university of nigeria 10.pdf · rll;~\ rllc warri rcli~icl-y a11t1 ~~ipclirlc systcrn in...

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University of Nigeria Virtual Library

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Author 1 NWACHUKWU, Maxwell Umunna

Author 2 Author 3


The Effectiveness of Petroleum Products Supply and Distribution in Enugu State

of Nigeria

Keywords Petroleum Products, Pipeline, Fuel Scarcity


The Effectiveness of Petroleum Products Supply and Distribution in Enugu State

of Nigeria

Category Urban and Regional Planning


Publication Date

October, 2008


t l ~ c psi clccaclcs. 111 all cl'l i)rl lo t1clil1.c~~ tllc li~cl scarci!y ~ ~ l ~ o l ~ l c ~ i l . rl lc I:celcral

s I N i i I Ic I . ~ C O I I I I I I C I ~ ~ ~ S l iw llic i~~~~i l cc I i ,~ t c 1xstori1tic)11 01'tllc 1l:liioll.s

rclitiurics Io tltcir opcritlio~i;~l li~li c'apaciiics.

N\ \~ : Ic I~I I I<I \~u . (2004a) o b s c ~ ~ ~ c s l l i a t 1 1 1 ~ pipcli.~e sysic111 i l l S O I I I ~ I - ~ < : ~ S I C I ~ I I

IXWIS 01 ' Nigeria (21:) ol~ct~itctl at :I Iiigllcr cl'licici~cy Icvel cIu~-i~lg lllc li~cl S C ~ I I . C ~ ~ \

I I I S I s d i g I I I ~ I - ~ I ~ ~ I L ~ i o . I lc c,~o~tct-a~ccl illc

pipc'li~lc syslc~n liull ca~lsc of Ii~cl scarcity ir i Soutl~-c;~slcl~l Nigcl-ia. I ic opinccl

~llal i ~ i spite 01' i~~I~e~-c t i i p~.oI)lcti~ associatccl \i1iiI l ilic pipcli~lc S } S ~ C I I I , i t still

~ q ~ ~ . c s c n l s i l~c no st cl'licic~~t and cl'lcclivc Ilwalls ( I / ' rlislrillrrli~i~ j~c l~~olcr~~i l

p~wli~cis i l l Soi1t11-I !.:IS[~I-II Nigcri~~. ' I ' I I c l'wl sw-ci[v si(w1tii111~ i t cc~ml i~~g to lti~ii.

is ca\~scd by poor c:~pci ty utiIim(im o[* t l ~ !'or{-I l i \ ~ ~ o I l ~ - i I i i t d 1 1 ~vfi i~ci~irs \vIiicll

scrvicc l l~c Souill-caslcix Nigcria. I lc rccrm~nicnds lbr t l~c irn~i~ucliatc ~-cstor-nlio~~

0 1 . Ilic live 11atio1i's ~xli~icrics i l l 1'oi.i-I l;~rcot~rl lo tl~cir opc~.a!io~tal lirll ciqx~ci~ics.

;IS ~vcll as. ~ I L I C ~ ~ L I > I I C t~~ai~i I~n;u lcc ~ I I C I s : ~ l k - g t ~ ~ ~ i l 01. ( I I C pilxfi~tc S J S ~ C I I ~ i l l SoliI11-

I hstcr11 1)art 01' N i~cr ia .

N\vachuk\\w (2003b) rcvcals tliat tlic pclrr~lcutii pipcli~ic ~ > ~ s t c r ~ ~ i l l Sou1l1-

\\/cstcim P ~ I - ~ s o I ~ Nigcl-ia (2A!213 s)isrc111) was gossly utlrlc~~~~tilizecl. I lc att~.ibutcs

tlic lo\v lcvcl 01' ulilizatioll lo lmor p~-otli~clioti ~.:tlcs in W;IP-1-1 I . c ~ ~ ! I c I . ~ 11i;tt SCI . \~~CCS

iltc Sou111-wcstci.ti 17itrLs ol' Nigeria. I lc rq?incs tila( this is ~-csl,o~~sil~lc lbt- acrllr.

lilcl sr.:tr.ciQ, i l l a t ~ucrc c..s~~ur~iw~crl ill soulli-n'cslc1.11 Niguriit. f IC also I . C L ' O I I I I I ~ C I I C I S

r l l ; ~ \ rllc Warri rcli~icl-y a11t1 ~~ipclirlc systcrn in Sou(l1-~vcslcr~ri Ni~crin. as at1

c ~ ~ g i ~ l c c r i ~ ~ g sysrcn~. s l ~ ~ ~ l t l bc -,vcll ~~~aintiiinctl, w r l wlk-guardctl ngai~isi


~llai~ilcnmlce, ctc arc 11ol tllc ~najou cnuscs or l i 'crloc~t li~cl scarcity i l l Nigcria. 1 lc

coiisrr~~ipliorl ul' pr.ll-olctrni pocl~rcls 11avc fitr cscccrlcrl 111c rate or supply i l l

Nigcria. I hcy ;~l\rib~rrc lhis in~balallcr in strl,j~\)l-dclriatr[! p7ap 0 1 ' tlicsc ~nwlucts to

I o l l ~ I ~ r i i c i i i s . I ' l ~ i s i ~ ~ ~ t ~ ~ d i t l ~ lo I ~ I ~ I I I , "tcstd~s i l l slrtril:~ycs

i l l supply ol'li~cls ; t r ~ r l 111tiln;ltcly x v l c Zirci scarcily".

