ufind proxo(cucurhatan).cfg

Post on 08-Jul-2015






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#### Proxomitron Config File##

[Global]Enable = TRUEFreezeGIF = FALSEFilterHTML = FALSEFilterHeadersOut = TRUEFilterHeadersIn = TRUEEnableProxy = TRUEEnableAutoRun = FALSEForceTextures = FALSENoTextures = FALSESysTray = TRUEPromiscuous = TRUEUseSSLeay = FALSELowHTTP = TRUENoCmdURL = TRUEPriorityBoost = TRUEAccessRange = = 8080MaxCapURL = 100

[WinSizes]Win.00 = 438:252:842:547Win.01 = 438:252:842:547Win.02 = 272:104:751:496Win.03 = 338:299:685:468Win.04 = 954:91:1288:498Win.05 = 156:137:643:429Win.06 = 5:41:473:139Win.07 = 5:146:473:252Win.08 = 363:268:739:395


[HTTP headers]In = FALSEOut = TRUEKey = "Accept-encoding: Allow webpage encoding (out)"Match = "*"Replace = "gzip, deflate"

In = TRUEOut = TRUEKey = "Cache-Control: allways cache (in)"Match = "*"

In = FALSEOut = TRUEKey = "host:"Match = "*"Replace = "m.skype.com"

In = FALSEOut = TRUEKey = "Pragma: Don't force reloads"Match = "no-cache"

In = TRUEOut = TRUEKey = "X-Online-Host:"Match = "mini5.opera-mini.net"

[Patterns]Name = "IDWS Iklan"Active = FALSEURL = "*"Limit = 256Match = "<iframe id='*iklan.indowebster.com*>*</iframe>"Replace = "<b>xxx</b>"

Name = "kaskus banner"Active = FALSEURL = "*"Limit = 256Match = "<img src="/adv/*"/>"Replace = "<b>ADA IKLAN DISINI</b>"

Name = "kaskus:crack"Active = FALSEURL = "*"Limit = 256Match = "?rack"Replace = "Crack"

Name = "%26"Active = TRUEMulti = TRUEURL = "*"Limit = 256Match = "%26"Replace = "&"

Name = "%24"Active = TRUEMulti = TRUEURL = "*"Limit = 256Match = "%24"Replace = "$"

Name = "%2B"Active = TRUEMulti = TRUEURL = "*"Limit = 256Match = "%2B"Replace = "+"

Name = "%20"Active = TRUEMulti = TRUEURL = "*"Limit = 256Match = "%20"Replace = "_"

Name = "%2C"Active = FALSEMulti = TRUEURL = "*"Limit = 256Match = "%2C"Replace = ","

Name = "%3B"Active = TRUEMulti = TRUEURL = "*"Limit = 256Match = "%3B"Replace = ";"

Name = "%3A"Active = TRUEMulti = TRUEURL = "*"Limit = 256Match = "%3A"Replace = ":"

Name = "%2F"Active = TRUEMulti = TRUEURL = "*"Limit = 256Match = "%2F"Replace = "/"

Name = "%3F"Active = TRUEMulti = TRUEURL = "*"Limit = 256Match = "%3F"Replace = "?"

Name = "%3D"Active = TRUEMulti = TRUEURL = "*"Limit = 256Match = "%3D"Replace = "="

Name = "%5B"Active = TRUEMulti = TRUEURL = "*"Limit = 256Match = "%5B"Replace = "["

Name = "%5D"Active = TRUEMulti = TRUEURL = "*"Limit = 256Match = "%5D"Replace = "]"

Name = "Banner Replacer"Active = TRUEMulti = TRUEBounds = "<a\s[^>]++href=*</a>"Limit = 800Match = "\0<img (\1border=\w|) \2 src=$AV(*) (\3border=\w|) \4" "&(*(src|href)=$AV($LST(AdKeys)*)|" "(*width=[#460-480] & *height=[#55-60])|"

"(*width=[#88] & *height=[#31]))*"Replace = "\0<img \1 border=1 \2 src=http://Local.ptron/killed.gif \3 \4"

