unit 1 and 5 - 4018

Post on 17-Nov-2014






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Unit 1 and 5

1) Find a definition for your chosen genreDefinition for Romance: A feeling of excitement and mystery associated with love. A movie that has romance it is talked about how people feel about each other, whether or not if they are in love. Genre conventions are all the little things, from typical characters to repeating plot points that separate one genre of fiction from another. (Sourced from www.wisegeek.com)

The things you expect to see in these films are that there is always someone who falls in love with another and there will be people breaking up for another person. Where the movie extents to the point where the whole story is quite a bit messed up, leaving the audience half confused.

The genre conventions are: main characters, are there any cliff-hangers? , age restrictions, appropriate music etc.

Some movies/ films have sub genres this is when the movie has two stories in one such as a movie talking about one thing and then it shows as a music piece this will be seen as a sub-genre.


Techniques: The techniques I will be using are library; this is because the research method I will allow me to look for what I am searching for; which is the definitions for romance

Information Log: http://www.thefreedictionary.com/romance


Organisation: I am going to file it on the Haverstock media blog. This is because all my work must be submitted on the internet therefore I will only be doing some draft work in my exercise book.

Relevance: It is useful because I know what ‘romance’ is a genre and that it will help me understand what my initial mind map idea is about.


2) What are some of the key films in this genre?

Grease Titanic The fault in our stars Clueless Twilight


Techniques: The techniques I will be using are ‘internet’. This will help me find which movie has romance in, examples of a movie would be Titanic, clueless etc.

Information Log: http://www.imdb.com/genre/romance

Organisation: I will be filing it in the Haverstock media blog. This is where all my work will be uploaded on. I will be putting this particular work in a timeline folder where it will be marked.

Relevance: It is relevant to my work because it tells me what the key films are in the genre.

3) Identifying genre signifiers.Props, costumes, colour, main image, music, sound.



Techniques: The techniques I will be using for this is the internet. This is because i have watched trailers of romance movies this allows me to analyse what the actors were wearing, what type of music that was played and if it was appropriate for the right audience, which it was. There were a lot of different colours that were shown. To fit with the right costuming and scenery.

Information Log: www.youtube.com

Organisation: I will be filing it in the Haverstock media blog. This is where all my work will be uploaded on. I will be putting this particular work in a timeline folder where it will be marked.

Relevance: It is relevant because it has shown me what genre signifiers meant. It also shows what the movie/ film will have such as all the props, costumes, etc.

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