unauthorized banking listing

Post on 02-Jun-2018






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  • 8/10/2019 Unauthorized Banking Listing


    Alert 2014-10Attachment

    Unauthorized Banking List1996-2013

    Compiled !aintained "#$%pe&ial %uper'ision (i'ision )202* 649-64+0

    Revised: 02/4/2014

    For specific information, please see theindividual alert, which can be found at:


  • 8/10/2019 Unauthorized Banking Listing



    ABL C%

    A-C ...............................................................................................................................................1D-F ............................................................................................................................................... 4

    G-M .............................................................................................................................................. 8

    N-T ............................................................................................................................................. 11U-Z ............................................................................................................................................. 11

    Unauthorized Bank Entite ! Be"ize .......................................................................................... 1#

    Unauthorized Bank Entite ! Me$i%o ........................................................................................ 1#

    Unauthorized Bank Entitie ! &tate o' (ndiana .......................................................................... 1)Unauthorized Bank Entitie ! &tate o' *re+on .......................................................................... 2,

  • 8/10/2019 Unauthorized Banking Listing




    Bank ame Address Alert um"er (ate


    A3Union 5roup


    Alert 2007-43


    Cumberland Valley National

    Bank !ru"t Com#any$ %a"t

    Bern"tadt$ &' ha" re#orted thatit" name i" bein( u"ed in an

    unauthori)ed manner on thewww.a3card.com *eb "ite. !he

    A3+nion (rou# i" not a,,iliatedwith Cumberland Valley NationalBank.

    A&&ess Bank nternational )auru*7 Ltd.2 econd treet$ %uyallu#$ *A 137

    Alert 7-

    07/07/7ay be o#eratin( a bankin(

    bu"ine"" in the +.. withoutauthori)ation. a" not been

    (ranted #ermi""ion to o#erate in*a"hin(ton.

    Al-!ana8 nternational !er&hant Bank7n&.1 au(er treet

    New 5rlean"$ 6A 702

    Alert 1-30/22/1

    ay be o#eratin( a bankin(bu"ine"" in the +.. without

    authori)ation. a" not been(ranted #ermi""ion to o#erate in6oui"iana.

    Allied Boston Bank7 n&. )alau*00 ine treet$ uite 220an ranc"ico$ CA 4

    89 :23 !oiroi" alakal&oror$ ;e#ublic o, alau 40

    Alert 2000-70/2/2000

    Al"o ee9Alert 2003-02/0:/2003

    e abank charter i""ued by the;e#ublic o, alau$ with an o,,ice

    in an ranci"co$ CA. No licen"eor charter ,rom the 5,,ice o, theCom#troller o, the Currency$ nor

    the "tate o, Cali,ornia. !he "tateo, Cali,ornia$ ?e#artment o,

    inancial i"ion treet$ 200Na"h>ille$ !N 37203-4023

    Alert 1-102/23/1

    ay be o#eratin( a bankin(bu"ine"" in the +.. without

    authori)ation. a" not been

    (ranted #ermi""ion to o#erate in!enne""ee.

    Atlanti& Cari""ean Bank rust Co.7 Ltd.t. @ohn"$ Anti(ua$ *e"t i"ed$ orre(ulated by any +.. ,inancialin"titution" re(ulator.

    Atlanti& %tandard Chartered Bank rust7 .A. nternet Bank.as&"ltdonline.&om.5. Bo 02

    Atlantic tandard Ca#ital$ CA 30

    Alert 2004-24/24/2004 !he 5CC ha" not (ranted a

    charter to thi" or(ani)ation$ nor i"it authori)ed to conduct thebu"ine"" o, bankin( or #ro>ide

    bankin(-related "er>ice".

    Amrade nternational Bank0 N%

    thtreet$ uite 41$ t.

    6auderdale$ la D100E 470-012

    Alert 203-20/2:/203

    !he unauthori)ed entity i"in>ol>ed in a "emi-"ecure creditcard "cheme.