Name = "Banner Blaster (limit text)"Active = TRUEMulti = TRUEBounds = "<a\s[^>]++href=*</a>|<input*>|<ilayer*</ilayer>|<iframe*</iframe>|<object*</object>"Limit = 900Match = "(<(ilayer|iframe|object)*|\1<i(mg|mage|nput)*src=$AV(*)*>\3)" "&(*(href|src)=$AV($LST(AdKeys)*)|" "*http://*<i(mg|mage|nput)\s(*>&&" "(*width=[#460-480]&*height=[#55-60]*)|" "(*width=[#88]&*height=[#31]*)))" "&(*alt=$AV((?+{18})\2*|\2)|$SET(2=Ad))"Replace = "<center>\1<font size=1 color=red>[\2]</font>\3</center>"

Name = "Banner Blaster (full text)"Active = TRUEMulti = TRUEBounds = "<a\s[^>]++href=*</a>|<input*>|<ilayer*</ilayer>|<iframe*</iframe>|<object*</object>"Limit = 900Match = "(<(ilayer|iframe|object)*|\1<i(mg|mage|nput)*src=$AV(*)*>\3)" "&(*(href|src)=$AV($LST(AdKeys)*)|" "*http://*<i(mg|mage|nput)\s(*>&&" "(*width=[#460-480]&*height=[#55-60]*)|" "(*width=[#88]&*height=[#31]*)))" "&(*alt=$AV(\2)|$SET(2=Ad))"Replace = "<center>\1<font size=1 color=red>[\2]</font>\3</center>"

Name = "DOM Banner Blaster v0.007"Active = FALSEBounds = "<a\s*</(a|td|tr)>|<iframe*</iframe>|<ilayer*</ilayer>|<img*>|<input*>|<script(*(</sc|"*'))++ript >|<object*</object>|<form*</form>"Limit = 8000Match = "*=$AV($LST(AdKeys)*)*&<((a|form)\s*<img\s[^>+]+>|[^fa])"Replace = "<a name=PDomTarget ></a>"

Name = "DOM container killer v0.007"Active = FALSELimit = 256Match = "<end>"Replace = "\r\n<!-- // --><script src="http://local.ptron/DomConKiller.js"></script>"

Name = "Area Map Ad Blaster"Active = FALSEMulti = TRUEBounds = "<img\s[^>]+> <map\s*</map>"Limit = 800Match = "*usemap*>*" "&*(ads.|log_click|/ad|clickthru|(banner|ad|acct|source|click)(id|)=|adbanner|clicker|sponsor|adver|promo|redirect)*" "&*<map*<area (*href=(\w)\1 & (*alt="\2'|))*>\3</map>"Replace = "<br><killmap><font size=1><a href=\1>[\2]</a></font>\3</killmap>"

Name = "Area Map Ad Blaster pt2 (show all links)"Active = FALSEMulti = TRUEBounds = "<killmap>*</killmap>"Limit = 800Match = "\1 <area (*href=(\w)\2 & (*alt="(?+{12})\3*|\3'|))*> \4"Replace = " \1 <font size=1><a href=\2 >[\3]</a></font> \4 "

Name = "Kill JavaScript Banners"Active = TRUEBounds = "<script($INEST(<script,</script)</script>( <noscript>|)|*)"Limit = 2048Match = "*(://$AV($LST(AdList)*)|" "(\=?\=?\=?\=?|ad(click|cycle)|.submit\(*focus\(|super_flashFileURL" "|banner_height|<iframe|'ht'\+|.referrer|</script*</script))\1" "&[^>]+>((*</script>)\0( <noscript>|)|\0)"Replace = "<!-- JS Banner blocked -->\r\n" "<script language="ShonenScript">\0"

Name = "Kill specific Java applets"Active = FALSEBounds = "<applet\s*</applet>"Limit = 2048Match = "*code=$AV((scroll|NavigatorTicker|movie|WSSApplet|hyper).*)*"Replace = "<font size=1>[JavaApp Killed]</font><br>"

Name = "Flash animation killer"Active = FALSEBounds = "<object*</object>|<embed*>( </embed>|)"Limit = 1024Match = "[^>]++(codebase|type)=$AV(*(flash|shockwave)*)*" "&(*<param ( name=$AV(movie|src)| value=$AVQ(\1))+{2}|*src=$AVQ(\1))"Replace = "<a href=\1>[flash]</a>"

