uk ppt

Post on 18-Nov-2014






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A traditional May day dance is known as Maypole Dancing. People used to cut down young trees and stick them in the ground in the village to mark the arrival of summer.

People danced around them in celebration of the end of winter that would allow planting to begin. Maypoles were once common all over England and were kept from one

year to the next. Skipping round the pole results a beautiful plaited pattern of ribbons round the pole.

23 April, St. Georges Day, is the National Day of England.

A story dating back to the 6th century tells that St George rescued a maiden by slaying a fearsome fire-breathing dragon. The Saint's name was shouted as a battle cry by English knights who fought beneath the red-cross banner of St George during the Hundred Years War (1338-1453).

Do stand in line. Do say "Excuse Me". Do Pay as you Go. Do say "Please" and

"Thank you". Do cover your mouth. Do shake hands. Do say sorry. Do smile. Do drive on the left side of

the road. Do open doors for other


Don't greet people with a kiss.

Don't ask a lady her age.

Don't pick your nose in public.

Don't spit. Don't burp in public. Don't pass wind in


Time: British people place

considerable value on punctuality.

Since Britons are so time conscious, the pace of life may seem very rushed. In Britain, people make great effort to arrive on time.

Everyday dress is appropriate for most visits to peoples' homes. You may want to dress more formally when attending a holiday dinner or cultural event, such as a concert or theatre performance.

The currency is the pound sterling.

1.00 GBP= 1.11186 EUR

The pound is devaluating now to try an economic recovery from the crisis.

The cost of living varies from one part of the UK to another. Generally it is more expensive to live in London and the south-east of England, and cheaper up north.

Breakfast – between 7:00 and 9:00

The traditional English breakfast consists of

eggs, bacon, sausages, fried bread, baked

beans and mushrooms. Even though not many people will eat this for breakfast today, it is

always served in hotels and guest houses

around Britain.

Lunch - between 12:00 and 1:30 p.m.

Many children at school and adults at work will have a 'packed lunch'. This typically consists of a sandwich, a packet of crisps, a piece of fruit and a drink. The 'packed lunch' is kept in a plastic container.

Sandwiches are also known as a 'butty' or 'sarnie' in some parts of the UK.

Afternoon tea is not common these days because most adults go out to work. However, you can still have Afternoon tea at the many tea rooms around England.

Afternoon tea became popular about one hundred and fifty years ago, when rich ladies invited their friends to their houses for an afternoon cup of tea. They started offering their visitors sandwiches and cakes too. Soon everyone was enjoying Afternoon tea.

Dinner - The main meal. Eaten anytime between 6:30 and 8:00 p.m.

A typical British meal for dinner is meat and "two veg". We put hot brown gravy, traditionally made from the juices of the roast meat (but more often today from a packet!) on the meat and usally the vegetables. One of the vegetables is almost always potatoes.

Cricket Snooker

Soccer Rugby


The cricket is an outdoor game played with bats, a ball, and wickets by two teams of 11 players each.

Though the dynamics of the game and the rules are not equal, cricket looks like baseball.

The number of runs scored and the number of players out are the main factors that determine the eventual match result.

The Snooker is a game of billiards. It is played with a white ball, fifteen red balls, and other six balls: black, pink, blue, brown, green and yellow.

The soccer is a sport team among two teams of 11 players.

The modern game was created in England in 1863.

The most prestigious international competition of football is the World Cup of FIFA.

It is a type of football game. It was the forerunner of American football. Kicking and dribbling with the foot are a part of Rugby; however, continuous passing of the ball is its most characteristic feature. The game enjoys its greatest popularity in Great Britain, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, and France. The object of the game is for each side to attempt to ground the ball beyond their opponent's goal line and score the greater number of points within two 40-minute periods of play.

The Beatles is the most famous music band from England.

They were from Liverpool. Abbey Road A Hard Day´s Night Beatles for sale Help Let it be Magical Mistery Tour Sgt. Pepper Lonely Heart´s

Club Band Please please me Revolver Rubber soul A white album White album 2 With the Beatles Yellow Submarine

Emilio José Martín Sánchez Miguel Parra Cantarero Sergio Rodríguez Morillo

IES Blas Infante. Córdoba. Spain. ICT Tourism.

For Comenius A World of Differences and School Peace Project January 2009

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