    Ban&a opulara ArdealulBi"trita$ ;omania

    Alert 1-4

    /20/1Not authori)ed by the

    (o>ernment o, ;omania.

  • 8/10/2019 Unauthorized Banking Listing



    Bank ame Address Alert um"er (ate


    Banho8strasse7 Commer&ial Bank A5)!el&hizedek*0 %a"t :



    New 'ork$ N' 0022

    Alert 1-03/0:/1

    Al"o ee9

    Alert 1-20

    ay be o#eratin( a bankin(bu"ine"" in the +.. without

    authori)ation. a" not been

    (ranted #ermi""ion to o#erate in

    New 'ork.

    Bank o8 Business :estern %amoa2-A Nam#acia-Center

    A#ia +#olu$ amoaAnd223 N% 1


    ortland$ 5; 72-370

    Alert 1-003/23/1

    ay be o#eratin( a bankin(bu"ine"" in the +.. withoutauthori)ation. a" not been

    (ranted #ermi""ion to o#erate in5re(on.

    Bank o8 inan&e.5. Bo 770-72

    *ood"ide$ N' 377

    Alert 7-32/0/7

    ay be o#eratin( a bankin(bu"ine"" in the +.. withoutauthori)ation. a" not been

    (ranted #ermi""ion to o#erate inNew 'ork.

    Bank o8 57 .A..se&urelink.in8oAlert 2004-7

    01/0/2004Neither the 5CC nor any "tate

    bankin( authority ha" authori)edthe "ub=ect entity to o#erate a" abank.

    BA;U de etite !Ai"ed$ orre(ulated by any +.. bankre(ulator.

    BA;U(AAL BA=t. Feor(e"Frenada$ *e"t i"ed$ orre(ulated by any +..$ +nited

    &in(dom$ or on( &on( bankre(ulator. Not in"ured by ?e"

    a" em#loyee" o, the abo>e-

    re,erenced entity ha>e beencontactin( other #er"on". lea"e

    be ad>i"ed that the re,erencedentity ha" not been chartered bythe 5CC and i" not authori)ed toconduct the bu"ine"" o, bankin(.

    British Bank o8 Commer&e a.k.a. BritishBank o8 rade Commer&e4 ark A>enue$ te 2New 'ork$ N' 0022

    Alert 200-202/2/200

    ay be o#eratin( a bankin(bu"ine"" in the +.. without

    authori)ation. a" not been(ranted #ermi""ion to o#erate inNew 'ork.

    Broad :a# Bank:0 N. Broadway

    *a"hin(ton$ ?C 2002 +Awww.broadwaybk.com

    Alert 200-3:07/4/200

    Not authori)ed$ "u#er>i"ed$ orre(ulated by any +.. bankre(ulator.

  • 8/10/2019 Unauthorized Banking Listing



    Bank ame Address Alert um"er (ate


    Cari""ean Bank o8 Commer&e7 Ltd.5. Bo *2t. @ohn"$ Anti(ua$ *e"t e 5,,ice

    C/o Flobal +nderwriter" ernment o, Anti(ua and

    Barbuda ha" re>oked the licen"ee,,ecti>e A#ril $ .

    Cari""ean nternational Bank7 a.k.a.Cari""ean nternational Credit rust5ne inancial lace$ uite 206ower Collymore ;ockBrid(etown$ Barbado"

    Alert 200:-704/07/200:

    a" not been licen"ed to o#eratea" a bank in Barbado". enueNew 'ork$ N' 0002

    Alert 200-02/2/200

    ay be o#eratin( a bankin(

    bu"ine"" in the +.. withoutauthori)ation. a" not been(ranted #ermi""ion to o#erate inNew 'ork. Not a""ociated with

    Cha"e anhattan Bank o, New'ork or any o, Cha"e anhattanBank o, New 'ork" "ub"idiarie"or a,,iliate".