Name = "Counter Killer"Active = FALSEBounds = "<img\s*>"Limit = 256Match = "\1 src=$AV(*(count(er|.pl)|stat|tracker)([^a-z]*|(^?))) \2"Replace = "\1 src=http://Local.ptron/killed.gif border=1 \2"

Name = "Kill off-site Images"Active = FALSEMulti = TRUEBounds = "<(a\s[^>]++href=*</a>|i(mg|nput)\s*>)"Limit = 800Match = "\1<i(mg|nput)(*alt="\0"|)*>\2&*http://(^\h)" "&(^*(width=[#0-75]|height=[#0-20]))"Replace = " \1<font size=1>[\0]</font>\2"

Name = "Kill all Images on selected pages"Active = FALSEURL = "$LST(NoImages)"Bounds = "<i(mg|mage|nput)*>"Limit = 256Match = "\1src=$AV(*)\2&(^*height=[#3:16])"Replace = "\1 border=1 " "src="http://Local.ptron/killed.gif" \2"

Name = "Un-Prefix URLs"Active = FALSEURL = "[^.]+.(lycos|snap|yahoo|metacrawler)"Limit = 1024Match = "href=($AV(?????*[^a-z0-9]((http|ftp)(%3A|:)(%2F|/)(%2F|/)(^\h)[^&]+)\1*)&("|)\0)"Replace = "href=\0$UESC(\1)\0"

Name = "Webpage Background Killer"Active = FALSEMulti = TRUELimit = 200

Match = "<body \1background=\2>"Replace = "<body \1nobak=\2>"

Name = "Webpage Background Replacer"Active = FALSEMulti = TRUELimit = 200Match = "<body ( \1 background=\w|) \2>"Replace = "<body \1 background="http://Local.ptron/black.gif" \2>"

Name = "Kill All Backgrounds (even tables)"Active = FALSELimit = 20Match = "background(=|-image:)\1"Replace = "nobak\1"

Name = "Sounds to links"Active = FALSEBounds = "<(embed|bgsound)\s*>"Limit = 1024Match = "[<a-z]+ (*qtsrc|*src)=$AVQ(\1)&(*type=$AV(\2)|$SET(2=AV-Killed))*"Replace = "<a href=\1 >[\2]</a>"

Name = "Sound Silencer"Active = FALSELimit = 20Match = "<(embed|bgsound)\s"Replace = "<keepquiet "

Name = "Embedded MIDI Silencer"Active = FALSEBounds = "<embed\s*>"Limit = 256Match = "*src=$AVQ(\1)*&*(.mid|midi)"Replace = "<embed src=\1 height=15 controls=smallconsole >"

Name = "Blink Buster (Blink to Bold)"Active = FALSELimit = 20Match = "<(/|)\1blink>"Replace = "<\1b>"

Name = "Freeze font's face"Active = FALSELimit = 80Match = "<font\s\1face=\2>"Replace = "<font \1ecaf=\2>"

Name = "Onload unloader"Active = FALSELimit = 20Match = "onload="Replace = "LoadOff="

Name = "OnUnload unloader"Active = FALSELimit = 20Match = "onunload="Replace = "UnLoadOff="

Name = "Kill pop-up windows"Active = TRUEURL = "$TYPE(htm)"Limit = 4096

Match = " (<!DOCTYPE*> |)\1"Replace = "$STOP()\1\r\n" "<!--//--><script src="http://local.ptron/WindowOpen.js"></script>\r\n"

Name = "Restore pop-ups after a page loads"Active = FALSELimit = 4096Match = "<end>"Replace = "\r\n<!--//--><script>PrxRST();</script>"

Name = "Force pop-ups to have browser controls"Active = FALSEURL = "$TYPE(htm)"Limit = 256Match = " (<!DOCTYPE*> |)\1"Replace = "$STOP()\1\r\n" "<!--//--><script>PrxModAtr=1;</script>\r\n"

Name = "Link De-Obfuscator"Active = FALSELimit = 50Match = "onmouseover=($AV(*.status=*))\1"Replace = "nomouseover=\1"

