understanding energy a lesson plan for the: 1. introduction: trivia please name 3 renewable energy...

Post on 26-Mar-2015






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Understanding EnergyA Lesson Plan for the:


Introduction: Trivia

Please name 3 renewable energy sources.

Possible Answers: Solar, Hydropower, Wind, Biofuel, Geothermal, Wave


Introduction: Trivia

Please name 3 non-renewable energy sources.

Possible Answers: Coal, Natural Gas, Petroleum, Nuclear


Introduction: Trivia

What type of energy do Americans use more?

A. Renewable

B. Non-renewable

Answer: B: Non-renewable


Introduction: Trivia

Which of the following appliances uses the most electricity?

A. Xbox

B. Toaster

C. Clock Radio

D. Hairdryer

Answer: D. Hairdryer 1510 Watts

A. Xbox 185 Watts B. Toaster 831 Watts C. Clock Radio 4 Watts


Introduction: Trivia

What is the name of our local utility company?

A. San Diego Gas & Electric (SDG&E)

B. Imperial Irrigation District (IID)

C. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)

D. Pacific Gas & Electric (PG&E)

Answer: A. SDG&E


Introduction: Trivia

What is the primary energy source used to generate electricity in the United States?

A. Hydropower

B. Natural Gas

C. Coal

D. Solar

Answer: C. Coal7

Introduction: Trivia

What is the easiest way to save energy?

A. Stop playing video games.

B. Unplug your refrigerator.

C. Turning off the lights.

D. Take cold showers.

Answer: C – Turning off the Lights


Introduction: Trivia

What is the unit of power used to measure electricity?

A. Byte

B. Joule

C. Kilometer

D. Watt

Answer: D Watt


Introduction: Trivia

What is the layout of an electric distribution system called?

A. Pathway

B. Grid

C. Puzzle

D. Trail

Answer: Grid10

Introduction: Trivia

What is a kilowatt-hour?

A. the amount of energy used to run a car for one hour

B. a unit of energy equal to the work done by a power of 1000 watts operating for one hour

C. the longest hour of your life

D. a measurement of how many kilograms of water we use in one hour

Answer: B: a unit of energy equal to the work done by a power of 1000 watts operating for one hour


What is Energy?

Energy is the ability to work.

Energy is used when we move something, lift something, warm something, or light something.


Sources of Energy

Non-renewable Energy Renewable Energy

Coal Solar

Oil (Petroleum) Wind

Natural Gas Hydropower

Nuclear Geothermal



Oatmeal Activity

Everyone get into one long line.

With a bucket below you (to collect the falling oats), pass one large handful of oatmeal down the line.

What happens to the oatmeal that is passed on?


Why Save Energy?

Smaller energy bill = more money in your pocket

Less electricity less coal + natural gas fewer GHGs a healthier and cleaner environment!

Save the environment now…save your wallet later!

Family energy challenge?


How you can save energy:

Behavioral Turn off the lights when you leave a room. Unplug devices once they’re finished charging. Wear a snuggie! Shut water off while you’re brushing your teeth. Shorten showers! Wash your laundry in cold water. Hang dry your clothes rather than put them in the



How you can save energy:

Technical Use power strips to reduce phantom loads. Switch your incandescent light bulbs out for CFLs or

LEDs. Dim your lights. Purchase a low-flow shower head and toilet. Adjust water heater settings.



Everyone pay attention up front to a display of various lights.


Compact Fluorescent Lamp (CFL)

Light-emitting Diode (LED)

Possible Career Paths

The green job field is growing!


Green Careers Paths:

Environmental Policy

Environmental Engineer

Environmental Planners

Environmental Education

Energy Management

Agricultural Technician

Environmental Design & Construction

Environmental Conflict Resolution

And Many More…

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