unit 1 time-conscious americans. this attitude results in a nation of people committed to...

Post on 12-Jan-2016






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Unit 1Time-Conscious Americans

This attitude results in a nation of people committed to researching, experimenting and

exploring. result in: have as a result; cause Acting before thinking always results in failing.


The accident resulted in the death of two people (or: ... resulted in two people being killed).

这场意外事故造成两人死亡。Compare: result from: be caused byNothing has resulted from his efforts.

他的努力终成泡影。The child's illness resulted from eating unclean food.


Time is one of the two elements that Ameri-cans save carefully, the other being labor.The structure : subject + -ing (or: -ed) verb. This type of clause can also be put at the beginning of the whole sentence. No further discussions arising, the meeting was brought to an end. 没有作进一步的讨论 , 会议就告结束了。Lunch finished, all the guests returned to the sitting room.吃完午饭 , 所有客人都回到了起居室。

This type of clause can be rewritten by adding the preposition "with":Time is one of the two elements that American save carefully, with the other being labor.

With lunch finished, all the guests returned to the sitting room.

We are slaves to nothing but the clock.


We are under the control of time only and nothing else (or: we are only dominated by time).

slave to sth.: a person who is completely influenced or dominated by sth.

a slave to drink 酒鬼 a slave to money 金钱的奴隶

nothing but: only

He's nothing but a criminal. 他只不过是个罪犯。

The report contains nothing but lies.

We budget it, save it, waste it, steal it, kill it, cut it, account for it; we

also charge for it. We deal with time in various ways as if time were something of real value.

budget: v. plan the spending of (time, money, etc.), or provide (time, money) in the plan

She has made so many commitments that she has to budget her time very carefully.

她答应下来的事太多,因而不得不精心安排自己的时间。She budgeted for buying a new car.


It is important to balance this year's budget.

The government has budgeted for two bridges in the city.政府已在预算中拨款在该城市造两座桥。Very often this word is used as a noun to mean a plan of how to spend money, etc. during a particular time for a particular purpose.

a family / week's budget 家庭 / 每周预算

the company's advertising budget 公司的广告预算


account for it;...


account for : 1) give a satisfactory explanation about (how sth. is used)

Jenny had to account to her husband for every penny she spent. 珍妮不得不向丈夫说明每一个便士是怎么花的。

The man charged with the crime couldn't account for the fact that the money was found in his house.

被告无法解释钱是在他家里找到的这个事实。2) be the cause or origin of

North Sea oil accounts for a high proportion ( 部分 ) of our trade earnings.

we also charge for it.

单人房每夜收费 200 元

we also ask for money for the time we take to do something for others.

charge for: ask (an amount of money) as a price

How much do you charge for washing a car?


We charge 200 dollars for a single room one night.

Many people have a rather acute sense of the shortness of each

lifetime. Many people have a very strong feeling that l

ife is short (since time is a precious resource).

Once the sands have run out of a person's hourglass, they cannot be

replaced. The whole sentence is a metaphor, which

means: Once time has passed, it will not return.

have run out of a person's hourglass, ..


run out of:

1) (of liquid or sth. like liquid) flow out of Many rivers run out of the Himalayas.


2) use all one's supplies, have no more

I'm afraid we've run out of gas. 我们的汽油怕已用完了。

I'm running out of patience.

We want every minute to count.


We want every minute to be put into good use (since it is precious).

count: vi. If sth. counts, it is important or valuable.

Every second counts. 每一秒钟都很重要。

She's the only person that really counts around here.

... everyone is in a rush -- often under pressure.


in a rush: in a hurry

Why is she always in such a rush?

为什么她总是这样匆匆忙忙的 ?

under pressure: in a condition of being forced or hurried

He works best under pressure.

... restlessly seeking attention in a store, or elbowing others...


: ... impatiently trying to get service in a store, or pushing others out of the way by using their elbows ...restlessly: ad. impatiently The lion paced the floor of his cage restlessly.

狮子烦躁地在笼子里走来走去。The man repeatedly looked at his watch while walking up and down restlessly in the room.那人一边不耐烦地在屋子里走来走去,一边一遍又一遍地看手表。elbow: vt. push others out of the way using elbows

I tried to stop him, but he elbowed me out of the way.

我试图拦住他,可他用胳膊肘把我推开。She elbowed her way through the crowd.

Racing through daytime meals is part of the pace of life in this country.To eat their meals hurriedly during the day is

part of Americans' fast pace of life. (or: Americans live a fast pace of life, and this can be seen even when they are eating their meals very fast during the day.)

You also find drivers will be abrupt...

an abrupt drop in oil prices

You also find drivers will not be nice in order to save time.abrupt: a.

1) (of behavior) rough

an abrupt attitude 无礼的态度When I asked her about her new job, she was quite abrupt with me. 当我询问她的新工作时 , 她对我态度非常粗鲁。2) sudden and unexpected

The meeting came to an abrupt end. 会谈突然结束。an abrupt change of policy 突然改变政策


Don't take it personally.


