understanding advertising media_stage 2

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  • 8/7/2019 Understanding Advertising Media_Stage 2



    Lecturer: Supanida Chantarin

    Cao Thuy Trang s3220744

    Stage 2: BCD Age Miracle Media Planning

    (Date due: 8 January 2010)

  • 8/7/2019 Understanding Advertising Media_Stage 2



    Communication objectives:

    1) To create the brand awareness among 75% of target audience:

    The event Couple Retreat and sponsorship of beauty care website for

    women in Australia will get large audiences through medium and the

    worth of mouth.

    By using the repetitive advertising through print media, broadcast media,

    out of home and the internet.

    2) To create interest in the brand among 65% of target audience:

    Fully inform the benefits of BCD Age Miracle, which is a premium anti-

    aging product. This helps customers improve skin care under impacts of

    aging, stress and sun light. BCD Age Miracle promises to reduce spots,

    line and wrinkles that make younger looking in only 7 days (Unilever Data,

    2009) The ads on television, prints, out of home and internet with

    features of the cream in the bottom will help public to knowledge the

    quality of product and also the BCD brand.

    3) To create the positive feelings about BCD Age Miracle among 40%

    and preference among 20% of target audience:

    The contest Couple Retreat content and format enhance the positive

    image of BCD Age Miracle

    In besides that, refer target audiences to the website for beauty tips, and

    consult of professionals.

    4) To obtain trial among 25 % of target audience:

    By reinforce the repetition of advertising.

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    With the new package and more powerful breakthrough face care

    technology and continuous research, BCD Age Miracle will offer the new

    looking about itself to obtain trial.

    5) To create brand loyalty for 20% of the target audiences:

    By the small gift inside every BCD Age Miracle pack and wrapped paper

    outside in Christmas time. This is also representative for special wish of

    BCD to customers.

    Media objectives:

    1) Advertising campaign: reach 70 % of target audiences with the

    frequency of 5.0 per months during two months, January, February and 4

    times in March and April 2010. BCD Age Miracle was launched two years

    ago in Australia (HUL data, 2009), so that, the new package and

    technology promotion in products feature will create new experiences

    about BCD Age Miracle. At that time, we have to reinforce the ads through


    2) Publicity and Public Relations campaign: reach 65 % of target

    audiences with 3.5 of frequency per month in 4 weeks of the contest. The

    contest will be hold in 3 weeks in both Sydney and Melbourne. After that,

    the final contest will be celebrated in Melbourne. By the ads on medium,

    the worth of-mouth and vote on the internet for the favorite couples.

    Also, the website for beauty tips and professionals consult will attract the

    large women. All together, we believe that the PR campaign will reach

    large number of people with only lower frequency on the medium.

    3) Sale promotion campaign: reach 50 % of target audiences with 3.0 of

    frequency in November and December, 2010. After two campaigns above,

    most of target audiences have already known about the product. Besides

    that, with the gift inside every unit of BCD Age Miracle, the budget for

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    medium broadcast will be deducted, in order to ensure the profits. As a

    result, the 3.0 of frequency is the suitable number.

    Geographical coverage

    According to The Age report (2009), Sydney tops the list as Australias

    biggest city with just under 4.4 million. Melbourne is next on the list with

    about 3.8 million. Consequently, the campaign will be launched in these

    cities, to reach large amount of customers. Moreover, the target

    audiences of BCD Age Miracle are female officers, so two business cities

    are appropriate places for the campaign.


    Promotional mix tools:

    I will choose three promotional mix tools, namely Public Relations, Sales

    Promotion and Advertising because of some reasons bellow:

    1) Advertising:

    Advertising is the most popular tool of promotion because of its

    pervasiveness (Belch & Belch, 2009). Advertising is the most cost

    effective way to reach large audiences and fully transmit the information

    as well as change audiences perceptions (Belch & Belch, 2009). In the

    regard to reach 60% of target audiences awareness and 5 times offrequency, advertising through print, broadcast media, out of home and

    internet will be the best choice among other promotional mix tools.

