unit 7: memory ·...

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Unit 7 Memory

Wednesday March 6 13

The Phenomenon of Memory

Wednesday March 6 13

bullMemory13 learning13 that13 persists13 over13 3me13 informa3on13 that13 has13 been13 stored13 and13 can13 be13 retrievedbullExtremes of memory (Memory Olympics Clive Wearing)

Wednesday March 6 13

Introduction Atkinson-Shiffrin Three-Stage Model


Wednesday March 6 13


bullConnectionismbullSensory13 memorybullShort-shy‐term13 memorybullLong-shy‐term13 memory

bullModified version of the three-stage processing model of memory

Wednesday March 6 13


bullModified version of the three-stage processing model of memory

bullInformation directly into long-term memorybullWorking13 memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Modified13 Three-shy‐stage13 Processing13 Model13 of13 Memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Modified13 Three-shy‐stage13 Processing13 Model13 of13 Memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Modified13 Three-shy‐stage13 Processing13 Model13 of13 Memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Modified13 Three-shy‐stage13 Processing13 Model13 of13 Memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Modified13 Three-shy‐stage13 Processing13 Model13 of13 Memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Modified13 Three-shy‐stage13 Processing13 Model13 of13 Memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Modified13 Three-shy‐stage13 Processing13 Model13 of13 Memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Modified13 Three-shy‐stage13 Processing13 Model13 of13 Memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Modified13 Three-shy‐stage13 Processing13 Model13 of13 Memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Modified13 Three-shy‐stage13 Processing13 Model13 of13 Memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Modified13 Three-shy‐stage13 Processing13 Model13 of13 Memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Modified13 Three-shy‐stage13 Processing13 Model13 of13 Memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Getting Information InHow We Encode

bullAutomatic ProcessingbullParallel13 processingbullThings13 that13 are13 automa3cally13 bullprocessed

bullSpacebullTimebullFrequencybullWell-learned information

Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Getting Information InHow We Encode

bullEfforGul13 ProcessingbullRehearsal (conscious repetition)bullEbbinghaus curve

Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Getting Information InHow We Encode

bullEbbinghaus curve

Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Getting Information InHow We Encode

bullOverlearningbullSpacing13 effect

bullMassed practicebullDistributed practice

bullTesting effect

Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Getting Information InHow We Encode

bullSerial13 posi3on13 effectbullRecency effectbullPrimacy effect

Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Getting Information InWhat We Encode

bullLevels of ProcessingbullVisual13 encodingbullAcous3c13 encodingbullSeman3c13 encoding

bullSelf-reference effect

Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding13 GeKng13 Informa3on13 InWhat13 We13 Encode

Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding13 GeKng13 Informa3on13 InWhat13 We13 Encode

Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding13 GeKng13 Informa3on13 InWhat13 We13 Encode

Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding13 GeKng13 Informa3on13 InWhat13 We13 Encode

Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Getting Information InWhat We Encode

bullVisual EncodingbullImagery

bullRosy retrospectionbullMnemonics

bullPeg-word system

Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Getting Information InWhat We Encode

bullOrganizing Information for EncodingbullChunking


Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Getting Information InWhat We Encode

bullOrganizing Information for EncodingbullChunking


Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Getting Information InWhat We Encode

bullOrganizing Information for EncodingbullChunking


Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Getting Information InWhat We Encode

bullOrganizing Information for EncodingbullChunking


Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Getting Information InWhat We Encode

bullOrganizing Information for EncodingbullChunking


Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Getting Information InWhat We Encode

bullOrganizing Information for EncodingbullChunking


Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Getting Information InWhat We Encode

bullOrganizing Information for EncodingbullChunking


Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Getting Information InWhat We Encode

bullOrganizing Information for EncodingbullHierarchies

Wednesday March 6 13

Storage Retaining InformationSensory Memory

bullSperlingrsquos memory experimentbullIconic13 memorybullEchoic13 memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Storage Retaining InformationWorkingShort-Term

bullMagic number SevenbullPlus or minus 2

bullThe list of magic sevensbullSeven wonders of worldbullSeven seasbullSeven deadly sinsbullSeven primary colorsbullSeven musical scale notesbullSeven days of the week

Wednesday March 6 13

Storage Retaining InformationLong-Term Memory

bullUnlimited nature of long-term memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Storage Retaining InformationStoring Memories in the

bullSynaptic ChangesbullMemory tracebullLong-shy‐term13 poten3a3on13 (LTP)bullMemory boosting drugs


Wednesday March 6 13

Storage Retaining InformationStoring Memories in the Stress Hormones and Memory

bullEmotions and memoriesbullFlashbulb13 memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Storage Retaining InformationStoring Memories in the bullStoring Implicit and Explicit Memories

bullAmnesiabullHM Studies

Wednesday March 6 13

Storage Retaining InformationStoring Memories in the

bullStoring Implicit and Explicit MemoriesbullImplicit13 memory13 (nondeclarative memory)bullExplicit13 memory13 (declarative memory)


Wednesday March 6 13

Storage13 Retaining13 Informa3onStoring13 Memories13 in13 the13 Brain

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval Getting Information Out


Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval Getting Information OutRetrieval Cues

bullRetrieval cuesbullMnemonic devicesbullPriming

Wednesday March 6 13


Wednesday March 6 13


Wednesday March 6 13


Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval Getting Information OutContext Effects

bullContext effectsbullDeacutejagrave13 vu

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 GeKng13 Informa3on13 OutContext13 Effects

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 GeKng13 Informa3on13 OutContext13 Effects

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 GeKng13 Informa3on13 OutContext13 Effects

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 GeKng13 Informa3on13 OutContext13 Effects

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 GeKng13 Informa3on13 OutContext13 Effects

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 GeKng13 Informa3on13 OutContext13 Effects

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval Getting Information OutMoods and Memories

bullState dependent memorybullMood13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 congruent13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 memory

Wednesday March 6 13


Wednesday March 6 13



Wednesday March 6 13


bullSchacterrsquos sevens sins of memorybullSins of Forgetting


Wednesday March 6 13


bullSchacterrsquos sevens sins of memorybullSins of distortion


bullSin of intrusionbullpersistence

Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Failure

bullEncoding failure

Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Failure

bullEncoding failure

Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Failure

Wednesday March 6 13

Storage DecaybullStorage decay

bullEbbinghaus curve

Wednesday March 6 13

Storage DecaybullStorage decay

bullEbbinghaus curve

Wednesday March 6 13

Ebbinghaus13 Curve

Wednesday March 6 13

Ebbinghaus13 Curve

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval Failure

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval FailureInterference

bullProac3ve13 interference13 (forward acting)bullRetroac3ve13 interference13 (backward-acting)

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 FailureInterference

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 FailureInterference

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 FailureInterference

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 FailureInterference

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 FailureInterference

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval FailureMotivated Forgetting

bullSelf-serving personal historiesbullRepression

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval FailureMotivated Forgetting

bullSelf-serving personal historiesbullRepression

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval FailureMotivated Forgetting

bullSelf-serving personal historiesbullRepression

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval FailureMotivated Forgetting

bullSelf-serving personal historiesbullRepression

Wednesday March 6 13

Memory Construction

Wednesday March 6 13

Misinformation and Imagination Effects

bullLoftus memory studiesbullMisinforma3on13 effect

Wednesday March 6 13

Source Amnesia

bullSource13 amnesia13 (source misattribution)

Wednesday March 6 13

Discerning True and False Memories

bullMemory studiesbullEye witness testimony

Wednesday March 6 13

Childrenrsquos Eyewitness Recall

bullChildrenrsquos memories of abusebullSuggestibility

Wednesday March 6 13

Repressed or Constructed Memories of Abuse

bullAreas of agreementbullSexual abuse happensbullInjustice happensbullForgetting happensbullRecovered memories are incompletebullMemories before 3 years are unreliablebullHypnotic memories are unreliablebullMemories can be emotionally upsetting

Wednesday March 6 13

Repressed or Constructed Memories of Abuse

bullLoftus studies with children

Wednesday March 6 13

Improving Memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Improving Memory TechniquesbullStudy repeatedlybullMake the material meaningfulbullActivate retrieval cuesbullUse mnemonic devicesbullMinimize interferencebullSleep morebullTest your own knowledge both to rehearse it and to help determine what you do not yet

Wednesday March 6 13

The End

Wednesday March 6 13

Teacher13 Informa3onbullTypes13 of13 Files

bullThis13 presenta3on13 has13 been13 saved13 as13 a13 ldquobasicrdquo13 Powerpoint13 file13 13 While13 this13 file13 format13 placed13 a13 few13 limita3ons13 on13 the13 presenta3on13 it13 insured13 the13 file13 would13 be13 compa3ble13 with13 the13 many13 versions13 of13 Powerpoint13 teachers13 use13 13 To13 add13 func3onality13 to13 the13 presenta3on13 teachers13 may13 want13 to13 save13 the13 file13 for13 their13 specific13 version13 of13 Powerpoint

bullAnima0onbullOnce13 again13 to13 insure13 compa3bility13 with13 all13 versions13 of13 Powerpoint13 none13 of13 the13 slides13 are13 animated13 13 To13 increase13 student13 interest13 it13 is13 suggested13 teachers13 animate13 the13 slides13 wherever13 possible

bullAdding13 slides13 to13 this13 presenta0onbullTeachers13 are13 encouraged13 to13 adapt13 this13 presenta3on13 to13 their13 personal13 teaching13 style13 13 To13 help13 keep13 a13 sense13 of13 con3nuity13 blank13 slides13 which13 can13 be13 copied13 and13 pasted13 to13 a13 specific13 loca3on13 in13 the13 presenta3on13 follow13 this13 ldquoTeacher13 Informa3onrdquo13 sec3on13 13 13

Wednesday March 6 13

Teacher13 Informa3onbullHyperlink13 Slides13 -shy‐13 This13 presenta3on13 contain13 two13 types13 of13 hyperlinks13 13 Hyperlinks13 can13 be13 iden3fied13 by13 the13 text13 being13 underlined13 and13 a13 different13 color13 (usually13 purple)

bullUnit13 subsec0ons13 hyperlinks13 13 Immediately13 aer13 the13 unit13 3tle13 slide13 a13 page13 (slide13 3)13 can13 be13 found13 lis3ng13 all13 of13 the13 unitrsquos13 subsec3ons13 13 While13 in13 slide13 show13 mode13 clicking13 on13 any13 of13 these13 hyperlinks13 will13 take13 the13 user13 directly13 to13 the13 beginning13 of13 that13 subsec3on13 13 This13 allows13 teachers13 quick13 access13 to13 each13 subsec3on

bullBold13 print13 term13 hyperlinks13 13 Every13 bold13 print13 term13 from13 the13 unit13 is13 included13 in13 this13 presenta3on13 as13 a13 hyperlink13 13 While13 in13 slide13 show13 mode13 clicking13 on13 any13 of13 the13 hyperlinks13 will13 take13 the13 user13 to13 a13 slide13 containing13 the13 formal13 defini3on13 of13 the13 term13 13 Clicking13 on13 the13 ldquoarrowrdquo13 in13 the13 boaom13 le13 corner13 of13 the13 defini3on13 slide13 will13 take13 the13 user13 back13 to13 the13 original13 point13 in13 the13 presenta3on13

13 These13 hyperlinks13 were13 included13 for13 teachers13 who13 want13 students13 to13 see13 or13 copy13 down13 the13 exact13 defini3on13 as13 stated13 in13 the13 text13 13 Most13 teachers13 prefer13 the13 defini3ons13 not13 be13 included13 to13 prevent13 students13 from13 only13 ldquocopying13 down13 what13 is13 on13 the13 screenrdquo13 and13 not13 ac3vely13 listening13 to13 the13 presenta3on

13 For13 teachers13 who13 con3nually13 use13 the13 Bold13 Print13 Term13 Hyperlinks13 op3on13 please13 contact13 the13 author13 using13 the13 email13 address13 on13 the13 next13 slide13 to13 learn13 a13 technique13 to13 expedite13 the13 returning13 to13 the13 original13 point13 in13 the13 presenta3on

Wednesday March 6 13

Teacher13 Informa3onbullCon0nuity13 slides

bullThroughout13 this13 presenta3on13 there13 are13 slides13 usually13 of13 graphics13 or13 tables13 that13 build13 on13 one13 another13 13 These13 are13 included13 for13 three13 purposes13 13

bullBy13 presen3ng13 informa3on13 in13 small13 chunks13 students13 will13 find13 it13 easier13 to13 process13 and13 remember13 the13 concepts13 13

bullBy13 con3nually13 changing13 slides13 students13 will13 stay13 interested13 in13 the13 presenta3onbullTo13 facilitate13 class13 discussion13 and13 cri3cal13 thinking13 13 Students13 should13 be13 encouraged13 to13 think13 about13 ldquowhat13 might13 come13 nextrdquo13 in13 the13 series13 of13 slides13 13

bullPlease13 feel13 free13 to13 contact13 me13 at13 kkorekgermantownk12wius13 with13 any13 ques3ons13 concerns13 sugges3ons13 etc13 regarding13 these13 presenta3ons13

Kent13 Korek

Germantown13 High13 School

Germantown13 WI13 53022

Wednesday March 6 13

Division title (green print)subdivision title (blue print)


Wednesday March 6 13

Division title (green print)

Use13 this13 slide13 to13 add13 a13 table13 chart13 clip13 art13 picture13 diagram13 or13 video13 clip13 13 Delete13 this13 box13 when13 finished

Wednesday March 6 13

Definition Slide

= add definition here

Wednesday March 6 13


Wednesday March 6 13


= the persistence of learning over time through the storage and retrieval of information

Wednesday March 6 13


= the processing of information into the memory systems ndash for example by extracting meaning

Wednesday March 6 13


= the retention of encoded information over time

Wednesday March 6 13


= the process of getting information out of memory storage

Wednesday March 6 13

Sensory Memory

= the immediate very brief recording of sensory information in the memory system

Wednesday March 6 13

Short-term Memory

= activated memory that holds a few items briefly such as the seven digits of a phone number while dialing before the information is stored or forgotten

Wednesday March 6 13

Long-term Memory

= the relatively permanent and limitless storehouse of the memory system Includes knowledge skills and experiences

Wednesday March 6 13

Working Memory

= a newer understanding of short-term memory that focuses on conscious active processing of incoming auditory and visual-spatial information and of information retrieved from long-term memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Parallel Processing

= the processing of many aspects of a problem simultaneously the brainrsquos natural mode of information processing for many functions Contrasts with the step-by-step (serial) processing of most computers and of conscious problem solving

Wednesday March 6 13

Automatic Processing

= unconscious encoding of incidental information such as space time and frequency and of well-learned information such as word meanings

Wednesday March 6 13

Effortful Processing

= encoding that requires attention and conscious effort

Wednesday March 6 13


= the conscious repetition of information either to maintain it in consciousness or to encode it for storage

Wednesday March 6 13

Spacing Effect

= the tendency for distributed study or practice to yield better long-term retention than is achieved through massed study or practice

Wednesday March 6 13

Serial Position Effect

= our tendency to recall best the last and first items in a list

Wednesday March 6 13

Visual Encoding

= the encoding of picture images

Wednesday March 6 13

Acoustic Encoding

= the encoding of sound especially the sound of words

Wednesday March 6 13

Semantic Encoding

= the encoding of meaning including the meaning of words

Wednesday March 6 13


= mental pictures a powerful aid to effortful processing especially when combined with semantic encoding

Wednesday March 6 13


= memory aids especially those techniques that use vivid imagery and organizational devices

Wednesday March 6 13


= organizing items into familiar manageable units often occurs automatically

Wednesday March 6 13

Iconic Memory

= a momentary sensory memory of visual stimuli a photographic or picture-image memory lasting no more than a few tenths of a second

Wednesday March 6 13

Echoic Memory

= a momentary sensory memory of auditory stimuli if attention is elsewhere sounds and words can still be recalled within 3 or 4 seconds

Wednesday March 6 13

Long-term Potentiation (LTP)

= an increase in a synapsersquos firing potential after brief rapid stimulation Believed to be a neural basis for learning and memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Flashbulb Memory

= a clear memory of an emotionally significant moment or event

Wednesday March 6 13


= loss of memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Implicit Memory

= retention independent of conscious recollection (Also called nondeclarative or procedural memory)

Wednesday March 6 13

Explicit Memory

= memory of facts and experiences that one can consciously know and ldquodeclarerdquo (Also called declarative memory)

Wednesday March 6 13


= a neural center that is located in the limbic system helps process explicit memories for storage

Wednesday March 6 13


= a measure of memory in which the person must retrieve information learning earlier as on a fill-in-the-blank test

Wednesday March 6 13


= a measure of memory in which the person need only identify items previously learned as on a multiple-choice test

Wednesday March 6 13


= a measure of memory that assesses the amount of time saved when learning material for a second time

Wednesday March 6 13


= the activation often unconsciously of particular associations in memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Deja Vu

= that eerie sense that ldquoIrsquove experienced this beforerdquo Cues from the current situation may subconsciously trigger retrieval of an earlier experience

Wednesday March 6 13

Mood Congruent Memory

= the tendency to recall experiences that are consistent with onersquos current good or bad mood

Wednesday March 6 13

Proactive Interference

= the disruptive effect of prior learning on the recall of new information

Wednesday March 6 13

Retroactive Interference

= the disruptive effect of new learning on the recall of old information

Wednesday March 6 13


= in psychoanalytic theory the basic defense mechanism that banishes from consciousness anxiety-arousing thoughts feelings and memories

Wednesday March 6 13

Misinformation Effect

= incorporating misleading information into onersquos memory of an event

Wednesday March 6 13

Source Amnesia

= attributing to the wrong source an event we have experienced heard about read about or imagined (Also called source misattribution) Source amnesia along with the misinformation effect is at the heart of many false memories

Wednesday March 6 13

The Phenomenon of Memory

Wednesday March 6 13

bullMemory13 learning13 that13 persists13 over13 3me13 informa3on13 that13 has13 been13 stored13 and13 can13 be13 retrievedbullExtremes of memory (Memory Olympics Clive Wearing)

Wednesday March 6 13

Introduction Atkinson-Shiffrin Three-Stage Model


Wednesday March 6 13


bullConnectionismbullSensory13 memorybullShort-shy‐term13 memorybullLong-shy‐term13 memory

bullModified version of the three-stage processing model of memory

Wednesday March 6 13


bullModified version of the three-stage processing model of memory

bullInformation directly into long-term memorybullWorking13 memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Modified13 Three-shy‐stage13 Processing13 Model13 of13 Memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Modified13 Three-shy‐stage13 Processing13 Model13 of13 Memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Modified13 Three-shy‐stage13 Processing13 Model13 of13 Memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Modified13 Three-shy‐stage13 Processing13 Model13 of13 Memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Modified13 Three-shy‐stage13 Processing13 Model13 of13 Memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Modified13 Three-shy‐stage13 Processing13 Model13 of13 Memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Modified13 Three-shy‐stage13 Processing13 Model13 of13 Memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Modified13 Three-shy‐stage13 Processing13 Model13 of13 Memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Modified13 Three-shy‐stage13 Processing13 Model13 of13 Memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Modified13 Three-shy‐stage13 Processing13 Model13 of13 Memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Modified13 Three-shy‐stage13 Processing13 Model13 of13 Memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Modified13 Three-shy‐stage13 Processing13 Model13 of13 Memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Getting Information InHow We Encode

bullAutomatic ProcessingbullParallel13 processingbullThings13 that13 are13 automa3cally13 bullprocessed

bullSpacebullTimebullFrequencybullWell-learned information

Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Getting Information InHow We Encode

bullEfforGul13 ProcessingbullRehearsal (conscious repetition)bullEbbinghaus curve

Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Getting Information InHow We Encode

bullEbbinghaus curve

Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Getting Information InHow We Encode

bullOverlearningbullSpacing13 effect

bullMassed practicebullDistributed practice

bullTesting effect

Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Getting Information InHow We Encode

bullSerial13 posi3on13 effectbullRecency effectbullPrimacy effect

Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Getting Information InWhat We Encode

bullLevels of ProcessingbullVisual13 encodingbullAcous3c13 encodingbullSeman3c13 encoding

bullSelf-reference effect

Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding13 GeKng13 Informa3on13 InWhat13 We13 Encode

Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding13 GeKng13 Informa3on13 InWhat13 We13 Encode

Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding13 GeKng13 Informa3on13 InWhat13 We13 Encode

Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding13 GeKng13 Informa3on13 InWhat13 We13 Encode

Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Getting Information InWhat We Encode

bullVisual EncodingbullImagery

bullRosy retrospectionbullMnemonics

bullPeg-word system

Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Getting Information InWhat We Encode

bullOrganizing Information for EncodingbullChunking


Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Getting Information InWhat We Encode

bullOrganizing Information for EncodingbullChunking


Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Getting Information InWhat We Encode

bullOrganizing Information for EncodingbullChunking


Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Getting Information InWhat We Encode

bullOrganizing Information for EncodingbullChunking


Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Getting Information InWhat We Encode

bullOrganizing Information for EncodingbullChunking


Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Getting Information InWhat We Encode

bullOrganizing Information for EncodingbullChunking


Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Getting Information InWhat We Encode

bullOrganizing Information for EncodingbullChunking


Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Getting Information InWhat We Encode

bullOrganizing Information for EncodingbullHierarchies

Wednesday March 6 13

Storage Retaining InformationSensory Memory

bullSperlingrsquos memory experimentbullIconic13 memorybullEchoic13 memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Storage Retaining InformationWorkingShort-Term

bullMagic number SevenbullPlus or minus 2

bullThe list of magic sevensbullSeven wonders of worldbullSeven seasbullSeven deadly sinsbullSeven primary colorsbullSeven musical scale notesbullSeven days of the week

Wednesday March 6 13

Storage Retaining InformationLong-Term Memory

bullUnlimited nature of long-term memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Storage Retaining InformationStoring Memories in the

bullSynaptic ChangesbullMemory tracebullLong-shy‐term13 poten3a3on13 (LTP)bullMemory boosting drugs


Wednesday March 6 13

Storage Retaining InformationStoring Memories in the Stress Hormones and Memory

bullEmotions and memoriesbullFlashbulb13 memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Storage Retaining InformationStoring Memories in the bullStoring Implicit and Explicit Memories

bullAmnesiabullHM Studies

Wednesday March 6 13

Storage Retaining InformationStoring Memories in the

bullStoring Implicit and Explicit MemoriesbullImplicit13 memory13 (nondeclarative memory)bullExplicit13 memory13 (declarative memory)


Wednesday March 6 13

Storage13 Retaining13 Informa3onStoring13 Memories13 in13 the13 Brain

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval Getting Information Out


Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval Getting Information OutRetrieval Cues

bullRetrieval cuesbullMnemonic devicesbullPriming

Wednesday March 6 13


Wednesday March 6 13


Wednesday March 6 13


Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval Getting Information OutContext Effects

bullContext effectsbullDeacutejagrave13 vu

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 GeKng13 Informa3on13 OutContext13 Effects

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 GeKng13 Informa3on13 OutContext13 Effects

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 GeKng13 Informa3on13 OutContext13 Effects

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 GeKng13 Informa3on13 OutContext13 Effects

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 GeKng13 Informa3on13 OutContext13 Effects

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 GeKng13 Informa3on13 OutContext13 Effects

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval Getting Information OutMoods and Memories

bullState dependent memorybullMood13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 congruent13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 memory

Wednesday March 6 13


Wednesday March 6 13



Wednesday March 6 13


bullSchacterrsquos sevens sins of memorybullSins of Forgetting


Wednesday March 6 13


bullSchacterrsquos sevens sins of memorybullSins of distortion


bullSin of intrusionbullpersistence

Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Failure

bullEncoding failure

Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Failure

bullEncoding failure

Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Failure

Wednesday March 6 13

Storage DecaybullStorage decay

bullEbbinghaus curve

Wednesday March 6 13

Storage DecaybullStorage decay

bullEbbinghaus curve

Wednesday March 6 13

Ebbinghaus13 Curve

Wednesday March 6 13

Ebbinghaus13 Curve

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval Failure

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval FailureInterference

bullProac3ve13 interference13 (forward acting)bullRetroac3ve13 interference13 (backward-acting)

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 FailureInterference

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 FailureInterference

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 FailureInterference

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 FailureInterference

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 FailureInterference

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval FailureMotivated Forgetting

bullSelf-serving personal historiesbullRepression

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval FailureMotivated Forgetting

bullSelf-serving personal historiesbullRepression

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval FailureMotivated Forgetting

bullSelf-serving personal historiesbullRepression

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval FailureMotivated Forgetting

bullSelf-serving personal historiesbullRepression

Wednesday March 6 13

Memory Construction

Wednesday March 6 13

Misinformation and Imagination Effects

bullLoftus memory studiesbullMisinforma3on13 effect

Wednesday March 6 13

Source Amnesia

bullSource13 amnesia13 (source misattribution)

Wednesday March 6 13

Discerning True and False Memories

bullMemory studiesbullEye witness testimony

Wednesday March 6 13

Childrenrsquos Eyewitness Recall

bullChildrenrsquos memories of abusebullSuggestibility

Wednesday March 6 13

Repressed or Constructed Memories of Abuse

bullAreas of agreementbullSexual abuse happensbullInjustice happensbullForgetting happensbullRecovered memories are incompletebullMemories before 3 years are unreliablebullHypnotic memories are unreliablebullMemories can be emotionally upsetting

Wednesday March 6 13

Repressed or Constructed Memories of Abuse

bullLoftus studies with children

Wednesday March 6 13

Improving Memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Improving Memory TechniquesbullStudy repeatedlybullMake the material meaningfulbullActivate retrieval cuesbullUse mnemonic devicesbullMinimize interferencebullSleep morebullTest your own knowledge both to rehearse it and to help determine what you do not yet

Wednesday March 6 13

The End

Wednesday March 6 13

Teacher13 Informa3onbullTypes13 of13 Files

bullThis13 presenta3on13 has13 been13 saved13 as13 a13 ldquobasicrdquo13 Powerpoint13 file13 13 While13 this13 file13 format13 placed13 a13 few13 limita3ons13 on13 the13 presenta3on13 it13 insured13 the13 file13 would13 be13 compa3ble13 with13 the13 many13 versions13 of13 Powerpoint13 teachers13 use13 13 To13 add13 func3onality13 to13 the13 presenta3on13 teachers13 may13 want13 to13 save13 the13 file13 for13 their13 specific13 version13 of13 Powerpoint

bullAnima0onbullOnce13 again13 to13 insure13 compa3bility13 with13 all13 versions13 of13 Powerpoint13 none13 of13 the13 slides13 are13 animated13 13 To13 increase13 student13 interest13 it13 is13 suggested13 teachers13 animate13 the13 slides13 wherever13 possible

bullAdding13 slides13 to13 this13 presenta0onbullTeachers13 are13 encouraged13 to13 adapt13 this13 presenta3on13 to13 their13 personal13 teaching13 style13 13 To13 help13 keep13 a13 sense13 of13 con3nuity13 blank13 slides13 which13 can13 be13 copied13 and13 pasted13 to13 a13 specific13 loca3on13 in13 the13 presenta3on13 follow13 this13 ldquoTeacher13 Informa3onrdquo13 sec3on13 13 13

Wednesday March 6 13

Teacher13 Informa3onbullHyperlink13 Slides13 -shy‐13 This13 presenta3on13 contain13 two13 types13 of13 hyperlinks13 13 Hyperlinks13 can13 be13 iden3fied13 by13 the13 text13 being13 underlined13 and13 a13 different13 color13 (usually13 purple)

bullUnit13 subsec0ons13 hyperlinks13 13 Immediately13 aer13 the13 unit13 3tle13 slide13 a13 page13 (slide13 3)13 can13 be13 found13 lis3ng13 all13 of13 the13 unitrsquos13 subsec3ons13 13 While13 in13 slide13 show13 mode13 clicking13 on13 any13 of13 these13 hyperlinks13 will13 take13 the13 user13 directly13 to13 the13 beginning13 of13 that13 subsec3on13 13 This13 allows13 teachers13 quick13 access13 to13 each13 subsec3on

bullBold13 print13 term13 hyperlinks13 13 Every13 bold13 print13 term13 from13 the13 unit13 is13 included13 in13 this13 presenta3on13 as13 a13 hyperlink13 13 While13 in13 slide13 show13 mode13 clicking13 on13 any13 of13 the13 hyperlinks13 will13 take13 the13 user13 to13 a13 slide13 containing13 the13 formal13 defini3on13 of13 the13 term13 13 Clicking13 on13 the13 ldquoarrowrdquo13 in13 the13 boaom13 le13 corner13 of13 the13 defini3on13 slide13 will13 take13 the13 user13 back13 to13 the13 original13 point13 in13 the13 presenta3on13

13 These13 hyperlinks13 were13 included13 for13 teachers13 who13 want13 students13 to13 see13 or13 copy13 down13 the13 exact13 defini3on13 as13 stated13 in13 the13 text13 13 Most13 teachers13 prefer13 the13 defini3ons13 not13 be13 included13 to13 prevent13 students13 from13 only13 ldquocopying13 down13 what13 is13 on13 the13 screenrdquo13 and13 not13 ac3vely13 listening13 to13 the13 presenta3on

13 For13 teachers13 who13 con3nually13 use13 the13 Bold13 Print13 Term13 Hyperlinks13 op3on13 please13 contact13 the13 author13 using13 the13 email13 address13 on13 the13 next13 slide13 to13 learn13 a13 technique13 to13 expedite13 the13 returning13 to13 the13 original13 point13 in13 the13 presenta3on

Wednesday March 6 13

Teacher13 Informa3onbullCon0nuity13 slides

bullThroughout13 this13 presenta3on13 there13 are13 slides13 usually13 of13 graphics13 or13 tables13 that13 build13 on13 one13 another13 13 These13 are13 included13 for13 three13 purposes13 13

bullBy13 presen3ng13 informa3on13 in13 small13 chunks13 students13 will13 find13 it13 easier13 to13 process13 and13 remember13 the13 concepts13 13

bullBy13 con3nually13 changing13 slides13 students13 will13 stay13 interested13 in13 the13 presenta3onbullTo13 facilitate13 class13 discussion13 and13 cri3cal13 thinking13 13 Students13 should13 be13 encouraged13 to13 think13 about13 ldquowhat13 might13 come13 nextrdquo13 in13 the13 series13 of13 slides13 13

bullPlease13 feel13 free13 to13 contact13 me13 at13 kkorekgermantownk12wius13 with13 any13 ques3ons13 concerns13 sugges3ons13 etc13 regarding13 these13 presenta3ons13

Kent13 Korek

Germantown13 High13 School

Germantown13 WI13 53022

Wednesday March 6 13

Division title (green print)subdivision title (blue print)


Wednesday March 6 13

Division title (green print)

Use13 this13 slide13 to13 add13 a13 table13 chart13 clip13 art13 picture13 diagram13 or13 video13 clip13 13 Delete13 this13 box13 when13 finished

Wednesday March 6 13

Definition Slide

= add definition here

Wednesday March 6 13


Wednesday March 6 13


= the persistence of learning over time through the storage and retrieval of information

Wednesday March 6 13


= the processing of information into the memory systems ndash for example by extracting meaning

Wednesday March 6 13


= the retention of encoded information over time

Wednesday March 6 13


= the process of getting information out of memory storage

Wednesday March 6 13

Sensory Memory

= the immediate very brief recording of sensory information in the memory system

Wednesday March 6 13

Short-term Memory

= activated memory that holds a few items briefly such as the seven digits of a phone number while dialing before the information is stored or forgotten

Wednesday March 6 13

Long-term Memory

= the relatively permanent and limitless storehouse of the memory system Includes knowledge skills and experiences

Wednesday March 6 13

Working Memory

= a newer understanding of short-term memory that focuses on conscious active processing of incoming auditory and visual-spatial information and of information retrieved from long-term memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Parallel Processing

= the processing of many aspects of a problem simultaneously the brainrsquos natural mode of information processing for many functions Contrasts with the step-by-step (serial) processing of most computers and of conscious problem solving

Wednesday March 6 13

Automatic Processing

= unconscious encoding of incidental information such as space time and frequency and of well-learned information such as word meanings

Wednesday March 6 13

Effortful Processing

= encoding that requires attention and conscious effort

Wednesday March 6 13


= the conscious repetition of information either to maintain it in consciousness or to encode it for storage

Wednesday March 6 13

Spacing Effect

= the tendency for distributed study or practice to yield better long-term retention than is achieved through massed study or practice

Wednesday March 6 13

Serial Position Effect

= our tendency to recall best the last and first items in a list

Wednesday March 6 13

Visual Encoding

= the encoding of picture images

Wednesday March 6 13

Acoustic Encoding

= the encoding of sound especially the sound of words

Wednesday March 6 13

Semantic Encoding

= the encoding of meaning including the meaning of words

Wednesday March 6 13


= mental pictures a powerful aid to effortful processing especially when combined with semantic encoding

Wednesday March 6 13


= memory aids especially those techniques that use vivid imagery and organizational devices

Wednesday March 6 13


= organizing items into familiar manageable units often occurs automatically

Wednesday March 6 13

Iconic Memory

= a momentary sensory memory of visual stimuli a photographic or picture-image memory lasting no more than a few tenths of a second

Wednesday March 6 13

Echoic Memory

= a momentary sensory memory of auditory stimuli if attention is elsewhere sounds and words can still be recalled within 3 or 4 seconds

Wednesday March 6 13

Long-term Potentiation (LTP)

= an increase in a synapsersquos firing potential after brief rapid stimulation Believed to be a neural basis for learning and memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Flashbulb Memory

= a clear memory of an emotionally significant moment or event

Wednesday March 6 13


= loss of memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Implicit Memory

= retention independent of conscious recollection (Also called nondeclarative or procedural memory)

Wednesday March 6 13

Explicit Memory

= memory of facts and experiences that one can consciously know and ldquodeclarerdquo (Also called declarative memory)

Wednesday March 6 13


= a neural center that is located in the limbic system helps process explicit memories for storage

Wednesday March 6 13


= a measure of memory in which the person must retrieve information learning earlier as on a fill-in-the-blank test

Wednesday March 6 13


= a measure of memory in which the person need only identify items previously learned as on a multiple-choice test

Wednesday March 6 13


= a measure of memory that assesses the amount of time saved when learning material for a second time

Wednesday March 6 13


= the activation often unconsciously of particular associations in memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Deja Vu

= that eerie sense that ldquoIrsquove experienced this beforerdquo Cues from the current situation may subconsciously trigger retrieval of an earlier experience

Wednesday March 6 13

Mood Congruent Memory

= the tendency to recall experiences that are consistent with onersquos current good or bad mood

Wednesday March 6 13

Proactive Interference

= the disruptive effect of prior learning on the recall of new information

Wednesday March 6 13

Retroactive Interference

= the disruptive effect of new learning on the recall of old information

Wednesday March 6 13


= in psychoanalytic theory the basic defense mechanism that banishes from consciousness anxiety-arousing thoughts feelings and memories

Wednesday March 6 13

Misinformation Effect

= incorporating misleading information into onersquos memory of an event

Wednesday March 6 13

Source Amnesia

= attributing to the wrong source an event we have experienced heard about read about or imagined (Also called source misattribution) Source amnesia along with the misinformation effect is at the heart of many false memories

Wednesday March 6 13

bullMemory13 learning13 that13 persists13 over13 3me13 informa3on13 that13 has13 been13 stored13 and13 can13 be13 retrievedbullExtremes of memory (Memory Olympics Clive Wearing)

Wednesday March 6 13

Introduction Atkinson-Shiffrin Three-Stage Model


Wednesday March 6 13


bullConnectionismbullSensory13 memorybullShort-shy‐term13 memorybullLong-shy‐term13 memory

bullModified version of the three-stage processing model of memory

Wednesday March 6 13


bullModified version of the three-stage processing model of memory

bullInformation directly into long-term memorybullWorking13 memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Modified13 Three-shy‐stage13 Processing13 Model13 of13 Memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Modified13 Three-shy‐stage13 Processing13 Model13 of13 Memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Modified13 Three-shy‐stage13 Processing13 Model13 of13 Memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Modified13 Three-shy‐stage13 Processing13 Model13 of13 Memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Modified13 Three-shy‐stage13 Processing13 Model13 of13 Memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Modified13 Three-shy‐stage13 Processing13 Model13 of13 Memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Modified13 Three-shy‐stage13 Processing13 Model13 of13 Memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Modified13 Three-shy‐stage13 Processing13 Model13 of13 Memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Modified13 Three-shy‐stage13 Processing13 Model13 of13 Memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Modified13 Three-shy‐stage13 Processing13 Model13 of13 Memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Modified13 Three-shy‐stage13 Processing13 Model13 of13 Memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Modified13 Three-shy‐stage13 Processing13 Model13 of13 Memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Getting Information InHow We Encode

bullAutomatic ProcessingbullParallel13 processingbullThings13 that13 are13 automa3cally13 bullprocessed

bullSpacebullTimebullFrequencybullWell-learned information

Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Getting Information InHow We Encode

bullEfforGul13 ProcessingbullRehearsal (conscious repetition)bullEbbinghaus curve

Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Getting Information InHow We Encode

bullEbbinghaus curve

Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Getting Information InHow We Encode

bullOverlearningbullSpacing13 effect

bullMassed practicebullDistributed practice

bullTesting effect

Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Getting Information InHow We Encode

bullSerial13 posi3on13 effectbullRecency effectbullPrimacy effect

Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Getting Information InWhat We Encode

bullLevels of ProcessingbullVisual13 encodingbullAcous3c13 encodingbullSeman3c13 encoding

bullSelf-reference effect

Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding13 GeKng13 Informa3on13 InWhat13 We13 Encode

Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding13 GeKng13 Informa3on13 InWhat13 We13 Encode

Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding13 GeKng13 Informa3on13 InWhat13 We13 Encode

Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding13 GeKng13 Informa3on13 InWhat13 We13 Encode

Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Getting Information InWhat We Encode

bullVisual EncodingbullImagery

bullRosy retrospectionbullMnemonics

bullPeg-word system

Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Getting Information InWhat We Encode

bullOrganizing Information for EncodingbullChunking


Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Getting Information InWhat We Encode

bullOrganizing Information for EncodingbullChunking


Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Getting Information InWhat We Encode

bullOrganizing Information for EncodingbullChunking


Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Getting Information InWhat We Encode

bullOrganizing Information for EncodingbullChunking


Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Getting Information InWhat We Encode

bullOrganizing Information for EncodingbullChunking


Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Getting Information InWhat We Encode

bullOrganizing Information for EncodingbullChunking


Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Getting Information InWhat We Encode

bullOrganizing Information for EncodingbullChunking


Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Getting Information InWhat We Encode

bullOrganizing Information for EncodingbullHierarchies

Wednesday March 6 13

Storage Retaining InformationSensory Memory

bullSperlingrsquos memory experimentbullIconic13 memorybullEchoic13 memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Storage Retaining InformationWorkingShort-Term

bullMagic number SevenbullPlus or minus 2

bullThe list of magic sevensbullSeven wonders of worldbullSeven seasbullSeven deadly sinsbullSeven primary colorsbullSeven musical scale notesbullSeven days of the week

Wednesday March 6 13

Storage Retaining InformationLong-Term Memory

bullUnlimited nature of long-term memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Storage Retaining InformationStoring Memories in the

bullSynaptic ChangesbullMemory tracebullLong-shy‐term13 poten3a3on13 (LTP)bullMemory boosting drugs


Wednesday March 6 13

Storage Retaining InformationStoring Memories in the Stress Hormones and Memory

bullEmotions and memoriesbullFlashbulb13 memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Storage Retaining InformationStoring Memories in the bullStoring Implicit and Explicit Memories

bullAmnesiabullHM Studies

Wednesday March 6 13

Storage Retaining InformationStoring Memories in the

bullStoring Implicit and Explicit MemoriesbullImplicit13 memory13 (nondeclarative memory)bullExplicit13 memory13 (declarative memory)


Wednesday March 6 13

Storage13 Retaining13 Informa3onStoring13 Memories13 in13 the13 Brain

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval Getting Information Out


Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval Getting Information OutRetrieval Cues

bullRetrieval cuesbullMnemonic devicesbullPriming

Wednesday March 6 13


Wednesday March 6 13


Wednesday March 6 13


Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval Getting Information OutContext Effects

bullContext effectsbullDeacutejagrave13 vu

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 GeKng13 Informa3on13 OutContext13 Effects

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 GeKng13 Informa3on13 OutContext13 Effects

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 GeKng13 Informa3on13 OutContext13 Effects

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 GeKng13 Informa3on13 OutContext13 Effects

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 GeKng13 Informa3on13 OutContext13 Effects

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 GeKng13 Informa3on13 OutContext13 Effects

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval Getting Information OutMoods and Memories

bullState dependent memorybullMood13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 congruent13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 memory

Wednesday March 6 13


Wednesday March 6 13



Wednesday March 6 13


bullSchacterrsquos sevens sins of memorybullSins of Forgetting


Wednesday March 6 13


bullSchacterrsquos sevens sins of memorybullSins of distortion


bullSin of intrusionbullpersistence

Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Failure

bullEncoding failure

Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Failure

bullEncoding failure

Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Failure

Wednesday March 6 13

Storage DecaybullStorage decay

bullEbbinghaus curve

Wednesday March 6 13

Storage DecaybullStorage decay

bullEbbinghaus curve

Wednesday March 6 13

Ebbinghaus13 Curve

Wednesday March 6 13

Ebbinghaus13 Curve

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval Failure

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval FailureInterference

bullProac3ve13 interference13 (forward acting)bullRetroac3ve13 interference13 (backward-acting)

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 FailureInterference

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 FailureInterference

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 FailureInterference

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 FailureInterference

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 FailureInterference

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval FailureMotivated Forgetting

bullSelf-serving personal historiesbullRepression

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval FailureMotivated Forgetting

bullSelf-serving personal historiesbullRepression

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval FailureMotivated Forgetting

bullSelf-serving personal historiesbullRepression

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval FailureMotivated Forgetting

bullSelf-serving personal historiesbullRepression

Wednesday March 6 13

Memory Construction

Wednesday March 6 13

Misinformation and Imagination Effects

bullLoftus memory studiesbullMisinforma3on13 effect

Wednesday March 6 13

Source Amnesia

bullSource13 amnesia13 (source misattribution)

Wednesday March 6 13

Discerning True and False Memories

bullMemory studiesbullEye witness testimony

Wednesday March 6 13

Childrenrsquos Eyewitness Recall

bullChildrenrsquos memories of abusebullSuggestibility

Wednesday March 6 13

Repressed or Constructed Memories of Abuse

bullAreas of agreementbullSexual abuse happensbullInjustice happensbullForgetting happensbullRecovered memories are incompletebullMemories before 3 years are unreliablebullHypnotic memories are unreliablebullMemories can be emotionally upsetting

Wednesday March 6 13

Repressed or Constructed Memories of Abuse

bullLoftus studies with children

Wednesday March 6 13

Improving Memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Improving Memory TechniquesbullStudy repeatedlybullMake the material meaningfulbullActivate retrieval cuesbullUse mnemonic devicesbullMinimize interferencebullSleep morebullTest your own knowledge both to rehearse it and to help determine what you do not yet

Wednesday March 6 13

The End

Wednesday March 6 13

Teacher13 Informa3onbullTypes13 of13 Files

bullThis13 presenta3on13 has13 been13 saved13 as13 a13 ldquobasicrdquo13 Powerpoint13 file13 13 While13 this13 file13 format13 placed13 a13 few13 limita3ons13 on13 the13 presenta3on13 it13 insured13 the13 file13 would13 be13 compa3ble13 with13 the13 many13 versions13 of13 Powerpoint13 teachers13 use13 13 To13 add13 func3onality13 to13 the13 presenta3on13 teachers13 may13 want13 to13 save13 the13 file13 for13 their13 specific13 version13 of13 Powerpoint

bullAnima0onbullOnce13 again13 to13 insure13 compa3bility13 with13 all13 versions13 of13 Powerpoint13 none13 of13 the13 slides13 are13 animated13 13 To13 increase13 student13 interest13 it13 is13 suggested13 teachers13 animate13 the13 slides13 wherever13 possible

bullAdding13 slides13 to13 this13 presenta0onbullTeachers13 are13 encouraged13 to13 adapt13 this13 presenta3on13 to13 their13 personal13 teaching13 style13 13 To13 help13 keep13 a13 sense13 of13 con3nuity13 blank13 slides13 which13 can13 be13 copied13 and13 pasted13 to13 a13 specific13 loca3on13 in13 the13 presenta3on13 follow13 this13 ldquoTeacher13 Informa3onrdquo13 sec3on13 13 13

Wednesday March 6 13

Teacher13 Informa3onbullHyperlink13 Slides13 -shy‐13 This13 presenta3on13 contain13 two13 types13 of13 hyperlinks13 13 Hyperlinks13 can13 be13 iden3fied13 by13 the13 text13 being13 underlined13 and13 a13 different13 color13 (usually13 purple)

bullUnit13 subsec0ons13 hyperlinks13 13 Immediately13 aer13 the13 unit13 3tle13 slide13 a13 page13 (slide13 3)13 can13 be13 found13 lis3ng13 all13 of13 the13 unitrsquos13 subsec3ons13 13 While13 in13 slide13 show13 mode13 clicking13 on13 any13 of13 these13 hyperlinks13 will13 take13 the13 user13 directly13 to13 the13 beginning13 of13 that13 subsec3on13 13 This13 allows13 teachers13 quick13 access13 to13 each13 subsec3on

bullBold13 print13 term13 hyperlinks13 13 Every13 bold13 print13 term13 from13 the13 unit13 is13 included13 in13 this13 presenta3on13 as13 a13 hyperlink13 13 While13 in13 slide13 show13 mode13 clicking13 on13 any13 of13 the13 hyperlinks13 will13 take13 the13 user13 to13 a13 slide13 containing13 the13 formal13 defini3on13 of13 the13 term13 13 Clicking13 on13 the13 ldquoarrowrdquo13 in13 the13 boaom13 le13 corner13 of13 the13 defini3on13 slide13 will13 take13 the13 user13 back13 to13 the13 original13 point13 in13 the13 presenta3on13

13 These13 hyperlinks13 were13 included13 for13 teachers13 who13 want13 students13 to13 see13 or13 copy13 down13 the13 exact13 defini3on13 as13 stated13 in13 the13 text13 13 Most13 teachers13 prefer13 the13 defini3ons13 not13 be13 included13 to13 prevent13 students13 from13 only13 ldquocopying13 down13 what13 is13 on13 the13 screenrdquo13 and13 not13 ac3vely13 listening13 to13 the13 presenta3on

13 For13 teachers13 who13 con3nually13 use13 the13 Bold13 Print13 Term13 Hyperlinks13 op3on13 please13 contact13 the13 author13 using13 the13 email13 address13 on13 the13 next13 slide13 to13 learn13 a13 technique13 to13 expedite13 the13 returning13 to13 the13 original13 point13 in13 the13 presenta3on

Wednesday March 6 13

Teacher13 Informa3onbullCon0nuity13 slides

bullThroughout13 this13 presenta3on13 there13 are13 slides13 usually13 of13 graphics13 or13 tables13 that13 build13 on13 one13 another13 13 These13 are13 included13 for13 three13 purposes13 13

bullBy13 presen3ng13 informa3on13 in13 small13 chunks13 students13 will13 find13 it13 easier13 to13 process13 and13 remember13 the13 concepts13 13

bullBy13 con3nually13 changing13 slides13 students13 will13 stay13 interested13 in13 the13 presenta3onbullTo13 facilitate13 class13 discussion13 and13 cri3cal13 thinking13 13 Students13 should13 be13 encouraged13 to13 think13 about13 ldquowhat13 might13 come13 nextrdquo13 in13 the13 series13 of13 slides13 13

bullPlease13 feel13 free13 to13 contact13 me13 at13 kkorekgermantownk12wius13 with13 any13 ques3ons13 concerns13 sugges3ons13 etc13 regarding13 these13 presenta3ons13

Kent13 Korek

Germantown13 High13 School

Germantown13 WI13 53022

Wednesday March 6 13

Division title (green print)subdivision title (blue print)


Wednesday March 6 13

Division title (green print)

Use13 this13 slide13 to13 add13 a13 table13 chart13 clip13 art13 picture13 diagram13 or13 video13 clip13 13 Delete13 this13 box13 when13 finished

Wednesday March 6 13

Definition Slide

= add definition here

Wednesday March 6 13


Wednesday March 6 13


= the persistence of learning over time through the storage and retrieval of information

Wednesday March 6 13


= the processing of information into the memory systems ndash for example by extracting meaning

Wednesday March 6 13


= the retention of encoded information over time

Wednesday March 6 13


= the process of getting information out of memory storage

Wednesday March 6 13

Sensory Memory

= the immediate very brief recording of sensory information in the memory system

Wednesday March 6 13

Short-term Memory

= activated memory that holds a few items briefly such as the seven digits of a phone number while dialing before the information is stored or forgotten

Wednesday March 6 13

Long-term Memory

= the relatively permanent and limitless storehouse of the memory system Includes knowledge skills and experiences

Wednesday March 6 13

Working Memory

= a newer understanding of short-term memory that focuses on conscious active processing of incoming auditory and visual-spatial information and of information retrieved from long-term memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Parallel Processing

= the processing of many aspects of a problem simultaneously the brainrsquos natural mode of information processing for many functions Contrasts with the step-by-step (serial) processing of most computers and of conscious problem solving

Wednesday March 6 13

Automatic Processing

= unconscious encoding of incidental information such as space time and frequency and of well-learned information such as word meanings

Wednesday March 6 13

Effortful Processing

= encoding that requires attention and conscious effort

Wednesday March 6 13


= the conscious repetition of information either to maintain it in consciousness or to encode it for storage

Wednesday March 6 13

Spacing Effect

= the tendency for distributed study or practice to yield better long-term retention than is achieved through massed study or practice

Wednesday March 6 13

Serial Position Effect

= our tendency to recall best the last and first items in a list

Wednesday March 6 13

Visual Encoding

= the encoding of picture images

Wednesday March 6 13

Acoustic Encoding

= the encoding of sound especially the sound of words

Wednesday March 6 13

Semantic Encoding

= the encoding of meaning including the meaning of words

Wednesday March 6 13


= mental pictures a powerful aid to effortful processing especially when combined with semantic encoding

Wednesday March 6 13


= memory aids especially those techniques that use vivid imagery and organizational devices

Wednesday March 6 13


= organizing items into familiar manageable units often occurs automatically

Wednesday March 6 13

Iconic Memory

= a momentary sensory memory of visual stimuli a photographic or picture-image memory lasting no more than a few tenths of a second

Wednesday March 6 13

Echoic Memory

= a momentary sensory memory of auditory stimuli if attention is elsewhere sounds and words can still be recalled within 3 or 4 seconds

Wednesday March 6 13

Long-term Potentiation (LTP)

= an increase in a synapsersquos firing potential after brief rapid stimulation Believed to be a neural basis for learning and memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Flashbulb Memory

= a clear memory of an emotionally significant moment or event

Wednesday March 6 13


= loss of memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Implicit Memory

= retention independent of conscious recollection (Also called nondeclarative or procedural memory)

Wednesday March 6 13

Explicit Memory

= memory of facts and experiences that one can consciously know and ldquodeclarerdquo (Also called declarative memory)

Wednesday March 6 13


= a neural center that is located in the limbic system helps process explicit memories for storage

Wednesday March 6 13


= a measure of memory in which the person must retrieve information learning earlier as on a fill-in-the-blank test

Wednesday March 6 13


= a measure of memory in which the person need only identify items previously learned as on a multiple-choice test

Wednesday March 6 13


= a measure of memory that assesses the amount of time saved when learning material for a second time

Wednesday March 6 13


= the activation often unconsciously of particular associations in memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Deja Vu

= that eerie sense that ldquoIrsquove experienced this beforerdquo Cues from the current situation may subconsciously trigger retrieval of an earlier experience

Wednesday March 6 13

Mood Congruent Memory

= the tendency to recall experiences that are consistent with onersquos current good or bad mood

Wednesday March 6 13

Proactive Interference

= the disruptive effect of prior learning on the recall of new information

Wednesday March 6 13

Retroactive Interference

= the disruptive effect of new learning on the recall of old information

Wednesday March 6 13


= in psychoanalytic theory the basic defense mechanism that banishes from consciousness anxiety-arousing thoughts feelings and memories

Wednesday March 6 13

Misinformation Effect

= incorporating misleading information into onersquos memory of an event

Wednesday March 6 13

Source Amnesia

= attributing to the wrong source an event we have experienced heard about read about or imagined (Also called source misattribution) Source amnesia along with the misinformation effect is at the heart of many false memories

Wednesday March 6 13

Introduction Atkinson-Shiffrin Three-Stage Model


Wednesday March 6 13


bullConnectionismbullSensory13 memorybullShort-shy‐term13 memorybullLong-shy‐term13 memory

bullModified version of the three-stage processing model of memory

Wednesday March 6 13


bullModified version of the three-stage processing model of memory

bullInformation directly into long-term memorybullWorking13 memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Modified13 Three-shy‐stage13 Processing13 Model13 of13 Memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Modified13 Three-shy‐stage13 Processing13 Model13 of13 Memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Modified13 Three-shy‐stage13 Processing13 Model13 of13 Memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Modified13 Three-shy‐stage13 Processing13 Model13 of13 Memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Modified13 Three-shy‐stage13 Processing13 Model13 of13 Memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Modified13 Three-shy‐stage13 Processing13 Model13 of13 Memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Modified13 Three-shy‐stage13 Processing13 Model13 of13 Memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Modified13 Three-shy‐stage13 Processing13 Model13 of13 Memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Modified13 Three-shy‐stage13 Processing13 Model13 of13 Memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Modified13 Three-shy‐stage13 Processing13 Model13 of13 Memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Modified13 Three-shy‐stage13 Processing13 Model13 of13 Memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Modified13 Three-shy‐stage13 Processing13 Model13 of13 Memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Getting Information InHow We Encode

bullAutomatic ProcessingbullParallel13 processingbullThings13 that13 are13 automa3cally13 bullprocessed

bullSpacebullTimebullFrequencybullWell-learned information

Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Getting Information InHow We Encode

bullEfforGul13 ProcessingbullRehearsal (conscious repetition)bullEbbinghaus curve

Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Getting Information InHow We Encode

bullEbbinghaus curve

Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Getting Information InHow We Encode

bullOverlearningbullSpacing13 effect

bullMassed practicebullDistributed practice

bullTesting effect

Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Getting Information InHow We Encode

bullSerial13 posi3on13 effectbullRecency effectbullPrimacy effect

Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Getting Information InWhat We Encode

bullLevels of ProcessingbullVisual13 encodingbullAcous3c13 encodingbullSeman3c13 encoding

bullSelf-reference effect

Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding13 GeKng13 Informa3on13 InWhat13 We13 Encode

Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding13 GeKng13 Informa3on13 InWhat13 We13 Encode

Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding13 GeKng13 Informa3on13 InWhat13 We13 Encode

Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding13 GeKng13 Informa3on13 InWhat13 We13 Encode

Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Getting Information InWhat We Encode

bullVisual EncodingbullImagery

bullRosy retrospectionbullMnemonics

bullPeg-word system

Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Getting Information InWhat We Encode

bullOrganizing Information for EncodingbullChunking


Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Getting Information InWhat We Encode

bullOrganizing Information for EncodingbullChunking


Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Getting Information InWhat We Encode

bullOrganizing Information for EncodingbullChunking


Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Getting Information InWhat We Encode

bullOrganizing Information for EncodingbullChunking


Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Getting Information InWhat We Encode

bullOrganizing Information for EncodingbullChunking


Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Getting Information InWhat We Encode

bullOrganizing Information for EncodingbullChunking


Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Getting Information InWhat We Encode

bullOrganizing Information for EncodingbullChunking


Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Getting Information InWhat We Encode

bullOrganizing Information for EncodingbullHierarchies

Wednesday March 6 13

Storage Retaining InformationSensory Memory

bullSperlingrsquos memory experimentbullIconic13 memorybullEchoic13 memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Storage Retaining InformationWorkingShort-Term

bullMagic number SevenbullPlus or minus 2

bullThe list of magic sevensbullSeven wonders of worldbullSeven seasbullSeven deadly sinsbullSeven primary colorsbullSeven musical scale notesbullSeven days of the week

Wednesday March 6 13

Storage Retaining InformationLong-Term Memory

bullUnlimited nature of long-term memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Storage Retaining InformationStoring Memories in the

bullSynaptic ChangesbullMemory tracebullLong-shy‐term13 poten3a3on13 (LTP)bullMemory boosting drugs


Wednesday March 6 13

Storage Retaining InformationStoring Memories in the Stress Hormones and Memory

bullEmotions and memoriesbullFlashbulb13 memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Storage Retaining InformationStoring Memories in the bullStoring Implicit and Explicit Memories

bullAmnesiabullHM Studies

Wednesday March 6 13

Storage Retaining InformationStoring Memories in the

bullStoring Implicit and Explicit MemoriesbullImplicit13 memory13 (nondeclarative memory)bullExplicit13 memory13 (declarative memory)


Wednesday March 6 13

Storage13 Retaining13 Informa3onStoring13 Memories13 in13 the13 Brain

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval Getting Information Out


Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval Getting Information OutRetrieval Cues

bullRetrieval cuesbullMnemonic devicesbullPriming

Wednesday March 6 13


Wednesday March 6 13


Wednesday March 6 13


Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval Getting Information OutContext Effects

bullContext effectsbullDeacutejagrave13 vu

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 GeKng13 Informa3on13 OutContext13 Effects

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 GeKng13 Informa3on13 OutContext13 Effects

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 GeKng13 Informa3on13 OutContext13 Effects

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 GeKng13 Informa3on13 OutContext13 Effects

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 GeKng13 Informa3on13 OutContext13 Effects

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 GeKng13 Informa3on13 OutContext13 Effects

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval Getting Information OutMoods and Memories

bullState dependent memorybullMood13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 congruent13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 memory

Wednesday March 6 13


Wednesday March 6 13



Wednesday March 6 13


bullSchacterrsquos sevens sins of memorybullSins of Forgetting


Wednesday March 6 13


bullSchacterrsquos sevens sins of memorybullSins of distortion


bullSin of intrusionbullpersistence

Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Failure

bullEncoding failure

Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Failure

bullEncoding failure

Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Failure

Wednesday March 6 13

Storage DecaybullStorage decay

bullEbbinghaus curve

Wednesday March 6 13

Storage DecaybullStorage decay

bullEbbinghaus curve

Wednesday March 6 13

Ebbinghaus13 Curve

Wednesday March 6 13

Ebbinghaus13 Curve

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval Failure

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval FailureInterference

bullProac3ve13 interference13 (forward acting)bullRetroac3ve13 interference13 (backward-acting)

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 FailureInterference

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 FailureInterference

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 FailureInterference

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 FailureInterference

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 FailureInterference

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval FailureMotivated Forgetting

bullSelf-serving personal historiesbullRepression

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval FailureMotivated Forgetting

bullSelf-serving personal historiesbullRepression

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval FailureMotivated Forgetting

bullSelf-serving personal historiesbullRepression

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval FailureMotivated Forgetting

bullSelf-serving personal historiesbullRepression

Wednesday March 6 13

Memory Construction

Wednesday March 6 13

Misinformation and Imagination Effects

bullLoftus memory studiesbullMisinforma3on13 effect

Wednesday March 6 13

Source Amnesia

bullSource13 amnesia13 (source misattribution)

Wednesday March 6 13

Discerning True and False Memories

bullMemory studiesbullEye witness testimony

Wednesday March 6 13

Childrenrsquos Eyewitness Recall

bullChildrenrsquos memories of abusebullSuggestibility

Wednesday March 6 13

Repressed or Constructed Memories of Abuse

bullAreas of agreementbullSexual abuse happensbullInjustice happensbullForgetting happensbullRecovered memories are incompletebullMemories before 3 years are unreliablebullHypnotic memories are unreliablebullMemories can be emotionally upsetting

Wednesday March 6 13

Repressed or Constructed Memories of Abuse

bullLoftus studies with children

Wednesday March 6 13

Improving Memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Improving Memory TechniquesbullStudy repeatedlybullMake the material meaningfulbullActivate retrieval cuesbullUse mnemonic devicesbullMinimize interferencebullSleep morebullTest your own knowledge both to rehearse it and to help determine what you do not yet

Wednesday March 6 13

The End

Wednesday March 6 13

Teacher13 Informa3onbullTypes13 of13 Files

bullThis13 presenta3on13 has13 been13 saved13 as13 a13 ldquobasicrdquo13 Powerpoint13 file13 13 While13 this13 file13 format13 placed13 a13 few13 limita3ons13 on13 the13 presenta3on13 it13 insured13 the13 file13 would13 be13 compa3ble13 with13 the13 many13 versions13 of13 Powerpoint13 teachers13 use13 13 To13 add13 func3onality13 to13 the13 presenta3on13 teachers13 may13 want13 to13 save13 the13 file13 for13 their13 specific13 version13 of13 Powerpoint

bullAnima0onbullOnce13 again13 to13 insure13 compa3bility13 with13 all13 versions13 of13 Powerpoint13 none13 of13 the13 slides13 are13 animated13 13 To13 increase13 student13 interest13 it13 is13 suggested13 teachers13 animate13 the13 slides13 wherever13 possible

bullAdding13 slides13 to13 this13 presenta0onbullTeachers13 are13 encouraged13 to13 adapt13 this13 presenta3on13 to13 their13 personal13 teaching13 style13 13 To13 help13 keep13 a13 sense13 of13 con3nuity13 blank13 slides13 which13 can13 be13 copied13 and13 pasted13 to13 a13 specific13 loca3on13 in13 the13 presenta3on13 follow13 this13 ldquoTeacher13 Informa3onrdquo13 sec3on13 13 13

Wednesday March 6 13

Teacher13 Informa3onbullHyperlink13 Slides13 -shy‐13 This13 presenta3on13 contain13 two13 types13 of13 hyperlinks13 13 Hyperlinks13 can13 be13 iden3fied13 by13 the13 text13 being13 underlined13 and13 a13 different13 color13 (usually13 purple)

bullUnit13 subsec0ons13 hyperlinks13 13 Immediately13 aer13 the13 unit13 3tle13 slide13 a13 page13 (slide13 3)13 can13 be13 found13 lis3ng13 all13 of13 the13 unitrsquos13 subsec3ons13 13 While13 in13 slide13 show13 mode13 clicking13 on13 any13 of13 these13 hyperlinks13 will13 take13 the13 user13 directly13 to13 the13 beginning13 of13 that13 subsec3on13 13 This13 allows13 teachers13 quick13 access13 to13 each13 subsec3on

bullBold13 print13 term13 hyperlinks13 13 Every13 bold13 print13 term13 from13 the13 unit13 is13 included13 in13 this13 presenta3on13 as13 a13 hyperlink13 13 While13 in13 slide13 show13 mode13 clicking13 on13 any13 of13 the13 hyperlinks13 will13 take13 the13 user13 to13 a13 slide13 containing13 the13 formal13 defini3on13 of13 the13 term13 13 Clicking13 on13 the13 ldquoarrowrdquo13 in13 the13 boaom13 le13 corner13 of13 the13 defini3on13 slide13 will13 take13 the13 user13 back13 to13 the13 original13 point13 in13 the13 presenta3on13

13 These13 hyperlinks13 were13 included13 for13 teachers13 who13 want13 students13 to13 see13 or13 copy13 down13 the13 exact13 defini3on13 as13 stated13 in13 the13 text13 13 Most13 teachers13 prefer13 the13 defini3ons13 not13 be13 included13 to13 prevent13 students13 from13 only13 ldquocopying13 down13 what13 is13 on13 the13 screenrdquo13 and13 not13 ac3vely13 listening13 to13 the13 presenta3on

13 For13 teachers13 who13 con3nually13 use13 the13 Bold13 Print13 Term13 Hyperlinks13 op3on13 please13 contact13 the13 author13 using13 the13 email13 address13 on13 the13 next13 slide13 to13 learn13 a13 technique13 to13 expedite13 the13 returning13 to13 the13 original13 point13 in13 the13 presenta3on

Wednesday March 6 13

Teacher13 Informa3onbullCon0nuity13 slides

bullThroughout13 this13 presenta3on13 there13 are13 slides13 usually13 of13 graphics13 or13 tables13 that13 build13 on13 one13 another13 13 These13 are13 included13 for13 three13 purposes13 13

bullBy13 presen3ng13 informa3on13 in13 small13 chunks13 students13 will13 find13 it13 easier13 to13 process13 and13 remember13 the13 concepts13 13

bullBy13 con3nually13 changing13 slides13 students13 will13 stay13 interested13 in13 the13 presenta3onbullTo13 facilitate13 class13 discussion13 and13 cri3cal13 thinking13 13 Students13 should13 be13 encouraged13 to13 think13 about13 ldquowhat13 might13 come13 nextrdquo13 in13 the13 series13 of13 slides13 13

bullPlease13 feel13 free13 to13 contact13 me13 at13 kkorekgermantownk12wius13 with13 any13 ques3ons13 concerns13 sugges3ons13 etc13 regarding13 these13 presenta3ons13

Kent13 Korek

Germantown13 High13 School

Germantown13 WI13 53022

Wednesday March 6 13

Division title (green print)subdivision title (blue print)


Wednesday March 6 13

Division title (green print)

Use13 this13 slide13 to13 add13 a13 table13 chart13 clip13 art13 picture13 diagram13 or13 video13 clip13 13 Delete13 this13 box13 when13 finished

Wednesday March 6 13

Definition Slide

= add definition here

Wednesday March 6 13


Wednesday March 6 13


= the persistence of learning over time through the storage and retrieval of information

Wednesday March 6 13


= the processing of information into the memory systems ndash for example by extracting meaning

Wednesday March 6 13


= the retention of encoded information over time

Wednesday March 6 13


= the process of getting information out of memory storage

Wednesday March 6 13

Sensory Memory

= the immediate very brief recording of sensory information in the memory system

Wednesday March 6 13

Short-term Memory

= activated memory that holds a few items briefly such as the seven digits of a phone number while dialing before the information is stored or forgotten

Wednesday March 6 13

Long-term Memory

= the relatively permanent and limitless storehouse of the memory system Includes knowledge skills and experiences

Wednesday March 6 13

Working Memory

= a newer understanding of short-term memory that focuses on conscious active processing of incoming auditory and visual-spatial information and of information retrieved from long-term memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Parallel Processing

= the processing of many aspects of a problem simultaneously the brainrsquos natural mode of information processing for many functions Contrasts with the step-by-step (serial) processing of most computers and of conscious problem solving

Wednesday March 6 13

Automatic Processing

= unconscious encoding of incidental information such as space time and frequency and of well-learned information such as word meanings

Wednesday March 6 13

Effortful Processing

= encoding that requires attention and conscious effort

Wednesday March 6 13


= the conscious repetition of information either to maintain it in consciousness or to encode it for storage

Wednesday March 6 13

Spacing Effect

= the tendency for distributed study or practice to yield better long-term retention than is achieved through massed study or practice

Wednesday March 6 13

Serial Position Effect

= our tendency to recall best the last and first items in a list

Wednesday March 6 13

Visual Encoding

= the encoding of picture images

Wednesday March 6 13

Acoustic Encoding

= the encoding of sound especially the sound of words

Wednesday March 6 13

Semantic Encoding

= the encoding of meaning including the meaning of words

Wednesday March 6 13


= mental pictures a powerful aid to effortful processing especially when combined with semantic encoding

Wednesday March 6 13


= memory aids especially those techniques that use vivid imagery and organizational devices

Wednesday March 6 13


= organizing items into familiar manageable units often occurs automatically

Wednesday March 6 13

Iconic Memory

= a momentary sensory memory of visual stimuli a photographic or picture-image memory lasting no more than a few tenths of a second

Wednesday March 6 13

Echoic Memory

= a momentary sensory memory of auditory stimuli if attention is elsewhere sounds and words can still be recalled within 3 or 4 seconds

Wednesday March 6 13

Long-term Potentiation (LTP)

= an increase in a synapsersquos firing potential after brief rapid stimulation Believed to be a neural basis for learning and memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Flashbulb Memory

= a clear memory of an emotionally significant moment or event

Wednesday March 6 13


= loss of memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Implicit Memory

= retention independent of conscious recollection (Also called nondeclarative or procedural memory)

Wednesday March 6 13

Explicit Memory

= memory of facts and experiences that one can consciously know and ldquodeclarerdquo (Also called declarative memory)

Wednesday March 6 13


= a neural center that is located in the limbic system helps process explicit memories for storage

Wednesday March 6 13


= a measure of memory in which the person must retrieve information learning earlier as on a fill-in-the-blank test

Wednesday March 6 13


= a measure of memory in which the person need only identify items previously learned as on a multiple-choice test

Wednesday March 6 13


= a measure of memory that assesses the amount of time saved when learning material for a second time

Wednesday March 6 13


= the activation often unconsciously of particular associations in memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Deja Vu

= that eerie sense that ldquoIrsquove experienced this beforerdquo Cues from the current situation may subconsciously trigger retrieval of an earlier experience

Wednesday March 6 13

Mood Congruent Memory

= the tendency to recall experiences that are consistent with onersquos current good or bad mood

Wednesday March 6 13

Proactive Interference

= the disruptive effect of prior learning on the recall of new information

Wednesday March 6 13

Retroactive Interference

= the disruptive effect of new learning on the recall of old information

Wednesday March 6 13


= in psychoanalytic theory the basic defense mechanism that banishes from consciousness anxiety-arousing thoughts feelings and memories

Wednesday March 6 13

Misinformation Effect

= incorporating misleading information into onersquos memory of an event

Wednesday March 6 13

Source Amnesia

= attributing to the wrong source an event we have experienced heard about read about or imagined (Also called source misattribution) Source amnesia along with the misinformation effect is at the heart of many false memories

Wednesday March 6 13


bullConnectionismbullSensory13 memorybullShort-shy‐term13 memorybullLong-shy‐term13 memory

bullModified version of the three-stage processing model of memory

Wednesday March 6 13


bullModified version of the three-stage processing model of memory

bullInformation directly into long-term memorybullWorking13 memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Modified13 Three-shy‐stage13 Processing13 Model13 of13 Memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Modified13 Three-shy‐stage13 Processing13 Model13 of13 Memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Modified13 Three-shy‐stage13 Processing13 Model13 of13 Memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Modified13 Three-shy‐stage13 Processing13 Model13 of13 Memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Modified13 Three-shy‐stage13 Processing13 Model13 of13 Memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Modified13 Three-shy‐stage13 Processing13 Model13 of13 Memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Modified13 Three-shy‐stage13 Processing13 Model13 of13 Memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Modified13 Three-shy‐stage13 Processing13 Model13 of13 Memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Modified13 Three-shy‐stage13 Processing13 Model13 of13 Memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Modified13 Three-shy‐stage13 Processing13 Model13 of13 Memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Modified13 Three-shy‐stage13 Processing13 Model13 of13 Memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Modified13 Three-shy‐stage13 Processing13 Model13 of13 Memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Getting Information InHow We Encode

bullAutomatic ProcessingbullParallel13 processingbullThings13 that13 are13 automa3cally13 bullprocessed

bullSpacebullTimebullFrequencybullWell-learned information

Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Getting Information InHow We Encode

bullEfforGul13 ProcessingbullRehearsal (conscious repetition)bullEbbinghaus curve

Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Getting Information InHow We Encode

bullEbbinghaus curve

Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Getting Information InHow We Encode

bullOverlearningbullSpacing13 effect

bullMassed practicebullDistributed practice

bullTesting effect

Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Getting Information InHow We Encode

bullSerial13 posi3on13 effectbullRecency effectbullPrimacy effect

Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Getting Information InWhat We Encode

bullLevels of ProcessingbullVisual13 encodingbullAcous3c13 encodingbullSeman3c13 encoding

bullSelf-reference effect

Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding13 GeKng13 Informa3on13 InWhat13 We13 Encode

Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding13 GeKng13 Informa3on13 InWhat13 We13 Encode

Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding13 GeKng13 Informa3on13 InWhat13 We13 Encode

Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding13 GeKng13 Informa3on13 InWhat13 We13 Encode

Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Getting Information InWhat We Encode

bullVisual EncodingbullImagery

bullRosy retrospectionbullMnemonics

bullPeg-word system

Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Getting Information InWhat We Encode

bullOrganizing Information for EncodingbullChunking


Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Getting Information InWhat We Encode

bullOrganizing Information for EncodingbullChunking


Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Getting Information InWhat We Encode

bullOrganizing Information for EncodingbullChunking


Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Getting Information InWhat We Encode

bullOrganizing Information for EncodingbullChunking


Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Getting Information InWhat We Encode

bullOrganizing Information for EncodingbullChunking


Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Getting Information InWhat We Encode

bullOrganizing Information for EncodingbullChunking


Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Getting Information InWhat We Encode

bullOrganizing Information for EncodingbullChunking


Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Getting Information InWhat We Encode

bullOrganizing Information for EncodingbullHierarchies

Wednesday March 6 13

Storage Retaining InformationSensory Memory

bullSperlingrsquos memory experimentbullIconic13 memorybullEchoic13 memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Storage Retaining InformationWorkingShort-Term

bullMagic number SevenbullPlus or minus 2

bullThe list of magic sevensbullSeven wonders of worldbullSeven seasbullSeven deadly sinsbullSeven primary colorsbullSeven musical scale notesbullSeven days of the week

Wednesday March 6 13

Storage Retaining InformationLong-Term Memory

bullUnlimited nature of long-term memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Storage Retaining InformationStoring Memories in the

bullSynaptic ChangesbullMemory tracebullLong-shy‐term13 poten3a3on13 (LTP)bullMemory boosting drugs


Wednesday March 6 13

Storage Retaining InformationStoring Memories in the Stress Hormones and Memory

bullEmotions and memoriesbullFlashbulb13 memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Storage Retaining InformationStoring Memories in the bullStoring Implicit and Explicit Memories

bullAmnesiabullHM Studies

Wednesday March 6 13

Storage Retaining InformationStoring Memories in the

bullStoring Implicit and Explicit MemoriesbullImplicit13 memory13 (nondeclarative memory)bullExplicit13 memory13 (declarative memory)


Wednesday March 6 13

Storage13 Retaining13 Informa3onStoring13 Memories13 in13 the13 Brain

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval Getting Information Out


Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval Getting Information OutRetrieval Cues

bullRetrieval cuesbullMnemonic devicesbullPriming

Wednesday March 6 13


Wednesday March 6 13


Wednesday March 6 13


Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval Getting Information OutContext Effects

bullContext effectsbullDeacutejagrave13 vu

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 GeKng13 Informa3on13 OutContext13 Effects

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 GeKng13 Informa3on13 OutContext13 Effects

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 GeKng13 Informa3on13 OutContext13 Effects

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 GeKng13 Informa3on13 OutContext13 Effects

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 GeKng13 Informa3on13 OutContext13 Effects

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 GeKng13 Informa3on13 OutContext13 Effects

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval Getting Information OutMoods and Memories

bullState dependent memorybullMood13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 congruent13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 memory

Wednesday March 6 13


Wednesday March 6 13



Wednesday March 6 13


bullSchacterrsquos sevens sins of memorybullSins of Forgetting


Wednesday March 6 13


bullSchacterrsquos sevens sins of memorybullSins of distortion


bullSin of intrusionbullpersistence

Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Failure

bullEncoding failure

Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Failure

bullEncoding failure

Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Failure

Wednesday March 6 13

Storage DecaybullStorage decay

bullEbbinghaus curve

Wednesday March 6 13

Storage DecaybullStorage decay

bullEbbinghaus curve

Wednesday March 6 13

Ebbinghaus13 Curve

Wednesday March 6 13

Ebbinghaus13 Curve

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval Failure

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval FailureInterference

bullProac3ve13 interference13 (forward acting)bullRetroac3ve13 interference13 (backward-acting)

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 FailureInterference

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 FailureInterference

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 FailureInterference

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 FailureInterference

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 FailureInterference

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval FailureMotivated Forgetting

bullSelf-serving personal historiesbullRepression

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval FailureMotivated Forgetting

bullSelf-serving personal historiesbullRepression

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval FailureMotivated Forgetting

bullSelf-serving personal historiesbullRepression

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval FailureMotivated Forgetting

bullSelf-serving personal historiesbullRepression

Wednesday March 6 13

Memory Construction

Wednesday March 6 13

Misinformation and Imagination Effects

bullLoftus memory studiesbullMisinforma3on13 effect

Wednesday March 6 13

Source Amnesia

bullSource13 amnesia13 (source misattribution)

Wednesday March 6 13

Discerning True and False Memories

bullMemory studiesbullEye witness testimony

Wednesday March 6 13

Childrenrsquos Eyewitness Recall

bullChildrenrsquos memories of abusebullSuggestibility

Wednesday March 6 13

Repressed or Constructed Memories of Abuse

bullAreas of agreementbullSexual abuse happensbullInjustice happensbullForgetting happensbullRecovered memories are incompletebullMemories before 3 years are unreliablebullHypnotic memories are unreliablebullMemories can be emotionally upsetting

Wednesday March 6 13

Repressed or Constructed Memories of Abuse

bullLoftus studies with children

Wednesday March 6 13

Improving Memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Improving Memory TechniquesbullStudy repeatedlybullMake the material meaningfulbullActivate retrieval cuesbullUse mnemonic devicesbullMinimize interferencebullSleep morebullTest your own knowledge both to rehearse it and to help determine what you do not yet

Wednesday March 6 13

The End

Wednesday March 6 13

Teacher13 Informa3onbullTypes13 of13 Files

bullThis13 presenta3on13 has13 been13 saved13 as13 a13 ldquobasicrdquo13 Powerpoint13 file13 13 While13 this13 file13 format13 placed13 a13 few13 limita3ons13 on13 the13 presenta3on13 it13 insured13 the13 file13 would13 be13 compa3ble13 with13 the13 many13 versions13 of13 Powerpoint13 teachers13 use13 13 To13 add13 func3onality13 to13 the13 presenta3on13 teachers13 may13 want13 to13 save13 the13 file13 for13 their13 specific13 version13 of13 Powerpoint

bullAnima0onbullOnce13 again13 to13 insure13 compa3bility13 with13 all13 versions13 of13 Powerpoint13 none13 of13 the13 slides13 are13 animated13 13 To13 increase13 student13 interest13 it13 is13 suggested13 teachers13 animate13 the13 slides13 wherever13 possible

bullAdding13 slides13 to13 this13 presenta0onbullTeachers13 are13 encouraged13 to13 adapt13 this13 presenta3on13 to13 their13 personal13 teaching13 style13 13 To13 help13 keep13 a13 sense13 of13 con3nuity13 blank13 slides13 which13 can13 be13 copied13 and13 pasted13 to13 a13 specific13 loca3on13 in13 the13 presenta3on13 follow13 this13 ldquoTeacher13 Informa3onrdquo13 sec3on13 13 13

Wednesday March 6 13

Teacher13 Informa3onbullHyperlink13 Slides13 -shy‐13 This13 presenta3on13 contain13 two13 types13 of13 hyperlinks13 13 Hyperlinks13 can13 be13 iden3fied13 by13 the13 text13 being13 underlined13 and13 a13 different13 color13 (usually13 purple)

bullUnit13 subsec0ons13 hyperlinks13 13 Immediately13 aer13 the13 unit13 3tle13 slide13 a13 page13 (slide13 3)13 can13 be13 found13 lis3ng13 all13 of13 the13 unitrsquos13 subsec3ons13 13 While13 in13 slide13 show13 mode13 clicking13 on13 any13 of13 these13 hyperlinks13 will13 take13 the13 user13 directly13 to13 the13 beginning13 of13 that13 subsec3on13 13 This13 allows13 teachers13 quick13 access13 to13 each13 subsec3on

bullBold13 print13 term13 hyperlinks13 13 Every13 bold13 print13 term13 from13 the13 unit13 is13 included13 in13 this13 presenta3on13 as13 a13 hyperlink13 13 While13 in13 slide13 show13 mode13 clicking13 on13 any13 of13 the13 hyperlinks13 will13 take13 the13 user13 to13 a13 slide13 containing13 the13 formal13 defini3on13 of13 the13 term13 13 Clicking13 on13 the13 ldquoarrowrdquo13 in13 the13 boaom13 le13 corner13 of13 the13 defini3on13 slide13 will13 take13 the13 user13 back13 to13 the13 original13 point13 in13 the13 presenta3on13

13 These13 hyperlinks13 were13 included13 for13 teachers13 who13 want13 students13 to13 see13 or13 copy13 down13 the13 exact13 defini3on13 as13 stated13 in13 the13 text13 13 Most13 teachers13 prefer13 the13 defini3ons13 not13 be13 included13 to13 prevent13 students13 from13 only13 ldquocopying13 down13 what13 is13 on13 the13 screenrdquo13 and13 not13 ac3vely13 listening13 to13 the13 presenta3on

13 For13 teachers13 who13 con3nually13 use13 the13 Bold13 Print13 Term13 Hyperlinks13 op3on13 please13 contact13 the13 author13 using13 the13 email13 address13 on13 the13 next13 slide13 to13 learn13 a13 technique13 to13 expedite13 the13 returning13 to13 the13 original13 point13 in13 the13 presenta3on

Wednesday March 6 13

Teacher13 Informa3onbullCon0nuity13 slides

bullThroughout13 this13 presenta3on13 there13 are13 slides13 usually13 of13 graphics13 or13 tables13 that13 build13 on13 one13 another13 13 These13 are13 included13 for13 three13 purposes13 13

bullBy13 presen3ng13 informa3on13 in13 small13 chunks13 students13 will13 find13 it13 easier13 to13 process13 and13 remember13 the13 concepts13 13

bullBy13 con3nually13 changing13 slides13 students13 will13 stay13 interested13 in13 the13 presenta3onbullTo13 facilitate13 class13 discussion13 and13 cri3cal13 thinking13 13 Students13 should13 be13 encouraged13 to13 think13 about13 ldquowhat13 might13 come13 nextrdquo13 in13 the13 series13 of13 slides13 13

bullPlease13 feel13 free13 to13 contact13 me13 at13 kkorekgermantownk12wius13 with13 any13 ques3ons13 concerns13 sugges3ons13 etc13 regarding13 these13 presenta3ons13

Kent13 Korek

Germantown13 High13 School

Germantown13 WI13 53022

Wednesday March 6 13

Division title (green print)subdivision title (blue print)


Wednesday March 6 13

Division title (green print)

Use13 this13 slide13 to13 add13 a13 table13 chart13 clip13 art13 picture13 diagram13 or13 video13 clip13 13 Delete13 this13 box13 when13 finished

Wednesday March 6 13

Definition Slide

= add definition here

Wednesday March 6 13


Wednesday March 6 13


= the persistence of learning over time through the storage and retrieval of information

Wednesday March 6 13


= the processing of information into the memory systems ndash for example by extracting meaning

Wednesday March 6 13


= the retention of encoded information over time

Wednesday March 6 13


= the process of getting information out of memory storage

Wednesday March 6 13

Sensory Memory

= the immediate very brief recording of sensory information in the memory system

Wednesday March 6 13

Short-term Memory

= activated memory that holds a few items briefly such as the seven digits of a phone number while dialing before the information is stored or forgotten

Wednesday March 6 13

Long-term Memory

= the relatively permanent and limitless storehouse of the memory system Includes knowledge skills and experiences

Wednesday March 6 13

Working Memory

= a newer understanding of short-term memory that focuses on conscious active processing of incoming auditory and visual-spatial information and of information retrieved from long-term memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Parallel Processing

= the processing of many aspects of a problem simultaneously the brainrsquos natural mode of information processing for many functions Contrasts with the step-by-step (serial) processing of most computers and of conscious problem solving

Wednesday March 6 13

Automatic Processing

= unconscious encoding of incidental information such as space time and frequency and of well-learned information such as word meanings

Wednesday March 6 13

Effortful Processing

= encoding that requires attention and conscious effort

Wednesday March 6 13


= the conscious repetition of information either to maintain it in consciousness or to encode it for storage

Wednesday March 6 13

Spacing Effect

= the tendency for distributed study or practice to yield better long-term retention than is achieved through massed study or practice

Wednesday March 6 13

Serial Position Effect

= our tendency to recall best the last and first items in a list

Wednesday March 6 13

Visual Encoding

= the encoding of picture images

Wednesday March 6 13

Acoustic Encoding

= the encoding of sound especially the sound of words

Wednesday March 6 13

Semantic Encoding

= the encoding of meaning including the meaning of words

Wednesday March 6 13


= mental pictures a powerful aid to effortful processing especially when combined with semantic encoding

Wednesday March 6 13


= memory aids especially those techniques that use vivid imagery and organizational devices

Wednesday March 6 13


= organizing items into familiar manageable units often occurs automatically

Wednesday March 6 13

Iconic Memory

= a momentary sensory memory of visual stimuli a photographic or picture-image memory lasting no more than a few tenths of a second

Wednesday March 6 13

Echoic Memory

= a momentary sensory memory of auditory stimuli if attention is elsewhere sounds and words can still be recalled within 3 or 4 seconds

Wednesday March 6 13

Long-term Potentiation (LTP)

= an increase in a synapsersquos firing potential after brief rapid stimulation Believed to be a neural basis for learning and memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Flashbulb Memory

= a clear memory of an emotionally significant moment or event

Wednesday March 6 13


= loss of memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Implicit Memory

= retention independent of conscious recollection (Also called nondeclarative or procedural memory)

Wednesday March 6 13

Explicit Memory

= memory of facts and experiences that one can consciously know and ldquodeclarerdquo (Also called declarative memory)

Wednesday March 6 13


= a neural center that is located in the limbic system helps process explicit memories for storage

Wednesday March 6 13


= a measure of memory in which the person must retrieve information learning earlier as on a fill-in-the-blank test

Wednesday March 6 13


= a measure of memory in which the person need only identify items previously learned as on a multiple-choice test

Wednesday March 6 13


= a measure of memory that assesses the amount of time saved when learning material for a second time

Wednesday March 6 13


= the activation often unconsciously of particular associations in memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Deja Vu

= that eerie sense that ldquoIrsquove experienced this beforerdquo Cues from the current situation may subconsciously trigger retrieval of an earlier experience

Wednesday March 6 13

Mood Congruent Memory

= the tendency to recall experiences that are consistent with onersquos current good or bad mood

Wednesday March 6 13

Proactive Interference

= the disruptive effect of prior learning on the recall of new information

Wednesday March 6 13

Retroactive Interference

= the disruptive effect of new learning on the recall of old information

Wednesday March 6 13


= in psychoanalytic theory the basic defense mechanism that banishes from consciousness anxiety-arousing thoughts feelings and memories

Wednesday March 6 13

Misinformation Effect

= incorporating misleading information into onersquos memory of an event

Wednesday March 6 13

Source Amnesia

= attributing to the wrong source an event we have experienced heard about read about or imagined (Also called source misattribution) Source amnesia along with the misinformation effect is at the heart of many false memories

Wednesday March 6 13


bullModified version of the three-stage processing model of memory

bullInformation directly into long-term memorybullWorking13 memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Modified13 Three-shy‐stage13 Processing13 Model13 of13 Memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Modified13 Three-shy‐stage13 Processing13 Model13 of13 Memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Modified13 Three-shy‐stage13 Processing13 Model13 of13 Memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Modified13 Three-shy‐stage13 Processing13 Model13 of13 Memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Modified13 Three-shy‐stage13 Processing13 Model13 of13 Memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Modified13 Three-shy‐stage13 Processing13 Model13 of13 Memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Modified13 Three-shy‐stage13 Processing13 Model13 of13 Memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Modified13 Three-shy‐stage13 Processing13 Model13 of13 Memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Modified13 Three-shy‐stage13 Processing13 Model13 of13 Memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Modified13 Three-shy‐stage13 Processing13 Model13 of13 Memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Modified13 Three-shy‐stage13 Processing13 Model13 of13 Memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Modified13 Three-shy‐stage13 Processing13 Model13 of13 Memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Getting Information InHow We Encode

bullAutomatic ProcessingbullParallel13 processingbullThings13 that13 are13 automa3cally13 bullprocessed

bullSpacebullTimebullFrequencybullWell-learned information

Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Getting Information InHow We Encode

bullEfforGul13 ProcessingbullRehearsal (conscious repetition)bullEbbinghaus curve

Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Getting Information InHow We Encode

bullEbbinghaus curve

Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Getting Information InHow We Encode

bullOverlearningbullSpacing13 effect

bullMassed practicebullDistributed practice

bullTesting effect

Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Getting Information InHow We Encode

bullSerial13 posi3on13 effectbullRecency effectbullPrimacy effect

Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Getting Information InWhat We Encode

bullLevels of ProcessingbullVisual13 encodingbullAcous3c13 encodingbullSeman3c13 encoding

bullSelf-reference effect

Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding13 GeKng13 Informa3on13 InWhat13 We13 Encode

Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding13 GeKng13 Informa3on13 InWhat13 We13 Encode

Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding13 GeKng13 Informa3on13 InWhat13 We13 Encode

Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding13 GeKng13 Informa3on13 InWhat13 We13 Encode

Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Getting Information InWhat We Encode

bullVisual EncodingbullImagery

bullRosy retrospectionbullMnemonics

bullPeg-word system

Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Getting Information InWhat We Encode

bullOrganizing Information for EncodingbullChunking


Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Getting Information InWhat We Encode

bullOrganizing Information for EncodingbullChunking


Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Getting Information InWhat We Encode

bullOrganizing Information for EncodingbullChunking


Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Getting Information InWhat We Encode

bullOrganizing Information for EncodingbullChunking


Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Getting Information InWhat We Encode

bullOrganizing Information for EncodingbullChunking


Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Getting Information InWhat We Encode

bullOrganizing Information for EncodingbullChunking


Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Getting Information InWhat We Encode

bullOrganizing Information for EncodingbullChunking


Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Getting Information InWhat We Encode

bullOrganizing Information for EncodingbullHierarchies

Wednesday March 6 13

Storage Retaining InformationSensory Memory

bullSperlingrsquos memory experimentbullIconic13 memorybullEchoic13 memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Storage Retaining InformationWorkingShort-Term

bullMagic number SevenbullPlus or minus 2

bullThe list of magic sevensbullSeven wonders of worldbullSeven seasbullSeven deadly sinsbullSeven primary colorsbullSeven musical scale notesbullSeven days of the week

Wednesday March 6 13

Storage Retaining InformationLong-Term Memory

bullUnlimited nature of long-term memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Storage Retaining InformationStoring Memories in the

bullSynaptic ChangesbullMemory tracebullLong-shy‐term13 poten3a3on13 (LTP)bullMemory boosting drugs


Wednesday March 6 13

Storage Retaining InformationStoring Memories in the Stress Hormones and Memory

bullEmotions and memoriesbullFlashbulb13 memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Storage Retaining InformationStoring Memories in the bullStoring Implicit and Explicit Memories

bullAmnesiabullHM Studies

Wednesday March 6 13

Storage Retaining InformationStoring Memories in the

bullStoring Implicit and Explicit MemoriesbullImplicit13 memory13 (nondeclarative memory)bullExplicit13 memory13 (declarative memory)


Wednesday March 6 13

Storage13 Retaining13 Informa3onStoring13 Memories13 in13 the13 Brain

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval Getting Information Out


Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval Getting Information OutRetrieval Cues

bullRetrieval cuesbullMnemonic devicesbullPriming

Wednesday March 6 13


Wednesday March 6 13


Wednesday March 6 13


Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval Getting Information OutContext Effects

bullContext effectsbullDeacutejagrave13 vu

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 GeKng13 Informa3on13 OutContext13 Effects

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 GeKng13 Informa3on13 OutContext13 Effects

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 GeKng13 Informa3on13 OutContext13 Effects

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 GeKng13 Informa3on13 OutContext13 Effects

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 GeKng13 Informa3on13 OutContext13 Effects

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 GeKng13 Informa3on13 OutContext13 Effects

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval Getting Information OutMoods and Memories

bullState dependent memorybullMood13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 congruent13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 memory

Wednesday March 6 13


Wednesday March 6 13



Wednesday March 6 13


bullSchacterrsquos sevens sins of memorybullSins of Forgetting


Wednesday March 6 13


bullSchacterrsquos sevens sins of memorybullSins of distortion


bullSin of intrusionbullpersistence

Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Failure

bullEncoding failure

Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Failure

bullEncoding failure

Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Failure

Wednesday March 6 13

Storage DecaybullStorage decay

bullEbbinghaus curve

Wednesday March 6 13

Storage DecaybullStorage decay

bullEbbinghaus curve

Wednesday March 6 13

Ebbinghaus13 Curve

Wednesday March 6 13

Ebbinghaus13 Curve

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval Failure

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval FailureInterference

bullProac3ve13 interference13 (forward acting)bullRetroac3ve13 interference13 (backward-acting)

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 FailureInterference

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 FailureInterference

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 FailureInterference

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 FailureInterference

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 FailureInterference

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval FailureMotivated Forgetting

bullSelf-serving personal historiesbullRepression

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval FailureMotivated Forgetting

bullSelf-serving personal historiesbullRepression

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval FailureMotivated Forgetting

bullSelf-serving personal historiesbullRepression

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval FailureMotivated Forgetting

bullSelf-serving personal historiesbullRepression

Wednesday March 6 13

Memory Construction

Wednesday March 6 13

Misinformation and Imagination Effects

bullLoftus memory studiesbullMisinforma3on13 effect

Wednesday March 6 13

Source Amnesia

bullSource13 amnesia13 (source misattribution)

Wednesday March 6 13

Discerning True and False Memories

bullMemory studiesbullEye witness testimony

Wednesday March 6 13

Childrenrsquos Eyewitness Recall

bullChildrenrsquos memories of abusebullSuggestibility

Wednesday March 6 13

Repressed or Constructed Memories of Abuse

bullAreas of agreementbullSexual abuse happensbullInjustice happensbullForgetting happensbullRecovered memories are incompletebullMemories before 3 years are unreliablebullHypnotic memories are unreliablebullMemories can be emotionally upsetting

Wednesday March 6 13

Repressed or Constructed Memories of Abuse

bullLoftus studies with children

Wednesday March 6 13

Improving Memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Improving Memory TechniquesbullStudy repeatedlybullMake the material meaningfulbullActivate retrieval cuesbullUse mnemonic devicesbullMinimize interferencebullSleep morebullTest your own knowledge both to rehearse it and to help determine what you do not yet

Wednesday March 6 13

The End

Wednesday March 6 13

Teacher13 Informa3onbullTypes13 of13 Files

bullThis13 presenta3on13 has13 been13 saved13 as13 a13 ldquobasicrdquo13 Powerpoint13 file13 13 While13 this13 file13 format13 placed13 a13 few13 limita3ons13 on13 the13 presenta3on13 it13 insured13 the13 file13 would13 be13 compa3ble13 with13 the13 many13 versions13 of13 Powerpoint13 teachers13 use13 13 To13 add13 func3onality13 to13 the13 presenta3on13 teachers13 may13 want13 to13 save13 the13 file13 for13 their13 specific13 version13 of13 Powerpoint

bullAnima0onbullOnce13 again13 to13 insure13 compa3bility13 with13 all13 versions13 of13 Powerpoint13 none13 of13 the13 slides13 are13 animated13 13 To13 increase13 student13 interest13 it13 is13 suggested13 teachers13 animate13 the13 slides13 wherever13 possible

bullAdding13 slides13 to13 this13 presenta0onbullTeachers13 are13 encouraged13 to13 adapt13 this13 presenta3on13 to13 their13 personal13 teaching13 style13 13 To13 help13 keep13 a13 sense13 of13 con3nuity13 blank13 slides13 which13 can13 be13 copied13 and13 pasted13 to13 a13 specific13 loca3on13 in13 the13 presenta3on13 follow13 this13 ldquoTeacher13 Informa3onrdquo13 sec3on13 13 13

Wednesday March 6 13

Teacher13 Informa3onbullHyperlink13 Slides13 -shy‐13 This13 presenta3on13 contain13 two13 types13 of13 hyperlinks13 13 Hyperlinks13 can13 be13 iden3fied13 by13 the13 text13 being13 underlined13 and13 a13 different13 color13 (usually13 purple)

bullUnit13 subsec0ons13 hyperlinks13 13 Immediately13 aer13 the13 unit13 3tle13 slide13 a13 page13 (slide13 3)13 can13 be13 found13 lis3ng13 all13 of13 the13 unitrsquos13 subsec3ons13 13 While13 in13 slide13 show13 mode13 clicking13 on13 any13 of13 these13 hyperlinks13 will13 take13 the13 user13 directly13 to13 the13 beginning13 of13 that13 subsec3on13 13 This13 allows13 teachers13 quick13 access13 to13 each13 subsec3on

bullBold13 print13 term13 hyperlinks13 13 Every13 bold13 print13 term13 from13 the13 unit13 is13 included13 in13 this13 presenta3on13 as13 a13 hyperlink13 13 While13 in13 slide13 show13 mode13 clicking13 on13 any13 of13 the13 hyperlinks13 will13 take13 the13 user13 to13 a13 slide13 containing13 the13 formal13 defini3on13 of13 the13 term13 13 Clicking13 on13 the13 ldquoarrowrdquo13 in13 the13 boaom13 le13 corner13 of13 the13 defini3on13 slide13 will13 take13 the13 user13 back13 to13 the13 original13 point13 in13 the13 presenta3on13

13 These13 hyperlinks13 were13 included13 for13 teachers13 who13 want13 students13 to13 see13 or13 copy13 down13 the13 exact13 defini3on13 as13 stated13 in13 the13 text13 13 Most13 teachers13 prefer13 the13 defini3ons13 not13 be13 included13 to13 prevent13 students13 from13 only13 ldquocopying13 down13 what13 is13 on13 the13 screenrdquo13 and13 not13 ac3vely13 listening13 to13 the13 presenta3on

13 For13 teachers13 who13 con3nually13 use13 the13 Bold13 Print13 Term13 Hyperlinks13 op3on13 please13 contact13 the13 author13 using13 the13 email13 address13 on13 the13 next13 slide13 to13 learn13 a13 technique13 to13 expedite13 the13 returning13 to13 the13 original13 point13 in13 the13 presenta3on

Wednesday March 6 13

Teacher13 Informa3onbullCon0nuity13 slides

bullThroughout13 this13 presenta3on13 there13 are13 slides13 usually13 of13 graphics13 or13 tables13 that13 build13 on13 one13 another13 13 These13 are13 included13 for13 three13 purposes13 13

bullBy13 presen3ng13 informa3on13 in13 small13 chunks13 students13 will13 find13 it13 easier13 to13 process13 and13 remember13 the13 concepts13 13

bullBy13 con3nually13 changing13 slides13 students13 will13 stay13 interested13 in13 the13 presenta3onbullTo13 facilitate13 class13 discussion13 and13 cri3cal13 thinking13 13 Students13 should13 be13 encouraged13 to13 think13 about13 ldquowhat13 might13 come13 nextrdquo13 in13 the13 series13 of13 slides13 13

bullPlease13 feel13 free13 to13 contact13 me13 at13 kkorekgermantownk12wius13 with13 any13 ques3ons13 concerns13 sugges3ons13 etc13 regarding13 these13 presenta3ons13

Kent13 Korek

Germantown13 High13 School

Germantown13 WI13 53022

Wednesday March 6 13

Division title (green print)subdivision title (blue print)


Wednesday March 6 13

Division title (green print)

Use13 this13 slide13 to13 add13 a13 table13 chart13 clip13 art13 picture13 diagram13 or13 video13 clip13 13 Delete13 this13 box13 when13 finished

Wednesday March 6 13

Definition Slide

= add definition here

Wednesday March 6 13


Wednesday March 6 13


= the persistence of learning over time through the storage and retrieval of information

Wednesday March 6 13


= the processing of information into the memory systems ndash for example by extracting meaning

Wednesday March 6 13


= the retention of encoded information over time

Wednesday March 6 13


= the process of getting information out of memory storage

Wednesday March 6 13

Sensory Memory

= the immediate very brief recording of sensory information in the memory system

Wednesday March 6 13

Short-term Memory

= activated memory that holds a few items briefly such as the seven digits of a phone number while dialing before the information is stored or forgotten

Wednesday March 6 13

Long-term Memory

= the relatively permanent and limitless storehouse of the memory system Includes knowledge skills and experiences

Wednesday March 6 13

Working Memory

= a newer understanding of short-term memory that focuses on conscious active processing of incoming auditory and visual-spatial information and of information retrieved from long-term memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Parallel Processing

= the processing of many aspects of a problem simultaneously the brainrsquos natural mode of information processing for many functions Contrasts with the step-by-step (serial) processing of most computers and of conscious problem solving

Wednesday March 6 13

Automatic Processing

= unconscious encoding of incidental information such as space time and frequency and of well-learned information such as word meanings

Wednesday March 6 13

Effortful Processing

= encoding that requires attention and conscious effort

Wednesday March 6 13


= the conscious repetition of information either to maintain it in consciousness or to encode it for storage

Wednesday March 6 13

Spacing Effect

= the tendency for distributed study or practice to yield better long-term retention than is achieved through massed study or practice

Wednesday March 6 13

Serial Position Effect

= our tendency to recall best the last and first items in a list

Wednesday March 6 13

Visual Encoding

= the encoding of picture images

Wednesday March 6 13

Acoustic Encoding

= the encoding of sound especially the sound of words

Wednesday March 6 13

Semantic Encoding

= the encoding of meaning including the meaning of words

Wednesday March 6 13


= mental pictures a powerful aid to effortful processing especially when combined with semantic encoding

Wednesday March 6 13


= memory aids especially those techniques that use vivid imagery and organizational devices

Wednesday March 6 13


= organizing items into familiar manageable units often occurs automatically

Wednesday March 6 13

Iconic Memory

= a momentary sensory memory of visual stimuli a photographic or picture-image memory lasting no more than a few tenths of a second

Wednesday March 6 13

Echoic Memory

= a momentary sensory memory of auditory stimuli if attention is elsewhere sounds and words can still be recalled within 3 or 4 seconds

Wednesday March 6 13

Long-term Potentiation (LTP)

= an increase in a synapsersquos firing potential after brief rapid stimulation Believed to be a neural basis for learning and memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Flashbulb Memory

= a clear memory of an emotionally significant moment or event

Wednesday March 6 13


= loss of memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Implicit Memory

= retention independent of conscious recollection (Also called nondeclarative or procedural memory)

Wednesday March 6 13

Explicit Memory

= memory of facts and experiences that one can consciously know and ldquodeclarerdquo (Also called declarative memory)

Wednesday March 6 13


= a neural center that is located in the limbic system helps process explicit memories for storage

Wednesday March 6 13


= a measure of memory in which the person must retrieve information learning earlier as on a fill-in-the-blank test

Wednesday March 6 13


= a measure of memory in which the person need only identify items previously learned as on a multiple-choice test

Wednesday March 6 13


= a measure of memory that assesses the amount of time saved when learning material for a second time

Wednesday March 6 13


= the activation often unconsciously of particular associations in memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Deja Vu

= that eerie sense that ldquoIrsquove experienced this beforerdquo Cues from the current situation may subconsciously trigger retrieval of an earlier experience

Wednesday March 6 13

Mood Congruent Memory

= the tendency to recall experiences that are consistent with onersquos current good or bad mood

Wednesday March 6 13

Proactive Interference

= the disruptive effect of prior learning on the recall of new information

Wednesday March 6 13

Retroactive Interference

= the disruptive effect of new learning on the recall of old information

Wednesday March 6 13


= in psychoanalytic theory the basic defense mechanism that banishes from consciousness anxiety-arousing thoughts feelings and memories

Wednesday March 6 13

Misinformation Effect

= incorporating misleading information into onersquos memory of an event

Wednesday March 6 13

Source Amnesia

= attributing to the wrong source an event we have experienced heard about read about or imagined (Also called source misattribution) Source amnesia along with the misinformation effect is at the heart of many false memories

Wednesday March 6 13

Modified13 Three-shy‐stage13 Processing13 Model13 of13 Memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Modified13 Three-shy‐stage13 Processing13 Model13 of13 Memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Modified13 Three-shy‐stage13 Processing13 Model13 of13 Memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Modified13 Three-shy‐stage13 Processing13 Model13 of13 Memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Modified13 Three-shy‐stage13 Processing13 Model13 of13 Memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Modified13 Three-shy‐stage13 Processing13 Model13 of13 Memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Modified13 Three-shy‐stage13 Processing13 Model13 of13 Memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Modified13 Three-shy‐stage13 Processing13 Model13 of13 Memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Modified13 Three-shy‐stage13 Processing13 Model13 of13 Memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Modified13 Three-shy‐stage13 Processing13 Model13 of13 Memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Modified13 Three-shy‐stage13 Processing13 Model13 of13 Memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Modified13 Three-shy‐stage13 Processing13 Model13 of13 Memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Getting Information InHow We Encode

bullAutomatic ProcessingbullParallel13 processingbullThings13 that13 are13 automa3cally13 bullprocessed

bullSpacebullTimebullFrequencybullWell-learned information

Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Getting Information InHow We Encode

bullEfforGul13 ProcessingbullRehearsal (conscious repetition)bullEbbinghaus curve

Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Getting Information InHow We Encode

bullEbbinghaus curve

Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Getting Information InHow We Encode

bullOverlearningbullSpacing13 effect

bullMassed practicebullDistributed practice

bullTesting effect

Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Getting Information InHow We Encode

bullSerial13 posi3on13 effectbullRecency effectbullPrimacy effect

Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Getting Information InWhat We Encode

bullLevels of ProcessingbullVisual13 encodingbullAcous3c13 encodingbullSeman3c13 encoding

bullSelf-reference effect

Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding13 GeKng13 Informa3on13 InWhat13 We13 Encode

Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding13 GeKng13 Informa3on13 InWhat13 We13 Encode

Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding13 GeKng13 Informa3on13 InWhat13 We13 Encode

Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding13 GeKng13 Informa3on13 InWhat13 We13 Encode

Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Getting Information InWhat We Encode

bullVisual EncodingbullImagery

bullRosy retrospectionbullMnemonics

bullPeg-word system

Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Getting Information InWhat We Encode

bullOrganizing Information for EncodingbullChunking


Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Getting Information InWhat We Encode

bullOrganizing Information for EncodingbullChunking


Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Getting Information InWhat We Encode

bullOrganizing Information for EncodingbullChunking


Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Getting Information InWhat We Encode

bullOrganizing Information for EncodingbullChunking


Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Getting Information InWhat We Encode

bullOrganizing Information for EncodingbullChunking


Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Getting Information InWhat We Encode

bullOrganizing Information for EncodingbullChunking


Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Getting Information InWhat We Encode

bullOrganizing Information for EncodingbullChunking


Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Getting Information InWhat We Encode

bullOrganizing Information for EncodingbullHierarchies

Wednesday March 6 13

Storage Retaining InformationSensory Memory

bullSperlingrsquos memory experimentbullIconic13 memorybullEchoic13 memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Storage Retaining InformationWorkingShort-Term

bullMagic number SevenbullPlus or minus 2

bullThe list of magic sevensbullSeven wonders of worldbullSeven seasbullSeven deadly sinsbullSeven primary colorsbullSeven musical scale notesbullSeven days of the week

Wednesday March 6 13

Storage Retaining InformationLong-Term Memory

bullUnlimited nature of long-term memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Storage Retaining InformationStoring Memories in the

bullSynaptic ChangesbullMemory tracebullLong-shy‐term13 poten3a3on13 (LTP)bullMemory boosting drugs


Wednesday March 6 13

Storage Retaining InformationStoring Memories in the Stress Hormones and Memory

bullEmotions and memoriesbullFlashbulb13 memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Storage Retaining InformationStoring Memories in the bullStoring Implicit and Explicit Memories

bullAmnesiabullHM Studies

Wednesday March 6 13

Storage Retaining InformationStoring Memories in the

bullStoring Implicit and Explicit MemoriesbullImplicit13 memory13 (nondeclarative memory)bullExplicit13 memory13 (declarative memory)


Wednesday March 6 13

Storage13 Retaining13 Informa3onStoring13 Memories13 in13 the13 Brain

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval Getting Information Out


Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval Getting Information OutRetrieval Cues

bullRetrieval cuesbullMnemonic devicesbullPriming

Wednesday March 6 13


Wednesday March 6 13


Wednesday March 6 13


Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval Getting Information OutContext Effects

bullContext effectsbullDeacutejagrave13 vu

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 GeKng13 Informa3on13 OutContext13 Effects

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 GeKng13 Informa3on13 OutContext13 Effects

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 GeKng13 Informa3on13 OutContext13 Effects

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 GeKng13 Informa3on13 OutContext13 Effects

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 GeKng13 Informa3on13 OutContext13 Effects

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 GeKng13 Informa3on13 OutContext13 Effects

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval Getting Information OutMoods and Memories

bullState dependent memorybullMood13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 congruent13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 memory

Wednesday March 6 13


Wednesday March 6 13



Wednesday March 6 13


bullSchacterrsquos sevens sins of memorybullSins of Forgetting


Wednesday March 6 13


bullSchacterrsquos sevens sins of memorybullSins of distortion


bullSin of intrusionbullpersistence

Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Failure

bullEncoding failure

Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Failure

bullEncoding failure

Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Failure

Wednesday March 6 13

Storage DecaybullStorage decay

bullEbbinghaus curve

Wednesday March 6 13

Storage DecaybullStorage decay

bullEbbinghaus curve

Wednesday March 6 13

Ebbinghaus13 Curve

Wednesday March 6 13

Ebbinghaus13 Curve

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval Failure

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval FailureInterference

bullProac3ve13 interference13 (forward acting)bullRetroac3ve13 interference13 (backward-acting)

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 FailureInterference

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 FailureInterference

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 FailureInterference

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 FailureInterference

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 FailureInterference

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval FailureMotivated Forgetting

bullSelf-serving personal historiesbullRepression

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval FailureMotivated Forgetting

bullSelf-serving personal historiesbullRepression

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval FailureMotivated Forgetting

bullSelf-serving personal historiesbullRepression

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval FailureMotivated Forgetting

bullSelf-serving personal historiesbullRepression

Wednesday March 6 13

Memory Construction

Wednesday March 6 13

Misinformation and Imagination Effects

bullLoftus memory studiesbullMisinforma3on13 effect

Wednesday March 6 13

Source Amnesia

bullSource13 amnesia13 (source misattribution)

Wednesday March 6 13

Discerning True and False Memories

bullMemory studiesbullEye witness testimony

Wednesday March 6 13

Childrenrsquos Eyewitness Recall

bullChildrenrsquos memories of abusebullSuggestibility

Wednesday March 6 13

Repressed or Constructed Memories of Abuse

bullAreas of agreementbullSexual abuse happensbullInjustice happensbullForgetting happensbullRecovered memories are incompletebullMemories before 3 years are unreliablebullHypnotic memories are unreliablebullMemories can be emotionally upsetting

Wednesday March 6 13

Repressed or Constructed Memories of Abuse

bullLoftus studies with children

Wednesday March 6 13

Improving Memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Improving Memory TechniquesbullStudy repeatedlybullMake the material meaningfulbullActivate retrieval cuesbullUse mnemonic devicesbullMinimize interferencebullSleep morebullTest your own knowledge both to rehearse it and to help determine what you do not yet

Wednesday March 6 13

The End

Wednesday March 6 13

Teacher13 Informa3onbullTypes13 of13 Files

bullThis13 presenta3on13 has13 been13 saved13 as13 a13 ldquobasicrdquo13 Powerpoint13 file13 13 While13 this13 file13 format13 placed13 a13 few13 limita3ons13 on13 the13 presenta3on13 it13 insured13 the13 file13 would13 be13 compa3ble13 with13 the13 many13 versions13 of13 Powerpoint13 teachers13 use13 13 To13 add13 func3onality13 to13 the13 presenta3on13 teachers13 may13 want13 to13 save13 the13 file13 for13 their13 specific13 version13 of13 Powerpoint

bullAnima0onbullOnce13 again13 to13 insure13 compa3bility13 with13 all13 versions13 of13 Powerpoint13 none13 of13 the13 slides13 are13 animated13 13 To13 increase13 student13 interest13 it13 is13 suggested13 teachers13 animate13 the13 slides13 wherever13 possible

bullAdding13 slides13 to13 this13 presenta0onbullTeachers13 are13 encouraged13 to13 adapt13 this13 presenta3on13 to13 their13 personal13 teaching13 style13 13 To13 help13 keep13 a13 sense13 of13 con3nuity13 blank13 slides13 which13 can13 be13 copied13 and13 pasted13 to13 a13 specific13 loca3on13 in13 the13 presenta3on13 follow13 this13 ldquoTeacher13 Informa3onrdquo13 sec3on13 13 13

Wednesday March 6 13

Teacher13 Informa3onbullHyperlink13 Slides13 -shy‐13 This13 presenta3on13 contain13 two13 types13 of13 hyperlinks13 13 Hyperlinks13 can13 be13 iden3fied13 by13 the13 text13 being13 underlined13 and13 a13 different13 color13 (usually13 purple)

bullUnit13 subsec0ons13 hyperlinks13 13 Immediately13 aer13 the13 unit13 3tle13 slide13 a13 page13 (slide13 3)13 can13 be13 found13 lis3ng13 all13 of13 the13 unitrsquos13 subsec3ons13 13 While13 in13 slide13 show13 mode13 clicking13 on13 any13 of13 these13 hyperlinks13 will13 take13 the13 user13 directly13 to13 the13 beginning13 of13 that13 subsec3on13 13 This13 allows13 teachers13 quick13 access13 to13 each13 subsec3on

bullBold13 print13 term13 hyperlinks13 13 Every13 bold13 print13 term13 from13 the13 unit13 is13 included13 in13 this13 presenta3on13 as13 a13 hyperlink13 13 While13 in13 slide13 show13 mode13 clicking13 on13 any13 of13 the13 hyperlinks13 will13 take13 the13 user13 to13 a13 slide13 containing13 the13 formal13 defini3on13 of13 the13 term13 13 Clicking13 on13 the13 ldquoarrowrdquo13 in13 the13 boaom13 le13 corner13 of13 the13 defini3on13 slide13 will13 take13 the13 user13 back13 to13 the13 original13 point13 in13 the13 presenta3on13

13 These13 hyperlinks13 were13 included13 for13 teachers13 who13 want13 students13 to13 see13 or13 copy13 down13 the13 exact13 defini3on13 as13 stated13 in13 the13 text13 13 Most13 teachers13 prefer13 the13 defini3ons13 not13 be13 included13 to13 prevent13 students13 from13 only13 ldquocopying13 down13 what13 is13 on13 the13 screenrdquo13 and13 not13 ac3vely13 listening13 to13 the13 presenta3on

13 For13 teachers13 who13 con3nually13 use13 the13 Bold13 Print13 Term13 Hyperlinks13 op3on13 please13 contact13 the13 author13 using13 the13 email13 address13 on13 the13 next13 slide13 to13 learn13 a13 technique13 to13 expedite13 the13 returning13 to13 the13 original13 point13 in13 the13 presenta3on

Wednesday March 6 13

Teacher13 Informa3onbullCon0nuity13 slides

bullThroughout13 this13 presenta3on13 there13 are13 slides13 usually13 of13 graphics13 or13 tables13 that13 build13 on13 one13 another13 13 These13 are13 included13 for13 three13 purposes13 13

bullBy13 presen3ng13 informa3on13 in13 small13 chunks13 students13 will13 find13 it13 easier13 to13 process13 and13 remember13 the13 concepts13 13

bullBy13 con3nually13 changing13 slides13 students13 will13 stay13 interested13 in13 the13 presenta3onbullTo13 facilitate13 class13 discussion13 and13 cri3cal13 thinking13 13 Students13 should13 be13 encouraged13 to13 think13 about13 ldquowhat13 might13 come13 nextrdquo13 in13 the13 series13 of13 slides13 13

bullPlease13 feel13 free13 to13 contact13 me13 at13 kkorekgermantownk12wius13 with13 any13 ques3ons13 concerns13 sugges3ons13 etc13 regarding13 these13 presenta3ons13

Kent13 Korek

Germantown13 High13 School

Germantown13 WI13 53022

Wednesday March 6 13

Division title (green print)subdivision title (blue print)


Wednesday March 6 13

Division title (green print)

Use13 this13 slide13 to13 add13 a13 table13 chart13 clip13 art13 picture13 diagram13 or13 video13 clip13 13 Delete13 this13 box13 when13 finished

Wednesday March 6 13

Definition Slide

= add definition here

Wednesday March 6 13


Wednesday March 6 13


= the persistence of learning over time through the storage and retrieval of information

Wednesday March 6 13


= the processing of information into the memory systems ndash for example by extracting meaning

Wednesday March 6 13


= the retention of encoded information over time

Wednesday March 6 13


= the process of getting information out of memory storage

Wednesday March 6 13

Sensory Memory

= the immediate very brief recording of sensory information in the memory system

Wednesday March 6 13

Short-term Memory

= activated memory that holds a few items briefly such as the seven digits of a phone number while dialing before the information is stored or forgotten

Wednesday March 6 13

Long-term Memory

= the relatively permanent and limitless storehouse of the memory system Includes knowledge skills and experiences

Wednesday March 6 13

Working Memory

= a newer understanding of short-term memory that focuses on conscious active processing of incoming auditory and visual-spatial information and of information retrieved from long-term memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Parallel Processing

= the processing of many aspects of a problem simultaneously the brainrsquos natural mode of information processing for many functions Contrasts with the step-by-step (serial) processing of most computers and of conscious problem solving

Wednesday March 6 13

Automatic Processing

= unconscious encoding of incidental information such as space time and frequency and of well-learned information such as word meanings

Wednesday March 6 13

Effortful Processing

= encoding that requires attention and conscious effort

Wednesday March 6 13


= the conscious repetition of information either to maintain it in consciousness or to encode it for storage

Wednesday March 6 13

Spacing Effect

= the tendency for distributed study or practice to yield better long-term retention than is achieved through massed study or practice

Wednesday March 6 13

Serial Position Effect

= our tendency to recall best the last and first items in a list

Wednesday March 6 13

Visual Encoding

= the encoding of picture images

Wednesday March 6 13

Acoustic Encoding

= the encoding of sound especially the sound of words

Wednesday March 6 13

Semantic Encoding

= the encoding of meaning including the meaning of words

Wednesday March 6 13


= mental pictures a powerful aid to effortful processing especially when combined with semantic encoding

Wednesday March 6 13


= memory aids especially those techniques that use vivid imagery and organizational devices

Wednesday March 6 13


= organizing items into familiar manageable units often occurs automatically

Wednesday March 6 13

Iconic Memory

= a momentary sensory memory of visual stimuli a photographic or picture-image memory lasting no more than a few tenths of a second

Wednesday March 6 13

Echoic Memory

= a momentary sensory memory of auditory stimuli if attention is elsewhere sounds and words can still be recalled within 3 or 4 seconds

Wednesday March 6 13

Long-term Potentiation (LTP)

= an increase in a synapsersquos firing potential after brief rapid stimulation Believed to be a neural basis for learning and memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Flashbulb Memory

= a clear memory of an emotionally significant moment or event

Wednesday March 6 13


= loss of memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Implicit Memory

= retention independent of conscious recollection (Also called nondeclarative or procedural memory)

Wednesday March 6 13

Explicit Memory

= memory of facts and experiences that one can consciously know and ldquodeclarerdquo (Also called declarative memory)

Wednesday March 6 13


= a neural center that is located in the limbic system helps process explicit memories for storage

Wednesday March 6 13


= a measure of memory in which the person must retrieve information learning earlier as on a fill-in-the-blank test

Wednesday March 6 13


= a measure of memory in which the person need only identify items previously learned as on a multiple-choice test

Wednesday March 6 13


= a measure of memory that assesses the amount of time saved when learning material for a second time

Wednesday March 6 13


= the activation often unconsciously of particular associations in memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Deja Vu

= that eerie sense that ldquoIrsquove experienced this beforerdquo Cues from the current situation may subconsciously trigger retrieval of an earlier experience

Wednesday March 6 13

Mood Congruent Memory

= the tendency to recall experiences that are consistent with onersquos current good or bad mood

Wednesday March 6 13

Proactive Interference

= the disruptive effect of prior learning on the recall of new information

Wednesday March 6 13

Retroactive Interference

= the disruptive effect of new learning on the recall of old information

Wednesday March 6 13


= in psychoanalytic theory the basic defense mechanism that banishes from consciousness anxiety-arousing thoughts feelings and memories

Wednesday March 6 13

Misinformation Effect

= incorporating misleading information into onersquos memory of an event

Wednesday March 6 13

Source Amnesia

= attributing to the wrong source an event we have experienced heard about read about or imagined (Also called source misattribution) Source amnesia along with the misinformation effect is at the heart of many false memories

Wednesday March 6 13

Modified13 Three-shy‐stage13 Processing13 Model13 of13 Memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Modified13 Three-shy‐stage13 Processing13 Model13 of13 Memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Modified13 Three-shy‐stage13 Processing13 Model13 of13 Memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Modified13 Three-shy‐stage13 Processing13 Model13 of13 Memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Modified13 Three-shy‐stage13 Processing13 Model13 of13 Memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Modified13 Three-shy‐stage13 Processing13 Model13 of13 Memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Modified13 Three-shy‐stage13 Processing13 Model13 of13 Memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Modified13 Three-shy‐stage13 Processing13 Model13 of13 Memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Modified13 Three-shy‐stage13 Processing13 Model13 of13 Memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Modified13 Three-shy‐stage13 Processing13 Model13 of13 Memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Modified13 Three-shy‐stage13 Processing13 Model13 of13 Memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Getting Information InHow We Encode

bullAutomatic ProcessingbullParallel13 processingbullThings13 that13 are13 automa3cally13 bullprocessed

bullSpacebullTimebullFrequencybullWell-learned information

Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Getting Information InHow We Encode

bullEfforGul13 ProcessingbullRehearsal (conscious repetition)bullEbbinghaus curve

Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Getting Information InHow We Encode

bullEbbinghaus curve

Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Getting Information InHow We Encode

bullOverlearningbullSpacing13 effect

bullMassed practicebullDistributed practice

bullTesting effect

Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Getting Information InHow We Encode

bullSerial13 posi3on13 effectbullRecency effectbullPrimacy effect

Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Getting Information InWhat We Encode

bullLevels of ProcessingbullVisual13 encodingbullAcous3c13 encodingbullSeman3c13 encoding

bullSelf-reference effect

Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding13 GeKng13 Informa3on13 InWhat13 We13 Encode

Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding13 GeKng13 Informa3on13 InWhat13 We13 Encode

Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding13 GeKng13 Informa3on13 InWhat13 We13 Encode

Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding13 GeKng13 Informa3on13 InWhat13 We13 Encode

Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Getting Information InWhat We Encode

bullVisual EncodingbullImagery

bullRosy retrospectionbullMnemonics

bullPeg-word system

Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Getting Information InWhat We Encode

bullOrganizing Information for EncodingbullChunking


Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Getting Information InWhat We Encode

bullOrganizing Information for EncodingbullChunking


Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Getting Information InWhat We Encode

bullOrganizing Information for EncodingbullChunking


Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Getting Information InWhat We Encode

bullOrganizing Information for EncodingbullChunking


Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Getting Information InWhat We Encode

bullOrganizing Information for EncodingbullChunking


Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Getting Information InWhat We Encode

bullOrganizing Information for EncodingbullChunking


Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Getting Information InWhat We Encode

bullOrganizing Information for EncodingbullChunking


Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Getting Information InWhat We Encode

bullOrganizing Information for EncodingbullHierarchies

Wednesday March 6 13

Storage Retaining InformationSensory Memory

bullSperlingrsquos memory experimentbullIconic13 memorybullEchoic13 memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Storage Retaining InformationWorkingShort-Term

bullMagic number SevenbullPlus or minus 2

bullThe list of magic sevensbullSeven wonders of worldbullSeven seasbullSeven deadly sinsbullSeven primary colorsbullSeven musical scale notesbullSeven days of the week

Wednesday March 6 13

Storage Retaining InformationLong-Term Memory

bullUnlimited nature of long-term memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Storage Retaining InformationStoring Memories in the

bullSynaptic ChangesbullMemory tracebullLong-shy‐term13 poten3a3on13 (LTP)bullMemory boosting drugs


Wednesday March 6 13

Storage Retaining InformationStoring Memories in the Stress Hormones and Memory

bullEmotions and memoriesbullFlashbulb13 memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Storage Retaining InformationStoring Memories in the bullStoring Implicit and Explicit Memories

bullAmnesiabullHM Studies

Wednesday March 6 13

Storage Retaining InformationStoring Memories in the

bullStoring Implicit and Explicit MemoriesbullImplicit13 memory13 (nondeclarative memory)bullExplicit13 memory13 (declarative memory)


Wednesday March 6 13

Storage13 Retaining13 Informa3onStoring13 Memories13 in13 the13 Brain

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval Getting Information Out


Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval Getting Information OutRetrieval Cues

bullRetrieval cuesbullMnemonic devicesbullPriming

Wednesday March 6 13


Wednesday March 6 13


Wednesday March 6 13


Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval Getting Information OutContext Effects

bullContext effectsbullDeacutejagrave13 vu

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 GeKng13 Informa3on13 OutContext13 Effects

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 GeKng13 Informa3on13 OutContext13 Effects

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 GeKng13 Informa3on13 OutContext13 Effects

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 GeKng13 Informa3on13 OutContext13 Effects

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 GeKng13 Informa3on13 OutContext13 Effects

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 GeKng13 Informa3on13 OutContext13 Effects

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval Getting Information OutMoods and Memories

bullState dependent memorybullMood13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 congruent13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 memory

Wednesday March 6 13


Wednesday March 6 13



Wednesday March 6 13


bullSchacterrsquos sevens sins of memorybullSins of Forgetting


Wednesday March 6 13


bullSchacterrsquos sevens sins of memorybullSins of distortion


bullSin of intrusionbullpersistence

Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Failure

bullEncoding failure

Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Failure

bullEncoding failure

Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Failure

Wednesday March 6 13

Storage DecaybullStorage decay

bullEbbinghaus curve

Wednesday March 6 13

Storage DecaybullStorage decay

bullEbbinghaus curve

Wednesday March 6 13

Ebbinghaus13 Curve

Wednesday March 6 13

Ebbinghaus13 Curve

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval Failure

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval FailureInterference

bullProac3ve13 interference13 (forward acting)bullRetroac3ve13 interference13 (backward-acting)

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 FailureInterference

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 FailureInterference

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 FailureInterference

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 FailureInterference

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 FailureInterference

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval FailureMotivated Forgetting

bullSelf-serving personal historiesbullRepression

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval FailureMotivated Forgetting

bullSelf-serving personal historiesbullRepression

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval FailureMotivated Forgetting

bullSelf-serving personal historiesbullRepression

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval FailureMotivated Forgetting

bullSelf-serving personal historiesbullRepression

Wednesday March 6 13

Memory Construction

Wednesday March 6 13

Misinformation and Imagination Effects

bullLoftus memory studiesbullMisinforma3on13 effect

Wednesday March 6 13

Source Amnesia

bullSource13 amnesia13 (source misattribution)

Wednesday March 6 13

Discerning True and False Memories

bullMemory studiesbullEye witness testimony

Wednesday March 6 13

Childrenrsquos Eyewitness Recall

bullChildrenrsquos memories of abusebullSuggestibility

Wednesday March 6 13

Repressed or Constructed Memories of Abuse

bullAreas of agreementbullSexual abuse happensbullInjustice happensbullForgetting happensbullRecovered memories are incompletebullMemories before 3 years are unreliablebullHypnotic memories are unreliablebullMemories can be emotionally upsetting

Wednesday March 6 13

Repressed or Constructed Memories of Abuse

bullLoftus studies with children

Wednesday March 6 13

Improving Memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Improving Memory TechniquesbullStudy repeatedlybullMake the material meaningfulbullActivate retrieval cuesbullUse mnemonic devicesbullMinimize interferencebullSleep morebullTest your own knowledge both to rehearse it and to help determine what you do not yet

Wednesday March 6 13

The End

Wednesday March 6 13

Teacher13 Informa3onbullTypes13 of13 Files

bullThis13 presenta3on13 has13 been13 saved13 as13 a13 ldquobasicrdquo13 Powerpoint13 file13 13 While13 this13 file13 format13 placed13 a13 few13 limita3ons13 on13 the13 presenta3on13 it13 insured13 the13 file13 would13 be13 compa3ble13 with13 the13 many13 versions13 of13 Powerpoint13 teachers13 use13 13 To13 add13 func3onality13 to13 the13 presenta3on13 teachers13 may13 want13 to13 save13 the13 file13 for13 their13 specific13 version13 of13 Powerpoint

bullAnima0onbullOnce13 again13 to13 insure13 compa3bility13 with13 all13 versions13 of13 Powerpoint13 none13 of13 the13 slides13 are13 animated13 13 To13 increase13 student13 interest13 it13 is13 suggested13 teachers13 animate13 the13 slides13 wherever13 possible

bullAdding13 slides13 to13 this13 presenta0onbullTeachers13 are13 encouraged13 to13 adapt13 this13 presenta3on13 to13 their13 personal13 teaching13 style13 13 To13 help13 keep13 a13 sense13 of13 con3nuity13 blank13 slides13 which13 can13 be13 copied13 and13 pasted13 to13 a13 specific13 loca3on13 in13 the13 presenta3on13 follow13 this13 ldquoTeacher13 Informa3onrdquo13 sec3on13 13 13

Wednesday March 6 13

Teacher13 Informa3onbullHyperlink13 Slides13 -shy‐13 This13 presenta3on13 contain13 two13 types13 of13 hyperlinks13 13 Hyperlinks13 can13 be13 iden3fied13 by13 the13 text13 being13 underlined13 and13 a13 different13 color13 (usually13 purple)

bullUnit13 subsec0ons13 hyperlinks13 13 Immediately13 aer13 the13 unit13 3tle13 slide13 a13 page13 (slide13 3)13 can13 be13 found13 lis3ng13 all13 of13 the13 unitrsquos13 subsec3ons13 13 While13 in13 slide13 show13 mode13 clicking13 on13 any13 of13 these13 hyperlinks13 will13 take13 the13 user13 directly13 to13 the13 beginning13 of13 that13 subsec3on13 13 This13 allows13 teachers13 quick13 access13 to13 each13 subsec3on

bullBold13 print13 term13 hyperlinks13 13 Every13 bold13 print13 term13 from13 the13 unit13 is13 included13 in13 this13 presenta3on13 as13 a13 hyperlink13 13 While13 in13 slide13 show13 mode13 clicking13 on13 any13 of13 the13 hyperlinks13 will13 take13 the13 user13 to13 a13 slide13 containing13 the13 formal13 defini3on13 of13 the13 term13 13 Clicking13 on13 the13 ldquoarrowrdquo13 in13 the13 boaom13 le13 corner13 of13 the13 defini3on13 slide13 will13 take13 the13 user13 back13 to13 the13 original13 point13 in13 the13 presenta3on13

13 These13 hyperlinks13 were13 included13 for13 teachers13 who13 want13 students13 to13 see13 or13 copy13 down13 the13 exact13 defini3on13 as13 stated13 in13 the13 text13 13 Most13 teachers13 prefer13 the13 defini3ons13 not13 be13 included13 to13 prevent13 students13 from13 only13 ldquocopying13 down13 what13 is13 on13 the13 screenrdquo13 and13 not13 ac3vely13 listening13 to13 the13 presenta3on

13 For13 teachers13 who13 con3nually13 use13 the13 Bold13 Print13 Term13 Hyperlinks13 op3on13 please13 contact13 the13 author13 using13 the13 email13 address13 on13 the13 next13 slide13 to13 learn13 a13 technique13 to13 expedite13 the13 returning13 to13 the13 original13 point13 in13 the13 presenta3on

Wednesday March 6 13

Teacher13 Informa3onbullCon0nuity13 slides

bullThroughout13 this13 presenta3on13 there13 are13 slides13 usually13 of13 graphics13 or13 tables13 that13 build13 on13 one13 another13 13 These13 are13 included13 for13 three13 purposes13 13

bullBy13 presen3ng13 informa3on13 in13 small13 chunks13 students13 will13 find13 it13 easier13 to13 process13 and13 remember13 the13 concepts13 13

bullBy13 con3nually13 changing13 slides13 students13 will13 stay13 interested13 in13 the13 presenta3onbullTo13 facilitate13 class13 discussion13 and13 cri3cal13 thinking13 13 Students13 should13 be13 encouraged13 to13 think13 about13 ldquowhat13 might13 come13 nextrdquo13 in13 the13 series13 of13 slides13 13

bullPlease13 feel13 free13 to13 contact13 me13 at13 kkorekgermantownk12wius13 with13 any13 ques3ons13 concerns13 sugges3ons13 etc13 regarding13 these13 presenta3ons13

Kent13 Korek

Germantown13 High13 School

Germantown13 WI13 53022

Wednesday March 6 13

Division title (green print)subdivision title (blue print)


Wednesday March 6 13

Division title (green print)

Use13 this13 slide13 to13 add13 a13 table13 chart13 clip13 art13 picture13 diagram13 or13 video13 clip13 13 Delete13 this13 box13 when13 finished

Wednesday March 6 13

Definition Slide

= add definition here

Wednesday March 6 13


Wednesday March 6 13


= the persistence of learning over time through the storage and retrieval of information

Wednesday March 6 13


= the processing of information into the memory systems ndash for example by extracting meaning

Wednesday March 6 13


= the retention of encoded information over time

Wednesday March 6 13


= the process of getting information out of memory storage

Wednesday March 6 13

Sensory Memory

= the immediate very brief recording of sensory information in the memory system

Wednesday March 6 13

Short-term Memory

= activated memory that holds a few items briefly such as the seven digits of a phone number while dialing before the information is stored or forgotten

Wednesday March 6 13

Long-term Memory

= the relatively permanent and limitless storehouse of the memory system Includes knowledge skills and experiences

Wednesday March 6 13

Working Memory

= a newer understanding of short-term memory that focuses on conscious active processing of incoming auditory and visual-spatial information and of information retrieved from long-term memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Parallel Processing

= the processing of many aspects of a problem simultaneously the brainrsquos natural mode of information processing for many functions Contrasts with the step-by-step (serial) processing of most computers and of conscious problem solving

Wednesday March 6 13

Automatic Processing

= unconscious encoding of incidental information such as space time and frequency and of well-learned information such as word meanings

Wednesday March 6 13

Effortful Processing

= encoding that requires attention and conscious effort

Wednesday March 6 13


= the conscious repetition of information either to maintain it in consciousness or to encode it for storage

Wednesday March 6 13

Spacing Effect

= the tendency for distributed study or practice to yield better long-term retention than is achieved through massed study or practice

Wednesday March 6 13

Serial Position Effect

= our tendency to recall best the last and first items in a list

Wednesday March 6 13

Visual Encoding

= the encoding of picture images

Wednesday March 6 13

Acoustic Encoding

= the encoding of sound especially the sound of words

Wednesday March 6 13

Semantic Encoding

= the encoding of meaning including the meaning of words

Wednesday March 6 13


= mental pictures a powerful aid to effortful processing especially when combined with semantic encoding

Wednesday March 6 13


= memory aids especially those techniques that use vivid imagery and organizational devices

Wednesday March 6 13


= organizing items into familiar manageable units often occurs automatically

Wednesday March 6 13

Iconic Memory

= a momentary sensory memory of visual stimuli a photographic or picture-image memory lasting no more than a few tenths of a second

Wednesday March 6 13

Echoic Memory

= a momentary sensory memory of auditory stimuli if attention is elsewhere sounds and words can still be recalled within 3 or 4 seconds

Wednesday March 6 13

Long-term Potentiation (LTP)

= an increase in a synapsersquos firing potential after brief rapid stimulation Believed to be a neural basis for learning and memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Flashbulb Memory

= a clear memory of an emotionally significant moment or event

Wednesday March 6 13


= loss of memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Implicit Memory

= retention independent of conscious recollection (Also called nondeclarative or procedural memory)

Wednesday March 6 13

Explicit Memory

= memory of facts and experiences that one can consciously know and ldquodeclarerdquo (Also called declarative memory)

Wednesday March 6 13


= a neural center that is located in the limbic system helps process explicit memories for storage

Wednesday March 6 13


= a measure of memory in which the person must retrieve information learning earlier as on a fill-in-the-blank test

Wednesday March 6 13


= a measure of memory in which the person need only identify items previously learned as on a multiple-choice test

Wednesday March 6 13


= a measure of memory that assesses the amount of time saved when learning material for a second time

Wednesday March 6 13


= the activation often unconsciously of particular associations in memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Deja Vu

= that eerie sense that ldquoIrsquove experienced this beforerdquo Cues from the current situation may subconsciously trigger retrieval of an earlier experience

Wednesday March 6 13

Mood Congruent Memory

= the tendency to recall experiences that are consistent with onersquos current good or bad mood

Wednesday March 6 13

Proactive Interference

= the disruptive effect of prior learning on the recall of new information

Wednesday March 6 13

Retroactive Interference

= the disruptive effect of new learning on the recall of old information

Wednesday March 6 13


= in psychoanalytic theory the basic defense mechanism that banishes from consciousness anxiety-arousing thoughts feelings and memories

Wednesday March 6 13

Misinformation Effect

= incorporating misleading information into onersquos memory of an event

Wednesday March 6 13

Source Amnesia

= attributing to the wrong source an event we have experienced heard about read about or imagined (Also called source misattribution) Source amnesia along with the misinformation effect is at the heart of many false memories

Wednesday March 6 13

Modified13 Three-shy‐stage13 Processing13 Model13 of13 Memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Modified13 Three-shy‐stage13 Processing13 Model13 of13 Memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Modified13 Three-shy‐stage13 Processing13 Model13 of13 Memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Modified13 Three-shy‐stage13 Processing13 Model13 of13 Memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Modified13 Three-shy‐stage13 Processing13 Model13 of13 Memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Modified13 Three-shy‐stage13 Processing13 Model13 of13 Memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Modified13 Three-shy‐stage13 Processing13 Model13 of13 Memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Modified13 Three-shy‐stage13 Processing13 Model13 of13 Memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Modified13 Three-shy‐stage13 Processing13 Model13 of13 Memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Modified13 Three-shy‐stage13 Processing13 Model13 of13 Memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Getting Information InHow We Encode

bullAutomatic ProcessingbullParallel13 processingbullThings13 that13 are13 automa3cally13 bullprocessed

bullSpacebullTimebullFrequencybullWell-learned information

Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Getting Information InHow We Encode

bullEfforGul13 ProcessingbullRehearsal (conscious repetition)bullEbbinghaus curve

Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Getting Information InHow We Encode

bullEbbinghaus curve

Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Getting Information InHow We Encode

bullOverlearningbullSpacing13 effect

bullMassed practicebullDistributed practice

bullTesting effect

Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Getting Information InHow We Encode

bullSerial13 posi3on13 effectbullRecency effectbullPrimacy effect

Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Getting Information InWhat We Encode

bullLevels of ProcessingbullVisual13 encodingbullAcous3c13 encodingbullSeman3c13 encoding

bullSelf-reference effect

Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding13 GeKng13 Informa3on13 InWhat13 We13 Encode

Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding13 GeKng13 Informa3on13 InWhat13 We13 Encode

Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding13 GeKng13 Informa3on13 InWhat13 We13 Encode

Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding13 GeKng13 Informa3on13 InWhat13 We13 Encode

Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Getting Information InWhat We Encode

bullVisual EncodingbullImagery

bullRosy retrospectionbullMnemonics

bullPeg-word system

Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Getting Information InWhat We Encode

bullOrganizing Information for EncodingbullChunking


Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Getting Information InWhat We Encode

bullOrganizing Information for EncodingbullChunking


Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Getting Information InWhat We Encode

bullOrganizing Information for EncodingbullChunking


Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Getting Information InWhat We Encode

bullOrganizing Information for EncodingbullChunking


Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Getting Information InWhat We Encode

bullOrganizing Information for EncodingbullChunking


Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Getting Information InWhat We Encode

bullOrganizing Information for EncodingbullChunking


Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Getting Information InWhat We Encode

bullOrganizing Information for EncodingbullChunking


Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Getting Information InWhat We Encode

bullOrganizing Information for EncodingbullHierarchies

Wednesday March 6 13

Storage Retaining InformationSensory Memory

bullSperlingrsquos memory experimentbullIconic13 memorybullEchoic13 memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Storage Retaining InformationWorkingShort-Term

bullMagic number SevenbullPlus or minus 2

bullThe list of magic sevensbullSeven wonders of worldbullSeven seasbullSeven deadly sinsbullSeven primary colorsbullSeven musical scale notesbullSeven days of the week

Wednesday March 6 13

Storage Retaining InformationLong-Term Memory

bullUnlimited nature of long-term memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Storage Retaining InformationStoring Memories in the

bullSynaptic ChangesbullMemory tracebullLong-shy‐term13 poten3a3on13 (LTP)bullMemory boosting drugs


Wednesday March 6 13

Storage Retaining InformationStoring Memories in the Stress Hormones and Memory

bullEmotions and memoriesbullFlashbulb13 memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Storage Retaining InformationStoring Memories in the bullStoring Implicit and Explicit Memories

bullAmnesiabullHM Studies

Wednesday March 6 13

Storage Retaining InformationStoring Memories in the

bullStoring Implicit and Explicit MemoriesbullImplicit13 memory13 (nondeclarative memory)bullExplicit13 memory13 (declarative memory)


Wednesday March 6 13

Storage13 Retaining13 Informa3onStoring13 Memories13 in13 the13 Brain

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval Getting Information Out


Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval Getting Information OutRetrieval Cues

bullRetrieval cuesbullMnemonic devicesbullPriming

Wednesday March 6 13


Wednesday March 6 13


Wednesday March 6 13


Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval Getting Information OutContext Effects

bullContext effectsbullDeacutejagrave13 vu

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 GeKng13 Informa3on13 OutContext13 Effects

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 GeKng13 Informa3on13 OutContext13 Effects

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 GeKng13 Informa3on13 OutContext13 Effects

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 GeKng13 Informa3on13 OutContext13 Effects

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 GeKng13 Informa3on13 OutContext13 Effects

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 GeKng13 Informa3on13 OutContext13 Effects

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval Getting Information OutMoods and Memories

bullState dependent memorybullMood13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 congruent13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 memory

Wednesday March 6 13


Wednesday March 6 13



Wednesday March 6 13


bullSchacterrsquos sevens sins of memorybullSins of Forgetting


Wednesday March 6 13


bullSchacterrsquos sevens sins of memorybullSins of distortion


bullSin of intrusionbullpersistence

Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Failure

bullEncoding failure

Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Failure

bullEncoding failure

Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Failure

Wednesday March 6 13

Storage DecaybullStorage decay

bullEbbinghaus curve

Wednesday March 6 13

Storage DecaybullStorage decay

bullEbbinghaus curve

Wednesday March 6 13

Ebbinghaus13 Curve

Wednesday March 6 13

Ebbinghaus13 Curve

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval Failure

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval FailureInterference

bullProac3ve13 interference13 (forward acting)bullRetroac3ve13 interference13 (backward-acting)

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 FailureInterference

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 FailureInterference

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 FailureInterference

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 FailureInterference

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 FailureInterference

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval FailureMotivated Forgetting

bullSelf-serving personal historiesbullRepression

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval FailureMotivated Forgetting

bullSelf-serving personal historiesbullRepression

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval FailureMotivated Forgetting

bullSelf-serving personal historiesbullRepression

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval FailureMotivated Forgetting

bullSelf-serving personal historiesbullRepression

Wednesday March 6 13

Memory Construction

Wednesday March 6 13

Misinformation and Imagination Effects

bullLoftus memory studiesbullMisinforma3on13 effect

Wednesday March 6 13

Source Amnesia

bullSource13 amnesia13 (source misattribution)

Wednesday March 6 13

Discerning True and False Memories

bullMemory studiesbullEye witness testimony

Wednesday March 6 13

Childrenrsquos Eyewitness Recall

bullChildrenrsquos memories of abusebullSuggestibility

Wednesday March 6 13

Repressed or Constructed Memories of Abuse

bullAreas of agreementbullSexual abuse happensbullInjustice happensbullForgetting happensbullRecovered memories are incompletebullMemories before 3 years are unreliablebullHypnotic memories are unreliablebullMemories can be emotionally upsetting

Wednesday March 6 13

Repressed or Constructed Memories of Abuse

bullLoftus studies with children

Wednesday March 6 13

Improving Memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Improving Memory TechniquesbullStudy repeatedlybullMake the material meaningfulbullActivate retrieval cuesbullUse mnemonic devicesbullMinimize interferencebullSleep morebullTest your own knowledge both to rehearse it and to help determine what you do not yet

Wednesday March 6 13

The End

Wednesday March 6 13

Teacher13 Informa3onbullTypes13 of13 Files

bullThis13 presenta3on13 has13 been13 saved13 as13 a13 ldquobasicrdquo13 Powerpoint13 file13 13 While13 this13 file13 format13 placed13 a13 few13 limita3ons13 on13 the13 presenta3on13 it13 insured13 the13 file13 would13 be13 compa3ble13 with13 the13 many13 versions13 of13 Powerpoint13 teachers13 use13 13 To13 add13 func3onality13 to13 the13 presenta3on13 teachers13 may13 want13 to13 save13 the13 file13 for13 their13 specific13 version13 of13 Powerpoint

bullAnima0onbullOnce13 again13 to13 insure13 compa3bility13 with13 all13 versions13 of13 Powerpoint13 none13 of13 the13 slides13 are13 animated13 13 To13 increase13 student13 interest13 it13 is13 suggested13 teachers13 animate13 the13 slides13 wherever13 possible

bullAdding13 slides13 to13 this13 presenta0onbullTeachers13 are13 encouraged13 to13 adapt13 this13 presenta3on13 to13 their13 personal13 teaching13 style13 13 To13 help13 keep13 a13 sense13 of13 con3nuity13 blank13 slides13 which13 can13 be13 copied13 and13 pasted13 to13 a13 specific13 loca3on13 in13 the13 presenta3on13 follow13 this13 ldquoTeacher13 Informa3onrdquo13 sec3on13 13 13

Wednesday March 6 13

Teacher13 Informa3onbullHyperlink13 Slides13 -shy‐13 This13 presenta3on13 contain13 two13 types13 of13 hyperlinks13 13 Hyperlinks13 can13 be13 iden3fied13 by13 the13 text13 being13 underlined13 and13 a13 different13 color13 (usually13 purple)

bullUnit13 subsec0ons13 hyperlinks13 13 Immediately13 aer13 the13 unit13 3tle13 slide13 a13 page13 (slide13 3)13 can13 be13 found13 lis3ng13 all13 of13 the13 unitrsquos13 subsec3ons13 13 While13 in13 slide13 show13 mode13 clicking13 on13 any13 of13 these13 hyperlinks13 will13 take13 the13 user13 directly13 to13 the13 beginning13 of13 that13 subsec3on13 13 This13 allows13 teachers13 quick13 access13 to13 each13 subsec3on

bullBold13 print13 term13 hyperlinks13 13 Every13 bold13 print13 term13 from13 the13 unit13 is13 included13 in13 this13 presenta3on13 as13 a13 hyperlink13 13 While13 in13 slide13 show13 mode13 clicking13 on13 any13 of13 the13 hyperlinks13 will13 take13 the13 user13 to13 a13 slide13 containing13 the13 formal13 defini3on13 of13 the13 term13 13 Clicking13 on13 the13 ldquoarrowrdquo13 in13 the13 boaom13 le13 corner13 of13 the13 defini3on13 slide13 will13 take13 the13 user13 back13 to13 the13 original13 point13 in13 the13 presenta3on13

13 These13 hyperlinks13 were13 included13 for13 teachers13 who13 want13 students13 to13 see13 or13 copy13 down13 the13 exact13 defini3on13 as13 stated13 in13 the13 text13 13 Most13 teachers13 prefer13 the13 defini3ons13 not13 be13 included13 to13 prevent13 students13 from13 only13 ldquocopying13 down13 what13 is13 on13 the13 screenrdquo13 and13 not13 ac3vely13 listening13 to13 the13 presenta3on

13 For13 teachers13 who13 con3nually13 use13 the13 Bold13 Print13 Term13 Hyperlinks13 op3on13 please13 contact13 the13 author13 using13 the13 email13 address13 on13 the13 next13 slide13 to13 learn13 a13 technique13 to13 expedite13 the13 returning13 to13 the13 original13 point13 in13 the13 presenta3on

Wednesday March 6 13

Teacher13 Informa3onbullCon0nuity13 slides

bullThroughout13 this13 presenta3on13 there13 are13 slides13 usually13 of13 graphics13 or13 tables13 that13 build13 on13 one13 another13 13 These13 are13 included13 for13 three13 purposes13 13

bullBy13 presen3ng13 informa3on13 in13 small13 chunks13 students13 will13 find13 it13 easier13 to13 process13 and13 remember13 the13 concepts13 13

bullBy13 con3nually13 changing13 slides13 students13 will13 stay13 interested13 in13 the13 presenta3onbullTo13 facilitate13 class13 discussion13 and13 cri3cal13 thinking13 13 Students13 should13 be13 encouraged13 to13 think13 about13 ldquowhat13 might13 come13 nextrdquo13 in13 the13 series13 of13 slides13 13

bullPlease13 feel13 free13 to13 contact13 me13 at13 kkorekgermantownk12wius13 with13 any13 ques3ons13 concerns13 sugges3ons13 etc13 regarding13 these13 presenta3ons13

Kent13 Korek

Germantown13 High13 School

Germantown13 WI13 53022

Wednesday March 6 13

Division title (green print)subdivision title (blue print)


Wednesday March 6 13

Division title (green print)

Use13 this13 slide13 to13 add13 a13 table13 chart13 clip13 art13 picture13 diagram13 or13 video13 clip13 13 Delete13 this13 box13 when13 finished

Wednesday March 6 13

Definition Slide

= add definition here

Wednesday March 6 13


Wednesday March 6 13


= the persistence of learning over time through the storage and retrieval of information

Wednesday March 6 13


= the processing of information into the memory systems ndash for example by extracting meaning

Wednesday March 6 13


= the retention of encoded information over time

Wednesday March 6 13


= the process of getting information out of memory storage

Wednesday March 6 13

Sensory Memory

= the immediate very brief recording of sensory information in the memory system

Wednesday March 6 13

Short-term Memory

= activated memory that holds a few items briefly such as the seven digits of a phone number while dialing before the information is stored or forgotten

Wednesday March 6 13

Long-term Memory

= the relatively permanent and limitless storehouse of the memory system Includes knowledge skills and experiences

Wednesday March 6 13

Working Memory

= a newer understanding of short-term memory that focuses on conscious active processing of incoming auditory and visual-spatial information and of information retrieved from long-term memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Parallel Processing

= the processing of many aspects of a problem simultaneously the brainrsquos natural mode of information processing for many functions Contrasts with the step-by-step (serial) processing of most computers and of conscious problem solving

Wednesday March 6 13

Automatic Processing

= unconscious encoding of incidental information such as space time and frequency and of well-learned information such as word meanings

Wednesday March 6 13

Effortful Processing

= encoding that requires attention and conscious effort

Wednesday March 6 13


= the conscious repetition of information either to maintain it in consciousness or to encode it for storage

Wednesday March 6 13

Spacing Effect

= the tendency for distributed study or practice to yield better long-term retention than is achieved through massed study or practice

Wednesday March 6 13

Serial Position Effect

= our tendency to recall best the last and first items in a list

Wednesday March 6 13

Visual Encoding

= the encoding of picture images

Wednesday March 6 13

Acoustic Encoding

= the encoding of sound especially the sound of words

Wednesday March 6 13

Semantic Encoding

= the encoding of meaning including the meaning of words

Wednesday March 6 13


= mental pictures a powerful aid to effortful processing especially when combined with semantic encoding

Wednesday March 6 13


= memory aids especially those techniques that use vivid imagery and organizational devices

Wednesday March 6 13


= organizing items into familiar manageable units often occurs automatically

Wednesday March 6 13

Iconic Memory

= a momentary sensory memory of visual stimuli a photographic or picture-image memory lasting no more than a few tenths of a second

Wednesday March 6 13

Echoic Memory

= a momentary sensory memory of auditory stimuli if attention is elsewhere sounds and words can still be recalled within 3 or 4 seconds

Wednesday March 6 13

Long-term Potentiation (LTP)

= an increase in a synapsersquos firing potential after brief rapid stimulation Believed to be a neural basis for learning and memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Flashbulb Memory

= a clear memory of an emotionally significant moment or event

Wednesday March 6 13


= loss of memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Implicit Memory

= retention independent of conscious recollection (Also called nondeclarative or procedural memory)

Wednesday March 6 13

Explicit Memory

= memory of facts and experiences that one can consciously know and ldquodeclarerdquo (Also called declarative memory)

Wednesday March 6 13


= a neural center that is located in the limbic system helps process explicit memories for storage

Wednesday March 6 13


= a measure of memory in which the person must retrieve information learning earlier as on a fill-in-the-blank test

Wednesday March 6 13


= a measure of memory in which the person need only identify items previously learned as on a multiple-choice test

Wednesday March 6 13


= a measure of memory that assesses the amount of time saved when learning material for a second time

Wednesday March 6 13


= the activation often unconsciously of particular associations in memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Deja Vu

= that eerie sense that ldquoIrsquove experienced this beforerdquo Cues from the current situation may subconsciously trigger retrieval of an earlier experience

Wednesday March 6 13

Mood Congruent Memory

= the tendency to recall experiences that are consistent with onersquos current good or bad mood

Wednesday March 6 13

Proactive Interference

= the disruptive effect of prior learning on the recall of new information

Wednesday March 6 13

Retroactive Interference

= the disruptive effect of new learning on the recall of old information

Wednesday March 6 13


= in psychoanalytic theory the basic defense mechanism that banishes from consciousness anxiety-arousing thoughts feelings and memories

Wednesday March 6 13

Misinformation Effect

= incorporating misleading information into onersquos memory of an event

Wednesday March 6 13

Source Amnesia

= attributing to the wrong source an event we have experienced heard about read about or imagined (Also called source misattribution) Source amnesia along with the misinformation effect is at the heart of many false memories

Wednesday March 6 13

Modified13 Three-shy‐stage13 Processing13 Model13 of13 Memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Modified13 Three-shy‐stage13 Processing13 Model13 of13 Memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Modified13 Three-shy‐stage13 Processing13 Model13 of13 Memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Modified13 Three-shy‐stage13 Processing13 Model13 of13 Memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Modified13 Three-shy‐stage13 Processing13 Model13 of13 Memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Modified13 Three-shy‐stage13 Processing13 Model13 of13 Memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Modified13 Three-shy‐stage13 Processing13 Model13 of13 Memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Modified13 Three-shy‐stage13 Processing13 Model13 of13 Memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Modified13 Three-shy‐stage13 Processing13 Model13 of13 Memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Getting Information InHow We Encode

bullAutomatic ProcessingbullParallel13 processingbullThings13 that13 are13 automa3cally13 bullprocessed

bullSpacebullTimebullFrequencybullWell-learned information

Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Getting Information InHow We Encode

bullEfforGul13 ProcessingbullRehearsal (conscious repetition)bullEbbinghaus curve

Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Getting Information InHow We Encode

bullEbbinghaus curve

Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Getting Information InHow We Encode

bullOverlearningbullSpacing13 effect

bullMassed practicebullDistributed practice

bullTesting effect

Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Getting Information InHow We Encode

bullSerial13 posi3on13 effectbullRecency effectbullPrimacy effect

Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Getting Information InWhat We Encode

bullLevels of ProcessingbullVisual13 encodingbullAcous3c13 encodingbullSeman3c13 encoding

bullSelf-reference effect

Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding13 GeKng13 Informa3on13 InWhat13 We13 Encode

Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding13 GeKng13 Informa3on13 InWhat13 We13 Encode

Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding13 GeKng13 Informa3on13 InWhat13 We13 Encode

Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding13 GeKng13 Informa3on13 InWhat13 We13 Encode

Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Getting Information InWhat We Encode

bullVisual EncodingbullImagery

bullRosy retrospectionbullMnemonics

bullPeg-word system

Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Getting Information InWhat We Encode

bullOrganizing Information for EncodingbullChunking


Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Getting Information InWhat We Encode

bullOrganizing Information for EncodingbullChunking


Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Getting Information InWhat We Encode

bullOrganizing Information for EncodingbullChunking


Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Getting Information InWhat We Encode

bullOrganizing Information for EncodingbullChunking


Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Getting Information InWhat We Encode

bullOrganizing Information for EncodingbullChunking


Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Getting Information InWhat We Encode

bullOrganizing Information for EncodingbullChunking


Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Getting Information InWhat We Encode

bullOrganizing Information for EncodingbullChunking


Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Getting Information InWhat We Encode

bullOrganizing Information for EncodingbullHierarchies

Wednesday March 6 13

Storage Retaining InformationSensory Memory

bullSperlingrsquos memory experimentbullIconic13 memorybullEchoic13 memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Storage Retaining InformationWorkingShort-Term

bullMagic number SevenbullPlus or minus 2

bullThe list of magic sevensbullSeven wonders of worldbullSeven seasbullSeven deadly sinsbullSeven primary colorsbullSeven musical scale notesbullSeven days of the week

Wednesday March 6 13

Storage Retaining InformationLong-Term Memory

bullUnlimited nature of long-term memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Storage Retaining InformationStoring Memories in the

bullSynaptic ChangesbullMemory tracebullLong-shy‐term13 poten3a3on13 (LTP)bullMemory boosting drugs


Wednesday March 6 13

Storage Retaining InformationStoring Memories in the Stress Hormones and Memory

bullEmotions and memoriesbullFlashbulb13 memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Storage Retaining InformationStoring Memories in the bullStoring Implicit and Explicit Memories

bullAmnesiabullHM Studies

Wednesday March 6 13

Storage Retaining InformationStoring Memories in the

bullStoring Implicit and Explicit MemoriesbullImplicit13 memory13 (nondeclarative memory)bullExplicit13 memory13 (declarative memory)


Wednesday March 6 13

Storage13 Retaining13 Informa3onStoring13 Memories13 in13 the13 Brain

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval Getting Information Out


Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval Getting Information OutRetrieval Cues

bullRetrieval cuesbullMnemonic devicesbullPriming

Wednesday March 6 13


Wednesday March 6 13


Wednesday March 6 13


Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval Getting Information OutContext Effects

bullContext effectsbullDeacutejagrave13 vu

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 GeKng13 Informa3on13 OutContext13 Effects

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 GeKng13 Informa3on13 OutContext13 Effects

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 GeKng13 Informa3on13 OutContext13 Effects

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 GeKng13 Informa3on13 OutContext13 Effects

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 GeKng13 Informa3on13 OutContext13 Effects

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 GeKng13 Informa3on13 OutContext13 Effects

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval Getting Information OutMoods and Memories

bullState dependent memorybullMood13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 congruent13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 memory

Wednesday March 6 13


Wednesday March 6 13



Wednesday March 6 13


bullSchacterrsquos sevens sins of memorybullSins of Forgetting


Wednesday March 6 13


bullSchacterrsquos sevens sins of memorybullSins of distortion


bullSin of intrusionbullpersistence

Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Failure

bullEncoding failure

Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Failure

bullEncoding failure

Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Failure

Wednesday March 6 13

Storage DecaybullStorage decay

bullEbbinghaus curve

Wednesday March 6 13

Storage DecaybullStorage decay

bullEbbinghaus curve

Wednesday March 6 13

Ebbinghaus13 Curve

Wednesday March 6 13

Ebbinghaus13 Curve

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval Failure

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval FailureInterference

bullProac3ve13 interference13 (forward acting)bullRetroac3ve13 interference13 (backward-acting)

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 FailureInterference

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 FailureInterference

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 FailureInterference

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 FailureInterference

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 FailureInterference

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval FailureMotivated Forgetting

bullSelf-serving personal historiesbullRepression

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval FailureMotivated Forgetting

bullSelf-serving personal historiesbullRepression

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval FailureMotivated Forgetting

bullSelf-serving personal historiesbullRepression

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval FailureMotivated Forgetting

bullSelf-serving personal historiesbullRepression

Wednesday March 6 13

Memory Construction

Wednesday March 6 13

Misinformation and Imagination Effects

bullLoftus memory studiesbullMisinforma3on13 effect

Wednesday March 6 13

Source Amnesia

bullSource13 amnesia13 (source misattribution)

Wednesday March 6 13

Discerning True and False Memories

bullMemory studiesbullEye witness testimony

Wednesday March 6 13

Childrenrsquos Eyewitness Recall

bullChildrenrsquos memories of abusebullSuggestibility

Wednesday March 6 13

Repressed or Constructed Memories of Abuse

bullAreas of agreementbullSexual abuse happensbullInjustice happensbullForgetting happensbullRecovered memories are incompletebullMemories before 3 years are unreliablebullHypnotic memories are unreliablebullMemories can be emotionally upsetting

Wednesday March 6 13

Repressed or Constructed Memories of Abuse

bullLoftus studies with children

Wednesday March 6 13

Improving Memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Improving Memory TechniquesbullStudy repeatedlybullMake the material meaningfulbullActivate retrieval cuesbullUse mnemonic devicesbullMinimize interferencebullSleep morebullTest your own knowledge both to rehearse it and to help determine what you do not yet

Wednesday March 6 13

The End

Wednesday March 6 13

Teacher13 Informa3onbullTypes13 of13 Files

bullThis13 presenta3on13 has13 been13 saved13 as13 a13 ldquobasicrdquo13 Powerpoint13 file13 13 While13 this13 file13 format13 placed13 a13 few13 limita3ons13 on13 the13 presenta3on13 it13 insured13 the13 file13 would13 be13 compa3ble13 with13 the13 many13 versions13 of13 Powerpoint13 teachers13 use13 13 To13 add13 func3onality13 to13 the13 presenta3on13 teachers13 may13 want13 to13 save13 the13 file13 for13 their13 specific13 version13 of13 Powerpoint

bullAnima0onbullOnce13 again13 to13 insure13 compa3bility13 with13 all13 versions13 of13 Powerpoint13 none13 of13 the13 slides13 are13 animated13 13 To13 increase13 student13 interest13 it13 is13 suggested13 teachers13 animate13 the13 slides13 wherever13 possible

bullAdding13 slides13 to13 this13 presenta0onbullTeachers13 are13 encouraged13 to13 adapt13 this13 presenta3on13 to13 their13 personal13 teaching13 style13 13 To13 help13 keep13 a13 sense13 of13 con3nuity13 blank13 slides13 which13 can13 be13 copied13 and13 pasted13 to13 a13 specific13 loca3on13 in13 the13 presenta3on13 follow13 this13 ldquoTeacher13 Informa3onrdquo13 sec3on13 13 13

Wednesday March 6 13

Teacher13 Informa3onbullHyperlink13 Slides13 -shy‐13 This13 presenta3on13 contain13 two13 types13 of13 hyperlinks13 13 Hyperlinks13 can13 be13 iden3fied13 by13 the13 text13 being13 underlined13 and13 a13 different13 color13 (usually13 purple)

bullUnit13 subsec0ons13 hyperlinks13 13 Immediately13 aer13 the13 unit13 3tle13 slide13 a13 page13 (slide13 3)13 can13 be13 found13 lis3ng13 all13 of13 the13 unitrsquos13 subsec3ons13 13 While13 in13 slide13 show13 mode13 clicking13 on13 any13 of13 these13 hyperlinks13 will13 take13 the13 user13 directly13 to13 the13 beginning13 of13 that13 subsec3on13 13 This13 allows13 teachers13 quick13 access13 to13 each13 subsec3on

bullBold13 print13 term13 hyperlinks13 13 Every13 bold13 print13 term13 from13 the13 unit13 is13 included13 in13 this13 presenta3on13 as13 a13 hyperlink13 13 While13 in13 slide13 show13 mode13 clicking13 on13 any13 of13 the13 hyperlinks13 will13 take13 the13 user13 to13 a13 slide13 containing13 the13 formal13 defini3on13 of13 the13 term13 13 Clicking13 on13 the13 ldquoarrowrdquo13 in13 the13 boaom13 le13 corner13 of13 the13 defini3on13 slide13 will13 take13 the13 user13 back13 to13 the13 original13 point13 in13 the13 presenta3on13

13 These13 hyperlinks13 were13 included13 for13 teachers13 who13 want13 students13 to13 see13 or13 copy13 down13 the13 exact13 defini3on13 as13 stated13 in13 the13 text13 13 Most13 teachers13 prefer13 the13 defini3ons13 not13 be13 included13 to13 prevent13 students13 from13 only13 ldquocopying13 down13 what13 is13 on13 the13 screenrdquo13 and13 not13 ac3vely13 listening13 to13 the13 presenta3on

13 For13 teachers13 who13 con3nually13 use13 the13 Bold13 Print13 Term13 Hyperlinks13 op3on13 please13 contact13 the13 author13 using13 the13 email13 address13 on13 the13 next13 slide13 to13 learn13 a13 technique13 to13 expedite13 the13 returning13 to13 the13 original13 point13 in13 the13 presenta3on

Wednesday March 6 13

Teacher13 Informa3onbullCon0nuity13 slides

bullThroughout13 this13 presenta3on13 there13 are13 slides13 usually13 of13 graphics13 or13 tables13 that13 build13 on13 one13 another13 13 These13 are13 included13 for13 three13 purposes13 13

bullBy13 presen3ng13 informa3on13 in13 small13 chunks13 students13 will13 find13 it13 easier13 to13 process13 and13 remember13 the13 concepts13 13

bullBy13 con3nually13 changing13 slides13 students13 will13 stay13 interested13 in13 the13 presenta3onbullTo13 facilitate13 class13 discussion13 and13 cri3cal13 thinking13 13 Students13 should13 be13 encouraged13 to13 think13 about13 ldquowhat13 might13 come13 nextrdquo13 in13 the13 series13 of13 slides13 13

bullPlease13 feel13 free13 to13 contact13 me13 at13 kkorekgermantownk12wius13 with13 any13 ques3ons13 concerns13 sugges3ons13 etc13 regarding13 these13 presenta3ons13

Kent13 Korek

Germantown13 High13 School

Germantown13 WI13 53022

Wednesday March 6 13

Division title (green print)subdivision title (blue print)


Wednesday March 6 13

Division title (green print)

Use13 this13 slide13 to13 add13 a13 table13 chart13 clip13 art13 picture13 diagram13 or13 video13 clip13 13 Delete13 this13 box13 when13 finished

Wednesday March 6 13

Definition Slide

= add definition here

Wednesday March 6 13


Wednesday March 6 13


= the persistence of learning over time through the storage and retrieval of information

Wednesday March 6 13


= the processing of information into the memory systems ndash for example by extracting meaning

Wednesday March 6 13


= the retention of encoded information over time

Wednesday March 6 13


= the process of getting information out of memory storage

Wednesday March 6 13

Sensory Memory

= the immediate very brief recording of sensory information in the memory system

Wednesday March 6 13

Short-term Memory

= activated memory that holds a few items briefly such as the seven digits of a phone number while dialing before the information is stored or forgotten

Wednesday March 6 13

Long-term Memory

= the relatively permanent and limitless storehouse of the memory system Includes knowledge skills and experiences

Wednesday March 6 13

Working Memory

= a newer understanding of short-term memory that focuses on conscious active processing of incoming auditory and visual-spatial information and of information retrieved from long-term memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Parallel Processing

= the processing of many aspects of a problem simultaneously the brainrsquos natural mode of information processing for many functions Contrasts with the step-by-step (serial) processing of most computers and of conscious problem solving

Wednesday March 6 13

Automatic Processing

= unconscious encoding of incidental information such as space time and frequency and of well-learned information such as word meanings

Wednesday March 6 13

Effortful Processing

= encoding that requires attention and conscious effort

Wednesday March 6 13


= the conscious repetition of information either to maintain it in consciousness or to encode it for storage

Wednesday March 6 13

Spacing Effect

= the tendency for distributed study or practice to yield better long-term retention than is achieved through massed study or practice

Wednesday March 6 13

Serial Position Effect

= our tendency to recall best the last and first items in a list

Wednesday March 6 13

Visual Encoding

= the encoding of picture images

Wednesday March 6 13

Acoustic Encoding

= the encoding of sound especially the sound of words

Wednesday March 6 13

Semantic Encoding

= the encoding of meaning including the meaning of words

Wednesday March 6 13


= mental pictures a powerful aid to effortful processing especially when combined with semantic encoding