    Chase rust Bank

    270 *i"con"in A>enue*a"hin(ton$ ?C

    Alert 2002-203/4/2002 ay be o#eratin( a bankin(

    bu"ine"" in the +.. without

    authori)ation. a" not been

    (ranted a national bank charter$and the ?i"trict o, Columbia ha"not (ranted #ermi""ion ,or it to

    o#erate a bankin( bu"ine"".!hi" entity i" not a""ociated withCha"e anhattan Bank o, New'ork or any o, it" "ub"idiarie" or

    a,,iliate".Cherokee ?eritage ational BankNo &nown 6ocation

    Alert 2004-:03/0/2004

    5CC ha" not (ranted a nationalbank charter to thi" entity.

    Accordin(ly$ the indi>idual"

    #romotin( thi" or(ani)ation are

    not authori)ed to i""ue "tock or#er,orm any bu"ine"" a" a

    national bank.

  • 8/10/2019 Unauthorized Banking Listing



    Bank ame Address Alert um"er (ate


    Commer&ial Credit o8 e @ork7 LLC?olding 5roup Corporation Commer&ialCredit o8 e @ork ?olding Corp.Commer&ial Banking 5roup

    Commer&ial Bank7 A5 andCreditanstalt A50 %a"t :

    thtreet D


    New 'ork$ N' 0022

    Alert 1-200/7/1

    Al"o ee9

    Alert 1-


    ay be o#eratin( a bankin(bu"ine"" in the +.. without

    authori)ation. a" not been

    (ranted #ermi""ion to o#erate in

    New 'ork. None o, the"e entitie"

    are a,,iliated with Creditan"talt$

    AF$ Freenwich$ Connecticut.

    Commer&ial nter&ontinental Bank7 n&.)AUi"ory that thi" entity i" notlicen"ed to conduct bankin(and/or tru"t bu"ine"" in or ,rom

    within !he Bahama". !hi"

    entity ha" no relation"hi#$what"oe>er$ to ?eltec Bank !ru"t 6td$ which i" duly licen"edto o#erate in !he Bahama".

  • 8/10/2019 Unauthorized Banking Listing



    Bank ame Address Alert um"er (ate


    (estin# Capital !ortgage7 n&.7 d"a (estin#Capital !ortgage Bankin($ !ea"

    Alert 200:-401/0/200:

    !he 5CC ha" been in,ormedthat the tate o, !ea"

    ?e#artment o, Bankin( and the

    !ea" a>in(" and 6oan

    ?e#artment ha>e i""ued cea"e-and-de"i"t order" a(ain"t the

    abo>e-re,erenced entity ,orunauthori)ed bankin( acti>ityand unauthori)ed mort(a(ebankin( acti>itie".

    (e'elopment ?olding Bank o8 Belize2 Barrack ;oad$ uite 20A-20A


    Alert 2004-20//2004

    !he 5CC ha" been ad>i"ed by

    the Central Bank o, Beli)e

    DCBBE that the entity ha" notbeen (ranted a bankin( licen"eby the CBB$ and the entity i"

    not authori)ed to conduct the

    bu"ine"" o, bankin( in or ,rom

    Beli)e. !he com#any i" notlocated at the li"ted addre"" or

    any other know location in


    (igital Commer&e Bank7 Ltd )=uiu hlingitation*!o# loor$ Atlanti" Buildin( er>ice"hallow ?rau(htBrid(etown$ Barbado"

    Alert 7-07/07/7

    ay be o#eratin( a bankin(bu"ine"" in the +.. without

    authori)ation. a" not been(ranted #ermi""ion to o#eratein *a"hin(ton.

    (om !itra ational Bank*a"hin(ton$ ?C

    Alert 2004-200//2004

    Neither the 5CC nor the ?i"tricto, Columbia ?e#artment o,i"ed$ or

    re(ulated by any +.. or +nited&in(dom ,inancial in"titution"re(ulator.

    uit# Bank and rust Co Ltdont"errat$ *e"t oked e,,ecti>e

    ?ecember :$ .

    uropean Union Bank Alert -400/22/

    Not authori)ed$ "u#er>i"ed$ orre(ulated by any +.. ,inancialin"titution" re(ulator.

