unit02 political development zambia

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Zambian political development



2Pol i t ical Development in Zambia 1890 to 1964

Welcome to unit 2 of this module. I hope you enjoyed studying unit 1 where you learnt that Civics is the study of people's social, cultural and economical development. As a Zambian citizen, it is important for you to know and understand the political history of Zambia. In this unit, you are going to study the political development of Zambia from 1890 to 1964 and you will find out why these years are important.

What is in this Unit?

This unit is in 3 sections:Section 1: Zambia before Colonial Rule.

Section 2: Colonial Rule.Section 3: Struggle for Independence.

Learning Outcomes

By the end of this unit, you should be able to:

describe the system of governance in Zambia before colonial rule

list down the features of colonial rule

outline the events which led to Zambia's independence in 1964

mention the names of the people who struggled for independence

Study Time

The sections in this unit should take you about 2 to 3½ hours. You might even finish in 3 hours. If you take more time than this, do not worry, what is important is to finish all the sections and do all the activities.





Civics Grade 8 Module 1


Key Ideas

Colonial rule: This was the take over of the country and the control of the Africans by people who came outside the continent of Africa.

Paramount: That which is more important than any thing else.

Missionary: A person who is sent to another country to spread the word of God.

Chiefdom: Are ethnic (tribal) societies having one leader or chief.

Section 1: Colonial Rule

In this section, you will study Zambia before colonial rule. I hope you

will find this section very interesting.

Zambia before Colonial Rule

What is the name of your home village? Who is your chief? In the space provided, write your answers:....................................................................... ...........................................................................................................................

I hope you managed to write your answers correctly. Let us look at Zambia before colonial rule.

Before colonial rule, people in Zambia lived in villages under a headman. Villages were joined together into chiefdoms and some chiefdoms were joined together under a ruler, called the Paramount Chief or King. These chiefs were rulers of different tribes or ethnic groups of people. Mention any ethnic groups that are found in Zambia. ...........................................................................................................................

You might have written tribes like Tonga, Bemba, Lozi and so on. These are part of the 73 tribes found in Zambia. The history of these ethnic groups is generally the same. Mostly they were hunters, farmers, warriors and herders of cattle. These tribes fought each other in order to have slaves or to gain more land. Small or weaker tribes were expected to pay a tax called a tribute. Tribute was paid in form of cattle, grain or slaves to stronger groups or tribes. Sometimes tribes exchanged goods for goods. This kind of trade was called barter system.

What items do you think the people long time ago used for buying and selling of goods? In the space provided, list them down. ...........................................................................................................................

The tribes traded through Central Africa on both the east and west coasts of the African Continent. The items which they used for the buying and selling of goods were: -

?copper, gold and ivory and slaves were sold to the Portuguese and Arabs for cloths, silk and spices and;

?guns and gunpowder were obtained from the Arabs and Portuguese.

Civics Grade 8 Module 1


The diagram below shows the items which were used in the past.

Trade in the past


Gold and Copper


Metal goods(guns, etc).

European(goods, beats, etc).


Foreign Traders


There are several European traders, missionaries and explorers who visited Zambia in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. One of them was the Portuguese explorer, Dr. De-La cerda. He reached Kazembe's Kingdom in 1798. Others included missionary explorers like Dr. David Livingstone.

Civics Grade 8 Module 1


Livingstone, a Scottish missionary, came to Western Zambia in 1851. His aims were to:

?· set up mission stations;

?convert people into Christianity;

?abolish slave trade and;

?heal the sick.

However, Livingstone died before achieving all these aims. Other missionaries later accomplished his work. You will realise that in one way or another, missionaries opened the way for European colonisation of Central Africa.

Now that you know about Zambia before colonial rule, complete the following activity before you proceed to the next section.

!Activity 1

1. Who ruled the villages before colonial rule?


2. How many ethnic groups or tribes are there in Zambia?


3. List down the items which African traders used in exchange for European goods.




4. Which Portuguese explorer visited Kazembes K ingdom in1798?


5. When did Dr. Livingstone visit Western Zambia for the first time?



Compare your answers with those at the end of this unit before proceeding to the next section.

Civics Grade 8 Module 1


Answer the questions below.

Key Ideas

A Colony: This is a country which is ruled by another country.

Imperialism: A system of conquering a foreign territory by a colonial government.

Hatch System: A way of selling things to Africans through a small opening or window.

Section 2: Colonial Rule

In section 1, you learnt about Zambia before colonial rule. You learnt that people in Zambia lived in villages under headmen. In this section, you are going to learn about colonial rule in Zambia.