Wednesday March 6 13


= memory aids especially those techniques that use vivid imagery and organizational devices

Wednesday March 6 13


= organizing items into familiar manageable units often occurs automatically

Wednesday March 6 13

Iconic Memory

= a momentary sensory memory of visual stimuli a photographic or picture-image memory lasting no more than a few tenths of a second

Wednesday March 6 13

Echoic Memory

= a momentary sensory memory of auditory stimuli if attention is elsewhere sounds and words can still be recalled within 3 or 4 seconds

Wednesday March 6 13

Long-term Potentiation (LTP)

= an increase in a synapsersquos firing potential after brief rapid stimulation Believed to be a neural basis for learning and memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Flashbulb Memory

= a clear memory of an emotionally significant moment or event

Wednesday March 6 13


= loss of memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Implicit Memory

= retention independent of conscious recollection (Also called nondeclarative or procedural memory)

Wednesday March 6 13

Explicit Memory

= memory of facts and experiences that one can consciously know and ldquodeclarerdquo (Also called declarative memory)

Wednesday March 6 13


= a neural center that is located in the limbic system helps process explicit memories for storage

Wednesday March 6 13


= a measure of memory in which the person must retrieve information learning earlier as on a fill-in-the-blank test

Wednesday March 6 13


= a measure of memory in which the person need only identify items previously learned as on a multiple-choice test

Wednesday March 6 13


= a measure of memory that assesses the amount of time saved when learning material for a second time

Wednesday March 6 13


= the activation often unconsciously of particular associations in memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Deja Vu

= that eerie sense that ldquoIrsquove experienced this beforerdquo Cues from the current situation may subconsciously trigger retrieval of an earlier experience

Wednesday March 6 13

Mood Congruent Memory

= the tendency to recall experiences that are consistent with onersquos current good or bad mood

Wednesday March 6 13

Proactive Interference

= the disruptive effect of prior learning on the recall of new information

Wednesday March 6 13

Retroactive Interference

= the disruptive effect of new learning on the recall of old information

Wednesday March 6 13


= in psychoanalytic theory the basic defense mechanism that banishes from consciousness anxiety-arousing thoughts feelings and memories

Wednesday March 6 13

Misinformation Effect

= incorporating misleading information into onersquos memory of an event

Wednesday March 6 13

Source Amnesia

= attributing to the wrong source an event we have experienced heard about read about or imagined (Also called source misattribution) Source amnesia along with the misinformation effect is at the heart of many false memories

Wednesday March 6 13

Modified13 Three-shy‐stage13 Processing13 Model13 of13 Memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Modified13 Three-shy‐stage13 Processing13 Model13 of13 Memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Modified13 Three-shy‐stage13 Processing13 Model13 of13 Memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Modified13 Three-shy‐stage13 Processing13 Model13 of13 Memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Modified13 Three-shy‐stage13 Processing13 Model13 of13 Memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Modified13 Three-shy‐stage13 Processing13 Model13 of13 Memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Modified13 Three-shy‐stage13 Processing13 Model13 of13 Memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Modified13 Three-shy‐stage13 Processing13 Model13 of13 Memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Getting Information InHow We Encode

bullAutomatic ProcessingbullParallel13 processingbullThings13 that13 are13 automa3cally13 bullprocessed

bullSpacebullTimebullFrequencybullWell-learned information

Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Getting Information InHow We Encode

bullEfforGul13 ProcessingbullRehearsal (conscious repetition)bullEbbinghaus curve

Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Getting Information InHow We Encode

bullEbbinghaus curve

Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Getting Information InHow We Encode

bullOverlearningbullSpacing13 effect

bullMassed practicebullDistributed practice

bullTesting effect

Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Getting Information InHow We Encode

bullSerial13 posi3on13 effectbullRecency effectbullPrimacy effect

Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Getting Information InWhat We Encode

bullLevels of ProcessingbullVisual13 encodingbullAcous3c13 encodingbullSeman3c13 encoding

bullSelf-reference effect

Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding13 GeKng13 Informa3on13 InWhat13 We13 Encode

Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding13 GeKng13 Informa3on13 InWhat13 We13 Encode

Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding13 GeKng13 Informa3on13 InWhat13 We13 Encode

Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding13 GeKng13 Informa3on13 InWhat13 We13 Encode

Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Getting Information InWhat We Encode

bullVisual EncodingbullImagery

bullRosy retrospectionbullMnemonics

bullPeg-word system

Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Getting Information InWhat We Encode

bullOrganizing Information for EncodingbullChunking


Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Getting Information InWhat We Encode

bullOrganizing Information for EncodingbullChunking


Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Getting Information InWhat We Encode

bullOrganizing Information for EncodingbullChunking


Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Getting Information InWhat We Encode

bullOrganizing Information for EncodingbullChunking


Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Getting Information InWhat We Encode

bullOrganizing Information for EncodingbullChunking


Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Getting Information InWhat We Encode

bullOrganizing Information for EncodingbullChunking


Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Getting Information InWhat We Encode

bullOrganizing Information for EncodingbullChunking


Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Getting Information InWhat We Encode

bullOrganizing Information for EncodingbullHierarchies

Wednesday March 6 13

Storage Retaining InformationSensory Memory

bullSperlingrsquos memory experimentbullIconic13 memorybullEchoic13 memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Storage Retaining InformationWorkingShort-Term

bullMagic number SevenbullPlus or minus 2

bullThe list of magic sevensbullSeven wonders of worldbullSeven seasbullSeven deadly sinsbullSeven primary colorsbullSeven musical scale notesbullSeven days of the week

Wednesday March 6 13

Storage Retaining InformationLong-Term Memory

bullUnlimited nature of long-term memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Storage Retaining InformationStoring Memories in the

bullSynaptic ChangesbullMemory tracebullLong-shy‐term13 poten3a3on13 (LTP)bullMemory boosting drugs


Wednesday March 6 13

Storage Retaining InformationStoring Memories in the Stress Hormones and Memory

bullEmotions and memoriesbullFlashbulb13 memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Storage Retaining InformationStoring Memories in the bullStoring Implicit and Explicit Memories

bullAmnesiabullHM Studies

Wednesday March 6 13

Storage Retaining InformationStoring Memories in the

bullStoring Implicit and Explicit MemoriesbullImplicit13 memory13 (nondeclarative memory)bullExplicit13 memory13 (declarative memory)


Wednesday March 6 13

Storage13 Retaining13 Informa3onStoring13 Memories13 in13 the13 Brain

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval Getting Information Out


Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval Getting Information OutRetrieval Cues

bullRetrieval cuesbullMnemonic devicesbullPriming

Wednesday March 6 13


Wednesday March 6 13


Wednesday March 6 13


Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval Getting Information OutContext Effects

bullContext effectsbullDeacutejagrave13 vu

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 GeKng13 Informa3on13 OutContext13 Effects

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 GeKng13 Informa3on13 OutContext13 Effects

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 GeKng13 Informa3on13 OutContext13 Effects

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 GeKng13 Informa3on13 OutContext13 Effects

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 GeKng13 Informa3on13 OutContext13 Effects

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 GeKng13 Informa3on13 OutContext13 Effects

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval Getting Information OutMoods and Memories

bullState dependent memorybullMood13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 congruent13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 memory

Wednesday March 6 13


Wednesday March 6 13



Wednesday March 6 13


bullSchacterrsquos sevens sins of memorybullSins of Forgetting


Wednesday March 6 13


bullSchacterrsquos sevens sins of memorybullSins of distortion


bullSin of intrusionbullpersistence

Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Failure

bullEncoding failure

Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Failure

bullEncoding failure

Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Failure

Wednesday March 6 13

Storage DecaybullStorage decay

bullEbbinghaus curve

Wednesday March 6 13

Storage DecaybullStorage decay

bullEbbinghaus curve

Wednesday March 6 13

Ebbinghaus13 Curve

Wednesday March 6 13

Ebbinghaus13 Curve

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval Failure

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval FailureInterference

bullProac3ve13 interference13 (forward acting)bullRetroac3ve13 interference13 (backward-acting)

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 FailureInterference

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 FailureInterference

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 FailureInterference

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 FailureInterference

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 FailureInterference

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval FailureMotivated Forgetting

bullSelf-serving personal historiesbullRepression

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval FailureMotivated Forgetting

bullSelf-serving personal historiesbullRepression

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval FailureMotivated Forgetting

bullSelf-serving personal historiesbullRepression

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval FailureMotivated Forgetting

bullSelf-serving personal historiesbullRepression

Wednesday March 6 13

Memory Construction

Wednesday March 6 13

Misinformation and Imagination Effects

bullLoftus memory studiesbullMisinforma3on13 effect

Wednesday March 6 13

Source Amnesia

bullSource13 amnesia13 (source misattribution)

Wednesday March 6 13

Discerning True and False Memories

bullMemory studiesbullEye witness testimony

Wednesday March 6 13

Childrenrsquos Eyewitness Recall

bullChildrenrsquos memories of abusebullSuggestibility

Wednesday March 6 13

Repressed or Constructed Memories of Abuse

bullAreas of agreementbullSexual abuse happensbullInjustice happensbullForgetting happensbullRecovered memories are incompletebullMemories before 3 years are unreliablebullHypnotic memories are unreliablebullMemories can be emotionally upsetting

Wednesday March 6 13

Repressed or Constructed Memories of Abuse

bullLoftus studies with children

Wednesday March 6 13

Improving Memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Improving Memory TechniquesbullStudy repeatedlybullMake the material meaningfulbullActivate retrieval cuesbullUse mnemonic devicesbullMinimize interferencebullSleep morebullTest your own knowledge both to rehearse it and to help determine what you do not yet

Wednesday March 6 13

The End

Wednesday March 6 13

Teacher13 Informa3onbullTypes13 of13 Files

bullThis13 presenta3on13 has13 been13 saved13 as13 a13 ldquobasicrdquo13 Powerpoint13 file13 13 While13 this13 file13 format13 placed13 a13 few13 limita3ons13 on13 the13 presenta3on13 it13 insured13 the13 file13 would13 be13 compa3ble13 with13 the13 many13 versions13 of13 Powerpoint13 teachers13 use13 13 To13 add13 func3onality13 to13 the13 presenta3on13 teachers13 may13 want13 to13 save13 the13 file13 for13 their13 specific13 version13 of13 Powerpoint

bullAnima0onbullOnce13 again13 to13 insure13 compa3bility13 with13 all13 versions13 of13 Powerpoint13 none13 of13 the13 slides13 are13 animated13 13 To13 increase13 student13 interest13 it13 is13 suggested13 teachers13 animate13 the13 slides13 wherever13 possible

bullAdding13 slides13 to13 this13 presenta0onbullTeachers13 are13 encouraged13 to13 adapt13 this13 presenta3on13 to13 their13 personal13 teaching13 style13 13 To13 help13 keep13 a13 sense13 of13 con3nuity13 blank13 slides13 which13 can13 be13 copied13 and13 pasted13 to13 a13 specific13 loca3on13 in13 the13 presenta3on13 follow13 this13 ldquoTeacher13 Informa3onrdquo13 sec3on13 13 13

Wednesday March 6 13

Teacher13 Informa3onbullHyperlink13 Slides13 -shy‐13 This13 presenta3on13 contain13 two13 types13 of13 hyperlinks13 13 Hyperlinks13 can13 be13 iden3fied13 by13 the13 text13 being13 underlined13 and13 a13 different13 color13 (usually13 purple)

bullUnit13 subsec0ons13 hyperlinks13 13 Immediately13 aer13 the13 unit13 3tle13 slide13 a13 page13 (slide13 3)13 can13 be13 found13 lis3ng13 all13 of13 the13 unitrsquos13 subsec3ons13 13 While13 in13 slide13 show13 mode13 clicking13 on13 any13 of13 these13 hyperlinks13 will13 take13 the13 user13 directly13 to13 the13 beginning13 of13 that13 subsec3on13 13 This13 allows13 teachers13 quick13 access13 to13 each13 subsec3on

bullBold13 print13 term13 hyperlinks13 13 Every13 bold13 print13 term13 from13 the13 unit13 is13 included13 in13 this13 presenta3on13 as13 a13 hyperlink13 13 While13 in13 slide13 show13 mode13 clicking13 on13 any13 of13 the13 hyperlinks13 will13 take13 the13 user13 to13 a13 slide13 containing13 the13 formal13 defini3on13 of13 the13 term13 13 Clicking13 on13 the13 ldquoarrowrdquo13 in13 the13 boaom13 le13 corner13 of13 the13 defini3on13 slide13 will13 take13 the13 user13 back13 to13 the13 original13 point13 in13 the13 presenta3on13

13 These13 hyperlinks13 were13 included13 for13 teachers13 who13 want13 students13 to13 see13 or13 copy13 down13 the13 exact13 defini3on13 as13 stated13 in13 the13 text13 13 Most13 teachers13 prefer13 the13 defini3ons13 not13 be13 included13 to13 prevent13 students13 from13 only13 ldquocopying13 down13 what13 is13 on13 the13 screenrdquo13 and13 not13 ac3vely13 listening13 to13 the13 presenta3on

13 For13 teachers13 who13 con3nually13 use13 the13 Bold13 Print13 Term13 Hyperlinks13 op3on13 please13 contact13 the13 author13 using13 the13 email13 address13 on13 the13 next13 slide13 to13 learn13 a13 technique13 to13 expedite13 the13 returning13 to13 the13 original13 point13 in13 the13 presenta3on

Wednesday March 6 13

Teacher13 Informa3onbullCon0nuity13 slides

bullThroughout13 this13 presenta3on13 there13 are13 slides13 usually13 of13 graphics13 or13 tables13 that13 build13 on13 one13 another13 13 These13 are13 included13 for13 three13 purposes13 13

bullBy13 presen3ng13 informa3on13 in13 small13 chunks13 students13 will13 find13 it13 easier13 to13 process13 and13 remember13 the13 concepts13 13

bullBy13 con3nually13 changing13 slides13 students13 will13 stay13 interested13 in13 the13 presenta3onbullTo13 facilitate13 class13 discussion13 and13 cri3cal13 thinking13 13 Students13 should13 be13 encouraged13 to13 think13 about13 ldquowhat13 might13 come13 nextrdquo13 in13 the13 series13 of13 slides13 13

bullPlease13 feel13 free13 to13 contact13 me13 at13 kkorekgermantownk12wius13 with13 any13 ques3ons13 concerns13 sugges3ons13 etc13 regarding13 these13 presenta3ons13

Kent13 Korek

Germantown13 High13 School

Germantown13 WI13 53022

Wednesday March 6 13

Division title (green print)subdivision title (blue print)


Wednesday March 6 13

Division title (green print)

Use13 this13 slide13 to13 add13 a13 table13 chart13 clip13 art13 picture13 diagram13 or13 video13 clip13 13 Delete13 this13 box13 when13 finished

Wednesday March 6 13

Definition Slide

= add definition here

Wednesday March 6 13


Wednesday March 6 13


= the persistence of learning over time through the storage and retrieval of information

Wednesday March 6 13


= the processing of information into the memory systems ndash for example by extracting meaning

Wednesday March 6 13


= the retention of encoded information over time

Wednesday March 6 13


= the process of getting information out of memory storage

Wednesday March 6 13

Sensory Memory

= the immediate very brief recording of sensory information in the memory system

Wednesday March 6 13

Short-term Memory

= activated memory that holds a few items briefly such as the seven digits of a phone number while dialing before the information is stored or forgotten

Wednesday March 6 13

Long-term Memory

= the relatively permanent and limitless storehouse of the memory system Includes knowledge skills and experiences

Wednesday March 6 13

Working Memory

= a newer understanding of short-term memory that focuses on conscious active processing of incoming auditory and visual-spatial information and of information retrieved from long-term memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Parallel Processing

= the processing of many aspects of a problem simultaneously the brainrsquos natural mode of information processing for many functions Contrasts with the step-by-step (serial) processing of most computers and of conscious problem solving

Wednesday March 6 13

Automatic Processing

= unconscious encoding of incidental information such as space time and frequency and of well-learned information such as word meanings

Wednesday March 6 13

Effortful Processing

= encoding that requires attention and conscious effort

Wednesday March 6 13


= the conscious repetition of information either to maintain it in consciousness or to encode it for storage

Wednesday March 6 13

Spacing Effect

= the tendency for distributed study or practice to yield better long-term retention than is achieved through massed study or practice

Wednesday March 6 13

Serial Position Effect

= our tendency to recall best the last and first items in a list

Wednesday March 6 13

Visual Encoding

= the encoding of picture images

Wednesday March 6 13

Acoustic Encoding

= the encoding of sound especially the sound of words

Wednesday March 6 13

Semantic Encoding

= the encoding of meaning including the meaning of words

Wednesday March 6 13


= mental pictures a powerful aid to effortful processing especially when combined with semantic encoding

Wednesday March 6 13


= memory aids especially those techniques that use vivid imagery and organizational devices

Wednesday March 6 13


= organizing items into familiar manageable units often occurs automatically

Wednesday March 6 13

Iconic Memory

= a momentary sensory memory of visual stimuli a photographic or picture-image memory lasting no more than a few tenths of a second

Wednesday March 6 13

Echoic Memory

= a momentary sensory memory of auditory stimuli if attention is elsewhere sounds and words can still be recalled within 3 or 4 seconds

Wednesday March 6 13

Long-term Potentiation (LTP)

= an increase in a synapsersquos firing potential after brief rapid stimulation Believed to be a neural basis for learning and memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Flashbulb Memory

= a clear memory of an emotionally significant moment or event

Wednesday March 6 13


= loss of memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Implicit Memory

= retention independent of conscious recollection (Also called nondeclarative or procedural memory)

Wednesday March 6 13

Explicit Memory

= memory of facts and experiences that one can consciously know and ldquodeclarerdquo (Also called declarative memory)

Wednesday March 6 13


= a neural center that is located in the limbic system helps process explicit memories for storage

Wednesday March 6 13


= a measure of memory in which the person must retrieve information learning earlier as on a fill-in-the-blank test

Wednesday March 6 13


= a measure of memory in which the person need only identify items previously learned as on a multiple-choice test

Wednesday March 6 13


= a measure of memory that assesses the amount of time saved when learning material for a second time

Wednesday March 6 13


= the activation often unconsciously of particular associations in memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Deja Vu

= that eerie sense that ldquoIrsquove experienced this beforerdquo Cues from the current situation may subconsciously trigger retrieval of an earlier experience

Wednesday March 6 13

Mood Congruent Memory

= the tendency to recall experiences that are consistent with onersquos current good or bad mood

Wednesday March 6 13

Proactive Interference

= the disruptive effect of prior learning on the recall of new information

Wednesday March 6 13

Retroactive Interference

= the disruptive effect of new learning on the recall of old information

Wednesday March 6 13


= in psychoanalytic theory the basic defense mechanism that banishes from consciousness anxiety-arousing thoughts feelings and memories

Wednesday March 6 13

Misinformation Effect

= incorporating misleading information into onersquos memory of an event

Wednesday March 6 13

Source Amnesia

= attributing to the wrong source an event we have experienced heard about read about or imagined (Also called source misattribution) Source amnesia along with the misinformation effect is at the heart of many false memories

Wednesday March 6 13

Modified13 Three-shy‐stage13 Processing13 Model13 of13 Memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Modified13 Three-shy‐stage13 Processing13 Model13 of13 Memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Modified13 Three-shy‐stage13 Processing13 Model13 of13 Memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Modified13 Three-shy‐stage13 Processing13 Model13 of13 Memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Modified13 Three-shy‐stage13 Processing13 Model13 of13 Memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Modified13 Three-shy‐stage13 Processing13 Model13 of13 Memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Modified13 Three-shy‐stage13 Processing13 Model13 of13 Memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Getting Information InHow We Encode

bullAutomatic ProcessingbullParallel13 processingbullThings13 that13 are13 automa3cally13 bullprocessed

bullSpacebullTimebullFrequencybullWell-learned information

Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Getting Information InHow We Encode

bullEfforGul13 ProcessingbullRehearsal (conscious repetition)bullEbbinghaus curve

Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Getting Information InHow We Encode

bullEbbinghaus curve

Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Getting Information InHow We Encode

bullOverlearningbullSpacing13 effect

bullMassed practicebullDistributed practice

bullTesting effect

Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Getting Information InHow We Encode

bullSerial13 posi3on13 effectbullRecency effectbullPrimacy effect

Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Getting Information InWhat We Encode

bullLevels of ProcessingbullVisual13 encodingbullAcous3c13 encodingbullSeman3c13 encoding

bullSelf-reference effect

Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding13 GeKng13 Informa3on13 InWhat13 We13 Encode

Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding13 GeKng13 Informa3on13 InWhat13 We13 Encode

Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding13 GeKng13 Informa3on13 InWhat13 We13 Encode

Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding13 GeKng13 Informa3on13 InWhat13 We13 Encode

Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Getting Information InWhat We Encode

bullVisual EncodingbullImagery

bullRosy retrospectionbullMnemonics

bullPeg-word system

Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Getting Information InWhat We Encode

bullOrganizing Information for EncodingbullChunking


Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Getting Information InWhat We Encode

bullOrganizing Information for EncodingbullChunking


Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Getting Information InWhat We Encode

bullOrganizing Information for EncodingbullChunking


Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Getting Information InWhat We Encode

bullOrganizing Information for EncodingbullChunking


Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Getting Information InWhat We Encode

bullOrganizing Information for EncodingbullChunking


Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Getting Information InWhat We Encode

bullOrganizing Information for EncodingbullChunking


Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Getting Information InWhat We Encode

bullOrganizing Information for EncodingbullChunking


Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Getting Information InWhat We Encode

bullOrganizing Information for EncodingbullHierarchies

Wednesday March 6 13

Storage Retaining InformationSensory Memory

bullSperlingrsquos memory experimentbullIconic13 memorybullEchoic13 memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Storage Retaining InformationWorkingShort-Term

bullMagic number SevenbullPlus or minus 2

bullThe list of magic sevensbullSeven wonders of worldbullSeven seasbullSeven deadly sinsbullSeven primary colorsbullSeven musical scale notesbullSeven days of the week

Wednesday March 6 13

Storage Retaining InformationLong-Term Memory

bullUnlimited nature of long-term memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Storage Retaining InformationStoring Memories in the

bullSynaptic ChangesbullMemory tracebullLong-shy‐term13 poten3a3on13 (LTP)bullMemory boosting drugs


Wednesday March 6 13

Storage Retaining InformationStoring Memories in the Stress Hormones and Memory

bullEmotions and memoriesbullFlashbulb13 memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Storage Retaining InformationStoring Memories in the bullStoring Implicit and Explicit Memories

bullAmnesiabullHM Studies

Wednesday March 6 13

Storage Retaining InformationStoring Memories in the

bullStoring Implicit and Explicit MemoriesbullImplicit13 memory13 (nondeclarative memory)bullExplicit13 memory13 (declarative memory)


Wednesday March 6 13

Storage13 Retaining13 Informa3onStoring13 Memories13 in13 the13 Brain

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval Getting Information Out


Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval Getting Information OutRetrieval Cues

bullRetrieval cuesbullMnemonic devicesbullPriming

Wednesday March 6 13


Wednesday March 6 13


Wednesday March 6 13


Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval Getting Information OutContext Effects

bullContext effectsbullDeacutejagrave13 vu

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 GeKng13 Informa3on13 OutContext13 Effects

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 GeKng13 Informa3on13 OutContext13 Effects

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 GeKng13 Informa3on13 OutContext13 Effects

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 GeKng13 Informa3on13 OutContext13 Effects

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 GeKng13 Informa3on13 OutContext13 Effects

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 GeKng13 Informa3on13 OutContext13 Effects

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval Getting Information OutMoods and Memories

bullState dependent memorybullMood13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 congruent13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 memory

Wednesday March 6 13


Wednesday March 6 13



Wednesday March 6 13


bullSchacterrsquos sevens sins of memorybullSins of Forgetting


Wednesday March 6 13


bullSchacterrsquos sevens sins of memorybullSins of distortion


bullSin of intrusionbullpersistence

Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Failure

bullEncoding failure

Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Failure

bullEncoding failure

Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Failure

Wednesday March 6 13

Storage DecaybullStorage decay

bullEbbinghaus curve

Wednesday March 6 13

Storage DecaybullStorage decay

bullEbbinghaus curve

Wednesday March 6 13

Ebbinghaus13 Curve

Wednesday March 6 13

Ebbinghaus13 Curve

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval Failure

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval FailureInterference

bullProac3ve13 interference13 (forward acting)bullRetroac3ve13 interference13 (backward-acting)

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 FailureInterference

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 FailureInterference

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 FailureInterference

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 FailureInterference

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 FailureInterference

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval FailureMotivated Forgetting

bullSelf-serving personal historiesbullRepression

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval FailureMotivated Forgetting

bullSelf-serving personal historiesbullRepression

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval FailureMotivated Forgetting

bullSelf-serving personal historiesbullRepression

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval FailureMotivated Forgetting

bullSelf-serving personal historiesbullRepression

Wednesday March 6 13

Memory Construction

Wednesday March 6 13

Misinformation and Imagination Effects

bullLoftus memory studiesbullMisinforma3on13 effect

Wednesday March 6 13

Source Amnesia

bullSource13 amnesia13 (source misattribution)

Wednesday March 6 13

Discerning True and False Memories

bullMemory studiesbullEye witness testimony

Wednesday March 6 13

Childrenrsquos Eyewitness Recall

bullChildrenrsquos memories of abusebullSuggestibility

Wednesday March 6 13

Repressed or Constructed Memories of Abuse

bullAreas of agreementbullSexual abuse happensbullInjustice happensbullForgetting happensbullRecovered memories are incompletebullMemories before 3 years are unreliablebullHypnotic memories are unreliablebullMemories can be emotionally upsetting

Wednesday March 6 13

Repressed or Constructed Memories of Abuse

bullLoftus studies with children

Wednesday March 6 13

Improving Memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Improving Memory TechniquesbullStudy repeatedlybullMake the material meaningfulbullActivate retrieval cuesbullUse mnemonic devicesbullMinimize interferencebullSleep morebullTest your own knowledge both to rehearse it and to help determine what you do not yet

Wednesday March 6 13

The End

Wednesday March 6 13

Teacher13 Informa3onbullTypes13 of13 Files

bullThis13 presenta3on13 has13 been13 saved13 as13 a13 ldquobasicrdquo13 Powerpoint13 file13 13 While13 this13 file13 format13 placed13 a13 few13 limita3ons13 on13 the13 presenta3on13 it13 insured13 the13 file13 would13 be13 compa3ble13 with13 the13 many13 versions13 of13 Powerpoint13 teachers13 use13 13 To13 add13 func3onality13 to13 the13 presenta3on13 teachers13 may13 want13 to13 save13 the13 file13 for13 their13 specific13 version13 of13 Powerpoint

bullAnima0onbullOnce13 again13 to13 insure13 compa3bility13 with13 all13 versions13 of13 Powerpoint13 none13 of13 the13 slides13 are13 animated13 13 To13 increase13 student13 interest13 it13 is13 suggested13 teachers13 animate13 the13 slides13 wherever13 possible

bullAdding13 slides13 to13 this13 presenta0onbullTeachers13 are13 encouraged13 to13 adapt13 this13 presenta3on13 to13 their13 personal13 teaching13 style13 13 To13 help13 keep13 a13 sense13 of13 con3nuity13 blank13 slides13 which13 can13 be13 copied13 and13 pasted13 to13 a13 specific13 loca3on13 in13 the13 presenta3on13 follow13 this13 ldquoTeacher13 Informa3onrdquo13 sec3on13 13 13

Wednesday March 6 13

Teacher13 Informa3onbullHyperlink13 Slides13 -shy‐13 This13 presenta3on13 contain13 two13 types13 of13 hyperlinks13 13 Hyperlinks13 can13 be13 iden3fied13 by13 the13 text13 being13 underlined13 and13 a13 different13 color13 (usually13 purple)

bullUnit13 subsec0ons13 hyperlinks13 13 Immediately13 aer13 the13 unit13 3tle13 slide13 a13 page13 (slide13 3)13 can13 be13 found13 lis3ng13 all13 of13 the13 unitrsquos13 subsec3ons13 13 While13 in13 slide13 show13 mode13 clicking13 on13 any13 of13 these13 hyperlinks13 will13 take13 the13 user13 directly13 to13 the13 beginning13 of13 that13 subsec3on13 13 This13 allows13 teachers13 quick13 access13 to13 each13 subsec3on

bullBold13 print13 term13 hyperlinks13 13 Every13 bold13 print13 term13 from13 the13 unit13 is13 included13 in13 this13 presenta3on13 as13 a13 hyperlink13 13 While13 in13 slide13 show13 mode13 clicking13 on13 any13 of13 the13 hyperlinks13 will13 take13 the13 user13 to13 a13 slide13 containing13 the13 formal13 defini3on13 of13 the13 term13 13 Clicking13 on13 the13 ldquoarrowrdquo13 in13 the13 boaom13 le13 corner13 of13 the13 defini3on13 slide13 will13 take13 the13 user13 back13 to13 the13 original13 point13 in13 the13 presenta3on13

13 These13 hyperlinks13 were13 included13 for13 teachers13 who13 want13 students13 to13 see13 or13 copy13 down13 the13 exact13 defini3on13 as13 stated13 in13 the13 text13 13 Most13 teachers13 prefer13 the13 defini3ons13 not13 be13 included13 to13 prevent13 students13 from13 only13 ldquocopying13 down13 what13 is13 on13 the13 screenrdquo13 and13 not13 ac3vely13 listening13 to13 the13 presenta3on

13 For13 teachers13 who13 con3nually13 use13 the13 Bold13 Print13 Term13 Hyperlinks13 op3on13 please13 contact13 the13 author13 using13 the13 email13 address13 on13 the13 next13 slide13 to13 learn13 a13 technique13 to13 expedite13 the13 returning13 to13 the13 original13 point13 in13 the13 presenta3on

Wednesday March 6 13

Teacher13 Informa3onbullCon0nuity13 slides

bullThroughout13 this13 presenta3on13 there13 are13 slides13 usually13 of13 graphics13 or13 tables13 that13 build13 on13 one13 another13 13 These13 are13 included13 for13 three13 purposes13 13

bullBy13 presen3ng13 informa3on13 in13 small13 chunks13 students13 will13 find13 it13 easier13 to13 process13 and13 remember13 the13 concepts13 13

bullBy13 con3nually13 changing13 slides13 students13 will13 stay13 interested13 in13 the13 presenta3onbullTo13 facilitate13 class13 discussion13 and13 cri3cal13 thinking13 13 Students13 should13 be13 encouraged13 to13 think13 about13 ldquowhat13 might13 come13 nextrdquo13 in13 the13 series13 of13 slides13 13

bullPlease13 feel13 free13 to13 contact13 me13 at13 kkorekgermantownk12wius13 with13 any13 ques3ons13 concerns13 sugges3ons13 etc13 regarding13 these13 presenta3ons13

Kent13 Korek

Germantown13 High13 School

Germantown13 WI13 53022

Wednesday March 6 13

Division title (green print)subdivision title (blue print)


Wednesday March 6 13

Division title (green print)

Use13 this13 slide13 to13 add13 a13 table13 chart13 clip13 art13 picture13 diagram13 or13 video13 clip13 13 Delete13 this13 box13 when13 finished

Wednesday March 6 13

Definition Slide

= add definition here

Wednesday March 6 13


Wednesday March 6 13


= the persistence of learning over time through the storage and retrieval of information

Wednesday March 6 13


= the processing of information into the memory systems ndash for example by extracting meaning

Wednesday March 6 13


= the retention of encoded information over time

Wednesday March 6 13


= the process of getting information out of memory storage

Wednesday March 6 13

Sensory Memory

= the immediate very brief recording of sensory information in the memory system

Wednesday March 6 13

Short-term Memory

= activated memory that holds a few items briefly such as the seven digits of a phone number while dialing before the information is stored or forgotten

Wednesday March 6 13

Long-term Memory

= the relatively permanent and limitless storehouse of the memory system Includes knowledge skills and experiences

Wednesday March 6 13

Working Memory

= a newer understanding of short-term memory that focuses on conscious active processing of incoming auditory and visual-spatial information and of information retrieved from long-term memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Parallel Processing

= the processing of many aspects of a problem simultaneously the brainrsquos natural mode of information processing for many functions Contrasts with the step-by-step (serial) processing of most computers and of conscious problem solving

Wednesday March 6 13

Automatic Processing

= unconscious encoding of incidental information such as space time and frequency and of well-learned information such as word meanings

Wednesday March 6 13

Effortful Processing

= encoding that requires attention and conscious effort

Wednesday March 6 13


= the conscious repetition of information either to maintain it in consciousness or to encode it for storage

Wednesday March 6 13

Spacing Effect

= the tendency for distributed study or practice to yield better long-term retention than is achieved through massed study or practice

Wednesday March 6 13

Serial Position Effect

= our tendency to recall best the last and first items in a list

Wednesday March 6 13

Visual Encoding

= the encoding of picture images

Wednesday March 6 13

Acoustic Encoding

= the encoding of sound especially the sound of words

Wednesday March 6 13

Semantic Encoding

= the encoding of meaning including the meaning of words

Wednesday March 6 13


= mental pictures a powerful aid to effortful processing especially when combined with semantic encoding

Wednesday March 6 13


= memory aids especially those techniques that use vivid imagery and organizational devices

Wednesday March 6 13


= organizing items into familiar manageable units often occurs automatically

Wednesday March 6 13

Iconic Memory

= a momentary sensory memory of visual stimuli a photographic or picture-image memory lasting no more than a few tenths of a second

Wednesday March 6 13

Echoic Memory

= a momentary sensory memory of auditory stimuli if attention is elsewhere sounds and words can still be recalled within 3 or 4 seconds

Wednesday March 6 13

Long-term Potentiation (LTP)

= an increase in a synapsersquos firing potential after brief rapid stimulation Believed to be a neural basis for learning and memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Flashbulb Memory

= a clear memory of an emotionally significant moment or event

Wednesday March 6 13


= loss of memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Implicit Memory

= retention independent of conscious recollection (Also called nondeclarative or procedural memory)

Wednesday March 6 13

Explicit Memory

= memory of facts and experiences that one can consciously know and ldquodeclarerdquo (Also called declarative memory)

Wednesday March 6 13


= a neural center that is located in the limbic system helps process explicit memories for storage

Wednesday March 6 13


= a measure of memory in which the person must retrieve information learning earlier as on a fill-in-the-blank test

Wednesday March 6 13


= a measure of memory in which the person need only identify items previously learned as on a multiple-choice test

Wednesday March 6 13


= a measure of memory that assesses the amount of time saved when learning material for a second time

Wednesday March 6 13


= the activation often unconsciously of particular associations in memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Deja Vu

= that eerie sense that ldquoIrsquove experienced this beforerdquo Cues from the current situation may subconsciously trigger retrieval of an earlier experience

Wednesday March 6 13

Mood Congruent Memory

= the tendency to recall experiences that are consistent with onersquos current good or bad mood

Wednesday March 6 13

Proactive Interference

= the disruptive effect of prior learning on the recall of new information

Wednesday March 6 13

Retroactive Interference

= the disruptive effect of new learning on the recall of old information

Wednesday March 6 13


= in psychoanalytic theory the basic defense mechanism that banishes from consciousness anxiety-arousing thoughts feelings and memories

Wednesday March 6 13

Misinformation Effect

= incorporating misleading information into onersquos memory of an event

Wednesday March 6 13

Source Amnesia

= attributing to the wrong source an event we have experienced heard about read about or imagined (Also called source misattribution) Source amnesia along with the misinformation effect is at the heart of many false memories

Wednesday March 6 13

Modified13 Three-shy‐stage13 Processing13 Model13 of13 Memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Modified13 Three-shy‐stage13 Processing13 Model13 of13 Memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Modified13 Three-shy‐stage13 Processing13 Model13 of13 Memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Modified13 Three-shy‐stage13 Processing13 Model13 of13 Memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Modified13 Three-shy‐stage13 Processing13 Model13 of13 Memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Modified13 Three-shy‐stage13 Processing13 Model13 of13 Memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Getting Information InHow We Encode

bullAutomatic ProcessingbullParallel13 processingbullThings13 that13 are13 automa3cally13 bullprocessed

bullSpacebullTimebullFrequencybullWell-learned information

Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Getting Information InHow We Encode

bullEfforGul13 ProcessingbullRehearsal (conscious repetition)bullEbbinghaus curve

Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Getting Information InHow We Encode

bullEbbinghaus curve

Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Getting Information InHow We Encode

bullOverlearningbullSpacing13 effect

bullMassed practicebullDistributed practice

bullTesting effect

Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Getting Information InHow We Encode

bullSerial13 posi3on13 effectbullRecency effectbullPrimacy effect

Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Getting Information InWhat We Encode

bullLevels of ProcessingbullVisual13 encodingbullAcous3c13 encodingbullSeman3c13 encoding

bullSelf-reference effect

Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding13 GeKng13 Informa3on13 InWhat13 We13 Encode

Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding13 GeKng13 Informa3on13 InWhat13 We13 Encode

Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding13 GeKng13 Informa3on13 InWhat13 We13 Encode

Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding13 GeKng13 Informa3on13 InWhat13 We13 Encode

Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Getting Information InWhat We Encode

bullVisual EncodingbullImagery

bullRosy retrospectionbullMnemonics

bullPeg-word system

Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Getting Information InWhat We Encode

bullOrganizing Information for EncodingbullChunking


Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Getting Information InWhat We Encode

bullOrganizing Information for EncodingbullChunking


Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Getting Information InWhat We Encode

bullOrganizing Information for EncodingbullChunking


Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Getting Information InWhat We Encode

bullOrganizing Information for EncodingbullChunking


Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Getting Information InWhat We Encode

bullOrganizing Information for EncodingbullChunking


Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Getting Information InWhat We Encode

bullOrganizing Information for EncodingbullChunking


Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Getting Information InWhat We Encode

bullOrganizing Information for EncodingbullChunking


Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Getting Information InWhat We Encode

bullOrganizing Information for EncodingbullHierarchies

Wednesday March 6 13

Storage Retaining InformationSensory Memory

bullSperlingrsquos memory experimentbullIconic13 memorybullEchoic13 memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Storage Retaining InformationWorkingShort-Term

bullMagic number SevenbullPlus or minus 2

bullThe list of magic sevensbullSeven wonders of worldbullSeven seasbullSeven deadly sinsbullSeven primary colorsbullSeven musical scale notesbullSeven days of the week

Wednesday March 6 13

Storage Retaining InformationLong-Term Memory

bullUnlimited nature of long-term memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Storage Retaining InformationStoring Memories in the

bullSynaptic ChangesbullMemory tracebullLong-shy‐term13 poten3a3on13 (LTP)bullMemory boosting drugs


Wednesday March 6 13

Storage Retaining InformationStoring Memories in the Stress Hormones and Memory

bullEmotions and memoriesbullFlashbulb13 memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Storage Retaining InformationStoring Memories in the bullStoring Implicit and Explicit Memories

bullAmnesiabullHM Studies

Wednesday March 6 13

Storage Retaining InformationStoring Memories in the

bullStoring Implicit and Explicit MemoriesbullImplicit13 memory13 (nondeclarative memory)bullExplicit13 memory13 (declarative memory)


Wednesday March 6 13

Storage13 Retaining13 Informa3onStoring13 Memories13 in13 the13 Brain

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval Getting Information Out


Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval Getting Information OutRetrieval Cues

bullRetrieval cuesbullMnemonic devicesbullPriming

Wednesday March 6 13


Wednesday March 6 13


Wednesday March 6 13


Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval Getting Information OutContext Effects

bullContext effectsbullDeacutejagrave13 vu

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 GeKng13 Informa3on13 OutContext13 Effects

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 GeKng13 Informa3on13 OutContext13 Effects

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 GeKng13 Informa3on13 OutContext13 Effects

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 GeKng13 Informa3on13 OutContext13 Effects

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 GeKng13 Informa3on13 OutContext13 Effects

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 GeKng13 Informa3on13 OutContext13 Effects

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval Getting Information OutMoods and Memories

bullState dependent memorybullMood13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 congruent13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 memory

Wednesday March 6 13


Wednesday March 6 13



Wednesday March 6 13


bullSchacterrsquos sevens sins of memorybullSins of Forgetting


Wednesday March 6 13


bullSchacterrsquos sevens sins of memorybullSins of distortion


bullSin of intrusionbullpersistence

Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Failure

bullEncoding failure

Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Failure

bullEncoding failure

Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Failure

Wednesday March 6 13

Storage DecaybullStorage decay

bullEbbinghaus curve

Wednesday March 6 13

Storage DecaybullStorage decay

bullEbbinghaus curve

Wednesday March 6 13

Ebbinghaus13 Curve

Wednesday March 6 13

Ebbinghaus13 Curve

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval Failure

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval FailureInterference

bullProac3ve13 interference13 (forward acting)bullRetroac3ve13 interference13 (backward-acting)

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 FailureInterference

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 FailureInterference

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 FailureInterference

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 FailureInterference

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 FailureInterference

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval FailureMotivated Forgetting

bullSelf-serving personal historiesbullRepression

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval FailureMotivated Forgetting

bullSelf-serving personal historiesbullRepression

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval FailureMotivated Forgetting

bullSelf-serving personal historiesbullRepression

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval FailureMotivated Forgetting

bullSelf-serving personal historiesbullRepression

Wednesday March 6 13

Memory Construction

Wednesday March 6 13

Misinformation and Imagination Effects

bullLoftus memory studiesbullMisinforma3on13 effect

Wednesday March 6 13

Source Amnesia

bullSource13 amnesia13 (source misattribution)

Wednesday March 6 13

Discerning True and False Memories

bullMemory studiesbullEye witness testimony

Wednesday March 6 13

Childrenrsquos Eyewitness Recall

bullChildrenrsquos memories of abusebullSuggestibility

Wednesday March 6 13

Repressed or Constructed Memories of Abuse

bullAreas of agreementbullSexual abuse happensbullInjustice happensbullForgetting happensbullRecovered memories are incompletebullMemories before 3 years are unreliablebullHypnotic memories are unreliablebullMemories can be emotionally upsetting

Wednesday March 6 13

Repressed or Constructed Memories of Abuse

bullLoftus studies with children

Wednesday March 6 13

Improving Memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Improving Memory TechniquesbullStudy repeatedlybullMake the material meaningfulbullActivate retrieval cuesbullUse mnemonic devicesbullMinimize interferencebullSleep morebullTest your own knowledge both to rehearse it and to help determine what you do not yet

Wednesday March 6 13

The End

Wednesday March 6 13

Teacher13 Informa3onbullTypes13 of13 Files

bullThis13 presenta3on13 has13 been13 saved13 as13 a13 ldquobasicrdquo13 Powerpoint13 file13 13 While13 this13 file13 format13 placed13 a13 few13 limita3ons13 on13 the13 presenta3on13 it13 insured13 the13 file13 would13 be13 compa3ble13 with13 the13 many13 versions13 of13 Powerpoint13 teachers13 use13 13 To13 add13 func3onality13 to13 the13 presenta3on13 teachers13 may13 want13 to13 save13 the13 file13 for13 their13 specific13 version13 of13 Powerpoint

bullAnima0onbullOnce13 again13 to13 insure13 compa3bility13 with13 all13 versions13 of13 Powerpoint13 none13 of13 the13 slides13 are13 animated13 13 To13 increase13 student13 interest13 it13 is13 suggested13 teachers13 animate13 the13 slides13 wherever13 possible

bullAdding13 slides13 to13 this13 presenta0onbullTeachers13 are13 encouraged13 to13 adapt13 this13 presenta3on13 to13 their13 personal13 teaching13 style13 13 To13 help13 keep13 a13 sense13 of13 con3nuity13 blank13 slides13 which13 can13 be13 copied13 and13 pasted13 to13 a13 specific13 loca3on13 in13 the13 presenta3on13 follow13 this13 ldquoTeacher13 Informa3onrdquo13 sec3on13 13 13

Wednesday March 6 13

Teacher13 Informa3onbullHyperlink13 Slides13 -shy‐13 This13 presenta3on13 contain13 two13 types13 of13 hyperlinks13 13 Hyperlinks13 can13 be13 iden3fied13 by13 the13 text13 being13 underlined13 and13 a13 different13 color13 (usually13 purple)

bullUnit13 subsec0ons13 hyperlinks13 13 Immediately13 aer13 the13 unit13 3tle13 slide13 a13 page13 (slide13 3)13 can13 be13 found13 lis3ng13 all13 of13 the13 unitrsquos13 subsec3ons13 13 While13 in13 slide13 show13 mode13 clicking13 on13 any13 of13 these13 hyperlinks13 will13 take13 the13 user13 directly13 to13 the13 beginning13 of13 that13 subsec3on13 13 This13 allows13 teachers13 quick13 access13 to13 each13 subsec3on

bullBold13 print13 term13 hyperlinks13 13 Every13 bold13 print13 term13 from13 the13 unit13 is13 included13 in13 this13 presenta3on13 as13 a13 hyperlink13 13 While13 in13 slide13 show13 mode13 clicking13 on13 any13 of13 the13 hyperlinks13 will13 take13 the13 user13 to13 a13 slide13 containing13 the13 formal13 defini3on13 of13 the13 term13 13 Clicking13 on13 the13 ldquoarrowrdquo13 in13 the13 boaom13 le13 corner13 of13 the13 defini3on13 slide13 will13 take13 the13 user13 back13 to13 the13 original13 point13 in13 the13 presenta3on13

13 These13 hyperlinks13 were13 included13 for13 teachers13 who13 want13 students13 to13 see13 or13 copy13 down13 the13 exact13 defini3on13 as13 stated13 in13 the13 text13 13 Most13 teachers13 prefer13 the13 defini3ons13 not13 be13 included13 to13 prevent13 students13 from13 only13 ldquocopying13 down13 what13 is13 on13 the13 screenrdquo13 and13 not13 ac3vely13 listening13 to13 the13 presenta3on

13 For13 teachers13 who13 con3nually13 use13 the13 Bold13 Print13 Term13 Hyperlinks13 op3on13 please13 contact13 the13 author13 using13 the13 email13 address13 on13 the13 next13 slide13 to13 learn13 a13 technique13 to13 expedite13 the13 returning13 to13 the13 original13 point13 in13 the13 presenta3on

Wednesday March 6 13

Teacher13 Informa3onbullCon0nuity13 slides

bullThroughout13 this13 presenta3on13 there13 are13 slides13 usually13 of13 graphics13 or13 tables13 that13 build13 on13 one13 another13 13 These13 are13 included13 for13 three13 purposes13 13

bullBy13 presen3ng13 informa3on13 in13 small13 chunks13 students13 will13 find13 it13 easier13 to13 process13 and13 remember13 the13 concepts13 13

bullBy13 con3nually13 changing13 slides13 students13 will13 stay13 interested13 in13 the13 presenta3onbullTo13 facilitate13 class13 discussion13 and13 cri3cal13 thinking13 13 Students13 should13 be13 encouraged13 to13 think13 about13 ldquowhat13 might13 come13 nextrdquo13 in13 the13 series13 of13 slides13 13

bullPlease13 feel13 free13 to13 contact13 me13 at13 kkorekgermantownk12wius13 with13 any13 ques3ons13 concerns13 sugges3ons13 etc13 regarding13 these13 presenta3ons13

Kent13 Korek

Germantown13 High13 School

Germantown13 WI13 53022

Wednesday March 6 13

Division title (green print)subdivision title (blue print)


Wednesday March 6 13

Division title (green print)

Use13 this13 slide13 to13 add13 a13 table13 chart13 clip13 art13 picture13 diagram13 or13 video13 clip13 13 Delete13 this13 box13 when13 finished

Wednesday March 6 13

Definition Slide

= add definition here

Wednesday March 6 13


Wednesday March 6 13


= the persistence of learning over time through the storage and retrieval of information

Wednesday March 6 13


= the processing of information into the memory systems ndash for example by extracting meaning

Wednesday March 6 13


= the retention of encoded information over time

Wednesday March 6 13


= the process of getting information out of memory storage

Wednesday March 6 13

Sensory Memory

= the immediate very brief recording of sensory information in the memory system

Wednesday March 6 13

Short-term Memory

= activated memory that holds a few items briefly such as the seven digits of a phone number while dialing before the information is stored or forgotten

Wednesday March 6 13

Long-term Memory

= the relatively permanent and limitless storehouse of the memory system Includes knowledge skills and experiences

Wednesday March 6 13

Working Memory

= a newer understanding of short-term memory that focuses on conscious active processing of incoming auditory and visual-spatial information and of information retrieved from long-term memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Parallel Processing

= the processing of many aspects of a problem simultaneously the brainrsquos natural mode of information processing for many functions Contrasts with the step-by-step (serial) processing of most computers and of conscious problem solving

Wednesday March 6 13

Automatic Processing

= unconscious encoding of incidental information such as space time and frequency and of well-learned information such as word meanings

Wednesday March 6 13

Effortful Processing

= encoding that requires attention and conscious effort

Wednesday March 6 13


= the conscious repetition of information either to maintain it in consciousness or to encode it for storage

Wednesday March 6 13

Spacing Effect

= the tendency for distributed study or practice to yield better long-term retention than is achieved through massed study or practice

Wednesday March 6 13

Serial Position Effect

= our tendency to recall best the last and first items in a list

Wednesday March 6 13

Visual Encoding

= the encoding of picture images

Wednesday March 6 13

Acoustic Encoding

= the encoding of sound especially the sound of words

Wednesday March 6 13

Semantic Encoding

= the encoding of meaning including the meaning of words

Wednesday March 6 13


= mental pictures a powerful aid to effortful processing especially when combined with semantic encoding

Wednesday March 6 13


= memory aids especially those techniques that use vivid imagery and organizational devices

Wednesday March 6 13


= organizing items into familiar manageable units often occurs automatically

Wednesday March 6 13

Iconic Memory

= a momentary sensory memory of visual stimuli a photographic or picture-image memory lasting no more than a few tenths of a second

Wednesday March 6 13

Echoic Memory

= a momentary sensory memory of auditory stimuli if attention is elsewhere sounds and words can still be recalled within 3 or 4 seconds

Wednesday March 6 13

Long-term Potentiation (LTP)

= an increase in a synapsersquos firing potential after brief rapid stimulation Believed to be a neural basis for learning and memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Flashbulb Memory

= a clear memory of an emotionally significant moment or event

Wednesday March 6 13


= loss of memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Implicit Memory

= retention independent of conscious recollection (Also called nondeclarative or procedural memory)

Wednesday March 6 13

Explicit Memory

= memory of facts and experiences that one can consciously know and ldquodeclarerdquo (Also called declarative memory)

Wednesday March 6 13


= a neural center that is located in the limbic system helps process explicit memories for storage

Wednesday March 6 13


= a measure of memory in which the person must retrieve information learning earlier as on a fill-in-the-blank test

Wednesday March 6 13


= a measure of memory in which the person need only identify items previously learned as on a multiple-choice test

Wednesday March 6 13


= a measure of memory that assesses the amount of time saved when learning material for a second time

Wednesday March 6 13


= the activation often unconsciously of particular associations in memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Deja Vu

= that eerie sense that ldquoIrsquove experienced this beforerdquo Cues from the current situation may subconsciously trigger retrieval of an earlier experience

Wednesday March 6 13

Mood Congruent Memory

= the tendency to recall experiences that are consistent with onersquos current good or bad mood

Wednesday March 6 13

Proactive Interference

= the disruptive effect of prior learning on the recall of new information

Wednesday March 6 13

Retroactive Interference

= the disruptive effect of new learning on the recall of old information

Wednesday March 6 13


= in psychoanalytic theory the basic defense mechanism that banishes from consciousness anxiety-arousing thoughts feelings and memories

Wednesday March 6 13

Misinformation Effect

= incorporating misleading information into onersquos memory of an event

Wednesday March 6 13

Source Amnesia

= attributing to the wrong source an event we have experienced heard about read about or imagined (Also called source misattribution) Source amnesia along with the misinformation effect is at the heart of many false memories

Wednesday March 6 13

Modified13 Three-shy‐stage13 Processing13 Model13 of13 Memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Modified13 Three-shy‐stage13 Processing13 Model13 of13 Memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Modified13 Three-shy‐stage13 Processing13 Model13 of13 Memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Modified13 Three-shy‐stage13 Processing13 Model13 of13 Memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Modified13 Three-shy‐stage13 Processing13 Model13 of13 Memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Getting Information InHow We Encode

bullAutomatic ProcessingbullParallel13 processingbullThings13 that13 are13 automa3cally13 bullprocessed

bullSpacebullTimebullFrequencybullWell-learned information

Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Getting Information InHow We Encode

bullEfforGul13 ProcessingbullRehearsal (conscious repetition)bullEbbinghaus curve

Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Getting Information InHow We Encode

bullEbbinghaus curve

Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Getting Information InHow We Encode

bullOverlearningbullSpacing13 effect

bullMassed practicebullDistributed practice

bullTesting effect

Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Getting Information InHow We Encode

bullSerial13 posi3on13 effectbullRecency effectbullPrimacy effect

Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Getting Information InWhat We Encode

bullLevels of ProcessingbullVisual13 encodingbullAcous3c13 encodingbullSeman3c13 encoding

bullSelf-reference effect

Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding13 GeKng13 Informa3on13 InWhat13 We13 Encode

Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding13 GeKng13 Informa3on13 InWhat13 We13 Encode

Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding13 GeKng13 Informa3on13 InWhat13 We13 Encode

Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding13 GeKng13 Informa3on13 InWhat13 We13 Encode

Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Getting Information InWhat We Encode

bullVisual EncodingbullImagery

bullRosy retrospectionbullMnemonics

bullPeg-word system

Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Getting Information InWhat We Encode

bullOrganizing Information for EncodingbullChunking


Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Getting Information InWhat We Encode

bullOrganizing Information for EncodingbullChunking


Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Getting Information InWhat We Encode

bullOrganizing Information for EncodingbullChunking


Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Getting Information InWhat We Encode

bullOrganizing Information for EncodingbullChunking


Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Getting Information InWhat We Encode

bullOrganizing Information for EncodingbullChunking


Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Getting Information InWhat We Encode

bullOrganizing Information for EncodingbullChunking


Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Getting Information InWhat We Encode

bullOrganizing Information for EncodingbullChunking


Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Getting Information InWhat We Encode

bullOrganizing Information for EncodingbullHierarchies

Wednesday March 6 13

Storage Retaining InformationSensory Memory

bullSperlingrsquos memory experimentbullIconic13 memorybullEchoic13 memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Storage Retaining InformationWorkingShort-Term

bullMagic number SevenbullPlus or minus 2

bullThe list of magic sevensbullSeven wonders of worldbullSeven seasbullSeven deadly sinsbullSeven primary colorsbullSeven musical scale notesbullSeven days of the week

Wednesday March 6 13

Storage Retaining InformationLong-Term Memory

bullUnlimited nature of long-term memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Storage Retaining InformationStoring Memories in the

bullSynaptic ChangesbullMemory tracebullLong-shy‐term13 poten3a3on13 (LTP)bullMemory boosting drugs


Wednesday March 6 13

Storage Retaining InformationStoring Memories in the Stress Hormones and Memory

bullEmotions and memoriesbullFlashbulb13 memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Storage Retaining InformationStoring Memories in the bullStoring Implicit and Explicit Memories

bullAmnesiabullHM Studies

Wednesday March 6 13

Storage Retaining InformationStoring Memories in the

bullStoring Implicit and Explicit MemoriesbullImplicit13 memory13 (nondeclarative memory)bullExplicit13 memory13 (declarative memory)


Wednesday March 6 13

Storage13 Retaining13 Informa3onStoring13 Memories13 in13 the13 Brain

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval Getting Information Out


Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval Getting Information OutRetrieval Cues

bullRetrieval cuesbullMnemonic devicesbullPriming

Wednesday March 6 13


Wednesday March 6 13


Wednesday March 6 13


Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval Getting Information OutContext Effects

bullContext effectsbullDeacutejagrave13 vu

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 GeKng13 Informa3on13 OutContext13 Effects

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 GeKng13 Informa3on13 OutContext13 Effects

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 GeKng13 Informa3on13 OutContext13 Effects

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 GeKng13 Informa3on13 OutContext13 Effects

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 GeKng13 Informa3on13 OutContext13 Effects

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 GeKng13 Informa3on13 OutContext13 Effects

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval Getting Information OutMoods and Memories

bullState dependent memorybullMood13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 congruent13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 memory

Wednesday March 6 13


Wednesday March 6 13



Wednesday March 6 13


bullSchacterrsquos sevens sins of memorybullSins of Forgetting


Wednesday March 6 13


bullSchacterrsquos sevens sins of memorybullSins of distortion


bullSin of intrusionbullpersistence

Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Failure

bullEncoding failure

Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Failure

bullEncoding failure

Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Failure

Wednesday March 6 13

Storage DecaybullStorage decay

bullEbbinghaus curve

Wednesday March 6 13

Storage DecaybullStorage decay

bullEbbinghaus curve

Wednesday March 6 13

Ebbinghaus13 Curve

Wednesday March 6 13

Ebbinghaus13 Curve

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval Failure

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval FailureInterference

bullProac3ve13 interference13 (forward acting)bullRetroac3ve13 interference13 (backward-acting)

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 FailureInterference

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 FailureInterference

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 FailureInterference

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 FailureInterference

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 FailureInterference

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval FailureMotivated Forgetting

bullSelf-serving personal historiesbullRepression

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval FailureMotivated Forgetting

bullSelf-serving personal historiesbullRepression

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval FailureMotivated Forgetting

bullSelf-serving personal historiesbullRepression

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval FailureMotivated Forgetting

bullSelf-serving personal historiesbullRepression

Wednesday March 6 13

Memory Construction

Wednesday March 6 13

Misinformation and Imagination Effects

bullLoftus memory studiesbullMisinforma3on13 effect

Wednesday March 6 13

Source Amnesia

bullSource13 amnesia13 (source misattribution)

Wednesday March 6 13

Discerning True and False Memories

bullMemory studiesbullEye witness testimony

Wednesday March 6 13

Childrenrsquos Eyewitness Recall

bullChildrenrsquos memories of abusebullSuggestibility

Wednesday March 6 13

Repressed or Constructed Memories of Abuse

bullAreas of agreementbullSexual abuse happensbullInjustice happensbullForgetting happensbullRecovered memories are incompletebullMemories before 3 years are unreliablebullHypnotic memories are unreliablebullMemories can be emotionally upsetting

Wednesday March 6 13

Repressed or Constructed Memories of Abuse

bullLoftus studies with children

Wednesday March 6 13

Improving Memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Improving Memory TechniquesbullStudy repeatedlybullMake the material meaningfulbullActivate retrieval cuesbullUse mnemonic devicesbullMinimize interferencebullSleep morebullTest your own knowledge both to rehearse it and to help determine what you do not yet

Wednesday March 6 13

The End

Wednesday March 6 13

Teacher13 Informa3onbullTypes13 of13 Files

bullThis13 presenta3on13 has13 been13 saved13 as13 a13 ldquobasicrdquo13 Powerpoint13 file13 13 While13 this13 file13 format13 placed13 a13 few13 limita3ons13 on13 the13 presenta3on13 it13 insured13 the13 file13 would13 be13 compa3ble13 with13 the13 many13 versions13 of13 Powerpoint13 teachers13 use13 13 To13 add13 func3onality13 to13 the13 presenta3on13 teachers13 may13 want13 to13 save13 the13 file13 for13 their13 specific13 version13 of13 Powerpoint

bullAnima0onbullOnce13 again13 to13 insure13 compa3bility13 with13 all13 versions13 of13 Powerpoint13 none13 of13 the13 slides13 are13 animated13 13 To13 increase13 student13 interest13 it13 is13 suggested13 teachers13 animate13 the13 slides13 wherever13 possible

bullAdding13 slides13 to13 this13 presenta0onbullTeachers13 are13 encouraged13 to13 adapt13 this13 presenta3on13 to13 their13 personal13 teaching13 style13 13 To13 help13 keep13 a13 sense13 of13 con3nuity13 blank13 slides13 which13 can13 be13 copied13 and13 pasted13 to13 a13 specific13 loca3on13 in13 the13 presenta3on13 follow13 this13 ldquoTeacher13 Informa3onrdquo13 sec3on13 13 13

Wednesday March 6 13

Teacher13 Informa3onbullHyperlink13 Slides13 -shy‐13 This13 presenta3on13 contain13 two13 types13 of13 hyperlinks13 13 Hyperlinks13 can13 be13 iden3fied13 by13 the13 text13 being13 underlined13 and13 a13 different13 color13 (usually13 purple)

bullUnit13 subsec0ons13 hyperlinks13 13 Immediately13 aer13 the13 unit13 3tle13 slide13 a13 page13 (slide13 3)13 can13 be13 found13 lis3ng13 all13 of13 the13 unitrsquos13 subsec3ons13 13 While13 in13 slide13 show13 mode13 clicking13 on13 any13 of13 these13 hyperlinks13 will13 take13 the13 user13 directly13 to13 the13 beginning13 of13 that13 subsec3on13 13 This13 allows13 teachers13 quick13 access13 to13 each13 subsec3on

bullBold13 print13 term13 hyperlinks13 13 Every13 bold13 print13 term13 from13 the13 unit13 is13 included13 in13 this13 presenta3on13 as13 a13 hyperlink13 13 While13 in13 slide13 show13 mode13 clicking13 on13 any13 of13 the13 hyperlinks13 will13 take13 the13 user13 to13 a13 slide13 containing13 the13 formal13 defini3on13 of13 the13 term13 13 Clicking13 on13 the13 ldquoarrowrdquo13 in13 the13 boaom13 le13 corner13 of13 the13 defini3on13 slide13 will13 take13 the13 user13 back13 to13 the13 original13 point13 in13 the13 presenta3on13

13 These13 hyperlinks13 were13 included13 for13 teachers13 who13 want13 students13 to13 see13 or13 copy13 down13 the13 exact13 defini3on13 as13 stated13 in13 the13 text13 13 Most13 teachers13 prefer13 the13 defini3ons13 not13 be13 included13 to13 prevent13 students13 from13 only13 ldquocopying13 down13 what13 is13 on13 the13 screenrdquo13 and13 not13 ac3vely13 listening13 to13 the13 presenta3on

13 For13 teachers13 who13 con3nually13 use13 the13 Bold13 Print13 Term13 Hyperlinks13 op3on13 please13 contact13 the13 author13 using13 the13 email13 address13 on13 the13 next13 slide13 to13 learn13 a13 technique13 to13 expedite13 the13 returning13 to13 the13 original13 point13 in13 the13 presenta3on

Wednesday March 6 13

Teacher13 Informa3onbullCon0nuity13 slides

bullThroughout13 this13 presenta3on13 there13 are13 slides13 usually13 of13 graphics13 or13 tables13 that13 build13 on13 one13 another13 13 These13 are13 included13 for13 three13 purposes13 13

bullBy13 presen3ng13 informa3on13 in13 small13 chunks13 students13 will13 find13 it13 easier13 to13 process13 and13 remember13 the13 concepts13 13

bullBy13 con3nually13 changing13 slides13 students13 will13 stay13 interested13 in13 the13 presenta3onbullTo13 facilitate13 class13 discussion13 and13 cri3cal13 thinking13 13 Students13 should13 be13 encouraged13 to13 think13 about13 ldquowhat13 might13 come13 nextrdquo13 in13 the13 series13 of13 slides13 13

bullPlease13 feel13 free13 to13 contact13 me13 at13 kkorekgermantownk12wius13 with13 any13 ques3ons13 concerns13 sugges3ons13 etc13 regarding13 these13 presenta3ons13

Kent13 Korek

Germantown13 High13 School

Germantown13 WI13 53022

Wednesday March 6 13

Division title (green print)subdivision title (blue print)


Wednesday March 6 13

Division title (green print)

Use13 this13 slide13 to13 add13 a13 table13 chart13 clip13 art13 picture13 diagram13 or13 video13 clip13 13 Delete13 this13 box13 when13 finished

Wednesday March 6 13

Definition Slide

= add definition here

Wednesday March 6 13


Wednesday March 6 13


= the persistence of learning over time through the storage and retrieval of information

Wednesday March 6 13


= the processing of information into the memory systems ndash for example by extracting meaning

Wednesday March 6 13


= the retention of encoded information over time

Wednesday March 6 13


= the process of getting information out of memory storage

Wednesday March 6 13

Sensory Memory

= the immediate very brief recording of sensory information in the memory system

Wednesday March 6 13

Short-term Memory

= activated memory that holds a few items briefly such as the seven digits of a phone number while dialing before the information is stored or forgotten

Wednesday March 6 13

Long-term Memory

= the relatively permanent and limitless storehouse of the memory system Includes knowledge skills and experiences

Wednesday March 6 13

Working Memory

= a newer understanding of short-term memory that focuses on conscious active processing of incoming auditory and visual-spatial information and of information retrieved from long-term memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Parallel Processing

= the processing of many aspects of a problem simultaneously the brainrsquos natural mode of information processing for many functions Contrasts with the step-by-step (serial) processing of most computers and of conscious problem solving

Wednesday March 6 13

Automatic Processing

= unconscious encoding of incidental information such as space time and frequency and of well-learned information such as word meanings

Wednesday March 6 13

Effortful Processing

= encoding that requires attention and conscious effort

Wednesday March 6 13


= the conscious repetition of information either to maintain it in consciousness or to encode it for storage

Wednesday March 6 13

Spacing Effect

= the tendency for distributed study or practice to yield better long-term retention than is achieved through massed study or practice

Wednesday March 6 13

Serial Position Effect

= our tendency to recall best the last and first items in a list

Wednesday March 6 13

Visual Encoding

= the encoding of picture images

Wednesday March 6 13

Acoustic Encoding

= the encoding of sound especially the sound of words

Wednesday March 6 13

Semantic Encoding

= the encoding of meaning including the meaning of words

Wednesday March 6 13


= mental pictures a powerful aid to effortful processing especially when combined with semantic encoding

Wednesday March 6 13


= memory aids especially those techniques that use vivid imagery and organizational devices

Wednesday March 6 13


= organizing items into familiar manageable units often occurs automatically

Wednesday March 6 13

Iconic Memory

= a momentary sensory memory of visual stimuli a photographic or picture-image memory lasting no more than a few tenths of a second

Wednesday March 6 13

Echoic Memory

= a momentary sensory memory of auditory stimuli if attention is elsewhere sounds and words can still be recalled within 3 or 4 seconds

Wednesday March 6 13

Long-term Potentiation (LTP)

= an increase in a synapsersquos firing potential after brief rapid stimulation Believed to be a neural basis for learning and memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Flashbulb Memory

= a clear memory of an emotionally significant moment or event

Wednesday March 6 13


= loss of memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Implicit Memory

= retention independent of conscious recollection (Also called nondeclarative or procedural memory)

Wednesday March 6 13

Explicit Memory

= memory of facts and experiences that one can consciously know and ldquodeclarerdquo (Also called declarative memory)

Wednesday March 6 13


= a neural center that is located in the limbic system helps process explicit memories for storage

Wednesday March 6 13


= a measure of memory in which the person must retrieve information learning earlier as on a fill-in-the-blank test

Wednesday March 6 13


= a measure of memory in which the person need only identify items previously learned as on a multiple-choice test

Wednesday March 6 13


= a measure of memory that assesses the amount of time saved when learning material for a second time

Wednesday March 6 13


= the activation often unconsciously of particular associations in memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Deja Vu

= that eerie sense that ldquoIrsquove experienced this beforerdquo Cues from the current situation may subconsciously trigger retrieval of an earlier experience

Wednesday March 6 13

Mood Congruent Memory

= the tendency to recall experiences that are consistent with onersquos current good or bad mood

Wednesday March 6 13

Proactive Interference

= the disruptive effect of prior learning on the recall of new information

Wednesday March 6 13

Retroactive Interference

= the disruptive effect of new learning on the recall of old information

Wednesday March 6 13


= in psychoanalytic theory the basic defense mechanism that banishes from consciousness anxiety-arousing thoughts feelings and memories

Wednesday March 6 13

Misinformation Effect

= incorporating misleading information into onersquos memory of an event

Wednesday March 6 13

Source Amnesia

= attributing to the wrong source an event we have experienced heard about read about or imagined (Also called source misattribution) Source amnesia along with the misinformation effect is at the heart of many false memories

Wednesday March 6 13

Modified13 Three-shy‐stage13 Processing13 Model13 of13 Memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Modified13 Three-shy‐stage13 Processing13 Model13 of13 Memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Modified13 Three-shy‐stage13 Processing13 Model13 of13 Memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Modified13 Three-shy‐stage13 Processing13 Model13 of13 Memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Getting Information InHow We Encode

bullAutomatic ProcessingbullParallel13 processingbullThings13 that13 are13 automa3cally13 bullprocessed

bullSpacebullTimebullFrequencybullWell-learned information

Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Getting Information InHow We Encode

bullEfforGul13 ProcessingbullRehearsal (conscious repetition)bullEbbinghaus curve

Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Getting Information InHow We Encode

bullEbbinghaus curve

Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Getting Information InHow We Encode

bullOverlearningbullSpacing13 effect

bullMassed practicebullDistributed practice

bullTesting effect

Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Getting Information InHow We Encode

bullSerial13 posi3on13 effectbullRecency effectbullPrimacy effect

Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Getting Information InWhat We Encode

bullLevels of ProcessingbullVisual13 encodingbullAcous3c13 encodingbullSeman3c13 encoding

bullSelf-reference effect

Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding13 GeKng13 Informa3on13 InWhat13 We13 Encode

Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding13 GeKng13 Informa3on13 InWhat13 We13 Encode

Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding13 GeKng13 Informa3on13 InWhat13 We13 Encode

Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding13 GeKng13 Informa3on13 InWhat13 We13 Encode

Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Getting Information InWhat We Encode

bullVisual EncodingbullImagery

bullRosy retrospectionbullMnemonics

bullPeg-word system

Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Getting Information InWhat We Encode

bullOrganizing Information for EncodingbullChunking


Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Getting Information InWhat We Encode

bullOrganizing Information for EncodingbullChunking


Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Getting Information InWhat We Encode

bullOrganizing Information for EncodingbullChunking


Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Getting Information InWhat We Encode

bullOrganizing Information for EncodingbullChunking


Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Getting Information InWhat We Encode

bullOrganizing Information for EncodingbullChunking


Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Getting Information InWhat We Encode

bullOrganizing Information for EncodingbullChunking


Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Getting Information InWhat We Encode

bullOrganizing Information for EncodingbullChunking


Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Getting Information InWhat We Encode

bullOrganizing Information for EncodingbullHierarchies

Wednesday March 6 13

Storage Retaining InformationSensory Memory

bullSperlingrsquos memory experimentbullIconic13 memorybullEchoic13 memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Storage Retaining InformationWorkingShort-Term

bullMagic number SevenbullPlus or minus 2

bullThe list of magic sevensbullSeven wonders of worldbullSeven seasbullSeven deadly sinsbullSeven primary colorsbullSeven musical scale notesbullSeven days of the week

Wednesday March 6 13

Storage Retaining InformationLong-Term Memory

bullUnlimited nature of long-term memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Storage Retaining InformationStoring Memories in the

bullSynaptic ChangesbullMemory tracebullLong-shy‐term13 poten3a3on13 (LTP)bullMemory boosting drugs


Wednesday March 6 13

Storage Retaining InformationStoring Memories in the Stress Hormones and Memory

bullEmotions and memoriesbullFlashbulb13 memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Storage Retaining InformationStoring Memories in the bullStoring Implicit and Explicit Memories

bullAmnesiabullHM Studies

Wednesday March 6 13

Storage Retaining InformationStoring Memories in the

bullStoring Implicit and Explicit MemoriesbullImplicit13 memory13 (nondeclarative memory)bullExplicit13 memory13 (declarative memory)


Wednesday March 6 13

Storage13 Retaining13 Informa3onStoring13 Memories13 in13 the13 Brain

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval Getting Information Out


Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval Getting Information OutRetrieval Cues

bullRetrieval cuesbullMnemonic devicesbullPriming

Wednesday March 6 13


Wednesday March 6 13


Wednesday March 6 13


Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval Getting Information OutContext Effects

bullContext effectsbullDeacutejagrave13 vu

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 GeKng13 Informa3on13 OutContext13 Effects

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 GeKng13 Informa3on13 OutContext13 Effects

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 GeKng13 Informa3on13 OutContext13 Effects

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 GeKng13 Informa3on13 OutContext13 Effects

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 GeKng13 Informa3on13 OutContext13 Effects

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 GeKng13 Informa3on13 OutContext13 Effects

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval Getting Information OutMoods and Memories

bullState dependent memorybullMood13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 congruent13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 memory

Wednesday March 6 13


Wednesday March 6 13



Wednesday March 6 13


bullSchacterrsquos sevens sins of memorybullSins of Forgetting


Wednesday March 6 13


bullSchacterrsquos sevens sins of memorybullSins of distortion


bullSin of intrusionbullpersistence

Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Failure

bullEncoding failure

Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Failure

bullEncoding failure

Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Failure

Wednesday March 6 13

Storage DecaybullStorage decay

bullEbbinghaus curve

Wednesday March 6 13

Storage DecaybullStorage decay

bullEbbinghaus curve

Wednesday March 6 13

Ebbinghaus13 Curve

Wednesday March 6 13

Ebbinghaus13 Curve

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval Failure

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval FailureInterference

bullProac3ve13 interference13 (forward acting)bullRetroac3ve13 interference13 (backward-acting)

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 FailureInterference

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 FailureInterference

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 FailureInterference

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 FailureInterference

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 FailureInterference

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval FailureMotivated Forgetting

bullSelf-serving personal historiesbullRepression

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval FailureMotivated Forgetting

bullSelf-serving personal historiesbullRepression

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval FailureMotivated Forgetting

bullSelf-serving personal historiesbullRepression

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval FailureMotivated Forgetting

bullSelf-serving personal historiesbullRepression

Wednesday March 6 13

Memory Construction

Wednesday March 6 13

Misinformation and Imagination Effects

bullLoftus memory studiesbullMisinforma3on13 effect

Wednesday March 6 13

Source Amnesia

bullSource13 amnesia13 (source misattribution)

Wednesday March 6 13

Discerning True and False Memories

bullMemory studiesbullEye witness testimony

Wednesday March 6 13

Childrenrsquos Eyewitness Recall

bullChildrenrsquos memories of abusebullSuggestibility

Wednesday March 6 13

Repressed or Constructed Memories of Abuse

bullAreas of agreementbullSexual abuse happensbullInjustice happensbullForgetting happensbullRecovered memories are incompletebullMemories before 3 years are unreliablebullHypnotic memories are unreliablebullMemories can be emotionally upsetting

Wednesday March 6 13

Repressed or Constructed Memories of Abuse

bullLoftus studies with children

Wednesday March 6 13

Improving Memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Improving Memory TechniquesbullStudy repeatedlybullMake the material meaningfulbullActivate retrieval cuesbullUse mnemonic devicesbullMinimize interferencebullSleep morebullTest your own knowledge both to rehearse it and to help determine what you do not yet

Wednesday March 6 13

The End

Wednesday March 6 13

Teacher13 Informa3onbullTypes13 of13 Files

bullThis13 presenta3on13 has13 been13 saved13 as13 a13 ldquobasicrdquo13 Powerpoint13 file13 13 While13 this13 file13 format13 placed13 a13 few13 limita3ons13 on13 the13 presenta3on13 it13 insured13 the13 file13 would13 be13 compa3ble13 with13 the13 many13 versions13 of13 Powerpoint13 teachers13 use13 13 To13 add13 func3onality13 to13 the13 presenta3on13 teachers13 may13 want13 to13 save13 the13 file13 for13 their13 specific13 version13 of13 Powerpoint

bullAnima0onbullOnce13 again13 to13 insure13 compa3bility13 with13 all13 versions13 of13 Powerpoint13 none13 of13 the13 slides13 are13 animated13 13 To13 increase13 student13 interest13 it13 is13 suggested13 teachers13 animate13 the13 slides13 wherever13 possible

bullAdding13 slides13 to13 this13 presenta0onbullTeachers13 are13 encouraged13 to13 adapt13 this13 presenta3on13 to13 their13 personal13 teaching13 style13 13 To13 help13 keep13 a13 sense13 of13 con3nuity13 blank13 slides13 which13 can13 be13 copied13 and13 pasted13 to13 a13 specific13 loca3on13 in13 the13 presenta3on13 follow13 this13 ldquoTeacher13 Informa3onrdquo13 sec3on13 13 13

Wednesday March 6 13

Teacher13 Informa3onbullHyperlink13 Slides13 -shy‐13 This13 presenta3on13 contain13 two13 types13 of13 hyperlinks13 13 Hyperlinks13 can13 be13 iden3fied13 by13 the13 text13 being13 underlined13 and13 a13 different13 color13 (usually13 purple)

bullUnit13 subsec0ons13 hyperlinks13 13 Immediately13 aer13 the13 unit13 3tle13 slide13 a13 page13 (slide13 3)13 can13 be13 found13 lis3ng13 all13 of13 the13 unitrsquos13 subsec3ons13 13 While13 in13 slide13 show13 mode13 clicking13 on13 any13 of13 these13 hyperlinks13 will13 take13 the13 user13 directly13 to13 the13 beginning13 of13 that13 subsec3on13 13 This13 allows13 teachers13 quick13 access13 to13 each13 subsec3on

bullBold13 print13 term13 hyperlinks13 13 Every13 bold13 print13 term13 from13 the13 unit13 is13 included13 in13 this13 presenta3on13 as13 a13 hyperlink13 13 While13 in13 slide13 show13 mode13 clicking13 on13 any13 of13 the13 hyperlinks13 will13 take13 the13 user13 to13 a13 slide13 containing13 the13 formal13 defini3on13 of13 the13 term13 13 Clicking13 on13 the13 ldquoarrowrdquo13 in13 the13 boaom13 le13 corner13 of13 the13 defini3on13 slide13 will13 take13 the13 user13 back13 to13 the13 original13 point13 in13 the13 presenta3on13

13 These13 hyperlinks13 were13 included13 for13 teachers13 who13 want13 students13 to13 see13 or13 copy13 down13 the13 exact13 defini3on13 as13 stated13 in13 the13 text13 13 Most13 teachers13 prefer13 the13 defini3ons13 not13 be13 included13 to13 prevent13 students13 from13 only13 ldquocopying13 down13 what13 is13 on13 the13 screenrdquo13 and13 not13 ac3vely13 listening13 to13 the13 presenta3on

13 For13 teachers13 who13 con3nually13 use13 the13 Bold13 Print13 Term13 Hyperlinks13 op3on13 please13 contact13 the13 author13 using13 the13 email13 address13 on13 the13 next13 slide13 to13 learn13 a13 technique13 to13 expedite13 the13 returning13 to13 the13 original13 point13 in13 the13 presenta3on

Wednesday March 6 13

Teacher13 Informa3onbullCon0nuity13 slides

bullThroughout13 this13 presenta3on13 there13 are13 slides13 usually13 of13 graphics13 or13 tables13 that13 build13 on13 one13 another13 13 These13 are13 included13 for13 three13 purposes13 13

bullBy13 presen3ng13 informa3on13 in13 small13 chunks13 students13 will13 find13 it13 easier13 to13 process13 and13 remember13 the13 concepts13 13

bullBy13 con3nually13 changing13 slides13 students13 will13 stay13 interested13 in13 the13 presenta3onbullTo13 facilitate13 class13 discussion13 and13 cri3cal13 thinking13 13 Students13 should13 be13 encouraged13 to13 think13 about13 ldquowhat13 might13 come13 nextrdquo13 in13 the13 series13 of13 slides13 13

bullPlease13 feel13 free13 to13 contact13 me13 at13 kkorekgermantownk12wius13 with13 any13 ques3ons13 concerns13 sugges3ons13 etc13 regarding13 these13 presenta3ons13

Kent13 Korek

Germantown13 High13 School

Germantown13 WI13 53022

Wednesday March 6 13

Division title (green print)subdivision title (blue print)


Wednesday March 6 13

Division title (green print)

Use13 this13 slide13 to13 add13 a13 table13 chart13 clip13 art13 picture13 diagram13 or13 video13 clip13 13 Delete13 this13 box13 when13 finished

Wednesday March 6 13

Definition Slide

= add definition here

Wednesday March 6 13


Wednesday March 6 13


= the persistence of learning over time through the storage and retrieval of information

Wednesday March 6 13


= the processing of information into the memory systems ndash for example by extracting meaning

Wednesday March 6 13


= the retention of encoded information over time

Wednesday March 6 13


= the process of getting information out of memory storage

Wednesday March 6 13

Sensory Memory

= the immediate very brief recording of sensory information in the memory system

Wednesday March 6 13

Short-term Memory

= activated memory that holds a few items briefly such as the seven digits of a phone number while dialing before the information is stored or forgotten

Wednesday March 6 13

Long-term Memory

= the relatively permanent and limitless storehouse of the memory system Includes knowledge skills and experiences

Wednesday March 6 13

Working Memory

= a newer understanding of short-term memory that focuses on conscious active processing of incoming auditory and visual-spatial information and of information retrieved from long-term memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Parallel Processing

= the processing of many aspects of a problem simultaneously the brainrsquos natural mode of information processing for many functions Contrasts with the step-by-step (serial) processing of most computers and of conscious problem solving

Wednesday March 6 13

Automatic Processing

= unconscious encoding of incidental information such as space time and frequency and of well-learned information such as word meanings

Wednesday March 6 13

Effortful Processing

= encoding that requires attention and conscious effort

Wednesday March 6 13


= the conscious repetition of information either to maintain it in consciousness or to encode it for storage

Wednesday March 6 13

Spacing Effect

= the tendency for distributed study or practice to yield better long-term retention than is achieved through massed study or practice

Wednesday March 6 13

Serial Position Effect

= our tendency to recall best the last and first items in a list

Wednesday March 6 13

Visual Encoding

= the encoding of picture images

Wednesday March 6 13

Acoustic Encoding

= the encoding of sound especially the sound of words

Wednesday March 6 13

Semantic Encoding

= the encoding of meaning including the meaning of words

Wednesday March 6 13


= mental pictures a powerful aid to effortful processing especially when combined with semantic encoding

Wednesday March 6 13


= memory aids especially those techniques that use vivid imagery and organizational devices

Wednesday March 6 13


= organizing items into familiar manageable units often occurs automatically

Wednesday March 6 13

Iconic Memory

= a momentary sensory memory of visual stimuli a photographic or picture-image memory lasting no more than a few tenths of a second

Wednesday March 6 13

Echoic Memory

= a momentary sensory memory of auditory stimuli if attention is elsewhere sounds and words can still be recalled within 3 or 4 seconds

Wednesday March 6 13

Long-term Potentiation (LTP)

= an increase in a synapsersquos firing potential after brief rapid stimulation Believed to be a neural basis for learning and memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Flashbulb Memory

= a clear memory of an emotionally significant moment or event

Wednesday March 6 13


= loss of memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Implicit Memory

= retention independent of conscious recollection (Also called nondeclarative or procedural memory)

Wednesday March 6 13

Explicit Memory

= memory of facts and experiences that one can consciously know and ldquodeclarerdquo (Also called declarative memory)

Wednesday March 6 13


= a neural center that is located in the limbic system helps process explicit memories for storage

Wednesday March 6 13


= a measure of memory in which the person must retrieve information learning earlier as on a fill-in-the-blank test

Wednesday March 6 13


= a measure of memory in which the person need only identify items previously learned as on a multiple-choice test

Wednesday March 6 13


= a measure of memory that assesses the amount of time saved when learning material for a second time

Wednesday March 6 13


= the activation often unconsciously of particular associations in memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Deja Vu

= that eerie sense that ldquoIrsquove experienced this beforerdquo Cues from the current situation may subconsciously trigger retrieval of an earlier experience

Wednesday March 6 13

Mood Congruent Memory

= the tendency to recall experiences that are consistent with onersquos current good or bad mood

Wednesday March 6 13

Proactive Interference

= the disruptive effect of prior learning on the recall of new information

Wednesday March 6 13

Retroactive Interference

= the disruptive effect of new learning on the recall of old information

Wednesday March 6 13


= in psychoanalytic theory the basic defense mechanism that banishes from consciousness anxiety-arousing thoughts feelings and memories

Wednesday March 6 13

Misinformation Effect

= incorporating misleading information into onersquos memory of an event

Wednesday March 6 13

Source Amnesia

= attributing to the wrong source an event we have experienced heard about read about or imagined (Also called source misattribution) Source amnesia along with the misinformation effect is at the heart of many false memories

Wednesday March 6 13

Modified13 Three-shy‐stage13 Processing13 Model13 of13 Memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Modified13 Three-shy‐stage13 Processing13 Model13 of13 Memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Modified13 Three-shy‐stage13 Processing13 Model13 of13 Memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Getting Information InHow We Encode

bullAutomatic ProcessingbullParallel13 processingbullThings13 that13 are13 automa3cally13 bullprocessed

bullSpacebullTimebullFrequencybullWell-learned information

Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Getting Information InHow We Encode

bullEfforGul13 ProcessingbullRehearsal (conscious repetition)bullEbbinghaus curve

Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Getting Information InHow We Encode

bullEbbinghaus curve

Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Getting Information InHow We Encode

bullOverlearningbullSpacing13 effect

bullMassed practicebullDistributed practice

bullTesting effect

Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Getting Information InHow We Encode

bullSerial13 posi3on13 effectbullRecency effectbullPrimacy effect

Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Getting Information InWhat We Encode

bullLevels of ProcessingbullVisual13 encodingbullAcous3c13 encodingbullSeman3c13 encoding

bullSelf-reference effect

Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding13 GeKng13 Informa3on13 InWhat13 We13 Encode

Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding13 GeKng13 Informa3on13 InWhat13 We13 Encode

Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding13 GeKng13 Informa3on13 InWhat13 We13 Encode

Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding13 GeKng13 Informa3on13 InWhat13 We13 Encode

Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Getting Information InWhat We Encode

bullVisual EncodingbullImagery

bullRosy retrospectionbullMnemonics

bullPeg-word system

Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Getting Information InWhat We Encode

bullOrganizing Information for EncodingbullChunking


Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Getting Information InWhat We Encode

bullOrganizing Information for EncodingbullChunking


Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Getting Information InWhat We Encode

bullOrganizing Information for EncodingbullChunking


Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Getting Information InWhat We Encode

bullOrganizing Information for EncodingbullChunking


Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Getting Information InWhat We Encode

bullOrganizing Information for EncodingbullChunking


Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Getting Information InWhat We Encode

bullOrganizing Information for EncodingbullChunking


Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Getting Information InWhat We Encode

bullOrganizing Information for EncodingbullChunking


Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Getting Information InWhat We Encode

bullOrganizing Information for EncodingbullHierarchies

Wednesday March 6 13

Storage Retaining InformationSensory Memory

bullSperlingrsquos memory experimentbullIconic13 memorybullEchoic13 memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Storage Retaining InformationWorkingShort-Term

bullMagic number SevenbullPlus or minus 2

bullThe list of magic sevensbullSeven wonders of worldbullSeven seasbullSeven deadly sinsbullSeven primary colorsbullSeven musical scale notesbullSeven days of the week

Wednesday March 6 13

Storage Retaining InformationLong-Term Memory

bullUnlimited nature of long-term memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Storage Retaining InformationStoring Memories in the

bullSynaptic ChangesbullMemory tracebullLong-shy‐term13 poten3a3on13 (LTP)bullMemory boosting drugs


Wednesday March 6 13

Storage Retaining InformationStoring Memories in the Stress Hormones and Memory

bullEmotions and memoriesbullFlashbulb13 memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Storage Retaining InformationStoring Memories in the bullStoring Implicit and Explicit Memories

bullAmnesiabullHM Studies

Wednesday March 6 13

Storage Retaining InformationStoring Memories in the

bullStoring Implicit and Explicit MemoriesbullImplicit13 memory13 (nondeclarative memory)bullExplicit13 memory13 (declarative memory)


Wednesday March 6 13

Storage13 Retaining13 Informa3onStoring13 Memories13 in13 the13 Brain

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval Getting Information Out


Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval Getting Information OutRetrieval Cues

bullRetrieval cuesbullMnemonic devicesbullPriming

Wednesday March 6 13


Wednesday March 6 13


Wednesday March 6 13


Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval Getting Information OutContext Effects

bullContext effectsbullDeacutejagrave13 vu

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 GeKng13 Informa3on13 OutContext13 Effects

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 GeKng13 Informa3on13 OutContext13 Effects

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 GeKng13 Informa3on13 OutContext13 Effects

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 GeKng13 Informa3on13 OutContext13 Effects

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 GeKng13 Informa3on13 OutContext13 Effects

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 GeKng13 Informa3on13 OutContext13 Effects

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval Getting Information OutMoods and Memories

bullState dependent memorybullMood13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 congruent13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 memory

Wednesday March 6 13


Wednesday March 6 13



Wednesday March 6 13


bullSchacterrsquos sevens sins of memorybullSins of Forgetting


Wednesday March 6 13


bullSchacterrsquos sevens sins of memorybullSins of distortion


bullSin of intrusionbullpersistence

Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Failure

bullEncoding failure

Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Failure

bullEncoding failure

Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Failure

Wednesday March 6 13

Storage DecaybullStorage decay

bullEbbinghaus curve

Wednesday March 6 13

Storage DecaybullStorage decay

bullEbbinghaus curve

Wednesday March 6 13

Ebbinghaus13 Curve

Wednesday March 6 13

Ebbinghaus13 Curve

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval Failure

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval FailureInterference

bullProac3ve13 interference13 (forward acting)bullRetroac3ve13 interference13 (backward-acting)

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 FailureInterference

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 FailureInterference

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 FailureInterference

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 FailureInterference

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 FailureInterference

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval FailureMotivated Forgetting

bullSelf-serving personal historiesbullRepression

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval FailureMotivated Forgetting

bullSelf-serving personal historiesbullRepression

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval FailureMotivated Forgetting

bullSelf-serving personal historiesbullRepression

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval FailureMotivated Forgetting

bullSelf-serving personal historiesbullRepression

Wednesday March 6 13

Memory Construction

Wednesday March 6 13

Misinformation and Imagination Effects

bullLoftus memory studiesbullMisinforma3on13 effect

Wednesday March 6 13

Source Amnesia

bullSource13 amnesia13 (source misattribution)

Wednesday March 6 13

Discerning True and False Memories

bullMemory studiesbullEye witness testimony

Wednesday March 6 13

Childrenrsquos Eyewitness Recall

bullChildrenrsquos memories of abusebullSuggestibility

Wednesday March 6 13

Repressed or Constructed Memories of Abuse

bullAreas of agreementbullSexual abuse happensbullInjustice happensbullForgetting happensbullRecovered memories are incompletebullMemories before 3 years are unreliablebullHypnotic memories are unreliablebullMemories can be emotionally upsetting

Wednesday March 6 13

Repressed or Constructed Memories of Abuse

bullLoftus studies with children

Wednesday March 6 13

Improving Memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Improving Memory TechniquesbullStudy repeatedlybullMake the material meaningfulbullActivate retrieval cuesbullUse mnemonic devicesbullMinimize interferencebullSleep morebullTest your own knowledge both to rehearse it and to help determine what you do not yet

Wednesday March 6 13

The End

Wednesday March 6 13

Teacher13 Informa3onbullTypes13 of13 Files

bullThis13 presenta3on13 has13 been13 saved13 as13 a13 ldquobasicrdquo13 Powerpoint13 file13 13 While13 this13 file13 format13 placed13 a13 few13 limita3ons13 on13 the13 presenta3on13 it13 insured13 the13 file13 would13 be13 compa3ble13 with13 the13 many13 versions13 of13 Powerpoint13 teachers13 use13 13 To13 add13 func3onality13 to13 the13 presenta3on13 teachers13 may13 want13 to13 save13 the13 file13 for13 their13 specific13 version13 of13 Powerpoint

bullAnima0onbullOnce13 again13 to13 insure13 compa3bility13 with13 all13 versions13 of13 Powerpoint13 none13 of13 the13 slides13 are13 animated13 13 To13 increase13 student13 interest13 it13 is13 suggested13 teachers13 animate13 the13 slides13 wherever13 possible

bullAdding13 slides13 to13 this13 presenta0onbullTeachers13 are13 encouraged13 to13 adapt13 this13 presenta3on13 to13 their13 personal13 teaching13 style13 13 To13 help13 keep13 a13 sense13 of13 con3nuity13 blank13 slides13 which13 can13 be13 copied13 and13 pasted13 to13 a13 specific13 loca3on13 in13 the13 presenta3on13 follow13 this13 ldquoTeacher13 Informa3onrdquo13 sec3on13 13 13

Wednesday March 6 13

Teacher13 Informa3onbullHyperlink13 Slides13 -shy‐13 This13 presenta3on13 contain13 two13 types13 of13 hyperlinks13 13 Hyperlinks13 can13 be13 iden3fied13 by13 the13 text13 being13 underlined13 and13 a13 different13 color13 (usually13 purple)

bullUnit13 subsec0ons13 hyperlinks13 13 Immediately13 aer13 the13 unit13 3tle13 slide13 a13 page13 (slide13 3)13 can13 be13 found13 lis3ng13 all13 of13 the13 unitrsquos13 subsec3ons13 13 While13 in13 slide13 show13 mode13 clicking13 on13 any13 of13 these13 hyperlinks13 will13 take13 the13 user13 directly13 to13 the13 beginning13 of13 that13 subsec3on13 13 This13 allows13 teachers13 quick13 access13 to13 each13 subsec3on

bullBold13 print13 term13 hyperlinks13 13 Every13 bold13 print13 term13 from13 the13 unit13 is13 included13 in13 this13 presenta3on13 as13 a13 hyperlink13 13 While13 in13 slide13 show13 mode13 clicking13 on13 any13 of13 the13 hyperlinks13 will13 take13 the13 user13 to13 a13 slide13 containing13 the13 formal13 defini3on13 of13 the13 term13 13 Clicking13 on13 the13 ldquoarrowrdquo13 in13 the13 boaom13 le13 corner13 of13 the13 defini3on13 slide13 will13 take13 the13 user13 back13 to13 the13 original13 point13 in13 the13 presenta3on13

13 These13 hyperlinks13 were13 included13 for13 teachers13 who13 want13 students13 to13 see13 or13 copy13 down13 the13 exact13 defini3on13 as13 stated13 in13 the13 text13 13 Most13 teachers13 prefer13 the13 defini3ons13 not13 be13 included13 to13 prevent13 students13 from13 only13 ldquocopying13 down13 what13 is13 on13 the13 screenrdquo13 and13 not13 ac3vely13 listening13 to13 the13 presenta3on

13 For13 teachers13 who13 con3nually13 use13 the13 Bold13 Print13 Term13 Hyperlinks13 op3on13 please13 contact13 the13 author13 using13 the13 email13 address13 on13 the13 next13 slide13 to13 learn13 a13 technique13 to13 expedite13 the13 returning13 to13 the13 original13 point13 in13 the13 presenta3on

Wednesday March 6 13

Teacher13 Informa3onbullCon0nuity13 slides

bullThroughout13 this13 presenta3on13 there13 are13 slides13 usually13 of13 graphics13 or13 tables13 that13 build13 on13 one13 another13 13 These13 are13 included13 for13 three13 purposes13 13

bullBy13 presen3ng13 informa3on13 in13 small13 chunks13 students13 will13 find13 it13 easier13 to13 process13 and13 remember13 the13 concepts13 13

bullBy13 con3nually13 changing13 slides13 students13 will13 stay13 interested13 in13 the13 presenta3onbullTo13 facilitate13 class13 discussion13 and13 cri3cal13 thinking13 13 Students13 should13 be13 encouraged13 to13 think13 about13 ldquowhat13 might13 come13 nextrdquo13 in13 the13 series13 of13 slides13 13

bullPlease13 feel13 free13 to13 contact13 me13 at13 kkorekgermantownk12wius13 with13 any13 ques3ons13 concerns13 sugges3ons13 etc13 regarding13 these13 presenta3ons13

Kent13 Korek

Germantown13 High13 School

Germantown13 WI13 53022

Wednesday March 6 13

Division title (green print)subdivision title (blue print)


Wednesday March 6 13

Division title (green print)

Use13 this13 slide13 to13 add13 a13 table13 chart13 clip13 art13 picture13 diagram13 or13 video13 clip13 13 Delete13 this13 box13 when13 finished

Wednesday March 6 13

Definition Slide

= add definition here

Wednesday March 6 13


Wednesday March 6 13


= the persistence of learning over time through the storage and retrieval of information

Wednesday March 6 13


= the processing of information into the memory systems ndash for example by extracting meaning

Wednesday March 6 13


= the retention of encoded information over time

Wednesday March 6 13


= the process of getting information out of memory storage

Wednesday March 6 13

Sensory Memory

= the immediate very brief recording of sensory information in the memory system

Wednesday March 6 13

Short-term Memory

= activated memory that holds a few items briefly such as the seven digits of a phone number while dialing before the information is stored or forgotten

Wednesday March 6 13

Long-term Memory

= the relatively permanent and limitless storehouse of the memory system Includes knowledge skills and experiences

Wednesday March 6 13

Working Memory

= a newer understanding of short-term memory that focuses on conscious active processing of incoming auditory and visual-spatial information and of information retrieved from long-term memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Parallel Processing

= the processing of many aspects of a problem simultaneously the brainrsquos natural mode of information processing for many functions Contrasts with the step-by-step (serial) processing of most computers and of conscious problem solving

Wednesday March 6 13

Automatic Processing

= unconscious encoding of incidental information such as space time and frequency and of well-learned information such as word meanings

Wednesday March 6 13

Effortful Processing

= encoding that requires attention and conscious effort

Wednesday March 6 13


= the conscious repetition of information either to maintain it in consciousness or to encode it for storage

Wednesday March 6 13

Spacing Effect

= the tendency for distributed study or practice to yield better long-term retention than is achieved through massed study or practice

Wednesday March 6 13

Serial Position Effect

= our tendency to recall best the last and first items in a list

Wednesday March 6 13

Visual Encoding

= the encoding of picture images

Wednesday March 6 13

Acoustic Encoding

= the encoding of sound especially the sound of words

Wednesday March 6 13

Semantic Encoding

= the encoding of meaning including the meaning of words

Wednesday March 6 13


= mental pictures a powerful aid to effortful processing especially when combined with semantic encoding

Wednesday March 6 13


= memory aids especially those techniques that use vivid imagery and organizational devices

Wednesday March 6 13


= organizing items into familiar manageable units often occurs automatically

Wednesday March 6 13

Iconic Memory

= a momentary sensory memory of visual stimuli a photographic or picture-image memory lasting no more than a few tenths of a second

Wednesday March 6 13

Echoic Memory

= a momentary sensory memory of auditory stimuli if attention is elsewhere sounds and words can still be recalled within 3 or 4 seconds

Wednesday March 6 13

Long-term Potentiation (LTP)

= an increase in a synapsersquos firing potential after brief rapid stimulation Believed to be a neural basis for learning and memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Flashbulb Memory

= a clear memory of an emotionally significant moment or event

Wednesday March 6 13


= loss of memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Implicit Memory

= retention independent of conscious recollection (Also called nondeclarative or procedural memory)

Wednesday March 6 13

Explicit Memory

= memory of facts and experiences that one can consciously know and ldquodeclarerdquo (Also called declarative memory)

Wednesday March 6 13


= a neural center that is located in the limbic system helps process explicit memories for storage

Wednesday March 6 13


= a measure of memory in which the person must retrieve information learning earlier as on a fill-in-the-blank test

Wednesday March 6 13


= a measure of memory in which the person need only identify items previously learned as on a multiple-choice test

Wednesday March 6 13


= a measure of memory that assesses the amount of time saved when learning material for a second time

Wednesday March 6 13


= the activation often unconsciously of particular associations in memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Deja Vu

= that eerie sense that ldquoIrsquove experienced this beforerdquo Cues from the current situation may subconsciously trigger retrieval of an earlier experience

Wednesday March 6 13

Mood Congruent Memory

= the tendency to recall experiences that are consistent with onersquos current good or bad mood

Wednesday March 6 13

Proactive Interference

= the disruptive effect of prior learning on the recall of new information

Wednesday March 6 13

Retroactive Interference

= the disruptive effect of new learning on the recall of old information

Wednesday March 6 13


= in psychoanalytic theory the basic defense mechanism that banishes from consciousness anxiety-arousing thoughts feelings and memories

Wednesday March 6 13

Misinformation Effect

= incorporating misleading information into onersquos memory of an event

Wednesday March 6 13

Source Amnesia

= attributing to the wrong source an event we have experienced heard about read about or imagined (Also called source misattribution) Source amnesia along with the misinformation effect is at the heart of many false memories

Wednesday March 6 13

Modified13 Three-shy‐stage13 Processing13 Model13 of13 Memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Modified13 Three-shy‐stage13 Processing13 Model13 of13 Memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Getting Information InHow We Encode

bullAutomatic ProcessingbullParallel13 processingbullThings13 that13 are13 automa3cally13 bullprocessed

bullSpacebullTimebullFrequencybullWell-learned information

Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Getting Information InHow We Encode

bullEfforGul13 ProcessingbullRehearsal (conscious repetition)bullEbbinghaus curve

Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Getting Information InHow We Encode

bullEbbinghaus curve

Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Getting Information InHow We Encode

bullOverlearningbullSpacing13 effect

bullMassed practicebullDistributed practice

bullTesting effect

Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Getting Information InHow We Encode

bullSerial13 posi3on13 effectbullRecency effectbullPrimacy effect

Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Getting Information InWhat We Encode

bullLevels of ProcessingbullVisual13 encodingbullAcous3c13 encodingbullSeman3c13 encoding

bullSelf-reference effect

Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding13 GeKng13 Informa3on13 InWhat13 We13 Encode

Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding13 GeKng13 Informa3on13 InWhat13 We13 Encode

Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding13 GeKng13 Informa3on13 InWhat13 We13 Encode

Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding13 GeKng13 Informa3on13 InWhat13 We13 Encode

Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Getting Information InWhat We Encode

bullVisual EncodingbullImagery

bullRosy retrospectionbullMnemonics

bullPeg-word system

Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Getting Information InWhat We Encode

bullOrganizing Information for EncodingbullChunking


Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Getting Information InWhat We Encode

bullOrganizing Information for EncodingbullChunking


Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Getting Information InWhat We Encode

bullOrganizing Information for EncodingbullChunking


Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Getting Information InWhat We Encode

bullOrganizing Information for EncodingbullChunking


Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Getting Information InWhat We Encode

bullOrganizing Information for EncodingbullChunking


Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Getting Information InWhat We Encode

bullOrganizing Information for EncodingbullChunking


Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Getting Information InWhat We Encode

bullOrganizing Information for EncodingbullChunking


Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Getting Information InWhat We Encode

bullOrganizing Information for EncodingbullHierarchies

Wednesday March 6 13

Storage Retaining InformationSensory Memory

bullSperlingrsquos memory experimentbullIconic13 memorybullEchoic13 memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Storage Retaining InformationWorkingShort-Term

bullMagic number SevenbullPlus or minus 2

bullThe list of magic sevensbullSeven wonders of worldbullSeven seasbullSeven deadly sinsbullSeven primary colorsbullSeven musical scale notesbullSeven days of the week

Wednesday March 6 13

Storage Retaining InformationLong-Term Memory

bullUnlimited nature of long-term memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Storage Retaining InformationStoring Memories in the

bullSynaptic ChangesbullMemory tracebullLong-shy‐term13 poten3a3on13 (LTP)bullMemory boosting drugs


Wednesday March 6 13

Storage Retaining InformationStoring Memories in the Stress Hormones and Memory

bullEmotions and memoriesbullFlashbulb13 memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Storage Retaining InformationStoring Memories in the bullStoring Implicit and Explicit Memories

bullAmnesiabullHM Studies

Wednesday March 6 13

Storage Retaining InformationStoring Memories in the

bullStoring Implicit and Explicit MemoriesbullImplicit13 memory13 (nondeclarative memory)bullExplicit13 memory13 (declarative memory)


Wednesday March 6 13

Storage13 Retaining13 Informa3onStoring13 Memories13 in13 the13 Brain

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval Getting Information Out


Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval Getting Information OutRetrieval Cues

bullRetrieval cuesbullMnemonic devicesbullPriming

Wednesday March 6 13


Wednesday March 6 13


Wednesday March 6 13


Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval Getting Information OutContext Effects

bullContext effectsbullDeacutejagrave13 vu

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 GeKng13 Informa3on13 OutContext13 Effects

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 GeKng13 Informa3on13 OutContext13 Effects

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 GeKng13 Informa3on13 OutContext13 Effects

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 GeKng13 Informa3on13 OutContext13 Effects

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 GeKng13 Informa3on13 OutContext13 Effects

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 GeKng13 Informa3on13 OutContext13 Effects

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval Getting Information OutMoods and Memories

bullState dependent memorybullMood13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 congruent13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 memory

Wednesday March 6 13


Wednesday March 6 13



Wednesday March 6 13


bullSchacterrsquos sevens sins of memorybullSins of Forgetting


Wednesday March 6 13


bullSchacterrsquos sevens sins of memorybullSins of distortion


bullSin of intrusionbullpersistence

Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Failure

bullEncoding failure

Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Failure

bullEncoding failure

Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Failure

Wednesday March 6 13

Storage DecaybullStorage decay

bullEbbinghaus curve

Wednesday March 6 13

Storage DecaybullStorage decay

bullEbbinghaus curve

Wednesday March 6 13

Ebbinghaus13 Curve

Wednesday March 6 13

Ebbinghaus13 Curve

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval Failure

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval FailureInterference

bullProac3ve13 interference13 (forward acting)bullRetroac3ve13 interference13 (backward-acting)

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 FailureInterference

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 FailureInterference

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 FailureInterference

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 FailureInterference

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 FailureInterference

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval FailureMotivated Forgetting

bullSelf-serving personal historiesbullRepression

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval FailureMotivated Forgetting

bullSelf-serving personal historiesbullRepression

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval FailureMotivated Forgetting

bullSelf-serving personal historiesbullRepression

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval FailureMotivated Forgetting

bullSelf-serving personal historiesbullRepression

Wednesday March 6 13

Memory Construction

Wednesday March 6 13

Misinformation and Imagination Effects

bullLoftus memory studiesbullMisinforma3on13 effect

Wednesday March 6 13

Source Amnesia

bullSource13 amnesia13 (source misattribution)

Wednesday March 6 13

Discerning True and False Memories

bullMemory studiesbullEye witness testimony

Wednesday March 6 13

Childrenrsquos Eyewitness Recall

bullChildrenrsquos memories of abusebullSuggestibility

Wednesday March 6 13

Repressed or Constructed Memories of Abuse

bullAreas of agreementbullSexual abuse happensbullInjustice happensbullForgetting happensbullRecovered memories are incompletebullMemories before 3 years are unreliablebullHypnotic memories are unreliablebullMemories can be emotionally upsetting

Wednesday March 6 13

Repressed or Constructed Memories of Abuse

bullLoftus studies with children

Wednesday March 6 13

Improving Memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Improving Memory TechniquesbullStudy repeatedlybullMake the material meaningfulbullActivate retrieval cuesbullUse mnemonic devicesbullMinimize interferencebullSleep morebullTest your own knowledge both to rehearse it and to help determine what you do not yet

Wednesday March 6 13

The End

Wednesday March 6 13

Teacher13 Informa3onbullTypes13 of13 Files

bullThis13 presenta3on13 has13 been13 saved13 as13 a13 ldquobasicrdquo13 Powerpoint13 file13 13 While13 this13 file13 format13 placed13 a13 few13 limita3ons13 on13 the13 presenta3on13 it13 insured13 the13 file13 would13 be13 compa3ble13 with13 the13 many13 versions13 of13 Powerpoint13 teachers13 use13 13 To13 add13 func3onality13 to13 the13 presenta3on13 teachers13 may13 want13 to13 save13 the13 file13 for13 their13 specific13 version13 of13 Powerpoint

bullAnima0onbullOnce13 again13 to13 insure13 compa3bility13 with13 all13 versions13 of13 Powerpoint13 none13 of13 the13 slides13 are13 animated13 13 To13 increase13 student13 interest13 it13 is13 suggested13 teachers13 animate13 the13 slides13 wherever13 possible

bullAdding13 slides13 to13 this13 presenta0onbullTeachers13 are13 encouraged13 to13 adapt13 this13 presenta3on13 to13 their13 personal13 teaching13 style13 13 To13 help13 keep13 a13 sense13 of13 con3nuity13 blank13 slides13 which13 can13 be13 copied13 and13 pasted13 to13 a13 specific13 loca3on13 in13 the13 presenta3on13 follow13 this13 ldquoTeacher13 Informa3onrdquo13 sec3on13 13 13

Wednesday March 6 13

Teacher13 Informa3onbullHyperlink13 Slides13 -shy‐13 This13 presenta3on13 contain13 two13 types13 of13 hyperlinks13 13 Hyperlinks13 can13 be13 iden3fied13 by13 the13 text13 being13 underlined13 and13 a13 different13 color13 (usually13 purple)

bullUnit13 subsec0ons13 hyperlinks13 13 Immediately13 aer13 the13 unit13 3tle13 slide13 a13 page13 (slide13 3)13 can13 be13 found13 lis3ng13 all13 of13 the13 unitrsquos13 subsec3ons13 13 While13 in13 slide13 show13 mode13 clicking13 on13 any13 of13 these13 hyperlinks13 will13 take13 the13 user13 directly13 to13 the13 beginning13 of13 that13 subsec3on13 13 This13 allows13 teachers13 quick13 access13 to13 each13 subsec3on

bullBold13 print13 term13 hyperlinks13 13 Every13 bold13 print13 term13 from13 the13 unit13 is13 included13 in13 this13 presenta3on13 as13 a13 hyperlink13 13 While13 in13 slide13 show13 mode13 clicking13 on13 any13 of13 the13 hyperlinks13 will13 take13 the13 user13 to13 a13 slide13 containing13 the13 formal13 defini3on13 of13 the13 term13 13 Clicking13 on13 the13 ldquoarrowrdquo13 in13 the13 boaom13 le13 corner13 of13 the13 defini3on13 slide13 will13 take13 the13 user13 back13 to13 the13 original13 point13 in13 the13 presenta3on13

13 These13 hyperlinks13 were13 included13 for13 teachers13 who13 want13 students13 to13 see13 or13 copy13 down13 the13 exact13 defini3on13 as13 stated13 in13 the13 text13 13 Most13 teachers13 prefer13 the13 defini3ons13 not13 be13 included13 to13 prevent13 students13 from13 only13 ldquocopying13 down13 what13 is13 on13 the13 screenrdquo13 and13 not13 ac3vely13 listening13 to13 the13 presenta3on

13 For13 teachers13 who13 con3nually13 use13 the13 Bold13 Print13 Term13 Hyperlinks13 op3on13 please13 contact13 the13 author13 using13 the13 email13 address13 on13 the13 next13 slide13 to13 learn13 a13 technique13 to13 expedite13 the13 returning13 to13 the13 original13 point13 in13 the13 presenta3on

Wednesday March 6 13

Teacher13 Informa3onbullCon0nuity13 slides

bullThroughout13 this13 presenta3on13 there13 are13 slides13 usually13 of13 graphics13 or13 tables13 that13 build13 on13 one13 another13 13 These13 are13 included13 for13 three13 purposes13 13

bullBy13 presen3ng13 informa3on13 in13 small13 chunks13 students13 will13 find13 it13 easier13 to13 process13 and13 remember13 the13 concepts13 13

bullBy13 con3nually13 changing13 slides13 students13 will13 stay13 interested13 in13 the13 presenta3onbullTo13 facilitate13 class13 discussion13 and13 cri3cal13 thinking13 13 Students13 should13 be13 encouraged13 to13 think13 about13 ldquowhat13 might13 come13 nextrdquo13 in13 the13 series13 of13 slides13 13

bullPlease13 feel13 free13 to13 contact13 me13 at13 kkorekgermantownk12wius13 with13 any13 ques3ons13 concerns13 sugges3ons13 etc13 regarding13 these13 presenta3ons13

Kent13 Korek

Germantown13 High13 School

Germantown13 WI13 53022

Wednesday March 6 13

Division title (green print)subdivision title (blue print)


Wednesday March 6 13

Division title (green print)

Use13 this13 slide13 to13 add13 a13 table13 chart13 clip13 art13 picture13 diagram13 or13 video13 clip13 13 Delete13 this13 box13 when13 finished

Wednesday March 6 13

Definition Slide

= add definition here

Wednesday March 6 13


Wednesday March 6 13


= the persistence of learning over time through the storage and retrieval of information

Wednesday March 6 13


= the processing of information into the memory systems ndash for example by extracting meaning

Wednesday March 6 13


= the retention of encoded information over time

Wednesday March 6 13


= the process of getting information out of memory storage

Wednesday March 6 13

Sensory Memory

= the immediate very brief recording of sensory information in the memory system

Wednesday March 6 13

Short-term Memory

= activated memory that holds a few items briefly such as the seven digits of a phone number while dialing before the information is stored or forgotten

Wednesday March 6 13

Long-term Memory

= the relatively permanent and limitless storehouse of the memory system Includes knowledge skills and experiences

Wednesday March 6 13

Working Memory

= a newer understanding of short-term memory that focuses on conscious active processing of incoming auditory and visual-spatial information and of information retrieved from long-term memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Parallel Processing

= the processing of many aspects of a problem simultaneously the brainrsquos natural mode of information processing for many functions Contrasts with the step-by-step (serial) processing of most computers and of conscious problem solving

Wednesday March 6 13

Automatic Processing

= unconscious encoding of incidental information such as space time and frequency and of well-learned information such as word meanings

Wednesday March 6 13

Effortful Processing

= encoding that requires attention and conscious effort

Wednesday March 6 13


= the conscious repetition of information either to maintain it in consciousness or to encode it for storage

Wednesday March 6 13

Spacing Effect

= the tendency for distributed study or practice to yield better long-term retention than is achieved through massed study or practice

Wednesday March 6 13

Serial Position Effect

= our tendency to recall best the last and first items in a list

Wednesday March 6 13

Visual Encoding

= the encoding of picture images

Wednesday March 6 13

Acoustic Encoding

= the encoding of sound especially the sound of words

Wednesday March 6 13

Semantic Encoding

= the encoding of meaning including the meaning of words

Wednesday March 6 13


= mental pictures a powerful aid to effortful processing especially when combined with semantic encoding

Wednesday March 6 13


= memory aids especially those techniques that use vivid imagery and organizational devices

Wednesday March 6 13


= organizing items into familiar manageable units often occurs automatically

Wednesday March 6 13

Iconic Memory

= a momentary sensory memory of visual stimuli a photographic or picture-image memory lasting no more than a few tenths of a second

Wednesday March 6 13

Echoic Memory

= a momentary sensory memory of auditory stimuli if attention is elsewhere sounds and words can still be recalled within 3 or 4 seconds

Wednesday March 6 13

Long-term Potentiation (LTP)

= an increase in a synapsersquos firing potential after brief rapid stimulation Believed to be a neural basis for learning and memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Flashbulb Memory

= a clear memory of an emotionally significant moment or event

Wednesday March 6 13


= loss of memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Implicit Memory

= retention independent of conscious recollection (Also called nondeclarative or procedural memory)

Wednesday March 6 13

Explicit Memory

= memory of facts and experiences that one can consciously know and ldquodeclarerdquo (Also called declarative memory)

Wednesday March 6 13


= a neural center that is located in the limbic system helps process explicit memories for storage

Wednesday March 6 13


= a measure of memory in which the person must retrieve information learning earlier as on a fill-in-the-blank test

Wednesday March 6 13


= a measure of memory in which the person need only identify items previously learned as on a multiple-choice test

Wednesday March 6 13


= a measure of memory that assesses the amount of time saved when learning material for a second time

Wednesday March 6 13


= the activation often unconsciously of particular associations in memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Deja Vu

= that eerie sense that ldquoIrsquove experienced this beforerdquo Cues from the current situation may subconsciously trigger retrieval of an earlier experience

Wednesday March 6 13

Mood Congruent Memory

= the tendency to recall experiences that are consistent with onersquos current good or bad mood

Wednesday March 6 13

Proactive Interference

= the disruptive effect of prior learning on the recall of new information

Wednesday March 6 13

Retroactive Interference

= the disruptive effect of new learning on the recall of old information

Wednesday March 6 13


= in psychoanalytic theory the basic defense mechanism that banishes from consciousness anxiety-arousing thoughts feelings and memories

Wednesday March 6 13

Misinformation Effect

= incorporating misleading information into onersquos memory of an event

Wednesday March 6 13

Source Amnesia

= attributing to the wrong source an event we have experienced heard about read about or imagined (Also called source misattribution) Source amnesia along with the misinformation effect is at the heart of many false memories

Wednesday March 6 13

Modified13 Three-shy‐stage13 Processing13 Model13 of13 Memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Getting Information InHow We Encode

bullAutomatic ProcessingbullParallel13 processingbullThings13 that13 are13 automa3cally13 bullprocessed

bullSpacebullTimebullFrequencybullWell-learned information

Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Getting Information InHow We Encode

bullEfforGul13 ProcessingbullRehearsal (conscious repetition)bullEbbinghaus curve

Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Getting Information InHow We Encode

bullEbbinghaus curve

Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Getting Information InHow We Encode

bullOverlearningbullSpacing13 effect

bullMassed practicebullDistributed practice

bullTesting effect

Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Getting Information InHow We Encode

bullSerial13 posi3on13 effectbullRecency effectbullPrimacy effect

Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Getting Information InWhat We Encode

bullLevels of ProcessingbullVisual13 encodingbullAcous3c13 encodingbullSeman3c13 encoding

bullSelf-reference effect

Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding13 GeKng13 Informa3on13 InWhat13 We13 Encode

Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding13 GeKng13 Informa3on13 InWhat13 We13 Encode

Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding13 GeKng13 Informa3on13 InWhat13 We13 Encode

Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding13 GeKng13 Informa3on13 InWhat13 We13 Encode

Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Getting Information InWhat We Encode

bullVisual EncodingbullImagery

bullRosy retrospectionbullMnemonics

bullPeg-word system

Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Getting Information InWhat We Encode

bullOrganizing Information for EncodingbullChunking


Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Getting Information InWhat We Encode

bullOrganizing Information for EncodingbullChunking


Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Getting Information InWhat We Encode

bullOrganizing Information for EncodingbullChunking


Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Getting Information InWhat We Encode

bullOrganizing Information for EncodingbullChunking


Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Getting Information InWhat We Encode

bullOrganizing Information for EncodingbullChunking


Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Getting Information InWhat We Encode

bullOrganizing Information for EncodingbullChunking


Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Getting Information InWhat We Encode

bullOrganizing Information for EncodingbullChunking


Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Getting Information InWhat We Encode

bullOrganizing Information for EncodingbullHierarchies

Wednesday March 6 13

Storage Retaining InformationSensory Memory

bullSperlingrsquos memory experimentbullIconic13 memorybullEchoic13 memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Storage Retaining InformationWorkingShort-Term

bullMagic number SevenbullPlus or minus 2

bullThe list of magic sevensbullSeven wonders of worldbullSeven seasbullSeven deadly sinsbullSeven primary colorsbullSeven musical scale notesbullSeven days of the week

Wednesday March 6 13

Storage Retaining InformationLong-Term Memory

bullUnlimited nature of long-term memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Storage Retaining InformationStoring Memories in the

bullSynaptic ChangesbullMemory tracebullLong-shy‐term13 poten3a3on13 (LTP)bullMemory boosting drugs


Wednesday March 6 13

Storage Retaining InformationStoring Memories in the Stress Hormones and Memory

bullEmotions and memoriesbullFlashbulb13 memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Storage Retaining InformationStoring Memories in the bullStoring Implicit and Explicit Memories

bullAmnesiabullHM Studies

Wednesday March 6 13

Storage Retaining InformationStoring Memories in the

bullStoring Implicit and Explicit MemoriesbullImplicit13 memory13 (nondeclarative memory)bullExplicit13 memory13 (declarative memory)


Wednesday March 6 13

Storage13 Retaining13 Informa3onStoring13 Memories13 in13 the13 Brain

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval Getting Information Out


Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval Getting Information OutRetrieval Cues

bullRetrieval cuesbullMnemonic devicesbullPriming

Wednesday March 6 13


Wednesday March 6 13


Wednesday March 6 13


Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval Getting Information OutContext Effects

bullContext effectsbullDeacutejagrave13 vu

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 GeKng13 Informa3on13 OutContext13 Effects

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 GeKng13 Informa3on13 OutContext13 Effects

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 GeKng13 Informa3on13 OutContext13 Effects

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 GeKng13 Informa3on13 OutContext13 Effects

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 GeKng13 Informa3on13 OutContext13 Effects

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 GeKng13 Informa3on13 OutContext13 Effects

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval Getting Information OutMoods and Memories

bullState dependent memorybullMood13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 congruent13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 memory

Wednesday March 6 13


Wednesday March 6 13



Wednesday March 6 13


bullSchacterrsquos sevens sins of memorybullSins of Forgetting


Wednesday March 6 13


bullSchacterrsquos sevens sins of memorybullSins of distortion


bullSin of intrusionbullpersistence

Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Failure

bullEncoding failure

Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Failure

bullEncoding failure

Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Failure

Wednesday March 6 13

Storage DecaybullStorage decay

bullEbbinghaus curve

Wednesday March 6 13

Storage DecaybullStorage decay

bullEbbinghaus curve

Wednesday March 6 13

Ebbinghaus13 Curve

Wednesday March 6 13

Ebbinghaus13 Curve

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval Failure

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval FailureInterference

bullProac3ve13 interference13 (forward acting)bullRetroac3ve13 interference13 (backward-acting)

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 FailureInterference

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 FailureInterference

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 FailureInterference

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 FailureInterference

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 FailureInterference

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval FailureMotivated Forgetting

bullSelf-serving personal historiesbullRepression

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval FailureMotivated Forgetting

bullSelf-serving personal historiesbullRepression

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval FailureMotivated Forgetting

bullSelf-serving personal historiesbullRepression

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval FailureMotivated Forgetting

bullSelf-serving personal historiesbullRepression

Wednesday March 6 13

Memory Construction

Wednesday March 6 13

Misinformation and Imagination Effects

bullLoftus memory studiesbullMisinforma3on13 effect

Wednesday March 6 13

Source Amnesia

bullSource13 amnesia13 (source misattribution)

Wednesday March 6 13

Discerning True and False Memories

bullMemory studiesbullEye witness testimony

Wednesday March 6 13

Childrenrsquos Eyewitness Recall

bullChildrenrsquos memories of abusebullSuggestibility

Wednesday March 6 13

Repressed or Constructed Memories of Abuse

bullAreas of agreementbullSexual abuse happensbullInjustice happensbullForgetting happensbullRecovered memories are incompletebullMemories before 3 years are unreliablebullHypnotic memories are unreliablebullMemories can be emotionally upsetting

Wednesday March 6 13

Repressed or Constructed Memories of Abuse

bullLoftus studies with children

Wednesday March 6 13

Improving Memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Improving Memory TechniquesbullStudy repeatedlybullMake the material meaningfulbullActivate retrieval cuesbullUse mnemonic devicesbullMinimize interferencebullSleep morebullTest your own knowledge both to rehearse it and to help determine what you do not yet

Wednesday March 6 13

The End

Wednesday March 6 13

Teacher13 Informa3onbullTypes13 of13 Files

bullThis13 presenta3on13 has13 been13 saved13 as13 a13 ldquobasicrdquo13 Powerpoint13 file13 13 While13 this13 file13 format13 placed13 a13 few13 limita3ons13 on13 the13 presenta3on13 it13 insured13 the13 file13 would13 be13 compa3ble13 with13 the13 many13 versions13 of13 Powerpoint13 teachers13 use13 13 To13 add13 func3onality13 to13 the13 presenta3on13 teachers13 may13 want13 to13 save13 the13 file13 for13 their13 specific13 version13 of13 Powerpoint

bullAnima0onbullOnce13 again13 to13 insure13 compa3bility13 with13 all13 versions13 of13 Powerpoint13 none13 of13 the13 slides13 are13 animated13 13 To13 increase13 student13 interest13 it13 is13 suggested13 teachers13 animate13 the13 slides13 wherever13 possible

bullAdding13 slides13 to13 this13 presenta0onbullTeachers13 are13 encouraged13 to13 adapt13 this13 presenta3on13 to13 their13 personal13 teaching13 style13 13 To13 help13 keep13 a13 sense13 of13 con3nuity13 blank13 slides13 which13 can13 be13 copied13 and13 pasted13 to13 a13 specific13 loca3on13 in13 the13 presenta3on13 follow13 this13 ldquoTeacher13 Informa3onrdquo13 sec3on13 13 13

Wednesday March 6 13

Teacher13 Informa3onbullHyperlink13 Slides13 -shy‐13 This13 presenta3on13 contain13 two13 types13 of13 hyperlinks13 13 Hyperlinks13 can13 be13 iden3fied13 by13 the13 text13 being13 underlined13 and13 a13 different13 color13 (usually13 purple)

bullUnit13 subsec0ons13 hyperlinks13 13 Immediately13 aer13 the13 unit13 3tle13 slide13 a13 page13 (slide13 3)13 can13 be13 found13 lis3ng13 all13 of13 the13 unitrsquos13 subsec3ons13 13 While13 in13 slide13 show13 mode13 clicking13 on13 any13 of13 these13 hyperlinks13 will13 take13 the13 user13 directly13 to13 the13 beginning13 of13 that13 subsec3on13 13 This13 allows13 teachers13 quick13 access13 to13 each13 subsec3on

bullBold13 print13 term13 hyperlinks13 13 Every13 bold13 print13 term13 from13 the13 unit13 is13 included13 in13 this13 presenta3on13 as13 a13 hyperlink13 13 While13 in13 slide13 show13 mode13 clicking13 on13 any13 of13 the13 hyperlinks13 will13 take13 the13 user13 to13 a13 slide13 containing13 the13 formal13 defini3on13 of13 the13 term13 13 Clicking13 on13 the13 ldquoarrowrdquo13 in13 the13 boaom13 le13 corner13 of13 the13 defini3on13 slide13 will13 take13 the13 user13 back13 to13 the13 original13 point13 in13 the13 presenta3on13

13 These13 hyperlinks13 were13 included13 for13 teachers13 who13 want13 students13 to13 see13 or13 copy13 down13 the13 exact13 defini3on13 as13 stated13 in13 the13 text13 13 Most13 teachers13 prefer13 the13 defini3ons13 not13 be13 included13 to13 prevent13 students13 from13 only13 ldquocopying13 down13 what13 is13 on13 the13 screenrdquo13 and13 not13 ac3vely13 listening13 to13 the13 presenta3on

13 For13 teachers13 who13 con3nually13 use13 the13 Bold13 Print13 Term13 Hyperlinks13 op3on13 please13 contact13 the13 author13 using13 the13 email13 address13 on13 the13 next13 slide13 to13 learn13 a13 technique13 to13 expedite13 the13 returning13 to13 the13 original13 point13 in13 the13 presenta3on

Wednesday March 6 13

Teacher13 Informa3onbullCon0nuity13 slides

bullThroughout13 this13 presenta3on13 there13 are13 slides13 usually13 of13 graphics13 or13 tables13 that13 build13 on13 one13 another13 13 These13 are13 included13 for13 three13 purposes13 13

bullBy13 presen3ng13 informa3on13 in13 small13 chunks13 students13 will13 find13 it13 easier13 to13 process13 and13 remember13 the13 concepts13 13

bullBy13 con3nually13 changing13 slides13 students13 will13 stay13 interested13 in13 the13 presenta3onbullTo13 facilitate13 class13 discussion13 and13 cri3cal13 thinking13 13 Students13 should13 be13 encouraged13 to13 think13 about13 ldquowhat13 might13 come13 nextrdquo13 in13 the13 series13 of13 slides13 13

bullPlease13 feel13 free13 to13 contact13 me13 at13 kkorekgermantownk12wius13 with13 any13 ques3ons13 concerns13 sugges3ons13 etc13 regarding13 these13 presenta3ons13

Kent13 Korek

Germantown13 High13 School

Germantown13 WI13 53022

Wednesday March 6 13

Division title (green print)subdivision title (blue print)


Wednesday March 6 13

Division title (green print)

Use13 this13 slide13 to13 add13 a13 table13 chart13 clip13 art13 picture13 diagram13 or13 video13 clip13 13 Delete13 this13 box13 when13 finished

Wednesday March 6 13

Definition Slide

= add definition here

Wednesday March 6 13


Wednesday March 6 13


= the persistence of learning over time through the storage and retrieval of information

Wednesday March 6 13


= the processing of information into the memory systems ndash for example by extracting meaning

Wednesday March 6 13


= the retention of encoded information over time

Wednesday March 6 13


= the process of getting information out of memory storage

Wednesday March 6 13

Sensory Memory

= the immediate very brief recording of sensory information in the memory system

Wednesday March 6 13

Short-term Memory

= activated memory that holds a few items briefly such as the seven digits of a phone number while dialing before the information is stored or forgotten

Wednesday March 6 13

Long-term Memory

= the relatively permanent and limitless storehouse of the memory system Includes knowledge skills and experiences

Wednesday March 6 13

Working Memory

= a newer understanding of short-term memory that focuses on conscious active processing of incoming auditory and visual-spatial information and of information retrieved from long-term memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Parallel Processing

= the processing of many aspects of a problem simultaneously the brainrsquos natural mode of information processing for many functions Contrasts with the step-by-step (serial) processing of most computers and of conscious problem solving

Wednesday March 6 13

Automatic Processing

= unconscious encoding of incidental information such as space time and frequency and of well-learned information such as word meanings

Wednesday March 6 13

Effortful Processing

= encoding that requires attention and conscious effort

Wednesday March 6 13


= the conscious repetition of information either to maintain it in consciousness or to encode it for storage

Wednesday March 6 13

Spacing Effect

= the tendency for distributed study or practice to yield better long-term retention than is achieved through massed study or practice

Wednesday March 6 13

Serial Position Effect

= our tendency to recall best the last and first items in a list

Wednesday March 6 13

Visual Encoding

= the encoding of picture images

Wednesday March 6 13

Acoustic Encoding

= the encoding of sound especially the sound of words

Wednesday March 6 13

Semantic Encoding

= the encoding of meaning including the meaning of words

Wednesday March 6 13


= mental pictures a powerful aid to effortful processing especially when combined with semantic encoding

Wednesday March 6 13


= memory aids especially those techniques that use vivid imagery and organizational devices

Wednesday March 6 13


= organizing items into familiar manageable units often occurs automatically

Wednesday March 6 13

Iconic Memory

= a momentary sensory memory of visual stimuli a photographic or picture-image memory lasting no more than a few tenths of a second

Wednesday March 6 13

Echoic Memory

= a momentary sensory memory of auditory stimuli if attention is elsewhere sounds and words can still be recalled within 3 or 4 seconds

Wednesday March 6 13

Long-term Potentiation (LTP)

= an increase in a synapsersquos firing potential after brief rapid stimulation Believed to be a neural basis for learning and memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Flashbulb Memory

= a clear memory of an emotionally significant moment or event

Wednesday March 6 13


= loss of memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Implicit Memory

= retention independent of conscious recollection (Also called nondeclarative or procedural memory)

Wednesday March 6 13

Explicit Memory

= memory of facts and experiences that one can consciously know and ldquodeclarerdquo (Also called declarative memory)

Wednesday March 6 13


= a neural center that is located in the limbic system helps process explicit memories for storage

Wednesday March 6 13


= a measure of memory in which the person must retrieve information learning earlier as on a fill-in-the-blank test

Wednesday March 6 13


= a measure of memory in which the person need only identify items previously learned as on a multiple-choice test

Wednesday March 6 13


= a measure of memory that assesses the amount of time saved when learning material for a second time

Wednesday March 6 13


= the activation often unconsciously of particular associations in memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Deja Vu

= that eerie sense that ldquoIrsquove experienced this beforerdquo Cues from the current situation may subconsciously trigger retrieval of an earlier experience

Wednesday March 6 13

Mood Congruent Memory

= the tendency to recall experiences that are consistent with onersquos current good or bad mood

Wednesday March 6 13

Proactive Interference

= the disruptive effect of prior learning on the recall of new information

Wednesday March 6 13

Retroactive Interference

= the disruptive effect of new learning on the recall of old information

Wednesday March 6 13


= in psychoanalytic theory the basic defense mechanism that banishes from consciousness anxiety-arousing thoughts feelings and memories

Wednesday March 6 13

Misinformation Effect

= incorporating misleading information into onersquos memory of an event

Wednesday March 6 13

Source Amnesia

= attributing to the wrong source an event we have experienced heard about read about or imagined (Also called source misattribution) Source amnesia along with the misinformation effect is at the heart of many false memories

Wednesday March 6 13

Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Getting Information InHow We Encode

bullAutomatic ProcessingbullParallel13 processingbullThings13 that13 are13 automa3cally13 bullprocessed

bullSpacebullTimebullFrequencybullWell-learned information

Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Getting Information InHow We Encode

bullEfforGul13 ProcessingbullRehearsal (conscious repetition)bullEbbinghaus curve

Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Getting Information InHow We Encode

bullEbbinghaus curve

Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Getting Information InHow We Encode

bullOverlearningbullSpacing13 effect

bullMassed practicebullDistributed practice

bullTesting effect

Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Getting Information InHow We Encode

bullSerial13 posi3on13 effectbullRecency effectbullPrimacy effect

Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Getting Information InWhat We Encode

bullLevels of ProcessingbullVisual13 encodingbullAcous3c13 encodingbullSeman3c13 encoding

bullSelf-reference effect

Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding13 GeKng13 Informa3on13 InWhat13 We13 Encode

Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding13 GeKng13 Informa3on13 InWhat13 We13 Encode

Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding13 GeKng13 Informa3on13 InWhat13 We13 Encode

Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding13 GeKng13 Informa3on13 InWhat13 We13 Encode

Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Getting Information InWhat We Encode

bullVisual EncodingbullImagery

bullRosy retrospectionbullMnemonics

bullPeg-word system

Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Getting Information InWhat We Encode

bullOrganizing Information for EncodingbullChunking


Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Getting Information InWhat We Encode

bullOrganizing Information for EncodingbullChunking


Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Getting Information InWhat We Encode

bullOrganizing Information for EncodingbullChunking


Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Getting Information InWhat We Encode

bullOrganizing Information for EncodingbullChunking


Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Getting Information InWhat We Encode

bullOrganizing Information for EncodingbullChunking


Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Getting Information InWhat We Encode

bullOrganizing Information for EncodingbullChunking


Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Getting Information InWhat We Encode

bullOrganizing Information for EncodingbullChunking


Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Getting Information InWhat We Encode

bullOrganizing Information for EncodingbullHierarchies

Wednesday March 6 13

Storage Retaining InformationSensory Memory

bullSperlingrsquos memory experimentbullIconic13 memorybullEchoic13 memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Storage Retaining InformationWorkingShort-Term

bullMagic number SevenbullPlus or minus 2

bullThe list of magic sevensbullSeven wonders of worldbullSeven seasbullSeven deadly sinsbullSeven primary colorsbullSeven musical scale notesbullSeven days of the week

Wednesday March 6 13

Storage Retaining InformationLong-Term Memory

bullUnlimited nature of long-term memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Storage Retaining InformationStoring Memories in the

bullSynaptic ChangesbullMemory tracebullLong-shy‐term13 poten3a3on13 (LTP)bullMemory boosting drugs


Wednesday March 6 13

Storage Retaining InformationStoring Memories in the Stress Hormones and Memory

bullEmotions and memoriesbullFlashbulb13 memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Storage Retaining InformationStoring Memories in the bullStoring Implicit and Explicit Memories

bullAmnesiabullHM Studies

Wednesday March 6 13

Storage Retaining InformationStoring Memories in the

bullStoring Implicit and Explicit MemoriesbullImplicit13 memory13 (nondeclarative memory)bullExplicit13 memory13 (declarative memory)


Wednesday March 6 13

Storage13 Retaining13 Informa3onStoring13 Memories13 in13 the13 Brain

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval Getting Information Out


Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval Getting Information OutRetrieval Cues

bullRetrieval cuesbullMnemonic devicesbullPriming

Wednesday March 6 13


Wednesday March 6 13


Wednesday March 6 13


Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval Getting Information OutContext Effects

bullContext effectsbullDeacutejagrave13 vu

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 GeKng13 Informa3on13 OutContext13 Effects

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 GeKng13 Informa3on13 OutContext13 Effects

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 GeKng13 Informa3on13 OutContext13 Effects

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 GeKng13 Informa3on13 OutContext13 Effects

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 GeKng13 Informa3on13 OutContext13 Effects

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 GeKng13 Informa3on13 OutContext13 Effects

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval Getting Information OutMoods and Memories

bullState dependent memorybullMood13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 congruent13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 memory

Wednesday March 6 13


Wednesday March 6 13



Wednesday March 6 13


bullSchacterrsquos sevens sins of memorybullSins of Forgetting


Wednesday March 6 13


bullSchacterrsquos sevens sins of memorybullSins of distortion


bullSin of intrusionbullpersistence

Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Failure

bullEncoding failure

Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Failure

bullEncoding failure

Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Failure

Wednesday March 6 13

Storage DecaybullStorage decay

bullEbbinghaus curve

Wednesday March 6 13

Storage DecaybullStorage decay

bullEbbinghaus curve

Wednesday March 6 13

Ebbinghaus13 Curve

Wednesday March 6 13

Ebbinghaus13 Curve

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval Failure

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval FailureInterference

bullProac3ve13 interference13 (forward acting)bullRetroac3ve13 interference13 (backward-acting)

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 FailureInterference

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 FailureInterference

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 FailureInterference

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 FailureInterference

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 FailureInterference

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval FailureMotivated Forgetting

bullSelf-serving personal historiesbullRepression

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval FailureMotivated Forgetting

bullSelf-serving personal historiesbullRepression

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval FailureMotivated Forgetting

bullSelf-serving personal historiesbullRepression

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval FailureMotivated Forgetting

bullSelf-serving personal historiesbullRepression

Wednesday March 6 13

Memory Construction

Wednesday March 6 13

Misinformation and Imagination Effects

bullLoftus memory studiesbullMisinforma3on13 effect

Wednesday March 6 13

Source Amnesia

bullSource13 amnesia13 (source misattribution)

Wednesday March 6 13

Discerning True and False Memories

bullMemory studiesbullEye witness testimony

Wednesday March 6 13

Childrenrsquos Eyewitness Recall

bullChildrenrsquos memories of abusebullSuggestibility

Wednesday March 6 13

Repressed or Constructed Memories of Abuse

bullAreas of agreementbullSexual abuse happensbullInjustice happensbullForgetting happensbullRecovered memories are incompletebullMemories before 3 years are unreliablebullHypnotic memories are unreliablebullMemories can be emotionally upsetting

Wednesday March 6 13

Repressed or Constructed Memories of Abuse

bullLoftus studies with children

Wednesday March 6 13

Improving Memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Improving Memory TechniquesbullStudy repeatedlybullMake the material meaningfulbullActivate retrieval cuesbullUse mnemonic devicesbullMinimize interferencebullSleep morebullTest your own knowledge both to rehearse it and to help determine what you do not yet

Wednesday March 6 13

The End

Wednesday March 6 13

Teacher13 Informa3onbullTypes13 of13 Files

bullThis13 presenta3on13 has13 been13 saved13 as13 a13 ldquobasicrdquo13 Powerpoint13 file13 13 While13 this13 file13 format13 placed13 a13 few13 limita3ons13 on13 the13 presenta3on13 it13 insured13 the13 file13 would13 be13 compa3ble13 with13 the13 many13 versions13 of13 Powerpoint13 teachers13 use13 13 To13 add13 func3onality13 to13 the13 presenta3on13 teachers13 may13 want13 to13 save13 the13 file13 for13 their13 specific13 version13 of13 Powerpoint

bullAnima0onbullOnce13 again13 to13 insure13 compa3bility13 with13 all13 versions13 of13 Powerpoint13 none13 of13 the13 slides13 are13 animated13 13 To13 increase13 student13 interest13 it13 is13 suggested13 teachers13 animate13 the13 slides13 wherever13 possible

bullAdding13 slides13 to13 this13 presenta0onbullTeachers13 are13 encouraged13 to13 adapt13 this13 presenta3on13 to13 their13 personal13 teaching13 style13 13 To13 help13 keep13 a13 sense13 of13 con3nuity13 blank13 slides13 which13 can13 be13 copied13 and13 pasted13 to13 a13 specific13 loca3on13 in13 the13 presenta3on13 follow13 this13 ldquoTeacher13 Informa3onrdquo13 sec3on13 13 13

Wednesday March 6 13

Teacher13 Informa3onbullHyperlink13 Slides13 -shy‐13 This13 presenta3on13 contain13 two13 types13 of13 hyperlinks13 13 Hyperlinks13 can13 be13 iden3fied13 by13 the13 text13 being13 underlined13 and13 a13 different13 color13 (usually13 purple)

bullUnit13 subsec0ons13 hyperlinks13 13 Immediately13 aer13 the13 unit13 3tle13 slide13 a13 page13 (slide13 3)13 can13 be13 found13 lis3ng13 all13 of13 the13 unitrsquos13 subsec3ons13 13 While13 in13 slide13 show13 mode13 clicking13 on13 any13 of13 these13 hyperlinks13 will13 take13 the13 user13 directly13 to13 the13 beginning13 of13 that13 subsec3on13 13 This13 allows13 teachers13 quick13 access13 to13 each13 subsec3on

bullBold13 print13 term13 hyperlinks13 13 Every13 bold13 print13 term13 from13 the13 unit13 is13 included13 in13 this13 presenta3on13 as13 a13 hyperlink13 13 While13 in13 slide13 show13 mode13 clicking13 on13 any13 of13 the13 hyperlinks13 will13 take13 the13 user13 to13 a13 slide13 containing13 the13 formal13 defini3on13 of13 the13 term13 13 Clicking13 on13 the13 ldquoarrowrdquo13 in13 the13 boaom13 le13 corner13 of13 the13 defini3on13 slide13 will13 take13 the13 user13 back13 to13 the13 original13 point13 in13 the13 presenta3on13

13 These13 hyperlinks13 were13 included13 for13 teachers13 who13 want13 students13 to13 see13 or13 copy13 down13 the13 exact13 defini3on13 as13 stated13 in13 the13 text13 13 Most13 teachers13 prefer13 the13 defini3ons13 not13 be13 included13 to13 prevent13 students13 from13 only13 ldquocopying13 down13 what13 is13 on13 the13 screenrdquo13 and13 not13 ac3vely13 listening13 to13 the13 presenta3on

13 For13 teachers13 who13 con3nually13 use13 the13 Bold13 Print13 Term13 Hyperlinks13 op3on13 please13 contact13 the13 author13 using13 the13 email13 address13 on13 the13 next13 slide13 to13 learn13 a13 technique13 to13 expedite13 the13 returning13 to13 the13 original13 point13 in13 the13 presenta3on

Wednesday March 6 13

Teacher13 Informa3onbullCon0nuity13 slides

bullThroughout13 this13 presenta3on13 there13 are13 slides13 usually13 of13 graphics13 or13 tables13 that13 build13 on13 one13 another13 13 These13 are13 included13 for13 three13 purposes13 13

bullBy13 presen3ng13 informa3on13 in13 small13 chunks13 students13 will13 find13 it13 easier13 to13 process13 and13 remember13 the13 concepts13 13

bullBy13 con3nually13 changing13 slides13 students13 will13 stay13 interested13 in13 the13 presenta3onbullTo13 facilitate13 class13 discussion13 and13 cri3cal13 thinking13 13 Students13 should13 be13 encouraged13 to13 think13 about13 ldquowhat13 might13 come13 nextrdquo13 in13 the13 series13 of13 slides13 13

bullPlease13 feel13 free13 to13 contact13 me13 at13 kkorekgermantownk12wius13 with13 any13 ques3ons13 concerns13 sugges3ons13 etc13 regarding13 these13 presenta3ons13

Kent13 Korek

Germantown13 High13 School

Germantown13 WI13 53022

Wednesday March 6 13

Division title (green print)subdivision title (blue print)


Wednesday March 6 13

Division title (green print)

Use13 this13 slide13 to13 add13 a13 table13 chart13 clip13 art13 picture13 diagram13 or13 video13 clip13 13 Delete13 this13 box13 when13 finished

Wednesday March 6 13

Definition Slide

= add definition here

Wednesday March 6 13


Wednesday March 6 13


= the persistence of learning over time through the storage and retrieval of information

Wednesday March 6 13


= the processing of information into the memory systems ndash for example by extracting meaning

Wednesday March 6 13


= the retention of encoded information over time

Wednesday March 6 13


= the process of getting information out of memory storage

Wednesday March 6 13

Sensory Memory

= the immediate very brief recording of sensory information in the memory system

Wednesday March 6 13

Short-term Memory

= activated memory that holds a few items briefly such as the seven digits of a phone number while dialing before the information is stored or forgotten

Wednesday March 6 13

Long-term Memory

= the relatively permanent and limitless storehouse of the memory system Includes knowledge skills and experiences

Wednesday March 6 13

Working Memory

= a newer understanding of short-term memory that focuses on conscious active processing of incoming auditory and visual-spatial information and of information retrieved from long-term memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Parallel Processing

= the processing of many aspects of a problem simultaneously the brainrsquos natural mode of information processing for many functions Contrasts with the step-by-step (serial) processing of most computers and of conscious problem solving

Wednesday March 6 13

Automatic Processing

= unconscious encoding of incidental information such as space time and frequency and of well-learned information such as word meanings

Wednesday March 6 13

Effortful Processing

= encoding that requires attention and conscious effort

Wednesday March 6 13


= the conscious repetition of information either to maintain it in consciousness or to encode it for storage

Wednesday March 6 13

Spacing Effect

= the tendency for distributed study or practice to yield better long-term retention than is achieved through massed study or practice

Wednesday March 6 13

Serial Position Effect

= our tendency to recall best the last and first items in a list

Wednesday March 6 13

Visual Encoding

= the encoding of picture images

Wednesday March 6 13

Acoustic Encoding

= the encoding of sound especially the sound of words

Wednesday March 6 13

Semantic Encoding

= the encoding of meaning including the meaning of words

Wednesday March 6 13


= mental pictures a powerful aid to effortful processing especially when combined with semantic encoding

Wednesday March 6 13


= memory aids especially those techniques that use vivid imagery and organizational devices

Wednesday March 6 13


= organizing items into familiar manageable units often occurs automatically

Wednesday March 6 13

Iconic Memory

= a momentary sensory memory of visual stimuli a photographic or picture-image memory lasting no more than a few tenths of a second

Wednesday March 6 13

Echoic Memory

= a momentary sensory memory of auditory stimuli if attention is elsewhere sounds and words can still be recalled within 3 or 4 seconds

Wednesday March 6 13

Long-term Potentiation (LTP)

= an increase in a synapsersquos firing potential after brief rapid stimulation Believed to be a neural basis for learning and memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Flashbulb Memory

= a clear memory of an emotionally significant moment or event

Wednesday March 6 13


= loss of memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Implicit Memory

= retention independent of conscious recollection (Also called nondeclarative or procedural memory)

Wednesday March 6 13

Explicit Memory

= memory of facts and experiences that one can consciously know and ldquodeclarerdquo (Also called declarative memory)

Wednesday March 6 13


= a neural center that is located in the limbic system helps process explicit memories for storage

Wednesday March 6 13


= a measure of memory in which the person must retrieve information learning earlier as on a fill-in-the-blank test

Wednesday March 6 13


= a measure of memory in which the person need only identify items previously learned as on a multiple-choice test

Wednesday March 6 13


= a measure of memory that assesses the amount of time saved when learning material for a second time

Wednesday March 6 13


= the activation often unconsciously of particular associations in memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Deja Vu

= that eerie sense that ldquoIrsquove experienced this beforerdquo Cues from the current situation may subconsciously trigger retrieval of an earlier experience

Wednesday March 6 13

Mood Congruent Memory

= the tendency to recall experiences that are consistent with onersquos current good or bad mood

Wednesday March 6 13

Proactive Interference

= the disruptive effect of prior learning on the recall of new information

Wednesday March 6 13

Retroactive Interference

= the disruptive effect of new learning on the recall of old information

Wednesday March 6 13


= in psychoanalytic theory the basic defense mechanism that banishes from consciousness anxiety-arousing thoughts feelings and memories

Wednesday March 6 13

Misinformation Effect

= incorporating misleading information into onersquos memory of an event

Wednesday March 6 13

Source Amnesia

= attributing to the wrong source an event we have experienced heard about read about or imagined (Also called source misattribution) Source amnesia along with the misinformation effect is at the heart of many false memories

Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Getting Information InHow We Encode

bullAutomatic ProcessingbullParallel13 processingbullThings13 that13 are13 automa3cally13 bullprocessed

bullSpacebullTimebullFrequencybullWell-learned information

Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Getting Information InHow We Encode

bullEfforGul13 ProcessingbullRehearsal (conscious repetition)bullEbbinghaus curve

Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Getting Information InHow We Encode

bullEbbinghaus curve

Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Getting Information InHow We Encode

bullOverlearningbullSpacing13 effect

bullMassed practicebullDistributed practice

bullTesting effect

Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Getting Information InHow We Encode

bullSerial13 posi3on13 effectbullRecency effectbullPrimacy effect

Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Getting Information InWhat We Encode

bullLevels of ProcessingbullVisual13 encodingbullAcous3c13 encodingbullSeman3c13 encoding

bullSelf-reference effect

Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding13 GeKng13 Informa3on13 InWhat13 We13 Encode

Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding13 GeKng13 Informa3on13 InWhat13 We13 Encode

Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding13 GeKng13 Informa3on13 InWhat13 We13 Encode

Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding13 GeKng13 Informa3on13 InWhat13 We13 Encode

Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Getting Information InWhat We Encode

bullVisual EncodingbullImagery

bullRosy retrospectionbullMnemonics

bullPeg-word system

Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Getting Information InWhat We Encode

bullOrganizing Information for EncodingbullChunking


Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Getting Information InWhat We Encode

bullOrganizing Information for EncodingbullChunking


Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Getting Information InWhat We Encode

bullOrganizing Information for EncodingbullChunking


Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Getting Information InWhat We Encode

bullOrganizing Information for EncodingbullChunking


Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Getting Information InWhat We Encode

bullOrganizing Information for EncodingbullChunking


Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Getting Information InWhat We Encode

bullOrganizing Information for EncodingbullChunking


Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Getting Information InWhat We Encode

bullOrganizing Information for EncodingbullChunking


Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Getting Information InWhat We Encode

bullOrganizing Information for EncodingbullHierarchies

Wednesday March 6 13

Storage Retaining InformationSensory Memory

bullSperlingrsquos memory experimentbullIconic13 memorybullEchoic13 memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Storage Retaining InformationWorkingShort-Term

bullMagic number SevenbullPlus or minus 2

bullThe list of magic sevensbullSeven wonders of worldbullSeven seasbullSeven deadly sinsbullSeven primary colorsbullSeven musical scale notesbullSeven days of the week

Wednesday March 6 13

Storage Retaining InformationLong-Term Memory

bullUnlimited nature of long-term memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Storage Retaining InformationStoring Memories in the

bullSynaptic ChangesbullMemory tracebullLong-shy‐term13 poten3a3on13 (LTP)bullMemory boosting drugs


Wednesday March 6 13

Storage Retaining InformationStoring Memories in the Stress Hormones and Memory

bullEmotions and memoriesbullFlashbulb13 memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Storage Retaining InformationStoring Memories in the bullStoring Implicit and Explicit Memories

bullAmnesiabullHM Studies

Wednesday March 6 13

Storage Retaining InformationStoring Memories in the

bullStoring Implicit and Explicit MemoriesbullImplicit13 memory13 (nondeclarative memory)bullExplicit13 memory13 (declarative memory)


Wednesday March 6 13

Storage13 Retaining13 Informa3onStoring13 Memories13 in13 the13 Brain

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval Getting Information Out


Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval Getting Information OutRetrieval Cues

bullRetrieval cuesbullMnemonic devicesbullPriming

Wednesday March 6 13


Wednesday March 6 13


Wednesday March 6 13


Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval Getting Information OutContext Effects

bullContext effectsbullDeacutejagrave13 vu

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 GeKng13 Informa3on13 OutContext13 Effects

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 GeKng13 Informa3on13 OutContext13 Effects

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 GeKng13 Informa3on13 OutContext13 Effects

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 GeKng13 Informa3on13 OutContext13 Effects

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 GeKng13 Informa3on13 OutContext13 Effects

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 GeKng13 Informa3on13 OutContext13 Effects

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval Getting Information OutMoods and Memories

bullState dependent memorybullMood13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 congruent13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 memory

Wednesday March 6 13


Wednesday March 6 13



Wednesday March 6 13


bullSchacterrsquos sevens sins of memorybullSins of Forgetting


Wednesday March 6 13


bullSchacterrsquos sevens sins of memorybullSins of distortion


bullSin of intrusionbullpersistence

Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Failure

bullEncoding failure

Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Failure

bullEncoding failure

Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Failure

Wednesday March 6 13

Storage DecaybullStorage decay

bullEbbinghaus curve

Wednesday March 6 13

Storage DecaybullStorage decay

bullEbbinghaus curve

Wednesday March 6 13

Ebbinghaus13 Curve

Wednesday March 6 13

Ebbinghaus13 Curve

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval Failure

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval FailureInterference

bullProac3ve13 interference13 (forward acting)bullRetroac3ve13 interference13 (backward-acting)

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 FailureInterference

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 FailureInterference

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 FailureInterference

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 FailureInterference

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 FailureInterference

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval FailureMotivated Forgetting

bullSelf-serving personal historiesbullRepression

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval FailureMotivated Forgetting

bullSelf-serving personal historiesbullRepression

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval FailureMotivated Forgetting

bullSelf-serving personal historiesbullRepression

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval FailureMotivated Forgetting

bullSelf-serving personal historiesbullRepression

Wednesday March 6 13

Memory Construction

Wednesday March 6 13

Misinformation and Imagination Effects

bullLoftus memory studiesbullMisinforma3on13 effect

Wednesday March 6 13

Source Amnesia

bullSource13 amnesia13 (source misattribution)

Wednesday March 6 13

Discerning True and False Memories

bullMemory studiesbullEye witness testimony

Wednesday March 6 13

Childrenrsquos Eyewitness Recall

bullChildrenrsquos memories of abusebullSuggestibility

Wednesday March 6 13

Repressed or Constructed Memories of Abuse

bullAreas of agreementbullSexual abuse happensbullInjustice happensbullForgetting happensbullRecovered memories are incompletebullMemories before 3 years are unreliablebullHypnotic memories are unreliablebullMemories can be emotionally upsetting

Wednesday March 6 13

Repressed or Constructed Memories of Abuse

bullLoftus studies with children

Wednesday March 6 13

Improving Memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Improving Memory TechniquesbullStudy repeatedlybullMake the material meaningfulbullActivate retrieval cuesbullUse mnemonic devicesbullMinimize interferencebullSleep morebullTest your own knowledge both to rehearse it and to help determine what you do not yet

Wednesday March 6 13

The End

Wednesday March 6 13

Teacher13 Informa3onbullTypes13 of13 Files

bullThis13 presenta3on13 has13 been13 saved13 as13 a13 ldquobasicrdquo13 Powerpoint13 file13 13 While13 this13 file13 format13 placed13 a13 few13 limita3ons13 on13 the13 presenta3on13 it13 insured13 the13 file13 would13 be13 compa3ble13 with13 the13 many13 versions13 of13 Powerpoint13 teachers13 use13 13 To13 add13 func3onality13 to13 the13 presenta3on13 teachers13 may13 want13 to13 save13 the13 file13 for13 their13 specific13 version13 of13 Powerpoint

bullAnima0onbullOnce13 again13 to13 insure13 compa3bility13 with13 all13 versions13 of13 Powerpoint13 none13 of13 the13 slides13 are13 animated13 13 To13 increase13 student13 interest13 it13 is13 suggested13 teachers13 animate13 the13 slides13 wherever13 possible

bullAdding13 slides13 to13 this13 presenta0onbullTeachers13 are13 encouraged13 to13 adapt13 this13 presenta3on13 to13 their13 personal13 teaching13 style13 13 To13 help13 keep13 a13 sense13 of13 con3nuity13 blank13 slides13 which13 can13 be13 copied13 and13 pasted13 to13 a13 specific13 loca3on13 in13 the13 presenta3on13 follow13 this13 ldquoTeacher13 Informa3onrdquo13 sec3on13 13 13

Wednesday March 6 13

Teacher13 Informa3onbullHyperlink13 Slides13 -shy‐13 This13 presenta3on13 contain13 two13 types13 of13 hyperlinks13 13 Hyperlinks13 can13 be13 iden3fied13 by13 the13 text13 being13 underlined13 and13 a13 different13 color13 (usually13 purple)

bullUnit13 subsec0ons13 hyperlinks13 13 Immediately13 aer13 the13 unit13 3tle13 slide13 a13 page13 (slide13 3)13 can13 be13 found13 lis3ng13 all13 of13 the13 unitrsquos13 subsec3ons13 13 While13 in13 slide13 show13 mode13 clicking13 on13 any13 of13 these13 hyperlinks13 will13 take13 the13 user13 directly13 to13 the13 beginning13 of13 that13 subsec3on13 13 This13 allows13 teachers13 quick13 access13 to13 each13 subsec3on

bullBold13 print13 term13 hyperlinks13 13 Every13 bold13 print13 term13 from13 the13 unit13 is13 included13 in13 this13 presenta3on13 as13 a13 hyperlink13 13 While13 in13 slide13 show13 mode13 clicking13 on13 any13 of13 the13 hyperlinks13 will13 take13 the13 user13 to13 a13 slide13 containing13 the13 formal13 defini3on13 of13 the13 term13 13 Clicking13 on13 the13 ldquoarrowrdquo13 in13 the13 boaom13 le13 corner13 of13 the13 defini3on13 slide13 will13 take13 the13 user13 back13 to13 the13 original13 point13 in13 the13 presenta3on13

13 These13 hyperlinks13 were13 included13 for13 teachers13 who13 want13 students13 to13 see13 or13 copy13 down13 the13 exact13 defini3on13 as13 stated13 in13 the13 text13 13 Most13 teachers13 prefer13 the13 defini3ons13 not13 be13 included13 to13 prevent13 students13 from13 only13 ldquocopying13 down13 what13 is13 on13 the13 screenrdquo13 and13 not13 ac3vely13 listening13 to13 the13 presenta3on

13 For13 teachers13 who13 con3nually13 use13 the13 Bold13 Print13 Term13 Hyperlinks13 op3on13 please13 contact13 the13 author13 using13 the13 email13 address13 on13 the13 next13 slide13 to13 learn13 a13 technique13 to13 expedite13 the13 returning13 to13 the13 original13 point13 in13 the13 presenta3on

Wednesday March 6 13

Teacher13 Informa3onbullCon0nuity13 slides

bullThroughout13 this13 presenta3on13 there13 are13 slides13 usually13 of13 graphics13 or13 tables13 that13 build13 on13 one13 another13 13 These13 are13 included13 for13 three13 purposes13 13

bullBy13 presen3ng13 informa3on13 in13 small13 chunks13 students13 will13 find13 it13 easier13 to13 process13 and13 remember13 the13 concepts13 13

bullBy13 con3nually13 changing13 slides13 students13 will13 stay13 interested13 in13 the13 presenta3onbullTo13 facilitate13 class13 discussion13 and13 cri3cal13 thinking13 13 Students13 should13 be13 encouraged13 to13 think13 about13 ldquowhat13 might13 come13 nextrdquo13 in13 the13 series13 of13 slides13 13

bullPlease13 feel13 free13 to13 contact13 me13 at13 kkorekgermantownk12wius13 with13 any13 ques3ons13 concerns13 sugges3ons13 etc13 regarding13 these13 presenta3ons13

Kent13 Korek

Germantown13 High13 School

Germantown13 WI13 53022

Wednesday March 6 13

Division title (green print)subdivision title (blue print)


Wednesday March 6 13

Division title (green print)

Use13 this13 slide13 to13 add13 a13 table13 chart13 clip13 art13 picture13 diagram13 or13 video13 clip13 13 Delete13 this13 box13 when13 finished

Wednesday March 6 13

Definition Slide

= add definition here

Wednesday March 6 13


Wednesday March 6 13


= the persistence of learning over time through the storage and retrieval of information

Wednesday March 6 13


= the processing of information into the memory systems ndash for example by extracting meaning

Wednesday March 6 13


= the retention of encoded information over time

Wednesday March 6 13


= the process of getting information out of memory storage

Wednesday March 6 13

Sensory Memory

= the immediate very brief recording of sensory information in the memory system

Wednesday March 6 13

Short-term Memory

= activated memory that holds a few items briefly such as the seven digits of a phone number while dialing before the information is stored or forgotten

Wednesday March 6 13

Long-term Memory

= the relatively permanent and limitless storehouse of the memory system Includes knowledge skills and experiences

Wednesday March 6 13

Working Memory

= a newer understanding of short-term memory that focuses on conscious active processing of incoming auditory and visual-spatial information and of information retrieved from long-term memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Parallel Processing

= the processing of many aspects of a problem simultaneously the brainrsquos natural mode of information processing for many functions Contrasts with the step-by-step (serial) processing of most computers and of conscious problem solving

Wednesday March 6 13

Automatic Processing

= unconscious encoding of incidental information such as space time and frequency and of well-learned information such as word meanings

Wednesday March 6 13

Effortful Processing

= encoding that requires attention and conscious effort

Wednesday March 6 13


= the conscious repetition of information either to maintain it in consciousness or to encode it for storage

Wednesday March 6 13

Spacing Effect

= the tendency for distributed study or practice to yield better long-term retention than is achieved through massed study or practice

Wednesday March 6 13

Serial Position Effect

= our tendency to recall best the last and first items in a list

Wednesday March 6 13

Visual Encoding

= the encoding of picture images

Wednesday March 6 13

Acoustic Encoding

= the encoding of sound especially the sound of words

Wednesday March 6 13

Semantic Encoding

= the encoding of meaning including the meaning of words

Wednesday March 6 13


= mental pictures a powerful aid to effortful processing especially when combined with semantic encoding

Wednesday March 6 13


= memory aids especially those techniques that use vivid imagery and organizational devices

Wednesday March 6 13


= organizing items into familiar manageable units often occurs automatically

Wednesday March 6 13

Iconic Memory

= a momentary sensory memory of visual stimuli a photographic or picture-image memory lasting no more than a few tenths of a second

Wednesday March 6 13

Echoic Memory

= a momentary sensory memory of auditory stimuli if attention is elsewhere sounds and words can still be recalled within 3 or 4 seconds

Wednesday March 6 13

Long-term Potentiation (LTP)

= an increase in a synapsersquos firing potential after brief rapid stimulation Believed to be a neural basis for learning and memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Flashbulb Memory

= a clear memory of an emotionally significant moment or event

Wednesday March 6 13


= loss of memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Implicit Memory

= retention independent of conscious recollection (Also called nondeclarative or procedural memory)

Wednesday March 6 13

Explicit Memory

= memory of facts and experiences that one can consciously know and ldquodeclarerdquo (Also called declarative memory)

Wednesday March 6 13


= a neural center that is located in the limbic system helps process explicit memories for storage

Wednesday March 6 13


= a measure of memory in which the person must retrieve information learning earlier as on a fill-in-the-blank test

Wednesday March 6 13


= a measure of memory in which the person need only identify items previously learned as on a multiple-choice test

Wednesday March 6 13


= a measure of memory that assesses the amount of time saved when learning material for a second time

Wednesday March 6 13


= the activation often unconsciously of particular associations in memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Deja Vu

= that eerie sense that ldquoIrsquove experienced this beforerdquo Cues from the current situation may subconsciously trigger retrieval of an earlier experience

Wednesday March 6 13

Mood Congruent Memory

= the tendency to recall experiences that are consistent with onersquos current good or bad mood

Wednesday March 6 13

Proactive Interference

= the disruptive effect of prior learning on the recall of new information

Wednesday March 6 13

Retroactive Interference

= the disruptive effect of new learning on the recall of old information

Wednesday March 6 13


= in psychoanalytic theory the basic defense mechanism that banishes from consciousness anxiety-arousing thoughts feelings and memories

Wednesday March 6 13

Misinformation Effect

= incorporating misleading information into onersquos memory of an event

Wednesday March 6 13

Source Amnesia

= attributing to the wrong source an event we have experienced heard about read about or imagined (Also called source misattribution) Source amnesia along with the misinformation effect is at the heart of many false memories

Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Getting Information InHow We Encode

bullEfforGul13 ProcessingbullRehearsal (conscious repetition)bullEbbinghaus curve

Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Getting Information InHow We Encode

bullEbbinghaus curve

Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Getting Information InHow We Encode

bullOverlearningbullSpacing13 effect

bullMassed practicebullDistributed practice

bullTesting effect

Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Getting Information InHow We Encode

bullSerial13 posi3on13 effectbullRecency effectbullPrimacy effect

Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Getting Information InWhat We Encode

bullLevels of ProcessingbullVisual13 encodingbullAcous3c13 encodingbullSeman3c13 encoding

bullSelf-reference effect

Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding13 GeKng13 Informa3on13 InWhat13 We13 Encode

Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding13 GeKng13 Informa3on13 InWhat13 We13 Encode

Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding13 GeKng13 Informa3on13 InWhat13 We13 Encode

Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding13 GeKng13 Informa3on13 InWhat13 We13 Encode

Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Getting Information InWhat We Encode

bullVisual EncodingbullImagery

bullRosy retrospectionbullMnemonics

bullPeg-word system

Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Getting Information InWhat We Encode

bullOrganizing Information for EncodingbullChunking


Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Getting Information InWhat We Encode

bullOrganizing Information for EncodingbullChunking


Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Getting Information InWhat We Encode

bullOrganizing Information for EncodingbullChunking


Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Getting Information InWhat We Encode

bullOrganizing Information for EncodingbullChunking


Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Getting Information InWhat We Encode

bullOrganizing Information for EncodingbullChunking


Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Getting Information InWhat We Encode

bullOrganizing Information for EncodingbullChunking


Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Getting Information InWhat We Encode

bullOrganizing Information for EncodingbullChunking


Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Getting Information InWhat We Encode

bullOrganizing Information for EncodingbullHierarchies

Wednesday March 6 13

Storage Retaining InformationSensory Memory

bullSperlingrsquos memory experimentbullIconic13 memorybullEchoic13 memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Storage Retaining InformationWorkingShort-Term

bullMagic number SevenbullPlus or minus 2

bullThe list of magic sevensbullSeven wonders of worldbullSeven seasbullSeven deadly sinsbullSeven primary colorsbullSeven musical scale notesbullSeven days of the week

Wednesday March 6 13

Storage Retaining InformationLong-Term Memory

bullUnlimited nature of long-term memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Storage Retaining InformationStoring Memories in the

bullSynaptic ChangesbullMemory tracebullLong-shy‐term13 poten3a3on13 (LTP)bullMemory boosting drugs


Wednesday March 6 13

Storage Retaining InformationStoring Memories in the Stress Hormones and Memory

bullEmotions and memoriesbullFlashbulb13 memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Storage Retaining InformationStoring Memories in the bullStoring Implicit and Explicit Memories

bullAmnesiabullHM Studies

Wednesday March 6 13

Storage Retaining InformationStoring Memories in the

bullStoring Implicit and Explicit MemoriesbullImplicit13 memory13 (nondeclarative memory)bullExplicit13 memory13 (declarative memory)


Wednesday March 6 13

Storage13 Retaining13 Informa3onStoring13 Memories13 in13 the13 Brain

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval Getting Information Out


Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval Getting Information OutRetrieval Cues

bullRetrieval cuesbullMnemonic devicesbullPriming

Wednesday March 6 13


Wednesday March 6 13


Wednesday March 6 13


Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval Getting Information OutContext Effects

bullContext effectsbullDeacutejagrave13 vu

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 GeKng13 Informa3on13 OutContext13 Effects

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 GeKng13 Informa3on13 OutContext13 Effects

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 GeKng13 Informa3on13 OutContext13 Effects

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 GeKng13 Informa3on13 OutContext13 Effects

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 GeKng13 Informa3on13 OutContext13 Effects

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 GeKng13 Informa3on13 OutContext13 Effects

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval Getting Information OutMoods and Memories

bullState dependent memorybullMood13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 congruent13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 memory

