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  • 8/14/2019 Up-beat Local News Coverage Serving Morgan County


    Thh SourcourcU P - B E A TL O C A L N E W S C O V E R A G E S E R V I N G M O R G A N C O U N T Y www.myjacksonvil lesourc

    FRVol. 2

    31 December 2009 - 6 Ja

    Photo by Stacie Le

  • 8/14/2019 Up-beat Local News Coverage Serving Morgan County


    31 December 2009 - 6 PAGE 2



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    Resolutions by Stacie Lewis

    Community Calendar

    Text Messaging Ban in Illinois

    1909 in Review by Robert L.Crowe

    Jacks Auto Clinic by Stacie Lewis

    Movie Lisings



    Your 15 Minutes by Mindy Farmer



    O D c mb r 17th, th Boys a d Girls Clubs of Morga Cou ty host d th ir 2 d aChristmas Party at th J ff rso Commu ity R sourc C t r. Att da c was i of 260, with famili s r pr s ti g all six of th l m tary schools i Jackso vilparticipat d i crafts, joy d th collaborativ Christmas Program, a d shar d i a sSa ta arriv d, a d tha ks to Toys for Tots, all childr r c iv d 2 w, ag appropriata d a book. Sp cial tha ks to Boys a d Girls Club Staff, Tiffa y Williams a d KimBurg ss for sp arh adi g this magical v t.

    Chritsmas Tree Pick Up Have tree Curbside by

    Monday January 4, The Brush Drop Off will be Open

    this time 8am - 4:30pm

    January 4th - January

    Saturday, January 2West Central at Pittsfield 7:40 pre game

    Monday, January 4JHS at Springfield High 7:10 pre game

    Tuesday, January 5Routt at North Greene 7:40 pre game

    Thursday, January 7Carrollton at Routt 7:40 pre game followed byGreenfield at West Central

    Happy New Year!(schedules subject to change)

    It wont be the first time Ive beenaccused of being a fuddy-duddy, but Ivenever really gotten into the whole drinking-in-the-New-Year bit. And its not so much onmoral grounds as it is thewellsilliness of it all.

    Perhaps it goes back to my child-hood when on New Years Eve I first saw my

    parents take their annual sip of MorganDavid winecut with one-half Seven-Up.Id never seen my folks drink and thusimmediately assumed that they were closetalcoholics. Perhaps Ive never recovered.

    Then there were those deafeningteenage years when I spent every weekendnight playing in a rock band. Okay, LouieLouie wasnt exactly heavy metal, but wethought we were pretty cool, and the chickstotally dug teen rockers, even if the boysdrove John Deeres through the week. Butwhen rock and roll was your only source of weekend income, you didnt mess aroundwith the booze. Besides, you had a curfewand, by the time you loaded your equipment,the parties were over.

    When rock became less lucrativeand the new age of country music began pay-ing more of the bills, I jumped aboard theyee-haw bar circuit. A few venues werenice. Most werent. The movies showing the

    bar band playing behind a protective chickenwire fence are not fiction. I grew to lovechicken wire and made sure my keyboardwas behind the double-strand section. Thenthere were the dives like one infamous bar inJacksonville that should have invested inchicken wire, but didnt. Sure, there werelate nights in my rock days when wed hiretwo thugs at ten bucks a night to simply get

    us out of Beardstown alive, but the country-western days left us on our own. Whenyoure sixty miles from home, its 1 a.m. andthe drunks are all over the road, you dontmess with booze. You simply try to get homealive.

    No hungry musician passes up a New Years gig. If youre union, as this areawas in the sixties and seventies, the pay wasmandatory doublesometimes triple. Andtheres no better way to make a buck thangoing single on a New Years gig. Of course,

    a solo act means you have no one to help youwith your equipment and I still tremble whenI remember a New Years in Pike Countywhere a very friendly drunk insisted on help-ing me. I smiled and told him I could handleit. He stumbled and said, No, noImfine. Somewhere between the PittsfieldCountry Club banquet room and my FordMustang, he dropped my electric organ ontothe asphalt. The good news: he was an insur-ance broker.

    I guess that asking a musician whyhe doesnt drink on New Years is likeinquiring of a chef about why he doesnt eatas he cooks. Im workin man. Dont messwith me.

    Which is not to say that entertain-ers dont drink on the job. I dont know thenumber, since being dead or crippled makesyou hard to interview.

    And of course theres always theold adage about New Years Eve beingAmateur Night, an event only for the crazy,occasional drinkers. Local tradition has itthat the serious drinkers make their sudsyrounds on New Years Day. I just hope thatnone of these guys are my mechanic or heartsurgeon on January 2nd.