Ncwsw:tlc.ll (2005); Rol~crts (1998) observc ll~al ilicrc;~sc i ~ r tllc clrmcstic

3.00 TIIiC S T U D Y A1<15A

I ; I I L I ~ U S ~ I ~ C is ~ o c ' ; I ( c ~ ill 1 1 1 ~ SOII~II-CIIS~CI.~~ )1;11'ts of' f\li~cri;i. 11 lies [>C[\I~CCII

0 Ialilu~lcs 5 5 1 ' a n d 7" 5 5 ' IIOIIII ~ I . c ~ ~ L I ~ I \ u ~ i111~1 1o11gitud~s h0f) l illld 7" 5 5 ' c; \s~ rllc~-idiali. I1 is homdctl i l l ihc' 11orili by Kogi and Lk~iiic sl:~tcs, cast h ~ l

I3mlyi slalc, stnltli lql Alki S t a k ; l i d \ w s t by Anatuhra Stalc. Ii Iias a total lalltl

arcs of 8.202 squat-c kilo~ilc~crs.

Enugu s h t c coilsists of scvcnlcen local governtncnl ol.crrs, and wilh a

~~)lwl;t!irl~~ ol' abwri 4 111illir111 pcoplc. 'I'llc capilal ol' tllc stale is llrlugu, liic coal

ci[y, \vlici.c lllc Ilalllc 0 1 ' Il~c sia(c \\las tlc~-i\~crf l'rrmt. 'I'ltc ~~tiysical cl~n~.nclcl.istics

ccmsist ol'NsuE;lia-Awgu uscarlmicl~l \\41icll tliviclcs i l~c stale ir1Lo t ~ v o ct~nsirasting

plrysiugr;~pl~ic. rcgiotls.

'I'llc slnlc I;tlls will~irl lllc cquaiorii~l cli1rla4ic I~ct l . Illc 1111';111 l t ' r i ~ p ~ r ; ~ t ~ ~ r c is

27"~. 'I'lic anrruitl raitili~ll rarigCs Sro~n hct~vcc~r 1256 1nn1 ;111d 2030 111111. ;111d llic

I-clalivc Iiu~nidily Iluclu;~tcs Iwl\vcc~ 40 pcrcctll and 80 1x1-ccr~l. I 'he vcgclatio~~

fi~lls ivit11i11 I I I C g i ~ i i w ~ S ~ ~ W I I I K I ~ I .

'I'lic. pclrolvurlr pipclinc rlisll~il,r~liori ~icl\\w-I.c Ir'avcrscs t l~c staIc. I t ot-igin;~Lcs

I.I-OIII A h ilclml lo 1!.1it1gu ~ I I C c:~piI;~l ciiy, ~ ~ I I - O L I ~ I I A11int.i. NIGII)U G I S I , NIGIII~I

~vcsi, Ilit~rgu soull~ :11icl I<nrrgrl cast Irw;~l govcl-lmc~~l arcnl;. R4cwtwcr. \llc

4.00 Wl K T 1 l O l ~ 0 1 ~ O G Y

I Ilc rlala uscrl li)r this clutly \vcre cullcclcd i l ~ i ~ i ~ ~ l y lio111 ~ ~ ~ ' 0 1 1 i l i l l . 4 ' SOIII.CCS. I'IICSC

rlata invlurlcs tlio fi)llou%lgs: I:irsl, llic r lc~~iat~d l i~ r pctrolcu~n ~~rotlucls in Ikugr~

st:~lc. Sccrmd, tlic x l r ~ a l quatilily ol'pclr-o1ou111 ~~roclucls I?riug~~ slalc ~.cccived liwii

I I . ' I ' l ~ i ~ d . (llc a c l ~ ~ a l qrrmlity of pctl-olculn products ol'lici;~l co~isuriiccl i t t

I3it1gu starc. ' I hr sourcc 01' llicsc tla1;r i s I'ipcli~ic and 1'1 crdr~ul Mirrkcli~~y ( ' ( I I I ~ ~ T ~ I I ~ ! .