Wednesday March 6 13


Wednesday March 6 13



Wednesday March 6 13


bullSchacterrsquos sevens sins of memorybullSins of Forgetting


Wednesday March 6 13


bullSchacterrsquos sevens sins of memorybullSins of distortion


bullSin of intrusionbullpersistence

Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Failure

bullEncoding failure

Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Failure

bullEncoding failure

Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Failure

Wednesday March 6 13

Storage DecaybullStorage decay

bullEbbinghaus curve

Wednesday March 6 13

Storage DecaybullStorage decay

bullEbbinghaus curve

Wednesday March 6 13

Ebbinghaus13 Curve

Wednesday March 6 13

Ebbinghaus13 Curve

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval Failure

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval FailureInterference

bullProac3ve13 interference13 (forward acting)bullRetroac3ve13 interference13 (backward-acting)

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 FailureInterference

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 FailureInterference

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 FailureInterference

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 FailureInterference

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 FailureInterference

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval FailureMotivated Forgetting

bullSelf-serving personal historiesbullRepression

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval FailureMotivated Forgetting

bullSelf-serving personal historiesbullRepression

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval FailureMotivated Forgetting

bullSelf-serving personal historiesbullRepression

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval FailureMotivated Forgetting

bullSelf-serving personal historiesbullRepression

Wednesday March 6 13

Memory Construction

Wednesday March 6 13

Misinformation and Imagination Effects

bullLoftus memory studiesbullMisinforma3on13 effect

Wednesday March 6 13

Source Amnesia

bullSource13 amnesia13 (source misattribution)

Wednesday March 6 13

Discerning True and False Memories

bullMemory studiesbullEye witness testimony

Wednesday March 6 13

Childrenrsquos Eyewitness Recall

bullChildrenrsquos memories of abusebullSuggestibility

Wednesday March 6 13

Repressed or Constructed Memories of Abuse

bullAreas of agreementbullSexual abuse happensbullInjustice happensbullForgetting happensbullRecovered memories are incompletebullMemories before 3 years are unreliablebullHypnotic memories are unreliablebullMemories can be emotionally upsetting

Wednesday March 6 13

Repressed or Constructed Memories of Abuse

bullLoftus studies with children

Wednesday March 6 13

Improving Memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Improving Memory TechniquesbullStudy repeatedlybullMake the material meaningfulbullActivate retrieval cuesbullUse mnemonic devicesbullMinimize interferencebullSleep morebullTest your own knowledge both to rehearse it and to help determine what you do not yet

Wednesday March 6 13

The End

Wednesday March 6 13

Teacher13 Informa3onbullTypes13 of13 Files

bullThis13 presenta3on13 has13 been13 saved13 as13 a13 ldquobasicrdquo13 Powerpoint13 file13 13 While13 this13 file13 format13 placed13 a13 few13 limita3ons13 on13 the13 presenta3on13 it13 insured13 the13 file13 would13 be13 compa3ble13 with13 the13 many13 versions13 of13 Powerpoint13 teachers13 use13 13 To13 add13 func3onality13 to13 the13 presenta3on13 teachers13 may13 want13 to13 save13 the13 file13 for13 their13 specific13 version13 of13 Powerpoint

bullAnima0onbullOnce13 again13 to13 insure13 compa3bility13 with13 all13 versions13 of13 Powerpoint13 none13 of13 the13 slides13 are13 animated13 13 To13 increase13 student13 interest13 it13 is13 suggested13 teachers13 animate13 the13 slides13 wherever13 possible

bullAdding13 slides13 to13 this13 presenta0onbullTeachers13 are13 encouraged13 to13 adapt13 this13 presenta3on13 to13 their13 personal13 teaching13 style13 13 To13 help13 keep13 a13 sense13 of13 con3nuity13 blank13 slides13 which13 can13 be13 copied13 and13 pasted13 to13 a13 specific13 loca3on13 in13 the13 presenta3on13 follow13 this13 ldquoTeacher13 Informa3onrdquo13 sec3on13 13 13

Wednesday March 6 13

Teacher13 Informa3onbullHyperlink13 Slides13 -shy‐13 This13 presenta3on13 contain13 two13 types13 of13 hyperlinks13 13 Hyperlinks13 can13 be13 iden3fied13 by13 the13 text13 being13 underlined13 and13 a13 different13 color13 (usually13 purple)

bullUnit13 subsec0ons13 hyperlinks13 13 Immediately13 aer13 the13 unit13 3tle13 slide13 a13 page13 (slide13 3)13 can13 be13 found13 lis3ng13 all13 of13 the13 unitrsquos13 subsec3ons13 13 While13 in13 slide13 show13 mode13 clicking13 on13 any13 of13 these13 hyperlinks13 will13 take13 the13 user13 directly13 to13 the13 beginning13 of13 that13 subsec3on13 13 This13 allows13 teachers13 quick13 access13 to13 each13 subsec3on

bullBold13 print13 term13 hyperlinks13 13 Every13 bold13 print13 term13 from13 the13 unit13 is13 included13 in13 this13 presenta3on13 as13 a13 hyperlink13 13 While13 in13 slide13 show13 mode13 clicking13 on13 any13 of13 the13 hyperlinks13 will13 take13 the13 user13 to13 a13 slide13 containing13 the13 formal13 defini3on13 of13 the13 term13 13 Clicking13 on13 the13 ldquoarrowrdquo13 in13 the13 boaom13 le13 corner13 of13 the13 defini3on13 slide13 will13 take13 the13 user13 back13 to13 the13 original13 point13 in13 the13 presenta3on13

13 These13 hyperlinks13 were13 included13 for13 teachers13 who13 want13 students13 to13 see13 or13 copy13 down13 the13 exact13 defini3on13 as13 stated13 in13 the13 text13 13 Most13 teachers13 prefer13 the13 defini3ons13 not13 be13 included13 to13 prevent13 students13 from13 only13 ldquocopying13 down13 what13 is13 on13 the13 screenrdquo13 and13 not13 ac3vely13 listening13 to13 the13 presenta3on

13 For13 teachers13 who13 con3nually13 use13 the13 Bold13 Print13 Term13 Hyperlinks13 op3on13 please13 contact13 the13 author13 using13 the13 email13 address13 on13 the13 next13 slide13 to13 learn13 a13 technique13 to13 expedite13 the13 returning13 to13 the13 original13 point13 in13 the13 presenta3on

Wednesday March 6 13

Teacher13 Informa3onbullCon0nuity13 slides

bullThroughout13 this13 presenta3on13 there13 are13 slides13 usually13 of13 graphics13 or13 tables13 that13 build13 on13 one13 another13 13 These13 are13 included13 for13 three13 purposes13 13

bullBy13 presen3ng13 informa3on13 in13 small13 chunks13 students13 will13 find13 it13 easier13 to13 process13 and13 remember13 the13 concepts13 13

bullBy13 con3nually13 changing13 slides13 students13 will13 stay13 interested13 in13 the13 presenta3onbullTo13 facilitate13 class13 discussion13 and13 cri3cal13 thinking13 13 Students13 should13 be13 encouraged13 to13 think13 about13 ldquowhat13 might13 come13 nextrdquo13 in13 the13 series13 of13 slides13 13

bullPlease13 feel13 free13 to13 contact13 me13 at13 kkorekgermantownk12wius13 with13 any13 ques3ons13 concerns13 sugges3ons13 etc13 regarding13 these13 presenta3ons13

Kent13 Korek

Germantown13 High13 School

Germantown13 WI13 53022

Wednesday March 6 13

Division title (green print)subdivision title (blue print)


Wednesday March 6 13

Division title (green print)

Use13 this13 slide13 to13 add13 a13 table13 chart13 clip13 art13 picture13 diagram13 or13 video13 clip13 13 Delete13 this13 box13 when13 finished

Wednesday March 6 13

Definition Slide

= add definition here

Wednesday March 6 13


Wednesday March 6 13


= the persistence of learning over time through the storage and retrieval of information

Wednesday March 6 13


= the processing of information into the memory systems ndash for example by extracting meaning

Wednesday March 6 13


= the retention of encoded information over time

Wednesday March 6 13


= the process of getting information out of memory storage

Wednesday March 6 13

Sensory Memory

= the immediate very brief recording of sensory information in the memory system

Wednesday March 6 13

Short-term Memory

= activated memory that holds a few items briefly such as the seven digits of a phone number while dialing before the information is stored or forgotten

Wednesday March 6 13

Long-term Memory

= the relatively permanent and limitless storehouse of the memory system Includes knowledge skills and experiences

Wednesday March 6 13

Working Memory

= a newer understanding of short-term memory that focuses on conscious active processing of incoming auditory and visual-spatial information and of information retrieved from long-term memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Parallel Processing

= the processing of many aspects of a problem simultaneously the brainrsquos natural mode of information processing for many functions Contrasts with the step-by-step (serial) processing of most computers and of conscious problem solving

Wednesday March 6 13

Automatic Processing

= unconscious encoding of incidental information such as space time and frequency and of well-learned information such as word meanings

Wednesday March 6 13

Effortful Processing

= encoding that requires attention and conscious effort

Wednesday March 6 13


= the conscious repetition of information either to maintain it in consciousness or to encode it for storage

Wednesday March 6 13

Spacing Effect

= the tendency for distributed study or practice to yield better long-term retention than is achieved through massed study or practice

Wednesday March 6 13

Serial Position Effect

= our tendency to recall best the last and first items in a list

Wednesday March 6 13

Visual Encoding

= the encoding of picture images

Wednesday March 6 13

Acoustic Encoding

= the encoding of sound especially the sound of words

Wednesday March 6 13

Semantic Encoding

= the encoding of meaning including the meaning of words

Wednesday March 6 13


= mental pictures a powerful aid to effortful processing especially when combined with semantic encoding

Wednesday March 6 13


= memory aids especially those techniques that use vivid imagery and organizational devices

Wednesday March 6 13


= organizing items into familiar manageable units often occurs automatically

Wednesday March 6 13

Iconic Memory

= a momentary sensory memory of visual stimuli a photographic or picture-image memory lasting no more than a few tenths of a second

Wednesday March 6 13

Echoic Memory

= a momentary sensory memory of auditory stimuli if attention is elsewhere sounds and words can still be recalled within 3 or 4 seconds

Wednesday March 6 13

Long-term Potentiation (LTP)

= an increase in a synapsersquos firing potential after brief rapid stimulation Believed to be a neural basis for learning and memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Flashbulb Memory

= a clear memory of an emotionally significant moment or event

Wednesday March 6 13


= loss of memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Implicit Memory

= retention independent of conscious recollection (Also called nondeclarative or procedural memory)

Wednesday March 6 13

Explicit Memory

= memory of facts and experiences that one can consciously know and ldquodeclarerdquo (Also called declarative memory)

Wednesday March 6 13


= a neural center that is located in the limbic system helps process explicit memories for storage

Wednesday March 6 13


= a measure of memory in which the person must retrieve information learning earlier as on a fill-in-the-blank test

Wednesday March 6 13


= a measure of memory in which the person need only identify items previously learned as on a multiple-choice test

Wednesday March 6 13


= a measure of memory that assesses the amount of time saved when learning material for a second time

Wednesday March 6 13


= the activation often unconsciously of particular associations in memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Deja Vu

= that eerie sense that ldquoIrsquove experienced this beforerdquo Cues from the current situation may subconsciously trigger retrieval of an earlier experience

Wednesday March 6 13

Mood Congruent Memory

= the tendency to recall experiences that are consistent with onersquos current good or bad mood

Wednesday March 6 13

Proactive Interference

= the disruptive effect of prior learning on the recall of new information

Wednesday March 6 13

Retroactive Interference

= the disruptive effect of new learning on the recall of old information

Wednesday March 6 13


= in psychoanalytic theory the basic defense mechanism that banishes from consciousness anxiety-arousing thoughts feelings and memories

Wednesday March 6 13

Misinformation Effect

= incorporating misleading information into onersquos memory of an event

Wednesday March 6 13

Source Amnesia

= attributing to the wrong source an event we have experienced heard about read about or imagined (Also called source misattribution) Source amnesia along with the misinformation effect is at the heart of many false memories

Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Getting Information InHow We Encode

bullEbbinghaus curve

Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Getting Information InHow We Encode

bullOverlearningbullSpacing13 effect

bullMassed practicebullDistributed practice

bullTesting effect

Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Getting Information InHow We Encode

bullSerial13 posi3on13 effectbullRecency effectbullPrimacy effect

Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Getting Information InWhat We Encode

bullLevels of ProcessingbullVisual13 encodingbullAcous3c13 encodingbullSeman3c13 encoding

bullSelf-reference effect

Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding13 GeKng13 Informa3on13 InWhat13 We13 Encode

Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding13 GeKng13 Informa3on13 InWhat13 We13 Encode

Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding13 GeKng13 Informa3on13 InWhat13 We13 Encode

Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding13 GeKng13 Informa3on13 InWhat13 We13 Encode

Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Getting Information InWhat We Encode

bullVisual EncodingbullImagery

bullRosy retrospectionbullMnemonics

bullPeg-word system

Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Getting Information InWhat We Encode

bullOrganizing Information for EncodingbullChunking


Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Getting Information InWhat We Encode

bullOrganizing Information for EncodingbullChunking


Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Getting Information InWhat We Encode

bullOrganizing Information for EncodingbullChunking


Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Getting Information InWhat We Encode

bullOrganizing Information for EncodingbullChunking


Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Getting Information InWhat We Encode

bullOrganizing Information for EncodingbullChunking


Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Getting Information InWhat We Encode

bullOrganizing Information for EncodingbullChunking


Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Getting Information InWhat We Encode

bullOrganizing Information for EncodingbullChunking


Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Getting Information InWhat We Encode

bullOrganizing Information for EncodingbullHierarchies

Wednesday March 6 13

Storage Retaining InformationSensory Memory

bullSperlingrsquos memory experimentbullIconic13 memorybullEchoic13 memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Storage Retaining InformationWorkingShort-Term

bullMagic number SevenbullPlus or minus 2

bullThe list of magic sevensbullSeven wonders of worldbullSeven seasbullSeven deadly sinsbullSeven primary colorsbullSeven musical scale notesbullSeven days of the week

Wednesday March 6 13

Storage Retaining InformationLong-Term Memory

bullUnlimited nature of long-term memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Storage Retaining InformationStoring Memories in the

bullSynaptic ChangesbullMemory tracebullLong-shy‐term13 poten3a3on13 (LTP)bullMemory boosting drugs


Wednesday March 6 13

Storage Retaining InformationStoring Memories in the Stress Hormones and Memory

bullEmotions and memoriesbullFlashbulb13 memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Storage Retaining InformationStoring Memories in the bullStoring Implicit and Explicit Memories

bullAmnesiabullHM Studies

Wednesday March 6 13

Storage Retaining InformationStoring Memories in the

bullStoring Implicit and Explicit MemoriesbullImplicit13 memory13 (nondeclarative memory)bullExplicit13 memory13 (declarative memory)


Wednesday March 6 13

Storage13 Retaining13 Informa3onStoring13 Memories13 in13 the13 Brain

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval Getting Information Out


Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval Getting Information OutRetrieval Cues

bullRetrieval cuesbullMnemonic devicesbullPriming

Wednesday March 6 13


Wednesday March 6 13


Wednesday March 6 13


Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval Getting Information OutContext Effects

bullContext effectsbullDeacutejagrave13 vu

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 GeKng13 Informa3on13 OutContext13 Effects

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 GeKng13 Informa3on13 OutContext13 Effects

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 GeKng13 Informa3on13 OutContext13 Effects

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 GeKng13 Informa3on13 OutContext13 Effects

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 GeKng13 Informa3on13 OutContext13 Effects

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 GeKng13 Informa3on13 OutContext13 Effects

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval Getting Information OutMoods and Memories

bullState dependent memorybullMood13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 congruent13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 memory

Wednesday March 6 13


Wednesday March 6 13



Wednesday March 6 13


bullSchacterrsquos sevens sins of memorybullSins of Forgetting


Wednesday March 6 13


bullSchacterrsquos sevens sins of memorybullSins of distortion


bullSin of intrusionbullpersistence

Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Failure

bullEncoding failure

Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Failure

bullEncoding failure

Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Failure

Wednesday March 6 13

Storage DecaybullStorage decay

bullEbbinghaus curve

Wednesday March 6 13

Storage DecaybullStorage decay

bullEbbinghaus curve

Wednesday March 6 13

Ebbinghaus13 Curve

Wednesday March 6 13

Ebbinghaus13 Curve

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval Failure

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval FailureInterference

bullProac3ve13 interference13 (forward acting)bullRetroac3ve13 interference13 (backward-acting)

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 FailureInterference

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 FailureInterference

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 FailureInterference

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 FailureInterference

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 FailureInterference

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval FailureMotivated Forgetting

bullSelf-serving personal historiesbullRepression

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval FailureMotivated Forgetting

bullSelf-serving personal historiesbullRepression

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval FailureMotivated Forgetting

bullSelf-serving personal historiesbullRepression

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval FailureMotivated Forgetting

bullSelf-serving personal historiesbullRepression

Wednesday March 6 13

Memory Construction

Wednesday March 6 13

Misinformation and Imagination Effects

bullLoftus memory studiesbullMisinforma3on13 effect

Wednesday March 6 13

Source Amnesia

bullSource13 amnesia13 (source misattribution)

Wednesday March 6 13

Discerning True and False Memories

bullMemory studiesbullEye witness testimony

Wednesday March 6 13

Childrenrsquos Eyewitness Recall

bullChildrenrsquos memories of abusebullSuggestibility

Wednesday March 6 13

Repressed or Constructed Memories of Abuse

bullAreas of agreementbullSexual abuse happensbullInjustice happensbullForgetting happensbullRecovered memories are incompletebullMemories before 3 years are unreliablebullHypnotic memories are unreliablebullMemories can be emotionally upsetting

Wednesday March 6 13

Repressed or Constructed Memories of Abuse

bullLoftus studies with children

Wednesday March 6 13

Improving Memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Improving Memory TechniquesbullStudy repeatedlybullMake the material meaningfulbullActivate retrieval cuesbullUse mnemonic devicesbullMinimize interferencebullSleep morebullTest your own knowledge both to rehearse it and to help determine what you do not yet

Wednesday March 6 13

The End

Wednesday March 6 13

Teacher13 Informa3onbullTypes13 of13 Files

bullThis13 presenta3on13 has13 been13 saved13 as13 a13 ldquobasicrdquo13 Powerpoint13 file13 13 While13 this13 file13 format13 placed13 a13 few13 limita3ons13 on13 the13 presenta3on13 it13 insured13 the13 file13 would13 be13 compa3ble13 with13 the13 many13 versions13 of13 Powerpoint13 teachers13 use13 13 To13 add13 func3onality13 to13 the13 presenta3on13 teachers13 may13 want13 to13 save13 the13 file13 for13 their13 specific13 version13 of13 Powerpoint

bullAnima0onbullOnce13 again13 to13 insure13 compa3bility13 with13 all13 versions13 of13 Powerpoint13 none13 of13 the13 slides13 are13 animated13 13 To13 increase13 student13 interest13 it13 is13 suggested13 teachers13 animate13 the13 slides13 wherever13 possible

bullAdding13 slides13 to13 this13 presenta0onbullTeachers13 are13 encouraged13 to13 adapt13 this13 presenta3on13 to13 their13 personal13 teaching13 style13 13 To13 help13 keep13 a13 sense13 of13 con3nuity13 blank13 slides13 which13 can13 be13 copied13 and13 pasted13 to13 a13 specific13 loca3on13 in13 the13 presenta3on13 follow13 this13 ldquoTeacher13 Informa3onrdquo13 sec3on13 13 13

Wednesday March 6 13

Teacher13 Informa3onbullHyperlink13 Slides13 -shy‐13 This13 presenta3on13 contain13 two13 types13 of13 hyperlinks13 13 Hyperlinks13 can13 be13 iden3fied13 by13 the13 text13 being13 underlined13 and13 a13 different13 color13 (usually13 purple)

bullUnit13 subsec0ons13 hyperlinks13 13 Immediately13 aer13 the13 unit13 3tle13 slide13 a13 page13 (slide13 3)13 can13 be13 found13 lis3ng13 all13 of13 the13 unitrsquos13 subsec3ons13 13 While13 in13 slide13 show13 mode13 clicking13 on13 any13 of13 these13 hyperlinks13 will13 take13 the13 user13 directly13 to13 the13 beginning13 of13 that13 subsec3on13 13 This13 allows13 teachers13 quick13 access13 to13 each13 subsec3on

bullBold13 print13 term13 hyperlinks13 13 Every13 bold13 print13 term13 from13 the13 unit13 is13 included13 in13 this13 presenta3on13 as13 a13 hyperlink13 13 While13 in13 slide13 show13 mode13 clicking13 on13 any13 of13 the13 hyperlinks13 will13 take13 the13 user13 to13 a13 slide13 containing13 the13 formal13 defini3on13 of13 the13 term13 13 Clicking13 on13 the13 ldquoarrowrdquo13 in13 the13 boaom13 le13 corner13 of13 the13 defini3on13 slide13 will13 take13 the13 user13 back13 to13 the13 original13 point13 in13 the13 presenta3on13

13 These13 hyperlinks13 were13 included13 for13 teachers13 who13 want13 students13 to13 see13 or13 copy13 down13 the13 exact13 defini3on13 as13 stated13 in13 the13 text13 13 Most13 teachers13 prefer13 the13 defini3ons13 not13 be13 included13 to13 prevent13 students13 from13 only13 ldquocopying13 down13 what13 is13 on13 the13 screenrdquo13 and13 not13 ac3vely13 listening13 to13 the13 presenta3on

13 For13 teachers13 who13 con3nually13 use13 the13 Bold13 Print13 Term13 Hyperlinks13 op3on13 please13 contact13 the13 author13 using13 the13 email13 address13 on13 the13 next13 slide13 to13 learn13 a13 technique13 to13 expedite13 the13 returning13 to13 the13 original13 point13 in13 the13 presenta3on

Wednesday March 6 13

Teacher13 Informa3onbullCon0nuity13 slides

bullThroughout13 this13 presenta3on13 there13 are13 slides13 usually13 of13 graphics13 or13 tables13 that13 build13 on13 one13 another13 13 These13 are13 included13 for13 three13 purposes13 13

bullBy13 presen3ng13 informa3on13 in13 small13 chunks13 students13 will13 find13 it13 easier13 to13 process13 and13 remember13 the13 concepts13 13

bullBy13 con3nually13 changing13 slides13 students13 will13 stay13 interested13 in13 the13 presenta3onbullTo13 facilitate13 class13 discussion13 and13 cri3cal13 thinking13 13 Students13 should13 be13 encouraged13 to13 think13 about13 ldquowhat13 might13 come13 nextrdquo13 in13 the13 series13 of13 slides13 13

bullPlease13 feel13 free13 to13 contact13 me13 at13 kkorekgermantownk12wius13 with13 any13 ques3ons13 concerns13 sugges3ons13 etc13 regarding13 these13 presenta3ons13

Kent13 Korek

Germantown13 High13 School

Germantown13 WI13 53022

Wednesday March 6 13

Division title (green print)subdivision title (blue print)


Wednesday March 6 13

Division title (green print)

Use13 this13 slide13 to13 add13 a13 table13 chart13 clip13 art13 picture13 diagram13 or13 video13 clip13 13 Delete13 this13 box13 when13 finished

Wednesday March 6 13

Definition Slide

= add definition here

Wednesday March 6 13


Wednesday March 6 13


= the persistence of learning over time through the storage and retrieval of information

Wednesday March 6 13


= the processing of information into the memory systems ndash for example by extracting meaning

Wednesday March 6 13


= the retention of encoded information over time

Wednesday March 6 13


= the process of getting information out of memory storage

Wednesday March 6 13

Sensory Memory

= the immediate very brief recording of sensory information in the memory system

Wednesday March 6 13

Short-term Memory

= activated memory that holds a few items briefly such as the seven digits of a phone number while dialing before the information is stored or forgotten

Wednesday March 6 13

Long-term Memory

= the relatively permanent and limitless storehouse of the memory system Includes knowledge skills and experiences

Wednesday March 6 13

Working Memory

= a newer understanding of short-term memory that focuses on conscious active processing of incoming auditory and visual-spatial information and of information retrieved from long-term memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Parallel Processing

= the processing of many aspects of a problem simultaneously the brainrsquos natural mode of information processing for many functions Contrasts with the step-by-step (serial) processing of most computers and of conscious problem solving

Wednesday March 6 13

Automatic Processing

= unconscious encoding of incidental information such as space time and frequency and of well-learned information such as word meanings

Wednesday March 6 13

Effortful Processing

= encoding that requires attention and conscious effort

Wednesday March 6 13


= the conscious repetition of information either to maintain it in consciousness or to encode it for storage

Wednesday March 6 13

Spacing Effect

= the tendency for distributed study or practice to yield better long-term retention than is achieved through massed study or practice

Wednesday March 6 13

Serial Position Effect

= our tendency to recall best the last and first items in a list

Wednesday March 6 13

Visual Encoding

= the encoding of picture images

Wednesday March 6 13

Acoustic Encoding

= the encoding of sound especially the sound of words

Wednesday March 6 13

Semantic Encoding

= the encoding of meaning including the meaning of words

Wednesday March 6 13


= mental pictures a powerful aid to effortful processing especially when combined with semantic encoding

Wednesday March 6 13


= memory aids especially those techniques that use vivid imagery and organizational devices

Wednesday March 6 13


= organizing items into familiar manageable units often occurs automatically

Wednesday March 6 13

Iconic Memory

= a momentary sensory memory of visual stimuli a photographic or picture-image memory lasting no more than a few tenths of a second

Wednesday March 6 13

Echoic Memory

= a momentary sensory memory of auditory stimuli if attention is elsewhere sounds and words can still be recalled within 3 or 4 seconds

Wednesday March 6 13

Long-term Potentiation (LTP)

= an increase in a synapsersquos firing potential after brief rapid stimulation Believed to be a neural basis for learning and memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Flashbulb Memory

= a clear memory of an emotionally significant moment or event

Wednesday March 6 13


= loss of memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Implicit Memory

= retention independent of conscious recollection (Also called nondeclarative or procedural memory)

Wednesday March 6 13

Explicit Memory

= memory of facts and experiences that one can consciously know and ldquodeclarerdquo (Also called declarative memory)

Wednesday March 6 13


= a neural center that is located in the limbic system helps process explicit memories for storage

Wednesday March 6 13


= a measure of memory in which the person must retrieve information learning earlier as on a fill-in-the-blank test

Wednesday March 6 13


= a measure of memory in which the person need only identify items previously learned as on a multiple-choice test

Wednesday March 6 13


= a measure of memory that assesses the amount of time saved when learning material for a second time

Wednesday March 6 13


= the activation often unconsciously of particular associations in memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Deja Vu

= that eerie sense that ldquoIrsquove experienced this beforerdquo Cues from the current situation may subconsciously trigger retrieval of an earlier experience

Wednesday March 6 13

Mood Congruent Memory

= the tendency to recall experiences that are consistent with onersquos current good or bad mood

Wednesday March 6 13

Proactive Interference

= the disruptive effect of prior learning on the recall of new information

Wednesday March 6 13

Retroactive Interference

= the disruptive effect of new learning on the recall of old information

Wednesday March 6 13


= in psychoanalytic theory the basic defense mechanism that banishes from consciousness anxiety-arousing thoughts feelings and memories

Wednesday March 6 13

Misinformation Effect

= incorporating misleading information into onersquos memory of an event

Wednesday March 6 13

Source Amnesia

= attributing to the wrong source an event we have experienced heard about read about or imagined (Also called source misattribution) Source amnesia along with the misinformation effect is at the heart of many false memories

Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Getting Information InHow We Encode

bullOverlearningbullSpacing13 effect

bullMassed practicebullDistributed practice

bullTesting effect

Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Getting Information InHow We Encode

bullSerial13 posi3on13 effectbullRecency effectbullPrimacy effect

Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Getting Information InWhat We Encode

bullLevels of ProcessingbullVisual13 encodingbullAcous3c13 encodingbullSeman3c13 encoding

bullSelf-reference effect

Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding13 GeKng13 Informa3on13 InWhat13 We13 Encode

Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding13 GeKng13 Informa3on13 InWhat13 We13 Encode

Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding13 GeKng13 Informa3on13 InWhat13 We13 Encode

Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding13 GeKng13 Informa3on13 InWhat13 We13 Encode

Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Getting Information InWhat We Encode

bullVisual EncodingbullImagery

bullRosy retrospectionbullMnemonics

bullPeg-word system

Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Getting Information InWhat We Encode

bullOrganizing Information for EncodingbullChunking


Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Getting Information InWhat We Encode

bullOrganizing Information for EncodingbullChunking


Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Getting Information InWhat We Encode

bullOrganizing Information for EncodingbullChunking


Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Getting Information InWhat We Encode

bullOrganizing Information for EncodingbullChunking


Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Getting Information InWhat We Encode

bullOrganizing Information for EncodingbullChunking


Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Getting Information InWhat We Encode

bullOrganizing Information for EncodingbullChunking


Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Getting Information InWhat We Encode

bullOrganizing Information for EncodingbullChunking


Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Getting Information InWhat We Encode

bullOrganizing Information for EncodingbullHierarchies

Wednesday March 6 13

Storage Retaining InformationSensory Memory

bullSperlingrsquos memory experimentbullIconic13 memorybullEchoic13 memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Storage Retaining InformationWorkingShort-Term

bullMagic number SevenbullPlus or minus 2

bullThe list of magic sevensbullSeven wonders of worldbullSeven seasbullSeven deadly sinsbullSeven primary colorsbullSeven musical scale notesbullSeven days of the week

Wednesday March 6 13

Storage Retaining InformationLong-Term Memory

bullUnlimited nature of long-term memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Storage Retaining InformationStoring Memories in the

bullSynaptic ChangesbullMemory tracebullLong-shy‐term13 poten3a3on13 (LTP)bullMemory boosting drugs


Wednesday March 6 13

Storage Retaining InformationStoring Memories in the Stress Hormones and Memory

bullEmotions and memoriesbullFlashbulb13 memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Storage Retaining InformationStoring Memories in the bullStoring Implicit and Explicit Memories

bullAmnesiabullHM Studies

Wednesday March 6 13

Storage Retaining InformationStoring Memories in the

bullStoring Implicit and Explicit MemoriesbullImplicit13 memory13 (nondeclarative memory)bullExplicit13 memory13 (declarative memory)


Wednesday March 6 13

Storage13 Retaining13 Informa3onStoring13 Memories13 in13 the13 Brain

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval Getting Information Out


Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval Getting Information OutRetrieval Cues

bullRetrieval cuesbullMnemonic devicesbullPriming

Wednesday March 6 13


Wednesday March 6 13


Wednesday March 6 13


Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval Getting Information OutContext Effects

bullContext effectsbullDeacutejagrave13 vu

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 GeKng13 Informa3on13 OutContext13 Effects

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 GeKng13 Informa3on13 OutContext13 Effects

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 GeKng13 Informa3on13 OutContext13 Effects

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 GeKng13 Informa3on13 OutContext13 Effects

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 GeKng13 Informa3on13 OutContext13 Effects

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 GeKng13 Informa3on13 OutContext13 Effects

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval Getting Information OutMoods and Memories

bullState dependent memorybullMood13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 congruent13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 memory

Wednesday March 6 13


Wednesday March 6 13



Wednesday March 6 13


bullSchacterrsquos sevens sins of memorybullSins of Forgetting


Wednesday March 6 13


bullSchacterrsquos sevens sins of memorybullSins of distortion


bullSin of intrusionbullpersistence

Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Failure

bullEncoding failure

Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Failure

bullEncoding failure

Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Failure

Wednesday March 6 13

Storage DecaybullStorage decay

bullEbbinghaus curve

Wednesday March 6 13

Storage DecaybullStorage decay

bullEbbinghaus curve

Wednesday March 6 13

Ebbinghaus13 Curve

Wednesday March 6 13

Ebbinghaus13 Curve

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval Failure

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval FailureInterference

bullProac3ve13 interference13 (forward acting)bullRetroac3ve13 interference13 (backward-acting)

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 FailureInterference

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 FailureInterference

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 FailureInterference

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 FailureInterference

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 FailureInterference

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval FailureMotivated Forgetting

bullSelf-serving personal historiesbullRepression

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval FailureMotivated Forgetting

bullSelf-serving personal historiesbullRepression

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval FailureMotivated Forgetting

bullSelf-serving personal historiesbullRepression

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval FailureMotivated Forgetting

bullSelf-serving personal historiesbullRepression

Wednesday March 6 13

Memory Construction

Wednesday March 6 13

Misinformation and Imagination Effects

bullLoftus memory studiesbullMisinforma3on13 effect

Wednesday March 6 13

Source Amnesia

bullSource13 amnesia13 (source misattribution)

Wednesday March 6 13

Discerning True and False Memories

bullMemory studiesbullEye witness testimony

Wednesday March 6 13

Childrenrsquos Eyewitness Recall

bullChildrenrsquos memories of abusebullSuggestibility

Wednesday March 6 13

Repressed or Constructed Memories of Abuse

bullAreas of agreementbullSexual abuse happensbullInjustice happensbullForgetting happensbullRecovered memories are incompletebullMemories before 3 years are unreliablebullHypnotic memories are unreliablebullMemories can be emotionally upsetting

Wednesday March 6 13

Repressed or Constructed Memories of Abuse

bullLoftus studies with children

Wednesday March 6 13

Improving Memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Improving Memory TechniquesbullStudy repeatedlybullMake the material meaningfulbullActivate retrieval cuesbullUse mnemonic devicesbullMinimize interferencebullSleep morebullTest your own knowledge both to rehearse it and to help determine what you do not yet

Wednesday March 6 13

The End

Wednesday March 6 13

Teacher13 Informa3onbullTypes13 of13 Files

bullThis13 presenta3on13 has13 been13 saved13 as13 a13 ldquobasicrdquo13 Powerpoint13 file13 13 While13 this13 file13 format13 placed13 a13 few13 limita3ons13 on13 the13 presenta3on13 it13 insured13 the13 file13 would13 be13 compa3ble13 with13 the13 many13 versions13 of13 Powerpoint13 teachers13 use13 13 To13 add13 func3onality13 to13 the13 presenta3on13 teachers13 may13 want13 to13 save13 the13 file13 for13 their13 specific13 version13 of13 Powerpoint

bullAnima0onbullOnce13 again13 to13 insure13 compa3bility13 with13 all13 versions13 of13 Powerpoint13 none13 of13 the13 slides13 are13 animated13 13 To13 increase13 student13 interest13 it13 is13 suggested13 teachers13 animate13 the13 slides13 wherever13 possible

bullAdding13 slides13 to13 this13 presenta0onbullTeachers13 are13 encouraged13 to13 adapt13 this13 presenta3on13 to13 their13 personal13 teaching13 style13 13 To13 help13 keep13 a13 sense13 of13 con3nuity13 blank13 slides13 which13 can13 be13 copied13 and13 pasted13 to13 a13 specific13 loca3on13 in13 the13 presenta3on13 follow13 this13 ldquoTeacher13 Informa3onrdquo13 sec3on13 13 13

Wednesday March 6 13

Teacher13 Informa3onbullHyperlink13 Slides13 -shy‐13 This13 presenta3on13 contain13 two13 types13 of13 hyperlinks13 13 Hyperlinks13 can13 be13 iden3fied13 by13 the13 text13 being13 underlined13 and13 a13 different13 color13 (usually13 purple)

bullUnit13 subsec0ons13 hyperlinks13 13 Immediately13 aer13 the13 unit13 3tle13 slide13 a13 page13 (slide13 3)13 can13 be13 found13 lis3ng13 all13 of13 the13 unitrsquos13 subsec3ons13 13 While13 in13 slide13 show13 mode13 clicking13 on13 any13 of13 these13 hyperlinks13 will13 take13 the13 user13 directly13 to13 the13 beginning13 of13 that13 subsec3on13 13 This13 allows13 teachers13 quick13 access13 to13 each13 subsec3on

bullBold13 print13 term13 hyperlinks13 13 Every13 bold13 print13 term13 from13 the13 unit13 is13 included13 in13 this13 presenta3on13 as13 a13 hyperlink13 13 While13 in13 slide13 show13 mode13 clicking13 on13 any13 of13 the13 hyperlinks13 will13 take13 the13 user13 to13 a13 slide13 containing13 the13 formal13 defini3on13 of13 the13 term13 13 Clicking13 on13 the13 ldquoarrowrdquo13 in13 the13 boaom13 le13 corner13 of13 the13 defini3on13 slide13 will13 take13 the13 user13 back13 to13 the13 original13 point13 in13 the13 presenta3on13

13 These13 hyperlinks13 were13 included13 for13 teachers13 who13 want13 students13 to13 see13 or13 copy13 down13 the13 exact13 defini3on13 as13 stated13 in13 the13 text13 13 Most13 teachers13 prefer13 the13 defini3ons13 not13 be13 included13 to13 prevent13 students13 from13 only13 ldquocopying13 down13 what13 is13 on13 the13 screenrdquo13 and13 not13 ac3vely13 listening13 to13 the13 presenta3on

13 For13 teachers13 who13 con3nually13 use13 the13 Bold13 Print13 Term13 Hyperlinks13 op3on13 please13 contact13 the13 author13 using13 the13 email13 address13 on13 the13 next13 slide13 to13 learn13 a13 technique13 to13 expedite13 the13 returning13 to13 the13 original13 point13 in13 the13 presenta3on

Wednesday March 6 13

Teacher13 Informa3onbullCon0nuity13 slides

bullThroughout13 this13 presenta3on13 there13 are13 slides13 usually13 of13 graphics13 or13 tables13 that13 build13 on13 one13 another13 13 These13 are13 included13 for13 three13 purposes13 13

bullBy13 presen3ng13 informa3on13 in13 small13 chunks13 students13 will13 find13 it13 easier13 to13 process13 and13 remember13 the13 concepts13 13

bullBy13 con3nually13 changing13 slides13 students13 will13 stay13 interested13 in13 the13 presenta3onbullTo13 facilitate13 class13 discussion13 and13 cri3cal13 thinking13 13 Students13 should13 be13 encouraged13 to13 think13 about13 ldquowhat13 might13 come13 nextrdquo13 in13 the13 series13 of13 slides13 13

bullPlease13 feel13 free13 to13 contact13 me13 at13 kkorekgermantownk12wius13 with13 any13 ques3ons13 concerns13 sugges3ons13 etc13 regarding13 these13 presenta3ons13

Kent13 Korek

Germantown13 High13 School

Germantown13 WI13 53022

Wednesday March 6 13

Division title (green print)subdivision title (blue print)


Wednesday March 6 13

Division title (green print)

Use13 this13 slide13 to13 add13 a13 table13 chart13 clip13 art13 picture13 diagram13 or13 video13 clip13 13 Delete13 this13 box13 when13 finished

Wednesday March 6 13

Definition Slide

= add definition here

Wednesday March 6 13


Wednesday March 6 13


= the persistence of learning over time through the storage and retrieval of information

Wednesday March 6 13


= the processing of information into the memory systems ndash for example by extracting meaning

Wednesday March 6 13


= the retention of encoded information over time

Wednesday March 6 13


= the process of getting information out of memory storage

Wednesday March 6 13

Sensory Memory

= the immediate very brief recording of sensory information in the memory system

Wednesday March 6 13

Short-term Memory

= activated memory that holds a few items briefly such as the seven digits of a phone number while dialing before the information is stored or forgotten

Wednesday March 6 13

Long-term Memory

= the relatively permanent and limitless storehouse of the memory system Includes knowledge skills and experiences

Wednesday March 6 13

Working Memory

= a newer understanding of short-term memory that focuses on conscious active processing of incoming auditory and visual-spatial information and of information retrieved from long-term memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Parallel Processing

= the processing of many aspects of a problem simultaneously the brainrsquos natural mode of information processing for many functions Contrasts with the step-by-step (serial) processing of most computers and of conscious problem solving

Wednesday March 6 13

Automatic Processing

= unconscious encoding of incidental information such as space time and frequency and of well-learned information such as word meanings

Wednesday March 6 13

Effortful Processing

= encoding that requires attention and conscious effort

Wednesday March 6 13


= the conscious repetition of information either to maintain it in consciousness or to encode it for storage

Wednesday March 6 13

Spacing Effect

= the tendency for distributed study or practice to yield better long-term retention than is achieved through massed study or practice

Wednesday March 6 13

Serial Position Effect

= our tendency to recall best the last and first items in a list

Wednesday March 6 13

Visual Encoding

= the encoding of picture images

Wednesday March 6 13

Acoustic Encoding

= the encoding of sound especially the sound of words

Wednesday March 6 13

Semantic Encoding

= the encoding of meaning including the meaning of words

Wednesday March 6 13


= mental pictures a powerful aid to effortful processing especially when combined with semantic encoding

Wednesday March 6 13


= memory aids especially those techniques that use vivid imagery and organizational devices

Wednesday March 6 13


= organizing items into familiar manageable units often occurs automatically

Wednesday March 6 13

Iconic Memory

= a momentary sensory memory of visual stimuli a photographic or picture-image memory lasting no more than a few tenths of a second

Wednesday March 6 13

Echoic Memory

= a momentary sensory memory of auditory stimuli if attention is elsewhere sounds and words can still be recalled within 3 or 4 seconds

Wednesday March 6 13

Long-term Potentiation (LTP)

= an increase in a synapsersquos firing potential after brief rapid stimulation Believed to be a neural basis for learning and memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Flashbulb Memory

= a clear memory of an emotionally significant moment or event

Wednesday March 6 13


= loss of memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Implicit Memory

= retention independent of conscious recollection (Also called nondeclarative or procedural memory)

Wednesday March 6 13

Explicit Memory

= memory of facts and experiences that one can consciously know and ldquodeclarerdquo (Also called declarative memory)

Wednesday March 6 13


= a neural center that is located in the limbic system helps process explicit memories for storage

Wednesday March 6 13


= a measure of memory in which the person must retrieve information learning earlier as on a fill-in-the-blank test

Wednesday March 6 13


= a measure of memory in which the person need only identify items previously learned as on a multiple-choice test

Wednesday March 6 13


= a measure of memory that assesses the amount of time saved when learning material for a second time

Wednesday March 6 13


= the activation often unconsciously of particular associations in memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Deja Vu

= that eerie sense that ldquoIrsquove experienced this beforerdquo Cues from the current situation may subconsciously trigger retrieval of an earlier experience

Wednesday March 6 13

Mood Congruent Memory

= the tendency to recall experiences that are consistent with onersquos current good or bad mood

Wednesday March 6 13

Proactive Interference

= the disruptive effect of prior learning on the recall of new information

Wednesday March 6 13

Retroactive Interference

= the disruptive effect of new learning on the recall of old information

Wednesday March 6 13


= in psychoanalytic theory the basic defense mechanism that banishes from consciousness anxiety-arousing thoughts feelings and memories

Wednesday March 6 13

Misinformation Effect

= incorporating misleading information into onersquos memory of an event

Wednesday March 6 13

Source Amnesia

= attributing to the wrong source an event we have experienced heard about read about or imagined (Also called source misattribution) Source amnesia along with the misinformation effect is at the heart of many false memories

Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Getting Information InHow We Encode

bullSerial13 posi3on13 effectbullRecency effectbullPrimacy effect

Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Getting Information InWhat We Encode

bullLevels of ProcessingbullVisual13 encodingbullAcous3c13 encodingbullSeman3c13 encoding

bullSelf-reference effect

Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding13 GeKng13 Informa3on13 InWhat13 We13 Encode

Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding13 GeKng13 Informa3on13 InWhat13 We13 Encode

Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding13 GeKng13 Informa3on13 InWhat13 We13 Encode

Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding13 GeKng13 Informa3on13 InWhat13 We13 Encode

Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Getting Information InWhat We Encode

bullVisual EncodingbullImagery

bullRosy retrospectionbullMnemonics

bullPeg-word system

Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Getting Information InWhat We Encode

bullOrganizing Information for EncodingbullChunking


Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Getting Information InWhat We Encode

bullOrganizing Information for EncodingbullChunking


Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Getting Information InWhat We Encode

bullOrganizing Information for EncodingbullChunking


Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Getting Information InWhat We Encode

bullOrganizing Information for EncodingbullChunking


Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Getting Information InWhat We Encode

bullOrganizing Information for EncodingbullChunking


Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Getting Information InWhat We Encode

bullOrganizing Information for EncodingbullChunking


Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Getting Information InWhat We Encode

bullOrganizing Information for EncodingbullChunking


Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Getting Information InWhat We Encode

bullOrganizing Information for EncodingbullHierarchies

Wednesday March 6 13

Storage Retaining InformationSensory Memory

bullSperlingrsquos memory experimentbullIconic13 memorybullEchoic13 memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Storage Retaining InformationWorkingShort-Term

bullMagic number SevenbullPlus or minus 2

bullThe list of magic sevensbullSeven wonders of worldbullSeven seasbullSeven deadly sinsbullSeven primary colorsbullSeven musical scale notesbullSeven days of the week

Wednesday March 6 13

Storage Retaining InformationLong-Term Memory

bullUnlimited nature of long-term memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Storage Retaining InformationStoring Memories in the

bullSynaptic ChangesbullMemory tracebullLong-shy‐term13 poten3a3on13 (LTP)bullMemory boosting drugs


Wednesday March 6 13

Storage Retaining InformationStoring Memories in the Stress Hormones and Memory

bullEmotions and memoriesbullFlashbulb13 memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Storage Retaining InformationStoring Memories in the bullStoring Implicit and Explicit Memories

bullAmnesiabullHM Studies

Wednesday March 6 13

Storage Retaining InformationStoring Memories in the

bullStoring Implicit and Explicit MemoriesbullImplicit13 memory13 (nondeclarative memory)bullExplicit13 memory13 (declarative memory)


Wednesday March 6 13

Storage13 Retaining13 Informa3onStoring13 Memories13 in13 the13 Brain

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval Getting Information Out


Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval Getting Information OutRetrieval Cues

bullRetrieval cuesbullMnemonic devicesbullPriming

Wednesday March 6 13


Wednesday March 6 13


Wednesday March 6 13


Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval Getting Information OutContext Effects

bullContext effectsbullDeacutejagrave13 vu

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 GeKng13 Informa3on13 OutContext13 Effects

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 GeKng13 Informa3on13 OutContext13 Effects

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 GeKng13 Informa3on13 OutContext13 Effects

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 GeKng13 Informa3on13 OutContext13 Effects

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 GeKng13 Informa3on13 OutContext13 Effects

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 GeKng13 Informa3on13 OutContext13 Effects

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval Getting Information OutMoods and Memories

bullState dependent memorybullMood13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 congruent13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 memory

Wednesday March 6 13


Wednesday March 6 13



Wednesday March 6 13


bullSchacterrsquos sevens sins of memorybullSins of Forgetting


Wednesday March 6 13


bullSchacterrsquos sevens sins of memorybullSins of distortion


bullSin of intrusionbullpersistence

Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Failure

bullEncoding failure

Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Failure

bullEncoding failure

Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Failure

Wednesday March 6 13

Storage DecaybullStorage decay

bullEbbinghaus curve

Wednesday March 6 13

Storage DecaybullStorage decay

bullEbbinghaus curve

Wednesday March 6 13

Ebbinghaus13 Curve

Wednesday March 6 13

Ebbinghaus13 Curve

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval Failure

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval FailureInterference

bullProac3ve13 interference13 (forward acting)bullRetroac3ve13 interference13 (backward-acting)

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 FailureInterference

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 FailureInterference

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 FailureInterference

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 FailureInterference

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 FailureInterference

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval FailureMotivated Forgetting

bullSelf-serving personal historiesbullRepression

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval FailureMotivated Forgetting

bullSelf-serving personal historiesbullRepression

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval FailureMotivated Forgetting

bullSelf-serving personal historiesbullRepression

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval FailureMotivated Forgetting

bullSelf-serving personal historiesbullRepression

Wednesday March 6 13

Memory Construction

Wednesday March 6 13

Misinformation and Imagination Effects

bullLoftus memory studiesbullMisinforma3on13 effect

Wednesday March 6 13

Source Amnesia

bullSource13 amnesia13 (source misattribution)

Wednesday March 6 13

Discerning True and False Memories

bullMemory studiesbullEye witness testimony

Wednesday March 6 13

Childrenrsquos Eyewitness Recall

bullChildrenrsquos memories of abusebullSuggestibility

Wednesday March 6 13

Repressed or Constructed Memories of Abuse

bullAreas of agreementbullSexual abuse happensbullInjustice happensbullForgetting happensbullRecovered memories are incompletebullMemories before 3 years are unreliablebullHypnotic memories are unreliablebullMemories can be emotionally upsetting

Wednesday March 6 13

Repressed or Constructed Memories of Abuse

bullLoftus studies with children

Wednesday March 6 13

Improving Memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Improving Memory TechniquesbullStudy repeatedlybullMake the material meaningfulbullActivate retrieval cuesbullUse mnemonic devicesbullMinimize interferencebullSleep morebullTest your own knowledge both to rehearse it and to help determine what you do not yet

Wednesday March 6 13

The End

Wednesday March 6 13

Teacher13 Informa3onbullTypes13 of13 Files

bullThis13 presenta3on13 has13 been13 saved13 as13 a13 ldquobasicrdquo13 Powerpoint13 file13 13 While13 this13 file13 format13 placed13 a13 few13 limita3ons13 on13 the13 presenta3on13 it13 insured13 the13 file13 would13 be13 compa3ble13 with13 the13 many13 versions13 of13 Powerpoint13 teachers13 use13 13 To13 add13 func3onality13 to13 the13 presenta3on13 teachers13 may13 want13 to13 save13 the13 file13 for13 their13 specific13 version13 of13 Powerpoint

bullAnima0onbullOnce13 again13 to13 insure13 compa3bility13 with13 all13 versions13 of13 Powerpoint13 none13 of13 the13 slides13 are13 animated13 13 To13 increase13 student13 interest13 it13 is13 suggested13 teachers13 animate13 the13 slides13 wherever13 possible

bullAdding13 slides13 to13 this13 presenta0onbullTeachers13 are13 encouraged13 to13 adapt13 this13 presenta3on13 to13 their13 personal13 teaching13 style13 13 To13 help13 keep13 a13 sense13 of13 con3nuity13 blank13 slides13 which13 can13 be13 copied13 and13 pasted13 to13 a13 specific13 loca3on13 in13 the13 presenta3on13 follow13 this13 ldquoTeacher13 Informa3onrdquo13 sec3on13 13 13

Wednesday March 6 13

Teacher13 Informa3onbullHyperlink13 Slides13 -shy‐13 This13 presenta3on13 contain13 two13 types13 of13 hyperlinks13 13 Hyperlinks13 can13 be13 iden3fied13 by13 the13 text13 being13 underlined13 and13 a13 different13 color13 (usually13 purple)

bullUnit13 subsec0ons13 hyperlinks13 13 Immediately13 aer13 the13 unit13 3tle13 slide13 a13 page13 (slide13 3)13 can13 be13 found13 lis3ng13 all13 of13 the13 unitrsquos13 subsec3ons13 13 While13 in13 slide13 show13 mode13 clicking13 on13 any13 of13 these13 hyperlinks13 will13 take13 the13 user13 directly13 to13 the13 beginning13 of13 that13 subsec3on13 13 This13 allows13 teachers13 quick13 access13 to13 each13 subsec3on

bullBold13 print13 term13 hyperlinks13 13 Every13 bold13 print13 term13 from13 the13 unit13 is13 included13 in13 this13 presenta3on13 as13 a13 hyperlink13 13 While13 in13 slide13 show13 mode13 clicking13 on13 any13 of13 the13 hyperlinks13 will13 take13 the13 user13 to13 a13 slide13 containing13 the13 formal13 defini3on13 of13 the13 term13 13 Clicking13 on13 the13 ldquoarrowrdquo13 in13 the13 boaom13 le13 corner13 of13 the13 defini3on13 slide13 will13 take13 the13 user13 back13 to13 the13 original13 point13 in13 the13 presenta3on13

13 These13 hyperlinks13 were13 included13 for13 teachers13 who13 want13 students13 to13 see13 or13 copy13 down13 the13 exact13 defini3on13 as13 stated13 in13 the13 text13 13 Most13 teachers13 prefer13 the13 defini3ons13 not13 be13 included13 to13 prevent13 students13 from13 only13 ldquocopying13 down13 what13 is13 on13 the13 screenrdquo13 and13 not13 ac3vely13 listening13 to13 the13 presenta3on

13 For13 teachers13 who13 con3nually13 use13 the13 Bold13 Print13 Term13 Hyperlinks13 op3on13 please13 contact13 the13 author13 using13 the13 email13 address13 on13 the13 next13 slide13 to13 learn13 a13 technique13 to13 expedite13 the13 returning13 to13 the13 original13 point13 in13 the13 presenta3on

Wednesday March 6 13

Teacher13 Informa3onbullCon0nuity13 slides

bullThroughout13 this13 presenta3on13 there13 are13 slides13 usually13 of13 graphics13 or13 tables13 that13 build13 on13 one13 another13 13 These13 are13 included13 for13 three13 purposes13 13

bullBy13 presen3ng13 informa3on13 in13 small13 chunks13 students13 will13 find13 it13 easier13 to13 process13 and13 remember13 the13 concepts13 13

bullBy13 con3nually13 changing13 slides13 students13 will13 stay13 interested13 in13 the13 presenta3onbullTo13 facilitate13 class13 discussion13 and13 cri3cal13 thinking13 13 Students13 should13 be13 encouraged13 to13 think13 about13 ldquowhat13 might13 come13 nextrdquo13 in13 the13 series13 of13 slides13 13

bullPlease13 feel13 free13 to13 contact13 me13 at13 kkorekgermantownk12wius13 with13 any13 ques3ons13 concerns13 sugges3ons13 etc13 regarding13 these13 presenta3ons13

Kent13 Korek

Germantown13 High13 School

Germantown13 WI13 53022

Wednesday March 6 13

Division title (green print)subdivision title (blue print)


Wednesday March 6 13

Division title (green print)

Use13 this13 slide13 to13 add13 a13 table13 chart13 clip13 art13 picture13 diagram13 or13 video13 clip13 13 Delete13 this13 box13 when13 finished

Wednesday March 6 13

Definition Slide

= add definition here

Wednesday March 6 13


Wednesday March 6 13


= the persistence of learning over time through the storage and retrieval of information

Wednesday March 6 13


= the processing of information into the memory systems ndash for example by extracting meaning

Wednesday March 6 13


= the retention of encoded information over time

Wednesday March 6 13


= the process of getting information out of memory storage

Wednesday March 6 13

Sensory Memory

= the immediate very brief recording of sensory information in the memory system

Wednesday March 6 13

Short-term Memory

= activated memory that holds a few items briefly such as the seven digits of a phone number while dialing before the information is stored or forgotten

Wednesday March 6 13

Long-term Memory

= the relatively permanent and limitless storehouse of the memory system Includes knowledge skills and experiences

Wednesday March 6 13

Working Memory

= a newer understanding of short-term memory that focuses on conscious active processing of incoming auditory and visual-spatial information and of information retrieved from long-term memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Parallel Processing

= the processing of many aspects of a problem simultaneously the brainrsquos natural mode of information processing for many functions Contrasts with the step-by-step (serial) processing of most computers and of conscious problem solving

Wednesday March 6 13

Automatic Processing

= unconscious encoding of incidental information such as space time and frequency and of well-learned information such as word meanings

Wednesday March 6 13

Effortful Processing

= encoding that requires attention and conscious effort

Wednesday March 6 13


= the conscious repetition of information either to maintain it in consciousness or to encode it for storage

Wednesday March 6 13

Spacing Effect

= the tendency for distributed study or practice to yield better long-term retention than is achieved through massed study or practice

Wednesday March 6 13

Serial Position Effect

= our tendency to recall best the last and first items in a list

Wednesday March 6 13

Visual Encoding

= the encoding of picture images

Wednesday March 6 13

Acoustic Encoding

= the encoding of sound especially the sound of words

Wednesday March 6 13

Semantic Encoding

= the encoding of meaning including the meaning of words

Wednesday March 6 13


= mental pictures a powerful aid to effortful processing especially when combined with semantic encoding

Wednesday March 6 13


= memory aids especially those techniques that use vivid imagery and organizational devices

Wednesday March 6 13


= organizing items into familiar manageable units often occurs automatically

Wednesday March 6 13

Iconic Memory

= a momentary sensory memory of visual stimuli a photographic or picture-image memory lasting no more than a few tenths of a second

Wednesday March 6 13

Echoic Memory

= a momentary sensory memory of auditory stimuli if attention is elsewhere sounds and words can still be recalled within 3 or 4 seconds

Wednesday March 6 13

Long-term Potentiation (LTP)

= an increase in a synapsersquos firing potential after brief rapid stimulation Believed to be a neural basis for learning and memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Flashbulb Memory

= a clear memory of an emotionally significant moment or event

Wednesday March 6 13


= loss of memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Implicit Memory

= retention independent of conscious recollection (Also called nondeclarative or procedural memory)

Wednesday March 6 13

Explicit Memory

= memory of facts and experiences that one can consciously know and ldquodeclarerdquo (Also called declarative memory)

Wednesday March 6 13


= a neural center that is located in the limbic system helps process explicit memories for storage

Wednesday March 6 13


= a measure of memory in which the person must retrieve information learning earlier as on a fill-in-the-blank test

Wednesday March 6 13


= a measure of memory in which the person need only identify items previously learned as on a multiple-choice test

Wednesday March 6 13


= a measure of memory that assesses the amount of time saved when learning material for a second time

Wednesday March 6 13


= the activation often unconsciously of particular associations in memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Deja Vu

= that eerie sense that ldquoIrsquove experienced this beforerdquo Cues from the current situation may subconsciously trigger retrieval of an earlier experience

Wednesday March 6 13

Mood Congruent Memory

= the tendency to recall experiences that are consistent with onersquos current good or bad mood

Wednesday March 6 13

Proactive Interference

= the disruptive effect of prior learning on the recall of new information

Wednesday March 6 13

Retroactive Interference

= the disruptive effect of new learning on the recall of old information

Wednesday March 6 13


= in psychoanalytic theory the basic defense mechanism that banishes from consciousness anxiety-arousing thoughts feelings and memories

Wednesday March 6 13

Misinformation Effect

= incorporating misleading information into onersquos memory of an event

Wednesday March 6 13

Source Amnesia

= attributing to the wrong source an event we have experienced heard about read about or imagined (Also called source misattribution) Source amnesia along with the misinformation effect is at the heart of many false memories

Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Getting Information InWhat We Encode

bullLevels of ProcessingbullVisual13 encodingbullAcous3c13 encodingbullSeman3c13 encoding

bullSelf-reference effect

Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding13 GeKng13 Informa3on13 InWhat13 We13 Encode

Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding13 GeKng13 Informa3on13 InWhat13 We13 Encode

Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding13 GeKng13 Informa3on13 InWhat13 We13 Encode

Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding13 GeKng13 Informa3on13 InWhat13 We13 Encode

Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Getting Information InWhat We Encode

bullVisual EncodingbullImagery

bullRosy retrospectionbullMnemonics

bullPeg-word system

Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Getting Information InWhat We Encode

bullOrganizing Information for EncodingbullChunking


Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Getting Information InWhat We Encode

bullOrganizing Information for EncodingbullChunking


Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Getting Information InWhat We Encode

bullOrganizing Information for EncodingbullChunking


Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Getting Information InWhat We Encode

bullOrganizing Information for EncodingbullChunking


Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Getting Information InWhat We Encode

bullOrganizing Information for EncodingbullChunking


Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Getting Information InWhat We Encode

bullOrganizing Information for EncodingbullChunking


Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Getting Information InWhat We Encode

bullOrganizing Information for EncodingbullChunking


Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Getting Information InWhat We Encode

bullOrganizing Information for EncodingbullHierarchies

Wednesday March 6 13

Storage Retaining InformationSensory Memory

bullSperlingrsquos memory experimentbullIconic13 memorybullEchoic13 memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Storage Retaining InformationWorkingShort-Term

bullMagic number SevenbullPlus or minus 2

bullThe list of magic sevensbullSeven wonders of worldbullSeven seasbullSeven deadly sinsbullSeven primary colorsbullSeven musical scale notesbullSeven days of the week

Wednesday March 6 13

Storage Retaining InformationLong-Term Memory

bullUnlimited nature of long-term memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Storage Retaining InformationStoring Memories in the

bullSynaptic ChangesbullMemory tracebullLong-shy‐term13 poten3a3on13 (LTP)bullMemory boosting drugs


Wednesday March 6 13

Storage Retaining InformationStoring Memories in the Stress Hormones and Memory

bullEmotions and memoriesbullFlashbulb13 memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Storage Retaining InformationStoring Memories in the bullStoring Implicit and Explicit Memories

bullAmnesiabullHM Studies

Wednesday March 6 13

Storage Retaining InformationStoring Memories in the

bullStoring Implicit and Explicit MemoriesbullImplicit13 memory13 (nondeclarative memory)bullExplicit13 memory13 (declarative memory)


Wednesday March 6 13

Storage13 Retaining13 Informa3onStoring13 Memories13 in13 the13 Brain

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval Getting Information Out


Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval Getting Information OutRetrieval Cues

bullRetrieval cuesbullMnemonic devicesbullPriming

Wednesday March 6 13


Wednesday March 6 13


Wednesday March 6 13


Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval Getting Information OutContext Effects

bullContext effectsbullDeacutejagrave13 vu

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 GeKng13 Informa3on13 OutContext13 Effects

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 GeKng13 Informa3on13 OutContext13 Effects

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 GeKng13 Informa3on13 OutContext13 Effects

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 GeKng13 Informa3on13 OutContext13 Effects

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 GeKng13 Informa3on13 OutContext13 Effects

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 GeKng13 Informa3on13 OutContext13 Effects

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval Getting Information OutMoods and Memories

bullState dependent memorybullMood13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 congruent13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 memory

Wednesday March 6 13


Wednesday March 6 13



Wednesday March 6 13


bullSchacterrsquos sevens sins of memorybullSins of Forgetting


Wednesday March 6 13


bullSchacterrsquos sevens sins of memorybullSins of distortion


bullSin of intrusionbullpersistence

Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Failure

bullEncoding failure

Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Failure

bullEncoding failure

Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Failure

Wednesday March 6 13

Storage DecaybullStorage decay

bullEbbinghaus curve

Wednesday March 6 13

Storage DecaybullStorage decay

bullEbbinghaus curve

Wednesday March 6 13

Ebbinghaus13 Curve

Wednesday March 6 13

Ebbinghaus13 Curve

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval Failure

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval FailureInterference

bullProac3ve13 interference13 (forward acting)bullRetroac3ve13 interference13 (backward-acting)

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 FailureInterference

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 FailureInterference

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 FailureInterference

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 FailureInterference

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 FailureInterference

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval FailureMotivated Forgetting

bullSelf-serving personal historiesbullRepression

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval FailureMotivated Forgetting

bullSelf-serving personal historiesbullRepression

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval FailureMotivated Forgetting

bullSelf-serving personal historiesbullRepression

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval FailureMotivated Forgetting

bullSelf-serving personal historiesbullRepression

Wednesday March 6 13

Memory Construction

Wednesday March 6 13

Misinformation and Imagination Effects

bullLoftus memory studiesbullMisinforma3on13 effect

Wednesday March 6 13

Source Amnesia

bullSource13 amnesia13 (source misattribution)

Wednesday March 6 13

Discerning True and False Memories

bullMemory studiesbullEye witness testimony

Wednesday March 6 13

Childrenrsquos Eyewitness Recall

bullChildrenrsquos memories of abusebullSuggestibility

Wednesday March 6 13

Repressed or Constructed Memories of Abuse

bullAreas of agreementbullSexual abuse happensbullInjustice happensbullForgetting happensbullRecovered memories are incompletebullMemories before 3 years are unreliablebullHypnotic memories are unreliablebullMemories can be emotionally upsetting

Wednesday March 6 13

Repressed or Constructed Memories of Abuse

bullLoftus studies with children

Wednesday March 6 13

Improving Memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Improving Memory TechniquesbullStudy repeatedlybullMake the material meaningfulbullActivate retrieval cuesbullUse mnemonic devicesbullMinimize interferencebullSleep morebullTest your own knowledge both to rehearse it and to help determine what you do not yet

Wednesday March 6 13

The End

Wednesday March 6 13

Teacher13 Informa3onbullTypes13 of13 Files

bullThis13 presenta3on13 has13 been13 saved13 as13 a13 ldquobasicrdquo13 Powerpoint13 file13 13 While13 this13 file13 format13 placed13 a13 few13 limita3ons13 on13 the13 presenta3on13 it13 insured13 the13 file13 would13 be13 compa3ble13 with13 the13 many13 versions13 of13 Powerpoint13 teachers13 use13 13 To13 add13 func3onality13 to13 the13 presenta3on13 teachers13 may13 want13 to13 save13 the13 file13 for13 their13 specific13 version13 of13 Powerpoint

bullAnima0onbullOnce13 again13 to13 insure13 compa3bility13 with13 all13 versions13 of13 Powerpoint13 none13 of13 the13 slides13 are13 animated13 13 To13 increase13 student13 interest13 it13 is13 suggested13 teachers13 animate13 the13 slides13 wherever13 possible

bullAdding13 slides13 to13 this13 presenta0onbullTeachers13 are13 encouraged13 to13 adapt13 this13 presenta3on13 to13 their13 personal13 teaching13 style13 13 To13 help13 keep13 a13 sense13 of13 con3nuity13 blank13 slides13 which13 can13 be13 copied13 and13 pasted13 to13 a13 specific13 loca3on13 in13 the13 presenta3on13 follow13 this13 ldquoTeacher13 Informa3onrdquo13 sec3on13 13 13

Wednesday March 6 13

Teacher13 Informa3onbullHyperlink13 Slides13 -shy‐13 This13 presenta3on13 contain13 two13 types13 of13 hyperlinks13 13 Hyperlinks13 can13 be13 iden3fied13 by13 the13 text13 being13 underlined13 and13 a13 different13 color13 (usually13 purple)

bullUnit13 subsec0ons13 hyperlinks13 13 Immediately13 aer13 the13 unit13 3tle13 slide13 a13 page13 (slide13 3)13 can13 be13 found13 lis3ng13 all13 of13 the13 unitrsquos13 subsec3ons13 13 While13 in13 slide13 show13 mode13 clicking13 on13 any13 of13 these13 hyperlinks13 will13 take13 the13 user13 directly13 to13 the13 beginning13 of13 that13 subsec3on13 13 This13 allows13 teachers13 quick13 access13 to13 each13 subsec3on

bullBold13 print13 term13 hyperlinks13 13 Every13 bold13 print13 term13 from13 the13 unit13 is13 included13 in13 this13 presenta3on13 as13 a13 hyperlink13 13 While13 in13 slide13 show13 mode13 clicking13 on13 any13 of13 the13 hyperlinks13 will13 take13 the13 user13 to13 a13 slide13 containing13 the13 formal13 defini3on13 of13 the13 term13 13 Clicking13 on13 the13 ldquoarrowrdquo13 in13 the13 boaom13 le13 corner13 of13 the13 defini3on13 slide13 will13 take13 the13 user13 back13 to13 the13 original13 point13 in13 the13 presenta3on13

13 These13 hyperlinks13 were13 included13 for13 teachers13 who13 want13 students13 to13 see13 or13 copy13 down13 the13 exact13 defini3on13 as13 stated13 in13 the13 text13 13 Most13 teachers13 prefer13 the13 defini3ons13 not13 be13 included13 to13 prevent13 students13 from13 only13 ldquocopying13 down13 what13 is13 on13 the13 screenrdquo13 and13 not13 ac3vely13 listening13 to13 the13 presenta3on

13 For13 teachers13 who13 con3nually13 use13 the13 Bold13 Print13 Term13 Hyperlinks13 op3on13 please13 contact13 the13 author13 using13 the13 email13 address13 on13 the13 next13 slide13 to13 learn13 a13 technique13 to13 expedite13 the13 returning13 to13 the13 original13 point13 in13 the13 presenta3on

Wednesday March 6 13

Teacher13 Informa3onbullCon0nuity13 slides

bullThroughout13 this13 presenta3on13 there13 are13 slides13 usually13 of13 graphics13 or13 tables13 that13 build13 on13 one13 another13 13 These13 are13 included13 for13 three13 purposes13 13

bullBy13 presen3ng13 informa3on13 in13 small13 chunks13 students13 will13 find13 it13 easier13 to13 process13 and13 remember13 the13 concepts13 13

bullBy13 con3nually13 changing13 slides13 students13 will13 stay13 interested13 in13 the13 presenta3onbullTo13 facilitate13 class13 discussion13 and13 cri3cal13 thinking13 13 Students13 should13 be13 encouraged13 to13 think13 about13 ldquowhat13 might13 come13 nextrdquo13 in13 the13 series13 of13 slides13 13

bullPlease13 feel13 free13 to13 contact13 me13 at13 kkorekgermantownk12wius13 with13 any13 ques3ons13 concerns13 sugges3ons13 etc13 regarding13 these13 presenta3ons13

Kent13 Korek

Germantown13 High13 School

Germantown13 WI13 53022

Wednesday March 6 13

Division title (green print)subdivision title (blue print)


Wednesday March 6 13

Division title (green print)

Use13 this13 slide13 to13 add13 a13 table13 chart13 clip13 art13 picture13 diagram13 or13 video13 clip13 13 Delete13 this13 box13 when13 finished

Wednesday March 6 13

Definition Slide

= add definition here

Wednesday March 6 13


Wednesday March 6 13


= the persistence of learning over time through the storage and retrieval of information

Wednesday March 6 13


= the processing of information into the memory systems ndash for example by extracting meaning

Wednesday March 6 13


= the retention of encoded information over time

Wednesday March 6 13


= the process of getting information out of memory storage

Wednesday March 6 13

Sensory Memory

= the immediate very brief recording of sensory information in the memory system

Wednesday March 6 13

Short-term Memory

= activated memory that holds a few items briefly such as the seven digits of a phone number while dialing before the information is stored or forgotten

Wednesday March 6 13

Long-term Memory

= the relatively permanent and limitless storehouse of the memory system Includes knowledge skills and experiences

Wednesday March 6 13

Working Memory

= a newer understanding of short-term memory that focuses on conscious active processing of incoming auditory and visual-spatial information and of information retrieved from long-term memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Parallel Processing

= the processing of many aspects of a problem simultaneously the brainrsquos natural mode of information processing for many functions Contrasts with the step-by-step (serial) processing of most computers and of conscious problem solving

Wednesday March 6 13

Automatic Processing

= unconscious encoding of incidental information such as space time and frequency and of well-learned information such as word meanings

Wednesday March 6 13

Effortful Processing

= encoding that requires attention and conscious effort

Wednesday March 6 13


= the conscious repetition of information either to maintain it in consciousness or to encode it for storage

Wednesday March 6 13

Spacing Effect

= the tendency for distributed study or practice to yield better long-term retention than is achieved through massed study or practice

Wednesday March 6 13

Serial Position Effect

= our tendency to recall best the last and first items in a list

Wednesday March 6 13

Visual Encoding

= the encoding of picture images

Wednesday March 6 13

Acoustic Encoding

= the encoding of sound especially the sound of words

Wednesday March 6 13

Semantic Encoding

= the encoding of meaning including the meaning of words

Wednesday March 6 13


= mental pictures a powerful aid to effortful processing especially when combined with semantic encoding

Wednesday March 6 13


= memory aids especially those techniques that use vivid imagery and organizational devices

Wednesday March 6 13


= organizing items into familiar manageable units often occurs automatically

Wednesday March 6 13

Iconic Memory

= a momentary sensory memory of visual stimuli a photographic or picture-image memory lasting no more than a few tenths of a second

Wednesday March 6 13

Echoic Memory

= a momentary sensory memory of auditory stimuli if attention is elsewhere sounds and words can still be recalled within 3 or 4 seconds

Wednesday March 6 13

Long-term Potentiation (LTP)

= an increase in a synapsersquos firing potential after brief rapid stimulation Believed to be a neural basis for learning and memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Flashbulb Memory

= a clear memory of an emotionally significant moment or event

Wednesday March 6 13


= loss of memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Implicit Memory

= retention independent of conscious recollection (Also called nondeclarative or procedural memory)

Wednesday March 6 13

Explicit Memory

= memory of facts and experiences that one can consciously know and ldquodeclarerdquo (Also called declarative memory)

Wednesday March 6 13


= a neural center that is located in the limbic system helps process explicit memories for storage

Wednesday March 6 13


= a measure of memory in which the person must retrieve information learning earlier as on a fill-in-the-blank test

Wednesday March 6 13


= a measure of memory in which the person need only identify items previously learned as on a multiple-choice test

Wednesday March 6 13


= a measure of memory that assesses the amount of time saved when learning material for a second time

Wednesday March 6 13


= the activation often unconsciously of particular associations in memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Deja Vu

= that eerie sense that ldquoIrsquove experienced this beforerdquo Cues from the current situation may subconsciously trigger retrieval of an earlier experience

Wednesday March 6 13

Mood Congruent Memory

= the tendency to recall experiences that are consistent with onersquos current good or bad mood

Wednesday March 6 13

Proactive Interference

= the disruptive effect of prior learning on the recall of new information

Wednesday March 6 13

Retroactive Interference

= the disruptive effect of new learning on the recall of old information

Wednesday March 6 13


= in psychoanalytic theory the basic defense mechanism that banishes from consciousness anxiety-arousing thoughts feelings and memories

Wednesday March 6 13

Misinformation Effect

= incorporating misleading information into onersquos memory of an event

Wednesday March 6 13

Source Amnesia

= attributing to the wrong source an event we have experienced heard about read about or imagined (Also called source misattribution) Source amnesia along with the misinformation effect is at the heart of many false memories

Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding13 GeKng13 Informa3on13 InWhat13 We13 Encode

Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding13 GeKng13 Informa3on13 InWhat13 We13 Encode

Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding13 GeKng13 Informa3on13 InWhat13 We13 Encode

Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding13 GeKng13 Informa3on13 InWhat13 We13 Encode

Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Getting Information InWhat We Encode

bullVisual EncodingbullImagery

bullRosy retrospectionbullMnemonics

bullPeg-word system

Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Getting Information InWhat We Encode

bullOrganizing Information for EncodingbullChunking


Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Getting Information InWhat We Encode

bullOrganizing Information for EncodingbullChunking


Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Getting Information InWhat We Encode

bullOrganizing Information for EncodingbullChunking


Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Getting Information InWhat We Encode

bullOrganizing Information for EncodingbullChunking


Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Getting Information InWhat We Encode

bullOrganizing Information for EncodingbullChunking


Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Getting Information InWhat We Encode

bullOrganizing Information for EncodingbullChunking


Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Getting Information InWhat We Encode

bullOrganizing Information for EncodingbullChunking


Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Getting Information InWhat We Encode

bullOrganizing Information for EncodingbullHierarchies

Wednesday March 6 13

Storage Retaining InformationSensory Memory

bullSperlingrsquos memory experimentbullIconic13 memorybullEchoic13 memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Storage Retaining InformationWorkingShort-Term

bullMagic number SevenbullPlus or minus 2

bullThe list of magic sevensbullSeven wonders of worldbullSeven seasbullSeven deadly sinsbullSeven primary colorsbullSeven musical scale notesbullSeven days of the week

Wednesday March 6 13

Storage Retaining InformationLong-Term Memory

bullUnlimited nature of long-term memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Storage Retaining InformationStoring Memories in the

bullSynaptic ChangesbullMemory tracebullLong-shy‐term13 poten3a3on13 (LTP)bullMemory boosting drugs


Wednesday March 6 13

Storage Retaining InformationStoring Memories in the Stress Hormones and Memory

bullEmotions and memoriesbullFlashbulb13 memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Storage Retaining InformationStoring Memories in the bullStoring Implicit and Explicit Memories

bullAmnesiabullHM Studies

Wednesday March 6 13

Storage Retaining InformationStoring Memories in the

bullStoring Implicit and Explicit MemoriesbullImplicit13 memory13 (nondeclarative memory)bullExplicit13 memory13 (declarative memory)


Wednesday March 6 13

Storage13 Retaining13 Informa3onStoring13 Memories13 in13 the13 Brain

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval Getting Information Out


Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval Getting Information OutRetrieval Cues

bullRetrieval cuesbullMnemonic devicesbullPriming

Wednesday March 6 13


Wednesday March 6 13


Wednesday March 6 13


Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval Getting Information OutContext Effects

bullContext effectsbullDeacutejagrave13 vu

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 GeKng13 Informa3on13 OutContext13 Effects

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 GeKng13 Informa3on13 OutContext13 Effects

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 GeKng13 Informa3on13 OutContext13 Effects

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 GeKng13 Informa3on13 OutContext13 Effects

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 GeKng13 Informa3on13 OutContext13 Effects

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 GeKng13 Informa3on13 OutContext13 Effects

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval Getting Information OutMoods and Memories

bullState dependent memorybullMood13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 congruent13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 memory

Wednesday March 6 13


Wednesday March 6 13



Wednesday March 6 13


bullSchacterrsquos sevens sins of memorybullSins of Forgetting


Wednesday March 6 13


bullSchacterrsquos sevens sins of memorybullSins of distortion


bullSin of intrusionbullpersistence

Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Failure

bullEncoding failure

Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Failure

bullEncoding failure

Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Failure

Wednesday March 6 13

Storage DecaybullStorage decay

bullEbbinghaus curve

Wednesday March 6 13

Storage DecaybullStorage decay

bullEbbinghaus curve

Wednesday March 6 13

Ebbinghaus13 Curve

Wednesday March 6 13

Ebbinghaus13 Curve

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval Failure

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval FailureInterference

bullProac3ve13 interference13 (forward acting)bullRetroac3ve13 interference13 (backward-acting)

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 FailureInterference

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 FailureInterference

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 FailureInterference

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 FailureInterference

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 FailureInterference

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval FailureMotivated Forgetting

bullSelf-serving personal historiesbullRepression

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval FailureMotivated Forgetting

bullSelf-serving personal historiesbullRepression

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval FailureMotivated Forgetting

bullSelf-serving personal historiesbullRepression

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval FailureMotivated Forgetting

bullSelf-serving personal historiesbullRepression

Wednesday March 6 13

Memory Construction

Wednesday March 6 13

Misinformation and Imagination Effects

bullLoftus memory studiesbullMisinforma3on13 effect

Wednesday March 6 13

Source Amnesia

bullSource13 amnesia13 (source misattribution)

Wednesday March 6 13

Discerning True and False Memories

bullMemory studiesbullEye witness testimony

Wednesday March 6 13

Childrenrsquos Eyewitness Recall

bullChildrenrsquos memories of abusebullSuggestibility

Wednesday March 6 13

Repressed or Constructed Memories of Abuse

bullAreas of agreementbullSexual abuse happensbullInjustice happensbullForgetting happensbullRecovered memories are incompletebullMemories before 3 years are unreliablebullHypnotic memories are unreliablebullMemories can be emotionally upsetting

Wednesday March 6 13

Repressed or Constructed Memories of Abuse

bullLoftus studies with children

Wednesday March 6 13

Improving Memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Improving Memory TechniquesbullStudy repeatedlybullMake the material meaningfulbullActivate retrieval cuesbullUse mnemonic devicesbullMinimize interferencebullSleep morebullTest your own knowledge both to rehearse it and to help determine what you do not yet

Wednesday March 6 13

The End

Wednesday March 6 13

Teacher13 Informa3onbullTypes13 of13 Files

bullThis13 presenta3on13 has13 been13 saved13 as13 a13 ldquobasicrdquo13 Powerpoint13 file13 13 While13 this13 file13 format13 placed13 a13 few13 limita3ons13 on13 the13 presenta3on13 it13 insured13 the13 file13 would13 be13 compa3ble13 with13 the13 many13 versions13 of13 Powerpoint13 teachers13 use13 13 To13 add13 func3onality13 to13 the13 presenta3on13 teachers13 may13 want13 to13 save13 the13 file13 for13 their13 specific13 version13 of13 Powerpoint

bullAnima0onbullOnce13 again13 to13 insure13 compa3bility13 with13 all13 versions13 of13 Powerpoint13 none13 of13 the13 slides13 are13 animated13 13 To13 increase13 student13 interest13 it13 is13 suggested13 teachers13 animate13 the13 slides13 wherever13 possible

bullAdding13 slides13 to13 this13 presenta0onbullTeachers13 are13 encouraged13 to13 adapt13 this13 presenta3on13 to13 their13 personal13 teaching13 style13 13 To13 help13 keep13 a13 sense13 of13 con3nuity13 blank13 slides13 which13 can13 be13 copied13 and13 pasted13 to13 a13 specific13 loca3on13 in13 the13 presenta3on13 follow13 this13 ldquoTeacher13 Informa3onrdquo13 sec3on13 13 13

Wednesday March 6 13

Teacher13 Informa3onbullHyperlink13 Slides13 -shy‐13 This13 presenta3on13 contain13 two13 types13 of13 hyperlinks13 13 Hyperlinks13 can13 be13 iden3fied13 by13 the13 text13 being13 underlined13 and13 a13 different13 color13 (usually13 purple)

bullUnit13 subsec0ons13 hyperlinks13 13 Immediately13 aer13 the13 unit13 3tle13 slide13 a13 page13 (slide13 3)13 can13 be13 found13 lis3ng13 all13 of13 the13 unitrsquos13 subsec3ons13 13 While13 in13 slide13 show13 mode13 clicking13 on13 any13 of13 these13 hyperlinks13 will13 take13 the13 user13 directly13 to13 the13 beginning13 of13 that13 subsec3on13 13 This13 allows13 teachers13 quick13 access13 to13 each13 subsec3on

bullBold13 print13 term13 hyperlinks13 13 Every13 bold13 print13 term13 from13 the13 unit13 is13 included13 in13 this13 presenta3on13 as13 a13 hyperlink13 13 While13 in13 slide13 show13 mode13 clicking13 on13 any13 of13 the13 hyperlinks13 will13 take13 the13 user13 to13 a13 slide13 containing13 the13 formal13 defini3on13 of13 the13 term13 13 Clicking13 on13 the13 ldquoarrowrdquo13 in13 the13 boaom13 le13 corner13 of13 the13 defini3on13 slide13 will13 take13 the13 user13 back13 to13 the13 original13 point13 in13 the13 presenta3on13

13 These13 hyperlinks13 were13 included13 for13 teachers13 who13 want13 students13 to13 see13 or13 copy13 down13 the13 exact13 defini3on13 as13 stated13 in13 the13 text13 13 Most13 teachers13 prefer13 the13 defini3ons13 not13 be13 included13 to13 prevent13 students13 from13 only13 ldquocopying13 down13 what13 is13 on13 the13 screenrdquo13 and13 not13 ac3vely13 listening13 to13 the13 presenta3on

13 For13 teachers13 who13 con3nually13 use13 the13 Bold13 Print13 Term13 Hyperlinks13 op3on13 please13 contact13 the13 author13 using13 the13 email13 address13 on13 the13 next13 slide13 to13 learn13 a13 technique13 to13 expedite13 the13 returning13 to13 the13 original13 point13 in13 the13 presenta3on

Wednesday March 6 13

Teacher13 Informa3onbullCon0nuity13 slides

bullThroughout13 this13 presenta3on13 there13 are13 slides13 usually13 of13 graphics13 or13 tables13 that13 build13 on13 one13 another13 13 These13 are13 included13 for13 three13 purposes13 13

bullBy13 presen3ng13 informa3on13 in13 small13 chunks13 students13 will13 find13 it13 easier13 to13 process13 and13 remember13 the13 concepts13 13

bullBy13 con3nually13 changing13 slides13 students13 will13 stay13 interested13 in13 the13 presenta3onbullTo13 facilitate13 class13 discussion13 and13 cri3cal13 thinking13 13 Students13 should13 be13 encouraged13 to13 think13 about13 ldquowhat13 might13 come13 nextrdquo13 in13 the13 series13 of13 slides13 13

bullPlease13 feel13 free13 to13 contact13 me13 at13 kkorekgermantownk12wius13 with13 any13 ques3ons13 concerns13 sugges3ons13 etc13 regarding13 these13 presenta3ons13

Kent13 Korek

Germantown13 High13 School

Germantown13 WI13 53022

Wednesday March 6 13

Division title (green print)subdivision title (blue print)


Wednesday March 6 13

Division title (green print)

Use13 this13 slide13 to13 add13 a13 table13 chart13 clip13 art13 picture13 diagram13 or13 video13 clip13 13 Delete13 this13 box13 when13 finished

Wednesday March 6 13

Definition Slide

= add definition here

Wednesday March 6 13


Wednesday March 6 13


= the persistence of learning over time through the storage and retrieval of information

Wednesday March 6 13


= the processing of information into the memory systems ndash for example by extracting meaning

Wednesday March 6 13


= the retention of encoded information over time

Wednesday March 6 13


= the process of getting information out of memory storage

Wednesday March 6 13

Sensory Memory

= the immediate very brief recording of sensory information in the memory system

Wednesday March 6 13

Short-term Memory

= activated memory that holds a few items briefly such as the seven digits of a phone number while dialing before the information is stored or forgotten

Wednesday March 6 13

Long-term Memory

= the relatively permanent and limitless storehouse of the memory system Includes knowledge skills and experiences

Wednesday March 6 13

Working Memory

= a newer understanding of short-term memory that focuses on conscious active processing of incoming auditory and visual-spatial information and of information retrieved from long-term memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Parallel Processing

= the processing of many aspects of a problem simultaneously the brainrsquos natural mode of information processing for many functions Contrasts with the step-by-step (serial) processing of most computers and of conscious problem solving

Wednesday March 6 13

Automatic Processing

= unconscious encoding of incidental information such as space time and frequency and of well-learned information such as word meanings

Wednesday March 6 13

Effortful Processing

= encoding that requires attention and conscious effort

Wednesday March 6 13


= the conscious repetition of information either to maintain it in consciousness or to encode it for storage

Wednesday March 6 13

Spacing Effect

= the tendency for distributed study or practice to yield better long-term retention than is achieved through massed study or practice

Wednesday March 6 13

Serial Position Effect

= our tendency to recall best the last and first items in a list

Wednesday March 6 13

Visual Encoding

= the encoding of picture images

Wednesday March 6 13

Acoustic Encoding

= the encoding of sound especially the sound of words

Wednesday March 6 13

Semantic Encoding

= the encoding of meaning including the meaning of words

Wednesday March 6 13


= mental pictures a powerful aid to effortful processing especially when combined with semantic encoding

Wednesday March 6 13


= memory aids especially those techniques that use vivid imagery and organizational devices

Wednesday March 6 13


= organizing items into familiar manageable units often occurs automatically

Wednesday March 6 13

Iconic Memory

= a momentary sensory memory of visual stimuli a photographic or picture-image memory lasting no more than a few tenths of a second

Wednesday March 6 13

Echoic Memory

= a momentary sensory memory of auditory stimuli if attention is elsewhere sounds and words can still be recalled within 3 or 4 seconds

Wednesday March 6 13

Long-term Potentiation (LTP)

= an increase in a synapsersquos firing potential after brief rapid stimulation Believed to be a neural basis for learning and memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Flashbulb Memory

= a clear memory of an emotionally significant moment or event

Wednesday March 6 13


= loss of memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Implicit Memory

= retention independent of conscious recollection (Also called nondeclarative or procedural memory)

Wednesday March 6 13

Explicit Memory

= memory of facts and experiences that one can consciously know and ldquodeclarerdquo (Also called declarative memory)

Wednesday March 6 13


= a neural center that is located in the limbic system helps process explicit memories for storage

Wednesday March 6 13


= a measure of memory in which the person must retrieve information learning earlier as on a fill-in-the-blank test

Wednesday March 6 13


= a measure of memory in which the person need only identify items previously learned as on a multiple-choice test

Wednesday March 6 13


= a measure of memory that assesses the amount of time saved when learning material for a second time

Wednesday March 6 13


= the activation often unconsciously of particular associations in memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Deja Vu

= that eerie sense that ldquoIrsquove experienced this beforerdquo Cues from the current situation may subconsciously trigger retrieval of an earlier experience

Wednesday March 6 13

Mood Congruent Memory

= the tendency to recall experiences that are consistent with onersquos current good or bad mood

Wednesday March 6 13

Proactive Interference

= the disruptive effect of prior learning on the recall of new information

Wednesday March 6 13

Retroactive Interference

= the disruptive effect of new learning on the recall of old information

Wednesday March 6 13


= in psychoanalytic theory the basic defense mechanism that banishes from consciousness anxiety-arousing thoughts feelings and memories

Wednesday March 6 13

Misinformation Effect

= incorporating misleading information into onersquos memory of an event

Wednesday March 6 13

Source Amnesia

= attributing to the wrong source an event we have experienced heard about read about or imagined (Also called source misattribution) Source amnesia along with the misinformation effect is at the heart of many false memories

Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding13 GeKng13 Informa3on13 InWhat13 We13 Encode

Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding13 GeKng13 Informa3on13 InWhat13 We13 Encode

Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding13 GeKng13 Informa3on13 InWhat13 We13 Encode

Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Getting Information InWhat We Encode

bullVisual EncodingbullImagery

bullRosy retrospectionbullMnemonics

bullPeg-word system

Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Getting Information InWhat We Encode

bullOrganizing Information for EncodingbullChunking


Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Getting Information InWhat We Encode

bullOrganizing Information for EncodingbullChunking


Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Getting Information InWhat We Encode

bullOrganizing Information for EncodingbullChunking


Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Getting Information InWhat We Encode

bullOrganizing Information for EncodingbullChunking


Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Getting Information InWhat We Encode

bullOrganizing Information for EncodingbullChunking


Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Getting Information InWhat We Encode

bullOrganizing Information for EncodingbullChunking


Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Getting Information InWhat We Encode

bullOrganizing Information for EncodingbullChunking


Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Getting Information InWhat We Encode

bullOrganizing Information for EncodingbullHierarchies

Wednesday March 6 13

Storage Retaining InformationSensory Memory

bullSperlingrsquos memory experimentbullIconic13 memorybullEchoic13 memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Storage Retaining InformationWorkingShort-Term

bullMagic number SevenbullPlus or minus 2

bullThe list of magic sevensbullSeven wonders of worldbullSeven seasbullSeven deadly sinsbullSeven primary colorsbullSeven musical scale notesbullSeven days of the week

Wednesday March 6 13

Storage Retaining InformationLong-Term Memory

bullUnlimited nature of long-term memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Storage Retaining InformationStoring Memories in the

bullSynaptic ChangesbullMemory tracebullLong-shy‐term13 poten3a3on13 (LTP)bullMemory boosting drugs


Wednesday March 6 13

Storage Retaining InformationStoring Memories in the Stress Hormones and Memory

bullEmotions and memoriesbullFlashbulb13 memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Storage Retaining InformationStoring Memories in the bullStoring Implicit and Explicit Memories

bullAmnesiabullHM Studies

Wednesday March 6 13

Storage Retaining InformationStoring Memories in the

bullStoring Implicit and Explicit MemoriesbullImplicit13 memory13 (nondeclarative memory)bullExplicit13 memory13 (declarative memory)


Wednesday March 6 13

Storage13 Retaining13 Informa3onStoring13 Memories13 in13 the13 Brain

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval Getting Information Out


Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval Getting Information OutRetrieval Cues

bullRetrieval cuesbullMnemonic devicesbullPriming

Wednesday March 6 13


Wednesday March 6 13


Wednesday March 6 13


Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval Getting Information OutContext Effects

bullContext effectsbullDeacutejagrave13 vu

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 GeKng13 Informa3on13 OutContext13 Effects

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 GeKng13 Informa3on13 OutContext13 Effects

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 GeKng13 Informa3on13 OutContext13 Effects

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 GeKng13 Informa3on13 OutContext13 Effects

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 GeKng13 Informa3on13 OutContext13 Effects

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 GeKng13 Informa3on13 OutContext13 Effects

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval Getting Information OutMoods and Memories

bullState dependent memorybullMood13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 congruent13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 memory

Wednesday March 6 13


Wednesday March 6 13



Wednesday March 6 13


bullSchacterrsquos sevens sins of memorybullSins of Forgetting


Wednesday March 6 13


bullSchacterrsquos sevens sins of memorybullSins of distortion


bullSin of intrusionbullpersistence

Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Failure

bullEncoding failure

Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Failure

bullEncoding failure

Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Failure

Wednesday March 6 13

Storage DecaybullStorage decay

bullEbbinghaus curve

Wednesday March 6 13

Storage DecaybullStorage decay

bullEbbinghaus curve

Wednesday March 6 13

Ebbinghaus13 Curve

Wednesday March 6 13

Ebbinghaus13 Curve

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval Failure

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval FailureInterference

bullProac3ve13 interference13 (forward acting)bullRetroac3ve13 interference13 (backward-acting)

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 FailureInterference

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 FailureInterference

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 FailureInterference

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 FailureInterference

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 FailureInterference

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval FailureMotivated Forgetting

bullSelf-serving personal historiesbullRepression

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval FailureMotivated Forgetting

bullSelf-serving personal historiesbullRepression

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval FailureMotivated Forgetting

bullSelf-serving personal historiesbullRepression

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval FailureMotivated Forgetting

bullSelf-serving personal historiesbullRepression

Wednesday March 6 13

Memory Construction

Wednesday March 6 13

Misinformation and Imagination Effects

bullLoftus memory studiesbullMisinforma3on13 effect

Wednesday March 6 13

Source Amnesia

bullSource13 amnesia13 (source misattribution)

Wednesday March 6 13

Discerning True and False Memories

bullMemory studiesbullEye witness testimony

Wednesday March 6 13

Childrenrsquos Eyewitness Recall

bullChildrenrsquos memories of abusebullSuggestibility

Wednesday March 6 13

Repressed or Constructed Memories of Abuse

bullAreas of agreementbullSexual abuse happensbullInjustice happensbullForgetting happensbullRecovered memories are incompletebullMemories before 3 years are unreliablebullHypnotic memories are unreliablebullMemories can be emotionally upsetting

Wednesday March 6 13

Repressed or Constructed Memories of Abuse

bullLoftus studies with children

Wednesday March 6 13

Improving Memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Improving Memory TechniquesbullStudy repeatedlybullMake the material meaningfulbullActivate retrieval cuesbullUse mnemonic devicesbullMinimize interferencebullSleep morebullTest your own knowledge both to rehearse it and to help determine what you do not yet

Wednesday March 6 13

The End

Wednesday March 6 13

Teacher13 Informa3onbullTypes13 of13 Files

bullThis13 presenta3on13 has13 been13 saved13 as13 a13 ldquobasicrdquo13 Powerpoint13 file13 13 While13 this13 file13 format13 placed13 a13 few13 limita3ons13 on13 the13 presenta3on13 it13 insured13 the13 file13 would13 be13 compa3ble13 with13 the13 many13 versions13 of13 Powerpoint13 teachers13 use13 13 To13 add13 func3onality13 to13 the13 presenta3on13 teachers13 may13 want13 to13 save13 the13 file13 for13 their13 specific13 version13 of13 Powerpoint

bullAnima0onbullOnce13 again13 to13 insure13 compa3bility13 with13 all13 versions13 of13 Powerpoint13 none13 of13 the13 slides13 are13 animated13 13 To13 increase13 student13 interest13 it13 is13 suggested13 teachers13 animate13 the13 slides13 wherever13 possible

bullAdding13 slides13 to13 this13 presenta0onbullTeachers13 are13 encouraged13 to13 adapt13 this13 presenta3on13 to13 their13 personal13 teaching13 style13 13 To13 help13 keep13 a13 sense13 of13 con3nuity13 blank13 slides13 which13 can13 be13 copied13 and13 pasted13 to13 a13 specific13 loca3on13 in13 the13 presenta3on13 follow13 this13 ldquoTeacher13 Informa3onrdquo13 sec3on13 13 13

Wednesday March 6 13

Teacher13 Informa3onbullHyperlink13 Slides13 -shy‐13 This13 presenta3on13 contain13 two13 types13 of13 hyperlinks13 13 Hyperlinks13 can13 be13 iden3fied13 by13 the13 text13 being13 underlined13 and13 a13 different13 color13 (usually13 purple)

bullUnit13 subsec0ons13 hyperlinks13 13 Immediately13 aer13 the13 unit13 3tle13 slide13 a13 page13 (slide13 3)13 can13 be13 found13 lis3ng13 all13 of13 the13 unitrsquos13 subsec3ons13 13 While13 in13 slide13 show13 mode13 clicking13 on13 any13 of13 these13 hyperlinks13 will13 take13 the13 user13 directly13 to13 the13 beginning13 of13 that13 subsec3on13 13 This13 allows13 teachers13 quick13 access13 to13 each13 subsec3on

bullBold13 print13 term13 hyperlinks13 13 Every13 bold13 print13 term13 from13 the13 unit13 is13 included13 in13 this13 presenta3on13 as13 a13 hyperlink13 13 While13 in13 slide13 show13 mode13 clicking13 on13 any13 of13 the13 hyperlinks13 will13 take13 the13 user13 to13 a13 slide13 containing13 the13 formal13 defini3on13 of13 the13 term13 13 Clicking13 on13 the13 ldquoarrowrdquo13 in13 the13 boaom13 le13 corner13 of13 the13 defini3on13 slide13 will13 take13 the13 user13 back13 to13 the13 original13 point13 in13 the13 presenta3on13

13 These13 hyperlinks13 were13 included13 for13 teachers13 who13 want13 students13 to13 see13 or13 copy13 down13 the13 exact13 defini3on13 as13 stated13 in13 the13 text13 13 Most13 teachers13 prefer13 the13 defini3ons13 not13 be13 included13 to13 prevent13 students13 from13 only13 ldquocopying13 down13 what13 is13 on13 the13 screenrdquo13 and13 not13 ac3vely13 listening13 to13 the13 presenta3on

13 For13 teachers13 who13 con3nually13 use13 the13 Bold13 Print13 Term13 Hyperlinks13 op3on13 please13 contact13 the13 author13 using13 the13 email13 address13 on13 the13 next13 slide13 to13 learn13 a13 technique13 to13 expedite13 the13 returning13 to13 the13 original13 point13 in13 the13 presenta3on

Wednesday March 6 13

Teacher13 Informa3onbullCon0nuity13 slides

bullThroughout13 this13 presenta3on13 there13 are13 slides13 usually13 of13 graphics13 or13 tables13 that13 build13 on13 one13 another13 13 These13 are13 included13 for13 three13 purposes13 13

bullBy13 presen3ng13 informa3on13 in13 small13 chunks13 students13 will13 find13 it13 easier13 to13 process13 and13 remember13 the13 concepts13 13

bullBy13 con3nually13 changing13 slides13 students13 will13 stay13 interested13 in13 the13 presenta3onbullTo13 facilitate13 class13 discussion13 and13 cri3cal13 thinking13 13 Students13 should13 be13 encouraged13 to13 think13 about13 ldquowhat13 might13 come13 nextrdquo13 in13 the13 series13 of13 slides13 13

bullPlease13 feel13 free13 to13 contact13 me13 at13 kkorekgermantownk12wius13 with13 any13 ques3ons13 concerns13 sugges3ons13 etc13 regarding13 these13 presenta3ons13

Kent13 Korek

Germantown13 High13 School

Germantown13 WI13 53022

Wednesday March 6 13

Division title (green print)subdivision title (blue print)


Wednesday March 6 13

Division title (green print)

Use13 this13 slide13 to13 add13 a13 table13 chart13 clip13 art13 picture13 diagram13 or13 video13 clip13 13 Delete13 this13 box13 when13 finished

Wednesday March 6 13

Definition Slide

= add definition here

Wednesday March 6 13


Wednesday March 6 13


= the persistence of learning over time through the storage and retrieval of information

Wednesday March 6 13


= the processing of information into the memory systems ndash for example by extracting meaning

Wednesday March 6 13


= the retention of encoded information over time

Wednesday March 6 13


= the process of getting information out of memory storage

Wednesday March 6 13

Sensory Memory

= the immediate very brief recording of sensory information in the memory system

Wednesday March 6 13

Short-term Memory

= activated memory that holds a few items briefly such as the seven digits of a phone number while dialing before the information is stored or forgotten

Wednesday March 6 13

Long-term Memory

= the relatively permanent and limitless storehouse of the memory system Includes knowledge skills and experiences

Wednesday March 6 13

Working Memory

= a newer understanding of short-term memory that focuses on conscious active processing of incoming auditory and visual-spatial information and of information retrieved from long-term memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Parallel Processing

= the processing of many aspects of a problem simultaneously the brainrsquos natural mode of information processing for many functions Contrasts with the step-by-step (serial) processing of most computers and of conscious problem solving

Wednesday March 6 13

Automatic Processing

= unconscious encoding of incidental information such as space time and frequency and of well-learned information such as word meanings

Wednesday March 6 13

Effortful Processing

= encoding that requires attention and conscious effort

Wednesday March 6 13


= the conscious repetition of information either to maintain it in consciousness or to encode it for storage

Wednesday March 6 13

Spacing Effect

= the tendency for distributed study or practice to yield better long-term retention than is achieved through massed study or practice

Wednesday March 6 13

Serial Position Effect

= our tendency to recall best the last and first items in a list

Wednesday March 6 13

Visual Encoding

= the encoding of picture images

Wednesday March 6 13

Acoustic Encoding

= the encoding of sound especially the sound of words

Wednesday March 6 13

Semantic Encoding

= the encoding of meaning including the meaning of words

Wednesday March 6 13


= mental pictures a powerful aid to effortful processing especially when combined with semantic encoding

Wednesday March 6 13


= memory aids especially those techniques that use vivid imagery and organizational devices

Wednesday March 6 13


= organizing items into familiar manageable units often occurs automatically

Wednesday March 6 13

Iconic Memory

= a momentary sensory memory of visual stimuli a photographic or picture-image memory lasting no more than a few tenths of a second

Wednesday March 6 13

Echoic Memory

= a momentary sensory memory of auditory stimuli if attention is elsewhere sounds and words can still be recalled within 3 or 4 seconds

Wednesday March 6 13

Long-term Potentiation (LTP)

= an increase in a synapsersquos firing potential after brief rapid stimulation Believed to be a neural basis for learning and memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Flashbulb Memory

= a clear memory of an emotionally significant moment or event

Wednesday March 6 13


= loss of memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Implicit Memory

= retention independent of conscious recollection (Also called nondeclarative or procedural memory)

Wednesday March 6 13

Explicit Memory

= memory of facts and experiences that one can consciously know and ldquodeclarerdquo (Also called declarative memory)

Wednesday March 6 13


= a neural center that is located in the limbic system helps process explicit memories for storage

Wednesday March 6 13


= a measure of memory in which the person must retrieve information learning earlier as on a fill-in-the-blank test

Wednesday March 6 13


= a measure of memory in which the person need only identify items previously learned as on a multiple-choice test

Wednesday March 6 13


= a measure of memory that assesses the amount of time saved when learning material for a second time

Wednesday March 6 13


= the activation often unconsciously of particular associations in memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Deja Vu

= that eerie sense that ldquoIrsquove experienced this beforerdquo Cues from the current situation may subconsciously trigger retrieval of an earlier experience

Wednesday March 6 13

Mood Congruent Memory

= the tendency to recall experiences that are consistent with onersquos current good or bad mood

Wednesday March 6 13

Proactive Interference

= the disruptive effect of prior learning on the recall of new information

Wednesday March 6 13

Retroactive Interference

= the disruptive effect of new learning on the recall of old information

Wednesday March 6 13


= in psychoanalytic theory the basic defense mechanism that banishes from consciousness anxiety-arousing thoughts feelings and memories

Wednesday March 6 13

Misinformation Effect

= incorporating misleading information into onersquos memory of an event

Wednesday March 6 13

Source Amnesia

= attributing to the wrong source an event we have experienced heard about read about or imagined (Also called source misattribution) Source amnesia along with the misinformation effect is at the heart of many false memories

Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding13 GeKng13 Informa3on13 InWhat13 We13 Encode

Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding13 GeKng13 Informa3on13 InWhat13 We13 Encode

Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Getting Information InWhat We Encode

bullVisual EncodingbullImagery

bullRosy retrospectionbullMnemonics

bullPeg-word system

Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Getting Information InWhat We Encode

bullOrganizing Information for EncodingbullChunking


Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Getting Information InWhat We Encode

bullOrganizing Information for EncodingbullChunking


Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Getting Information InWhat We Encode

bullOrganizing Information for EncodingbullChunking


Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Getting Information InWhat We Encode

bullOrganizing Information for EncodingbullChunking


Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Getting Information InWhat We Encode

bullOrganizing Information for EncodingbullChunking


Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Getting Information InWhat We Encode

bullOrganizing Information for EncodingbullChunking


Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Getting Information InWhat We Encode

bullOrganizing Information for EncodingbullChunking


Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Getting Information InWhat We Encode

bullOrganizing Information for EncodingbullHierarchies

Wednesday March 6 13

Storage Retaining InformationSensory Memory

bullSperlingrsquos memory experimentbullIconic13 memorybullEchoic13 memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Storage Retaining InformationWorkingShort-Term

bullMagic number SevenbullPlus or minus 2

bullThe list of magic sevensbullSeven wonders of worldbullSeven seasbullSeven deadly sinsbullSeven primary colorsbullSeven musical scale notesbullSeven days of the week

Wednesday March 6 13

Storage Retaining InformationLong-Term Memory

bullUnlimited nature of long-term memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Storage Retaining InformationStoring Memories in the

bullSynaptic ChangesbullMemory tracebullLong-shy‐term13 poten3a3on13 (LTP)bullMemory boosting drugs


Wednesday March 6 13

Storage Retaining InformationStoring Memories in the Stress Hormones and Memory

bullEmotions and memoriesbullFlashbulb13 memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Storage Retaining InformationStoring Memories in the bullStoring Implicit and Explicit Memories

bullAmnesiabullHM Studies

Wednesday March 6 13

Storage Retaining InformationStoring Memories in the

bullStoring Implicit and Explicit MemoriesbullImplicit13 memory13 (nondeclarative memory)bullExplicit13 memory13 (declarative memory)


Wednesday March 6 13

Storage13 Retaining13 Informa3onStoring13 Memories13 in13 the13 Brain

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval Getting Information Out


Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval Getting Information OutRetrieval Cues

bullRetrieval cuesbullMnemonic devicesbullPriming

Wednesday March 6 13


Wednesday March 6 13


Wednesday March 6 13


Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval Getting Information OutContext Effects

bullContext effectsbullDeacutejagrave13 vu

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 GeKng13 Informa3on13 OutContext13 Effects

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 GeKng13 Informa3on13 OutContext13 Effects

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 GeKng13 Informa3on13 OutContext13 Effects

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 GeKng13 Informa3on13 OutContext13 Effects

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 GeKng13 Informa3on13 OutContext13 Effects

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 GeKng13 Informa3on13 OutContext13 Effects

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval Getting Information OutMoods and Memories

bullState dependent memorybullMood13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 congruent13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 memory

Wednesday March 6 13


Wednesday March 6 13



Wednesday March 6 13


bullSchacterrsquos sevens sins of memorybullSins of Forgetting


Wednesday March 6 13


bullSchacterrsquos sevens sins of memorybullSins of distortion


bullSin of intrusionbullpersistence

Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Failure

bullEncoding failure

Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Failure

bullEncoding failure

Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Failure

Wednesday March 6 13

Storage DecaybullStorage decay

bullEbbinghaus curve

Wednesday March 6 13

Storage DecaybullStorage decay

bullEbbinghaus curve

Wednesday March 6 13

Ebbinghaus13 Curve

Wednesday March 6 13

Ebbinghaus13 Curve

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval Failure

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval FailureInterference

bullProac3ve13 interference13 (forward acting)bullRetroac3ve13 interference13 (backward-acting)

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 FailureInterference

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 FailureInterference

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 FailureInterference

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 FailureInterference

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 FailureInterference

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval FailureMotivated Forgetting

bullSelf-serving personal historiesbullRepression

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval FailureMotivated Forgetting

bullSelf-serving personal historiesbullRepression

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval FailureMotivated Forgetting

bullSelf-serving personal historiesbullRepression

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval FailureMotivated Forgetting

bullSelf-serving personal historiesbullRepression

Wednesday March 6 13

Memory Construction

Wednesday March 6 13

Misinformation and Imagination Effects

bullLoftus memory studiesbullMisinforma3on13 effect

Wednesday March 6 13

Source Amnesia

bullSource13 amnesia13 (source misattribution)

Wednesday March 6 13

Discerning True and False Memories

bullMemory studiesbullEye witness testimony

Wednesday March 6 13

Childrenrsquos Eyewitness Recall

bullChildrenrsquos memories of abusebullSuggestibility

Wednesday March 6 13

Repressed or Constructed Memories of Abuse

bullAreas of agreementbullSexual abuse happensbullInjustice happensbullForgetting happensbullRecovered memories are incompletebullMemories before 3 years are unreliablebullHypnotic memories are unreliablebullMemories can be emotionally upsetting

Wednesday March 6 13

Repressed or Constructed Memories of Abuse

bullLoftus studies with children

Wednesday March 6 13

Improving Memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Improving Memory TechniquesbullStudy repeatedlybullMake the material meaningfulbullActivate retrieval cuesbullUse mnemonic devicesbullMinimize interferencebullSleep morebullTest your own knowledge both to rehearse it and to help determine what you do not yet

Wednesday March 6 13

The End

Wednesday March 6 13

Teacher13 Informa3onbullTypes13 of13 Files

bullThis13 presenta3on13 has13 been13 saved13 as13 a13 ldquobasicrdquo13 Powerpoint13 file13 13 While13 this13 file13 format13 placed13 a13 few13 limita3ons13 on13 the13 presenta3on13 it13 insured13 the13 file13 would13 be13 compa3ble13 with13 the13 many13 versions13 of13 Powerpoint13 teachers13 use13 13 To13 add13 func3onality13 to13 the13 presenta3on13 teachers13 may13 want13 to13 save13 the13 file13 for13 their13 specific13 version13 of13 Powerpoint

bullAnima0onbullOnce13 again13 to13 insure13 compa3bility13 with13 all13 versions13 of13 Powerpoint13 none13 of13 the13 slides13 are13 animated13 13 To13 increase13 student13 interest13 it13 is13 suggested13 teachers13 animate13 the13 slides13 wherever13 possible

bullAdding13 slides13 to13 this13 presenta0onbullTeachers13 are13 encouraged13 to13 adapt13 this13 presenta3on13 to13 their13 personal13 teaching13 style13 13 To13 help13 keep13 a13 sense13 of13 con3nuity13 blank13 slides13 which13 can13 be13 copied13 and13 pasted13 to13 a13 specific13 loca3on13 in13 the13 presenta3on13 follow13 this13 ldquoTeacher13 Informa3onrdquo13 sec3on13 13 13

Wednesday March 6 13

Teacher13 Informa3onbullHyperlink13 Slides13 -shy‐13 This13 presenta3on13 contain13 two13 types13 of13 hyperlinks13 13 Hyperlinks13 can13 be13 iden3fied13 by13 the13 text13 being13 underlined13 and13 a13 different13 color13 (usually13 purple)

bullUnit13 subsec0ons13 hyperlinks13 13 Immediately13 aer13 the13 unit13 3tle13 slide13 a13 page13 (slide13 3)13 can13 be13 found13 lis3ng13 all13 of13 the13 unitrsquos13 subsec3ons13 13 While13 in13 slide13 show13 mode13 clicking13 on13 any13 of13 these13 hyperlinks13 will13 take13 the13 user13 directly13 to13 the13 beginning13 of13 that13 subsec3on13 13 This13 allows13 teachers13 quick13 access13 to13 each13 subsec3on

bullBold13 print13 term13 hyperlinks13 13 Every13 bold13 print13 term13 from13 the13 unit13 is13 included13 in13 this13 presenta3on13 as13 a13 hyperlink13 13 While13 in13 slide13 show13 mode13 clicking13 on13 any13 of13 the13 hyperlinks13 will13 take13 the13 user13 to13 a13 slide13 containing13 the13 formal13 defini3on13 of13 the13 term13 13 Clicking13 on13 the13 ldquoarrowrdquo13 in13 the13 boaom13 le13 corner13 of13 the13 defini3on13 slide13 will13 take13 the13 user13 back13 to13 the13 original13 point13 in13 the13 presenta3on13

13 These13 hyperlinks13 were13 included13 for13 teachers13 who13 want13 students13 to13 see13 or13 copy13 down13 the13 exact13 defini3on13 as13 stated13 in13 the13 text13 13 Most13 teachers13 prefer13 the13 defini3ons13 not13 be13 included13 to13 prevent13 students13 from13 only13 ldquocopying13 down13 what13 is13 on13 the13 screenrdquo13 and13 not13 ac3vely13 listening13 to13 the13 presenta3on

13 For13 teachers13 who13 con3nually13 use13 the13 Bold13 Print13 Term13 Hyperlinks13 op3on13 please13 contact13 the13 author13 using13 the13 email13 address13 on13 the13 next13 slide13 to13 learn13 a13 technique13 to13 expedite13 the13 returning13 to13 the13 original13 point13 in13 the13 presenta3on

Wednesday March 6 13

Teacher13 Informa3onbullCon0nuity13 slides

bullThroughout13 this13 presenta3on13 there13 are13 slides13 usually13 of13 graphics13 or13 tables13 that13 build13 on13 one13 another13 13 These13 are13 included13 for13 three13 purposes13 13

bullBy13 presen3ng13 informa3on13 in13 small13 chunks13 students13 will13 find13 it13 easier13 to13 process13 and13 remember13 the13 concepts13 13

bullBy13 con3nually13 changing13 slides13 students13 will13 stay13 interested13 in13 the13 presenta3onbullTo13 facilitate13 class13 discussion13 and13 cri3cal13 thinking13 13 Students13 should13 be13 encouraged13 to13 think13 about13 ldquowhat13 might13 come13 nextrdquo13 in13 the13 series13 of13 slides13 13

bullPlease13 feel13 free13 to13 contact13 me13 at13 kkorekgermantownk12wius13 with13 any13 ques3ons13 concerns13 sugges3ons13 etc13 regarding13 these13 presenta3ons13

Kent13 Korek

Germantown13 High13 School

Germantown13 WI13 53022

Wednesday March 6 13

Division title (green print)subdivision title (blue print)


Wednesday March 6 13

Division title (green print)

Use13 this13 slide13 to13 add13 a13 table13 chart13 clip13 art13 picture13 diagram13 or13 video13 clip13 13 Delete13 this13 box13 when13 finished

Wednesday March 6 13

Definition Slide

= add definition here

Wednesday March 6 13


Wednesday March 6 13


= the persistence of learning over time through the storage and retrieval of information

Wednesday March 6 13


= the processing of information into the memory systems ndash for example by extracting meaning

Wednesday March 6 13


= the retention of encoded information over time

Wednesday March 6 13


= the process of getting information out of memory storage

Wednesday March 6 13

Sensory Memory

= the immediate very brief recording of sensory information in the memory system

Wednesday March 6 13

Short-term Memory

= activated memory that holds a few items briefly such as the seven digits of a phone number while dialing before the information is stored or forgotten

Wednesday March 6 13

Long-term Memory

= the relatively permanent and limitless storehouse of the memory system Includes knowledge skills and experiences

Wednesday March 6 13

Working Memory

= a newer understanding of short-term memory that focuses on conscious active processing of incoming auditory and visual-spatial information and of information retrieved from long-term memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Parallel Processing

= the processing of many aspects of a problem simultaneously the brainrsquos natural mode of information processing for many functions Contrasts with the step-by-step (serial) processing of most computers and of conscious problem solving

Wednesday March 6 13

Automatic Processing

= unconscious encoding of incidental information such as space time and frequency and of well-learned information such as word meanings

Wednesday March 6 13

Effortful Processing

= encoding that requires attention and conscious effort

Wednesday March 6 13


= the conscious repetition of information either to maintain it in consciousness or to encode it for storage

Wednesday March 6 13

Spacing Effect

= the tendency for distributed study or practice to yield better long-term retention than is achieved through massed study or practice

Wednesday March 6 13

Serial Position Effect

= our tendency to recall best the last and first items in a list

Wednesday March 6 13

Visual Encoding

= the encoding of picture images

Wednesday March 6 13

Acoustic Encoding

= the encoding of sound especially the sound of words

Wednesday March 6 13

Semantic Encoding

= the encoding of meaning including the meaning of words

Wednesday March 6 13


= mental pictures a powerful aid to effortful processing especially when combined with semantic encoding

Wednesday March 6 13


= memory aids especially those techniques that use vivid imagery and organizational devices

Wednesday March 6 13


= organizing items into familiar manageable units often occurs automatically

Wednesday March 6 13

Iconic Memory

= a momentary sensory memory of visual stimuli a photographic or picture-image memory lasting no more than a few tenths of a second

Wednesday March 6 13

Echoic Memory

= a momentary sensory memory of auditory stimuli if attention is elsewhere sounds and words can still be recalled within 3 or 4 seconds

Wednesday March 6 13

Long-term Potentiation (LTP)

= an increase in a synapsersquos firing potential after brief rapid stimulation Believed to be a neural basis for learning and memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Flashbulb Memory

= a clear memory of an emotionally significant moment or event

Wednesday March 6 13


= loss of memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Implicit Memory

= retention independent of conscious recollection (Also called nondeclarative or procedural memory)

Wednesday March 6 13

Explicit Memory

= memory of facts and experiences that one can consciously know and ldquodeclarerdquo (Also called declarative memory)

Wednesday March 6 13


= a neural center that is located in the limbic system helps process explicit memories for storage

Wednesday March 6 13


= a measure of memory in which the person must retrieve information learning earlier as on a fill-in-the-blank test

Wednesday March 6 13


= a measure of memory in which the person need only identify items previously learned as on a multiple-choice test

Wednesday March 6 13


= a measure of memory that assesses the amount of time saved when learning material for a second time

Wednesday March 6 13


= the activation often unconsciously of particular associations in memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Deja Vu

= that eerie sense that ldquoIrsquove experienced this beforerdquo Cues from the current situation may subconsciously trigger retrieval of an earlier experience

Wednesday March 6 13

Mood Congruent Memory

= the tendency to recall experiences that are consistent with onersquos current good or bad mood

Wednesday March 6 13

Proactive Interference

= the disruptive effect of prior learning on the recall of new information

Wednesday March 6 13

Retroactive Interference

= the disruptive effect of new learning on the recall of old information

Wednesday March 6 13


= in psychoanalytic theory the basic defense mechanism that banishes from consciousness anxiety-arousing thoughts feelings and memories

Wednesday March 6 13

Misinformation Effect

= incorporating misleading information into onersquos memory of an event

Wednesday March 6 13

Source Amnesia

= attributing to the wrong source an event we have experienced heard about read about or imagined (Also called source misattribution) Source amnesia along with the misinformation effect is at the heart of many false memories

Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding13 GeKng13 Informa3on13 InWhat13 We13 Encode

Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Getting Information InWhat We Encode

bullVisual EncodingbullImagery

bullRosy retrospectionbullMnemonics

bullPeg-word system

Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Getting Information InWhat We Encode

bullOrganizing Information for EncodingbullChunking


Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Getting Information InWhat We Encode

bullOrganizing Information for EncodingbullChunking


Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Getting Information InWhat We Encode

bullOrganizing Information for EncodingbullChunking


Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Getting Information InWhat We Encode

bullOrganizing Information for EncodingbullChunking


Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Getting Information InWhat We Encode

bullOrganizing Information for EncodingbullChunking


Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Getting Information InWhat We Encode

bullOrganizing Information for EncodingbullChunking


Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Getting Information InWhat We Encode

bullOrganizing Information for EncodingbullChunking


Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Getting Information InWhat We Encode

bullOrganizing Information for EncodingbullHierarchies

Wednesday March 6 13

Storage Retaining InformationSensory Memory

bullSperlingrsquos memory experimentbullIconic13 memorybullEchoic13 memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Storage Retaining InformationWorkingShort-Term

bullMagic number SevenbullPlus or minus 2

bullThe list of magic sevensbullSeven wonders of worldbullSeven seasbullSeven deadly sinsbullSeven primary colorsbullSeven musical scale notesbullSeven days of the week

Wednesday March 6 13

Storage Retaining InformationLong-Term Memory

bullUnlimited nature of long-term memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Storage Retaining InformationStoring Memories in the

bullSynaptic ChangesbullMemory tracebullLong-shy‐term13 poten3a3on13 (LTP)bullMemory boosting drugs


Wednesday March 6 13

Storage Retaining InformationStoring Memories in the Stress Hormones and Memory

bullEmotions and memoriesbullFlashbulb13 memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Storage Retaining InformationStoring Memories in the bullStoring Implicit and Explicit Memories

bullAmnesiabullHM Studies

Wednesday March 6 13

Storage Retaining InformationStoring Memories in the

bullStoring Implicit and Explicit MemoriesbullImplicit13 memory13 (nondeclarative memory)bullExplicit13 memory13 (declarative memory)


Wednesday March 6 13

Storage13 Retaining13 Informa3onStoring13 Memories13 in13 the13 Brain

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval Getting Information Out


Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval Getting Information OutRetrieval Cues

bullRetrieval cuesbullMnemonic devicesbullPriming

Wednesday March 6 13


Wednesday March 6 13


Wednesday March 6 13


Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval Getting Information OutContext Effects

bullContext effectsbullDeacutejagrave13 vu

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 GeKng13 Informa3on13 OutContext13 Effects

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 GeKng13 Informa3on13 OutContext13 Effects

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 GeKng13 Informa3on13 OutContext13 Effects

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 GeKng13 Informa3on13 OutContext13 Effects

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 GeKng13 Informa3on13 OutContext13 Effects

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 GeKng13 Informa3on13 OutContext13 Effects

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval Getting Information OutMoods and Memories

bullState dependent memorybullMood13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 congruent13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 memory

Wednesday March 6 13


Wednesday March 6 13



Wednesday March 6 13


bullSchacterrsquos sevens sins of memorybullSins of Forgetting


Wednesday March 6 13


bullSchacterrsquos sevens sins of memorybullSins of distortion


bullSin of intrusionbullpersistence

Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Failure

bullEncoding failure

Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Failure

bullEncoding failure

Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Failure

Wednesday March 6 13

Storage DecaybullStorage decay

bullEbbinghaus curve

Wednesday March 6 13

Storage DecaybullStorage decay

bullEbbinghaus curve

Wednesday March 6 13

Ebbinghaus13 Curve

Wednesday March 6 13

Ebbinghaus13 Curve

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval Failure

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval FailureInterference

bullProac3ve13 interference13 (forward acting)bullRetroac3ve13 interference13 (backward-acting)

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 FailureInterference

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 FailureInterference

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 FailureInterference

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 FailureInterference

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 FailureInterference

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval FailureMotivated Forgetting

bullSelf-serving personal historiesbullRepression

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval FailureMotivated Forgetting

bullSelf-serving personal historiesbullRepression

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval FailureMotivated Forgetting

bullSelf-serving personal historiesbullRepression

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval FailureMotivated Forgetting

bullSelf-serving personal historiesbullRepression

Wednesday March 6 13

Memory Construction

Wednesday March 6 13

Misinformation and Imagination Effects

bullLoftus memory studiesbullMisinforma3on13 effect

Wednesday March 6 13

Source Amnesia

bullSource13 amnesia13 (source misattribution)

Wednesday March 6 13

Discerning True and False Memories

bullMemory studiesbullEye witness testimony

Wednesday March 6 13

Childrenrsquos Eyewitness Recall

bullChildrenrsquos memories of abusebullSuggestibility

Wednesday March 6 13

Repressed or Constructed Memories of Abuse

bullAreas of agreementbullSexual abuse happensbullInjustice happensbullForgetting happensbullRecovered memories are incompletebullMemories before 3 years are unreliablebullHypnotic memories are unreliablebullMemories can be emotionally upsetting

Wednesday March 6 13

Repressed or Constructed Memories of Abuse

bullLoftus studies with children

Wednesday March 6 13

Improving Memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Improving Memory TechniquesbullStudy repeatedlybullMake the material meaningfulbullActivate retrieval cuesbullUse mnemonic devicesbullMinimize interferencebullSleep morebullTest your own knowledge both to rehearse it and to help determine what you do not yet

Wednesday March 6 13

The End

Wednesday March 6 13

Teacher13 Informa3onbullTypes13 of13 Files

bullThis13 presenta3on13 has13 been13 saved13 as13 a13 ldquobasicrdquo13 Powerpoint13 file13 13 While13 this13 file13 format13 placed13 a13 few13 limita3ons13 on13 the13 presenta3on13 it13 insured13 the13 file13 would13 be13 compa3ble13 with13 the13 many13 versions13 of13 Powerpoint13 teachers13 use13 13 To13 add13 func3onality13 to13 the13 presenta3on13 teachers13 may13 want13 to13 save13 the13 file13 for13 their13 specific13 version13 of13 Powerpoint

bullAnima0onbullOnce13 again13 to13 insure13 compa3bility13 with13 all13 versions13 of13 Powerpoint13 none13 of13 the13 slides13 are13 animated13 13 To13 increase13 student13 interest13 it13 is13 suggested13 teachers13 animate13 the13 slides13 wherever13 possible

bullAdding13 slides13 to13 this13 presenta0onbullTeachers13 are13 encouraged13 to13 adapt13 this13 presenta3on13 to13 their13 personal13 teaching13 style13 13 To13 help13 keep13 a13 sense13 of13 con3nuity13 blank13 slides13 which13 can13 be13 copied13 and13 pasted13 to13 a13 specific13 loca3on13 in13 the13 presenta3on13 follow13 this13 ldquoTeacher13 Informa3onrdquo13 sec3on13 13 13

Wednesday March 6 13

Teacher13 Informa3onbullHyperlink13 Slides13 -shy‐13 This13 presenta3on13 contain13 two13 types13 of13 hyperlinks13 13 Hyperlinks13 can13 be13 iden3fied13 by13 the13 text13 being13 underlined13 and13 a13 different13 color13 (usually13 purple)

bullUnit13 subsec0ons13 hyperlinks13 13 Immediately13 aer13 the13 unit13 3tle13 slide13 a13 page13 (slide13 3)13 can13 be13 found13 lis3ng13 all13 of13 the13 unitrsquos13 subsec3ons13 13 While13 in13 slide13 show13 mode13 clicking13 on13 any13 of13 these13 hyperlinks13 will13 take13 the13 user13 directly13 to13 the13 beginning13 of13 that13 subsec3on13 13 This13 allows13 teachers13 quick13 access13 to13 each13 subsec3on

bullBold13 print13 term13 hyperlinks13 13 Every13 bold13 print13 term13 from13 the13 unit13 is13 included13 in13 this13 presenta3on13 as13 a13 hyperlink13 13 While13 in13 slide13 show13 mode13 clicking13 on13 any13 of13 the13 hyperlinks13 will13 take13 the13 user13 to13 a13 slide13 containing13 the13 formal13 defini3on13 of13 the13 term13 13 Clicking13 on13 the13 ldquoarrowrdquo13 in13 the13 boaom13 le13 corner13 of13 the13 defini3on13 slide13 will13 take13 the13 user13 back13 to13 the13 original13 point13 in13 the13 presenta3on13

13 These13 hyperlinks13 were13 included13 for13 teachers13 who13 want13 students13 to13 see13 or13 copy13 down13 the13 exact13 defini3on13 as13 stated13 in13 the13 text13 13 Most13 teachers13 prefer13 the13 defini3ons13 not13 be13 included13 to13 prevent13 students13 from13 only13 ldquocopying13 down13 what13 is13 on13 the13 screenrdquo13 and13 not13 ac3vely13 listening13 to13 the13 presenta3on

13 For13 teachers13 who13 con3nually13 use13 the13 Bold13 Print13 Term13 Hyperlinks13 op3on13 please13 contact13 the13 author13 using13 the13 email13 address13 on13 the13 next13 slide13 to13 learn13 a13 technique13 to13 expedite13 the13 returning13 to13 the13 original13 point13 in13 the13 presenta3on

Wednesday March 6 13

Teacher13 Informa3onbullCon0nuity13 slides

bullThroughout13 this13 presenta3on13 there13 are13 slides13 usually13 of13 graphics13 or13 tables13 that13 build13 on13 one13 another13 13 These13 are13 included13 for13 three13 purposes13 13

bullBy13 presen3ng13 informa3on13 in13 small13 chunks13 students13 will13 find13 it13 easier13 to13 process13 and13 remember13 the13 concepts13 13

bullBy13 con3nually13 changing13 slides13 students13 will13 stay13 interested13 in13 the13 presenta3onbullTo13 facilitate13 class13 discussion13 and13 cri3cal13 thinking13 13 Students13 should13 be13 encouraged13 to13 think13 about13 ldquowhat13 might13 come13 nextrdquo13 in13 the13 series13 of13 slides13 13

bullPlease13 feel13 free13 to13 contact13 me13 at13 kkorekgermantownk12wius13 with13 any13 ques3ons13 concerns13 sugges3ons13 etc13 regarding13 these13 presenta3ons13

Kent13 Korek

Germantown13 High13 School

Germantown13 WI13 53022

Wednesday March 6 13

Division title (green print)subdivision title (blue print)


Wednesday March 6 13

Division title (green print)

Use13 this13 slide13 to13 add13 a13 table13 chart13 clip13 art13 picture13 diagram13 or13 video13 clip13 13 Delete13 this13 box13 when13 finished

Wednesday March 6 13

Definition Slide

= add definition here

Wednesday March 6 13


Wednesday March 6 13


= the persistence of learning over time through the storage and retrieval of information

Wednesday March 6 13


= the processing of information into the memory systems ndash for example by extracting meaning

Wednesday March 6 13


= the retention of encoded information over time

Wednesday March 6 13


= the process of getting information out of memory storage

Wednesday March 6 13

Sensory Memory

= the immediate very brief recording of sensory information in the memory system

Wednesday March 6 13

Short-term Memory

= activated memory that holds a few items briefly such as the seven digits of a phone number while dialing before the information is stored or forgotten

Wednesday March 6 13

Long-term Memory

= the relatively permanent and limitless storehouse of the memory system Includes knowledge skills and experiences

Wednesday March 6 13

Working Memory

= a newer understanding of short-term memory that focuses on conscious active processing of incoming auditory and visual-spatial information and of information retrieved from long-term memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Parallel Processing

= the processing of many aspects of a problem simultaneously the brainrsquos natural mode of information processing for many functions Contrasts with the step-by-step (serial) processing of most computers and of conscious problem solving

Wednesday March 6 13

Automatic Processing

= unconscious encoding of incidental information such as space time and frequency and of well-learned information such as word meanings

Wednesday March 6 13

Effortful Processing

= encoding that requires attention and conscious effort

Wednesday March 6 13


= the conscious repetition of information either to maintain it in consciousness or to encode it for storage

Wednesday March 6 13

Spacing Effect

= the tendency for distributed study or practice to yield better long-term retention than is achieved through massed study or practice

Wednesday March 6 13

Serial Position Effect

= our tendency to recall best the last and first items in a list

Wednesday March 6 13

Visual Encoding

= the encoding of picture images

Wednesday March 6 13

Acoustic Encoding

= the encoding of sound especially the sound of words

Wednesday March 6 13

Semantic Encoding

= the encoding of meaning including the meaning of words

Wednesday March 6 13


= mental pictures a powerful aid to effortful processing especially when combined with semantic encoding

Wednesday March 6 13


= memory aids especially those techniques that use vivid imagery and organizational devices

Wednesday March 6 13


= organizing items into familiar manageable units often occurs automatically

Wednesday March 6 13

Iconic Memory

= a momentary sensory memory of visual stimuli a photographic or picture-image memory lasting no more than a few tenths of a second

Wednesday March 6 13

Echoic Memory

= a momentary sensory memory of auditory stimuli if attention is elsewhere sounds and words can still be recalled within 3 or 4 seconds

Wednesday March 6 13

Long-term Potentiation (LTP)

= an increase in a synapsersquos firing potential after brief rapid stimulation Believed to be a neural basis for learning and memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Flashbulb Memory

= a clear memory of an emotionally significant moment or event

Wednesday March 6 13


= loss of memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Implicit Memory

= retention independent of conscious recollection (Also called nondeclarative or procedural memory)

Wednesday March 6 13

Explicit Memory

= memory of facts and experiences that one can consciously know and ldquodeclarerdquo (Also called declarative memory)

Wednesday March 6 13


= a neural center that is located in the limbic system helps process explicit memories for storage

Wednesday March 6 13


= a measure of memory in which the person must retrieve information learning earlier as on a fill-in-the-blank test

Wednesday March 6 13


= a measure of memory in which the person need only identify items previously learned as on a multiple-choice test

Wednesday March 6 13


= a measure of memory that assesses the amount of time saved when learning material for a second time

Wednesday March 6 13


= the activation often unconsciously of particular associations in memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Deja Vu

= that eerie sense that ldquoIrsquove experienced this beforerdquo Cues from the current situation may subconsciously trigger retrieval of an earlier experience

Wednesday March 6 13

Mood Congruent Memory

= the tendency to recall experiences that are consistent with onersquos current good or bad mood

Wednesday March 6 13

Proactive Interference

= the disruptive effect of prior learning on the recall of new information

Wednesday March 6 13

Retroactive Interference

= the disruptive effect of new learning on the recall of old information

Wednesday March 6 13


= in psychoanalytic theory the basic defense mechanism that banishes from consciousness anxiety-arousing thoughts feelings and memories

Wednesday March 6 13

Misinformation Effect

= incorporating misleading information into onersquos memory of an event

Wednesday March 6 13

Source Amnesia

= attributing to the wrong source an event we have experienced heard about read about or imagined (Also called source misattribution) Source amnesia along with the misinformation effect is at the heart of many false memories

Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Getting Information InWhat We Encode

bullVisual EncodingbullImagery

bullRosy retrospectionbullMnemonics

bullPeg-word system

Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Getting Information InWhat We Encode

bullOrganizing Information for EncodingbullChunking


Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Getting Information InWhat We Encode

bullOrganizing Information for EncodingbullChunking


Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Getting Information InWhat We Encode

bullOrganizing Information for EncodingbullChunking


Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Getting Information InWhat We Encode

bullOrganizing Information for EncodingbullChunking


Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Getting Information InWhat We Encode

bullOrganizing Information for EncodingbullChunking


Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Getting Information InWhat We Encode

bullOrganizing Information for EncodingbullChunking


Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Getting Information InWhat We Encode

bullOrganizing Information for EncodingbullChunking


Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Getting Information InWhat We Encode

bullOrganizing Information for EncodingbullHierarchies

Wednesday March 6 13

Storage Retaining InformationSensory Memory

bullSperlingrsquos memory experimentbullIconic13 memorybullEchoic13 memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Storage Retaining InformationWorkingShort-Term

bullMagic number SevenbullPlus or minus 2

bullThe list of magic sevensbullSeven wonders of worldbullSeven seasbullSeven deadly sinsbullSeven primary colorsbullSeven musical scale notesbullSeven days of the week

Wednesday March 6 13

Storage Retaining InformationLong-Term Memory

bullUnlimited nature of long-term memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Storage Retaining InformationStoring Memories in the

bullSynaptic ChangesbullMemory tracebullLong-shy‐term13 poten3a3on13 (LTP)bullMemory boosting drugs


Wednesday March 6 13

Storage Retaining InformationStoring Memories in the Stress Hormones and Memory

bullEmotions and memoriesbullFlashbulb13 memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Storage Retaining InformationStoring Memories in the bullStoring Implicit and Explicit Memories

bullAmnesiabullHM Studies

Wednesday March 6 13

Storage Retaining InformationStoring Memories in the

bullStoring Implicit and Explicit MemoriesbullImplicit13 memory13 (nondeclarative memory)bullExplicit13 memory13 (declarative memory)


Wednesday March 6 13

Storage13 Retaining13 Informa3onStoring13 Memories13 in13 the13 Brain

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval Getting Information Out


Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval Getting Information OutRetrieval Cues

bullRetrieval cuesbullMnemonic devicesbullPriming

Wednesday March 6 13


Wednesday March 6 13


Wednesday March 6 13


Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval Getting Information OutContext Effects

bullContext effectsbullDeacutejagrave13 vu

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 GeKng13 Informa3on13 OutContext13 Effects

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 GeKng13 Informa3on13 OutContext13 Effects

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 GeKng13 Informa3on13 OutContext13 Effects

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 GeKng13 Informa3on13 OutContext13 Effects

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 GeKng13 Informa3on13 OutContext13 Effects

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 GeKng13 Informa3on13 OutContext13 Effects

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval Getting Information OutMoods and Memories

bullState dependent memorybullMood13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 congruent13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 memory

Wednesday March 6 13


Wednesday March 6 13



Wednesday March 6 13


bullSchacterrsquos sevens sins of memorybullSins of Forgetting


Wednesday March 6 13


bullSchacterrsquos sevens sins of memorybullSins of distortion


bullSin of intrusionbullpersistence

Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Failure

bullEncoding failure

Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Failure

bullEncoding failure

Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Failure

Wednesday March 6 13

Storage DecaybullStorage decay

bullEbbinghaus curve

Wednesday March 6 13

Storage DecaybullStorage decay

bullEbbinghaus curve

Wednesday March 6 13

Ebbinghaus13 Curve

Wednesday March 6 13

Ebbinghaus13 Curve

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval Failure

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval FailureInterference

bullProac3ve13 interference13 (forward acting)bullRetroac3ve13 interference13 (backward-acting)

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 FailureInterference

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 FailureInterference

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 FailureInterference

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 FailureInterference

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 FailureInterference

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval FailureMotivated Forgetting

bullSelf-serving personal historiesbullRepression

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval FailureMotivated Forgetting

bullSelf-serving personal historiesbullRepression

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval FailureMotivated Forgetting

bullSelf-serving personal historiesbullRepression

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval FailureMotivated Forgetting

bullSelf-serving personal historiesbullRepression

Wednesday March 6 13

Memory Construction

Wednesday March 6 13

Misinformation and Imagination Effects

bullLoftus memory studiesbullMisinforma3on13 effect

Wednesday March 6 13

Source Amnesia

bullSource13 amnesia13 (source misattribution)

Wednesday March 6 13

Discerning True and False Memories

bullMemory studiesbullEye witness testimony

Wednesday March 6 13

Childrenrsquos Eyewitness Recall

bullChildrenrsquos memories of abusebullSuggestibility

Wednesday March 6 13

Repressed or Constructed Memories of Abuse

bullAreas of agreementbullSexual abuse happensbullInjustice happensbullForgetting happensbullRecovered memories are incompletebullMemories before 3 years are unreliablebullHypnotic memories are unreliablebullMemories can be emotionally upsetting

Wednesday March 6 13

Repressed or Constructed Memories of Abuse

bullLoftus studies with children

Wednesday March 6 13

Improving Memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Improving Memory TechniquesbullStudy repeatedlybullMake the material meaningfulbullActivate retrieval cuesbullUse mnemonic devicesbullMinimize interferencebullSleep morebullTest your own knowledge both to rehearse it and to help determine what you do not yet

Wednesday March 6 13

The End

Wednesday March 6 13

Teacher13 Informa3onbullTypes13 of13 Files

bullThis13 presenta3on13 has13 been13 saved13 as13 a13 ldquobasicrdquo13 Powerpoint13 file13 13 While13 this13 file13 format13 placed13 a13 few13 limita3ons13 on13 the13 presenta3on13 it13 insured13 the13 file13 would13 be13 compa3ble13 with13 the13 many13 versions13 of13 Powerpoint13 teachers13 use13 13 To13 add13 func3onality13 to13 the13 presenta3on13 teachers13 may13 want13 to13 save13 the13 file13 for13 their13 specific13 version13 of13 Powerpoint

bullAnima0onbullOnce13 again13 to13 insure13 compa3bility13 with13 all13 versions13 of13 Powerpoint13 none13 of13 the13 slides13 are13 animated13 13 To13 increase13 student13 interest13 it13 is13 suggested13 teachers13 animate13 the13 slides13 wherever13 possible

bullAdding13 slides13 to13 this13 presenta0onbullTeachers13 are13 encouraged13 to13 adapt13 this13 presenta3on13 to13 their13 personal13 teaching13 style13 13 To13 help13 keep13 a13 sense13 of13 con3nuity13 blank13 slides13 which13 can13 be13 copied13 and13 pasted13 to13 a13 specific13 loca3on13 in13 the13 presenta3on13 follow13 this13 ldquoTeacher13 Informa3onrdquo13 sec3on13 13 13

Wednesday March 6 13

Teacher13 Informa3onbullHyperlink13 Slides13 -shy‐13 This13 presenta3on13 contain13 two13 types13 of13 hyperlinks13 13 Hyperlinks13 can13 be13 iden3fied13 by13 the13 text13 being13 underlined13 and13 a13 different13 color13 (usually13 purple)

bullUnit13 subsec0ons13 hyperlinks13 13 Immediately13 aer13 the13 unit13 3tle13 slide13 a13 page13 (slide13 3)13 can13 be13 found13 lis3ng13 all13 of13 the13 unitrsquos13 subsec3ons13 13 While13 in13 slide13 show13 mode13 clicking13 on13 any13 of13 these13 hyperlinks13 will13 take13 the13 user13 directly13 to13 the13 beginning13 of13 that13 subsec3on13 13 This13 allows13 teachers13 quick13 access13 to13 each13 subsec3on

bullBold13 print13 term13 hyperlinks13 13 Every13 bold13 print13 term13 from13 the13 unit13 is13 included13 in13 this13 presenta3on13 as13 a13 hyperlink13 13 While13 in13 slide13 show13 mode13 clicking13 on13 any13 of13 the13 hyperlinks13 will13 take13 the13 user13 to13 a13 slide13 containing13 the13 formal13 defini3on13 of13 the13 term13 13 Clicking13 on13 the13 ldquoarrowrdquo13 in13 the13 boaom13 le13 corner13 of13 the13 defini3on13 slide13 will13 take13 the13 user13 back13 to13 the13 original13 point13 in13 the13 presenta3on13

13 These13 hyperlinks13 were13 included13 for13 teachers13 who13 want13 students13 to13 see13 or13 copy13 down13 the13 exact13 defini3on13 as13 stated13 in13 the13 text13 13 Most13 teachers13 prefer13 the13 defini3ons13 not13 be13 included13 to13 prevent13 students13 from13 only13 ldquocopying13 down13 what13 is13 on13 the13 screenrdquo13 and13 not13 ac3vely13 listening13 to13 the13 presenta3on

13 For13 teachers13 who13 con3nually13 use13 the13 Bold13 Print13 Term13 Hyperlinks13 op3on13 please13 contact13 the13 author13 using13 the13 email13 address13 on13 the13 next13 slide13 to13 learn13 a13 technique13 to13 expedite13 the13 returning13 to13 the13 original13 point13 in13 the13 presenta3on

Wednesday March 6 13

Teacher13 Informa3onbullCon0nuity13 slides

bullThroughout13 this13 presenta3on13 there13 are13 slides13 usually13 of13 graphics13 or13 tables13 that13 build13 on13 one13 another13 13 These13 are13 included13 for13 three13 purposes13 13

bullBy13 presen3ng13 informa3on13 in13 small13 chunks13 students13 will13 find13 it13 easier13 to13 process13 and13 remember13 the13 concepts13 13

bullBy13 con3nually13 changing13 slides13 students13 will13 stay13 interested13 in13 the13 presenta3onbullTo13 facilitate13 class13 discussion13 and13 cri3cal13 thinking13 13 Students13 should13 be13 encouraged13 to13 think13 about13 ldquowhat13 might13 come13 nextrdquo13 in13 the13 series13 of13 slides13 13

bullPlease13 feel13 free13 to13 contact13 me13 at13 kkorekgermantownk12wius13 with13 any13 ques3ons13 concerns13 sugges3ons13 etc13 regarding13 these13 presenta3ons13

Kent13 Korek

Germantown13 High13 School

Germantown13 WI13 53022

Wednesday March 6 13

Division title (green print)subdivision title (blue print)


Wednesday March 6 13

Division title (green print)

Use13 this13 slide13 to13 add13 a13 table13 chart13 clip13 art13 picture13 diagram13 or13 video13 clip13 13 Delete13 this13 box13 when13 finished

Wednesday March 6 13

Definition Slide

= add definition here

Wednesday March 6 13


Wednesday March 6 13


= the persistence of learning over time through the storage and retrieval of information

Wednesday March 6 13


= the processing of information into the memory systems ndash for example by extracting meaning

Wednesday March 6 13


= the retention of encoded information over time

Wednesday March 6 13


= the process of getting information out of memory storage

Wednesday March 6 13

Sensory Memory

= the immediate very brief recording of sensory information in the memory system

Wednesday March 6 13

Short-term Memory

= activated memory that holds a few items briefly such as the seven digits of a phone number while dialing before the information is stored or forgotten

Wednesday March 6 13

Long-term Memory

= the relatively permanent and limitless storehouse of the memory system Includes knowledge skills and experiences

Wednesday March 6 13

Working Memory

= a newer understanding of short-term memory that focuses on conscious active processing of incoming auditory and visual-spatial information and of information retrieved from long-term memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Parallel Processing

= the processing of many aspects of a problem simultaneously the brainrsquos natural mode of information processing for many functions Contrasts with the step-by-step (serial) processing of most computers and of conscious problem solving

Wednesday March 6 13

Automatic Processing

= unconscious encoding of incidental information such as space time and frequency and of well-learned information such as word meanings

Wednesday March 6 13

Effortful Processing

= encoding that requires attention and conscious effort

Wednesday March 6 13


= the conscious repetition of information either to maintain it in consciousness or to encode it for storage

Wednesday March 6 13

Spacing Effect

= the tendency for distributed study or practice to yield better long-term retention than is achieved through massed study or practice

Wednesday March 6 13

Serial Position Effect

= our tendency to recall best the last and first items in a list

Wednesday March 6 13

Visual Encoding

= the encoding of picture images

Wednesday March 6 13

Acoustic Encoding

= the encoding of sound especially the sound of words

Wednesday March 6 13

Semantic Encoding

= the encoding of meaning including the meaning of words

Wednesday March 6 13


= mental pictures a powerful aid to effortful processing especially when combined with semantic encoding

Wednesday March 6 13


= memory aids especially those techniques that use vivid imagery and organizational devices

Wednesday March 6 13


= organizing items into familiar manageable units often occurs automatically

Wednesday March 6 13

Iconic Memory

= a momentary sensory memory of visual stimuli a photographic or picture-image memory lasting no more than a few tenths of a second

Wednesday March 6 13

Echoic Memory

= a momentary sensory memory of auditory stimuli if attention is elsewhere sounds and words can still be recalled within 3 or 4 seconds

Wednesday March 6 13

Long-term Potentiation (LTP)

= an increase in a synapsersquos firing potential after brief rapid stimulation Believed to be a neural basis for learning and memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Flashbulb Memory

= a clear memory of an emotionally significant moment or event

Wednesday March 6 13


= loss of memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Implicit Memory

= retention independent of conscious recollection (Also called nondeclarative or procedural memory)

Wednesday March 6 13

Explicit Memory

= memory of facts and experiences that one can consciously know and ldquodeclarerdquo (Also called declarative memory)

Wednesday March 6 13


= a neural center that is located in the limbic system helps process explicit memories for storage

Wednesday March 6 13


= a measure of memory in which the person must retrieve information learning earlier as on a fill-in-the-blank test

Wednesday March 6 13


= a measure of memory in which the person need only identify items previously learned as on a multiple-choice test

Wednesday March 6 13


= a measure of memory that assesses the amount of time saved when learning material for a second time

Wednesday March 6 13


= the activation often unconsciously of particular associations in memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Deja Vu

= that eerie sense that ldquoIrsquove experienced this beforerdquo Cues from the current situation may subconsciously trigger retrieval of an earlier experience

Wednesday March 6 13

Mood Congruent Memory

= the tendency to recall experiences that are consistent with onersquos current good or bad mood

Wednesday March 6 13

Proactive Interference

= the disruptive effect of prior learning on the recall of new information

Wednesday March 6 13

Retroactive Interference

= the disruptive effect of new learning on the recall of old information

Wednesday March 6 13


= in psychoanalytic theory the basic defense mechanism that banishes from consciousness anxiety-arousing thoughts feelings and memories

Wednesday March 6 13

Misinformation Effect

= incorporating misleading information into onersquos memory of an event

Wednesday March 6 13

Source Amnesia

= attributing to the wrong source an event we have experienced heard about read about or imagined (Also called source misattribution) Source amnesia along with the misinformation effect is at the heart of many false memories

Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Getting Information InWhat We Encode

bullOrganizing Information for EncodingbullChunking


Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Getting Information InWhat We Encode

bullOrganizing Information for EncodingbullChunking


Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Getting Information InWhat We Encode

bullOrganizing Information for EncodingbullChunking


Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Getting Information InWhat We Encode

bullOrganizing Information for EncodingbullChunking


Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Getting Information InWhat We Encode

bullOrganizing Information for EncodingbullChunking


Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Getting Information InWhat We Encode

bullOrganizing Information for EncodingbullChunking


Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Getting Information InWhat We Encode

bullOrganizing Information for EncodingbullChunking


Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Getting Information InWhat We Encode

bullOrganizing Information for EncodingbullHierarchies

Wednesday March 6 13

Storage Retaining InformationSensory Memory

bullSperlingrsquos memory experimentbullIconic13 memorybullEchoic13 memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Storage Retaining InformationWorkingShort-Term

bullMagic number SevenbullPlus or minus 2

bullThe list of magic sevensbullSeven wonders of worldbullSeven seasbullSeven deadly sinsbullSeven primary colorsbullSeven musical scale notesbullSeven days of the week

Wednesday March 6 13

Storage Retaining InformationLong-Term Memory

bullUnlimited nature of long-term memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Storage Retaining InformationStoring Memories in the

bullSynaptic ChangesbullMemory tracebullLong-shy‐term13 poten3a3on13 (LTP)bullMemory boosting drugs


Wednesday March 6 13

Storage Retaining InformationStoring Memories in the Stress Hormones and Memory

bullEmotions and memoriesbullFlashbulb13 memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Storage Retaining InformationStoring Memories in the bullStoring Implicit and Explicit Memories

bullAmnesiabullHM Studies

Wednesday March 6 13

Storage Retaining InformationStoring Memories in the

bullStoring Implicit and Explicit MemoriesbullImplicit13 memory13 (nondeclarative memory)bullExplicit13 memory13 (declarative memory)


Wednesday March 6 13

Storage13 Retaining13 Informa3onStoring13 Memories13 in13 the13 Brain

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval Getting Information Out


Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval Getting Information OutRetrieval Cues

bullRetrieval cuesbullMnemonic devicesbullPriming

Wednesday March 6 13


Wednesday March 6 13


Wednesday March 6 13


Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval Getting Information OutContext Effects

bullContext effectsbullDeacutejagrave13 vu

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 GeKng13 Informa3on13 OutContext13 Effects

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 GeKng13 Informa3on13 OutContext13 Effects

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 GeKng13 Informa3on13 OutContext13 Effects

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 GeKng13 Informa3on13 OutContext13 Effects

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 GeKng13 Informa3on13 OutContext13 Effects

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 GeKng13 Informa3on13 OutContext13 Effects

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval Getting Information OutMoods and Memories

bullState dependent memorybullMood13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 congruent13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 memory

Wednesday March 6 13


Wednesday March 6 13



Wednesday March 6 13


bullSchacterrsquos sevens sins of memorybullSins of Forgetting


Wednesday March 6 13


bullSchacterrsquos sevens sins of memorybullSins of distortion


bullSin of intrusionbullpersistence

Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Failure

bullEncoding failure

Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Failure

bullEncoding failure

Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Failure

Wednesday March 6 13

Storage DecaybullStorage decay

bullEbbinghaus curve

Wednesday March 6 13

Storage DecaybullStorage decay

bullEbbinghaus curve

Wednesday March 6 13

Ebbinghaus13 Curve

Wednesday March 6 13

Ebbinghaus13 Curve

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval Failure

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval FailureInterference

bullProac3ve13 interference13 (forward acting)bullRetroac3ve13 interference13 (backward-acting)

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 FailureInterference

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 FailureInterference

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 FailureInterference

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 FailureInterference

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 FailureInterference

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval FailureMotivated Forgetting

bullSelf-serving personal historiesbullRepression

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval FailureMotivated Forgetting

bullSelf-serving personal historiesbullRepression

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval FailureMotivated Forgetting

bullSelf-serving personal historiesbullRepression

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval FailureMotivated Forgetting

bullSelf-serving personal historiesbullRepression

Wednesday March 6 13

Memory Construction

Wednesday March 6 13

Misinformation and Imagination Effects

bullLoftus memory studiesbullMisinforma3on13 effect

Wednesday March 6 13

Source Amnesia

bullSource13 amnesia13 (source misattribution)

Wednesday March 6 13

Discerning True and False Memories

bullMemory studiesbullEye witness testimony

Wednesday March 6 13

Childrenrsquos Eyewitness Recall

bullChildrenrsquos memories of abusebullSuggestibility

Wednesday March 6 13

Repressed or Constructed Memories of Abuse

bullAreas of agreementbullSexual abuse happensbullInjustice happensbullForgetting happensbullRecovered memories are incompletebullMemories before 3 years are unreliablebullHypnotic memories are unreliablebullMemories can be emotionally upsetting

Wednesday March 6 13

Repressed or Constructed Memories of Abuse

bullLoftus studies with children

Wednesday March 6 13

Improving Memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Improving Memory TechniquesbullStudy repeatedlybullMake the material meaningfulbullActivate retrieval cuesbullUse mnemonic devicesbullMinimize interferencebullSleep morebullTest your own knowledge both to rehearse it and to help determine what you do not yet

Wednesday March 6 13

The End

Wednesday March 6 13

Teacher13 Informa3onbullTypes13 of13 Files

bullThis13 presenta3on13 has13 been13 saved13 as13 a13 ldquobasicrdquo13 Powerpoint13 file13 13 While13 this13 file13 format13 placed13 a13 few13 limita3ons13 on13 the13 presenta3on13 it13 insured13 the13 file13 would13 be13 compa3ble13 with13 the13 many13 versions13 of13 Powerpoint13 teachers13 use13 13 To13 add13 func3onality13 to13 the13 presenta3on13 teachers13 may13 want13 to13 save13 the13 file13 for13 their13 specific13 version13 of13 Powerpoint

bullAnima0onbullOnce13 again13 to13 insure13 compa3bility13 with13 all13 versions13 of13 Powerpoint13 none13 of13 the13 slides13 are13 animated13 13 To13 increase13 student13 interest13 it13 is13 suggested13 teachers13 animate13 the13 slides13 wherever13 possible

bullAdding13 slides13 to13 this13 presenta0onbullTeachers13 are13 encouraged13 to13 adapt13 this13 presenta3on13 to13 their13 personal13 teaching13 style13 13 To13 help13 keep13 a13 sense13 of13 con3nuity13 blank13 slides13 which13 can13 be13 copied13 and13 pasted13 to13 a13 specific13 loca3on13 in13 the13 presenta3on13 follow13 this13 ldquoTeacher13 Informa3onrdquo13 sec3on13 13 13

Wednesday March 6 13

Teacher13 Informa3onbullHyperlink13 Slides13 -shy‐13 This13 presenta3on13 contain13 two13 types13 of13 hyperlinks13 13 Hyperlinks13 can13 be13 iden3fied13 by13 the13 text13 being13 underlined13 and13 a13 different13 color13 (usually13 purple)

bullUnit13 subsec0ons13 hyperlinks13 13 Immediately13 aer13 the13 unit13 3tle13 slide13 a13 page13 (slide13 3)13 can13 be13 found13 lis3ng13 all13 of13 the13 unitrsquos13 subsec3ons13 13 While13 in13 slide13 show13 mode13 clicking13 on13 any13 of13 these13 hyperlinks13 will13 take13 the13 user13 directly13 to13 the13 beginning13 of13 that13 subsec3on13 13 This13 allows13 teachers13 quick13 access13 to13 each13 subsec3on

bullBold13 print13 term13 hyperlinks13 13 Every13 bold13 print13 term13 from13 the13 unit13 is13 included13 in13 this13 presenta3on13 as13 a13 hyperlink13 13 While13 in13 slide13 show13 mode13 clicking13 on13 any13 of13 the13 hyperlinks13 will13 take13 the13 user13 to13 a13 slide13 containing13 the13 formal13 defini3on13 of13 the13 term13 13 Clicking13 on13 the13 ldquoarrowrdquo13 in13 the13 boaom13 le13 corner13 of13 the13 defini3on13 slide13 will13 take13 the13 user13 back13 to13 the13 original13 point13 in13 the13 presenta3on13

13 These13 hyperlinks13 were13 included13 for13 teachers13 who13 want13 students13 to13 see13 or13 copy13 down13 the13 exact13 defini3on13 as13 stated13 in13 the13 text13 13 Most13 teachers13 prefer13 the13 defini3ons13 not13 be13 included13 to13 prevent13 students13 from13 only13 ldquocopying13 down13 what13 is13 on13 the13 screenrdquo13 and13 not13 ac3vely13 listening13 to13 the13 presenta3on

13 For13 teachers13 who13 con3nually13 use13 the13 Bold13 Print13 Term13 Hyperlinks13 op3on13 please13 contact13 the13 author13 using13 the13 email13 address13 on13 the13 next13 slide13 to13 learn13 a13 technique13 to13 expedite13 the13 returning13 to13 the13 original13 point13 in13 the13 presenta3on

Wednesday March 6 13

Teacher13 Informa3onbullCon0nuity13 slides

bullThroughout13 this13 presenta3on13 there13 are13 slides13 usually13 of13 graphics13 or13 tables13 that13 build13 on13 one13 another13 13 These13 are13 included13 for13 three13 purposes13 13

bullBy13 presen3ng13 informa3on13 in13 small13 chunks13 students13 will13 find13 it13 easier13 to13 process13 and13 remember13 the13 concepts13 13

bullBy13 con3nually13 changing13 slides13 students13 will13 stay13 interested13 in13 the13 presenta3onbullTo13 facilitate13 class13 discussion13 and13 cri3cal13 thinking13 13 Students13 should13 be13 encouraged13 to13 think13 about13 ldquowhat13 might13 come13 nextrdquo13 in13 the13 series13 of13 slides13 13

bullPlease13 feel13 free13 to13 contact13 me13 at13 kkorekgermantownk12wius13 with13 any13 ques3ons13 concerns13 sugges3ons13 etc13 regarding13 these13 presenta3ons13

Kent13 Korek

Germantown13 High13 School

Germantown13 WI13 53022

Wednesday March 6 13

Division title (green print)subdivision title (blue print)


Wednesday March 6 13

Division title (green print)

Use13 this13 slide13 to13 add13 a13 table13 chart13 clip13 art13 picture13 diagram13 or13 video13 clip13 13 Delete13 this13 box13 when13 finished

Wednesday March 6 13

Definition Slide

= add definition here

Wednesday March 6 13


Wednesday March 6 13


= the persistence of learning over time through the storage and retrieval of information

Wednesday March 6 13


= the processing of information into the memory systems ndash for example by extracting meaning

Wednesday March 6 13


= the retention of encoded information over time

Wednesday March 6 13


= the process of getting information out of memory storage

Wednesday March 6 13

Sensory Memory

= the immediate very brief recording of sensory information in the memory system

Wednesday March 6 13

Short-term Memory

= activated memory that holds a few items briefly such as the seven digits of a phone number while dialing before the information is stored or forgotten

Wednesday March 6 13

Long-term Memory

= the relatively permanent and limitless storehouse of the memory system Includes knowledge skills and experiences

Wednesday March 6 13

Working Memory

= a newer understanding of short-term memory that focuses on conscious active processing of incoming auditory and visual-spatial information and of information retrieved from long-term memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Parallel Processing

= the processing of many aspects of a problem simultaneously the brainrsquos natural mode of information processing for many functions Contrasts with the step-by-step (serial) processing of most computers and of conscious problem solving

Wednesday March 6 13

Automatic Processing

= unconscious encoding of incidental information such as space time and frequency and of well-learned information such as word meanings

Wednesday March 6 13

Effortful Processing

= encoding that requires attention and conscious effort

Wednesday March 6 13


= the conscious repetition of information either to maintain it in consciousness or to encode it for storage

Wednesday March 6 13

Spacing Effect

= the tendency for distributed study or practice to yield better long-term retention than is achieved through massed study or practice

Wednesday March 6 13

Serial Position Effect

= our tendency to recall best the last and first items in a list

Wednesday March 6 13

Visual Encoding

= the encoding of picture images

Wednesday March 6 13

Acoustic Encoding

= the encoding of sound especially the sound of words

Wednesday March 6 13

Semantic Encoding

= the encoding of meaning including the meaning of words

Wednesday March 6 13


= mental pictures a powerful aid to effortful processing especially when combined with semantic encoding

Wednesday March 6 13


= memory aids especially those techniques that use vivid imagery and organizational devices

Wednesday March 6 13


= organizing items into familiar manageable units often occurs automatically

Wednesday March 6 13

Iconic Memory

= a momentary sensory memory of visual stimuli a photographic or picture-image memory lasting no more than a few tenths of a second

Wednesday March 6 13

Echoic Memory

= a momentary sensory memory of auditory stimuli if attention is elsewhere sounds and words can still be recalled within 3 or 4 seconds

Wednesday March 6 13

Long-term Potentiation (LTP)

= an increase in a synapsersquos firing potential after brief rapid stimulation Believed to be a neural basis for learning and memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Flashbulb Memory

= a clear memory of an emotionally significant moment or event

Wednesday March 6 13


= loss of memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Implicit Memory

= retention independent of conscious recollection (Also called nondeclarative or procedural memory)

Wednesday March 6 13

Explicit Memory

= memory of facts and experiences that one can consciously know and ldquodeclarerdquo (Also called declarative memory)

Wednesday March 6 13


= a neural center that is located in the limbic system helps process explicit memories for storage

Wednesday March 6 13


= a measure of memory in which the person must retrieve information learning earlier as on a fill-in-the-blank test

Wednesday March 6 13


= a measure of memory in which the person need only identify items previously learned as on a multiple-choice test

Wednesday March 6 13


= a measure of memory that assesses the amount of time saved when learning material for a second time

Wednesday March 6 13


= the activation often unconsciously of particular associations in memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Deja Vu

= that eerie sense that ldquoIrsquove experienced this beforerdquo Cues from the current situation may subconsciously trigger retrieval of an earlier experience

Wednesday March 6 13

Mood Congruent Memory

= the tendency to recall experiences that are consistent with onersquos current good or bad mood

Wednesday March 6 13

Proactive Interference

= the disruptive effect of prior learning on the recall of new information

Wednesday March 6 13

Retroactive Interference

= the disruptive effect of new learning on the recall of old information

Wednesday March 6 13


= in psychoanalytic theory the basic defense mechanism that banishes from consciousness anxiety-arousing thoughts feelings and memories

Wednesday March 6 13

Misinformation Effect

= incorporating misleading information into onersquos memory of an event

Wednesday March 6 13

Source Amnesia

= attributing to the wrong source an event we have experienced heard about read about or imagined (Also called source misattribution) Source amnesia along with the misinformation effect is at the heart of many false memories

Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Getting Information InWhat We Encode

bullOrganizing Information for EncodingbullChunking


Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Getting Information InWhat We Encode

bullOrganizing Information for EncodingbullChunking


Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Getting Information InWhat We Encode

bullOrganizing Information for EncodingbullChunking


Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Getting Information InWhat We Encode

bullOrganizing Information for EncodingbullChunking


Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Getting Information InWhat We Encode

bullOrganizing Information for EncodingbullChunking


Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Getting Information InWhat We Encode

bullOrganizing Information for EncodingbullChunking


Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Getting Information InWhat We Encode

bullOrganizing Information for EncodingbullHierarchies

Wednesday March 6 13

Storage Retaining InformationSensory Memory

bullSperlingrsquos memory experimentbullIconic13 memorybullEchoic13 memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Storage Retaining InformationWorkingShort-Term

bullMagic number SevenbullPlus or minus 2

bullThe list of magic sevensbullSeven wonders of worldbullSeven seasbullSeven deadly sinsbullSeven primary colorsbullSeven musical scale notesbullSeven days of the week

Wednesday March 6 13

Storage Retaining InformationLong-Term Memory

bullUnlimited nature of long-term memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Storage Retaining InformationStoring Memories in the

bullSynaptic ChangesbullMemory tracebullLong-shy‐term13 poten3a3on13 (LTP)bullMemory boosting drugs


Wednesday March 6 13

Storage Retaining InformationStoring Memories in the Stress Hormones and Memory

bullEmotions and memoriesbullFlashbulb13 memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Storage Retaining InformationStoring Memories in the bullStoring Implicit and Explicit Memories

bullAmnesiabullHM Studies

Wednesday March 6 13

Storage Retaining InformationStoring Memories in the

bullStoring Implicit and Explicit MemoriesbullImplicit13 memory13 (nondeclarative memory)bullExplicit13 memory13 (declarative memory)


Wednesday March 6 13

Storage13 Retaining13 Informa3onStoring13 Memories13 in13 the13 Brain

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval Getting Information Out


Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval Getting Information OutRetrieval Cues

bullRetrieval cuesbullMnemonic devicesbullPriming

Wednesday March 6 13


Wednesday March 6 13


Wednesday March 6 13


Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval Getting Information OutContext Effects

bullContext effectsbullDeacutejagrave13 vu

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 GeKng13 Informa3on13 OutContext13 Effects

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 GeKng13 Informa3on13 OutContext13 Effects

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 GeKng13 Informa3on13 OutContext13 Effects

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 GeKng13 Informa3on13 OutContext13 Effects

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 GeKng13 Informa3on13 OutContext13 Effects

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 GeKng13 Informa3on13 OutContext13 Effects

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval Getting Information OutMoods and Memories

bullState dependent memorybullMood13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 congruent13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 memory

Wednesday March 6 13


Wednesday March 6 13



Wednesday March 6 13


bullSchacterrsquos sevens sins of memorybullSins of Forgetting


Wednesday March 6 13


bullSchacterrsquos sevens sins of memorybullSins of distortion


bullSin of intrusionbullpersistence

Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Failure

bullEncoding failure

Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Failure

bullEncoding failure

Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Failure

Wednesday March 6 13

Storage DecaybullStorage decay

bullEbbinghaus curve

Wednesday March 6 13

Storage DecaybullStorage decay

bullEbbinghaus curve

Wednesday March 6 13

Ebbinghaus13 Curve

Wednesday March 6 13

Ebbinghaus13 Curve

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval Failure

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval FailureInterference

bullProac3ve13 interference13 (forward acting)bullRetroac3ve13 interference13 (backward-acting)

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 FailureInterference

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 FailureInterference

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 FailureInterference

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 FailureInterference

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 FailureInterference

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval FailureMotivated Forgetting

bullSelf-serving personal historiesbullRepression

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval FailureMotivated Forgetting

bullSelf-serving personal historiesbullRepression

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval FailureMotivated Forgetting

bullSelf-serving personal historiesbullRepression

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval FailureMotivated Forgetting

bullSelf-serving personal historiesbullRepression

Wednesday March 6 13

Memory Construction

Wednesday March 6 13

Misinformation and Imagination Effects

bullLoftus memory studiesbullMisinforma3on13 effect

Wednesday March 6 13

Source Amnesia

bullSource13 amnesia13 (source misattribution)

Wednesday March 6 13

Discerning True and False Memories

bullMemory studiesbullEye witness testimony

Wednesday March 6 13

Childrenrsquos Eyewitness Recall

bullChildrenrsquos memories of abusebullSuggestibility

Wednesday March 6 13

Repressed or Constructed Memories of Abuse

bullAreas of agreementbullSexual abuse happensbullInjustice happensbullForgetting happensbullRecovered memories are incompletebullMemories before 3 years are unreliablebullHypnotic memories are unreliablebullMemories can be emotionally upsetting

Wednesday March 6 13

Repressed or Constructed Memories of Abuse

bullLoftus studies with children

Wednesday March 6 13

Improving Memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Improving Memory TechniquesbullStudy repeatedlybullMake the material meaningfulbullActivate retrieval cuesbullUse mnemonic devicesbullMinimize interferencebullSleep morebullTest your own knowledge both to rehearse it and to help determine what you do not yet

