unit 11 florence nightingale deborah soong teaching activities index

Post on 23-Dec-2015






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Unit 11

Florence Nightingale

Deborah Soong

Teaching Activities


Teaching Activities1st period 1. Warm-up

2. The Vocabulary, and Idioms & Phrases within Paragraphs 1-4

3. Reading – Paragraphs 1-42nd period 1. The Vocabulary, and Idioms & Phrases within Paragraphs 5-8

2. Reading - Paragraphs 5-83. Post-reading

3rd period 1. Word File2. Sentence Patterns3. Expansion4. Writing Practice

4th period Part II Oral & Listening ~ Unit 9

Warm-upVocabulary Idioms & PhrasesReading~Paragraphs 1-4

Read the following comic strips.


Listen to paragraphs 1-4.


Did Nightingale plan to marry a rich man?

No, she didn’t.

Where was Nightingale trained to be a nurse?

She took training at a school orphanage and hospital in Germany.

Why did Nightingale go to Turkey in 1854?

In 1854, she went to Turkeyto care for British soldiers wounded in the Crimean War.

What did Nightingale discover when she was in Turkey?

In Turkey, she discovered that more soldiers died from sickness than from wound.

What rules form the basis of the modern nursing profession?

The strict rules for dress, training, and behavior Nightingale set for her nurses.


As the young daughter of rich British parents, Florence Nightingale faced a rosy future.

as = being  做為As a senior high school student, I am always busy with my homework.

It was expected that she would marry a rich man and raise a large family, but Florence had different plans.

It was expected that she would marry a richman and raise a large family.→ She was expected to marry a rich man and raise a large family.Florence had different plans.→ Florence didn’t plan to marry a rich man and raise many children.→ Florence planned to do something else in the future.

She was an intelligent, independent young woman, full of desire for a career that would serve humankind.

young woman, (who was) full of desire for a career that would serve humankind→ young woman, who had a strong desire for a career in which she could work for all human beings→ young woman, who strongly desired to serve mankind for the whole of her life

When Florence Nightingale announced she wanted to work as a hospital nurse, her family was not happy. However, she traveledto Germany to take training at an orphanage and hospital.

After returning to England, she became head of a nursing home in London.補語若表身分地位在該團體中有此身分地位者只有一個人,則補語不加冠詞。在該團體中有此身分地位者不只一個人,則補語要加冠詞。 He became leader of the team. He became a member of the team.


After returning to England, she became head of a nursing home in London.

After returning to England, she became head of a nursing home in London.→ After she returned/came back to England, she was in charge of a nursing home in London.

In time, she turned it into a place that was open to patients of all classes and religions.

be open to = that...can enter  開放的This garden is open to the public.  class (= social status) 表「社會階級」the upper/middle/lower classes原句=→ At last/Eventually, she changed the nursing home into a place which took in all patients no matter what classes they belonged to, and no matter what religions they believed in.

In October of 1854, Florence Nightingale led thirty-eight nurses to Turkey to care for British soldiers wounded in the Crimean War. She found

terrible conditions in the British hospital.wounded in the Crimean War→ who were wounded/got hurt in the Crimean War

The buildings were full of fleas and rats. They were built over open sewers that polluted the air and water. There were toomany men in one room, and the rooms were dirty. Besides, the soldiers had little food.

She soon discovered that more men died from sickness than from their wounds.

die from malnutrition, a wound, overwork,overeating.die of disease, old age, hunger.She soon discovered that more men died from sickness than from their wounds.→ She soon found out that men who died from sickness were more than those who died from their wounds.→ She soon found out that many men did not die from their wounds but from their sickness.

She fought to make things better. The head of the hospital complained that she, a woman, was demanding changes. Theywanted women to be quiet and meek.

She fought to make things better. → She worked very hard/made an effort to improve things.

Also, nurses were something new in war, and the officers objected to having them near the soldiers.

the officers objected to having themnear the soldiers→ the officers did not agree that nurses came near the soldiers

Therefore, Nightingale set strict rules for dress, training, and behavior for her nurses. Her principles form the basis of the modern nursing profession.

set strict rules  set a rule = make/establish/lay down a rule  strict rules = rigid/hard and fast/ inflexible rules  apply/enforce rules   violate/break rules  comply with/follow/obey/observe rules


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