un-habitat’s habitat partner university initiative

Post on 22-Feb-2016






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UN-HABITAT’s HABITAT PARTNER UNIVERSITY INITIATIVE. Background Many of the current global crises are directly linked to the urban development path Many sustainable development issues cannot be resolved without better planned cities - PowerPoint PPT Presentation





• Many of the current global crises are directly linked to the urban development path

• Many sustainable development issues cannot be resolved without better planned cities

• Urban education needs to catch up as universities educate future decision-makers

• Global cooperation and exchange of knowledge is key for advancing urban development

Connecting potential – The Habitat Partner University Initiative

• Promotes cooperation between UN-HABITAT and institutions of higher education

• Enables universities to become closer partners of cities, actively engaged in problem solving

• Aims at closing the gap between academia and practice, encouraging collaborative learning

• Aspires to create the next generation of urban leaders, managers, researchers and practitioners

• Facilitates exchange and cooperation among universities globally

Harnessing the strengths of universities, promoting

cooperation towards progressive university-city

collaborations on sustainable urban development.


The aim of the Habitat Partner University Initiative is to harness the strengths of universities, promoting cooperation in the fields of education, research, professional development and policy advice, towards progressive university-city collaborations on sustainable urban development.


By utilizing the facilitating role of UN-HABITAT to

promote global exchange of knowledge the Habitat Partner University Initiative facilitates the global dissemination of ideas, enhancing the quality and relevance of university work.

By facilitating partnerships the Initiative influences the route by which new knowledge is implemented, speeding up the path from idea to reality, promoting universities as primary partners to cities for achieving sustainable urbanization.


• A global platform to encourage dialogue and debate

• A knowledge management portal that will support the transfer of innovation and knowledge

• Promote the development of capacity building programmes

• A global interdisciplinary research network focusing on a demand-led approach to urban research, leading to locally appropriate innovations

• Collecting a broad, interdisciplinary expertise in sustainable urban development, and support their influence on urban practice and policy


Initiating events and collaborative efforts within the pillars of:

• Education

• Research

• Policy advice

• Professional development

• The Initiative’s fifth pillar, knowledge management, provides the platform for exchange

How do I engage?

• Sign up as an individual member on www.unhabitat.org/HPUI

• Engage on interactive webpage (coming soon): initiate and join international, transdisciplinary discussions, upload your thesis so it can be viewed and commented by the global community

• Apply for opportunities on webpage: internships, jobs, exchanges, collaborations…

• Engage within your university and local HPUI hub, organize and drive issues you believe are important for sustainable urban development

For more information, visit www.unhabitat.org/HPUI

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