  • 8/10/2019 Unauthorized Banking Listing



    Bank ame Address Alert um"er (ate


    /&ali"ur Capital !anagement7 n&.)!ar#land n'estments Clu"*!oronto$ Canada

    Alert 2002-001//2002

    C?ol>in( C?e"tment certi,icate"

    called Idi(ital in>e"tment

    certi,icate"J ,or "ale o>er thei"ed$ orre(ulated by any +.. ,inancial

    in"titution" re(ulator.idelit# nternational Bank:20 adi"on A>enueNew 'ork$ N' 0022

    Alert 1-:

    02/2/1ay be o#eratin( a bankin(

    bu"ine"" in the +.. without

    authori)ation. a" not been(ranted #ermi""ion to o#eratein New 'ork.

    irst Ameri&ans rust2 outh *a"hin(ton treetonora$ CA :370

    Alert -330/0/

    ay be o#eratin( a bankin(bu"ine"" in the +.. without

    authori)ation. a" not been(ranted #ermi""ion to o#eratein Cali,ornia.

    irst Ameri&ans rust Compan#7 aka DirstAmeri&ans7E klahoma Cit#7 klahoma ,

    Apa&he ri"e 5eneral Bank o8 Anadarko7

    klahoma20 %a"t ColoradoAnadarko$ 5&

    Alert 7-2:

    0/:/7ay be o#eratin( a bankin(

    bu"ine"" in the +.. without

    authori)ation. a" not been

    (ranted #ermi""ion to o#eratein 5klahoma.

    irst Centur# inan&ial %er'i&es.8irst&entur#8inan&ial.&om

    Alert 2003-402/24/2003

    Not authori)ed to conduct

    bankin( bu"ine"" in the +nitedtate". !here i" no a,,iliationbetween ir"t Century andBanc 5ne.

    irst ederal Banking Corp;e#ublic o, alau

    Alert 2003-30/0/2003

    Bankin( licen"e ha" beenre>oked by the inancialitie".

    irst Lenape ation Bank;oute $ Bo 74 ?

    Anadarko$ 5& 7300:

    Alert 7-03/24/7

    ay be o#eratin( a bankin(bu"ine"" in the +.. withoutauthori)ation. a" not been

    (ranted #ermi""ion to o#eratein 5klahoma.

  • 8/10/2019 Unauthorized Banking Listing



    Bank ame Address Alert um"er (ate


    irst ational Bank7 %Birst ational Bank ational rust and%a'ings Asso&iationirst ational rust

    24 *yomin( A>enueBurbank$ CA :0:

    Alert 7-101//7

    ay be o#eratin( a bankin(bu"ine"" in the +.. without

    authori)ation. a" not been

    (ranted #ermi""ion to o#erate

    in Cali,ornia.

    irst ational Bank o8 Bedro&kBedrock$ Colorado


    Alert 2004-01/2:/2004

    5CC ha" identi,ied a *eb "iteclaimin( to be a""ociated with anational bank named ir"t

    National Bank o, Bedrock.Neither the 5CC nor any "tatebankin( authority ha"authori)ed the entity to o#eratea" a bank or to conduct anykind o, bankin( acti>itie".

    irst ational o8 Ameri&a Ban&i"ion

    372 N. Broadway$ uite 32Chica(o$ i"ed$ orre(ulated by any +.. ,inancialin"titution" re(ulator.

  • 8/10/2019 Unauthorized Banking Listing



    Bank ame Address Alert um"er (ate


    reedom 1st

    ational Bank0 N%


    t. 6auderdale$ la

    Alert 203-: reedom "t

    National Bank i" a,ictitiou" entity u"ed a" #art o, a"cheme that in>ol>e" "olicitin(con"umer" ,or "emi-"ecuredcredit card" throu(h the +..mail.