Zambia during Colonial Rule

Colonialism is the domination of the political system of a country by another. Colonial rule in Zambia begun in 1890. Cecil Rhodes, an imperialist, brought British influence to Zambia by establishing the British South African Company (BSA Co.). He took over the administration of Southern Rhodesia and Northern Rhodesia which was named after him. Note that the name Rhodesia is coined from Rhodes. What was Zambia called during colonial rule? Write your answer in the space below:


During colonial rule Zambia was called Northern Rhodesia.

Rhodes made plans to make the country under the control of his company. The British South African Company (BSA Co.) came to North-Western Rhodesia and signed a treaty with Chief Lewanika. In which province of Zambia are the Lozi people found? Write your answer in the space below:

. ………………………………………………………………………………

The Lozi people are found in Western province which was initially part of North-Western Rhodesia. An agreement which was signed in 1890 between chief Lewanika of the Lozi and the British South African Company was called the Lochner Concession. This agreement gave the company all of North-Western Rhodesia and the rights to minerals in the area. Do you know what types of minerals are found in Zambia? Write your answer in the space below:....................................................... …………………………………………..……………………………………

The main minerals found in Zambia are copper and coal. The other terms of the Lochner concession were that Chief Lewanika was to get £2, 000 each year, receive British protection and to continue ruling Barotseland in Western Province. In 1897, the BSA Co. invaded and attacked the Ngoni who were put under its rule. And finally, the North-Eastern Rhodesia and North-Western Rhodesia were joined together to form Northern Rhodesia in 1911. Meanwhile, it was becoming increasingly expensive for the company to administer the two territories, so by 1923, it handed over power to the British Colonial Office.

The Colonial Office took over the administration of Northern Rhodesia which became a protectorate in 1924. A `protectorate' was a colony ruled by a foreign government whose aim was to particularly protect

Civics Grade 8 Module 1


the interests of Africans. This was based on the paramountcy or Passified Memorandum of 1930 which emphasised on the importance of African interests in relation to those of the whites. However, in the real sense, the British government did not even favour Africans whenever their interests clashed with those of the whites.

Now let us look at the features of colonial rule.

Features of Colonial Rule

?· The British introduced indirect rule. This is a system which the

British used to rule Africans through traditional chiefs. This made

the chiefs lose their independence.

?Zambians were not allowed to take part in national affairs.

?Zambians were forced to pay tax which was not used for their


?Zambians were not allowed to move in the country without a pass

called Chitupa.

?Zambians were employed to do low paying jobs.

?Zambian children attended poor schools compared to those for the

white children.

?Zambian miners were not allowed to live with their families.

?Zambians were not allowed into shops and they bought goods

through the windows. This was called the Hatch System.

?Africans were not allowed to own a business.

Civics Grade 8 Module 1


Now that you know about colonial rule in Zambia, complete the following.

!Activity 2

1. What is the name of the man who brought British influence to Zambia?


2. In which year did Northern Rhodesia become a British colony?


3. Why did the British rule Northern Rhodesia?

................................................................................................... ................................................................. .

4. List at least five features of colonial rule.

(i) ................................................................. (ii) ................................................................................

(iii) .............................................................. (iv) ................................................................................

(v) .................................................................

Compare your answers with those at the end of this unit. Then you can proceed to the next section.

If you want to know more about the colonialists, you may ask some of the elders in your community. Try to find out about the men who brought British influence to Zambia. You can write down what you will find out in this space.





Civics Grade 8 Module 1


Answer the questions below.

Key Ideas

Welfare Society:

An organization

formed to look

into the well

being of people.

Political party: A group of people having the same aims of winning an election and forming a government to rule the people.

Coalition: A government made of two or more parties.

Trade Union: An organization formed to protect the interests of a particular group of workers.

Section 3: Struggle for Independence

In section 2, you learnt about colonial rule. In this section, you will

learn about the struggle for independence.

Factors that led to Independence in Zambia

Are there some schools which were built during colonial rule in your community? If they are there, write the names of the schools in the space below:.................................................................................................... ..........................................................................................................................

In Section 1, you learnt that one of the features of colonial rule was that Zambians went to separate (poor) schools from white people. Even though the schools were poor, few Zambians went to school and became educated. The few educated Zambians realised the unfairness that was there between them and the whites. This made them fight against colonialism. The people who fought for independence and colonialism are called Nationalists. For the Africans to fight colonialism, they had to form welfare societies to bring pressure on the colonialists. In 1912, the Mwenzo Welfare Society was formed by Donald Siwale. In 1946, all welfare societies were joined together to form the Federation of Welfare Societies (FWS) under Dauti Yamba. Nationalism in Zambia grew as a result of welfare societies.