Name = "Anti-Auto-Refresher"Active = FALSEBounds = "<meta\s*>"Limit = 256Match = "*http-equiv=("|)refresh*content=("|) [#5:*]( ([;,]|) (url=|)("|)([^>"' ]+)\1|)*"Replace = "<center><font size=1><a href=\1 >[Refresh]</a></font></center>"

Name = "Wordwrap all form textboxes"Active = FALSELimit = 128Match = "<textarea\s\1>"Replace = "<textarea wrap=soft \1>"

Name = "GeoCities branding killer"Active = FALSEURL = "*.geocities."Limit = 2500Match = "<div class="geobranding*</script>"Replace = "<font size=1>[GeoBrand killed]</font>"

Name = "Kill add-on JavaScripts "Active = FALSEMulti = TRUELimit = 1024Match = "</html>\1$NEST(<script,</script>)"Replace = "<font size=1>[PostScript Killed]</font><br>\r\n" "</html>\1\r\n"

Name = "Suppress all JavaScript errors"Active = FALSEURL = "$TYPE(htm)"Limit = 256Match = " (<!DOCTYPE*> |)\1"Replace = "$STOP()\1\r\n" "<!--//--><script> function NoError(){return(true);} onerror=NoError; </script>\r\n"

Name = "Kill alert/confirm boxes"

Active = TRUEURL = "$TYPE(htm)"Limit = 256Match = " (<!DOCTYPE*> |)\1"Replace = "$STOP()\1\r\n" "<!--//--><script> " "function NoBox(txt){ return(1);} " "window.alert=NoBox; window.confirm=NoBox; window.prompt=NoBox;" "</script>\r\n"

Name = "Stop browser window resizing"Active = FALSEURL = "$TYPE(htm)"Limit = 256Match = " (<!DOCTYPE*> |)\1"Replace = "$STOP()\1\r\n" "<!--//--><script> " "function moveTo(){return true;}" "function resizeTo(){return true;}" "</script>\r\n"

Name = "Stop status bar scrollers"Active = FALSEURL = "$TYPE(htm)"Limit = 256Match = " (<!DOCTYPE*> |)\1"Replace = "$STOP()\1\r\n" "<!--//--><script> function status(txt){return(1);} </script>\r\n"

Name = "Kill Dynamic HTML JavaScripts"Active = FALSEURL = "$TYPE(htm)"Limit = 256Match = " (<!DOCTYPE*> |)\1"Replace = "$STOP()\1\r\n" "<!--//--><script> function NoWrite(txt){return(1);} " "document.write=NoWrite; " "document.writeln=NoWrite; " "</script>\r\n"

Name = "Stop JavaScript Timers"Active = FALSEURL = "$TYPE(htm)"Limit = 4096Match = " (<!DOCTYPE*> |)\1"Replace = "$STOP()\1\r\n" "<!--//--><script> function setTimeout(x,y){return(null);} </script>\r\n"

Name = "Stop JavaScript Redirects"Active = FALSELimit = 30Match = ".location(=|.)\1"Replace = ".NoLocation\1"

Name = "Disable JavaScript"Active = FALSELimit = 128Match = "<script*>"Replace = "<script language="ShonenScript 712.0">"

Name = "Kill Nosey JavaScripts"Active = FALSEBounds = "$NEST(<script,</script>)"

Limit = 16000Match = "*(.(referrer|plugins|cookie|colorDepth|pixelDepth|external)|history.length)*"Replace = "<!-- Killed Nosey JavaScript -->"

Name = "Disable JavaScript (and meta) cookies"Active = FALSEURL = "(^$LST(CookieList))"Limit = 128Match = ".cookie(*[(;)=])\1|http-equiv="Set-Cookie""Replace = ".Cracker\1"

Name = "Make JS & Meta cookies session only"Active = FALSEURL = "^$LST(CookieList)"Limit = 50Match = "expires=(*["';])\1"Replace = "NoExp=\1"

Name = "Hide Browser's Referrer from JS"Active = FALSELimit = 15Match = ".referrer"Replace = ".referrer.substr(0,0)+"\u""

Name = "Hide Browser's Version from JS"Active = FALSELimit = 25Match = "navigator.appVersion"Replace = "'2.1'"