    Bank ame Address Alert um"er (ate


    5lo"e rust inan&ial7 n&.2 &i#lin( A>enue!oronto$ 5N 4 Canada

    Alert 2002-3/2/2002

    %ntity i" ,al"ely re#re"entin( onit" *eb "ite that it i" re(ulated bythe 5CC. i"ed that it i" nota""ociated with the ABN-A;5Frou#.

    5reater nternational Bank o8 auru7 %. Bird treet$ uite 444!am#a$ 6 3304

    Alert 7-2201/27/7

    Alert 1-2


    ay be o#eratin( a bankin(bu"ine"" in the +.. without

    authori)ation. a" not been

    (ranted #ermi""ion to o#erate inlorida. Nauru ha" re>oked it"licen"e.

    5ul8 nternational Bank 5roup

    Bahrain and ?ubai

    5ul8 A'iation nternational7 Ltd.hiladel#hia$ A

    Alert 200:-0


    al"ely re#re"entin( that they are

    a,,iliated with Fi"ed thatthe 5CC ha" not authori)ed the

    re,erenced entity to o#erate a" a

    bank or conduct bankin(

    bu"ine"" in the +..ndustrial Bank7 n&. Alert 1-4

    02/0/1amoa ha" canceled it" licen"e.

  • 8/10/2019 Unauthorized Banking Listing



    Bank ame Address Alert um"er (ate


    nternational Business BankCorporation7 Ltd.6e>el 2 Chandra ou"e

    A#ia$ amoa

    Alert 2000-00/1/2000

    !he ;e(i"trar$ 5,,ice o, the;e(i"trar o,

  • 8/10/2019 Unauthorized Banking Listing



    Bank ame Address Alert um"er (ate


    London Chartered Bank7 Ltd.)!el&hizedek*21720 ;oad"ide ?ri>e$ uite 71

    A(oura ill"$ CA 30-337

    Alert 1-2401/07/1

    ay be o#eratin( a bankin(bu"ine"" in the +.. without

    authori)ation. a" not been

    (ranted #ermi""ion to o#erate in

    Cali,ornia.!ali"u rust Compan#41 anta ;o"a A>enueanta ;o"a$ CA :404

    Alert 2004-2:2/22/2004

    Cali,ornia Commi""ioner o,inancial i"ed o, an a##arent

    ol>in( C?e"tment certi,icate" called

    Idi(ital in>e"tment certi,icate"J ,or"ale o>er the enue$ 22


    looreattle$ *a"hin(ton 10

    Alert 1-


    ay be o#eratin( a bankin(

    bu"ine"" in the +.. without

    authori)ation. a" not been

    (ranted #ermi""ion to o#erate in*a"hin(ton.

    !etro"ank nternational Limited.5. Bo 2$ oore te#hen" ou"e6ini i(hwayort Vila$ Vanuatu

    Alert 2000-22/0/2000

    %ntity$ incor#orated in the;e#ublic o, Vanuatu$ may be

    o#eratin( a bankin( bu"ine"" inthe +.. without authori)ation.!he 5CC ha" not (ranted anational bank charter to thi"

    entity. urthermore$ it know" o,

    no "tate in the +.. that ha"(ranted #ermi""ion ,or it too#erate a bankin( bu"ine"".

    !idland Credit 5uarantee Bank7 Ltd.7 *all treetNew 'ork$ N' 0003

    Alert -42

    /2/ay be o#eratin( a bankin(

    bu"ine"" in the +.. withoutauthori)ation. a" not been

    (ranted #ermi""ion to o#erate inthe "tate o, New 'ork.

    !itsu"ishi rust Banking Co. inan&eCorporation!itsu"ishi inan&e Corporation

    Alert 7-:03/0/7

    raudulent C?" ha>e beeni""ued by thi" entity. !hi" entityi" not related to it"ubi"hi !ru"tand Bankin( Cor#oration.

