fileFileInputStream fis;

fis = openFileInput("test.txt");

StringBuffer fileContent = new StringBuffer("");

byte[] buffer = new byte[1024];

while ((n = fis.read(buffer)) != -1)

{ fileContent.append(new String(buffer, 0, n)); }Fis.Close();

UFCFX5-15-3Mobile Device Development

External Storage Directory Find the base directory File baseDir = Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory();

Create App data folderFile StoreDir = new File (baseDir.getAbsolutePath() + "/AppName/");

if( !StoreDir.exists() ) StoreDir.mkdirs();

Create a filename with absolute data folder pathFile dataFile = new File(StoreDir, ”test.txt”);

UFCFX5-15-3Mobile Device Development

Access to Website The simple way is to use IntentString text = “Android”;

Intent intent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_VIEW);

String url = "http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?search=";

url += text;



Use WebviewwebView = (WebView) findViewById(R.id.webView1);



UFCFX5-15-3Mobile Device Development

Building the app Use command prompt to build the app

Export App as an unsigned apk file from Eclipse Create a signing key file using keytool

keytool -genkey -v -keystore my-release-key.keystore -alias alias_name -keyalg RSA -keysize 2048 -validity 10000

Sign the apk file

jarsigner -verbose -sigalg SHA1withRSA -digestalg SHA1 -keystore my-release-key.keystore my_application.apk alias_name

Align the apk file

zipalign -v 4 your_project_name-unaligned.apk your_project_name.apk

UFCFX5-15-3Mobile Device Development

Testing the app Distribute App to test users

Use ADB to install from PC to android devices

adb -d install YOURAPK.apk Email the apk to test users

Need to set permission for installing app from the unknown source Use Alfa or Beta option in Google developer console

Tests using real devices Run through as many devices as possible (different manufacturer,

different screen size, low-end and high-end devices) Memory consumption tests using DDMS Screen orientation test Phone call test

UFCFX5-15-3Mobile Device Development

Preparing marketing materals

Screenshots Use monitor.bat to capture screenshots from devices Device art generator (from Google) to warp app screen shot in real

device artwork Can add promotion texts in the screen shot

Description texts Short description with key features Use special characters as bullet points Include as many as keywords Include good user reviews

UFCFX5-15-3Mobile Device Development

Publish app in Google Play Register as an individual developer

A valid credit card for verification purpose One-off $25 registration fee Publish free and paid apps

Set up a website for your app Facebook page is OK Need to be mobile compatible website

Understand Google play policy No adult content No Spam keywords No fake reviews

UFCFX5-15-3Mobile Device Development

Using Google Services Use Admob as advertisement platform

Use Google Game service leaderboards Unlock achievements

Use Google App licensing service

Use multiple APK support

Use Apk expansion files

UFCFX5-15-3Mobile Device Development

Android Development Resources

Official android development resource API guides Example projects Tutorials

Technical questions Get answer from Google Watch for stackoverflow.com for answers

XDA developer Android forum www.xda-developers.com

UFCFX5-15-3Mobile Device Development

Publish other markets Amazon appstore

Submit the android app without modification except links to Google play

Majority devices are Kindle fire tablets (Kindle phone?) Allow price promotion

Samsung apps Submit the android app without modification except links to Google

play (before 1st July, 2014) Have to rewrite some of codes in Samsung SDK.

BlackBerry App World Accept android app but the app have to be resigned

UFCFX5-15-3Mobile Device Development


• Eclipse have android project wizard and activity wizard to help developer to generate a skeleton android project.

• Developers have to consider different screen sizes for the design of user interface. Multiple UI layouts are encouraged for tablets and phones. Also if the app supports both portrait and landscape views, two different UI layouts should be used.

• Store private data in internal storage. But they will be eased if users uninstall the app.

• To make android users happy, you have to run through as many android devices as possible to test your app. The device list should include tablets and phones, devices without SD cards and devices have low memory and slow CPU.

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