Wednesday March 6 13

The End

Wednesday March 6 13

Teacher13 Informa3onbullTypes13 of13 Files

bullThis13 presenta3on13 has13 been13 saved13 as13 a13 ldquobasicrdquo13 Powerpoint13 file13 13 While13 this13 file13 format13 placed13 a13 few13 limita3ons13 on13 the13 presenta3on13 it13 insured13 the13 file13 would13 be13 compa3ble13 with13 the13 many13 versions13 of13 Powerpoint13 teachers13 use13 13 To13 add13 func3onality13 to13 the13 presenta3on13 teachers13 may13 want13 to13 save13 the13 file13 for13 their13 specific13 version13 of13 Powerpoint

bullAnima0onbullOnce13 again13 to13 insure13 compa3bility13 with13 all13 versions13 of13 Powerpoint13 none13 of13 the13 slides13 are13 animated13 13 To13 increase13 student13 interest13 it13 is13 suggested13 teachers13 animate13 the13 slides13 wherever13 possible

bullAdding13 slides13 to13 this13 presenta0onbullTeachers13 are13 encouraged13 to13 adapt13 this13 presenta3on13 to13 their13 personal13 teaching13 style13 13 To13 help13 keep13 a13 sense13 of13 con3nuity13 blank13 slides13 which13 can13 be13 copied13 and13 pasted13 to13 a13 specific13 loca3on13 in13 the13 presenta3on13 follow13 this13 ldquoTeacher13 Informa3onrdquo13 sec3on13 13 13

Wednesday March 6 13

Teacher13 Informa3onbullHyperlink13 Slides13 -shy‐13 This13 presenta3on13 contain13 two13 types13 of13 hyperlinks13 13 Hyperlinks13 can13 be13 iden3fied13 by13 the13 text13 being13 underlined13 and13 a13 different13 color13 (usually13 purple)

bullUnit13 subsec0ons13 hyperlinks13 13 Immediately13 aer13 the13 unit13 3tle13 slide13 a13 page13 (slide13 3)13 can13 be13 found13 lis3ng13 all13 of13 the13 unitrsquos13 subsec3ons13 13 While13 in13 slide13 show13 mode13 clicking13 on13 any13 of13 these13 hyperlinks13 will13 take13 the13 user13 directly13 to13 the13 beginning13 of13 that13 subsec3on13 13 This13 allows13 teachers13 quick13 access13 to13 each13 subsec3on

bullBold13 print13 term13 hyperlinks13 13 Every13 bold13 print13 term13 from13 the13 unit13 is13 included13 in13 this13 presenta3on13 as13 a13 hyperlink13 13 While13 in13 slide13 show13 mode13 clicking13 on13 any13 of13 the13 hyperlinks13 will13 take13 the13 user13 to13 a13 slide13 containing13 the13 formal13 defini3on13 of13 the13 term13 13 Clicking13 on13 the13 ldquoarrowrdquo13 in13 the13 boaom13 le13 corner13 of13 the13 defini3on13 slide13 will13 take13 the13 user13 back13 to13 the13 original13 point13 in13 the13 presenta3on13

13 These13 hyperlinks13 were13 included13 for13 teachers13 who13 want13 students13 to13 see13 or13 copy13 down13 the13 exact13 defini3on13 as13 stated13 in13 the13 text13 13 Most13 teachers13 prefer13 the13 defini3ons13 not13 be13 included13 to13 prevent13 students13 from13 only13 ldquocopying13 down13 what13 is13 on13 the13 screenrdquo13 and13 not13 ac3vely13 listening13 to13 the13 presenta3on

13 For13 teachers13 who13 con3nually13 use13 the13 Bold13 Print13 Term13 Hyperlinks13 op3on13 please13 contact13 the13 author13 using13 the13 email13 address13 on13 the13 next13 slide13 to13 learn13 a13 technique13 to13 expedite13 the13 returning13 to13 the13 original13 point13 in13 the13 presenta3on

Wednesday March 6 13

Teacher13 Informa3onbullCon0nuity13 slides

bullThroughout13 this13 presenta3on13 there13 are13 slides13 usually13 of13 graphics13 or13 tables13 that13 build13 on13 one13 another13 13 These13 are13 included13 for13 three13 purposes13 13

bullBy13 presen3ng13 informa3on13 in13 small13 chunks13 students13 will13 find13 it13 easier13 to13 process13 and13 remember13 the13 concepts13 13

bullBy13 con3nually13 changing13 slides13 students13 will13 stay13 interested13 in13 the13 presenta3onbullTo13 facilitate13 class13 discussion13 and13 cri3cal13 thinking13 13 Students13 should13 be13 encouraged13 to13 think13 about13 ldquowhat13 might13 come13 nextrdquo13 in13 the13 series13 of13 slides13 13

bullPlease13 feel13 free13 to13 contact13 me13 at13 kkorekgermantownk12wius13 with13 any13 ques3ons13 concerns13 sugges3ons13 etc13 regarding13 these13 presenta3ons13

Kent13 Korek

Germantown13 High13 School

Germantown13 WI13 53022

Wednesday March 6 13

Division title (green print)subdivision title (blue print)


Wednesday March 6 13

Division title (green print)

Use13 this13 slide13 to13 add13 a13 table13 chart13 clip13 art13 picture13 diagram13 or13 video13 clip13 13 Delete13 this13 box13 when13 finished

Wednesday March 6 13

Definition Slide

= add definition here

Wednesday March 6 13


Wednesday March 6 13


= the persistence of learning over time through the storage and retrieval of information

Wednesday March 6 13


= the processing of information into the memory systems ndash for example by extracting meaning

Wednesday March 6 13


= the retention of encoded information over time

Wednesday March 6 13


= the process of getting information out of memory storage

Wednesday March 6 13

Sensory Memory

= the immediate very brief recording of sensory information in the memory system

Wednesday March 6 13

Short-term Memory

= activated memory that holds a few items briefly such as the seven digits of a phone number while dialing before the information is stored or forgotten

Wednesday March 6 13

Long-term Memory

= the relatively permanent and limitless storehouse of the memory system Includes knowledge skills and experiences

Wednesday March 6 13

Working Memory

= a newer understanding of short-term memory that focuses on conscious active processing of incoming auditory and visual-spatial information and of information retrieved from long-term memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Parallel Processing

= the processing of many aspects of a problem simultaneously the brainrsquos natural mode of information processing for many functions Contrasts with the step-by-step (serial) processing of most computers and of conscious problem solving

Wednesday March 6 13

Automatic Processing

= unconscious encoding of incidental information such as space time and frequency and of well-learned information such as word meanings

Wednesday March 6 13

Effortful Processing

= encoding that requires attention and conscious effort

Wednesday March 6 13


= the conscious repetition of information either to maintain it in consciousness or to encode it for storage

Wednesday March 6 13

Spacing Effect

= the tendency for distributed study or practice to yield better long-term retention than is achieved through massed study or practice

Wednesday March 6 13

Serial Position Effect

= our tendency to recall best the last and first items in a list

Wednesday March 6 13

Visual Encoding

= the encoding of picture images

Wednesday March 6 13

Acoustic Encoding

= the encoding of sound especially the sound of words

Wednesday March 6 13

Semantic Encoding

= the encoding of meaning including the meaning of words

Wednesday March 6 13


= mental pictures a powerful aid to effortful processing especially when combined with semantic encoding

Wednesday March 6 13


= memory aids especially those techniques that use vivid imagery and organizational devices

Wednesday March 6 13


= organizing items into familiar manageable units often occurs automatically

Wednesday March 6 13

Iconic Memory

= a momentary sensory memory of visual stimuli a photographic or picture-image memory lasting no more than a few tenths of a second

Wednesday March 6 13

Echoic Memory

= a momentary sensory memory of auditory stimuli if attention is elsewhere sounds and words can still be recalled within 3 or 4 seconds

Wednesday March 6 13

Long-term Potentiation (LTP)

= an increase in a synapsersquos firing potential after brief rapid stimulation Believed to be a neural basis for learning and memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Flashbulb Memory

= a clear memory of an emotionally significant moment or event

Wednesday March 6 13


= loss of memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Implicit Memory

= retention independent of conscious recollection (Also called nondeclarative or procedural memory)

Wednesday March 6 13

Explicit Memory

= memory of facts and experiences that one can consciously know and ldquodeclarerdquo (Also called declarative memory)

Wednesday March 6 13


= a neural center that is located in the limbic system helps process explicit memories for storage

Wednesday March 6 13


= a measure of memory in which the person must retrieve information learning earlier as on a fill-in-the-blank test

Wednesday March 6 13


= a measure of memory in which the person need only identify items previously learned as on a multiple-choice test

Wednesday March 6 13


= a measure of memory that assesses the amount of time saved when learning material for a second time

Wednesday March 6 13


= the activation often unconsciously of particular associations in memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Deja Vu

= that eerie sense that ldquoIrsquove experienced this beforerdquo Cues from the current situation may subconsciously trigger retrieval of an earlier experience

Wednesday March 6 13

Mood Congruent Memory

= the tendency to recall experiences that are consistent with onersquos current good or bad mood

Wednesday March 6 13

Proactive Interference

= the disruptive effect of prior learning on the recall of new information

Wednesday March 6 13

Retroactive Interference

= the disruptive effect of new learning on the recall of old information

Wednesday March 6 13


= in psychoanalytic theory the basic defense mechanism that banishes from consciousness anxiety-arousing thoughts feelings and memories

Wednesday March 6 13

Misinformation Effect

= incorporating misleading information into onersquos memory of an event

Wednesday March 6 13

Source Amnesia

= attributing to the wrong source an event we have experienced heard about read about or imagined (Also called source misattribution) Source amnesia along with the misinformation effect is at the heart of many false memories

Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Getting Information InWhat We Encode

bullOrganizing Information for EncodingbullChunking


Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Getting Information InWhat We Encode

bullOrganizing Information for EncodingbullChunking


Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Getting Information InWhat We Encode

bullOrganizing Information for EncodingbullChunking


Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Getting Information InWhat We Encode

bullOrganizing Information for EncodingbullChunking


Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Getting Information InWhat We Encode

bullOrganizing Information for EncodingbullChunking


Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Getting Information InWhat We Encode

bullOrganizing Information for EncodingbullHierarchies

Wednesday March 6 13

Storage Retaining InformationSensory Memory

bullSperlingrsquos memory experimentbullIconic13 memorybullEchoic13 memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Storage Retaining InformationWorkingShort-Term

bullMagic number SevenbullPlus or minus 2

bullThe list of magic sevensbullSeven wonders of worldbullSeven seasbullSeven deadly sinsbullSeven primary colorsbullSeven musical scale notesbullSeven days of the week

Wednesday March 6 13

Storage Retaining InformationLong-Term Memory

bullUnlimited nature of long-term memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Storage Retaining InformationStoring Memories in the

bullSynaptic ChangesbullMemory tracebullLong-shy‐term13 poten3a3on13 (LTP)bullMemory boosting drugs


Wednesday March 6 13

Storage Retaining InformationStoring Memories in the Stress Hormones and Memory

bullEmotions and memoriesbullFlashbulb13 memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Storage Retaining InformationStoring Memories in the bullStoring Implicit and Explicit Memories

bullAmnesiabullHM Studies

Wednesday March 6 13

Storage Retaining InformationStoring Memories in the

bullStoring Implicit and Explicit MemoriesbullImplicit13 memory13 (nondeclarative memory)bullExplicit13 memory13 (declarative memory)


Wednesday March 6 13

Storage13 Retaining13 Informa3onStoring13 Memories13 in13 the13 Brain

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval Getting Information Out


Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval Getting Information OutRetrieval Cues

bullRetrieval cuesbullMnemonic devicesbullPriming

Wednesday March 6 13


Wednesday March 6 13


Wednesday March 6 13


Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval Getting Information OutContext Effects

bullContext effectsbullDeacutejagrave13 vu

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 GeKng13 Informa3on13 OutContext13 Effects

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 GeKng13 Informa3on13 OutContext13 Effects

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 GeKng13 Informa3on13 OutContext13 Effects

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 GeKng13 Informa3on13 OutContext13 Effects

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 GeKng13 Informa3on13 OutContext13 Effects

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 GeKng13 Informa3on13 OutContext13 Effects

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval Getting Information OutMoods and Memories

bullState dependent memorybullMood13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 congruent13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 memory

Wednesday March 6 13


Wednesday March 6 13



Wednesday March 6 13


bullSchacterrsquos sevens sins of memorybullSins of Forgetting


Wednesday March 6 13


bullSchacterrsquos sevens sins of memorybullSins of distortion


bullSin of intrusionbullpersistence

Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Failure

bullEncoding failure

Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Failure

bullEncoding failure

Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Failure

Wednesday March 6 13

Storage DecaybullStorage decay

bullEbbinghaus curve

Wednesday March 6 13

Storage DecaybullStorage decay

bullEbbinghaus curve

Wednesday March 6 13

Ebbinghaus13 Curve

Wednesday March 6 13

Ebbinghaus13 Curve

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval Failure

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval FailureInterference

bullProac3ve13 interference13 (forward acting)bullRetroac3ve13 interference13 (backward-acting)

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 FailureInterference

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 FailureInterference

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 FailureInterference

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 FailureInterference

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 FailureInterference

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval FailureMotivated Forgetting

bullSelf-serving personal historiesbullRepression

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval FailureMotivated Forgetting

bullSelf-serving personal historiesbullRepression

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval FailureMotivated Forgetting

bullSelf-serving personal historiesbullRepression

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval FailureMotivated Forgetting

bullSelf-serving personal historiesbullRepression

Wednesday March 6 13

Memory Construction

Wednesday March 6 13

Misinformation and Imagination Effects

bullLoftus memory studiesbullMisinforma3on13 effect

Wednesday March 6 13

Source Amnesia

bullSource13 amnesia13 (source misattribution)

Wednesday March 6 13

Discerning True and False Memories

bullMemory studiesbullEye witness testimony

Wednesday March 6 13

Childrenrsquos Eyewitness Recall

bullChildrenrsquos memories of abusebullSuggestibility

Wednesday March 6 13

Repressed or Constructed Memories of Abuse

bullAreas of agreementbullSexual abuse happensbullInjustice happensbullForgetting happensbullRecovered memories are incompletebullMemories before 3 years are unreliablebullHypnotic memories are unreliablebullMemories can be emotionally upsetting

Wednesday March 6 13

Repressed or Constructed Memories of Abuse

bullLoftus studies with children

Wednesday March 6 13

Improving Memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Improving Memory TechniquesbullStudy repeatedlybullMake the material meaningfulbullActivate retrieval cuesbullUse mnemonic devicesbullMinimize interferencebullSleep morebullTest your own knowledge both to rehearse it and to help determine what you do not yet

Wednesday March 6 13

The End

Wednesday March 6 13

Teacher13 Informa3onbullTypes13 of13 Files

bullThis13 presenta3on13 has13 been13 saved13 as13 a13 ldquobasicrdquo13 Powerpoint13 file13 13 While13 this13 file13 format13 placed13 a13 few13 limita3ons13 on13 the13 presenta3on13 it13 insured13 the13 file13 would13 be13 compa3ble13 with13 the13 many13 versions13 of13 Powerpoint13 teachers13 use13 13 To13 add13 func3onality13 to13 the13 presenta3on13 teachers13 may13 want13 to13 save13 the13 file13 for13 their13 specific13 version13 of13 Powerpoint

bullAnima0onbullOnce13 again13 to13 insure13 compa3bility13 with13 all13 versions13 of13 Powerpoint13 none13 of13 the13 slides13 are13 animated13 13 To13 increase13 student13 interest13 it13 is13 suggested13 teachers13 animate13 the13 slides13 wherever13 possible

bullAdding13 slides13 to13 this13 presenta0onbullTeachers13 are13 encouraged13 to13 adapt13 this13 presenta3on13 to13 their13 personal13 teaching13 style13 13 To13 help13 keep13 a13 sense13 of13 con3nuity13 blank13 slides13 which13 can13 be13 copied13 and13 pasted13 to13 a13 specific13 loca3on13 in13 the13 presenta3on13 follow13 this13 ldquoTeacher13 Informa3onrdquo13 sec3on13 13 13

Wednesday March 6 13

Teacher13 Informa3onbullHyperlink13 Slides13 -shy‐13 This13 presenta3on13 contain13 two13 types13 of13 hyperlinks13 13 Hyperlinks13 can13 be13 iden3fied13 by13 the13 text13 being13 underlined13 and13 a13 different13 color13 (usually13 purple)

bullUnit13 subsec0ons13 hyperlinks13 13 Immediately13 aer13 the13 unit13 3tle13 slide13 a13 page13 (slide13 3)13 can13 be13 found13 lis3ng13 all13 of13 the13 unitrsquos13 subsec3ons13 13 While13 in13 slide13 show13 mode13 clicking13 on13 any13 of13 these13 hyperlinks13 will13 take13 the13 user13 directly13 to13 the13 beginning13 of13 that13 subsec3on13 13 This13 allows13 teachers13 quick13 access13 to13 each13 subsec3on

bullBold13 print13 term13 hyperlinks13 13 Every13 bold13 print13 term13 from13 the13 unit13 is13 included13 in13 this13 presenta3on13 as13 a13 hyperlink13 13 While13 in13 slide13 show13 mode13 clicking13 on13 any13 of13 the13 hyperlinks13 will13 take13 the13 user13 to13 a13 slide13 containing13 the13 formal13 defini3on13 of13 the13 term13 13 Clicking13 on13 the13 ldquoarrowrdquo13 in13 the13 boaom13 le13 corner13 of13 the13 defini3on13 slide13 will13 take13 the13 user13 back13 to13 the13 original13 point13 in13 the13 presenta3on13

13 These13 hyperlinks13 were13 included13 for13 teachers13 who13 want13 students13 to13 see13 or13 copy13 down13 the13 exact13 defini3on13 as13 stated13 in13 the13 text13 13 Most13 teachers13 prefer13 the13 defini3ons13 not13 be13 included13 to13 prevent13 students13 from13 only13 ldquocopying13 down13 what13 is13 on13 the13 screenrdquo13 and13 not13 ac3vely13 listening13 to13 the13 presenta3on

13 For13 teachers13 who13 con3nually13 use13 the13 Bold13 Print13 Term13 Hyperlinks13 op3on13 please13 contact13 the13 author13 using13 the13 email13 address13 on13 the13 next13 slide13 to13 learn13 a13 technique13 to13 expedite13 the13 returning13 to13 the13 original13 point13 in13 the13 presenta3on

Wednesday March 6 13

Teacher13 Informa3onbullCon0nuity13 slides

bullThroughout13 this13 presenta3on13 there13 are13 slides13 usually13 of13 graphics13 or13 tables13 that13 build13 on13 one13 another13 13 These13 are13 included13 for13 three13 purposes13 13

bullBy13 presen3ng13 informa3on13 in13 small13 chunks13 students13 will13 find13 it13 easier13 to13 process13 and13 remember13 the13 concepts13 13

bullBy13 con3nually13 changing13 slides13 students13 will13 stay13 interested13 in13 the13 presenta3onbullTo13 facilitate13 class13 discussion13 and13 cri3cal13 thinking13 13 Students13 should13 be13 encouraged13 to13 think13 about13 ldquowhat13 might13 come13 nextrdquo13 in13 the13 series13 of13 slides13 13

bullPlease13 feel13 free13 to13 contact13 me13 at13 kkorekgermantownk12wius13 with13 any13 ques3ons13 concerns13 sugges3ons13 etc13 regarding13 these13 presenta3ons13

Kent13 Korek

Germantown13 High13 School

Germantown13 WI13 53022

Wednesday March 6 13

Division title (green print)subdivision title (blue print)


Wednesday March 6 13

Division title (green print)

Use13 this13 slide13 to13 add13 a13 table13 chart13 clip13 art13 picture13 diagram13 or13 video13 clip13 13 Delete13 this13 box13 when13 finished

Wednesday March 6 13

Definition Slide

= add definition here

Wednesday March 6 13


Wednesday March 6 13


= the persistence of learning over time through the storage and retrieval of information

Wednesday March 6 13


= the processing of information into the memory systems ndash for example by extracting meaning

Wednesday March 6 13


= the retention of encoded information over time

Wednesday March 6 13


= the process of getting information out of memory storage

Wednesday March 6 13

Sensory Memory

= the immediate very brief recording of sensory information in the memory system

Wednesday March 6 13

Short-term Memory

= activated memory that holds a few items briefly such as the seven digits of a phone number while dialing before the information is stored or forgotten

Wednesday March 6 13

Long-term Memory

= the relatively permanent and limitless storehouse of the memory system Includes knowledge skills and experiences

Wednesday March 6 13

Working Memory

= a newer understanding of short-term memory that focuses on conscious active processing of incoming auditory and visual-spatial information and of information retrieved from long-term memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Parallel Processing

= the processing of many aspects of a problem simultaneously the brainrsquos natural mode of information processing for many functions Contrasts with the step-by-step (serial) processing of most computers and of conscious problem solving

Wednesday March 6 13

Automatic Processing

= unconscious encoding of incidental information such as space time and frequency and of well-learned information such as word meanings

Wednesday March 6 13

Effortful Processing

= encoding that requires attention and conscious effort

Wednesday March 6 13


= the conscious repetition of information either to maintain it in consciousness or to encode it for storage

Wednesday March 6 13

Spacing Effect

= the tendency for distributed study or practice to yield better long-term retention than is achieved through massed study or practice

Wednesday March 6 13

Serial Position Effect

= our tendency to recall best the last and first items in a list

Wednesday March 6 13

Visual Encoding

= the encoding of picture images

Wednesday March 6 13

Acoustic Encoding

= the encoding of sound especially the sound of words

Wednesday March 6 13

Semantic Encoding

= the encoding of meaning including the meaning of words

Wednesday March 6 13


= mental pictures a powerful aid to effortful processing especially when combined with semantic encoding

Wednesday March 6 13


= memory aids especially those techniques that use vivid imagery and organizational devices

Wednesday March 6 13


= organizing items into familiar manageable units often occurs automatically

Wednesday March 6 13

Iconic Memory

= a momentary sensory memory of visual stimuli a photographic or picture-image memory lasting no more than a few tenths of a second

Wednesday March 6 13

Echoic Memory

= a momentary sensory memory of auditory stimuli if attention is elsewhere sounds and words can still be recalled within 3 or 4 seconds

Wednesday March 6 13

Long-term Potentiation (LTP)

= an increase in a synapsersquos firing potential after brief rapid stimulation Believed to be a neural basis for learning and memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Flashbulb Memory

= a clear memory of an emotionally significant moment or event

Wednesday March 6 13


= loss of memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Implicit Memory

= retention independent of conscious recollection (Also called nondeclarative or procedural memory)

Wednesday March 6 13

Explicit Memory

= memory of facts and experiences that one can consciously know and ldquodeclarerdquo (Also called declarative memory)

Wednesday March 6 13


= a neural center that is located in the limbic system helps process explicit memories for storage

Wednesday March 6 13


= a measure of memory in which the person must retrieve information learning earlier as on a fill-in-the-blank test

Wednesday March 6 13


= a measure of memory in which the person need only identify items previously learned as on a multiple-choice test

Wednesday March 6 13


= a measure of memory that assesses the amount of time saved when learning material for a second time

Wednesday March 6 13


= the activation often unconsciously of particular associations in memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Deja Vu

= that eerie sense that ldquoIrsquove experienced this beforerdquo Cues from the current situation may subconsciously trigger retrieval of an earlier experience

Wednesday March 6 13

Mood Congruent Memory

= the tendency to recall experiences that are consistent with onersquos current good or bad mood

Wednesday March 6 13

Proactive Interference

= the disruptive effect of prior learning on the recall of new information

Wednesday March 6 13

Retroactive Interference

= the disruptive effect of new learning on the recall of old information

Wednesday March 6 13


= in psychoanalytic theory the basic defense mechanism that banishes from consciousness anxiety-arousing thoughts feelings and memories

Wednesday March 6 13

Misinformation Effect

= incorporating misleading information into onersquos memory of an event

Wednesday March 6 13

Source Amnesia

= attributing to the wrong source an event we have experienced heard about read about or imagined (Also called source misattribution) Source amnesia along with the misinformation effect is at the heart of many false memories

Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Getting Information InWhat We Encode

bullOrganizing Information for EncodingbullChunking


Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Getting Information InWhat We Encode

bullOrganizing Information for EncodingbullChunking


Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Getting Information InWhat We Encode

bullOrganizing Information for EncodingbullChunking


Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Getting Information InWhat We Encode

bullOrganizing Information for EncodingbullChunking


Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Getting Information InWhat We Encode

bullOrganizing Information for EncodingbullHierarchies

Wednesday March 6 13

Storage Retaining InformationSensory Memory

bullSperlingrsquos memory experimentbullIconic13 memorybullEchoic13 memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Storage Retaining InformationWorkingShort-Term

bullMagic number SevenbullPlus or minus 2

bullThe list of magic sevensbullSeven wonders of worldbullSeven seasbullSeven deadly sinsbullSeven primary colorsbullSeven musical scale notesbullSeven days of the week

Wednesday March 6 13

Storage Retaining InformationLong-Term Memory

bullUnlimited nature of long-term memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Storage Retaining InformationStoring Memories in the

bullSynaptic ChangesbullMemory tracebullLong-shy‐term13 poten3a3on13 (LTP)bullMemory boosting drugs


Wednesday March 6 13

Storage Retaining InformationStoring Memories in the Stress Hormones and Memory

bullEmotions and memoriesbullFlashbulb13 memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Storage Retaining InformationStoring Memories in the bullStoring Implicit and Explicit Memories

bullAmnesiabullHM Studies

Wednesday March 6 13

Storage Retaining InformationStoring Memories in the

bullStoring Implicit and Explicit MemoriesbullImplicit13 memory13 (nondeclarative memory)bullExplicit13 memory13 (declarative memory)


Wednesday March 6 13

Storage13 Retaining13 Informa3onStoring13 Memories13 in13 the13 Brain

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval Getting Information Out


Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval Getting Information OutRetrieval Cues

bullRetrieval cuesbullMnemonic devicesbullPriming

Wednesday March 6 13


Wednesday March 6 13


Wednesday March 6 13


Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval Getting Information OutContext Effects

bullContext effectsbullDeacutejagrave13 vu

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 GeKng13 Informa3on13 OutContext13 Effects

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 GeKng13 Informa3on13 OutContext13 Effects

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 GeKng13 Informa3on13 OutContext13 Effects

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 GeKng13 Informa3on13 OutContext13 Effects

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 GeKng13 Informa3on13 OutContext13 Effects

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 GeKng13 Informa3on13 OutContext13 Effects

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval Getting Information OutMoods and Memories

bullState dependent memorybullMood13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 congruent13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 memory

Wednesday March 6 13


Wednesday March 6 13



Wednesday March 6 13


bullSchacterrsquos sevens sins of memorybullSins of Forgetting


Wednesday March 6 13


bullSchacterrsquos sevens sins of memorybullSins of distortion


bullSin of intrusionbullpersistence

Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Failure

bullEncoding failure

Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Failure

bullEncoding failure

Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Failure

Wednesday March 6 13

Storage DecaybullStorage decay

bullEbbinghaus curve

Wednesday March 6 13

Storage DecaybullStorage decay

bullEbbinghaus curve

Wednesday March 6 13

Ebbinghaus13 Curve

Wednesday March 6 13

Ebbinghaus13 Curve

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval Failure

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval FailureInterference

bullProac3ve13 interference13 (forward acting)bullRetroac3ve13 interference13 (backward-acting)

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 FailureInterference

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 FailureInterference

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 FailureInterference

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 FailureInterference

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 FailureInterference

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval FailureMotivated Forgetting

bullSelf-serving personal historiesbullRepression

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval FailureMotivated Forgetting

bullSelf-serving personal historiesbullRepression

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval FailureMotivated Forgetting

bullSelf-serving personal historiesbullRepression

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval FailureMotivated Forgetting

bullSelf-serving personal historiesbullRepression

Wednesday March 6 13

Memory Construction

Wednesday March 6 13

Misinformation and Imagination Effects

bullLoftus memory studiesbullMisinforma3on13 effect

Wednesday March 6 13

Source Amnesia

bullSource13 amnesia13 (source misattribution)

Wednesday March 6 13

Discerning True and False Memories

bullMemory studiesbullEye witness testimony

Wednesday March 6 13

Childrenrsquos Eyewitness Recall

bullChildrenrsquos memories of abusebullSuggestibility

Wednesday March 6 13

Repressed or Constructed Memories of Abuse

bullAreas of agreementbullSexual abuse happensbullInjustice happensbullForgetting happensbullRecovered memories are incompletebullMemories before 3 years are unreliablebullHypnotic memories are unreliablebullMemories can be emotionally upsetting

Wednesday March 6 13

Repressed or Constructed Memories of Abuse

bullLoftus studies with children

Wednesday March 6 13

Improving Memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Improving Memory TechniquesbullStudy repeatedlybullMake the material meaningfulbullActivate retrieval cuesbullUse mnemonic devicesbullMinimize interferencebullSleep morebullTest your own knowledge both to rehearse it and to help determine what you do not yet

Wednesday March 6 13

The End

Wednesday March 6 13

Teacher13 Informa3onbullTypes13 of13 Files

bullThis13 presenta3on13 has13 been13 saved13 as13 a13 ldquobasicrdquo13 Powerpoint13 file13 13 While13 this13 file13 format13 placed13 a13 few13 limita3ons13 on13 the13 presenta3on13 it13 insured13 the13 file13 would13 be13 compa3ble13 with13 the13 many13 versions13 of13 Powerpoint13 teachers13 use13 13 To13 add13 func3onality13 to13 the13 presenta3on13 teachers13 may13 want13 to13 save13 the13 file13 for13 their13 specific13 version13 of13 Powerpoint

bullAnima0onbullOnce13 again13 to13 insure13 compa3bility13 with13 all13 versions13 of13 Powerpoint13 none13 of13 the13 slides13 are13 animated13 13 To13 increase13 student13 interest13 it13 is13 suggested13 teachers13 animate13 the13 slides13 wherever13 possible

bullAdding13 slides13 to13 this13 presenta0onbullTeachers13 are13 encouraged13 to13 adapt13 this13 presenta3on13 to13 their13 personal13 teaching13 style13 13 To13 help13 keep13 a13 sense13 of13 con3nuity13 blank13 slides13 which13 can13 be13 copied13 and13 pasted13 to13 a13 specific13 loca3on13 in13 the13 presenta3on13 follow13 this13 ldquoTeacher13 Informa3onrdquo13 sec3on13 13 13

Wednesday March 6 13

Teacher13 Informa3onbullHyperlink13 Slides13 -shy‐13 This13 presenta3on13 contain13 two13 types13 of13 hyperlinks13 13 Hyperlinks13 can13 be13 iden3fied13 by13 the13 text13 being13 underlined13 and13 a13 different13 color13 (usually13 purple)

bullUnit13 subsec0ons13 hyperlinks13 13 Immediately13 aer13 the13 unit13 3tle13 slide13 a13 page13 (slide13 3)13 can13 be13 found13 lis3ng13 all13 of13 the13 unitrsquos13 subsec3ons13 13 While13 in13 slide13 show13 mode13 clicking13 on13 any13 of13 these13 hyperlinks13 will13 take13 the13 user13 directly13 to13 the13 beginning13 of13 that13 subsec3on13 13 This13 allows13 teachers13 quick13 access13 to13 each13 subsec3on

bullBold13 print13 term13 hyperlinks13 13 Every13 bold13 print13 term13 from13 the13 unit13 is13 included13 in13 this13 presenta3on13 as13 a13 hyperlink13 13 While13 in13 slide13 show13 mode13 clicking13 on13 any13 of13 the13 hyperlinks13 will13 take13 the13 user13 to13 a13 slide13 containing13 the13 formal13 defini3on13 of13 the13 term13 13 Clicking13 on13 the13 ldquoarrowrdquo13 in13 the13 boaom13 le13 corner13 of13 the13 defini3on13 slide13 will13 take13 the13 user13 back13 to13 the13 original13 point13 in13 the13 presenta3on13

13 These13 hyperlinks13 were13 included13 for13 teachers13 who13 want13 students13 to13 see13 or13 copy13 down13 the13 exact13 defini3on13 as13 stated13 in13 the13 text13 13 Most13 teachers13 prefer13 the13 defini3ons13 not13 be13 included13 to13 prevent13 students13 from13 only13 ldquocopying13 down13 what13 is13 on13 the13 screenrdquo13 and13 not13 ac3vely13 listening13 to13 the13 presenta3on

13 For13 teachers13 who13 con3nually13 use13 the13 Bold13 Print13 Term13 Hyperlinks13 op3on13 please13 contact13 the13 author13 using13 the13 email13 address13 on13 the13 next13 slide13 to13 learn13 a13 technique13 to13 expedite13 the13 returning13 to13 the13 original13 point13 in13 the13 presenta3on

Wednesday March 6 13

Teacher13 Informa3onbullCon0nuity13 slides

bullThroughout13 this13 presenta3on13 there13 are13 slides13 usually13 of13 graphics13 or13 tables13 that13 build13 on13 one13 another13 13 These13 are13 included13 for13 three13 purposes13 13

bullBy13 presen3ng13 informa3on13 in13 small13 chunks13 students13 will13 find13 it13 easier13 to13 process13 and13 remember13 the13 concepts13 13

bullBy13 con3nually13 changing13 slides13 students13 will13 stay13 interested13 in13 the13 presenta3onbullTo13 facilitate13 class13 discussion13 and13 cri3cal13 thinking13 13 Students13 should13 be13 encouraged13 to13 think13 about13 ldquowhat13 might13 come13 nextrdquo13 in13 the13 series13 of13 slides13 13

bullPlease13 feel13 free13 to13 contact13 me13 at13 kkorekgermantownk12wius13 with13 any13 ques3ons13 concerns13 sugges3ons13 etc13 regarding13 these13 presenta3ons13

Kent13 Korek

Germantown13 High13 School

Germantown13 WI13 53022

Wednesday March 6 13

Division title (green print)subdivision title (blue print)


Wednesday March 6 13

Division title (green print)

Use13 this13 slide13 to13 add13 a13 table13 chart13 clip13 art13 picture13 diagram13 or13 video13 clip13 13 Delete13 this13 box13 when13 finished

Wednesday March 6 13

Definition Slide

= add definition here

Wednesday March 6 13


Wednesday March 6 13


= the persistence of learning over time through the storage and retrieval of information

Wednesday March 6 13


= the processing of information into the memory systems ndash for example by extracting meaning

Wednesday March 6 13


= the retention of encoded information over time

Wednesday March 6 13


= the process of getting information out of memory storage

Wednesday March 6 13

Sensory Memory

= the immediate very brief recording of sensory information in the memory system

Wednesday March 6 13

Short-term Memory

= activated memory that holds a few items briefly such as the seven digits of a phone number while dialing before the information is stored or forgotten

Wednesday March 6 13

Long-term Memory

= the relatively permanent and limitless storehouse of the memory system Includes knowledge skills and experiences

Wednesday March 6 13

Working Memory

= a newer understanding of short-term memory that focuses on conscious active processing of incoming auditory and visual-spatial information and of information retrieved from long-term memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Parallel Processing

= the processing of many aspects of a problem simultaneously the brainrsquos natural mode of information processing for many functions Contrasts with the step-by-step (serial) processing of most computers and of conscious problem solving

Wednesday March 6 13

Automatic Processing

= unconscious encoding of incidental information such as space time and frequency and of well-learned information such as word meanings

Wednesday March 6 13

Effortful Processing

= encoding that requires attention and conscious effort

Wednesday March 6 13


= the conscious repetition of information either to maintain it in consciousness or to encode it for storage

Wednesday March 6 13

Spacing Effect

= the tendency for distributed study or practice to yield better long-term retention than is achieved through massed study or practice

Wednesday March 6 13

Serial Position Effect

= our tendency to recall best the last and first items in a list

Wednesday March 6 13

Visual Encoding

= the encoding of picture images

Wednesday March 6 13

Acoustic Encoding

= the encoding of sound especially the sound of words

Wednesday March 6 13

Semantic Encoding

= the encoding of meaning including the meaning of words

Wednesday March 6 13


= mental pictures a powerful aid to effortful processing especially when combined with semantic encoding

Wednesday March 6 13


= memory aids especially those techniques that use vivid imagery and organizational devices

Wednesday March 6 13


= organizing items into familiar manageable units often occurs automatically

Wednesday March 6 13

Iconic Memory

= a momentary sensory memory of visual stimuli a photographic or picture-image memory lasting no more than a few tenths of a second

Wednesday March 6 13

Echoic Memory

= a momentary sensory memory of auditory stimuli if attention is elsewhere sounds and words can still be recalled within 3 or 4 seconds

Wednesday March 6 13

Long-term Potentiation (LTP)

= an increase in a synapsersquos firing potential after brief rapid stimulation Believed to be a neural basis for learning and memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Flashbulb Memory

= a clear memory of an emotionally significant moment or event

Wednesday March 6 13


= loss of memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Implicit Memory

= retention independent of conscious recollection (Also called nondeclarative or procedural memory)

Wednesday March 6 13

Explicit Memory

= memory of facts and experiences that one can consciously know and ldquodeclarerdquo (Also called declarative memory)

Wednesday March 6 13


= a neural center that is located in the limbic system helps process explicit memories for storage

Wednesday March 6 13


= a measure of memory in which the person must retrieve information learning earlier as on a fill-in-the-blank test

Wednesday March 6 13


= a measure of memory in which the person need only identify items previously learned as on a multiple-choice test

Wednesday March 6 13


= a measure of memory that assesses the amount of time saved when learning material for a second time

Wednesday March 6 13


= the activation often unconsciously of particular associations in memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Deja Vu

= that eerie sense that ldquoIrsquove experienced this beforerdquo Cues from the current situation may subconsciously trigger retrieval of an earlier experience

Wednesday March 6 13

Mood Congruent Memory

= the tendency to recall experiences that are consistent with onersquos current good or bad mood

Wednesday March 6 13

Proactive Interference

= the disruptive effect of prior learning on the recall of new information

Wednesday March 6 13

Retroactive Interference

= the disruptive effect of new learning on the recall of old information

Wednesday March 6 13


= in psychoanalytic theory the basic defense mechanism that banishes from consciousness anxiety-arousing thoughts feelings and memories

Wednesday March 6 13

Misinformation Effect

= incorporating misleading information into onersquos memory of an event

Wednesday March 6 13

Source Amnesia

= attributing to the wrong source an event we have experienced heard about read about or imagined (Also called source misattribution) Source amnesia along with the misinformation effect is at the heart of many false memories

Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Getting Information InWhat We Encode

bullOrganizing Information for EncodingbullChunking


Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Getting Information InWhat We Encode

bullOrganizing Information for EncodingbullChunking


Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Getting Information InWhat We Encode

bullOrganizing Information for EncodingbullChunking


Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Getting Information InWhat We Encode

bullOrganizing Information for EncodingbullHierarchies

Wednesday March 6 13

Storage Retaining InformationSensory Memory

bullSperlingrsquos memory experimentbullIconic13 memorybullEchoic13 memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Storage Retaining InformationWorkingShort-Term

bullMagic number SevenbullPlus or minus 2

bullThe list of magic sevensbullSeven wonders of worldbullSeven seasbullSeven deadly sinsbullSeven primary colorsbullSeven musical scale notesbullSeven days of the week

Wednesday March 6 13

Storage Retaining InformationLong-Term Memory

bullUnlimited nature of long-term memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Storage Retaining InformationStoring Memories in the

bullSynaptic ChangesbullMemory tracebullLong-shy‐term13 poten3a3on13 (LTP)bullMemory boosting drugs


Wednesday March 6 13

Storage Retaining InformationStoring Memories in the Stress Hormones and Memory

bullEmotions and memoriesbullFlashbulb13 memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Storage Retaining InformationStoring Memories in the bullStoring Implicit and Explicit Memories

bullAmnesiabullHM Studies

Wednesday March 6 13

Storage Retaining InformationStoring Memories in the

bullStoring Implicit and Explicit MemoriesbullImplicit13 memory13 (nondeclarative memory)bullExplicit13 memory13 (declarative memory)


Wednesday March 6 13

Storage13 Retaining13 Informa3onStoring13 Memories13 in13 the13 Brain

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval Getting Information Out


Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval Getting Information OutRetrieval Cues

bullRetrieval cuesbullMnemonic devicesbullPriming

Wednesday March 6 13


Wednesday March 6 13


Wednesday March 6 13


Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval Getting Information OutContext Effects

bullContext effectsbullDeacutejagrave13 vu

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 GeKng13 Informa3on13 OutContext13 Effects

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 GeKng13 Informa3on13 OutContext13 Effects

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 GeKng13 Informa3on13 OutContext13 Effects

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 GeKng13 Informa3on13 OutContext13 Effects

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 GeKng13 Informa3on13 OutContext13 Effects

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 GeKng13 Informa3on13 OutContext13 Effects

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval Getting Information OutMoods and Memories

bullState dependent memorybullMood13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 congruent13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 memory

Wednesday March 6 13


Wednesday March 6 13



Wednesday March 6 13


bullSchacterrsquos sevens sins of memorybullSins of Forgetting


Wednesday March 6 13


bullSchacterrsquos sevens sins of memorybullSins of distortion


bullSin of intrusionbullpersistence

Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Failure

bullEncoding failure

Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Failure

bullEncoding failure

Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Failure

Wednesday March 6 13

Storage DecaybullStorage decay

bullEbbinghaus curve

Wednesday March 6 13

Storage DecaybullStorage decay

bullEbbinghaus curve

Wednesday March 6 13

Ebbinghaus13 Curve

Wednesday March 6 13

Ebbinghaus13 Curve

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval Failure

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval FailureInterference

bullProac3ve13 interference13 (forward acting)bullRetroac3ve13 interference13 (backward-acting)

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 FailureInterference

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 FailureInterference

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 FailureInterference

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 FailureInterference

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 FailureInterference

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval FailureMotivated Forgetting

bullSelf-serving personal historiesbullRepression

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval FailureMotivated Forgetting

bullSelf-serving personal historiesbullRepression

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval FailureMotivated Forgetting

bullSelf-serving personal historiesbullRepression

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval FailureMotivated Forgetting

bullSelf-serving personal historiesbullRepression

Wednesday March 6 13

Memory Construction

Wednesday March 6 13

Misinformation and Imagination Effects

bullLoftus memory studiesbullMisinforma3on13 effect

Wednesday March 6 13

Source Amnesia

bullSource13 amnesia13 (source misattribution)

Wednesday March 6 13

Discerning True and False Memories

bullMemory studiesbullEye witness testimony

Wednesday March 6 13

Childrenrsquos Eyewitness Recall

bullChildrenrsquos memories of abusebullSuggestibility

Wednesday March 6 13

Repressed or Constructed Memories of Abuse

bullAreas of agreementbullSexual abuse happensbullInjustice happensbullForgetting happensbullRecovered memories are incompletebullMemories before 3 years are unreliablebullHypnotic memories are unreliablebullMemories can be emotionally upsetting

Wednesday March 6 13

Repressed or Constructed Memories of Abuse

bullLoftus studies with children

Wednesday March 6 13

Improving Memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Improving Memory TechniquesbullStudy repeatedlybullMake the material meaningfulbullActivate retrieval cuesbullUse mnemonic devicesbullMinimize interferencebullSleep morebullTest your own knowledge both to rehearse it and to help determine what you do not yet

Wednesday March 6 13

The End

Wednesday March 6 13

Teacher13 Informa3onbullTypes13 of13 Files

bullThis13 presenta3on13 has13 been13 saved13 as13 a13 ldquobasicrdquo13 Powerpoint13 file13 13 While13 this13 file13 format13 placed13 a13 few13 limita3ons13 on13 the13 presenta3on13 it13 insured13 the13 file13 would13 be13 compa3ble13 with13 the13 many13 versions13 of13 Powerpoint13 teachers13 use13 13 To13 add13 func3onality13 to13 the13 presenta3on13 teachers13 may13 want13 to13 save13 the13 file13 for13 their13 specific13 version13 of13 Powerpoint

bullAnima0onbullOnce13 again13 to13 insure13 compa3bility13 with13 all13 versions13 of13 Powerpoint13 none13 of13 the13 slides13 are13 animated13 13 To13 increase13 student13 interest13 it13 is13 suggested13 teachers13 animate13 the13 slides13 wherever13 possible

bullAdding13 slides13 to13 this13 presenta0onbullTeachers13 are13 encouraged13 to13 adapt13 this13 presenta3on13 to13 their13 personal13 teaching13 style13 13 To13 help13 keep13 a13 sense13 of13 con3nuity13 blank13 slides13 which13 can13 be13 copied13 and13 pasted13 to13 a13 specific13 loca3on13 in13 the13 presenta3on13 follow13 this13 ldquoTeacher13 Informa3onrdquo13 sec3on13 13 13

Wednesday March 6 13

Teacher13 Informa3onbullHyperlink13 Slides13 -shy‐13 This13 presenta3on13 contain13 two13 types13 of13 hyperlinks13 13 Hyperlinks13 can13 be13 iden3fied13 by13 the13 text13 being13 underlined13 and13 a13 different13 color13 (usually13 purple)

bullUnit13 subsec0ons13 hyperlinks13 13 Immediately13 aer13 the13 unit13 3tle13 slide13 a13 page13 (slide13 3)13 can13 be13 found13 lis3ng13 all13 of13 the13 unitrsquos13 subsec3ons13 13 While13 in13 slide13 show13 mode13 clicking13 on13 any13 of13 these13 hyperlinks13 will13 take13 the13 user13 directly13 to13 the13 beginning13 of13 that13 subsec3on13 13 This13 allows13 teachers13 quick13 access13 to13 each13 subsec3on

bullBold13 print13 term13 hyperlinks13 13 Every13 bold13 print13 term13 from13 the13 unit13 is13 included13 in13 this13 presenta3on13 as13 a13 hyperlink13 13 While13 in13 slide13 show13 mode13 clicking13 on13 any13 of13 the13 hyperlinks13 will13 take13 the13 user13 to13 a13 slide13 containing13 the13 formal13 defini3on13 of13 the13 term13 13 Clicking13 on13 the13 ldquoarrowrdquo13 in13 the13 boaom13 le13 corner13 of13 the13 defini3on13 slide13 will13 take13 the13 user13 back13 to13 the13 original13 point13 in13 the13 presenta3on13

13 These13 hyperlinks13 were13 included13 for13 teachers13 who13 want13 students13 to13 see13 or13 copy13 down13 the13 exact13 defini3on13 as13 stated13 in13 the13 text13 13 Most13 teachers13 prefer13 the13 defini3ons13 not13 be13 included13 to13 prevent13 students13 from13 only13 ldquocopying13 down13 what13 is13 on13 the13 screenrdquo13 and13 not13 ac3vely13 listening13 to13 the13 presenta3on

13 For13 teachers13 who13 con3nually13 use13 the13 Bold13 Print13 Term13 Hyperlinks13 op3on13 please13 contact13 the13 author13 using13 the13 email13 address13 on13 the13 next13 slide13 to13 learn13 a13 technique13 to13 expedite13 the13 returning13 to13 the13 original13 point13 in13 the13 presenta3on

Wednesday March 6 13

Teacher13 Informa3onbullCon0nuity13 slides

bullThroughout13 this13 presenta3on13 there13 are13 slides13 usually13 of13 graphics13 or13 tables13 that13 build13 on13 one13 another13 13 These13 are13 included13 for13 three13 purposes13 13

bullBy13 presen3ng13 informa3on13 in13 small13 chunks13 students13 will13 find13 it13 easier13 to13 process13 and13 remember13 the13 concepts13 13

bullBy13 con3nually13 changing13 slides13 students13 will13 stay13 interested13 in13 the13 presenta3onbullTo13 facilitate13 class13 discussion13 and13 cri3cal13 thinking13 13 Students13 should13 be13 encouraged13 to13 think13 about13 ldquowhat13 might13 come13 nextrdquo13 in13 the13 series13 of13 slides13 13

bullPlease13 feel13 free13 to13 contact13 me13 at13 kkorekgermantownk12wius13 with13 any13 ques3ons13 concerns13 sugges3ons13 etc13 regarding13 these13 presenta3ons13

Kent13 Korek

Germantown13 High13 School

Germantown13 WI13 53022

Wednesday March 6 13

Division title (green print)subdivision title (blue print)


Wednesday March 6 13

Division title (green print)

Use13 this13 slide13 to13 add13 a13 table13 chart13 clip13 art13 picture13 diagram13 or13 video13 clip13 13 Delete13 this13 box13 when13 finished

Wednesday March 6 13

Definition Slide

= add definition here

Wednesday March 6 13


Wednesday March 6 13


= the persistence of learning over time through the storage and retrieval of information

Wednesday March 6 13


= the processing of information into the memory systems ndash for example by extracting meaning

Wednesday March 6 13


= the retention of encoded information over time

Wednesday March 6 13


= the process of getting information out of memory storage

Wednesday March 6 13

Sensory Memory

= the immediate very brief recording of sensory information in the memory system

Wednesday March 6 13

Short-term Memory

= activated memory that holds a few items briefly such as the seven digits of a phone number while dialing before the information is stored or forgotten

Wednesday March 6 13

Long-term Memory

= the relatively permanent and limitless storehouse of the memory system Includes knowledge skills and experiences

Wednesday March 6 13

Working Memory

= a newer understanding of short-term memory that focuses on conscious active processing of incoming auditory and visual-spatial information and of information retrieved from long-term memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Parallel Processing

= the processing of many aspects of a problem simultaneously the brainrsquos natural mode of information processing for many functions Contrasts with the step-by-step (serial) processing of most computers and of conscious problem solving

Wednesday March 6 13

Automatic Processing

= unconscious encoding of incidental information such as space time and frequency and of well-learned information such as word meanings

Wednesday March 6 13

Effortful Processing

= encoding that requires attention and conscious effort

Wednesday March 6 13


= the conscious repetition of information either to maintain it in consciousness or to encode it for storage

Wednesday March 6 13

Spacing Effect

= the tendency for distributed study or practice to yield better long-term retention than is achieved through massed study or practice

Wednesday March 6 13

Serial Position Effect

= our tendency to recall best the last and first items in a list

Wednesday March 6 13

Visual Encoding

= the encoding of picture images

Wednesday March 6 13

Acoustic Encoding

= the encoding of sound especially the sound of words

Wednesday March 6 13

Semantic Encoding

= the encoding of meaning including the meaning of words

Wednesday March 6 13


= mental pictures a powerful aid to effortful processing especially when combined with semantic encoding

Wednesday March 6 13


= memory aids especially those techniques that use vivid imagery and organizational devices

Wednesday March 6 13


= organizing items into familiar manageable units often occurs automatically

Wednesday March 6 13

Iconic Memory

= a momentary sensory memory of visual stimuli a photographic or picture-image memory lasting no more than a few tenths of a second

Wednesday March 6 13

Echoic Memory

= a momentary sensory memory of auditory stimuli if attention is elsewhere sounds and words can still be recalled within 3 or 4 seconds

Wednesday March 6 13

Long-term Potentiation (LTP)

= an increase in a synapsersquos firing potential after brief rapid stimulation Believed to be a neural basis for learning and memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Flashbulb Memory

= a clear memory of an emotionally significant moment or event

Wednesday March 6 13


= loss of memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Implicit Memory

= retention independent of conscious recollection (Also called nondeclarative or procedural memory)

Wednesday March 6 13

Explicit Memory

= memory of facts and experiences that one can consciously know and ldquodeclarerdquo (Also called declarative memory)

Wednesday March 6 13


= a neural center that is located in the limbic system helps process explicit memories for storage

Wednesday March 6 13


= a measure of memory in which the person must retrieve information learning earlier as on a fill-in-the-blank test

Wednesday March 6 13


= a measure of memory in which the person need only identify items previously learned as on a multiple-choice test

Wednesday March 6 13


= a measure of memory that assesses the amount of time saved when learning material for a second time

Wednesday March 6 13


= the activation often unconsciously of particular associations in memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Deja Vu

= that eerie sense that ldquoIrsquove experienced this beforerdquo Cues from the current situation may subconsciously trigger retrieval of an earlier experience

Wednesday March 6 13

Mood Congruent Memory

= the tendency to recall experiences that are consistent with onersquos current good or bad mood

Wednesday March 6 13

Proactive Interference

= the disruptive effect of prior learning on the recall of new information

Wednesday March 6 13

Retroactive Interference

= the disruptive effect of new learning on the recall of old information

Wednesday March 6 13


= in psychoanalytic theory the basic defense mechanism that banishes from consciousness anxiety-arousing thoughts feelings and memories

Wednesday March 6 13

Misinformation Effect

= incorporating misleading information into onersquos memory of an event

Wednesday March 6 13

Source Amnesia

= attributing to the wrong source an event we have experienced heard about read about or imagined (Also called source misattribution) Source amnesia along with the misinformation effect is at the heart of many false memories

Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Getting Information InWhat We Encode

bullOrganizing Information for EncodingbullChunking


Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Getting Information InWhat We Encode

bullOrganizing Information for EncodingbullChunking


Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Getting Information InWhat We Encode

bullOrganizing Information for EncodingbullHierarchies

Wednesday March 6 13

Storage Retaining InformationSensory Memory

bullSperlingrsquos memory experimentbullIconic13 memorybullEchoic13 memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Storage Retaining InformationWorkingShort-Term

bullMagic number SevenbullPlus or minus 2

bullThe list of magic sevensbullSeven wonders of worldbullSeven seasbullSeven deadly sinsbullSeven primary colorsbullSeven musical scale notesbullSeven days of the week

Wednesday March 6 13

Storage Retaining InformationLong-Term Memory

bullUnlimited nature of long-term memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Storage Retaining InformationStoring Memories in the

bullSynaptic ChangesbullMemory tracebullLong-shy‐term13 poten3a3on13 (LTP)bullMemory boosting drugs


Wednesday March 6 13

Storage Retaining InformationStoring Memories in the Stress Hormones and Memory

bullEmotions and memoriesbullFlashbulb13 memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Storage Retaining InformationStoring Memories in the bullStoring Implicit and Explicit Memories

bullAmnesiabullHM Studies

Wednesday March 6 13

Storage Retaining InformationStoring Memories in the

bullStoring Implicit and Explicit MemoriesbullImplicit13 memory13 (nondeclarative memory)bullExplicit13 memory13 (declarative memory)


Wednesday March 6 13

Storage13 Retaining13 Informa3onStoring13 Memories13 in13 the13 Brain

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval Getting Information Out


Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval Getting Information OutRetrieval Cues

bullRetrieval cuesbullMnemonic devicesbullPriming

Wednesday March 6 13


Wednesday March 6 13


Wednesday March 6 13


Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval Getting Information OutContext Effects

bullContext effectsbullDeacutejagrave13 vu

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 GeKng13 Informa3on13 OutContext13 Effects

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 GeKng13 Informa3on13 OutContext13 Effects

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 GeKng13 Informa3on13 OutContext13 Effects

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 GeKng13 Informa3on13 OutContext13 Effects

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 GeKng13 Informa3on13 OutContext13 Effects

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 GeKng13 Informa3on13 OutContext13 Effects

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval Getting Information OutMoods and Memories

bullState dependent memorybullMood13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 congruent13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 memory

Wednesday March 6 13


Wednesday March 6 13



Wednesday March 6 13


bullSchacterrsquos sevens sins of memorybullSins of Forgetting


Wednesday March 6 13


bullSchacterrsquos sevens sins of memorybullSins of distortion


bullSin of intrusionbullpersistence

Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Failure

bullEncoding failure

Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Failure

bullEncoding failure

Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Failure

Wednesday March 6 13

Storage DecaybullStorage decay

bullEbbinghaus curve

Wednesday March 6 13

Storage DecaybullStorage decay

bullEbbinghaus curve

Wednesday March 6 13

Ebbinghaus13 Curve

Wednesday March 6 13

Ebbinghaus13 Curve

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval Failure

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval FailureInterference

bullProac3ve13 interference13 (forward acting)bullRetroac3ve13 interference13 (backward-acting)

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 FailureInterference

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 FailureInterference

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 FailureInterference

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 FailureInterference

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 FailureInterference

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval FailureMotivated Forgetting

bullSelf-serving personal historiesbullRepression

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval FailureMotivated Forgetting

bullSelf-serving personal historiesbullRepression

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval FailureMotivated Forgetting

bullSelf-serving personal historiesbullRepression

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval FailureMotivated Forgetting

bullSelf-serving personal historiesbullRepression

Wednesday March 6 13

Memory Construction

Wednesday March 6 13

Misinformation and Imagination Effects

bullLoftus memory studiesbullMisinforma3on13 effect

Wednesday March 6 13

Source Amnesia

bullSource13 amnesia13 (source misattribution)

Wednesday March 6 13

Discerning True and False Memories

bullMemory studiesbullEye witness testimony

Wednesday March 6 13

Childrenrsquos Eyewitness Recall

bullChildrenrsquos memories of abusebullSuggestibility

Wednesday March 6 13

Repressed or Constructed Memories of Abuse

bullAreas of agreementbullSexual abuse happensbullInjustice happensbullForgetting happensbullRecovered memories are incompletebullMemories before 3 years are unreliablebullHypnotic memories are unreliablebullMemories can be emotionally upsetting

Wednesday March 6 13

Repressed or Constructed Memories of Abuse

bullLoftus studies with children

Wednesday March 6 13

Improving Memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Improving Memory TechniquesbullStudy repeatedlybullMake the material meaningfulbullActivate retrieval cuesbullUse mnemonic devicesbullMinimize interferencebullSleep morebullTest your own knowledge both to rehearse it and to help determine what you do not yet

Wednesday March 6 13

The End

Wednesday March 6 13

Teacher13 Informa3onbullTypes13 of13 Files

bullThis13 presenta3on13 has13 been13 saved13 as13 a13 ldquobasicrdquo13 Powerpoint13 file13 13 While13 this13 file13 format13 placed13 a13 few13 limita3ons13 on13 the13 presenta3on13 it13 insured13 the13 file13 would13 be13 compa3ble13 with13 the13 many13 versions13 of13 Powerpoint13 teachers13 use13 13 To13 add13 func3onality13 to13 the13 presenta3on13 teachers13 may13 want13 to13 save13 the13 file13 for13 their13 specific13 version13 of13 Powerpoint

bullAnima0onbullOnce13 again13 to13 insure13 compa3bility13 with13 all13 versions13 of13 Powerpoint13 none13 of13 the13 slides13 are13 animated13 13 To13 increase13 student13 interest13 it13 is13 suggested13 teachers13 animate13 the13 slides13 wherever13 possible

bullAdding13 slides13 to13 this13 presenta0onbullTeachers13 are13 encouraged13 to13 adapt13 this13 presenta3on13 to13 their13 personal13 teaching13 style13 13 To13 help13 keep13 a13 sense13 of13 con3nuity13 blank13 slides13 which13 can13 be13 copied13 and13 pasted13 to13 a13 specific13 loca3on13 in13 the13 presenta3on13 follow13 this13 ldquoTeacher13 Informa3onrdquo13 sec3on13 13 13

Wednesday March 6 13

Teacher13 Informa3onbullHyperlink13 Slides13 -shy‐13 This13 presenta3on13 contain13 two13 types13 of13 hyperlinks13 13 Hyperlinks13 can13 be13 iden3fied13 by13 the13 text13 being13 underlined13 and13 a13 different13 color13 (usually13 purple)

bullUnit13 subsec0ons13 hyperlinks13 13 Immediately13 aer13 the13 unit13 3tle13 slide13 a13 page13 (slide13 3)13 can13 be13 found13 lis3ng13 all13 of13 the13 unitrsquos13 subsec3ons13 13 While13 in13 slide13 show13 mode13 clicking13 on13 any13 of13 these13 hyperlinks13 will13 take13 the13 user13 directly13 to13 the13 beginning13 of13 that13 subsec3on13 13 This13 allows13 teachers13 quick13 access13 to13 each13 subsec3on

bullBold13 print13 term13 hyperlinks13 13 Every13 bold13 print13 term13 from13 the13 unit13 is13 included13 in13 this13 presenta3on13 as13 a13 hyperlink13 13 While13 in13 slide13 show13 mode13 clicking13 on13 any13 of13 the13 hyperlinks13 will13 take13 the13 user13 to13 a13 slide13 containing13 the13 formal13 defini3on13 of13 the13 term13 13 Clicking13 on13 the13 ldquoarrowrdquo13 in13 the13 boaom13 le13 corner13 of13 the13 defini3on13 slide13 will13 take13 the13 user13 back13 to13 the13 original13 point13 in13 the13 presenta3on13

13 These13 hyperlinks13 were13 included13 for13 teachers13 who13 want13 students13 to13 see13 or13 copy13 down13 the13 exact13 defini3on13 as13 stated13 in13 the13 text13 13 Most13 teachers13 prefer13 the13 defini3ons13 not13 be13 included13 to13 prevent13 students13 from13 only13 ldquocopying13 down13 what13 is13 on13 the13 screenrdquo13 and13 not13 ac3vely13 listening13 to13 the13 presenta3on

13 For13 teachers13 who13 con3nually13 use13 the13 Bold13 Print13 Term13 Hyperlinks13 op3on13 please13 contact13 the13 author13 using13 the13 email13 address13 on13 the13 next13 slide13 to13 learn13 a13 technique13 to13 expedite13 the13 returning13 to13 the13 original13 point13 in13 the13 presenta3on

Wednesday March 6 13

Teacher13 Informa3onbullCon0nuity13 slides

bullThroughout13 this13 presenta3on13 there13 are13 slides13 usually13 of13 graphics13 or13 tables13 that13 build13 on13 one13 another13 13 These13 are13 included13 for13 three13 purposes13 13

bullBy13 presen3ng13 informa3on13 in13 small13 chunks13 students13 will13 find13 it13 easier13 to13 process13 and13 remember13 the13 concepts13 13

bullBy13 con3nually13 changing13 slides13 students13 will13 stay13 interested13 in13 the13 presenta3onbullTo13 facilitate13 class13 discussion13 and13 cri3cal13 thinking13 13 Students13 should13 be13 encouraged13 to13 think13 about13 ldquowhat13 might13 come13 nextrdquo13 in13 the13 series13 of13 slides13 13

bullPlease13 feel13 free13 to13 contact13 me13 at13 kkorekgermantownk12wius13 with13 any13 ques3ons13 concerns13 sugges3ons13 etc13 regarding13 these13 presenta3ons13

Kent13 Korek

Germantown13 High13 School

Germantown13 WI13 53022

Wednesday March 6 13

Division title (green print)subdivision title (blue print)


Wednesday March 6 13

Division title (green print)

Use13 this13 slide13 to13 add13 a13 table13 chart13 clip13 art13 picture13 diagram13 or13 video13 clip13 13 Delete13 this13 box13 when13 finished

Wednesday March 6 13

Definition Slide

= add definition here

Wednesday March 6 13


Wednesday March 6 13


= the persistence of learning over time through the storage and retrieval of information

Wednesday March 6 13


= the processing of information into the memory systems ndash for example by extracting meaning

Wednesday March 6 13


= the retention of encoded information over time

Wednesday March 6 13


= the process of getting information out of memory storage

Wednesday March 6 13

Sensory Memory

= the immediate very brief recording of sensory information in the memory system

Wednesday March 6 13

Short-term Memory

= activated memory that holds a few items briefly such as the seven digits of a phone number while dialing before the information is stored or forgotten

Wednesday March 6 13

Long-term Memory

= the relatively permanent and limitless storehouse of the memory system Includes knowledge skills and experiences

Wednesday March 6 13

Working Memory

= a newer understanding of short-term memory that focuses on conscious active processing of incoming auditory and visual-spatial information and of information retrieved from long-term memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Parallel Processing

= the processing of many aspects of a problem simultaneously the brainrsquos natural mode of information processing for many functions Contrasts with the step-by-step (serial) processing of most computers and of conscious problem solving

Wednesday March 6 13

Automatic Processing

= unconscious encoding of incidental information such as space time and frequency and of well-learned information such as word meanings

Wednesday March 6 13

Effortful Processing

= encoding that requires attention and conscious effort

Wednesday March 6 13


= the conscious repetition of information either to maintain it in consciousness or to encode it for storage

Wednesday March 6 13

Spacing Effect

= the tendency for distributed study or practice to yield better long-term retention than is achieved through massed study or practice

Wednesday March 6 13

Serial Position Effect

= our tendency to recall best the last and first items in a list

Wednesday March 6 13

Visual Encoding

= the encoding of picture images

Wednesday March 6 13

Acoustic Encoding

= the encoding of sound especially the sound of words

Wednesday March 6 13

Semantic Encoding

= the encoding of meaning including the meaning of words

Wednesday March 6 13


= mental pictures a powerful aid to effortful processing especially when combined with semantic encoding

Wednesday March 6 13


= memory aids especially those techniques that use vivid imagery and organizational devices

Wednesday March 6 13


= organizing items into familiar manageable units often occurs automatically

Wednesday March 6 13

Iconic Memory

= a momentary sensory memory of visual stimuli a photographic or picture-image memory lasting no more than a few tenths of a second

Wednesday March 6 13

Echoic Memory

= a momentary sensory memory of auditory stimuli if attention is elsewhere sounds and words can still be recalled within 3 or 4 seconds

Wednesday March 6 13

Long-term Potentiation (LTP)

= an increase in a synapsersquos firing potential after brief rapid stimulation Believed to be a neural basis for learning and memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Flashbulb Memory

= a clear memory of an emotionally significant moment or event

Wednesday March 6 13


= loss of memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Implicit Memory

= retention independent of conscious recollection (Also called nondeclarative or procedural memory)

Wednesday March 6 13

Explicit Memory

= memory of facts and experiences that one can consciously know and ldquodeclarerdquo (Also called declarative memory)

Wednesday March 6 13


= a neural center that is located in the limbic system helps process explicit memories for storage

Wednesday March 6 13


= a measure of memory in which the person must retrieve information learning earlier as on a fill-in-the-blank test

Wednesday March 6 13


= a measure of memory in which the person need only identify items previously learned as on a multiple-choice test

Wednesday March 6 13


= a measure of memory that assesses the amount of time saved when learning material for a second time

Wednesday March 6 13


= the activation often unconsciously of particular associations in memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Deja Vu

= that eerie sense that ldquoIrsquove experienced this beforerdquo Cues from the current situation may subconsciously trigger retrieval of an earlier experience

Wednesday March 6 13

Mood Congruent Memory

= the tendency to recall experiences that are consistent with onersquos current good or bad mood

Wednesday March 6 13

Proactive Interference

= the disruptive effect of prior learning on the recall of new information

Wednesday March 6 13

Retroactive Interference

= the disruptive effect of new learning on the recall of old information

Wednesday March 6 13


= in psychoanalytic theory the basic defense mechanism that banishes from consciousness anxiety-arousing thoughts feelings and memories

Wednesday March 6 13

Misinformation Effect

= incorporating misleading information into onersquos memory of an event

Wednesday March 6 13

Source Amnesia

= attributing to the wrong source an event we have experienced heard about read about or imagined (Also called source misattribution) Source amnesia along with the misinformation effect is at the heart of many false memories

Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Getting Information InWhat We Encode

bullOrganizing Information for EncodingbullChunking


Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Getting Information InWhat We Encode

bullOrganizing Information for EncodingbullHierarchies

Wednesday March 6 13

Storage Retaining InformationSensory Memory

bullSperlingrsquos memory experimentbullIconic13 memorybullEchoic13 memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Storage Retaining InformationWorkingShort-Term

bullMagic number SevenbullPlus or minus 2

bullThe list of magic sevensbullSeven wonders of worldbullSeven seasbullSeven deadly sinsbullSeven primary colorsbullSeven musical scale notesbullSeven days of the week

Wednesday March 6 13

Storage Retaining InformationLong-Term Memory

bullUnlimited nature of long-term memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Storage Retaining InformationStoring Memories in the

bullSynaptic ChangesbullMemory tracebullLong-shy‐term13 poten3a3on13 (LTP)bullMemory boosting drugs


Wednesday March 6 13

Storage Retaining InformationStoring Memories in the Stress Hormones and Memory

bullEmotions and memoriesbullFlashbulb13 memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Storage Retaining InformationStoring Memories in the bullStoring Implicit and Explicit Memories

bullAmnesiabullHM Studies

Wednesday March 6 13

Storage Retaining InformationStoring Memories in the

bullStoring Implicit and Explicit MemoriesbullImplicit13 memory13 (nondeclarative memory)bullExplicit13 memory13 (declarative memory)


Wednesday March 6 13

Storage13 Retaining13 Informa3onStoring13 Memories13 in13 the13 Brain

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval Getting Information Out


Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval Getting Information OutRetrieval Cues

bullRetrieval cuesbullMnemonic devicesbullPriming

Wednesday March 6 13


Wednesday March 6 13


Wednesday March 6 13


Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval Getting Information OutContext Effects

bullContext effectsbullDeacutejagrave13 vu

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 GeKng13 Informa3on13 OutContext13 Effects

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 GeKng13 Informa3on13 OutContext13 Effects

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 GeKng13 Informa3on13 OutContext13 Effects

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 GeKng13 Informa3on13 OutContext13 Effects

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 GeKng13 Informa3on13 OutContext13 Effects

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 GeKng13 Informa3on13 OutContext13 Effects

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval Getting Information OutMoods and Memories

bullState dependent memorybullMood13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 congruent13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 memory

Wednesday March 6 13


Wednesday March 6 13



Wednesday March 6 13


bullSchacterrsquos sevens sins of memorybullSins of Forgetting


Wednesday March 6 13


bullSchacterrsquos sevens sins of memorybullSins of distortion


bullSin of intrusionbullpersistence

Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Failure

bullEncoding failure

Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Failure

bullEncoding failure

Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Failure

Wednesday March 6 13

Storage DecaybullStorage decay

bullEbbinghaus curve

Wednesday March 6 13

Storage DecaybullStorage decay

bullEbbinghaus curve

Wednesday March 6 13

Ebbinghaus13 Curve

Wednesday March 6 13

Ebbinghaus13 Curve

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval Failure

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval FailureInterference

bullProac3ve13 interference13 (forward acting)bullRetroac3ve13 interference13 (backward-acting)

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 FailureInterference

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 FailureInterference

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 FailureInterference

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 FailureInterference

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 FailureInterference

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval FailureMotivated Forgetting

bullSelf-serving personal historiesbullRepression

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval FailureMotivated Forgetting

bullSelf-serving personal historiesbullRepression

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval FailureMotivated Forgetting

bullSelf-serving personal historiesbullRepression

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval FailureMotivated Forgetting

bullSelf-serving personal historiesbullRepression

Wednesday March 6 13

Memory Construction

Wednesday March 6 13

Misinformation and Imagination Effects

bullLoftus memory studiesbullMisinforma3on13 effect

Wednesday March 6 13

Source Amnesia

bullSource13 amnesia13 (source misattribution)

Wednesday March 6 13

Discerning True and False Memories

bullMemory studiesbullEye witness testimony

Wednesday March 6 13

Childrenrsquos Eyewitness Recall

bullChildrenrsquos memories of abusebullSuggestibility

Wednesday March 6 13

Repressed or Constructed Memories of Abuse

bullAreas of agreementbullSexual abuse happensbullInjustice happensbullForgetting happensbullRecovered memories are incompletebullMemories before 3 years are unreliablebullHypnotic memories are unreliablebullMemories can be emotionally upsetting

Wednesday March 6 13

Repressed or Constructed Memories of Abuse

bullLoftus studies with children

Wednesday March 6 13

Improving Memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Improving Memory TechniquesbullStudy repeatedlybullMake the material meaningfulbullActivate retrieval cuesbullUse mnemonic devicesbullMinimize interferencebullSleep morebullTest your own knowledge both to rehearse it and to help determine what you do not yet

Wednesday March 6 13

The End

Wednesday March 6 13

Teacher13 Informa3onbullTypes13 of13 Files

bullThis13 presenta3on13 has13 been13 saved13 as13 a13 ldquobasicrdquo13 Powerpoint13 file13 13 While13 this13 file13 format13 placed13 a13 few13 limita3ons13 on13 the13 presenta3on13 it13 insured13 the13 file13 would13 be13 compa3ble13 with13 the13 many13 versions13 of13 Powerpoint13 teachers13 use13 13 To13 add13 func3onality13 to13 the13 presenta3on13 teachers13 may13 want13 to13 save13 the13 file13 for13 their13 specific13 version13 of13 Powerpoint

bullAnima0onbullOnce13 again13 to13 insure13 compa3bility13 with13 all13 versions13 of13 Powerpoint13 none13 of13 the13 slides13 are13 animated13 13 To13 increase13 student13 interest13 it13 is13 suggested13 teachers13 animate13 the13 slides13 wherever13 possible

bullAdding13 slides13 to13 this13 presenta0onbullTeachers13 are13 encouraged13 to13 adapt13 this13 presenta3on13 to13 their13 personal13 teaching13 style13 13 To13 help13 keep13 a13 sense13 of13 con3nuity13 blank13 slides13 which13 can13 be13 copied13 and13 pasted13 to13 a13 specific13 loca3on13 in13 the13 presenta3on13 follow13 this13 ldquoTeacher13 Informa3onrdquo13 sec3on13 13 13

Wednesday March 6 13

Teacher13 Informa3onbullHyperlink13 Slides13 -shy‐13 This13 presenta3on13 contain13 two13 types13 of13 hyperlinks13 13 Hyperlinks13 can13 be13 iden3fied13 by13 the13 text13 being13 underlined13 and13 a13 different13 color13 (usually13 purple)

bullUnit13 subsec0ons13 hyperlinks13 13 Immediately13 aer13 the13 unit13 3tle13 slide13 a13 page13 (slide13 3)13 can13 be13 found13 lis3ng13 all13 of13 the13 unitrsquos13 subsec3ons13 13 While13 in13 slide13 show13 mode13 clicking13 on13 any13 of13 these13 hyperlinks13 will13 take13 the13 user13 directly13 to13 the13 beginning13 of13 that13 subsec3on13 13 This13 allows13 teachers13 quick13 access13 to13 each13 subsec3on

bullBold13 print13 term13 hyperlinks13 13 Every13 bold13 print13 term13 from13 the13 unit13 is13 included13 in13 this13 presenta3on13 as13 a13 hyperlink13 13 While13 in13 slide13 show13 mode13 clicking13 on13 any13 of13 the13 hyperlinks13 will13 take13 the13 user13 to13 a13 slide13 containing13 the13 formal13 defini3on13 of13 the13 term13 13 Clicking13 on13 the13 ldquoarrowrdquo13 in13 the13 boaom13 le13 corner13 of13 the13 defini3on13 slide13 will13 take13 the13 user13 back13 to13 the13 original13 point13 in13 the13 presenta3on13

13 These13 hyperlinks13 were13 included13 for13 teachers13 who13 want13 students13 to13 see13 or13 copy13 down13 the13 exact13 defini3on13 as13 stated13 in13 the13 text13 13 Most13 teachers13 prefer13 the13 defini3ons13 not13 be13 included13 to13 prevent13 students13 from13 only13 ldquocopying13 down13 what13 is13 on13 the13 screenrdquo13 and13 not13 ac3vely13 listening13 to13 the13 presenta3on

13 For13 teachers13 who13 con3nually13 use13 the13 Bold13 Print13 Term13 Hyperlinks13 op3on13 please13 contact13 the13 author13 using13 the13 email13 address13 on13 the13 next13 slide13 to13 learn13 a13 technique13 to13 expedite13 the13 returning13 to13 the13 original13 point13 in13 the13 presenta3on

Wednesday March 6 13

Teacher13 Informa3onbullCon0nuity13 slides

bullThroughout13 this13 presenta3on13 there13 are13 slides13 usually13 of13 graphics13 or13 tables13 that13 build13 on13 one13 another13 13 These13 are13 included13 for13 three13 purposes13 13

bullBy13 presen3ng13 informa3on13 in13 small13 chunks13 students13 will13 find13 it13 easier13 to13 process13 and13 remember13 the13 concepts13 13

bullBy13 con3nually13 changing13 slides13 students13 will13 stay13 interested13 in13 the13 presenta3onbullTo13 facilitate13 class13 discussion13 and13 cri3cal13 thinking13 13 Students13 should13 be13 encouraged13 to13 think13 about13 ldquowhat13 might13 come13 nextrdquo13 in13 the13 series13 of13 slides13 13

bullPlease13 feel13 free13 to13 contact13 me13 at13 kkorekgermantownk12wius13 with13 any13 ques3ons13 concerns13 sugges3ons13 etc13 regarding13 these13 presenta3ons13

Kent13 Korek

Germantown13 High13 School

Germantown13 WI13 53022

Wednesday March 6 13

Division title (green print)subdivision title (blue print)


Wednesday March 6 13

Division title (green print)

Use13 this13 slide13 to13 add13 a13 table13 chart13 clip13 art13 picture13 diagram13 or13 video13 clip13 13 Delete13 this13 box13 when13 finished

Wednesday March 6 13

Definition Slide

= add definition here

Wednesday March 6 13


Wednesday March 6 13


= the persistence of learning over time through the storage and retrieval of information

Wednesday March 6 13


= the processing of information into the memory systems ndash for example by extracting meaning

Wednesday March 6 13


= the retention of encoded information over time

Wednesday March 6 13


= the process of getting information out of memory storage

Wednesday March 6 13

Sensory Memory

= the immediate very brief recording of sensory information in the memory system

Wednesday March 6 13

Short-term Memory

= activated memory that holds a few items briefly such as the seven digits of a phone number while dialing before the information is stored or forgotten

Wednesday March 6 13

Long-term Memory

= the relatively permanent and limitless storehouse of the memory system Includes knowledge skills and experiences

Wednesday March 6 13

Working Memory

= a newer understanding of short-term memory that focuses on conscious active processing of incoming auditory and visual-spatial information and of information retrieved from long-term memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Parallel Processing

= the processing of many aspects of a problem simultaneously the brainrsquos natural mode of information processing for many functions Contrasts with the step-by-step (serial) processing of most computers and of conscious problem solving

Wednesday March 6 13

Automatic Processing

= unconscious encoding of incidental information such as space time and frequency and of well-learned information such as word meanings

Wednesday March 6 13

Effortful Processing

= encoding that requires attention and conscious effort

Wednesday March 6 13


= the conscious repetition of information either to maintain it in consciousness or to encode it for storage

Wednesday March 6 13

Spacing Effect

= the tendency for distributed study or practice to yield better long-term retention than is achieved through massed study or practice

Wednesday March 6 13

Serial Position Effect

= our tendency to recall best the last and first items in a list

Wednesday March 6 13

Visual Encoding

= the encoding of picture images

Wednesday March 6 13

Acoustic Encoding

= the encoding of sound especially the sound of words

Wednesday March 6 13

Semantic Encoding

= the encoding of meaning including the meaning of words

Wednesday March 6 13


= mental pictures a powerful aid to effortful processing especially when combined with semantic encoding

Wednesday March 6 13


= memory aids especially those techniques that use vivid imagery and organizational devices

Wednesday March 6 13


= organizing items into familiar manageable units often occurs automatically

Wednesday March 6 13

Iconic Memory

= a momentary sensory memory of visual stimuli a photographic or picture-image memory lasting no more than a few tenths of a second

Wednesday March 6 13

Echoic Memory

= a momentary sensory memory of auditory stimuli if attention is elsewhere sounds and words can still be recalled within 3 or 4 seconds

Wednesday March 6 13

Long-term Potentiation (LTP)

= an increase in a synapsersquos firing potential after brief rapid stimulation Believed to be a neural basis for learning and memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Flashbulb Memory

= a clear memory of an emotionally significant moment or event

Wednesday March 6 13


= loss of memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Implicit Memory

= retention independent of conscious recollection (Also called nondeclarative or procedural memory)

Wednesday March 6 13

Explicit Memory

= memory of facts and experiences that one can consciously know and ldquodeclarerdquo (Also called declarative memory)

Wednesday March 6 13


= a neural center that is located in the limbic system helps process explicit memories for storage

Wednesday March 6 13


= a measure of memory in which the person must retrieve information learning earlier as on a fill-in-the-blank test

Wednesday March 6 13


= a measure of memory in which the person need only identify items previously learned as on a multiple-choice test

Wednesday March 6 13


= a measure of memory that assesses the amount of time saved when learning material for a second time

Wednesday March 6 13


= the activation often unconsciously of particular associations in memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Deja Vu

= that eerie sense that ldquoIrsquove experienced this beforerdquo Cues from the current situation may subconsciously trigger retrieval of an earlier experience

Wednesday March 6 13

Mood Congruent Memory

= the tendency to recall experiences that are consistent with onersquos current good or bad mood

Wednesday March 6 13

Proactive Interference

= the disruptive effect of prior learning on the recall of new information

Wednesday March 6 13

Retroactive Interference

= the disruptive effect of new learning on the recall of old information

Wednesday March 6 13


= in psychoanalytic theory the basic defense mechanism that banishes from consciousness anxiety-arousing thoughts feelings and memories

Wednesday March 6 13

Misinformation Effect

= incorporating misleading information into onersquos memory of an event

Wednesday March 6 13

Source Amnesia

= attributing to the wrong source an event we have experienced heard about read about or imagined (Also called source misattribution) Source amnesia along with the misinformation effect is at the heart of many false memories

Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Getting Information InWhat We Encode

bullOrganizing Information for EncodingbullHierarchies

Wednesday March 6 13

Storage Retaining InformationSensory Memory

bullSperlingrsquos memory experimentbullIconic13 memorybullEchoic13 memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Storage Retaining InformationWorkingShort-Term

bullMagic number SevenbullPlus or minus 2

bullThe list of magic sevensbullSeven wonders of worldbullSeven seasbullSeven deadly sinsbullSeven primary colorsbullSeven musical scale notesbullSeven days of the week

Wednesday March 6 13

Storage Retaining InformationLong-Term Memory

bullUnlimited nature of long-term memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Storage Retaining InformationStoring Memories in the

bullSynaptic ChangesbullMemory tracebullLong-shy‐term13 poten3a3on13 (LTP)bullMemory boosting drugs


Wednesday March 6 13

Storage Retaining InformationStoring Memories in the Stress Hormones and Memory

bullEmotions and memoriesbullFlashbulb13 memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Storage Retaining InformationStoring Memories in the bullStoring Implicit and Explicit Memories

bullAmnesiabullHM Studies

Wednesday March 6 13

Storage Retaining InformationStoring Memories in the

bullStoring Implicit and Explicit MemoriesbullImplicit13 memory13 (nondeclarative memory)bullExplicit13 memory13 (declarative memory)


Wednesday March 6 13

Storage13 Retaining13 Informa3onStoring13 Memories13 in13 the13 Brain

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval Getting Information Out


Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval Getting Information OutRetrieval Cues

bullRetrieval cuesbullMnemonic devicesbullPriming

Wednesday March 6 13


Wednesday March 6 13


Wednesday March 6 13


Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval Getting Information OutContext Effects

bullContext effectsbullDeacutejagrave13 vu

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 GeKng13 Informa3on13 OutContext13 Effects

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 GeKng13 Informa3on13 OutContext13 Effects

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 GeKng13 Informa3on13 OutContext13 Effects

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 GeKng13 Informa3on13 OutContext13 Effects

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 GeKng13 Informa3on13 OutContext13 Effects

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 GeKng13 Informa3on13 OutContext13 Effects

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval Getting Information OutMoods and Memories

bullState dependent memorybullMood13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 congruent13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 memory

Wednesday March 6 13


Wednesday March 6 13



Wednesday March 6 13


bullSchacterrsquos sevens sins of memorybullSins of Forgetting


Wednesday March 6 13


bullSchacterrsquos sevens sins of memorybullSins of distortion


bullSin of intrusionbullpersistence

Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Failure

bullEncoding failure

Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Failure

bullEncoding failure

Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Failure

Wednesday March 6 13

Storage DecaybullStorage decay

bullEbbinghaus curve

Wednesday March 6 13

Storage DecaybullStorage decay

bullEbbinghaus curve

Wednesday March 6 13

Ebbinghaus13 Curve

Wednesday March 6 13

Ebbinghaus13 Curve

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval Failure

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval FailureInterference

bullProac3ve13 interference13 (forward acting)bullRetroac3ve13 interference13 (backward-acting)

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 FailureInterference

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 FailureInterference

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 FailureInterference

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 FailureInterference

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 FailureInterference

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval FailureMotivated Forgetting

bullSelf-serving personal historiesbullRepression

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval FailureMotivated Forgetting

bullSelf-serving personal historiesbullRepression

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval FailureMotivated Forgetting

bullSelf-serving personal historiesbullRepression

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval FailureMotivated Forgetting

bullSelf-serving personal historiesbullRepression

Wednesday March 6 13

Memory Construction

Wednesday March 6 13

Misinformation and Imagination Effects

bullLoftus memory studiesbullMisinforma3on13 effect

Wednesday March 6 13

Source Amnesia

bullSource13 amnesia13 (source misattribution)

Wednesday March 6 13

Discerning True and False Memories

bullMemory studiesbullEye witness testimony

Wednesday March 6 13

Childrenrsquos Eyewitness Recall

bullChildrenrsquos memories of abusebullSuggestibility

Wednesday March 6 13

Repressed or Constructed Memories of Abuse

bullAreas of agreementbullSexual abuse happensbullInjustice happensbullForgetting happensbullRecovered memories are incompletebullMemories before 3 years are unreliablebullHypnotic memories are unreliablebullMemories can be emotionally upsetting

Wednesday March 6 13

Repressed or Constructed Memories of Abuse

bullLoftus studies with children

Wednesday March 6 13

Improving Memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Improving Memory TechniquesbullStudy repeatedlybullMake the material meaningfulbullActivate retrieval cuesbullUse mnemonic devicesbullMinimize interferencebullSleep morebullTest your own knowledge both to rehearse it and to help determine what you do not yet

Wednesday March 6 13

The End

Wednesday March 6 13

Teacher13 Informa3onbullTypes13 of13 Files

bullThis13 presenta3on13 has13 been13 saved13 as13 a13 ldquobasicrdquo13 Powerpoint13 file13 13 While13 this13 file13 format13 placed13 a13 few13 limita3ons13 on13 the13 presenta3on13 it13 insured13 the13 file13 would13 be13 compa3ble13 with13 the13 many13 versions13 of13 Powerpoint13 teachers13 use13 13 To13 add13 func3onality13 to13 the13 presenta3on13 teachers13 may13 want13 to13 save13 the13 file13 for13 their13 specific13 version13 of13 Powerpoint

bullAnima0onbullOnce13 again13 to13 insure13 compa3bility13 with13 all13 versions13 of13 Powerpoint13 none13 of13 the13 slides13 are13 animated13 13 To13 increase13 student13 interest13 it13 is13 suggested13 teachers13 animate13 the13 slides13 wherever13 possible

bullAdding13 slides13 to13 this13 presenta0onbullTeachers13 are13 encouraged13 to13 adapt13 this13 presenta3on13 to13 their13 personal13 teaching13 style13 13 To13 help13 keep13 a13 sense13 of13 con3nuity13 blank13 slides13 which13 can13 be13 copied13 and13 pasted13 to13 a13 specific13 loca3on13 in13 the13 presenta3on13 follow13 this13 ldquoTeacher13 Informa3onrdquo13 sec3on13 13 13

Wednesday March 6 13

Teacher13 Informa3onbullHyperlink13 Slides13 -shy‐13 This13 presenta3on13 contain13 two13 types13 of13 hyperlinks13 13 Hyperlinks13 can13 be13 iden3fied13 by13 the13 text13 being13 underlined13 and13 a13 different13 color13 (usually13 purple)

bullUnit13 subsec0ons13 hyperlinks13 13 Immediately13 aer13 the13 unit13 3tle13 slide13 a13 page13 (slide13 3)13 can13 be13 found13 lis3ng13 all13 of13 the13 unitrsquos13 subsec3ons13 13 While13 in13 slide13 show13 mode13 clicking13 on13 any13 of13 these13 hyperlinks13 will13 take13 the13 user13 directly13 to13 the13 beginning13 of13 that13 subsec3on13 13 This13 allows13 teachers13 quick13 access13 to13 each13 subsec3on

bullBold13 print13 term13 hyperlinks13 13 Every13 bold13 print13 term13 from13 the13 unit13 is13 included13 in13 this13 presenta3on13 as13 a13 hyperlink13 13 While13 in13 slide13 show13 mode13 clicking13 on13 any13 of13 the13 hyperlinks13 will13 take13 the13 user13 to13 a13 slide13 containing13 the13 formal13 defini3on13 of13 the13 term13 13 Clicking13 on13 the13 ldquoarrowrdquo13 in13 the13 boaom13 le13 corner13 of13 the13 defini3on13 slide13 will13 take13 the13 user13 back13 to13 the13 original13 point13 in13 the13 presenta3on13

13 These13 hyperlinks13 were13 included13 for13 teachers13 who13 want13 students13 to13 see13 or13 copy13 down13 the13 exact13 defini3on13 as13 stated13 in13 the13 text13 13 Most13 teachers13 prefer13 the13 defini3ons13 not13 be13 included13 to13 prevent13 students13 from13 only13 ldquocopying13 down13 what13 is13 on13 the13 screenrdquo13 and13 not13 ac3vely13 listening13 to13 the13 presenta3on

13 For13 teachers13 who13 con3nually13 use13 the13 Bold13 Print13 Term13 Hyperlinks13 op3on13 please13 contact13 the13 author13 using13 the13 email13 address13 on13 the13 next13 slide13 to13 learn13 a13 technique13 to13 expedite13 the13 returning13 to13 the13 original13 point13 in13 the13 presenta3on

Wednesday March 6 13

Teacher13 Informa3onbullCon0nuity13 slides

bullThroughout13 this13 presenta3on13 there13 are13 slides13 usually13 of13 graphics13 or13 tables13 that13 build13 on13 one13 another13 13 These13 are13 included13 for13 three13 purposes13 13

bullBy13 presen3ng13 informa3on13 in13 small13 chunks13 students13 will13 find13 it13 easier13 to13 process13 and13 remember13 the13 concepts13 13

bullBy13 con3nually13 changing13 slides13 students13 will13 stay13 interested13 in13 the13 presenta3onbullTo13 facilitate13 class13 discussion13 and13 cri3cal13 thinking13 13 Students13 should13 be13 encouraged13 to13 think13 about13 ldquowhat13 might13 come13 nextrdquo13 in13 the13 series13 of13 slides13 13

bullPlease13 feel13 free13 to13 contact13 me13 at13 kkorekgermantownk12wius13 with13 any13 ques3ons13 concerns13 sugges3ons13 etc13 regarding13 these13 presenta3ons13

Kent13 Korek

Germantown13 High13 School

Germantown13 WI13 53022

Wednesday March 6 13

Division title (green print)subdivision title (blue print)


Wednesday March 6 13

Division title (green print)

Use13 this13 slide13 to13 add13 a13 table13 chart13 clip13 art13 picture13 diagram13 or13 video13 clip13 13 Delete13 this13 box13 when13 finished

Wednesday March 6 13

Definition Slide

= add definition here

Wednesday March 6 13


Wednesday March 6 13


= the persistence of learning over time through the storage and retrieval of information

Wednesday March 6 13


= the processing of information into the memory systems ndash for example by extracting meaning

Wednesday March 6 13


= the retention of encoded information over time

Wednesday March 6 13


= the process of getting information out of memory storage

Wednesday March 6 13

Sensory Memory

= the immediate very brief recording of sensory information in the memory system

Wednesday March 6 13

Short-term Memory

= activated memory that holds a few items briefly such as the seven digits of a phone number while dialing before the information is stored or forgotten

Wednesday March 6 13

Long-term Memory

= the relatively permanent and limitless storehouse of the memory system Includes knowledge skills and experiences

Wednesday March 6 13

Working Memory

= a newer understanding of short-term memory that focuses on conscious active processing of incoming auditory and visual-spatial information and of information retrieved from long-term memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Parallel Processing

= the processing of many aspects of a problem simultaneously the brainrsquos natural mode of information processing for many functions Contrasts with the step-by-step (serial) processing of most computers and of conscious problem solving

Wednesday March 6 13

Automatic Processing

= unconscious encoding of incidental information such as space time and frequency and of well-learned information such as word meanings

Wednesday March 6 13

Effortful Processing

= encoding that requires attention and conscious effort

Wednesday March 6 13


= the conscious repetition of information either to maintain it in consciousness or to encode it for storage

Wednesday March 6 13

Spacing Effect

= the tendency for distributed study or practice to yield better long-term retention than is achieved through massed study or practice

Wednesday March 6 13

Serial Position Effect

= our tendency to recall best the last and first items in a list

Wednesday March 6 13

Visual Encoding

= the encoding of picture images

Wednesday March 6 13

Acoustic Encoding

= the encoding of sound especially the sound of words

Wednesday March 6 13

Semantic Encoding

= the encoding of meaning including the meaning of words

Wednesday March 6 13


= mental pictures a powerful aid to effortful processing especially when combined with semantic encoding

Wednesday March 6 13


= memory aids especially those techniques that use vivid imagery and organizational devices

Wednesday March 6 13


= organizing items into familiar manageable units often occurs automatically

Wednesday March 6 13

Iconic Memory

= a momentary sensory memory of visual stimuli a photographic or picture-image memory lasting no more than a few tenths of a second

Wednesday March 6 13

Echoic Memory

= a momentary sensory memory of auditory stimuli if attention is elsewhere sounds and words can still be recalled within 3 or 4 seconds

Wednesday March 6 13

Long-term Potentiation (LTP)

= an increase in a synapsersquos firing potential after brief rapid stimulation Believed to be a neural basis for learning and memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Flashbulb Memory

= a clear memory of an emotionally significant moment or event

Wednesday March 6 13


= loss of memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Implicit Memory

= retention independent of conscious recollection (Also called nondeclarative or procedural memory)

Wednesday March 6 13

Explicit Memory

= memory of facts and experiences that one can consciously know and ldquodeclarerdquo (Also called declarative memory)

Wednesday March 6 13


= a neural center that is located in the limbic system helps process explicit memories for storage

Wednesday March 6 13


= a measure of memory in which the person must retrieve information learning earlier as on a fill-in-the-blank test

Wednesday March 6 13


= a measure of memory in which the person need only identify items previously learned as on a multiple-choice test

Wednesday March 6 13


= a measure of memory that assesses the amount of time saved when learning material for a second time

Wednesday March 6 13


= the activation often unconsciously of particular associations in memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Deja Vu

= that eerie sense that ldquoIrsquove experienced this beforerdquo Cues from the current situation may subconsciously trigger retrieval of an earlier experience

Wednesday March 6 13

Mood Congruent Memory

= the tendency to recall experiences that are consistent with onersquos current good or bad mood

Wednesday March 6 13

Proactive Interference

= the disruptive effect of prior learning on the recall of new information

Wednesday March 6 13

Retroactive Interference

= the disruptive effect of new learning on the recall of old information

Wednesday March 6 13


= in psychoanalytic theory the basic defense mechanism that banishes from consciousness anxiety-arousing thoughts feelings and memories

Wednesday March 6 13

Misinformation Effect

= incorporating misleading information into onersquos memory of an event

Wednesday March 6 13

Source Amnesia

= attributing to the wrong source an event we have experienced heard about read about or imagined (Also called source misattribution) Source amnesia along with the misinformation effect is at the heart of many false memories

Wednesday March 6 13

Storage Retaining InformationSensory Memory

bullSperlingrsquos memory experimentbullIconic13 memorybullEchoic13 memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Storage Retaining InformationWorkingShort-Term

bullMagic number SevenbullPlus or minus 2

bullThe list of magic sevensbullSeven wonders of worldbullSeven seasbullSeven deadly sinsbullSeven primary colorsbullSeven musical scale notesbullSeven days of the week

Wednesday March 6 13

Storage Retaining InformationLong-Term Memory

bullUnlimited nature of long-term memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Storage Retaining InformationStoring Memories in the

bullSynaptic ChangesbullMemory tracebullLong-shy‐term13 poten3a3on13 (LTP)bullMemory boosting drugs


Wednesday March 6 13

Storage Retaining InformationStoring Memories in the Stress Hormones and Memory

bullEmotions and memoriesbullFlashbulb13 memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Storage Retaining InformationStoring Memories in the bullStoring Implicit and Explicit Memories

bullAmnesiabullHM Studies

Wednesday March 6 13

Storage Retaining InformationStoring Memories in the

bullStoring Implicit and Explicit MemoriesbullImplicit13 memory13 (nondeclarative memory)bullExplicit13 memory13 (declarative memory)


Wednesday March 6 13

Storage13 Retaining13 Informa3onStoring13 Memories13 in13 the13 Brain

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval Getting Information Out


Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval Getting Information OutRetrieval Cues

bullRetrieval cuesbullMnemonic devicesbullPriming

Wednesday March 6 13


Wednesday March 6 13


Wednesday March 6 13


Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval Getting Information OutContext Effects

bullContext effectsbullDeacutejagrave13 vu

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 GeKng13 Informa3on13 OutContext13 Effects

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 GeKng13 Informa3on13 OutContext13 Effects

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 GeKng13 Informa3on13 OutContext13 Effects

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 GeKng13 Informa3on13 OutContext13 Effects

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 GeKng13 Informa3on13 OutContext13 Effects

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 GeKng13 Informa3on13 OutContext13 Effects

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval Getting Information OutMoods and Memories

bullState dependent memorybullMood13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 congruent13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 memory

Wednesday March 6 13


Wednesday March 6 13



Wednesday March 6 13


bullSchacterrsquos sevens sins of memorybullSins of Forgetting


Wednesday March 6 13


bullSchacterrsquos sevens sins of memorybullSins of distortion


bullSin of intrusionbullpersistence

Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Failure

bullEncoding failure

Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Failure

bullEncoding failure

Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Failure

Wednesday March 6 13

Storage DecaybullStorage decay

bullEbbinghaus curve

Wednesday March 6 13

Storage DecaybullStorage decay

bullEbbinghaus curve

Wednesday March 6 13

Ebbinghaus13 Curve

Wednesday March 6 13

Ebbinghaus13 Curve

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval Failure

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval FailureInterference

bullProac3ve13 interference13 (forward acting)bullRetroac3ve13 interference13 (backward-acting)

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 FailureInterference

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 FailureInterference

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 FailureInterference

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 FailureInterference

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 FailureInterference

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval FailureMotivated Forgetting

bullSelf-serving personal historiesbullRepression

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval FailureMotivated Forgetting

bullSelf-serving personal historiesbullRepression

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval FailureMotivated Forgetting

bullSelf-serving personal historiesbullRepression

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval FailureMotivated Forgetting

bullSelf-serving personal historiesbullRepression

Wednesday March 6 13

Memory Construction

Wednesday March 6 13

Misinformation and Imagination Effects

bullLoftus memory studiesbullMisinforma3on13 effect

Wednesday March 6 13

Source Amnesia

bullSource13 amnesia13 (source misattribution)

Wednesday March 6 13

Discerning True and False Memories

bullMemory studiesbullEye witness testimony

Wednesday March 6 13

Childrenrsquos Eyewitness Recall

bullChildrenrsquos memories of abusebullSuggestibility

Wednesday March 6 13

Repressed or Constructed Memories of Abuse

bullAreas of agreementbullSexual abuse happensbullInjustice happensbullForgetting happensbullRecovered memories are incompletebullMemories before 3 years are unreliablebullHypnotic memories are unreliablebullMemories can be emotionally upsetting

Wednesday March 6 13

Repressed or Constructed Memories of Abuse

bullLoftus studies with children

Wednesday March 6 13

Improving Memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Improving Memory TechniquesbullStudy repeatedlybullMake the material meaningfulbullActivate retrieval cuesbullUse mnemonic devicesbullMinimize interferencebullSleep morebullTest your own knowledge both to rehearse it and to help determine what you do not yet

Wednesday March 6 13

The End

Wednesday March 6 13

Teacher13 Informa3onbullTypes13 of13 Files

bullThis13 presenta3on13 has13 been13 saved13 as13 a13 ldquobasicrdquo13 Powerpoint13 file13 13 While13 this13 file13 format13 placed13 a13 few13 limita3ons13 on13 the13 presenta3on13 it13 insured13 the13 file13 would13 be13 compa3ble13 with13 the13 many13 versions13 of13 Powerpoint13 teachers13 use13 13 To13 add13 func3onality13 to13 the13 presenta3on13 teachers13 may13 want13 to13 save13 the13 file13 for13 their13 specific13 version13 of13 Powerpoint

bullAnima0onbullOnce13 again13 to13 insure13 compa3bility13 with13 all13 versions13 of13 Powerpoint13 none13 of13 the13 slides13 are13 animated13 13 To13 increase13 student13 interest13 it13 is13 suggested13 teachers13 animate13 the13 slides13 wherever13 possible

bullAdding13 slides13 to13 this13 presenta0onbullTeachers13 are13 encouraged13 to13 adapt13 this13 presenta3on13 to13 their13 personal13 teaching13 style13 13 To13 help13 keep13 a13 sense13 of13 con3nuity13 blank13 slides13 which13 can13 be13 copied13 and13 pasted13 to13 a13 specific13 loca3on13 in13 the13 presenta3on13 follow13 this13 ldquoTeacher13 Informa3onrdquo13 sec3on13 13 13

Wednesday March 6 13

Teacher13 Informa3onbullHyperlink13 Slides13 -shy‐13 This13 presenta3on13 contain13 two13 types13 of13 hyperlinks13 13 Hyperlinks13 can13 be13 iden3fied13 by13 the13 text13 being13 underlined13 and13 a13 different13 color13 (usually13 purple)

bullUnit13 subsec0ons13 hyperlinks13 13 Immediately13 aer13 the13 unit13 3tle13 slide13 a13 page13 (slide13 3)13 can13 be13 found13 lis3ng13 all13 of13 the13 unitrsquos13 subsec3ons13 13 While13 in13 slide13 show13 mode13 clicking13 on13 any13 of13 these13 hyperlinks13 will13 take13 the13 user13 directly13 to13 the13 beginning13 of13 that13 subsec3on13 13 This13 allows13 teachers13 quick13 access13 to13 each13 subsec3on

bullBold13 print13 term13 hyperlinks13 13 Every13 bold13 print13 term13 from13 the13 unit13 is13 included13 in13 this13 presenta3on13 as13 a13 hyperlink13 13 While13 in13 slide13 show13 mode13 clicking13 on13 any13 of13 the13 hyperlinks13 will13 take13 the13 user13 to13 a13 slide13 containing13 the13 formal13 defini3on13 of13 the13 term13 13 Clicking13 on13 the13 ldquoarrowrdquo13 in13 the13 boaom13 le13 corner13 of13 the13 defini3on13 slide13 will13 take13 the13 user13 back13 to13 the13 original13 point13 in13 the13 presenta3on13

13 These13 hyperlinks13 were13 included13 for13 teachers13 who13 want13 students13 to13 see13 or13 copy13 down13 the13 exact13 defini3on13 as13 stated13 in13 the13 text13 13 Most13 teachers13 prefer13 the13 defini3ons13 not13 be13 included13 to13 prevent13 students13 from13 only13 ldquocopying13 down13 what13 is13 on13 the13 screenrdquo13 and13 not13 ac3vely13 listening13 to13 the13 presenta3on

13 For13 teachers13 who13 con3nually13 use13 the13 Bold13 Print13 Term13 Hyperlinks13 op3on13 please13 contact13 the13 author13 using13 the13 email13 address13 on13 the13 next13 slide13 to13 learn13 a13 technique13 to13 expedite13 the13 returning13 to13 the13 original13 point13 in13 the13 presenta3on

Wednesday March 6 13

Teacher13 Informa3onbullCon0nuity13 slides

bullThroughout13 this13 presenta3on13 there13 are13 slides13 usually13 of13 graphics13 or13 tables13 that13 build13 on13 one13 another13 13 These13 are13 included13 for13 three13 purposes13 13

bullBy13 presen3ng13 informa3on13 in13 small13 chunks13 students13 will13 find13 it13 easier13 to13 process13 and13 remember13 the13 concepts13 13

bullBy13 con3nually13 changing13 slides13 students13 will13 stay13 interested13 in13 the13 presenta3onbullTo13 facilitate13 class13 discussion13 and13 cri3cal13 thinking13 13 Students13 should13 be13 encouraged13 to13 think13 about13 ldquowhat13 might13 come13 nextrdquo13 in13 the13 series13 of13 slides13 13

bullPlease13 feel13 free13 to13 contact13 me13 at13 kkorekgermantownk12wius13 with13 any13 ques3ons13 concerns13 sugges3ons13 etc13 regarding13 these13 presenta3ons13

Kent13 Korek

Germantown13 High13 School

Germantown13 WI13 53022

Wednesday March 6 13

Division title (green print)subdivision title (blue print)


Wednesday March 6 13

Division title (green print)

Use13 this13 slide13 to13 add13 a13 table13 chart13 clip13 art13 picture13 diagram13 or13 video13 clip13 13 Delete13 this13 box13 when13 finished

Wednesday March 6 13

Definition Slide

= add definition here

Wednesday March 6 13


Wednesday March 6 13


= the persistence of learning over time through the storage and retrieval of information

Wednesday March 6 13


= the processing of information into the memory systems ndash for example by extracting meaning

Wednesday March 6 13


= the retention of encoded information over time

Wednesday March 6 13


= the process of getting information out of memory storage

Wednesday March 6 13

Sensory Memory

= the immediate very brief recording of sensory information in the memory system

Wednesday March 6 13

Short-term Memory

= activated memory that holds a few items briefly such as the seven digits of a phone number while dialing before the information is stored or forgotten

Wednesday March 6 13

Long-term Memory

= the relatively permanent and limitless storehouse of the memory system Includes knowledge skills and experiences

Wednesday March 6 13

Working Memory

= a newer understanding of short-term memory that focuses on conscious active processing of incoming auditory and visual-spatial information and of information retrieved from long-term memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Parallel Processing

= the processing of many aspects of a problem simultaneously the brainrsquos natural mode of information processing for many functions Contrasts with the step-by-step (serial) processing of most computers and of conscious problem solving

Wednesday March 6 13

Automatic Processing

= unconscious encoding of incidental information such as space time and frequency and of well-learned information such as word meanings

Wednesday March 6 13

Effortful Processing

= encoding that requires attention and conscious effort

Wednesday March 6 13


= the conscious repetition of information either to maintain it in consciousness or to encode it for storage

Wednesday March 6 13

Spacing Effect

= the tendency for distributed study or practice to yield better long-term retention than is achieved through massed study or practice

Wednesday March 6 13

Serial Position Effect

= our tendency to recall best the last and first items in a list

Wednesday March 6 13

Visual Encoding

= the encoding of picture images

Wednesday March 6 13

Acoustic Encoding

= the encoding of sound especially the sound of words

Wednesday March 6 13

Semantic Encoding

= the encoding of meaning including the meaning of words

Wednesday March 6 13


= mental pictures a powerful aid to effortful processing especially when combined with semantic encoding

Wednesday March 6 13


= memory aids especially those techniques that use vivid imagery and organizational devices

Wednesday March 6 13


= organizing items into familiar manageable units often occurs automatically

Wednesday March 6 13

Iconic Memory

= a momentary sensory memory of visual stimuli a photographic or picture-image memory lasting no more than a few tenths of a second

Wednesday March 6 13

Echoic Memory

= a momentary sensory memory of auditory stimuli if attention is elsewhere sounds and words can still be recalled within 3 or 4 seconds

Wednesday March 6 13

Long-term Potentiation (LTP)

= an increase in a synapsersquos firing potential after brief rapid stimulation Believed to be a neural basis for learning and memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Flashbulb Memory

= a clear memory of an emotionally significant moment or event

Wednesday March 6 13


= loss of memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Implicit Memory

= retention independent of conscious recollection (Also called nondeclarative or procedural memory)

Wednesday March 6 13

Explicit Memory

= memory of facts and experiences that one can consciously know and ldquodeclarerdquo (Also called declarative memory)

Wednesday March 6 13


= a neural center that is located in the limbic system helps process explicit memories for storage

Wednesday March 6 13


= a measure of memory in which the person must retrieve information learning earlier as on a fill-in-the-blank test

Wednesday March 6 13


= a measure of memory in which the person need only identify items previously learned as on a multiple-choice test

Wednesday March 6 13


= a measure of memory that assesses the amount of time saved when learning material for a second time

Wednesday March 6 13


= the activation often unconsciously of particular associations in memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Deja Vu

= that eerie sense that ldquoIrsquove experienced this beforerdquo Cues from the current situation may subconsciously trigger retrieval of an earlier experience

Wednesday March 6 13

Mood Congruent Memory

= the tendency to recall experiences that are consistent with onersquos current good or bad mood

Wednesday March 6 13

Proactive Interference

= the disruptive effect of prior learning on the recall of new information

Wednesday March 6 13

Retroactive Interference

= the disruptive effect of new learning on the recall of old information

Wednesday March 6 13


= in psychoanalytic theory the basic defense mechanism that banishes from consciousness anxiety-arousing thoughts feelings and memories

Wednesday March 6 13

Misinformation Effect

= incorporating misleading information into onersquos memory of an event

Wednesday March 6 13

Source Amnesia

= attributing to the wrong source an event we have experienced heard about read about or imagined (Also called source misattribution) Source amnesia along with the misinformation effect is at the heart of many false memories

Wednesday March 6 13

Storage Retaining InformationWorkingShort-Term

bullMagic number SevenbullPlus or minus 2

bullThe list of magic sevensbullSeven wonders of worldbullSeven seasbullSeven deadly sinsbullSeven primary colorsbullSeven musical scale notesbullSeven days of the week

Wednesday March 6 13

Storage Retaining InformationLong-Term Memory

bullUnlimited nature of long-term memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Storage Retaining InformationStoring Memories in the

bullSynaptic ChangesbullMemory tracebullLong-shy‐term13 poten3a3on13 (LTP)bullMemory boosting drugs


Wednesday March 6 13

Storage Retaining InformationStoring Memories in the Stress Hormones and Memory

bullEmotions and memoriesbullFlashbulb13 memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Storage Retaining InformationStoring Memories in the bullStoring Implicit and Explicit Memories

bullAmnesiabullHM Studies

Wednesday March 6 13

Storage Retaining InformationStoring Memories in the

bullStoring Implicit and Explicit MemoriesbullImplicit13 memory13 (nondeclarative memory)bullExplicit13 memory13 (declarative memory)


Wednesday March 6 13

Storage13 Retaining13 Informa3onStoring13 Memories13 in13 the13 Brain

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval Getting Information Out


Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval Getting Information OutRetrieval Cues

bullRetrieval cuesbullMnemonic devicesbullPriming

Wednesday March 6 13


Wednesday March 6 13


Wednesday March 6 13


Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval Getting Information OutContext Effects

bullContext effectsbullDeacutejagrave13 vu

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 GeKng13 Informa3on13 OutContext13 Effects

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 GeKng13 Informa3on13 OutContext13 Effects

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 GeKng13 Informa3on13 OutContext13 Effects

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 GeKng13 Informa3on13 OutContext13 Effects

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 GeKng13 Informa3on13 OutContext13 Effects

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 GeKng13 Informa3on13 OutContext13 Effects

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval Getting Information OutMoods and Memories

bullState dependent memorybullMood13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 congruent13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 memory

Wednesday March 6 13


Wednesday March 6 13



Wednesday March 6 13


bullSchacterrsquos sevens sins of memorybullSins of Forgetting


Wednesday March 6 13


bullSchacterrsquos sevens sins of memorybullSins of distortion


bullSin of intrusionbullpersistence

Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Failure

bullEncoding failure

Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Failure

bullEncoding failure

Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Failure

Wednesday March 6 13

Storage DecaybullStorage decay

bullEbbinghaus curve

Wednesday March 6 13

Storage DecaybullStorage decay

bullEbbinghaus curve

Wednesday March 6 13

Ebbinghaus13 Curve

Wednesday March 6 13

Ebbinghaus13 Curve

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval Failure

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval FailureInterference

bullProac3ve13 interference13 (forward acting)bullRetroac3ve13 interference13 (backward-acting)

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 FailureInterference

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 FailureInterference

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 FailureInterference

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 FailureInterference

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 FailureInterference

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval FailureMotivated Forgetting

bullSelf-serving personal historiesbullRepression

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval FailureMotivated Forgetting

bullSelf-serving personal historiesbullRepression

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval FailureMotivated Forgetting

bullSelf-serving personal historiesbullRepression

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval FailureMotivated Forgetting

bullSelf-serving personal historiesbullRepression

Wednesday March 6 13

Memory Construction

Wednesday March 6 13

Misinformation and Imagination Effects

bullLoftus memory studiesbullMisinforma3on13 effect

Wednesday March 6 13

Source Amnesia

bullSource13 amnesia13 (source misattribution)

Wednesday March 6 13

Discerning True and False Memories

bullMemory studiesbullEye witness testimony

Wednesday March 6 13

Childrenrsquos Eyewitness Recall

bullChildrenrsquos memories of abusebullSuggestibility

Wednesday March 6 13

Repressed or Constructed Memories of Abuse

bullAreas of agreementbullSexual abuse happensbullInjustice happensbullForgetting happensbullRecovered memories are incompletebullMemories before 3 years are unreliablebullHypnotic memories are unreliablebullMemories can be emotionally upsetting

Wednesday March 6 13

Repressed or Constructed Memories of Abuse

bullLoftus studies with children

Wednesday March 6 13

Improving Memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Improving Memory TechniquesbullStudy repeatedlybullMake the material meaningfulbullActivate retrieval cuesbullUse mnemonic devicesbullMinimize interferencebullSleep morebullTest your own knowledge both to rehearse it and to help determine what you do not yet

Wednesday March 6 13

The End

Wednesday March 6 13

Teacher13 Informa3onbullTypes13 of13 Files

bullThis13 presenta3on13 has13 been13 saved13 as13 a13 ldquobasicrdquo13 Powerpoint13 file13 13 While13 this13 file13 format13 placed13 a13 few13 limita3ons13 on13 the13 presenta3on13 it13 insured13 the13 file13 would13 be13 compa3ble13 with13 the13 many13 versions13 of13 Powerpoint13 teachers13 use13 13 To13 add13 func3onality13 to13 the13 presenta3on13 teachers13 may13 want13 to13 save13 the13 file13 for13 their13 specific13 version13 of13 Powerpoint

bullAnima0onbullOnce13 again13 to13 insure13 compa3bility13 with13 all13 versions13 of13 Powerpoint13 none13 of13 the13 slides13 are13 animated13 13 To13 increase13 student13 interest13 it13 is13 suggested13 teachers13 animate13 the13 slides13 wherever13 possible

bullAdding13 slides13 to13 this13 presenta0onbullTeachers13 are13 encouraged13 to13 adapt13 this13 presenta3on13 to13 their13 personal13 teaching13 style13 13 To13 help13 keep13 a13 sense13 of13 con3nuity13 blank13 slides13 which13 can13 be13 copied13 and13 pasted13 to13 a13 specific13 loca3on13 in13 the13 presenta3on13 follow13 this13 ldquoTeacher13 Informa3onrdquo13 sec3on13 13 13

Wednesday March 6 13

Teacher13 Informa3onbullHyperlink13 Slides13 -shy‐13 This13 presenta3on13 contain13 two13 types13 of13 hyperlinks13 13 Hyperlinks13 can13 be13 iden3fied13 by13 the13 text13 being13 underlined13 and13 a13 different13 color13 (usually13 purple)

bullUnit13 subsec0ons13 hyperlinks13 13 Immediately13 aer13 the13 unit13 3tle13 slide13 a13 page13 (slide13 3)13 can13 be13 found13 lis3ng13 all13 of13 the13 unitrsquos13 subsec3ons13 13 While13 in13 slide13 show13 mode13 clicking13 on13 any13 of13 these13 hyperlinks13 will13 take13 the13 user13 directly13 to13 the13 beginning13 of13 that13 subsec3on13 13 This13 allows13 teachers13 quick13 access13 to13 each13 subsec3on

bullBold13 print13 term13 hyperlinks13 13 Every13 bold13 print13 term13 from13 the13 unit13 is13 included13 in13 this13 presenta3on13 as13 a13 hyperlink13 13 While13 in13 slide13 show13 mode13 clicking13 on13 any13 of13 the13 hyperlinks13 will13 take13 the13 user13 to13 a13 slide13 containing13 the13 formal13 defini3on13 of13 the13 term13 13 Clicking13 on13 the13 ldquoarrowrdquo13 in13 the13 boaom13 le13 corner13 of13 the13 defini3on13 slide13 will13 take13 the13 user13 back13 to13 the13 original13 point13 in13 the13 presenta3on13

13 These13 hyperlinks13 were13 included13 for13 teachers13 who13 want13 students13 to13 see13 or13 copy13 down13 the13 exact13 defini3on13 as13 stated13 in13 the13 text13 13 Most13 teachers13 prefer13 the13 defini3ons13 not13 be13 included13 to13 prevent13 students13 from13 only13 ldquocopying13 down13 what13 is13 on13 the13 screenrdquo13 and13 not13 ac3vely13 listening13 to13 the13 presenta3on

13 For13 teachers13 who13 con3nually13 use13 the13 Bold13 Print13 Term13 Hyperlinks13 op3on13 please13 contact13 the13 author13 using13 the13 email13 address13 on13 the13 next13 slide13 to13 learn13 a13 technique13 to13 expedite13 the13 returning13 to13 the13 original13 point13 in13 the13 presenta3on

Wednesday March 6 13

Teacher13 Informa3onbullCon0nuity13 slides

bullThroughout13 this13 presenta3on13 there13 are13 slides13 usually13 of13 graphics13 or13 tables13 that13 build13 on13 one13 another13 13 These13 are13 included13 for13 three13 purposes13 13

bullBy13 presen3ng13 informa3on13 in13 small13 chunks13 students13 will13 find13 it13 easier13 to13 process13 and13 remember13 the13 concepts13 13

bullBy13 con3nually13 changing13 slides13 students13 will13 stay13 interested13 in13 the13 presenta3onbullTo13 facilitate13 class13 discussion13 and13 cri3cal13 thinking13 13 Students13 should13 be13 encouraged13 to13 think13 about13 ldquowhat13 might13 come13 nextrdquo13 in13 the13 series13 of13 slides13 13

bullPlease13 feel13 free13 to13 contact13 me13 at13 kkorekgermantownk12wius13 with13 any13 ques3ons13 concerns13 sugges3ons13 etc13 regarding13 these13 presenta3ons13

Kent13 Korek

Germantown13 High13 School

Germantown13 WI13 53022

Wednesday March 6 13

Division title (green print)subdivision title (blue print)


Wednesday March 6 13

Division title (green print)

Use13 this13 slide13 to13 add13 a13 table13 chart13 clip13 art13 picture13 diagram13 or13 video13 clip13 13 Delete13 this13 box13 when13 finished

Wednesday March 6 13

Definition Slide

= add definition here

Wednesday March 6 13


Wednesday March 6 13


= the persistence of learning over time through the storage and retrieval of information

Wednesday March 6 13


= the processing of information into the memory systems ndash for example by extracting meaning

Wednesday March 6 13


= the retention of encoded information over time

Wednesday March 6 13


= the process of getting information out of memory storage

Wednesday March 6 13

Sensory Memory

= the immediate very brief recording of sensory information in the memory system

Wednesday March 6 13

Short-term Memory

= activated memory that holds a few items briefly such as the seven digits of a phone number while dialing before the information is stored or forgotten

Wednesday March 6 13

Long-term Memory

= the relatively permanent and limitless storehouse of the memory system Includes knowledge skills and experiences

Wednesday March 6 13

Working Memory

= a newer understanding of short-term memory that focuses on conscious active processing of incoming auditory and visual-spatial information and of information retrieved from long-term memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Parallel Processing

= the processing of many aspects of a problem simultaneously the brainrsquos natural mode of information processing for many functions Contrasts with the step-by-step (serial) processing of most computers and of conscious problem solving

Wednesday March 6 13

Automatic Processing

= unconscious encoding of incidental information such as space time and frequency and of well-learned information such as word meanings

Wednesday March 6 13

Effortful Processing

= encoding that requires attention and conscious effort

Wednesday March 6 13


= the conscious repetition of information either to maintain it in consciousness or to encode it for storage

Wednesday March 6 13

Spacing Effect

= the tendency for distributed study or practice to yield better long-term retention than is achieved through massed study or practice

Wednesday March 6 13

Serial Position Effect

= our tendency to recall best the last and first items in a list

Wednesday March 6 13

Visual Encoding

= the encoding of picture images

Wednesday March 6 13

Acoustic Encoding

= the encoding of sound especially the sound of words

Wednesday March 6 13

Semantic Encoding

= the encoding of meaning including the meaning of words

Wednesday March 6 13


= mental pictures a powerful aid to effortful processing especially when combined with semantic encoding

Wednesday March 6 13


= memory aids especially those techniques that use vivid imagery and organizational devices

Wednesday March 6 13


= organizing items into familiar manageable units often occurs automatically

Wednesday March 6 13

Iconic Memory

= a momentary sensory memory of visual stimuli a photographic or picture-image memory lasting no more than a few tenths of a second

Wednesday March 6 13

Echoic Memory

= a momentary sensory memory of auditory stimuli if attention is elsewhere sounds and words can still be recalled within 3 or 4 seconds

Wednesday March 6 13

Long-term Potentiation (LTP)

= an increase in a synapsersquos firing potential after brief rapid stimulation Believed to be a neural basis for learning and memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Flashbulb Memory

= a clear memory of an emotionally significant moment or event

Wednesday March 6 13


= loss of memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Implicit Memory

= retention independent of conscious recollection (Also called nondeclarative or procedural memory)

Wednesday March 6 13

Explicit Memory

= memory of facts and experiences that one can consciously know and ldquodeclarerdquo (Also called declarative memory)

Wednesday March 6 13


= a neural center that is located in the limbic system helps process explicit memories for storage

Wednesday March 6 13


= a measure of memory in which the person must retrieve information learning earlier as on a fill-in-the-blank test

Wednesday March 6 13


= a measure of memory in which the person need only identify items previously learned as on a multiple-choice test

Wednesday March 6 13


= a measure of memory that assesses the amount of time saved when learning material for a second time

Wednesday March 6 13


= the activation often unconsciously of particular associations in memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Deja Vu

= that eerie sense that ldquoIrsquove experienced this beforerdquo Cues from the current situation may subconsciously trigger retrieval of an earlier experience

Wednesday March 6 13

Mood Congruent Memory

= the tendency to recall experiences that are consistent with onersquos current good or bad mood

Wednesday March 6 13

Proactive Interference

= the disruptive effect of prior learning on the recall of new information

Wednesday March 6 13

Retroactive Interference

= the disruptive effect of new learning on the recall of old information

Wednesday March 6 13


= in psychoanalytic theory the basic defense mechanism that banishes from consciousness anxiety-arousing thoughts feelings and memories

Wednesday March 6 13

Misinformation Effect

= incorporating misleading information into onersquos memory of an event

Wednesday March 6 13

Source Amnesia

= attributing to the wrong source an event we have experienced heard about read about or imagined (Also called source misattribution) Source amnesia along with the misinformation effect is at the heart of many false memories

Wednesday March 6 13

Storage Retaining InformationLong-Term Memory

bullUnlimited nature of long-term memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Storage Retaining InformationStoring Memories in the

bullSynaptic ChangesbullMemory tracebullLong-shy‐term13 poten3a3on13 (LTP)bullMemory boosting drugs


Wednesday March 6 13

Storage Retaining InformationStoring Memories in the Stress Hormones and Memory

bullEmotions and memoriesbullFlashbulb13 memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Storage Retaining InformationStoring Memories in the bullStoring Implicit and Explicit Memories

bullAmnesiabullHM Studies

Wednesday March 6 13

Storage Retaining InformationStoring Memories in the

bullStoring Implicit and Explicit MemoriesbullImplicit13 memory13 (nondeclarative memory)bullExplicit13 memory13 (declarative memory)


Wednesday March 6 13

Storage13 Retaining13 Informa3onStoring13 Memories13 in13 the13 Brain

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval Getting Information Out


Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval Getting Information OutRetrieval Cues

bullRetrieval cuesbullMnemonic devicesbullPriming

Wednesday March 6 13


Wednesday March 6 13


Wednesday March 6 13


Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval Getting Information OutContext Effects

bullContext effectsbullDeacutejagrave13 vu

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 GeKng13 Informa3on13 OutContext13 Effects

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 GeKng13 Informa3on13 OutContext13 Effects

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 GeKng13 Informa3on13 OutContext13 Effects

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 GeKng13 Informa3on13 OutContext13 Effects

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 GeKng13 Informa3on13 OutContext13 Effects

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 GeKng13 Informa3on13 OutContext13 Effects

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval Getting Information OutMoods and Memories

bullState dependent memorybullMood13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 congruent13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 memory

Wednesday March 6 13


Wednesday March 6 13



Wednesday March 6 13


bullSchacterrsquos sevens sins of memorybullSins of Forgetting


Wednesday March 6 13


bullSchacterrsquos sevens sins of memorybullSins of distortion


bullSin of intrusionbullpersistence

Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Failure

bullEncoding failure

Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Failure

bullEncoding failure

Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Failure

Wednesday March 6 13

Storage DecaybullStorage decay

bullEbbinghaus curve

Wednesday March 6 13

Storage DecaybullStorage decay

bullEbbinghaus curve

Wednesday March 6 13

Ebbinghaus13 Curve

Wednesday March 6 13

Ebbinghaus13 Curve

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval Failure

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval FailureInterference

bullProac3ve13 interference13 (forward acting)bullRetroac3ve13 interference13 (backward-acting)

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 FailureInterference

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 FailureInterference

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 FailureInterference

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 FailureInterference

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 FailureInterference

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval FailureMotivated Forgetting

bullSelf-serving personal historiesbullRepression

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval FailureMotivated Forgetting

bullSelf-serving personal historiesbullRepression

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval FailureMotivated Forgetting

bullSelf-serving personal historiesbullRepression

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval FailureMotivated Forgetting

bullSelf-serving personal historiesbullRepression

Wednesday March 6 13

Memory Construction

Wednesday March 6 13

Misinformation and Imagination Effects

bullLoftus memory studiesbullMisinforma3on13 effect

Wednesday March 6 13

Source Amnesia

bullSource13 amnesia13 (source misattribution)

Wednesday March 6 13

Discerning True and False Memories

bullMemory studiesbullEye witness testimony

Wednesday March 6 13

Childrenrsquos Eyewitness Recall

bullChildrenrsquos memories of abusebullSuggestibility

Wednesday March 6 13

Repressed or Constructed Memories of Abuse

bullAreas of agreementbullSexual abuse happensbullInjustice happensbullForgetting happensbullRecovered memories are incompletebullMemories before 3 years are unreliablebullHypnotic memories are unreliablebullMemories can be emotionally upsetting

Wednesday March 6 13

Repressed or Constructed Memories of Abuse

bullLoftus studies with children

Wednesday March 6 13

Improving Memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Improving Memory TechniquesbullStudy repeatedlybullMake the material meaningfulbullActivate retrieval cuesbullUse mnemonic devicesbullMinimize interferencebullSleep morebullTest your own knowledge both to rehearse it and to help determine what you do not yet

Wednesday March 6 13

The End

Wednesday March 6 13

Teacher13 Informa3onbullTypes13 of13 Files

bullThis13 presenta3on13 has13 been13 saved13 as13 a13 ldquobasicrdquo13 Powerpoint13 file13 13 While13 this13 file13 format13 placed13 a13 few13 limita3ons13 on13 the13 presenta3on13 it13 insured13 the13 file13 would13 be13 compa3ble13 with13 the13 many13 versions13 of13 Powerpoint13 teachers13 use13 13 To13 add13 func3onality13 to13 the13 presenta3on13 teachers13 may13 want13 to13 save13 the13 file13 for13 their13 specific13 version13 of13 Powerpoint

bullAnima0onbullOnce13 again13 to13 insure13 compa3bility13 with13 all13 versions13 of13 Powerpoint13 none13 of13 the13 slides13 are13 animated13 13 To13 increase13 student13 interest13 it13 is13 suggested13 teachers13 animate13 the13 slides13 wherever13 possible

bullAdding13 slides13 to13 this13 presenta0onbullTeachers13 are13 encouraged13 to13 adapt13 this13 presenta3on13 to13 their13 personal13 teaching13 style13 13 To13 help13 keep13 a13 sense13 of13 con3nuity13 blank13 slides13 which13 can13 be13 copied13 and13 pasted13 to13 a13 specific13 loca3on13 in13 the13 presenta3on13 follow13 this13 ldquoTeacher13 Informa3onrdquo13 sec3on13 13 13

Wednesday March 6 13

Teacher13 Informa3onbullHyperlink13 Slides13 -shy‐13 This13 presenta3on13 contain13 two13 types13 of13 hyperlinks13 13 Hyperlinks13 can13 be13 iden3fied13 by13 the13 text13 being13 underlined13 and13 a13 different13 color13 (usually13 purple)

bullUnit13 subsec0ons13 hyperlinks13 13 Immediately13 aer13 the13 unit13 3tle13 slide13 a13 page13 (slide13 3)13 can13 be13 found13 lis3ng13 all13 of13 the13 unitrsquos13 subsec3ons13 13 While13 in13 slide13 show13 mode13 clicking13 on13 any13 of13 these13 hyperlinks13 will13 take13 the13 user13 directly13 to13 the13 beginning13 of13 that13 subsec3on13 13 This13 allows13 teachers13 quick13 access13 to13 each13 subsec3on

bullBold13 print13 term13 hyperlinks13 13 Every13 bold13 print13 term13 from13 the13 unit13 is13 included13 in13 this13 presenta3on13 as13 a13 hyperlink13 13 While13 in13 slide13 show13 mode13 clicking13 on13 any13 of13 the13 hyperlinks13 will13 take13 the13 user13 to13 a13 slide13 containing13 the13 formal13 defini3on13 of13 the13 term13 13 Clicking13 on13 the13 ldquoarrowrdquo13 in13 the13 boaom13 le13 corner13 of13 the13 defini3on13 slide13 will13 take13 the13 user13 back13 to13 the13 original13 point13 in13 the13 presenta3on13

13 These13 hyperlinks13 were13 included13 for13 teachers13 who13 want13 students13 to13 see13 or13 copy13 down13 the13 exact13 defini3on13 as13 stated13 in13 the13 text13 13 Most13 teachers13 prefer13 the13 defini3ons13 not13 be13 included13 to13 prevent13 students13 from13 only13 ldquocopying13 down13 what13 is13 on13 the13 screenrdquo13 and13 not13 ac3vely13 listening13 to13 the13 presenta3on

13 For13 teachers13 who13 con3nually13 use13 the13 Bold13 Print13 Term13 Hyperlinks13 op3on13 please13 contact13 the13 author13 using13 the13 email13 address13 on13 the13 next13 slide13 to13 learn13 a13 technique13 to13 expedite13 the13 returning13 to13 the13 original13 point13 in13 the13 presenta3on

Wednesday March 6 13

Teacher13 Informa3onbullCon0nuity13 slides

bullThroughout13 this13 presenta3on13 there13 are13 slides13 usually13 of13 graphics13 or13 tables13 that13 build13 on13 one13 another13 13 These13 are13 included13 for13 three13 purposes13 13

bullBy13 presen3ng13 informa3on13 in13 small13 chunks13 students13 will13 find13 it13 easier13 to13 process13 and13 remember13 the13 concepts13 13

bullBy13 con3nually13 changing13 slides13 students13 will13 stay13 interested13 in13 the13 presenta3onbullTo13 facilitate13 class13 discussion13 and13 cri3cal13 thinking13 13 Students13 should13 be13 encouraged13 to13 think13 about13 ldquowhat13 might13 come13 nextrdquo13 in13 the13 series13 of13 slides13 13

bullPlease13 feel13 free13 to13 contact13 me13 at13 kkorekgermantownk12wius13 with13 any13 ques3ons13 concerns13 sugges3ons13 etc13 regarding13 these13 presenta3ons13

Kent13 Korek

Germantown13 High13 School

Germantown13 WI13 53022

Wednesday March 6 13

Division title (green print)subdivision title (blue print)


Wednesday March 6 13

Division title (green print)

Use13 this13 slide13 to13 add13 a13 table13 chart13 clip13 art13 picture13 diagram13 or13 video13 clip13 13 Delete13 this13 box13 when13 finished

Wednesday March 6 13

Definition Slide

= add definition here

Wednesday March 6 13


Wednesday March 6 13


= the persistence of learning over time through the storage and retrieval of information

Wednesday March 6 13


= the processing of information into the memory systems ndash for example by extracting meaning

Wednesday March 6 13


= the retention of encoded information over time

Wednesday March 6 13


= the process of getting information out of memory storage

Wednesday March 6 13

Sensory Memory

= the immediate very brief recording of sensory information in the memory system

Wednesday March 6 13

Short-term Memory

= activated memory that holds a few items briefly such as the seven digits of a phone number while dialing before the information is stored or forgotten

Wednesday March 6 13

Long-term Memory

= the relatively permanent and limitless storehouse of the memory system Includes knowledge skills and experiences

Wednesday March 6 13

Working Memory

= a newer understanding of short-term memory that focuses on conscious active processing of incoming auditory and visual-spatial information and of information retrieved from long-term memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Parallel Processing

= the processing of many aspects of a problem simultaneously the brainrsquos natural mode of information processing for many functions Contrasts with the step-by-step (serial) processing of most computers and of conscious problem solving

Wednesday March 6 13

Automatic Processing

= unconscious encoding of incidental information such as space time and frequency and of well-learned information such as word meanings

Wednesday March 6 13

Effortful Processing

= encoding that requires attention and conscious effort

Wednesday March 6 13


= the conscious repetition of information either to maintain it in consciousness or to encode it for storage

Wednesday March 6 13

Spacing Effect

= the tendency for distributed study or practice to yield better long-term retention than is achieved through massed study or practice

Wednesday March 6 13

Serial Position Effect

= our tendency to recall best the last and first items in a list

Wednesday March 6 13

Visual Encoding

= the encoding of picture images

Wednesday March 6 13

Acoustic Encoding

= the encoding of sound especially the sound of words

Wednesday March 6 13

Semantic Encoding

= the encoding of meaning including the meaning of words

Wednesday March 6 13


= mental pictures a powerful aid to effortful processing especially when combined with semantic encoding

Wednesday March 6 13


= memory aids especially those techniques that use vivid imagery and organizational devices

Wednesday March 6 13


= organizing items into familiar manageable units often occurs automatically

Wednesday March 6 13

Iconic Memory

= a momentary sensory memory of visual stimuli a photographic or picture-image memory lasting no more than a few tenths of a second

Wednesday March 6 13

Echoic Memory

= a momentary sensory memory of auditory stimuli if attention is elsewhere sounds and words can still be recalled within 3 or 4 seconds

Wednesday March 6 13

Long-term Potentiation (LTP)

= an increase in a synapsersquos firing potential after brief rapid stimulation Believed to be a neural basis for learning and memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Flashbulb Memory

= a clear memory of an emotionally significant moment or event

Wednesday March 6 13


= loss of memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Implicit Memory

= retention independent of conscious recollection (Also called nondeclarative or procedural memory)

Wednesday March 6 13

Explicit Memory

= memory of facts and experiences that one can consciously know and ldquodeclarerdquo (Also called declarative memory)

Wednesday March 6 13


= a neural center that is located in the limbic system helps process explicit memories for storage

Wednesday March 6 13


= a measure of memory in which the person must retrieve information learning earlier as on a fill-in-the-blank test

Wednesday March 6 13


= a measure of memory in which the person need only identify items previously learned as on a multiple-choice test

Wednesday March 6 13


= a measure of memory that assesses the amount of time saved when learning material for a second time

Wednesday March 6 13


= the activation often unconsciously of particular associations in memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Deja Vu

= that eerie sense that ldquoIrsquove experienced this beforerdquo Cues from the current situation may subconsciously trigger retrieval of an earlier experience

Wednesday March 6 13

Mood Congruent Memory

= the tendency to recall experiences that are consistent with onersquos current good or bad mood

Wednesday March 6 13

Proactive Interference

= the disruptive effect of prior learning on the recall of new information

Wednesday March 6 13

Retroactive Interference

= the disruptive effect of new learning on the recall of old information

Wednesday March 6 13


= in psychoanalytic theory the basic defense mechanism that banishes from consciousness anxiety-arousing thoughts feelings and memories

Wednesday March 6 13

Misinformation Effect

= incorporating misleading information into onersquos memory of an event

Wednesday March 6 13

Source Amnesia

= attributing to the wrong source an event we have experienced heard about read about or imagined (Also called source misattribution) Source amnesia along with the misinformation effect is at the heart of many false memories

Wednesday March 6 13

Storage Retaining InformationStoring Memories in the

bullSynaptic ChangesbullMemory tracebullLong-shy‐term13 poten3a3on13 (LTP)bullMemory boosting drugs


Wednesday March 6 13

Storage Retaining InformationStoring Memories in the Stress Hormones and Memory

bullEmotions and memoriesbullFlashbulb13 memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Storage Retaining InformationStoring Memories in the bullStoring Implicit and Explicit Memories

bullAmnesiabullHM Studies

Wednesday March 6 13

Storage Retaining InformationStoring Memories in the

bullStoring Implicit and Explicit MemoriesbullImplicit13 memory13 (nondeclarative memory)bullExplicit13 memory13 (declarative memory)


Wednesday March 6 13

Storage13 Retaining13 Informa3onStoring13 Memories13 in13 the13 Brain

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval Getting Information Out


Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval Getting Information OutRetrieval Cues

bullRetrieval cuesbullMnemonic devicesbullPriming

Wednesday March 6 13


Wednesday March 6 13


Wednesday March 6 13


Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval Getting Information OutContext Effects

bullContext effectsbullDeacutejagrave13 vu

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 GeKng13 Informa3on13 OutContext13 Effects

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 GeKng13 Informa3on13 OutContext13 Effects

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 GeKng13 Informa3on13 OutContext13 Effects

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 GeKng13 Informa3on13 OutContext13 Effects

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 GeKng13 Informa3on13 OutContext13 Effects

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 GeKng13 Informa3on13 OutContext13 Effects

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval Getting Information OutMoods and Memories

bullState dependent memorybullMood13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 congruent13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 memory

Wednesday March 6 13


Wednesday March 6 13



Wednesday March 6 13


bullSchacterrsquos sevens sins of memorybullSins of Forgetting


Wednesday March 6 13


bullSchacterrsquos sevens sins of memorybullSins of distortion


bullSin of intrusionbullpersistence

Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Failure

bullEncoding failure

Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Failure

bullEncoding failure

Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Failure

Wednesday March 6 13

Storage DecaybullStorage decay

bullEbbinghaus curve

Wednesday March 6 13

Storage DecaybullStorage decay

bullEbbinghaus curve

Wednesday March 6 13

Ebbinghaus13 Curve

Wednesday March 6 13

Ebbinghaus13 Curve

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval Failure

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval FailureInterference

bullProac3ve13 interference13 (forward acting)bullRetroac3ve13 interference13 (backward-acting)

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 FailureInterference

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 FailureInterference

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 FailureInterference

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 FailureInterference

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 FailureInterference

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval FailureMotivated Forgetting

bullSelf-serving personal historiesbullRepression

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval FailureMotivated Forgetting

bullSelf-serving personal historiesbullRepression

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval FailureMotivated Forgetting

bullSelf-serving personal historiesbullRepression

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval FailureMotivated Forgetting

bullSelf-serving personal historiesbullRepression

Wednesday March 6 13

Memory Construction

Wednesday March 6 13

Misinformation and Imagination Effects

bullLoftus memory studiesbullMisinforma3on13 effect

Wednesday March 6 13

Source Amnesia

bullSource13 amnesia13 (source misattribution)

Wednesday March 6 13

Discerning True and False Memories

bullMemory studiesbullEye witness testimony

Wednesday March 6 13

Childrenrsquos Eyewitness Recall

bullChildrenrsquos memories of abusebullSuggestibility

Wednesday March 6 13

Repressed or Constructed Memories of Abuse

bullAreas of agreementbullSexual abuse happensbullInjustice happensbullForgetting happensbullRecovered memories are incompletebullMemories before 3 years are unreliablebullHypnotic memories are unreliablebullMemories can be emotionally upsetting

Wednesday March 6 13

Repressed or Constructed Memories of Abuse

bullLoftus studies with children

Wednesday March 6 13

Improving Memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Improving Memory TechniquesbullStudy repeatedlybullMake the material meaningfulbullActivate retrieval cuesbullUse mnemonic devicesbullMinimize interferencebullSleep morebullTest your own knowledge both to rehearse it and to help determine what you do not yet

Wednesday March 6 13

The End

Wednesday March 6 13

Teacher13 Informa3onbullTypes13 of13 Files

bullThis13 presenta3on13 has13 been13 saved13 as13 a13 ldquobasicrdquo13 Powerpoint13 file13 13 While13 this13 file13 format13 placed13 a13 few13 limita3ons13 on13 the13 presenta3on13 it13 insured13 the13 file13 would13 be13 compa3ble13 with13 the13 many13 versions13 of13 Powerpoint13 teachers13 use13 13 To13 add13 func3onality13 to13 the13 presenta3on13 teachers13 may13 want13 to13 save13 the13 file13 for13 their13 specific13 version13 of13 Powerpoint

bullAnima0onbullOnce13 again13 to13 insure13 compa3bility13 with13 all13 versions13 of13 Powerpoint13 none13 of13 the13 slides13 are13 animated13 13 To13 increase13 student13 interest13 it13 is13 suggested13 teachers13 animate13 the13 slides13 wherever13 possible

bullAdding13 slides13 to13 this13 presenta0onbullTeachers13 are13 encouraged13 to13 adapt13 this13 presenta3on13 to13 their13 personal13 teaching13 style13 13 To13 help13 keep13 a13 sense13 of13 con3nuity13 blank13 slides13 which13 can13 be13 copied13 and13 pasted13 to13 a13 specific13 loca3on13 in13 the13 presenta3on13 follow13 this13 ldquoTeacher13 Informa3onrdquo13 sec3on13 13 13

Wednesday March 6 13

Teacher13 Informa3onbullHyperlink13 Slides13 -shy‐13 This13 presenta3on13 contain13 two13 types13 of13 hyperlinks13 13 Hyperlinks13 can13 be13 iden3fied13 by13 the13 text13 being13 underlined13 and13 a13 different13 color13 (usually13 purple)

bullUnit13 subsec0ons13 hyperlinks13 13 Immediately13 aer13 the13 unit13 3tle13 slide13 a13 page13 (slide13 3)13 can13 be13 found13 lis3ng13 all13 of13 the13 unitrsquos13 subsec3ons13 13 While13 in13 slide13 show13 mode13 clicking13 on13 any13 of13 these13 hyperlinks13 will13 take13 the13 user13 directly13 to13 the13 beginning13 of13 that13 subsec3on13 13 This13 allows13 teachers13 quick13 access13 to13 each13 subsec3on

bullBold13 print13 term13 hyperlinks13 13 Every13 bold13 print13 term13 from13 the13 unit13 is13 included13 in13 this13 presenta3on13 as13 a13 hyperlink13 13 While13 in13 slide13 show13 mode13 clicking13 on13 any13 of13 the13 hyperlinks13 will13 take13 the13 user13 to13 a13 slide13 containing13 the13 formal13 defini3on13 of13 the13 term13 13 Clicking13 on13 the13 ldquoarrowrdquo13 in13 the13 boaom13 le13 corner13 of13 the13 defini3on13 slide13 will13 take13 the13 user13 back13 to13 the13 original13 point13 in13 the13 presenta3on13

13 These13 hyperlinks13 were13 included13 for13 teachers13 who13 want13 students13 to13 see13 or13 copy13 down13 the13 exact13 defini3on13 as13 stated13 in13 the13 text13 13 Most13 teachers13 prefer13 the13 defini3ons13 not13 be13 included13 to13 prevent13 students13 from13 only13 ldquocopying13 down13 what13 is13 on13 the13 screenrdquo13 and13 not13 ac3vely13 listening13 to13 the13 presenta3on

13 For13 teachers13 who13 con3nually13 use13 the13 Bold13 Print13 Term13 Hyperlinks13 op3on13 please13 contact13 the13 author13 using13 the13 email13 address13 on13 the13 next13 slide13 to13 learn13 a13 technique13 to13 expedite13 the13 returning13 to13 the13 original13 point13 in13 the13 presenta3on

Wednesday March 6 13

Teacher13 Informa3onbullCon0nuity13 slides

bullThroughout13 this13 presenta3on13 there13 are13 slides13 usually13 of13 graphics13 or13 tables13 that13 build13 on13 one13 another13 13 These13 are13 included13 for13 three13 purposes13 13

bullBy13 presen3ng13 informa3on13 in13 small13 chunks13 students13 will13 find13 it13 easier13 to13 process13 and13 remember13 the13 concepts13 13

bullBy13 con3nually13 changing13 slides13 students13 will13 stay13 interested13 in13 the13 presenta3onbullTo13 facilitate13 class13 discussion13 and13 cri3cal13 thinking13 13 Students13 should13 be13 encouraged13 to13 think13 about13 ldquowhat13 might13 come13 nextrdquo13 in13 the13 series13 of13 slides13 13

bullPlease13 feel13 free13 to13 contact13 me13 at13 kkorekgermantownk12wius13 with13 any13 ques3ons13 concerns13 sugges3ons13 etc13 regarding13 these13 presenta3ons13

Kent13 Korek

Germantown13 High13 School

Germantown13 WI13 53022

Wednesday March 6 13

Division title (green print)subdivision title (blue print)


Wednesday March 6 13

Division title (green print)

Use13 this13 slide13 to13 add13 a13 table13 chart13 clip13 art13 picture13 diagram13 or13 video13 clip13 13 Delete13 this13 box13 when13 finished

Wednesday March 6 13

Definition Slide

= add definition here

Wednesday March 6 13


Wednesday March 6 13


= the persistence of learning over time through the storage and retrieval of information

Wednesday March 6 13


= the processing of information into the memory systems ndash for example by extracting meaning

Wednesday March 6 13


= the retention of encoded information over time

Wednesday March 6 13


= the process of getting information out of memory storage

Wednesday March 6 13

Sensory Memory

= the immediate very brief recording of sensory information in the memory system

Wednesday March 6 13

Short-term Memory

= activated memory that holds a few items briefly such as the seven digits of a phone number while dialing before the information is stored or forgotten

Wednesday March 6 13

Long-term Memory

= the relatively permanent and limitless storehouse of the memory system Includes knowledge skills and experiences

Wednesday March 6 13

Working Memory

= a newer understanding of short-term memory that focuses on conscious active processing of incoming auditory and visual-spatial information and of information retrieved from long-term memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Parallel Processing

= the processing of many aspects of a problem simultaneously the brainrsquos natural mode of information processing for many functions Contrasts with the step-by-step (serial) processing of most computers and of conscious problem solving

Wednesday March 6 13

Automatic Processing

= unconscious encoding of incidental information such as space time and frequency and of well-learned information such as word meanings

Wednesday March 6 13

Effortful Processing

= encoding that requires attention and conscious effort

Wednesday March 6 13


= the conscious repetition of information either to maintain it in consciousness or to encode it for storage

Wednesday March 6 13

Spacing Effect

= the tendency for distributed study or practice to yield better long-term retention than is achieved through massed study or practice

Wednesday March 6 13

Serial Position Effect

= our tendency to recall best the last and first items in a list

Wednesday March 6 13

Visual Encoding

= the encoding of picture images

Wednesday March 6 13

Acoustic Encoding

= the encoding of sound especially the sound of words

Wednesday March 6 13

Semantic Encoding

= the encoding of meaning including the meaning of words

Wednesday March 6 13


= mental pictures a powerful aid to effortful processing especially when combined with semantic encoding

Wednesday March 6 13


= memory aids especially those techniques that use vivid imagery and organizational devices

Wednesday March 6 13


= organizing items into familiar manageable units often occurs automatically

Wednesday March 6 13

Iconic Memory

= a momentary sensory memory of visual stimuli a photographic or picture-image memory lasting no more than a few tenths of a second

Wednesday March 6 13

Echoic Memory

= a momentary sensory memory of auditory stimuli if attention is elsewhere sounds and words can still be recalled within 3 or 4 seconds

Wednesday March 6 13

Long-term Potentiation (LTP)

= an increase in a synapsersquos firing potential after brief rapid stimulation Believed to be a neural basis for learning and memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Flashbulb Memory

= a clear memory of an emotionally significant moment or event

Wednesday March 6 13


= loss of memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Implicit Memory

= retention independent of conscious recollection (Also called nondeclarative or procedural memory)

Wednesday March 6 13

Explicit Memory

= memory of facts and experiences that one can consciously know and ldquodeclarerdquo (Also called declarative memory)

Wednesday March 6 13


= a neural center that is located in the limbic system helps process explicit memories for storage

Wednesday March 6 13


= a measure of memory in which the person must retrieve information learning earlier as on a fill-in-the-blank test

Wednesday March 6 13


= a measure of memory in which the person need only identify items previously learned as on a multiple-choice test

Wednesday March 6 13


= a measure of memory that assesses the amount of time saved when learning material for a second time

Wednesday March 6 13


= the activation often unconsciously of particular associations in memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Deja Vu

= that eerie sense that ldquoIrsquove experienced this beforerdquo Cues from the current situation may subconsciously trigger retrieval of an earlier experience

Wednesday March 6 13

Mood Congruent Memory

= the tendency to recall experiences that are consistent with onersquos current good or bad mood

Wednesday March 6 13

Proactive Interference

= the disruptive effect of prior learning on the recall of new information

Wednesday March 6 13

Retroactive Interference

= the disruptive effect of new learning on the recall of old information

Wednesday March 6 13


= in psychoanalytic theory the basic defense mechanism that banishes from consciousness anxiety-arousing thoughts feelings and memories

Wednesday March 6 13

Misinformation Effect

= incorporating misleading information into onersquos memory of an event

Wednesday March 6 13

Source Amnesia

= attributing to the wrong source an event we have experienced heard about read about or imagined (Also called source misattribution) Source amnesia along with the misinformation effect is at the heart of many false memories

Wednesday March 6 13

Storage Retaining InformationStoring Memories in the Stress Hormones and Memory

bullEmotions and memoriesbullFlashbulb13 memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Storage Retaining InformationStoring Memories in the bullStoring Implicit and Explicit Memories

bullAmnesiabullHM Studies

Wednesday March 6 13

Storage Retaining InformationStoring Memories in the

bullStoring Implicit and Explicit MemoriesbullImplicit13 memory13 (nondeclarative memory)bullExplicit13 memory13 (declarative memory)


Wednesday March 6 13

Storage13 Retaining13 Informa3onStoring13 Memories13 in13 the13 Brain

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval Getting Information Out


Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval Getting Information OutRetrieval Cues

bullRetrieval cuesbullMnemonic devicesbullPriming

Wednesday March 6 13


Wednesday March 6 13


Wednesday March 6 13


Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval Getting Information OutContext Effects

bullContext effectsbullDeacutejagrave13 vu

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 GeKng13 Informa3on13 OutContext13 Effects

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 GeKng13 Informa3on13 OutContext13 Effects

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 GeKng13 Informa3on13 OutContext13 Effects

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 GeKng13 Informa3on13 OutContext13 Effects

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 GeKng13 Informa3on13 OutContext13 Effects

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 GeKng13 Informa3on13 OutContext13 Effects

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval Getting Information OutMoods and Memories

bullState dependent memorybullMood13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 congruent13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 memory

Wednesday March 6 13


Wednesday March 6 13



Wednesday March 6 13


bullSchacterrsquos sevens sins of memorybullSins of Forgetting


Wednesday March 6 13


bullSchacterrsquos sevens sins of memorybullSins of distortion


bullSin of intrusionbullpersistence

Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Failure

bullEncoding failure

Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Failure

bullEncoding failure

Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Failure

Wednesday March 6 13

Storage DecaybullStorage decay

bullEbbinghaus curve

Wednesday March 6 13

Storage DecaybullStorage decay

bullEbbinghaus curve

Wednesday March 6 13

Ebbinghaus13 Curve

Wednesday March 6 13

Ebbinghaus13 Curve

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval Failure

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval FailureInterference

bullProac3ve13 interference13 (forward acting)bullRetroac3ve13 interference13 (backward-acting)

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 FailureInterference

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 FailureInterference

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 FailureInterference

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 FailureInterference

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 FailureInterference

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval FailureMotivated Forgetting

bullSelf-serving personal historiesbullRepression

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval FailureMotivated Forgetting

bullSelf-serving personal historiesbullRepression

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval FailureMotivated Forgetting

bullSelf-serving personal historiesbullRepression

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval FailureMotivated Forgetting

bullSelf-serving personal historiesbullRepression

Wednesday March 6 13

Memory Construction

Wednesday March 6 13

Misinformation and Imagination Effects

bullLoftus memory studiesbullMisinforma3on13 effect

Wednesday March 6 13

Source Amnesia

bullSource13 amnesia13 (source misattribution)

Wednesday March 6 13

Discerning True and False Memories

bullMemory studiesbullEye witness testimony

Wednesday March 6 13

Childrenrsquos Eyewitness Recall

bullChildrenrsquos memories of abusebullSuggestibility

Wednesday March 6 13

Repressed or Constructed Memories of Abuse

bullAreas of agreementbullSexual abuse happensbullInjustice happensbullForgetting happensbullRecovered memories are incompletebullMemories before 3 years are unreliablebullHypnotic memories are unreliablebullMemories can be emotionally upsetting

Wednesday March 6 13

Repressed or Constructed Memories of Abuse

bullLoftus studies with children

Wednesday March 6 13

Improving Memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Improving Memory TechniquesbullStudy repeatedlybullMake the material meaningfulbullActivate retrieval cuesbullUse mnemonic devicesbullMinimize interferencebullSleep morebullTest your own knowledge both to rehearse it and to help determine what you do not yet

Wednesday March 6 13

The End

Wednesday March 6 13

Teacher13 Informa3onbullTypes13 of13 Files

bullThis13 presenta3on13 has13 been13 saved13 as13 a13 ldquobasicrdquo13 Powerpoint13 file13 13 While13 this13 file13 format13 placed13 a13 few13 limita3ons13 on13 the13 presenta3on13 it13 insured13 the13 file13 would13 be13 compa3ble13 with13 the13 many13 versions13 of13 Powerpoint13 teachers13 use13 13 To13 add13 func3onality13 to13 the13 presenta3on13 teachers13 may13 want13 to13 save13 the13 file13 for13 their13 specific13 version13 of13 Powerpoint

bullAnima0onbullOnce13 again13 to13 insure13 compa3bility13 with13 all13 versions13 of13 Powerpoint13 none13 of13 the13 slides13 are13 animated13 13 To13 increase13 student13 interest13 it13 is13 suggested13 teachers13 animate13 the13 slides13 wherever13 possible

bullAdding13 slides13 to13 this13 presenta0onbullTeachers13 are13 encouraged13 to13 adapt13 this13 presenta3on13 to13 their13 personal13 teaching13 style13 13 To13 help13 keep13 a13 sense13 of13 con3nuity13 blank13 slides13 which13 can13 be13 copied13 and13 pasted13 to13 a13 specific13 loca3on13 in13 the13 presenta3on13 follow13 this13 ldquoTeacher13 Informa3onrdquo13 sec3on13 13 13

Wednesday March 6 13

Teacher13 Informa3onbullHyperlink13 Slides13 -shy‐13 This13 presenta3on13 contain13 two13 types13 of13 hyperlinks13 13 Hyperlinks13 can13 be13 iden3fied13 by13 the13 text13 being13 underlined13 and13 a13 different13 color13 (usually13 purple)

bullUnit13 subsec0ons13 hyperlinks13 13 Immediately13 aer13 the13 unit13 3tle13 slide13 a13 page13 (slide13 3)13 can13 be13 found13 lis3ng13 all13 of13 the13 unitrsquos13 subsec3ons13 13 While13 in13 slide13 show13 mode13 clicking13 on13 any13 of13 these13 hyperlinks13 will13 take13 the13 user13 directly13 to13 the13 beginning13 of13 that13 subsec3on13 13 This13 allows13 teachers13 quick13 access13 to13 each13 subsec3on

bullBold13 print13 term13 hyperlinks13 13 Every13 bold13 print13 term13 from13 the13 unit13 is13 included13 in13 this13 presenta3on13 as13 a13 hyperlink13 13 While13 in13 slide13 show13 mode13 clicking13 on13 any13 of13 the13 hyperlinks13 will13 take13 the13 user13 to13 a13 slide13 containing13 the13 formal13 defini3on13 of13 the13 term13 13 Clicking13 on13 the13 ldquoarrowrdquo13 in13 the13 boaom13 le13 corner13 of13 the13 defini3on13 slide13 will13 take13 the13 user13 back13 to13 the13 original13 point13 in13 the13 presenta3on13

13 These13 hyperlinks13 were13 included13 for13 teachers13 who13 want13 students13 to13 see13 or13 copy13 down13 the13 exact13 defini3on13 as13 stated13 in13 the13 text13 13 Most13 teachers13 prefer13 the13 defini3ons13 not13 be13 included13 to13 prevent13 students13 from13 only13 ldquocopying13 down13 what13 is13 on13 the13 screenrdquo13 and13 not13 ac3vely13 listening13 to13 the13 presenta3on

13 For13 teachers13 who13 con3nually13 use13 the13 Bold13 Print13 Term13 Hyperlinks13 op3on13 please13 contact13 the13 author13 using13 the13 email13 address13 on13 the13 next13 slide13 to13 learn13 a13 technique13 to13 expedite13 the13 returning13 to13 the13 original13 point13 in13 the13 presenta3on

Wednesday March 6 13

Teacher13 Informa3onbullCon0nuity13 slides

bullThroughout13 this13 presenta3on13 there13 are13 slides13 usually13 of13 graphics13 or13 tables13 that13 build13 on13 one13 another13 13 These13 are13 included13 for13 three13 purposes13 13

bullBy13 presen3ng13 informa3on13 in13 small13 chunks13 students13 will13 find13 it13 easier13 to13 process13 and13 remember13 the13 concepts13 13

bullBy13 con3nually13 changing13 slides13 students13 will13 stay13 interested13 in13 the13 presenta3onbullTo13 facilitate13 class13 discussion13 and13 cri3cal13 thinking13 13 Students13 should13 be13 encouraged13 to13 think13 about13 ldquowhat13 might13 come13 nextrdquo13 in13 the13 series13 of13 slides13 13

bullPlease13 feel13 free13 to13 contact13 me13 at13 kkorekgermantownk12wius13 with13 any13 ques3ons13 concerns13 sugges3ons13 etc13 regarding13 these13 presenta3ons13

Kent13 Korek

Germantown13 High13 School

Germantown13 WI13 53022

Wednesday March 6 13

Division title (green print)subdivision title (blue print)


Wednesday March 6 13

Division title (green print)

Use13 this13 slide13 to13 add13 a13 table13 chart13 clip13 art13 picture13 diagram13 or13 video13 clip13 13 Delete13 this13 box13 when13 finished

Wednesday March 6 13

Definition Slide

= add definition here

Wednesday March 6 13


Wednesday March 6 13


= the persistence of learning over time through the storage and retrieval of information

Wednesday March 6 13


= the processing of information into the memory systems ndash for example by extracting meaning

Wednesday March 6 13


= the retention of encoded information over time

Wednesday March 6 13


= the process of getting information out of memory storage

Wednesday March 6 13

Sensory Memory

= the immediate very brief recording of sensory information in the memory system

Wednesday March 6 13

Short-term Memory

= activated memory that holds a few items briefly such as the seven digits of a phone number while dialing before the information is stored or forgotten

Wednesday March 6 13

Long-term Memory

= the relatively permanent and limitless storehouse of the memory system Includes knowledge skills and experiences

Wednesday March 6 13

Working Memory

= a newer understanding of short-term memory that focuses on conscious active processing of incoming auditory and visual-spatial information and of information retrieved from long-term memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Parallel Processing

= the processing of many aspects of a problem simultaneously the brainrsquos natural mode of information processing for many functions Contrasts with the step-by-step (serial) processing of most computers and of conscious problem solving

Wednesday March 6 13

Automatic Processing

= unconscious encoding of incidental information such as space time and frequency and of well-learned information such as word meanings

Wednesday March 6 13

Effortful Processing

= encoding that requires attention and conscious effort

Wednesday March 6 13


= the conscious repetition of information either to maintain it in consciousness or to encode it for storage

Wednesday March 6 13

Spacing Effect

= the tendency for distributed study or practice to yield better long-term retention than is achieved through massed study or practice

Wednesday March 6 13

Serial Position Effect

= our tendency to recall best the last and first items in a list

Wednesday March 6 13

Visual Encoding

= the encoding of picture images

Wednesday March 6 13

Acoustic Encoding

= the encoding of sound especially the sound of words

Wednesday March 6 13

Semantic Encoding

= the encoding of meaning including the meaning of words

Wednesday March 6 13


= mental pictures a powerful aid to effortful processing especially when combined with semantic encoding

Wednesday March 6 13


= memory aids especially those techniques that use vivid imagery and organizational devices

Wednesday March 6 13


= organizing items into familiar manageable units often occurs automatically

Wednesday March 6 13

Iconic Memory

= a momentary sensory memory of visual stimuli a photographic or picture-image memory lasting no more than a few tenths of a second

Wednesday March 6 13

Echoic Memory

= a momentary sensory memory of auditory stimuli if attention is elsewhere sounds and words can still be recalled within 3 or 4 seconds

Wednesday March 6 13

Long-term Potentiation (LTP)

= an increase in a synapsersquos firing potential after brief rapid stimulation Believed to be a neural basis for learning and memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Flashbulb Memory

= a clear memory of an emotionally significant moment or event

Wednesday March 6 13


= loss of memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Implicit Memory

= retention independent of conscious recollection (Also called nondeclarative or procedural memory)

Wednesday March 6 13

Explicit Memory

= memory of facts and experiences that one can consciously know and ldquodeclarerdquo (Also called declarative memory)

Wednesday March 6 13


= a neural center that is located in the limbic system helps process explicit memories for storage

Wednesday March 6 13


= a measure of memory in which the person must retrieve information learning earlier as on a fill-in-the-blank test

Wednesday March 6 13


= a measure of memory in which the person need only identify items previously learned as on a multiple-choice test

Wednesday March 6 13


= a measure of memory that assesses the amount of time saved when learning material for a second time

Wednesday March 6 13


= the activation often unconsciously of particular associations in memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Deja Vu

= that eerie sense that ldquoIrsquove experienced this beforerdquo Cues from the current situation may subconsciously trigger retrieval of an earlier experience

Wednesday March 6 13

Mood Congruent Memory

= the tendency to recall experiences that are consistent with onersquos current good or bad mood

Wednesday March 6 13

Proactive Interference

= the disruptive effect of prior learning on the recall of new information

Wednesday March 6 13

Retroactive Interference

= the disruptive effect of new learning on the recall of old information

Wednesday March 6 13


= in psychoanalytic theory the basic defense mechanism that banishes from consciousness anxiety-arousing thoughts feelings and memories

Wednesday March 6 13

Misinformation Effect

= incorporating misleading information into onersquos memory of an event

Wednesday March 6 13

Source Amnesia

= attributing to the wrong source an event we have experienced heard about read about or imagined (Also called source misattribution) Source amnesia along with the misinformation effect is at the heart of many false memories

Wednesday March 6 13

Storage Retaining InformationStoring Memories in the bullStoring Implicit and Explicit Memories

bullAmnesiabullHM Studies

Wednesday March 6 13

Storage Retaining InformationStoring Memories in the

bullStoring Implicit and Explicit MemoriesbullImplicit13 memory13 (nondeclarative memory)bullExplicit13 memory13 (declarative memory)


Wednesday March 6 13

Storage13 Retaining13 Informa3onStoring13 Memories13 in13 the13 Brain

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval Getting Information Out


Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval Getting Information OutRetrieval Cues

bullRetrieval cuesbullMnemonic devicesbullPriming

Wednesday March 6 13


Wednesday March 6 13


Wednesday March 6 13


Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval Getting Information OutContext Effects

bullContext effectsbullDeacutejagrave13 vu

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 GeKng13 Informa3on13 OutContext13 Effects

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 GeKng13 Informa3on13 OutContext13 Effects

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 GeKng13 Informa3on13 OutContext13 Effects

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 GeKng13 Informa3on13 OutContext13 Effects

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 GeKng13 Informa3on13 OutContext13 Effects

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 GeKng13 Informa3on13 OutContext13 Effects

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval Getting Information OutMoods and Memories

bullState dependent memorybullMood13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 congruent13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 memory

Wednesday March 6 13


Wednesday March 6 13



Wednesday March 6 13


bullSchacterrsquos sevens sins of memorybullSins of Forgetting


Wednesday March 6 13


bullSchacterrsquos sevens sins of memorybullSins of distortion


bullSin of intrusionbullpersistence

Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Failure

bullEncoding failure

Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Failure

bullEncoding failure

Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Failure

Wednesday March 6 13

Storage DecaybullStorage decay

bullEbbinghaus curve

Wednesday March 6 13

Storage DecaybullStorage decay

bullEbbinghaus curve

Wednesday March 6 13

Ebbinghaus13 Curve

Wednesday March 6 13

Ebbinghaus13 Curve

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval Failure

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval FailureInterference

bullProac3ve13 interference13 (forward acting)bullRetroac3ve13 interference13 (backward-acting)

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 FailureInterference

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 FailureInterference

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 FailureInterference

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 FailureInterference

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 FailureInterference

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval FailureMotivated Forgetting

bullSelf-serving personal historiesbullRepression

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval FailureMotivated Forgetting

bullSelf-serving personal historiesbullRepression

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval FailureMotivated Forgetting

bullSelf-serving personal historiesbullRepression

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval FailureMotivated Forgetting

bullSelf-serving personal historiesbullRepression

Wednesday March 6 13

Memory Construction

Wednesday March 6 13

Misinformation and Imagination Effects

bullLoftus memory studiesbullMisinforma3on13 effect

Wednesday March 6 13

Source Amnesia

bullSource13 amnesia13 (source misattribution)

Wednesday March 6 13

Discerning True and False Memories

bullMemory studiesbullEye witness testimony

Wednesday March 6 13

Childrenrsquos Eyewitness Recall

bullChildrenrsquos memories of abusebullSuggestibility

Wednesday March 6 13

Repressed or Constructed Memories of Abuse

bullAreas of agreementbullSexual abuse happensbullInjustice happensbullForgetting happensbullRecovered memories are incompletebullMemories before 3 years are unreliablebullHypnotic memories are unreliablebullMemories can be emotionally upsetting

Wednesday March 6 13

Repressed or Constructed Memories of Abuse

bullLoftus studies with children

Wednesday March 6 13

Improving Memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Improving Memory TechniquesbullStudy repeatedlybullMake the material meaningfulbullActivate retrieval cuesbullUse mnemonic devicesbullMinimize interferencebullSleep morebullTest your own knowledge both to rehearse it and to help determine what you do not yet

Wednesday March 6 13

The End

Wednesday March 6 13

Teacher13 Informa3onbullTypes13 of13 Files

bullThis13 presenta3on13 has13 been13 saved13 as13 a13 ldquobasicrdquo13 Powerpoint13 file13 13 While13 this13 file13 format13 placed13 a13 few13 limita3ons13 on13 the13 presenta3on13 it13 insured13 the13 file13 would13 be13 compa3ble13 with13 the13 many13 versions13 of13 Powerpoint13 teachers13 use13 13 To13 add13 func3onality13 to13 the13 presenta3on13 teachers13 may13 want13 to13 save13 the13 file13 for13 their13 specific13 version13 of13 Powerpoint

bullAnima0onbullOnce13 again13 to13 insure13 compa3bility13 with13 all13 versions13 of13 Powerpoint13 none13 of13 the13 slides13 are13 animated13 13 To13 increase13 student13 interest13 it13 is13 suggested13 teachers13 animate13 the13 slides13 wherever13 possible

bullAdding13 slides13 to13 this13 presenta0onbullTeachers13 are13 encouraged13 to13 adapt13 this13 presenta3on13 to13 their13 personal13 teaching13 style13 13 To13 help13 keep13 a13 sense13 of13 con3nuity13 blank13 slides13 which13 can13 be13 copied13 and13 pasted13 to13 a13 specific13 loca3on13 in13 the13 presenta3on13 follow13 this13 ldquoTeacher13 Informa3onrdquo13 sec3on13 13 13