  • 8/10/2019 Unauthorized Banking Listing




    Bank ame Address Alert um"er (ate


    ational %tate Bank in hio

    Cle>eland$ 5hio

    Alert -2


    ay be o#eratin( a bankin(

    bu"ine"" in the +.. withoutauthori)ation. a" not been

    (ranted #ermi""ion to o#erate in5hio.

    etare nternational Bank3 tutt" ;oad 2oore">ille$ NC 21:

    Alert 7-40/24/7

    ay be o#eratin( a bankin(bu"ine"" in the +.. withoutauthori)ation. a" not been

    (ranted #ermi""ion to o#erate inNorth Carolina.

    &&idental Bank Limited6e>el 2$ 6otemau Centre.5. bo 327Vaea treet

    A#ia$ amoa

    Alert -0/07/

    amoa ha" in,ormed the 5CCthat the com#any" re"tructuredBD2E cla"" licen"e$ i""ued arch3$ 7$ ha" been canceled

    e,,ecti>e Au(u"t $ .smi Bankullerton inan&ial Corporation

    Addre"" unknown DGE

    Alert -

    01/0/5"mi Bank i" not and ne>er ha"been re(i"tered nor i""ued a

    bank licen"e by the (o>ernmento, Anti(ua and Barbuda.

    ullerton inancial Cor#oration

    ha" not been re(i"tered in the

    =uri"diction o, Anti(ua andBarbuda. An order to cea"e andde"i"t ,rom "uch claim" wa"

    ,aed to ullerton on @uly $


    a&i8i& %a'ings Bank7 Ltd.

    N%C5 la)a$ 5 Bo 3

    &oror$ ;e#ublic o, alau 40

    Alert 200-7/7/200 !he inancial in(" Bank$ 6td.

    Daci,icE on /07/0.

    a&i8i& rust inan&ial %er'i&es277 &i#lin( A>enue%tobicoke$ 5N H 4 Canada

    Alert 2002-3/2/2002

    %ntity i" ,al"ely re#re"entin( on

    it" *eb "ite that it i" re(ulated bythe 5CC. i"ed that it i" not

    a""ociated with the ABN-A;5Frou#.

    ana&ea Bank rust.5. Bo 300:4Bellin(ham$ *a"hin(ton 1221-20:4

    Alert 7-7

    03/21/7ay be o#eratin( a bankin(

    bu"ine"" in the +.. without

    authori)ation. a" not been(ranted #ermi""ion to o#erate in*a"hin(ton.

  • 8/10/2019 Unauthorized Banking Listing



    Bank ame Address Alert um"er (ate


    rime Ban&orp7 Ltd.12 *all treetNew 'ork$ N'

    Alert -4:2/2/

    ay be o#eratin( a bankin(bu"ine"" in the +.. without

    authori)ation. a" not been

    (ranted #ermi""ion to o#erate in

    New 'ork.er"ea",inancialKyahoo.com

    Alert 2007-2:0:/03/2007

    !he u#erintendecia de Banco"de anama ha" ad>i"ed that thi"entity i" not authori)ed to en(a(ein bankin( bu"ine"" within or

    ,rom the ;e#ublic o, anama.!he in,ormation contained at the*eb "ite actually corre"#ond" toa le(al con"tituted bankin( entitythat ha" no relation to theunauthori)ed entity.

    ernment o, ont"errat$ ha"

    in,ormed the 5CC that thelicen"e i""ued under the 5,,"horeBankin( 5rdinance wa" re>okede,,ecti>e ebruary 24$ .

    %un8irst rust Co.7 Ltd.