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    2) Publicity and Public Relation:

    According toBelch G, E. & Belch M, A. 2009, Public relation take aresponsibility to evaluate public attitudes, procedure of an individual or

    organization with public interest and launch a program to get public

    understanding and acceptance. Public Relation mission is to establish and

    maintain the positive image of the organization(Belch & Belch, 2009).The target audience of BCDAge Miracle is women who are over 30 years

    old. Thus, the sponsorship for beauty care website will be a good idea to

    get publics attention as well as create positive feelings about Ponds,

    which has many activities to take care of women in Australia.

    3) Sales Promotion:

    The promotional tools will encourage the consumer to make immediate

    purchase and, as a result, the company can achieve the short term sales

    (Belch & Belch, 2009).During the campaign we will use sampling to get

    the target audiences trial. Besides that, the promotion tools can be used

    when the brands loyalty is declined (Belch & Belch, 2009). The campaign

    will begin in January, 2010, then, in December, the brands loyalty might

    be decreased. Consequently, the gift inside every unit of BCD Age Miracle

    is the best way to gain brands loyalty and also like the special wishes of

    BCD to women in Christmas. In addition, the Government encourage most

    products should be sale off in Christmas time to support the sale of

    consumer goods in Australia (Coleba, so that, the BCDsale promotion does

    not affect the quality image of the brand.

    The campaigns schedule:

    Advertising campaign Jan 2010 - Apr 2010

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    Couple Retreatcontest Jul 2010 - Aug 2010

    Happy Xmas sale promotion Nov 2010 - Dec 2010

    Mediums for promotional mix tools:

    Australia Media Consumption

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    1) Advertising campaign:

    o TVC: Television is the main stream of Advertising because of its

    broad exposure (Chitty & Barker 2008)To transmit both visual and

    sound effects to change audiences perception, that is consideredas the striking characteristic of TV. Thus, TV cost is much expensive

    than other mediums. However, television also has some

    disadvantages, such as wasted exposure for non-users. The target

    audience is women over 30 years old, the suitable visual is gentle

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    images, not much exciting activities. Thus, I suggest the key visual

    is about a happy family with warm and romantic atmosphere of

    yellow light. They sit on a sofa and look their own wedding albums

    and honeymoon photos. They remember happy time when theyre

    together. When taking the photos, woman is about 25 years old.

    And now, after many years, she still looks as young as in the

    pictures. The husband kisses on wifes forehead and then whispers

    to her ear: Youre beautiful. Its true! The wife smiles happily. In

    the end of video clip BCD will introduce shortly the striking features

    of BCD Age Miracle.


    Magazine: Without sound effects,magazine cannot createemotional perception as TVC, but this is still the good choice for

    completing the reachs achievement. Magazine cost cheaper than

    TV, and also does not waste exposure because it reaches types of

    audiences much specifically (Chitty & Barker 2008). The target

    audiences are women over 30 years old, so womens magazine or

    family-oriented magazines will be the best choices. In the print ad,

    the key visual is the image that the husband whispers to the wife

    ear. On the table in dining room is the photo of their anniversary.

    And the message Youre beautiful. Its true is added as a headline.

    The information of the features will be put in the bottom the


    o Newspaper: The advantage of this medium is cheap cost and

    continuously updated (Chitty & Barker 2008). Moreover, the target

    audiences are female officers, who also prefer reading newspaperevery day. As a result, newspaper is effective medium to reach the

    large scale of audiences. We will choose common newspapers in

    Australia, and the ad on the newspaper is similar to magazine.

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    o Internet: Following the development of high technologies, the

    internet takes important roles in social life. Different from traditional

    medium, such as TVC, newspaper and magazine, online advertising

    is less costly, less clutter and potentially more effective (Chitty &

    Barker 2008). We will refer women to The BCD website for beauty

    tips and consult of professionals. The website will be linked with

    other social networks, such as Facebook and Myspace. In addition,

    we put the BCD ads on other buying online website.