Wednesday March 6 13

Teacher13 Informa3onbullHyperlink13 Slides13 -shy‐13 This13 presenta3on13 contain13 two13 types13 of13 hyperlinks13 13 Hyperlinks13 can13 be13 iden3fied13 by13 the13 text13 being13 underlined13 and13 a13 different13 color13 (usually13 purple)

bullUnit13 subsec0ons13 hyperlinks13 13 Immediately13 aer13 the13 unit13 3tle13 slide13 a13 page13 (slide13 3)13 can13 be13 found13 lis3ng13 all13 of13 the13 unitrsquos13 subsec3ons13 13 While13 in13 slide13 show13 mode13 clicking13 on13 any13 of13 these13 hyperlinks13 will13 take13 the13 user13 directly13 to13 the13 beginning13 of13 that13 subsec3on13 13 This13 allows13 teachers13 quick13 access13 to13 each13 subsec3on

bullBold13 print13 term13 hyperlinks13 13 Every13 bold13 print13 term13 from13 the13 unit13 is13 included13 in13 this13 presenta3on13 as13 a13 hyperlink13 13 While13 in13 slide13 show13 mode13 clicking13 on13 any13 of13 the13 hyperlinks13 will13 take13 the13 user13 to13 a13 slide13 containing13 the13 formal13 defini3on13 of13 the13 term13 13 Clicking13 on13 the13 ldquoarrowrdquo13 in13 the13 boaom13 le13 corner13 of13 the13 defini3on13 slide13 will13 take13 the13 user13 back13 to13 the13 original13 point13 in13 the13 presenta3on13

13 These13 hyperlinks13 were13 included13 for13 teachers13 who13 want13 students13 to13 see13 or13 copy13 down13 the13 exact13 defini3on13 as13 stated13 in13 the13 text13 13 Most13 teachers13 prefer13 the13 defini3ons13 not13 be13 included13 to13 prevent13 students13 from13 only13 ldquocopying13 down13 what13 is13 on13 the13 screenrdquo13 and13 not13 ac3vely13 listening13 to13 the13 presenta3on

13 For13 teachers13 who13 con3nually13 use13 the13 Bold13 Print13 Term13 Hyperlinks13 op3on13 please13 contact13 the13 author13 using13 the13 email13 address13 on13 the13 next13 slide13 to13 learn13 a13 technique13 to13 expedite13 the13 returning13 to13 the13 original13 point13 in13 the13 presenta3on

Wednesday March 6 13

Teacher13 Informa3onbullCon0nuity13 slides

bullThroughout13 this13 presenta3on13 there13 are13 slides13 usually13 of13 graphics13 or13 tables13 that13 build13 on13 one13 another13 13 These13 are13 included13 for13 three13 purposes13 13

bullBy13 presen3ng13 informa3on13 in13 small13 chunks13 students13 will13 find13 it13 easier13 to13 process13 and13 remember13 the13 concepts13 13

bullBy13 con3nually13 changing13 slides13 students13 will13 stay13 interested13 in13 the13 presenta3onbullTo13 facilitate13 class13 discussion13 and13 cri3cal13 thinking13 13 Students13 should13 be13 encouraged13 to13 think13 about13 ldquowhat13 might13 come13 nextrdquo13 in13 the13 series13 of13 slides13 13

bullPlease13 feel13 free13 to13 contact13 me13 at13 kkorekgermantownk12wius13 with13 any13 ques3ons13 concerns13 sugges3ons13 etc13 regarding13 these13 presenta3ons13

Kent13 Korek

Germantown13 High13 School

Germantown13 WI13 53022

Wednesday March 6 13

Division title (green print)subdivision title (blue print)


Wednesday March 6 13

Division title (green print)

Use13 this13 slide13 to13 add13 a13 table13 chart13 clip13 art13 picture13 diagram13 or13 video13 clip13 13 Delete13 this13 box13 when13 finished

Wednesday March 6 13

Definition Slide

= add definition here

Wednesday March 6 13


Wednesday March 6 13


= the persistence of learning over time through the storage and retrieval of information

Wednesday March 6 13


= the processing of information into the memory systems ndash for example by extracting meaning

Wednesday March 6 13


= the retention of encoded information over time

Wednesday March 6 13


= the process of getting information out of memory storage

Wednesday March 6 13

Sensory Memory

= the immediate very brief recording of sensory information in the memory system

Wednesday March 6 13

Short-term Memory

= activated memory that holds a few items briefly such as the seven digits of a phone number while dialing before the information is stored or forgotten

Wednesday March 6 13

Long-term Memory

= the relatively permanent and limitless storehouse of the memory system Includes knowledge skills and experiences

Wednesday March 6 13

Working Memory

= a newer understanding of short-term memory that focuses on conscious active processing of incoming auditory and visual-spatial information and of information retrieved from long-term memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Parallel Processing

= the processing of many aspects of a problem simultaneously the brainrsquos natural mode of information processing for many functions Contrasts with the step-by-step (serial) processing of most computers and of conscious problem solving

Wednesday March 6 13

Automatic Processing

= unconscious encoding of incidental information such as space time and frequency and of well-learned information such as word meanings

Wednesday March 6 13

Effortful Processing

= encoding that requires attention and conscious effort

Wednesday March 6 13


= the conscious repetition of information either to maintain it in consciousness or to encode it for storage

Wednesday March 6 13

Spacing Effect

= the tendency for distributed study or practice to yield better long-term retention than is achieved through massed study or practice

Wednesday March 6 13

Serial Position Effect

= our tendency to recall best the last and first items in a list

Wednesday March 6 13

Visual Encoding

= the encoding of picture images

Wednesday March 6 13

Acoustic Encoding

= the encoding of sound especially the sound of words

Wednesday March 6 13

Semantic Encoding

= the encoding of meaning including the meaning of words

Wednesday March 6 13


= mental pictures a powerful aid to effortful processing especially when combined with semantic encoding

Wednesday March 6 13


= memory aids especially those techniques that use vivid imagery and organizational devices

Wednesday March 6 13


= organizing items into familiar manageable units often occurs automatically

Wednesday March 6 13

Iconic Memory

= a momentary sensory memory of visual stimuli a photographic or picture-image memory lasting no more than a few tenths of a second

Wednesday March 6 13

Echoic Memory

= a momentary sensory memory of auditory stimuli if attention is elsewhere sounds and words can still be recalled within 3 or 4 seconds

Wednesday March 6 13

Long-term Potentiation (LTP)

= an increase in a synapsersquos firing potential after brief rapid stimulation Believed to be a neural basis for learning and memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Flashbulb Memory

= a clear memory of an emotionally significant moment or event

Wednesday March 6 13


= loss of memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Implicit Memory

= retention independent of conscious recollection (Also called nondeclarative or procedural memory)

Wednesday March 6 13

Explicit Memory

= memory of facts and experiences that one can consciously know and ldquodeclarerdquo (Also called declarative memory)

Wednesday March 6 13


= a neural center that is located in the limbic system helps process explicit memories for storage

Wednesday March 6 13


= a measure of memory in which the person must retrieve information learning earlier as on a fill-in-the-blank test

Wednesday March 6 13


= a measure of memory in which the person need only identify items previously learned as on a multiple-choice test

Wednesday March 6 13


= a measure of memory that assesses the amount of time saved when learning material for a second time

Wednesday March 6 13


= the activation often unconsciously of particular associations in memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Deja Vu

= that eerie sense that ldquoIrsquove experienced this beforerdquo Cues from the current situation may subconsciously trigger retrieval of an earlier experience

Wednesday March 6 13

Mood Congruent Memory

= the tendency to recall experiences that are consistent with onersquos current good or bad mood

Wednesday March 6 13

Proactive Interference

= the disruptive effect of prior learning on the recall of new information

Wednesday March 6 13

Retroactive Interference

= the disruptive effect of new learning on the recall of old information

Wednesday March 6 13


= in psychoanalytic theory the basic defense mechanism that banishes from consciousness anxiety-arousing thoughts feelings and memories

Wednesday March 6 13

Misinformation Effect

= incorporating misleading information into onersquos memory of an event

Wednesday March 6 13

Source Amnesia

= attributing to the wrong source an event we have experienced heard about read about or imagined (Also called source misattribution) Source amnesia along with the misinformation effect is at the heart of many false memories

Wednesday March 6 13

Storage Retaining InformationStoring Memories in the

bullStoring Implicit and Explicit MemoriesbullImplicit13 memory13 (nondeclarative memory)bullExplicit13 memory13 (declarative memory)


Wednesday March 6 13

Storage13 Retaining13 Informa3onStoring13 Memories13 in13 the13 Brain

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval Getting Information Out


Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval Getting Information OutRetrieval Cues

bullRetrieval cuesbullMnemonic devicesbullPriming

Wednesday March 6 13


Wednesday March 6 13


Wednesday March 6 13


Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval Getting Information OutContext Effects

bullContext effectsbullDeacutejagrave13 vu

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 GeKng13 Informa3on13 OutContext13 Effects

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 GeKng13 Informa3on13 OutContext13 Effects

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 GeKng13 Informa3on13 OutContext13 Effects

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 GeKng13 Informa3on13 OutContext13 Effects

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 GeKng13 Informa3on13 OutContext13 Effects

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 GeKng13 Informa3on13 OutContext13 Effects

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval Getting Information OutMoods and Memories

bullState dependent memorybullMood13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 congruent13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 memory

Wednesday March 6 13


Wednesday March 6 13



Wednesday March 6 13


bullSchacterrsquos sevens sins of memorybullSins of Forgetting


Wednesday March 6 13


bullSchacterrsquos sevens sins of memorybullSins of distortion


bullSin of intrusionbullpersistence

Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Failure

bullEncoding failure

Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Failure

bullEncoding failure

Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Failure

Wednesday March 6 13

Storage DecaybullStorage decay

bullEbbinghaus curve

Wednesday March 6 13

Storage DecaybullStorage decay

bullEbbinghaus curve

Wednesday March 6 13

Ebbinghaus13 Curve

Wednesday March 6 13

Ebbinghaus13 Curve

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval Failure

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval FailureInterference

bullProac3ve13 interference13 (forward acting)bullRetroac3ve13 interference13 (backward-acting)

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 FailureInterference

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 FailureInterference

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 FailureInterference

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 FailureInterference

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 FailureInterference

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval FailureMotivated Forgetting

bullSelf-serving personal historiesbullRepression

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval FailureMotivated Forgetting

bullSelf-serving personal historiesbullRepression

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval FailureMotivated Forgetting

bullSelf-serving personal historiesbullRepression

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval FailureMotivated Forgetting

bullSelf-serving personal historiesbullRepression

Wednesday March 6 13

Memory Construction

Wednesday March 6 13

Misinformation and Imagination Effects

bullLoftus memory studiesbullMisinforma3on13 effect

Wednesday March 6 13

Source Amnesia

bullSource13 amnesia13 (source misattribution)

Wednesday March 6 13

Discerning True and False Memories

bullMemory studiesbullEye witness testimony

Wednesday March 6 13

Childrenrsquos Eyewitness Recall

bullChildrenrsquos memories of abusebullSuggestibility

Wednesday March 6 13

Repressed or Constructed Memories of Abuse

bullAreas of agreementbullSexual abuse happensbullInjustice happensbullForgetting happensbullRecovered memories are incompletebullMemories before 3 years are unreliablebullHypnotic memories are unreliablebullMemories can be emotionally upsetting

Wednesday March 6 13

Repressed or Constructed Memories of Abuse

bullLoftus studies with children

Wednesday March 6 13

Improving Memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Improving Memory TechniquesbullStudy repeatedlybullMake the material meaningfulbullActivate retrieval cuesbullUse mnemonic devicesbullMinimize interferencebullSleep morebullTest your own knowledge both to rehearse it and to help determine what you do not yet

Wednesday March 6 13

The End

Wednesday March 6 13

Teacher13 Informa3onbullTypes13 of13 Files

bullThis13 presenta3on13 has13 been13 saved13 as13 a13 ldquobasicrdquo13 Powerpoint13 file13 13 While13 this13 file13 format13 placed13 a13 few13 limita3ons13 on13 the13 presenta3on13 it13 insured13 the13 file13 would13 be13 compa3ble13 with13 the13 many13 versions13 of13 Powerpoint13 teachers13 use13 13 To13 add13 func3onality13 to13 the13 presenta3on13 teachers13 may13 want13 to13 save13 the13 file13 for13 their13 specific13 version13 of13 Powerpoint

bullAnima0onbullOnce13 again13 to13 insure13 compa3bility13 with13 all13 versions13 of13 Powerpoint13 none13 of13 the13 slides13 are13 animated13 13 To13 increase13 student13 interest13 it13 is13 suggested13 teachers13 animate13 the13 slides13 wherever13 possible

bullAdding13 slides13 to13 this13 presenta0onbullTeachers13 are13 encouraged13 to13 adapt13 this13 presenta3on13 to13 their13 personal13 teaching13 style13 13 To13 help13 keep13 a13 sense13 of13 con3nuity13 blank13 slides13 which13 can13 be13 copied13 and13 pasted13 to13 a13 specific13 loca3on13 in13 the13 presenta3on13 follow13 this13 ldquoTeacher13 Informa3onrdquo13 sec3on13 13 13

Wednesday March 6 13

Teacher13 Informa3onbullHyperlink13 Slides13 -shy‐13 This13 presenta3on13 contain13 two13 types13 of13 hyperlinks13 13 Hyperlinks13 can13 be13 iden3fied13 by13 the13 text13 being13 underlined13 and13 a13 different13 color13 (usually13 purple)

bullUnit13 subsec0ons13 hyperlinks13 13 Immediately13 aer13 the13 unit13 3tle13 slide13 a13 page13 (slide13 3)13 can13 be13 found13 lis3ng13 all13 of13 the13 unitrsquos13 subsec3ons13 13 While13 in13 slide13 show13 mode13 clicking13 on13 any13 of13 these13 hyperlinks13 will13 take13 the13 user13 directly13 to13 the13 beginning13 of13 that13 subsec3on13 13 This13 allows13 teachers13 quick13 access13 to13 each13 subsec3on

bullBold13 print13 term13 hyperlinks13 13 Every13 bold13 print13 term13 from13 the13 unit13 is13 included13 in13 this13 presenta3on13 as13 a13 hyperlink13 13 While13 in13 slide13 show13 mode13 clicking13 on13 any13 of13 the13 hyperlinks13 will13 take13 the13 user13 to13 a13 slide13 containing13 the13 formal13 defini3on13 of13 the13 term13 13 Clicking13 on13 the13 ldquoarrowrdquo13 in13 the13 boaom13 le13 corner13 of13 the13 defini3on13 slide13 will13 take13 the13 user13 back13 to13 the13 original13 point13 in13 the13 presenta3on13

13 These13 hyperlinks13 were13 included13 for13 teachers13 who13 want13 students13 to13 see13 or13 copy13 down13 the13 exact13 defini3on13 as13 stated13 in13 the13 text13 13 Most13 teachers13 prefer13 the13 defini3ons13 not13 be13 included13 to13 prevent13 students13 from13 only13 ldquocopying13 down13 what13 is13 on13 the13 screenrdquo13 and13 not13 ac3vely13 listening13 to13 the13 presenta3on

13 For13 teachers13 who13 con3nually13 use13 the13 Bold13 Print13 Term13 Hyperlinks13 op3on13 please13 contact13 the13 author13 using13 the13 email13 address13 on13 the13 next13 slide13 to13 learn13 a13 technique13 to13 expedite13 the13 returning13 to13 the13 original13 point13 in13 the13 presenta3on

Wednesday March 6 13

Teacher13 Informa3onbullCon0nuity13 slides

bullThroughout13 this13 presenta3on13 there13 are13 slides13 usually13 of13 graphics13 or13 tables13 that13 build13 on13 one13 another13 13 These13 are13 included13 for13 three13 purposes13 13

bullBy13 presen3ng13 informa3on13 in13 small13 chunks13 students13 will13 find13 it13 easier13 to13 process13 and13 remember13 the13 concepts13 13

bullBy13 con3nually13 changing13 slides13 students13 will13 stay13 interested13 in13 the13 presenta3onbullTo13 facilitate13 class13 discussion13 and13 cri3cal13 thinking13 13 Students13 should13 be13 encouraged13 to13 think13 about13 ldquowhat13 might13 come13 nextrdquo13 in13 the13 series13 of13 slides13 13

bullPlease13 feel13 free13 to13 contact13 me13 at13 kkorekgermantownk12wius13 with13 any13 ques3ons13 concerns13 sugges3ons13 etc13 regarding13 these13 presenta3ons13

Kent13 Korek

Germantown13 High13 School

Germantown13 WI13 53022

Wednesday March 6 13

Division title (green print)subdivision title (blue print)


Wednesday March 6 13

Division title (green print)

Use13 this13 slide13 to13 add13 a13 table13 chart13 clip13 art13 picture13 diagram13 or13 video13 clip13 13 Delete13 this13 box13 when13 finished

Wednesday March 6 13

Definition Slide

= add definition here

Wednesday March 6 13


Wednesday March 6 13


= the persistence of learning over time through the storage and retrieval of information

Wednesday March 6 13


= the processing of information into the memory systems ndash for example by extracting meaning

Wednesday March 6 13


= the retention of encoded information over time

Wednesday March 6 13


= the process of getting information out of memory storage

Wednesday March 6 13

Sensory Memory

= the immediate very brief recording of sensory information in the memory system

Wednesday March 6 13

Short-term Memory

= activated memory that holds a few items briefly such as the seven digits of a phone number while dialing before the information is stored or forgotten

Wednesday March 6 13

Long-term Memory

= the relatively permanent and limitless storehouse of the memory system Includes knowledge skills and experiences

Wednesday March 6 13

Working Memory

= a newer understanding of short-term memory that focuses on conscious active processing of incoming auditory and visual-spatial information and of information retrieved from long-term memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Parallel Processing

= the processing of many aspects of a problem simultaneously the brainrsquos natural mode of information processing for many functions Contrasts with the step-by-step (serial) processing of most computers and of conscious problem solving

Wednesday March 6 13

Automatic Processing

= unconscious encoding of incidental information such as space time and frequency and of well-learned information such as word meanings

Wednesday March 6 13

Effortful Processing

= encoding that requires attention and conscious effort

Wednesday March 6 13


= the conscious repetition of information either to maintain it in consciousness or to encode it for storage

Wednesday March 6 13

Spacing Effect

= the tendency for distributed study or practice to yield better long-term retention than is achieved through massed study or practice

Wednesday March 6 13

Serial Position Effect

= our tendency to recall best the last and first items in a list

Wednesday March 6 13

Visual Encoding

= the encoding of picture images

Wednesday March 6 13

Acoustic Encoding

= the encoding of sound especially the sound of words

Wednesday March 6 13

Semantic Encoding

= the encoding of meaning including the meaning of words

Wednesday March 6 13


= mental pictures a powerful aid to effortful processing especially when combined with semantic encoding

Wednesday March 6 13


= memory aids especially those techniques that use vivid imagery and organizational devices

Wednesday March 6 13


= organizing items into familiar manageable units often occurs automatically

Wednesday March 6 13

Iconic Memory

= a momentary sensory memory of visual stimuli a photographic or picture-image memory lasting no more than a few tenths of a second

Wednesday March 6 13

Echoic Memory

= a momentary sensory memory of auditory stimuli if attention is elsewhere sounds and words can still be recalled within 3 or 4 seconds

Wednesday March 6 13

Long-term Potentiation (LTP)

= an increase in a synapsersquos firing potential after brief rapid stimulation Believed to be a neural basis for learning and memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Flashbulb Memory

= a clear memory of an emotionally significant moment or event

Wednesday March 6 13


= loss of memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Implicit Memory

= retention independent of conscious recollection (Also called nondeclarative or procedural memory)

Wednesday March 6 13

Explicit Memory

= memory of facts and experiences that one can consciously know and ldquodeclarerdquo (Also called declarative memory)

Wednesday March 6 13


= a neural center that is located in the limbic system helps process explicit memories for storage

Wednesday March 6 13


= a measure of memory in which the person must retrieve information learning earlier as on a fill-in-the-blank test

Wednesday March 6 13


= a measure of memory in which the person need only identify items previously learned as on a multiple-choice test

Wednesday March 6 13


= a measure of memory that assesses the amount of time saved when learning material for a second time

Wednesday March 6 13


= the activation often unconsciously of particular associations in memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Deja Vu

= that eerie sense that ldquoIrsquove experienced this beforerdquo Cues from the current situation may subconsciously trigger retrieval of an earlier experience

Wednesday March 6 13

Mood Congruent Memory

= the tendency to recall experiences that are consistent with onersquos current good or bad mood

Wednesday March 6 13

Proactive Interference

= the disruptive effect of prior learning on the recall of new information

Wednesday March 6 13

Retroactive Interference

= the disruptive effect of new learning on the recall of old information

Wednesday March 6 13


= in psychoanalytic theory the basic defense mechanism that banishes from consciousness anxiety-arousing thoughts feelings and memories

Wednesday March 6 13

Misinformation Effect

= incorporating misleading information into onersquos memory of an event

Wednesday March 6 13

Source Amnesia

= attributing to the wrong source an event we have experienced heard about read about or imagined (Also called source misattribution) Source amnesia along with the misinformation effect is at the heart of many false memories

Wednesday March 6 13

Storage13 Retaining13 Informa3onStoring13 Memories13 in13 the13 Brain

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval Getting Information Out


Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval Getting Information OutRetrieval Cues

bullRetrieval cuesbullMnemonic devicesbullPriming

Wednesday March 6 13


Wednesday March 6 13


Wednesday March 6 13


Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval Getting Information OutContext Effects

bullContext effectsbullDeacutejagrave13 vu

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 GeKng13 Informa3on13 OutContext13 Effects

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 GeKng13 Informa3on13 OutContext13 Effects

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 GeKng13 Informa3on13 OutContext13 Effects

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 GeKng13 Informa3on13 OutContext13 Effects

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 GeKng13 Informa3on13 OutContext13 Effects

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 GeKng13 Informa3on13 OutContext13 Effects

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval Getting Information OutMoods and Memories

bullState dependent memorybullMood13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 congruent13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 memory

Wednesday March 6 13


Wednesday March 6 13



Wednesday March 6 13


bullSchacterrsquos sevens sins of memorybullSins of Forgetting


Wednesday March 6 13


bullSchacterrsquos sevens sins of memorybullSins of distortion


bullSin of intrusionbullpersistence

Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Failure

bullEncoding failure

Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Failure

bullEncoding failure

Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Failure

Wednesday March 6 13

Storage DecaybullStorage decay

bullEbbinghaus curve

Wednesday March 6 13

Storage DecaybullStorage decay

bullEbbinghaus curve

Wednesday March 6 13

Ebbinghaus13 Curve

Wednesday March 6 13

Ebbinghaus13 Curve

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval Failure

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval FailureInterference

bullProac3ve13 interference13 (forward acting)bullRetroac3ve13 interference13 (backward-acting)

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 FailureInterference

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 FailureInterference

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 FailureInterference

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 FailureInterference

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 FailureInterference

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval FailureMotivated Forgetting

bullSelf-serving personal historiesbullRepression

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval FailureMotivated Forgetting

bullSelf-serving personal historiesbullRepression

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval FailureMotivated Forgetting

bullSelf-serving personal historiesbullRepression

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval FailureMotivated Forgetting

bullSelf-serving personal historiesbullRepression

Wednesday March 6 13

Memory Construction

Wednesday March 6 13

Misinformation and Imagination Effects

bullLoftus memory studiesbullMisinforma3on13 effect

Wednesday March 6 13

Source Amnesia

bullSource13 amnesia13 (source misattribution)

Wednesday March 6 13

Discerning True and False Memories

bullMemory studiesbullEye witness testimony

Wednesday March 6 13

Childrenrsquos Eyewitness Recall

bullChildrenrsquos memories of abusebullSuggestibility

Wednesday March 6 13

Repressed or Constructed Memories of Abuse

bullAreas of agreementbullSexual abuse happensbullInjustice happensbullForgetting happensbullRecovered memories are incompletebullMemories before 3 years are unreliablebullHypnotic memories are unreliablebullMemories can be emotionally upsetting

Wednesday March 6 13

Repressed or Constructed Memories of Abuse

bullLoftus studies with children

Wednesday March 6 13

Improving Memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Improving Memory TechniquesbullStudy repeatedlybullMake the material meaningfulbullActivate retrieval cuesbullUse mnemonic devicesbullMinimize interferencebullSleep morebullTest your own knowledge both to rehearse it and to help determine what you do not yet

Wednesday March 6 13

The End

Wednesday March 6 13

Teacher13 Informa3onbullTypes13 of13 Files

bullThis13 presenta3on13 has13 been13 saved13 as13 a13 ldquobasicrdquo13 Powerpoint13 file13 13 While13 this13 file13 format13 placed13 a13 few13 limita3ons13 on13 the13 presenta3on13 it13 insured13 the13 file13 would13 be13 compa3ble13 with13 the13 many13 versions13 of13 Powerpoint13 teachers13 use13 13 To13 add13 func3onality13 to13 the13 presenta3on13 teachers13 may13 want13 to13 save13 the13 file13 for13 their13 specific13 version13 of13 Powerpoint

bullAnima0onbullOnce13 again13 to13 insure13 compa3bility13 with13 all13 versions13 of13 Powerpoint13 none13 of13 the13 slides13 are13 animated13 13 To13 increase13 student13 interest13 it13 is13 suggested13 teachers13 animate13 the13 slides13 wherever13 possible

bullAdding13 slides13 to13 this13 presenta0onbullTeachers13 are13 encouraged13 to13 adapt13 this13 presenta3on13 to13 their13 personal13 teaching13 style13 13 To13 help13 keep13 a13 sense13 of13 con3nuity13 blank13 slides13 which13 can13 be13 copied13 and13 pasted13 to13 a13 specific13 loca3on13 in13 the13 presenta3on13 follow13 this13 ldquoTeacher13 Informa3onrdquo13 sec3on13 13 13

Wednesday March 6 13

Teacher13 Informa3onbullHyperlink13 Slides13 -shy‐13 This13 presenta3on13 contain13 two13 types13 of13 hyperlinks13 13 Hyperlinks13 can13 be13 iden3fied13 by13 the13 text13 being13 underlined13 and13 a13 different13 color13 (usually13 purple)

bullUnit13 subsec0ons13 hyperlinks13 13 Immediately13 aer13 the13 unit13 3tle13 slide13 a13 page13 (slide13 3)13 can13 be13 found13 lis3ng13 all13 of13 the13 unitrsquos13 subsec3ons13 13 While13 in13 slide13 show13 mode13 clicking13 on13 any13 of13 these13 hyperlinks13 will13 take13 the13 user13 directly13 to13 the13 beginning13 of13 that13 subsec3on13 13 This13 allows13 teachers13 quick13 access13 to13 each13 subsec3on

bullBold13 print13 term13 hyperlinks13 13 Every13 bold13 print13 term13 from13 the13 unit13 is13 included13 in13 this13 presenta3on13 as13 a13 hyperlink13 13 While13 in13 slide13 show13 mode13 clicking13 on13 any13 of13 the13 hyperlinks13 will13 take13 the13 user13 to13 a13 slide13 containing13 the13 formal13 defini3on13 of13 the13 term13 13 Clicking13 on13 the13 ldquoarrowrdquo13 in13 the13 boaom13 le13 corner13 of13 the13 defini3on13 slide13 will13 take13 the13 user13 back13 to13 the13 original13 point13 in13 the13 presenta3on13

13 These13 hyperlinks13 were13 included13 for13 teachers13 who13 want13 students13 to13 see13 or13 copy13 down13 the13 exact13 defini3on13 as13 stated13 in13 the13 text13 13 Most13 teachers13 prefer13 the13 defini3ons13 not13 be13 included13 to13 prevent13 students13 from13 only13 ldquocopying13 down13 what13 is13 on13 the13 screenrdquo13 and13 not13 ac3vely13 listening13 to13 the13 presenta3on

13 For13 teachers13 who13 con3nually13 use13 the13 Bold13 Print13 Term13 Hyperlinks13 op3on13 please13 contact13 the13 author13 using13 the13 email13 address13 on13 the13 next13 slide13 to13 learn13 a13 technique13 to13 expedite13 the13 returning13 to13 the13 original13 point13 in13 the13 presenta3on

Wednesday March 6 13

Teacher13 Informa3onbullCon0nuity13 slides

bullThroughout13 this13 presenta3on13 there13 are13 slides13 usually13 of13 graphics13 or13 tables13 that13 build13 on13 one13 another13 13 These13 are13 included13 for13 three13 purposes13 13

bullBy13 presen3ng13 informa3on13 in13 small13 chunks13 students13 will13 find13 it13 easier13 to13 process13 and13 remember13 the13 concepts13 13

bullBy13 con3nually13 changing13 slides13 students13 will13 stay13 interested13 in13 the13 presenta3onbullTo13 facilitate13 class13 discussion13 and13 cri3cal13 thinking13 13 Students13 should13 be13 encouraged13 to13 think13 about13 ldquowhat13 might13 come13 nextrdquo13 in13 the13 series13 of13 slides13 13

bullPlease13 feel13 free13 to13 contact13 me13 at13 kkorekgermantownk12wius13 with13 any13 ques3ons13 concerns13 sugges3ons13 etc13 regarding13 these13 presenta3ons13

Kent13 Korek

Germantown13 High13 School

Germantown13 WI13 53022

Wednesday March 6 13

Division title (green print)subdivision title (blue print)


Wednesday March 6 13

Division title (green print)

Use13 this13 slide13 to13 add13 a13 table13 chart13 clip13 art13 picture13 diagram13 or13 video13 clip13 13 Delete13 this13 box13 when13 finished

Wednesday March 6 13

Definition Slide

= add definition here

Wednesday March 6 13


Wednesday March 6 13


= the persistence of learning over time through the storage and retrieval of information

Wednesday March 6 13


= the processing of information into the memory systems ndash for example by extracting meaning

Wednesday March 6 13


= the retention of encoded information over time

Wednesday March 6 13


= the process of getting information out of memory storage

Wednesday March 6 13

Sensory Memory

= the immediate very brief recording of sensory information in the memory system

Wednesday March 6 13

Short-term Memory

= activated memory that holds a few items briefly such as the seven digits of a phone number while dialing before the information is stored or forgotten

Wednesday March 6 13

Long-term Memory

= the relatively permanent and limitless storehouse of the memory system Includes knowledge skills and experiences

Wednesday March 6 13

Working Memory

= a newer understanding of short-term memory that focuses on conscious active processing of incoming auditory and visual-spatial information and of information retrieved from long-term memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Parallel Processing

= the processing of many aspects of a problem simultaneously the brainrsquos natural mode of information processing for many functions Contrasts with the step-by-step (serial) processing of most computers and of conscious problem solving

Wednesday March 6 13

Automatic Processing

= unconscious encoding of incidental information such as space time and frequency and of well-learned information such as word meanings

Wednesday March 6 13

Effortful Processing

= encoding that requires attention and conscious effort

Wednesday March 6 13


= the conscious repetition of information either to maintain it in consciousness or to encode it for storage

Wednesday March 6 13

Spacing Effect

= the tendency for distributed study or practice to yield better long-term retention than is achieved through massed study or practice

Wednesday March 6 13

Serial Position Effect

= our tendency to recall best the last and first items in a list

Wednesday March 6 13

Visual Encoding

= the encoding of picture images

Wednesday March 6 13

Acoustic Encoding

= the encoding of sound especially the sound of words

Wednesday March 6 13

Semantic Encoding

= the encoding of meaning including the meaning of words

Wednesday March 6 13


= mental pictures a powerful aid to effortful processing especially when combined with semantic encoding

Wednesday March 6 13


= memory aids especially those techniques that use vivid imagery and organizational devices

Wednesday March 6 13


= organizing items into familiar manageable units often occurs automatically

Wednesday March 6 13

Iconic Memory

= a momentary sensory memory of visual stimuli a photographic or picture-image memory lasting no more than a few tenths of a second

Wednesday March 6 13

Echoic Memory

= a momentary sensory memory of auditory stimuli if attention is elsewhere sounds and words can still be recalled within 3 or 4 seconds

Wednesday March 6 13

Long-term Potentiation (LTP)

= an increase in a synapsersquos firing potential after brief rapid stimulation Believed to be a neural basis for learning and memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Flashbulb Memory

= a clear memory of an emotionally significant moment or event

Wednesday March 6 13


= loss of memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Implicit Memory

= retention independent of conscious recollection (Also called nondeclarative or procedural memory)

Wednesday March 6 13

Explicit Memory

= memory of facts and experiences that one can consciously know and ldquodeclarerdquo (Also called declarative memory)

Wednesday March 6 13


= a neural center that is located in the limbic system helps process explicit memories for storage

Wednesday March 6 13


= a measure of memory in which the person must retrieve information learning earlier as on a fill-in-the-blank test

Wednesday March 6 13


= a measure of memory in which the person need only identify items previously learned as on a multiple-choice test

Wednesday March 6 13


= a measure of memory that assesses the amount of time saved when learning material for a second time

Wednesday March 6 13


= the activation often unconsciously of particular associations in memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Deja Vu

= that eerie sense that ldquoIrsquove experienced this beforerdquo Cues from the current situation may subconsciously trigger retrieval of an earlier experience

Wednesday March 6 13

Mood Congruent Memory

= the tendency to recall experiences that are consistent with onersquos current good or bad mood

Wednesday March 6 13

Proactive Interference

= the disruptive effect of prior learning on the recall of new information

Wednesday March 6 13

Retroactive Interference

= the disruptive effect of new learning on the recall of old information

Wednesday March 6 13


= in psychoanalytic theory the basic defense mechanism that banishes from consciousness anxiety-arousing thoughts feelings and memories

Wednesday March 6 13

Misinformation Effect

= incorporating misleading information into onersquos memory of an event

Wednesday March 6 13

Source Amnesia

= attributing to the wrong source an event we have experienced heard about read about or imagined (Also called source misattribution) Source amnesia along with the misinformation effect is at the heart of many false memories

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval Getting Information Out


Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval Getting Information OutRetrieval Cues

bullRetrieval cuesbullMnemonic devicesbullPriming

Wednesday March 6 13


Wednesday March 6 13


Wednesday March 6 13


Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval Getting Information OutContext Effects

bullContext effectsbullDeacutejagrave13 vu

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 GeKng13 Informa3on13 OutContext13 Effects

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 GeKng13 Informa3on13 OutContext13 Effects

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 GeKng13 Informa3on13 OutContext13 Effects

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 GeKng13 Informa3on13 OutContext13 Effects

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 GeKng13 Informa3on13 OutContext13 Effects

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 GeKng13 Informa3on13 OutContext13 Effects

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval Getting Information OutMoods and Memories

bullState dependent memorybullMood13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 congruent13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 memory

Wednesday March 6 13


Wednesday March 6 13



Wednesday March 6 13


bullSchacterrsquos sevens sins of memorybullSins of Forgetting


Wednesday March 6 13


bullSchacterrsquos sevens sins of memorybullSins of distortion


bullSin of intrusionbullpersistence

Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Failure

bullEncoding failure

Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Failure

bullEncoding failure

Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Failure

Wednesday March 6 13

Storage DecaybullStorage decay

bullEbbinghaus curve

Wednesday March 6 13

Storage DecaybullStorage decay

bullEbbinghaus curve

Wednesday March 6 13

Ebbinghaus13 Curve

Wednesday March 6 13

Ebbinghaus13 Curve

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval Failure

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval FailureInterference

bullProac3ve13 interference13 (forward acting)bullRetroac3ve13 interference13 (backward-acting)

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 FailureInterference

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 FailureInterference

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 FailureInterference

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 FailureInterference

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 FailureInterference

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval FailureMotivated Forgetting

bullSelf-serving personal historiesbullRepression

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval FailureMotivated Forgetting

bullSelf-serving personal historiesbullRepression

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval FailureMotivated Forgetting

bullSelf-serving personal historiesbullRepression

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval FailureMotivated Forgetting

bullSelf-serving personal historiesbullRepression

Wednesday March 6 13

Memory Construction

Wednesday March 6 13

Misinformation and Imagination Effects

bullLoftus memory studiesbullMisinforma3on13 effect

Wednesday March 6 13

Source Amnesia

bullSource13 amnesia13 (source misattribution)

Wednesday March 6 13

Discerning True and False Memories

bullMemory studiesbullEye witness testimony

Wednesday March 6 13

Childrenrsquos Eyewitness Recall

bullChildrenrsquos memories of abusebullSuggestibility

Wednesday March 6 13

Repressed or Constructed Memories of Abuse

bullAreas of agreementbullSexual abuse happensbullInjustice happensbullForgetting happensbullRecovered memories are incompletebullMemories before 3 years are unreliablebullHypnotic memories are unreliablebullMemories can be emotionally upsetting

Wednesday March 6 13

Repressed or Constructed Memories of Abuse

bullLoftus studies with children

Wednesday March 6 13

Improving Memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Improving Memory TechniquesbullStudy repeatedlybullMake the material meaningfulbullActivate retrieval cuesbullUse mnemonic devicesbullMinimize interferencebullSleep morebullTest your own knowledge both to rehearse it and to help determine what you do not yet

Wednesday March 6 13

The End

Wednesday March 6 13

Teacher13 Informa3onbullTypes13 of13 Files

bullThis13 presenta3on13 has13 been13 saved13 as13 a13 ldquobasicrdquo13 Powerpoint13 file13 13 While13 this13 file13 format13 placed13 a13 few13 limita3ons13 on13 the13 presenta3on13 it13 insured13 the13 file13 would13 be13 compa3ble13 with13 the13 many13 versions13 of13 Powerpoint13 teachers13 use13 13 To13 add13 func3onality13 to13 the13 presenta3on13 teachers13 may13 want13 to13 save13 the13 file13 for13 their13 specific13 version13 of13 Powerpoint

bullAnima0onbullOnce13 again13 to13 insure13 compa3bility13 with13 all13 versions13 of13 Powerpoint13 none13 of13 the13 slides13 are13 animated13 13 To13 increase13 student13 interest13 it13 is13 suggested13 teachers13 animate13 the13 slides13 wherever13 possible

bullAdding13 slides13 to13 this13 presenta0onbullTeachers13 are13 encouraged13 to13 adapt13 this13 presenta3on13 to13 their13 personal13 teaching13 style13 13 To13 help13 keep13 a13 sense13 of13 con3nuity13 blank13 slides13 which13 can13 be13 copied13 and13 pasted13 to13 a13 specific13 loca3on13 in13 the13 presenta3on13 follow13 this13 ldquoTeacher13 Informa3onrdquo13 sec3on13 13 13

Wednesday March 6 13

Teacher13 Informa3onbullHyperlink13 Slides13 -shy‐13 This13 presenta3on13 contain13 two13 types13 of13 hyperlinks13 13 Hyperlinks13 can13 be13 iden3fied13 by13 the13 text13 being13 underlined13 and13 a13 different13 color13 (usually13 purple)

bullUnit13 subsec0ons13 hyperlinks13 13 Immediately13 aer13 the13 unit13 3tle13 slide13 a13 page13 (slide13 3)13 can13 be13 found13 lis3ng13 all13 of13 the13 unitrsquos13 subsec3ons13 13 While13 in13 slide13 show13 mode13 clicking13 on13 any13 of13 these13 hyperlinks13 will13 take13 the13 user13 directly13 to13 the13 beginning13 of13 that13 subsec3on13 13 This13 allows13 teachers13 quick13 access13 to13 each13 subsec3on

bullBold13 print13 term13 hyperlinks13 13 Every13 bold13 print13 term13 from13 the13 unit13 is13 included13 in13 this13 presenta3on13 as13 a13 hyperlink13 13 While13 in13 slide13 show13 mode13 clicking13 on13 any13 of13 the13 hyperlinks13 will13 take13 the13 user13 to13 a13 slide13 containing13 the13 formal13 defini3on13 of13 the13 term13 13 Clicking13 on13 the13 ldquoarrowrdquo13 in13 the13 boaom13 le13 corner13 of13 the13 defini3on13 slide13 will13 take13 the13 user13 back13 to13 the13 original13 point13 in13 the13 presenta3on13

13 These13 hyperlinks13 were13 included13 for13 teachers13 who13 want13 students13 to13 see13 or13 copy13 down13 the13 exact13 defini3on13 as13 stated13 in13 the13 text13 13 Most13 teachers13 prefer13 the13 defini3ons13 not13 be13 included13 to13 prevent13 students13 from13 only13 ldquocopying13 down13 what13 is13 on13 the13 screenrdquo13 and13 not13 ac3vely13 listening13 to13 the13 presenta3on

13 For13 teachers13 who13 con3nually13 use13 the13 Bold13 Print13 Term13 Hyperlinks13 op3on13 please13 contact13 the13 author13 using13 the13 email13 address13 on13 the13 next13 slide13 to13 learn13 a13 technique13 to13 expedite13 the13 returning13 to13 the13 original13 point13 in13 the13 presenta3on

Wednesday March 6 13

Teacher13 Informa3onbullCon0nuity13 slides

bullThroughout13 this13 presenta3on13 there13 are13 slides13 usually13 of13 graphics13 or13 tables13 that13 build13 on13 one13 another13 13 These13 are13 included13 for13 three13 purposes13 13

bullBy13 presen3ng13 informa3on13 in13 small13 chunks13 students13 will13 find13 it13 easier13 to13 process13 and13 remember13 the13 concepts13 13

bullBy13 con3nually13 changing13 slides13 students13 will13 stay13 interested13 in13 the13 presenta3onbullTo13 facilitate13 class13 discussion13 and13 cri3cal13 thinking13 13 Students13 should13 be13 encouraged13 to13 think13 about13 ldquowhat13 might13 come13 nextrdquo13 in13 the13 series13 of13 slides13 13

bullPlease13 feel13 free13 to13 contact13 me13 at13 kkorekgermantownk12wius13 with13 any13 ques3ons13 concerns13 sugges3ons13 etc13 regarding13 these13 presenta3ons13

Kent13 Korek

Germantown13 High13 School

Germantown13 WI13 53022

Wednesday March 6 13

Division title (green print)subdivision title (blue print)


Wednesday March 6 13

Division title (green print)

Use13 this13 slide13 to13 add13 a13 table13 chart13 clip13 art13 picture13 diagram13 or13 video13 clip13 13 Delete13 this13 box13 when13 finished

Wednesday March 6 13

Definition Slide

= add definition here

Wednesday March 6 13


Wednesday March 6 13


= the persistence of learning over time through the storage and retrieval of information

Wednesday March 6 13


= the processing of information into the memory systems ndash for example by extracting meaning

Wednesday March 6 13


= the retention of encoded information over time

Wednesday March 6 13


= the process of getting information out of memory storage

Wednesday March 6 13

Sensory Memory

= the immediate very brief recording of sensory information in the memory system

Wednesday March 6 13

Short-term Memory

= activated memory that holds a few items briefly such as the seven digits of a phone number while dialing before the information is stored or forgotten

Wednesday March 6 13

Long-term Memory

= the relatively permanent and limitless storehouse of the memory system Includes knowledge skills and experiences

Wednesday March 6 13

Working Memory

= a newer understanding of short-term memory that focuses on conscious active processing of incoming auditory and visual-spatial information and of information retrieved from long-term memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Parallel Processing

= the processing of many aspects of a problem simultaneously the brainrsquos natural mode of information processing for many functions Contrasts with the step-by-step (serial) processing of most computers and of conscious problem solving

Wednesday March 6 13

Automatic Processing

= unconscious encoding of incidental information such as space time and frequency and of well-learned information such as word meanings

Wednesday March 6 13

Effortful Processing

= encoding that requires attention and conscious effort

Wednesday March 6 13


= the conscious repetition of information either to maintain it in consciousness or to encode it for storage

Wednesday March 6 13

Spacing Effect

= the tendency for distributed study or practice to yield better long-term retention than is achieved through massed study or practice

Wednesday March 6 13

Serial Position Effect

= our tendency to recall best the last and first items in a list

Wednesday March 6 13

Visual Encoding

= the encoding of picture images

Wednesday March 6 13

Acoustic Encoding

= the encoding of sound especially the sound of words

Wednesday March 6 13

Semantic Encoding

= the encoding of meaning including the meaning of words

Wednesday March 6 13


= mental pictures a powerful aid to effortful processing especially when combined with semantic encoding

Wednesday March 6 13


= memory aids especially those techniques that use vivid imagery and organizational devices

Wednesday March 6 13


= organizing items into familiar manageable units often occurs automatically

Wednesday March 6 13

Iconic Memory

= a momentary sensory memory of visual stimuli a photographic or picture-image memory lasting no more than a few tenths of a second

Wednesday March 6 13

Echoic Memory

= a momentary sensory memory of auditory stimuli if attention is elsewhere sounds and words can still be recalled within 3 or 4 seconds

Wednesday March 6 13

Long-term Potentiation (LTP)

= an increase in a synapsersquos firing potential after brief rapid stimulation Believed to be a neural basis for learning and memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Flashbulb Memory

= a clear memory of an emotionally significant moment or event

Wednesday March 6 13


= loss of memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Implicit Memory

= retention independent of conscious recollection (Also called nondeclarative or procedural memory)

Wednesday March 6 13

Explicit Memory

= memory of facts and experiences that one can consciously know and ldquodeclarerdquo (Also called declarative memory)

Wednesday March 6 13


= a neural center that is located in the limbic system helps process explicit memories for storage

Wednesday March 6 13


= a measure of memory in which the person must retrieve information learning earlier as on a fill-in-the-blank test

Wednesday March 6 13


= a measure of memory in which the person need only identify items previously learned as on a multiple-choice test

Wednesday March 6 13


= a measure of memory that assesses the amount of time saved when learning material for a second time

Wednesday March 6 13


= the activation often unconsciously of particular associations in memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Deja Vu

= that eerie sense that ldquoIrsquove experienced this beforerdquo Cues from the current situation may subconsciously trigger retrieval of an earlier experience

Wednesday March 6 13

Mood Congruent Memory

= the tendency to recall experiences that are consistent with onersquos current good or bad mood

Wednesday March 6 13

Proactive Interference

= the disruptive effect of prior learning on the recall of new information

Wednesday March 6 13

Retroactive Interference

= the disruptive effect of new learning on the recall of old information

Wednesday March 6 13


= in psychoanalytic theory the basic defense mechanism that banishes from consciousness anxiety-arousing thoughts feelings and memories

Wednesday March 6 13

Misinformation Effect

= incorporating misleading information into onersquos memory of an event

Wednesday March 6 13

Source Amnesia

= attributing to the wrong source an event we have experienced heard about read about or imagined (Also called source misattribution) Source amnesia along with the misinformation effect is at the heart of many false memories

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval Getting Information OutRetrieval Cues

bullRetrieval cuesbullMnemonic devicesbullPriming

Wednesday March 6 13


Wednesday March 6 13


Wednesday March 6 13


Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval Getting Information OutContext Effects

bullContext effectsbullDeacutejagrave13 vu

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 GeKng13 Informa3on13 OutContext13 Effects

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 GeKng13 Informa3on13 OutContext13 Effects

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 GeKng13 Informa3on13 OutContext13 Effects

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 GeKng13 Informa3on13 OutContext13 Effects

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 GeKng13 Informa3on13 OutContext13 Effects

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 GeKng13 Informa3on13 OutContext13 Effects

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval Getting Information OutMoods and Memories

bullState dependent memorybullMood13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 congruent13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 memory

Wednesday March 6 13


Wednesday March 6 13



Wednesday March 6 13


bullSchacterrsquos sevens sins of memorybullSins of Forgetting


Wednesday March 6 13


bullSchacterrsquos sevens sins of memorybullSins of distortion


bullSin of intrusionbullpersistence

Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Failure

bullEncoding failure

Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Failure

bullEncoding failure

Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Failure

Wednesday March 6 13

Storage DecaybullStorage decay

bullEbbinghaus curve

Wednesday March 6 13

Storage DecaybullStorage decay

bullEbbinghaus curve

Wednesday March 6 13

Ebbinghaus13 Curve

Wednesday March 6 13

Ebbinghaus13 Curve

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval Failure

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval FailureInterference

bullProac3ve13 interference13 (forward acting)bullRetroac3ve13 interference13 (backward-acting)

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 FailureInterference

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 FailureInterference

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 FailureInterference

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 FailureInterference

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 FailureInterference

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval FailureMotivated Forgetting

bullSelf-serving personal historiesbullRepression

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval FailureMotivated Forgetting

bullSelf-serving personal historiesbullRepression

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval FailureMotivated Forgetting

bullSelf-serving personal historiesbullRepression

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval FailureMotivated Forgetting

bullSelf-serving personal historiesbullRepression

Wednesday March 6 13

Memory Construction

Wednesday March 6 13

Misinformation and Imagination Effects

bullLoftus memory studiesbullMisinforma3on13 effect

Wednesday March 6 13

Source Amnesia

bullSource13 amnesia13 (source misattribution)

Wednesday March 6 13

Discerning True and False Memories

bullMemory studiesbullEye witness testimony

Wednesday March 6 13

Childrenrsquos Eyewitness Recall

bullChildrenrsquos memories of abusebullSuggestibility

Wednesday March 6 13

Repressed or Constructed Memories of Abuse

bullAreas of agreementbullSexual abuse happensbullInjustice happensbullForgetting happensbullRecovered memories are incompletebullMemories before 3 years are unreliablebullHypnotic memories are unreliablebullMemories can be emotionally upsetting

Wednesday March 6 13

Repressed or Constructed Memories of Abuse

bullLoftus studies with children

Wednesday March 6 13

Improving Memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Improving Memory TechniquesbullStudy repeatedlybullMake the material meaningfulbullActivate retrieval cuesbullUse mnemonic devicesbullMinimize interferencebullSleep morebullTest your own knowledge both to rehearse it and to help determine what you do not yet

Wednesday March 6 13

The End

Wednesday March 6 13

Teacher13 Informa3onbullTypes13 of13 Files

bullThis13 presenta3on13 has13 been13 saved13 as13 a13 ldquobasicrdquo13 Powerpoint13 file13 13 While13 this13 file13 format13 placed13 a13 few13 limita3ons13 on13 the13 presenta3on13 it13 insured13 the13 file13 would13 be13 compa3ble13 with13 the13 many13 versions13 of13 Powerpoint13 teachers13 use13 13 To13 add13 func3onality13 to13 the13 presenta3on13 teachers13 may13 want13 to13 save13 the13 file13 for13 their13 specific13 version13 of13 Powerpoint

bullAnima0onbullOnce13 again13 to13 insure13 compa3bility13 with13 all13 versions13 of13 Powerpoint13 none13 of13 the13 slides13 are13 animated13 13 To13 increase13 student13 interest13 it13 is13 suggested13 teachers13 animate13 the13 slides13 wherever13 possible

bullAdding13 slides13 to13 this13 presenta0onbullTeachers13 are13 encouraged13 to13 adapt13 this13 presenta3on13 to13 their13 personal13 teaching13 style13 13 To13 help13 keep13 a13 sense13 of13 con3nuity13 blank13 slides13 which13 can13 be13 copied13 and13 pasted13 to13 a13 specific13 loca3on13 in13 the13 presenta3on13 follow13 this13 ldquoTeacher13 Informa3onrdquo13 sec3on13 13 13

Wednesday March 6 13

Teacher13 Informa3onbullHyperlink13 Slides13 -shy‐13 This13 presenta3on13 contain13 two13 types13 of13 hyperlinks13 13 Hyperlinks13 can13 be13 iden3fied13 by13 the13 text13 being13 underlined13 and13 a13 different13 color13 (usually13 purple)

bullUnit13 subsec0ons13 hyperlinks13 13 Immediately13 aer13 the13 unit13 3tle13 slide13 a13 page13 (slide13 3)13 can13 be13 found13 lis3ng13 all13 of13 the13 unitrsquos13 subsec3ons13 13 While13 in13 slide13 show13 mode13 clicking13 on13 any13 of13 these13 hyperlinks13 will13 take13 the13 user13 directly13 to13 the13 beginning13 of13 that13 subsec3on13 13 This13 allows13 teachers13 quick13 access13 to13 each13 subsec3on

bullBold13 print13 term13 hyperlinks13 13 Every13 bold13 print13 term13 from13 the13 unit13 is13 included13 in13 this13 presenta3on13 as13 a13 hyperlink13 13 While13 in13 slide13 show13 mode13 clicking13 on13 any13 of13 the13 hyperlinks13 will13 take13 the13 user13 to13 a13 slide13 containing13 the13 formal13 defini3on13 of13 the13 term13 13 Clicking13 on13 the13 ldquoarrowrdquo13 in13 the13 boaom13 le13 corner13 of13 the13 defini3on13 slide13 will13 take13 the13 user13 back13 to13 the13 original13 point13 in13 the13 presenta3on13

13 These13 hyperlinks13 were13 included13 for13 teachers13 who13 want13 students13 to13 see13 or13 copy13 down13 the13 exact13 defini3on13 as13 stated13 in13 the13 text13 13 Most13 teachers13 prefer13 the13 defini3ons13 not13 be13 included13 to13 prevent13 students13 from13 only13 ldquocopying13 down13 what13 is13 on13 the13 screenrdquo13 and13 not13 ac3vely13 listening13 to13 the13 presenta3on

13 For13 teachers13 who13 con3nually13 use13 the13 Bold13 Print13 Term13 Hyperlinks13 op3on13 please13 contact13 the13 author13 using13 the13 email13 address13 on13 the13 next13 slide13 to13 learn13 a13 technique13 to13 expedite13 the13 returning13 to13 the13 original13 point13 in13 the13 presenta3on

Wednesday March 6 13

Teacher13 Informa3onbullCon0nuity13 slides

bullThroughout13 this13 presenta3on13 there13 are13 slides13 usually13 of13 graphics13 or13 tables13 that13 build13 on13 one13 another13 13 These13 are13 included13 for13 three13 purposes13 13

bullBy13 presen3ng13 informa3on13 in13 small13 chunks13 students13 will13 find13 it13 easier13 to13 process13 and13 remember13 the13 concepts13 13

bullBy13 con3nually13 changing13 slides13 students13 will13 stay13 interested13 in13 the13 presenta3onbullTo13 facilitate13 class13 discussion13 and13 cri3cal13 thinking13 13 Students13 should13 be13 encouraged13 to13 think13 about13 ldquowhat13 might13 come13 nextrdquo13 in13 the13 series13 of13 slides13 13

bullPlease13 feel13 free13 to13 contact13 me13 at13 kkorekgermantownk12wius13 with13 any13 ques3ons13 concerns13 sugges3ons13 etc13 regarding13 these13 presenta3ons13

Kent13 Korek

Germantown13 High13 School

Germantown13 WI13 53022

Wednesday March 6 13

Division title (green print)subdivision title (blue print)


Wednesday March 6 13

Division title (green print)

Use13 this13 slide13 to13 add13 a13 table13 chart13 clip13 art13 picture13 diagram13 or13 video13 clip13 13 Delete13 this13 box13 when13 finished

Wednesday March 6 13

Definition Slide

= add definition here

Wednesday March 6 13


Wednesday March 6 13


= the persistence of learning over time through the storage and retrieval of information

Wednesday March 6 13


= the processing of information into the memory systems ndash for example by extracting meaning

Wednesday March 6 13


= the retention of encoded information over time

Wednesday March 6 13


= the process of getting information out of memory storage

Wednesday March 6 13

Sensory Memory

= the immediate very brief recording of sensory information in the memory system

Wednesday March 6 13

Short-term Memory

= activated memory that holds a few items briefly such as the seven digits of a phone number while dialing before the information is stored or forgotten

Wednesday March 6 13

Long-term Memory

= the relatively permanent and limitless storehouse of the memory system Includes knowledge skills and experiences

Wednesday March 6 13

Working Memory

= a newer understanding of short-term memory that focuses on conscious active processing of incoming auditory and visual-spatial information and of information retrieved from long-term memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Parallel Processing

= the processing of many aspects of a problem simultaneously the brainrsquos natural mode of information processing for many functions Contrasts with the step-by-step (serial) processing of most computers and of conscious problem solving

Wednesday March 6 13

Automatic Processing

= unconscious encoding of incidental information such as space time and frequency and of well-learned information such as word meanings

Wednesday March 6 13

Effortful Processing

= encoding that requires attention and conscious effort

Wednesday March 6 13


= the conscious repetition of information either to maintain it in consciousness or to encode it for storage

Wednesday March 6 13

Spacing Effect

= the tendency for distributed study or practice to yield better long-term retention than is achieved through massed study or practice

Wednesday March 6 13

Serial Position Effect

= our tendency to recall best the last and first items in a list

Wednesday March 6 13

Visual Encoding

= the encoding of picture images

Wednesday March 6 13

Acoustic Encoding

= the encoding of sound especially the sound of words

Wednesday March 6 13

Semantic Encoding

= the encoding of meaning including the meaning of words

Wednesday March 6 13


= mental pictures a powerful aid to effortful processing especially when combined with semantic encoding

Wednesday March 6 13


= memory aids especially those techniques that use vivid imagery and organizational devices

Wednesday March 6 13


= organizing items into familiar manageable units often occurs automatically

Wednesday March 6 13

Iconic Memory

= a momentary sensory memory of visual stimuli a photographic or picture-image memory lasting no more than a few tenths of a second

Wednesday March 6 13

Echoic Memory

= a momentary sensory memory of auditory stimuli if attention is elsewhere sounds and words can still be recalled within 3 or 4 seconds

Wednesday March 6 13

Long-term Potentiation (LTP)

= an increase in a synapsersquos firing potential after brief rapid stimulation Believed to be a neural basis for learning and memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Flashbulb Memory

= a clear memory of an emotionally significant moment or event

Wednesday March 6 13


= loss of memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Implicit Memory

= retention independent of conscious recollection (Also called nondeclarative or procedural memory)

Wednesday March 6 13

Explicit Memory

= memory of facts and experiences that one can consciously know and ldquodeclarerdquo (Also called declarative memory)

Wednesday March 6 13


= a neural center that is located in the limbic system helps process explicit memories for storage

Wednesday March 6 13


= a measure of memory in which the person must retrieve information learning earlier as on a fill-in-the-blank test

Wednesday March 6 13


= a measure of memory in which the person need only identify items previously learned as on a multiple-choice test

Wednesday March 6 13


= a measure of memory that assesses the amount of time saved when learning material for a second time

Wednesday March 6 13


= the activation often unconsciously of particular associations in memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Deja Vu

= that eerie sense that ldquoIrsquove experienced this beforerdquo Cues from the current situation may subconsciously trigger retrieval of an earlier experience

Wednesday March 6 13

Mood Congruent Memory

= the tendency to recall experiences that are consistent with onersquos current good or bad mood

Wednesday March 6 13

Proactive Interference

= the disruptive effect of prior learning on the recall of new information

Wednesday March 6 13

Retroactive Interference

= the disruptive effect of new learning on the recall of old information

Wednesday March 6 13


= in psychoanalytic theory the basic defense mechanism that banishes from consciousness anxiety-arousing thoughts feelings and memories

Wednesday March 6 13

Misinformation Effect

= incorporating misleading information into onersquos memory of an event

Wednesday March 6 13

Source Amnesia

= attributing to the wrong source an event we have experienced heard about read about or imagined (Also called source misattribution) Source amnesia along with the misinformation effect is at the heart of many false memories

Wednesday March 6 13


Wednesday March 6 13


Wednesday March 6 13


Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval Getting Information OutContext Effects

bullContext effectsbullDeacutejagrave13 vu

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 GeKng13 Informa3on13 OutContext13 Effects

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 GeKng13 Informa3on13 OutContext13 Effects

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 GeKng13 Informa3on13 OutContext13 Effects

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 GeKng13 Informa3on13 OutContext13 Effects

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 GeKng13 Informa3on13 OutContext13 Effects

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 GeKng13 Informa3on13 OutContext13 Effects

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval Getting Information OutMoods and Memories

bullState dependent memorybullMood13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 congruent13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 memory

Wednesday March 6 13


Wednesday March 6 13



Wednesday March 6 13


bullSchacterrsquos sevens sins of memorybullSins of Forgetting


Wednesday March 6 13


bullSchacterrsquos sevens sins of memorybullSins of distortion


bullSin of intrusionbullpersistence

Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Failure

bullEncoding failure

Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Failure

bullEncoding failure

Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Failure

Wednesday March 6 13

Storage DecaybullStorage decay

bullEbbinghaus curve

Wednesday March 6 13

Storage DecaybullStorage decay

bullEbbinghaus curve

Wednesday March 6 13

Ebbinghaus13 Curve

Wednesday March 6 13

Ebbinghaus13 Curve

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval Failure

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval FailureInterference

bullProac3ve13 interference13 (forward acting)bullRetroac3ve13 interference13 (backward-acting)

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 FailureInterference

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 FailureInterference

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 FailureInterference

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 FailureInterference

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 FailureInterference

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval FailureMotivated Forgetting

bullSelf-serving personal historiesbullRepression

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval FailureMotivated Forgetting

bullSelf-serving personal historiesbullRepression

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval FailureMotivated Forgetting

bullSelf-serving personal historiesbullRepression

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval FailureMotivated Forgetting

bullSelf-serving personal historiesbullRepression

Wednesday March 6 13

Memory Construction

Wednesday March 6 13

Misinformation and Imagination Effects

bullLoftus memory studiesbullMisinforma3on13 effect

Wednesday March 6 13

Source Amnesia

bullSource13 amnesia13 (source misattribution)

Wednesday March 6 13

Discerning True and False Memories

bullMemory studiesbullEye witness testimony

Wednesday March 6 13

Childrenrsquos Eyewitness Recall

bullChildrenrsquos memories of abusebullSuggestibility

Wednesday March 6 13

Repressed or Constructed Memories of Abuse

bullAreas of agreementbullSexual abuse happensbullInjustice happensbullForgetting happensbullRecovered memories are incompletebullMemories before 3 years are unreliablebullHypnotic memories are unreliablebullMemories can be emotionally upsetting

Wednesday March 6 13

Repressed or Constructed Memories of Abuse

bullLoftus studies with children

Wednesday March 6 13

Improving Memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Improving Memory TechniquesbullStudy repeatedlybullMake the material meaningfulbullActivate retrieval cuesbullUse mnemonic devicesbullMinimize interferencebullSleep morebullTest your own knowledge both to rehearse it and to help determine what you do not yet

Wednesday March 6 13

The End

Wednesday March 6 13

Teacher13 Informa3onbullTypes13 of13 Files

bullThis13 presenta3on13 has13 been13 saved13 as13 a13 ldquobasicrdquo13 Powerpoint13 file13 13 While13 this13 file13 format13 placed13 a13 few13 limita3ons13 on13 the13 presenta3on13 it13 insured13 the13 file13 would13 be13 compa3ble13 with13 the13 many13 versions13 of13 Powerpoint13 teachers13 use13 13 To13 add13 func3onality13 to13 the13 presenta3on13 teachers13 may13 want13 to13 save13 the13 file13 for13 their13 specific13 version13 of13 Powerpoint

bullAnima0onbullOnce13 again13 to13 insure13 compa3bility13 with13 all13 versions13 of13 Powerpoint13 none13 of13 the13 slides13 are13 animated13 13 To13 increase13 student13 interest13 it13 is13 suggested13 teachers13 animate13 the13 slides13 wherever13 possible

bullAdding13 slides13 to13 this13 presenta0onbullTeachers13 are13 encouraged13 to13 adapt13 this13 presenta3on13 to13 their13 personal13 teaching13 style13 13 To13 help13 keep13 a13 sense13 of13 con3nuity13 blank13 slides13 which13 can13 be13 copied13 and13 pasted13 to13 a13 specific13 loca3on13 in13 the13 presenta3on13 follow13 this13 ldquoTeacher13 Informa3onrdquo13 sec3on13 13 13

Wednesday March 6 13

Teacher13 Informa3onbullHyperlink13 Slides13 -shy‐13 This13 presenta3on13 contain13 two13 types13 of13 hyperlinks13 13 Hyperlinks13 can13 be13 iden3fied13 by13 the13 text13 being13 underlined13 and13 a13 different13 color13 (usually13 purple)

bullUnit13 subsec0ons13 hyperlinks13 13 Immediately13 aer13 the13 unit13 3tle13 slide13 a13 page13 (slide13 3)13 can13 be13 found13 lis3ng13 all13 of13 the13 unitrsquos13 subsec3ons13 13 While13 in13 slide13 show13 mode13 clicking13 on13 any13 of13 these13 hyperlinks13 will13 take13 the13 user13 directly13 to13 the13 beginning13 of13 that13 subsec3on13 13 This13 allows13 teachers13 quick13 access13 to13 each13 subsec3on

bullBold13 print13 term13 hyperlinks13 13 Every13 bold13 print13 term13 from13 the13 unit13 is13 included13 in13 this13 presenta3on13 as13 a13 hyperlink13 13 While13 in13 slide13 show13 mode13 clicking13 on13 any13 of13 the13 hyperlinks13 will13 take13 the13 user13 to13 a13 slide13 containing13 the13 formal13 defini3on13 of13 the13 term13 13 Clicking13 on13 the13 ldquoarrowrdquo13 in13 the13 boaom13 le13 corner13 of13 the13 defini3on13 slide13 will13 take13 the13 user13 back13 to13 the13 original13 point13 in13 the13 presenta3on13

13 These13 hyperlinks13 were13 included13 for13 teachers13 who13 want13 students13 to13 see13 or13 copy13 down13 the13 exact13 defini3on13 as13 stated13 in13 the13 text13 13 Most13 teachers13 prefer13 the13 defini3ons13 not13 be13 included13 to13 prevent13 students13 from13 only13 ldquocopying13 down13 what13 is13 on13 the13 screenrdquo13 and13 not13 ac3vely13 listening13 to13 the13 presenta3on

13 For13 teachers13 who13 con3nually13 use13 the13 Bold13 Print13 Term13 Hyperlinks13 op3on13 please13 contact13 the13 author13 using13 the13 email13 address13 on13 the13 next13 slide13 to13 learn13 a13 technique13 to13 expedite13 the13 returning13 to13 the13 original13 point13 in13 the13 presenta3on

Wednesday March 6 13

Teacher13 Informa3onbullCon0nuity13 slides

bullThroughout13 this13 presenta3on13 there13 are13 slides13 usually13 of13 graphics13 or13 tables13 that13 build13 on13 one13 another13 13 These13 are13 included13 for13 three13 purposes13 13

bullBy13 presen3ng13 informa3on13 in13 small13 chunks13 students13 will13 find13 it13 easier13 to13 process13 and13 remember13 the13 concepts13 13

bullBy13 con3nually13 changing13 slides13 students13 will13 stay13 interested13 in13 the13 presenta3onbullTo13 facilitate13 class13 discussion13 and13 cri3cal13 thinking13 13 Students13 should13 be13 encouraged13 to13 think13 about13 ldquowhat13 might13 come13 nextrdquo13 in13 the13 series13 of13 slides13 13

bullPlease13 feel13 free13 to13 contact13 me13 at13 kkorekgermantownk12wius13 with13 any13 ques3ons13 concerns13 sugges3ons13 etc13 regarding13 these13 presenta3ons13

Kent13 Korek

Germantown13 High13 School

Germantown13 WI13 53022

Wednesday March 6 13

Division title (green print)subdivision title (blue print)


Wednesday March 6 13

Division title (green print)

Use13 this13 slide13 to13 add13 a13 table13 chart13 clip13 art13 picture13 diagram13 or13 video13 clip13 13 Delete13 this13 box13 when13 finished

Wednesday March 6 13

Definition Slide

= add definition here

Wednesday March 6 13


Wednesday March 6 13


= the persistence of learning over time through the storage and retrieval of information

Wednesday March 6 13


= the processing of information into the memory systems ndash for example by extracting meaning

Wednesday March 6 13


= the retention of encoded information over time

Wednesday March 6 13


= the process of getting information out of memory storage

Wednesday March 6 13

Sensory Memory

= the immediate very brief recording of sensory information in the memory system

Wednesday March 6 13

Short-term Memory

= activated memory that holds a few items briefly such as the seven digits of a phone number while dialing before the information is stored or forgotten

Wednesday March 6 13

Long-term Memory

= the relatively permanent and limitless storehouse of the memory system Includes knowledge skills and experiences

Wednesday March 6 13

Working Memory

= a newer understanding of short-term memory that focuses on conscious active processing of incoming auditory and visual-spatial information and of information retrieved from long-term memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Parallel Processing

= the processing of many aspects of a problem simultaneously the brainrsquos natural mode of information processing for many functions Contrasts with the step-by-step (serial) processing of most computers and of conscious problem solving

Wednesday March 6 13

Automatic Processing

= unconscious encoding of incidental information such as space time and frequency and of well-learned information such as word meanings

Wednesday March 6 13

Effortful Processing

= encoding that requires attention and conscious effort

Wednesday March 6 13


= the conscious repetition of information either to maintain it in consciousness or to encode it for storage

Wednesday March 6 13

Spacing Effect

= the tendency for distributed study or practice to yield better long-term retention than is achieved through massed study or practice

Wednesday March 6 13

Serial Position Effect

= our tendency to recall best the last and first items in a list

Wednesday March 6 13

Visual Encoding

= the encoding of picture images

Wednesday March 6 13

Acoustic Encoding

= the encoding of sound especially the sound of words

Wednesday March 6 13

Semantic Encoding

= the encoding of meaning including the meaning of words

Wednesday March 6 13


= mental pictures a powerful aid to effortful processing especially when combined with semantic encoding

Wednesday March 6 13


= memory aids especially those techniques that use vivid imagery and organizational devices

Wednesday March 6 13


= organizing items into familiar manageable units often occurs automatically

Wednesday March 6 13

Iconic Memory

= a momentary sensory memory of visual stimuli a photographic or picture-image memory lasting no more than a few tenths of a second

Wednesday March 6 13

Echoic Memory

= a momentary sensory memory of auditory stimuli if attention is elsewhere sounds and words can still be recalled within 3 or 4 seconds

Wednesday March 6 13

Long-term Potentiation (LTP)

= an increase in a synapsersquos firing potential after brief rapid stimulation Believed to be a neural basis for learning and memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Flashbulb Memory

= a clear memory of an emotionally significant moment or event

Wednesday March 6 13


= loss of memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Implicit Memory

= retention independent of conscious recollection (Also called nondeclarative or procedural memory)

Wednesday March 6 13

Explicit Memory

= memory of facts and experiences that one can consciously know and ldquodeclarerdquo (Also called declarative memory)

Wednesday March 6 13


= a neural center that is located in the limbic system helps process explicit memories for storage

Wednesday March 6 13


= a measure of memory in which the person must retrieve information learning earlier as on a fill-in-the-blank test

Wednesday March 6 13


= a measure of memory in which the person need only identify items previously learned as on a multiple-choice test

Wednesday March 6 13


= a measure of memory that assesses the amount of time saved when learning material for a second time

Wednesday March 6 13


= the activation often unconsciously of particular associations in memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Deja Vu

= that eerie sense that ldquoIrsquove experienced this beforerdquo Cues from the current situation may subconsciously trigger retrieval of an earlier experience

Wednesday March 6 13

Mood Congruent Memory

= the tendency to recall experiences that are consistent with onersquos current good or bad mood

Wednesday March 6 13

Proactive Interference

= the disruptive effect of prior learning on the recall of new information

Wednesday March 6 13

Retroactive Interference

= the disruptive effect of new learning on the recall of old information

Wednesday March 6 13


= in psychoanalytic theory the basic defense mechanism that banishes from consciousness anxiety-arousing thoughts feelings and memories

Wednesday March 6 13

Misinformation Effect

= incorporating misleading information into onersquos memory of an event

Wednesday March 6 13

Source Amnesia

= attributing to the wrong source an event we have experienced heard about read about or imagined (Also called source misattribution) Source amnesia along with the misinformation effect is at the heart of many false memories

Wednesday March 6 13


Wednesday March 6 13


Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval Getting Information OutContext Effects

bullContext effectsbullDeacutejagrave13 vu

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 GeKng13 Informa3on13 OutContext13 Effects

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 GeKng13 Informa3on13 OutContext13 Effects

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 GeKng13 Informa3on13 OutContext13 Effects

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 GeKng13 Informa3on13 OutContext13 Effects

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 GeKng13 Informa3on13 OutContext13 Effects

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 GeKng13 Informa3on13 OutContext13 Effects

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval Getting Information OutMoods and Memories

bullState dependent memorybullMood13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 congruent13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 memory

Wednesday March 6 13


Wednesday March 6 13



Wednesday March 6 13


bullSchacterrsquos sevens sins of memorybullSins of Forgetting


Wednesday March 6 13


bullSchacterrsquos sevens sins of memorybullSins of distortion


bullSin of intrusionbullpersistence

Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Failure

bullEncoding failure

Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Failure

bullEncoding failure

Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Failure

Wednesday March 6 13

Storage DecaybullStorage decay

bullEbbinghaus curve

Wednesday March 6 13

Storage DecaybullStorage decay

bullEbbinghaus curve

Wednesday March 6 13

Ebbinghaus13 Curve

Wednesday March 6 13

Ebbinghaus13 Curve

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval Failure

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval FailureInterference

bullProac3ve13 interference13 (forward acting)bullRetroac3ve13 interference13 (backward-acting)

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 FailureInterference

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 FailureInterference

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 FailureInterference

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 FailureInterference

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 FailureInterference

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval FailureMotivated Forgetting

bullSelf-serving personal historiesbullRepression

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval FailureMotivated Forgetting

bullSelf-serving personal historiesbullRepression

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval FailureMotivated Forgetting

bullSelf-serving personal historiesbullRepression

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval FailureMotivated Forgetting

bullSelf-serving personal historiesbullRepression

Wednesday March 6 13

Memory Construction

Wednesday March 6 13

Misinformation and Imagination Effects

bullLoftus memory studiesbullMisinforma3on13 effect

Wednesday March 6 13

Source Amnesia

bullSource13 amnesia13 (source misattribution)

Wednesday March 6 13

Discerning True and False Memories

bullMemory studiesbullEye witness testimony

Wednesday March 6 13

Childrenrsquos Eyewitness Recall

bullChildrenrsquos memories of abusebullSuggestibility

Wednesday March 6 13

Repressed or Constructed Memories of Abuse

bullAreas of agreementbullSexual abuse happensbullInjustice happensbullForgetting happensbullRecovered memories are incompletebullMemories before 3 years are unreliablebullHypnotic memories are unreliablebullMemories can be emotionally upsetting

Wednesday March 6 13

Repressed or Constructed Memories of Abuse

bullLoftus studies with children

Wednesday March 6 13

Improving Memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Improving Memory TechniquesbullStudy repeatedlybullMake the material meaningfulbullActivate retrieval cuesbullUse mnemonic devicesbullMinimize interferencebullSleep morebullTest your own knowledge both to rehearse it and to help determine what you do not yet

Wednesday March 6 13

The End

Wednesday March 6 13

Teacher13 Informa3onbullTypes13 of13 Files

bullThis13 presenta3on13 has13 been13 saved13 as13 a13 ldquobasicrdquo13 Powerpoint13 file13 13 While13 this13 file13 format13 placed13 a13 few13 limita3ons13 on13 the13 presenta3on13 it13 insured13 the13 file13 would13 be13 compa3ble13 with13 the13 many13 versions13 of13 Powerpoint13 teachers13 use13 13 To13 add13 func3onality13 to13 the13 presenta3on13 teachers13 may13 want13 to13 save13 the13 file13 for13 their13 specific13 version13 of13 Powerpoint

bullAnima0onbullOnce13 again13 to13 insure13 compa3bility13 with13 all13 versions13 of13 Powerpoint13 none13 of13 the13 slides13 are13 animated13 13 To13 increase13 student13 interest13 it13 is13 suggested13 teachers13 animate13 the13 slides13 wherever13 possible

bullAdding13 slides13 to13 this13 presenta0onbullTeachers13 are13 encouraged13 to13 adapt13 this13 presenta3on13 to13 their13 personal13 teaching13 style13 13 To13 help13 keep13 a13 sense13 of13 con3nuity13 blank13 slides13 which13 can13 be13 copied13 and13 pasted13 to13 a13 specific13 loca3on13 in13 the13 presenta3on13 follow13 this13 ldquoTeacher13 Informa3onrdquo13 sec3on13 13 13

Wednesday March 6 13

Teacher13 Informa3onbullHyperlink13 Slides13 -shy‐13 This13 presenta3on13 contain13 two13 types13 of13 hyperlinks13 13 Hyperlinks13 can13 be13 iden3fied13 by13 the13 text13 being13 underlined13 and13 a13 different13 color13 (usually13 purple)

bullUnit13 subsec0ons13 hyperlinks13 13 Immediately13 aer13 the13 unit13 3tle13 slide13 a13 page13 (slide13 3)13 can13 be13 found13 lis3ng13 all13 of13 the13 unitrsquos13 subsec3ons13 13 While13 in13 slide13 show13 mode13 clicking13 on13 any13 of13 these13 hyperlinks13 will13 take13 the13 user13 directly13 to13 the13 beginning13 of13 that13 subsec3on13 13 This13 allows13 teachers13 quick13 access13 to13 each13 subsec3on

bullBold13 print13 term13 hyperlinks13 13 Every13 bold13 print13 term13 from13 the13 unit13 is13 included13 in13 this13 presenta3on13 as13 a13 hyperlink13 13 While13 in13 slide13 show13 mode13 clicking13 on13 any13 of13 the13 hyperlinks13 will13 take13 the13 user13 to13 a13 slide13 containing13 the13 formal13 defini3on13 of13 the13 term13 13 Clicking13 on13 the13 ldquoarrowrdquo13 in13 the13 boaom13 le13 corner13 of13 the13 defini3on13 slide13 will13 take13 the13 user13 back13 to13 the13 original13 point13 in13 the13 presenta3on13

13 These13 hyperlinks13 were13 included13 for13 teachers13 who13 want13 students13 to13 see13 or13 copy13 down13 the13 exact13 defini3on13 as13 stated13 in13 the13 text13 13 Most13 teachers13 prefer13 the13 defini3ons13 not13 be13 included13 to13 prevent13 students13 from13 only13 ldquocopying13 down13 what13 is13 on13 the13 screenrdquo13 and13 not13 ac3vely13 listening13 to13 the13 presenta3on

13 For13 teachers13 who13 con3nually13 use13 the13 Bold13 Print13 Term13 Hyperlinks13 op3on13 please13 contact13 the13 author13 using13 the13 email13 address13 on13 the13 next13 slide13 to13 learn13 a13 technique13 to13 expedite13 the13 returning13 to13 the13 original13 point13 in13 the13 presenta3on

Wednesday March 6 13

Teacher13 Informa3onbullCon0nuity13 slides

bullThroughout13 this13 presenta3on13 there13 are13 slides13 usually13 of13 graphics13 or13 tables13 that13 build13 on13 one13 another13 13 These13 are13 included13 for13 three13 purposes13 13

bullBy13 presen3ng13 informa3on13 in13 small13 chunks13 students13 will13 find13 it13 easier13 to13 process13 and13 remember13 the13 concepts13 13

bullBy13 con3nually13 changing13 slides13 students13 will13 stay13 interested13 in13 the13 presenta3onbullTo13 facilitate13 class13 discussion13 and13 cri3cal13 thinking13 13 Students13 should13 be13 encouraged13 to13 think13 about13 ldquowhat13 might13 come13 nextrdquo13 in13 the13 series13 of13 slides13 13

bullPlease13 feel13 free13 to13 contact13 me13 at13 kkorekgermantownk12wius13 with13 any13 ques3ons13 concerns13 sugges3ons13 etc13 regarding13 these13 presenta3ons13

Kent13 Korek

Germantown13 High13 School

Germantown13 WI13 53022

Wednesday March 6 13

Division title (green print)subdivision title (blue print)


Wednesday March 6 13

Division title (green print)

Use13 this13 slide13 to13 add13 a13 table13 chart13 clip13 art13 picture13 diagram13 or13 video13 clip13 13 Delete13 this13 box13 when13 finished

Wednesday March 6 13

Definition Slide

= add definition here

Wednesday March 6 13


Wednesday March 6 13


= the persistence of learning over time through the storage and retrieval of information

Wednesday March 6 13


= the processing of information into the memory systems ndash for example by extracting meaning

Wednesday March 6 13


= the retention of encoded information over time

Wednesday March 6 13


= the process of getting information out of memory storage

Wednesday March 6 13

Sensory Memory

= the immediate very brief recording of sensory information in the memory system

Wednesday March 6 13

Short-term Memory

= activated memory that holds a few items briefly such as the seven digits of a phone number while dialing before the information is stored or forgotten

Wednesday March 6 13

Long-term Memory

= the relatively permanent and limitless storehouse of the memory system Includes knowledge skills and experiences

Wednesday March 6 13

Working Memory

= a newer understanding of short-term memory that focuses on conscious active processing of incoming auditory and visual-spatial information and of information retrieved from long-term memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Parallel Processing

= the processing of many aspects of a problem simultaneously the brainrsquos natural mode of information processing for many functions Contrasts with the step-by-step (serial) processing of most computers and of conscious problem solving

Wednesday March 6 13

Automatic Processing

= unconscious encoding of incidental information such as space time and frequency and of well-learned information such as word meanings

Wednesday March 6 13

Effortful Processing

= encoding that requires attention and conscious effort

Wednesday March 6 13


= the conscious repetition of information either to maintain it in consciousness or to encode it for storage

Wednesday March 6 13

Spacing Effect

= the tendency for distributed study or practice to yield better long-term retention than is achieved through massed study or practice

Wednesday March 6 13

Serial Position Effect

= our tendency to recall best the last and first items in a list

Wednesday March 6 13

Visual Encoding

= the encoding of picture images

Wednesday March 6 13

Acoustic Encoding

= the encoding of sound especially the sound of words

Wednesday March 6 13

Semantic Encoding

= the encoding of meaning including the meaning of words

Wednesday March 6 13


= mental pictures a powerful aid to effortful processing especially when combined with semantic encoding

Wednesday March 6 13


= memory aids especially those techniques that use vivid imagery and organizational devices

Wednesday March 6 13


= organizing items into familiar manageable units often occurs automatically

Wednesday March 6 13

Iconic Memory

= a momentary sensory memory of visual stimuli a photographic or picture-image memory lasting no more than a few tenths of a second

Wednesday March 6 13

Echoic Memory

= a momentary sensory memory of auditory stimuli if attention is elsewhere sounds and words can still be recalled within 3 or 4 seconds

Wednesday March 6 13

Long-term Potentiation (LTP)

= an increase in a synapsersquos firing potential after brief rapid stimulation Believed to be a neural basis for learning and memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Flashbulb Memory

= a clear memory of an emotionally significant moment or event

Wednesday March 6 13


= loss of memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Implicit Memory

= retention independent of conscious recollection (Also called nondeclarative or procedural memory)

Wednesday March 6 13

Explicit Memory

= memory of facts and experiences that one can consciously know and ldquodeclarerdquo (Also called declarative memory)

Wednesday March 6 13


= a neural center that is located in the limbic system helps process explicit memories for storage

Wednesday March 6 13


= a measure of memory in which the person must retrieve information learning earlier as on a fill-in-the-blank test

Wednesday March 6 13


= a measure of memory in which the person need only identify items previously learned as on a multiple-choice test

Wednesday March 6 13


= a measure of memory that assesses the amount of time saved when learning material for a second time

Wednesday March 6 13


= the activation often unconsciously of particular associations in memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Deja Vu

= that eerie sense that ldquoIrsquove experienced this beforerdquo Cues from the current situation may subconsciously trigger retrieval of an earlier experience

Wednesday March 6 13

Mood Congruent Memory

= the tendency to recall experiences that are consistent with onersquos current good or bad mood

Wednesday March 6 13

Proactive Interference

= the disruptive effect of prior learning on the recall of new information

Wednesday March 6 13

Retroactive Interference

= the disruptive effect of new learning on the recall of old information

Wednesday March 6 13


= in psychoanalytic theory the basic defense mechanism that banishes from consciousness anxiety-arousing thoughts feelings and memories

Wednesday March 6 13

Misinformation Effect

= incorporating misleading information into onersquos memory of an event

Wednesday March 6 13

Source Amnesia

= attributing to the wrong source an event we have experienced heard about read about or imagined (Also called source misattribution) Source amnesia along with the misinformation effect is at the heart of many false memories

Wednesday March 6 13


Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval Getting Information OutContext Effects

bullContext effectsbullDeacutejagrave13 vu

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 GeKng13 Informa3on13 OutContext13 Effects

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 GeKng13 Informa3on13 OutContext13 Effects

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 GeKng13 Informa3on13 OutContext13 Effects

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 GeKng13 Informa3on13 OutContext13 Effects

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 GeKng13 Informa3on13 OutContext13 Effects

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 GeKng13 Informa3on13 OutContext13 Effects

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval Getting Information OutMoods and Memories

bullState dependent memorybullMood13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 congruent13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 memory

Wednesday March 6 13


Wednesday March 6 13



Wednesday March 6 13


bullSchacterrsquos sevens sins of memorybullSins of Forgetting


Wednesday March 6 13


bullSchacterrsquos sevens sins of memorybullSins of distortion


bullSin of intrusionbullpersistence

Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Failure

bullEncoding failure

Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Failure

bullEncoding failure

Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Failure

Wednesday March 6 13

Storage DecaybullStorage decay

bullEbbinghaus curve

Wednesday March 6 13

Storage DecaybullStorage decay

bullEbbinghaus curve

Wednesday March 6 13

Ebbinghaus13 Curve

Wednesday March 6 13

Ebbinghaus13 Curve

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval Failure

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval FailureInterference

bullProac3ve13 interference13 (forward acting)bullRetroac3ve13 interference13 (backward-acting)

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 FailureInterference

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 FailureInterference

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 FailureInterference

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 FailureInterference

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 FailureInterference

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval FailureMotivated Forgetting

bullSelf-serving personal historiesbullRepression

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval FailureMotivated Forgetting

bullSelf-serving personal historiesbullRepression

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval FailureMotivated Forgetting

bullSelf-serving personal historiesbullRepression

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval FailureMotivated Forgetting

bullSelf-serving personal historiesbullRepression

Wednesday March 6 13

Memory Construction

Wednesday March 6 13

Misinformation and Imagination Effects

bullLoftus memory studiesbullMisinforma3on13 effect

Wednesday March 6 13

Source Amnesia

bullSource13 amnesia13 (source misattribution)

Wednesday March 6 13

Discerning True and False Memories

bullMemory studiesbullEye witness testimony

Wednesday March 6 13

Childrenrsquos Eyewitness Recall

bullChildrenrsquos memories of abusebullSuggestibility

Wednesday March 6 13

Repressed or Constructed Memories of Abuse

bullAreas of agreementbullSexual abuse happensbullInjustice happensbullForgetting happensbullRecovered memories are incompletebullMemories before 3 years are unreliablebullHypnotic memories are unreliablebullMemories can be emotionally upsetting

Wednesday March 6 13

Repressed or Constructed Memories of Abuse

bullLoftus studies with children

Wednesday March 6 13

Improving Memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Improving Memory TechniquesbullStudy repeatedlybullMake the material meaningfulbullActivate retrieval cuesbullUse mnemonic devicesbullMinimize interferencebullSleep morebullTest your own knowledge both to rehearse it and to help determine what you do not yet

Wednesday March 6 13

The End

Wednesday March 6 13

Teacher13 Informa3onbullTypes13 of13 Files

bullThis13 presenta3on13 has13 been13 saved13 as13 a13 ldquobasicrdquo13 Powerpoint13 file13 13 While13 this13 file13 format13 placed13 a13 few13 limita3ons13 on13 the13 presenta3on13 it13 insured13 the13 file13 would13 be13 compa3ble13 with13 the13 many13 versions13 of13 Powerpoint13 teachers13 use13 13 To13 add13 func3onality13 to13 the13 presenta3on13 teachers13 may13 want13 to13 save13 the13 file13 for13 their13 specific13 version13 of13 Powerpoint

bullAnima0onbullOnce13 again13 to13 insure13 compa3bility13 with13 all13 versions13 of13 Powerpoint13 none13 of13 the13 slides13 are13 animated13 13 To13 increase13 student13 interest13 it13 is13 suggested13 teachers13 animate13 the13 slides13 wherever13 possible

bullAdding13 slides13 to13 this13 presenta0onbullTeachers13 are13 encouraged13 to13 adapt13 this13 presenta3on13 to13 their13 personal13 teaching13 style13 13 To13 help13 keep13 a13 sense13 of13 con3nuity13 blank13 slides13 which13 can13 be13 copied13 and13 pasted13 to13 a13 specific13 loca3on13 in13 the13 presenta3on13 follow13 this13 ldquoTeacher13 Informa3onrdquo13 sec3on13 13 13

Wednesday March 6 13

Teacher13 Informa3onbullHyperlink13 Slides13 -shy‐13 This13 presenta3on13 contain13 two13 types13 of13 hyperlinks13 13 Hyperlinks13 can13 be13 iden3fied13 by13 the13 text13 being13 underlined13 and13 a13 different13 color13 (usually13 purple)

bullUnit13 subsec0ons13 hyperlinks13 13 Immediately13 aer13 the13 unit13 3tle13 slide13 a13 page13 (slide13 3)13 can13 be13 found13 lis3ng13 all13 of13 the13 unitrsquos13 subsec3ons13 13 While13 in13 slide13 show13 mode13 clicking13 on13 any13 of13 these13 hyperlinks13 will13 take13 the13 user13 directly13 to13 the13 beginning13 of13 that13 subsec3on13 13 This13 allows13 teachers13 quick13 access13 to13 each13 subsec3on

bullBold13 print13 term13 hyperlinks13 13 Every13 bold13 print13 term13 from13 the13 unit13 is13 included13 in13 this13 presenta3on13 as13 a13 hyperlink13 13 While13 in13 slide13 show13 mode13 clicking13 on13 any13 of13 the13 hyperlinks13 will13 take13 the13 user13 to13 a13 slide13 containing13 the13 formal13 defini3on13 of13 the13 term13 13 Clicking13 on13 the13 ldquoarrowrdquo13 in13 the13 boaom13 le13 corner13 of13 the13 defini3on13 slide13 will13 take13 the13 user13 back13 to13 the13 original13 point13 in13 the13 presenta3on13

13 These13 hyperlinks13 were13 included13 for13 teachers13 who13 want13 students13 to13 see13 or13 copy13 down13 the13 exact13 defini3on13 as13 stated13 in13 the13 text13 13 Most13 teachers13 prefer13 the13 defini3ons13 not13 be13 included13 to13 prevent13 students13 from13 only13 ldquocopying13 down13 what13 is13 on13 the13 screenrdquo13 and13 not13 ac3vely13 listening13 to13 the13 presenta3on

13 For13 teachers13 who13 con3nually13 use13 the13 Bold13 Print13 Term13 Hyperlinks13 op3on13 please13 contact13 the13 author13 using13 the13 email13 address13 on13 the13 next13 slide13 to13 learn13 a13 technique13 to13 expedite13 the13 returning13 to13 the13 original13 point13 in13 the13 presenta3on

Wednesday March 6 13

Teacher13 Informa3onbullCon0nuity13 slides

bullThroughout13 this13 presenta3on13 there13 are13 slides13 usually13 of13 graphics13 or13 tables13 that13 build13 on13 one13 another13 13 These13 are13 included13 for13 three13 purposes13 13

bullBy13 presen3ng13 informa3on13 in13 small13 chunks13 students13 will13 find13 it13 easier13 to13 process13 and13 remember13 the13 concepts13 13

bullBy13 con3nually13 changing13 slides13 students13 will13 stay13 interested13 in13 the13 presenta3onbullTo13 facilitate13 class13 discussion13 and13 cri3cal13 thinking13 13 Students13 should13 be13 encouraged13 to13 think13 about13 ldquowhat13 might13 come13 nextrdquo13 in13 the13 series13 of13 slides13 13

bullPlease13 feel13 free13 to13 contact13 me13 at13 kkorekgermantownk12wius13 with13 any13 ques3ons13 concerns13 sugges3ons13 etc13 regarding13 these13 presenta3ons13

Kent13 Korek

Germantown13 High13 School

Germantown13 WI13 53022

Wednesday March 6 13

Division title (green print)subdivision title (blue print)


Wednesday March 6 13

Division title (green print)

Use13 this13 slide13 to13 add13 a13 table13 chart13 clip13 art13 picture13 diagram13 or13 video13 clip13 13 Delete13 this13 box13 when13 finished

Wednesday March 6 13

Definition Slide

= add definition here

Wednesday March 6 13


Wednesday March 6 13


= the persistence of learning over time through the storage and retrieval of information

Wednesday March 6 13


= the processing of information into the memory systems ndash for example by extracting meaning

Wednesday March 6 13


= the retention of encoded information over time

Wednesday March 6 13


= the process of getting information out of memory storage

Wednesday March 6 13

Sensory Memory

= the immediate very brief recording of sensory information in the memory system

Wednesday March 6 13

Short-term Memory

= activated memory that holds a few items briefly such as the seven digits of a phone number while dialing before the information is stored or forgotten

Wednesday March 6 13

Long-term Memory

= the relatively permanent and limitless storehouse of the memory system Includes knowledge skills and experiences

Wednesday March 6 13

Working Memory

= a newer understanding of short-term memory that focuses on conscious active processing of incoming auditory and visual-spatial information and of information retrieved from long-term memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Parallel Processing

= the processing of many aspects of a problem simultaneously the brainrsquos natural mode of information processing for many functions Contrasts with the step-by-step (serial) processing of most computers and of conscious problem solving

Wednesday March 6 13

Automatic Processing

= unconscious encoding of incidental information such as space time and frequency and of well-learned information such as word meanings

Wednesday March 6 13

Effortful Processing

= encoding that requires attention and conscious effort

Wednesday March 6 13


= the conscious repetition of information either to maintain it in consciousness or to encode it for storage

Wednesday March 6 13

Spacing Effect

= the tendency for distributed study or practice to yield better long-term retention than is achieved through massed study or practice

Wednesday March 6 13

Serial Position Effect

= our tendency to recall best the last and first items in a list

Wednesday March 6 13

Visual Encoding

= the encoding of picture images

Wednesday March 6 13

Acoustic Encoding

= the encoding of sound especially the sound of words

Wednesday March 6 13

Semantic Encoding

= the encoding of meaning including the meaning of words

Wednesday March 6 13


= mental pictures a powerful aid to effortful processing especially when combined with semantic encoding

Wednesday March 6 13


= memory aids especially those techniques that use vivid imagery and organizational devices

Wednesday March 6 13


= organizing items into familiar manageable units often occurs automatically

Wednesday March 6 13

Iconic Memory

= a momentary sensory memory of visual stimuli a photographic or picture-image memory lasting no more than a few tenths of a second

Wednesday March 6 13

Echoic Memory

= a momentary sensory memory of auditory stimuli if attention is elsewhere sounds and words can still be recalled within 3 or 4 seconds

Wednesday March 6 13

Long-term Potentiation (LTP)

= an increase in a synapsersquos firing potential after brief rapid stimulation Believed to be a neural basis for learning and memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Flashbulb Memory

= a clear memory of an emotionally significant moment or event

Wednesday March 6 13


= loss of memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Implicit Memory

= retention independent of conscious recollection (Also called nondeclarative or procedural memory)

Wednesday March 6 13

Explicit Memory

= memory of facts and experiences that one can consciously know and ldquodeclarerdquo (Also called declarative memory)

Wednesday March 6 13


= a neural center that is located in the limbic system helps process explicit memories for storage

Wednesday March 6 13


= a measure of memory in which the person must retrieve information learning earlier as on a fill-in-the-blank test

Wednesday March 6 13


= a measure of memory in which the person need only identify items previously learned as on a multiple-choice test

Wednesday March 6 13


= a measure of memory that assesses the amount of time saved when learning material for a second time

Wednesday March 6 13


= the activation often unconsciously of particular associations in memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Deja Vu

= that eerie sense that ldquoIrsquove experienced this beforerdquo Cues from the current situation may subconsciously trigger retrieval of an earlier experience

Wednesday March 6 13

Mood Congruent Memory

= the tendency to recall experiences that are consistent with onersquos current good or bad mood

Wednesday March 6 13

Proactive Interference

= the disruptive effect of prior learning on the recall of new information

Wednesday March 6 13

Retroactive Interference

= the disruptive effect of new learning on the recall of old information

Wednesday March 6 13


= in psychoanalytic theory the basic defense mechanism that banishes from consciousness anxiety-arousing thoughts feelings and memories

Wednesday March 6 13

Misinformation Effect

= incorporating misleading information into onersquos memory of an event

Wednesday March 6 13

Source Amnesia

= attributing to the wrong source an event we have experienced heard about read about or imagined (Also called source misattribution) Source amnesia along with the misinformation effect is at the heart of many false memories

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval Getting Information OutContext Effects

bullContext effectsbullDeacutejagrave13 vu

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 GeKng13 Informa3on13 OutContext13 Effects

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 GeKng13 Informa3on13 OutContext13 Effects

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 GeKng13 Informa3on13 OutContext13 Effects

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 GeKng13 Informa3on13 OutContext13 Effects

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 GeKng13 Informa3on13 OutContext13 Effects

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 GeKng13 Informa3on13 OutContext13 Effects

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval Getting Information OutMoods and Memories

bullState dependent memorybullMood13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 congruent13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 memory

Wednesday March 6 13


Wednesday March 6 13



Wednesday March 6 13


bullSchacterrsquos sevens sins of memorybullSins of Forgetting


Wednesday March 6 13


bullSchacterrsquos sevens sins of memorybullSins of distortion


bullSin of intrusionbullpersistence

Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Failure

bullEncoding failure

Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Failure

bullEncoding failure

Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Failure

Wednesday March 6 13

Storage DecaybullStorage decay

bullEbbinghaus curve

Wednesday March 6 13

Storage DecaybullStorage decay

bullEbbinghaus curve

Wednesday March 6 13

Ebbinghaus13 Curve

Wednesday March 6 13

Ebbinghaus13 Curve

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval Failure

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval FailureInterference

bullProac3ve13 interference13 (forward acting)bullRetroac3ve13 interference13 (backward-acting)

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 FailureInterference

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 FailureInterference

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 FailureInterference

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 FailureInterference

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 FailureInterference

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval FailureMotivated Forgetting

bullSelf-serving personal historiesbullRepression

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval FailureMotivated Forgetting

bullSelf-serving personal historiesbullRepression

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval FailureMotivated Forgetting

bullSelf-serving personal historiesbullRepression

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval FailureMotivated Forgetting

bullSelf-serving personal historiesbullRepression

Wednesday March 6 13

Memory Construction

Wednesday March 6 13

Misinformation and Imagination Effects

bullLoftus memory studiesbullMisinforma3on13 effect

Wednesday March 6 13

Source Amnesia

bullSource13 amnesia13 (source misattribution)

Wednesday March 6 13

Discerning True and False Memories

bullMemory studiesbullEye witness testimony

Wednesday March 6 13

Childrenrsquos Eyewitness Recall

bullChildrenrsquos memories of abusebullSuggestibility

Wednesday March 6 13

Repressed or Constructed Memories of Abuse

bullAreas of agreementbullSexual abuse happensbullInjustice happensbullForgetting happensbullRecovered memories are incompletebullMemories before 3 years are unreliablebullHypnotic memories are unreliablebullMemories can be emotionally upsetting

Wednesday March 6 13

Repressed or Constructed Memories of Abuse

bullLoftus studies with children

Wednesday March 6 13

Improving Memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Improving Memory TechniquesbullStudy repeatedlybullMake the material meaningfulbullActivate retrieval cuesbullUse mnemonic devicesbullMinimize interferencebullSleep morebullTest your own knowledge both to rehearse it and to help determine what you do not yet

Wednesday March 6 13

The End

Wednesday March 6 13

Teacher13 Informa3onbullTypes13 of13 Files

bullThis13 presenta3on13 has13 been13 saved13 as13 a13 ldquobasicrdquo13 Powerpoint13 file13 13 While13 this13 file13 format13 placed13 a13 few13 limita3ons13 on13 the13 presenta3on13 it13 insured13 the13 file13 would13 be13 compa3ble13 with13 the13 many13 versions13 of13 Powerpoint13 teachers13 use13 13 To13 add13 func3onality13 to13 the13 presenta3on13 teachers13 may13 want13 to13 save13 the13 file13 for13 their13 specific13 version13 of13 Powerpoint

bullAnima0onbullOnce13 again13 to13 insure13 compa3bility13 with13 all13 versions13 of13 Powerpoint13 none13 of13 the13 slides13 are13 animated13 13 To13 increase13 student13 interest13 it13 is13 suggested13 teachers13 animate13 the13 slides13 wherever13 possible

bullAdding13 slides13 to13 this13 presenta0onbullTeachers13 are13 encouraged13 to13 adapt13 this13 presenta3on13 to13 their13 personal13 teaching13 style13 13 To13 help13 keep13 a13 sense13 of13 con3nuity13 blank13 slides13 which13 can13 be13 copied13 and13 pasted13 to13 a13 specific13 loca3on13 in13 the13 presenta3on13 follow13 this13 ldquoTeacher13 Informa3onrdquo13 sec3on13 13 13

Wednesday March 6 13

Teacher13 Informa3onbullHyperlink13 Slides13 -shy‐13 This13 presenta3on13 contain13 two13 types13 of13 hyperlinks13 13 Hyperlinks13 can13 be13 iden3fied13 by13 the13 text13 being13 underlined13 and13 a13 different13 color13 (usually13 purple)

bullUnit13 subsec0ons13 hyperlinks13 13 Immediately13 aer13 the13 unit13 3tle13 slide13 a13 page13 (slide13 3)13 can13 be13 found13 lis3ng13 all13 of13 the13 unitrsquos13 subsec3ons13 13 While13 in13 slide13 show13 mode13 clicking13 on13 any13 of13 these13 hyperlinks13 will13 take13 the13 user13 directly13 to13 the13 beginning13 of13 that13 subsec3on13 13 This13 allows13 teachers13 quick13 access13 to13 each13 subsec3on

bullBold13 print13 term13 hyperlinks13 13 Every13 bold13 print13 term13 from13 the13 unit13 is13 included13 in13 this13 presenta3on13 as13 a13 hyperlink13 13 While13 in13 slide13 show13 mode13 clicking13 on13 any13 of13 the13 hyperlinks13 will13 take13 the13 user13 to13 a13 slide13 containing13 the13 formal13 defini3on13 of13 the13 term13 13 Clicking13 on13 the13 ldquoarrowrdquo13 in13 the13 boaom13 le13 corner13 of13 the13 defini3on13 slide13 will13 take13 the13 user13 back13 to13 the13 original13 point13 in13 the13 presenta3on13

13 These13 hyperlinks13 were13 included13 for13 teachers13 who13 want13 students13 to13 see13 or13 copy13 down13 the13 exact13 defini3on13 as13 stated13 in13 the13 text13 13 Most13 teachers13 prefer13 the13 defini3ons13 not13 be13 included13 to13 prevent13 students13 from13 only13 ldquocopying13 down13 what13 is13 on13 the13 screenrdquo13 and13 not13 ac3vely13 listening13 to13 the13 presenta3on

13 For13 teachers13 who13 con3nually13 use13 the13 Bold13 Print13 Term13 Hyperlinks13 op3on13 please13 contact13 the13 author13 using13 the13 email13 address13 on13 the13 next13 slide13 to13 learn13 a13 technique13 to13 expedite13 the13 returning13 to13 the13 original13 point13 in13 the13 presenta3on

Wednesday March 6 13

Teacher13 Informa3onbullCon0nuity13 slides

bullThroughout13 this13 presenta3on13 there13 are13 slides13 usually13 of13 graphics13 or13 tables13 that13 build13 on13 one13 another13 13 These13 are13 included13 for13 three13 purposes13 13

bullBy13 presen3ng13 informa3on13 in13 small13 chunks13 students13 will13 find13 it13 easier13 to13 process13 and13 remember13 the13 concepts13 13

bullBy13 con3nually13 changing13 slides13 students13 will13 stay13 interested13 in13 the13 presenta3onbullTo13 facilitate13 class13 discussion13 and13 cri3cal13 thinking13 13 Students13 should13 be13 encouraged13 to13 think13 about13 ldquowhat13 might13 come13 nextrdquo13 in13 the13 series13 of13 slides13 13

bullPlease13 feel13 free13 to13 contact13 me13 at13 kkorekgermantownk12wius13 with13 any13 ques3ons13 concerns13 sugges3ons13 etc13 regarding13 these13 presenta3ons13

Kent13 Korek

Germantown13 High13 School

Germantown13 WI13 53022

Wednesday March 6 13

Division title (green print)subdivision title (blue print)


Wednesday March 6 13

Division title (green print)

Use13 this13 slide13 to13 add13 a13 table13 chart13 clip13 art13 picture13 diagram13 or13 video13 clip13 13 Delete13 this13 box13 when13 finished

Wednesday March 6 13

Definition Slide

= add definition here

Wednesday March 6 13


Wednesday March 6 13


= the persistence of learning over time through the storage and retrieval of information

Wednesday March 6 13


= the processing of information into the memory systems ndash for example by extracting meaning

Wednesday March 6 13


= the retention of encoded information over time

Wednesday March 6 13


= the process of getting information out of memory storage

Wednesday March 6 13

Sensory Memory

= the immediate very brief recording of sensory information in the memory system

Wednesday March 6 13

Short-term Memory

= activated memory that holds a few items briefly such as the seven digits of a phone number while dialing before the information is stored or forgotten

Wednesday March 6 13

Long-term Memory

= the relatively permanent and limitless storehouse of the memory system Includes knowledge skills and experiences

Wednesday March 6 13

Working Memory

= a newer understanding of short-term memory that focuses on conscious active processing of incoming auditory and visual-spatial information and of information retrieved from long-term memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Parallel Processing

= the processing of many aspects of a problem simultaneously the brainrsquos natural mode of information processing for many functions Contrasts with the step-by-step (serial) processing of most computers and of conscious problem solving

Wednesday March 6 13

Automatic Processing

= unconscious encoding of incidental information such as space time and frequency and of well-learned information such as word meanings

Wednesday March 6 13

Effortful Processing

= encoding that requires attention and conscious effort

Wednesday March 6 13


= the conscious repetition of information either to maintain it in consciousness or to encode it for storage

Wednesday March 6 13

Spacing Effect

= the tendency for distributed study or practice to yield better long-term retention than is achieved through massed study or practice

Wednesday March 6 13

Serial Position Effect

= our tendency to recall best the last and first items in a list

Wednesday March 6 13

Visual Encoding

= the encoding of picture images

Wednesday March 6 13

Acoustic Encoding

= the encoding of sound especially the sound of words

Wednesday March 6 13

Semantic Encoding

= the encoding of meaning including the meaning of words

Wednesday March 6 13


= mental pictures a powerful aid to effortful processing especially when combined with semantic encoding

Wednesday March 6 13


= memory aids especially those techniques that use vivid imagery and organizational devices

Wednesday March 6 13


= organizing items into familiar manageable units often occurs automatically

Wednesday March 6 13

Iconic Memory

= a momentary sensory memory of visual stimuli a photographic or picture-image memory lasting no more than a few tenths of a second

Wednesday March 6 13

Echoic Memory

= a momentary sensory memory of auditory stimuli if attention is elsewhere sounds and words can still be recalled within 3 or 4 seconds

Wednesday March 6 13

Long-term Potentiation (LTP)

= an increase in a synapsersquos firing potential after brief rapid stimulation Believed to be a neural basis for learning and memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Flashbulb Memory

= a clear memory of an emotionally significant moment or event

Wednesday March 6 13


= loss of memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Implicit Memory

= retention independent of conscious recollection (Also called nondeclarative or procedural memory)

Wednesday March 6 13

Explicit Memory

= memory of facts and experiences that one can consciously know and ldquodeclarerdquo (Also called declarative memory)

Wednesday March 6 13


= a neural center that is located in the limbic system helps process explicit memories for storage

Wednesday March 6 13


= a measure of memory in which the person must retrieve information learning earlier as on a fill-in-the-blank test

Wednesday March 6 13


= a measure of memory in which the person need only identify items previously learned as on a multiple-choice test

Wednesday March 6 13


= a measure of memory that assesses the amount of time saved when learning material for a second time

Wednesday March 6 13


= the activation often unconsciously of particular associations in memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Deja Vu

= that eerie sense that ldquoIrsquove experienced this beforerdquo Cues from the current situation may subconsciously trigger retrieval of an earlier experience

Wednesday March 6 13

Mood Congruent Memory

= the tendency to recall experiences that are consistent with onersquos current good or bad mood

Wednesday March 6 13

Proactive Interference

= the disruptive effect of prior learning on the recall of new information

Wednesday March 6 13

Retroactive Interference

= the disruptive effect of new learning on the recall of old information

Wednesday March 6 13


= in psychoanalytic theory the basic defense mechanism that banishes from consciousness anxiety-arousing thoughts feelings and memories

Wednesday March 6 13

Misinformation Effect

= incorporating misleading information into onersquos memory of an event

Wednesday March 6 13

Source Amnesia

= attributing to the wrong source an event we have experienced heard about read about or imagined (Also called source misattribution) Source amnesia along with the misinformation effect is at the heart of many false memories

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 GeKng13 Informa3on13 OutContext13 Effects

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 GeKng13 Informa3on13 OutContext13 Effects

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 GeKng13 Informa3on13 OutContext13 Effects

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 GeKng13 Informa3on13 OutContext13 Effects

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 GeKng13 Informa3on13 OutContext13 Effects

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 GeKng13 Informa3on13 OutContext13 Effects

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval Getting Information OutMoods and Memories

bullState dependent memorybullMood13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 congruent13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 memory

Wednesday March 6 13


Wednesday March 6 13



Wednesday March 6 13


bullSchacterrsquos sevens sins of memorybullSins of Forgetting


Wednesday March 6 13


bullSchacterrsquos sevens sins of memorybullSins of distortion


bullSin of intrusionbullpersistence

Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Failure

bullEncoding failure

Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Failure

bullEncoding failure

Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Failure

Wednesday March 6 13

Storage DecaybullStorage decay

bullEbbinghaus curve

Wednesday March 6 13

Storage DecaybullStorage decay

bullEbbinghaus curve

Wednesday March 6 13

Ebbinghaus13 Curve

Wednesday March 6 13

Ebbinghaus13 Curve

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval Failure

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval FailureInterference

bullProac3ve13 interference13 (forward acting)bullRetroac3ve13 interference13 (backward-acting)

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 FailureInterference

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 FailureInterference

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 FailureInterference

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 FailureInterference

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 FailureInterference

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval FailureMotivated Forgetting

bullSelf-serving personal historiesbullRepression

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval FailureMotivated Forgetting

bullSelf-serving personal historiesbullRepression

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval FailureMotivated Forgetting

bullSelf-serving personal historiesbullRepression

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval FailureMotivated Forgetting

bullSelf-serving personal historiesbullRepression

Wednesday March 6 13

Memory Construction

Wednesday March 6 13

Misinformation and Imagination Effects

bullLoftus memory studiesbullMisinforma3on13 effect

Wednesday March 6 13

Source Amnesia

bullSource13 amnesia13 (source misattribution)

Wednesday March 6 13

Discerning True and False Memories

bullMemory studiesbullEye witness testimony

Wednesday March 6 13

Childrenrsquos Eyewitness Recall

bullChildrenrsquos memories of abusebullSuggestibility

Wednesday March 6 13

Repressed or Constructed Memories of Abuse

bullAreas of agreementbullSexual abuse happensbullInjustice happensbullForgetting happensbullRecovered memories are incompletebullMemories before 3 years are unreliablebullHypnotic memories are unreliablebullMemories can be emotionally upsetting

Wednesday March 6 13

Repressed or Constructed Memories of Abuse

bullLoftus studies with children

Wednesday March 6 13

Improving Memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Improving Memory TechniquesbullStudy repeatedlybullMake the material meaningfulbullActivate retrieval cuesbullUse mnemonic devicesbullMinimize interferencebullSleep morebullTest your own knowledge both to rehearse it and to help determine what you do not yet

Wednesday March 6 13

The End

Wednesday March 6 13

Teacher13 Informa3onbullTypes13 of13 Files

bullThis13 presenta3on13 has13 been13 saved13 as13 a13 ldquobasicrdquo13 Powerpoint13 file13 13 While13 this13 file13 format13 placed13 a13 few13 limita3ons13 on13 the13 presenta3on13 it13 insured13 the13 file13 would13 be13 compa3ble13 with13 the13 many13 versions13 of13 Powerpoint13 teachers13 use13 13 To13 add13 func3onality13 to13 the13 presenta3on13 teachers13 may13 want13 to13 save13 the13 file13 for13 their13 specific13 version13 of13 Powerpoint

bullAnima0onbullOnce13 again13 to13 insure13 compa3bility13 with13 all13 versions13 of13 Powerpoint13 none13 of13 the13 slides13 are13 animated13 13 To13 increase13 student13 interest13 it13 is13 suggested13 teachers13 animate13 the13 slides13 wherever13 possible

bullAdding13 slides13 to13 this13 presenta0onbullTeachers13 are13 encouraged13 to13 adapt13 this13 presenta3on13 to13 their13 personal13 teaching13 style13 13 To13 help13 keep13 a13 sense13 of13 con3nuity13 blank13 slides13 which13 can13 be13 copied13 and13 pasted13 to13 a13 specific13 loca3on13 in13 the13 presenta3on13 follow13 this13 ldquoTeacher13 Informa3onrdquo13 sec3on13 13 13

Wednesday March 6 13

Teacher13 Informa3onbullHyperlink13 Slides13 -shy‐13 This13 presenta3on13 contain13 two13 types13 of13 hyperlinks13 13 Hyperlinks13 can13 be13 iden3fied13 by13 the13 text13 being13 underlined13 and13 a13 different13 color13 (usually13 purple)

bullUnit13 subsec0ons13 hyperlinks13 13 Immediately13 aer13 the13 unit13 3tle13 slide13 a13 page13 (slide13 3)13 can13 be13 found13 lis3ng13 all13 of13 the13 unitrsquos13 subsec3ons13 13 While13 in13 slide13 show13 mode13 clicking13 on13 any13 of13 these13 hyperlinks13 will13 take13 the13 user13 directly13 to13 the13 beginning13 of13 that13 subsec3on13 13 This13 allows13 teachers13 quick13 access13 to13 each13 subsec3on

bullBold13 print13 term13 hyperlinks13 13 Every13 bold13 print13 term13 from13 the13 unit13 is13 included13 in13 this13 presenta3on13 as13 a13 hyperlink13 13 While13 in13 slide13 show13 mode13 clicking13 on13 any13 of13 the13 hyperlinks13 will13 take13 the13 user13 to13 a13 slide13 containing13 the13 formal13 defini3on13 of13 the13 term13 13 Clicking13 on13 the13 ldquoarrowrdquo13 in13 the13 boaom13 le13 corner13 of13 the13 defini3on13 slide13 will13 take13 the13 user13 back13 to13 the13 original13 point13 in13 the13 presenta3on13

13 These13 hyperlinks13 were13 included13 for13 teachers13 who13 want13 students13 to13 see13 or13 copy13 down13 the13 exact13 defini3on13 as13 stated13 in13 the13 text13 13 Most13 teachers13 prefer13 the13 defini3ons13 not13 be13 included13 to13 prevent13 students13 from13 only13 ldquocopying13 down13 what13 is13 on13 the13 screenrdquo13 and13 not13 ac3vely13 listening13 to13 the13 presenta3on

13 For13 teachers13 who13 con3nually13 use13 the13 Bold13 Print13 Term13 Hyperlinks13 op3on13 please13 contact13 the13 author13 using13 the13 email13 address13 on13 the13 next13 slide13 to13 learn13 a13 technique13 to13 expedite13 the13 returning13 to13 the13 original13 point13 in13 the13 presenta3on

Wednesday March 6 13

Teacher13 Informa3onbullCon0nuity13 slides

bullThroughout13 this13 presenta3on13 there13 are13 slides13 usually13 of13 graphics13 or13 tables13 that13 build13 on13 one13 another13 13 These13 are13 included13 for13 three13 purposes13 13

bullBy13 presen3ng13 informa3on13 in13 small13 chunks13 students13 will13 find13 it13 easier13 to13 process13 and13 remember13 the13 concepts13 13

bullBy13 con3nually13 changing13 slides13 students13 will13 stay13 interested13 in13 the13 presenta3onbullTo13 facilitate13 class13 discussion13 and13 cri3cal13 thinking13 13 Students13 should13 be13 encouraged13 to13 think13 about13 ldquowhat13 might13 come13 nextrdquo13 in13 the13 series13 of13 slides13 13

bullPlease13 feel13 free13 to13 contact13 me13 at13 kkorekgermantownk12wius13 with13 any13 ques3ons13 concerns13 sugges3ons13 etc13 regarding13 these13 presenta3ons13

Kent13 Korek

Germantown13 High13 School

Germantown13 WI13 53022

Wednesday March 6 13

Division title (green print)subdivision title (blue print)


Wednesday March 6 13

Division title (green print)

Use13 this13 slide13 to13 add13 a13 table13 chart13 clip13 art13 picture13 diagram13 or13 video13 clip13 13 Delete13 this13 box13 when13 finished

Wednesday March 6 13

Definition Slide

= add definition here

Wednesday March 6 13


Wednesday March 6 13


= the persistence of learning over time through the storage and retrieval of information

Wednesday March 6 13


= the processing of information into the memory systems ndash for example by extracting meaning

Wednesday March 6 13


= the retention of encoded information over time

Wednesday March 6 13


= the process of getting information out of memory storage

Wednesday March 6 13

Sensory Memory

= the immediate very brief recording of sensory information in the memory system

Wednesday March 6 13

Short-term Memory

= activated memory that holds a few items briefly such as the seven digits of a phone number while dialing before the information is stored or forgotten

Wednesday March 6 13

Long-term Memory

= the relatively permanent and limitless storehouse of the memory system Includes knowledge skills and experiences

Wednesday March 6 13

Working Memory

= a newer understanding of short-term memory that focuses on conscious active processing of incoming auditory and visual-spatial information and of information retrieved from long-term memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Parallel Processing

= the processing of many aspects of a problem simultaneously the brainrsquos natural mode of information processing for many functions Contrasts with the step-by-step (serial) processing of most computers and of conscious problem solving

Wednesday March 6 13

Automatic Processing

= unconscious encoding of incidental information such as space time and frequency and of well-learned information such as word meanings

Wednesday March 6 13

Effortful Processing

= encoding that requires attention and conscious effort

Wednesday March 6 13


= the conscious repetition of information either to maintain it in consciousness or to encode it for storage

Wednesday March 6 13

Spacing Effect

= the tendency for distributed study or practice to yield better long-term retention than is achieved through massed study or practice

Wednesday March 6 13

Serial Position Effect

= our tendency to recall best the last and first items in a list

Wednesday March 6 13

Visual Encoding

= the encoding of picture images

Wednesday March 6 13

Acoustic Encoding

= the encoding of sound especially the sound of words

Wednesday March 6 13

Semantic Encoding

= the encoding of meaning including the meaning of words

Wednesday March 6 13


= mental pictures a powerful aid to effortful processing especially when combined with semantic encoding

Wednesday March 6 13


= memory aids especially those techniques that use vivid imagery and organizational devices

Wednesday March 6 13


= organizing items into familiar manageable units often occurs automatically

Wednesday March 6 13

Iconic Memory

= a momentary sensory memory of visual stimuli a photographic or picture-image memory lasting no more than a few tenths of a second

Wednesday March 6 13

Echoic Memory

= a momentary sensory memory of auditory stimuli if attention is elsewhere sounds and words can still be recalled within 3 or 4 seconds

Wednesday March 6 13

Long-term Potentiation (LTP)

= an increase in a synapsersquos firing potential after brief rapid stimulation Believed to be a neural basis for learning and memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Flashbulb Memory

= a clear memory of an emotionally significant moment or event

Wednesday March 6 13


= loss of memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Implicit Memory

= retention independent of conscious recollection (Also called nondeclarative or procedural memory)

Wednesday March 6 13

Explicit Memory

= memory of facts and experiences that one can consciously know and ldquodeclarerdquo (Also called declarative memory)

Wednesday March 6 13


= a neural center that is located in the limbic system helps process explicit memories for storage

Wednesday March 6 13


= a measure of memory in which the person must retrieve information learning earlier as on a fill-in-the-blank test

Wednesday March 6 13


= a measure of memory in which the person need only identify items previously learned as on a multiple-choice test

Wednesday March 6 13


= a measure of memory that assesses the amount of time saved when learning material for a second time

Wednesday March 6 13


= the activation often unconsciously of particular associations in memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Deja Vu

= that eerie sense that ldquoIrsquove experienced this beforerdquo Cues from the current situation may subconsciously trigger retrieval of an earlier experience

Wednesday March 6 13

Mood Congruent Memory

= the tendency to recall experiences that are consistent with onersquos current good or bad mood

Wednesday March 6 13

Proactive Interference

= the disruptive effect of prior learning on the recall of new information

Wednesday March 6 13

Retroactive Interference

= the disruptive effect of new learning on the recall of old information

Wednesday March 6 13


= in psychoanalytic theory the basic defense mechanism that banishes from consciousness anxiety-arousing thoughts feelings and memories

Wednesday March 6 13

Misinformation Effect

= incorporating misleading information into onersquos memory of an event

Wednesday March 6 13

Source Amnesia

= attributing to the wrong source an event we have experienced heard about read about or imagined (Also called source misattribution) Source amnesia along with the misinformation effect is at the heart of many false memories

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 GeKng13 Informa3on13 OutContext13 Effects

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 GeKng13 Informa3on13 OutContext13 Effects

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 GeKng13 Informa3on13 OutContext13 Effects

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 GeKng13 Informa3on13 OutContext13 Effects

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 GeKng13 Informa3on13 OutContext13 Effects

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval Getting Information OutMoods and Memories

bullState dependent memorybullMood13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 congruent13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 memory

Wednesday March 6 13


Wednesday March 6 13



Wednesday March 6 13


bullSchacterrsquos sevens sins of memorybullSins of Forgetting


Wednesday March 6 13


bullSchacterrsquos sevens sins of memorybullSins of distortion


bullSin of intrusionbullpersistence

Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Failure

bullEncoding failure

Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Failure

bullEncoding failure

Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Failure

Wednesday March 6 13

Storage DecaybullStorage decay

bullEbbinghaus curve

Wednesday March 6 13

Storage DecaybullStorage decay

bullEbbinghaus curve

Wednesday March 6 13

Ebbinghaus13 Curve

Wednesday March 6 13

Ebbinghaus13 Curve

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval Failure

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval FailureInterference

bullProac3ve13 interference13 (forward acting)bullRetroac3ve13 interference13 (backward-acting)

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 FailureInterference

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 FailureInterference

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 FailureInterference

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 FailureInterference

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 FailureInterference

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval FailureMotivated Forgetting

bullSelf-serving personal historiesbullRepression

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval FailureMotivated Forgetting

bullSelf-serving personal historiesbullRepression

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval FailureMotivated Forgetting

bullSelf-serving personal historiesbullRepression

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval FailureMotivated Forgetting

bullSelf-serving personal historiesbullRepression

Wednesday March 6 13

Memory Construction

Wednesday March 6 13

Misinformation and Imagination Effects

bullLoftus memory studiesbullMisinforma3on13 effect

Wednesday March 6 13

Source Amnesia

bullSource13 amnesia13 (source misattribution)

Wednesday March 6 13

Discerning True and False Memories

bullMemory studiesbullEye witness testimony

Wednesday March 6 13

Childrenrsquos Eyewitness Recall

bullChildrenrsquos memories of abusebullSuggestibility

Wednesday March 6 13

Repressed or Constructed Memories of Abuse

bullAreas of agreementbullSexual abuse happensbullInjustice happensbullForgetting happensbullRecovered memories are incompletebullMemories before 3 years are unreliablebullHypnotic memories are unreliablebullMemories can be emotionally upsetting

Wednesday March 6 13

Repressed or Constructed Memories of Abuse

bullLoftus studies with children

Wednesday March 6 13

Improving Memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Improving Memory TechniquesbullStudy repeatedlybullMake the material meaningfulbullActivate retrieval cuesbullUse mnemonic devicesbullMinimize interferencebullSleep morebullTest your own knowledge both to rehearse it and to help determine what you do not yet

Wednesday March 6 13

The End

Wednesday March 6 13

Teacher13 Informa3onbullTypes13 of13 Files

bullThis13 presenta3on13 has13 been13 saved13 as13 a13 ldquobasicrdquo13 Powerpoint13 file13 13 While13 this13 file13 format13 placed13 a13 few13 limita3ons13 on13 the13 presenta3on13 it13 insured13 the13 file13 would13 be13 compa3ble13 with13 the13 many13 versions13 of13 Powerpoint13 teachers13 use13 13 To13 add13 func3onality13 to13 the13 presenta3on13 teachers13 may13 want13 to13 save13 the13 file13 for13 their13 specific13 version13 of13 Powerpoint

bullAnima0onbullOnce13 again13 to13 insure13 compa3bility13 with13 all13 versions13 of13 Powerpoint13 none13 of13 the13 slides13 are13 animated13 13 To13 increase13 student13 interest13 it13 is13 suggested13 teachers13 animate13 the13 slides13 wherever13 possible

bullAdding13 slides13 to13 this13 presenta0onbullTeachers13 are13 encouraged13 to13 adapt13 this13 presenta3on13 to13 their13 personal13 teaching13 style13 13 To13 help13 keep13 a13 sense13 of13 con3nuity13 blank13 slides13 which13 can13 be13 copied13 and13 pasted13 to13 a13 specific13 loca3on13 in13 the13 presenta3on13 follow13 this13 ldquoTeacher13 Informa3onrdquo13 sec3on13 13 13

Wednesday March 6 13

Teacher13 Informa3onbullHyperlink13 Slides13 -shy‐13 This13 presenta3on13 contain13 two13 types13 of13 hyperlinks13 13 Hyperlinks13 can13 be13 iden3fied13 by13 the13 text13 being13 underlined13 and13 a13 different13 color13 (usually13 purple)

bullUnit13 subsec0ons13 hyperlinks13 13 Immediately13 aer13 the13 unit13 3tle13 slide13 a13 page13 (slide13 3)13 can13 be13 found13 lis3ng13 all13 of13 the13 unitrsquos13 subsec3ons13 13 While13 in13 slide13 show13 mode13 clicking13 on13 any13 of13 these13 hyperlinks13 will13 take13 the13 user13 directly13 to13 the13 beginning13 of13 that13 subsec3on13 13 This13 allows13 teachers13 quick13 access13 to13 each13 subsec3on

bullBold13 print13 term13 hyperlinks13 13 Every13 bold13 print13 term13 from13 the13 unit13 is13 included13 in13 this13 presenta3on13 as13 a13 hyperlink13 13 While13 in13 slide13 show13 mode13 clicking13 on13 any13 of13 the13 hyperlinks13 will13 take13 the13 user13 to13 a13 slide13 containing13 the13 formal13 defini3on13 of13 the13 term13 13 Clicking13 on13 the13 ldquoarrowrdquo13 in13 the13 boaom13 le13 corner13 of13 the13 defini3on13 slide13 will13 take13 the13 user13 back13 to13 the13 original13 point13 in13 the13 presenta3on13

13 These13 hyperlinks13 were13 included13 for13 teachers13 who13 want13 students13 to13 see13 or13 copy13 down13 the13 exact13 defini3on13 as13 stated13 in13 the13 text13 13 Most13 teachers13 prefer13 the13 defini3ons13 not13 be13 included13 to13 prevent13 students13 from13 only13 ldquocopying13 down13 what13 is13 on13 the13 screenrdquo13 and13 not13 ac3vely13 listening13 to13 the13 presenta3on

13 For13 teachers13 who13 con3nually13 use13 the13 Bold13 Print13 Term13 Hyperlinks13 op3on13 please13 contact13 the13 author13 using13 the13 email13 address13 on13 the13 next13 slide13 to13 learn13 a13 technique13 to13 expedite13 the13 returning13 to13 the13 original13 point13 in13 the13 presenta3on

Wednesday March 6 13

Teacher13 Informa3onbullCon0nuity13 slides

bullThroughout13 this13 presenta3on13 there13 are13 slides13 usually13 of13 graphics13 or13 tables13 that13 build13 on13 one13 another13 13 These13 are13 included13 for13 three13 purposes13 13

bullBy13 presen3ng13 informa3on13 in13 small13 chunks13 students13 will13 find13 it13 easier13 to13 process13 and13 remember13 the13 concepts13 13

bullBy13 con3nually13 changing13 slides13 students13 will13 stay13 interested13 in13 the13 presenta3onbullTo13 facilitate13 class13 discussion13 and13 cri3cal13 thinking13 13 Students13 should13 be13 encouraged13 to13 think13 about13 ldquowhat13 might13 come13 nextrdquo13 in13 the13 series13 of13 slides13 13

bullPlease13 feel13 free13 to13 contact13 me13 at13 kkorekgermantownk12wius13 with13 any13 ques3ons13 concerns13 sugges3ons13 etc13 regarding13 these13 presenta3ons13

Kent13 Korek

Germantown13 High13 School

Germantown13 WI13 53022

Wednesday March 6 13

Division title (green print)subdivision title (blue print)


Wednesday March 6 13

Division title (green print)

Use13 this13 slide13 to13 add13 a13 table13 chart13 clip13 art13 picture13 diagram13 or13 video13 clip13 13 Delete13 this13 box13 when13 finished

Wednesday March 6 13

Definition Slide

= add definition here

Wednesday March 6 13


Wednesday March 6 13


= the persistence of learning over time through the storage and retrieval of information

Wednesday March 6 13


= the processing of information into the memory systems ndash for example by extracting meaning

Wednesday March 6 13


= the retention of encoded information over time

Wednesday March 6 13


= the process of getting information out of memory storage

Wednesday March 6 13

Sensory Memory

= the immediate very brief recording of sensory information in the memory system

Wednesday March 6 13

Short-term Memory

= activated memory that holds a few items briefly such as the seven digits of a phone number while dialing before the information is stored or forgotten

Wednesday March 6 13

Long-term Memory

= the relatively permanent and limitless storehouse of the memory system Includes knowledge skills and experiences

Wednesday March 6 13

Working Memory

= a newer understanding of short-term memory that focuses on conscious active processing of incoming auditory and visual-spatial information and of information retrieved from long-term memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Parallel Processing

= the processing of many aspects of a problem simultaneously the brainrsquos natural mode of information processing for many functions Contrasts with the step-by-step (serial) processing of most computers and of conscious problem solving

Wednesday March 6 13

Automatic Processing

= unconscious encoding of incidental information such as space time and frequency and of well-learned information such as word meanings

Wednesday March 6 13

Effortful Processing

= encoding that requires attention and conscious effort

Wednesday March 6 13


= the conscious repetition of information either to maintain it in consciousness or to encode it for storage

Wednesday March 6 13

Spacing Effect

= the tendency for distributed study or practice to yield better long-term retention than is achieved through massed study or practice

Wednesday March 6 13

Serial Position Effect

= our tendency to recall best the last and first items in a list

Wednesday March 6 13

Visual Encoding

= the encoding of picture images

Wednesday March 6 13

Acoustic Encoding

= the encoding of sound especially the sound of words

Wednesday March 6 13

Semantic Encoding

= the encoding of meaning including the meaning of words

Wednesday March 6 13


= mental pictures a powerful aid to effortful processing especially when combined with semantic encoding

Wednesday March 6 13


= memory aids especially those techniques that use vivid imagery and organizational devices

Wednesday March 6 13


= organizing items into familiar manageable units often occurs automatically

Wednesday March 6 13

Iconic Memory

= a momentary sensory memory of visual stimuli a photographic or picture-image memory lasting no more than a few tenths of a second

Wednesday March 6 13

Echoic Memory

= a momentary sensory memory of auditory stimuli if attention is elsewhere sounds and words can still be recalled within 3 or 4 seconds

Wednesday March 6 13

Long-term Potentiation (LTP)

= an increase in a synapsersquos firing potential after brief rapid stimulation Believed to be a neural basis for learning and memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Flashbulb Memory

= a clear memory of an emotionally significant moment or event

Wednesday March 6 13


= loss of memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Implicit Memory

= retention independent of conscious recollection (Also called nondeclarative or procedural memory)

Wednesday March 6 13

Explicit Memory

= memory of facts and experiences that one can consciously know and ldquodeclarerdquo (Also called declarative memory)

Wednesday March 6 13


= a neural center that is located in the limbic system helps process explicit memories for storage

Wednesday March 6 13


= a measure of memory in which the person must retrieve information learning earlier as on a fill-in-the-blank test

Wednesday March 6 13


= a measure of memory in which the person need only identify items previously learned as on a multiple-choice test

Wednesday March 6 13


= a measure of memory that assesses the amount of time saved when learning material for a second time

Wednesday March 6 13


= the activation often unconsciously of particular associations in memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Deja Vu

= that eerie sense that ldquoIrsquove experienced this beforerdquo Cues from the current situation may subconsciously trigger retrieval of an earlier experience

Wednesday March 6 13

Mood Congruent Memory

= the tendency to recall experiences that are consistent with onersquos current good or bad mood

Wednesday March 6 13

Proactive Interference

= the disruptive effect of prior learning on the recall of new information

Wednesday March 6 13

Retroactive Interference

= the disruptive effect of new learning on the recall of old information

Wednesday March 6 13


= in psychoanalytic theory the basic defense mechanism that banishes from consciousness anxiety-arousing thoughts feelings and memories

Wednesday March 6 13

Misinformation Effect

= incorporating misleading information into onersquos memory of an event

Wednesday March 6 13

Source Amnesia

= attributing to the wrong source an event we have experienced heard about read about or imagined (Also called source misattribution) Source amnesia along with the misinformation effect is at the heart of many false memories

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 GeKng13 Informa3on13 OutContext13 Effects

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 GeKng13 Informa3on13 OutContext13 Effects

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 GeKng13 Informa3on13 OutContext13 Effects

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 GeKng13 Informa3on13 OutContext13 Effects

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval Getting Information OutMoods and Memories

bullState dependent memorybullMood13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 congruent13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 memory

Wednesday March 6 13


Wednesday March 6 13



Wednesday March 6 13


bullSchacterrsquos sevens sins of memorybullSins of Forgetting


Wednesday March 6 13


bullSchacterrsquos sevens sins of memorybullSins of distortion


bullSin of intrusionbullpersistence

Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Failure

bullEncoding failure

Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Failure

bullEncoding failure

Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Failure

Wednesday March 6 13

Storage DecaybullStorage decay

bullEbbinghaus curve

Wednesday March 6 13

Storage DecaybullStorage decay

bullEbbinghaus curve

Wednesday March 6 13

Ebbinghaus13 Curve

Wednesday March 6 13

Ebbinghaus13 Curve

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval Failure

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval FailureInterference

bullProac3ve13 interference13 (forward acting)bullRetroac3ve13 interference13 (backward-acting)

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 FailureInterference

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 FailureInterference

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 FailureInterference

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 FailureInterference

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 FailureInterference

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval FailureMotivated Forgetting

bullSelf-serving personal historiesbullRepression

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval FailureMotivated Forgetting

bullSelf-serving personal historiesbullRepression

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval FailureMotivated Forgetting

bullSelf-serving personal historiesbullRepression

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval FailureMotivated Forgetting

bullSelf-serving personal historiesbullRepression

Wednesday March 6 13

Memory Construction

Wednesday March 6 13

Misinformation and Imagination Effects

bullLoftus memory studiesbullMisinforma3on13 effect

Wednesday March 6 13

Source Amnesia

bullSource13 amnesia13 (source misattribution)

Wednesday March 6 13

Discerning True and False Memories

bullMemory studiesbullEye witness testimony

Wednesday March 6 13

Childrenrsquos Eyewitness Recall

bullChildrenrsquos memories of abusebullSuggestibility

Wednesday March 6 13

Repressed or Constructed Memories of Abuse

bullAreas of agreementbullSexual abuse happensbullInjustice happensbullForgetting happensbullRecovered memories are incompletebullMemories before 3 years are unreliablebullHypnotic memories are unreliablebullMemories can be emotionally upsetting

Wednesday March 6 13

Repressed or Constructed Memories of Abuse

bullLoftus studies with children

Wednesday March 6 13

Improving Memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Improving Memory TechniquesbullStudy repeatedlybullMake the material meaningfulbullActivate retrieval cuesbullUse mnemonic devicesbullMinimize interferencebullSleep morebullTest your own knowledge both to rehearse it and to help determine what you do not yet

Wednesday March 6 13

The End

Wednesday March 6 13

Teacher13 Informa3onbullTypes13 of13 Files

bullThis13 presenta3on13 has13 been13 saved13 as13 a13 ldquobasicrdquo13 Powerpoint13 file13 13 While13 this13 file13 format13 placed13 a13 few13 limita3ons13 on13 the13 presenta3on13 it13 insured13 the13 file13 would13 be13 compa3ble13 with13 the13 many13 versions13 of13 Powerpoint13 teachers13 use13 13 To13 add13 func3onality13 to13 the13 presenta3on13 teachers13 may13 want13 to13 save13 the13 file13 for13 their13 specific13 version13 of13 Powerpoint

bullAnima0onbullOnce13 again13 to13 insure13 compa3bility13 with13 all13 versions13 of13 Powerpoint13 none13 of13 the13 slides13 are13 animated13 13 To13 increase13 student13 interest13 it13 is13 suggested13 teachers13 animate13 the13 slides13 wherever13 possible

bullAdding13 slides13 to13 this13 presenta0onbullTeachers13 are13 encouraged13 to13 adapt13 this13 presenta3on13 to13 their13 personal13 teaching13 style13 13 To13 help13 keep13 a13 sense13 of13 con3nuity13 blank13 slides13 which13 can13 be13 copied13 and13 pasted13 to13 a13 specific13 loca3on13 in13 the13 presenta3on13 follow13 this13 ldquoTeacher13 Informa3onrdquo13 sec3on13 13 13

Wednesday March 6 13

Teacher13 Informa3onbullHyperlink13 Slides13 -shy‐13 This13 presenta3on13 contain13 two13 types13 of13 hyperlinks13 13 Hyperlinks13 can13 be13 iden3fied13 by13 the13 text13 being13 underlined13 and13 a13 different13 color13 (usually13 purple)

bullUnit13 subsec0ons13 hyperlinks13 13 Immediately13 aer13 the13 unit13 3tle13 slide13 a13 page13 (slide13 3)13 can13 be13 found13 lis3ng13 all13 of13 the13 unitrsquos13 subsec3ons13 13 While13 in13 slide13 show13 mode13 clicking13 on13 any13 of13 these13 hyperlinks13 will13 take13 the13 user13 directly13 to13 the13 beginning13 of13 that13 subsec3on13 13 This13 allows13 teachers13 quick13 access13 to13 each13 subsec3on

bullBold13 print13 term13 hyperlinks13 13 Every13 bold13 print13 term13 from13 the13 unit13 is13 included13 in13 this13 presenta3on13 as13 a13 hyperlink13 13 While13 in13 slide13 show13 mode13 clicking13 on13 any13 of13 the13 hyperlinks13 will13 take13 the13 user13 to13 a13 slide13 containing13 the13 formal13 defini3on13 of13 the13 term13 13 Clicking13 on13 the13 ldquoarrowrdquo13 in13 the13 boaom13 le13 corner13 of13 the13 defini3on13 slide13 will13 take13 the13 user13 back13 to13 the13 original13 point13 in13 the13 presenta3on13

13 These13 hyperlinks13 were13 included13 for13 teachers13 who13 want13 students13 to13 see13 or13 copy13 down13 the13 exact13 defini3on13 as13 stated13 in13 the13 text13 13 Most13 teachers13 prefer13 the13 defini3ons13 not13 be13 included13 to13 prevent13 students13 from13 only13 ldquocopying13 down13 what13 is13 on13 the13 screenrdquo13 and13 not13 ac3vely13 listening13 to13 the13 presenta3on

13 For13 teachers13 who13 con3nually13 use13 the13 Bold13 Print13 Term13 Hyperlinks13 op3on13 please13 contact13 the13 author13 using13 the13 email13 address13 on13 the13 next13 slide13 to13 learn13 a13 technique13 to13 expedite13 the13 returning13 to13 the13 original13 point13 in13 the13 presenta3on

Wednesday March 6 13

Teacher13 Informa3onbullCon0nuity13 slides

bullThroughout13 this13 presenta3on13 there13 are13 slides13 usually13 of13 graphics13 or13 tables13 that13 build13 on13 one13 another13 13 These13 are13 included13 for13 three13 purposes13 13

bullBy13 presen3ng13 informa3on13 in13 small13 chunks13 students13 will13 find13 it13 easier13 to13 process13 and13 remember13 the13 concepts13 13

bullBy13 con3nually13 changing13 slides13 students13 will13 stay13 interested13 in13 the13 presenta3onbullTo13 facilitate13 class13 discussion13 and13 cri3cal13 thinking13 13 Students13 should13 be13 encouraged13 to13 think13 about13 ldquowhat13 might13 come13 nextrdquo13 in13 the13 series13 of13 slides13 13

bullPlease13 feel13 free13 to13 contact13 me13 at13 kkorekgermantownk12wius13 with13 any13 ques3ons13 concerns13 sugges3ons13 etc13 regarding13 these13 presenta3ons13

Kent13 Korek

Germantown13 High13 School

Germantown13 WI13 53022

Wednesday March 6 13

Division title (green print)subdivision title (blue print)


Wednesday March 6 13

Division title (green print)

Use13 this13 slide13 to13 add13 a13 table13 chart13 clip13 art13 picture13 diagram13 or13 video13 clip13 13 Delete13 this13 box13 when13 finished

Wednesday March 6 13

Definition Slide

= add definition here

Wednesday March 6 13


Wednesday March 6 13


= the persistence of learning over time through the storage and retrieval of information

Wednesday March 6 13


= the processing of information into the memory systems ndash for example by extracting meaning

Wednesday March 6 13


= the retention of encoded information over time

Wednesday March 6 13


= the process of getting information out of memory storage

Wednesday March 6 13

Sensory Memory

= the immediate very brief recording of sensory information in the memory system

Wednesday March 6 13

Short-term Memory

= activated memory that holds a few items briefly such as the seven digits of a phone number while dialing before the information is stored or forgotten

Wednesday March 6 13

Long-term Memory

= the relatively permanent and limitless storehouse of the memory system Includes knowledge skills and experiences

Wednesday March 6 13

Working Memory

= a newer understanding of short-term memory that focuses on conscious active processing of incoming auditory and visual-spatial information and of information retrieved from long-term memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Parallel Processing

= the processing of many aspects of a problem simultaneously the brainrsquos natural mode of information processing for many functions Contrasts with the step-by-step (serial) processing of most computers and of conscious problem solving

Wednesday March 6 13

Automatic Processing

= unconscious encoding of incidental information such as space time and frequency and of well-learned information such as word meanings

Wednesday March 6 13

Effortful Processing

= encoding that requires attention and conscious effort

Wednesday March 6 13


= the conscious repetition of information either to maintain it in consciousness or to encode it for storage

Wednesday March 6 13

Spacing Effect

= the tendency for distributed study or practice to yield better long-term retention than is achieved through massed study or practice

Wednesday March 6 13

Serial Position Effect

= our tendency to recall best the last and first items in a list

Wednesday March 6 13

Visual Encoding

= the encoding of picture images

Wednesday March 6 13

Acoustic Encoding

= the encoding of sound especially the sound of words

Wednesday March 6 13

Semantic Encoding

= the encoding of meaning including the meaning of words

Wednesday March 6 13


= mental pictures a powerful aid to effortful processing especially when combined with semantic encoding

Wednesday March 6 13


= memory aids especially those techniques that use vivid imagery and organizational devices

Wednesday March 6 13


= organizing items into familiar manageable units often occurs automatically

Wednesday March 6 13

Iconic Memory

= a momentary sensory memory of visual stimuli a photographic or picture-image memory lasting no more than a few tenths of a second

Wednesday March 6 13

Echoic Memory

= a momentary sensory memory of auditory stimuli if attention is elsewhere sounds and words can still be recalled within 3 or 4 seconds

Wednesday March 6 13

Long-term Potentiation (LTP)

= an increase in a synapsersquos firing potential after brief rapid stimulation Believed to be a neural basis for learning and memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Flashbulb Memory

= a clear memory of an emotionally significant moment or event

Wednesday March 6 13


= loss of memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Implicit Memory

= retention independent of conscious recollection (Also called nondeclarative or procedural memory)

Wednesday March 6 13

Explicit Memory

= memory of facts and experiences that one can consciously know and ldquodeclarerdquo (Also called declarative memory)

Wednesday March 6 13


= a neural center that is located in the limbic system helps process explicit memories for storage

Wednesday March 6 13


= a measure of memory in which the person must retrieve information learning earlier as on a fill-in-the-blank test

Wednesday March 6 13


= a measure of memory in which the person need only identify items previously learned as on a multiple-choice test

Wednesday March 6 13


= a measure of memory that assesses the amount of time saved when learning material for a second time

Wednesday March 6 13


= the activation often unconsciously of particular associations in memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Deja Vu

= that eerie sense that ldquoIrsquove experienced this beforerdquo Cues from the current situation may subconsciously trigger retrieval of an earlier experience

Wednesday March 6 13

Mood Congruent Memory

= the tendency to recall experiences that are consistent with onersquos current good or bad mood

Wednesday March 6 13

Proactive Interference

= the disruptive effect of prior learning on the recall of new information

Wednesday March 6 13

Retroactive Interference

= the disruptive effect of new learning on the recall of old information

Wednesday March 6 13


= in psychoanalytic theory the basic defense mechanism that banishes from consciousness anxiety-arousing thoughts feelings and memories

Wednesday March 6 13

Misinformation Effect

= incorporating misleading information into onersquos memory of an event

Wednesday March 6 13

Source Amnesia

= attributing to the wrong source an event we have experienced heard about read about or imagined (Also called source misattribution) Source amnesia along with the misinformation effect is at the heart of many false memories

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 GeKng13 Informa3on13 OutContext13 Effects

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 GeKng13 Informa3on13 OutContext13 Effects

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 GeKng13 Informa3on13 OutContext13 Effects

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval Getting Information OutMoods and Memories

bullState dependent memorybullMood13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 congruent13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 memory

Wednesday March 6 13


Wednesday March 6 13



Wednesday March 6 13


bullSchacterrsquos sevens sins of memorybullSins of Forgetting


Wednesday March 6 13


bullSchacterrsquos sevens sins of memorybullSins of distortion


bullSin of intrusionbullpersistence

Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Failure

bullEncoding failure

Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Failure

bullEncoding failure

Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Failure

Wednesday March 6 13

Storage DecaybullStorage decay

bullEbbinghaus curve

Wednesday March 6 13

Storage DecaybullStorage decay

bullEbbinghaus curve

Wednesday March 6 13

Ebbinghaus13 Curve

Wednesday March 6 13

Ebbinghaus13 Curve

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval Failure

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval FailureInterference

bullProac3ve13 interference13 (forward acting)bullRetroac3ve13 interference13 (backward-acting)

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 FailureInterference

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 FailureInterference

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 FailureInterference

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 FailureInterference

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 FailureInterference

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval FailureMotivated Forgetting

bullSelf-serving personal historiesbullRepression

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval FailureMotivated Forgetting

bullSelf-serving personal historiesbullRepression

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval FailureMotivated Forgetting

bullSelf-serving personal historiesbullRepression

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval FailureMotivated Forgetting

bullSelf-serving personal historiesbullRepression

Wednesday March 6 13

Memory Construction

Wednesday March 6 13

Misinformation and Imagination Effects

bullLoftus memory studiesbullMisinforma3on13 effect

Wednesday March 6 13

Source Amnesia

bullSource13 amnesia13 (source misattribution)

Wednesday March 6 13

Discerning True and False Memories

bullMemory studiesbullEye witness testimony

Wednesday March 6 13

Childrenrsquos Eyewitness Recall

bullChildrenrsquos memories of abusebullSuggestibility

Wednesday March 6 13

Repressed or Constructed Memories of Abuse

bullAreas of agreementbullSexual abuse happensbullInjustice happensbullForgetting happensbullRecovered memories are incompletebullMemories before 3 years are unreliablebullHypnotic memories are unreliablebullMemories can be emotionally upsetting

Wednesday March 6 13

Repressed or Constructed Memories of Abuse

bullLoftus studies with children

Wednesday March 6 13

Improving Memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Improving Memory TechniquesbullStudy repeatedlybullMake the material meaningfulbullActivate retrieval cuesbullUse mnemonic devicesbullMinimize interferencebullSleep morebullTest your own knowledge both to rehearse it and to help determine what you do not yet

Wednesday March 6 13

The End

Wednesday March 6 13

Teacher13 Informa3onbullTypes13 of13 Files

bullThis13 presenta3on13 has13 been13 saved13 as13 a13 ldquobasicrdquo13 Powerpoint13 file13 13 While13 this13 file13 format13 placed13 a13 few13 limita3ons13 on13 the13 presenta3on13 it13 insured13 the13 file13 would13 be13 compa3ble13 with13 the13 many13 versions13 of13 Powerpoint13 teachers13 use13 13 To13 add13 func3onality13 to13 the13 presenta3on13 teachers13 may13 want13 to13 save13 the13 file13 for13 their13 specific13 version13 of13 Powerpoint

bullAnima0onbullOnce13 again13 to13 insure13 compa3bility13 with13 all13 versions13 of13 Powerpoint13 none13 of13 the13 slides13 are13 animated13 13 To13 increase13 student13 interest13 it13 is13 suggested13 teachers13 animate13 the13 slides13 wherever13 possible

bullAdding13 slides13 to13 this13 presenta0onbullTeachers13 are13 encouraged13 to13 adapt13 this13 presenta3on13 to13 their13 personal13 teaching13 style13 13 To13 help13 keep13 a13 sense13 of13 con3nuity13 blank13 slides13 which13 can13 be13 copied13 and13 pasted13 to13 a13 specific13 loca3on13 in13 the13 presenta3on13 follow13 this13 ldquoTeacher13 Informa3onrdquo13 sec3on13 13 13

Wednesday March 6 13

Teacher13 Informa3onbullHyperlink13 Slides13 -shy‐13 This13 presenta3on13 contain13 two13 types13 of13 hyperlinks13 13 Hyperlinks13 can13 be13 iden3fied13 by13 the13 text13 being13 underlined13 and13 a13 different13 color13 (usually13 purple)

bullUnit13 subsec0ons13 hyperlinks13 13 Immediately13 aer13 the13 unit13 3tle13 slide13 a13 page13 (slide13 3)13 can13 be13 found13 lis3ng13 all13 of13 the13 unitrsquos13 subsec3ons13 13 While13 in13 slide13 show13 mode13 clicking13 on13 any13 of13 these13 hyperlinks13 will13 take13 the13 user13 directly13 to13 the13 beginning13 of13 that13 subsec3on13 13 This13 allows13 teachers13 quick13 access13 to13 each13 subsec3on

bullBold13 print13 term13 hyperlinks13 13 Every13 bold13 print13 term13 from13 the13 unit13 is13 included13 in13 this13 presenta3on13 as13 a13 hyperlink13 13 While13 in13 slide13 show13 mode13 clicking13 on13 any13 of13 the13 hyperlinks13 will13 take13 the13 user13 to13 a13 slide13 containing13 the13 formal13 defini3on13 of13 the13 term13 13 Clicking13 on13 the13 ldquoarrowrdquo13 in13 the13 boaom13 le13 corner13 of13 the13 defini3on13 slide13 will13 take13 the13 user13 back13 to13 the13 original13 point13 in13 the13 presenta3on13

13 These13 hyperlinks13 were13 included13 for13 teachers13 who13 want13 students13 to13 see13 or13 copy13 down13 the13 exact13 defini3on13 as13 stated13 in13 the13 text13 13 Most13 teachers13 prefer13 the13 defini3ons13 not13 be13 included13 to13 prevent13 students13 from13 only13 ldquocopying13 down13 what13 is13 on13 the13 screenrdquo13 and13 not13 ac3vely13 listening13 to13 the13 presenta3on

13 For13 teachers13 who13 con3nually13 use13 the13 Bold13 Print13 Term13 Hyperlinks13 op3on13 please13 contact13 the13 author13 using13 the13 email13 address13 on13 the13 next13 slide13 to13 learn13 a13 technique13 to13 expedite13 the13 returning13 to13 the13 original13 point13 in13 the13 presenta3on

Wednesday March 6 13

Teacher13 Informa3onbullCon0nuity13 slides

bullThroughout13 this13 presenta3on13 there13 are13 slides13 usually13 of13 graphics13 or13 tables13 that13 build13 on13 one13 another13 13 These13 are13 included13 for13 three13 purposes13 13

bullBy13 presen3ng13 informa3on13 in13 small13 chunks13 students13 will13 find13 it13 easier13 to13 process13 and13 remember13 the13 concepts13 13

bullBy13 con3nually13 changing13 slides13 students13 will13 stay13 interested13 in13 the13 presenta3onbullTo13 facilitate13 class13 discussion13 and13 cri3cal13 thinking13 13 Students13 should13 be13 encouraged13 to13 think13 about13 ldquowhat13 might13 come13 nextrdquo13 in13 the13 series13 of13 slides13 13

bullPlease13 feel13 free13 to13 contact13 me13 at13 kkorekgermantownk12wius13 with13 any13 ques3ons13 concerns13 sugges3ons13 etc13 regarding13 these13 presenta3ons13

Kent13 Korek

Germantown13 High13 School

Germantown13 WI13 53022

Wednesday March 6 13

Division title (green print)subdivision title (blue print)


Wednesday March 6 13

Division title (green print)

Use13 this13 slide13 to13 add13 a13 table13 chart13 clip13 art13 picture13 diagram13 or13 video13 clip13 13 Delete13 this13 box13 when13 finished

Wednesday March 6 13

Definition Slide

= add definition here

Wednesday March 6 13


Wednesday March 6 13


= the persistence of learning over time through the storage and retrieval of information

Wednesday March 6 13


= the processing of information into the memory systems ndash for example by extracting meaning

Wednesday March 6 13


= the retention of encoded information over time

Wednesday March 6 13


= the process of getting information out of memory storage

Wednesday March 6 13

Sensory Memory

= the immediate very brief recording of sensory information in the memory system

Wednesday March 6 13

Short-term Memory

= activated memory that holds a few items briefly such as the seven digits of a phone number while dialing before the information is stored or forgotten

Wednesday March 6 13

Long-term Memory

= the relatively permanent and limitless storehouse of the memory system Includes knowledge skills and experiences

Wednesday March 6 13

Working Memory

= a newer understanding of short-term memory that focuses on conscious active processing of incoming auditory and visual-spatial information and of information retrieved from long-term memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Parallel Processing

= the processing of many aspects of a problem simultaneously the brainrsquos natural mode of information processing for many functions Contrasts with the step-by-step (serial) processing of most computers and of conscious problem solving

Wednesday March 6 13

Automatic Processing

= unconscious encoding of incidental information such as space time and frequency and of well-learned information such as word meanings

Wednesday March 6 13

Effortful Processing

= encoding that requires attention and conscious effort

Wednesday March 6 13


= the conscious repetition of information either to maintain it in consciousness or to encode it for storage

Wednesday March 6 13

Spacing Effect

= the tendency for distributed study or practice to yield better long-term retention than is achieved through massed study or practice

Wednesday March 6 13

Serial Position Effect

= our tendency to recall best the last and first items in a list

Wednesday March 6 13

Visual Encoding

= the encoding of picture images

Wednesday March 6 13

Acoustic Encoding

= the encoding of sound especially the sound of words

Wednesday March 6 13

Semantic Encoding

= the encoding of meaning including the meaning of words

Wednesday March 6 13


= mental pictures a powerful aid to effortful processing especially when combined with semantic encoding

Wednesday March 6 13


= memory aids especially those techniques that use vivid imagery and organizational devices

Wednesday March 6 13


= organizing items into familiar manageable units often occurs automatically

Wednesday March 6 13

Iconic Memory

= a momentary sensory memory of visual stimuli a photographic or picture-image memory lasting no more than a few tenths of a second

Wednesday March 6 13

Echoic Memory

= a momentary sensory memory of auditory stimuli if attention is elsewhere sounds and words can still be recalled within 3 or 4 seconds

Wednesday March 6 13

Long-term Potentiation (LTP)

= an increase in a synapsersquos firing potential after brief rapid stimulation Believed to be a neural basis for learning and memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Flashbulb Memory

= a clear memory of an emotionally significant moment or event

Wednesday March 6 13


= loss of memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Implicit Memory

= retention independent of conscious recollection (Also called nondeclarative or procedural memory)

Wednesday March 6 13

Explicit Memory

= memory of facts and experiences that one can consciously know and ldquodeclarerdquo (Also called declarative memory)

Wednesday March 6 13


= a neural center that is located in the limbic system helps process explicit memories for storage

Wednesday March 6 13


= a measure of memory in which the person must retrieve information learning earlier as on a fill-in-the-blank test

Wednesday March 6 13


= a measure of memory in which the person need only identify items previously learned as on a multiple-choice test

Wednesday March 6 13


= a measure of memory that assesses the amount of time saved when learning material for a second time

Wednesday March 6 13


= the activation often unconsciously of particular associations in memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Deja Vu

= that eerie sense that ldquoIrsquove experienced this beforerdquo Cues from the current situation may subconsciously trigger retrieval of an earlier experience

Wednesday March 6 13

Mood Congruent Memory

= the tendency to recall experiences that are consistent with onersquos current good or bad mood

Wednesday March 6 13

Proactive Interference

= the disruptive effect of prior learning on the recall of new information

Wednesday March 6 13

Retroactive Interference

= the disruptive effect of new learning on the recall of old information

Wednesday March 6 13


= in psychoanalytic theory the basic defense mechanism that banishes from consciousness anxiety-arousing thoughts feelings and memories

Wednesday March 6 13

Misinformation Effect

= incorporating misleading information into onersquos memory of an event

Wednesday March 6 13

Source Amnesia

= attributing to the wrong source an event we have experienced heard about read about or imagined (Also called source misattribution) Source amnesia along with the misinformation effect is at the heart of many false memories

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 GeKng13 Informa3on13 OutContext13 Effects

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 GeKng13 Informa3on13 OutContext13 Effects

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval Getting Information OutMoods and Memories

bullState dependent memorybullMood13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 congruent13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 memory

Wednesday March 6 13


Wednesday March 6 13



Wednesday March 6 13


bullSchacterrsquos sevens sins of memorybullSins of Forgetting


Wednesday March 6 13


bullSchacterrsquos sevens sins of memorybullSins of distortion


bullSin of intrusionbullpersistence

Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Failure

bullEncoding failure

Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Failure

bullEncoding failure

Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Failure

Wednesday March 6 13

Storage DecaybullStorage decay

bullEbbinghaus curve

Wednesday March 6 13

Storage DecaybullStorage decay

bullEbbinghaus curve

Wednesday March 6 13

Ebbinghaus13 Curve

Wednesday March 6 13

Ebbinghaus13 Curve

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval Failure

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval FailureInterference

bullProac3ve13 interference13 (forward acting)bullRetroac3ve13 interference13 (backward-acting)

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 FailureInterference

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 FailureInterference

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 FailureInterference

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 FailureInterference

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 FailureInterference

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval FailureMotivated Forgetting

bullSelf-serving personal historiesbullRepression

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval FailureMotivated Forgetting

bullSelf-serving personal historiesbullRepression

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval FailureMotivated Forgetting

bullSelf-serving personal historiesbullRepression

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval FailureMotivated Forgetting

bullSelf-serving personal historiesbullRepression

Wednesday March 6 13

Memory Construction

Wednesday March 6 13

Misinformation and Imagination Effects

bullLoftus memory studiesbullMisinforma3on13 effect

Wednesday March 6 13

Source Amnesia

bullSource13 amnesia13 (source misattribution)

Wednesday March 6 13

Discerning True and False Memories

bullMemory studiesbullEye witness testimony

Wednesday March 6 13

Childrenrsquos Eyewitness Recall

bullChildrenrsquos memories of abusebullSuggestibility

Wednesday March 6 13

Repressed or Constructed Memories of Abuse

bullAreas of agreementbullSexual abuse happensbullInjustice happensbullForgetting happensbullRecovered memories are incompletebullMemories before 3 years are unreliablebullHypnotic memories are unreliablebullMemories can be emotionally upsetting

Wednesday March 6 13

Repressed or Constructed Memories of Abuse

bullLoftus studies with children

Wednesday March 6 13

Improving Memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Improving Memory TechniquesbullStudy repeatedlybullMake the material meaningfulbullActivate retrieval cuesbullUse mnemonic devicesbullMinimize interferencebullSleep morebullTest your own knowledge both to rehearse it and to help determine what you do not yet

Wednesday March 6 13

The End

Wednesday March 6 13

Teacher13 Informa3onbullTypes13 of13 Files

bullThis13 presenta3on13 has13 been13 saved13 as13 a13 ldquobasicrdquo13 Powerpoint13 file13 13 While13 this13 file13 format13 placed13 a13 few13 limita3ons13 on13 the13 presenta3on13 it13 insured13 the13 file13 would13 be13 compa3ble13 with13 the13 many13 versions13 of13 Powerpoint13 teachers13 use13 13 To13 add13 func3onality13 to13 the13 presenta3on13 teachers13 may13 want13 to13 save13 the13 file13 for13 their13 specific13 version13 of13 Powerpoint

bullAnima0onbullOnce13 again13 to13 insure13 compa3bility13 with13 all13 versions13 of13 Powerpoint13 none13 of13 the13 slides13 are13 animated13 13 To13 increase13 student13 interest13 it13 is13 suggested13 teachers13 animate13 the13 slides13 wherever13 possible

bullAdding13 slides13 to13 this13 presenta0onbullTeachers13 are13 encouraged13 to13 adapt13 this13 presenta3on13 to13 their13 personal13 teaching13 style13 13 To13 help13 keep13 a13 sense13 of13 con3nuity13 blank13 slides13 which13 can13 be13 copied13 and13 pasted13 to13 a13 specific13 loca3on13 in13 the13 presenta3on13 follow13 this13 ldquoTeacher13 Informa3onrdquo13 sec3on13 13 13

Wednesday March 6 13

Teacher13 Informa3onbullHyperlink13 Slides13 -shy‐13 This13 presenta3on13 contain13 two13 types13 of13 hyperlinks13 13 Hyperlinks13 can13 be13 iden3fied13 by13 the13 text13 being13 underlined13 and13 a13 different13 color13 (usually13 purple)

bullUnit13 subsec0ons13 hyperlinks13 13 Immediately13 aer13 the13 unit13 3tle13 slide13 a13 page13 (slide13 3)13 can13 be13 found13 lis3ng13 all13 of13 the13 unitrsquos13 subsec3ons13 13 While13 in13 slide13 show13 mode13 clicking13 on13 any13 of13 these13 hyperlinks13 will13 take13 the13 user13 directly13 to13 the13 beginning13 of13 that13 subsec3on13 13 This13 allows13 teachers13 quick13 access13 to13 each13 subsec3on

bullBold13 print13 term13 hyperlinks13 13 Every13 bold13 print13 term13 from13 the13 unit13 is13 included13 in13 this13 presenta3on13 as13 a13 hyperlink13 13 While13 in13 slide13 show13 mode13 clicking13 on13 any13 of13 the13 hyperlinks13 will13 take13 the13 user13 to13 a13 slide13 containing13 the13 formal13 defini3on13 of13 the13 term13 13 Clicking13 on13 the13 ldquoarrowrdquo13 in13 the13 boaom13 le13 corner13 of13 the13 defini3on13 slide13 will13 take13 the13 user13 back13 to13 the13 original13 point13 in13 the13 presenta3on13

13 These13 hyperlinks13 were13 included13 for13 teachers13 who13 want13 students13 to13 see13 or13 copy13 down13 the13 exact13 defini3on13 as13 stated13 in13 the13 text13 13 Most13 teachers13 prefer13 the13 defini3ons13 not13 be13 included13 to13 prevent13 students13 from13 only13 ldquocopying13 down13 what13 is13 on13 the13 screenrdquo13 and13 not13 ac3vely13 listening13 to13 the13 presenta3on

13 For13 teachers13 who13 con3nually13 use13 the13 Bold13 Print13 Term13 Hyperlinks13 op3on13 please13 contact13 the13 author13 using13 the13 email13 address13 on13 the13 next13 slide13 to13 learn13 a13 technique13 to13 expedite13 the13 returning13 to13 the13 original13 point13 in13 the13 presenta3on

Wednesday March 6 13

Teacher13 Informa3onbullCon0nuity13 slides

bullThroughout13 this13 presenta3on13 there13 are13 slides13 usually13 of13 graphics13 or13 tables13 that13 build13 on13 one13 another13 13 These13 are13 included13 for13 three13 purposes13 13

bullBy13 presen3ng13 informa3on13 in13 small13 chunks13 students13 will13 find13 it13 easier13 to13 process13 and13 remember13 the13 concepts13 13

bullBy13 con3nually13 changing13 slides13 students13 will13 stay13 interested13 in13 the13 presenta3onbullTo13 facilitate13 class13 discussion13 and13 cri3cal13 thinking13 13 Students13 should13 be13 encouraged13 to13 think13 about13 ldquowhat13 might13 come13 nextrdquo13 in13 the13 series13 of13 slides13 13

bullPlease13 feel13 free13 to13 contact13 me13 at13 kkorekgermantownk12wius13 with13 any13 ques3ons13 concerns13 sugges3ons13 etc13 regarding13 these13 presenta3ons13

Kent13 Korek

Germantown13 High13 School

Germantown13 WI13 53022

Wednesday March 6 13

Division title (green print)subdivision title (blue print)


Wednesday March 6 13

Division title (green print)

Use13 this13 slide13 to13 add13 a13 table13 chart13 clip13 art13 picture13 diagram13 or13 video13 clip13 13 Delete13 this13 box13 when13 finished

Wednesday March 6 13

Definition Slide

= add definition here

Wednesday March 6 13


Wednesday March 6 13


= the persistence of learning over time through the storage and retrieval of information

Wednesday March 6 13


= the processing of information into the memory systems ndash for example by extracting meaning

Wednesday March 6 13


= the retention of encoded information over time

Wednesday March 6 13


= the process of getting information out of memory storage

Wednesday March 6 13

Sensory Memory

= the immediate very brief recording of sensory information in the memory system

Wednesday March 6 13

Short-term Memory

= activated memory that holds a few items briefly such as the seven digits of a phone number while dialing before the information is stored or forgotten

Wednesday March 6 13

Long-term Memory

= the relatively permanent and limitless storehouse of the memory system Includes knowledge skills and experiences

Wednesday March 6 13

Working Memory

= a newer understanding of short-term memory that focuses on conscious active processing of incoming auditory and visual-spatial information and of information retrieved from long-term memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Parallel Processing

= the processing of many aspects of a problem simultaneously the brainrsquos natural mode of information processing for many functions Contrasts with the step-by-step (serial) processing of most computers and of conscious problem solving

Wednesday March 6 13

Automatic Processing

= unconscious encoding of incidental information such as space time and frequency and of well-learned information such as word meanings

Wednesday March 6 13

Effortful Processing

= encoding that requires attention and conscious effort

Wednesday March 6 13


= the conscious repetition of information either to maintain it in consciousness or to encode it for storage

Wednesday March 6 13

Spacing Effect

= the tendency for distributed study or practice to yield better long-term retention than is achieved through massed study or practice

Wednesday March 6 13

Serial Position Effect

= our tendency to recall best the last and first items in a list

Wednesday March 6 13

Visual Encoding

= the encoding of picture images

Wednesday March 6 13

Acoustic Encoding

= the encoding of sound especially the sound of words

Wednesday March 6 13

Semantic Encoding

= the encoding of meaning including the meaning of words

Wednesday March 6 13


= mental pictures a powerful aid to effortful processing especially when combined with semantic encoding

Wednesday March 6 13


= memory aids especially those techniques that use vivid imagery and organizational devices

Wednesday March 6 13


= organizing items into familiar manageable units often occurs automatically

Wednesday March 6 13

Iconic Memory

= a momentary sensory memory of visual stimuli a photographic or picture-image memory lasting no more than a few tenths of a second

Wednesday March 6 13

Echoic Memory

= a momentary sensory memory of auditory stimuli if attention is elsewhere sounds and words can still be recalled within 3 or 4 seconds

Wednesday March 6 13

Long-term Potentiation (LTP)

= an increase in a synapsersquos firing potential after brief rapid stimulation Believed to be a neural basis for learning and memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Flashbulb Memory

= a clear memory of an emotionally significant moment or event

Wednesday March 6 13


= loss of memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Implicit Memory