    2 !hou"and 5ak" ?ri>eVir(inia Beach$ VA 234:4

    Alert 1-22


    ay be o#eratin( a bankin(

    bu"ine"" in the + without

    authori)ation. !here i" no

    #ermi""ion to o#erate in Vir(inia.%o'ereign rust Capital

  • 8/10/2019 Unauthorized Banking Listing



    Bank ame Address Alert um"er (ate


    %iss !er&hant Bank7 A5730 & treet$ N*

    *a"hin(ton$ ?C 2000

    Alert 1-2101/4/1

    ay be o#eratin( a bankin(bu"ine"" in the +.. without

    authori)ation. !here i" no

    #ermi""ion to o#erate in ?.C.

    rinit# %a'ings Bank5oldman %teinBeli)e

    Alert 2002-107/22/2002

    %ntitie" are not authori)ed to

    conduct bankin( or ,inancialbu"ine"" in Beli)e or the +..

    rinit# %a'ings Bank7 Ltd.arlboro ou"e$ Cumberland treet5 Bo N 20Na""au$ Bahama"

    Alert 200-104/04/200

    !he Central Bank o, the

    Bahama" ha" re#orted that thi"entity i" not authori)ed orlicen"ed to conduct bankin(

    bu"ine"" in the Bahama". !he

    5CC ha" not authori)ed theentity to o#erate anywhere in the+nited tate".


    Bank ame Address Alert um"er (ate


    United Bank and rust Compan#)AUenue 3Bonita #rin("$ 6 3323

    And.5. Bo 07Na#le"$ 6 334

    Alert 7-24


    Alert 1-2


    ay be o#eratin( a bankin(

    bu"ine"" in the +.. withoutauthori)ation. a" not been(ranted #ermi""ion to o#erate inlorida. Nauru ha" re>oked it"


    United /&hange nternational Bank North ront t. 23Beli)e City$ Beli)e


    Alert 200-20/0:/200

    !he 5CC ha" been ad>i"ed by

    the Central Bank o, Beli)e DCBBEthat the +nited %chan(e

    ada 170

    Alert 1-7


    ay be o#eratin( a bankin(

    bu"ine"" in the +.. withoutauthori)ation. a" not been

    (ranted #ermi""ion to o#erate inNe>ada.

    United 'erland rust Ban&orp200: *oodmont

    Au"tin$ !M 71703

    Alert 7-

    0/4/7ay be o#eratin( a bankin(

    bu"ine"" in the +.. without

    authori)ation. a" not been(ranted #ermi""ion to o#erate in!ea".

  • 8/10/2019 Unauthorized Banking Listing



    Bank ame Address Alert um"er (ate


    United a&i8i& Bank7 Ltd.ort Vila$ ;e#ublic o, Vanuatuouth aci,ic

    Alert -40/30/

    ay be o#eratin( a bankin(bu"ine"" in the +.. without

    authori)ation. Bankin( licen"eha" been re>oked.

    Uro Banue )!ontenegro*www.urobanue.com

    Alert 2000-0/03/2002

    iolation o, the Canadian Bank

    Act. +ro Banue i" identi,yin(it"el, a" a bank incor#orated inontene(ro with an o#eration in

    8uebec and i" "olicitin(

    indi>idual" in the +nited tate",rom "uch o#eration in 8uebec to"ub"cribe ,or credit card".

    ub=ect entity ha" no licen"e or

    charter ,rom the 5CC or the(o>ernment o, Canada.

    :estern Credit Bank7 L.L.C.24: *inter treet$ %alem$ 5re(on 730

    Alert 1-3:

    0//1ay be o#eratin( a bankin(

    bu"ine"" in the +.. withoutauthori)ation. a" not been(ranted #ermi""ion to o#erate in5re(on.

    :itherspoon7 %e#mour enue$ uite 30New 'ork$ N' 002-220

    5,,ice o, Chica(o30: North A"hland A>enueChica(o$ erly ill"3 anta onica Bl>dBe>erly ill"$ CA 020-4303

    5,,ice o, iami130 ill ?ri>e$ uite 222iami$ 6 3313-4131%-mail9in,Kw"r.bi)erti"in( on the ailability o, ca#ital

    mana(ement com#anie"re(i"tered in amoa$ and i""olicitin( buyer" ,or #re-a##ro>ed

    bankin( licen"e" alle(edly in

    amoa and other aci,ic er ha" been a licen"edtru"tee com#any in amoa and

    ha" no authority to "ell amoancom#anie"$ bank"$ or any otherentitie".