    * Not just in advertising campaign, we use internet for a whole year.

    o Out -of-home: The strength of this medium is for contact with the

    audience while people go out (Chitty & Barker 2008).Most over 30

    years old women in Australia is female officers, they spend a lot of

    time in public places. We will put the ad on business districts in

    Melbourne and Sydney.

    o I decide not to use Radio in this campaign, because of the lack of

    visual effects. Just with the sound, we get hard to illustrate the

    happy family, which is the key concept of the advertisement.Although the cost of advertising on radio is cheap, but the limited

    budget does not allow us to choose all mass media.

    2) The Couple Retreat Contest:

    o Newspaper: For a cheap cost and daily updated contents, this

    medium is the good choice to inform the contest results in the end

    of every level.

    o Internet: The internet provides enough information about the

    contest, link with other social networks to reach large attendees.

    Moreover, the internet is the best choices for people to vote for

    their favorite couples instead of any other medium.

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    o Radio: for cheap cost, we use radio to announce the event and

    persuade people to come.

    o I decide not to use Out-of-home in this campaign, because the

    campaign last in two months, with much information need to

    updated frequently. If we use Out-of-home medium, we have to

    change the pictures on out-of-home vehicles every week. This is not

    effective way when wasting time and money.

    o We have to pay money for events cost, so I also decide not to use

    TVC because of its expensive cost.

    o We also not to use Magazine because of budget limitation and its

    monthly updated.

    3) Sale promotion campaign:

    The same with the Couple Retreat contest, we use the mediums below

    just for announcement.

    o Newspaper: for cheap cost and frequently updated information,

    this media is used to announce the sale promotion of BCD Age

    Miracle cream.

    o Radio: We use radio to announce the BCD Promotion

    o Out-of-home: In super market, this medium is useful to

    encourage customers to take a purchase.

    o Internet: For very cheap cost, internet is chosen for announce

    BCD sale promotion.

    o For the gift inside of BCD Age Miracle jar of cream, the cost of

    advertising through medium will deducted. So, we decide not to use

    TVC and Magazine because of budgets limitation.

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  • 8/7/2019 Understanding Advertising Media_Stage 2


    el 000s cost occurren





    7 Monand






    8 160,000






    NINE Sat:







    8 160,0


    Fashion TEN Sun:







    8 120,0


    Total 440,0


    o Magazine:

    The Australia Womens Weekly: This magazine is one of the

    most popular magazine in Australia, with number-one selling

    monthly, 2,141,000 readership and 493,055 circulations. This

    magazine is expert in many fields, such as fashion, beauty

    and cooking, that is relevant and contemporary to Australian

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    women today. Nearly 80% of its reader is woman. The

    majority of them are women, who are around 35 50+ years

    old. Most of them are white collar workers with the average

    salary $40.000 per year. Due to the magazine reader profile

    and the large number of readership, we think this magazine is

    suitable for our campaign (ACP, 2009)

    Womans Day: The magazine is also the womens favorite

    magazine in Australia, with 2,047,000 readerships and

    408,508 circulations. This magazine reflects all readers

    interest, such as celebritys gossip, latest fashion styles,

    beauty, food and familys advises. Nearly 82% of the readeris woman; and majority of them has the age of 30-50+. Most

    of them are officers with the salary between $30,000 and

    $50,000 (ACP, 2009). The magazines profile and large

    readership are appropriate for our campaign.

    Take 5: This magazine deliver the real-life stories, puzzles and

    competitions. People can have a chance to win electric goods,

    cars, and big cash prizes through 24 pages; and plus 8 pages

    for budget meals and recipes. The number of its readership is

    875,000 and circulation is 241,161. More than 80% of reader

    is woman; and most of them are over 54 years old. They are

    white collar workers who earn about 35,000 every year (ACP,

    2009). All together, we think this magazine is one of the good

    vehicles for the campaigns launch.

    Title Size Insertion Readership Amount(AU




    Full page 3 2,141,000 99,600

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    Full page 3 2,047,000 80,280

    Take 5 Full page 3 875,000 29,490

    Total 209,370

    o Newspaper:

    Herald Sun: This newspaper is one of the top daily selling

    newspapers in both Sydney and Melbourne with more than

    1.5 million readers. This newspapers content is about new

    affairs, sport, food and entertainment. About 500,000 copies

    are sold every day (Herald Sun, 2009). The cost for

    advertising on Herald Sun is quite expensive; however, we stillchoose this because of its large readership.