= retention independent of conscious recollection (Also called nondeclarative or procedural memory)

Wednesday March 6 13

Explicit Memory

= memory of facts and experiences that one can consciously know and ldquodeclarerdquo (Also called declarative memory)

Wednesday March 6 13


= a neural center that is located in the limbic system helps process explicit memories for storage

Wednesday March 6 13


= a measure of memory in which the person must retrieve information learning earlier as on a fill-in-the-blank test

Wednesday March 6 13


= a measure of memory in which the person need only identify items previously learned as on a multiple-choice test

Wednesday March 6 13


= a measure of memory that assesses the amount of time saved when learning material for a second time

Wednesday March 6 13


= the activation often unconsciously of particular associations in memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Deja Vu

= that eerie sense that ldquoIrsquove experienced this beforerdquo Cues from the current situation may subconsciously trigger retrieval of an earlier experience

Wednesday March 6 13

Mood Congruent Memory

= the tendency to recall experiences that are consistent with onersquos current good or bad mood

Wednesday March 6 13

Proactive Interference

= the disruptive effect of prior learning on the recall of new information

Wednesday March 6 13

Retroactive Interference

= the disruptive effect of new learning on the recall of old information

Wednesday March 6 13


= in psychoanalytic theory the basic defense mechanism that banishes from consciousness anxiety-arousing thoughts feelings and memories

Wednesday March 6 13

Misinformation Effect

= incorporating misleading information into onersquos memory of an event

Wednesday March 6 13

Source Amnesia

= attributing to the wrong source an event we have experienced heard about read about or imagined (Also called source misattribution) Source amnesia along with the misinformation effect is at the heart of many false memories

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 GeKng13 Informa3on13 OutContext13 Effects

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval Getting Information OutMoods and Memories

bullState dependent memorybullMood13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 congruent13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 memory

Wednesday March 6 13


Wednesday March 6 13



Wednesday March 6 13


bullSchacterrsquos sevens sins of memorybullSins of Forgetting


Wednesday March 6 13


bullSchacterrsquos sevens sins of memorybullSins of distortion


bullSin of intrusionbullpersistence

Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Failure

bullEncoding failure

Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Failure

bullEncoding failure

Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Failure

Wednesday March 6 13

Storage DecaybullStorage decay

bullEbbinghaus curve

Wednesday March 6 13

Storage DecaybullStorage decay

bullEbbinghaus curve

Wednesday March 6 13

Ebbinghaus13 Curve

Wednesday March 6 13

Ebbinghaus13 Curve

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval Failure

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval FailureInterference

bullProac3ve13 interference13 (forward acting)bullRetroac3ve13 interference13 (backward-acting)

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 FailureInterference

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 FailureInterference

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 FailureInterference

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 FailureInterference

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 FailureInterference

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval FailureMotivated Forgetting

bullSelf-serving personal historiesbullRepression

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval FailureMotivated Forgetting

bullSelf-serving personal historiesbullRepression

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval FailureMotivated Forgetting

bullSelf-serving personal historiesbullRepression

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval FailureMotivated Forgetting

bullSelf-serving personal historiesbullRepression

Wednesday March 6 13

Memory Construction

Wednesday March 6 13

Misinformation and Imagination Effects

bullLoftus memory studiesbullMisinforma3on13 effect

Wednesday March 6 13

Source Amnesia

bullSource13 amnesia13 (source misattribution)

Wednesday March 6 13

Discerning True and False Memories

bullMemory studiesbullEye witness testimony

Wednesday March 6 13

Childrenrsquos Eyewitness Recall

bullChildrenrsquos memories of abusebullSuggestibility

Wednesday March 6 13

Repressed or Constructed Memories of Abuse

bullAreas of agreementbullSexual abuse happensbullInjustice happensbullForgetting happensbullRecovered memories are incompletebullMemories before 3 years are unreliablebullHypnotic memories are unreliablebullMemories can be emotionally upsetting

Wednesday March 6 13

Repressed or Constructed Memories of Abuse

bullLoftus studies with children

Wednesday March 6 13

Improving Memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Improving Memory TechniquesbullStudy repeatedlybullMake the material meaningfulbullActivate retrieval cuesbullUse mnemonic devicesbullMinimize interferencebullSleep morebullTest your own knowledge both to rehearse it and to help determine what you do not yet

Wednesday March 6 13

The End

Wednesday March 6 13

Teacher13 Informa3onbullTypes13 of13 Files

bullThis13 presenta3on13 has13 been13 saved13 as13 a13 ldquobasicrdquo13 Powerpoint13 file13 13 While13 this13 file13 format13 placed13 a13 few13 limita3ons13 on13 the13 presenta3on13 it13 insured13 the13 file13 would13 be13 compa3ble13 with13 the13 many13 versions13 of13 Powerpoint13 teachers13 use13 13 To13 add13 func3onality13 to13 the13 presenta3on13 teachers13 may13 want13 to13 save13 the13 file13 for13 their13 specific13 version13 of13 Powerpoint

bullAnima0onbullOnce13 again13 to13 insure13 compa3bility13 with13 all13 versions13 of13 Powerpoint13 none13 of13 the13 slides13 are13 animated13 13 To13 increase13 student13 interest13 it13 is13 suggested13 teachers13 animate13 the13 slides13 wherever13 possible

bullAdding13 slides13 to13 this13 presenta0onbullTeachers13 are13 encouraged13 to13 adapt13 this13 presenta3on13 to13 their13 personal13 teaching13 style13 13 To13 help13 keep13 a13 sense13 of13 con3nuity13 blank13 slides13 which13 can13 be13 copied13 and13 pasted13 to13 a13 specific13 loca3on13 in13 the13 presenta3on13 follow13 this13 ldquoTeacher13 Informa3onrdquo13 sec3on13 13 13

Wednesday March 6 13

Teacher13 Informa3onbullHyperlink13 Slides13 -shy‐13 This13 presenta3on13 contain13 two13 types13 of13 hyperlinks13 13 Hyperlinks13 can13 be13 iden3fied13 by13 the13 text13 being13 underlined13 and13 a13 different13 color13 (usually13 purple)

bullUnit13 subsec0ons13 hyperlinks13 13 Immediately13 aer13 the13 unit13 3tle13 slide13 a13 page13 (slide13 3)13 can13 be13 found13 lis3ng13 all13 of13 the13 unitrsquos13 subsec3ons13 13 While13 in13 slide13 show13 mode13 clicking13 on13 any13 of13 these13 hyperlinks13 will13 take13 the13 user13 directly13 to13 the13 beginning13 of13 that13 subsec3on13 13 This13 allows13 teachers13 quick13 access13 to13 each13 subsec3on

bullBold13 print13 term13 hyperlinks13 13 Every13 bold13 print13 term13 from13 the13 unit13 is13 included13 in13 this13 presenta3on13 as13 a13 hyperlink13 13 While13 in13 slide13 show13 mode13 clicking13 on13 any13 of13 the13 hyperlinks13 will13 take13 the13 user13 to13 a13 slide13 containing13 the13 formal13 defini3on13 of13 the13 term13 13 Clicking13 on13 the13 ldquoarrowrdquo13 in13 the13 boaom13 le13 corner13 of13 the13 defini3on13 slide13 will13 take13 the13 user13 back13 to13 the13 original13 point13 in13 the13 presenta3on13

13 These13 hyperlinks13 were13 included13 for13 teachers13 who13 want13 students13 to13 see13 or13 copy13 down13 the13 exact13 defini3on13 as13 stated13 in13 the13 text13 13 Most13 teachers13 prefer13 the13 defini3ons13 not13 be13 included13 to13 prevent13 students13 from13 only13 ldquocopying13 down13 what13 is13 on13 the13 screenrdquo13 and13 not13 ac3vely13 listening13 to13 the13 presenta3on

13 For13 teachers13 who13 con3nually13 use13 the13 Bold13 Print13 Term13 Hyperlinks13 op3on13 please13 contact13 the13 author13 using13 the13 email13 address13 on13 the13 next13 slide13 to13 learn13 a13 technique13 to13 expedite13 the13 returning13 to13 the13 original13 point13 in13 the13 presenta3on

Wednesday March 6 13

Teacher13 Informa3onbullCon0nuity13 slides

bullThroughout13 this13 presenta3on13 there13 are13 slides13 usually13 of13 graphics13 or13 tables13 that13 build13 on13 one13 another13 13 These13 are13 included13 for13 three13 purposes13 13

bullBy13 presen3ng13 informa3on13 in13 small13 chunks13 students13 will13 find13 it13 easier13 to13 process13 and13 remember13 the13 concepts13 13

bullBy13 con3nually13 changing13 slides13 students13 will13 stay13 interested13 in13 the13 presenta3onbullTo13 facilitate13 class13 discussion13 and13 cri3cal13 thinking13 13 Students13 should13 be13 encouraged13 to13 think13 about13 ldquowhat13 might13 come13 nextrdquo13 in13 the13 series13 of13 slides13 13

bullPlease13 feel13 free13 to13 contact13 me13 at13 kkorekgermantownk12wius13 with13 any13 ques3ons13 concerns13 sugges3ons13 etc13 regarding13 these13 presenta3ons13

Kent13 Korek

Germantown13 High13 School

Germantown13 WI13 53022

Wednesday March 6 13

Division title (green print)subdivision title (blue print)


Wednesday March 6 13

Division title (green print)

Use13 this13 slide13 to13 add13 a13 table13 chart13 clip13 art13 picture13 diagram13 or13 video13 clip13 13 Delete13 this13 box13 when13 finished

Wednesday March 6 13

Definition Slide

= add definition here

Wednesday March 6 13


Wednesday March 6 13


= the persistence of learning over time through the storage and retrieval of information

Wednesday March 6 13


= the processing of information into the memory systems ndash for example by extracting meaning

Wednesday March 6 13


= the retention of encoded information over time

Wednesday March 6 13


= the process of getting information out of memory storage

Wednesday March 6 13

Sensory Memory

= the immediate very brief recording of sensory information in the memory system

Wednesday March 6 13

Short-term Memory

= activated memory that holds a few items briefly such as the seven digits of a phone number while dialing before the information is stored or forgotten

Wednesday March 6 13

Long-term Memory

= the relatively permanent and limitless storehouse of the memory system Includes knowledge skills and experiences

Wednesday March 6 13

Working Memory

= a newer understanding of short-term memory that focuses on conscious active processing of incoming auditory and visual-spatial information and of information retrieved from long-term memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Parallel Processing

= the processing of many aspects of a problem simultaneously the brainrsquos natural mode of information processing for many functions Contrasts with the step-by-step (serial) processing of most computers and of conscious problem solving

Wednesday March 6 13

Automatic Processing

= unconscious encoding of incidental information such as space time and frequency and of well-learned information such as word meanings

Wednesday March 6 13

Effortful Processing

= encoding that requires attention and conscious effort

Wednesday March 6 13


= the conscious repetition of information either to maintain it in consciousness or to encode it for storage

Wednesday March 6 13

Spacing Effect

= the tendency for distributed study or practice to yield better long-term retention than is achieved through massed study or practice

Wednesday March 6 13

Serial Position Effect

= our tendency to recall best the last and first items in a list

Wednesday March 6 13

Visual Encoding

= the encoding of picture images

Wednesday March 6 13

Acoustic Encoding

= the encoding of sound especially the sound of words

Wednesday March 6 13

Semantic Encoding

= the encoding of meaning including the meaning of words

Wednesday March 6 13


= mental pictures a powerful aid to effortful processing especially when combined with semantic encoding

Wednesday March 6 13


= memory aids especially those techniques that use vivid imagery and organizational devices

Wednesday March 6 13


= organizing items into familiar manageable units often occurs automatically

Wednesday March 6 13

Iconic Memory

= a momentary sensory memory of visual stimuli a photographic or picture-image memory lasting no more than a few tenths of a second

Wednesday March 6 13

Echoic Memory

= a momentary sensory memory of auditory stimuli if attention is elsewhere sounds and words can still be recalled within 3 or 4 seconds

Wednesday March 6 13

Long-term Potentiation (LTP)

= an increase in a synapsersquos firing potential after brief rapid stimulation Believed to be a neural basis for learning and memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Flashbulb Memory

= a clear memory of an emotionally significant moment or event

Wednesday March 6 13


= loss of memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Implicit Memory

= retention independent of conscious recollection (Also called nondeclarative or procedural memory)

Wednesday March 6 13

Explicit Memory

= memory of facts and experiences that one can consciously know and ldquodeclarerdquo (Also called declarative memory)

Wednesday March 6 13


= a neural center that is located in the limbic system helps process explicit memories for storage

Wednesday March 6 13


= a measure of memory in which the person must retrieve information learning earlier as on a fill-in-the-blank test

Wednesday March 6 13


= a measure of memory in which the person need only identify items previously learned as on a multiple-choice test

Wednesday March 6 13


= a measure of memory that assesses the amount of time saved when learning material for a second time

Wednesday March 6 13


= the activation often unconsciously of particular associations in memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Deja Vu

= that eerie sense that ldquoIrsquove experienced this beforerdquo Cues from the current situation may subconsciously trigger retrieval of an earlier experience

Wednesday March 6 13

Mood Congruent Memory

= the tendency to recall experiences that are consistent with onersquos current good or bad mood

Wednesday March 6 13

Proactive Interference

= the disruptive effect of prior learning on the recall of new information

Wednesday March 6 13

Retroactive Interference

= the disruptive effect of new learning on the recall of old information

Wednesday March 6 13


= in psychoanalytic theory the basic defense mechanism that banishes from consciousness anxiety-arousing thoughts feelings and memories

Wednesday March 6 13

Misinformation Effect

= incorporating misleading information into onersquos memory of an event

Wednesday March 6 13

Source Amnesia

= attributing to the wrong source an event we have experienced heard about read about or imagined (Also called source misattribution) Source amnesia along with the misinformation effect is at the heart of many false memories

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval Getting Information OutMoods and Memories

bullState dependent memorybullMood13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 congruent13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 memory

Wednesday March 6 13


Wednesday March 6 13



Wednesday March 6 13


bullSchacterrsquos sevens sins of memorybullSins of Forgetting


Wednesday March 6 13


bullSchacterrsquos sevens sins of memorybullSins of distortion


bullSin of intrusionbullpersistence

Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Failure

bullEncoding failure

Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Failure

bullEncoding failure

Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Failure

Wednesday March 6 13

Storage DecaybullStorage decay

bullEbbinghaus curve

Wednesday March 6 13

Storage DecaybullStorage decay

bullEbbinghaus curve

Wednesday March 6 13

Ebbinghaus13 Curve

Wednesday March 6 13

Ebbinghaus13 Curve

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval Failure

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval FailureInterference

bullProac3ve13 interference13 (forward acting)bullRetroac3ve13 interference13 (backward-acting)

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 FailureInterference

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 FailureInterference

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 FailureInterference

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 FailureInterference

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 FailureInterference

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval FailureMotivated Forgetting

bullSelf-serving personal historiesbullRepression

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval FailureMotivated Forgetting

bullSelf-serving personal historiesbullRepression

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval FailureMotivated Forgetting

bullSelf-serving personal historiesbullRepression

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval FailureMotivated Forgetting

bullSelf-serving personal historiesbullRepression

Wednesday March 6 13

Memory Construction

Wednesday March 6 13

Misinformation and Imagination Effects

bullLoftus memory studiesbullMisinforma3on13 effect

Wednesday March 6 13

Source Amnesia

bullSource13 amnesia13 (source misattribution)

Wednesday March 6 13

Discerning True and False Memories

bullMemory studiesbullEye witness testimony

Wednesday March 6 13

Childrenrsquos Eyewitness Recall

bullChildrenrsquos memories of abusebullSuggestibility

Wednesday March 6 13

Repressed or Constructed Memories of Abuse

bullAreas of agreementbullSexual abuse happensbullInjustice happensbullForgetting happensbullRecovered memories are incompletebullMemories before 3 years are unreliablebullHypnotic memories are unreliablebullMemories can be emotionally upsetting

Wednesday March 6 13

Repressed or Constructed Memories of Abuse

bullLoftus studies with children

Wednesday March 6 13

Improving Memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Improving Memory TechniquesbullStudy repeatedlybullMake the material meaningfulbullActivate retrieval cuesbullUse mnemonic devicesbullMinimize interferencebullSleep morebullTest your own knowledge both to rehearse it and to help determine what you do not yet

Wednesday March 6 13

The End

Wednesday March 6 13

Teacher13 Informa3onbullTypes13 of13 Files

bullThis13 presenta3on13 has13 been13 saved13 as13 a13 ldquobasicrdquo13 Powerpoint13 file13 13 While13 this13 file13 format13 placed13 a13 few13 limita3ons13 on13 the13 presenta3on13 it13 insured13 the13 file13 would13 be13 compa3ble13 with13 the13 many13 versions13 of13 Powerpoint13 teachers13 use13 13 To13 add13 func3onality13 to13 the13 presenta3on13 teachers13 may13 want13 to13 save13 the13 file13 for13 their13 specific13 version13 of13 Powerpoint

bullAnima0onbullOnce13 again13 to13 insure13 compa3bility13 with13 all13 versions13 of13 Powerpoint13 none13 of13 the13 slides13 are13 animated13 13 To13 increase13 student13 interest13 it13 is13 suggested13 teachers13 animate13 the13 slides13 wherever13 possible

bullAdding13 slides13 to13 this13 presenta0onbullTeachers13 are13 encouraged13 to13 adapt13 this13 presenta3on13 to13 their13 personal13 teaching13 style13 13 To13 help13 keep13 a13 sense13 of13 con3nuity13 blank13 slides13 which13 can13 be13 copied13 and13 pasted13 to13 a13 specific13 loca3on13 in13 the13 presenta3on13 follow13 this13 ldquoTeacher13 Informa3onrdquo13 sec3on13 13 13

Wednesday March 6 13

Teacher13 Informa3onbullHyperlink13 Slides13 -shy‐13 This13 presenta3on13 contain13 two13 types13 of13 hyperlinks13 13 Hyperlinks13 can13 be13 iden3fied13 by13 the13 text13 being13 underlined13 and13 a13 different13 color13 (usually13 purple)

bullUnit13 subsec0ons13 hyperlinks13 13 Immediately13 aer13 the13 unit13 3tle13 slide13 a13 page13 (slide13 3)13 can13 be13 found13 lis3ng13 all13 of13 the13 unitrsquos13 subsec3ons13 13 While13 in13 slide13 show13 mode13 clicking13 on13 any13 of13 these13 hyperlinks13 will13 take13 the13 user13 directly13 to13 the13 beginning13 of13 that13 subsec3on13 13 This13 allows13 teachers13 quick13 access13 to13 each13 subsec3on

bullBold13 print13 term13 hyperlinks13 13 Every13 bold13 print13 term13 from13 the13 unit13 is13 included13 in13 this13 presenta3on13 as13 a13 hyperlink13 13 While13 in13 slide13 show13 mode13 clicking13 on13 any13 of13 the13 hyperlinks13 will13 take13 the13 user13 to13 a13 slide13 containing13 the13 formal13 defini3on13 of13 the13 term13 13 Clicking13 on13 the13 ldquoarrowrdquo13 in13 the13 boaom13 le13 corner13 of13 the13 defini3on13 slide13 will13 take13 the13 user13 back13 to13 the13 original13 point13 in13 the13 presenta3on13

13 These13 hyperlinks13 were13 included13 for13 teachers13 who13 want13 students13 to13 see13 or13 copy13 down13 the13 exact13 defini3on13 as13 stated13 in13 the13 text13 13 Most13 teachers13 prefer13 the13 defini3ons13 not13 be13 included13 to13 prevent13 students13 from13 only13 ldquocopying13 down13 what13 is13 on13 the13 screenrdquo13 and13 not13 ac3vely13 listening13 to13 the13 presenta3on

13 For13 teachers13 who13 con3nually13 use13 the13 Bold13 Print13 Term13 Hyperlinks13 op3on13 please13 contact13 the13 author13 using13 the13 email13 address13 on13 the13 next13 slide13 to13 learn13 a13 technique13 to13 expedite13 the13 returning13 to13 the13 original13 point13 in13 the13 presenta3on

Wednesday March 6 13

Teacher13 Informa3onbullCon0nuity13 slides

bullThroughout13 this13 presenta3on13 there13 are13 slides13 usually13 of13 graphics13 or13 tables13 that13 build13 on13 one13 another13 13 These13 are13 included13 for13 three13 purposes13 13

bullBy13 presen3ng13 informa3on13 in13 small13 chunks13 students13 will13 find13 it13 easier13 to13 process13 and13 remember13 the13 concepts13 13

bullBy13 con3nually13 changing13 slides13 students13 will13 stay13 interested13 in13 the13 presenta3onbullTo13 facilitate13 class13 discussion13 and13 cri3cal13 thinking13 13 Students13 should13 be13 encouraged13 to13 think13 about13 ldquowhat13 might13 come13 nextrdquo13 in13 the13 series13 of13 slides13 13

bullPlease13 feel13 free13 to13 contact13 me13 at13 kkorekgermantownk12wius13 with13 any13 ques3ons13 concerns13 sugges3ons13 etc13 regarding13 these13 presenta3ons13

Kent13 Korek

Germantown13 High13 School

Germantown13 WI13 53022

Wednesday March 6 13

Division title (green print)subdivision title (blue print)


Wednesday March 6 13

Division title (green print)

Use13 this13 slide13 to13 add13 a13 table13 chart13 clip13 art13 picture13 diagram13 or13 video13 clip13 13 Delete13 this13 box13 when13 finished

Wednesday March 6 13

Definition Slide

= add definition here

Wednesday March 6 13


Wednesday March 6 13


= the persistence of learning over time through the storage and retrieval of information

Wednesday March 6 13


= the processing of information into the memory systems ndash for example by extracting meaning

Wednesday March 6 13


= the retention of encoded information over time

Wednesday March 6 13


= the process of getting information out of memory storage

Wednesday March 6 13

Sensory Memory

= the immediate very brief recording of sensory information in the memory system

Wednesday March 6 13

Short-term Memory

= activated memory that holds a few items briefly such as the seven digits of a phone number while dialing before the information is stored or forgotten

Wednesday March 6 13

Long-term Memory

= the relatively permanent and limitless storehouse of the memory system Includes knowledge skills and experiences

Wednesday March 6 13

Working Memory

= a newer understanding of short-term memory that focuses on conscious active processing of incoming auditory and visual-spatial information and of information retrieved from long-term memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Parallel Processing

= the processing of many aspects of a problem simultaneously the brainrsquos natural mode of information processing for many functions Contrasts with the step-by-step (serial) processing of most computers and of conscious problem solving

Wednesday March 6 13

Automatic Processing

= unconscious encoding of incidental information such as space time and frequency and of well-learned information such as word meanings

Wednesday March 6 13

Effortful Processing

= encoding that requires attention and conscious effort

Wednesday March 6 13


= the conscious repetition of information either to maintain it in consciousness or to encode it for storage

Wednesday March 6 13

Spacing Effect

= the tendency for distributed study or practice to yield better long-term retention than is achieved through massed study or practice

Wednesday March 6 13

Serial Position Effect

= our tendency to recall best the last and first items in a list

Wednesday March 6 13

Visual Encoding

= the encoding of picture images

Wednesday March 6 13

Acoustic Encoding

= the encoding of sound especially the sound of words

Wednesday March 6 13

Semantic Encoding

= the encoding of meaning including the meaning of words

Wednesday March 6 13


= mental pictures a powerful aid to effortful processing especially when combined with semantic encoding

Wednesday March 6 13


= memory aids especially those techniques that use vivid imagery and organizational devices

Wednesday March 6 13


= organizing items into familiar manageable units often occurs automatically

Wednesday March 6 13

Iconic Memory

= a momentary sensory memory of visual stimuli a photographic or picture-image memory lasting no more than a few tenths of a second

Wednesday March 6 13

Echoic Memory

= a momentary sensory memory of auditory stimuli if attention is elsewhere sounds and words can still be recalled within 3 or 4 seconds

Wednesday March 6 13

Long-term Potentiation (LTP)

= an increase in a synapsersquos firing potential after brief rapid stimulation Believed to be a neural basis for learning and memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Flashbulb Memory

= a clear memory of an emotionally significant moment or event

Wednesday March 6 13


= loss of memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Implicit Memory

= retention independent of conscious recollection (Also called nondeclarative or procedural memory)

Wednesday March 6 13

Explicit Memory

= memory of facts and experiences that one can consciously know and ldquodeclarerdquo (Also called declarative memory)

Wednesday March 6 13


= a neural center that is located in the limbic system helps process explicit memories for storage

Wednesday March 6 13


= a measure of memory in which the person must retrieve information learning earlier as on a fill-in-the-blank test

Wednesday March 6 13


= a measure of memory in which the person need only identify items previously learned as on a multiple-choice test

Wednesday March 6 13


= a measure of memory that assesses the amount of time saved when learning material for a second time

Wednesday March 6 13


= the activation often unconsciously of particular associations in memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Deja Vu

= that eerie sense that ldquoIrsquove experienced this beforerdquo Cues from the current situation may subconsciously trigger retrieval of an earlier experience

Wednesday March 6 13

Mood Congruent Memory

= the tendency to recall experiences that are consistent with onersquos current good or bad mood

Wednesday March 6 13

Proactive Interference

= the disruptive effect of prior learning on the recall of new information

Wednesday March 6 13

Retroactive Interference

= the disruptive effect of new learning on the recall of old information

Wednesday March 6 13


= in psychoanalytic theory the basic defense mechanism that banishes from consciousness anxiety-arousing thoughts feelings and memories

Wednesday March 6 13

Misinformation Effect

= incorporating misleading information into onersquos memory of an event

Wednesday March 6 13

Source Amnesia

= attributing to the wrong source an event we have experienced heard about read about or imagined (Also called source misattribution) Source amnesia along with the misinformation effect is at the heart of many false memories

Wednesday March 6 13


Wednesday March 6 13



Wednesday March 6 13


bullSchacterrsquos sevens sins of memorybullSins of Forgetting


Wednesday March 6 13


bullSchacterrsquos sevens sins of memorybullSins of distortion


bullSin of intrusionbullpersistence

Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Failure

bullEncoding failure

Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Failure

bullEncoding failure

Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Failure

Wednesday March 6 13

Storage DecaybullStorage decay

bullEbbinghaus curve

Wednesday March 6 13

Storage DecaybullStorage decay

bullEbbinghaus curve

Wednesday March 6 13

Ebbinghaus13 Curve

Wednesday March 6 13

Ebbinghaus13 Curve

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval Failure

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval FailureInterference

bullProac3ve13 interference13 (forward acting)bullRetroac3ve13 interference13 (backward-acting)

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 FailureInterference

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 FailureInterference

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 FailureInterference

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 FailureInterference

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 FailureInterference

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval FailureMotivated Forgetting

bullSelf-serving personal historiesbullRepression

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval FailureMotivated Forgetting

bullSelf-serving personal historiesbullRepression

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval FailureMotivated Forgetting

bullSelf-serving personal historiesbullRepression

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval FailureMotivated Forgetting

bullSelf-serving personal historiesbullRepression

Wednesday March 6 13

Memory Construction

Wednesday March 6 13

Misinformation and Imagination Effects

bullLoftus memory studiesbullMisinforma3on13 effect

Wednesday March 6 13

Source Amnesia

bullSource13 amnesia13 (source misattribution)

Wednesday March 6 13

Discerning True and False Memories

bullMemory studiesbullEye witness testimony

Wednesday March 6 13

Childrenrsquos Eyewitness Recall

bullChildrenrsquos memories of abusebullSuggestibility

Wednesday March 6 13

Repressed or Constructed Memories of Abuse

bullAreas of agreementbullSexual abuse happensbullInjustice happensbullForgetting happensbullRecovered memories are incompletebullMemories before 3 years are unreliablebullHypnotic memories are unreliablebullMemories can be emotionally upsetting

Wednesday March 6 13

Repressed or Constructed Memories of Abuse

bullLoftus studies with children

Wednesday March 6 13

Improving Memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Improving Memory TechniquesbullStudy repeatedlybullMake the material meaningfulbullActivate retrieval cuesbullUse mnemonic devicesbullMinimize interferencebullSleep morebullTest your own knowledge both to rehearse it and to help determine what you do not yet

Wednesday March 6 13

The End

Wednesday March 6 13

Teacher13 Informa3onbullTypes13 of13 Files

bullThis13 presenta3on13 has13 been13 saved13 as13 a13 ldquobasicrdquo13 Powerpoint13 file13 13 While13 this13 file13 format13 placed13 a13 few13 limita3ons13 on13 the13 presenta3on13 it13 insured13 the13 file13 would13 be13 compa3ble13 with13 the13 many13 versions13 of13 Powerpoint13 teachers13 use13 13 To13 add13 func3onality13 to13 the13 presenta3on13 teachers13 may13 want13 to13 save13 the13 file13 for13 their13 specific13 version13 of13 Powerpoint

bullAnima0onbullOnce13 again13 to13 insure13 compa3bility13 with13 all13 versions13 of13 Powerpoint13 none13 of13 the13 slides13 are13 animated13 13 To13 increase13 student13 interest13 it13 is13 suggested13 teachers13 animate13 the13 slides13 wherever13 possible

bullAdding13 slides13 to13 this13 presenta0onbullTeachers13 are13 encouraged13 to13 adapt13 this13 presenta3on13 to13 their13 personal13 teaching13 style13 13 To13 help13 keep13 a13 sense13 of13 con3nuity13 blank13 slides13 which13 can13 be13 copied13 and13 pasted13 to13 a13 specific13 loca3on13 in13 the13 presenta3on13 follow13 this13 ldquoTeacher13 Informa3onrdquo13 sec3on13 13 13

Wednesday March 6 13

Teacher13 Informa3onbullHyperlink13 Slides13 -shy‐13 This13 presenta3on13 contain13 two13 types13 of13 hyperlinks13 13 Hyperlinks13 can13 be13 iden3fied13 by13 the13 text13 being13 underlined13 and13 a13 different13 color13 (usually13 purple)

bullUnit13 subsec0ons13 hyperlinks13 13 Immediately13 aer13 the13 unit13 3tle13 slide13 a13 page13 (slide13 3)13 can13 be13 found13 lis3ng13 all13 of13 the13 unitrsquos13 subsec3ons13 13 While13 in13 slide13 show13 mode13 clicking13 on13 any13 of13 these13 hyperlinks13 will13 take13 the13 user13 directly13 to13 the13 beginning13 of13 that13 subsec3on13 13 This13 allows13 teachers13 quick13 access13 to13 each13 subsec3on

bullBold13 print13 term13 hyperlinks13 13 Every13 bold13 print13 term13 from13 the13 unit13 is13 included13 in13 this13 presenta3on13 as13 a13 hyperlink13 13 While13 in13 slide13 show13 mode13 clicking13 on13 any13 of13 the13 hyperlinks13 will13 take13 the13 user13 to13 a13 slide13 containing13 the13 formal13 defini3on13 of13 the13 term13 13 Clicking13 on13 the13 ldquoarrowrdquo13 in13 the13 boaom13 le13 corner13 of13 the13 defini3on13 slide13 will13 take13 the13 user13 back13 to13 the13 original13 point13 in13 the13 presenta3on13

13 These13 hyperlinks13 were13 included13 for13 teachers13 who13 want13 students13 to13 see13 or13 copy13 down13 the13 exact13 defini3on13 as13 stated13 in13 the13 text13 13 Most13 teachers13 prefer13 the13 defini3ons13 not13 be13 included13 to13 prevent13 students13 from13 only13 ldquocopying13 down13 what13 is13 on13 the13 screenrdquo13 and13 not13 ac3vely13 listening13 to13 the13 presenta3on

13 For13 teachers13 who13 con3nually13 use13 the13 Bold13 Print13 Term13 Hyperlinks13 op3on13 please13 contact13 the13 author13 using13 the13 email13 address13 on13 the13 next13 slide13 to13 learn13 a13 technique13 to13 expedite13 the13 returning13 to13 the13 original13 point13 in13 the13 presenta3on

Wednesday March 6 13

Teacher13 Informa3onbullCon0nuity13 slides

bullThroughout13 this13 presenta3on13 there13 are13 slides13 usually13 of13 graphics13 or13 tables13 that13 build13 on13 one13 another13 13 These13 are13 included13 for13 three13 purposes13 13

bullBy13 presen3ng13 informa3on13 in13 small13 chunks13 students13 will13 find13 it13 easier13 to13 process13 and13 remember13 the13 concepts13 13

bullBy13 con3nually13 changing13 slides13 students13 will13 stay13 interested13 in13 the13 presenta3onbullTo13 facilitate13 class13 discussion13 and13 cri3cal13 thinking13 13 Students13 should13 be13 encouraged13 to13 think13 about13 ldquowhat13 might13 come13 nextrdquo13 in13 the13 series13 of13 slides13 13

bullPlease13 feel13 free13 to13 contact13 me13 at13 kkorekgermantownk12wius13 with13 any13 ques3ons13 concerns13 sugges3ons13 etc13 regarding13 these13 presenta3ons13

Kent13 Korek

Germantown13 High13 School

Germantown13 WI13 53022

Wednesday March 6 13

Division title (green print)subdivision title (blue print)


Wednesday March 6 13

Division title (green print)

Use13 this13 slide13 to13 add13 a13 table13 chart13 clip13 art13 picture13 diagram13 or13 video13 clip13 13 Delete13 this13 box13 when13 finished

Wednesday March 6 13

Definition Slide

= add definition here

Wednesday March 6 13


Wednesday March 6 13


= the persistence of learning over time through the storage and retrieval of information

Wednesday March 6 13


= the processing of information into the memory systems ndash for example by extracting meaning

Wednesday March 6 13


= the retention of encoded information over time

Wednesday March 6 13


= the process of getting information out of memory storage

Wednesday March 6 13

Sensory Memory

= the immediate very brief recording of sensory information in the memory system

Wednesday March 6 13

Short-term Memory

= activated memory that holds a few items briefly such as the seven digits of a phone number while dialing before the information is stored or forgotten

Wednesday March 6 13

Long-term Memory

= the relatively permanent and limitless storehouse of the memory system Includes knowledge skills and experiences

Wednesday March 6 13

Working Memory

= a newer understanding of short-term memory that focuses on conscious active processing of incoming auditory and visual-spatial information and of information retrieved from long-term memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Parallel Processing

= the processing of many aspects of a problem simultaneously the brainrsquos natural mode of information processing for many functions Contrasts with the step-by-step (serial) processing of most computers and of conscious problem solving

Wednesday March 6 13

Automatic Processing

= unconscious encoding of incidental information such as space time and frequency and of well-learned information such as word meanings

Wednesday March 6 13

Effortful Processing

= encoding that requires attention and conscious effort

Wednesday March 6 13


= the conscious repetition of information either to maintain it in consciousness or to encode it for storage

Wednesday March 6 13

Spacing Effect

= the tendency for distributed study or practice to yield better long-term retention than is achieved through massed study or practice

Wednesday March 6 13

Serial Position Effect

= our tendency to recall best the last and first items in a list

Wednesday March 6 13

Visual Encoding

= the encoding of picture images

Wednesday March 6 13

Acoustic Encoding

= the encoding of sound especially the sound of words

Wednesday March 6 13

Semantic Encoding

= the encoding of meaning including the meaning of words

Wednesday March 6 13


= mental pictures a powerful aid to effortful processing especially when combined with semantic encoding

Wednesday March 6 13


= memory aids especially those techniques that use vivid imagery and organizational devices

Wednesday March 6 13


= organizing items into familiar manageable units often occurs automatically

Wednesday March 6 13

Iconic Memory

= a momentary sensory memory of visual stimuli a photographic or picture-image memory lasting no more than a few tenths of a second

Wednesday March 6 13

Echoic Memory

= a momentary sensory memory of auditory stimuli if attention is elsewhere sounds and words can still be recalled within 3 or 4 seconds

Wednesday March 6 13

Long-term Potentiation (LTP)

= an increase in a synapsersquos firing potential after brief rapid stimulation Believed to be a neural basis for learning and memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Flashbulb Memory

= a clear memory of an emotionally significant moment or event

Wednesday March 6 13


= loss of memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Implicit Memory

= retention independent of conscious recollection (Also called nondeclarative or procedural memory)

Wednesday March 6 13

Explicit Memory

= memory of facts and experiences that one can consciously know and ldquodeclarerdquo (Also called declarative memory)

Wednesday March 6 13


= a neural center that is located in the limbic system helps process explicit memories for storage

Wednesday March 6 13


= a measure of memory in which the person must retrieve information learning earlier as on a fill-in-the-blank test

Wednesday March 6 13


= a measure of memory in which the person need only identify items previously learned as on a multiple-choice test

Wednesday March 6 13


= a measure of memory that assesses the amount of time saved when learning material for a second time

Wednesday March 6 13


= the activation often unconsciously of particular associations in memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Deja Vu

= that eerie sense that ldquoIrsquove experienced this beforerdquo Cues from the current situation may subconsciously trigger retrieval of an earlier experience

Wednesday March 6 13

Mood Congruent Memory

= the tendency to recall experiences that are consistent with onersquos current good or bad mood

Wednesday March 6 13

Proactive Interference

= the disruptive effect of prior learning on the recall of new information

Wednesday March 6 13

Retroactive Interference

= the disruptive effect of new learning on the recall of old information

Wednesday March 6 13


= in psychoanalytic theory the basic defense mechanism that banishes from consciousness anxiety-arousing thoughts feelings and memories

Wednesday March 6 13

Misinformation Effect

= incorporating misleading information into onersquos memory of an event

Wednesday March 6 13

Source Amnesia

= attributing to the wrong source an event we have experienced heard about read about or imagined (Also called source misattribution) Source amnesia along with the misinformation effect is at the heart of many false memories

Wednesday March 6 13



Wednesday March 6 13


bullSchacterrsquos sevens sins of memorybullSins of Forgetting


Wednesday March 6 13


bullSchacterrsquos sevens sins of memorybullSins of distortion


bullSin of intrusionbullpersistence

Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Failure

bullEncoding failure

Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Failure

bullEncoding failure

Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Failure

Wednesday March 6 13

Storage DecaybullStorage decay

bullEbbinghaus curve

Wednesday March 6 13

Storage DecaybullStorage decay

bullEbbinghaus curve

Wednesday March 6 13

Ebbinghaus13 Curve

Wednesday March 6 13

Ebbinghaus13 Curve

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval Failure

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval FailureInterference

bullProac3ve13 interference13 (forward acting)bullRetroac3ve13 interference13 (backward-acting)

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 FailureInterference

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 FailureInterference

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 FailureInterference

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 FailureInterference

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 FailureInterference

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval FailureMotivated Forgetting

bullSelf-serving personal historiesbullRepression

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval FailureMotivated Forgetting

bullSelf-serving personal historiesbullRepression

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval FailureMotivated Forgetting

bullSelf-serving personal historiesbullRepression

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval FailureMotivated Forgetting

bullSelf-serving personal historiesbullRepression

Wednesday March 6 13

Memory Construction

Wednesday March 6 13

Misinformation and Imagination Effects

bullLoftus memory studiesbullMisinforma3on13 effect

Wednesday March 6 13

Source Amnesia

bullSource13 amnesia13 (source misattribution)

Wednesday March 6 13

Discerning True and False Memories

bullMemory studiesbullEye witness testimony

Wednesday March 6 13

Childrenrsquos Eyewitness Recall

bullChildrenrsquos memories of abusebullSuggestibility

Wednesday March 6 13

Repressed or Constructed Memories of Abuse

bullAreas of agreementbullSexual abuse happensbullInjustice happensbullForgetting happensbullRecovered memories are incompletebullMemories before 3 years are unreliablebullHypnotic memories are unreliablebullMemories can be emotionally upsetting

Wednesday March 6 13

Repressed or Constructed Memories of Abuse

bullLoftus studies with children

Wednesday March 6 13

Improving Memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Improving Memory TechniquesbullStudy repeatedlybullMake the material meaningfulbullActivate retrieval cuesbullUse mnemonic devicesbullMinimize interferencebullSleep morebullTest your own knowledge both to rehearse it and to help determine what you do not yet

Wednesday March 6 13

The End

Wednesday March 6 13

Teacher13 Informa3onbullTypes13 of13 Files

bullThis13 presenta3on13 has13 been13 saved13 as13 a13 ldquobasicrdquo13 Powerpoint13 file13 13 While13 this13 file13 format13 placed13 a13 few13 limita3ons13 on13 the13 presenta3on13 it13 insured13 the13 file13 would13 be13 compa3ble13 with13 the13 many13 versions13 of13 Powerpoint13 teachers13 use13 13 To13 add13 func3onality13 to13 the13 presenta3on13 teachers13 may13 want13 to13 save13 the13 file13 for13 their13 specific13 version13 of13 Powerpoint

bullAnima0onbullOnce13 again13 to13 insure13 compa3bility13 with13 all13 versions13 of13 Powerpoint13 none13 of13 the13 slides13 are13 animated13 13 To13 increase13 student13 interest13 it13 is13 suggested13 teachers13 animate13 the13 slides13 wherever13 possible

bullAdding13 slides13 to13 this13 presenta0onbullTeachers13 are13 encouraged13 to13 adapt13 this13 presenta3on13 to13 their13 personal13 teaching13 style13 13 To13 help13 keep13 a13 sense13 of13 con3nuity13 blank13 slides13 which13 can13 be13 copied13 and13 pasted13 to13 a13 specific13 loca3on13 in13 the13 presenta3on13 follow13 this13 ldquoTeacher13 Informa3onrdquo13 sec3on13 13 13

Wednesday March 6 13

Teacher13 Informa3onbullHyperlink13 Slides13 -shy‐13 This13 presenta3on13 contain13 two13 types13 of13 hyperlinks13 13 Hyperlinks13 can13 be13 iden3fied13 by13 the13 text13 being13 underlined13 and13 a13 different13 color13 (usually13 purple)

bullUnit13 subsec0ons13 hyperlinks13 13 Immediately13 aer13 the13 unit13 3tle13 slide13 a13 page13 (slide13 3)13 can13 be13 found13 lis3ng13 all13 of13 the13 unitrsquos13 subsec3ons13 13 While13 in13 slide13 show13 mode13 clicking13 on13 any13 of13 these13 hyperlinks13 will13 take13 the13 user13 directly13 to13 the13 beginning13 of13 that13 subsec3on13 13 This13 allows13 teachers13 quick13 access13 to13 each13 subsec3on

bullBold13 print13 term13 hyperlinks13 13 Every13 bold13 print13 term13 from13 the13 unit13 is13 included13 in13 this13 presenta3on13 as13 a13 hyperlink13 13 While13 in13 slide13 show13 mode13 clicking13 on13 any13 of13 the13 hyperlinks13 will13 take13 the13 user13 to13 a13 slide13 containing13 the13 formal13 defini3on13 of13 the13 term13 13 Clicking13 on13 the13 ldquoarrowrdquo13 in13 the13 boaom13 le13 corner13 of13 the13 defini3on13 slide13 will13 take13 the13 user13 back13 to13 the13 original13 point13 in13 the13 presenta3on13

13 These13 hyperlinks13 were13 included13 for13 teachers13 who13 want13 students13 to13 see13 or13 copy13 down13 the13 exact13 defini3on13 as13 stated13 in13 the13 text13 13 Most13 teachers13 prefer13 the13 defini3ons13 not13 be13 included13 to13 prevent13 students13 from13 only13 ldquocopying13 down13 what13 is13 on13 the13 screenrdquo13 and13 not13 ac3vely13 listening13 to13 the13 presenta3on

13 For13 teachers13 who13 con3nually13 use13 the13 Bold13 Print13 Term13 Hyperlinks13 op3on13 please13 contact13 the13 author13 using13 the13 email13 address13 on13 the13 next13 slide13 to13 learn13 a13 technique13 to13 expedite13 the13 returning13 to13 the13 original13 point13 in13 the13 presenta3on

Wednesday March 6 13

Teacher13 Informa3onbullCon0nuity13 slides

bullThroughout13 this13 presenta3on13 there13 are13 slides13 usually13 of13 graphics13 or13 tables13 that13 build13 on13 one13 another13 13 These13 are13 included13 for13 three13 purposes13 13

bullBy13 presen3ng13 informa3on13 in13 small13 chunks13 students13 will13 find13 it13 easier13 to13 process13 and13 remember13 the13 concepts13 13

bullBy13 con3nually13 changing13 slides13 students13 will13 stay13 interested13 in13 the13 presenta3onbullTo13 facilitate13 class13 discussion13 and13 cri3cal13 thinking13 13 Students13 should13 be13 encouraged13 to13 think13 about13 ldquowhat13 might13 come13 nextrdquo13 in13 the13 series13 of13 slides13 13

bullPlease13 feel13 free13 to13 contact13 me13 at13 kkorekgermantownk12wius13 with13 any13 ques3ons13 concerns13 sugges3ons13 etc13 regarding13 these13 presenta3ons13

Kent13 Korek

Germantown13 High13 School

Germantown13 WI13 53022

Wednesday March 6 13

Division title (green print)subdivision title (blue print)


Wednesday March 6 13

Division title (green print)

Use13 this13 slide13 to13 add13 a13 table13 chart13 clip13 art13 picture13 diagram13 or13 video13 clip13 13 Delete13 this13 box13 when13 finished

Wednesday March 6 13

Definition Slide

= add definition here

Wednesday March 6 13


Wednesday March 6 13


= the persistence of learning over time through the storage and retrieval of information

Wednesday March 6 13


= the processing of information into the memory systems ndash for example by extracting meaning

Wednesday March 6 13


= the retention of encoded information over time

Wednesday March 6 13


= the process of getting information out of memory storage

Wednesday March 6 13

Sensory Memory

= the immediate very brief recording of sensory information in the memory system

Wednesday March 6 13

Short-term Memory

= activated memory that holds a few items briefly such as the seven digits of a phone number while dialing before the information is stored or forgotten

Wednesday March 6 13

Long-term Memory

= the relatively permanent and limitless storehouse of the memory system Includes knowledge skills and experiences

Wednesday March 6 13

Working Memory

= a newer understanding of short-term memory that focuses on conscious active processing of incoming auditory and visual-spatial information and of information retrieved from long-term memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Parallel Processing

= the processing of many aspects of a problem simultaneously the brainrsquos natural mode of information processing for many functions Contrasts with the step-by-step (serial) processing of most computers and of conscious problem solving

Wednesday March 6 13

Automatic Processing

= unconscious encoding of incidental information such as space time and frequency and of well-learned information such as word meanings

Wednesday March 6 13

Effortful Processing

= encoding that requires attention and conscious effort

Wednesday March 6 13


= the conscious repetition of information either to maintain it in consciousness or to encode it for storage

Wednesday March 6 13

Spacing Effect

= the tendency for distributed study or practice to yield better long-term retention than is achieved through massed study or practice

Wednesday March 6 13

Serial Position Effect

= our tendency to recall best the last and first items in a list

Wednesday March 6 13

Visual Encoding

= the encoding of picture images

Wednesday March 6 13

Acoustic Encoding

= the encoding of sound especially the sound of words

Wednesday March 6 13

Semantic Encoding

= the encoding of meaning including the meaning of words

Wednesday March 6 13


= mental pictures a powerful aid to effortful processing especially when combined with semantic encoding

Wednesday March 6 13


= memory aids especially those techniques that use vivid imagery and organizational devices

Wednesday March 6 13


= organizing items into familiar manageable units often occurs automatically

Wednesday March 6 13

Iconic Memory

= a momentary sensory memory of visual stimuli a photographic or picture-image memory lasting no more than a few tenths of a second

Wednesday March 6 13

Echoic Memory

= a momentary sensory memory of auditory stimuli if attention is elsewhere sounds and words can still be recalled within 3 or 4 seconds

Wednesday March 6 13

Long-term Potentiation (LTP)

= an increase in a synapsersquos firing potential after brief rapid stimulation Believed to be a neural basis for learning and memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Flashbulb Memory

= a clear memory of an emotionally significant moment or event

Wednesday March 6 13


= loss of memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Implicit Memory

= retention independent of conscious recollection (Also called nondeclarative or procedural memory)

Wednesday March 6 13

Explicit Memory

= memory of facts and experiences that one can consciously know and ldquodeclarerdquo (Also called declarative memory)

Wednesday March 6 13


= a neural center that is located in the limbic system helps process explicit memories for storage

Wednesday March 6 13


= a measure of memory in which the person must retrieve information learning earlier as on a fill-in-the-blank test

Wednesday March 6 13


= a measure of memory in which the person need only identify items previously learned as on a multiple-choice test

Wednesday March 6 13


= a measure of memory that assesses the amount of time saved when learning material for a second time

Wednesday March 6 13


= the activation often unconsciously of particular associations in memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Deja Vu

= that eerie sense that ldquoIrsquove experienced this beforerdquo Cues from the current situation may subconsciously trigger retrieval of an earlier experience

Wednesday March 6 13

Mood Congruent Memory

= the tendency to recall experiences that are consistent with onersquos current good or bad mood

Wednesday March 6 13

Proactive Interference

= the disruptive effect of prior learning on the recall of new information

Wednesday March 6 13

Retroactive Interference

= the disruptive effect of new learning on the recall of old information

Wednesday March 6 13


= in psychoanalytic theory the basic defense mechanism that banishes from consciousness anxiety-arousing thoughts feelings and memories

Wednesday March 6 13

Misinformation Effect

= incorporating misleading information into onersquos memory of an event

Wednesday March 6 13

Source Amnesia

= attributing to the wrong source an event we have experienced heard about read about or imagined (Also called source misattribution) Source amnesia along with the misinformation effect is at the heart of many false memories

Wednesday March 6 13


bullSchacterrsquos sevens sins of memorybullSins of Forgetting


Wednesday March 6 13


bullSchacterrsquos sevens sins of memorybullSins of distortion


bullSin of intrusionbullpersistence

Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Failure

bullEncoding failure

Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Failure

bullEncoding failure

Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Failure

Wednesday March 6 13

Storage DecaybullStorage decay

bullEbbinghaus curve

Wednesday March 6 13

Storage DecaybullStorage decay

bullEbbinghaus curve

Wednesday March 6 13

Ebbinghaus13 Curve

Wednesday March 6 13

Ebbinghaus13 Curve

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval Failure

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval FailureInterference

bullProac3ve13 interference13 (forward acting)bullRetroac3ve13 interference13 (backward-acting)

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 FailureInterference

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 FailureInterference

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 FailureInterference

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 FailureInterference

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 FailureInterference

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval FailureMotivated Forgetting

bullSelf-serving personal historiesbullRepression

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval FailureMotivated Forgetting

bullSelf-serving personal historiesbullRepression

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval FailureMotivated Forgetting

bullSelf-serving personal historiesbullRepression

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval FailureMotivated Forgetting

bullSelf-serving personal historiesbullRepression

Wednesday March 6 13

Memory Construction

Wednesday March 6 13

Misinformation and Imagination Effects

bullLoftus memory studiesbullMisinforma3on13 effect

Wednesday March 6 13

Source Amnesia

bullSource13 amnesia13 (source misattribution)

Wednesday March 6 13

Discerning True and False Memories

bullMemory studiesbullEye witness testimony

Wednesday March 6 13

Childrenrsquos Eyewitness Recall

bullChildrenrsquos memories of abusebullSuggestibility

Wednesday March 6 13

Repressed or Constructed Memories of Abuse

bullAreas of agreementbullSexual abuse happensbullInjustice happensbullForgetting happensbullRecovered memories are incompletebullMemories before 3 years are unreliablebullHypnotic memories are unreliablebullMemories can be emotionally upsetting

Wednesday March 6 13

Repressed or Constructed Memories of Abuse

bullLoftus studies with children

Wednesday March 6 13

Improving Memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Improving Memory TechniquesbullStudy repeatedlybullMake the material meaningfulbullActivate retrieval cuesbullUse mnemonic devicesbullMinimize interferencebullSleep morebullTest your own knowledge both to rehearse it and to help determine what you do not yet

Wednesday March 6 13

The End

Wednesday March 6 13

Teacher13 Informa3onbullTypes13 of13 Files

bullThis13 presenta3on13 has13 been13 saved13 as13 a13 ldquobasicrdquo13 Powerpoint13 file13 13 While13 this13 file13 format13 placed13 a13 few13 limita3ons13 on13 the13 presenta3on13 it13 insured13 the13 file13 would13 be13 compa3ble13 with13 the13 many13 versions13 of13 Powerpoint13 teachers13 use13 13 To13 add13 func3onality13 to13 the13 presenta3on13 teachers13 may13 want13 to13 save13 the13 file13 for13 their13 specific13 version13 of13 Powerpoint

bullAnima0onbullOnce13 again13 to13 insure13 compa3bility13 with13 all13 versions13 of13 Powerpoint13 none13 of13 the13 slides13 are13 animated13 13 To13 increase13 student13 interest13 it13 is13 suggested13 teachers13 animate13 the13 slides13 wherever13 possible

bullAdding13 slides13 to13 this13 presenta0onbullTeachers13 are13 encouraged13 to13 adapt13 this13 presenta3on13 to13 their13 personal13 teaching13 style13 13 To13 help13 keep13 a13 sense13 of13 con3nuity13 blank13 slides13 which13 can13 be13 copied13 and13 pasted13 to13 a13 specific13 loca3on13 in13 the13 presenta3on13 follow13 this13 ldquoTeacher13 Informa3onrdquo13 sec3on13 13 13

Wednesday March 6 13

Teacher13 Informa3onbullHyperlink13 Slides13 -shy‐13 This13 presenta3on13 contain13 two13 types13 of13 hyperlinks13 13 Hyperlinks13 can13 be13 iden3fied13 by13 the13 text13 being13 underlined13 and13 a13 different13 color13 (usually13 purple)

bullUnit13 subsec0ons13 hyperlinks13 13 Immediately13 aer13 the13 unit13 3tle13 slide13 a13 page13 (slide13 3)13 can13 be13 found13 lis3ng13 all13 of13 the13 unitrsquos13 subsec3ons13 13 While13 in13 slide13 show13 mode13 clicking13 on13 any13 of13 these13 hyperlinks13 will13 take13 the13 user13 directly13 to13 the13 beginning13 of13 that13 subsec3on13 13 This13 allows13 teachers13 quick13 access13 to13 each13 subsec3on

bullBold13 print13 term13 hyperlinks13 13 Every13 bold13 print13 term13 from13 the13 unit13 is13 included13 in13 this13 presenta3on13 as13 a13 hyperlink13 13 While13 in13 slide13 show13 mode13 clicking13 on13 any13 of13 the13 hyperlinks13 will13 take13 the13 user13 to13 a13 slide13 containing13 the13 formal13 defini3on13 of13 the13 term13 13 Clicking13 on13 the13 ldquoarrowrdquo13 in13 the13 boaom13 le13 corner13 of13 the13 defini3on13 slide13 will13 take13 the13 user13 back13 to13 the13 original13 point13 in13 the13 presenta3on13

13 These13 hyperlinks13 were13 included13 for13 teachers13 who13 want13 students13 to13 see13 or13 copy13 down13 the13 exact13 defini3on13 as13 stated13 in13 the13 text13 13 Most13 teachers13 prefer13 the13 defini3ons13 not13 be13 included13 to13 prevent13 students13 from13 only13 ldquocopying13 down13 what13 is13 on13 the13 screenrdquo13 and13 not13 ac3vely13 listening13 to13 the13 presenta3on

13 For13 teachers13 who13 con3nually13 use13 the13 Bold13 Print13 Term13 Hyperlinks13 op3on13 please13 contact13 the13 author13 using13 the13 email13 address13 on13 the13 next13 slide13 to13 learn13 a13 technique13 to13 expedite13 the13 returning13 to13 the13 original13 point13 in13 the13 presenta3on

Wednesday March 6 13

Teacher13 Informa3onbullCon0nuity13 slides

bullThroughout13 this13 presenta3on13 there13 are13 slides13 usually13 of13 graphics13 or13 tables13 that13 build13 on13 one13 another13 13 These13 are13 included13 for13 three13 purposes13 13

bullBy13 presen3ng13 informa3on13 in13 small13 chunks13 students13 will13 find13 it13 easier13 to13 process13 and13 remember13 the13 concepts13 13

bullBy13 con3nually13 changing13 slides13 students13 will13 stay13 interested13 in13 the13 presenta3onbullTo13 facilitate13 class13 discussion13 and13 cri3cal13 thinking13 13 Students13 should13 be13 encouraged13 to13 think13 about13 ldquowhat13 might13 come13 nextrdquo13 in13 the13 series13 of13 slides13 13

bullPlease13 feel13 free13 to13 contact13 me13 at13 kkorekgermantownk12wius13 with13 any13 ques3ons13 concerns13 sugges3ons13 etc13 regarding13 these13 presenta3ons13

Kent13 Korek

Germantown13 High13 School

Germantown13 WI13 53022

Wednesday March 6 13

Division title (green print)subdivision title (blue print)


Wednesday March 6 13

Division title (green print)

Use13 this13 slide13 to13 add13 a13 table13 chart13 clip13 art13 picture13 diagram13 or13 video13 clip13 13 Delete13 this13 box13 when13 finished

Wednesday March 6 13

Definition Slide

= add definition here

Wednesday March 6 13


Wednesday March 6 13


= the persistence of learning over time through the storage and retrieval of information

Wednesday March 6 13


= the processing of information into the memory systems ndash for example by extracting meaning

Wednesday March 6 13


= the retention of encoded information over time

Wednesday March 6 13


= the process of getting information out of memory storage

Wednesday March 6 13

Sensory Memory

= the immediate very brief recording of sensory information in the memory system

Wednesday March 6 13

Short-term Memory

= activated memory that holds a few items briefly such as the seven digits of a phone number while dialing before the information is stored or forgotten

Wednesday March 6 13

Long-term Memory

= the relatively permanent and limitless storehouse of the memory system Includes knowledge skills and experiences

Wednesday March 6 13

Working Memory

= a newer understanding of short-term memory that focuses on conscious active processing of incoming auditory and visual-spatial information and of information retrieved from long-term memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Parallel Processing

= the processing of many aspects of a problem simultaneously the brainrsquos natural mode of information processing for many functions Contrasts with the step-by-step (serial) processing of most computers and of conscious problem solving

Wednesday March 6 13

Automatic Processing

= unconscious encoding of incidental information such as space time and frequency and of well-learned information such as word meanings

Wednesday March 6 13

Effortful Processing

= encoding that requires attention and conscious effort

Wednesday March 6 13


= the conscious repetition of information either to maintain it in consciousness or to encode it for storage

Wednesday March 6 13

Spacing Effect

= the tendency for distributed study or practice to yield better long-term retention than is achieved through massed study or practice

Wednesday March 6 13

Serial Position Effect

= our tendency to recall best the last and first items in a list

Wednesday March 6 13

Visual Encoding

= the encoding of picture images

Wednesday March 6 13

Acoustic Encoding

= the encoding of sound especially the sound of words

Wednesday March 6 13

Semantic Encoding

= the encoding of meaning including the meaning of words

Wednesday March 6 13


= mental pictures a powerful aid to effortful processing especially when combined with semantic encoding

Wednesday March 6 13


= memory aids especially those techniques that use vivid imagery and organizational devices

Wednesday March 6 13


= organizing items into familiar manageable units often occurs automatically

Wednesday March 6 13

Iconic Memory

= a momentary sensory memory of visual stimuli a photographic or picture-image memory lasting no more than a few tenths of a second

Wednesday March 6 13

Echoic Memory

= a momentary sensory memory of auditory stimuli if attention is elsewhere sounds and words can still be recalled within 3 or 4 seconds

Wednesday March 6 13

Long-term Potentiation (LTP)

= an increase in a synapsersquos firing potential after brief rapid stimulation Believed to be a neural basis for learning and memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Flashbulb Memory

= a clear memory of an emotionally significant moment or event

Wednesday March 6 13


= loss of memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Implicit Memory

= retention independent of conscious recollection (Also called nondeclarative or procedural memory)

Wednesday March 6 13

Explicit Memory

= memory of facts and experiences that one can consciously know and ldquodeclarerdquo (Also called declarative memory)

Wednesday March 6 13


= a neural center that is located in the limbic system helps process explicit memories for storage

Wednesday March 6 13


= a measure of memory in which the person must retrieve information learning earlier as on a fill-in-the-blank test

Wednesday March 6 13


= a measure of memory in which the person need only identify items previously learned as on a multiple-choice test

Wednesday March 6 13


= a measure of memory that assesses the amount of time saved when learning material for a second time

Wednesday March 6 13


= the activation often unconsciously of particular associations in memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Deja Vu

= that eerie sense that ldquoIrsquove experienced this beforerdquo Cues from the current situation may subconsciously trigger retrieval of an earlier experience

Wednesday March 6 13

Mood Congruent Memory

= the tendency to recall experiences that are consistent with onersquos current good or bad mood

Wednesday March 6 13

Proactive Interference

= the disruptive effect of prior learning on the recall of new information

Wednesday March 6 13

Retroactive Interference

= the disruptive effect of new learning on the recall of old information

Wednesday March 6 13


= in psychoanalytic theory the basic defense mechanism that banishes from consciousness anxiety-arousing thoughts feelings and memories

Wednesday March 6 13

Misinformation Effect

= incorporating misleading information into onersquos memory of an event

Wednesday March 6 13

Source Amnesia

= attributing to the wrong source an event we have experienced heard about read about or imagined (Also called source misattribution) Source amnesia along with the misinformation effect is at the heart of many false memories

Wednesday March 6 13


bullSchacterrsquos sevens sins of memorybullSins of distortion


bullSin of intrusionbullpersistence

Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Failure

bullEncoding failure

Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Failure

bullEncoding failure

Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Failure

Wednesday March 6 13

Storage DecaybullStorage decay

bullEbbinghaus curve

Wednesday March 6 13

Storage DecaybullStorage decay

bullEbbinghaus curve

Wednesday March 6 13

Ebbinghaus13 Curve

Wednesday March 6 13

Ebbinghaus13 Curve

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval Failure

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval FailureInterference

bullProac3ve13 interference13 (forward acting)bullRetroac3ve13 interference13 (backward-acting)

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 FailureInterference

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 FailureInterference

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 FailureInterference

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 FailureInterference

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 FailureInterference

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval FailureMotivated Forgetting

bullSelf-serving personal historiesbullRepression

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval FailureMotivated Forgetting

bullSelf-serving personal historiesbullRepression

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval FailureMotivated Forgetting

bullSelf-serving personal historiesbullRepression

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval FailureMotivated Forgetting

bullSelf-serving personal historiesbullRepression

Wednesday March 6 13

Memory Construction

Wednesday March 6 13

Misinformation and Imagination Effects

bullLoftus memory studiesbullMisinforma3on13 effect

Wednesday March 6 13

Source Amnesia

bullSource13 amnesia13 (source misattribution)

Wednesday March 6 13

Discerning True and False Memories

bullMemory studiesbullEye witness testimony

Wednesday March 6 13

Childrenrsquos Eyewitness Recall

bullChildrenrsquos memories of abusebullSuggestibility

Wednesday March 6 13

Repressed or Constructed Memories of Abuse

bullAreas of agreementbullSexual abuse happensbullInjustice happensbullForgetting happensbullRecovered memories are incompletebullMemories before 3 years are unreliablebullHypnotic memories are unreliablebullMemories can be emotionally upsetting

Wednesday March 6 13

Repressed or Constructed Memories of Abuse

bullLoftus studies with children

Wednesday March 6 13

Improving Memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Improving Memory TechniquesbullStudy repeatedlybullMake the material meaningfulbullActivate retrieval cuesbullUse mnemonic devicesbullMinimize interferencebullSleep morebullTest your own knowledge both to rehearse it and to help determine what you do not yet

Wednesday March 6 13

The End

Wednesday March 6 13

Teacher13 Informa3onbullTypes13 of13 Files

bullThis13 presenta3on13 has13 been13 saved13 as13 a13 ldquobasicrdquo13 Powerpoint13 file13 13 While13 this13 file13 format13 placed13 a13 few13 limita3ons13 on13 the13 presenta3on13 it13 insured13 the13 file13 would13 be13 compa3ble13 with13 the13 many13 versions13 of13 Powerpoint13 teachers13 use13 13 To13 add13 func3onality13 to13 the13 presenta3on13 teachers13 may13 want13 to13 save13 the13 file13 for13 their13 specific13 version13 of13 Powerpoint

bullAnima0onbullOnce13 again13 to13 insure13 compa3bility13 with13 all13 versions13 of13 Powerpoint13 none13 of13 the13 slides13 are13 animated13 13 To13 increase13 student13 interest13 it13 is13 suggested13 teachers13 animate13 the13 slides13 wherever13 possible

bullAdding13 slides13 to13 this13 presenta0onbullTeachers13 are13 encouraged13 to13 adapt13 this13 presenta3on13 to13 their13 personal13 teaching13 style13 13 To13 help13 keep13 a13 sense13 of13 con3nuity13 blank13 slides13 which13 can13 be13 copied13 and13 pasted13 to13 a13 specific13 loca3on13 in13 the13 presenta3on13 follow13 this13 ldquoTeacher13 Informa3onrdquo13 sec3on13 13 13

Wednesday March 6 13

Teacher13 Informa3onbullHyperlink13 Slides13 -shy‐13 This13 presenta3on13 contain13 two13 types13 of13 hyperlinks13 13 Hyperlinks13 can13 be13 iden3fied13 by13 the13 text13 being13 underlined13 and13 a13 different13 color13 (usually13 purple)

bullUnit13 subsec0ons13 hyperlinks13 13 Immediately13 aer13 the13 unit13 3tle13 slide13 a13 page13 (slide13 3)13 can13 be13 found13 lis3ng13 all13 of13 the13 unitrsquos13 subsec3ons13 13 While13 in13 slide13 show13 mode13 clicking13 on13 any13 of13 these13 hyperlinks13 will13 take13 the13 user13 directly13 to13 the13 beginning13 of13 that13 subsec3on13 13 This13 allows13 teachers13 quick13 access13 to13 each13 subsec3on

bullBold13 print13 term13 hyperlinks13 13 Every13 bold13 print13 term13 from13 the13 unit13 is13 included13 in13 this13 presenta3on13 as13 a13 hyperlink13 13 While13 in13 slide13 show13 mode13 clicking13 on13 any13 of13 the13 hyperlinks13 will13 take13 the13 user13 to13 a13 slide13 containing13 the13 formal13 defini3on13 of13 the13 term13 13 Clicking13 on13 the13 ldquoarrowrdquo13 in13 the13 boaom13 le13 corner13 of13 the13 defini3on13 slide13 will13 take13 the13 user13 back13 to13 the13 original13 point13 in13 the13 presenta3on13

13 These13 hyperlinks13 were13 included13 for13 teachers13 who13 want13 students13 to13 see13 or13 copy13 down13 the13 exact13 defini3on13 as13 stated13 in13 the13 text13 13 Most13 teachers13 prefer13 the13 defini3ons13 not13 be13 included13 to13 prevent13 students13 from13 only13 ldquocopying13 down13 what13 is13 on13 the13 screenrdquo13 and13 not13 ac3vely13 listening13 to13 the13 presenta3on

13 For13 teachers13 who13 con3nually13 use13 the13 Bold13 Print13 Term13 Hyperlinks13 op3on13 please13 contact13 the13 author13 using13 the13 email13 address13 on13 the13 next13 slide13 to13 learn13 a13 technique13 to13 expedite13 the13 returning13 to13 the13 original13 point13 in13 the13 presenta3on

Wednesday March 6 13

Teacher13 Informa3onbullCon0nuity13 slides

bullThroughout13 this13 presenta3on13 there13 are13 slides13 usually13 of13 graphics13 or13 tables13 that13 build13 on13 one13 another13 13 These13 are13 included13 for13 three13 purposes13 13

bullBy13 presen3ng13 informa3on13 in13 small13 chunks13 students13 will13 find13 it13 easier13 to13 process13 and13 remember13 the13 concepts13 13

bullBy13 con3nually13 changing13 slides13 students13 will13 stay13 interested13 in13 the13 presenta3onbullTo13 facilitate13 class13 discussion13 and13 cri3cal13 thinking13 13 Students13 should13 be13 encouraged13 to13 think13 about13 ldquowhat13 might13 come13 nextrdquo13 in13 the13 series13 of13 slides13 13

bullPlease13 feel13 free13 to13 contact13 me13 at13 kkorekgermantownk12wius13 with13 any13 ques3ons13 concerns13 sugges3ons13 etc13 regarding13 these13 presenta3ons13

Kent13 Korek

Germantown13 High13 School

Germantown13 WI13 53022

Wednesday March 6 13

Division title (green print)subdivision title (blue print)


Wednesday March 6 13

Division title (green print)

Use13 this13 slide13 to13 add13 a13 table13 chart13 clip13 art13 picture13 diagram13 or13 video13 clip13 13 Delete13 this13 box13 when13 finished

Wednesday March 6 13

Definition Slide

= add definition here

Wednesday March 6 13


Wednesday March 6 13


= the persistence of learning over time through the storage and retrieval of information

Wednesday March 6 13


= the processing of information into the memory systems ndash for example by extracting meaning

Wednesday March 6 13


= the retention of encoded information over time

Wednesday March 6 13


= the process of getting information out of memory storage

Wednesday March 6 13

Sensory Memory

= the immediate very brief recording of sensory information in the memory system

Wednesday March 6 13

Short-term Memory

= activated memory that holds a few items briefly such as the seven digits of a phone number while dialing before the information is stored or forgotten

Wednesday March 6 13

Long-term Memory

= the relatively permanent and limitless storehouse of the memory system Includes knowledge skills and experiences

Wednesday March 6 13

Working Memory

= a newer understanding of short-term memory that focuses on conscious active processing of incoming auditory and visual-spatial information and of information retrieved from long-term memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Parallel Processing

= the processing of many aspects of a problem simultaneously the brainrsquos natural mode of information processing for many functions Contrasts with the step-by-step (serial) processing of most computers and of conscious problem solving

Wednesday March 6 13

Automatic Processing

= unconscious encoding of incidental information such as space time and frequency and of well-learned information such as word meanings

Wednesday March 6 13

Effortful Processing

= encoding that requires attention and conscious effort

Wednesday March 6 13


= the conscious repetition of information either to maintain it in consciousness or to encode it for storage

Wednesday March 6 13

Spacing Effect

= the tendency for distributed study or practice to yield better long-term retention than is achieved through massed study or practice

Wednesday March 6 13

Serial Position Effect

= our tendency to recall best the last and first items in a list

Wednesday March 6 13

Visual Encoding

= the encoding of picture images

Wednesday March 6 13

Acoustic Encoding

= the encoding of sound especially the sound of words

Wednesday March 6 13

Semantic Encoding

= the encoding of meaning including the meaning of words

Wednesday March 6 13


= mental pictures a powerful aid to effortful processing especially when combined with semantic encoding

Wednesday March 6 13


= memory aids especially those techniques that use vivid imagery and organizational devices

Wednesday March 6 13


= organizing items into familiar manageable units often occurs automatically

Wednesday March 6 13

Iconic Memory

= a momentary sensory memory of visual stimuli a photographic or picture-image memory lasting no more than a few tenths of a second

Wednesday March 6 13

Echoic Memory

= a momentary sensory memory of auditory stimuli if attention is elsewhere sounds and words can still be recalled within 3 or 4 seconds

Wednesday March 6 13

Long-term Potentiation (LTP)

= an increase in a synapsersquos firing potential after brief rapid stimulation Believed to be a neural basis for learning and memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Flashbulb Memory

= a clear memory of an emotionally significant moment or event

Wednesday March 6 13


= loss of memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Implicit Memory

= retention independent of conscious recollection (Also called nondeclarative or procedural memory)

Wednesday March 6 13

Explicit Memory

= memory of facts and experiences that one can consciously know and ldquodeclarerdquo (Also called declarative memory)

Wednesday March 6 13


= a neural center that is located in the limbic system helps process explicit memories for storage

Wednesday March 6 13


= a measure of memory in which the person must retrieve information learning earlier as on a fill-in-the-blank test

Wednesday March 6 13


= a measure of memory in which the person need only identify items previously learned as on a multiple-choice test

Wednesday March 6 13


= a measure of memory that assesses the amount of time saved when learning material for a second time

Wednesday March 6 13


= the activation often unconsciously of particular associations in memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Deja Vu

= that eerie sense that ldquoIrsquove experienced this beforerdquo Cues from the current situation may subconsciously trigger retrieval of an earlier experience

Wednesday March 6 13

Mood Congruent Memory

= the tendency to recall experiences that are consistent with onersquos current good or bad mood

Wednesday March 6 13

Proactive Interference

= the disruptive effect of prior learning on the recall of new information

Wednesday March 6 13

Retroactive Interference

= the disruptive effect of new learning on the recall of old information

Wednesday March 6 13


= in psychoanalytic theory the basic defense mechanism that banishes from consciousness anxiety-arousing thoughts feelings and memories

Wednesday March 6 13

Misinformation Effect

= incorporating misleading information into onersquos memory of an event

Wednesday March 6 13

Source Amnesia

= attributing to the wrong source an event we have experienced heard about read about or imagined (Also called source misattribution) Source amnesia along with the misinformation effect is at the heart of many false memories

Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Failure

bullEncoding failure

Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Failure

bullEncoding failure

Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Failure

Wednesday March 6 13

Storage DecaybullStorage decay

bullEbbinghaus curve

Wednesday March 6 13

Storage DecaybullStorage decay

bullEbbinghaus curve

Wednesday March 6 13

Ebbinghaus13 Curve

Wednesday March 6 13

Ebbinghaus13 Curve

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval Failure

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval FailureInterference

bullProac3ve13 interference13 (forward acting)bullRetroac3ve13 interference13 (backward-acting)

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 FailureInterference

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 FailureInterference

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 FailureInterference

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 FailureInterference

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 FailureInterference

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval FailureMotivated Forgetting

bullSelf-serving personal historiesbullRepression

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval FailureMotivated Forgetting

bullSelf-serving personal historiesbullRepression

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval FailureMotivated Forgetting

bullSelf-serving personal historiesbullRepression

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval FailureMotivated Forgetting

bullSelf-serving personal historiesbullRepression

Wednesday March 6 13

Memory Construction

Wednesday March 6 13

Misinformation and Imagination Effects

bullLoftus memory studiesbullMisinforma3on13 effect

Wednesday March 6 13

Source Amnesia

bullSource13 amnesia13 (source misattribution)

Wednesday March 6 13

Discerning True and False Memories

bullMemory studiesbullEye witness testimony

Wednesday March 6 13

Childrenrsquos Eyewitness Recall

bullChildrenrsquos memories of abusebullSuggestibility

Wednesday March 6 13

Repressed or Constructed Memories of Abuse

bullAreas of agreementbullSexual abuse happensbullInjustice happensbullForgetting happensbullRecovered memories are incompletebullMemories before 3 years are unreliablebullHypnotic memories are unreliablebullMemories can be emotionally upsetting

Wednesday March 6 13

Repressed or Constructed Memories of Abuse

bullLoftus studies with children

Wednesday March 6 13

Improving Memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Improving Memory TechniquesbullStudy repeatedlybullMake the material meaningfulbullActivate retrieval cuesbullUse mnemonic devicesbullMinimize interferencebullSleep morebullTest your own knowledge both to rehearse it and to help determine what you do not yet

Wednesday March 6 13

The End

Wednesday March 6 13

Teacher13 Informa3onbullTypes13 of13 Files

bullThis13 presenta3on13 has13 been13 saved13 as13 a13 ldquobasicrdquo13 Powerpoint13 file13 13 While13 this13 file13 format13 placed13 a13 few13 limita3ons13 on13 the13 presenta3on13 it13 insured13 the13 file13 would13 be13 compa3ble13 with13 the13 many13 versions13 of13 Powerpoint13 teachers13 use13 13 To13 add13 func3onality13 to13 the13 presenta3on13 teachers13 may13 want13 to13 save13 the13 file13 for13 their13 specific13 version13 of13 Powerpoint

bullAnima0onbullOnce13 again13 to13 insure13 compa3bility13 with13 all13 versions13 of13 Powerpoint13 none13 of13 the13 slides13 are13 animated13 13 To13 increase13 student13 interest13 it13 is13 suggested13 teachers13 animate13 the13 slides13 wherever13 possible

bullAdding13 slides13 to13 this13 presenta0onbullTeachers13 are13 encouraged13 to13 adapt13 this13 presenta3on13 to13 their13 personal13 teaching13 style13 13 To13 help13 keep13 a13 sense13 of13 con3nuity13 blank13 slides13 which13 can13 be13 copied13 and13 pasted13 to13 a13 specific13 loca3on13 in13 the13 presenta3on13 follow13 this13 ldquoTeacher13 Informa3onrdquo13 sec3on13 13 13

Wednesday March 6 13

Teacher13 Informa3onbullHyperlink13 Slides13 -shy‐13 This13 presenta3on13 contain13 two13 types13 of13 hyperlinks13 13 Hyperlinks13 can13 be13 iden3fied13 by13 the13 text13 being13 underlined13 and13 a13 different13 color13 (usually13 purple)

bullUnit13 subsec0ons13 hyperlinks13 13 Immediately13 aer13 the13 unit13 3tle13 slide13 a13 page13 (slide13 3)13 can13 be13 found13 lis3ng13 all13 of13 the13 unitrsquos13 subsec3ons13 13 While13 in13 slide13 show13 mode13 clicking13 on13 any13 of13 these13 hyperlinks13 will13 take13 the13 user13 directly13 to13 the13 beginning13 of13 that13 subsec3on13 13 This13 allows13 teachers13 quick13 access13 to13 each13 subsec3on

bullBold13 print13 term13 hyperlinks13 13 Every13 bold13 print13 term13 from13 the13 unit13 is13 included13 in13 this13 presenta3on13 as13 a13 hyperlink13 13 While13 in13 slide13 show13 mode13 clicking13 on13 any13 of13 the13 hyperlinks13 will13 take13 the13 user13 to13 a13 slide13 containing13 the13 formal13 defini3on13 of13 the13 term13 13 Clicking13 on13 the13 ldquoarrowrdquo13 in13 the13 boaom13 le13 corner13 of13 the13 defini3on13 slide13 will13 take13 the13 user13 back13 to13 the13 original13 point13 in13 the13 presenta3on13

13 These13 hyperlinks13 were13 included13 for13 teachers13 who13 want13 students13 to13 see13 or13 copy13 down13 the13 exact13 defini3on13 as13 stated13 in13 the13 text13 13 Most13 teachers13 prefer13 the13 defini3ons13 not13 be13 included13 to13 prevent13 students13 from13 only13 ldquocopying13 down13 what13 is13 on13 the13 screenrdquo13 and13 not13 ac3vely13 listening13 to13 the13 presenta3on

13 For13 teachers13 who13 con3nually13 use13 the13 Bold13 Print13 Term13 Hyperlinks13 op3on13 please13 contact13 the13 author13 using13 the13 email13 address13 on13 the13 next13 slide13 to13 learn13 a13 technique13 to13 expedite13 the13 returning13 to13 the13 original13 point13 in13 the13 presenta3on

Wednesday March 6 13

Teacher13 Informa3onbullCon0nuity13 slides

bullThroughout13 this13 presenta3on13 there13 are13 slides13 usually13 of13 graphics13 or13 tables13 that13 build13 on13 one13 another13 13 These13 are13 included13 for13 three13 purposes13 13

bullBy13 presen3ng13 informa3on13 in13 small13 chunks13 students13 will13 find13 it13 easier13 to13 process13 and13 remember13 the13 concepts13 13

bullBy13 con3nually13 changing13 slides13 students13 will13 stay13 interested13 in13 the13 presenta3onbullTo13 facilitate13 class13 discussion13 and13 cri3cal13 thinking13 13 Students13 should13 be13 encouraged13 to13 think13 about13 ldquowhat13 might13 come13 nextrdquo13 in13 the13 series13 of13 slides13 13

bullPlease13 feel13 free13 to13 contact13 me13 at13 kkorekgermantownk12wius13 with13 any13 ques3ons13 concerns13 sugges3ons13 etc13 regarding13 these13 presenta3ons13

Kent13 Korek

Germantown13 High13 School

Germantown13 WI13 53022

Wednesday March 6 13

Division title (green print)subdivision title (blue print)


Wednesday March 6 13

Division title (green print)

Use13 this13 slide13 to13 add13 a13 table13 chart13 clip13 art13 picture13 diagram13 or13 video13 clip13 13 Delete13 this13 box13 when13 finished

Wednesday March 6 13

Definition Slide

= add definition here

Wednesday March 6 13


Wednesday March 6 13


= the persistence of learning over time through the storage and retrieval of information

Wednesday March 6 13


= the processing of information into the memory systems ndash for example by extracting meaning

Wednesday March 6 13


= the retention of encoded information over time

Wednesday March 6 13


= the process of getting information out of memory storage

Wednesday March 6 13

Sensory Memory

= the immediate very brief recording of sensory information in the memory system

Wednesday March 6 13

Short-term Memory

= activated memory that holds a few items briefly such as the seven digits of a phone number while dialing before the information is stored or forgotten

Wednesday March 6 13

Long-term Memory

= the relatively permanent and limitless storehouse of the memory system Includes knowledge skills and experiences

Wednesday March 6 13

Working Memory

= a newer understanding of short-term memory that focuses on conscious active processing of incoming auditory and visual-spatial information and of information retrieved from long-term memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Parallel Processing

= the processing of many aspects of a problem simultaneously the brainrsquos natural mode of information processing for many functions Contrasts with the step-by-step (serial) processing of most computers and of conscious problem solving

Wednesday March 6 13

Automatic Processing

= unconscious encoding of incidental information such as space time and frequency and of well-learned information such as word meanings

Wednesday March 6 13

Effortful Processing

= encoding that requires attention and conscious effort

Wednesday March 6 13


= the conscious repetition of information either to maintain it in consciousness or to encode it for storage

Wednesday March 6 13

Spacing Effect

= the tendency for distributed study or practice to yield better long-term retention than is achieved through massed study or practice

Wednesday March 6 13

Serial Position Effect

= our tendency to recall best the last and first items in a list

Wednesday March 6 13

Visual Encoding

= the encoding of picture images

Wednesday March 6 13

Acoustic Encoding

= the encoding of sound especially the sound of words

Wednesday March 6 13

Semantic Encoding

= the encoding of meaning including the meaning of words

Wednesday March 6 13


= mental pictures a powerful aid to effortful processing especially when combined with semantic encoding

Wednesday March 6 13


= memory aids especially those techniques that use vivid imagery and organizational devices

Wednesday March 6 13


= organizing items into familiar manageable units often occurs automatically

Wednesday March 6 13

Iconic Memory

= a momentary sensory memory of visual stimuli a photographic or picture-image memory lasting no more than a few tenths of a second

Wednesday March 6 13

Echoic Memory

= a momentary sensory memory of auditory stimuli if attention is elsewhere sounds and words can still be recalled within 3 or 4 seconds

Wednesday March 6 13

Long-term Potentiation (LTP)

= an increase in a synapsersquos firing potential after brief rapid stimulation Believed to be a neural basis for learning and memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Flashbulb Memory

= a clear memory of an emotionally significant moment or event

Wednesday March 6 13


= loss of memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Implicit Memory

= retention independent of conscious recollection (Also called nondeclarative or procedural memory)

Wednesday March 6 13

Explicit Memory

= memory of facts and experiences that one can consciously know and ldquodeclarerdquo (Also called declarative memory)

Wednesday March 6 13


= a neural center that is located in the limbic system helps process explicit memories for storage

Wednesday March 6 13


= a measure of memory in which the person must retrieve information learning earlier as on a fill-in-the-blank test

Wednesday March 6 13


= a measure of memory in which the person need only identify items previously learned as on a multiple-choice test

Wednesday March 6 13


= a measure of memory that assesses the amount of time saved when learning material for a second time

Wednesday March 6 13


= the activation often unconsciously of particular associations in memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Deja Vu

= that eerie sense that ldquoIrsquove experienced this beforerdquo Cues from the current situation may subconsciously trigger retrieval of an earlier experience

Wednesday March 6 13

Mood Congruent Memory

= the tendency to recall experiences that are consistent with onersquos current good or bad mood

Wednesday March 6 13

Proactive Interference

= the disruptive effect of prior learning on the recall of new information

Wednesday March 6 13

Retroactive Interference

= the disruptive effect of new learning on the recall of old information

Wednesday March 6 13


= in psychoanalytic theory the basic defense mechanism that banishes from consciousness anxiety-arousing thoughts feelings and memories

Wednesday March 6 13

Misinformation Effect

= incorporating misleading information into onersquos memory of an event

Wednesday March 6 13

Source Amnesia

= attributing to the wrong source an event we have experienced heard about read about or imagined (Also called source misattribution) Source amnesia along with the misinformation effect is at the heart of many false memories

Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Failure

bullEncoding failure

Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Failure

Wednesday March 6 13

Storage DecaybullStorage decay

bullEbbinghaus curve

Wednesday March 6 13

Storage DecaybullStorage decay

bullEbbinghaus curve

Wednesday March 6 13

Ebbinghaus13 Curve

Wednesday March 6 13

Ebbinghaus13 Curve

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval Failure

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval FailureInterference

bullProac3ve13 interference13 (forward acting)bullRetroac3ve13 interference13 (backward-acting)

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 FailureInterference

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 FailureInterference

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 FailureInterference

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 FailureInterference

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 FailureInterference

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval FailureMotivated Forgetting

bullSelf-serving personal historiesbullRepression

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval FailureMotivated Forgetting

bullSelf-serving personal historiesbullRepression

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval FailureMotivated Forgetting

bullSelf-serving personal historiesbullRepression

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval FailureMotivated Forgetting

bullSelf-serving personal historiesbullRepression

Wednesday March 6 13

Memory Construction

Wednesday March 6 13

Misinformation and Imagination Effects

bullLoftus memory studiesbullMisinforma3on13 effect

Wednesday March 6 13

Source Amnesia

bullSource13 amnesia13 (source misattribution)

Wednesday March 6 13

Discerning True and False Memories

bullMemory studiesbullEye witness testimony

Wednesday March 6 13

Childrenrsquos Eyewitness Recall

bullChildrenrsquos memories of abusebullSuggestibility

Wednesday March 6 13

Repressed or Constructed Memories of Abuse

bullAreas of agreementbullSexual abuse happensbullInjustice happensbullForgetting happensbullRecovered memories are incompletebullMemories before 3 years are unreliablebullHypnotic memories are unreliablebullMemories can be emotionally upsetting

Wednesday March 6 13

Repressed or Constructed Memories of Abuse

bullLoftus studies with children

Wednesday March 6 13

Improving Memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Improving Memory TechniquesbullStudy repeatedlybullMake the material meaningfulbullActivate retrieval cuesbullUse mnemonic devicesbullMinimize interferencebullSleep morebullTest your own knowledge both to rehearse it and to help determine what you do not yet

Wednesday March 6 13

The End

Wednesday March 6 13

Teacher13 Informa3onbullTypes13 of13 Files

bullThis13 presenta3on13 has13 been13 saved13 as13 a13 ldquobasicrdquo13 Powerpoint13 file13 13 While13 this13 file13 format13 placed13 a13 few13 limita3ons13 on13 the13 presenta3on13 it13 insured13 the13 file13 would13 be13 compa3ble13 with13 the13 many13 versions13 of13 Powerpoint13 teachers13 use13 13 To13 add13 func3onality13 to13 the13 presenta3on13 teachers13 may13 want13 to13 save13 the13 file13 for13 their13 specific13 version13 of13 Powerpoint

bullAnima0onbullOnce13 again13 to13 insure13 compa3bility13 with13 all13 versions13 of13 Powerpoint13 none13 of13 the13 slides13 are13 animated13 13 To13 increase13 student13 interest13 it13 is13 suggested13 teachers13 animate13 the13 slides13 wherever13 possible

bullAdding13 slides13 to13 this13 presenta0onbullTeachers13 are13 encouraged13 to13 adapt13 this13 presenta3on13 to13 their13 personal13 teaching13 style13 13 To13 help13 keep13 a13 sense13 of13 con3nuity13 blank13 slides13 which13 can13 be13 copied13 and13 pasted13 to13 a13 specific13 loca3on13 in13 the13 presenta3on13 follow13 this13 ldquoTeacher13 Informa3onrdquo13 sec3on13 13 13

Wednesday March 6 13

Teacher13 Informa3onbullHyperlink13 Slides13 -shy‐13 This13 presenta3on13 contain13 two13 types13 of13 hyperlinks13 13 Hyperlinks13 can13 be13 iden3fied13 by13 the13 text13 being13 underlined13 and13 a13 different13 color13 (usually13 purple)

bullUnit13 subsec0ons13 hyperlinks13 13 Immediately13 aer13 the13 unit13 3tle13 slide13 a13 page13 (slide13 3)13 can13 be13 found13 lis3ng13 all13 of13 the13 unitrsquos13 subsec3ons13 13 While13 in13 slide13 show13 mode13 clicking13 on13 any13 of13 these13 hyperlinks13 will13 take13 the13 user13 directly13 to13 the13 beginning13 of13 that13 subsec3on13 13 This13 allows13 teachers13 quick13 access13 to13 each13 subsec3on

bullBold13 print13 term13 hyperlinks13 13 Every13 bold13 print13 term13 from13 the13 unit13 is13 included13 in13 this13 presenta3on13 as13 a13 hyperlink13 13 While13 in13 slide13 show13 mode13 clicking13 on13 any13 of13 the13 hyperlinks13 will13 take13 the13 user13 to13 a13 slide13 containing13 the13 formal13 defini3on13 of13 the13 term13 13 Clicking13 on13 the13 ldquoarrowrdquo13 in13 the13 boaom13 le13 corner13 of13 the13 defini3on13 slide13 will13 take13 the13 user13 back13 to13 the13 original13 point13 in13 the13 presenta3on13

13 These13 hyperlinks13 were13 included13 for13 teachers13 who13 want13 students13 to13 see13 or13 copy13 down13 the13 exact13 defini3on13 as13 stated13 in13 the13 text13 13 Most13 teachers13 prefer13 the13 defini3ons13 not13 be13 included13 to13 prevent13 students13 from13 only13 ldquocopying13 down13 what13 is13 on13 the13 screenrdquo13 and13 not13 ac3vely13 listening13 to13 the13 presenta3on

13 For13 teachers13 who13 con3nually13 use13 the13 Bold13 Print13 Term13 Hyperlinks13 op3on13 please13 contact13 the13 author13 using13 the13 email13 address13 on13 the13 next13 slide13 to13 learn13 a13 technique13 to13 expedite13 the13 returning13 to13 the13 original13 point13 in13 the13 presenta3on

Wednesday March 6 13

Teacher13 Informa3onbullCon0nuity13 slides

bullThroughout13 this13 presenta3on13 there13 are13 slides13 usually13 of13 graphics13 or13 tables13 that13 build13 on13 one13 another13 13 These13 are13 included13 for13 three13 purposes13 13

bullBy13 presen3ng13 informa3on13 in13 small13 chunks13 students13 will13 find13 it13 easier13 to13 process13 and13 remember13 the13 concepts13 13

bullBy13 con3nually13 changing13 slides13 students13 will13 stay13 interested13 in13 the13 presenta3onbullTo13 facilitate13 class13 discussion13 and13 cri3cal13 thinking13 13 Students13 should13 be13 encouraged13 to13 think13 about13 ldquowhat13 might13 come13 nextrdquo13 in13 the13 series13 of13 slides13 13

bullPlease13 feel13 free13 to13 contact13 me13 at13 kkorekgermantownk12wius13 with13 any13 ques3ons13 concerns13 sugges3ons13 etc13 regarding13 these13 presenta3ons13

Kent13 Korek

Germantown13 High13 School

Germantown13 WI13 53022

Wednesday March 6 13

Division title (green print)subdivision title (blue print)


Wednesday March 6 13

Division title (green print)

Use13 this13 slide13 to13 add13 a13 table13 chart13 clip13 art13 picture13 diagram13 or13 video13 clip13 13 Delete13 this13 box13 when13 finished

Wednesday March 6 13

Definition Slide

= add definition here

Wednesday March 6 13


Wednesday March 6 13


= the persistence of learning over time through the storage and retrieval of information

Wednesday March 6 13


= the processing of information into the memory systems ndash for example by extracting meaning

Wednesday March 6 13


= the retention of encoded information over time

Wednesday March 6 13


= the process of getting information out of memory storage

Wednesday March 6 13

Sensory Memory

= the immediate very brief recording of sensory information in the memory system

Wednesday March 6 13

Short-term Memory

= activated memory that holds a few items briefly such as the seven digits of a phone number while dialing before the information is stored or forgotten

Wednesday March 6 13

Long-term Memory

= the relatively permanent and limitless storehouse of the memory system Includes knowledge skills and experiences

Wednesday March 6 13

Working Memory

= a newer understanding of short-term memory that focuses on conscious active processing of incoming auditory and visual-spatial information and of information retrieved from long-term memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Parallel Processing

= the processing of many aspects of a problem simultaneously the brainrsquos natural mode of information processing for many functions Contrasts with the step-by-step (serial) processing of most computers and of conscious problem solving

Wednesday March 6 13

Automatic Processing

= unconscious encoding of incidental information such as space time and frequency and of well-learned information such as word meanings

Wednesday March 6 13

Effortful Processing

= encoding that requires attention and conscious effort

Wednesday March 6 13


= the conscious repetition of information either to maintain it in consciousness or to encode it for storage

Wednesday March 6 13

Spacing Effect

= the tendency for distributed study or practice to yield better long-term retention than is achieved through massed study or practice

Wednesday March 6 13

Serial Position Effect

= our tendency to recall best the last and first items in a list

Wednesday March 6 13

Visual Encoding

= the encoding of picture images

Wednesday March 6 13

Acoustic Encoding

= the encoding of sound especially the sound of words

Wednesday March 6 13

Semantic Encoding

= the encoding of meaning including the meaning of words

Wednesday March 6 13


= mental pictures a powerful aid to effortful processing especially when combined with semantic encoding

Wednesday March 6 13


= memory aids especially those techniques that use vivid imagery and organizational devices

Wednesday March 6 13


= organizing items into familiar manageable units often occurs automatically

Wednesday March 6 13

Iconic Memory

= a momentary sensory memory of visual stimuli a photographic or picture-image memory lasting no more than a few tenths of a second

Wednesday March 6 13

Echoic Memory

= a momentary sensory memory of auditory stimuli if attention is elsewhere sounds and words can still be recalled within 3 or 4 seconds

Wednesday March 6 13

Long-term Potentiation (LTP)

= an increase in a synapsersquos firing potential after brief rapid stimulation Believed to be a neural basis for learning and memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Flashbulb Memory

= a clear memory of an emotionally significant moment or event

Wednesday March 6 13


= loss of memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Implicit Memory

= retention independent of conscious recollection (Also called nondeclarative or procedural memory)

Wednesday March 6 13

Explicit Memory

= memory of facts and experiences that one can consciously know and ldquodeclarerdquo (Also called declarative memory)

Wednesday March 6 13


= a neural center that is located in the limbic system helps process explicit memories for storage

Wednesday March 6 13


= a measure of memory in which the person must retrieve information learning earlier as on a fill-in-the-blank test

Wednesday March 6 13


= a measure of memory in which the person need only identify items previously learned as on a multiple-choice test

Wednesday March 6 13


= a measure of memory that assesses the amount of time saved when learning material for a second time

Wednesday March 6 13


= the activation often unconsciously of particular associations in memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Deja Vu

= that eerie sense that ldquoIrsquove experienced this beforerdquo Cues from the current situation may subconsciously trigger retrieval of an earlier experience

Wednesday March 6 13

Mood Congruent Memory

= the tendency to recall experiences that are consistent with onersquos current good or bad mood

Wednesday March 6 13

Proactive Interference

= the disruptive effect of prior learning on the recall of new information

Wednesday March 6 13

Retroactive Interference

= the disruptive effect of new learning on the recall of old information

Wednesday March 6 13


= in psychoanalytic theory the basic defense mechanism that banishes from consciousness anxiety-arousing thoughts feelings and memories

Wednesday March 6 13

Misinformation Effect

= incorporating misleading information into onersquos memory of an event

Wednesday March 6 13

Source Amnesia

= attributing to the wrong source an event we have experienced heard about read about or imagined (Also called source misattribution) Source amnesia along with the misinformation effect is at the heart of many false memories

Wednesday March 6 13

Encoding Failure

Wednesday March 6 13

Storage DecaybullStorage decay

bullEbbinghaus curve

Wednesday March 6 13

Storage DecaybullStorage decay

bullEbbinghaus curve

Wednesday March 6 13

Ebbinghaus13 Curve

Wednesday March 6 13

Ebbinghaus13 Curve

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval Failure

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval FailureInterference

bullProac3ve13 interference13 (forward acting)bullRetroac3ve13 interference13 (backward-acting)

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 FailureInterference

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 FailureInterference

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 FailureInterference

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 FailureInterference

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 FailureInterference

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval FailureMotivated Forgetting

bullSelf-serving personal historiesbullRepression

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval FailureMotivated Forgetting

bullSelf-serving personal historiesbullRepression

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval FailureMotivated Forgetting

bullSelf-serving personal historiesbullRepression

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval FailureMotivated Forgetting

bullSelf-serving personal historiesbullRepression

Wednesday March 6 13

Memory Construction

Wednesday March 6 13

Misinformation and Imagination Effects

bullLoftus memory studiesbullMisinforma3on13 effect

Wednesday March 6 13

Source Amnesia

bullSource13 amnesia13 (source misattribution)

Wednesday March 6 13

Discerning True and False Memories

bullMemory studiesbullEye witness testimony

Wednesday March 6 13

Childrenrsquos Eyewitness Recall

bullChildrenrsquos memories of abusebullSuggestibility

Wednesday March 6 13

Repressed or Constructed Memories of Abuse

bullAreas of agreementbullSexual abuse happensbullInjustice happensbullForgetting happensbullRecovered memories are incompletebullMemories before 3 years are unreliablebullHypnotic memories are unreliablebullMemories can be emotionally upsetting

Wednesday March 6 13

Repressed or Constructed Memories of Abuse

bullLoftus studies with children

Wednesday March 6 13

Improving Memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Improving Memory TechniquesbullStudy repeatedlybullMake the material meaningfulbullActivate retrieval cuesbullUse mnemonic devicesbullMinimize interferencebullSleep morebullTest your own knowledge both to rehearse it and to help determine what you do not yet

Wednesday March 6 13

The End

Wednesday March 6 13

Teacher13 Informa3onbullTypes13 of13 Files

bullThis13 presenta3on13 has13 been13 saved13 as13 a13 ldquobasicrdquo13 Powerpoint13 file13 13 While13 this13 file13 format13 placed13 a13 few13 limita3ons13 on13 the13 presenta3on13 it13 insured13 the13 file13 would13 be13 compa3ble13 with13 the13 many13 versions13 of13 Powerpoint13 teachers13 use13 13 To13 add13 func3onality13 to13 the13 presenta3on13 teachers13 may13 want13 to13 save13 the13 file13 for13 their13 specific13 version13 of13 Powerpoint

bullAnima0onbullOnce13 again13 to13 insure13 compa3bility13 with13 all13 versions13 of13 Powerpoint13 none13 of13 the13 slides13 are13 animated13 13 To13 increase13 student13 interest13 it13 is13 suggested13 teachers13 animate13 the13 slides13 wherever13 possible

bullAdding13 slides13 to13 this13 presenta0onbullTeachers13 are13 encouraged13 to13 adapt13 this13 presenta3on13 to13 their13 personal13 teaching13 style13 13 To13 help13 keep13 a13 sense13 of13 con3nuity13 blank13 slides13 which13 can13 be13 copied13 and13 pasted13 to13 a13 specific13 loca3on13 in13 the13 presenta3on13 follow13 this13 ldquoTeacher13 Informa3onrdquo13 sec3on13 13 13

Wednesday March 6 13

Teacher13 Informa3onbullHyperlink13 Slides13 -shy‐13 This13 presenta3on13 contain13 two13 types13 of13 hyperlinks13 13 Hyperlinks13 can13 be13 iden3fied13 by13 the13 text13 being13 underlined13 and13 a13 different13 color13 (usually13 purple)

bullUnit13 subsec0ons13 hyperlinks13 13 Immediately13 aer13 the13 unit13 3tle13 slide13 a13 page13 (slide13 3)13 can13 be13 found13 lis3ng13 all13 of13 the13 unitrsquos13 subsec3ons13 13 While13 in13 slide13 show13 mode13 clicking13 on13 any13 of13 these13 hyperlinks13 will13 take13 the13 user13 directly13 to13 the13 beginning13 of13 that13 subsec3on13 13 This13 allows13 teachers13 quick13 access13 to13 each13 subsec3on

bullBold13 print13 term13 hyperlinks13 13 Every13 bold13 print13 term13 from13 the13 unit13 is13 included13 in13 this13 presenta3on13 as13 a13 hyperlink13 13 While13 in13 slide13 show13 mode13 clicking13 on13 any13 of13 the13 hyperlinks13 will13 take13 the13 user13 to13 a13 slide13 containing13 the13 formal13 defini3on13 of13 the13 term13 13 Clicking13 on13 the13 ldquoarrowrdquo13 in13 the13 boaom13 le13 corner13 of13 the13 defini3on13 slide13 will13 take13 the13 user13 back13 to13 the13 original13 point13 in13 the13 presenta3on13

13 These13 hyperlinks13 were13 included13 for13 teachers13 who13 want13 students13 to13 see13 or13 copy13 down13 the13 exact13 defini3on13 as13 stated13 in13 the13 text13 13 Most13 teachers13 prefer13 the13 defini3ons13 not13 be13 included13 to13 prevent13 students13 from13 only13 ldquocopying13 down13 what13 is13 on13 the13 screenrdquo13 and13 not13 ac3vely13 listening13 to13 the13 presenta3on

13 For13 teachers13 who13 con3nually13 use13 the13 Bold13 Print13 Term13 Hyperlinks13 op3on13 please13 contact13 the13 author13 using13 the13 email13 address13 on13 the13 next13 slide13 to13 learn13 a13 technique13 to13 expedite13 the13 returning13 to13 the13 original13 point13 in13 the13 presenta3on

Wednesday March 6 13

Teacher13 Informa3onbullCon0nuity13 slides

bullThroughout13 this13 presenta3on13 there13 are13 slides13 usually13 of13 graphics13 or13 tables13 that13 build13 on13 one13 another13 13 These13 are13 included13 for13 three13 purposes13 13

bullBy13 presen3ng13 informa3on13 in13 small13 chunks13 students13 will13 find13 it13 easier13 to13 process13 and13 remember13 the13 concepts13 13

bullBy13 con3nually13 changing13 slides13 students13 will13 stay13 interested13 in13 the13 presenta3onbullTo13 facilitate13 class13 discussion13 and13 cri3cal13 thinking13 13 Students13 should13 be13 encouraged13 to13 think13 about13 ldquowhat13 might13 come13 nextrdquo13 in13 the13 series13 of13 slides13 13

bullPlease13 feel13 free13 to13 contact13 me13 at13 kkorekgermantownk12wius13 with13 any13 ques3ons13 concerns13 sugges3ons13 etc13 regarding13 these13 presenta3ons13

Kent13 Korek

Germantown13 High13 School

Germantown13 WI13 53022

Wednesday March 6 13

Division title (green print)subdivision title (blue print)


Wednesday March 6 13

Division title (green print)

Use13 this13 slide13 to13 add13 a13 table13 chart13 clip13 art13 picture13 diagram13 or13 video13 clip13 13 Delete13 this13 box13 when13 finished

Wednesday March 6 13

Definition Slide

= add definition here

Wednesday March 6 13


Wednesday March 6 13


= the persistence of learning over time through the storage and retrieval of information

Wednesday March 6 13


= the processing of information into the memory systems ndash for example by extracting meaning

Wednesday March 6 13


= the retention of encoded information over time

Wednesday March 6 13


= the process of getting information out of memory storage

Wednesday March 6 13

Sensory Memory

= the immediate very brief recording of sensory information in the memory system

Wednesday March 6 13

Short-term Memory

= activated memory that holds a few items briefly such as the seven digits of a phone number while dialing before the information is stored or forgotten

Wednesday March 6 13

Long-term Memory

= the relatively permanent and limitless storehouse of the memory system Includes knowledge skills and experiences

Wednesday March 6 13

Working Memory

= a newer understanding of short-term memory that focuses on conscious active processing of incoming auditory and visual-spatial information and of information retrieved from long-term memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Parallel Processing

= the processing of many aspects of a problem simultaneously the brainrsquos natural mode of information processing for many functions Contrasts with the step-by-step (serial) processing of most computers and of conscious problem solving

Wednesday March 6 13

Automatic Processing

= unconscious encoding of incidental information such as space time and frequency and of well-learned information such as word meanings

Wednesday March 6 13

Effortful Processing

= encoding that requires attention and conscious effort

Wednesday March 6 13


= the conscious repetition of information either to maintain it in consciousness or to encode it for storage

Wednesday March 6 13

Spacing Effect

= the tendency for distributed study or practice to yield better long-term retention than is achieved through massed study or practice

Wednesday March 6 13

Serial Position Effect

= our tendency to recall best the last and first items in a list

Wednesday March 6 13

Visual Encoding

= the encoding of picture images

Wednesday March 6 13

Acoustic Encoding

= the encoding of sound especially the sound of words

Wednesday March 6 13

Semantic Encoding

= the encoding of meaning including the meaning of words

Wednesday March 6 13


= mental pictures a powerful aid to effortful processing especially when combined with semantic encoding

Wednesday March 6 13


= memory aids especially those techniques that use vivid imagery and organizational devices

Wednesday March 6 13


= organizing items into familiar manageable units often occurs automatically

Wednesday March 6 13

Iconic Memory

= a momentary sensory memory of visual stimuli a photographic or picture-image memory lasting no more than a few tenths of a second

Wednesday March 6 13

Echoic Memory

= a momentary sensory memory of auditory stimuli if attention is elsewhere sounds and words can still be recalled within 3 or 4 seconds

Wednesday March 6 13

Long-term Potentiation (LTP)

= an increase in a synapsersquos firing potential after brief rapid stimulation Believed to be a neural basis for learning and memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Flashbulb Memory

= a clear memory of an emotionally significant moment or event

Wednesday March 6 13


= loss of memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Implicit Memory

= retention independent of conscious recollection (Also called nondeclarative or procedural memory)

Wednesday March 6 13

Explicit Memory

= memory of facts and experiences that one can consciously know and ldquodeclarerdquo (Also called declarative memory)

Wednesday March 6 13


= a neural center that is located in the limbic system helps process explicit memories for storage

Wednesday March 6 13


= a measure of memory in which the person must retrieve information learning earlier as on a fill-in-the-blank test

Wednesday March 6 13


= a measure of memory in which the person need only identify items previously learned as on a multiple-choice test

Wednesday March 6 13


= a measure of memory that assesses the amount of time saved when learning material for a second time

Wednesday March 6 13


= the activation often unconsciously of particular associations in memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Deja Vu

= that eerie sense that ldquoIrsquove experienced this beforerdquo Cues from the current situation may subconsciously trigger retrieval of an earlier experience

Wednesday March 6 13

Mood Congruent Memory

= the tendency to recall experiences that are consistent with onersquos current good or bad mood

Wednesday March 6 13

Proactive Interference

= the disruptive effect of prior learning on the recall of new information

Wednesday March 6 13

Retroactive Interference

= the disruptive effect of new learning on the recall of old information

Wednesday March 6 13


= in psychoanalytic theory the basic defense mechanism that banishes from consciousness anxiety-arousing thoughts feelings and memories

Wednesday March 6 13

Misinformation Effect

= incorporating misleading information into onersquos memory of an event

Wednesday March 6 13

Source Amnesia

= attributing to the wrong source an event we have experienced heard about read about or imagined (Also called source misattribution) Source amnesia along with the misinformation effect is at the heart of many false memories

Wednesday March 6 13

Storage DecaybullStorage decay

bullEbbinghaus curve

Wednesday March 6 13

Storage DecaybullStorage decay

bullEbbinghaus curve

Wednesday March 6 13

Ebbinghaus13 Curve

Wednesday March 6 13

Ebbinghaus13 Curve

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval Failure

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval FailureInterference

bullProac3ve13 interference13 (forward acting)bullRetroac3ve13 interference13 (backward-acting)

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 FailureInterference

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 FailureInterference

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 FailureInterference

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 FailureInterference

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 FailureInterference

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval FailureMotivated Forgetting

bullSelf-serving personal historiesbullRepression

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval FailureMotivated Forgetting

bullSelf-serving personal historiesbullRepression

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval FailureMotivated Forgetting

bullSelf-serving personal historiesbullRepression

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval FailureMotivated Forgetting

bullSelf-serving personal historiesbullRepression

Wednesday March 6 13

Memory Construction

Wednesday March 6 13

Misinformation and Imagination Effects

bullLoftus memory studiesbullMisinforma3on13 effect

Wednesday March 6 13

Source Amnesia

bullSource13 amnesia13 (source misattribution)

Wednesday March 6 13

Discerning True and False Memories

bullMemory studiesbullEye witness testimony

Wednesday March 6 13

Childrenrsquos Eyewitness Recall

bullChildrenrsquos memories of abusebullSuggestibility

Wednesday March 6 13

Repressed or Constructed Memories of Abuse

bullAreas of agreementbullSexual abuse happensbullInjustice happensbullForgetting happensbullRecovered memories are incompletebullMemories before 3 years are unreliablebullHypnotic memories are unreliablebullMemories can be emotionally upsetting

Wednesday March 6 13

Repressed or Constructed Memories of Abuse

bullLoftus studies with children

Wednesday March 6 13

Improving Memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Improving Memory TechniquesbullStudy repeatedlybullMake the material meaningfulbullActivate retrieval cuesbullUse mnemonic devicesbullMinimize interferencebullSleep morebullTest your own knowledge both to rehearse it and to help determine what you do not yet

Wednesday March 6 13

The End

Wednesday March 6 13

Teacher13 Informa3onbullTypes13 of13 Files

bullThis13 presenta3on13 has13 been13 saved13 as13 a13 ldquobasicrdquo13 Powerpoint13 file13 13 While13 this13 file13 format13 placed13 a13 few13 limita3ons13 on13 the13 presenta3on13 it13 insured13 the13 file13 would13 be13 compa3ble13 with13 the13 many13 versions13 of13 Powerpoint13 teachers13 use13 13 To13 add13 func3onality13 to13 the13 presenta3on13 teachers13 may13 want13 to13 save13 the13 file13 for13 their13 specific13 version13 of13 Powerpoint

bullAnima0onbullOnce13 again13 to13 insure13 compa3bility13 with13 all13 versions13 of13 Powerpoint13 none13 of13 the13 slides13 are13 animated13 13 To13 increase13 student13 interest13 it13 is13 suggested13 teachers13 animate13 the13 slides13 wherever13 possible

bullAdding13 slides13 to13 this13 presenta0onbullTeachers13 are13 encouraged13 to13 adapt13 this13 presenta3on13 to13 their13 personal13 teaching13 style13 13 To13 help13 keep13 a13 sense13 of13 con3nuity13 blank13 slides13 which13 can13 be13 copied13 and13 pasted13 to13 a13 specific13 loca3on13 in13 the13 presenta3on13 follow13 this13 ldquoTeacher13 Informa3onrdquo13 sec3on13 13 13

Wednesday March 6 13

Teacher13 Informa3onbullHyperlink13 Slides13 -shy‐13 This13 presenta3on13 contain13 two13 types13 of13 hyperlinks13 13 Hyperlinks13 can13 be13 iden3fied13 by13 the13 text13 being13 underlined13 and13 a13 different13 color13 (usually13 purple)

bullUnit13 subsec0ons13 hyperlinks13 13 Immediately13 aer13 the13 unit13 3tle13 slide13 a13 page13 (slide13 3)13 can13 be13 found13 lis3ng13 all13 of13 the13 unitrsquos13 subsec3ons13 13 While13 in13 slide13 show13 mode13 clicking13 on13 any13 of13 these13 hyperlinks13 will13 take13 the13 user13 directly13 to13 the13 beginning13 of13 that13 subsec3on13 13 This13 allows13 teachers13 quick13 access13 to13 each13 subsec3on

bullBold13 print13 term13 hyperlinks13 13 Every13 bold13 print13 term13 from13 the13 unit13 is13 included13 in13 this13 presenta3on13 as13 a13 hyperlink13 13 While13 in13 slide13 show13 mode13 clicking13 on13 any13 of13 the13 hyperlinks13 will13 take13 the13 user13 to13 a13 slide13 containing13 the13 formal13 defini3on13 of13 the13 term13 13 Clicking13 on13 the13 ldquoarrowrdquo13 in13 the13 boaom13 le13 corner13 of13 the13 defini3on13 slide13 will13 take13 the13 user13 back13 to13 the13 original13 point13 in13 the13 presenta3on13

13 These13 hyperlinks13 were13 included13 for13 teachers13 who13 want13 students13 to13 see13 or13 copy13 down13 the13 exact13 defini3on13 as13 stated13 in13 the13 text13 13 Most13 teachers13 prefer13 the13 defini3ons13 not13 be13 included13 to13 prevent13 students13 from13 only13 ldquocopying13 down13 what13 is13 on13 the13 screenrdquo13 and13 not13 ac3vely13 listening13 to13 the13 presenta3on

13 For13 teachers13 who13 con3nually13 use13 the13 Bold13 Print13 Term13 Hyperlinks13 op3on13 please13 contact13 the13 author13 using13 the13 email13 address13 on13 the13 next13 slide13 to13 learn13 a13 technique13 to13 expedite13 the13 returning13 to13 the13 original13 point13 in13 the13 presenta3on

Wednesday March 6 13

Teacher13 Informa3onbullCon0nuity13 slides

bullThroughout13 this13 presenta3on13 there13 are13 slides13 usually13 of13 graphics13 or13 tables13 that13 build13 on13 one13 another13 13 These13 are13 included13 for13 three13 purposes13 13

bullBy13 presen3ng13 informa3on13 in13 small13 chunks13 students13 will13 find13 it13 easier13 to13 process13 and13 remember13 the13 concepts13 13

bullBy13 con3nually13 changing13 slides13 students13 will13 stay13 interested13 in13 the13 presenta3onbullTo13 facilitate13 class13 discussion13 and13 cri3cal13 thinking13 13 Students13 should13 be13 encouraged13 to13 think13 about13 ldquowhat13 might13 come13 nextrdquo13 in13 the13 series13 of13 slides13 13

bullPlease13 feel13 free13 to13 contact13 me13 at13 kkorekgermantownk12wius13 with13 any13 ques3ons13 concerns13 sugges3ons13 etc13 regarding13 these13 presenta3ons13

Kent13 Korek

Germantown13 High13 School

Germantown13 WI13 53022

Wednesday March 6 13

Division title (green print)subdivision title (blue print)


Wednesday March 6 13

Division title (green print)

Use13 this13 slide13 to13 add13 a13 table13 chart13 clip13 art13 picture13 diagram13 or13 video13 clip13 13 Delete13 this13 box13 when13 finished

Wednesday March 6 13

Definition Slide

= add definition here

Wednesday March 6 13


Wednesday March 6 13


= the persistence of learning over time through the storage and retrieval of information

Wednesday March 6 13


= the processing of information into the memory systems ndash for example by extracting meaning

Wednesday March 6 13


= the retention of encoded information over time

Wednesday March 6 13


= the process of getting information out of memory storage

Wednesday March 6 13

Sensory Memory

= the immediate very brief recording of sensory information in the memory system

Wednesday March 6 13

Short-term Memory

= activated memory that holds a few items briefly such as the seven digits of a phone number while dialing before the information is stored or forgotten

Wednesday March 6 13

Long-term Memory

= the relatively permanent and limitless storehouse of the memory system Includes knowledge skills and experiences

Wednesday March 6 13

Working Memory

= a newer understanding of short-term memory that focuses on conscious active processing of incoming auditory and visual-spatial information and of information retrieved from long-term memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Parallel Processing

= the processing of many aspects of a problem simultaneously the brainrsquos natural mode of information processing for many functions Contrasts with the step-by-step (serial) processing of most computers and of conscious problem solving

Wednesday March 6 13

Automatic Processing

= unconscious encoding of incidental information such as space time and frequency and of well-learned information such as word meanings

Wednesday March 6 13

Effortful Processing

= encoding that requires attention and conscious effort

Wednesday March 6 13


= the conscious repetition of information either to maintain it in consciousness or to encode it for storage

Wednesday March 6 13

Spacing Effect

= the tendency for distributed study or practice to yield better long-term retention than is achieved through massed study or practice

Wednesday March 6 13

Serial Position Effect

= our tendency to recall best the last and first items in a list

Wednesday March 6 13

Visual Encoding

= the encoding of picture images

Wednesday March 6 13

Acoustic Encoding

= the encoding of sound especially the sound of words

Wednesday March 6 13

Semantic Encoding

= the encoding of meaning including the meaning of words

Wednesday March 6 13


= mental pictures a powerful aid to effortful processing especially when combined with semantic encoding

Wednesday March 6 13


= memory aids especially those techniques that use vivid imagery and organizational devices

Wednesday March 6 13


= organizing items into familiar manageable units often occurs automatically

Wednesday March 6 13

Iconic Memory

= a momentary sensory memory of visual stimuli a photographic or picture-image memory lasting no more than a few tenths of a second

Wednesday March 6 13

Echoic Memory

= a momentary sensory memory of auditory stimuli if attention is elsewhere sounds and words can still be recalled within 3 or 4 seconds

Wednesday March 6 13

Long-term Potentiation (LTP)

= an increase in a synapsersquos firing potential after brief rapid stimulation Believed to be a neural basis for learning and memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Flashbulb Memory

= a clear memory of an emotionally significant moment or event

Wednesday March 6 13


= loss of memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Implicit Memory

= retention independent of conscious recollection (Also called nondeclarative or procedural memory)

Wednesday March 6 13

Explicit Memory

= memory of facts and experiences that one can consciously know and ldquodeclarerdquo (Also called declarative memory)

Wednesday March 6 13


= a neural center that is located in the limbic system helps process explicit memories for storage

Wednesday March 6 13


= a measure of memory in which the person must retrieve information learning earlier as on a fill-in-the-blank test

Wednesday March 6 13


= a measure of memory in which the person need only identify items previously learned as on a multiple-choice test

Wednesday March 6 13


= a measure of memory that assesses the amount of time saved when learning material for a second time

Wednesday March 6 13


= the activation often unconsciously of particular associations in memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Deja Vu

= that eerie sense that ldquoIrsquove experienced this beforerdquo Cues from the current situation may subconsciously trigger retrieval of an earlier experience

Wednesday March 6 13

Mood Congruent Memory

= the tendency to recall experiences that are consistent with onersquos current good or bad mood

Wednesday March 6 13

Proactive Interference

= the disruptive effect of prior learning on the recall of new information

Wednesday March 6 13

Retroactive Interference

= the disruptive effect of new learning on the recall of old information

Wednesday March 6 13


= in psychoanalytic theory the basic defense mechanism that banishes from consciousness anxiety-arousing thoughts feelings and memories

Wednesday March 6 13

Misinformation Effect

= incorporating misleading information into onersquos memory of an event

Wednesday March 6 13

Source Amnesia

= attributing to the wrong source an event we have experienced heard about read about or imagined (Also called source misattribution) Source amnesia along with the misinformation effect is at the heart of many false memories

Wednesday March 6 13

Storage DecaybullStorage decay

bullEbbinghaus curve

Wednesday March 6 13

Ebbinghaus13 Curve

Wednesday March 6 13

Ebbinghaus13 Curve

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval Failure

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval FailureInterference

bullProac3ve13 interference13 (forward acting)bullRetroac3ve13 interference13 (backward-acting)

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 FailureInterference

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 FailureInterference

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 FailureInterference

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 FailureInterference

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 FailureInterference

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval FailureMotivated Forgetting

bullSelf-serving personal historiesbullRepression

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval FailureMotivated Forgetting

bullSelf-serving personal historiesbullRepression

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval FailureMotivated Forgetting

bullSelf-serving personal historiesbullRepression

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval FailureMotivated Forgetting

bullSelf-serving personal historiesbullRepression

Wednesday March 6 13

Memory Construction

Wednesday March 6 13

Misinformation and Imagination Effects

bullLoftus memory studiesbullMisinforma3on13 effect

Wednesday March 6 13

Source Amnesia

bullSource13 amnesia13 (source misattribution)

Wednesday March 6 13

Discerning True and False Memories

bullMemory studiesbullEye witness testimony

Wednesday March 6 13

Childrenrsquos Eyewitness Recall

bullChildrenrsquos memories of abusebullSuggestibility

Wednesday March 6 13

Repressed or Constructed Memories of Abuse

bullAreas of agreementbullSexual abuse happensbullInjustice happensbullForgetting happensbullRecovered memories are incompletebullMemories before 3 years are unreliablebullHypnotic memories are unreliablebullMemories can be emotionally upsetting

Wednesday March 6 13

Repressed or Constructed Memories of Abuse

bullLoftus studies with children

Wednesday March 6 13

Improving Memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Improving Memory TechniquesbullStudy repeatedlybullMake the material meaningfulbullActivate retrieval cuesbullUse mnemonic devicesbullMinimize interferencebullSleep morebullTest your own knowledge both to rehearse it and to help determine what you do not yet

Wednesday March 6 13

The End

Wednesday March 6 13

Teacher13 Informa3onbullTypes13 of13 Files

bullThis13 presenta3on13 has13 been13 saved13 as13 a13 ldquobasicrdquo13 Powerpoint13 file13 13 While13 this13 file13 format13 placed13 a13 few13 limita3ons13 on13 the13 presenta3on13 it13 insured13 the13 file13 would13 be13 compa3ble13 with13 the13 many13 versions13 of13 Powerpoint13 teachers13 use13 13 To13 add13 func3onality13 to13 the13 presenta3on13 teachers13 may13 want13 to13 save13 the13 file13 for13 their13 specific13 version13 of13 Powerpoint

bullAnima0onbullOnce13 again13 to13 insure13 compa3bility13 with13 all13 versions13 of13 Powerpoint13 none13 of13 the13 slides13 are13 animated13 13 To13 increase13 student13 interest13 it13 is13 suggested13 teachers13 animate13 the13 slides13 wherever13 possible

bullAdding13 slides13 to13 this13 presenta0onbullTeachers13 are13 encouraged13 to13 adapt13 this13 presenta3on13 to13 their13 personal13 teaching13 style13 13 To13 help13 keep13 a13 sense13 of13 con3nuity13 blank13 slides13 which13 can13 be13 copied13 and13 pasted13 to13 a13 specific13 loca3on13 in13 the13 presenta3on13 follow13 this13 ldquoTeacher13 Informa3onrdquo13 sec3on13 13 13

Wednesday March 6 13

Teacher13 Informa3onbullHyperlink13 Slides13 -shy‐13 This13 presenta3on13 contain13 two13 types13 of13 hyperlinks13 13 Hyperlinks13 can13 be13 iden3fied13 by13 the13 text13 being13 underlined13 and13 a13 different13 color13 (usually13 purple)

bullUnit13 subsec0ons13 hyperlinks13 13 Immediately13 aer13 the13 unit13 3tle13 slide13 a13 page13 (slide13 3)13 can13 be13 found13 lis3ng13 all13 of13 the13 unitrsquos13 subsec3ons13 13 While13 in13 slide13 show13 mode13 clicking13 on13 any13 of13 these13 hyperlinks13 will13 take13 the13 user13 directly13 to13 the13 beginning13 of13 that13 subsec3on13 13 This13 allows13 teachers13 quick13 access13 to13 each13 subsec3on

bullBold13 print13 term13 hyperlinks13 13 Every13 bold13 print13 term13 from13 the13 unit13 is13 included13 in13 this13 presenta3on13 as13 a13 hyperlink13 13 While13 in13 slide13 show13 mode13 clicking13 on13 any13 of13 the13 hyperlinks13 will13 take13 the13 user13 to13 a13 slide13 containing13 the13 formal13 defini3on13 of13 the13 term13 13 Clicking13 on13 the13 ldquoarrowrdquo13 in13 the13 boaom13 le13 corner13 of13 the13 defini3on13 slide13 will13 take13 the13 user13 back13 to13 the13 original13 point13 in13 the13 presenta3on13

13 These13 hyperlinks13 were13 included13 for13 teachers13 who13 want13 students13 to13 see13 or13 copy13 down13 the13 exact13 defini3on13 as13 stated13 in13 the13 text13 13 Most13 teachers13 prefer13 the13 defini3ons13 not13 be13 included13 to13 prevent13 students13 from13 only13 ldquocopying13 down13 what13 is13 on13 the13 screenrdquo13 and13 not13 ac3vely13 listening13 to13 the13 presenta3on

13 For13 teachers13 who13 con3nually13 use13 the13 Bold13 Print13 Term13 Hyperlinks13 op3on13 please13 contact13 the13 author13 using13 the13 email13 address13 on13 the13 next13 slide13 to13 learn13 a13 technique13 to13 expedite13 the13 returning13 to13 the13 original13 point13 in13 the13 presenta3on

Wednesday March 6 13

Teacher13 Informa3onbullCon0nuity13 slides

bullThroughout13 this13 presenta3on13 there13 are13 slides13 usually13 of13 graphics13 or13 tables13 that13 build13 on13 one13 another13 13 These13 are13 included13 for13 three13 purposes13 13

bullBy13 presen3ng13 informa3on13 in13 small13 chunks13 students13 will13 find13 it13 easier13 to13 process13 and13 remember13 the13 concepts13 13

bullBy13 con3nually13 changing13 slides13 students13 will13 stay13 interested13 in13 the13 presenta3onbullTo13 facilitate13 class13 discussion13 and13 cri3cal13 thinking13 13 Students13 should13 be13 encouraged13 to13 think13 about13 ldquowhat13 might13 come13 nextrdquo13 in13 the13 series13 of13 slides13 13

bullPlease13 feel13 free13 to13 contact13 me13 at13 kkorekgermantownk12wius13 with13 any13 ques3ons13 concerns13 sugges3ons13 etc13 regarding13 these13 presenta3ons13

Kent13 Korek

Germantown13 High13 School

Germantown13 WI13 53022

Wednesday March 6 13

Division title (green print)subdivision title (blue print)


Wednesday March 6 13

Division title (green print)

Use13 this13 slide13 to13 add13 a13 table13 chart13 clip13 art13 picture13 diagram13 or13 video13 clip13 13 Delete13 this13 box13 when13 finished

Wednesday March 6 13

Definition Slide

= add definition here

Wednesday March 6 13


Wednesday March 6 13


= the persistence of learning over time through the storage and retrieval of information

Wednesday March 6 13


= the processing of information into the memory systems ndash for example by extracting meaning

Wednesday March 6 13


= the retention of encoded information over time

Wednesday March 6 13


= the process of getting information out of memory storage

Wednesday March 6 13

Sensory Memory

= the immediate very brief recording of sensory information in the memory system

Wednesday March 6 13

Short-term Memory

= activated memory that holds a few items briefly such as the seven digits of a phone number while dialing before the information is stored or forgotten

Wednesday March 6 13

Long-term Memory

= the relatively permanent and limitless storehouse of the memory system Includes knowledge skills and experiences

Wednesday March 6 13

Working Memory

= a newer understanding of short-term memory that focuses on conscious active processing of incoming auditory and visual-spatial information and of information retrieved from long-term memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Parallel Processing

= the processing of many aspects of a problem simultaneously the brainrsquos natural mode of information processing for many functions Contrasts with the step-by-step (serial) processing of most computers and of conscious problem solving

Wednesday March 6 13

Automatic Processing

= unconscious encoding of incidental information such as space time and frequency and of well-learned information such as word meanings

Wednesday March 6 13

Effortful Processing

= encoding that requires attention and conscious effort

Wednesday March 6 13


= the conscious repetition of information either to maintain it in consciousness or to encode it for storage

Wednesday March 6 13

Spacing Effect

= the tendency for distributed study or practice to yield better long-term retention than is achieved through massed study or practice

Wednesday March 6 13

Serial Position Effect

= our tendency to recall best the last and first items in a list

Wednesday March 6 13

Visual Encoding

= the encoding of picture images

Wednesday March 6 13

Acoustic Encoding

= the encoding of sound especially the sound of words

Wednesday March 6 13

Semantic Encoding

= the encoding of meaning including the meaning of words

Wednesday March 6 13


= mental pictures a powerful aid to effortful processing especially when combined with semantic encoding

Wednesday March 6 13


= memory aids especially those techniques that use vivid imagery and organizational devices

Wednesday March 6 13


= organizing items into familiar manageable units often occurs automatically

Wednesday March 6 13

Iconic Memory

= a momentary sensory memory of visual stimuli a photographic or picture-image memory lasting no more than a few tenths of a second

Wednesday March 6 13

Echoic Memory

= a momentary sensory memory of auditory stimuli if attention is elsewhere sounds and words can still be recalled within 3 or 4 seconds

Wednesday March 6 13

Long-term Potentiation (LTP)

= an increase in a synapsersquos firing potential after brief rapid stimulation Believed to be a neural basis for learning and memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Flashbulb Memory

= a clear memory of an emotionally significant moment or event

Wednesday March 6 13


= loss of memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Implicit Memory

= retention independent of conscious recollection (Also called nondeclarative or procedural memory)

Wednesday March 6 13

Explicit Memory

= memory of facts and experiences that one can consciously know and ldquodeclarerdquo (Also called declarative memory)

Wednesday March 6 13


= a neural center that is located in the limbic system helps process explicit memories for storage

Wednesday March 6 13


= a measure of memory in which the person must retrieve information learning earlier as on a fill-in-the-blank test

Wednesday March 6 13


= a measure of memory in which the person need only identify items previously learned as on a multiple-choice test

Wednesday March 6 13


= a measure of memory that assesses the amount of time saved when learning material for a second time

Wednesday March 6 13


= the activation often unconsciously of particular associations in memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Deja Vu

= that eerie sense that ldquoIrsquove experienced this beforerdquo Cues from the current situation may subconsciously trigger retrieval of an earlier experience

Wednesday March 6 13

Mood Congruent Memory

= the tendency to recall experiences that are consistent with onersquos current good or bad mood

Wednesday March 6 13

Proactive Interference

= the disruptive effect of prior learning on the recall of new information

Wednesday March 6 13

Retroactive Interference

= the disruptive effect of new learning on the recall of old information

Wednesday March 6 13


= in psychoanalytic theory the basic defense mechanism that banishes from consciousness anxiety-arousing thoughts feelings and memories

Wednesday March 6 13

Misinformation Effect

= incorporating misleading information into onersquos memory of an event

Wednesday March 6 13

Source Amnesia

= attributing to the wrong source an event we have experienced heard about read about or imagined (Also called source misattribution) Source amnesia along with the misinformation effect is at the heart of many false memories

Wednesday March 6 13

Ebbinghaus13 Curve

Wednesday March 6 13

Ebbinghaus13 Curve

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval Failure

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval FailureInterference

bullProac3ve13 interference13 (forward acting)bullRetroac3ve13 interference13 (backward-acting)

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 FailureInterference

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 FailureInterference

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 FailureInterference

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 FailureInterference

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 FailureInterference

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval FailureMotivated Forgetting

bullSelf-serving personal historiesbullRepression

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval FailureMotivated Forgetting

bullSelf-serving personal historiesbullRepression

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval FailureMotivated Forgetting

bullSelf-serving personal historiesbullRepression

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval FailureMotivated Forgetting

bullSelf-serving personal historiesbullRepression

Wednesday March 6 13

Memory Construction

Wednesday March 6 13

Misinformation and Imagination Effects

bullLoftus memory studiesbullMisinforma3on13 effect

Wednesday March 6 13

Source Amnesia

bullSource13 amnesia13 (source misattribution)

Wednesday March 6 13

Discerning True and False Memories

bullMemory studiesbullEye witness testimony

Wednesday March 6 13

Childrenrsquos Eyewitness Recall

bullChildrenrsquos memories of abusebullSuggestibility

Wednesday March 6 13

Repressed or Constructed Memories of Abuse

bullAreas of agreementbullSexual abuse happensbullInjustice happensbullForgetting happensbullRecovered memories are incompletebullMemories before 3 years are unreliablebullHypnotic memories are unreliablebullMemories can be emotionally upsetting

Wednesday March 6 13

Repressed or Constructed Memories of Abuse

bullLoftus studies with children

Wednesday March 6 13

Improving Memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Improving Memory TechniquesbullStudy repeatedlybullMake the material meaningfulbullActivate retrieval cuesbullUse mnemonic devicesbullMinimize interferencebullSleep morebullTest your own knowledge both to rehearse it and to help determine what you do not yet

Wednesday March 6 13

The End

Wednesday March 6 13

Teacher13 Informa3onbullTypes13 of13 Files

bullThis13 presenta3on13 has13 been13 saved13 as13 a13 ldquobasicrdquo13 Powerpoint13 file13 13 While13 this13 file13 format13 placed13 a13 few13 limita3ons13 on13 the13 presenta3on13 it13 insured13 the13 file13 would13 be13 compa3ble13 with13 the13 many13 versions13 of13 Powerpoint13 teachers13 use13 13 To13 add13 func3onality13 to13 the13 presenta3on13 teachers13 may13 want13 to13 save13 the13 file13 for13 their13 specific13 version13 of13 Powerpoint

bullAnima0onbullOnce13 again13 to13 insure13 compa3bility13 with13 all13 versions13 of13 Powerpoint13 none13 of13 the13 slides13 are13 animated13 13 To13 increase13 student13 interest13 it13 is13 suggested13 teachers13 animate13 the13 slides13 wherever13 possible

bullAdding13 slides13 to13 this13 presenta0onbullTeachers13 are13 encouraged13 to13 adapt13 this13 presenta3on13 to13 their13 personal13 teaching13 style13 13 To13 help13 keep13 a13 sense13 of13 con3nuity13 blank13 slides13 which13 can13 be13 copied13 and13 pasted13 to13 a13 specific13 loca3on13 in13 the13 presenta3on13 follow13 this13 ldquoTeacher13 Informa3onrdquo13 sec3on13 13 13

Wednesday March 6 13

Teacher13 Informa3onbullHyperlink13 Slides13 -shy‐13 This13 presenta3on13 contain13 two13 types13 of13 hyperlinks13 13 Hyperlinks13 can13 be13 iden3fied13 by13 the13 text13 being13 underlined13 and13 a13 different13 color13 (usually13 purple)

bullUnit13 subsec0ons13 hyperlinks13 13 Immediately13 aer13 the13 unit13 3tle13 slide13 a13 page13 (slide13 3)13 can13 be13 found13 lis3ng13 all13 of13 the13 unitrsquos13 subsec3ons13 13 While13 in13 slide13 show13 mode13 clicking13 on13 any13 of13 these13 hyperlinks13 will13 take13 the13 user13 directly13 to13 the13 beginning13 of13 that13 subsec3on13 13 This13 allows13 teachers13 quick13 access13 to13 each13 subsec3on

bullBold13 print13 term13 hyperlinks13 13 Every13 bold13 print13 term13 from13 the13 unit13 is13 included13 in13 this13 presenta3on13 as13 a13 hyperlink13 13 While13 in13 slide13 show13 mode13 clicking13 on13 any13 of13 the13 hyperlinks13 will13 take13 the13 user13 to13 a13 slide13 containing13 the13 formal13 defini3on13 of13 the13 term13 13 Clicking13 on13 the13 ldquoarrowrdquo13 in13 the13 boaom13 le13 corner13 of13 the13 defini3on13 slide13 will13 take13 the13 user13 back13 to13 the13 original13 point13 in13 the13 presenta3on13

13 These13 hyperlinks13 were13 included13 for13 teachers13 who13 want13 students13 to13 see13 or13 copy13 down13 the13 exact13 defini3on13 as13 stated13 in13 the13 text13 13 Most13 teachers13 prefer13 the13 defini3ons13 not13 be13 included13 to13 prevent13 students13 from13 only13 ldquocopying13 down13 what13 is13 on13 the13 screenrdquo13 and13 not13 ac3vely13 listening13 to13 the13 presenta3on

13 For13 teachers13 who13 con3nually13 use13 the13 Bold13 Print13 Term13 Hyperlinks13 op3on13 please13 contact13 the13 author13 using13 the13 email13 address13 on13 the13 next13 slide13 to13 learn13 a13 technique13 to13 expedite13 the13 returning13 to13 the13 original13 point13 in13 the13 presenta3on

Wednesday March 6 13

Teacher13 Informa3onbullCon0nuity13 slides

bullThroughout13 this13 presenta3on13 there13 are13 slides13 usually13 of13 graphics13 or13 tables13 that13 build13 on13 one13 another13 13 These13 are13 included13 for13 three13 purposes13 13

bullBy13 presen3ng13 informa3on13 in13 small13 chunks13 students13 will13 find13 it13 easier13 to13 process13 and13 remember13 the13 concepts13 13

bullBy13 con3nually13 changing13 slides13 students13 will13 stay13 interested13 in13 the13 presenta3onbullTo13 facilitate13 class13 discussion13 and13 cri3cal13 thinking13 13 Students13 should13 be13 encouraged13 to13 think13 about13 ldquowhat13 might13 come13 nextrdquo13 in13 the13 series13 of13 slides13 13

bullPlease13 feel13 free13 to13 contact13 me13 at13 kkorekgermantownk12wius13 with13 any13 ques3ons13 concerns13 sugges3ons13 etc13 regarding13 these13 presenta3ons13

Kent13 Korek

Germantown13 High13 School

Germantown13 WI13 53022

Wednesday March 6 13

Division title (green print)subdivision title (blue print)


Wednesday March 6 13

Division title (green print)

Use13 this13 slide13 to13 add13 a13 table13 chart13 clip13 art13 picture13 diagram13 or13 video13 clip13 13 Delete13 this13 box13 when13 finished

Wednesday March 6 13

Definition Slide

= add definition here

Wednesday March 6 13


Wednesday March 6 13


= the persistence of learning over time through the storage and retrieval of information

Wednesday March 6 13


= the processing of information into the memory systems ndash for example by extracting meaning

Wednesday March 6 13


= the retention of encoded information over time

Wednesday March 6 13


= the process of getting information out of memory storage

Wednesday March 6 13

Sensory Memory

= the immediate very brief recording of sensory information in the memory system

Wednesday March 6 13

Short-term Memory

= activated memory that holds a few items briefly such as the seven digits of a phone number while dialing before the information is stored or forgotten

Wednesday March 6 13

Long-term Memory

= the relatively permanent and limitless storehouse of the memory system Includes knowledge skills and experiences

Wednesday March 6 13

Working Memory

= a newer understanding of short-term memory that focuses on conscious active processing of incoming auditory and visual-spatial information and of information retrieved from long-term memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Parallel Processing

= the processing of many aspects of a problem simultaneously the brainrsquos natural mode of information processing for many functions Contrasts with the step-by-step (serial) processing of most computers and of conscious problem solving

Wednesday March 6 13

Automatic Processing

= unconscious encoding of incidental information such as space time and frequency and of well-learned information such as word meanings

Wednesday March 6 13

Effortful Processing

= encoding that requires attention and conscious effort

Wednesday March 6 13


= the conscious repetition of information either to maintain it in consciousness or to encode it for storage

Wednesday March 6 13

Spacing Effect

= the tendency for distributed study or practice to yield better long-term retention than is achieved through massed study or practice

Wednesday March 6 13

Serial Position Effect

= our tendency to recall best the last and first items in a list

Wednesday March 6 13

Visual Encoding

= the encoding of picture images

Wednesday March 6 13

Acoustic Encoding

= the encoding of sound especially the sound of words

Wednesday March 6 13

Semantic Encoding

= the encoding of meaning including the meaning of words

Wednesday March 6 13


= mental pictures a powerful aid to effortful processing especially when combined with semantic encoding

Wednesday March 6 13


= memory aids especially those techniques that use vivid imagery and organizational devices

Wednesday March 6 13


= organizing items into familiar manageable units often occurs automatically

Wednesday March 6 13

Iconic Memory

= a momentary sensory memory of visual stimuli a photographic or picture-image memory lasting no more than a few tenths of a second

Wednesday March 6 13

Echoic Memory

= a momentary sensory memory of auditory stimuli if attention is elsewhere sounds and words can still be recalled within 3 or 4 seconds

Wednesday March 6 13

Long-term Potentiation (LTP)

= an increase in a synapsersquos firing potential after brief rapid stimulation Believed to be a neural basis for learning and memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Flashbulb Memory

= a clear memory of an emotionally significant moment or event

Wednesday March 6 13


= loss of memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Implicit Memory

= retention independent of conscious recollection (Also called nondeclarative or procedural memory)

Wednesday March 6 13

Explicit Memory

= memory of facts and experiences that one can consciously know and ldquodeclarerdquo (Also called declarative memory)

Wednesday March 6 13


= a neural center that is located in the limbic system helps process explicit memories for storage

Wednesday March 6 13


= a measure of memory in which the person must retrieve information learning earlier as on a fill-in-the-blank test

Wednesday March 6 13


= a measure of memory in which the person need only identify items previously learned as on a multiple-choice test

Wednesday March 6 13


= a measure of memory that assesses the amount of time saved when learning material for a second time

Wednesday March 6 13


= the activation often unconsciously of particular associations in memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Deja Vu

= that eerie sense that ldquoIrsquove experienced this beforerdquo Cues from the current situation may subconsciously trigger retrieval of an earlier experience

Wednesday March 6 13

Mood Congruent Memory

= the tendency to recall experiences that are consistent with onersquos current good or bad mood

Wednesday March 6 13

Proactive Interference

= the disruptive effect of prior learning on the recall of new information

Wednesday March 6 13

Retroactive Interference

= the disruptive effect of new learning on the recall of old information

Wednesday March 6 13


= in psychoanalytic theory the basic defense mechanism that banishes from consciousness anxiety-arousing thoughts feelings and memories

Wednesday March 6 13

Misinformation Effect

= incorporating misleading information into onersquos memory of an event

Wednesday March 6 13

Source Amnesia

= attributing to the wrong source an event we have experienced heard about read about or imagined (Also called source misattribution) Source amnesia along with the misinformation effect is at the heart of many false memories

Wednesday March 6 13

Ebbinghaus13 Curve

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval Failure

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval FailureInterference

bullProac3ve13 interference13 (forward acting)bullRetroac3ve13 interference13 (backward-acting)

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 FailureInterference

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 FailureInterference

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 FailureInterference

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 FailureInterference

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 FailureInterference

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval FailureMotivated Forgetting

bullSelf-serving personal historiesbullRepression

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval FailureMotivated Forgetting

bullSelf-serving personal historiesbullRepression

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval FailureMotivated Forgetting

bullSelf-serving personal historiesbullRepression

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval FailureMotivated Forgetting

bullSelf-serving personal historiesbullRepression

Wednesday March 6 13

Memory Construction

Wednesday March 6 13

Misinformation and Imagination Effects

bullLoftus memory studiesbullMisinforma3on13 effect

Wednesday March 6 13

Source Amnesia

bullSource13 amnesia13 (source misattribution)

Wednesday March 6 13

Discerning True and False Memories

bullMemory studiesbullEye witness testimony

Wednesday March 6 13

Childrenrsquos Eyewitness Recall

bullChildrenrsquos memories of abusebullSuggestibility

Wednesday March 6 13

Repressed or Constructed Memories of Abuse

bullAreas of agreementbullSexual abuse happensbullInjustice happensbullForgetting happensbullRecovered memories are incompletebullMemories before 3 years are unreliablebullHypnotic memories are unreliablebullMemories can be emotionally upsetting

Wednesday March 6 13

Repressed or Constructed Memories of Abuse

bullLoftus studies with children

Wednesday March 6 13

Improving Memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Improving Memory TechniquesbullStudy repeatedlybullMake the material meaningfulbullActivate retrieval cuesbullUse mnemonic devicesbullMinimize interferencebullSleep morebullTest your own knowledge both to rehearse it and to help determine what you do not yet

Wednesday March 6 13

The End

Wednesday March 6 13

Teacher13 Informa3onbullTypes13 of13 Files

bullThis13 presenta3on13 has13 been13 saved13 as13 a13 ldquobasicrdquo13 Powerpoint13 file13 13 While13 this13 file13 format13 placed13 a13 few13 limita3ons13 on13 the13 presenta3on13 it13 insured13 the13 file13 would13 be13 compa3ble13 with13 the13 many13 versions13 of13 Powerpoint13 teachers13 use13 13 To13 add13 func3onality13 to13 the13 presenta3on13 teachers13 may13 want13 to13 save13 the13 file13 for13 their13 specific13 version13 of13 Powerpoint

bullAnima0onbullOnce13 again13 to13 insure13 compa3bility13 with13 all13 versions13 of13 Powerpoint13 none13 of13 the13 slides13 are13 animated13 13 To13 increase13 student13 interest13 it13 is13 suggested13 teachers13 animate13 the13 slides13 wherever13 possible

bullAdding13 slides13 to13 this13 presenta0onbullTeachers13 are13 encouraged13 to13 adapt13 this13 presenta3on13 to13 their13 personal13 teaching13 style13 13 To13 help13 keep13 a13 sense13 of13 con3nuity13 blank13 slides13 which13 can13 be13 copied13 and13 pasted13 to13 a13 specific13 loca3on13 in13 the13 presenta3on13 follow13 this13 ldquoTeacher13 Informa3onrdquo13 sec3on13 13 13

Wednesday March 6 13

Teacher13 Informa3onbullHyperlink13 Slides13 -shy‐13 This13 presenta3on13 contain13 two13 types13 of13 hyperlinks13 13 Hyperlinks13 can13 be13 iden3fied13 by13 the13 text13 being13 underlined13 and13 a13 different13 color13 (usually13 purple)

bullUnit13 subsec0ons13 hyperlinks13 13 Immediately13 aer13 the13 unit13 3tle13 slide13 a13 page13 (slide13 3)13 can13 be13 found13 lis3ng13 all13 of13 the13 unitrsquos13 subsec3ons13 13 While13 in13 slide13 show13 mode13 clicking13 on13 any13 of13 these13 hyperlinks13 will13 take13 the13 user13 directly13 to13 the13 beginning13 of13 that13 subsec3on13 13 This13 allows13 teachers13 quick13 access13 to13 each13 subsec3on

bullBold13 print13 term13 hyperlinks13 13 Every13 bold13 print13 term13 from13 the13 unit13 is13 included13 in13 this13 presenta3on13 as13 a13 hyperlink13 13 While13 in13 slide13 show13 mode13 clicking13 on13 any13 of13 the13 hyperlinks13 will13 take13 the13 user13 to13 a13 slide13 containing13 the13 formal13 defini3on13 of13 the13 term13 13 Clicking13 on13 the13 ldquoarrowrdquo13 in13 the13 boaom13 le13 corner13 of13 the13 defini3on13 slide13 will13 take13 the13 user13 back13 to13 the13 original13 point13 in13 the13 presenta3on13

13 These13 hyperlinks13 were13 included13 for13 teachers13 who13 want13 students13 to13 see13 or13 copy13 down13 the13 exact13 defini3on13 as13 stated13 in13 the13 text13 13 Most13 teachers13 prefer13 the13 defini3ons13 not13 be13 included13 to13 prevent13 students13 from13 only13 ldquocopying13 down13 what13 is13 on13 the13 screenrdquo13 and13 not13 ac3vely13 listening13 to13 the13 presenta3on

13 For13 teachers13 who13 con3nually13 use13 the13 Bold13 Print13 Term13 Hyperlinks13 op3on13 please13 contact13 the13 author13 using13 the13 email13 address13 on13 the13 next13 slide13 to13 learn13 a13 technique13 to13 expedite13 the13 returning13 to13 the13 original13 point13 in13 the13 presenta3on

Wednesday March 6 13

Teacher13 Informa3onbullCon0nuity13 slides

bullThroughout13 this13 presenta3on13 there13 are13 slides13 usually13 of13 graphics13 or13 tables13 that13 build13 on13 one13 another13 13 These13 are13 included13 for13 three13 purposes13 13

bullBy13 presen3ng13 informa3on13 in13 small13 chunks13 students13 will13 find13 it13 easier13 to13 process13 and13 remember13 the13 concepts13 13

bullBy13 con3nually13 changing13 slides13 students13 will13 stay13 interested13 in13 the13 presenta3onbullTo13 facilitate13 class13 discussion13 and13 cri3cal13 thinking13 13 Students13 should13 be13 encouraged13 to13 think13 about13 ldquowhat13 might13 come13 nextrdquo13 in13 the13 series13 of13 slides13 13

bullPlease13 feel13 free13 to13 contact13 me13 at13 kkorekgermantownk12wius13 with13 any13 ques3ons13 concerns13 sugges3ons13 etc13 regarding13 these13 presenta3ons13

Kent13 Korek

Germantown13 High13 School

Germantown13 WI13 53022

Wednesday March 6 13

Division title (green print)subdivision title (blue print)


Wednesday March 6 13

Division title (green print)

Use13 this13 slide13 to13 add13 a13 table13 chart13 clip13 art13 picture13 diagram13 or13 video13 clip13 13 Delete13 this13 box13 when13 finished

Wednesday March 6 13

Definition Slide

= add definition here

Wednesday March 6 13


Wednesday March 6 13


= the persistence of learning over time through the storage and retrieval of information

Wednesday March 6 13


= the processing of information into the memory systems ndash for example by extracting meaning

Wednesday March 6 13


= the retention of encoded information over time

Wednesday March 6 13


= the process of getting information out of memory storage

Wednesday March 6 13

Sensory Memory

= the immediate very brief recording of sensory information in the memory system

Wednesday March 6 13

Short-term Memory

= activated memory that holds a few items briefly such as the seven digits of a phone number while dialing before the information is stored or forgotten

Wednesday March 6 13

Long-term Memory

= the relatively permanent and limitless storehouse of the memory system Includes knowledge skills and experiences

Wednesday March 6 13

Working Memory

= a newer understanding of short-term memory that focuses on conscious active processing of incoming auditory and visual-spatial information and of information retrieved from long-term memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Parallel Processing

= the processing of many aspects of a problem simultaneously the brainrsquos natural mode of information processing for many functions Contrasts with the step-by-step (serial) processing of most computers and of conscious problem solving

Wednesday March 6 13

Automatic Processing

= unconscious encoding of incidental information such as space time and frequency and of well-learned information such as word meanings

Wednesday March 6 13

Effortful Processing

= encoding that requires attention and conscious effort

Wednesday March 6 13


= the conscious repetition of information either to maintain it in consciousness or to encode it for storage

Wednesday March 6 13

Spacing Effect

= the tendency for distributed study or practice to yield better long-term retention than is achieved through massed study or practice

Wednesday March 6 13

Serial Position Effect

= our tendency to recall best the last and first items in a list

Wednesday March 6 13

Visual Encoding

= the encoding of picture images

Wednesday March 6 13

Acoustic Encoding

= the encoding of sound especially the sound of words

Wednesday March 6 13

Semantic Encoding

= the encoding of meaning including the meaning of words

Wednesday March 6 13


= mental pictures a powerful aid to effortful processing especially when combined with semantic encoding

Wednesday March 6 13


= memory aids especially those techniques that use vivid imagery and organizational devices

Wednesday March 6 13


= organizing items into familiar manageable units often occurs automatically

Wednesday March 6 13

Iconic Memory

= a momentary sensory memory of visual stimuli a photographic or picture-image memory lasting no more than a few tenths of a second

Wednesday March 6 13

Echoic Memory

= a momentary sensory memory of auditory stimuli if attention is elsewhere sounds and words can still be recalled within 3 or 4 seconds

Wednesday March 6 13

Long-term Potentiation (LTP)

= an increase in a synapsersquos firing potential after brief rapid stimulation Believed to be a neural basis for learning and memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Flashbulb Memory

= a clear memory of an emotionally significant moment or event

Wednesday March 6 13


= loss of memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Implicit Memory

= retention independent of conscious recollection (Also called nondeclarative or procedural memory)

Wednesday March 6 13

Explicit Memory

= memory of facts and experiences that one can consciously know and ldquodeclarerdquo (Also called declarative memory)

Wednesday March 6 13


= a neural center that is located in the limbic system helps process explicit memories for storage

Wednesday March 6 13


= a measure of memory in which the person must retrieve information learning earlier as on a fill-in-the-blank test

Wednesday March 6 13


= a measure of memory in which the person need only identify items previously learned as on a multiple-choice test

Wednesday March 6 13


= a measure of memory that assesses the amount of time saved when learning material for a second time

Wednesday March 6 13


= the activation often unconsciously of particular associations in memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Deja Vu

= that eerie sense that ldquoIrsquove experienced this beforerdquo Cues from the current situation may subconsciously trigger retrieval of an earlier experience

Wednesday March 6 13

Mood Congruent Memory

= the tendency to recall experiences that are consistent with onersquos current good or bad mood

Wednesday March 6 13

Proactive Interference

= the disruptive effect of prior learning on the recall of new information

Wednesday March 6 13

Retroactive Interference

= the disruptive effect of new learning on the recall of old information

Wednesday March 6 13


= in psychoanalytic theory the basic defense mechanism that banishes from consciousness anxiety-arousing thoughts feelings and memories

Wednesday March 6 13

Misinformation Effect

= incorporating misleading information into onersquos memory of an event

Wednesday March 6 13

Source Amnesia

= attributing to the wrong source an event we have experienced heard about read about or imagined (Also called source misattribution) Source amnesia along with the misinformation effect is at the heart of many false memories

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval Failure

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval FailureInterference

bullProac3ve13 interference13 (forward acting)bullRetroac3ve13 interference13 (backward-acting)

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 FailureInterference

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 FailureInterference

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 FailureInterference

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 FailureInterference

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 FailureInterference

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval FailureMotivated Forgetting

bullSelf-serving personal historiesbullRepression

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval FailureMotivated Forgetting

bullSelf-serving personal historiesbullRepression

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval FailureMotivated Forgetting

bullSelf-serving personal historiesbullRepression

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval FailureMotivated Forgetting

bullSelf-serving personal historiesbullRepression

Wednesday March 6 13

Memory Construction

Wednesday March 6 13

Misinformation and Imagination Effects

bullLoftus memory studiesbullMisinforma3on13 effect

Wednesday March 6 13

Source Amnesia

bullSource13 amnesia13 (source misattribution)

Wednesday March 6 13

Discerning True and False Memories

bullMemory studiesbullEye witness testimony

Wednesday March 6 13

Childrenrsquos Eyewitness Recall

bullChildrenrsquos memories of abusebullSuggestibility

Wednesday March 6 13

Repressed or Constructed Memories of Abuse

bullAreas of agreementbullSexual abuse happensbullInjustice happensbullForgetting happensbullRecovered memories are incompletebullMemories before 3 years are unreliablebullHypnotic memories are unreliablebullMemories can be emotionally upsetting

Wednesday March 6 13

Repressed or Constructed Memories of Abuse

bullLoftus studies with children

Wednesday March 6 13

Improving Memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Improving Memory TechniquesbullStudy repeatedlybullMake the material meaningfulbullActivate retrieval cuesbullUse mnemonic devicesbullMinimize interferencebullSleep morebullTest your own knowledge both to rehearse it and to help determine what you do not yet

Wednesday March 6 13

The End

Wednesday March 6 13

Teacher13 Informa3onbullTypes13 of13 Files

bullThis13 presenta3on13 has13 been13 saved13 as13 a13 ldquobasicrdquo13 Powerpoint13 file13 13 While13 this13 file13 format13 placed13 a13 few13 limita3ons13 on13 the13 presenta3on13 it13 insured13 the13 file13 would13 be13 compa3ble13 with13 the13 many13 versions13 of13 Powerpoint13 teachers13 use13 13 To13 add13 func3onality13 to13 the13 presenta3on13 teachers13 may13 want13 to13 save13 the13 file13 for13 their13 specific13 version13 of13 Powerpoint

bullAnima0onbullOnce13 again13 to13 insure13 compa3bility13 with13 all13 versions13 of13 Powerpoint13 none13 of13 the13 slides13 are13 animated13 13 To13 increase13 student13 interest13 it13 is13 suggested13 teachers13 animate13 the13 slides13 wherever13 possible

bullAdding13 slides13 to13 this13 presenta0onbullTeachers13 are13 encouraged13 to13 adapt13 this13 presenta3on13 to13 their13 personal13 teaching13 style13 13 To13 help13 keep13 a13 sense13 of13 con3nuity13 blank13 slides13 which13 can13 be13 copied13 and13 pasted13 to13 a13 specific13 loca3on13 in13 the13 presenta3on13 follow13 this13 ldquoTeacher13 Informa3onrdquo13 sec3on13 13 13

Wednesday March 6 13

Teacher13 Informa3onbullHyperlink13 Slides13 -shy‐13 This13 presenta3on13 contain13 two13 types13 of13 hyperlinks13 13 Hyperlinks13 can13 be13 iden3fied13 by13 the13 text13 being13 underlined13 and13 a13 different13 color13 (usually13 purple)

bullUnit13 subsec0ons13 hyperlinks13 13 Immediately13 aer13 the13 unit13 3tle13 slide13 a13 page13 (slide13 3)13 can13 be13 found13 lis3ng13 all13 of13 the13 unitrsquos13 subsec3ons13 13 While13 in13 slide13 show13 mode13 clicking13 on13 any13 of13 these13 hyperlinks13 will13 take13 the13 user13 directly13 to13 the13 beginning13 of13 that13 subsec3on13 13 This13 allows13 teachers13 quick13 access13 to13 each13 subsec3on

bullBold13 print13 term13 hyperlinks13 13 Every13 bold13 print13 term13 from13 the13 unit13 is13 included13 in13 this13 presenta3on13 as13 a13 hyperlink13 13 While13 in13 slide13 show13 mode13 clicking13 on13 any13 of13 the13 hyperlinks13 will13 take13 the13 user13 to13 a13 slide13 containing13 the13 formal13 defini3on13 of13 the13 term13 13 Clicking13 on13 the13 ldquoarrowrdquo13 in13 the13 boaom13 le13 corner13 of13 the13 defini3on13 slide13 will13 take13 the13 user13 back13 to13 the13 original13 point13 in13 the13 presenta3on13

13 These13 hyperlinks13 were13 included13 for13 teachers13 who13 want13 students13 to13 see13 or13 copy13 down13 the13 exact13 defini3on13 as13 stated13 in13 the13 text13 13 Most13 teachers13 prefer13 the13 defini3ons13 not13 be13 included13 to13 prevent13 students13 from13 only13 ldquocopying13 down13 what13 is13 on13 the13 screenrdquo13 and13 not13 ac3vely13 listening13 to13 the13 presenta3on

13 For13 teachers13 who13 con3nually13 use13 the13 Bold13 Print13 Term13 Hyperlinks13 op3on13 please13 contact13 the13 author13 using13 the13 email13 address13 on13 the13 next13 slide13 to13 learn13 a13 technique13 to13 expedite13 the13 returning13 to13 the13 original13 point13 in13 the13 presenta3on

Wednesday March 6 13

Teacher13 Informa3onbullCon0nuity13 slides

bullThroughout13 this13 presenta3on13 there13 are13 slides13 usually13 of13 graphics13 or13 tables13 that13 build13 on13 one13 another13 13 These13 are13 included13 for13 three13 purposes13 13

bullBy13 presen3ng13 informa3on13 in13 small13 chunks13 students13 will13 find13 it13 easier13 to13 process13 and13 remember13 the13 concepts13 13

bullBy13 con3nually13 changing13 slides13 students13 will13 stay13 interested13 in13 the13 presenta3onbullTo13 facilitate13 class13 discussion13 and13 cri3cal13 thinking13 13 Students13 should13 be13 encouraged13 to13 think13 about13 ldquowhat13 might13 come13 nextrdquo13 in13 the13 series13 of13 slides13 13

bullPlease13 feel13 free13 to13 contact13 me13 at13 kkorekgermantownk12wius13 with13 any13 ques3ons13 concerns13 sugges3ons13 etc13 regarding13 these13 presenta3ons13

Kent13 Korek

Germantown13 High13 School

Germantown13 WI13 53022

Wednesday March 6 13

Division title (green print)subdivision title (blue print)


Wednesday March 6 13

Division title (green print)

Use13 this13 slide13 to13 add13 a13 table13 chart13 clip13 art13 picture13 diagram13 or13 video13 clip13 13 Delete13 this13 box13 when13 finished

Wednesday March 6 13

Definition Slide

= add definition here

Wednesday March 6 13


Wednesday March 6 13


= the persistence of learning over time through the storage and retrieval of information

Wednesday March 6 13


= the processing of information into the memory systems ndash for example by extracting meaning

Wednesday March 6 13


= the retention of encoded information over time

Wednesday March 6 13


= the process of getting information out of memory storage

Wednesday March 6 13

Sensory Memory

= the immediate very brief recording of sensory information in the memory system

Wednesday March 6 13

Short-term Memory

= activated memory that holds a few items briefly such as the seven digits of a phone number while dialing before the information is stored or forgotten

Wednesday March 6 13

Long-term Memory

= the relatively permanent and limitless storehouse of the memory system Includes knowledge skills and experiences

Wednesday March 6 13

Working Memory

= a newer understanding of short-term memory that focuses on conscious active processing of incoming auditory and visual-spatial information and of information retrieved from long-term memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Parallel Processing

= the processing of many aspects of a problem simultaneously the brainrsquos natural mode of information processing for many functions Contrasts with the step-by-step (serial) processing of most computers and of conscious problem solving

Wednesday March 6 13

Automatic Processing

= unconscious encoding of incidental information such as space time and frequency and of well-learned information such as word meanings

Wednesday March 6 13

Effortful Processing

= encoding that requires attention and conscious effort

Wednesday March 6 13


= the conscious repetition of information either to maintain it in consciousness or to encode it for storage

Wednesday March 6 13

Spacing Effect

= the tendency for distributed study or practice to yield better long-term retention than is achieved through massed study or practice

Wednesday March 6 13

Serial Position Effect

= our tendency to recall best the last and first items in a list

Wednesday March 6 13

Visual Encoding

= the encoding of picture images

Wednesday March 6 13

Acoustic Encoding

= the encoding of sound especially the sound of words

Wednesday March 6 13

Semantic Encoding

= the encoding of meaning including the meaning of words

Wednesday March 6 13


= mental pictures a powerful aid to effortful processing especially when combined with semantic encoding

Wednesday March 6 13


= memory aids especially those techniques that use vivid imagery and organizational devices

Wednesday March 6 13


= organizing items into familiar manageable units often occurs automatically

Wednesday March 6 13

Iconic Memory

= a momentary sensory memory of visual stimuli a photographic or picture-image memory lasting no more than a few tenths of a second

Wednesday March 6 13

Echoic Memory

= a momentary sensory memory of auditory stimuli if attention is elsewhere sounds and words can still be recalled within 3 or 4 seconds

Wednesday March 6 13

Long-term Potentiation (LTP)

= an increase in a synapsersquos firing potential after brief rapid stimulation Believed to be a neural basis for learning and memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Flashbulb Memory

= a clear memory of an emotionally significant moment or event

Wednesday March 6 13


= loss of memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Implicit Memory

= retention independent of conscious recollection (Also called nondeclarative or procedural memory)

Wednesday March 6 13

Explicit Memory

= memory of facts and experiences that one can consciously know and ldquodeclarerdquo (Also called declarative memory)

Wednesday March 6 13


= a neural center that is located in the limbic system helps process explicit memories for storage

Wednesday March 6 13


= a measure of memory in which the person must retrieve information learning earlier as on a fill-in-the-blank test

Wednesday March 6 13


= a measure of memory in which the person need only identify items previously learned as on a multiple-choice test

Wednesday March 6 13


= a measure of memory that assesses the amount of time saved when learning material for a second time

Wednesday March 6 13


= the activation often unconsciously of particular associations in memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Deja Vu

= that eerie sense that ldquoIrsquove experienced this beforerdquo Cues from the current situation may subconsciously trigger retrieval of an earlier experience

Wednesday March 6 13

Mood Congruent Memory

= the tendency to recall experiences that are consistent with onersquos current good or bad mood

Wednesday March 6 13

Proactive Interference

= the disruptive effect of prior learning on the recall of new information

Wednesday March 6 13

Retroactive Interference

= the disruptive effect of new learning on the recall of old information

Wednesday March 6 13


= in psychoanalytic theory the basic defense mechanism that banishes from consciousness anxiety-arousing thoughts feelings and memories

Wednesday March 6 13

Misinformation Effect

= incorporating misleading information into onersquos memory of an event

Wednesday March 6 13

Source Amnesia

= attributing to the wrong source an event we have experienced heard about read about or imagined (Also called source misattribution) Source amnesia along with the misinformation effect is at the heart of many false memories

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval FailureInterference

bullProac3ve13 interference13 (forward acting)bullRetroac3ve13 interference13 (backward-acting)

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 FailureInterference

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 FailureInterference

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 FailureInterference

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 FailureInterference

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 FailureInterference

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval FailureMotivated Forgetting

bullSelf-serving personal historiesbullRepression

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval FailureMotivated Forgetting

bullSelf-serving personal historiesbullRepression

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval FailureMotivated Forgetting

bullSelf-serving personal historiesbullRepression

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval FailureMotivated Forgetting

bullSelf-serving personal historiesbullRepression

Wednesday March 6 13

Memory Construction

Wednesday March 6 13

Misinformation and Imagination Effects

bullLoftus memory studiesbullMisinforma3on13 effect

Wednesday March 6 13

Source Amnesia

bullSource13 amnesia13 (source misattribution)

Wednesday March 6 13

Discerning True and False Memories

bullMemory studiesbullEye witness testimony

Wednesday March 6 13

Childrenrsquos Eyewitness Recall

bullChildrenrsquos memories of abusebullSuggestibility

Wednesday March 6 13

Repressed or Constructed Memories of Abuse

bullAreas of agreementbullSexual abuse happensbullInjustice happensbullForgetting happensbullRecovered memories are incompletebullMemories before 3 years are unreliablebullHypnotic memories are unreliablebullMemories can be emotionally upsetting

Wednesday March 6 13

Repressed or Constructed Memories of Abuse

bullLoftus studies with children

Wednesday March 6 13

Improving Memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Improving Memory TechniquesbullStudy repeatedlybullMake the material meaningfulbullActivate retrieval cuesbullUse mnemonic devicesbullMinimize interferencebullSleep morebullTest your own knowledge both to rehearse it and to help determine what you do not yet

Wednesday March 6 13

The End

Wednesday March 6 13

Teacher13 Informa3onbullTypes13 of13 Files

bullThis13 presenta3on13 has13 been13 saved13 as13 a13 ldquobasicrdquo13 Powerpoint13 file13 13 While13 this13 file13 format13 placed13 a13 few13 limita3ons13 on13 the13 presenta3on13 it13 insured13 the13 file13 would13 be13 compa3ble13 with13 the13 many13 versions13 of13 Powerpoint13 teachers13 use13 13 To13 add13 func3onality13 to13 the13 presenta3on13 teachers13 may13 want13 to13 save13 the13 file13 for13 their13 specific13 version13 of13 Powerpoint

bullAnima0onbullOnce13 again13 to13 insure13 compa3bility13 with13 all13 versions13 of13 Powerpoint13 none13 of13 the13 slides13 are13 animated13 13 To13 increase13 student13 interest13 it13 is13 suggested13 teachers13 animate13 the13 slides13 wherever13 possible

bullAdding13 slides13 to13 this13 presenta0onbullTeachers13 are13 encouraged13 to13 adapt13 this13 presenta3on13 to13 their13 personal13 teaching13 style13 13 To13 help13 keep13 a13 sense13 of13 con3nuity13 blank13 slides13 which13 can13 be13 copied13 and13 pasted13 to13 a13 specific13 loca3on13 in13 the13 presenta3on13 follow13 this13 ldquoTeacher13 Informa3onrdquo13 sec3on13 13 13