Name = "Hide Browser's Identity from JS"Active = FALSELimit = 25Match = "navigator.(appName|userAgent)"Replace = "'ShonenScape'"

Name = "Allow right mouse click"Active = FALSELimit = 256Match = ".(onmousedown=|captureEvents\()\1"Replace = ".PrxOff_\1"

Name = "Kill window.external methods"Active = FALSELimit = 40Match = "window.external.[^(]+"Replace = "null; "

Name = "kaskus.4shared"Active = FALSEMulti = TRUEURL = "*"Limit = 256Match = "4*shared"Replace = "4shared"

Name = "Stop OnMouseOver events"Active = FALSELimit = 20Match = "onmouseover="Replace = "OnPheasantOver="

Name = "Frame Jumper-Outer"

Active = TRUEMulti = TRUEBounds = "<a\s*>"Limit = 128Match = "<a\s(\0http://\1&(^*_(top|blank)))"Replace = "<a target=_top \0http://\1"

Name = "Kill Style Sheets"Active = TRUELimit = 4096Match = "<style*</style>"Replace = "<!-- style sheet killed -->"

Name = "Kill Layers"Active = FALSELimit = 20Match = "<(/|)\1(i|)layer"Replace = "<\1PeelLayer"

Name = "iFrame/iLayer to link"Active = FALSEBounds = "<i(frame\s*</iframe|layer\s*</ilayer)>"Limit = 1000Match = "<(iframe|ilayer)\0*src=$AVQ(\1)*"Replace = "<font size=1><a target=_blank href=\1 >[\0]</a></font>"

Name = "Frame Exploder"Active = FALSEMulti = TRUEURL = "$TYPE(htm)"Limit = 4096Match = " (<!DOCTYPE*> |)\1"Replace = "$STOP()\1\r\n" "<!--//--><script> " "if (top.location != location){" "window.open(location.href); window.close(); " "} </script>\r\n"

Name = "Kill top of page frame"Active = FALSEMulti = TRUEBounds = "<frameset\s*>"Limit = 150Match = "\1 rows=$AV([#20:90] , (\*|100%) ) \3"Replace = "\1 rows="0,*" \3"

Name = "Kill bottom of page frame"Active = FALSEMulti = TRUEBounds = "<frameset\s*>"Limit = 150Match = "\1 rows=$AV(\* , [#10:100] ) \3"Replace = "\1 rows="*,0" \3"

Name = "Allow for frame resizing"Active = FALSEBounds = "<fram*>"Limit = 256Match = "(\#((frameborder|border)=$AV(*)|noresize|=$AV(0|no)$SET(\#==1 )))+ \1 >"Replace = "\@\1 border=1>"

Name = "DeFramer"Active = FALSE

Limit = 40Match = "<(/|)\1(frameset|noframes)"Replace = "<\1NoFrameset"

Name = "Convert Frames to Links"Active = FALSEBounds = "<frame\s*>"Limit = 256Match = "*src=("*'|\w)\1*"Replace = "<body><font size=2><a href=\1>Frame:\1</a></font><br></body>"

Name = "DeTabler"Active = FALSELimit = 200Match = "<(/|)t(able|r)*>"Replace = "<p>"

Name = "Table width unlimiter"Active = FALSEBounds = "<t(able|d)\s*>"Limit = 256Match = "\0 width=[#500:*] \1"Replace = "\0 \1"

Name = "Skinnier Table Border"Active = FALSELimit = 128Match = "<table\s\1border=[#4-*]\2>"Replace = "<table \1border=3\2>"

Name = "Kill anti-cache meta tags"Active = FALSELimit = 40Match = "<meta http-equiv=("|)\#(expires|Last-Modified|pragma|cache)\#"Replace = "<moota http-ignore=\@"

Name = "Webpage Comment Viewer"Active = FALSEBounds = "<!--*-->( </script>|)"Limit = 256Match = "<!--(\#<$SET(#=&lt;))+\#-->(^ </script)"Replace = "<font size=1><pre>&lt;!--\@--&gt;</pre></font>"

Name = "Foreign content-type filter"Active = FALSEBounds = "<meta\s*>"Limit = 256Match = "*http-equiv="content-type"*charset=*"

[Proxies] Random = TRUE OpenLog = TRUE>

top related