unit 19-23 exam test review. how did wwii contribute to the development of the cold war? the soviet...

Post on 18-Jan-2018






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Yalta and Potsdam Conference, Truman Doctrine and the Berlin Blockade are all events leading up to what? COLD WAR


Unit Exam Test Review How did WWII contribute to the development of the Cold War? The Soviet Union and the U.S. emerged as superpowers with conflicting views Yalta and Potsdam Conference, Truman Doctrine and the Berlin Blockade are all events leading up to what? COLD WAR How did the Cold War differ from WWII? There was no actual fighting in the Cold War How are Vladimir Lenins and Mao Zedongs views on government similar? They believe violence is necessary for change What was the main objective of the United States and its allies during the Korean War? To prevent the spread of communism into South Korea The Korean War, Vietnam War, and the nuclear arms race are all important events during what? The Cold War The U.S. and the Soviet Union had a standoff over missiles located where? CUBA What was the name of the first satellite launched into space? SPUTNIK I Which leader of the Soviet Union introduced reforms that would lead to the destruction of the Berlin Wall? Mikhail Gorbachev Which leaders all played a significant role in the collapse of communism in Eastern Europe? Ronald Reagan Lech Walesa Pope John Paul II Mikhail Gorbachev Who transformed China into a communist country? Mao Zedong How did the end of WWII affect the African colonies? Many weak European powers gave the colonies independence Who was the leader of Africa who dedicated his life to end racial apartheid? Nelson Mandela What problem do the people of India still face today? Conflicts between Hindus and Muslims What approach did Mohandas Gandhi follow to achieve independence? Passive Resistance Who was the first female prime minister of India eventually assassinated by her own bodyguards? Indira Gandhi What was Mother Teresas most known accomplishment? Helping the sick and poor in India The Arab-Israeli conflict can be traced back to what earlier events? Britain declaring the mostly Arab country of Palestine a Jewish homeland What was the major reason for the outbreak of conflict between the Arabs and the Israelis in 1948? They both claimed control over the same land The rise of radical Islamic Fundamentalism after the 1979 Iranian Revolution has brought about increased incidents of what? Global Terrorism The Taliban has been an Islamic fundamentalist group previously in control of what country? AFGHANISTAN What was one impact of the terrorist attacks in the U.S. on September 11, 2001? It led to a war on terrorism What was the goal of the Hutu- led regime in Rwanda in 1994? To eliminate the Tutsis Mass gravesites have been found in Cambodia which provides evidence of what event? Politically motivated mass murder What is the purpose of the Las Madres de la plaza de Mayo in Argentina? To pressure the government to account for those who have disappeared Rwanda, Darfur, Bosnia, and Kosovo are all examples of what? GENOCIDE What is global interdependence? Countries are all dependent on each other around the world What impact has television and mass media had globally? To provide visual record of worldwide events

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