Don't let it upset you because they are treating everybody this way or because they are not doing this to you in particular.

take ... personally: If you take someone's remarks personally, you are upset because you think that they are being critical about you in particular.

You mustn't take her negative comments of your plan personally.

Many new arrivals to the States will miss the opening exchanges of a business call, ...

Many newcomers to the United States will be sad to find that there is no polite communication at the beginning of their business visit like that found back in their own country.

They will miss the ritual interaction that goes with a welcoming cup of tea or coffee that may be a convention in their own country.They will be sad because they will not have the usual exchanges (with the person who invited you) that go with a welcoming cup of tea or coffee. These usual exchanges may be a common and regular practice on similar occasions in their own country.convention: n.

1) general, usu. unspoken, agreement about how people should act or behave in certain situations; customary practice

Convention now allows women to smoke in public.



It is the convention for men to wear suits on formal occasions.

男子在正式场合穿西装是一种惯例。Until recently, it was a convention in the United States for people to wear black to a funeral.直到最近,穿黑颜色的衣服参加葬礼仍然是美国的习俗。

2) meeting of members of a profession, political party, etc.

Conventions are usually held in large cities, which have good transportation systems and interesting sights to see.

会议通常在大城市里举行,那里有完善的交通和观光的地方。Hotels try to attract conventions because they bring a lot of business.

They will miss the ritual interaction ...

我每天早晨起来后的第一件事就是朗读英语 , 这已成了一种习惯。

ritual: 1) a. of or done regularly followed in exactly the same way each time Every day the work begins with the ritual phrases of greeting. 每天,工作以例行的相互问候开始。

2) n. [C, U] method followed repeatedly in the same way every time

Wives make a ritual of their household duties. 

家庭主妇把家务作为自己每天的例行公事。I start to read English aloud the first thing after I get up in the morning, and that has become a ritual.

... that goes with a welcoming cup of tea or coffee...


go with: exist or take place at the same time, be found together

Happiness does not go as an automatic result with money. 有钱不一定就幸福。

Responsibility goes with becoming a father.

Normally, Americans do not assess their visitors in such relaxed surroundings over extended small talk; ...


Usually Americans do not judge or evaluate their visitors in (a restaurant or coffee house which are considered) relaxed places through long, light conversations ... assess: vt. judge the quality, importance, or worth of

He's so lazy that it's difficult to assess his ability.他懒得很,很难对他的能力作出评估。It's too early to assess the effects of the new law.要评价新法令的效果现在还为时过早。surroundings: n.( pl.) the things in the neighborhood of , or the conditions affecting a person or thing

The house is in beautiful surroundings.

... over extended small talk; ...

small talk: light conversation on unimportant or non-serious subjects

extended: lasting for a long period of time

The child has received formal education over an extended period.


... much less do they take them out for dinner, or for around on the golf course...

Here "much less" and "still less" mean exactly the same.

...it is even less likely that Americans take their visitors out for dinner or to play golf ...much less: and even less likelyThe old man can hardly walk, much less run.

这位老人几乎不能行走,更不用说跑了。They are always short of water to drink, much less to bathe in.他们连喝的水也总是不够 , 更别提洗澡了。We must not think of this writer as a radical socialist politician, much less a leader of a revolution.我们不应该把这位作家看作是激进的社会政治家,更别说是革命的领袖了。For this sense, we can also use "still less". She wouldn't take a drink, still less (or: much less) stay for dinner. 她连水也不肯喝一口 , 更别说留下吃饭了。

Since we generally assess and probe professionally rather than socially, we start talking business very quickly.


Since we in most cases evaluate our visitors and ask them questions from a professional point of view instead of a social one, we start talking what is our concern very quickly (and there is no need in our eyes to spend time on small talk and the like). probe: v. examine closely

The police are probing (into) trading which breaks the law.

Sometimes this verb can be used intransitively and then the preposition "into" is needed. The use of the preposition is by choice.

Time is, therefore, always ticking in our inner ear. So we are always aware of the fact that time i

s precious and time is flying.

Consequently, we work hard at the task of saving time. As a result, we try our best to invent and produ

ce things that can help save time.consequently: ad. as a result, so

The bank refused to help the company; consequently it went out of business.


We produce a steady flow of labor-saving devices; ...

The things we produce for particular purposes are like a continuous river and they can help reduce the amount of effort needed; ...

... especially given our traffic-filled streets.

Notice that "given" is followed by a noun phrase, while "given that" is followed by a finite clause.

especially when we take into account our busy streets that are often full of traffic.given: prep. taking into account Given their inexperience, they've done a good job.考虑到他们缺乏经验,他们算做得不错了。Given her interest in children, teaching should be the right career for her. 看她对孩子们的兴趣,教书应是适合她的职业。 We can also use "given that ..." for the same meaning:Given that they are inexperienced, they've done a good job.


We, therefore, save most personal visiting for after-work hours or for social weekend gatherings.

你能不能把你的故事留在以后告诉我 ?

So, if we want to pay or receive a personal visit, we can do it after work or on the weekend when there is a social gathering.save ... for: keep sth. for future use, not use up sth.