  • 8/10/2019 Unauthorized Banking Listing



    Unauthorized Bank ntites - Belize

    Bank ame Address Alert um"er (ate


    Unauthorized Bank ntities K Belize

    A,,ordable ou"in( Frou# 6td.Briti"h ri>ate Banker" 6td.Cambrid(e erchant Bank 6td.Century !ru"t ecuritie" Cor#Channel ri>ate Banker" 6td.Commercial idelity Bank 6td.Commercial !ru"t Cor#orationCom#unomic" 3 .$ al"o known a" >

  • 8/10/2019 Unauthorized Banking Listing


    Bank ame Address Alert um"er (ate


  • 8/10/2019 Unauthorized Banking Listing


    Unauthorized Bank ntities K !e/i&o)ContJd*

    Antares Capital !anagement.Addre""9 ?i"trito ederal$ eico.

    Boston !er&hant Consulting !e/i&o7 %.de .

    Addre""9 Nue>o 6eOn$ eico.BU.

    Addre""9 uebla$ eico.CaNa rogresa7 %.C. de .

    Addre""9 Fuana=uato$ eico.CaNa %olidaria Cerro (e La Bu8a7 %.C. (.

    Addre""9 Hacateca"$ eico.

    CaNa Cerro del epe#a& de Ahorro #rOstamo7 %.C. ( .

    Addre""9 Chia#a"$ eico.CaNa %olidaria Coliman7 %.C. ( A.. (.

    Addre""9 Colima$ eico.CaNa %olidaria La !i/te&a7 %.C.

    Addre""9 5aaca$ eico.CAIA %L(Ailla de Ierez7 %.C. ( .

    Addre""9 Hacateca"$ eico.CAAL %U7 %.C. (

    Addre""9 uebla$ eico.Cooperati'a de Consumo CaNa opularIimOnez7 %.C.L.

    Addre""9 @ali"co$ eico.Cooperati'a de Consumo de Ahorro #rOstamo La %anta >era&ruz7 %.C.L.

    Addre""9 @ali"co$ eico.Comer&ializadora %er'i&ios # >alor7 %.A.de C.>.$ D>.D%!A7 5rupo nmo"iliarioE

    Addre""e"9 P?i"trito ederal$eico.

    Puebla$ eico.

    CrOdito !Qs7 %.A. de C.>.$ al"o known a"C1)

  • 8/10/2019 Unauthorized Banking Listing


  • 8/10/2019 Unauthorized Banking Listing


  • 8/10/2019 Unauthorized Banking Listing



    Bank ame Address Alert um"er (ate


    Unauthorized Bank ntities K !e/i&o)ContJd*

    !MB= 5roup %.A. de C.>.$ al"o known a"

    !MBA= %.A. de C.>. and !MBA=inan&iera7 %.A. de C.>.

    Addre""e"9 P?i"trito ederal$eico.

    P'ucatQn$ eico.peradora eninsular de Apo#oCrediti&io7 %.A. de C.>.$ al"o known a"AC )perandoPA#udandoPCre&iendo*

    Addre""9 8uintana ;oo$ eico..%o8om ...%o8om ..

  • 8/10/2019 Unauthorized Banking Listing



    Unauthorized Bank ntities K %tate o8 ndiana

    Bank ame Address Alert um"er (ate


    Unauthorized Bank ntities K %tate o8ndiana!he ?e#artment o, inancial

  • 8/10/2019 Unauthorized Banking Listing


    Unauthorized Bank ntities K %tate o8 regon

    Bank ame Address Alert um"er (ate


    Unauthorized Bank ntities K %tate o8regon


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