unit 3 presentation learning agreement

Post on 29-Jun-2015






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presentation to BAT2 unit 3 textile students at NUCA as part of briefing around learning agreements


Course: BA (Hons) Textiles

Year: One

Unit: BA3

Project Title Self Direction 1

Trends, Contexts, Issues

Project 1 of 2 within this unit

Start Date: 14/03/11

Study Hours: 240

Submission Date: 16/05/11


In this project you will be asked to write your own project brief in the form of a Learning Agreement.


This will identify the concept you wish to investigate and the market you will be designing for.


You will have the opportunity to explore a breadth of contexts for your practice and investigate the implication of this for your own work.


This will involve looking at trends information and current issues within the textile industry


You should explore the potential for new ideas based on research of your chosen theme in relation to trend information and issue based debates.


The project will allow you to demonstrate how you effectively manage your own learning.


The project, whilst building on the knowledge gained from previous units, will focus on further developing experimental approaches to textiles.


During the project you will need to research trends information to inform the materials, processes and techniques you will use.


You will also be required to look at colour palettes and identify a market and context for your work.


This project will give you the opportunity to put into practice the research, development and critical awareness skills that you have been developing in the previous Units.


It will also prepare you for study in Year 2 of the course.


As part of this project takes place when Year three students are working towards their final assessment you should expect to have more limited access to the studios and workshops.


It is important that you consider this when planning you project and the type of processes that you may want to use.


You will need to identify when you may need workshop access and book this in advance.

This Project addresses the key areas of study within

Studio Practice Business and professional skills: Contextual Studies: Personal Development and Planning:

what you will actually do in this unit

Studio Practice

You will write a learning agreement and engage in visual and textual research, design development and workshop activities.

Studio Practice

The project will be supported by a series of workshops including drawing, researching trend information, constructing mood boards and preparing for presentation.

Studio Practice

For this project the materials and methods of working will be selected by you.

Studio Practice

As well as developing your skills you should build on the skills and experiences you have gained in previous projects and continue to extend your knowledge of textile techniques and processes.

Studio Practice

You will also be expected to explore your ideas in response to current textiles related trend information.

Business and professional skills:

There will be a series of workshops where you will be asked to consider retail, market and trend analysis and research.

Business and professional skills:

For each theme you will also be asked to consider your own practice and research markets and trends applicable to it.

Business and professional skills:

You will produce a short text for each theme as part of a patchwork text that will contribute to the 2,000 Industry Awareness Report that you will submit in the next project.

Contextual Studies:

There will be lectures and group seminars in which you will consider contemporary and historical contexts relating to a range of textiles markets.

Contextual Studies:

These will inform the development of your studio practice and Industry awareness report.

Personal Development and Planning:

You will continue to develop your reflective journal and there will be group sessions where you will consider the development of Learning Agreements and issues relating to Professional Practice.

The next set of tables show the work required for this project, the area of study and which unit assessment requirement this work contributes to

Work required for this project:

Area of study Which Unit Assessment Requirement this work contributes to:

The submission of a Learning Agreement

Studio Practice Body of Studio Work

Work required for this project:

Area of study Which Unit Assessment Requirement this work contributes to:

A collection of textile samples that show experimentation and material manipulation within your chosen area of study

Studio Practice Body of Studio Work

Work required for this project:

Area of study Which Unit Assessment Requirement this work contributes to:

A collection of visual research including drawing, sketchbooks, works on paper, work produced in the drawing workshops and outside influences.

Studio Practice Body of Studio Work

Work required for this project:

Area of study Which Unit Assessment Requirement this work contributes to:

Preparation for presentation boards that will show your work in context.

Studio Practice/ Business and Professional

Body of Studio Work

Work required for this project:

Area of study Which Unit Assessment Requirement this work contributes to:

Industry Research Folder Business and Professional

Research Files

Work required for this project:

Area of study Which Unit Assessment Requirement this work contributes to:

A reflective Journal Personal Development Planning

Research Files

The next set of tables show which of the Unit Learning Outcomes are addressed by this project and what you will need to do to show that you have met them.

If you wish to achieve good grades in relation to the learning outcomes I would look at the grading matrix to examine what we are looking for and how we make decisions.

Its all about evidence

80-100% Exemplary

sophisticated and rigorous substantial and rigorous sophisticated communication Clear and effective sophisticated development targeted use of high-level

70-79% Excellent

in-depth understandingsystematic and in-depth engagement clearly articulate substantial development

60-69% Very Good

ability and broad knowledge systematic engagement clearly and effectively thorough development

50-59% Good

ability and knowledge thorough engagement clearly communicating development

40-49% Satisfactory

limited achievement limited engagement limited ability limited evidence

35-39% (Marginal Fail) Poor

limited knowledge and ability limited engagement limited achievement limited or partial evidence

0-34% (Fail) Unsatisfactory

insufficient awarenesslittle or no engagement insufficient achievement little or no evidence

Learning Outcome How you will be assessed:

LO8: Interpret your studio practice through a range of contemporary and historical movements and events in art, design and media.

We will be looking for evidence of this in your final design solutions and we will consider how your research has informed the development of your design ideas and studio practice. This should be evidenced in your all areas of your studio practice.

Learning Outcome How you will be assessed:

LO9: Evidence engagement with a range of ideas and media to present arguments and make judgments

We will be looking for evidence of how you have considered contexts, trends issues for your work and this should be evident in your text based work, studio practice and final design solutions.

Learning Outcome How you will be assessed:

LO10: Communicate the development of your ideas clearly using text, image or object.

Will be looking for this in the presentation of both your Industry Awareness Report and your portfolio of work and you final design solutions.

Learning Outcome How you will be assessed:

LO 11: Evidence the transferable skills required for study and employability

Will be looking for this in the presentation of your work and in how you present your text based research in a coherent manner. We will be looking for evidence of the use of IT skills in the presentation of your text based Industry Awareness Report

break – coffee tea fags cake chocolate

Formulating a Learning agreement

why what how

howHow do you write about what you do?

How do you write about what you don’t know?

How do you project into and predict the future?

How to begin to find answers?

questionanswers come from asking yourself some questions.

whatWhat are your core ideas?

whatWhat interests you?

Why? - consider the evidence

Can you write this down in a sentence?

whyWhy are you doing it?

whatWhat do you want to achieve?

What are you going to do?

whatFocus on the issues you wish to pursue

Identify your learning needs

Define the scope and nature of the study

Identify access and resource issues

howHow do you achieve success?

How are you going to achieve the learning outcomes of the unit?

How does it relate to the aims and assessment criteria of the unit


What can you actually do in the time you are willing to give to the course? – be honest


How much are you actually willing to spend ?


Do you need to learn new skills ?

contentBe clear and precise about what it is that you are planning to do.

Think about what you would like to study and how this relates to your practice

Reference material requirements

filling in.......take a copy of the leaning agreement form

• Contribution to Body of Studio Work: Finished design solutions.Body of studio work

• Evidence of visual research including drawing, design development work and work produced in timetabled workshopsStudio Work

• Reflective JournalResearch Files

• Your learning agreement.Document

• Presentation describing the influence of work related learning on your textile workPresentation

• Placement/ work related learning reportReport

• Research files (visual and contextual) including a reflective journalResearch Files

Proposal: What do you intend to do? Assessment Work: Body of studio workStudio WorkResearch FilesDocumentPresentationReportResearch Files

Schedule of Work: (to include the deadline for submission of assessment):

Resource requirements:

deadlines Leaning agreement form -

Draft Leaning agreement -

Feedback from staff -

Final Leaning agreement -

Second project starts -

Work for assessment -

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