    Title Size Insertion Readership Amount





    6 1,500,000 73,000

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    o Internet:

    BCDhome page: The BCDwebsite is created for women

    beautys tips and consultancy. Also, creating the section

    about BCDproducts, including their highlight features, benefits

    and usage.

    eBay Australia: eBay is popular buying online website

    around the world. Put the ad on eBay website. Put the text ad

    on the left or right side of eBay website.

    Social networks: The advantage of social networks is that it

    can reach our target audiences for BCDproducts. For example,

    Facebook can help us to reach exact audience and connect

    real customers to our business. (Facebook homepage,

    viewed 1 Jan 2010). Create Facebook and MySpace group for

    BCDAge Miracle product. These sites also have the link of the

    BCDhome page. We just need to spend money for staff to

    monitor these groups.

    Website/ Network Type of ads Cost

    BCDhome page Create and update

    information about

    BCDproduct and


    Beautys tip andconsult for women

    5000 (for 1 year)

    eBay Text ad 20,000 (for 1year)

    Social networks Create and update 5,000(for 1 year)

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    Total 30,000

    o Out of-home: Billboard

    In Melbourne

    Barkly Street: This is the famous street for shopping and

    eating in Melbourne(Trip advisor, 2009). Our target audiences

    are women 30+ who usually go shopping, so that this place is

    appropriate to get attention of them. I think that the cost for

    billboards ad is about $4000

    Swanston Street: The area has the same characteristics

    with Barkly St, however this street is not as popular as Barkly

    St, so I think cost is about $3500. (Trip advisor, 2009)

    Elizabeth Street: This is the central business district inMelbourne (Trip advisor, 2009). The target audiences are

    female officers, so this street is suitable for putting billboard.

    The cost for billboard is $4000.


    In Sydney:

    Royal Botanic Gardens: This is a very busy street in Sydney

    where has many shopping malls and departments (Trip

    advisor, 2009). This places is suitable for our campaign to

    reach large amount of target audiences. I think the cost of

    billboard is about $4000

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    Prince Street: This Street has the same characteristics

    with Royal Botanic Gardens (Trip advisor, 2009).So, I estimate

    the billboards cost around $3500

    Pyrmont Rd & Oxford Rd: This is popular corner in

    Sydney, with a lot of traffic. This area also has many super

    markets and office buildings (Trip advisor, 2009). Thus, this is

    good choice for the campaign. As a result, I believe that the

    cost for billboard is about $4000














    on Cost





    14 x


    4 4,00


    16,000 3,000 19,000




    14 x


    4 3,50


    14,000 3,000 17,000




    14 x


    4 4,00


    16,000 3,000 19,000





    14 x


    4 4,00


    16,000 3,000 19,000

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    14 x


    4 3,50


    14,000 3,000 17,000

    Pyrmont Rd &



    14 x48

    4 4,000

    16,000 3,000 19,000

    Total 110,000

    2) PR campaign:

    o The Couple Retreatcontest brief:

    BCDAge Miracle belongs to anti-aging range. Thus, the target

    audiences are over 30 years old women who believe with the

    7 day anti-aging product, they can look younger in the short

    time and thus, have the husbands love them back. As a

    result, the event Couple Retreat is based on the concept

    that help married couples to have a chance for recreating the

    magic in their relationship. The participants were couples,

    married for five years or more. They have to complete various

    tasks in order to clear each level. The tasks could range from

    selling a product to organizing a party. The winning team

    would have a second honeymoon in Paris.

    Firstly, the contest will be celebrated in Melbourne and

    Sydney in July 2010.After that, five winner teams in Melbourne

    and five in Sydney will together take the final competition in

    Melbourne in August 2010.

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    The event lasts for 2 months, so I estimate the cost of whole

    event is about $400,000

    o Newspaper:

    We use the same newspaper as in the advertising campaign

    to announce the information of the event:

    Title Size Insertion Readership Amount







    4 1,500,000 49,000

    o Internet:

    BCDhome page and social networks for people vote for the

    impressive couples that they like.