Save your strength for hard work you'll have to do later.


Can you save your story for later?

To us the impersonality of electronic communication has little or no relation to

the significance of the matter at hand.


When we communicate through electronic means, which may seem not involving human feelings, it does not mean that we regard the matter under discussion unimportant. significance: n. meaning, importance

What is the significance of this speech?

这个讲话有什么意义?The significance for college students of doing a part-time job is more than money and experience.

... the matter at hand.

Realizing that the end of his career is near at hand, he Apart from "at hand" and "near at hand", we can also say "close at hand". All three phrases mean exactly the same.

At hand: under discussion or being considered

Her question was not related to the matter at hand.


The phrase "at hand" is very often used to mean "near in time or place".

The great day is at hand. 重大节日即将到来。

In some countries no major business is conducted without eye contact, requiring

face-to-face conversation.


In some countries, important business must be carried out with eye contact, and through face-to-face conversation.conduct: vt.

1) organize and carry out

I decided to conduct an experiment.

In America, too, a final agreement will normally be signed in person.


In America, too, when it is time to sign a final agreement, people who are responsible for it will meet to do this (though people communicate more through faxes, phone calls or emails nowadays).

in person: physically present, by oneself I can't attend the meeting in person, but I'm sending someone to speak for me.

我不能亲自出席会议,但我将派人代表我发言。Will you apply for the position by letter or in person?你是写信还是亲自前去申请那个职位?

The winner will be there in person to collect the prize.

... people are meeting increasingly on television screens, conducting teleconferences to settle problems ...

People are meeting more and more through television, holding teleconferences to solve problems...

... the telephone service is superb here,

whereas the postal service is less efficient.

他们国家石油丰富 , 而我们国家则一点也没有。

superb: a. excellent; of the highest qualityThe performance is superb. 演出精彩极了。a superb view 壮美的景色whereas: conj. but, in contrast: while

We thought she did not like us, whereas in fact she was very shy. 我们以为她不喜欢我们,然而事实是因为她很害羞。They want a house, whereas we would rather live in a flat.

他们想住一所房子 , 可我们宁愿住在一套公寓房里。In this sense, "whereas" is readily replaceable by "while", without any change in meaning.

Their country has plenty of oil, while (or: whereas) ours has none.

Unless a certain amount of time is allowed to elapse, it seems in their eyes as if the task… were insignificant, not worthy of proper respect.

worthy of: meritingHe is worthy of our praise. 他值得我们表扬。worthy of help 值得帮助的acts worthy of punishment 应该受到惩罚的行为

If a certain amount of time is not allowed to pass, it will give the impression, in their opinion, that the task being considered is not important or not properly respected.elapse: vi.( fml.) (of time) pass

Three months have elapsed since he left home.自他离家后三个月已经过去了。in one's eyes: in the opinion or judgment of someone

In the eyes of the critical professionals, he can do no wrong.在评论家看来,他是不会错的。

it seems in their eyes as if the task being considered were insignificant, not worthy of proper respect.

acts worthy of punishment

in one's eyes: in the opinion or judgment of someone

In the eyes of the critical professionals, he can do no wrong.

在评论家看来,他是不会错的。The expert is always right in the eyes of everybody.

在大家的心目中,专家总是对的。worthy of: meritingHe is worthy of our praise. 他值得我们表扬。

worthy of help



Assignments are, consequently, felt to be given added weight by the passage of time.

an idea of great weight

As a result, people feel/think that assignments are gaining additional importance with the passing of time. weight: n. [U] importance

Don't worry about what he thinks, his opinion doesn't carry much weight.



In the U. S., however, it is taken as a sign of skillfulness or being competent to solve a problem, or fulfill a job successfully, with speed.In the U. S., however, if you can solve a problem or do a job quickly, you will be considered as a person having skill or ability.competent: a. (of people) having the necessary ability, skill, knowledge, etc.

He is competent for the task. 他能胜任这项任务。

If you want to learn English, you must first find a competent teacher.

你如要学习英文 , 首先得找一位称职的教师。

fulfill: vt. 1) do or perform


They fulfilled their work ahead of time as we did ours.

同我们一样 , 他们也提前完成了任务。fulfill a duty 履行责任

2) supply or satisfy (a need, demand or requirement)The travelling library fulfills an important need for people who live in the country areas.

流动图书馆满足了乡村居民的一项重要需求。The company should be able to fulfill our requirements for product quality.

or fulfill a job successfully, with speed.


with speed: fast. We can say "at speed" to mean the same.

When we are travelling with (or: at) speed, the passing countryside just seems a blur.

当我们高速开车旅行时 , 沿途经过的乡村显得一片模糊。

The car is quite noisy at speed.

... in order to "get it moving" .


... in order to start work on it or to get it done.get sth. /sb. doing (sth.): make sth. /sb. do sth.

Can you get the old car going again?


It's not hard to get the boy talking; the problem is stopping him.


A woman frantically calls the fire department to report a fire in the neighborhood.

the dispatcher asks,”Well,lady,how do we get there?”

confused she replies,”Don’t you still have those little red fire trucks?”





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