The Role of the Miners Strike

Why is Copperbelt province so famous in Zambia? Write your answer in the space below: ........................................................................................ ..........................................................................................................................

Copperbelt Province is very famous in Zambia because of the mines. In Section 2, you also learnt that African mine workers were not allowed to live with their families. The African mine workers were not happy with their conditions of work. Therefore, they went on separate strikes in 1935 and 1940. The African miners strikes helped in the struggle for independence. In 1949 the Northern Rhodesia African Mine Worker's Union was formed and it was led by Lawrence Katilungu. The main aim for forming this union was to protect the interests of the miners. These miners wanted better conditions of service.

Civics Grade 8 Module 1


Below are the pictures of unionists who fought against colonialism

Lawrence Katilungu Donald Siwale Dauti Yamba

Courtesy of National Archives

The Role of Political Parties

Political parties were very influential in the struggle for independence in Zambia. The first political party to be formed was the Northern Rhodesia African National Congress (NRAC). It was formed in 1948 under Godwin Mbikusita Lewanika. In 1951, the party changed its name to African National Congress (ANC), and was led by Harry Mwaanga Nkumbula.

Meanwhile pressure was increasing among the whites who were now demanding for the joining of the two Rhodesia and Nyasaland.

What do you call a system of government which is centrally organised but allows individual states to control their own internal affairs? Write your answer in the space provided:............................................................... ………..............................................................................................................

The system of government is called Federation. A Federation is a system of government which is centrally organised but allows individual states to control their own internal affairs. The Federation of Rhodesia and Nyasaland or the Central African Federation was formed in 1953. The first federal Prime Minister was Sir Godfrey Huggins and the last one was Sir Roy Welensky. Salisbury, which is today called Harare, became the first Federal capital.

Which countries were members of the Central African Federation? Write the answer in the space provided:.................................................. ………..............................................................................................................

The Federation of Rhodesia and Nyasaland was composed of the following countries:-

?· Northern Rhodesia - Zambia,

?Southern Rhodesia - Zimbabwe,

?Nyasaland - Malawi.

It is important to note that the whites wanted to economically benefit from the Federation. They wanted raw materials like Copper, Tea, Tobacco and Gold from their colonies.

Civics Grade 8 Module 1


However, the Africans were strongly opposed to the Federation. Africans in Northern Rhodesia and Nyasaland did not like the Federation because they feared that the racial policies of Southern Rhodesia would spread to their territories. In 1960, the Monckton Commission was appointed to consider the future of the Federation. It was concluded that the federation scheme was disliked by most Africans.

How did the Africans react to show their hatred for the Federation? Write your answer in the space below:....................................................... ...........................................................................................................................

By striking and demonstrating against the colonialism administration.

In 1961, the Cha-cha-cha campaign also known as a civil disobedience took place in Luapula and Northern provinces of Zambia. Earlier on, in 1959, a similar action took place in Malawi.

In 1962, elections were held in Zambia to determine majority rule. ANC and UNIP formed a coalition government which became a big threat to the whites. As a result, the federation ended the following year in 1963.

In which year did Zambia become independent?....................................... ...........................................................................................................................

Zambia became independent in 1964, under Dr. Kenneth Kaunda who became the first president. The pictures below show the leaders of the political parties that took part in the struggle for independence in Zambia.

Kenneth Kaunda Harry M Nkumbula Mbikusita Lewanika

Courtesy of National Archives

As you can see, all the above pictures are a representation of men only. However, it is important for you to know that there are some women who also fought for independence. Some of them were Julia Chikamoneka and Mama Kankasa.

Civics Grade 8 Module 1



Dates Events

1890 Signing of the Lochner Concession.

1895 BSA Co. starts to rule Northern Rhodesia .

1897 BSA Co. defeats the Ngoni and starts to rule North -Eastern




Formation of the Welfare Society by Donald Siwale.

End of BSA Co. rule in Northern Rhodesia.

1924 Northern Rhodesia becomes a British Protectorate.

1930 Passified Memorandum.

1935 The first strike by African Miners at Nkana, Mufulira and Roan

Antelope Mines.

1940 The second strike by African Miners at Nkana and Mufulira.

1946 Federation of all the welfare societies in Northern Rhodesia.

1948 The Northern Rhodesia African National Congress (NRAC) is

formed under Godwin Mbikusita Lewanika.

1949 The Northern Rhodesia African Mine Workers Union

(NRAMWU) is formed under Lawrence Katilungu.

1951 The Northern Rhodesia African National Congress changes to

African National Congress (ANC) under Harry Nkumbula.