    The cost of internet is mentioned above.

    o Radio:

    o The Matt & Jo Show (Fox FM) : Fox FM is the popular

    station in Australia. The Matt & Jo Show is about beauty tips,

    celebrities gossip and also dating. The program airs everyday

    from 6am-9am. The target audience of the program is female

    officers, who drive to work in the morning. We just put theannouncement about the event, so I think 15 second of

    broadcast is enough. I estimate the cost is around $400.

    Progra Station Duratio Airtime Unit Total Total

  • 8/7/2019 Understanding Advertising Media_Stage 2


    m n cost Occurren



    t (AUD)









    $400 24 9,600

    3) Sales Promotion Campaign:

    o In Christmas season, we put little gift inside every BCDAge

    Miracle package. This is representative for the best wishes of BCDtoconsumers.

    The campaign will last for 2 months, from November 2010 to

    December 2010.

    The gift is 10ml of BCDbody lotion for women in winter. Every unit

    cost $1.5. Thus, I estimate the sales promotion campaign costs


    o Newspaper, Internet, Radio: We use the same vehicle in PR

    campaign to announce the BCDsale promotion

    Vehicle Cost

    Newspaper: The Herald



    Internet (mentioned in advertising


    Radio 9,600

  • 8/7/2019 Understanding Advertising Media_Stage 2


    Total 58,600

    o P-O-P:

    Banner: Put the banner in super markets in Sydney and

    Melbourne. The banner will attract consumers in super

    markets for raising awareness and also persuade them to

    make the purchase.

    Shelves: Besides posters, we also create the BCDshelve in

    super market to get more attention.

    Type Size (mxm) Estimate

    cost per



    (Mel and


    Total cost



    1x4 $50 400 20,000



    $200 60 12,000

    Total 32,000


    The target audiences are women who are over 30 years old and live in

    Sydney and Melbourne.

    The population in both Melbourne and Sydney are 8.2 million (TheAge,


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    The number of women in both cities is 3.1million

    The number of our target audience is 2.8 million

    The communication objectives are:

    - Create the BCDawareness among 75% of target audiences. This means

    create the awareness among 2.8mil x 75% = 2.1mil

    - Due to preference and loyalty, 60% of target audience might buy the

    product. This means

    2.8mil x 60% = 1.68mil people might take a purchase.

    - The cost of 1 BCDAge Miracle Cream unit is $26

    => I estimate the budget is about AUD $1.9 million

    The first campaign budget:

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    The second campaign budget:

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    The third campaign budget:





    camp 2


    camp 3



    Jan FebMarApr May Jun Jul AugSepOct Nov


    BCDAge Miracle is the fast moving products category, 1 jar can be use for 1-2months. Moreover, this product is used in the whole year. Thus, we need to

    reinforce advertising in the whole year. Three campaigns occur in the first, middle

    and end of the year to consumers about the product and also create top brand

    awareness among target audiences. In May-Jul 2010 and Sep-Oct 2010, we still

  • 8/7/2019 Understanding Advertising Media_Stage 2


    keep advertising on the internet to maintain the brands awareness among women

    in Australia.


    - ACP magazine 2009, The Australia Womens Weekly ACP magazine, viewed

    2 Jan 2010

    - ACP magazine 2009, Womans Day ACP magazine, viewed 2 Jan 2010

    - ACP magazine 2009, Take 5 ACP magazine, viewed 2 Jan 2010

    - Belch G, E. & Belch M, A. 2009. Advertising and Promotion: An IntegratedMarketing Communications Perspective. 8th edition, McGraw-Hill International

    Edition, p.18-26

    - Chitty, W & Barker, N 2008, Integrated Marketing Communication :

    Advertising Strategy, p. 192 -220

    - Colebatch, T 2009 , Pressure grows as Melbourne rockets to 4 million, viewed

    1 Jan 2010

    - HUL Organization 2009, HUL Data, Hindustan Unilever Limited, viewed 5

    November 2009

    - Australia TVC 2009, TVC Profile, viewed 1Jan 2010


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