Wednesday March 6 13

Teacher13 Informa3onbullHyperlink13 Slides13 -shy‐13 This13 presenta3on13 contain13 two13 types13 of13 hyperlinks13 13 Hyperlinks13 can13 be13 iden3fied13 by13 the13 text13 being13 underlined13 and13 a13 different13 color13 (usually13 purple)

bullUnit13 subsec0ons13 hyperlinks13 13 Immediately13 aer13 the13 unit13 3tle13 slide13 a13 page13 (slide13 3)13 can13 be13 found13 lis3ng13 all13 of13 the13 unitrsquos13 subsec3ons13 13 While13 in13 slide13 show13 mode13 clicking13 on13 any13 of13 these13 hyperlinks13 will13 take13 the13 user13 directly13 to13 the13 beginning13 of13 that13 subsec3on13 13 This13 allows13 teachers13 quick13 access13 to13 each13 subsec3on

bullBold13 print13 term13 hyperlinks13 13 Every13 bold13 print13 term13 from13 the13 unit13 is13 included13 in13 this13 presenta3on13 as13 a13 hyperlink13 13 While13 in13 slide13 show13 mode13 clicking13 on13 any13 of13 the13 hyperlinks13 will13 take13 the13 user13 to13 a13 slide13 containing13 the13 formal13 defini3on13 of13 the13 term13 13 Clicking13 on13 the13 ldquoarrowrdquo13 in13 the13 boaom13 le13 corner13 of13 the13 defini3on13 slide13 will13 take13 the13 user13 back13 to13 the13 original13 point13 in13 the13 presenta3on13

13 These13 hyperlinks13 were13 included13 for13 teachers13 who13 want13 students13 to13 see13 or13 copy13 down13 the13 exact13 defini3on13 as13 stated13 in13 the13 text13 13 Most13 teachers13 prefer13 the13 defini3ons13 not13 be13 included13 to13 prevent13 students13 from13 only13 ldquocopying13 down13 what13 is13 on13 the13 screenrdquo13 and13 not13 ac3vely13 listening13 to13 the13 presenta3on

13 For13 teachers13 who13 con3nually13 use13 the13 Bold13 Print13 Term13 Hyperlinks13 op3on13 please13 contact13 the13 author13 using13 the13 email13 address13 on13 the13 next13 slide13 to13 learn13 a13 technique13 to13 expedite13 the13 returning13 to13 the13 original13 point13 in13 the13 presenta3on

Wednesday March 6 13

Teacher13 Informa3onbullCon0nuity13 slides

bullThroughout13 this13 presenta3on13 there13 are13 slides13 usually13 of13 graphics13 or13 tables13 that13 build13 on13 one13 another13 13 These13 are13 included13 for13 three13 purposes13 13

bullBy13 presen3ng13 informa3on13 in13 small13 chunks13 students13 will13 find13 it13 easier13 to13 process13 and13 remember13 the13 concepts13 13

bullBy13 con3nually13 changing13 slides13 students13 will13 stay13 interested13 in13 the13 presenta3onbullTo13 facilitate13 class13 discussion13 and13 cri3cal13 thinking13 13 Students13 should13 be13 encouraged13 to13 think13 about13 ldquowhat13 might13 come13 nextrdquo13 in13 the13 series13 of13 slides13 13

bullPlease13 feel13 free13 to13 contact13 me13 at13 kkorekgermantownk12wius13 with13 any13 ques3ons13 concerns13 sugges3ons13 etc13 regarding13 these13 presenta3ons13

Kent13 Korek

Germantown13 High13 School

Germantown13 WI13 53022

Wednesday March 6 13

Division title (green print)subdivision title (blue print)


Wednesday March 6 13

Division title (green print)

Use13 this13 slide13 to13 add13 a13 table13 chart13 clip13 art13 picture13 diagram13 or13 video13 clip13 13 Delete13 this13 box13 when13 finished

Wednesday March 6 13

Definition Slide

= add definition here

Wednesday March 6 13


Wednesday March 6 13


= the persistence of learning over time through the storage and retrieval of information

Wednesday March 6 13


= the processing of information into the memory systems ndash for example by extracting meaning

Wednesday March 6 13


= the retention of encoded information over time

Wednesday March 6 13


= the process of getting information out of memory storage

Wednesday March 6 13

Sensory Memory

= the immediate very brief recording of sensory information in the memory system

Wednesday March 6 13

Short-term Memory

= activated memory that holds a few items briefly such as the seven digits of a phone number while dialing before the information is stored or forgotten

Wednesday March 6 13

Long-term Memory

= the relatively permanent and limitless storehouse of the memory system Includes knowledge skills and experiences

Wednesday March 6 13

Working Memory

= a newer understanding of short-term memory that focuses on conscious active processing of incoming auditory and visual-spatial information and of information retrieved from long-term memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Parallel Processing

= the processing of many aspects of a problem simultaneously the brainrsquos natural mode of information processing for many functions Contrasts with the step-by-step (serial) processing of most computers and of conscious problem solving

Wednesday March 6 13

Automatic Processing

= unconscious encoding of incidental information such as space time and frequency and of well-learned information such as word meanings

Wednesday March 6 13

Effortful Processing

= encoding that requires attention and conscious effort

Wednesday March 6 13


= the conscious repetition of information either to maintain it in consciousness or to encode it for storage

Wednesday March 6 13

Spacing Effect

= the tendency for distributed study or practice to yield better long-term retention than is achieved through massed study or practice

Wednesday March 6 13

Serial Position Effect

= our tendency to recall best the last and first items in a list

Wednesday March 6 13

Visual Encoding

= the encoding of picture images

Wednesday March 6 13

Acoustic Encoding

= the encoding of sound especially the sound of words

Wednesday March 6 13

Semantic Encoding

= the encoding of meaning including the meaning of words

Wednesday March 6 13


= mental pictures a powerful aid to effortful processing especially when combined with semantic encoding

Wednesday March 6 13


= memory aids especially those techniques that use vivid imagery and organizational devices

Wednesday March 6 13


= organizing items into familiar manageable units often occurs automatically

Wednesday March 6 13

Iconic Memory

= a momentary sensory memory of visual stimuli a photographic or picture-image memory lasting no more than a few tenths of a second

Wednesday March 6 13

Echoic Memory

= a momentary sensory memory of auditory stimuli if attention is elsewhere sounds and words can still be recalled within 3 or 4 seconds

Wednesday March 6 13

Long-term Potentiation (LTP)

= an increase in a synapsersquos firing potential after brief rapid stimulation Believed to be a neural basis for learning and memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Flashbulb Memory

= a clear memory of an emotionally significant moment or event

Wednesday March 6 13


= loss of memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Implicit Memory

= retention independent of conscious recollection (Also called nondeclarative or procedural memory)

Wednesday March 6 13

Explicit Memory

= memory of facts and experiences that one can consciously know and ldquodeclarerdquo (Also called declarative memory)

Wednesday March 6 13


= a neural center that is located in the limbic system helps process explicit memories for storage

Wednesday March 6 13


= a measure of memory in which the person must retrieve information learning earlier as on a fill-in-the-blank test

Wednesday March 6 13


= a measure of memory in which the person need only identify items previously learned as on a multiple-choice test

Wednesday March 6 13


= a measure of memory that assesses the amount of time saved when learning material for a second time

Wednesday March 6 13


= the activation often unconsciously of particular associations in memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Deja Vu

= that eerie sense that ldquoIrsquove experienced this beforerdquo Cues from the current situation may subconsciously trigger retrieval of an earlier experience

Wednesday March 6 13

Mood Congruent Memory

= the tendency to recall experiences that are consistent with onersquos current good or bad mood

Wednesday March 6 13

Proactive Interference

= the disruptive effect of prior learning on the recall of new information

Wednesday March 6 13

Retroactive Interference

= the disruptive effect of new learning on the recall of old information

Wednesday March 6 13


= in psychoanalytic theory the basic defense mechanism that banishes from consciousness anxiety-arousing thoughts feelings and memories

Wednesday March 6 13

Misinformation Effect

= incorporating misleading information into onersquos memory of an event

Wednesday March 6 13

Source Amnesia

= attributing to the wrong source an event we have experienced heard about read about or imagined (Also called source misattribution) Source amnesia along with the misinformation effect is at the heart of many false memories

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 FailureInterference

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 FailureInterference

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 FailureInterference

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 FailureInterference

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 FailureInterference

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval FailureMotivated Forgetting

bullSelf-serving personal historiesbullRepression

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval FailureMotivated Forgetting

bullSelf-serving personal historiesbullRepression

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval FailureMotivated Forgetting

bullSelf-serving personal historiesbullRepression

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval FailureMotivated Forgetting

bullSelf-serving personal historiesbullRepression

Wednesday March 6 13

Memory Construction

Wednesday March 6 13

Misinformation and Imagination Effects

bullLoftus memory studiesbullMisinforma3on13 effect

Wednesday March 6 13

Source Amnesia

bullSource13 amnesia13 (source misattribution)

Wednesday March 6 13

Discerning True and False Memories

bullMemory studiesbullEye witness testimony

Wednesday March 6 13

Childrenrsquos Eyewitness Recall

bullChildrenrsquos memories of abusebullSuggestibility

Wednesday March 6 13

Repressed or Constructed Memories of Abuse

bullAreas of agreementbullSexual abuse happensbullInjustice happensbullForgetting happensbullRecovered memories are incompletebullMemories before 3 years are unreliablebullHypnotic memories are unreliablebullMemories can be emotionally upsetting

Wednesday March 6 13

Repressed or Constructed Memories of Abuse

bullLoftus studies with children

Wednesday March 6 13

Improving Memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Improving Memory TechniquesbullStudy repeatedlybullMake the material meaningfulbullActivate retrieval cuesbullUse mnemonic devicesbullMinimize interferencebullSleep morebullTest your own knowledge both to rehearse it and to help determine what you do not yet

Wednesday March 6 13

The End

Wednesday March 6 13

Teacher13 Informa3onbullTypes13 of13 Files

bullThis13 presenta3on13 has13 been13 saved13 as13 a13 ldquobasicrdquo13 Powerpoint13 file13 13 While13 this13 file13 format13 placed13 a13 few13 limita3ons13 on13 the13 presenta3on13 it13 insured13 the13 file13 would13 be13 compa3ble13 with13 the13 many13 versions13 of13 Powerpoint13 teachers13 use13 13 To13 add13 func3onality13 to13 the13 presenta3on13 teachers13 may13 want13 to13 save13 the13 file13 for13 their13 specific13 version13 of13 Powerpoint

bullAnima0onbullOnce13 again13 to13 insure13 compa3bility13 with13 all13 versions13 of13 Powerpoint13 none13 of13 the13 slides13 are13 animated13 13 To13 increase13 student13 interest13 it13 is13 suggested13 teachers13 animate13 the13 slides13 wherever13 possible

bullAdding13 slides13 to13 this13 presenta0onbullTeachers13 are13 encouraged13 to13 adapt13 this13 presenta3on13 to13 their13 personal13 teaching13 style13 13 To13 help13 keep13 a13 sense13 of13 con3nuity13 blank13 slides13 which13 can13 be13 copied13 and13 pasted13 to13 a13 specific13 loca3on13 in13 the13 presenta3on13 follow13 this13 ldquoTeacher13 Informa3onrdquo13 sec3on13 13 13

Wednesday March 6 13

Teacher13 Informa3onbullHyperlink13 Slides13 -shy‐13 This13 presenta3on13 contain13 two13 types13 of13 hyperlinks13 13 Hyperlinks13 can13 be13 iden3fied13 by13 the13 text13 being13 underlined13 and13 a13 different13 color13 (usually13 purple)

bullUnit13 subsec0ons13 hyperlinks13 13 Immediately13 aer13 the13 unit13 3tle13 slide13 a13 page13 (slide13 3)13 can13 be13 found13 lis3ng13 all13 of13 the13 unitrsquos13 subsec3ons13 13 While13 in13 slide13 show13 mode13 clicking13 on13 any13 of13 these13 hyperlinks13 will13 take13 the13 user13 directly13 to13 the13 beginning13 of13 that13 subsec3on13 13 This13 allows13 teachers13 quick13 access13 to13 each13 subsec3on

bullBold13 print13 term13 hyperlinks13 13 Every13 bold13 print13 term13 from13 the13 unit13 is13 included13 in13 this13 presenta3on13 as13 a13 hyperlink13 13 While13 in13 slide13 show13 mode13 clicking13 on13 any13 of13 the13 hyperlinks13 will13 take13 the13 user13 to13 a13 slide13 containing13 the13 formal13 defini3on13 of13 the13 term13 13 Clicking13 on13 the13 ldquoarrowrdquo13 in13 the13 boaom13 le13 corner13 of13 the13 defini3on13 slide13 will13 take13 the13 user13 back13 to13 the13 original13 point13 in13 the13 presenta3on13

13 These13 hyperlinks13 were13 included13 for13 teachers13 who13 want13 students13 to13 see13 or13 copy13 down13 the13 exact13 defini3on13 as13 stated13 in13 the13 text13 13 Most13 teachers13 prefer13 the13 defini3ons13 not13 be13 included13 to13 prevent13 students13 from13 only13 ldquocopying13 down13 what13 is13 on13 the13 screenrdquo13 and13 not13 ac3vely13 listening13 to13 the13 presenta3on

13 For13 teachers13 who13 con3nually13 use13 the13 Bold13 Print13 Term13 Hyperlinks13 op3on13 please13 contact13 the13 author13 using13 the13 email13 address13 on13 the13 next13 slide13 to13 learn13 a13 technique13 to13 expedite13 the13 returning13 to13 the13 original13 point13 in13 the13 presenta3on

Wednesday March 6 13

Teacher13 Informa3onbullCon0nuity13 slides

bullThroughout13 this13 presenta3on13 there13 are13 slides13 usually13 of13 graphics13 or13 tables13 that13 build13 on13 one13 another13 13 These13 are13 included13 for13 three13 purposes13 13

bullBy13 presen3ng13 informa3on13 in13 small13 chunks13 students13 will13 find13 it13 easier13 to13 process13 and13 remember13 the13 concepts13 13

bullBy13 con3nually13 changing13 slides13 students13 will13 stay13 interested13 in13 the13 presenta3onbullTo13 facilitate13 class13 discussion13 and13 cri3cal13 thinking13 13 Students13 should13 be13 encouraged13 to13 think13 about13 ldquowhat13 might13 come13 nextrdquo13 in13 the13 series13 of13 slides13 13

bullPlease13 feel13 free13 to13 contact13 me13 at13 kkorekgermantownk12wius13 with13 any13 ques3ons13 concerns13 sugges3ons13 etc13 regarding13 these13 presenta3ons13

Kent13 Korek

Germantown13 High13 School

Germantown13 WI13 53022

Wednesday March 6 13

Division title (green print)subdivision title (blue print)


Wednesday March 6 13

Division title (green print)

Use13 this13 slide13 to13 add13 a13 table13 chart13 clip13 art13 picture13 diagram13 or13 video13 clip13 13 Delete13 this13 box13 when13 finished

Wednesday March 6 13

Definition Slide

= add definition here

Wednesday March 6 13


Wednesday March 6 13


= the persistence of learning over time through the storage and retrieval of information

Wednesday March 6 13


= the processing of information into the memory systems ndash for example by extracting meaning

Wednesday March 6 13


= the retention of encoded information over time

Wednesday March 6 13


= the process of getting information out of memory storage

Wednesday March 6 13

Sensory Memory

= the immediate very brief recording of sensory information in the memory system

Wednesday March 6 13

Short-term Memory

= activated memory that holds a few items briefly such as the seven digits of a phone number while dialing before the information is stored or forgotten

Wednesday March 6 13

Long-term Memory

= the relatively permanent and limitless storehouse of the memory system Includes knowledge skills and experiences

Wednesday March 6 13

Working Memory

= a newer understanding of short-term memory that focuses on conscious active processing of incoming auditory and visual-spatial information and of information retrieved from long-term memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Parallel Processing

= the processing of many aspects of a problem simultaneously the brainrsquos natural mode of information processing for many functions Contrasts with the step-by-step (serial) processing of most computers and of conscious problem solving

Wednesday March 6 13

Automatic Processing

= unconscious encoding of incidental information such as space time and frequency and of well-learned information such as word meanings

Wednesday March 6 13

Effortful Processing

= encoding that requires attention and conscious effort

Wednesday March 6 13


= the conscious repetition of information either to maintain it in consciousness or to encode it for storage

Wednesday March 6 13

Spacing Effect

= the tendency for distributed study or practice to yield better long-term retention than is achieved through massed study or practice

Wednesday March 6 13

Serial Position Effect

= our tendency to recall best the last and first items in a list

Wednesday March 6 13

Visual Encoding

= the encoding of picture images

Wednesday March 6 13

Acoustic Encoding

= the encoding of sound especially the sound of words

Wednesday March 6 13

Semantic Encoding

= the encoding of meaning including the meaning of words

Wednesday March 6 13


= mental pictures a powerful aid to effortful processing especially when combined with semantic encoding

Wednesday March 6 13


= memory aids especially those techniques that use vivid imagery and organizational devices

Wednesday March 6 13


= organizing items into familiar manageable units often occurs automatically

Wednesday March 6 13

Iconic Memory

= a momentary sensory memory of visual stimuli a photographic or picture-image memory lasting no more than a few tenths of a second

Wednesday March 6 13

Echoic Memory

= a momentary sensory memory of auditory stimuli if attention is elsewhere sounds and words can still be recalled within 3 or 4 seconds

Wednesday March 6 13

Long-term Potentiation (LTP)

= an increase in a synapsersquos firing potential after brief rapid stimulation Believed to be a neural basis for learning and memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Flashbulb Memory

= a clear memory of an emotionally significant moment or event

Wednesday March 6 13


= loss of memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Implicit Memory

= retention independent of conscious recollection (Also called nondeclarative or procedural memory)

Wednesday March 6 13

Explicit Memory

= memory of facts and experiences that one can consciously know and ldquodeclarerdquo (Also called declarative memory)

Wednesday March 6 13


= a neural center that is located in the limbic system helps process explicit memories for storage

Wednesday March 6 13


= a measure of memory in which the person must retrieve information learning earlier as on a fill-in-the-blank test

Wednesday March 6 13


= a measure of memory in which the person need only identify items previously learned as on a multiple-choice test

Wednesday March 6 13


= a measure of memory that assesses the amount of time saved when learning material for a second time

Wednesday March 6 13


= the activation often unconsciously of particular associations in memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Deja Vu

= that eerie sense that ldquoIrsquove experienced this beforerdquo Cues from the current situation may subconsciously trigger retrieval of an earlier experience

Wednesday March 6 13

Mood Congruent Memory

= the tendency to recall experiences that are consistent with onersquos current good or bad mood

Wednesday March 6 13

Proactive Interference

= the disruptive effect of prior learning on the recall of new information

Wednesday March 6 13

Retroactive Interference

= the disruptive effect of new learning on the recall of old information

Wednesday March 6 13


= in psychoanalytic theory the basic defense mechanism that banishes from consciousness anxiety-arousing thoughts feelings and memories

Wednesday March 6 13

Misinformation Effect

= incorporating misleading information into onersquos memory of an event

Wednesday March 6 13

Source Amnesia

= attributing to the wrong source an event we have experienced heard about read about or imagined (Also called source misattribution) Source amnesia along with the misinformation effect is at the heart of many false memories

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 FailureInterference

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 FailureInterference

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 FailureInterference

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 FailureInterference

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval FailureMotivated Forgetting

bullSelf-serving personal historiesbullRepression

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval FailureMotivated Forgetting

bullSelf-serving personal historiesbullRepression

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval FailureMotivated Forgetting

bullSelf-serving personal historiesbullRepression

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval FailureMotivated Forgetting

bullSelf-serving personal historiesbullRepression

Wednesday March 6 13

Memory Construction

Wednesday March 6 13

Misinformation and Imagination Effects

bullLoftus memory studiesbullMisinforma3on13 effect

Wednesday March 6 13

Source Amnesia

bullSource13 amnesia13 (source misattribution)

Wednesday March 6 13

Discerning True and False Memories

bullMemory studiesbullEye witness testimony

Wednesday March 6 13

Childrenrsquos Eyewitness Recall

bullChildrenrsquos memories of abusebullSuggestibility

Wednesday March 6 13

Repressed or Constructed Memories of Abuse

bullAreas of agreementbullSexual abuse happensbullInjustice happensbullForgetting happensbullRecovered memories are incompletebullMemories before 3 years are unreliablebullHypnotic memories are unreliablebullMemories can be emotionally upsetting

Wednesday March 6 13

Repressed or Constructed Memories of Abuse

bullLoftus studies with children

Wednesday March 6 13

Improving Memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Improving Memory TechniquesbullStudy repeatedlybullMake the material meaningfulbullActivate retrieval cuesbullUse mnemonic devicesbullMinimize interferencebullSleep morebullTest your own knowledge both to rehearse it and to help determine what you do not yet

Wednesday March 6 13

The End

Wednesday March 6 13

Teacher13 Informa3onbullTypes13 of13 Files

bullThis13 presenta3on13 has13 been13 saved13 as13 a13 ldquobasicrdquo13 Powerpoint13 file13 13 While13 this13 file13 format13 placed13 a13 few13 limita3ons13 on13 the13 presenta3on13 it13 insured13 the13 file13 would13 be13 compa3ble13 with13 the13 many13 versions13 of13 Powerpoint13 teachers13 use13 13 To13 add13 func3onality13 to13 the13 presenta3on13 teachers13 may13 want13 to13 save13 the13 file13 for13 their13 specific13 version13 of13 Powerpoint

bullAnima0onbullOnce13 again13 to13 insure13 compa3bility13 with13 all13 versions13 of13 Powerpoint13 none13 of13 the13 slides13 are13 animated13 13 To13 increase13 student13 interest13 it13 is13 suggested13 teachers13 animate13 the13 slides13 wherever13 possible

bullAdding13 slides13 to13 this13 presenta0onbullTeachers13 are13 encouraged13 to13 adapt13 this13 presenta3on13 to13 their13 personal13 teaching13 style13 13 To13 help13 keep13 a13 sense13 of13 con3nuity13 blank13 slides13 which13 can13 be13 copied13 and13 pasted13 to13 a13 specific13 loca3on13 in13 the13 presenta3on13 follow13 this13 ldquoTeacher13 Informa3onrdquo13 sec3on13 13 13

Wednesday March 6 13

Teacher13 Informa3onbullHyperlink13 Slides13 -shy‐13 This13 presenta3on13 contain13 two13 types13 of13 hyperlinks13 13 Hyperlinks13 can13 be13 iden3fied13 by13 the13 text13 being13 underlined13 and13 a13 different13 color13 (usually13 purple)

bullUnit13 subsec0ons13 hyperlinks13 13 Immediately13 aer13 the13 unit13 3tle13 slide13 a13 page13 (slide13 3)13 can13 be13 found13 lis3ng13 all13 of13 the13 unitrsquos13 subsec3ons13 13 While13 in13 slide13 show13 mode13 clicking13 on13 any13 of13 these13 hyperlinks13 will13 take13 the13 user13 directly13 to13 the13 beginning13 of13 that13 subsec3on13 13 This13 allows13 teachers13 quick13 access13 to13 each13 subsec3on

bullBold13 print13 term13 hyperlinks13 13 Every13 bold13 print13 term13 from13 the13 unit13 is13 included13 in13 this13 presenta3on13 as13 a13 hyperlink13 13 While13 in13 slide13 show13 mode13 clicking13 on13 any13 of13 the13 hyperlinks13 will13 take13 the13 user13 to13 a13 slide13 containing13 the13 formal13 defini3on13 of13 the13 term13 13 Clicking13 on13 the13 ldquoarrowrdquo13 in13 the13 boaom13 le13 corner13 of13 the13 defini3on13 slide13 will13 take13 the13 user13 back13 to13 the13 original13 point13 in13 the13 presenta3on13

13 These13 hyperlinks13 were13 included13 for13 teachers13 who13 want13 students13 to13 see13 or13 copy13 down13 the13 exact13 defini3on13 as13 stated13 in13 the13 text13 13 Most13 teachers13 prefer13 the13 defini3ons13 not13 be13 included13 to13 prevent13 students13 from13 only13 ldquocopying13 down13 what13 is13 on13 the13 screenrdquo13 and13 not13 ac3vely13 listening13 to13 the13 presenta3on

13 For13 teachers13 who13 con3nually13 use13 the13 Bold13 Print13 Term13 Hyperlinks13 op3on13 please13 contact13 the13 author13 using13 the13 email13 address13 on13 the13 next13 slide13 to13 learn13 a13 technique13 to13 expedite13 the13 returning13 to13 the13 original13 point13 in13 the13 presenta3on

Wednesday March 6 13

Teacher13 Informa3onbullCon0nuity13 slides

bullThroughout13 this13 presenta3on13 there13 are13 slides13 usually13 of13 graphics13 or13 tables13 that13 build13 on13 one13 another13 13 These13 are13 included13 for13 three13 purposes13 13

bullBy13 presen3ng13 informa3on13 in13 small13 chunks13 students13 will13 find13 it13 easier13 to13 process13 and13 remember13 the13 concepts13 13

bullBy13 con3nually13 changing13 slides13 students13 will13 stay13 interested13 in13 the13 presenta3onbullTo13 facilitate13 class13 discussion13 and13 cri3cal13 thinking13 13 Students13 should13 be13 encouraged13 to13 think13 about13 ldquowhat13 might13 come13 nextrdquo13 in13 the13 series13 of13 slides13 13

bullPlease13 feel13 free13 to13 contact13 me13 at13 kkorekgermantownk12wius13 with13 any13 ques3ons13 concerns13 sugges3ons13 etc13 regarding13 these13 presenta3ons13

Kent13 Korek

Germantown13 High13 School

Germantown13 WI13 53022

Wednesday March 6 13

Division title (green print)subdivision title (blue print)


Wednesday March 6 13

Division title (green print)

Use13 this13 slide13 to13 add13 a13 table13 chart13 clip13 art13 picture13 diagram13 or13 video13 clip13 13 Delete13 this13 box13 when13 finished

Wednesday March 6 13

Definition Slide

= add definition here

Wednesday March 6 13


Wednesday March 6 13


= the persistence of learning over time through the storage and retrieval of information

Wednesday March 6 13


= the processing of information into the memory systems ndash for example by extracting meaning

Wednesday March 6 13


= the retention of encoded information over time

Wednesday March 6 13


= the process of getting information out of memory storage

Wednesday March 6 13

Sensory Memory

= the immediate very brief recording of sensory information in the memory system

Wednesday March 6 13

Short-term Memory

= activated memory that holds a few items briefly such as the seven digits of a phone number while dialing before the information is stored or forgotten

Wednesday March 6 13

Long-term Memory

= the relatively permanent and limitless storehouse of the memory system Includes knowledge skills and experiences

Wednesday March 6 13

Working Memory

= a newer understanding of short-term memory that focuses on conscious active processing of incoming auditory and visual-spatial information and of information retrieved from long-term memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Parallel Processing

= the processing of many aspects of a problem simultaneously the brainrsquos natural mode of information processing for many functions Contrasts with the step-by-step (serial) processing of most computers and of conscious problem solving

Wednesday March 6 13

Automatic Processing

= unconscious encoding of incidental information such as space time and frequency and of well-learned information such as word meanings

Wednesday March 6 13

Effortful Processing

= encoding that requires attention and conscious effort

Wednesday March 6 13


= the conscious repetition of information either to maintain it in consciousness or to encode it for storage

Wednesday March 6 13

Spacing Effect

= the tendency for distributed study or practice to yield better long-term retention than is achieved through massed study or practice

Wednesday March 6 13

Serial Position Effect

= our tendency to recall best the last and first items in a list

Wednesday March 6 13

Visual Encoding

= the encoding of picture images

Wednesday March 6 13

Acoustic Encoding

= the encoding of sound especially the sound of words

Wednesday March 6 13

Semantic Encoding

= the encoding of meaning including the meaning of words

Wednesday March 6 13


= mental pictures a powerful aid to effortful processing especially when combined with semantic encoding

Wednesday March 6 13


= memory aids especially those techniques that use vivid imagery and organizational devices

Wednesday March 6 13


= organizing items into familiar manageable units often occurs automatically

Wednesday March 6 13

Iconic Memory

= a momentary sensory memory of visual stimuli a photographic or picture-image memory lasting no more than a few tenths of a second

Wednesday March 6 13

Echoic Memory

= a momentary sensory memory of auditory stimuli if attention is elsewhere sounds and words can still be recalled within 3 or 4 seconds

Wednesday March 6 13

Long-term Potentiation (LTP)

= an increase in a synapsersquos firing potential after brief rapid stimulation Believed to be a neural basis for learning and memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Flashbulb Memory

= a clear memory of an emotionally significant moment or event

Wednesday March 6 13


= loss of memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Implicit Memory

= retention independent of conscious recollection (Also called nondeclarative or procedural memory)

Wednesday March 6 13

Explicit Memory

= memory of facts and experiences that one can consciously know and ldquodeclarerdquo (Also called declarative memory)

Wednesday March 6 13


= a neural center that is located in the limbic system helps process explicit memories for storage

Wednesday March 6 13


= a measure of memory in which the person must retrieve information learning earlier as on a fill-in-the-blank test

Wednesday March 6 13


= a measure of memory in which the person need only identify items previously learned as on a multiple-choice test

Wednesday March 6 13


= a measure of memory that assesses the amount of time saved when learning material for a second time

Wednesday March 6 13


= the activation often unconsciously of particular associations in memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Deja Vu

= that eerie sense that ldquoIrsquove experienced this beforerdquo Cues from the current situation may subconsciously trigger retrieval of an earlier experience

Wednesday March 6 13

Mood Congruent Memory

= the tendency to recall experiences that are consistent with onersquos current good or bad mood

Wednesday March 6 13

Proactive Interference

= the disruptive effect of prior learning on the recall of new information

Wednesday March 6 13

Retroactive Interference

= the disruptive effect of new learning on the recall of old information

Wednesday March 6 13


= in psychoanalytic theory the basic defense mechanism that banishes from consciousness anxiety-arousing thoughts feelings and memories

Wednesday March 6 13

Misinformation Effect

= incorporating misleading information into onersquos memory of an event

Wednesday March 6 13

Source Amnesia

= attributing to the wrong source an event we have experienced heard about read about or imagined (Also called source misattribution) Source amnesia along with the misinformation effect is at the heart of many false memories

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 FailureInterference

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 FailureInterference

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 FailureInterference

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval FailureMotivated Forgetting

bullSelf-serving personal historiesbullRepression

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval FailureMotivated Forgetting

bullSelf-serving personal historiesbullRepression

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval FailureMotivated Forgetting

bullSelf-serving personal historiesbullRepression

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval FailureMotivated Forgetting

bullSelf-serving personal historiesbullRepression

Wednesday March 6 13

Memory Construction

Wednesday March 6 13

Misinformation and Imagination Effects

bullLoftus memory studiesbullMisinforma3on13 effect

Wednesday March 6 13

Source Amnesia

bullSource13 amnesia13 (source misattribution)

Wednesday March 6 13

Discerning True and False Memories

bullMemory studiesbullEye witness testimony

Wednesday March 6 13

Childrenrsquos Eyewitness Recall

bullChildrenrsquos memories of abusebullSuggestibility

Wednesday March 6 13

Repressed or Constructed Memories of Abuse

bullAreas of agreementbullSexual abuse happensbullInjustice happensbullForgetting happensbullRecovered memories are incompletebullMemories before 3 years are unreliablebullHypnotic memories are unreliablebullMemories can be emotionally upsetting

Wednesday March 6 13

Repressed or Constructed Memories of Abuse

bullLoftus studies with children

Wednesday March 6 13

Improving Memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Improving Memory TechniquesbullStudy repeatedlybullMake the material meaningfulbullActivate retrieval cuesbullUse mnemonic devicesbullMinimize interferencebullSleep morebullTest your own knowledge both to rehearse it and to help determine what you do not yet

Wednesday March 6 13

The End

Wednesday March 6 13

Teacher13 Informa3onbullTypes13 of13 Files

bullThis13 presenta3on13 has13 been13 saved13 as13 a13 ldquobasicrdquo13 Powerpoint13 file13 13 While13 this13 file13 format13 placed13 a13 few13 limita3ons13 on13 the13 presenta3on13 it13 insured13 the13 file13 would13 be13 compa3ble13 with13 the13 many13 versions13 of13 Powerpoint13 teachers13 use13 13 To13 add13 func3onality13 to13 the13 presenta3on13 teachers13 may13 want13 to13 save13 the13 file13 for13 their13 specific13 version13 of13 Powerpoint

bullAnima0onbullOnce13 again13 to13 insure13 compa3bility13 with13 all13 versions13 of13 Powerpoint13 none13 of13 the13 slides13 are13 animated13 13 To13 increase13 student13 interest13 it13 is13 suggested13 teachers13 animate13 the13 slides13 wherever13 possible

bullAdding13 slides13 to13 this13 presenta0onbullTeachers13 are13 encouraged13 to13 adapt13 this13 presenta3on13 to13 their13 personal13 teaching13 style13 13 To13 help13 keep13 a13 sense13 of13 con3nuity13 blank13 slides13 which13 can13 be13 copied13 and13 pasted13 to13 a13 specific13 loca3on13 in13 the13 presenta3on13 follow13 this13 ldquoTeacher13 Informa3onrdquo13 sec3on13 13 13

Wednesday March 6 13

Teacher13 Informa3onbullHyperlink13 Slides13 -shy‐13 This13 presenta3on13 contain13 two13 types13 of13 hyperlinks13 13 Hyperlinks13 can13 be13 iden3fied13 by13 the13 text13 being13 underlined13 and13 a13 different13 color13 (usually13 purple)

bullUnit13 subsec0ons13 hyperlinks13 13 Immediately13 aer13 the13 unit13 3tle13 slide13 a13 page13 (slide13 3)13 can13 be13 found13 lis3ng13 all13 of13 the13 unitrsquos13 subsec3ons13 13 While13 in13 slide13 show13 mode13 clicking13 on13 any13 of13 these13 hyperlinks13 will13 take13 the13 user13 directly13 to13 the13 beginning13 of13 that13 subsec3on13 13 This13 allows13 teachers13 quick13 access13 to13 each13 subsec3on

bullBold13 print13 term13 hyperlinks13 13 Every13 bold13 print13 term13 from13 the13 unit13 is13 included13 in13 this13 presenta3on13 as13 a13 hyperlink13 13 While13 in13 slide13 show13 mode13 clicking13 on13 any13 of13 the13 hyperlinks13 will13 take13 the13 user13 to13 a13 slide13 containing13 the13 formal13 defini3on13 of13 the13 term13 13 Clicking13 on13 the13 ldquoarrowrdquo13 in13 the13 boaom13 le13 corner13 of13 the13 defini3on13 slide13 will13 take13 the13 user13 back13 to13 the13 original13 point13 in13 the13 presenta3on13

13 These13 hyperlinks13 were13 included13 for13 teachers13 who13 want13 students13 to13 see13 or13 copy13 down13 the13 exact13 defini3on13 as13 stated13 in13 the13 text13 13 Most13 teachers13 prefer13 the13 defini3ons13 not13 be13 included13 to13 prevent13 students13 from13 only13 ldquocopying13 down13 what13 is13 on13 the13 screenrdquo13 and13 not13 ac3vely13 listening13 to13 the13 presenta3on

13 For13 teachers13 who13 con3nually13 use13 the13 Bold13 Print13 Term13 Hyperlinks13 op3on13 please13 contact13 the13 author13 using13 the13 email13 address13 on13 the13 next13 slide13 to13 learn13 a13 technique13 to13 expedite13 the13 returning13 to13 the13 original13 point13 in13 the13 presenta3on

Wednesday March 6 13

Teacher13 Informa3onbullCon0nuity13 slides

bullThroughout13 this13 presenta3on13 there13 are13 slides13 usually13 of13 graphics13 or13 tables13 that13 build13 on13 one13 another13 13 These13 are13 included13 for13 three13 purposes13 13

bullBy13 presen3ng13 informa3on13 in13 small13 chunks13 students13 will13 find13 it13 easier13 to13 process13 and13 remember13 the13 concepts13 13

bullBy13 con3nually13 changing13 slides13 students13 will13 stay13 interested13 in13 the13 presenta3onbullTo13 facilitate13 class13 discussion13 and13 cri3cal13 thinking13 13 Students13 should13 be13 encouraged13 to13 think13 about13 ldquowhat13 might13 come13 nextrdquo13 in13 the13 series13 of13 slides13 13

bullPlease13 feel13 free13 to13 contact13 me13 at13 kkorekgermantownk12wius13 with13 any13 ques3ons13 concerns13 sugges3ons13 etc13 regarding13 these13 presenta3ons13

Kent13 Korek

Germantown13 High13 School

Germantown13 WI13 53022

Wednesday March 6 13

Division title (green print)subdivision title (blue print)


Wednesday March 6 13

Division title (green print)

Use13 this13 slide13 to13 add13 a13 table13 chart13 clip13 art13 picture13 diagram13 or13 video13 clip13 13 Delete13 this13 box13 when13 finished

Wednesday March 6 13

Definition Slide

= add definition here

Wednesday March 6 13


Wednesday March 6 13


= the persistence of learning over time through the storage and retrieval of information

Wednesday March 6 13


= the processing of information into the memory systems ndash for example by extracting meaning

Wednesday March 6 13


= the retention of encoded information over time

Wednesday March 6 13


= the process of getting information out of memory storage

Wednesday March 6 13

Sensory Memory

= the immediate very brief recording of sensory information in the memory system

Wednesday March 6 13

Short-term Memory

= activated memory that holds a few items briefly such as the seven digits of a phone number while dialing before the information is stored or forgotten

Wednesday March 6 13

Long-term Memory

= the relatively permanent and limitless storehouse of the memory system Includes knowledge skills and experiences

Wednesday March 6 13

Working Memory

= a newer understanding of short-term memory that focuses on conscious active processing of incoming auditory and visual-spatial information and of information retrieved from long-term memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Parallel Processing

= the processing of many aspects of a problem simultaneously the brainrsquos natural mode of information processing for many functions Contrasts with the step-by-step (serial) processing of most computers and of conscious problem solving

Wednesday March 6 13

Automatic Processing

= unconscious encoding of incidental information such as space time and frequency and of well-learned information such as word meanings

Wednesday March 6 13

Effortful Processing

= encoding that requires attention and conscious effort

Wednesday March 6 13


= the conscious repetition of information either to maintain it in consciousness or to encode it for storage

Wednesday March 6 13

Spacing Effect

= the tendency for distributed study or practice to yield better long-term retention than is achieved through massed study or practice

Wednesday March 6 13

Serial Position Effect

= our tendency to recall best the last and first items in a list

Wednesday March 6 13

Visual Encoding

= the encoding of picture images

Wednesday March 6 13

Acoustic Encoding

= the encoding of sound especially the sound of words

Wednesday March 6 13

Semantic Encoding

= the encoding of meaning including the meaning of words

Wednesday March 6 13


= mental pictures a powerful aid to effortful processing especially when combined with semantic encoding

Wednesday March 6 13


= memory aids especially those techniques that use vivid imagery and organizational devices

Wednesday March 6 13


= organizing items into familiar manageable units often occurs automatically

Wednesday March 6 13

Iconic Memory

= a momentary sensory memory of visual stimuli a photographic or picture-image memory lasting no more than a few tenths of a second

Wednesday March 6 13

Echoic Memory

= a momentary sensory memory of auditory stimuli if attention is elsewhere sounds and words can still be recalled within 3 or 4 seconds

Wednesday March 6 13

Long-term Potentiation (LTP)

= an increase in a synapsersquos firing potential after brief rapid stimulation Believed to be a neural basis for learning and memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Flashbulb Memory

= a clear memory of an emotionally significant moment or event

Wednesday March 6 13


= loss of memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Implicit Memory

= retention independent of conscious recollection (Also called nondeclarative or procedural memory)

Wednesday March 6 13

Explicit Memory

= memory of facts and experiences that one can consciously know and ldquodeclarerdquo (Also called declarative memory)

Wednesday March 6 13


= a neural center that is located in the limbic system helps process explicit memories for storage

Wednesday March 6 13


= a measure of memory in which the person must retrieve information learning earlier as on a fill-in-the-blank test

Wednesday March 6 13


= a measure of memory in which the person need only identify items previously learned as on a multiple-choice test

Wednesday March 6 13


= a measure of memory that assesses the amount of time saved when learning material for a second time

Wednesday March 6 13


= the activation often unconsciously of particular associations in memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Deja Vu

= that eerie sense that ldquoIrsquove experienced this beforerdquo Cues from the current situation may subconsciously trigger retrieval of an earlier experience

Wednesday March 6 13

Mood Congruent Memory

= the tendency to recall experiences that are consistent with onersquos current good or bad mood

Wednesday March 6 13

Proactive Interference

= the disruptive effect of prior learning on the recall of new information

Wednesday March 6 13

Retroactive Interference

= the disruptive effect of new learning on the recall of old information

Wednesday March 6 13


= in psychoanalytic theory the basic defense mechanism that banishes from consciousness anxiety-arousing thoughts feelings and memories

Wednesday March 6 13

Misinformation Effect

= incorporating misleading information into onersquos memory of an event

Wednesday March 6 13

Source Amnesia

= attributing to the wrong source an event we have experienced heard about read about or imagined (Also called source misattribution) Source amnesia along with the misinformation effect is at the heart of many false memories

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 FailureInterference

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 FailureInterference

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval FailureMotivated Forgetting

bullSelf-serving personal historiesbullRepression

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval FailureMotivated Forgetting

bullSelf-serving personal historiesbullRepression

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval FailureMotivated Forgetting

bullSelf-serving personal historiesbullRepression

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval FailureMotivated Forgetting

bullSelf-serving personal historiesbullRepression

Wednesday March 6 13

Memory Construction

Wednesday March 6 13

Misinformation and Imagination Effects

bullLoftus memory studiesbullMisinforma3on13 effect

Wednesday March 6 13

Source Amnesia

bullSource13 amnesia13 (source misattribution)

Wednesday March 6 13

Discerning True and False Memories

bullMemory studiesbullEye witness testimony

Wednesday March 6 13

Childrenrsquos Eyewitness Recall

bullChildrenrsquos memories of abusebullSuggestibility

Wednesday March 6 13

Repressed or Constructed Memories of Abuse

bullAreas of agreementbullSexual abuse happensbullInjustice happensbullForgetting happensbullRecovered memories are incompletebullMemories before 3 years are unreliablebullHypnotic memories are unreliablebullMemories can be emotionally upsetting

Wednesday March 6 13

Repressed or Constructed Memories of Abuse

bullLoftus studies with children

Wednesday March 6 13

Improving Memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Improving Memory TechniquesbullStudy repeatedlybullMake the material meaningfulbullActivate retrieval cuesbullUse mnemonic devicesbullMinimize interferencebullSleep morebullTest your own knowledge both to rehearse it and to help determine what you do not yet

Wednesday March 6 13

The End

Wednesday March 6 13

Teacher13 Informa3onbullTypes13 of13 Files

bullThis13 presenta3on13 has13 been13 saved13 as13 a13 ldquobasicrdquo13 Powerpoint13 file13 13 While13 this13 file13 format13 placed13 a13 few13 limita3ons13 on13 the13 presenta3on13 it13 insured13 the13 file13 would13 be13 compa3ble13 with13 the13 many13 versions13 of13 Powerpoint13 teachers13 use13 13 To13 add13 func3onality13 to13 the13 presenta3on13 teachers13 may13 want13 to13 save13 the13 file13 for13 their13 specific13 version13 of13 Powerpoint

bullAnima0onbullOnce13 again13 to13 insure13 compa3bility13 with13 all13 versions13 of13 Powerpoint13 none13 of13 the13 slides13 are13 animated13 13 To13 increase13 student13 interest13 it13 is13 suggested13 teachers13 animate13 the13 slides13 wherever13 possible

bullAdding13 slides13 to13 this13 presenta0onbullTeachers13 are13 encouraged13 to13 adapt13 this13 presenta3on13 to13 their13 personal13 teaching13 style13 13 To13 help13 keep13 a13 sense13 of13 con3nuity13 blank13 slides13 which13 can13 be13 copied13 and13 pasted13 to13 a13 specific13 loca3on13 in13 the13 presenta3on13 follow13 this13 ldquoTeacher13 Informa3onrdquo13 sec3on13 13 13

Wednesday March 6 13

Teacher13 Informa3onbullHyperlink13 Slides13 -shy‐13 This13 presenta3on13 contain13 two13 types13 of13 hyperlinks13 13 Hyperlinks13 can13 be13 iden3fied13 by13 the13 text13 being13 underlined13 and13 a13 different13 color13 (usually13 purple)

bullUnit13 subsec0ons13 hyperlinks13 13 Immediately13 aer13 the13 unit13 3tle13 slide13 a13 page13 (slide13 3)13 can13 be13 found13 lis3ng13 all13 of13 the13 unitrsquos13 subsec3ons13 13 While13 in13 slide13 show13 mode13 clicking13 on13 any13 of13 these13 hyperlinks13 will13 take13 the13 user13 directly13 to13 the13 beginning13 of13 that13 subsec3on13 13 This13 allows13 teachers13 quick13 access13 to13 each13 subsec3on

bullBold13 print13 term13 hyperlinks13 13 Every13 bold13 print13 term13 from13 the13 unit13 is13 included13 in13 this13 presenta3on13 as13 a13 hyperlink13 13 While13 in13 slide13 show13 mode13 clicking13 on13 any13 of13 the13 hyperlinks13 will13 take13 the13 user13 to13 a13 slide13 containing13 the13 formal13 defini3on13 of13 the13 term13 13 Clicking13 on13 the13 ldquoarrowrdquo13 in13 the13 boaom13 le13 corner13 of13 the13 defini3on13 slide13 will13 take13 the13 user13 back13 to13 the13 original13 point13 in13 the13 presenta3on13

13 These13 hyperlinks13 were13 included13 for13 teachers13 who13 want13 students13 to13 see13 or13 copy13 down13 the13 exact13 defini3on13 as13 stated13 in13 the13 text13 13 Most13 teachers13 prefer13 the13 defini3ons13 not13 be13 included13 to13 prevent13 students13 from13 only13 ldquocopying13 down13 what13 is13 on13 the13 screenrdquo13 and13 not13 ac3vely13 listening13 to13 the13 presenta3on

13 For13 teachers13 who13 con3nually13 use13 the13 Bold13 Print13 Term13 Hyperlinks13 op3on13 please13 contact13 the13 author13 using13 the13 email13 address13 on13 the13 next13 slide13 to13 learn13 a13 technique13 to13 expedite13 the13 returning13 to13 the13 original13 point13 in13 the13 presenta3on

Wednesday March 6 13

Teacher13 Informa3onbullCon0nuity13 slides

bullThroughout13 this13 presenta3on13 there13 are13 slides13 usually13 of13 graphics13 or13 tables13 that13 build13 on13 one13 another13 13 These13 are13 included13 for13 three13 purposes13 13

bullBy13 presen3ng13 informa3on13 in13 small13 chunks13 students13 will13 find13 it13 easier13 to13 process13 and13 remember13 the13 concepts13 13

bullBy13 con3nually13 changing13 slides13 students13 will13 stay13 interested13 in13 the13 presenta3onbullTo13 facilitate13 class13 discussion13 and13 cri3cal13 thinking13 13 Students13 should13 be13 encouraged13 to13 think13 about13 ldquowhat13 might13 come13 nextrdquo13 in13 the13 series13 of13 slides13 13

bullPlease13 feel13 free13 to13 contact13 me13 at13 kkorekgermantownk12wius13 with13 any13 ques3ons13 concerns13 sugges3ons13 etc13 regarding13 these13 presenta3ons13

Kent13 Korek

Germantown13 High13 School

Germantown13 WI13 53022

Wednesday March 6 13

Division title (green print)subdivision title (blue print)


Wednesday March 6 13

Division title (green print)

Use13 this13 slide13 to13 add13 a13 table13 chart13 clip13 art13 picture13 diagram13 or13 video13 clip13 13 Delete13 this13 box13 when13 finished

Wednesday March 6 13

Definition Slide

= add definition here

Wednesday March 6 13


Wednesday March 6 13


= the persistence of learning over time through the storage and retrieval of information

Wednesday March 6 13


= the processing of information into the memory systems ndash for example by extracting meaning

Wednesday March 6 13


= the retention of encoded information over time

Wednesday March 6 13


= the process of getting information out of memory storage

Wednesday March 6 13

Sensory Memory

= the immediate very brief recording of sensory information in the memory system

Wednesday March 6 13

Short-term Memory

= activated memory that holds a few items briefly such as the seven digits of a phone number while dialing before the information is stored or forgotten

Wednesday March 6 13

Long-term Memory

= the relatively permanent and limitless storehouse of the memory system Includes knowledge skills and experiences

Wednesday March 6 13

Working Memory

= a newer understanding of short-term memory that focuses on conscious active processing of incoming auditory and visual-spatial information and of information retrieved from long-term memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Parallel Processing

= the processing of many aspects of a problem simultaneously the brainrsquos natural mode of information processing for many functions Contrasts with the step-by-step (serial) processing of most computers and of conscious problem solving

Wednesday March 6 13

Automatic Processing

= unconscious encoding of incidental information such as space time and frequency and of well-learned information such as word meanings

Wednesday March 6 13

Effortful Processing

= encoding that requires attention and conscious effort

Wednesday March 6 13


= the conscious repetition of information either to maintain it in consciousness or to encode it for storage

Wednesday March 6 13

Spacing Effect

= the tendency for distributed study or practice to yield better long-term retention than is achieved through massed study or practice

Wednesday March 6 13

Serial Position Effect

= our tendency to recall best the last and first items in a list

Wednesday March 6 13

Visual Encoding

= the encoding of picture images

Wednesday March 6 13

Acoustic Encoding

= the encoding of sound especially the sound of words

Wednesday March 6 13

Semantic Encoding

= the encoding of meaning including the meaning of words

Wednesday March 6 13


= mental pictures a powerful aid to effortful processing especially when combined with semantic encoding

Wednesday March 6 13


= memory aids especially those techniques that use vivid imagery and organizational devices

Wednesday March 6 13


= organizing items into familiar manageable units often occurs automatically

Wednesday March 6 13

Iconic Memory

= a momentary sensory memory of visual stimuli a photographic or picture-image memory lasting no more than a few tenths of a second

Wednesday March 6 13

Echoic Memory

= a momentary sensory memory of auditory stimuli if attention is elsewhere sounds and words can still be recalled within 3 or 4 seconds

Wednesday March 6 13

Long-term Potentiation (LTP)

= an increase in a synapsersquos firing potential after brief rapid stimulation Believed to be a neural basis for learning and memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Flashbulb Memory

= a clear memory of an emotionally significant moment or event

Wednesday March 6 13


= loss of memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Implicit Memory

= retention independent of conscious recollection (Also called nondeclarative or procedural memory)

Wednesday March 6 13

Explicit Memory

= memory of facts and experiences that one can consciously know and ldquodeclarerdquo (Also called declarative memory)

Wednesday March 6 13


= a neural center that is located in the limbic system helps process explicit memories for storage

Wednesday March 6 13


= a measure of memory in which the person must retrieve information learning earlier as on a fill-in-the-blank test

Wednesday March 6 13


= a measure of memory in which the person need only identify items previously learned as on a multiple-choice test

Wednesday March 6 13


= a measure of memory that assesses the amount of time saved when learning material for a second time

Wednesday March 6 13


= the activation often unconsciously of particular associations in memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Deja Vu

= that eerie sense that ldquoIrsquove experienced this beforerdquo Cues from the current situation may subconsciously trigger retrieval of an earlier experience

Wednesday March 6 13

Mood Congruent Memory

= the tendency to recall experiences that are consistent with onersquos current good or bad mood

Wednesday March 6 13

Proactive Interference

= the disruptive effect of prior learning on the recall of new information

Wednesday March 6 13

Retroactive Interference

= the disruptive effect of new learning on the recall of old information

Wednesday March 6 13


= in psychoanalytic theory the basic defense mechanism that banishes from consciousness anxiety-arousing thoughts feelings and memories

Wednesday March 6 13

Misinformation Effect

= incorporating misleading information into onersquos memory of an event

Wednesday March 6 13

Source Amnesia

= attributing to the wrong source an event we have experienced heard about read about or imagined (Also called source misattribution) Source amnesia along with the misinformation effect is at the heart of many false memories

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval13 FailureInterference

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval FailureMotivated Forgetting

bullSelf-serving personal historiesbullRepression

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval FailureMotivated Forgetting

bullSelf-serving personal historiesbullRepression

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval FailureMotivated Forgetting

bullSelf-serving personal historiesbullRepression

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval FailureMotivated Forgetting

bullSelf-serving personal historiesbullRepression

Wednesday March 6 13

Memory Construction

Wednesday March 6 13

Misinformation and Imagination Effects

bullLoftus memory studiesbullMisinforma3on13 effect

Wednesday March 6 13

Source Amnesia

bullSource13 amnesia13 (source misattribution)

Wednesday March 6 13

Discerning True and False Memories

bullMemory studiesbullEye witness testimony

Wednesday March 6 13

Childrenrsquos Eyewitness Recall

bullChildrenrsquos memories of abusebullSuggestibility

Wednesday March 6 13

Repressed or Constructed Memories of Abuse

bullAreas of agreementbullSexual abuse happensbullInjustice happensbullForgetting happensbullRecovered memories are incompletebullMemories before 3 years are unreliablebullHypnotic memories are unreliablebullMemories can be emotionally upsetting

Wednesday March 6 13

Repressed or Constructed Memories of Abuse

bullLoftus studies with children

Wednesday March 6 13

Improving Memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Improving Memory TechniquesbullStudy repeatedlybullMake the material meaningfulbullActivate retrieval cuesbullUse mnemonic devicesbullMinimize interferencebullSleep morebullTest your own knowledge both to rehearse it and to help determine what you do not yet

Wednesday March 6 13

The End

Wednesday March 6 13

Teacher13 Informa3onbullTypes13 of13 Files

bullThis13 presenta3on13 has13 been13 saved13 as13 a13 ldquobasicrdquo13 Powerpoint13 file13 13 While13 this13 file13 format13 placed13 a13 few13 limita3ons13 on13 the13 presenta3on13 it13 insured13 the13 file13 would13 be13 compa3ble13 with13 the13 many13 versions13 of13 Powerpoint13 teachers13 use13 13 To13 add13 func3onality13 to13 the13 presenta3on13 teachers13 may13 want13 to13 save13 the13 file13 for13 their13 specific13 version13 of13 Powerpoint

bullAnima0onbullOnce13 again13 to13 insure13 compa3bility13 with13 all13 versions13 of13 Powerpoint13 none13 of13 the13 slides13 are13 animated13 13 To13 increase13 student13 interest13 it13 is13 suggested13 teachers13 animate13 the13 slides13 wherever13 possible

bullAdding13 slides13 to13 this13 presenta0onbullTeachers13 are13 encouraged13 to13 adapt13 this13 presenta3on13 to13 their13 personal13 teaching13 style13 13 To13 help13 keep13 a13 sense13 of13 con3nuity13 blank13 slides13 which13 can13 be13 copied13 and13 pasted13 to13 a13 specific13 loca3on13 in13 the13 presenta3on13 follow13 this13 ldquoTeacher13 Informa3onrdquo13 sec3on13 13 13

Wednesday March 6 13

Teacher13 Informa3onbullHyperlink13 Slides13 -shy‐13 This13 presenta3on13 contain13 two13 types13 of13 hyperlinks13 13 Hyperlinks13 can13 be13 iden3fied13 by13 the13 text13 being13 underlined13 and13 a13 different13 color13 (usually13 purple)

bullUnit13 subsec0ons13 hyperlinks13 13 Immediately13 aer13 the13 unit13 3tle13 slide13 a13 page13 (slide13 3)13 can13 be13 found13 lis3ng13 all13 of13 the13 unitrsquos13 subsec3ons13 13 While13 in13 slide13 show13 mode13 clicking13 on13 any13 of13 these13 hyperlinks13 will13 take13 the13 user13 directly13 to13 the13 beginning13 of13 that13 subsec3on13 13 This13 allows13 teachers13 quick13 access13 to13 each13 subsec3on

bullBold13 print13 term13 hyperlinks13 13 Every13 bold13 print13 term13 from13 the13 unit13 is13 included13 in13 this13 presenta3on13 as13 a13 hyperlink13 13 While13 in13 slide13 show13 mode13 clicking13 on13 any13 of13 the13 hyperlinks13 will13 take13 the13 user13 to13 a13 slide13 containing13 the13 formal13 defini3on13 of13 the13 term13 13 Clicking13 on13 the13 ldquoarrowrdquo13 in13 the13 boaom13 le13 corner13 of13 the13 defini3on13 slide13 will13 take13 the13 user13 back13 to13 the13 original13 point13 in13 the13 presenta3on13

13 These13 hyperlinks13 were13 included13 for13 teachers13 who13 want13 students13 to13 see13 or13 copy13 down13 the13 exact13 defini3on13 as13 stated13 in13 the13 text13 13 Most13 teachers13 prefer13 the13 defini3ons13 not13 be13 included13 to13 prevent13 students13 from13 only13 ldquocopying13 down13 what13 is13 on13 the13 screenrdquo13 and13 not13 ac3vely13 listening13 to13 the13 presenta3on

13 For13 teachers13 who13 con3nually13 use13 the13 Bold13 Print13 Term13 Hyperlinks13 op3on13 please13 contact13 the13 author13 using13 the13 email13 address13 on13 the13 next13 slide13 to13 learn13 a13 technique13 to13 expedite13 the13 returning13 to13 the13 original13 point13 in13 the13 presenta3on

Wednesday March 6 13

Teacher13 Informa3onbullCon0nuity13 slides

bullThroughout13 this13 presenta3on13 there13 are13 slides13 usually13 of13 graphics13 or13 tables13 that13 build13 on13 one13 another13 13 These13 are13 included13 for13 three13 purposes13 13

bullBy13 presen3ng13 informa3on13 in13 small13 chunks13 students13 will13 find13 it13 easier13 to13 process13 and13 remember13 the13 concepts13 13

bullBy13 con3nually13 changing13 slides13 students13 will13 stay13 interested13 in13 the13 presenta3onbullTo13 facilitate13 class13 discussion13 and13 cri3cal13 thinking13 13 Students13 should13 be13 encouraged13 to13 think13 about13 ldquowhat13 might13 come13 nextrdquo13 in13 the13 series13 of13 slides13 13

bullPlease13 feel13 free13 to13 contact13 me13 at13 kkorekgermantownk12wius13 with13 any13 ques3ons13 concerns13 sugges3ons13 etc13 regarding13 these13 presenta3ons13

Kent13 Korek

Germantown13 High13 School

Germantown13 WI13 53022

Wednesday March 6 13

Division title (green print)subdivision title (blue print)


Wednesday March 6 13

Division title (green print)

Use13 this13 slide13 to13 add13 a13 table13 chart13 clip13 art13 picture13 diagram13 or13 video13 clip13 13 Delete13 this13 box13 when13 finished

Wednesday March 6 13

Definition Slide

= add definition here

Wednesday March 6 13


Wednesday March 6 13


= the persistence of learning over time through the storage and retrieval of information

Wednesday March 6 13


= the processing of information into the memory systems ndash for example by extracting meaning

Wednesday March 6 13


= the retention of encoded information over time

Wednesday March 6 13


= the process of getting information out of memory storage

Wednesday March 6 13

Sensory Memory

= the immediate very brief recording of sensory information in the memory system

Wednesday March 6 13

Short-term Memory

= activated memory that holds a few items briefly such as the seven digits of a phone number while dialing before the information is stored or forgotten

Wednesday March 6 13

Long-term Memory

= the relatively permanent and limitless storehouse of the memory system Includes knowledge skills and experiences

Wednesday March 6 13

Working Memory

= a newer understanding of short-term memory that focuses on conscious active processing of incoming auditory and visual-spatial information and of information retrieved from long-term memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Parallel Processing

= the processing of many aspects of a problem simultaneously the brainrsquos natural mode of information processing for many functions Contrasts with the step-by-step (serial) processing of most computers and of conscious problem solving

Wednesday March 6 13

Automatic Processing

= unconscious encoding of incidental information such as space time and frequency and of well-learned information such as word meanings

Wednesday March 6 13

Effortful Processing

= encoding that requires attention and conscious effort

Wednesday March 6 13


= the conscious repetition of information either to maintain it in consciousness or to encode it for storage

Wednesday March 6 13

Spacing Effect

= the tendency for distributed study or practice to yield better long-term retention than is achieved through massed study or practice

Wednesday March 6 13

Serial Position Effect

= our tendency to recall best the last and first items in a list

Wednesday March 6 13

Visual Encoding

= the encoding of picture images

Wednesday March 6 13

Acoustic Encoding

= the encoding of sound especially the sound of words

Wednesday March 6 13

Semantic Encoding

= the encoding of meaning including the meaning of words

Wednesday March 6 13


= mental pictures a powerful aid to effortful processing especially when combined with semantic encoding

Wednesday March 6 13


= memory aids especially those techniques that use vivid imagery and organizational devices

Wednesday March 6 13


= organizing items into familiar manageable units often occurs automatically

Wednesday March 6 13

Iconic Memory

= a momentary sensory memory of visual stimuli a photographic or picture-image memory lasting no more than a few tenths of a second

Wednesday March 6 13

Echoic Memory

= a momentary sensory memory of auditory stimuli if attention is elsewhere sounds and words can still be recalled within 3 or 4 seconds

Wednesday March 6 13

Long-term Potentiation (LTP)

= an increase in a synapsersquos firing potential after brief rapid stimulation Believed to be a neural basis for learning and memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Flashbulb Memory

= a clear memory of an emotionally significant moment or event

Wednesday March 6 13


= loss of memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Implicit Memory

= retention independent of conscious recollection (Also called nondeclarative or procedural memory)

Wednesday March 6 13

Explicit Memory

= memory of facts and experiences that one can consciously know and ldquodeclarerdquo (Also called declarative memory)

Wednesday March 6 13


= a neural center that is located in the limbic system helps process explicit memories for storage

Wednesday March 6 13


= a measure of memory in which the person must retrieve information learning earlier as on a fill-in-the-blank test

Wednesday March 6 13


= a measure of memory in which the person need only identify items previously learned as on a multiple-choice test

Wednesday March 6 13


= a measure of memory that assesses the amount of time saved when learning material for a second time

Wednesday March 6 13


= the activation often unconsciously of particular associations in memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Deja Vu

= that eerie sense that ldquoIrsquove experienced this beforerdquo Cues from the current situation may subconsciously trigger retrieval of an earlier experience

Wednesday March 6 13

Mood Congruent Memory

= the tendency to recall experiences that are consistent with onersquos current good or bad mood

Wednesday March 6 13

Proactive Interference

= the disruptive effect of prior learning on the recall of new information

Wednesday March 6 13

Retroactive Interference

= the disruptive effect of new learning on the recall of old information

Wednesday March 6 13


= in psychoanalytic theory the basic defense mechanism that banishes from consciousness anxiety-arousing thoughts feelings and memories

Wednesday March 6 13

Misinformation Effect

= incorporating misleading information into onersquos memory of an event

Wednesday March 6 13

Source Amnesia

= attributing to the wrong source an event we have experienced heard about read about or imagined (Also called source misattribution) Source amnesia along with the misinformation effect is at the heart of many false memories

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval FailureMotivated Forgetting

bullSelf-serving personal historiesbullRepression

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval FailureMotivated Forgetting

bullSelf-serving personal historiesbullRepression

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval FailureMotivated Forgetting

bullSelf-serving personal historiesbullRepression

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval FailureMotivated Forgetting

bullSelf-serving personal historiesbullRepression

Wednesday March 6 13

Memory Construction

Wednesday March 6 13

Misinformation and Imagination Effects

bullLoftus memory studiesbullMisinforma3on13 effect

Wednesday March 6 13

Source Amnesia

bullSource13 amnesia13 (source misattribution)

Wednesday March 6 13

Discerning True and False Memories

bullMemory studiesbullEye witness testimony

Wednesday March 6 13

Childrenrsquos Eyewitness Recall

bullChildrenrsquos memories of abusebullSuggestibility

Wednesday March 6 13

Repressed or Constructed Memories of Abuse

bullAreas of agreementbullSexual abuse happensbullInjustice happensbullForgetting happensbullRecovered memories are incompletebullMemories before 3 years are unreliablebullHypnotic memories are unreliablebullMemories can be emotionally upsetting

Wednesday March 6 13

Repressed or Constructed Memories of Abuse

bullLoftus studies with children

Wednesday March 6 13

Improving Memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Improving Memory TechniquesbullStudy repeatedlybullMake the material meaningfulbullActivate retrieval cuesbullUse mnemonic devicesbullMinimize interferencebullSleep morebullTest your own knowledge both to rehearse it and to help determine what you do not yet

Wednesday March 6 13

The End

Wednesday March 6 13

Teacher13 Informa3onbullTypes13 of13 Files

bullThis13 presenta3on13 has13 been13 saved13 as13 a13 ldquobasicrdquo13 Powerpoint13 file13 13 While13 this13 file13 format13 placed13 a13 few13 limita3ons13 on13 the13 presenta3on13 it13 insured13 the13 file13 would13 be13 compa3ble13 with13 the13 many13 versions13 of13 Powerpoint13 teachers13 use13 13 To13 add13 func3onality13 to13 the13 presenta3on13 teachers13 may13 want13 to13 save13 the13 file13 for13 their13 specific13 version13 of13 Powerpoint

bullAnima0onbullOnce13 again13 to13 insure13 compa3bility13 with13 all13 versions13 of13 Powerpoint13 none13 of13 the13 slides13 are13 animated13 13 To13 increase13 student13 interest13 it13 is13 suggested13 teachers13 animate13 the13 slides13 wherever13 possible

bullAdding13 slides13 to13 this13 presenta0onbullTeachers13 are13 encouraged13 to13 adapt13 this13 presenta3on13 to13 their13 personal13 teaching13 style13 13 To13 help13 keep13 a13 sense13 of13 con3nuity13 blank13 slides13 which13 can13 be13 copied13 and13 pasted13 to13 a13 specific13 loca3on13 in13 the13 presenta3on13 follow13 this13 ldquoTeacher13 Informa3onrdquo13 sec3on13 13 13

Wednesday March 6 13

Teacher13 Informa3onbullHyperlink13 Slides13 -shy‐13 This13 presenta3on13 contain13 two13 types13 of13 hyperlinks13 13 Hyperlinks13 can13 be13 iden3fied13 by13 the13 text13 being13 underlined13 and13 a13 different13 color13 (usually13 purple)

bullUnit13 subsec0ons13 hyperlinks13 13 Immediately13 aer13 the13 unit13 3tle13 slide13 a13 page13 (slide13 3)13 can13 be13 found13 lis3ng13 all13 of13 the13 unitrsquos13 subsec3ons13 13 While13 in13 slide13 show13 mode13 clicking13 on13 any13 of13 these13 hyperlinks13 will13 take13 the13 user13 directly13 to13 the13 beginning13 of13 that13 subsec3on13 13 This13 allows13 teachers13 quick13 access13 to13 each13 subsec3on

bullBold13 print13 term13 hyperlinks13 13 Every13 bold13 print13 term13 from13 the13 unit13 is13 included13 in13 this13 presenta3on13 as13 a13 hyperlink13 13 While13 in13 slide13 show13 mode13 clicking13 on13 any13 of13 the13 hyperlinks13 will13 take13 the13 user13 to13 a13 slide13 containing13 the13 formal13 defini3on13 of13 the13 term13 13 Clicking13 on13 the13 ldquoarrowrdquo13 in13 the13 boaom13 le13 corner13 of13 the13 defini3on13 slide13 will13 take13 the13 user13 back13 to13 the13 original13 point13 in13 the13 presenta3on13

13 These13 hyperlinks13 were13 included13 for13 teachers13 who13 want13 students13 to13 see13 or13 copy13 down13 the13 exact13 defini3on13 as13 stated13 in13 the13 text13 13 Most13 teachers13 prefer13 the13 defini3ons13 not13 be13 included13 to13 prevent13 students13 from13 only13 ldquocopying13 down13 what13 is13 on13 the13 screenrdquo13 and13 not13 ac3vely13 listening13 to13 the13 presenta3on

13 For13 teachers13 who13 con3nually13 use13 the13 Bold13 Print13 Term13 Hyperlinks13 op3on13 please13 contact13 the13 author13 using13 the13 email13 address13 on13 the13 next13 slide13 to13 learn13 a13 technique13 to13 expedite13 the13 returning13 to13 the13 original13 point13 in13 the13 presenta3on

Wednesday March 6 13

Teacher13 Informa3onbullCon0nuity13 slides

bullThroughout13 this13 presenta3on13 there13 are13 slides13 usually13 of13 graphics13 or13 tables13 that13 build13 on13 one13 another13 13 These13 are13 included13 for13 three13 purposes13 13

bullBy13 presen3ng13 informa3on13 in13 small13 chunks13 students13 will13 find13 it13 easier13 to13 process13 and13 remember13 the13 concepts13 13

bullBy13 con3nually13 changing13 slides13 students13 will13 stay13 interested13 in13 the13 presenta3onbullTo13 facilitate13 class13 discussion13 and13 cri3cal13 thinking13 13 Students13 should13 be13 encouraged13 to13 think13 about13 ldquowhat13 might13 come13 nextrdquo13 in13 the13 series13 of13 slides13 13

bullPlease13 feel13 free13 to13 contact13 me13 at13 kkorekgermantownk12wius13 with13 any13 ques3ons13 concerns13 sugges3ons13 etc13 regarding13 these13 presenta3ons13

Kent13 Korek

Germantown13 High13 School

Germantown13 WI13 53022

Wednesday March 6 13

Division title (green print)subdivision title (blue print)


Wednesday March 6 13

Division title (green print)

Use13 this13 slide13 to13 add13 a13 table13 chart13 clip13 art13 picture13 diagram13 or13 video13 clip13 13 Delete13 this13 box13 when13 finished

Wednesday March 6 13

Definition Slide

= add definition here

Wednesday March 6 13


Wednesday March 6 13


= the persistence of learning over time through the storage and retrieval of information

Wednesday March 6 13


= the processing of information into the memory systems ndash for example by extracting meaning

Wednesday March 6 13


= the retention of encoded information over time

Wednesday March 6 13


= the process of getting information out of memory storage

Wednesday March 6 13

Sensory Memory

= the immediate very brief recording of sensory information in the memory system

Wednesday March 6 13

Short-term Memory

= activated memory that holds a few items briefly such as the seven digits of a phone number while dialing before the information is stored or forgotten

Wednesday March 6 13

Long-term Memory

= the relatively permanent and limitless storehouse of the memory system Includes knowledge skills and experiences

Wednesday March 6 13

Working Memory

= a newer understanding of short-term memory that focuses on conscious active processing of incoming auditory and visual-spatial information and of information retrieved from long-term memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Parallel Processing

= the processing of many aspects of a problem simultaneously the brainrsquos natural mode of information processing for many functions Contrasts with the step-by-step (serial) processing of most computers and of conscious problem solving

Wednesday March 6 13

Automatic Processing

= unconscious encoding of incidental information such as space time and frequency and of well-learned information such as word meanings

Wednesday March 6 13

Effortful Processing

= encoding that requires attention and conscious effort

Wednesday March 6 13


= the conscious repetition of information either to maintain it in consciousness or to encode it for storage

Wednesday March 6 13

Spacing Effect

= the tendency for distributed study or practice to yield better long-term retention than is achieved through massed study or practice

Wednesday March 6 13

Serial Position Effect

= our tendency to recall best the last and first items in a list

Wednesday March 6 13

Visual Encoding

= the encoding of picture images

Wednesday March 6 13

Acoustic Encoding

= the encoding of sound especially the sound of words

Wednesday March 6 13

Semantic Encoding

= the encoding of meaning including the meaning of words

Wednesday March 6 13


= mental pictures a powerful aid to effortful processing especially when combined with semantic encoding

Wednesday March 6 13


= memory aids especially those techniques that use vivid imagery and organizational devices

Wednesday March 6 13


= organizing items into familiar manageable units often occurs automatically

Wednesday March 6 13

Iconic Memory

= a momentary sensory memory of visual stimuli a photographic or picture-image memory lasting no more than a few tenths of a second

Wednesday March 6 13

Echoic Memory

= a momentary sensory memory of auditory stimuli if attention is elsewhere sounds and words can still be recalled within 3 or 4 seconds

Wednesday March 6 13

Long-term Potentiation (LTP)

= an increase in a synapsersquos firing potential after brief rapid stimulation Believed to be a neural basis for learning and memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Flashbulb Memory

= a clear memory of an emotionally significant moment or event

Wednesday March 6 13


= loss of memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Implicit Memory

= retention independent of conscious recollection (Also called nondeclarative or procedural memory)

Wednesday March 6 13

Explicit Memory

= memory of facts and experiences that one can consciously know and ldquodeclarerdquo (Also called declarative memory)

Wednesday March 6 13


= a neural center that is located in the limbic system helps process explicit memories for storage

Wednesday March 6 13


= a measure of memory in which the person must retrieve information learning earlier as on a fill-in-the-blank test

Wednesday March 6 13


= a measure of memory in which the person need only identify items previously learned as on a multiple-choice test

Wednesday March 6 13


= a measure of memory that assesses the amount of time saved when learning material for a second time

Wednesday March 6 13


= the activation often unconsciously of particular associations in memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Deja Vu

= that eerie sense that ldquoIrsquove experienced this beforerdquo Cues from the current situation may subconsciously trigger retrieval of an earlier experience

Wednesday March 6 13

Mood Congruent Memory

= the tendency to recall experiences that are consistent with onersquos current good or bad mood

Wednesday March 6 13

Proactive Interference

= the disruptive effect of prior learning on the recall of new information

Wednesday March 6 13

Retroactive Interference

= the disruptive effect of new learning on the recall of old information

Wednesday March 6 13


= in psychoanalytic theory the basic defense mechanism that banishes from consciousness anxiety-arousing thoughts feelings and memories

Wednesday March 6 13

Misinformation Effect

= incorporating misleading information into onersquos memory of an event

Wednesday March 6 13

Source Amnesia

= attributing to the wrong source an event we have experienced heard about read about or imagined (Also called source misattribution) Source amnesia along with the misinformation effect is at the heart of many false memories

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval FailureMotivated Forgetting

bullSelf-serving personal historiesbullRepression

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval FailureMotivated Forgetting

bullSelf-serving personal historiesbullRepression

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval FailureMotivated Forgetting

bullSelf-serving personal historiesbullRepression

Wednesday March 6 13

Memory Construction

Wednesday March 6 13

Misinformation and Imagination Effects

bullLoftus memory studiesbullMisinforma3on13 effect

Wednesday March 6 13

Source Amnesia

bullSource13 amnesia13 (source misattribution)

Wednesday March 6 13

Discerning True and False Memories

bullMemory studiesbullEye witness testimony

Wednesday March 6 13

Childrenrsquos Eyewitness Recall

bullChildrenrsquos memories of abusebullSuggestibility

Wednesday March 6 13

Repressed or Constructed Memories of Abuse

bullAreas of agreementbullSexual abuse happensbullInjustice happensbullForgetting happensbullRecovered memories are incompletebullMemories before 3 years are unreliablebullHypnotic memories are unreliablebullMemories can be emotionally upsetting

Wednesday March 6 13

Repressed or Constructed Memories of Abuse

bullLoftus studies with children

Wednesday March 6 13

Improving Memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Improving Memory TechniquesbullStudy repeatedlybullMake the material meaningfulbullActivate retrieval cuesbullUse mnemonic devicesbullMinimize interferencebullSleep morebullTest your own knowledge both to rehearse it and to help determine what you do not yet

Wednesday March 6 13

The End

Wednesday March 6 13

Teacher13 Informa3onbullTypes13 of13 Files

bullThis13 presenta3on13 has13 been13 saved13 as13 a13 ldquobasicrdquo13 Powerpoint13 file13 13 While13 this13 file13 format13 placed13 a13 few13 limita3ons13 on13 the13 presenta3on13 it13 insured13 the13 file13 would13 be13 compa3ble13 with13 the13 many13 versions13 of13 Powerpoint13 teachers13 use13 13 To13 add13 func3onality13 to13 the13 presenta3on13 teachers13 may13 want13 to13 save13 the13 file13 for13 their13 specific13 version13 of13 Powerpoint

bullAnima0onbullOnce13 again13 to13 insure13 compa3bility13 with13 all13 versions13 of13 Powerpoint13 none13 of13 the13 slides13 are13 animated13 13 To13 increase13 student13 interest13 it13 is13 suggested13 teachers13 animate13 the13 slides13 wherever13 possible

bullAdding13 slides13 to13 this13 presenta0onbullTeachers13 are13 encouraged13 to13 adapt13 this13 presenta3on13 to13 their13 personal13 teaching13 style13 13 To13 help13 keep13 a13 sense13 of13 con3nuity13 blank13 slides13 which13 can13 be13 copied13 and13 pasted13 to13 a13 specific13 loca3on13 in13 the13 presenta3on13 follow13 this13 ldquoTeacher13 Informa3onrdquo13 sec3on13 13 13

Wednesday March 6 13

Teacher13 Informa3onbullHyperlink13 Slides13 -shy‐13 This13 presenta3on13 contain13 two13 types13 of13 hyperlinks13 13 Hyperlinks13 can13 be13 iden3fied13 by13 the13 text13 being13 underlined13 and13 a13 different13 color13 (usually13 purple)

bullUnit13 subsec0ons13 hyperlinks13 13 Immediately13 aer13 the13 unit13 3tle13 slide13 a13 page13 (slide13 3)13 can13 be13 found13 lis3ng13 all13 of13 the13 unitrsquos13 subsec3ons13 13 While13 in13 slide13 show13 mode13 clicking13 on13 any13 of13 these13 hyperlinks13 will13 take13 the13 user13 directly13 to13 the13 beginning13 of13 that13 subsec3on13 13 This13 allows13 teachers13 quick13 access13 to13 each13 subsec3on

bullBold13 print13 term13 hyperlinks13 13 Every13 bold13 print13 term13 from13 the13 unit13 is13 included13 in13 this13 presenta3on13 as13 a13 hyperlink13 13 While13 in13 slide13 show13 mode13 clicking13 on13 any13 of13 the13 hyperlinks13 will13 take13 the13 user13 to13 a13 slide13 containing13 the13 formal13 defini3on13 of13 the13 term13 13 Clicking13 on13 the13 ldquoarrowrdquo13 in13 the13 boaom13 le13 corner13 of13 the13 defini3on13 slide13 will13 take13 the13 user13 back13 to13 the13 original13 point13 in13 the13 presenta3on13

13 These13 hyperlinks13 were13 included13 for13 teachers13 who13 want13 students13 to13 see13 or13 copy13 down13 the13 exact13 defini3on13 as13 stated13 in13 the13 text13 13 Most13 teachers13 prefer13 the13 defini3ons13 not13 be13 included13 to13 prevent13 students13 from13 only13 ldquocopying13 down13 what13 is13 on13 the13 screenrdquo13 and13 not13 ac3vely13 listening13 to13 the13 presenta3on

13 For13 teachers13 who13 con3nually13 use13 the13 Bold13 Print13 Term13 Hyperlinks13 op3on13 please13 contact13 the13 author13 using13 the13 email13 address13 on13 the13 next13 slide13 to13 learn13 a13 technique13 to13 expedite13 the13 returning13 to13 the13 original13 point13 in13 the13 presenta3on

Wednesday March 6 13

Teacher13 Informa3onbullCon0nuity13 slides

bullThroughout13 this13 presenta3on13 there13 are13 slides13 usually13 of13 graphics13 or13 tables13 that13 build13 on13 one13 another13 13 These13 are13 included13 for13 three13 purposes13 13

bullBy13 presen3ng13 informa3on13 in13 small13 chunks13 students13 will13 find13 it13 easier13 to13 process13 and13 remember13 the13 concepts13 13

bullBy13 con3nually13 changing13 slides13 students13 will13 stay13 interested13 in13 the13 presenta3onbullTo13 facilitate13 class13 discussion13 and13 cri3cal13 thinking13 13 Students13 should13 be13 encouraged13 to13 think13 about13 ldquowhat13 might13 come13 nextrdquo13 in13 the13 series13 of13 slides13 13

bullPlease13 feel13 free13 to13 contact13 me13 at13 kkorekgermantownk12wius13 with13 any13 ques3ons13 concerns13 sugges3ons13 etc13 regarding13 these13 presenta3ons13

Kent13 Korek

Germantown13 High13 School

Germantown13 WI13 53022

Wednesday March 6 13

Division title (green print)subdivision title (blue print)


Wednesday March 6 13

Division title (green print)

Use13 this13 slide13 to13 add13 a13 table13 chart13 clip13 art13 picture13 diagram13 or13 video13 clip13 13 Delete13 this13 box13 when13 finished

Wednesday March 6 13

Definition Slide

= add definition here

Wednesday March 6 13


Wednesday March 6 13


= the persistence of learning over time through the storage and retrieval of information

Wednesday March 6 13


= the processing of information into the memory systems ndash for example by extracting meaning

Wednesday March 6 13


= the retention of encoded information over time

Wednesday March 6 13


= the process of getting information out of memory storage

Wednesday March 6 13

Sensory Memory

= the immediate very brief recording of sensory information in the memory system

Wednesday March 6 13

Short-term Memory

= activated memory that holds a few items briefly such as the seven digits of a phone number while dialing before the information is stored or forgotten

Wednesday March 6 13

Long-term Memory

= the relatively permanent and limitless storehouse of the memory system Includes knowledge skills and experiences

Wednesday March 6 13

Working Memory

= a newer understanding of short-term memory that focuses on conscious active processing of incoming auditory and visual-spatial information and of information retrieved from long-term memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Parallel Processing

= the processing of many aspects of a problem simultaneously the brainrsquos natural mode of information processing for many functions Contrasts with the step-by-step (serial) processing of most computers and of conscious problem solving

Wednesday March 6 13

Automatic Processing

= unconscious encoding of incidental information such as space time and frequency and of well-learned information such as word meanings

Wednesday March 6 13

Effortful Processing

= encoding that requires attention and conscious effort

Wednesday March 6 13


= the conscious repetition of information either to maintain it in consciousness or to encode it for storage

Wednesday March 6 13

Spacing Effect

= the tendency for distributed study or practice to yield better long-term retention than is achieved through massed study or practice

Wednesday March 6 13

Serial Position Effect

= our tendency to recall best the last and first items in a list

Wednesday March 6 13

Visual Encoding

= the encoding of picture images

Wednesday March 6 13

Acoustic Encoding

= the encoding of sound especially the sound of words

Wednesday March 6 13

Semantic Encoding

= the encoding of meaning including the meaning of words

Wednesday March 6 13


= mental pictures a powerful aid to effortful processing especially when combined with semantic encoding

Wednesday March 6 13


= memory aids especially those techniques that use vivid imagery and organizational devices

Wednesday March 6 13


= organizing items into familiar manageable units often occurs automatically

Wednesday March 6 13

Iconic Memory

= a momentary sensory memory of visual stimuli a photographic or picture-image memory lasting no more than a few tenths of a second

Wednesday March 6 13

Echoic Memory

= a momentary sensory memory of auditory stimuli if attention is elsewhere sounds and words can still be recalled within 3 or 4 seconds

Wednesday March 6 13

Long-term Potentiation (LTP)

= an increase in a synapsersquos firing potential after brief rapid stimulation Believed to be a neural basis for learning and memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Flashbulb Memory

= a clear memory of an emotionally significant moment or event

Wednesday March 6 13


= loss of memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Implicit Memory

= retention independent of conscious recollection (Also called nondeclarative or procedural memory)

Wednesday March 6 13

Explicit Memory

= memory of facts and experiences that one can consciously know and ldquodeclarerdquo (Also called declarative memory)

Wednesday March 6 13


= a neural center that is located in the limbic system helps process explicit memories for storage

Wednesday March 6 13


= a measure of memory in which the person must retrieve information learning earlier as on a fill-in-the-blank test

Wednesday March 6 13


= a measure of memory in which the person need only identify items previously learned as on a multiple-choice test

Wednesday March 6 13


= a measure of memory that assesses the amount of time saved when learning material for a second time

Wednesday March 6 13


= the activation often unconsciously of particular associations in memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Deja Vu

= that eerie sense that ldquoIrsquove experienced this beforerdquo Cues from the current situation may subconsciously trigger retrieval of an earlier experience

Wednesday March 6 13

Mood Congruent Memory

= the tendency to recall experiences that are consistent with onersquos current good or bad mood

Wednesday March 6 13

Proactive Interference

= the disruptive effect of prior learning on the recall of new information

Wednesday March 6 13

Retroactive Interference

= the disruptive effect of new learning on the recall of old information

Wednesday March 6 13


= in psychoanalytic theory the basic defense mechanism that banishes from consciousness anxiety-arousing thoughts feelings and memories

Wednesday March 6 13

Misinformation Effect

= incorporating misleading information into onersquos memory of an event

Wednesday March 6 13

Source Amnesia

= attributing to the wrong source an event we have experienced heard about read about or imagined (Also called source misattribution) Source amnesia along with the misinformation effect is at the heart of many false memories

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval FailureMotivated Forgetting

bullSelf-serving personal historiesbullRepression

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval FailureMotivated Forgetting

bullSelf-serving personal historiesbullRepression

Wednesday March 6 13

Memory Construction

Wednesday March 6 13

Misinformation and Imagination Effects

bullLoftus memory studiesbullMisinforma3on13 effect

Wednesday March 6 13

Source Amnesia

bullSource13 amnesia13 (source misattribution)

Wednesday March 6 13

Discerning True and False Memories

bullMemory studiesbullEye witness testimony

Wednesday March 6 13

Childrenrsquos Eyewitness Recall

bullChildrenrsquos memories of abusebullSuggestibility

Wednesday March 6 13

Repressed or Constructed Memories of Abuse

bullAreas of agreementbullSexual abuse happensbullInjustice happensbullForgetting happensbullRecovered memories are incompletebullMemories before 3 years are unreliablebullHypnotic memories are unreliablebullMemories can be emotionally upsetting

Wednesday March 6 13

Repressed or Constructed Memories of Abuse

bullLoftus studies with children

Wednesday March 6 13

Improving Memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Improving Memory TechniquesbullStudy repeatedlybullMake the material meaningfulbullActivate retrieval cuesbullUse mnemonic devicesbullMinimize interferencebullSleep morebullTest your own knowledge both to rehearse it and to help determine what you do not yet

Wednesday March 6 13

The End

Wednesday March 6 13

Teacher13 Informa3onbullTypes13 of13 Files

bullThis13 presenta3on13 has13 been13 saved13 as13 a13 ldquobasicrdquo13 Powerpoint13 file13 13 While13 this13 file13 format13 placed13 a13 few13 limita3ons13 on13 the13 presenta3on13 it13 insured13 the13 file13 would13 be13 compa3ble13 with13 the13 many13 versions13 of13 Powerpoint13 teachers13 use13 13 To13 add13 func3onality13 to13 the13 presenta3on13 teachers13 may13 want13 to13 save13 the13 file13 for13 their13 specific13 version13 of13 Powerpoint

bullAnima0onbullOnce13 again13 to13 insure13 compa3bility13 with13 all13 versions13 of13 Powerpoint13 none13 of13 the13 slides13 are13 animated13 13 To13 increase13 student13 interest13 it13 is13 suggested13 teachers13 animate13 the13 slides13 wherever13 possible

bullAdding13 slides13 to13 this13 presenta0onbullTeachers13 are13 encouraged13 to13 adapt13 this13 presenta3on13 to13 their13 personal13 teaching13 style13 13 To13 help13 keep13 a13 sense13 of13 con3nuity13 blank13 slides13 which13 can13 be13 copied13 and13 pasted13 to13 a13 specific13 loca3on13 in13 the13 presenta3on13 follow13 this13 ldquoTeacher13 Informa3onrdquo13 sec3on13 13 13

Wednesday March 6 13

Teacher13 Informa3onbullHyperlink13 Slides13 -shy‐13 This13 presenta3on13 contain13 two13 types13 of13 hyperlinks13 13 Hyperlinks13 can13 be13 iden3fied13 by13 the13 text13 being13 underlined13 and13 a13 different13 color13 (usually13 purple)

bullUnit13 subsec0ons13 hyperlinks13 13 Immediately13 aer13 the13 unit13 3tle13 slide13 a13 page13 (slide13 3)13 can13 be13 found13 lis3ng13 all13 of13 the13 unitrsquos13 subsec3ons13 13 While13 in13 slide13 show13 mode13 clicking13 on13 any13 of13 these13 hyperlinks13 will13 take13 the13 user13 directly13 to13 the13 beginning13 of13 that13 subsec3on13 13 This13 allows13 teachers13 quick13 access13 to13 each13 subsec3on

bullBold13 print13 term13 hyperlinks13 13 Every13 bold13 print13 term13 from13 the13 unit13 is13 included13 in13 this13 presenta3on13 as13 a13 hyperlink13 13 While13 in13 slide13 show13 mode13 clicking13 on13 any13 of13 the13 hyperlinks13 will13 take13 the13 user13 to13 a13 slide13 containing13 the13 formal13 defini3on13 of13 the13 term13 13 Clicking13 on13 the13 ldquoarrowrdquo13 in13 the13 boaom13 le13 corner13 of13 the13 defini3on13 slide13 will13 take13 the13 user13 back13 to13 the13 original13 point13 in13 the13 presenta3on13

13 These13 hyperlinks13 were13 included13 for13 teachers13 who13 want13 students13 to13 see13 or13 copy13 down13 the13 exact13 defini3on13 as13 stated13 in13 the13 text13 13 Most13 teachers13 prefer13 the13 defini3ons13 not13 be13 included13 to13 prevent13 students13 from13 only13 ldquocopying13 down13 what13 is13 on13 the13 screenrdquo13 and13 not13 ac3vely13 listening13 to13 the13 presenta3on

13 For13 teachers13 who13 con3nually13 use13 the13 Bold13 Print13 Term13 Hyperlinks13 op3on13 please13 contact13 the13 author13 using13 the13 email13 address13 on13 the13 next13 slide13 to13 learn13 a13 technique13 to13 expedite13 the13 returning13 to13 the13 original13 point13 in13 the13 presenta3on

Wednesday March 6 13

Teacher13 Informa3onbullCon0nuity13 slides

bullThroughout13 this13 presenta3on13 there13 are13 slides13 usually13 of13 graphics13 or13 tables13 that13 build13 on13 one13 another13 13 These13 are13 included13 for13 three13 purposes13 13

bullBy13 presen3ng13 informa3on13 in13 small13 chunks13 students13 will13 find13 it13 easier13 to13 process13 and13 remember13 the13 concepts13 13

bullBy13 con3nually13 changing13 slides13 students13 will13 stay13 interested13 in13 the13 presenta3onbullTo13 facilitate13 class13 discussion13 and13 cri3cal13 thinking13 13 Students13 should13 be13 encouraged13 to13 think13 about13 ldquowhat13 might13 come13 nextrdquo13 in13 the13 series13 of13 slides13 13

bullPlease13 feel13 free13 to13 contact13 me13 at13 kkorekgermantownk12wius13 with13 any13 ques3ons13 concerns13 sugges3ons13 etc13 regarding13 these13 presenta3ons13

Kent13 Korek

Germantown13 High13 School

Germantown13 WI13 53022

Wednesday March 6 13

Division title (green print)subdivision title (blue print)


Wednesday March 6 13

Division title (green print)

Use13 this13 slide13 to13 add13 a13 table13 chart13 clip13 art13 picture13 diagram13 or13 video13 clip13 13 Delete13 this13 box13 when13 finished

Wednesday March 6 13

Definition Slide

= add definition here

Wednesday March 6 13


Wednesday March 6 13


= the persistence of learning over time through the storage and retrieval of information

Wednesday March 6 13


= the processing of information into the memory systems ndash for example by extracting meaning

Wednesday March 6 13


= the retention of encoded information over time

Wednesday March 6 13


= the process of getting information out of memory storage

Wednesday March 6 13

Sensory Memory

= the immediate very brief recording of sensory information in the memory system

Wednesday March 6 13

Short-term Memory

= activated memory that holds a few items briefly such as the seven digits of a phone number while dialing before the information is stored or forgotten

Wednesday March 6 13

Long-term Memory

= the relatively permanent and limitless storehouse of the memory system Includes knowledge skills and experiences

Wednesday March 6 13

Working Memory

= a newer understanding of short-term memory that focuses on conscious active processing of incoming auditory and visual-spatial information and of information retrieved from long-term memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Parallel Processing

= the processing of many aspects of a problem simultaneously the brainrsquos natural mode of information processing for many functions Contrasts with the step-by-step (serial) processing of most computers and of conscious problem solving

Wednesday March 6 13

Automatic Processing

= unconscious encoding of incidental information such as space time and frequency and of well-learned information such as word meanings

Wednesday March 6 13

Effortful Processing

= encoding that requires attention and conscious effort

Wednesday March 6 13


= the conscious repetition of information either to maintain it in consciousness or to encode it for storage

Wednesday March 6 13

Spacing Effect

= the tendency for distributed study or practice to yield better long-term retention than is achieved through massed study or practice

Wednesday March 6 13

Serial Position Effect

= our tendency to recall best the last and first items in a list

Wednesday March 6 13

Visual Encoding

= the encoding of picture images

Wednesday March 6 13

Acoustic Encoding

= the encoding of sound especially the sound of words

Wednesday March 6 13

Semantic Encoding

= the encoding of meaning including the meaning of words

Wednesday March 6 13


= mental pictures a powerful aid to effortful processing especially when combined with semantic encoding

Wednesday March 6 13


= memory aids especially those techniques that use vivid imagery and organizational devices

Wednesday March 6 13


= organizing items into familiar manageable units often occurs automatically

Wednesday March 6 13

Iconic Memory

= a momentary sensory memory of visual stimuli a photographic or picture-image memory lasting no more than a few tenths of a second

Wednesday March 6 13

Echoic Memory

= a momentary sensory memory of auditory stimuli if attention is elsewhere sounds and words can still be recalled within 3 or 4 seconds

Wednesday March 6 13

Long-term Potentiation (LTP)

= an increase in a synapsersquos firing potential after brief rapid stimulation Believed to be a neural basis for learning and memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Flashbulb Memory

= a clear memory of an emotionally significant moment or event

Wednesday March 6 13


= loss of memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Implicit Memory

= retention independent of conscious recollection (Also called nondeclarative or procedural memory)

Wednesday March 6 13

Explicit Memory

= memory of facts and experiences that one can consciously know and ldquodeclarerdquo (Also called declarative memory)

Wednesday March 6 13


= a neural center that is located in the limbic system helps process explicit memories for storage

Wednesday March 6 13


= a measure of memory in which the person must retrieve information learning earlier as on a fill-in-the-blank test

Wednesday March 6 13


= a measure of memory in which the person need only identify items previously learned as on a multiple-choice test

Wednesday March 6 13


= a measure of memory that assesses the amount of time saved when learning material for a second time

Wednesday March 6 13


= the activation often unconsciously of particular associations in memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Deja Vu

= that eerie sense that ldquoIrsquove experienced this beforerdquo Cues from the current situation may subconsciously trigger retrieval of an earlier experience

Wednesday March 6 13

Mood Congruent Memory

= the tendency to recall experiences that are consistent with onersquos current good or bad mood

Wednesday March 6 13

Proactive Interference

= the disruptive effect of prior learning on the recall of new information

Wednesday March 6 13

Retroactive Interference

= the disruptive effect of new learning on the recall of old information

Wednesday March 6 13


= in psychoanalytic theory the basic defense mechanism that banishes from consciousness anxiety-arousing thoughts feelings and memories

Wednesday March 6 13

Misinformation Effect

= incorporating misleading information into onersquos memory of an event

Wednesday March 6 13

Source Amnesia

= attributing to the wrong source an event we have experienced heard about read about or imagined (Also called source misattribution) Source amnesia along with the misinformation effect is at the heart of many false memories

Wednesday March 6 13

Retrieval FailureMotivated Forgetting

bullSelf-serving personal historiesbullRepression

Wednesday March 6 13

Memory Construction

Wednesday March 6 13

Misinformation and Imagination Effects

bullLoftus memory studiesbullMisinforma3on13 effect

Wednesday March 6 13

Source Amnesia

bullSource13 amnesia13 (source misattribution)

Wednesday March 6 13

Discerning True and False Memories

bullMemory studiesbullEye witness testimony

Wednesday March 6 13

Childrenrsquos Eyewitness Recall

bullChildrenrsquos memories of abusebullSuggestibility

Wednesday March 6 13

Repressed or Constructed Memories of Abuse

bullAreas of agreementbullSexual abuse happensbullInjustice happensbullForgetting happensbullRecovered memories are incompletebullMemories before 3 years are unreliablebullHypnotic memories are unreliablebullMemories can be emotionally upsetting

Wednesday March 6 13

Repressed or Constructed Memories of Abuse

bullLoftus studies with children

Wednesday March 6 13

Improving Memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Improving Memory TechniquesbullStudy repeatedlybullMake the material meaningfulbullActivate retrieval cuesbullUse mnemonic devicesbullMinimize interferencebullSleep morebullTest your own knowledge both to rehearse it and to help determine what you do not yet

Wednesday March 6 13

The End

Wednesday March 6 13

Teacher13 Informa3onbullTypes13 of13 Files

bullThis13 presenta3on13 has13 been13 saved13 as13 a13 ldquobasicrdquo13 Powerpoint13 file13 13 While13 this13 file13 format13 placed13 a13 few13 limita3ons13 on13 the13 presenta3on13 it13 insured13 the13 file13 would13 be13 compa3ble13 with13 the13 many13 versions13 of13 Powerpoint13 teachers13 use13 13 To13 add13 func3onality13 to13 the13 presenta3on13 teachers13 may13 want13 to13 save13 the13 file13 for13 their13 specific13 version13 of13 Powerpoint

bullAnima0onbullOnce13 again13 to13 insure13 compa3bility13 with13 all13 versions13 of13 Powerpoint13 none13 of13 the13 slides13 are13 animated13 13 To13 increase13 student13 interest13 it13 is13 suggested13 teachers13 animate13 the13 slides13 wherever13 possible

bullAdding13 slides13 to13 this13 presenta0onbullTeachers13 are13 encouraged13 to13 adapt13 this13 presenta3on13 to13 their13 personal13 teaching13 style13 13 To13 help13 keep13 a13 sense13 of13 con3nuity13 blank13 slides13 which13 can13 be13 copied13 and13 pasted13 to13 a13 specific13 loca3on13 in13 the13 presenta3on13 follow13 this13 ldquoTeacher13 Informa3onrdquo13 sec3on13 13 13

Wednesday March 6 13

Teacher13 Informa3onbullHyperlink13 Slides13 -shy‐13 This13 presenta3on13 contain13 two13 types13 of13 hyperlinks13 13 Hyperlinks13 can13 be13 iden3fied13 by13 the13 text13 being13 underlined13 and13 a13 different13 color13 (usually13 purple)

bullUnit13 subsec0ons13 hyperlinks13 13 Immediately13 aer13 the13 unit13 3tle13 slide13 a13 page13 (slide13 3)13 can13 be13 found13 lis3ng13 all13 of13 the13 unitrsquos13 subsec3ons13 13 While13 in13 slide13 show13 mode13 clicking13 on13 any13 of13 these13 hyperlinks13 will13 take13 the13 user13 directly13 to13 the13 beginning13 of13 that13 subsec3on13 13 This13 allows13 teachers13 quick13 access13 to13 each13 subsec3on

bullBold13 print13 term13 hyperlinks13 13 Every13 bold13 print13 term13 from13 the13 unit13 is13 included13 in13 this13 presenta3on13 as13 a13 hyperlink13 13 While13 in13 slide13 show13 mode13 clicking13 on13 any13 of13 the13 hyperlinks13 will13 take13 the13 user13 to13 a13 slide13 containing13 the13 formal13 defini3on13 of13 the13 term13 13 Clicking13 on13 the13 ldquoarrowrdquo13 in13 the13 boaom13 le13 corner13 of13 the13 defini3on13 slide13 will13 take13 the13 user13 back13 to13 the13 original13 point13 in13 the13 presenta3on13

13 These13 hyperlinks13 were13 included13 for13 teachers13 who13 want13 students13 to13 see13 or13 copy13 down13 the13 exact13 defini3on13 as13 stated13 in13 the13 text13 13 Most13 teachers13 prefer13 the13 defini3ons13 not13 be13 included13 to13 prevent13 students13 from13 only13 ldquocopying13 down13 what13 is13 on13 the13 screenrdquo13 and13 not13 ac3vely13 listening13 to13 the13 presenta3on

13 For13 teachers13 who13 con3nually13 use13 the13 Bold13 Print13 Term13 Hyperlinks13 op3on13 please13 contact13 the13 author13 using13 the13 email13 address13 on13 the13 next13 slide13 to13 learn13 a13 technique13 to13 expedite13 the13 returning13 to13 the13 original13 point13 in13 the13 presenta3on

Wednesday March 6 13

Teacher13 Informa3onbullCon0nuity13 slides

bullThroughout13 this13 presenta3on13 there13 are13 slides13 usually13 of13 graphics13 or13 tables13 that13 build13 on13 one13 another13 13 These13 are13 included13 for13 three13 purposes13 13

bullBy13 presen3ng13 informa3on13 in13 small13 chunks13 students13 will13 find13 it13 easier13 to13 process13 and13 remember13 the13 concepts13 13

bullBy13 con3nually13 changing13 slides13 students13 will13 stay13 interested13 in13 the13 presenta3onbullTo13 facilitate13 class13 discussion13 and13 cri3cal13 thinking13 13 Students13 should13 be13 encouraged13 to13 think13 about13 ldquowhat13 might13 come13 nextrdquo13 in13 the13 series13 of13 slides13 13

bullPlease13 feel13 free13 to13 contact13 me13 at13 kkorekgermantownk12wius13 with13 any13 ques3ons13 concerns13 sugges3ons13 etc13 regarding13 these13 presenta3ons13

Kent13 Korek

Germantown13 High13 School

Germantown13 WI13 53022

Wednesday March 6 13

Division title (green print)subdivision title (blue print)


Wednesday March 6 13

Division title (green print)

Use13 this13 slide13 to13 add13 a13 table13 chart13 clip13 art13 picture13 diagram13 or13 video13 clip13 13 Delete13 this13 box13 when13 finished

Wednesday March 6 13

Definition Slide

= add definition here

Wednesday March 6 13


Wednesday March 6 13


= the persistence of learning over time through the storage and retrieval of information

Wednesday March 6 13


= the processing of information into the memory systems ndash for example by extracting meaning

Wednesday March 6 13


= the retention of encoded information over time

Wednesday March 6 13


= the process of getting information out of memory storage

Wednesday March 6 13

Sensory Memory

= the immediate very brief recording of sensory information in the memory system

Wednesday March 6 13

Short-term Memory

= activated memory that holds a few items briefly such as the seven digits of a phone number while dialing before the information is stored or forgotten

Wednesday March 6 13

Long-term Memory

= the relatively permanent and limitless storehouse of the memory system Includes knowledge skills and experiences

Wednesday March 6 13

Working Memory

= a newer understanding of short-term memory that focuses on conscious active processing of incoming auditory and visual-spatial information and of information retrieved from long-term memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Parallel Processing

= the processing of many aspects of a problem simultaneously the brainrsquos natural mode of information processing for many functions Contrasts with the step-by-step (serial) processing of most computers and of conscious problem solving

Wednesday March 6 13

Automatic Processing

= unconscious encoding of incidental information such as space time and frequency and of well-learned information such as word meanings

Wednesday March 6 13

Effortful Processing

= encoding that requires attention and conscious effort

Wednesday March 6 13


= the conscious repetition of information either to maintain it in consciousness or to encode it for storage

Wednesday March 6 13

Spacing Effect

= the tendency for distributed study or practice to yield better long-term retention than is achieved through massed study or practice

Wednesday March 6 13

Serial Position Effect

= our tendency to recall best the last and first items in a list

Wednesday March 6 13

Visual Encoding

= the encoding of picture images

Wednesday March 6 13

Acoustic Encoding

= the encoding of sound especially the sound of words

Wednesday March 6 13

Semantic Encoding

= the encoding of meaning including the meaning of words

Wednesday March 6 13


= mental pictures a powerful aid to effortful processing especially when combined with semantic encoding

Wednesday March 6 13


= memory aids especially those techniques that use vivid imagery and organizational devices

Wednesday March 6 13


= organizing items into familiar manageable units often occurs automatically

Wednesday March 6 13

Iconic Memory

= a momentary sensory memory of visual stimuli a photographic or picture-image memory lasting no more than a few tenths of a second

Wednesday March 6 13

Echoic Memory

= a momentary sensory memory of auditory stimuli if attention is elsewhere sounds and words can still be recalled within 3 or 4 seconds

Wednesday March 6 13

Long-term Potentiation (LTP)

= an increase in a synapsersquos firing potential after brief rapid stimulation Believed to be a neural basis for learning and memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Flashbulb Memory

= a clear memory of an emotionally significant moment or event

Wednesday March 6 13


= loss of memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Implicit Memory

= retention independent of conscious recollection (Also called nondeclarative or procedural memory)

Wednesday March 6 13

Explicit Memory

= memory of facts and experiences that one can consciously know and ldquodeclarerdquo (Also called declarative memory)

Wednesday March 6 13


= a neural center that is located in the limbic system helps process explicit memories for storage

Wednesday March 6 13


= a measure of memory in which the person must retrieve information learning earlier as on a fill-in-the-blank test

Wednesday March 6 13


= a measure of memory in which the person need only identify items previously learned as on a multiple-choice test

Wednesday March 6 13


= a measure of memory that assesses the amount of time saved when learning material for a second time

Wednesday March 6 13


= the activation often unconsciously of particular associations in memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Deja Vu

= that eerie sense that ldquoIrsquove experienced this beforerdquo Cues from the current situation may subconsciously trigger retrieval of an earlier experience

Wednesday March 6 13

Mood Congruent Memory

= the tendency to recall experiences that are consistent with onersquos current good or bad mood

Wednesday March 6 13

Proactive Interference

= the disruptive effect of prior learning on the recall of new information

Wednesday March 6 13

Retroactive Interference

= the disruptive effect of new learning on the recall of old information

Wednesday March 6 13


= in psychoanalytic theory the basic defense mechanism that banishes from consciousness anxiety-arousing thoughts feelings and memories

Wednesday March 6 13

Misinformation Effect

= incorporating misleading information into onersquos memory of an event

Wednesday March 6 13

Source Amnesia

= attributing to the wrong source an event we have experienced heard about read about or imagined (Also called source misattribution) Source amnesia along with the misinformation effect is at the heart of many false memories

Wednesday March 6 13

Memory Construction

Wednesday March 6 13

Misinformation and Imagination Effects

bullLoftus memory studiesbullMisinforma3on13 effect

Wednesday March 6 13

Source Amnesia

bullSource13 amnesia13 (source misattribution)

Wednesday March 6 13

Discerning True and False Memories

bullMemory studiesbullEye witness testimony

Wednesday March 6 13

Childrenrsquos Eyewitness Recall

bullChildrenrsquos memories of abusebullSuggestibility

Wednesday March 6 13

Repressed or Constructed Memories of Abuse

bullAreas of agreementbullSexual abuse happensbullInjustice happensbullForgetting happensbullRecovered memories are incompletebullMemories before 3 years are unreliablebullHypnotic memories are unreliablebullMemories can be emotionally upsetting

Wednesday March 6 13

Repressed or Constructed Memories of Abuse

bullLoftus studies with children

Wednesday March 6 13

Improving Memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Improving Memory TechniquesbullStudy repeatedlybullMake the material meaningfulbullActivate retrieval cuesbullUse mnemonic devicesbullMinimize interferencebullSleep morebullTest your own knowledge both to rehearse it and to help determine what you do not yet

Wednesday March 6 13

The End

Wednesday March 6 13

Teacher13 Informa3onbullTypes13 of13 Files

bullThis13 presenta3on13 has13 been13 saved13 as13 a13 ldquobasicrdquo13 Powerpoint13 file13 13 While13 this13 file13 format13 placed13 a13 few13 limita3ons13 on13 the13 presenta3on13 it13 insured13 the13 file13 would13 be13 compa3ble13 with13 the13 many13 versions13 of13 Powerpoint13 teachers13 use13 13 To13 add13 func3onality13 to13 the13 presenta3on13 teachers13 may13 want13 to13 save13 the13 file13 for13 their13 specific13 version13 of13 Powerpoint

bullAnima0onbullOnce13 again13 to13 insure13 compa3bility13 with13 all13 versions13 of13 Powerpoint13 none13 of13 the13 slides13 are13 animated13 13 To13 increase13 student13 interest13 it13 is13 suggested13 teachers13 animate13 the13 slides13 wherever13 possible

bullAdding13 slides13 to13 this13 presenta0onbullTeachers13 are13 encouraged13 to13 adapt13 this13 presenta3on13 to13 their13 personal13 teaching13 style13 13 To13 help13 keep13 a13 sense13 of13 con3nuity13 blank13 slides13 which13 can13 be13 copied13 and13 pasted13 to13 a13 specific13 loca3on13 in13 the13 presenta3on13 follow13 this13 ldquoTeacher13 Informa3onrdquo13 sec3on13 13 13

Wednesday March 6 13

Teacher13 Informa3onbullHyperlink13 Slides13 -shy‐13 This13 presenta3on13 contain13 two13 types13 of13 hyperlinks13 13 Hyperlinks13 can13 be13 iden3fied13 by13 the13 text13 being13 underlined13 and13 a13 different13 color13 (usually13 purple)

bullUnit13 subsec0ons13 hyperlinks13 13 Immediately13 aer13 the13 unit13 3tle13 slide13 a13 page13 (slide13 3)13 can13 be13 found13 lis3ng13 all13 of13 the13 unitrsquos13 subsec3ons13 13 While13 in13 slide13 show13 mode13 clicking13 on13 any13 of13 these13 hyperlinks13 will13 take13 the13 user13 directly13 to13 the13 beginning13 of13 that13 subsec3on13 13 This13 allows13 teachers13 quick13 access13 to13 each13 subsec3on

bullBold13 print13 term13 hyperlinks13 13 Every13 bold13 print13 term13 from13 the13 unit13 is13 included13 in13 this13 presenta3on13 as13 a13 hyperlink13 13 While13 in13 slide13 show13 mode13 clicking13 on13 any13 of13 the13 hyperlinks13 will13 take13 the13 user13 to13 a13 slide13 containing13 the13 formal13 defini3on13 of13 the13 term13 13 Clicking13 on13 the13 ldquoarrowrdquo13 in13 the13 boaom13 le13 corner13 of13 the13 defini3on13 slide13 will13 take13 the13 user13 back13 to13 the13 original13 point13 in13 the13 presenta3on13

13 These13 hyperlinks13 were13 included13 for13 teachers13 who13 want13 students13 to13 see13 or13 copy13 down13 the13 exact13 defini3on13 as13 stated13 in13 the13 text13 13 Most13 teachers13 prefer13 the13 defini3ons13 not13 be13 included13 to13 prevent13 students13 from13 only13 ldquocopying13 down13 what13 is13 on13 the13 screenrdquo13 and13 not13 ac3vely13 listening13 to13 the13 presenta3on

13 For13 teachers13 who13 con3nually13 use13 the13 Bold13 Print13 Term13 Hyperlinks13 op3on13 please13 contact13 the13 author13 using13 the13 email13 address13 on13 the13 next13 slide13 to13 learn13 a13 technique13 to13 expedite13 the13 returning13 to13 the13 original13 point13 in13 the13 presenta3on

Wednesday March 6 13

Teacher13 Informa3onbullCon0nuity13 slides

bullThroughout13 this13 presenta3on13 there13 are13 slides13 usually13 of13 graphics13 or13 tables13 that13 build13 on13 one13 another13 13 These13 are13 included13 for13 three13 purposes13 13

bullBy13 presen3ng13 informa3on13 in13 small13 chunks13 students13 will13 find13 it13 easier13 to13 process13 and13 remember13 the13 concepts13 13

bullBy13 con3nually13 changing13 slides13 students13 will13 stay13 interested13 in13 the13 presenta3onbullTo13 facilitate13 class13 discussion13 and13 cri3cal13 thinking13 13 Students13 should13 be13 encouraged13 to13 think13 about13 ldquowhat13 might13 come13 nextrdquo13 in13 the13 series13 of13 slides13 13

bullPlease13 feel13 free13 to13 contact13 me13 at13 kkorekgermantownk12wius13 with13 any13 ques3ons13 concerns13 sugges3ons13 etc13 regarding13 these13 presenta3ons13

Kent13 Korek

Germantown13 High13 School

Germantown13 WI13 53022

Wednesday March 6 13

Division title (green print)subdivision title (blue print)


Wednesday March 6 13

Division title (green print)

Use13 this13 slide13 to13 add13 a13 table13 chart13 clip13 art13 picture13 diagram13 or13 video13 clip13 13 Delete13 this13 box13 when13 finished

Wednesday March 6 13

Definition Slide

= add definition here

Wednesday March 6 13


Wednesday March 6 13


= the persistence of learning over time through the storage and retrieval of information

Wednesday March 6 13


= the processing of information into the memory systems ndash for example by extracting meaning

Wednesday March 6 13


= the retention of encoded information over time

Wednesday March 6 13


= the process of getting information out of memory storage

Wednesday March 6 13

Sensory Memory

= the immediate very brief recording of sensory information in the memory system

Wednesday March 6 13

Short-term Memory

= activated memory that holds a few items briefly such as the seven digits of a phone number while dialing before the information is stored or forgotten

Wednesday March 6 13

Long-term Memory

= the relatively permanent and limitless storehouse of the memory system Includes knowledge skills and experiences

Wednesday March 6 13

Working Memory

= a newer understanding of short-term memory that focuses on conscious active processing of incoming auditory and visual-spatial information and of information retrieved from long-term memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Parallel Processing

= the processing of many aspects of a problem simultaneously the brainrsquos natural mode of information processing for many functions Contrasts with the step-by-step (serial) processing of most computers and of conscious problem solving

Wednesday March 6 13

Automatic Processing

= unconscious encoding of incidental information such as space time and frequency and of well-learned information such as word meanings

Wednesday March 6 13

Effortful Processing

= encoding that requires attention and conscious effort

Wednesday March 6 13


= the conscious repetition of information either to maintain it in consciousness or to encode it for storage

Wednesday March 6 13

Spacing Effect

= the tendency for distributed study or practice to yield better long-term retention than is achieved through massed study or practice

Wednesday March 6 13

Serial Position Effect

= our tendency to recall best the last and first items in a list

Wednesday March 6 13

Visual Encoding

= the encoding of picture images

Wednesday March 6 13

Acoustic Encoding

= the encoding of sound especially the sound of words

Wednesday March 6 13

Semantic Encoding

= the encoding of meaning including the meaning of words

Wednesday March 6 13


= mental pictures a powerful aid to effortful processing especially when combined with semantic encoding

Wednesday March 6 13


= memory aids especially those techniques that use vivid imagery and organizational devices

Wednesday March 6 13


= organizing items into familiar manageable units often occurs automatically

Wednesday March 6 13

Iconic Memory

= a momentary sensory memory of visual stimuli a photographic or picture-image memory lasting no more than a few tenths of a second

Wednesday March 6 13

Echoic Memory

= a momentary sensory memory of auditory stimuli if attention is elsewhere sounds and words can still be recalled within 3 or 4 seconds

Wednesday March 6 13

Long-term Potentiation (LTP)

= an increase in a synapsersquos firing potential after brief rapid stimulation Believed to be a neural basis for learning and memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Flashbulb Memory

= a clear memory of an emotionally significant moment or event

Wednesday March 6 13


= loss of memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Implicit Memory

= retention independent of conscious recollection (Also called nondeclarative or procedural memory)

Wednesday March 6 13

Explicit Memory

= memory of facts and experiences that one can consciously know and ldquodeclarerdquo (Also called declarative memory)

Wednesday March 6 13


= a neural center that is located in the limbic system helps process explicit memories for storage

Wednesday March 6 13


= a measure of memory in which the person must retrieve information learning earlier as on a fill-in-the-blank test

Wednesday March 6 13


= a measure of memory in which the person need only identify items previously learned as on a multiple-choice test

Wednesday March 6 13


= a measure of memory that assesses the amount of time saved when learning material for a second time

Wednesday March 6 13


= the activation often unconsciously of particular associations in memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Deja Vu

= that eerie sense that ldquoIrsquove experienced this beforerdquo Cues from the current situation may subconsciously trigger retrieval of an earlier experience

Wednesday March 6 13

Mood Congruent Memory

= the tendency to recall experiences that are consistent with onersquos current good or bad mood

Wednesday March 6 13

Proactive Interference

= the disruptive effect of prior learning on the recall of new information

Wednesday March 6 13

Retroactive Interference

= the disruptive effect of new learning on the recall of old information

Wednesday March 6 13


= in psychoanalytic theory the basic defense mechanism that banishes from consciousness anxiety-arousing thoughts feelings and memories

Wednesday March 6 13

Misinformation Effect

= incorporating misleading information into onersquos memory of an event

Wednesday March 6 13

Source Amnesia

= attributing to the wrong source an event we have experienced heard about read about or imagined (Also called source misattribution) Source amnesia along with the misinformation effect is at the heart of many false memories

Wednesday March 6 13

Misinformation and Imagination Effects

bullLoftus memory studiesbullMisinforma3on13 effect

Wednesday March 6 13

Source Amnesia

bullSource13 amnesia13 (source misattribution)

Wednesday March 6 13

Discerning True and False Memories

bullMemory studiesbullEye witness testimony

Wednesday March 6 13

Childrenrsquos Eyewitness Recall

bullChildrenrsquos memories of abusebullSuggestibility

Wednesday March 6 13

Repressed or Constructed Memories of Abuse

bullAreas of agreementbullSexual abuse happensbullInjustice happensbullForgetting happensbullRecovered memories are incompletebullMemories before 3 years are unreliablebullHypnotic memories are unreliablebullMemories can be emotionally upsetting

Wednesday March 6 13

Repressed or Constructed Memories of Abuse

bullLoftus studies with children

Wednesday March 6 13

Improving Memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Improving Memory TechniquesbullStudy repeatedlybullMake the material meaningfulbullActivate retrieval cuesbullUse mnemonic devicesbullMinimize interferencebullSleep morebullTest your own knowledge both to rehearse it and to help determine what you do not yet

Wednesday March 6 13

The End

Wednesday March 6 13

Teacher13 Informa3onbullTypes13 of13 Files

bullThis13 presenta3on13 has13 been13 saved13 as13 a13 ldquobasicrdquo13 Powerpoint13 file13 13 While13 this13 file13 format13 placed13 a13 few13 limita3ons13 on13 the13 presenta3on13 it13 insured13 the13 file13 would13 be13 compa3ble13 with13 the13 many13 versions13 of13 Powerpoint13 teachers13 use13 13 To13 add13 func3onality13 to13 the13 presenta3on13 teachers13 may13 want13 to13 save13 the13 file13 for13 their13 specific13 version13 of13 Powerpoint

bullAnima0onbullOnce13 again13 to13 insure13 compa3bility13 with13 all13 versions13 of13 Powerpoint13 none13 of13 the13 slides13 are13 animated13 13 To13 increase13 student13 interest13 it13 is13 suggested13 teachers13 animate13 the13 slides13 wherever13 possible

bullAdding13 slides13 to13 this13 presenta0onbullTeachers13 are13 encouraged13 to13 adapt13 this13 presenta3on13 to13 their13 personal13 teaching13 style13 13 To13 help13 keep13 a13 sense13 of13 con3nuity13 blank13 slides13 which13 can13 be13 copied13 and13 pasted13 to13 a13 specific13 loca3on13 in13 the13 presenta3on13 follow13 this13 ldquoTeacher13 Informa3onrdquo13 sec3on13 13 13

Wednesday March 6 13

Teacher13 Informa3onbullHyperlink13 Slides13 -shy‐13 This13 presenta3on13 contain13 two13 types13 of13 hyperlinks13 13 Hyperlinks13 can13 be13 iden3fied13 by13 the13 text13 being13 underlined13 and13 a13 different13 color13 (usually13 purple)

bullUnit13 subsec0ons13 hyperlinks13 13 Immediately13 aer13 the13 unit13 3tle13 slide13 a13 page13 (slide13 3)13 can13 be13 found13 lis3ng13 all13 of13 the13 unitrsquos13 subsec3ons13 13 While13 in13 slide13 show13 mode13 clicking13 on13 any13 of13 these13 hyperlinks13 will13 take13 the13 user13 directly13 to13 the13 beginning13 of13 that13 subsec3on13 13 This13 allows13 teachers13 quick13 access13 to13 each13 subsec3on

bullBold13 print13 term13 hyperlinks13 13 Every13 bold13 print13 term13 from13 the13 unit13 is13 included13 in13 this13 presenta3on13 as13 a13 hyperlink13 13 While13 in13 slide13 show13 mode13 clicking13 on13 any13 of13 the13 hyperlinks13 will13 take13 the13 user13 to13 a13 slide13 containing13 the13 formal13 defini3on13 of13 the13 term13 13 Clicking13 on13 the13 ldquoarrowrdquo13 in13 the13 boaom13 le13 corner13 of13 the13 defini3on13 slide13 will13 take13 the13 user13 back13 to13 the13 original13 point13 in13 the13 presenta3on13

13 These13 hyperlinks13 were13 included13 for13 teachers13 who13 want13 students13 to13 see13 or13 copy13 down13 the13 exact13 defini3on13 as13 stated13 in13 the13 text13 13 Most13 teachers13 prefer13 the13 defini3ons13 not13 be13 included13 to13 prevent13 students13 from13 only13 ldquocopying13 down13 what13 is13 on13 the13 screenrdquo13 and13 not13 ac3vely13 listening13 to13 the13 presenta3on

13 For13 teachers13 who13 con3nually13 use13 the13 Bold13 Print13 Term13 Hyperlinks13 op3on13 please13 contact13 the13 author13 using13 the13 email13 address13 on13 the13 next13 slide13 to13 learn13 a13 technique13 to13 expedite13 the13 returning13 to13 the13 original13 point13 in13 the13 presenta3on

Wednesday March 6 13

Teacher13 Informa3onbullCon0nuity13 slides

bullThroughout13 this13 presenta3on13 there13 are13 slides13 usually13 of13 graphics13 or13 tables13 that13 build13 on13 one13 another13 13 These13 are13 included13 for13 three13 purposes13 13

bullBy13 presen3ng13 informa3on13 in13 small13 chunks13 students13 will13 find13 it13 easier13 to13 process13 and13 remember13 the13 concepts13 13

bullBy13 con3nually13 changing13 slides13 students13 will13 stay13 interested13 in13 the13 presenta3onbullTo13 facilitate13 class13 discussion13 and13 cri3cal13 thinking13 13 Students13 should13 be13 encouraged13 to13 think13 about13 ldquowhat13 might13 come13 nextrdquo13 in13 the13 series13 of13 slides13 13

bullPlease13 feel13 free13 to13 contact13 me13 at13 kkorekgermantownk12wius13 with13 any13 ques3ons13 concerns13 sugges3ons13 etc13 regarding13 these13 presenta3ons13

Kent13 Korek

Germantown13 High13 School

Germantown13 WI13 53022

Wednesday March 6 13

Division title (green print)subdivision title (blue print)


Wednesday March 6 13

Division title (green print)

Use13 this13 slide13 to13 add13 a13 table13 chart13 clip13 art13 picture13 diagram13 or13 video13 clip13 13 Delete13 this13 box13 when13 finished

Wednesday March 6 13

Definition Slide

= add definition here

Wednesday March 6 13


Wednesday March 6 13


= the persistence of learning over time through the storage and retrieval of information

Wednesday March 6 13


= the processing of information into the memory systems ndash for example by extracting meaning

Wednesday March 6 13


= the retention of encoded information over time

Wednesday March 6 13


= the process of getting information out of memory storage

Wednesday March 6 13

Sensory Memory

= the immediate very brief recording of sensory information in the memory system

Wednesday March 6 13

Short-term Memory

= activated memory that holds a few items briefly such as the seven digits of a phone number while dialing before the information is stored or forgotten

Wednesday March 6 13

Long-term Memory

= the relatively permanent and limitless storehouse of the memory system Includes knowledge skills and experiences

Wednesday March 6 13

Working Memory

= a newer understanding of short-term memory that focuses on conscious active processing of incoming auditory and visual-spatial information and of information retrieved from long-term memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Parallel Processing

= the processing of many aspects of a problem simultaneously the brainrsquos natural mode of information processing for many functions Contrasts with the step-by-step (serial) processing of most computers and of conscious problem solving

Wednesday March 6 13

Automatic Processing

= unconscious encoding of incidental information such as space time and frequency and of well-learned information such as word meanings

Wednesday March 6 13

Effortful Processing

= encoding that requires attention and conscious effort

Wednesday March 6 13


= the conscious repetition of information either to maintain it in consciousness or to encode it for storage

Wednesday March 6 13

Spacing Effect

= the tendency for distributed study or practice to yield better long-term retention than is achieved through massed study or practice

Wednesday March 6 13

Serial Position Effect

= our tendency to recall best the last and first items in a list

Wednesday March 6 13

Visual Encoding

= the encoding of picture images

Wednesday March 6 13

Acoustic Encoding

= the encoding of sound especially the sound of words

Wednesday March 6 13

Semantic Encoding

= the encoding of meaning including the meaning of words

Wednesday March 6 13


= mental pictures a powerful aid to effortful processing especially when combined with semantic encoding

Wednesday March 6 13


= memory aids especially those techniques that use vivid imagery and organizational devices

Wednesday March 6 13


= organizing items into familiar manageable units often occurs automatically

Wednesday March 6 13

Iconic Memory

= a momentary sensory memory of visual stimuli a photographic or picture-image memory lasting no more than a few tenths of a second

Wednesday March 6 13

Echoic Memory

= a momentary sensory memory of auditory stimuli if attention is elsewhere sounds and words can still be recalled within 3 or 4 seconds

Wednesday March 6 13

Long-term Potentiation (LTP)

= an increase in a synapsersquos firing potential after brief rapid stimulation Believed to be a neural basis for learning and memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Flashbulb Memory

= a clear memory of an emotionally significant moment or event

Wednesday March 6 13


= loss of memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Implicit Memory

= retention independent of conscious recollection (Also called nondeclarative or procedural memory)

Wednesday March 6 13

Explicit Memory

= memory of facts and experiences that one can consciously know and ldquodeclarerdquo (Also called declarative memory)

Wednesday March 6 13


= a neural center that is located in the limbic system helps process explicit memories for storage

Wednesday March 6 13


= a measure of memory in which the person must retrieve information learning earlier as on a fill-in-the-blank test

Wednesday March 6 13


= a measure of memory in which the person need only identify items previously learned as on a multiple-choice test

Wednesday March 6 13


= a measure of memory that assesses the amount of time saved when learning material for a second time

Wednesday March 6 13


= the activation often unconsciously of particular associations in memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Deja Vu

= that eerie sense that ldquoIrsquove experienced this beforerdquo Cues from the current situation may subconsciously trigger retrieval of an earlier experience

Wednesday March 6 13

Mood Congruent Memory

= the tendency to recall experiences that are consistent with onersquos current good or bad mood

Wednesday March 6 13

Proactive Interference

= the disruptive effect of prior learning on the recall of new information

Wednesday March 6 13

Retroactive Interference

= the disruptive effect of new learning on the recall of old information

Wednesday March 6 13


= in psychoanalytic theory the basic defense mechanism that banishes from consciousness anxiety-arousing thoughts feelings and memories

Wednesday March 6 13

Misinformation Effect

= incorporating misleading information into onersquos memory of an event

Wednesday March 6 13

Source Amnesia

= attributing to the wrong source an event we have experienced heard about read about or imagined (Also called source misattribution) Source amnesia along with the misinformation effect is at the heart of many false memories

Wednesday March 6 13

Source Amnesia

bullSource13 amnesia13 (source misattribution)

Wednesday March 6 13

Discerning True and False Memories

bullMemory studiesbullEye witness testimony

Wednesday March 6 13

Childrenrsquos Eyewitness Recall

bullChildrenrsquos memories of abusebullSuggestibility

Wednesday March 6 13

Repressed or Constructed Memories of Abuse

bullAreas of agreementbullSexual abuse happensbullInjustice happensbullForgetting happensbullRecovered memories are incompletebullMemories before 3 years are unreliablebullHypnotic memories are unreliablebullMemories can be emotionally upsetting

Wednesday March 6 13

Repressed or Constructed Memories of Abuse

bullLoftus studies with children

Wednesday March 6 13

Improving Memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Improving Memory TechniquesbullStudy repeatedlybullMake the material meaningfulbullActivate retrieval cuesbullUse mnemonic devicesbullMinimize interferencebullSleep morebullTest your own knowledge both to rehearse it and to help determine what you do not yet

Wednesday March 6 13

The End

Wednesday March 6 13

Teacher13 Informa3onbullTypes13 of13 Files

bullThis13 presenta3on13 has13 been13 saved13 as13 a13 ldquobasicrdquo13 Powerpoint13 file13 13 While13 this13 file13 format13 placed13 a13 few13 limita3ons13 on13 the13 presenta3on13 it13 insured13 the13 file13 would13 be13 compa3ble13 with13 the13 many13 versions13 of13 Powerpoint13 teachers13 use13 13 To13 add13 func3onality13 to13 the13 presenta3on13 teachers13 may13 want13 to13 save13 the13 file13 for13 their13 specific13 version13 of13 Powerpoint

bullAnima0onbullOnce13 again13 to13 insure13 compa3bility13 with13 all13 versions13 of13 Powerpoint13 none13 of13 the13 slides13 are13 animated13 13 To13 increase13 student13 interest13 it13 is13 suggested13 teachers13 animate13 the13 slides13 wherever13 possible

bullAdding13 slides13 to13 this13 presenta0onbullTeachers13 are13 encouraged13 to13 adapt13 this13 presenta3on13 to13 their13 personal13 teaching13 style13 13 To13 help13 keep13 a13 sense13 of13 con3nuity13 blank13 slides13 which13 can13 be13 copied13 and13 pasted13 to13 a13 specific13 loca3on13 in13 the13 presenta3on13 follow13 this13 ldquoTeacher13 Informa3onrdquo13 sec3on13 13 13

Wednesday March 6 13

Teacher13 Informa3onbullHyperlink13 Slides13 -shy‐13 This13 presenta3on13 contain13 two13 types13 of13 hyperlinks13 13 Hyperlinks13 can13 be13 iden3fied13 by13 the13 text13 being13 underlined13 and13 a13 different13 color13 (usually13 purple)

bullUnit13 subsec0ons13 hyperlinks13 13 Immediately13 aer13 the13 unit13 3tle13 slide13 a13 page13 (slide13 3)13 can13 be13 found13 lis3ng13 all13 of13 the13 unitrsquos13 subsec3ons13 13 While13 in13 slide13 show13 mode13 clicking13 on13 any13 of13 these13 hyperlinks13 will13 take13 the13 user13 directly13 to13 the13 beginning13 of13 that13 subsec3on13 13 This13 allows13 teachers13 quick13 access13 to13 each13 subsec3on

bullBold13 print13 term13 hyperlinks13 13 Every13 bold13 print13 term13 from13 the13 unit13 is13 included13 in13 this13 presenta3on13 as13 a13 hyperlink13 13 While13 in13 slide13 show13 mode13 clicking13 on13 any13 of13 the13 hyperlinks13 will13 take13 the13 user13 to13 a13 slide13 containing13 the13 formal13 defini3on13 of13 the13 term13 13 Clicking13 on13 the13 ldquoarrowrdquo13 in13 the13 boaom13 le13 corner13 of13 the13 defini3on13 slide13 will13 take13 the13 user13 back13 to13 the13 original13 point13 in13 the13 presenta3on13

13 These13 hyperlinks13 were13 included13 for13 teachers13 who13 want13 students13 to13 see13 or13 copy13 down13 the13 exact13 defini3on13 as13 stated13 in13 the13 text13 13 Most13 teachers13 prefer13 the13 defini3ons13 not13 be13 included13 to13 prevent13 students13 from13 only13 ldquocopying13 down13 what13 is13 on13 the13 screenrdquo13 and13 not13 ac3vely13 listening13 to13 the13 presenta3on

13 For13 teachers13 who13 con3nually13 use13 the13 Bold13 Print13 Term13 Hyperlinks13 op3on13 please13 contact13 the13 author13 using13 the13 email13 address13 on13 the13 next13 slide13 to13 learn13 a13 technique13 to13 expedite13 the13 returning13 to13 the13 original13 point13 in13 the13 presenta3on

Wednesday March 6 13

Teacher13 Informa3onbullCon0nuity13 slides

bullThroughout13 this13 presenta3on13 there13 are13 slides13 usually13 of13 graphics13 or13 tables13 that13 build13 on13 one13 another13 13 These13 are13 included13 for13 three13 purposes13 13

bullBy13 presen3ng13 informa3on13 in13 small13 chunks13 students13 will13 find13 it13 easier13 to13 process13 and13 remember13 the13 concepts13 13

bullBy13 con3nually13 changing13 slides13 students13 will13 stay13 interested13 in13 the13 presenta3onbullTo13 facilitate13 class13 discussion13 and13 cri3cal13 thinking13 13 Students13 should13 be13 encouraged13 to13 think13 about13 ldquowhat13 might13 come13 nextrdquo13 in13 the13 series13 of13 slides13 13

bullPlease13 feel13 free13 to13 contact13 me13 at13 kkorekgermantownk12wius13 with13 any13 ques3ons13 concerns13 sugges3ons13 etc13 regarding13 these13 presenta3ons13

Kent13 Korek

Germantown13 High13 School

Germantown13 WI13 53022

Wednesday March 6 13

Division title (green print)subdivision title (blue print)


Wednesday March 6 13

Division title (green print)

Use13 this13 slide13 to13 add13 a13 table13 chart13 clip13 art13 picture13 diagram13 or13 video13 clip13 13 Delete13 this13 box13 when13 finished

Wednesday March 6 13

Definition Slide

= add definition here

Wednesday March 6 13


Wednesday March 6 13


= the persistence of learning over time through the storage and retrieval of information

Wednesday March 6 13


= the processing of information into the memory systems ndash for example by extracting meaning

Wednesday March 6 13


= the retention of encoded information over time

Wednesday March 6 13


= the process of getting information out of memory storage

Wednesday March 6 13

Sensory Memory

= the immediate very brief recording of sensory information in the memory system

Wednesday March 6 13

Short-term Memory

= activated memory that holds a few items briefly such as the seven digits of a phone number while dialing before the information is stored or forgotten

Wednesday March 6 13

Long-term Memory

= the relatively permanent and limitless storehouse of the memory system Includes knowledge skills and experiences

Wednesday March 6 13

Working Memory

= a newer understanding of short-term memory that focuses on conscious active processing of incoming auditory and visual-spatial information and of information retrieved from long-term memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Parallel Processing

= the processing of many aspects of a problem simultaneously the brainrsquos natural mode of information processing for many functions Contrasts with the step-by-step (serial) processing of most computers and of conscious problem solving

Wednesday March 6 13

Automatic Processing

= unconscious encoding of incidental information such as space time and frequency and of well-learned information such as word meanings

Wednesday March 6 13

Effortful Processing

= encoding that requires attention and conscious effort

Wednesday March 6 13


= the conscious repetition of information either to maintain it in consciousness or to encode it for storage

Wednesday March 6 13

Spacing Effect

= the tendency for distributed study or practice to yield better long-term retention than is achieved through massed study or practice

Wednesday March 6 13

Serial Position Effect

= our tendency to recall best the last and first items in a list

Wednesday March 6 13

Visual Encoding

= the encoding of picture images

Wednesday March 6 13

Acoustic Encoding

= the encoding of sound especially the sound of words

Wednesday March 6 13

Semantic Encoding

= the encoding of meaning including the meaning of words

Wednesday March 6 13


= mental pictures a powerful aid to effortful processing especially when combined with semantic encoding

Wednesday March 6 13


= memory aids especially those techniques that use vivid imagery and organizational devices

Wednesday March 6 13


= organizing items into familiar manageable units often occurs automatically

Wednesday March 6 13

Iconic Memory

= a momentary sensory memory of visual stimuli a photographic or picture-image memory lasting no more than a few tenths of a second

Wednesday March 6 13

Echoic Memory

= a momentary sensory memory of auditory stimuli if attention is elsewhere sounds and words can still be recalled within 3 or 4 seconds

Wednesday March 6 13

Long-term Potentiation (LTP)

= an increase in a synapsersquos firing potential after brief rapid stimulation Believed to be a neural basis for learning and memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Flashbulb Memory

= a clear memory of an emotionally significant moment or event

Wednesday March 6 13


= loss of memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Implicit Memory

= retention independent of conscious recollection (Also called nondeclarative or procedural memory)

Wednesday March 6 13

Explicit Memory

= memory of facts and experiences that one can consciously know and ldquodeclarerdquo (Also called declarative memory)

Wednesday March 6 13


= a neural center that is located in the limbic system helps process explicit memories for storage

Wednesday March 6 13


= a measure of memory in which the person must retrieve information learning earlier as on a fill-in-the-blank test

Wednesday March 6 13


= a measure of memory in which the person need only identify items previously learned as on a multiple-choice test

Wednesday March 6 13


= a measure of memory that assesses the amount of time saved when learning material for a second time

Wednesday March 6 13


= the activation often unconsciously of particular associations in memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Deja Vu

= that eerie sense that ldquoIrsquove experienced this beforerdquo Cues from the current situation may subconsciously trigger retrieval of an earlier experience

Wednesday March 6 13

Mood Congruent Memory

= the tendency to recall experiences that are consistent with onersquos current good or bad mood

Wednesday March 6 13

Proactive Interference

= the disruptive effect of prior learning on the recall of new information

Wednesday March 6 13

Retroactive Interference

= the disruptive effect of new learning on the recall of old information

Wednesday March 6 13


= in psychoanalytic theory the basic defense mechanism that banishes from consciousness anxiety-arousing thoughts feelings and memories

Wednesday March 6 13

Misinformation Effect

= incorporating misleading information into onersquos memory of an event

Wednesday March 6 13

Source Amnesia

= attributing to the wrong source an event we have experienced heard about read about or imagined (Also called source misattribution) Source amnesia along with the misinformation effect is at the heart of many false memories

Wednesday March 6 13

Discerning True and False Memories

bullMemory studiesbullEye witness testimony

Wednesday March 6 13

Childrenrsquos Eyewitness Recall

bullChildrenrsquos memories of abusebullSuggestibility

Wednesday March 6 13

Repressed or Constructed Memories of Abuse

bullAreas of agreementbullSexual abuse happensbullInjustice happensbullForgetting happensbullRecovered memories are incompletebullMemories before 3 years are unreliablebullHypnotic memories are unreliablebullMemories can be emotionally upsetting

Wednesday March 6 13

Repressed or Constructed Memories of Abuse

bullLoftus studies with children

Wednesday March 6 13

Improving Memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Improving Memory TechniquesbullStudy repeatedlybullMake the material meaningfulbullActivate retrieval cuesbullUse mnemonic devicesbullMinimize interferencebullSleep morebullTest your own knowledge both to rehearse it and to help determine what you do not yet

Wednesday March 6 13

The End

Wednesday March 6 13

Teacher13 Informa3onbullTypes13 of13 Files

bullThis13 presenta3on13 has13 been13 saved13 as13 a13 ldquobasicrdquo13 Powerpoint13 file13 13 While13 this13 file13 format13 placed13 a13 few13 limita3ons13 on13 the13 presenta3on13 it13 insured13 the13 file13 would13 be13 compa3ble13 with13 the13 many13 versions13 of13 Powerpoint13 teachers13 use13 13 To13 add13 func3onality13 to13 the13 presenta3on13 teachers13 may13 want13 to13 save13 the13 file13 for13 their13 specific13 version13 of13 Powerpoint

bullAnima0onbullOnce13 again13 to13 insure13 compa3bility13 with13 all13 versions13 of13 Powerpoint13 none13 of13 the13 slides13 are13 animated13 13 To13 increase13 student13 interest13 it13 is13 suggested13 teachers13 animate13 the13 slides13 wherever13 possible

bullAdding13 slides13 to13 this13 presenta0onbullTeachers13 are13 encouraged13 to13 adapt13 this13 presenta3on13 to13 their13 personal13 teaching13 style13 13 To13 help13 keep13 a13 sense13 of13 con3nuity13 blank13 slides13 which13 can13 be13 copied13 and13 pasted13 to13 a13 specific13 loca3on13 in13 the13 presenta3on13 follow13 this13 ldquoTeacher13 Informa3onrdquo13 sec3on13 13 13

Wednesday March 6 13

Teacher13 Informa3onbullHyperlink13 Slides13 -shy‐13 This13 presenta3on13 contain13 two13 types13 of13 hyperlinks13 13 Hyperlinks13 can13 be13 iden3fied13 by13 the13 text13 being13 underlined13 and13 a13 different13 color13 (usually13 purple)

bullUnit13 subsec0ons13 hyperlinks13 13 Immediately13 aer13 the13 unit13 3tle13 slide13 a13 page13 (slide13 3)13 can13 be13 found13 lis3ng13 all13 of13 the13 unitrsquos13 subsec3ons13 13 While13 in13 slide13 show13 mode13 clicking13 on13 any13 of13 these13 hyperlinks13 will13 take13 the13 user13 directly13 to13 the13 beginning13 of13 that13 subsec3on13 13 This13 allows13 teachers13 quick13 access13 to13 each13 subsec3on

bullBold13 print13 term13 hyperlinks13 13 Every13 bold13 print13 term13 from13 the13 unit13 is13 included13 in13 this13 presenta3on13 as13 a13 hyperlink13 13 While13 in13 slide13 show13 mode13 clicking13 on13 any13 of13 the13 hyperlinks13 will13 take13 the13 user13 to13 a13 slide13 containing13 the13 formal13 defini3on13 of13 the13 term13 13 Clicking13 on13 the13 ldquoarrowrdquo13 in13 the13 boaom13 le13 corner13 of13 the13 defini3on13 slide13 will13 take13 the13 user13 back13 to13 the13 original13 point13 in13 the13 presenta3on13

13 These13 hyperlinks13 were13 included13 for13 teachers13 who13 want13 students13 to13 see13 or13 copy13 down13 the13 exact13 defini3on13 as13 stated13 in13 the13 text13 13 Most13 teachers13 prefer13 the13 defini3ons13 not13 be13 included13 to13 prevent13 students13 from13 only13 ldquocopying13 down13 what13 is13 on13 the13 screenrdquo13 and13 not13 ac3vely13 listening13 to13 the13 presenta3on

13 For13 teachers13 who13 con3nually13 use13 the13 Bold13 Print13 Term13 Hyperlinks13 op3on13 please13 contact13 the13 author13 using13 the13 email13 address13 on13 the13 next13 slide13 to13 learn13 a13 technique13 to13 expedite13 the13 returning13 to13 the13 original13 point13 in13 the13 presenta3on

Wednesday March 6 13

Teacher13 Informa3onbullCon0nuity13 slides

bullThroughout13 this13 presenta3on13 there13 are13 slides13 usually13 of13 graphics13 or13 tables13 that13 build13 on13 one13 another13 13 These13 are13 included13 for13 three13 purposes13 13

bullBy13 presen3ng13 informa3on13 in13 small13 chunks13 students13 will13 find13 it13 easier13 to13 process13 and13 remember13 the13 concepts13 13

bullBy13 con3nually13 changing13 slides13 students13 will13 stay13 interested13 in13 the13 presenta3onbullTo13 facilitate13 class13 discussion13 and13 cri3cal13 thinking13 13 Students13 should13 be13 encouraged13 to13 think13 about13 ldquowhat13 might13 come13 nextrdquo13 in13 the13 series13 of13 slides13 13

bullPlease13 feel13 free13 to13 contact13 me13 at13 kkorekgermantownk12wius13 with13 any13 ques3ons13 concerns13 sugges3ons13 etc13 regarding13 these13 presenta3ons13

Kent13 Korek

Germantown13 High13 School

Germantown13 WI13 53022

Wednesday March 6 13

Division title (green print)subdivision title (blue print)


Wednesday March 6 13

Division title (green print)

Use13 this13 slide13 to13 add13 a13 table13 chart13 clip13 art13 picture13 diagram13 or13 video13 clip13 13 Delete13 this13 box13 when13 finished

Wednesday March 6 13

Definition Slide

= add definition here

Wednesday March 6 13


Wednesday March 6 13


= the persistence of learning over time through the storage and retrieval of information

Wednesday March 6 13


= the processing of information into the memory systems ndash for example by extracting meaning

Wednesday March 6 13


= the retention of encoded information over time

Wednesday March 6 13


= the process of getting information out of memory storage

Wednesday March 6 13

Sensory Memory

= the immediate very brief recording of sensory information in the memory system

Wednesday March 6 13

Short-term Memory

= activated memory that holds a few items briefly such as the seven digits of a phone number while dialing before the information is stored or forgotten

Wednesday March 6 13

Long-term Memory

= the relatively permanent and limitless storehouse of the memory system Includes knowledge skills and experiences

Wednesday March 6 13

Working Memory

= a newer understanding of short-term memory that focuses on conscious active processing of incoming auditory and visual-spatial information and of information retrieved from long-term memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Parallel Processing

= the processing of many aspects of a problem simultaneously the brainrsquos natural mode of information processing for many functions Contrasts with the step-by-step (serial) processing of most computers and of conscious problem solving

Wednesday March 6 13

Automatic Processing

= unconscious encoding of incidental information such as space time and frequency and of well-learned information such as word meanings

Wednesday March 6 13

Effortful Processing

= encoding that requires attention and conscious effort

Wednesday March 6 13


= the conscious repetition of information either to maintain it in consciousness or to encode it for storage

Wednesday March 6 13

Spacing Effect

= the tendency for distributed study or practice to yield better long-term retention than is achieved through massed study or practice

Wednesday March 6 13

Serial Position Effect

= our tendency to recall best the last and first items in a list

Wednesday March 6 13

Visual Encoding

= the encoding of picture images

Wednesday March 6 13

Acoustic Encoding

= the encoding of sound especially the sound of words

Wednesday March 6 13

Semantic Encoding

= the encoding of meaning including the meaning of words

Wednesday March 6 13


= mental pictures a powerful aid to effortful processing especially when combined with semantic encoding

Wednesday March 6 13


= memory aids especially those techniques that use vivid imagery and organizational devices

Wednesday March 6 13


= organizing items into familiar manageable units often occurs automatically

Wednesday March 6 13

Iconic Memory

= a momentary sensory memory of visual stimuli a photographic or picture-image memory lasting no more than a few tenths of a second

Wednesday March 6 13

Echoic Memory

= a momentary sensory memory of auditory stimuli if attention is elsewhere sounds and words can still be recalled within 3 or 4 seconds

Wednesday March 6 13

Long-term Potentiation (LTP)

= an increase in a synapsersquos firing potential after brief rapid stimulation Believed to be a neural basis for learning and memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Flashbulb Memory

= a clear memory of an emotionally significant moment or event

Wednesday March 6 13


= loss of memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Implicit Memory

= retention independent of conscious recollection (Also called nondeclarative or procedural memory)

Wednesday March 6 13

Explicit Memory

= memory of facts and experiences that one can consciously know and ldquodeclarerdquo (Also called declarative memory)

Wednesday March 6 13


= a neural center that is located in the limbic system helps process explicit memories for storage

Wednesday March 6 13


= a measure of memory in which the person must retrieve information learning earlier as on a fill-in-the-blank test

Wednesday March 6 13


= a measure of memory in which the person need only identify items previously learned as on a multiple-choice test

Wednesday March 6 13


= a measure of memory that assesses the amount of time saved when learning material for a second time

Wednesday March 6 13


= the activation often unconsciously of particular associations in memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Deja Vu

= that eerie sense that ldquoIrsquove experienced this beforerdquo Cues from the current situation may subconsciously trigger retrieval of an earlier experience

Wednesday March 6 13

Mood Congruent Memory

= the tendency to recall experiences that are consistent with onersquos current good or bad mood

Wednesday March 6 13

Proactive Interference

= the disruptive effect of prior learning on the recall of new information

Wednesday March 6 13

Retroactive Interference

= the disruptive effect of new learning on the recall of old information

Wednesday March 6 13


= in psychoanalytic theory the basic defense mechanism that banishes from consciousness anxiety-arousing thoughts feelings and memories

Wednesday March 6 13

Misinformation Effect

= incorporating misleading information into onersquos memory of an event

Wednesday March 6 13

Source Amnesia

= attributing to the wrong source an event we have experienced heard about read about or imagined (Also called source misattribution) Source amnesia along with the misinformation effect is at the heart of many false memories

Wednesday March 6 13

Childrenrsquos Eyewitness Recall

bullChildrenrsquos memories of abusebullSuggestibility

Wednesday March 6 13

Repressed or Constructed Memories of Abuse

bullAreas of agreementbullSexual abuse happensbullInjustice happensbullForgetting happensbullRecovered memories are incompletebullMemories before 3 years are unreliablebullHypnotic memories are unreliablebullMemories can be emotionally upsetting

Wednesday March 6 13

Repressed or Constructed Memories of Abuse

bullLoftus studies with children

Wednesday March 6 13

Improving Memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Improving Memory TechniquesbullStudy repeatedlybullMake the material meaningfulbullActivate retrieval cuesbullUse mnemonic devicesbullMinimize interferencebullSleep morebullTest your own knowledge both to rehearse it and to help determine what you do not yet

Wednesday March 6 13

The End

Wednesday March 6 13

Teacher13 Informa3onbullTypes13 of13 Files

bullThis13 presenta3on13 has13 been13 saved13 as13 a13 ldquobasicrdquo13 Powerpoint13 file13 13 While13 this13 file13 format13 placed13 a13 few13 limita3ons13 on13 the13 presenta3on13 it13 insured13 the13 file13 would13 be13 compa3ble13 with13 the13 many13 versions13 of13 Powerpoint13 teachers13 use13 13 To13 add13 func3onality13 to13 the13 presenta3on13 teachers13 may13 want13 to13 save13 the13 file13 for13 their13 specific13 version13 of13 Powerpoint

bullAnima0onbullOnce13 again13 to13 insure13 compa3bility13 with13 all13 versions13 of13 Powerpoint13 none13 of13 the13 slides13 are13 animated13 13 To13 increase13 student13 interest13 it13 is13 suggested13 teachers13 animate13 the13 slides13 wherever13 possible

bullAdding13 slides13 to13 this13 presenta0onbullTeachers13 are13 encouraged13 to13 adapt13 this13 presenta3on13 to13 their13 personal13 teaching13 style13 13 To13 help13 keep13 a13 sense13 of13 con3nuity13 blank13 slides13 which13 can13 be13 copied13 and13 pasted13 to13 a13 specific13 loca3on13 in13 the13 presenta3on13 follow13 this13 ldquoTeacher13 Informa3onrdquo13 sec3on13 13 13

Wednesday March 6 13

Teacher13 Informa3onbullHyperlink13 Slides13 -shy‐13 This13 presenta3on13 contain13 two13 types13 of13 hyperlinks13 13 Hyperlinks13 can13 be13 iden3fied13 by13 the13 text13 being13 underlined13 and13 a13 different13 color13 (usually13 purple)

bullUnit13 subsec0ons13 hyperlinks13 13 Immediately13 aer13 the13 unit13 3tle13 slide13 a13 page13 (slide13 3)13 can13 be13 found13 lis3ng13 all13 of13 the13 unitrsquos13 subsec3ons13 13 While13 in13 slide13 show13 mode13 clicking13 on13 any13 of13 these13 hyperlinks13 will13 take13 the13 user13 directly13 to13 the13 beginning13 of13 that13 subsec3on13 13 This13 allows13 teachers13 quick13 access13 to13 each13 subsec3on

bullBold13 print13 term13 hyperlinks13 13 Every13 bold13 print13 term13 from13 the13 unit13 is13 included13 in13 this13 presenta3on13 as13 a13 hyperlink13 13 While13 in13 slide13 show13 mode13 clicking13 on13 any13 of13 the13 hyperlinks13 will13 take13 the13 user13 to13 a13 slide13 containing13 the13 formal13 defini3on13 of13 the13 term13 13 Clicking13 on13 the13 ldquoarrowrdquo13 in13 the13 boaom13 le13 corner13 of13 the13 defini3on13 slide13 will13 take13 the13 user13 back13 to13 the13 original13 point13 in13 the13 presenta3on13

13 These13 hyperlinks13 were13 included13 for13 teachers13 who13 want13 students13 to13 see13 or13 copy13 down13 the13 exact13 defini3on13 as13 stated13 in13 the13 text13 13 Most13 teachers13 prefer13 the13 defini3ons13 not13 be13 included13 to13 prevent13 students13 from13 only13 ldquocopying13 down13 what13 is13 on13 the13 screenrdquo13 and13 not13 ac3vely13 listening13 to13 the13 presenta3on

13 For13 teachers13 who13 con3nually13 use13 the13 Bold13 Print13 Term13 Hyperlinks13 op3on13 please13 contact13 the13 author13 using13 the13 email13 address13 on13 the13 next13 slide13 to13 learn13 a13 technique13 to13 expedite13 the13 returning13 to13 the13 original13 point13 in13 the13 presenta3on

Wednesday March 6 13

Teacher13 Informa3onbullCon0nuity13 slides

bullThroughout13 this13 presenta3on13 there13 are13 slides13 usually13 of13 graphics13 or13 tables13 that13 build13 on13 one13 another13 13 These13 are13 included13 for13 three13 purposes13 13

bullBy13 presen3ng13 informa3on13 in13 small13 chunks13 students13 will13 find13 it13 easier13 to13 process13 and13 remember13 the13 concepts13 13

bullBy13 con3nually13 changing13 slides13 students13 will13 stay13 interested13 in13 the13 presenta3onbullTo13 facilitate13 class13 discussion13 and13 cri3cal13 thinking13 13 Students13 should13 be13 encouraged13 to13 think13 about13 ldquowhat13 might13 come13 nextrdquo13 in13 the13 series13 of13 slides13 13

bullPlease13 feel13 free13 to13 contact13 me13 at13 kkorekgermantownk12wius13 with13 any13 ques3ons13 concerns13 sugges3ons13 etc13 regarding13 these13 presenta3ons13

Kent13 Korek

Germantown13 High13 School

Germantown13 WI13 53022

Wednesday March 6 13

Division title (green print)subdivision title (blue print)


Wednesday March 6 13

Division title (green print)

Use13 this13 slide13 to13 add13 a13 table13 chart13 clip13 art13 picture13 diagram13 or13 video13 clip13 13 Delete13 this13 box13 when13 finished

Wednesday March 6 13

Definition Slide

= add definition here

Wednesday March 6 13


Wednesday March 6 13


= the persistence of learning over time through the storage and retrieval of information

Wednesday March 6 13


= the processing of information into the memory systems ndash for example by extracting meaning

Wednesday March 6 13


= the retention of encoded information over time

Wednesday March 6 13


= the process of getting information out of memory storage

Wednesday March 6 13

Sensory Memory

= the immediate very brief recording of sensory information in the memory system

Wednesday March 6 13

Short-term Memory

= activated memory that holds a few items briefly such as the seven digits of a phone number while dialing before the information is stored or forgotten

Wednesday March 6 13

Long-term Memory

= the relatively permanent and limitless storehouse of the memory system Includes knowledge skills and experiences

Wednesday March 6 13

Working Memory

= a newer understanding of short-term memory that focuses on conscious active processing of incoming auditory and visual-spatial information and of information retrieved from long-term memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Parallel Processing

= the processing of many aspects of a problem simultaneously the brainrsquos natural mode of information processing for many functions Contrasts with the step-by-step (serial) processing of most computers and of conscious problem solving

Wednesday March 6 13

Automatic Processing

= unconscious encoding of incidental information such as space time and frequency and of well-learned information such as word meanings

Wednesday March 6 13

Effortful Processing

= encoding that requires attention and conscious effort

Wednesday March 6 13


= the conscious repetition of information either to maintain it in consciousness or to encode it for storage

Wednesday March 6 13

Spacing Effect

= the tendency for distributed study or practice to yield better long-term retention than is achieved through massed study or practice

Wednesday March 6 13

Serial Position Effect

= our tendency to recall best the last and first items in a list

Wednesday March 6 13

Visual Encoding

= the encoding of picture images

Wednesday March 6 13

Acoustic Encoding

= the encoding of sound especially the sound of words

Wednesday March 6 13

Semantic Encoding

= the encoding of meaning including the meaning of words

Wednesday March 6 13


= mental pictures a powerful aid to effortful processing especially when combined with semantic encoding

Wednesday March 6 13


= memory aids especially those techniques that use vivid imagery and organizational devices

Wednesday March 6 13


= organizing items into familiar manageable units often occurs automatically

Wednesday March 6 13

Iconic Memory

= a momentary sensory memory of visual stimuli a photographic or picture-image memory lasting no more than a few tenths of a second

Wednesday March 6 13

Echoic Memory

= a momentary sensory memory of auditory stimuli if attention is elsewhere sounds and words can still be recalled within 3 or 4 seconds

Wednesday March 6 13

Long-term Potentiation (LTP)

= an increase in a synapsersquos firing potential after brief rapid stimulation Believed to be a neural basis for learning and memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Flashbulb Memory

= a clear memory of an emotionally significant moment or event

Wednesday March 6 13


= loss of memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Implicit Memory

= retention independent of conscious recollection (Also called nondeclarative or procedural memory)

Wednesday March 6 13

Explicit Memory

= memory of facts and experiences that one can consciously know and ldquodeclarerdquo (Also called declarative memory)

Wednesday March 6 13


= a neural center that is located in the limbic system helps process explicit memories for storage

Wednesday March 6 13


= a measure of memory in which the person must retrieve information learning earlier as on a fill-in-the-blank test

Wednesday March 6 13


= a measure of memory in which the person need only identify items previously learned as on a multiple-choice test

Wednesday March 6 13


= a measure of memory that assesses the amount of time saved when learning material for a second time

Wednesday March 6 13


= the activation often unconsciously of particular associations in memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Deja Vu

= that eerie sense that ldquoIrsquove experienced this beforerdquo Cues from the current situation may subconsciously trigger retrieval of an earlier experience

Wednesday March 6 13

Mood Congruent Memory

= the tendency to recall experiences that are consistent with onersquos current good or bad mood

Wednesday March 6 13

Proactive Interference

= the disruptive effect of prior learning on the recall of new information

Wednesday March 6 13

Retroactive Interference

= the disruptive effect of new learning on the recall of old information

Wednesday March 6 13


= in psychoanalytic theory the basic defense mechanism that banishes from consciousness anxiety-arousing thoughts feelings and memories

Wednesday March 6 13

Misinformation Effect

= incorporating misleading information into onersquos memory of an event

Wednesday March 6 13

Source Amnesia

= attributing to the wrong source an event we have experienced heard about read about or imagined (Also called source misattribution) Source amnesia along with the misinformation effect is at the heart of many false memories

Wednesday March 6 13

Repressed or Constructed Memories of Abuse

bullAreas of agreementbullSexual abuse happensbullInjustice happensbullForgetting happensbullRecovered memories are incompletebullMemories before 3 years are unreliablebullHypnotic memories are unreliablebullMemories can be emotionally upsetting

Wednesday March 6 13

Repressed or Constructed Memories of Abuse

bullLoftus studies with children

Wednesday March 6 13

Improving Memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Improving Memory TechniquesbullStudy repeatedlybullMake the material meaningfulbullActivate retrieval cuesbullUse mnemonic devicesbullMinimize interferencebullSleep morebullTest your own knowledge both to rehearse it and to help determine what you do not yet

Wednesday March 6 13

The End

Wednesday March 6 13

Teacher13 Informa3onbullTypes13 of13 Files

bullThis13 presenta3on13 has13 been13 saved13 as13 a13 ldquobasicrdquo13 Powerpoint13 file13 13 While13 this13 file13 format13 placed13 a13 few13 limita3ons13 on13 the13 presenta3on13 it13 insured13 the13 file13 would13 be13 compa3ble13 with13 the13 many13 versions13 of13 Powerpoint13 teachers13 use13 13 To13 add13 func3onality13 to13 the13 presenta3on13 teachers13 may13 want13 to13 save13 the13 file13 for13 their13 specific13 version13 of13 Powerpoint

bullAnima0onbullOnce13 again13 to13 insure13 compa3bility13 with13 all13 versions13 of13 Powerpoint13 none13 of13 the13 slides13 are13 animated13 13 To13 increase13 student13 interest13 it13 is13 suggested13 teachers13 animate13 the13 slides13 wherever13 possible

bullAdding13 slides13 to13 this13 presenta0onbullTeachers13 are13 encouraged13 to13 adapt13 this13 presenta3on13 to13 their13 personal13 teaching13 style13 13 To13 help13 keep13 a13 sense13 of13 con3nuity13 blank13 slides13 which13 can13 be13 copied13 and13 pasted13 to13 a13 specific13 loca3on13 in13 the13 presenta3on13 follow13 this13 ldquoTeacher13 Informa3onrdquo13 sec3on13 13 13

Wednesday March 6 13

Teacher13 Informa3onbullHyperlink13 Slides13 -shy‐13 This13 presenta3on13 contain13 two13 types13 of13 hyperlinks13 13 Hyperlinks13 can13 be13 iden3fied13 by13 the13 text13 being13 underlined13 and13 a13 different13 color13 (usually13 purple)

bullUnit13 subsec0ons13 hyperlinks13 13 Immediately13 aer13 the13 unit13 3tle13 slide13 a13 page13 (slide13 3)13 can13 be13 found13 lis3ng13 all13 of13 the13 unitrsquos13 subsec3ons13 13 While13 in13 slide13 show13 mode13 clicking13 on13 any13 of13 these13 hyperlinks13 will13 take13 the13 user13 directly13 to13 the13 beginning13 of13 that13 subsec3on13 13 This13 allows13 teachers13 quick13 access13 to13 each13 subsec3on

bullBold13 print13 term13 hyperlinks13 13 Every13 bold13 print13 term13 from13 the13 unit13 is13 included13 in13 this13 presenta3on13 as13 a13 hyperlink13 13 While13 in13 slide13 show13 mode13 clicking13 on13 any13 of13 the13 hyperlinks13 will13 take13 the13 user13 to13 a13 slide13 containing13 the13 formal13 defini3on13 of13 the13 term13 13 Clicking13 on13 the13 ldquoarrowrdquo13 in13 the13 boaom13 le13 corner13 of13 the13 defini3on13 slide13 will13 take13 the13 user13 back13 to13 the13 original13 point13 in13 the13 presenta3on13

13 These13 hyperlinks13 were13 included13 for13 teachers13 who13 want13 students13 to13 see13 or13 copy13 down13 the13 exact13 defini3on13 as13 stated13 in13 the13 text13 13 Most13 teachers13 prefer13 the13 defini3ons13 not13 be13 included13 to13 prevent13 students13 from13 only13 ldquocopying13 down13 what13 is13 on13 the13 screenrdquo13 and13 not13 ac3vely13 listening13 to13 the13 presenta3on

13 For13 teachers13 who13 con3nually13 use13 the13 Bold13 Print13 Term13 Hyperlinks13 op3on13 please13 contact13 the13 author13 using13 the13 email13 address13 on13 the13 next13 slide13 to13 learn13 a13 technique13 to13 expedite13 the13 returning13 to13 the13 original13 point13 in13 the13 presenta3on

Wednesday March 6 13

Teacher13 Informa3onbullCon0nuity13 slides

bullThroughout13 this13 presenta3on13 there13 are13 slides13 usually13 of13 graphics13 or13 tables13 that13 build13 on13 one13 another13 13 These13 are13 included13 for13 three13 purposes13 13

bullBy13 presen3ng13 informa3on13 in13 small13 chunks13 students13 will13 find13 it13 easier13 to13 process13 and13 remember13 the13 concepts13 13

bullBy13 con3nually13 changing13 slides13 students13 will13 stay13 interested13 in13 the13 presenta3onbullTo13 facilitate13 class13 discussion13 and13 cri3cal13 thinking13 13 Students13 should13 be13 encouraged13 to13 think13 about13 ldquowhat13 might13 come13 nextrdquo13 in13 the13 series13 of13 slides13 13

bullPlease13 feel13 free13 to13 contact13 me13 at13 kkorekgermantownk12wius13 with13 any13 ques3ons13 concerns13 sugges3ons13 etc13 regarding13 these13 presenta3ons13

Kent13 Korek

Germantown13 High13 School

Germantown13 WI13 53022

Wednesday March 6 13

Division title (green print)subdivision title (blue print)


Wednesday March 6 13

Division title (green print)

Use13 this13 slide13 to13 add13 a13 table13 chart13 clip13 art13 picture13 diagram13 or13 video13 clip13 13 Delete13 this13 box13 when13 finished

Wednesday March 6 13

Definition Slide

= add definition here

Wednesday March 6 13


Wednesday March 6 13


= the persistence of learning over time through the storage and retrieval of information

Wednesday March 6 13


= the processing of information into the memory systems ndash for example by extracting meaning

Wednesday March 6 13


= the retention of encoded information over time

Wednesday March 6 13


= the process of getting information out of memory storage

Wednesday March 6 13

Sensory Memory

= the immediate very brief recording of sensory information in the memory system

Wednesday March 6 13

Short-term Memory

= activated memory that holds a few items briefly such as the seven digits of a phone number while dialing before the information is stored or forgotten

Wednesday March 6 13

Long-term Memory

= the relatively permanent and limitless storehouse of the memory system Includes knowledge skills and experiences

Wednesday March 6 13

Working Memory

= a newer understanding of short-term memory that focuses on conscious active processing of incoming auditory and visual-spatial information and of information retrieved from long-term memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Parallel Processing

= the processing of many aspects of a problem simultaneously the brainrsquos natural mode of information processing for many functions Contrasts with the step-by-step (serial) processing of most computers and of conscious problem solving

Wednesday March 6 13

Automatic Processing

= unconscious encoding of incidental information such as space time and frequency and of well-learned information such as word meanings

Wednesday March 6 13

Effortful Processing

= encoding that requires attention and conscious effort

Wednesday March 6 13


= the conscious repetition of information either to maintain it in consciousness or to encode it for storage

Wednesday March 6 13

Spacing Effect

= the tendency for distributed study or practice to yield better long-term retention than is achieved through massed study or practice

Wednesday March 6 13

Serial Position Effect

= our tendency to recall best the last and first items in a list

Wednesday March 6 13

Visual Encoding

= the encoding of picture images

Wednesday March 6 13

Acoustic Encoding

= the encoding of sound especially the sound of words

Wednesday March 6 13

Semantic Encoding

= the encoding of meaning including the meaning of words

Wednesday March 6 13


= mental pictures a powerful aid to effortful processing especially when combined with semantic encoding

Wednesday March 6 13


= memory aids especially those techniques that use vivid imagery and organizational devices

Wednesday March 6 13


= organizing items into familiar manageable units often occurs automatically

Wednesday March 6 13

Iconic Memory

= a momentary sensory memory of visual stimuli a photographic or picture-image memory lasting no more than a few tenths of a second

Wednesday March 6 13

Echoic Memory

= a momentary sensory memory of auditory stimuli if attention is elsewhere sounds and words can still be recalled within 3 or 4 seconds

Wednesday March 6 13

Long-term Potentiation (LTP)

= an increase in a synapsersquos firing potential after brief rapid stimulation Believed to be a neural basis for learning and memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Flashbulb Memory

= a clear memory of an emotionally significant moment or event

Wednesday March 6 13


= loss of memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Implicit Memory

= retention independent of conscious recollection (Also called nondeclarative or procedural memory)

Wednesday March 6 13

Explicit Memory

= memory of facts and experiences that one can consciously know and ldquodeclarerdquo (Also called declarative memory)

Wednesday March 6 13


= a neural center that is located in the limbic system helps process explicit memories for storage

Wednesday March 6 13


= a measure of memory in which the person must retrieve information learning earlier as on a fill-in-the-blank test

Wednesday March 6 13


= a measure of memory in which the person need only identify items previously learned as on a multiple-choice test

Wednesday March 6 13


= a measure of memory that assesses the amount of time saved when learning material for a second time

Wednesday March 6 13


= the activation often unconsciously of particular associations in memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Deja Vu

= that eerie sense that ldquoIrsquove experienced this beforerdquo Cues from the current situation may subconsciously trigger retrieval of an earlier experience

Wednesday March 6 13

Mood Congruent Memory

= the tendency to recall experiences that are consistent with onersquos current good or bad mood