1953 The beginning of the Federation of Rhodesia and Nyasaland.

1958 Kenneth Kaunda breaks away from the African National

Congress and forms a new party the Zambia African National


1958 Zambia African National Congress (ZANC) is banned and its

leaders are arrested.

1959 United National Independence Party (UNIP) is formed.

1960 The Monckton Commission comes to Northern Rhodesia to look into the future of the federation.

Civics Grade 8 Module 1


Now that you know the steps that led to independence of Zambia, complete the following activity.

!Activity 3

1. In which year was the Lochner concession signed?


2. Who was the leader of the Mwenzo Welfare Society, which was formed in 1912?


3. Who is a Nationalist?


4. What is indirect rule?


5. In which year did the Mockton Commission come to Zambia?


6. Complete the following sentences.

i. The first strike by African Miners was at ……………………………………………… and

……………………………………………………………… . not mentioned in the passage.

Civics Grade 8 Module 1


1961 Cha-cha-cha campaign or civil disobedience in Northern and

Luapula provinces.

1962 UNIP and ANC form a coalition government.

1963 The end of federation of Rhodesia and Nyasaland.

1964 Zambia becomes independent under Kenneth Kaunda as first


Answer the questions below.

!Activity 3 cont

ii. The Northern Rhodesia African National Congress was formed under








Compare your answers with ours at the end of this unit before moving to the next unit.

Civics Grade 8 Module 1


Unit Summary

In this unit, you have learnt that before colonial rule, Africans lived in villages headed by headmen. Villages were joined together into chiefdoms and some chiefdoms were joined together under a ruler called the paramount chief or king.

Several European traders, missionaries and explorers visited Zambia in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. Dr. De-Lacerda and Dr. David Livingstone are some of the explorers that visited Zambia. Together with other missionaries, their activities opened the way for colonialism in Zambia.

Zambia's colonial period lasted from 1890 to 1964. During colonial rule, Zambians were not allowed to take part in national affairs and move in the country without a pass called chitupa. They were also forced to pay tax which was not used for their benefit. Because of this, several welfare societies and trade unions were formed to fight colonialism. In reaction to this, the whites formed the Federation of Rhodesia and Nyasaland. It was composed of Northern Rhodesia (Zambia), Southern Rhodesia (Zimbabwe) and Nyasaland (Malawi). However, the federation was rejected by most Africans. This was shown through the Cha Cha Cha Campaign in 1961. In 1962, a coalition government was formed between ANC and UNIP. The federation finally ended in 1963.

Zambia became independent in 1964, under Dr. Kenneth Kaunda as the first president.

Answers to Activities in this Unit

Activity 1

1. Headmen ruled villages before colonial rule.

2. There are 73 ethnic groups in Zambia.

3. The following were used in the buying and selling of goods:

(i) Slaves

(ii) Gold

(iii) Copper

(iv) Ivory

(v) Clothes

(vi) Guns, gun powered

(vii) European goods

4. Dr. De-Lacerda

5. David Livingstone visited Zambia in 1851.


Civics Grade 8 Module 1


Activity 2

1. Cecil Rhodes brought British influence to Zambia.

2. 1911

3. Because needed raw materials to use in their factories.

4 (i) African children went to separate poor schools from


(ii) African Miners were not allowed to live with their families.

(iii) Africans were not allowed to take part in national or government affairs.

(iv) Africans were not allowed to move in the country without a pass called Chitupa.

If you have listed down some of the features of colonial rule that are not here, do not worry.

Activity 3

1. 1890

2. Donald Siwale

3. A Nationalist is a person who fought against colonialism.

4. Indirect rule was the ruling of the Africans through their chiefs by the BSA. Co.

5. 1963

6. (i) Nkana, Mufulira and Roan Antelope Mines

(ii) Godwin Mbikusita Lewanika

(iii) Mainza Chona














Civics Grade 8 Module 1



Colony: A colony is a country ruled by another foreign country.

Colonial Rule: This was the take over of the country and the control of the Africans by the people who came outside the continent of Africa.


Government: This is when one or more political parties come


Explorer: One who discovers or surveys new lands.

Federation: This was the rule of more than one separate state under one central government.

Imperialism: A system of conquering a foreign territory by a colonial government for economic gains.

Indirect Rule: This was the ruling of the British through traditional chiefs.

Missionary: A person who is sent to another country to spread the word of God.

Nationalists: Nationalists are people who share common values and beliefs and fought against colonialism.

Nationalism: This is a belief that a group of people sharing the same values and beliefs should form their own state.

Paramount: More important than anything else.

Political Party: A group of people whose aim is to form the next government.

Welfare Society: An organisation that is formed to look into the well being of the people.

Civics Grade 8 Module 1


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