unit 5 reading 1 (8b) an interview with an orbis doctor

Post on 11-Jan-2016






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Unit 5 Reading 1 (8B)

An interview with an ORBIS doctor



flying eye hospitalaffect


[ə'fekt]v. 影响

n. 失明

afford v. 买得起[ə'fɔ:d]

patient n. 病人 volunteer doctors

operation n. 手术 operate v. 手术



[,vɔlən‘tiə] n.自愿者


cure v. 治愈 treat v. 治疗

medical adj. 医疗的 treatment n. 治疗

improve v. 改善

medicine n. 医学 , 药

[kjuə] [tri:t] [im'pru:v]



1. blindness ___

2. affects ___

3. treatment ___

4. patients ___

5. afford ___

6. operated ___

a. Something done by a doctor to make sick people feel better

b. the state of not being able to see

c. have enough money to buy or to do something

d. causes a change in somebody or somethinge. cut a person’s body open

to take out or repair a partf. people who are ill,

especially those in hospital







Fast reading

1. Who was interviewed by an interviewer?

2. What kind of work does ORBIS do?

Dr Ma was interviewed by an interviewer.

It does meaningful, hard and hopeful work.

Careful reading (Line 1-- 20)

1. It does meaningful work. Why?


it helps the patients with eye problems.

it helps teach and train local doctors and nurses.

1. About 450 million people have heart


2. All of the cases of blindness can not

be cured or prevented.

3. ORBIS doctors do operations on the


4. Local doctors and nurses go to the

plane to learn about eye operations.

5. Many of the patients can afford to

go to hospital.

6. ORBS doctors don’t teach the skills

and knowledge.

7. ORBIS can even help more people by

training local doctors and nurses.

True or False Questions (Line 1—20)








45 eye80%



Careful reading (Line 21-- 30)

2.It does hard work.

During Dr Ma’s ____ visit, he operated on

___ patients on the plane. He did only ____

or _____ operations a day when he was in

a hospital. It’s ____ work . But he is ______

to help so many people to ____ again. The

patients are really _______ to them.

last150 two


hard proud


Careful reading (Line 31-- 38)

3. It does hopeful work.

1) What can they do as the development of modern medicine?

2) What does ORBIS need most?

3) What can we do to help them?

They can treat and cure most eye problems and improve the lives of patients.

They need enough money to carry on with the work.

We can send donations to ORBIS.

Amy’s friend’s questions about ORBIS online.

1.What is ORBIS?

2.Why does ORBIS use a plane?

3. Whom does ORBIS help?

4. How many people are blind?

5. How does ORBIS help?

6. Does Dr Ma like the work? Why or

why not?

7. What does ORBIS need most?

8. What can we do for them?

Amy 19:56:12

Hi, everyone, come out!I read a story today.Mary 19:56:35

What is it about?

It’s about something about ORBIS and Dr Ma.Mary 19:56:45

What is ORBIS?

Amy 19:56:40

Rose 19:57:22

Why does ORBIS use a plane?

Because many patients can’t afford to travel to hospital. ORBIS flies to help them.

It’s a flying eye hospital.

Amy 19:57:18

Amy 19:57:58

Rose 19:58:00

Whom does ORBIS help ?

It helps the patients with eye problems and help teach local doctors and nurses skills and knowledge.

Rose 19:58:26

Does Dr Ma like his work?

Yes he does.Amy 19:59:02

Amy 19:58:04

Peter 19:59:58


Because he can help the patients to see again and they are grateful to them.

Amy 20:00:15

Tom 20:00:45

What does ORBIS need most?

All they need is enough money to carry on with the work.

Tim 20:02:35

What can we do for it?

We can donate money to support them.

Amy 20:02:18

Amy 20:02:48

Do you think we are lucky?

Amy 20:03:35

Yes, we are lucky.Let’s try our best to help people in need.


Lily 20:03:05

Lily 20:02:48

Group work: To introduce a charity to help them.

What is the charity?

Which charity can help them?

What kind of work does the charity do?

Why does the charity help…?

What can we do to support the charity?

Xiao Ming

Xiao Fang

…can help him.… is a charity…It helps / works on …It helps…, because…We can …

Xiao Ming

…can help her.… is an organization…It helps / works on …It helps…, because…We can …

Xiao Fang

a non-governmental charity

protect environment and the living space of animals

…can help it.… is a …It helps / works on …It helps…, because…We can …

1. Visit the websites http://www.orbis.org/ to

know more about ORBIS

2. Design a poster about the charity you are

interested in and ask more people to help the

people in need.

Introduce one charity you are interested in.

1. The name of the charity.

2. What does the charity do?

3. Whom does it help?

4. How does it help?

5. Some other thing about the charity.

Blindness _____ about ___ _______ people around the world. But many of them ____ ____ money for medical _________.ORBIS _____ a plane to ________ operations in poor ________. Some local _______________come to learn the _________________.During Dr Ma’s last visit, he operated __________. He is _______ to help them and they are ______ him.All we ______ is enough money to __________the work. People can ______ money to ______them.

affects 45 milliondon’t have

treatmentuses perform

countries doctors and nursesskills and knowledge

gratefulproud150 patients

need carry on withdonate support

Fill in the blanks.Retell the passage.

What have you learned from this interview ?

We are the lucky ones. We should try our best to help people in need !

Let’s have a match !

Project Green Hope

Project Green Hope helps protect rivers and lakes in China .

Project Hope

Project Hope helps schools and students in poor areas.




Save China’s Tigers

Save China’s Tigers protects tigers and other big cats in china .




Spring Bud Project

Spring Bud Project helps poor young girs teturn to school .





World Vision









World Wide Fund for Nature世界自然基金会是全球最大的独立性非政府环境保护机构之一,致力于环境和动物栖息地保护。原名“世界野生动物保护基金会”。


Make a poster for Dr Ma, calling for more people to help and support him.


Two parts should be included :

1.What is ORBIS ?

2.What do you want people to do?




Life is beautiful because of the strong


Life is wonderful because of the true





1. blindness n. 失明2. affect vt. 影响3. cure vt. 治愈4. medical adj. 医疗的5. treatment n. 治疗6. volunteer n. 志愿者7. operation n. 手术8. patient n. 病人9. operate vi. 做手术10. medicine n. 医学;药11. treat vt. 治疗;对待12. improve vt. 改善

1) How many people does blindness affect around the world? Where are they mostly from?

2) How many sick people can be cured or prevented?

3) Why do many people not receive medical treatment?

Blindness affects about 45 million people, mostly in poor countries.

About 80 per cent of the cases.

Because they do not have the money for medical treatment.

(Line 1---7) help the patients

1) Why doesn’t Dr Ma work in a hospital?

2) Why do local doctors and nurses come to the plane?

3) What’s ORBIS purpose by training local doctors and nurses?

Because many patients cannot afford to travel to hospital , so ORBIS doctors have to go to them.

They want to learn new skills and knowledge about eye operations.

They want to help more people.

(Line 8---20)help doctors and nurses

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