united kingdom a peninsula a two – headed eagle the president the black sea the russian federation...

Post on 06-Jan-2018






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Anagrams salind – shtitle – piesnnula – tsfiw – rocss – umihd –


United Kingdom a peninsula a two – headed eagle the President the Black Sea the Russian Federation London the Prime Minister daffodil three horizontal stripes island

Divide the following words into two groups:

the Russian Federation the United Kingdom

a two – headed eaglethe Presidentthe Black Seathe Prime Ministerthree horizontal stripesthe Russian Federation

United Kingdoma peninsulaLondondaffodilisland


salind –

shtitle –

piesnnula –

tsfiw –

rocss –

umihd –




daffodil leek




emerald Trinity

Make up word combinations:

1.Great …

2.English …

3.changeable …

4.humid …

5.swift …

Define the Tense and Voice:

a) 1. occupies – 2. is separated – 3. has been – 4. consists – 5. are – 6. are flowing -

b) 1. is situated – 2. influences – 3. has – 4. comprise – 5. are speaking - 6. have named -

Fill in the gaps with Present, Past, Future Simple Passive:

1.The United Kingdom ( to separate) from the continent by the English Channel and the Strait of Dover.2. The United Kingdom ( to wash) by the Irish Sea, the St.George’s Channel and the North Channel.3. The national emblems ( to describe) at the last lesson.4. The national flag of the United Kingdom (to call) “the Union Jack”.5. The story about the United Kingdom (to tell) at the next lesson.

Match up the column A and B to make up sentences:

A• The United Kingdom occupies2. The United Kingdom is situated off3. The United kingdom consists4. Many rivers are flowing5. The population of the United Kingdom is

B1. of four parts.

2. over 57 million people.

3. through Great Britain.

4. a territory of the British Isles.

5. the north western coast of Europe.

Correct grammar mistakes:

A) The United Kingdom are separated from the continent by the English Channel. The United Kingdom consist of four parts.Every part have its national emblem. The capital of the United Kingdom are London. The longest river are Severn. B)The population of the United Kingdom are over 57 million people. The official language are English. But some peoplespeaks their mother tongue (родной язык). The flag of the United Kingdom are made up of three crosses. The Queenreign the state.

Синквейн1. существительное — слово, отражающее главную идею2. 2 прилагательных — описывающие основную мысль3. 3 глагола — описывающие действия в рамках темы4. предложение — фраза, показывающая отношение к теме5. существительное — слово, связанное с первым,отражающим сущность темы

СИНКВЕЙН-это пятистрочный стих;способность резюмировать информацию, излагать сложные идеи, чувства и представления в нескольких словах. Слово синквейн происходит от французского слова, которое означает пять.

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