Wednesday March 6 13

Proactive Interference

= the disruptive effect of prior learning on the recall of new information

Wednesday March 6 13

Retroactive Interference

= the disruptive effect of new learning on the recall of old information

Wednesday March 6 13


= in psychoanalytic theory the basic defense mechanism that banishes from consciousness anxiety-arousing thoughts feelings and memories

Wednesday March 6 13

Misinformation Effect

= incorporating misleading information into onersquos memory of an event

Wednesday March 6 13

Source Amnesia

= attributing to the wrong source an event we have experienced heard about read about or imagined (Also called source misattribution) Source amnesia along with the misinformation effect is at the heart of many false memories

Wednesday March 6 13

Repressed or Constructed Memories of Abuse

bullLoftus studies with children

Wednesday March 6 13

Improving Memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Improving Memory TechniquesbullStudy repeatedlybullMake the material meaningfulbullActivate retrieval cuesbullUse mnemonic devicesbullMinimize interferencebullSleep morebullTest your own knowledge both to rehearse it and to help determine what you do not yet

Wednesday March 6 13

The End

Wednesday March 6 13

Teacher13 Informa3onbullTypes13 of13 Files

bullThis13 presenta3on13 has13 been13 saved13 as13 a13 ldquobasicrdquo13 Powerpoint13 file13 13 While13 this13 file13 format13 placed13 a13 few13 limita3ons13 on13 the13 presenta3on13 it13 insured13 the13 file13 would13 be13 compa3ble13 with13 the13 many13 versions13 of13 Powerpoint13 teachers13 use13 13 To13 add13 func3onality13 to13 the13 presenta3on13 teachers13 may13 want13 to13 save13 the13 file13 for13 their13 specific13 version13 of13 Powerpoint

bullAnima0onbullOnce13 again13 to13 insure13 compa3bility13 with13 all13 versions13 of13 Powerpoint13 none13 of13 the13 slides13 are13 animated13 13 To13 increase13 student13 interest13 it13 is13 suggested13 teachers13 animate13 the13 slides13 wherever13 possible

bullAdding13 slides13 to13 this13 presenta0onbullTeachers13 are13 encouraged13 to13 adapt13 this13 presenta3on13 to13 their13 personal13 teaching13 style13 13 To13 help13 keep13 a13 sense13 of13 con3nuity13 blank13 slides13 which13 can13 be13 copied13 and13 pasted13 to13 a13 specific13 loca3on13 in13 the13 presenta3on13 follow13 this13 ldquoTeacher13 Informa3onrdquo13 sec3on13 13 13

Wednesday March 6 13

Teacher13 Informa3onbullHyperlink13 Slides13 -shy‐13 This13 presenta3on13 contain13 two13 types13 of13 hyperlinks13 13 Hyperlinks13 can13 be13 iden3fied13 by13 the13 text13 being13 underlined13 and13 a13 different13 color13 (usually13 purple)

bullUnit13 subsec0ons13 hyperlinks13 13 Immediately13 aer13 the13 unit13 3tle13 slide13 a13 page13 (slide13 3)13 can13 be13 found13 lis3ng13 all13 of13 the13 unitrsquos13 subsec3ons13 13 While13 in13 slide13 show13 mode13 clicking13 on13 any13 of13 these13 hyperlinks13 will13 take13 the13 user13 directly13 to13 the13 beginning13 of13 that13 subsec3on13 13 This13 allows13 teachers13 quick13 access13 to13 each13 subsec3on

bullBold13 print13 term13 hyperlinks13 13 Every13 bold13 print13 term13 from13 the13 unit13 is13 included13 in13 this13 presenta3on13 as13 a13 hyperlink13 13 While13 in13 slide13 show13 mode13 clicking13 on13 any13 of13 the13 hyperlinks13 will13 take13 the13 user13 to13 a13 slide13 containing13 the13 formal13 defini3on13 of13 the13 term13 13 Clicking13 on13 the13 ldquoarrowrdquo13 in13 the13 boaom13 le13 corner13 of13 the13 defini3on13 slide13 will13 take13 the13 user13 back13 to13 the13 original13 point13 in13 the13 presenta3on13

13 These13 hyperlinks13 were13 included13 for13 teachers13 who13 want13 students13 to13 see13 or13 copy13 down13 the13 exact13 defini3on13 as13 stated13 in13 the13 text13 13 Most13 teachers13 prefer13 the13 defini3ons13 not13 be13 included13 to13 prevent13 students13 from13 only13 ldquocopying13 down13 what13 is13 on13 the13 screenrdquo13 and13 not13 ac3vely13 listening13 to13 the13 presenta3on

13 For13 teachers13 who13 con3nually13 use13 the13 Bold13 Print13 Term13 Hyperlinks13 op3on13 please13 contact13 the13 author13 using13 the13 email13 address13 on13 the13 next13 slide13 to13 learn13 a13 technique13 to13 expedite13 the13 returning13 to13 the13 original13 point13 in13 the13 presenta3on

Wednesday March 6 13

Teacher13 Informa3onbullCon0nuity13 slides

bullThroughout13 this13 presenta3on13 there13 are13 slides13 usually13 of13 graphics13 or13 tables13 that13 build13 on13 one13 another13 13 These13 are13 included13 for13 three13 purposes13 13

bullBy13 presen3ng13 informa3on13 in13 small13 chunks13 students13 will13 find13 it13 easier13 to13 process13 and13 remember13 the13 concepts13 13

bullBy13 con3nually13 changing13 slides13 students13 will13 stay13 interested13 in13 the13 presenta3onbullTo13 facilitate13 class13 discussion13 and13 cri3cal13 thinking13 13 Students13 should13 be13 encouraged13 to13 think13 about13 ldquowhat13 might13 come13 nextrdquo13 in13 the13 series13 of13 slides13 13

bullPlease13 feel13 free13 to13 contact13 me13 at13 kkorekgermantownk12wius13 with13 any13 ques3ons13 concerns13 sugges3ons13 etc13 regarding13 these13 presenta3ons13

Kent13 Korek

Germantown13 High13 School

Germantown13 WI13 53022

Wednesday March 6 13

Division title (green print)subdivision title (blue print)


Wednesday March 6 13

Division title (green print)

Use13 this13 slide13 to13 add13 a13 table13 chart13 clip13 art13 picture13 diagram13 or13 video13 clip13 13 Delete13 this13 box13 when13 finished

Wednesday March 6 13

Definition Slide

= add definition here

Wednesday March 6 13


Wednesday March 6 13


= the persistence of learning over time through the storage and retrieval of information

Wednesday March 6 13


= the processing of information into the memory systems ndash for example by extracting meaning

Wednesday March 6 13


= the retention of encoded information over time

Wednesday March 6 13


= the process of getting information out of memory storage

Wednesday March 6 13

Sensory Memory

= the immediate very brief recording of sensory information in the memory system

Wednesday March 6 13

Short-term Memory

= activated memory that holds a few items briefly such as the seven digits of a phone number while dialing before the information is stored or forgotten

Wednesday March 6 13

Long-term Memory

= the relatively permanent and limitless storehouse of the memory system Includes knowledge skills and experiences

Wednesday March 6 13

Working Memory

= a newer understanding of short-term memory that focuses on conscious active processing of incoming auditory and visual-spatial information and of information retrieved from long-term memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Parallel Processing

= the processing of many aspects of a problem simultaneously the brainrsquos natural mode of information processing for many functions Contrasts with the step-by-step (serial) processing of most computers and of conscious problem solving

Wednesday March 6 13

Automatic Processing

= unconscious encoding of incidental information such as space time and frequency and of well-learned information such as word meanings

Wednesday March 6 13

Effortful Processing

= encoding that requires attention and conscious effort

Wednesday March 6 13


= the conscious repetition of information either to maintain it in consciousness or to encode it for storage

Wednesday March 6 13

Spacing Effect

= the tendency for distributed study or practice to yield better long-term retention than is achieved through massed study or practice

Wednesday March 6 13

Serial Position Effect

= our tendency to recall best the last and first items in a list

Wednesday March 6 13

Visual Encoding

= the encoding of picture images

Wednesday March 6 13

Acoustic Encoding

= the encoding of sound especially the sound of words

Wednesday March 6 13

Semantic Encoding

= the encoding of meaning including the meaning of words

Wednesday March 6 13


= mental pictures a powerful aid to effortful processing especially when combined with semantic encoding

Wednesday March 6 13


= memory aids especially those techniques that use vivid imagery and organizational devices

Wednesday March 6 13


= organizing items into familiar manageable units often occurs automatically

Wednesday March 6 13

Iconic Memory

= a momentary sensory memory of visual stimuli a photographic or picture-image memory lasting no more than a few tenths of a second

Wednesday March 6 13

Echoic Memory

= a momentary sensory memory of auditory stimuli if attention is elsewhere sounds and words can still be recalled within 3 or 4 seconds

Wednesday March 6 13

Long-term Potentiation (LTP)

= an increase in a synapsersquos firing potential after brief rapid stimulation Believed to be a neural basis for learning and memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Flashbulb Memory

= a clear memory of an emotionally significant moment or event

Wednesday March 6 13


= loss of memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Implicit Memory

= retention independent of conscious recollection (Also called nondeclarative or procedural memory)

Wednesday March 6 13

Explicit Memory

= memory of facts and experiences that one can consciously know and ldquodeclarerdquo (Also called declarative memory)

Wednesday March 6 13


= a neural center that is located in the limbic system helps process explicit memories for storage

Wednesday March 6 13


= a measure of memory in which the person must retrieve information learning earlier as on a fill-in-the-blank test

Wednesday March 6 13


= a measure of memory in which the person need only identify items previously learned as on a multiple-choice test

Wednesday March 6 13


= a measure of memory that assesses the amount of time saved when learning material for a second time

Wednesday March 6 13


= the activation often unconsciously of particular associations in memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Deja Vu

= that eerie sense that ldquoIrsquove experienced this beforerdquo Cues from the current situation may subconsciously trigger retrieval of an earlier experience

Wednesday March 6 13

Mood Congruent Memory

= the tendency to recall experiences that are consistent with onersquos current good or bad mood

Wednesday March 6 13

Proactive Interference

= the disruptive effect of prior learning on the recall of new information

Wednesday March 6 13

Retroactive Interference

= the disruptive effect of new learning on the recall of old information

Wednesday March 6 13


= in psychoanalytic theory the basic defense mechanism that banishes from consciousness anxiety-arousing thoughts feelings and memories

Wednesday March 6 13

Misinformation Effect

= incorporating misleading information into onersquos memory of an event

Wednesday March 6 13

Source Amnesia

= attributing to the wrong source an event we have experienced heard about read about or imagined (Also called source misattribution) Source amnesia along with the misinformation effect is at the heart of many false memories

Wednesday March 6 13

Improving Memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Improving Memory TechniquesbullStudy repeatedlybullMake the material meaningfulbullActivate retrieval cuesbullUse mnemonic devicesbullMinimize interferencebullSleep morebullTest your own knowledge both to rehearse it and to help determine what you do not yet

Wednesday March 6 13

The End

Wednesday March 6 13

Teacher13 Informa3onbullTypes13 of13 Files

bullThis13 presenta3on13 has13 been13 saved13 as13 a13 ldquobasicrdquo13 Powerpoint13 file13 13 While13 this13 file13 format13 placed13 a13 few13 limita3ons13 on13 the13 presenta3on13 it13 insured13 the13 file13 would13 be13 compa3ble13 with13 the13 many13 versions13 of13 Powerpoint13 teachers13 use13 13 To13 add13 func3onality13 to13 the13 presenta3on13 teachers13 may13 want13 to13 save13 the13 file13 for13 their13 specific13 version13 of13 Powerpoint

bullAnima0onbullOnce13 again13 to13 insure13 compa3bility13 with13 all13 versions13 of13 Powerpoint13 none13 of13 the13 slides13 are13 animated13 13 To13 increase13 student13 interest13 it13 is13 suggested13 teachers13 animate13 the13 slides13 wherever13 possible

bullAdding13 slides13 to13 this13 presenta0onbullTeachers13 are13 encouraged13 to13 adapt13 this13 presenta3on13 to13 their13 personal13 teaching13 style13 13 To13 help13 keep13 a13 sense13 of13 con3nuity13 blank13 slides13 which13 can13 be13 copied13 and13 pasted13 to13 a13 specific13 loca3on13 in13 the13 presenta3on13 follow13 this13 ldquoTeacher13 Informa3onrdquo13 sec3on13 13 13

Wednesday March 6 13

Teacher13 Informa3onbullHyperlink13 Slides13 -shy‐13 This13 presenta3on13 contain13 two13 types13 of13 hyperlinks13 13 Hyperlinks13 can13 be13 iden3fied13 by13 the13 text13 being13 underlined13 and13 a13 different13 color13 (usually13 purple)

bullUnit13 subsec0ons13 hyperlinks13 13 Immediately13 aer13 the13 unit13 3tle13 slide13 a13 page13 (slide13 3)13 can13 be13 found13 lis3ng13 all13 of13 the13 unitrsquos13 subsec3ons13 13 While13 in13 slide13 show13 mode13 clicking13 on13 any13 of13 these13 hyperlinks13 will13 take13 the13 user13 directly13 to13 the13 beginning13 of13 that13 subsec3on13 13 This13 allows13 teachers13 quick13 access13 to13 each13 subsec3on

bullBold13 print13 term13 hyperlinks13 13 Every13 bold13 print13 term13 from13 the13 unit13 is13 included13 in13 this13 presenta3on13 as13 a13 hyperlink13 13 While13 in13 slide13 show13 mode13 clicking13 on13 any13 of13 the13 hyperlinks13 will13 take13 the13 user13 to13 a13 slide13 containing13 the13 formal13 defini3on13 of13 the13 term13 13 Clicking13 on13 the13 ldquoarrowrdquo13 in13 the13 boaom13 le13 corner13 of13 the13 defini3on13 slide13 will13 take13 the13 user13 back13 to13 the13 original13 point13 in13 the13 presenta3on13

13 These13 hyperlinks13 were13 included13 for13 teachers13 who13 want13 students13 to13 see13 or13 copy13 down13 the13 exact13 defini3on13 as13 stated13 in13 the13 text13 13 Most13 teachers13 prefer13 the13 defini3ons13 not13 be13 included13 to13 prevent13 students13 from13 only13 ldquocopying13 down13 what13 is13 on13 the13 screenrdquo13 and13 not13 ac3vely13 listening13 to13 the13 presenta3on

13 For13 teachers13 who13 con3nually13 use13 the13 Bold13 Print13 Term13 Hyperlinks13 op3on13 please13 contact13 the13 author13 using13 the13 email13 address13 on13 the13 next13 slide13 to13 learn13 a13 technique13 to13 expedite13 the13 returning13 to13 the13 original13 point13 in13 the13 presenta3on

Wednesday March 6 13

Teacher13 Informa3onbullCon0nuity13 slides

bullThroughout13 this13 presenta3on13 there13 are13 slides13 usually13 of13 graphics13 or13 tables13 that13 build13 on13 one13 another13 13 These13 are13 included13 for13 three13 purposes13 13

bullBy13 presen3ng13 informa3on13 in13 small13 chunks13 students13 will13 find13 it13 easier13 to13 process13 and13 remember13 the13 concepts13 13

bullBy13 con3nually13 changing13 slides13 students13 will13 stay13 interested13 in13 the13 presenta3onbullTo13 facilitate13 class13 discussion13 and13 cri3cal13 thinking13 13 Students13 should13 be13 encouraged13 to13 think13 about13 ldquowhat13 might13 come13 nextrdquo13 in13 the13 series13 of13 slides13 13

bullPlease13 feel13 free13 to13 contact13 me13 at13 kkorekgermantownk12wius13 with13 any13 ques3ons13 concerns13 sugges3ons13 etc13 regarding13 these13 presenta3ons13

Kent13 Korek

Germantown13 High13 School

Germantown13 WI13 53022

Wednesday March 6 13

Division title (green print)subdivision title (blue print)


Wednesday March 6 13

Division title (green print)

Use13 this13 slide13 to13 add13 a13 table13 chart13 clip13 art13 picture13 diagram13 or13 video13 clip13 13 Delete13 this13 box13 when13 finished

Wednesday March 6 13

Definition Slide

= add definition here

Wednesday March 6 13


Wednesday March 6 13


= the persistence of learning over time through the storage and retrieval of information

Wednesday March 6 13


= the processing of information into the memory systems ndash for example by extracting meaning

Wednesday March 6 13


= the retention of encoded information over time

Wednesday March 6 13


= the process of getting information out of memory storage

Wednesday March 6 13

Sensory Memory

= the immediate very brief recording of sensory information in the memory system

Wednesday March 6 13

Short-term Memory

= activated memory that holds a few items briefly such as the seven digits of a phone number while dialing before the information is stored or forgotten

Wednesday March 6 13

Long-term Memory

= the relatively permanent and limitless storehouse of the memory system Includes knowledge skills and experiences

Wednesday March 6 13

Working Memory

= a newer understanding of short-term memory that focuses on conscious active processing of incoming auditory and visual-spatial information and of information retrieved from long-term memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Parallel Processing

= the processing of many aspects of a problem simultaneously the brainrsquos natural mode of information processing for many functions Contrasts with the step-by-step (serial) processing of most computers and of conscious problem solving

Wednesday March 6 13

Automatic Processing

= unconscious encoding of incidental information such as space time and frequency and of well-learned information such as word meanings

Wednesday March 6 13

Effortful Processing

= encoding that requires attention and conscious effort

Wednesday March 6 13


= the conscious repetition of information either to maintain it in consciousness or to encode it for storage

Wednesday March 6 13

Spacing Effect

= the tendency for distributed study or practice to yield better long-term retention than is achieved through massed study or practice

Wednesday March 6 13

Serial Position Effect

= our tendency to recall best the last and first items in a list

Wednesday March 6 13

Visual Encoding

= the encoding of picture images

Wednesday March 6 13

Acoustic Encoding

= the encoding of sound especially the sound of words

Wednesday March 6 13

Semantic Encoding

= the encoding of meaning including the meaning of words

Wednesday March 6 13


= mental pictures a powerful aid to effortful processing especially when combined with semantic encoding

Wednesday March 6 13


= memory aids especially those techniques that use vivid imagery and organizational devices

Wednesday March 6 13


= organizing items into familiar manageable units often occurs automatically

Wednesday March 6 13

Iconic Memory

= a momentary sensory memory of visual stimuli a photographic or picture-image memory lasting no more than a few tenths of a second

Wednesday March 6 13

Echoic Memory

= a momentary sensory memory of auditory stimuli if attention is elsewhere sounds and words can still be recalled within 3 or 4 seconds

Wednesday March 6 13

Long-term Potentiation (LTP)

= an increase in a synapsersquos firing potential after brief rapid stimulation Believed to be a neural basis for learning and memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Flashbulb Memory

= a clear memory of an emotionally significant moment or event

Wednesday March 6 13


= loss of memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Implicit Memory

= retention independent of conscious recollection (Also called nondeclarative or procedural memory)

Wednesday March 6 13

Explicit Memory

= memory of facts and experiences that one can consciously know and ldquodeclarerdquo (Also called declarative memory)

Wednesday March 6 13


= a neural center that is located in the limbic system helps process explicit memories for storage

Wednesday March 6 13


= a measure of memory in which the person must retrieve information learning earlier as on a fill-in-the-blank test

Wednesday March 6 13


= a measure of memory in which the person need only identify items previously learned as on a multiple-choice test

Wednesday March 6 13


= a measure of memory that assesses the amount of time saved when learning material for a second time

Wednesday March 6 13


= the activation often unconsciously of particular associations in memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Deja Vu

= that eerie sense that ldquoIrsquove experienced this beforerdquo Cues from the current situation may subconsciously trigger retrieval of an earlier experience

Wednesday March 6 13

Mood Congruent Memory

= the tendency to recall experiences that are consistent with onersquos current good or bad mood

Wednesday March 6 13

Proactive Interference

= the disruptive effect of prior learning on the recall of new information

Wednesday March 6 13

Retroactive Interference

= the disruptive effect of new learning on the recall of old information

Wednesday March 6 13


= in psychoanalytic theory the basic defense mechanism that banishes from consciousness anxiety-arousing thoughts feelings and memories

Wednesday March 6 13

Misinformation Effect

= incorporating misleading information into onersquos memory of an event

Wednesday March 6 13

Source Amnesia

= attributing to the wrong source an event we have experienced heard about read about or imagined (Also called source misattribution) Source amnesia along with the misinformation effect is at the heart of many false memories

Wednesday March 6 13

Improving Memory TechniquesbullStudy repeatedlybullMake the material meaningfulbullActivate retrieval cuesbullUse mnemonic devicesbullMinimize interferencebullSleep morebullTest your own knowledge both to rehearse it and to help determine what you do not yet

Wednesday March 6 13

The End

Wednesday March 6 13

Teacher13 Informa3onbullTypes13 of13 Files

bullThis13 presenta3on13 has13 been13 saved13 as13 a13 ldquobasicrdquo13 Powerpoint13 file13 13 While13 this13 file13 format13 placed13 a13 few13 limita3ons13 on13 the13 presenta3on13 it13 insured13 the13 file13 would13 be13 compa3ble13 with13 the13 many13 versions13 of13 Powerpoint13 teachers13 use13 13 To13 add13 func3onality13 to13 the13 presenta3on13 teachers13 may13 want13 to13 save13 the13 file13 for13 their13 specific13 version13 of13 Powerpoint

bullAnima0onbullOnce13 again13 to13 insure13 compa3bility13 with13 all13 versions13 of13 Powerpoint13 none13 of13 the13 slides13 are13 animated13 13 To13 increase13 student13 interest13 it13 is13 suggested13 teachers13 animate13 the13 slides13 wherever13 possible

bullAdding13 slides13 to13 this13 presenta0onbullTeachers13 are13 encouraged13 to13 adapt13 this13 presenta3on13 to13 their13 personal13 teaching13 style13 13 To13 help13 keep13 a13 sense13 of13 con3nuity13 blank13 slides13 which13 can13 be13 copied13 and13 pasted13 to13 a13 specific13 loca3on13 in13 the13 presenta3on13 follow13 this13 ldquoTeacher13 Informa3onrdquo13 sec3on13 13 13

Wednesday March 6 13

Teacher13 Informa3onbullHyperlink13 Slides13 -shy‐13 This13 presenta3on13 contain13 two13 types13 of13 hyperlinks13 13 Hyperlinks13 can13 be13 iden3fied13 by13 the13 text13 being13 underlined13 and13 a13 different13 color13 (usually13 purple)

bullUnit13 subsec0ons13 hyperlinks13 13 Immediately13 aer13 the13 unit13 3tle13 slide13 a13 page13 (slide13 3)13 can13 be13 found13 lis3ng13 all13 of13 the13 unitrsquos13 subsec3ons13 13 While13 in13 slide13 show13 mode13 clicking13 on13 any13 of13 these13 hyperlinks13 will13 take13 the13 user13 directly13 to13 the13 beginning13 of13 that13 subsec3on13 13 This13 allows13 teachers13 quick13 access13 to13 each13 subsec3on

bullBold13 print13 term13 hyperlinks13 13 Every13 bold13 print13 term13 from13 the13 unit13 is13 included13 in13 this13 presenta3on13 as13 a13 hyperlink13 13 While13 in13 slide13 show13 mode13 clicking13 on13 any13 of13 the13 hyperlinks13 will13 take13 the13 user13 to13 a13 slide13 containing13 the13 formal13 defini3on13 of13 the13 term13 13 Clicking13 on13 the13 ldquoarrowrdquo13 in13 the13 boaom13 le13 corner13 of13 the13 defini3on13 slide13 will13 take13 the13 user13 back13 to13 the13 original13 point13 in13 the13 presenta3on13

13 These13 hyperlinks13 were13 included13 for13 teachers13 who13 want13 students13 to13 see13 or13 copy13 down13 the13 exact13 defini3on13 as13 stated13 in13 the13 text13 13 Most13 teachers13 prefer13 the13 defini3ons13 not13 be13 included13 to13 prevent13 students13 from13 only13 ldquocopying13 down13 what13 is13 on13 the13 screenrdquo13 and13 not13 ac3vely13 listening13 to13 the13 presenta3on

13 For13 teachers13 who13 con3nually13 use13 the13 Bold13 Print13 Term13 Hyperlinks13 op3on13 please13 contact13 the13 author13 using13 the13 email13 address13 on13 the13 next13 slide13 to13 learn13 a13 technique13 to13 expedite13 the13 returning13 to13 the13 original13 point13 in13 the13 presenta3on

Wednesday March 6 13

Teacher13 Informa3onbullCon0nuity13 slides

bullThroughout13 this13 presenta3on13 there13 are13 slides13 usually13 of13 graphics13 or13 tables13 that13 build13 on13 one13 another13 13 These13 are13 included13 for13 three13 purposes13 13

bullBy13 presen3ng13 informa3on13 in13 small13 chunks13 students13 will13 find13 it13 easier13 to13 process13 and13 remember13 the13 concepts13 13

bullBy13 con3nually13 changing13 slides13 students13 will13 stay13 interested13 in13 the13 presenta3onbullTo13 facilitate13 class13 discussion13 and13 cri3cal13 thinking13 13 Students13 should13 be13 encouraged13 to13 think13 about13 ldquowhat13 might13 come13 nextrdquo13 in13 the13 series13 of13 slides13 13

bullPlease13 feel13 free13 to13 contact13 me13 at13 kkorekgermantownk12wius13 with13 any13 ques3ons13 concerns13 sugges3ons13 etc13 regarding13 these13 presenta3ons13

Kent13 Korek

Germantown13 High13 School

Germantown13 WI13 53022

Wednesday March 6 13

Division title (green print)subdivision title (blue print)


Wednesday March 6 13

Division title (green print)

Use13 this13 slide13 to13 add13 a13 table13 chart13 clip13 art13 picture13 diagram13 or13 video13 clip13 13 Delete13 this13 box13 when13 finished

Wednesday March 6 13

Definition Slide

= add definition here

Wednesday March 6 13


Wednesday March 6 13


= the persistence of learning over time through the storage and retrieval of information

Wednesday March 6 13


= the processing of information into the memory systems ndash for example by extracting meaning

Wednesday March 6 13


= the retention of encoded information over time

Wednesday March 6 13


= the process of getting information out of memory storage

Wednesday March 6 13

Sensory Memory

= the immediate very brief recording of sensory information in the memory system

Wednesday March 6 13

Short-term Memory

= activated memory that holds a few items briefly such as the seven digits of a phone number while dialing before the information is stored or forgotten

Wednesday March 6 13

Long-term Memory

= the relatively permanent and limitless storehouse of the memory system Includes knowledge skills and experiences

Wednesday March 6 13

Working Memory

= a newer understanding of short-term memory that focuses on conscious active processing of incoming auditory and visual-spatial information and of information retrieved from long-term memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Parallel Processing

= the processing of many aspects of a problem simultaneously the brainrsquos natural mode of information processing for many functions Contrasts with the step-by-step (serial) processing of most computers and of conscious problem solving

Wednesday March 6 13

Automatic Processing

= unconscious encoding of incidental information such as space time and frequency and of well-learned information such as word meanings

Wednesday March 6 13

Effortful Processing

= encoding that requires attention and conscious effort

Wednesday March 6 13


= the conscious repetition of information either to maintain it in consciousness or to encode it for storage

Wednesday March 6 13

Spacing Effect

= the tendency for distributed study or practice to yield better long-term retention than is achieved through massed study or practice

Wednesday March 6 13

Serial Position Effect

= our tendency to recall best the last and first items in a list

Wednesday March 6 13

Visual Encoding

= the encoding of picture images

Wednesday March 6 13

Acoustic Encoding

= the encoding of sound especially the sound of words

Wednesday March 6 13

Semantic Encoding

= the encoding of meaning including the meaning of words

Wednesday March 6 13


= mental pictures a powerful aid to effortful processing especially when combined with semantic encoding

Wednesday March 6 13


= memory aids especially those techniques that use vivid imagery and organizational devices

Wednesday March 6 13


= organizing items into familiar manageable units often occurs automatically

Wednesday March 6 13

Iconic Memory

= a momentary sensory memory of visual stimuli a photographic or picture-image memory lasting no more than a few tenths of a second

Wednesday March 6 13

Echoic Memory

= a momentary sensory memory of auditory stimuli if attention is elsewhere sounds and words can still be recalled within 3 or 4 seconds

Wednesday March 6 13

Long-term Potentiation (LTP)

= an increase in a synapsersquos firing potential after brief rapid stimulation Believed to be a neural basis for learning and memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Flashbulb Memory

= a clear memory of an emotionally significant moment or event

Wednesday March 6 13


= loss of memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Implicit Memory

= retention independent of conscious recollection (Also called nondeclarative or procedural memory)

Wednesday March 6 13

Explicit Memory

= memory of facts and experiences that one can consciously know and ldquodeclarerdquo (Also called declarative memory)

Wednesday March 6 13


= a neural center that is located in the limbic system helps process explicit memories for storage

Wednesday March 6 13


= a measure of memory in which the person must retrieve information learning earlier as on a fill-in-the-blank test

Wednesday March 6 13


= a measure of memory in which the person need only identify items previously learned as on a multiple-choice test

Wednesday March 6 13


= a measure of memory that assesses the amount of time saved when learning material for a second time

Wednesday March 6 13


= the activation often unconsciously of particular associations in memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Deja Vu

= that eerie sense that ldquoIrsquove experienced this beforerdquo Cues from the current situation may subconsciously trigger retrieval of an earlier experience

Wednesday March 6 13

Mood Congruent Memory

= the tendency to recall experiences that are consistent with onersquos current good or bad mood

Wednesday March 6 13

Proactive Interference

= the disruptive effect of prior learning on the recall of new information

Wednesday March 6 13

Retroactive Interference

= the disruptive effect of new learning on the recall of old information

Wednesday March 6 13


= in psychoanalytic theory the basic defense mechanism that banishes from consciousness anxiety-arousing thoughts feelings and memories

Wednesday March 6 13

Misinformation Effect

= incorporating misleading information into onersquos memory of an event

Wednesday March 6 13

Source Amnesia

= attributing to the wrong source an event we have experienced heard about read about or imagined (Also called source misattribution) Source amnesia along with the misinformation effect is at the heart of many false memories

Wednesday March 6 13

The End

Wednesday March 6 13

Teacher13 Informa3onbullTypes13 of13 Files

bullThis13 presenta3on13 has13 been13 saved13 as13 a13 ldquobasicrdquo13 Powerpoint13 file13 13 While13 this13 file13 format13 placed13 a13 few13 limita3ons13 on13 the13 presenta3on13 it13 insured13 the13 file13 would13 be13 compa3ble13 with13 the13 many13 versions13 of13 Powerpoint13 teachers13 use13 13 To13 add13 func3onality13 to13 the13 presenta3on13 teachers13 may13 want13 to13 save13 the13 file13 for13 their13 specific13 version13 of13 Powerpoint

bullAnima0onbullOnce13 again13 to13 insure13 compa3bility13 with13 all13 versions13 of13 Powerpoint13 none13 of13 the13 slides13 are13 animated13 13 To13 increase13 student13 interest13 it13 is13 suggested13 teachers13 animate13 the13 slides13 wherever13 possible

bullAdding13 slides13 to13 this13 presenta0onbullTeachers13 are13 encouraged13 to13 adapt13 this13 presenta3on13 to13 their13 personal13 teaching13 style13 13 To13 help13 keep13 a13 sense13 of13 con3nuity13 blank13 slides13 which13 can13 be13 copied13 and13 pasted13 to13 a13 specific13 loca3on13 in13 the13 presenta3on13 follow13 this13 ldquoTeacher13 Informa3onrdquo13 sec3on13 13 13

Wednesday March 6 13

Teacher13 Informa3onbullHyperlink13 Slides13 -shy‐13 This13 presenta3on13 contain13 two13 types13 of13 hyperlinks13 13 Hyperlinks13 can13 be13 iden3fied13 by13 the13 text13 being13 underlined13 and13 a13 different13 color13 (usually13 purple)

bullUnit13 subsec0ons13 hyperlinks13 13 Immediately13 aer13 the13 unit13 3tle13 slide13 a13 page13 (slide13 3)13 can13 be13 found13 lis3ng13 all13 of13 the13 unitrsquos13 subsec3ons13 13 While13 in13 slide13 show13 mode13 clicking13 on13 any13 of13 these13 hyperlinks13 will13 take13 the13 user13 directly13 to13 the13 beginning13 of13 that13 subsec3on13 13 This13 allows13 teachers13 quick13 access13 to13 each13 subsec3on

bullBold13 print13 term13 hyperlinks13 13 Every13 bold13 print13 term13 from13 the13 unit13 is13 included13 in13 this13 presenta3on13 as13 a13 hyperlink13 13 While13 in13 slide13 show13 mode13 clicking13 on13 any13 of13 the13 hyperlinks13 will13 take13 the13 user13 to13 a13 slide13 containing13 the13 formal13 defini3on13 of13 the13 term13 13 Clicking13 on13 the13 ldquoarrowrdquo13 in13 the13 boaom13 le13 corner13 of13 the13 defini3on13 slide13 will13 take13 the13 user13 back13 to13 the13 original13 point13 in13 the13 presenta3on13

13 These13 hyperlinks13 were13 included13 for13 teachers13 who13 want13 students13 to13 see13 or13 copy13 down13 the13 exact13 defini3on13 as13 stated13 in13 the13 text13 13 Most13 teachers13 prefer13 the13 defini3ons13 not13 be13 included13 to13 prevent13 students13 from13 only13 ldquocopying13 down13 what13 is13 on13 the13 screenrdquo13 and13 not13 ac3vely13 listening13 to13 the13 presenta3on

13 For13 teachers13 who13 con3nually13 use13 the13 Bold13 Print13 Term13 Hyperlinks13 op3on13 please13 contact13 the13 author13 using13 the13 email13 address13 on13 the13 next13 slide13 to13 learn13 a13 technique13 to13 expedite13 the13 returning13 to13 the13 original13 point13 in13 the13 presenta3on

Wednesday March 6 13

Teacher13 Informa3onbullCon0nuity13 slides

bullThroughout13 this13 presenta3on13 there13 are13 slides13 usually13 of13 graphics13 or13 tables13 that13 build13 on13 one13 another13 13 These13 are13 included13 for13 three13 purposes13 13

bullBy13 presen3ng13 informa3on13 in13 small13 chunks13 students13 will13 find13 it13 easier13 to13 process13 and13 remember13 the13 concepts13 13

bullBy13 con3nually13 changing13 slides13 students13 will13 stay13 interested13 in13 the13 presenta3onbullTo13 facilitate13 class13 discussion13 and13 cri3cal13 thinking13 13 Students13 should13 be13 encouraged13 to13 think13 about13 ldquowhat13 might13 come13 nextrdquo13 in13 the13 series13 of13 slides13 13

bullPlease13 feel13 free13 to13 contact13 me13 at13 kkorekgermantownk12wius13 with13 any13 ques3ons13 concerns13 sugges3ons13 etc13 regarding13 these13 presenta3ons13

Kent13 Korek

Germantown13 High13 School

Germantown13 WI13 53022

Wednesday March 6 13

Division title (green print)subdivision title (blue print)


Wednesday March 6 13

Division title (green print)

Use13 this13 slide13 to13 add13 a13 table13 chart13 clip13 art13 picture13 diagram13 or13 video13 clip13 13 Delete13 this13 box13 when13 finished

Wednesday March 6 13

Definition Slide

= add definition here

Wednesday March 6 13


Wednesday March 6 13


= the persistence of learning over time through the storage and retrieval of information

Wednesday March 6 13


= the processing of information into the memory systems ndash for example by extracting meaning

Wednesday March 6 13


= the retention of encoded information over time

Wednesday March 6 13


= the process of getting information out of memory storage

Wednesday March 6 13

Sensory Memory

= the immediate very brief recording of sensory information in the memory system

Wednesday March 6 13

Short-term Memory

= activated memory that holds a few items briefly such as the seven digits of a phone number while dialing before the information is stored or forgotten

Wednesday March 6 13

Long-term Memory

= the relatively permanent and limitless storehouse of the memory system Includes knowledge skills and experiences

Wednesday March 6 13

Working Memory

= a newer understanding of short-term memory that focuses on conscious active processing of incoming auditory and visual-spatial information and of information retrieved from long-term memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Parallel Processing

= the processing of many aspects of a problem simultaneously the brainrsquos natural mode of information processing for many functions Contrasts with the step-by-step (serial) processing of most computers and of conscious problem solving

Wednesday March 6 13

Automatic Processing

= unconscious encoding of incidental information such as space time and frequency and of well-learned information such as word meanings

Wednesday March 6 13

Effortful Processing

= encoding that requires attention and conscious effort

Wednesday March 6 13


= the conscious repetition of information either to maintain it in consciousness or to encode it for storage

Wednesday March 6 13

Spacing Effect

= the tendency for distributed study or practice to yield better long-term retention than is achieved through massed study or practice

Wednesday March 6 13

Serial Position Effect

= our tendency to recall best the last and first items in a list

Wednesday March 6 13

Visual Encoding

= the encoding of picture images

Wednesday March 6 13

Acoustic Encoding

= the encoding of sound especially the sound of words

Wednesday March 6 13

Semantic Encoding

= the encoding of meaning including the meaning of words

Wednesday March 6 13


= mental pictures a powerful aid to effortful processing especially when combined with semantic encoding

Wednesday March 6 13


= memory aids especially those techniques that use vivid imagery and organizational devices

Wednesday March 6 13


= organizing items into familiar manageable units often occurs automatically

Wednesday March 6 13

Iconic Memory

= a momentary sensory memory of visual stimuli a photographic or picture-image memory lasting no more than a few tenths of a second

Wednesday March 6 13

Echoic Memory

= a momentary sensory memory of auditory stimuli if attention is elsewhere sounds and words can still be recalled within 3 or 4 seconds

Wednesday March 6 13

Long-term Potentiation (LTP)

= an increase in a synapsersquos firing potential after brief rapid stimulation Believed to be a neural basis for learning and memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Flashbulb Memory

= a clear memory of an emotionally significant moment or event

Wednesday March 6 13


= loss of memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Implicit Memory

= retention independent of conscious recollection (Also called nondeclarative or procedural memory)

Wednesday March 6 13

Explicit Memory

= memory of facts and experiences that one can consciously know and ldquodeclarerdquo (Also called declarative memory)

Wednesday March 6 13


= a neural center that is located in the limbic system helps process explicit memories for storage

Wednesday March 6 13


= a measure of memory in which the person must retrieve information learning earlier as on a fill-in-the-blank test

Wednesday March 6 13


= a measure of memory in which the person need only identify items previously learned as on a multiple-choice test

Wednesday March 6 13


= a measure of memory that assesses the amount of time saved when learning material for a second time

Wednesday March 6 13


= the activation often unconsciously of particular associations in memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Deja Vu

= that eerie sense that ldquoIrsquove experienced this beforerdquo Cues from the current situation may subconsciously trigger retrieval of an earlier experience

Wednesday March 6 13

Mood Congruent Memory

= the tendency to recall experiences that are consistent with onersquos current good or bad mood

Wednesday March 6 13

Proactive Interference

= the disruptive effect of prior learning on the recall of new information

Wednesday March 6 13

Retroactive Interference

= the disruptive effect of new learning on the recall of old information

Wednesday March 6 13


= in psychoanalytic theory the basic defense mechanism that banishes from consciousness anxiety-arousing thoughts feelings and memories

Wednesday March 6 13

Misinformation Effect

= incorporating misleading information into onersquos memory of an event

Wednesday March 6 13

Source Amnesia

= attributing to the wrong source an event we have experienced heard about read about or imagined (Also called source misattribution) Source amnesia along with the misinformation effect is at the heart of many false memories

Wednesday March 6 13

Teacher13 Informa3onbullTypes13 of13 Files

bullThis13 presenta3on13 has13 been13 saved13 as13 a13 ldquobasicrdquo13 Powerpoint13 file13 13 While13 this13 file13 format13 placed13 a13 few13 limita3ons13 on13 the13 presenta3on13 it13 insured13 the13 file13 would13 be13 compa3ble13 with13 the13 many13 versions13 of13 Powerpoint13 teachers13 use13 13 To13 add13 func3onality13 to13 the13 presenta3on13 teachers13 may13 want13 to13 save13 the13 file13 for13 their13 specific13 version13 of13 Powerpoint

bullAnima0onbullOnce13 again13 to13 insure13 compa3bility13 with13 all13 versions13 of13 Powerpoint13 none13 of13 the13 slides13 are13 animated13 13 To13 increase13 student13 interest13 it13 is13 suggested13 teachers13 animate13 the13 slides13 wherever13 possible

bullAdding13 slides13 to13 this13 presenta0onbullTeachers13 are13 encouraged13 to13 adapt13 this13 presenta3on13 to13 their13 personal13 teaching13 style13 13 To13 help13 keep13 a13 sense13 of13 con3nuity13 blank13 slides13 which13 can13 be13 copied13 and13 pasted13 to13 a13 specific13 loca3on13 in13 the13 presenta3on13 follow13 this13 ldquoTeacher13 Informa3onrdquo13 sec3on13 13 13

Wednesday March 6 13

Teacher13 Informa3onbullHyperlink13 Slides13 -shy‐13 This13 presenta3on13 contain13 two13 types13 of13 hyperlinks13 13 Hyperlinks13 can13 be13 iden3fied13 by13 the13 text13 being13 underlined13 and13 a13 different13 color13 (usually13 purple)

bullUnit13 subsec0ons13 hyperlinks13 13 Immediately13 aer13 the13 unit13 3tle13 slide13 a13 page13 (slide13 3)13 can13 be13 found13 lis3ng13 all13 of13 the13 unitrsquos13 subsec3ons13 13 While13 in13 slide13 show13 mode13 clicking13 on13 any13 of13 these13 hyperlinks13 will13 take13 the13 user13 directly13 to13 the13 beginning13 of13 that13 subsec3on13 13 This13 allows13 teachers13 quick13 access13 to13 each13 subsec3on

bullBold13 print13 term13 hyperlinks13 13 Every13 bold13 print13 term13 from13 the13 unit13 is13 included13 in13 this13 presenta3on13 as13 a13 hyperlink13 13 While13 in13 slide13 show13 mode13 clicking13 on13 any13 of13 the13 hyperlinks13 will13 take13 the13 user13 to13 a13 slide13 containing13 the13 formal13 defini3on13 of13 the13 term13 13 Clicking13 on13 the13 ldquoarrowrdquo13 in13 the13 boaom13 le13 corner13 of13 the13 defini3on13 slide13 will13 take13 the13 user13 back13 to13 the13 original13 point13 in13 the13 presenta3on13

13 These13 hyperlinks13 were13 included13 for13 teachers13 who13 want13 students13 to13 see13 or13 copy13 down13 the13 exact13 defini3on13 as13 stated13 in13 the13 text13 13 Most13 teachers13 prefer13 the13 defini3ons13 not13 be13 included13 to13 prevent13 students13 from13 only13 ldquocopying13 down13 what13 is13 on13 the13 screenrdquo13 and13 not13 ac3vely13 listening13 to13 the13 presenta3on

13 For13 teachers13 who13 con3nually13 use13 the13 Bold13 Print13 Term13 Hyperlinks13 op3on13 please13 contact13 the13 author13 using13 the13 email13 address13 on13 the13 next13 slide13 to13 learn13 a13 technique13 to13 expedite13 the13 returning13 to13 the13 original13 point13 in13 the13 presenta3on

Wednesday March 6 13

Teacher13 Informa3onbullCon0nuity13 slides

bullThroughout13 this13 presenta3on13 there13 are13 slides13 usually13 of13 graphics13 or13 tables13 that13 build13 on13 one13 another13 13 These13 are13 included13 for13 three13 purposes13 13

bullBy13 presen3ng13 informa3on13 in13 small13 chunks13 students13 will13 find13 it13 easier13 to13 process13 and13 remember13 the13 concepts13 13

bullBy13 con3nually13 changing13 slides13 students13 will13 stay13 interested13 in13 the13 presenta3onbullTo13 facilitate13 class13 discussion13 and13 cri3cal13 thinking13 13 Students13 should13 be13 encouraged13 to13 think13 about13 ldquowhat13 might13 come13 nextrdquo13 in13 the13 series13 of13 slides13 13

bullPlease13 feel13 free13 to13 contact13 me13 at13 kkorekgermantownk12wius13 with13 any13 ques3ons13 concerns13 sugges3ons13 etc13 regarding13 these13 presenta3ons13

Kent13 Korek

Germantown13 High13 School

Germantown13 WI13 53022

Wednesday March 6 13

Division title (green print)subdivision title (blue print)


Wednesday March 6 13

Division title (green print)

Use13 this13 slide13 to13 add13 a13 table13 chart13 clip13 art13 picture13 diagram13 or13 video13 clip13 13 Delete13 this13 box13 when13 finished

Wednesday March 6 13

Definition Slide

= add definition here

Wednesday March 6 13


Wednesday March 6 13


= the persistence of learning over time through the storage and retrieval of information

Wednesday March 6 13


= the processing of information into the memory systems ndash for example by extracting meaning

Wednesday March 6 13


= the retention of encoded information over time

Wednesday March 6 13


= the process of getting information out of memory storage

Wednesday March 6 13

Sensory Memory

= the immediate very brief recording of sensory information in the memory system

Wednesday March 6 13

Short-term Memory

= activated memory that holds a few items briefly such as the seven digits of a phone number while dialing before the information is stored or forgotten

Wednesday March 6 13

Long-term Memory

= the relatively permanent and limitless storehouse of the memory system Includes knowledge skills and experiences

Wednesday March 6 13

Working Memory

= a newer understanding of short-term memory that focuses on conscious active processing of incoming auditory and visual-spatial information and of information retrieved from long-term memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Parallel Processing

= the processing of many aspects of a problem simultaneously the brainrsquos natural mode of information processing for many functions Contrasts with the step-by-step (serial) processing of most computers and of conscious problem solving

Wednesday March 6 13

Automatic Processing

= unconscious encoding of incidental information such as space time and frequency and of well-learned information such as word meanings

Wednesday March 6 13

Effortful Processing

= encoding that requires attention and conscious effort

Wednesday March 6 13


= the conscious repetition of information either to maintain it in consciousness or to encode it for storage

Wednesday March 6 13

Spacing Effect

= the tendency for distributed study or practice to yield better long-term retention than is achieved through massed study or practice

Wednesday March 6 13

Serial Position Effect

= our tendency to recall best the last and first items in a list

Wednesday March 6 13

Visual Encoding

= the encoding of picture images

Wednesday March 6 13

Acoustic Encoding

= the encoding of sound especially the sound of words

Wednesday March 6 13

Semantic Encoding

= the encoding of meaning including the meaning of words

Wednesday March 6 13


= mental pictures a powerful aid to effortful processing especially when combined with semantic encoding

Wednesday March 6 13


= memory aids especially those techniques that use vivid imagery and organizational devices

Wednesday March 6 13


= organizing items into familiar manageable units often occurs automatically

Wednesday March 6 13

Iconic Memory

= a momentary sensory memory of visual stimuli a photographic or picture-image memory lasting no more than a few tenths of a second

Wednesday March 6 13

Echoic Memory

= a momentary sensory memory of auditory stimuli if attention is elsewhere sounds and words can still be recalled within 3 or 4 seconds

Wednesday March 6 13

Long-term Potentiation (LTP)

= an increase in a synapsersquos firing potential after brief rapid stimulation Believed to be a neural basis for learning and memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Flashbulb Memory

= a clear memory of an emotionally significant moment or event

Wednesday March 6 13


= loss of memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Implicit Memory

= retention independent of conscious recollection (Also called nondeclarative or procedural memory)

Wednesday March 6 13

Explicit Memory

= memory of facts and experiences that one can consciously know and ldquodeclarerdquo (Also called declarative memory)

Wednesday March 6 13


= a neural center that is located in the limbic system helps process explicit memories for storage

Wednesday March 6 13


= a measure of memory in which the person must retrieve information learning earlier as on a fill-in-the-blank test

Wednesday March 6 13


= a measure of memory in which the person need only identify items previously learned as on a multiple-choice test

Wednesday March 6 13


= a measure of memory that assesses the amount of time saved when learning material for a second time

Wednesday March 6 13


= the activation often unconsciously of particular associations in memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Deja Vu

= that eerie sense that ldquoIrsquove experienced this beforerdquo Cues from the current situation may subconsciously trigger retrieval of an earlier experience

Wednesday March 6 13

Mood Congruent Memory

= the tendency to recall experiences that are consistent with onersquos current good or bad mood

Wednesday March 6 13

Proactive Interference

= the disruptive effect of prior learning on the recall of new information

Wednesday March 6 13

Retroactive Interference

= the disruptive effect of new learning on the recall of old information

Wednesday March 6 13


= in psychoanalytic theory the basic defense mechanism that banishes from consciousness anxiety-arousing thoughts feelings and memories

Wednesday March 6 13

Misinformation Effect

= incorporating misleading information into onersquos memory of an event

Wednesday March 6 13

Source Amnesia

= attributing to the wrong source an event we have experienced heard about read about or imagined (Also called source misattribution) Source amnesia along with the misinformation effect is at the heart of many false memories

Wednesday March 6 13

Teacher13 Informa3onbullHyperlink13 Slides13 -shy‐13 This13 presenta3on13 contain13 two13 types13 of13 hyperlinks13 13 Hyperlinks13 can13 be13 iden3fied13 by13 the13 text13 being13 underlined13 and13 a13 different13 color13 (usually13 purple)

bullUnit13 subsec0ons13 hyperlinks13 13 Immediately13 aer13 the13 unit13 3tle13 slide13 a13 page13 (slide13 3)13 can13 be13 found13 lis3ng13 all13 of13 the13 unitrsquos13 subsec3ons13 13 While13 in13 slide13 show13 mode13 clicking13 on13 any13 of13 these13 hyperlinks13 will13 take13 the13 user13 directly13 to13 the13 beginning13 of13 that13 subsec3on13 13 This13 allows13 teachers13 quick13 access13 to13 each13 subsec3on

bullBold13 print13 term13 hyperlinks13 13 Every13 bold13 print13 term13 from13 the13 unit13 is13 included13 in13 this13 presenta3on13 as13 a13 hyperlink13 13 While13 in13 slide13 show13 mode13 clicking13 on13 any13 of13 the13 hyperlinks13 will13 take13 the13 user13 to13 a13 slide13 containing13 the13 formal13 defini3on13 of13 the13 term13 13 Clicking13 on13 the13 ldquoarrowrdquo13 in13 the13 boaom13 le13 corner13 of13 the13 defini3on13 slide13 will13 take13 the13 user13 back13 to13 the13 original13 point13 in13 the13 presenta3on13

13 These13 hyperlinks13 were13 included13 for13 teachers13 who13 want13 students13 to13 see13 or13 copy13 down13 the13 exact13 defini3on13 as13 stated13 in13 the13 text13 13 Most13 teachers13 prefer13 the13 defini3ons13 not13 be13 included13 to13 prevent13 students13 from13 only13 ldquocopying13 down13 what13 is13 on13 the13 screenrdquo13 and13 not13 ac3vely13 listening13 to13 the13 presenta3on

13 For13 teachers13 who13 con3nually13 use13 the13 Bold13 Print13 Term13 Hyperlinks13 op3on13 please13 contact13 the13 author13 using13 the13 email13 address13 on13 the13 next13 slide13 to13 learn13 a13 technique13 to13 expedite13 the13 returning13 to13 the13 original13 point13 in13 the13 presenta3on

Wednesday March 6 13

Teacher13 Informa3onbullCon0nuity13 slides

bullThroughout13 this13 presenta3on13 there13 are13 slides13 usually13 of13 graphics13 or13 tables13 that13 build13 on13 one13 another13 13 These13 are13 included13 for13 three13 purposes13 13

bullBy13 presen3ng13 informa3on13 in13 small13 chunks13 students13 will13 find13 it13 easier13 to13 process13 and13 remember13 the13 concepts13 13

bullBy13 con3nually13 changing13 slides13 students13 will13 stay13 interested13 in13 the13 presenta3onbullTo13 facilitate13 class13 discussion13 and13 cri3cal13 thinking13 13 Students13 should13 be13 encouraged13 to13 think13 about13 ldquowhat13 might13 come13 nextrdquo13 in13 the13 series13 of13 slides13 13

bullPlease13 feel13 free13 to13 contact13 me13 at13 kkorekgermantownk12wius13 with13 any13 ques3ons13 concerns13 sugges3ons13 etc13 regarding13 these13 presenta3ons13

Kent13 Korek

Germantown13 High13 School

Germantown13 WI13 53022

Wednesday March 6 13

Division title (green print)subdivision title (blue print)


Wednesday March 6 13

Division title (green print)

Use13 this13 slide13 to13 add13 a13 table13 chart13 clip13 art13 picture13 diagram13 or13 video13 clip13 13 Delete13 this13 box13 when13 finished

Wednesday March 6 13

Definition Slide

= add definition here

Wednesday March 6 13


Wednesday March 6 13


= the persistence of learning over time through the storage and retrieval of information

Wednesday March 6 13


= the processing of information into the memory systems ndash for example by extracting meaning

Wednesday March 6 13


= the retention of encoded information over time

Wednesday March 6 13


= the process of getting information out of memory storage

Wednesday March 6 13

Sensory Memory

= the immediate very brief recording of sensory information in the memory system

Wednesday March 6 13

Short-term Memory

= activated memory that holds a few items briefly such as the seven digits of a phone number while dialing before the information is stored or forgotten

Wednesday March 6 13

Long-term Memory

= the relatively permanent and limitless storehouse of the memory system Includes knowledge skills and experiences

Wednesday March 6 13

Working Memory

= a newer understanding of short-term memory that focuses on conscious active processing of incoming auditory and visual-spatial information and of information retrieved from long-term memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Parallel Processing

= the processing of many aspects of a problem simultaneously the brainrsquos natural mode of information processing for many functions Contrasts with the step-by-step (serial) processing of most computers and of conscious problem solving

Wednesday March 6 13

Automatic Processing

= unconscious encoding of incidental information such as space time and frequency and of well-learned information such as word meanings

Wednesday March 6 13

Effortful Processing

= encoding that requires attention and conscious effort

Wednesday March 6 13


= the conscious repetition of information either to maintain it in consciousness or to encode it for storage

Wednesday March 6 13

Spacing Effect

= the tendency for distributed study or practice to yield better long-term retention than is achieved through massed study or practice

Wednesday March 6 13

Serial Position Effect

= our tendency to recall best the last and first items in a list

Wednesday March 6 13

Visual Encoding

= the encoding of picture images

Wednesday March 6 13

Acoustic Encoding

= the encoding of sound especially the sound of words

Wednesday March 6 13

Semantic Encoding

= the encoding of meaning including the meaning of words

Wednesday March 6 13


= mental pictures a powerful aid to effortful processing especially when combined with semantic encoding

Wednesday March 6 13


= memory aids especially those techniques that use vivid imagery and organizational devices

Wednesday March 6 13


= organizing items into familiar manageable units often occurs automatically

Wednesday March 6 13

Iconic Memory

= a momentary sensory memory of visual stimuli a photographic or picture-image memory lasting no more than a few tenths of a second

Wednesday March 6 13

Echoic Memory

= a momentary sensory memory of auditory stimuli if attention is elsewhere sounds and words can still be recalled within 3 or 4 seconds

Wednesday March 6 13

Long-term Potentiation (LTP)

= an increase in a synapsersquos firing potential after brief rapid stimulation Believed to be a neural basis for learning and memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Flashbulb Memory

= a clear memory of an emotionally significant moment or event

Wednesday March 6 13


= loss of memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Implicit Memory

= retention independent of conscious recollection (Also called nondeclarative or procedural memory)

Wednesday March 6 13

Explicit Memory

= memory of facts and experiences that one can consciously know and ldquodeclarerdquo (Also called declarative memory)

Wednesday March 6 13


= a neural center that is located in the limbic system helps process explicit memories for storage

Wednesday March 6 13


= a measure of memory in which the person must retrieve information learning earlier as on a fill-in-the-blank test

Wednesday March 6 13


= a measure of memory in which the person need only identify items previously learned as on a multiple-choice test

Wednesday March 6 13


= a measure of memory that assesses the amount of time saved when learning material for a second time

Wednesday March 6 13


= the activation often unconsciously of particular associations in memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Deja Vu

= that eerie sense that ldquoIrsquove experienced this beforerdquo Cues from the current situation may subconsciously trigger retrieval of an earlier experience

Wednesday March 6 13

Mood Congruent Memory

= the tendency to recall experiences that are consistent with onersquos current good or bad mood

Wednesday March 6 13

Proactive Interference

= the disruptive effect of prior learning on the recall of new information

Wednesday March 6 13

Retroactive Interference

= the disruptive effect of new learning on the recall of old information

Wednesday March 6 13


= in psychoanalytic theory the basic defense mechanism that banishes from consciousness anxiety-arousing thoughts feelings and memories

Wednesday March 6 13

Misinformation Effect

= incorporating misleading information into onersquos memory of an event

Wednesday March 6 13

Source Amnesia

= attributing to the wrong source an event we have experienced heard about read about or imagined (Also called source misattribution) Source amnesia along with the misinformation effect is at the heart of many false memories

Wednesday March 6 13

Teacher13 Informa3onbullCon0nuity13 slides

bullThroughout13 this13 presenta3on13 there13 are13 slides13 usually13 of13 graphics13 or13 tables13 that13 build13 on13 one13 another13 13 These13 are13 included13 for13 three13 purposes13 13

bullBy13 presen3ng13 informa3on13 in13 small13 chunks13 students13 will13 find13 it13 easier13 to13 process13 and13 remember13 the13 concepts13 13

bullBy13 con3nually13 changing13 slides13 students13 will13 stay13 interested13 in13 the13 presenta3onbullTo13 facilitate13 class13 discussion13 and13 cri3cal13 thinking13 13 Students13 should13 be13 encouraged13 to13 think13 about13 ldquowhat13 might13 come13 nextrdquo13 in13 the13 series13 of13 slides13 13

bullPlease13 feel13 free13 to13 contact13 me13 at13 kkorekgermantownk12wius13 with13 any13 ques3ons13 concerns13 sugges3ons13 etc13 regarding13 these13 presenta3ons13

Kent13 Korek

Germantown13 High13 School

Germantown13 WI13 53022

Wednesday March 6 13

Division title (green print)subdivision title (blue print)


Wednesday March 6 13

Division title (green print)

Use13 this13 slide13 to13 add13 a13 table13 chart13 clip13 art13 picture13 diagram13 or13 video13 clip13 13 Delete13 this13 box13 when13 finished

Wednesday March 6 13

Definition Slide

= add definition here

Wednesday March 6 13


Wednesday March 6 13


= the persistence of learning over time through the storage and retrieval of information

Wednesday March 6 13


= the processing of information into the memory systems ndash for example by extracting meaning

Wednesday March 6 13


= the retention of encoded information over time

Wednesday March 6 13


= the process of getting information out of memory storage

Wednesday March 6 13

Sensory Memory

= the immediate very brief recording of sensory information in the memory system

Wednesday March 6 13

Short-term Memory

= activated memory that holds a few items briefly such as the seven digits of a phone number while dialing before the information is stored or forgotten

Wednesday March 6 13

Long-term Memory

= the relatively permanent and limitless storehouse of the memory system Includes knowledge skills and experiences

Wednesday March 6 13

Working Memory

= a newer understanding of short-term memory that focuses on conscious active processing of incoming auditory and visual-spatial information and of information retrieved from long-term memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Parallel Processing

= the processing of many aspects of a problem simultaneously the brainrsquos natural mode of information processing for many functions Contrasts with the step-by-step (serial) processing of most computers and of conscious problem solving

Wednesday March 6 13

Automatic Processing

= unconscious encoding of incidental information such as space time and frequency and of well-learned information such as word meanings

Wednesday March 6 13

Effortful Processing

= encoding that requires attention and conscious effort

Wednesday March 6 13


= the conscious repetition of information either to maintain it in consciousness or to encode it for storage

Wednesday March 6 13

Spacing Effect

= the tendency for distributed study or practice to yield better long-term retention than is achieved through massed study or practice

Wednesday March 6 13

Serial Position Effect

= our tendency to recall best the last and first items in a list

Wednesday March 6 13

Visual Encoding

= the encoding of picture images

Wednesday March 6 13

Acoustic Encoding

= the encoding of sound especially the sound of words

Wednesday March 6 13

Semantic Encoding

= the encoding of meaning including the meaning of words

Wednesday March 6 13


= mental pictures a powerful aid to effortful processing especially when combined with semantic encoding

Wednesday March 6 13


= memory aids especially those techniques that use vivid imagery and organizational devices

Wednesday March 6 13


= organizing items into familiar manageable units often occurs automatically

Wednesday March 6 13

Iconic Memory

= a momentary sensory memory of visual stimuli a photographic or picture-image memory lasting no more than a few tenths of a second

Wednesday March 6 13

Echoic Memory

= a momentary sensory memory of auditory stimuli if attention is elsewhere sounds and words can still be recalled within 3 or 4 seconds

Wednesday March 6 13

Long-term Potentiation (LTP)

= an increase in a synapsersquos firing potential after brief rapid stimulation Believed to be a neural basis for learning and memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Flashbulb Memory

= a clear memory of an emotionally significant moment or event

Wednesday March 6 13


= loss of memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Implicit Memory

= retention independent of conscious recollection (Also called nondeclarative or procedural memory)

Wednesday March 6 13

Explicit Memory

= memory of facts and experiences that one can consciously know and ldquodeclarerdquo (Also called declarative memory)

Wednesday March 6 13


= a neural center that is located in the limbic system helps process explicit memories for storage

Wednesday March 6 13


= a measure of memory in which the person must retrieve information learning earlier as on a fill-in-the-blank test

Wednesday March 6 13


= a measure of memory in which the person need only identify items previously learned as on a multiple-choice test

Wednesday March 6 13


= a measure of memory that assesses the amount of time saved when learning material for a second time

Wednesday March 6 13


= the activation often unconsciously of particular associations in memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Deja Vu

= that eerie sense that ldquoIrsquove experienced this beforerdquo Cues from the current situation may subconsciously trigger retrieval of an earlier experience

Wednesday March 6 13

Mood Congruent Memory

= the tendency to recall experiences that are consistent with onersquos current good or bad mood

Wednesday March 6 13

Proactive Interference

= the disruptive effect of prior learning on the recall of new information

Wednesday March 6 13

Retroactive Interference

= the disruptive effect of new learning on the recall of old information

Wednesday March 6 13


= in psychoanalytic theory the basic defense mechanism that banishes from consciousness anxiety-arousing thoughts feelings and memories

Wednesday March 6 13

Misinformation Effect

= incorporating misleading information into onersquos memory of an event

Wednesday March 6 13

Source Amnesia

= attributing to the wrong source an event we have experienced heard about read about or imagined (Also called source misattribution) Source amnesia along with the misinformation effect is at the heart of many false memories

Wednesday March 6 13

Division title (green print)subdivision title (blue print)


Wednesday March 6 13

Division title (green print)

Use13 this13 slide13 to13 add13 a13 table13 chart13 clip13 art13 picture13 diagram13 or13 video13 clip13 13 Delete13 this13 box13 when13 finished

Wednesday March 6 13

Definition Slide

= add definition here

Wednesday March 6 13


Wednesday March 6 13


= the persistence of learning over time through the storage and retrieval of information

Wednesday March 6 13


= the processing of information into the memory systems ndash for example by extracting meaning

Wednesday March 6 13


= the retention of encoded information over time

Wednesday March 6 13


= the process of getting information out of memory storage

Wednesday March 6 13

Sensory Memory

= the immediate very brief recording of sensory information in the memory system

Wednesday March 6 13

Short-term Memory

= activated memory that holds a few items briefly such as the seven digits of a phone number while dialing before the information is stored or forgotten

Wednesday March 6 13

Long-term Memory

= the relatively permanent and limitless storehouse of the memory system Includes knowledge skills and experiences

Wednesday March 6 13

Working Memory

= a newer understanding of short-term memory that focuses on conscious active processing of incoming auditory and visual-spatial information and of information retrieved from long-term memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Parallel Processing

= the processing of many aspects of a problem simultaneously the brainrsquos natural mode of information processing for many functions Contrasts with the step-by-step (serial) processing of most computers and of conscious problem solving

Wednesday March 6 13

Automatic Processing

= unconscious encoding of incidental information such as space time and frequency and of well-learned information such as word meanings

Wednesday March 6 13

Effortful Processing

= encoding that requires attention and conscious effort

Wednesday March 6 13


= the conscious repetition of information either to maintain it in consciousness or to encode it for storage

Wednesday March 6 13

Spacing Effect

= the tendency for distributed study or practice to yield better long-term retention than is achieved through massed study or practice

Wednesday March 6 13

Serial Position Effect

= our tendency to recall best the last and first items in a list

Wednesday March 6 13

Visual Encoding

= the encoding of picture images

Wednesday March 6 13

Acoustic Encoding

= the encoding of sound especially the sound of words

Wednesday March 6 13

Semantic Encoding

= the encoding of meaning including the meaning of words

Wednesday March 6 13


= mental pictures a powerful aid to effortful processing especially when combined with semantic encoding

Wednesday March 6 13


= memory aids especially those techniques that use vivid imagery and organizational devices

Wednesday March 6 13


= organizing items into familiar manageable units often occurs automatically

Wednesday March 6 13

Iconic Memory

= a momentary sensory memory of visual stimuli a photographic or picture-image memory lasting no more than a few tenths of a second

Wednesday March 6 13

Echoic Memory

= a momentary sensory memory of auditory stimuli if attention is elsewhere sounds and words can still be recalled within 3 or 4 seconds

Wednesday March 6 13

Long-term Potentiation (LTP)

= an increase in a synapsersquos firing potential after brief rapid stimulation Believed to be a neural basis for learning and memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Flashbulb Memory

= a clear memory of an emotionally significant moment or event

Wednesday March 6 13


= loss of memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Implicit Memory

= retention independent of conscious recollection (Also called nondeclarative or procedural memory)

Wednesday March 6 13

Explicit Memory

= memory of facts and experiences that one can consciously know and ldquodeclarerdquo (Also called declarative memory)

Wednesday March 6 13


= a neural center that is located in the limbic system helps process explicit memories for storage

Wednesday March 6 13


= a measure of memory in which the person must retrieve information learning earlier as on a fill-in-the-blank test

Wednesday March 6 13


= a measure of memory in which the person need only identify items previously learned as on a multiple-choice test

Wednesday March 6 13


= a measure of memory that assesses the amount of time saved when learning material for a second time

Wednesday March 6 13


= the activation often unconsciously of particular associations in memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Deja Vu

= that eerie sense that ldquoIrsquove experienced this beforerdquo Cues from the current situation may subconsciously trigger retrieval of an earlier experience

Wednesday March 6 13

Mood Congruent Memory

= the tendency to recall experiences that are consistent with onersquos current good or bad mood

Wednesday March 6 13

Proactive Interference

= the disruptive effect of prior learning on the recall of new information

Wednesday March 6 13

Retroactive Interference

= the disruptive effect of new learning on the recall of old information

Wednesday March 6 13


= in psychoanalytic theory the basic defense mechanism that banishes from consciousness anxiety-arousing thoughts feelings and memories

Wednesday March 6 13

Misinformation Effect

= incorporating misleading information into onersquos memory of an event

Wednesday March 6 13

Source Amnesia

= attributing to the wrong source an event we have experienced heard about read about or imagined (Also called source misattribution) Source amnesia along with the misinformation effect is at the heart of many false memories

Wednesday March 6 13

Division title (green print)

Use13 this13 slide13 to13 add13 a13 table13 chart13 clip13 art13 picture13 diagram13 or13 video13 clip13 13 Delete13 this13 box13 when13 finished

Wednesday March 6 13

Definition Slide

= add definition here

Wednesday March 6 13


Wednesday March 6 13


= the persistence of learning over time through the storage and retrieval of information

Wednesday March 6 13


= the processing of information into the memory systems ndash for example by extracting meaning

Wednesday March 6 13


= the retention of encoded information over time

Wednesday March 6 13


= the process of getting information out of memory storage

Wednesday March 6 13

Sensory Memory

= the immediate very brief recording of sensory information in the memory system

Wednesday March 6 13

Short-term Memory

= activated memory that holds a few items briefly such as the seven digits of a phone number while dialing before the information is stored or forgotten

Wednesday March 6 13

Long-term Memory

= the relatively permanent and limitless storehouse of the memory system Includes knowledge skills and experiences

Wednesday March 6 13

Working Memory

= a newer understanding of short-term memory that focuses on conscious active processing of incoming auditory and visual-spatial information and of information retrieved from long-term memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Parallel Processing

= the processing of many aspects of a problem simultaneously the brainrsquos natural mode of information processing for many functions Contrasts with the step-by-step (serial) processing of most computers and of conscious problem solving

Wednesday March 6 13

Automatic Processing

= unconscious encoding of incidental information such as space time and frequency and of well-learned information such as word meanings

Wednesday March 6 13

Effortful Processing

= encoding that requires attention and conscious effort

Wednesday March 6 13


= the conscious repetition of information either to maintain it in consciousness or to encode it for storage

Wednesday March 6 13

Spacing Effect

= the tendency for distributed study or practice to yield better long-term retention than is achieved through massed study or practice

Wednesday March 6 13

Serial Position Effect

= our tendency to recall best the last and first items in a list

Wednesday March 6 13

Visual Encoding

= the encoding of picture images

Wednesday March 6 13

Acoustic Encoding

= the encoding of sound especially the sound of words

Wednesday March 6 13

Semantic Encoding

= the encoding of meaning including the meaning of words

Wednesday March 6 13


= mental pictures a powerful aid to effortful processing especially when combined with semantic encoding

Wednesday March 6 13


= memory aids especially those techniques that use vivid imagery and organizational devices

Wednesday March 6 13


= organizing items into familiar manageable units often occurs automatically

Wednesday March 6 13

Iconic Memory

= a momentary sensory memory of visual stimuli a photographic or picture-image memory lasting no more than a few tenths of a second

Wednesday March 6 13

Echoic Memory

= a momentary sensory memory of auditory stimuli if attention is elsewhere sounds and words can still be recalled within 3 or 4 seconds

Wednesday March 6 13

Long-term Potentiation (LTP)

= an increase in a synapsersquos firing potential after brief rapid stimulation Believed to be a neural basis for learning and memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Flashbulb Memory

= a clear memory of an emotionally significant moment or event

Wednesday March 6 13


= loss of memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Implicit Memory

= retention independent of conscious recollection (Also called nondeclarative or procedural memory)

Wednesday March 6 13

Explicit Memory

= memory of facts and experiences that one can consciously know and ldquodeclarerdquo (Also called declarative memory)

Wednesday March 6 13


= a neural center that is located in the limbic system helps process explicit memories for storage

Wednesday March 6 13


= a measure of memory in which the person must retrieve information learning earlier as on a fill-in-the-blank test

Wednesday March 6 13


= a measure of memory in which the person need only identify items previously learned as on a multiple-choice test

Wednesday March 6 13


= a measure of memory that assesses the amount of time saved when learning material for a second time

Wednesday March 6 13


= the activation often unconsciously of particular associations in memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Deja Vu

= that eerie sense that ldquoIrsquove experienced this beforerdquo Cues from the current situation may subconsciously trigger retrieval of an earlier experience

Wednesday March 6 13

Mood Congruent Memory

= the tendency to recall experiences that are consistent with onersquos current good or bad mood

Wednesday March 6 13

Proactive Interference

= the disruptive effect of prior learning on the recall of new information

Wednesday March 6 13

Retroactive Interference

= the disruptive effect of new learning on the recall of old information

Wednesday March 6 13


= in psychoanalytic theory the basic defense mechanism that banishes from consciousness anxiety-arousing thoughts feelings and memories

Wednesday March 6 13

Misinformation Effect

= incorporating misleading information into onersquos memory of an event

Wednesday March 6 13

Source Amnesia

= attributing to the wrong source an event we have experienced heard about read about or imagined (Also called source misattribution) Source amnesia along with the misinformation effect is at the heart of many false memories

Wednesday March 6 13

Definition Slide

= add definition here

Wednesday March 6 13


Wednesday March 6 13


= the persistence of learning over time through the storage and retrieval of information

Wednesday March 6 13


= the processing of information into the memory systems ndash for example by extracting meaning

Wednesday March 6 13


= the retention of encoded information over time

Wednesday March 6 13


= the process of getting information out of memory storage

Wednesday March 6 13

Sensory Memory

= the immediate very brief recording of sensory information in the memory system

Wednesday March 6 13

Short-term Memory

= activated memory that holds a few items briefly such as the seven digits of a phone number while dialing before the information is stored or forgotten

Wednesday March 6 13

Long-term Memory

= the relatively permanent and limitless storehouse of the memory system Includes knowledge skills and experiences

Wednesday March 6 13

Working Memory

= a newer understanding of short-term memory that focuses on conscious active processing of incoming auditory and visual-spatial information and of information retrieved from long-term memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Parallel Processing

= the processing of many aspects of a problem simultaneously the brainrsquos natural mode of information processing for many functions Contrasts with the step-by-step (serial) processing of most computers and of conscious problem solving

Wednesday March 6 13

Automatic Processing

= unconscious encoding of incidental information such as space time and frequency and of well-learned information such as word meanings

Wednesday March 6 13

Effortful Processing

= encoding that requires attention and conscious effort

Wednesday March 6 13


= the conscious repetition of information either to maintain it in consciousness or to encode it for storage

Wednesday March 6 13

Spacing Effect

= the tendency for distributed study or practice to yield better long-term retention than is achieved through massed study or practice

Wednesday March 6 13

Serial Position Effect

= our tendency to recall best the last and first items in a list

Wednesday March 6 13

Visual Encoding

= the encoding of picture images

Wednesday March 6 13

Acoustic Encoding

= the encoding of sound especially the sound of words

Wednesday March 6 13

Semantic Encoding

= the encoding of meaning including the meaning of words

Wednesday March 6 13


= mental pictures a powerful aid to effortful processing especially when combined with semantic encoding

Wednesday March 6 13


= memory aids especially those techniques that use vivid imagery and organizational devices

Wednesday March 6 13


= organizing items into familiar manageable units often occurs automatically

Wednesday March 6 13

Iconic Memory

= a momentary sensory memory of visual stimuli a photographic or picture-image memory lasting no more than a few tenths of a second

Wednesday March 6 13

Echoic Memory

= a momentary sensory memory of auditory stimuli if attention is elsewhere sounds and words can still be recalled within 3 or 4 seconds

Wednesday March 6 13

Long-term Potentiation (LTP)

= an increase in a synapsersquos firing potential after brief rapid stimulation Believed to be a neural basis for learning and memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Flashbulb Memory

= a clear memory of an emotionally significant moment or event

Wednesday March 6 13


= loss of memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Implicit Memory

= retention independent of conscious recollection (Also called nondeclarative or procedural memory)

Wednesday March 6 13

Explicit Memory

= memory of facts and experiences that one can consciously know and ldquodeclarerdquo (Also called declarative memory)

Wednesday March 6 13


= a neural center that is located in the limbic system helps process explicit memories for storage

Wednesday March 6 13


= a measure of memory in which the person must retrieve information learning earlier as on a fill-in-the-blank test

Wednesday March 6 13


= a measure of memory in which the person need only identify items previously learned as on a multiple-choice test

Wednesday March 6 13


= a measure of memory that assesses the amount of time saved when learning material for a second time

Wednesday March 6 13


= the activation often unconsciously of particular associations in memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Deja Vu

= that eerie sense that ldquoIrsquove experienced this beforerdquo Cues from the current situation may subconsciously trigger retrieval of an earlier experience

Wednesday March 6 13

Mood Congruent Memory

= the tendency to recall experiences that are consistent with onersquos current good or bad mood

Wednesday March 6 13

Proactive Interference

= the disruptive effect of prior learning on the recall of new information

Wednesday March 6 13

Retroactive Interference

= the disruptive effect of new learning on the recall of old information

Wednesday March 6 13


= in psychoanalytic theory the basic defense mechanism that banishes from consciousness anxiety-arousing thoughts feelings and memories

Wednesday March 6 13

Misinformation Effect

= incorporating misleading information into onersquos memory of an event

Wednesday March 6 13

Source Amnesia

= attributing to the wrong source an event we have experienced heard about read about or imagined (Also called source misattribution) Source amnesia along with the misinformation effect is at the heart of many false memories

Wednesday March 6 13


Wednesday March 6 13


= the persistence of learning over time through the storage and retrieval of information

Wednesday March 6 13


= the processing of information into the memory systems ndash for example by extracting meaning

Wednesday March 6 13


= the retention of encoded information over time

Wednesday March 6 13


= the process of getting information out of memory storage

Wednesday March 6 13

Sensory Memory

= the immediate very brief recording of sensory information in the memory system

Wednesday March 6 13

Short-term Memory

= activated memory that holds a few items briefly such as the seven digits of a phone number while dialing before the information is stored or forgotten

Wednesday March 6 13

Long-term Memory

= the relatively permanent and limitless storehouse of the memory system Includes knowledge skills and experiences

Wednesday March 6 13

Working Memory

= a newer understanding of short-term memory that focuses on conscious active processing of incoming auditory and visual-spatial information and of information retrieved from long-term memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Parallel Processing

= the processing of many aspects of a problem simultaneously the brainrsquos natural mode of information processing for many functions Contrasts with the step-by-step (serial) processing of most computers and of conscious problem solving

Wednesday March 6 13

Automatic Processing

= unconscious encoding of incidental information such as space time and frequency and of well-learned information such as word meanings

Wednesday March 6 13

Effortful Processing

= encoding that requires attention and conscious effort

Wednesday March 6 13


= the conscious repetition of information either to maintain it in consciousness or to encode it for storage

Wednesday March 6 13

Spacing Effect

= the tendency for distributed study or practice to yield better long-term retention than is achieved through massed study or practice

Wednesday March 6 13

Serial Position Effect

= our tendency to recall best the last and first items in a list

Wednesday March 6 13

Visual Encoding

= the encoding of picture images

Wednesday March 6 13

Acoustic Encoding

= the encoding of sound especially the sound of words

Wednesday March 6 13

Semantic Encoding

= the encoding of meaning including the meaning of words

Wednesday March 6 13


= mental pictures a powerful aid to effortful processing especially when combined with semantic encoding

Wednesday March 6 13


= memory aids especially those techniques that use vivid imagery and organizational devices

Wednesday March 6 13


= organizing items into familiar manageable units often occurs automatically

Wednesday March 6 13

Iconic Memory

= a momentary sensory memory of visual stimuli a photographic or picture-image memory lasting no more than a few tenths of a second

Wednesday March 6 13

Echoic Memory

= a momentary sensory memory of auditory stimuli if attention is elsewhere sounds and words can still be recalled within 3 or 4 seconds

Wednesday March 6 13

Long-term Potentiation (LTP)

= an increase in a synapsersquos firing potential after brief rapid stimulation Believed to be a neural basis for learning and memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Flashbulb Memory

= a clear memory of an emotionally significant moment or event

Wednesday March 6 13


= loss of memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Implicit Memory

= retention independent of conscious recollection (Also called nondeclarative or procedural memory)

Wednesday March 6 13

Explicit Memory

= memory of facts and experiences that one can consciously know and ldquodeclarerdquo (Also called declarative memory)

Wednesday March 6 13


= a neural center that is located in the limbic system helps process explicit memories for storage

Wednesday March 6 13


= a measure of memory in which the person must retrieve information learning earlier as on a fill-in-the-blank test

Wednesday March 6 13


= a measure of memory in which the person need only identify items previously learned as on a multiple-choice test

Wednesday March 6 13


= a measure of memory that assesses the amount of time saved when learning material for a second time

Wednesday March 6 13


= the activation often unconsciously of particular associations in memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Deja Vu

= that eerie sense that ldquoIrsquove experienced this beforerdquo Cues from the current situation may subconsciously trigger retrieval of an earlier experience

Wednesday March 6 13

Mood Congruent Memory

= the tendency to recall experiences that are consistent with onersquos current good or bad mood

Wednesday March 6 13

Proactive Interference

= the disruptive effect of prior learning on the recall of new information

Wednesday March 6 13

Retroactive Interference

= the disruptive effect of new learning on the recall of old information

Wednesday March 6 13


= in psychoanalytic theory the basic defense mechanism that banishes from consciousness anxiety-arousing thoughts feelings and memories

Wednesday March 6 13

Misinformation Effect

= incorporating misleading information into onersquos memory of an event

Wednesday March 6 13

Source Amnesia

= attributing to the wrong source an event we have experienced heard about read about or imagined (Also called source misattribution) Source amnesia along with the misinformation effect is at the heart of many false memories

Wednesday March 6 13


= the persistence of learning over time through the storage and retrieval of information

Wednesday March 6 13


= the processing of information into the memory systems ndash for example by extracting meaning

Wednesday March 6 13


= the retention of encoded information over time

Wednesday March 6 13


= the process of getting information out of memory storage

Wednesday March 6 13

Sensory Memory

= the immediate very brief recording of sensory information in the memory system

Wednesday March 6 13

Short-term Memory

= activated memory that holds a few items briefly such as the seven digits of a phone number while dialing before the information is stored or forgotten

Wednesday March 6 13

Long-term Memory

= the relatively permanent and limitless storehouse of the memory system Includes knowledge skills and experiences

Wednesday March 6 13

Working Memory

= a newer understanding of short-term memory that focuses on conscious active processing of incoming auditory and visual-spatial information and of information retrieved from long-term memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Parallel Processing

= the processing of many aspects of a problem simultaneously the brainrsquos natural mode of information processing for many functions Contrasts with the step-by-step (serial) processing of most computers and of conscious problem solving

Wednesday March 6 13

Automatic Processing

= unconscious encoding of incidental information such as space time and frequency and of well-learned information such as word meanings

Wednesday March 6 13

Effortful Processing

= encoding that requires attention and conscious effort

Wednesday March 6 13


= the conscious repetition of information either to maintain it in consciousness or to encode it for storage

Wednesday March 6 13

Spacing Effect

= the tendency for distributed study or practice to yield better long-term retention than is achieved through massed study or practice

Wednesday March 6 13

Serial Position Effect

= our tendency to recall best the last and first items in a list

Wednesday March 6 13

Visual Encoding

= the encoding of picture images

Wednesday March 6 13

Acoustic Encoding

= the encoding of sound especially the sound of words

Wednesday March 6 13

Semantic Encoding

= the encoding of meaning including the meaning of words

Wednesday March 6 13


= mental pictures a powerful aid to effortful processing especially when combined with semantic encoding

Wednesday March 6 13


= memory aids especially those techniques that use vivid imagery and organizational devices

Wednesday March 6 13


= organizing items into familiar manageable units often occurs automatically

Wednesday March 6 13

Iconic Memory

= a momentary sensory memory of visual stimuli a photographic or picture-image memory lasting no more than a few tenths of a second

Wednesday March 6 13

Echoic Memory

= a momentary sensory memory of auditory stimuli if attention is elsewhere sounds and words can still be recalled within 3 or 4 seconds

Wednesday March 6 13

Long-term Potentiation (LTP)

= an increase in a synapsersquos firing potential after brief rapid stimulation Believed to be a neural basis for learning and memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Flashbulb Memory

= a clear memory of an emotionally significant moment or event

Wednesday March 6 13


= loss of memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Implicit Memory

= retention independent of conscious recollection (Also called nondeclarative or procedural memory)

Wednesday March 6 13

Explicit Memory

= memory of facts and experiences that one can consciously know and ldquodeclarerdquo (Also called declarative memory)

Wednesday March 6 13


= a neural center that is located in the limbic system helps process explicit memories for storage

Wednesday March 6 13


= a measure of memory in which the person must retrieve information learning earlier as on a fill-in-the-blank test

Wednesday March 6 13


= a measure of memory in which the person need only identify items previously learned as on a multiple-choice test

Wednesday March 6 13


= a measure of memory that assesses the amount of time saved when learning material for a second time

Wednesday March 6 13


= the activation often unconsciously of particular associations in memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Deja Vu

= that eerie sense that ldquoIrsquove experienced this beforerdquo Cues from the current situation may subconsciously trigger retrieval of an earlier experience

Wednesday March 6 13

Mood Congruent Memory

= the tendency to recall experiences that are consistent with onersquos current good or bad mood

Wednesday March 6 13

Proactive Interference

= the disruptive effect of prior learning on the recall of new information

Wednesday March 6 13

Retroactive Interference

= the disruptive effect of new learning on the recall of old information

Wednesday March 6 13


= in psychoanalytic theory the basic defense mechanism that banishes from consciousness anxiety-arousing thoughts feelings and memories

Wednesday March 6 13

Misinformation Effect

= incorporating misleading information into onersquos memory of an event

Wednesday March 6 13

Source Amnesia

= attributing to the wrong source an event we have experienced heard about read about or imagined (Also called source misattribution) Source amnesia along with the misinformation effect is at the heart of many false memories

Wednesday March 6 13


= the processing of information into the memory systems ndash for example by extracting meaning

Wednesday March 6 13


= the retention of encoded information over time

Wednesday March 6 13


= the process of getting information out of memory storage

Wednesday March 6 13

Sensory Memory

= the immediate very brief recording of sensory information in the memory system

Wednesday March 6 13

Short-term Memory

= activated memory that holds a few items briefly such as the seven digits of a phone number while dialing before the information is stored or forgotten

Wednesday March 6 13

Long-term Memory

= the relatively permanent and limitless storehouse of the memory system Includes knowledge skills and experiences

Wednesday March 6 13

Working Memory

= a newer understanding of short-term memory that focuses on conscious active processing of incoming auditory and visual-spatial information and of information retrieved from long-term memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Parallel Processing

= the processing of many aspects of a problem simultaneously the brainrsquos natural mode of information processing for many functions Contrasts with the step-by-step (serial) processing of most computers and of conscious problem solving

Wednesday March 6 13

Automatic Processing

= unconscious encoding of incidental information such as space time and frequency and of well-learned information such as word meanings

Wednesday March 6 13

Effortful Processing

= encoding that requires attention and conscious effort

Wednesday March 6 13


= the conscious repetition of information either to maintain it in consciousness or to encode it for storage

Wednesday March 6 13

Spacing Effect

= the tendency for distributed study or practice to yield better long-term retention than is achieved through massed study or practice

Wednesday March 6 13

Serial Position Effect

= our tendency to recall best the last and first items in a list

Wednesday March 6 13

Visual Encoding

= the encoding of picture images

Wednesday March 6 13

Acoustic Encoding

= the encoding of sound especially the sound of words

Wednesday March 6 13

Semantic Encoding

= the encoding of meaning including the meaning of words

Wednesday March 6 13


= mental pictures a powerful aid to effortful processing especially when combined with semantic encoding

Wednesday March 6 13


= memory aids especially those techniques that use vivid imagery and organizational devices

Wednesday March 6 13


= organizing items into familiar manageable units often occurs automatically

Wednesday March 6 13

Iconic Memory

= a momentary sensory memory of visual stimuli a photographic or picture-image memory lasting no more than a few tenths of a second

Wednesday March 6 13

Echoic Memory

= a momentary sensory memory of auditory stimuli if attention is elsewhere sounds and words can still be recalled within 3 or 4 seconds

Wednesday March 6 13

Long-term Potentiation (LTP)

= an increase in a synapsersquos firing potential after brief rapid stimulation Believed to be a neural basis for learning and memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Flashbulb Memory

= a clear memory of an emotionally significant moment or event

Wednesday March 6 13


= loss of memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Implicit Memory

= retention independent of conscious recollection (Also called nondeclarative or procedural memory)

Wednesday March 6 13

Explicit Memory

= memory of facts and experiences that one can consciously know and ldquodeclarerdquo (Also called declarative memory)

Wednesday March 6 13


= a neural center that is located in the limbic system helps process explicit memories for storage

Wednesday March 6 13


= a measure of memory in which the person must retrieve information learning earlier as on a fill-in-the-blank test

Wednesday March 6 13


= a measure of memory in which the person need only identify items previously learned as on a multiple-choice test

Wednesday March 6 13


= a measure of memory that assesses the amount of time saved when learning material for a second time

Wednesday March 6 13


= the activation often unconsciously of particular associations in memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Deja Vu

= that eerie sense that ldquoIrsquove experienced this beforerdquo Cues from the current situation may subconsciously trigger retrieval of an earlier experience

Wednesday March 6 13

Mood Congruent Memory

= the tendency to recall experiences that are consistent with onersquos current good or bad mood

Wednesday March 6 13

Proactive Interference

= the disruptive effect of prior learning on the recall of new information

Wednesday March 6 13

Retroactive Interference

= the disruptive effect of new learning on the recall of old information

Wednesday March 6 13


= in psychoanalytic theory the basic defense mechanism that banishes from consciousness anxiety-arousing thoughts feelings and memories

Wednesday March 6 13

Misinformation Effect

= incorporating misleading information into onersquos memory of an event

Wednesday March 6 13

Source Amnesia

= attributing to the wrong source an event we have experienced heard about read about or imagined (Also called source misattribution) Source amnesia along with the misinformation effect is at the heart of many false memories

Wednesday March 6 13


= the retention of encoded information over time

Wednesday March 6 13


= the process of getting information out of memory storage

Wednesday March 6 13

Sensory Memory

= the immediate very brief recording of sensory information in the memory system

Wednesday March 6 13

Short-term Memory

= activated memory that holds a few items briefly such as the seven digits of a phone number while dialing before the information is stored or forgotten

Wednesday March 6 13

Long-term Memory

= the relatively permanent and limitless storehouse of the memory system Includes knowledge skills and experiences

Wednesday March 6 13

Working Memory

= a newer understanding of short-term memory that focuses on conscious active processing of incoming auditory and visual-spatial information and of information retrieved from long-term memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Parallel Processing

= the processing of many aspects of a problem simultaneously the brainrsquos natural mode of information processing for many functions Contrasts with the step-by-step (serial) processing of most computers and of conscious problem solving

Wednesday March 6 13

Automatic Processing

= unconscious encoding of incidental information such as space time and frequency and of well-learned information such as word meanings

Wednesday March 6 13

Effortful Processing

= encoding that requires attention and conscious effort

Wednesday March 6 13


= the conscious repetition of information either to maintain it in consciousness or to encode it for storage

Wednesday March 6 13

Spacing Effect

= the tendency for distributed study or practice to yield better long-term retention than is achieved through massed study or practice

Wednesday March 6 13

Serial Position Effect

= our tendency to recall best the last and first items in a list

Wednesday March 6 13

Visual Encoding

= the encoding of picture images

Wednesday March 6 13

Acoustic Encoding

= the encoding of sound especially the sound of words

Wednesday March 6 13

Semantic Encoding

= the encoding of meaning including the meaning of words

Wednesday March 6 13


= mental pictures a powerful aid to effortful processing especially when combined with semantic encoding

Wednesday March 6 13


= memory aids especially those techniques that use vivid imagery and organizational devices

Wednesday March 6 13


= organizing items into familiar manageable units often occurs automatically

Wednesday March 6 13

Iconic Memory

= a momentary sensory memory of visual stimuli a photographic or picture-image memory lasting no more than a few tenths of a second

Wednesday March 6 13

Echoic Memory

= a momentary sensory memory of auditory stimuli if attention is elsewhere sounds and words can still be recalled within 3 or 4 seconds

Wednesday March 6 13

Long-term Potentiation (LTP)

= an increase in a synapsersquos firing potential after brief rapid stimulation Believed to be a neural basis for learning and memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Flashbulb Memory

= a clear memory of an emotionally significant moment or event

Wednesday March 6 13


= loss of memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Implicit Memory

= retention independent of conscious recollection (Also called nondeclarative or procedural memory)

Wednesday March 6 13

Explicit Memory

= memory of facts and experiences that one can consciously know and ldquodeclarerdquo (Also called declarative memory)

Wednesday March 6 13


= a neural center that is located in the limbic system helps process explicit memories for storage

Wednesday March 6 13


= a measure of memory in which the person must retrieve information learning earlier as on a fill-in-the-blank test

Wednesday March 6 13


= a measure of memory in which the person need only identify items previously learned as on a multiple-choice test

Wednesday March 6 13


= a measure of memory that assesses the amount of time saved when learning material for a second time

Wednesday March 6 13


= the activation often unconsciously of particular associations in memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Deja Vu

= that eerie sense that ldquoIrsquove experienced this beforerdquo Cues from the current situation may subconsciously trigger retrieval of an earlier experience

Wednesday March 6 13

Mood Congruent Memory

= the tendency to recall experiences that are consistent with onersquos current good or bad mood

Wednesday March 6 13

Proactive Interference

= the disruptive effect of prior learning on the recall of new information

Wednesday March 6 13

Retroactive Interference

= the disruptive effect of new learning on the recall of old information

Wednesday March 6 13


= in psychoanalytic theory the basic defense mechanism that banishes from consciousness anxiety-arousing thoughts feelings and memories

Wednesday March 6 13

Misinformation Effect

= incorporating misleading information into onersquos memory of an event

Wednesday March 6 13

Source Amnesia

= attributing to the wrong source an event we have experienced heard about read about or imagined (Also called source misattribution) Source amnesia along with the misinformation effect is at the heart of many false memories

Wednesday March 6 13


= the process of getting information out of memory storage

Wednesday March 6 13

Sensory Memory

= the immediate very brief recording of sensory information in the memory system

Wednesday March 6 13

Short-term Memory

= activated memory that holds a few items briefly such as the seven digits of a phone number while dialing before the information is stored or forgotten

Wednesday March 6 13

Long-term Memory

= the relatively permanent and limitless storehouse of the memory system Includes knowledge skills and experiences

Wednesday March 6 13

Working Memory

= a newer understanding of short-term memory that focuses on conscious active processing of incoming auditory and visual-spatial information and of information retrieved from long-term memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Parallel Processing

= the processing of many aspects of a problem simultaneously the brainrsquos natural mode of information processing for many functions Contrasts with the step-by-step (serial) processing of most computers and of conscious problem solving

Wednesday March 6 13

Automatic Processing

= unconscious encoding of incidental information such as space time and frequency and of well-learned information such as word meanings

Wednesday March 6 13

Effortful Processing

= encoding that requires attention and conscious effort

Wednesday March 6 13


= the conscious repetition of information either to maintain it in consciousness or to encode it for storage

Wednesday March 6 13

Spacing Effect

= the tendency for distributed study or practice to yield better long-term retention than is achieved through massed study or practice

Wednesday March 6 13

Serial Position Effect

= our tendency to recall best the last and first items in a list

Wednesday March 6 13

Visual Encoding

= the encoding of picture images

Wednesday March 6 13

Acoustic Encoding

= the encoding of sound especially the sound of words

Wednesday March 6 13

Semantic Encoding

= the encoding of meaning including the meaning of words

Wednesday March 6 13


= mental pictures a powerful aid to effortful processing especially when combined with semantic encoding

Wednesday March 6 13


= memory aids especially those techniques that use vivid imagery and organizational devices

Wednesday March 6 13


= organizing items into familiar manageable units often occurs automatically

Wednesday March 6 13

Iconic Memory

= a momentary sensory memory of visual stimuli a photographic or picture-image memory lasting no more than a few tenths of a second

Wednesday March 6 13

Echoic Memory

= a momentary sensory memory of auditory stimuli if attention is elsewhere sounds and words can still be recalled within 3 or 4 seconds

Wednesday March 6 13

Long-term Potentiation (LTP)

= an increase in a synapsersquos firing potential after brief rapid stimulation Believed to be a neural basis for learning and memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Flashbulb Memory

= a clear memory of an emotionally significant moment or event

Wednesday March 6 13


= loss of memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Implicit Memory

= retention independent of conscious recollection (Also called nondeclarative or procedural memory)

Wednesday March 6 13

Explicit Memory

= memory of facts and experiences that one can consciously know and ldquodeclarerdquo (Also called declarative memory)

Wednesday March 6 13


= a neural center that is located in the limbic system helps process explicit memories for storage

Wednesday March 6 13


= a measure of memory in which the person must retrieve information learning earlier as on a fill-in-the-blank test

Wednesday March 6 13


= a measure of memory in which the person need only identify items previously learned as on a multiple-choice test

Wednesday March 6 13


= a measure of memory that assesses the amount of time saved when learning material for a second time

Wednesday March 6 13


= the activation often unconsciously of particular associations in memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Deja Vu

= that eerie sense that ldquoIrsquove experienced this beforerdquo Cues from the current situation may subconsciously trigger retrieval of an earlier experience

Wednesday March 6 13

Mood Congruent Memory

= the tendency to recall experiences that are consistent with onersquos current good or bad mood

Wednesday March 6 13

Proactive Interference

= the disruptive effect of prior learning on the recall of new information

Wednesday March 6 13

Retroactive Interference

= the disruptive effect of new learning on the recall of old information

Wednesday March 6 13


= in psychoanalytic theory the basic defense mechanism that banishes from consciousness anxiety-arousing thoughts feelings and memories

Wednesday March 6 13

Misinformation Effect

= incorporating misleading information into onersquos memory of an event

Wednesday March 6 13

Source Amnesia

= attributing to the wrong source an event we have experienced heard about read about or imagined (Also called source misattribution) Source amnesia along with the misinformation effect is at the heart of many false memories

Wednesday March 6 13

Sensory Memory

= the immediate very brief recording of sensory information in the memory system

Wednesday March 6 13

Short-term Memory

= activated memory that holds a few items briefly such as the seven digits of a phone number while dialing before the information is stored or forgotten

Wednesday March 6 13

Long-term Memory

= the relatively permanent and limitless storehouse of the memory system Includes knowledge skills and experiences

Wednesday March 6 13

Working Memory

= a newer understanding of short-term memory that focuses on conscious active processing of incoming auditory and visual-spatial information and of information retrieved from long-term memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Parallel Processing

= the processing of many aspects of a problem simultaneously the brainrsquos natural mode of information processing for many functions Contrasts with the step-by-step (serial) processing of most computers and of conscious problem solving

Wednesday March 6 13

Automatic Processing

= unconscious encoding of incidental information such as space time and frequency and of well-learned information such as word meanings

Wednesday March 6 13

Effortful Processing

= encoding that requires attention and conscious effort

Wednesday March 6 13


= the conscious repetition of information either to maintain it in consciousness or to encode it for storage

Wednesday March 6 13

Spacing Effect

= the tendency for distributed study or practice to yield better long-term retention than is achieved through massed study or practice

Wednesday March 6 13

Serial Position Effect

= our tendency to recall best the last and first items in a list

Wednesday March 6 13

Visual Encoding

= the encoding of picture images

Wednesday March 6 13

Acoustic Encoding

= the encoding of sound especially the sound of words

Wednesday March 6 13

Semantic Encoding

= the encoding of meaning including the meaning of words

Wednesday March 6 13


= mental pictures a powerful aid to effortful processing especially when combined with semantic encoding

Wednesday March 6 13


= memory aids especially those techniques that use vivid imagery and organizational devices

Wednesday March 6 13


= organizing items into familiar manageable units often occurs automatically

Wednesday March 6 13

Iconic Memory

= a momentary sensory memory of visual stimuli a photographic or picture-image memory lasting no more than a few tenths of a second

Wednesday March 6 13

Echoic Memory

= a momentary sensory memory of auditory stimuli if attention is elsewhere sounds and words can still be recalled within 3 or 4 seconds

Wednesday March 6 13

Long-term Potentiation (LTP)

= an increase in a synapsersquos firing potential after brief rapid stimulation Believed to be a neural basis for learning and memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Flashbulb Memory

= a clear memory of an emotionally significant moment or event

Wednesday March 6 13


= loss of memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Implicit Memory

= retention independent of conscious recollection (Also called nondeclarative or procedural memory)

Wednesday March 6 13

Explicit Memory

= memory of facts and experiences that one can consciously know and ldquodeclarerdquo (Also called declarative memory)

Wednesday March 6 13


= a neural center that is located in the limbic system helps process explicit memories for storage

Wednesday March 6 13


= a measure of memory in which the person must retrieve information learning earlier as on a fill-in-the-blank test

Wednesday March 6 13


= a measure of memory in which the person need only identify items previously learned as on a multiple-choice test

Wednesday March 6 13


= a measure of memory that assesses the amount of time saved when learning material for a second time

Wednesday March 6 13


= the activation often unconsciously of particular associations in memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Deja Vu

= that eerie sense that ldquoIrsquove experienced this beforerdquo Cues from the current situation may subconsciously trigger retrieval of an earlier experience

Wednesday March 6 13

Mood Congruent Memory

= the tendency to recall experiences that are consistent with onersquos current good or bad mood

Wednesday March 6 13

Proactive Interference

= the disruptive effect of prior learning on the recall of new information

Wednesday March 6 13

Retroactive Interference

= the disruptive effect of new learning on the recall of old information

Wednesday March 6 13


= in psychoanalytic theory the basic defense mechanism that banishes from consciousness anxiety-arousing thoughts feelings and memories

Wednesday March 6 13

Misinformation Effect

= incorporating misleading information into onersquos memory of an event

Wednesday March 6 13

Source Amnesia

= attributing to the wrong source an event we have experienced heard about read about or imagined (Also called source misattribution) Source amnesia along with the misinformation effect is at the heart of many false memories

Wednesday March 6 13

Short-term Memory

= activated memory that holds a few items briefly such as the seven digits of a phone number while dialing before the information is stored or forgotten

Wednesday March 6 13

Long-term Memory

= the relatively permanent and limitless storehouse of the memory system Includes knowledge skills and experiences

Wednesday March 6 13

Working Memory

= a newer understanding of short-term memory that focuses on conscious active processing of incoming auditory and visual-spatial information and of information retrieved from long-term memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Parallel Processing

= the processing of many aspects of a problem simultaneously the brainrsquos natural mode of information processing for many functions Contrasts with the step-by-step (serial) processing of most computers and of conscious problem solving

Wednesday March 6 13

Automatic Processing

= unconscious encoding of incidental information such as space time and frequency and of well-learned information such as word meanings

Wednesday March 6 13

Effortful Processing

= encoding that requires attention and conscious effort

Wednesday March 6 13


= the conscious repetition of information either to maintain it in consciousness or to encode it for storage

Wednesday March 6 13

Spacing Effect

= the tendency for distributed study or practice to yield better long-term retention than is achieved through massed study or practice

Wednesday March 6 13

Serial Position Effect

= our tendency to recall best the last and first items in a list

Wednesday March 6 13

Visual Encoding

= the encoding of picture images

Wednesday March 6 13

Acoustic Encoding

= the encoding of sound especially the sound of words

Wednesday March 6 13

Semantic Encoding

= the encoding of meaning including the meaning of words

Wednesday March 6 13


= mental pictures a powerful aid to effortful processing especially when combined with semantic encoding

Wednesday March 6 13


= memory aids especially those techniques that use vivid imagery and organizational devices

Wednesday March 6 13


= organizing items into familiar manageable units often occurs automatically

Wednesday March 6 13

Iconic Memory

= a momentary sensory memory of visual stimuli a photographic or picture-image memory lasting no more than a few tenths of a second

Wednesday March 6 13

Echoic Memory

= a momentary sensory memory of auditory stimuli if attention is elsewhere sounds and words can still be recalled within 3 or 4 seconds

Wednesday March 6 13

Long-term Potentiation (LTP)

= an increase in a synapsersquos firing potential after brief rapid stimulation Believed to be a neural basis for learning and memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Flashbulb Memory

= a clear memory of an emotionally significant moment or event

Wednesday March 6 13


= loss of memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Implicit Memory

= retention independent of conscious recollection (Also called nondeclarative or procedural memory)

Wednesday March 6 13

Explicit Memory

= memory of facts and experiences that one can consciously know and ldquodeclarerdquo (Also called declarative memory)

Wednesday March 6 13


= a neural center that is located in the limbic system helps process explicit memories for storage

Wednesday March 6 13


= a measure of memory in which the person must retrieve information learning earlier as on a fill-in-the-blank test

Wednesday March 6 13


= a measure of memory in which the person need only identify items previously learned as on a multiple-choice test

Wednesday March 6 13


= a measure of memory that assesses the amount of time saved when learning material for a second time

Wednesday March 6 13


= the activation often unconsciously of particular associations in memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Deja Vu

= that eerie sense that ldquoIrsquove experienced this beforerdquo Cues from the current situation may subconsciously trigger retrieval of an earlier experience

Wednesday March 6 13

Mood Congruent Memory

= the tendency to recall experiences that are consistent with onersquos current good or bad mood

Wednesday March 6 13

Proactive Interference

= the disruptive effect of prior learning on the recall of new information

Wednesday March 6 13

Retroactive Interference

= the disruptive effect of new learning on the recall of old information

Wednesday March 6 13


= in psychoanalytic theory the basic defense mechanism that banishes from consciousness anxiety-arousing thoughts feelings and memories

Wednesday March 6 13

Misinformation Effect

= incorporating misleading information into onersquos memory of an event

Wednesday March 6 13

Source Amnesia

= attributing to the wrong source an event we have experienced heard about read about or imagined (Also called source misattribution) Source amnesia along with the misinformation effect is at the heart of many false memories

Wednesday March 6 13

Long-term Memory

= the relatively permanent and limitless storehouse of the memory system Includes knowledge skills and experiences

Wednesday March 6 13

Working Memory

= a newer understanding of short-term memory that focuses on conscious active processing of incoming auditory and visual-spatial information and of information retrieved from long-term memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Parallel Processing

= the processing of many aspects of a problem simultaneously the brainrsquos natural mode of information processing for many functions Contrasts with the step-by-step (serial) processing of most computers and of conscious problem solving

Wednesday March 6 13

Automatic Processing

= unconscious encoding of incidental information such as space time and frequency and of well-learned information such as word meanings

Wednesday March 6 13

Effortful Processing

= encoding that requires attention and conscious effort

Wednesday March 6 13


= the conscious repetition of information either to maintain it in consciousness or to encode it for storage

Wednesday March 6 13

Spacing Effect

= the tendency for distributed study or practice to yield better long-term retention than is achieved through massed study or practice

Wednesday March 6 13

Serial Position Effect

= our tendency to recall best the last and first items in a list

Wednesday March 6 13

Visual Encoding

= the encoding of picture images

Wednesday March 6 13

Acoustic Encoding

= the encoding of sound especially the sound of words

Wednesday March 6 13

Semantic Encoding

= the encoding of meaning including the meaning of words

Wednesday March 6 13


= mental pictures a powerful aid to effortful processing especially when combined with semantic encoding

Wednesday March 6 13


= memory aids especially those techniques that use vivid imagery and organizational devices

Wednesday March 6 13


= organizing items into familiar manageable units often occurs automatically

Wednesday March 6 13

Iconic Memory

= a momentary sensory memory of visual stimuli a photographic or picture-image memory lasting no more than a few tenths of a second

Wednesday March 6 13

Echoic Memory

= a momentary sensory memory of auditory stimuli if attention is elsewhere sounds and words can still be recalled within 3 or 4 seconds

Wednesday March 6 13

Long-term Potentiation (LTP)

= an increase in a synapsersquos firing potential after brief rapid stimulation Believed to be a neural basis for learning and memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Flashbulb Memory

= a clear memory of an emotionally significant moment or event

Wednesday March 6 13


= loss of memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Implicit Memory

= retention independent of conscious recollection (Also called nondeclarative or procedural memory)

Wednesday March 6 13

Explicit Memory

= memory of facts and experiences that one can consciously know and ldquodeclarerdquo (Also called declarative memory)

Wednesday March 6 13


= a neural center that is located in the limbic system helps process explicit memories for storage

Wednesday March 6 13


= a measure of memory in which the person must retrieve information learning earlier as on a fill-in-the-blank test

Wednesday March 6 13


= a measure of memory in which the person need only identify items previously learned as on a multiple-choice test

Wednesday March 6 13


= a measure of memory that assesses the amount of time saved when learning material for a second time

Wednesday March 6 13


= the activation often unconsciously of particular associations in memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Deja Vu

= that eerie sense that ldquoIrsquove experienced this beforerdquo Cues from the current situation may subconsciously trigger retrieval of an earlier experience

Wednesday March 6 13

Mood Congruent Memory

= the tendency to recall experiences that are consistent with onersquos current good or bad mood

Wednesday March 6 13

Proactive Interference

= the disruptive effect of prior learning on the recall of new information

Wednesday March 6 13

Retroactive Interference

= the disruptive effect of new learning on the recall of old information

Wednesday March 6 13


= in psychoanalytic theory the basic defense mechanism that banishes from consciousness anxiety-arousing thoughts feelings and memories

Wednesday March 6 13

Misinformation Effect

= incorporating misleading information into onersquos memory of an event

Wednesday March 6 13

Source Amnesia

= attributing to the wrong source an event we have experienced heard about read about or imagined (Also called source misattribution) Source amnesia along with the misinformation effect is at the heart of many false memories

Wednesday March 6 13

Working Memory

= a newer understanding of short-term memory that focuses on conscious active processing of incoming auditory and visual-spatial information and of information retrieved from long-term memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Parallel Processing

= the processing of many aspects of a problem simultaneously the brainrsquos natural mode of information processing for many functions Contrasts with the step-by-step (serial) processing of most computers and of conscious problem solving

Wednesday March 6 13

Automatic Processing

= unconscious encoding of incidental information such as space time and frequency and of well-learned information such as word meanings

Wednesday March 6 13

Effortful Processing

= encoding that requires attention and conscious effort

Wednesday March 6 13


= the conscious repetition of information either to maintain it in consciousness or to encode it for storage

Wednesday March 6 13

Spacing Effect

= the tendency for distributed study or practice to yield better long-term retention than is achieved through massed study or practice

Wednesday March 6 13

Serial Position Effect

= our tendency to recall best the last and first items in a list

Wednesday March 6 13

Visual Encoding

= the encoding of picture images

Wednesday March 6 13

Acoustic Encoding

= the encoding of sound especially the sound of words

Wednesday March 6 13

Semantic Encoding

= the encoding of meaning including the meaning of words

Wednesday March 6 13


= mental pictures a powerful aid to effortful processing especially when combined with semantic encoding

Wednesday March 6 13


= memory aids especially those techniques that use vivid imagery and organizational devices

Wednesday March 6 13


= organizing items into familiar manageable units often occurs automatically

Wednesday March 6 13

Iconic Memory

= a momentary sensory memory of visual stimuli a photographic or picture-image memory lasting no more than a few tenths of a second

Wednesday March 6 13

Echoic Memory

= a momentary sensory memory of auditory stimuli if attention is elsewhere sounds and words can still be recalled within 3 or 4 seconds

Wednesday March 6 13

Long-term Potentiation (LTP)

= an increase in a synapsersquos firing potential after brief rapid stimulation Believed to be a neural basis for learning and memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Flashbulb Memory

= a clear memory of an emotionally significant moment or event

Wednesday March 6 13


= loss of memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Implicit Memory

= retention independent of conscious recollection (Also called nondeclarative or procedural memory)

Wednesday March 6 13

Explicit Memory

= memory of facts and experiences that one can consciously know and ldquodeclarerdquo (Also called declarative memory)

Wednesday March 6 13


= a neural center that is located in the limbic system helps process explicit memories for storage

Wednesday March 6 13


= a measure of memory in which the person must retrieve information learning earlier as on a fill-in-the-blank test

Wednesday March 6 13


= a measure of memory in which the person need only identify items previously learned as on a multiple-choice test

Wednesday March 6 13


= a measure of memory that assesses the amount of time saved when learning material for a second time

Wednesday March 6 13


= the activation often unconsciously of particular associations in memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Deja Vu

= that eerie sense that ldquoIrsquove experienced this beforerdquo Cues from the current situation may subconsciously trigger retrieval of an earlier experience

Wednesday March 6 13

Mood Congruent Memory

= the tendency to recall experiences that are consistent with onersquos current good or bad mood

Wednesday March 6 13

Proactive Interference

= the disruptive effect of prior learning on the recall of new information

Wednesday March 6 13

Retroactive Interference

= the disruptive effect of new learning on the recall of old information

Wednesday March 6 13


= in psychoanalytic theory the basic defense mechanism that banishes from consciousness anxiety-arousing thoughts feelings and memories

Wednesday March 6 13

Misinformation Effect

= incorporating misleading information into onersquos memory of an event

Wednesday March 6 13

Source Amnesia

= attributing to the wrong source an event we have experienced heard about read about or imagined (Also called source misattribution) Source amnesia along with the misinformation effect is at the heart of many false memories

Wednesday March 6 13

Parallel Processing

= the processing of many aspects of a problem simultaneously the brainrsquos natural mode of information processing for many functions Contrasts with the step-by-step (serial) processing of most computers and of conscious problem solving

Wednesday March 6 13

Automatic Processing

= unconscious encoding of incidental information such as space time and frequency and of well-learned information such as word meanings

Wednesday March 6 13

Effortful Processing

= encoding that requires attention and conscious effort

Wednesday March 6 13


= the conscious repetition of information either to maintain it in consciousness or to encode it for storage

Wednesday March 6 13

Spacing Effect

= the tendency for distributed study or practice to yield better long-term retention than is achieved through massed study or practice

Wednesday March 6 13

Serial Position Effect

= our tendency to recall best the last and first items in a list

Wednesday March 6 13

Visual Encoding

= the encoding of picture images

Wednesday March 6 13

Acoustic Encoding

= the encoding of sound especially the sound of words

Wednesday March 6 13

Semantic Encoding

= the encoding of meaning including the meaning of words

Wednesday March 6 13


= mental pictures a powerful aid to effortful processing especially when combined with semantic encoding

Wednesday March 6 13


= memory aids especially those techniques that use vivid imagery and organizational devices

Wednesday March 6 13


= organizing items into familiar manageable units often occurs automatically

Wednesday March 6 13

Iconic Memory

= a momentary sensory memory of visual stimuli a photographic or picture-image memory lasting no more than a few tenths of a second

Wednesday March 6 13

Echoic Memory

= a momentary sensory memory of auditory stimuli if attention is elsewhere sounds and words can still be recalled within 3 or 4 seconds

Wednesday March 6 13

Long-term Potentiation (LTP)

= an increase in a synapsersquos firing potential after brief rapid stimulation Believed to be a neural basis for learning and memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Flashbulb Memory

= a clear memory of an emotionally significant moment or event

Wednesday March 6 13


= loss of memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Implicit Memory

= retention independent of conscious recollection (Also called nondeclarative or procedural memory)

Wednesday March 6 13

Explicit Memory

= memory of facts and experiences that one can consciously know and ldquodeclarerdquo (Also called declarative memory)

Wednesday March 6 13


= a neural center that is located in the limbic system helps process explicit memories for storage

Wednesday March 6 13


= a measure of memory in which the person must retrieve information learning earlier as on a fill-in-the-blank test

Wednesday March 6 13


= a measure of memory in which the person need only identify items previously learned as on a multiple-choice test

Wednesday March 6 13


= a measure of memory that assesses the amount of time saved when learning material for a second time

Wednesday March 6 13


= the activation often unconsciously of particular associations in memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Deja Vu

= that eerie sense that ldquoIrsquove experienced this beforerdquo Cues from the current situation may subconsciously trigger retrieval of an earlier experience

Wednesday March 6 13

Mood Congruent Memory

= the tendency to recall experiences that are consistent with onersquos current good or bad mood

Wednesday March 6 13

Proactive Interference

= the disruptive effect of prior learning on the recall of new information

Wednesday March 6 13

Retroactive Interference

= the disruptive effect of new learning on the recall of old information

Wednesday March 6 13


= in psychoanalytic theory the basic defense mechanism that banishes from consciousness anxiety-arousing thoughts feelings and memories

Wednesday March 6 13

Misinformation Effect

= incorporating misleading information into onersquos memory of an event

Wednesday March 6 13

Source Amnesia

= attributing to the wrong source an event we have experienced heard about read about or imagined (Also called source misattribution) Source amnesia along with the misinformation effect is at the heart of many false memories

Wednesday March 6 13

Automatic Processing

= unconscious encoding of incidental information such as space time and frequency and of well-learned information such as word meanings

Wednesday March 6 13

Effortful Processing

= encoding that requires attention and conscious effort

Wednesday March 6 13


= the conscious repetition of information either to maintain it in consciousness or to encode it for storage

Wednesday March 6 13

Spacing Effect

= the tendency for distributed study or practice to yield better long-term retention than is achieved through massed study or practice

Wednesday March 6 13

Serial Position Effect

= our tendency to recall best the last and first items in a list

Wednesday March 6 13

Visual Encoding

= the encoding of picture images

Wednesday March 6 13

Acoustic Encoding

= the encoding of sound especially the sound of words

Wednesday March 6 13

Semantic Encoding

= the encoding of meaning including the meaning of words

Wednesday March 6 13


= mental pictures a powerful aid to effortful processing especially when combined with semantic encoding

Wednesday March 6 13


= memory aids especially those techniques that use vivid imagery and organizational devices

Wednesday March 6 13


= organizing items into familiar manageable units often occurs automatically

Wednesday March 6 13

Iconic Memory

= a momentary sensory memory of visual stimuli a photographic or picture-image memory lasting no more than a few tenths of a second

Wednesday March 6 13

Echoic Memory

= a momentary sensory memory of auditory stimuli if attention is elsewhere sounds and words can still be recalled within 3 or 4 seconds

Wednesday March 6 13

Long-term Potentiation (LTP)

= an increase in a synapsersquos firing potential after brief rapid stimulation Believed to be a neural basis for learning and memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Flashbulb Memory

= a clear memory of an emotionally significant moment or event

Wednesday March 6 13


= loss of memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Implicit Memory

= retention independent of conscious recollection (Also called nondeclarative or procedural memory)

Wednesday March 6 13

Explicit Memory

= memory of facts and experiences that one can consciously know and ldquodeclarerdquo (Also called declarative memory)

Wednesday March 6 13


= a neural center that is located in the limbic system helps process explicit memories for storage

Wednesday March 6 13


= a measure of memory in which the person must retrieve information learning earlier as on a fill-in-the-blank test

Wednesday March 6 13


= a measure of memory in which the person need only identify items previously learned as on a multiple-choice test

Wednesday March 6 13


= a measure of memory that assesses the amount of time saved when learning material for a second time

Wednesday March 6 13


= the activation often unconsciously of particular associations in memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Deja Vu

= that eerie sense that ldquoIrsquove experienced this beforerdquo Cues from the current situation may subconsciously trigger retrieval of an earlier experience

Wednesday March 6 13

Mood Congruent Memory

= the tendency to recall experiences that are consistent with onersquos current good or bad mood

Wednesday March 6 13

Proactive Interference

= the disruptive effect of prior learning on the recall of new information

Wednesday March 6 13

Retroactive Interference

= the disruptive effect of new learning on the recall of old information

Wednesday March 6 13


= in psychoanalytic theory the basic defense mechanism that banishes from consciousness anxiety-arousing thoughts feelings and memories

Wednesday March 6 13

Misinformation Effect

= incorporating misleading information into onersquos memory of an event

Wednesday March 6 13

Source Amnesia

= attributing to the wrong source an event we have experienced heard about read about or imagined (Also called source misattribution) Source amnesia along with the misinformation effect is at the heart of many false memories

Wednesday March 6 13

Effortful Processing

= encoding that requires attention and conscious effort

Wednesday March 6 13


= the conscious repetition of information either to maintain it in consciousness or to encode it for storage

Wednesday March 6 13

Spacing Effect

= the tendency for distributed study or practice to yield better long-term retention than is achieved through massed study or practice

Wednesday March 6 13

Serial Position Effect

= our tendency to recall best the last and first items in a list

Wednesday March 6 13

Visual Encoding

= the encoding of picture images

Wednesday March 6 13

Acoustic Encoding

= the encoding of sound especially the sound of words

Wednesday March 6 13

Semantic Encoding

= the encoding of meaning including the meaning of words

Wednesday March 6 13


= mental pictures a powerful aid to effortful processing especially when combined with semantic encoding

Wednesday March 6 13


= memory aids especially those techniques that use vivid imagery and organizational devices

Wednesday March 6 13


= organizing items into familiar manageable units often occurs automatically

Wednesday March 6 13

Iconic Memory

= a momentary sensory memory of visual stimuli a photographic or picture-image memory lasting no more than a few tenths of a second

Wednesday March 6 13

Echoic Memory

= a momentary sensory memory of auditory stimuli if attention is elsewhere sounds and words can still be recalled within 3 or 4 seconds

Wednesday March 6 13

Long-term Potentiation (LTP)

= an increase in a synapsersquos firing potential after brief rapid stimulation Believed to be a neural basis for learning and memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Flashbulb Memory

= a clear memory of an emotionally significant moment or event

Wednesday March 6 13


= loss of memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Implicit Memory

= retention independent of conscious recollection (Also called nondeclarative or procedural memory)

Wednesday March 6 13

Explicit Memory

= memory of facts and experiences that one can consciously know and ldquodeclarerdquo (Also called declarative memory)

Wednesday March 6 13


= a neural center that is located in the limbic system helps process explicit memories for storage

Wednesday March 6 13


= a measure of memory in which the person must retrieve information learning earlier as on a fill-in-the-blank test

Wednesday March 6 13


= a measure of memory in which the person need only identify items previously learned as on a multiple-choice test

Wednesday March 6 13


= a measure of memory that assesses the amount of time saved when learning material for a second time

Wednesday March 6 13


= the activation often unconsciously of particular associations in memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Deja Vu

= that eerie sense that ldquoIrsquove experienced this beforerdquo Cues from the current situation may subconsciously trigger retrieval of an earlier experience

Wednesday March 6 13

Mood Congruent Memory

= the tendency to recall experiences that are consistent with onersquos current good or bad mood

Wednesday March 6 13

Proactive Interference

= the disruptive effect of prior learning on the recall of new information

Wednesday March 6 13

Retroactive Interference

= the disruptive effect of new learning on the recall of old information

Wednesday March 6 13


= in psychoanalytic theory the basic defense mechanism that banishes from consciousness anxiety-arousing thoughts feelings and memories

Wednesday March 6 13

Misinformation Effect

= incorporating misleading information into onersquos memory of an event

Wednesday March 6 13

Source Amnesia

= attributing to the wrong source an event we have experienced heard about read about or imagined (Also called source misattribution) Source amnesia along with the misinformation effect is at the heart of many false memories

Wednesday March 6 13


= the conscious repetition of information either to maintain it in consciousness or to encode it for storage

Wednesday March 6 13

Spacing Effect

= the tendency for distributed study or practice to yield better long-term retention than is achieved through massed study or practice

Wednesday March 6 13

Serial Position Effect

= our tendency to recall best the last and first items in a list

Wednesday March 6 13

Visual Encoding

= the encoding of picture images

Wednesday March 6 13

Acoustic Encoding

= the encoding of sound especially the sound of words

Wednesday March 6 13

Semantic Encoding

= the encoding of meaning including the meaning of words

Wednesday March 6 13


= mental pictures a powerful aid to effortful processing especially when combined with semantic encoding

Wednesday March 6 13


= memory aids especially those techniques that use vivid imagery and organizational devices

Wednesday March 6 13


= organizing items into familiar manageable units often occurs automatically

Wednesday March 6 13

Iconic Memory

= a momentary sensory memory of visual stimuli a photographic or picture-image memory lasting no more than a few tenths of a second

Wednesday March 6 13

Echoic Memory

= a momentary sensory memory of auditory stimuli if attention is elsewhere sounds and words can still be recalled within 3 or 4 seconds

Wednesday March 6 13

Long-term Potentiation (LTP)

= an increase in a synapsersquos firing potential after brief rapid stimulation Believed to be a neural basis for learning and memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Flashbulb Memory

= a clear memory of an emotionally significant moment or event

Wednesday March 6 13


= loss of memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Implicit Memory

= retention independent of conscious recollection (Also called nondeclarative or procedural memory)

Wednesday March 6 13

Explicit Memory

= memory of facts and experiences that one can consciously know and ldquodeclarerdquo (Also called declarative memory)

Wednesday March 6 13


= a neural center that is located in the limbic system helps process explicit memories for storage

Wednesday March 6 13


= a measure of memory in which the person must retrieve information learning earlier as on a fill-in-the-blank test

Wednesday March 6 13


= a measure of memory in which the person need only identify items previously learned as on a multiple-choice test

Wednesday March 6 13


= a measure of memory that assesses the amount of time saved when learning material for a second time

Wednesday March 6 13


= the activation often unconsciously of particular associations in memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Deja Vu

= that eerie sense that ldquoIrsquove experienced this beforerdquo Cues from the current situation may subconsciously trigger retrieval of an earlier experience

Wednesday March 6 13

Mood Congruent Memory

= the tendency to recall experiences that are consistent with onersquos current good or bad mood

Wednesday March 6 13

Proactive Interference

= the disruptive effect of prior learning on the recall of new information

Wednesday March 6 13

Retroactive Interference

= the disruptive effect of new learning on the recall of old information

Wednesday March 6 13


= in psychoanalytic theory the basic defense mechanism that banishes from consciousness anxiety-arousing thoughts feelings and memories

Wednesday March 6 13

Misinformation Effect

= incorporating misleading information into onersquos memory of an event

Wednesday March 6 13

Source Amnesia

= attributing to the wrong source an event we have experienced heard about read about or imagined (Also called source misattribution) Source amnesia along with the misinformation effect is at the heart of many false memories

Wednesday March 6 13

Spacing Effect

= the tendency for distributed study or practice to yield better long-term retention than is achieved through massed study or practice

Wednesday March 6 13

Serial Position Effect

= our tendency to recall best the last and first items in a list

Wednesday March 6 13

Visual Encoding

= the encoding of picture images

Wednesday March 6 13

Acoustic Encoding

= the encoding of sound especially the sound of words

Wednesday March 6 13

Semantic Encoding

= the encoding of meaning including the meaning of words

Wednesday March 6 13


= mental pictures a powerful aid to effortful processing especially when combined with semantic encoding

Wednesday March 6 13


= memory aids especially those techniques that use vivid imagery and organizational devices

Wednesday March 6 13


= organizing items into familiar manageable units often occurs automatically

Wednesday March 6 13

Iconic Memory

= a momentary sensory memory of visual stimuli a photographic or picture-image memory lasting no more than a few tenths of a second

Wednesday March 6 13

Echoic Memory

= a momentary sensory memory of auditory stimuli if attention is elsewhere sounds and words can still be recalled within 3 or 4 seconds

Wednesday March 6 13

Long-term Potentiation (LTP)

= an increase in a synapsersquos firing potential after brief rapid stimulation Believed to be a neural basis for learning and memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Flashbulb Memory

= a clear memory of an emotionally significant moment or event

Wednesday March 6 13


= loss of memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Implicit Memory

= retention independent of conscious recollection (Also called nondeclarative or procedural memory)

Wednesday March 6 13

Explicit Memory

= memory of facts and experiences that one can consciously know and ldquodeclarerdquo (Also called declarative memory)

Wednesday March 6 13


= a neural center that is located in the limbic system helps process explicit memories for storage

Wednesday March 6 13


= a measure of memory in which the person must retrieve information learning earlier as on a fill-in-the-blank test

Wednesday March 6 13


= a measure of memory in which the person need only identify items previously learned as on a multiple-choice test

Wednesday March 6 13


= a measure of memory that assesses the amount of time saved when learning material for a second time

Wednesday March 6 13


= the activation often unconsciously of particular associations in memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Deja Vu

= that eerie sense that ldquoIrsquove experienced this beforerdquo Cues from the current situation may subconsciously trigger retrieval of an earlier experience

Wednesday March 6 13

Mood Congruent Memory

= the tendency to recall experiences that are consistent with onersquos current good or bad mood

Wednesday March 6 13

Proactive Interference

= the disruptive effect of prior learning on the recall of new information

Wednesday March 6 13

Retroactive Interference

= the disruptive effect of new learning on the recall of old information

Wednesday March 6 13


= in psychoanalytic theory the basic defense mechanism that banishes from consciousness anxiety-arousing thoughts feelings and memories

Wednesday March 6 13

Misinformation Effect

= incorporating misleading information into onersquos memory of an event

Wednesday March 6 13

Source Amnesia

= attributing to the wrong source an event we have experienced heard about read about or imagined (Also called source misattribution) Source amnesia along with the misinformation effect is at the heart of many false memories

Wednesday March 6 13

Serial Position Effect

= our tendency to recall best the last and first items in a list

Wednesday March 6 13

Visual Encoding

= the encoding of picture images

Wednesday March 6 13

Acoustic Encoding

= the encoding of sound especially the sound of words

Wednesday March 6 13

Semantic Encoding

= the encoding of meaning including the meaning of words

Wednesday March 6 13


= mental pictures a powerful aid to effortful processing especially when combined with semantic encoding

Wednesday March 6 13


= memory aids especially those techniques that use vivid imagery and organizational devices

Wednesday March 6 13


= organizing items into familiar manageable units often occurs automatically

Wednesday March 6 13

Iconic Memory

= a momentary sensory memory of visual stimuli a photographic or picture-image memory lasting no more than a few tenths of a second

Wednesday March 6 13

Echoic Memory

= a momentary sensory memory of auditory stimuli if attention is elsewhere sounds and words can still be recalled within 3 or 4 seconds

Wednesday March 6 13

Long-term Potentiation (LTP)

= an increase in a synapsersquos firing potential after brief rapid stimulation Believed to be a neural basis for learning and memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Flashbulb Memory

= a clear memory of an emotionally significant moment or event

Wednesday March 6 13


= loss of memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Implicit Memory

= retention independent of conscious recollection (Also called nondeclarative or procedural memory)

Wednesday March 6 13

Explicit Memory

= memory of facts and experiences that one can consciously know and ldquodeclarerdquo (Also called declarative memory)

Wednesday March 6 13


= a neural center that is located in the limbic system helps process explicit memories for storage

Wednesday March 6 13


= a measure of memory in which the person must retrieve information learning earlier as on a fill-in-the-blank test

Wednesday March 6 13


= a measure of memory in which the person need only identify items previously learned as on a multiple-choice test

Wednesday March 6 13


= a measure of memory that assesses the amount of time saved when learning material for a second time

Wednesday March 6 13


= the activation often unconsciously of particular associations in memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Deja Vu

= that eerie sense that ldquoIrsquove experienced this beforerdquo Cues from the current situation may subconsciously trigger retrieval of an earlier experience

Wednesday March 6 13

Mood Congruent Memory

= the tendency to recall experiences that are consistent with onersquos current good or bad mood

Wednesday March 6 13

Proactive Interference

= the disruptive effect of prior learning on the recall of new information

Wednesday March 6 13

Retroactive Interference

= the disruptive effect of new learning on the recall of old information

Wednesday March 6 13


= in psychoanalytic theory the basic defense mechanism that banishes from consciousness anxiety-arousing thoughts feelings and memories

Wednesday March 6 13

Misinformation Effect

= incorporating misleading information into onersquos memory of an event

Wednesday March 6 13

Source Amnesia

= attributing to the wrong source an event we have experienced heard about read about or imagined (Also called source misattribution) Source amnesia along with the misinformation effect is at the heart of many false memories

Wednesday March 6 13

Visual Encoding

= the encoding of picture images

Wednesday March 6 13

Acoustic Encoding

= the encoding of sound especially the sound of words

Wednesday March 6 13

Semantic Encoding

= the encoding of meaning including the meaning of words

Wednesday March 6 13


= mental pictures a powerful aid to effortful processing especially when combined with semantic encoding

Wednesday March 6 13


= memory aids especially those techniques that use vivid imagery and organizational devices

Wednesday March 6 13


= organizing items into familiar manageable units often occurs automatically

Wednesday March 6 13

Iconic Memory

= a momentary sensory memory of visual stimuli a photographic or picture-image memory lasting no more than a few tenths of a second

Wednesday March 6 13

Echoic Memory

= a momentary sensory memory of auditory stimuli if attention is elsewhere sounds and words can still be recalled within 3 or 4 seconds

Wednesday March 6 13

Long-term Potentiation (LTP)

= an increase in a synapsersquos firing potential after brief rapid stimulation Believed to be a neural basis for learning and memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Flashbulb Memory

= a clear memory of an emotionally significant moment or event

Wednesday March 6 13


= loss of memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Implicit Memory

= retention independent of conscious recollection (Also called nondeclarative or procedural memory)

Wednesday March 6 13

Explicit Memory

= memory of facts and experiences that one can consciously know and ldquodeclarerdquo (Also called declarative memory)

Wednesday March 6 13


= a neural center that is located in the limbic system helps process explicit memories for storage

Wednesday March 6 13


= a measure of memory in which the person must retrieve information learning earlier as on a fill-in-the-blank test

Wednesday March 6 13


= a measure of memory in which the person need only identify items previously learned as on a multiple-choice test

Wednesday March 6 13


= a measure of memory that assesses the amount of time saved when learning material for a second time

Wednesday March 6 13


= the activation often unconsciously of particular associations in memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Deja Vu

= that eerie sense that ldquoIrsquove experienced this beforerdquo Cues from the current situation may subconsciously trigger retrieval of an earlier experience

Wednesday March 6 13

Mood Congruent Memory

= the tendency to recall experiences that are consistent with onersquos current good or bad mood

Wednesday March 6 13

Proactive Interference

= the disruptive effect of prior learning on the recall of new information

Wednesday March 6 13

Retroactive Interference

= the disruptive effect of new learning on the recall of old information

Wednesday March 6 13


= in psychoanalytic theory the basic defense mechanism that banishes from consciousness anxiety-arousing thoughts feelings and memories

Wednesday March 6 13

Misinformation Effect

= incorporating misleading information into onersquos memory of an event

Wednesday March 6 13

Source Amnesia

= attributing to the wrong source an event we have experienced heard about read about or imagined (Also called source misattribution) Source amnesia along with the misinformation effect is at the heart of many false memories

Wednesday March 6 13

Acoustic Encoding

= the encoding of sound especially the sound of words

Wednesday March 6 13

Semantic Encoding

= the encoding of meaning including the meaning of words

Wednesday March 6 13


= mental pictures a powerful aid to effortful processing especially when combined with semantic encoding

Wednesday March 6 13


= memory aids especially those techniques that use vivid imagery and organizational devices

Wednesday March 6 13


= organizing items into familiar manageable units often occurs automatically

Wednesday March 6 13

Iconic Memory

= a momentary sensory memory of visual stimuli a photographic or picture-image memory lasting no more than a few tenths of a second

Wednesday March 6 13

Echoic Memory

= a momentary sensory memory of auditory stimuli if attention is elsewhere sounds and words can still be recalled within 3 or 4 seconds

Wednesday March 6 13

Long-term Potentiation (LTP)

= an increase in a synapsersquos firing potential after brief rapid stimulation Believed to be a neural basis for learning and memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Flashbulb Memory

= a clear memory of an emotionally significant moment or event

Wednesday March 6 13


= loss of memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Implicit Memory

= retention independent of conscious recollection (Also called nondeclarative or procedural memory)

Wednesday March 6 13

Explicit Memory

= memory of facts and experiences that one can consciously know and ldquodeclarerdquo (Also called declarative memory)

Wednesday March 6 13


= a neural center that is located in the limbic system helps process explicit memories for storage

Wednesday March 6 13


= a measure of memory in which the person must retrieve information learning earlier as on a fill-in-the-blank test

Wednesday March 6 13


= a measure of memory in which the person need only identify items previously learned as on a multiple-choice test

Wednesday March 6 13


= a measure of memory that assesses the amount of time saved when learning material for a second time

Wednesday March 6 13


= the activation often unconsciously of particular associations in memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Deja Vu

= that eerie sense that ldquoIrsquove experienced this beforerdquo Cues from the current situation may subconsciously trigger retrieval of an earlier experience

Wednesday March 6 13

Mood Congruent Memory

= the tendency to recall experiences that are consistent with onersquos current good or bad mood

Wednesday March 6 13

Proactive Interference

= the disruptive effect of prior learning on the recall of new information

Wednesday March 6 13

Retroactive Interference

= the disruptive effect of new learning on the recall of old information

Wednesday March 6 13


= in psychoanalytic theory the basic defense mechanism that banishes from consciousness anxiety-arousing thoughts feelings and memories

Wednesday March 6 13

Misinformation Effect

= incorporating misleading information into onersquos memory of an event

Wednesday March 6 13

Source Amnesia

= attributing to the wrong source an event we have experienced heard about read about or imagined (Also called source misattribution) Source amnesia along with the misinformation effect is at the heart of many false memories

Wednesday March 6 13

Semantic Encoding

= the encoding of meaning including the meaning of words

Wednesday March 6 13


= mental pictures a powerful aid to effortful processing especially when combined with semantic encoding

Wednesday March 6 13


= memory aids especially those techniques that use vivid imagery and organizational devices

Wednesday March 6 13


= organizing items into familiar manageable units often occurs automatically

Wednesday March 6 13

Iconic Memory

= a momentary sensory memory of visual stimuli a photographic or picture-image memory lasting no more than a few tenths of a second

Wednesday March 6 13

Echoic Memory

= a momentary sensory memory of auditory stimuli if attention is elsewhere sounds and words can still be recalled within 3 or 4 seconds

Wednesday March 6 13

Long-term Potentiation (LTP)

= an increase in a synapsersquos firing potential after brief rapid stimulation Believed to be a neural basis for learning and memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Flashbulb Memory

= a clear memory of an emotionally significant moment or event

Wednesday March 6 13


= loss of memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Implicit Memory

= retention independent of conscious recollection (Also called nondeclarative or procedural memory)

Wednesday March 6 13

Explicit Memory

= memory of facts and experiences that one can consciously know and ldquodeclarerdquo (Also called declarative memory)

Wednesday March 6 13


= a neural center that is located in the limbic system helps process explicit memories for storage

Wednesday March 6 13


= a measure of memory in which the person must retrieve information learning earlier as on a fill-in-the-blank test

Wednesday March 6 13


= a measure of memory in which the person need only identify items previously learned as on a multiple-choice test

Wednesday March 6 13


= a measure of memory that assesses the amount of time saved when learning material for a second time

Wednesday March 6 13


= the activation often unconsciously of particular associations in memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Deja Vu

= that eerie sense that ldquoIrsquove experienced this beforerdquo Cues from the current situation may subconsciously trigger retrieval of an earlier experience

Wednesday March 6 13

Mood Congruent Memory

= the tendency to recall experiences that are consistent with onersquos current good or bad mood

Wednesday March 6 13

Proactive Interference

= the disruptive effect of prior learning on the recall of new information

Wednesday March 6 13

Retroactive Interference

= the disruptive effect of new learning on the recall of old information

Wednesday March 6 13


= in psychoanalytic theory the basic defense mechanism that banishes from consciousness anxiety-arousing thoughts feelings and memories

Wednesday March 6 13

Misinformation Effect

= incorporating misleading information into onersquos memory of an event

Wednesday March 6 13

Source Amnesia

= attributing to the wrong source an event we have experienced heard about read about or imagined (Also called source misattribution) Source amnesia along with the misinformation effect is at the heart of many false memories

Wednesday March 6 13


= mental pictures a powerful aid to effortful processing especially when combined with semantic encoding

Wednesday March 6 13


= memory aids especially those techniques that use vivid imagery and organizational devices

Wednesday March 6 13


= organizing items into familiar manageable units often occurs automatically

Wednesday March 6 13

Iconic Memory

= a momentary sensory memory of visual stimuli a photographic or picture-image memory lasting no more than a few tenths of a second

Wednesday March 6 13

Echoic Memory

= a momentary sensory memory of auditory stimuli if attention is elsewhere sounds and words can still be recalled within 3 or 4 seconds

Wednesday March 6 13

Long-term Potentiation (LTP)

= an increase in a synapsersquos firing potential after brief rapid stimulation Believed to be a neural basis for learning and memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Flashbulb Memory

= a clear memory of an emotionally significant moment or event

Wednesday March 6 13


= loss of memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Implicit Memory

= retention independent of conscious recollection (Also called nondeclarative or procedural memory)

Wednesday March 6 13

Explicit Memory

= memory of facts and experiences that one can consciously know and ldquodeclarerdquo (Also called declarative memory)

Wednesday March 6 13


= a neural center that is located in the limbic system helps process explicit memories for storage

Wednesday March 6 13


= a measure of memory in which the person must retrieve information learning earlier as on a fill-in-the-blank test

Wednesday March 6 13


= a measure of memory in which the person need only identify items previously learned as on a multiple-choice test

Wednesday March 6 13


= a measure of memory that assesses the amount of time saved when learning material for a second time

Wednesday March 6 13


= the activation often unconsciously of particular associations in memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Deja Vu

= that eerie sense that ldquoIrsquove experienced this beforerdquo Cues from the current situation may subconsciously trigger retrieval of an earlier experience

Wednesday March 6 13

Mood Congruent Memory

= the tendency to recall experiences that are consistent with onersquos current good or bad mood

Wednesday March 6 13

Proactive Interference

= the disruptive effect of prior learning on the recall of new information

Wednesday March 6 13

Retroactive Interference

= the disruptive effect of new learning on the recall of old information

Wednesday March 6 13


= in psychoanalytic theory the basic defense mechanism that banishes from consciousness anxiety-arousing thoughts feelings and memories

Wednesday March 6 13

Misinformation Effect

= incorporating misleading information into onersquos memory of an event

Wednesday March 6 13

Source Amnesia

= attributing to the wrong source an event we have experienced heard about read about or imagined (Also called source misattribution) Source amnesia along with the misinformation effect is at the heart of many false memories

Wednesday March 6 13


= memory aids especially those techniques that use vivid imagery and organizational devices

Wednesday March 6 13


= organizing items into familiar manageable units often occurs automatically

Wednesday March 6 13

Iconic Memory

= a momentary sensory memory of visual stimuli a photographic or picture-image memory lasting no more than a few tenths of a second

Wednesday March 6 13

Echoic Memory

= a momentary sensory memory of auditory stimuli if attention is elsewhere sounds and words can still be recalled within 3 or 4 seconds

Wednesday March 6 13

Long-term Potentiation (LTP)

= an increase in a synapsersquos firing potential after brief rapid stimulation Believed to be a neural basis for learning and memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Flashbulb Memory

= a clear memory of an emotionally significant moment or event

Wednesday March 6 13


= loss of memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Implicit Memory

= retention independent of conscious recollection (Also called nondeclarative or procedural memory)

Wednesday March 6 13

Explicit Memory

= memory of facts and experiences that one can consciously know and ldquodeclarerdquo (Also called declarative memory)

Wednesday March 6 13


= a neural center that is located in the limbic system helps process explicit memories for storage

Wednesday March 6 13


= a measure of memory in which the person must retrieve information learning earlier as on a fill-in-the-blank test

Wednesday March 6 13


= a measure of memory in which the person need only identify items previously learned as on a multiple-choice test

Wednesday March 6 13


= a measure of memory that assesses the amount of time saved when learning material for a second time

Wednesday March 6 13


= the activation often unconsciously of particular associations in memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Deja Vu

= that eerie sense that ldquoIrsquove experienced this beforerdquo Cues from the current situation may subconsciously trigger retrieval of an earlier experience

Wednesday March 6 13

Mood Congruent Memory

= the tendency to recall experiences that are consistent with onersquos current good or bad mood

Wednesday March 6 13

Proactive Interference

= the disruptive effect of prior learning on the recall of new information

Wednesday March 6 13

Retroactive Interference

= the disruptive effect of new learning on the recall of old information

Wednesday March 6 13


= in psychoanalytic theory the basic defense mechanism that banishes from consciousness anxiety-arousing thoughts feelings and memories

Wednesday March 6 13

Misinformation Effect

= incorporating misleading information into onersquos memory of an event

Wednesday March 6 13

Source Amnesia

= attributing to the wrong source an event we have experienced heard about read about or imagined (Also called source misattribution) Source amnesia along with the misinformation effect is at the heart of many false memories

Wednesday March 6 13


= organizing items into familiar manageable units often occurs automatically

Wednesday March 6 13

Iconic Memory

= a momentary sensory memory of visual stimuli a photographic or picture-image memory lasting no more than a few tenths of a second

Wednesday March 6 13

Echoic Memory

= a momentary sensory memory of auditory stimuli if attention is elsewhere sounds and words can still be recalled within 3 or 4 seconds

Wednesday March 6 13

Long-term Potentiation (LTP)

= an increase in a synapsersquos firing potential after brief rapid stimulation Believed to be a neural basis for learning and memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Flashbulb Memory

= a clear memory of an emotionally significant moment or event

Wednesday March 6 13


= loss of memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Implicit Memory

= retention independent of conscious recollection (Also called nondeclarative or procedural memory)

Wednesday March 6 13

Explicit Memory

= memory of facts and experiences that one can consciously know and ldquodeclarerdquo (Also called declarative memory)

Wednesday March 6 13


= a neural center that is located in the limbic system helps process explicit memories for storage

Wednesday March 6 13


= a measure of memory in which the person must retrieve information learning earlier as on a fill-in-the-blank test

Wednesday March 6 13


= a measure of memory in which the person need only identify items previously learned as on a multiple-choice test

Wednesday March 6 13


= a measure of memory that assesses the amount of time saved when learning material for a second time

Wednesday March 6 13


= the activation often unconsciously of particular associations in memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Deja Vu

= that eerie sense that ldquoIrsquove experienced this beforerdquo Cues from the current situation may subconsciously trigger retrieval of an earlier experience

Wednesday March 6 13

Mood Congruent Memory

= the tendency to recall experiences that are consistent with onersquos current good or bad mood

Wednesday March 6 13

Proactive Interference

= the disruptive effect of prior learning on the recall of new information

Wednesday March 6 13

Retroactive Interference

= the disruptive effect of new learning on the recall of old information

Wednesday March 6 13


= in psychoanalytic theory the basic defense mechanism that banishes from consciousness anxiety-arousing thoughts feelings and memories

Wednesday March 6 13

Misinformation Effect

= incorporating misleading information into onersquos memory of an event

Wednesday March 6 13

Source Amnesia

= attributing to the wrong source an event we have experienced heard about read about or imagined (Also called source misattribution) Source amnesia along with the misinformation effect is at the heart of many false memories

Wednesday March 6 13

Iconic Memory

= a momentary sensory memory of visual stimuli a photographic or picture-image memory lasting no more than a few tenths of a second

Wednesday March 6 13

Echoic Memory

= a momentary sensory memory of auditory stimuli if attention is elsewhere sounds and words can still be recalled within 3 or 4 seconds

Wednesday March 6 13

Long-term Potentiation (LTP)

= an increase in a synapsersquos firing potential after brief rapid stimulation Believed to be a neural basis for learning and memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Flashbulb Memory

= a clear memory of an emotionally significant moment or event

Wednesday March 6 13


= loss of memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Implicit Memory

= retention independent of conscious recollection (Also called nondeclarative or procedural memory)

Wednesday March 6 13

Explicit Memory

= memory of facts and experiences that one can consciously know and ldquodeclarerdquo (Also called declarative memory)

Wednesday March 6 13


= a neural center that is located in the limbic system helps process explicit memories for storage

Wednesday March 6 13


= a measure of memory in which the person must retrieve information learning earlier as on a fill-in-the-blank test

Wednesday March 6 13


= a measure of memory in which the person need only identify items previously learned as on a multiple-choice test

Wednesday March 6 13


= a measure of memory that assesses the amount of time saved when learning material for a second time

Wednesday March 6 13


= the activation often unconsciously of particular associations in memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Deja Vu

= that eerie sense that ldquoIrsquove experienced this beforerdquo Cues from the current situation may subconsciously trigger retrieval of an earlier experience

Wednesday March 6 13

Mood Congruent Memory

= the tendency to recall experiences that are consistent with onersquos current good or bad mood

Wednesday March 6 13

Proactive Interference

= the disruptive effect of prior learning on the recall of new information

Wednesday March 6 13

Retroactive Interference

= the disruptive effect of new learning on the recall of old information

Wednesday March 6 13


= in psychoanalytic theory the basic defense mechanism that banishes from consciousness anxiety-arousing thoughts feelings and memories

Wednesday March 6 13

Misinformation Effect

= incorporating misleading information into onersquos memory of an event

Wednesday March 6 13

Source Amnesia

= attributing to the wrong source an event we have experienced heard about read about or imagined (Also called source misattribution) Source amnesia along with the misinformation effect is at the heart of many false memories

Wednesday March 6 13

Echoic Memory

= a momentary sensory memory of auditory stimuli if attention is elsewhere sounds and words can still be recalled within 3 or 4 seconds

Wednesday March 6 13

Long-term Potentiation (LTP)

= an increase in a synapsersquos firing potential after brief rapid stimulation Believed to be a neural basis for learning and memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Flashbulb Memory

= a clear memory of an emotionally significant moment or event

Wednesday March 6 13


= loss of memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Implicit Memory

= retention independent of conscious recollection (Also called nondeclarative or procedural memory)

Wednesday March 6 13

Explicit Memory

= memory of facts and experiences that one can consciously know and ldquodeclarerdquo (Also called declarative memory)

Wednesday March 6 13


= a neural center that is located in the limbic system helps process explicit memories for storage

Wednesday March 6 13


= a measure of memory in which the person must retrieve information learning earlier as on a fill-in-the-blank test

Wednesday March 6 13


= a measure of memory in which the person need only identify items previously learned as on a multiple-choice test

Wednesday March 6 13


= a measure of memory that assesses the amount of time saved when learning material for a second time

Wednesday March 6 13


= the activation often unconsciously of particular associations in memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Deja Vu

= that eerie sense that ldquoIrsquove experienced this beforerdquo Cues from the current situation may subconsciously trigger retrieval of an earlier experience

Wednesday March 6 13

Mood Congruent Memory

= the tendency to recall experiences that are consistent with onersquos current good or bad mood

Wednesday March 6 13

Proactive Interference

= the disruptive effect of prior learning on the recall of new information

Wednesday March 6 13

Retroactive Interference

= the disruptive effect of new learning on the recall of old information

Wednesday March 6 13


= in psychoanalytic theory the basic defense mechanism that banishes from consciousness anxiety-arousing thoughts feelings and memories

Wednesday March 6 13

Misinformation Effect

= incorporating misleading information into onersquos memory of an event

Wednesday March 6 13

Source Amnesia

= attributing to the wrong source an event we have experienced heard about read about or imagined (Also called source misattribution) Source amnesia along with the misinformation effect is at the heart of many false memories

Wednesday March 6 13

Long-term Potentiation (LTP)

= an increase in a synapsersquos firing potential after brief rapid stimulation Believed to be a neural basis for learning and memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Flashbulb Memory

= a clear memory of an emotionally significant moment or event

Wednesday March 6 13


= loss of memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Implicit Memory

= retention independent of conscious recollection (Also called nondeclarative or procedural memory)

Wednesday March 6 13

Explicit Memory

= memory of facts and experiences that one can consciously know and ldquodeclarerdquo (Also called declarative memory)

Wednesday March 6 13


= a neural center that is located in the limbic system helps process explicit memories for storage

Wednesday March 6 13


= a measure of memory in which the person must retrieve information learning earlier as on a fill-in-the-blank test

Wednesday March 6 13


= a measure of memory in which the person need only identify items previously learned as on a multiple-choice test

Wednesday March 6 13


= a measure of memory that assesses the amount of time saved when learning material for a second time

Wednesday March 6 13


= the activation often unconsciously of particular associations in memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Deja Vu

= that eerie sense that ldquoIrsquove experienced this beforerdquo Cues from the current situation may subconsciously trigger retrieval of an earlier experience

Wednesday March 6 13

Mood Congruent Memory

= the tendency to recall experiences that are consistent with onersquos current good or bad mood

Wednesday March 6 13

Proactive Interference

= the disruptive effect of prior learning on the recall of new information

Wednesday March 6 13

Retroactive Interference

= the disruptive effect of new learning on the recall of old information

Wednesday March 6 13


= in psychoanalytic theory the basic defense mechanism that banishes from consciousness anxiety-arousing thoughts feelings and memories

Wednesday March 6 13

Misinformation Effect

= incorporating misleading information into onersquos memory of an event

Wednesday March 6 13

Source Amnesia

= attributing to the wrong source an event we have experienced heard about read about or imagined (Also called source misattribution) Source amnesia along with the misinformation effect is at the heart of many false memories

Wednesday March 6 13

Flashbulb Memory

= a clear memory of an emotionally significant moment or event

Wednesday March 6 13


= loss of memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Implicit Memory

= retention independent of conscious recollection (Also called nondeclarative or procedural memory)

Wednesday March 6 13

Explicit Memory

= memory of facts and experiences that one can consciously know and ldquodeclarerdquo (Also called declarative memory)

Wednesday March 6 13


= a neural center that is located in the limbic system helps process explicit memories for storage

Wednesday March 6 13


= a measure of memory in which the person must retrieve information learning earlier as on a fill-in-the-blank test

Wednesday March 6 13


= a measure of memory in which the person need only identify items previously learned as on a multiple-choice test

Wednesday March 6 13


= a measure of memory that assesses the amount of time saved when learning material for a second time

Wednesday March 6 13


= the activation often unconsciously of particular associations in memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Deja Vu

= that eerie sense that ldquoIrsquove experienced this beforerdquo Cues from the current situation may subconsciously trigger retrieval of an earlier experience

Wednesday March 6 13

Mood Congruent Memory

= the tendency to recall experiences that are consistent with onersquos current good or bad mood

Wednesday March 6 13

Proactive Interference

= the disruptive effect of prior learning on the recall of new information

Wednesday March 6 13

Retroactive Interference

= the disruptive effect of new learning on the recall of old information

Wednesday March 6 13


= in psychoanalytic theory the basic defense mechanism that banishes from consciousness anxiety-arousing thoughts feelings and memories

Wednesday March 6 13

Misinformation Effect

= incorporating misleading information into onersquos memory of an event

Wednesday March 6 13

Source Amnesia

= attributing to the wrong source an event we have experienced heard about read about or imagined (Also called source misattribution) Source amnesia along with the misinformation effect is at the heart of many false memories

Wednesday March 6 13


= loss of memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Implicit Memory

= retention independent of conscious recollection (Also called nondeclarative or procedural memory)

Wednesday March 6 13

Explicit Memory

= memory of facts and experiences that one can consciously know and ldquodeclarerdquo (Also called declarative memory)

Wednesday March 6 13


= a neural center that is located in the limbic system helps process explicit memories for storage

Wednesday March 6 13


= a measure of memory in which the person must retrieve information learning earlier as on a fill-in-the-blank test

Wednesday March 6 13


= a measure of memory in which the person need only identify items previously learned as on a multiple-choice test

Wednesday March 6 13


= a measure of memory that assesses the amount of time saved when learning material for a second time

Wednesday March 6 13


= the activation often unconsciously of particular associations in memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Deja Vu

= that eerie sense that ldquoIrsquove experienced this beforerdquo Cues from the current situation may subconsciously trigger retrieval of an earlier experience

Wednesday March 6 13

Mood Congruent Memory

= the tendency to recall experiences that are consistent with onersquos current good or bad mood

Wednesday March 6 13

Proactive Interference

= the disruptive effect of prior learning on the recall of new information

Wednesday March 6 13

Retroactive Interference

= the disruptive effect of new learning on the recall of old information

Wednesday March 6 13


= in psychoanalytic theory the basic defense mechanism that banishes from consciousness anxiety-arousing thoughts feelings and memories

Wednesday March 6 13

Misinformation Effect

= incorporating misleading information into onersquos memory of an event

Wednesday March 6 13

Source Amnesia

= attributing to the wrong source an event we have experienced heard about read about or imagined (Also called source misattribution) Source amnesia along with the misinformation effect is at the heart of many false memories

Wednesday March 6 13

Implicit Memory

= retention independent of conscious recollection (Also called nondeclarative or procedural memory)

Wednesday March 6 13

Explicit Memory

= memory of facts and experiences that one can consciously know and ldquodeclarerdquo (Also called declarative memory)

Wednesday March 6 13


= a neural center that is located in the limbic system helps process explicit memories for storage

Wednesday March 6 13


= a measure of memory in which the person must retrieve information learning earlier as on a fill-in-the-blank test

Wednesday March 6 13


= a measure of memory in which the person need only identify items previously learned as on a multiple-choice test

Wednesday March 6 13


= a measure of memory that assesses the amount of time saved when learning material for a second time

Wednesday March 6 13


= the activation often unconsciously of particular associations in memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Deja Vu

= that eerie sense that ldquoIrsquove experienced this beforerdquo Cues from the current situation may subconsciously trigger retrieval of an earlier experience

Wednesday March 6 13

Mood Congruent Memory

= the tendency to recall experiences that are consistent with onersquos current good or bad mood

Wednesday March 6 13

Proactive Interference

= the disruptive effect of prior learning on the recall of new information

Wednesday March 6 13

Retroactive Interference

= the disruptive effect of new learning on the recall of old information

Wednesday March 6 13


= in psychoanalytic theory the basic defense mechanism that banishes from consciousness anxiety-arousing thoughts feelings and memories

Wednesday March 6 13

Misinformation Effect

= incorporating misleading information into onersquos memory of an event

Wednesday March 6 13

Source Amnesia

= attributing to the wrong source an event we have experienced heard about read about or imagined (Also called source misattribution) Source amnesia along with the misinformation effect is at the heart of many false memories

Wednesday March 6 13

Explicit Memory

= memory of facts and experiences that one can consciously know and ldquodeclarerdquo (Also called declarative memory)

Wednesday March 6 13


= a neural center that is located in the limbic system helps process explicit memories for storage

Wednesday March 6 13


= a measure of memory in which the person must retrieve information learning earlier as on a fill-in-the-blank test

Wednesday March 6 13


= a measure of memory in which the person need only identify items previously learned as on a multiple-choice test

Wednesday March 6 13


= a measure of memory that assesses the amount of time saved when learning material for a second time

Wednesday March 6 13


= the activation often unconsciously of particular associations in memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Deja Vu

= that eerie sense that ldquoIrsquove experienced this beforerdquo Cues from the current situation may subconsciously trigger retrieval of an earlier experience

Wednesday March 6 13

Mood Congruent Memory

= the tendency to recall experiences that are consistent with onersquos current good or bad mood

Wednesday March 6 13

Proactive Interference

= the disruptive effect of prior learning on the recall of new information

Wednesday March 6 13

Retroactive Interference

= the disruptive effect of new learning on the recall of old information

Wednesday March 6 13


= in psychoanalytic theory the basic defense mechanism that banishes from consciousness anxiety-arousing thoughts feelings and memories

Wednesday March 6 13

Misinformation Effect

= incorporating misleading information into onersquos memory of an event

Wednesday March 6 13

Source Amnesia

= attributing to the wrong source an event we have experienced heard about read about or imagined (Also called source misattribution) Source amnesia along with the misinformation effect is at the heart of many false memories

Wednesday March 6 13


= a neural center that is located in the limbic system helps process explicit memories for storage

Wednesday March 6 13


= a measure of memory in which the person must retrieve information learning earlier as on a fill-in-the-blank test

Wednesday March 6 13


= a measure of memory in which the person need only identify items previously learned as on a multiple-choice test

Wednesday March 6 13


= a measure of memory that assesses the amount of time saved when learning material for a second time

Wednesday March 6 13


= the activation often unconsciously of particular associations in memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Deja Vu

= that eerie sense that ldquoIrsquove experienced this beforerdquo Cues from the current situation may subconsciously trigger retrieval of an earlier experience

Wednesday March 6 13

Mood Congruent Memory

= the tendency to recall experiences that are consistent with onersquos current good or bad mood

Wednesday March 6 13

Proactive Interference

= the disruptive effect of prior learning on the recall of new information

Wednesday March 6 13

Retroactive Interference

= the disruptive effect of new learning on the recall of old information

Wednesday March 6 13


= in psychoanalytic theory the basic defense mechanism that banishes from consciousness anxiety-arousing thoughts feelings and memories

Wednesday March 6 13

Misinformation Effect

= incorporating misleading information into onersquos memory of an event

Wednesday March 6 13

Source Amnesia

= attributing to the wrong source an event we have experienced heard about read about or imagined (Also called source misattribution) Source amnesia along with the misinformation effect is at the heart of many false memories

Wednesday March 6 13


= a measure of memory in which the person must retrieve information learning earlier as on a fill-in-the-blank test

Wednesday March 6 13


= a measure of memory in which the person need only identify items previously learned as on a multiple-choice test

Wednesday March 6 13


= a measure of memory that assesses the amount of time saved when learning material for a second time

Wednesday March 6 13


= the activation often unconsciously of particular associations in memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Deja Vu

= that eerie sense that ldquoIrsquove experienced this beforerdquo Cues from the current situation may subconsciously trigger retrieval of an earlier experience

Wednesday March 6 13

Mood Congruent Memory

= the tendency to recall experiences that are consistent with onersquos current good or bad mood

Wednesday March 6 13

Proactive Interference

= the disruptive effect of prior learning on the recall of new information

Wednesday March 6 13

Retroactive Interference

= the disruptive effect of new learning on the recall of old information

Wednesday March 6 13


= in psychoanalytic theory the basic defense mechanism that banishes from consciousness anxiety-arousing thoughts feelings and memories

Wednesday March 6 13

Misinformation Effect

= incorporating misleading information into onersquos memory of an event

Wednesday March 6 13

Source Amnesia

= attributing to the wrong source an event we have experienced heard about read about or imagined (Also called source misattribution) Source amnesia along with the misinformation effect is at the heart of many false memories

Wednesday March 6 13


= a measure of memory in which the person need only identify items previously learned as on a multiple-choice test

Wednesday March 6 13


= a measure of memory that assesses the amount of time saved when learning material for a second time

Wednesday March 6 13


= the activation often unconsciously of particular associations in memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Deja Vu

= that eerie sense that ldquoIrsquove experienced this beforerdquo Cues from the current situation may subconsciously trigger retrieval of an earlier experience

Wednesday March 6 13

Mood Congruent Memory

= the tendency to recall experiences that are consistent with onersquos current good or bad mood

Wednesday March 6 13

Proactive Interference

= the disruptive effect of prior learning on the recall of new information

Wednesday March 6 13

Retroactive Interference

= the disruptive effect of new learning on the recall of old information

Wednesday March 6 13


= in psychoanalytic theory the basic defense mechanism that banishes from consciousness anxiety-arousing thoughts feelings and memories

Wednesday March 6 13

Misinformation Effect

= incorporating misleading information into onersquos memory of an event

Wednesday March 6 13

Source Amnesia

= attributing to the wrong source an event we have experienced heard about read about or imagined (Also called source misattribution) Source amnesia along with the misinformation effect is at the heart of many false memories

Wednesday March 6 13


= a measure of memory that assesses the amount of time saved when learning material for a second time

Wednesday March 6 13


= the activation often unconsciously of particular associations in memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Deja Vu

= that eerie sense that ldquoIrsquove experienced this beforerdquo Cues from the current situation may subconsciously trigger retrieval of an earlier experience

Wednesday March 6 13

Mood Congruent Memory

= the tendency to recall experiences that are consistent with onersquos current good or bad mood

Wednesday March 6 13

Proactive Interference

= the disruptive effect of prior learning on the recall of new information

Wednesday March 6 13

Retroactive Interference

= the disruptive effect of new learning on the recall of old information

Wednesday March 6 13


= in psychoanalytic theory the basic defense mechanism that banishes from consciousness anxiety-arousing thoughts feelings and memories

Wednesday March 6 13

Misinformation Effect

= incorporating misleading information into onersquos memory of an event

Wednesday March 6 13

Source Amnesia

= attributing to the wrong source an event we have experienced heard about read about or imagined (Also called source misattribution) Source amnesia along with the misinformation effect is at the heart of many false memories

Wednesday March 6 13


= the activation often unconsciously of particular associations in memory

Wednesday March 6 13

Deja Vu

= that eerie sense that ldquoIrsquove experienced this beforerdquo Cues from the current situation may subconsciously trigger retrieval of an earlier experience

Wednesday March 6 13

Mood Congruent Memory

= the tendency to recall experiences that are consistent with onersquos current good or bad mood

Wednesday March 6 13

Proactive Interference

= the disruptive effect of prior learning on the recall of new information

Wednesday March 6 13

Retroactive Interference

= the disruptive effect of new learning on the recall of old information

Wednesday March 6 13


= in psychoanalytic theory the basic defense mechanism that banishes from consciousness anxiety-arousing thoughts feelings and memories

Wednesday March 6 13

Misinformation Effect

= incorporating misleading information into onersquos memory of an event

Wednesday March 6 13

Source Amnesia

= attributing to the wrong source an event we have experienced heard about read about or imagined (Also called source misattribution) Source amnesia along with the misinformation effect is at the heart of many false memories

Wednesday March 6 13

Deja Vu

= that eerie sense that ldquoIrsquove experienced this beforerdquo Cues from the current situation may subconsciously trigger retrieval of an earlier experience

Wednesday March 6 13

Mood Congruent Memory

= the tendency to recall experiences that are consistent with onersquos current good or bad mood

Wednesday March 6 13

Proactive Interference

= the disruptive effect of prior learning on the recall of new information

Wednesday March 6 13

Retroactive Interference

= the disruptive effect of new learning on the recall of old information

Wednesday March 6 13


= in psychoanalytic theory the basic defense mechanism that banishes from consciousness anxiety-arousing thoughts feelings and memories

Wednesday March 6 13

Misinformation Effect

= incorporating misleading information into onersquos memory of an event

Wednesday March 6 13

Source Amnesia

= attributing to the wrong source an event we have experienced heard about read about or imagined (Also called source misattribution) Source amnesia along with the misinformation effect is at the heart of many false memories

Wednesday March 6 13

Mood Congruent Memory

= the tendency to recall experiences that are consistent with onersquos current good or bad mood

Wednesday March 6 13

Proactive Interference

= the disruptive effect of prior learning on the recall of new information

Wednesday March 6 13

Retroactive Interference

= the disruptive effect of new learning on the recall of old information

Wednesday March 6 13


= in psychoanalytic theory the basic defense mechanism that banishes from consciousness anxiety-arousing thoughts feelings and memories

Wednesday March 6 13

Misinformation Effect

= incorporating misleading information into onersquos memory of an event

Wednesday March 6 13

Source Amnesia

= attributing to the wrong source an event we have experienced heard about read about or imagined (Also called source misattribution) Source amnesia along with the misinformation effect is at the heart of many false memories

Wednesday March 6 13

Proactive Interference

= the disruptive effect of prior learning on the recall of new information

Wednesday March 6 13

Retroactive Interference

= the disruptive effect of new learning on the recall of old information

Wednesday March 6 13


= in psychoanalytic theory the basic defense mechanism that banishes from consciousness anxiety-arousing thoughts feelings and memories

Wednesday March 6 13

Misinformation Effect

= incorporating misleading information into onersquos memory of an event

Wednesday March 6 13

Source Amnesia

= attributing to the wrong source an event we have experienced heard about read about or imagined (Also called source misattribution) Source amnesia along with the misinformation effect is at the heart of many false memories

Wednesday March 6 13

Retroactive Interference

= the disruptive effect of new learning on the recall of old information

Wednesday March 6 13


= in psychoanalytic theory the basic defense mechanism that banishes from consciousness anxiety-arousing thoughts feelings and memories

Wednesday March 6 13

Misinformation Effect

= incorporating misleading information into onersquos memory of an event

Wednesday March 6 13

Source Amnesia

= attributing to the wrong source an event we have experienced heard about read about or imagined (Also called source misattribution) Source amnesia along with the misinformation effect is at the heart of many false memories

Wednesday March 6 13


= in psychoanalytic theory the basic defense mechanism that banishes from consciousness anxiety-arousing thoughts feelings and memories

Wednesday March 6 13

Misinformation Effect

= incorporating misleading information into onersquos memory of an event

Wednesday March 6 13

Source Amnesia

= attributing to the wrong source an event we have experienced heard about read about or imagined (Also called source misattribution) Source amnesia along with the misinformation effect is at the heart of many false memories

Wednesday March 6 13

Misinformation Effect

= incorporating misleading information into onersquos memory of an event

Wednesday March 6 13

Source Amnesia

= attributing to the wrong source an event we have experienced heard about read about or imagined (Also called source misattribution) Source amnesia along with the misinformation effect is at the heart of many false memories

Wednesday March 6 13

Source Amnesia

= attributing to the wrong source an event we have experienced heard about read about or imagined (Also called source misattribution) Source amnesia along with the misinformation effect is at the heart of many false memories

Wednesday March 6 13

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