unit 5 nonverbal communication. case 1 personal space hall's definition of personal space...

Post on 17-Jan-2018






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Cultural expectations about these spaces vary widely. In the United States, for instance, people engaged in conversation will assume a social distance of roughly 120cm-200cm, but in many parts of Europe the expected social distance is roughly half that with the result that Americans traveling overseas often experience the urgent need to back away from a conversation partner who seems to be getting too close.


Unit 5 Nonverbal Communication

Case 1 Personal SpaceHall's definition of personal space

• Intimate space—the closest "bubble" of space surrounding a person. Entry into this space is acceptable only for the closest friends and intimates.

• Social and consultative spaces—the spaces in which people feel comfortable conducting routine social interactions with acquaintances as well as strangers.

• Public space—the area of space beyond which people will perceive interactions as impersonal and relatively anonymous.

• Cultural expectations about these spaces vary widely.

• In the United States, for instance, people engaged in conversation will assume a social distance of roughly 120cm-200cm, but in many parts of Europe the expected social distance is roughly half that with the result that Americans traveling overseas often experience the urgent need to back away from a conversation partner who seems to be getting too close.

Case 2

• What do you think of the reason for people’s laugh at Frank’s Chinese?

• What advice would you give to Frank?

When Rich visiting Lindo’s home

How many information is released by people’s nonverbal symbols?

Case 3

• How people view time.• Linear and circle

Case 4

• 在朝鲜因为女子全部穿裙子,无论春夏秋冬都是如此,男子才穿长裤。因此,他们又把男子叫“裤子”。据讲,朝鲜女性俗称男性为“裤子”。童男子们被尊称为“新裤子”;离过婚的则被戏称为“旧裤子”;再次离婚的就被贬为“破裤子”;离过三次以上婚的就是“烂裤子”喽!新裤子是多数朝鲜姑娘的目标。

• 有一则趣闻说,生活在朝鲜的中国女人和日本女人到了街上,八成会有一个朝鲜老太太箭步如飞地跑过来,以迅雷不及掩耳之势一把拽住,大声训斥道:“同务(在朝鲜,人们称和自己平级或比自己级位低的人为同务,比自己级别高的人为同志),你作为一个女人能穿裤子吗?”相比较而言,韩国女性就幸福多了,夏天韩国女性的超短裤也是街头的一道风景。

Case 5• How important is language in showing love?• How much do you believe “ I love you”?• Is behavior more important than saying?

What’s the problem between Ted and Anmei’s daughter?

• Obama’s Bows

Case 6 Politicians’ behavior

Obama with the Japanese Emperor Akihito and Empress Michiko

Dick Cheney with the Japanese Emperor


• What can you tell from this three pictures the Japanese-US foreign relationship?

Bow to Tampa Mayor


• What might you say about Obama by his bows?

Do you know?

• In face-to-face communication, less then 30% of the information is communicated through speaking, and over 70% of the message is sent by nonverbal means.

Study Area

• Time language (chronemics)• Space language (proxemics)• Body language (kinesics)• Paralanguage (voice modulation)

Time language

• Monochronic Time • Polychronic Time

Students work in group to list the features and representative countries.

What’s the implication to interculturalcommunication?

Space language

Touch culture • Nontouch culture

Students work in group to list the features and representative countries.

What’s the implication to interculturalcommunication?


• P112 C• P113 D

Body Language

• Can you list some taboos of body language in Chinese culture?

TaboosCountry Body language taboosChinaJapanKoreaUSThailandGermanyArab countries

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