( I I c ~ . I lo~\~cvcr, llrcsc cl;rlir co\.crs :i swcri-jVc;ll- pcriotl ~ x ~ i g i ~ r y

li-0111 1996 -- 2002. ' I liis cor~sriluks tlic scopc of tliis slucly. ' lhc di1Ii1 l i m i ~

scwntliiry wcrc uscd i n lcstine tlic t ~ v o liypolltcscs. ' I I K pctrolc~~~ii

products r-clkrrctl to i r i lllis study arc prclniurn rnolor- spir-it (petrol), dual purpusc

Itcrosc~lc and aulorirolivc gas oil (rlicscl).

'Illc statistical ~cclr~iirlircs ~rscd iri [Inis r(:scarch arc siiqdc li~ic;~r-

I cgcssio~l (SI ,I{) n r d a l l : ~ l ~ sis ol' \,aria~~cr: (Ar~ova). SI , I < \vas r~scrl iu llic Iirst

liyp~~licsis (o test iiw ( 1 ~ ~ c l a l i o ~ ~ s l ~ i p bct\vee~~ d~pc11~1c11~ variable (y), 11 I~ich is llic

~w'lrolculi~ 171-ocliicls clcl~la~lcl 01' l,hugil Sialc, allti lllc irlclr.pc~lcl~-rll varial~lc (X)

1)11:11 I'll ~.posit I<ct-osc11c

Oil - - - - - -. - -


shtc. 1 IOL\~CVC'I~, ll~csc ~ ~ ~ O I I I C I I I S 11:tvc ~ I I I I I I ~ C ~ C C I IIIC ~ I ' l ' u c l i ~ c ~ i ~ s s 01' ~~C'II .OIL'UIII

supply and r l i s l r i l ~ r l l i t m i l l I l n r ~ g u Slate ils i l 1v;rs cvitlc.itl ill i~rccss:rut l i tc l scarcit~,

a11rI ohcr clis~ril~t~liori p r o b l c ~ ~ ~ s l l la l l l i \ V ~ l~c~~cv i l cd ( 1 ~ slalc dt t r i11,~ 1 1 ~ s l ~ t l y


' l l~ is study d c ~ c r r ~ ~ i ~ \ c d t l ~ cl'lkctivcrl~ss of' pc~rolcu~~t p w d ~ r ~ t s s~11~pIy ; I I ~

distr.i!~ittio~~ i l l Iaht~gu Shtc. I t is cviilcr~t tli:tl [lie ~:Hcclivcr~css 01' pc[r01~11?1

~)~.oducis suppljl a i ~ d tIislril?l~liotl i l l I'rir~gu Slak ~vcr-c Iri~rilpc.rcd Ily illripl

xlivilics. sr~cli as tlivcrsiiw. m t ~ ~ g l i ~ y . J l~ ) i~d i t~g , pr-o(Irr~ts ; I ~ I I ~ I C I . ; I ! ~ ~ I ~ . L i l ~ l ; ~ ~ k

rtii~rkct" nclivilics. ~vl~icll rcsults i l l li~cl scarcily. 'Illis sluily also.

suggcsis 1Ililt tllc i ~ ~ i ~ l ~ i l i t y ot' qu;~nlity of pc t~~ lc r r~ i i p rod~As st~pplicd l i~r

cc~~isu~iiptior~ li-urn Ikugrr ilclx)t lo n~ccl tlic clcrna~ld ill I.iriug11 S r a k i s reiporisiblc

li,r lircl scarcity, m lvcll 21s. l l~c causc [,I' illcg:~l aclivilics illat Iiavc 11~1-1-ccl (Iic

cl'l'cctivcricss ol'pclt-olcir~ii pmlucls s\~pply ard disldxrlio~i iri 1'11~1211 Sta~c.

'l'lic~cli)rc., llic clistriOirlio~i p1-vccss. I-ighl li'orli llrc Iinr~gtr rlcpot 10 llic

r~i;~r-Iict o[~tlcls i ~ i 1~1iug11 Shtc S I I ~ N I I ~ lx ~wll ~iwriilt)rc.d. Alsi). ll~r t111:111iily 01.

p c l ~ ~ l c ~ ~ i l i p~~od[~cls supplicil Iiv C ~ ~ S I I I I I ~ ~ ~ ~ I I sl~o~rltl iw ir~c~mscil to I I I C C ~ tlic

crlcl-gy clcrllancl of' I :~lugu stato. ' I slrict ir~iplcmcnlaliw 01' ilicsc

r .ccoln~~~e~lda t io~~s is caphle ol 'cr~l~anci~ig cfl'orls ailnecl at ~wovicli~ig a Iiilcl~-r~xx

s~rpply :111cl tlislril~ulio~~ 01' pclr.olcr~l~l p.o(lilcls il l I ~ I I [ I ~ I I S ~ : I ~ C i l l j);~rlictlf;~t. a11d

Niger-ia a1 I ~ g c .

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