    The single largest week for Champaign sales in the U.S. are the sevendays prior to New Years. This means thatseveral of the cars meeting you on the high-way may be fueled by drink to which thedriver is unaccustomed. An ugly mix andanother reason to stay close to your ownhearth on the 31st.

    And although my evidence is pure-ly anecdotal based on only two incidents, thetwo drunkest drunks Ive ever encountered

    were both sleeping in trees when I spottedthem. Another reason not to drink on NewYears: I dont like heights.

    When I was a boy, my father would sneak around the house and move theclocks forward two hours on New YearsEve. When the rest of the world celebratedthe coming of the New Year, wed been in

    bed for two hours. Pretty sneaky, Elmer. Buttruth be told, I do the same thing now with-out moving the clocks up.

    New Years Booze by Ken Bradbury

    the bes t


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  • 8/14/2019 Up-beat Local News Coverage Serving Morgan County


    Here is a number to consider: 12 percent. According to one source, that is howmany of us actually attain some goal we setfor ourselves at the beginning of the year inthe form of a New Years resolution.

    Now, the obvious flip side of thatnumber: 88 percent. Need I say more?

    It makes one wonder how many people actually make resolutions in the first place, given the failure rate. Furthermore, arethey all resolving to lose weight and quitsmoking, as many of us seem to think, or isthere more to such a personal decision?

    We need to know, so lets take it tothe streets, ask people if they have a NewYears resolution, andget some realanswers, shall we?

    We willmake our way downMorton Ave., where

    our first stop is at alarge retail chainstore where a bevy of holiday shoppers issure to be found.Random accosting,however, is provingfruitless. Stacy, our first victim of thespontaneous ques-tioning, says shenever makes resolu-

    tions, as does Brenda, another shopper andRobin, the helpful cashier.

    Alex, who works in the electronicsdepartment, puts it pointedly, Why lie tomyself? It seems that Alex and the othersknow that failure is a probable outcome.

    As we leave, we find that even theSalvation Army bell ringers, Laura andMaggie, are serial non-makers of resolutions.Sigh.

    We will try to remain optimistic,though, and go across the street to another,albeit smaller, chain store to question more

    bell ringers.Here, Christina says she has not

    made a resolution yet, but probably will soon.I want to get more organized, she says.Between classes and everything else thatsgoing on, its what I need.

    The other bell ringer, Doreen, saidshe is still thinking about Christmas and hasnot given a resolution much thought. I usu-ally do make one. Its generally about help-ing out others, she says. Well, Doreen, ring-ing a bell for the Salvation Army is a goodstart.

    Slightly encouraged, we will sloshthrough the slushy streets to a neighboring

    drug store where wefind Rebecca at thecosmetics counter.Rebecca says she hasalready made her

    New Years resolu-

    tion and she makesone almost everyyear. Sometimesthey stick and some-times she forgetsthem after a couple of months. They areusually about being a

    better person, shesays. What is her res-olution this year?To say more positive

    things to people, versus the negative stuff. Nice.

    Moving along, we will pop over tothe nearby burger joint to pick up a cold,refreshing beverage with which to reenergizeourselves.

    Tyshell, the cashier at the drive-through who is taken by surprise by our ques-tion, says she is going to try to show her mother more respect (note to Tyshells mom:You may want to keep a copy of this article onhand in case she needs an occasional

    (continued on pg. 11, see Resolutions)

    Resolutions by Stacie Lewis

    31 December 2009 - 6 January 2010

    Sheridan Lane ReSTAuRAnT & LOunGe

    at LakeWooD GoLf CouR

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    Lanes Lounge & Bar W dn sd y - S t rd y 11:00 m - 11:00pm

    9900 SR 78 S th l B th, IL 62617


    New Holiday Men

    Sunday Brunch Buff

    Erin opted not to make a resolution this year. Photos byStacie Lewis.

    Maresa, Sarah, and Brittany discussed resolutions with Source correspondent Stacie Lewis.

    Precious JewKevin and Carolyn

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  • 8/14/2019 Up-beat Local News Coverage Serving Morgan County


    PAGE4 31 December 2009 -

    Phil FrommeStore Manager

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    With the soon-to-be law banningtexting while driving, State Farm Agent TomEoff is encouraging parents to talk to their teenagers about distracted driving.

    Now we have an ideal opportunityfor serious conversations with young driversabout the dangers of not paying complete atten-tion to the road, Eoff explains. Teen driversare especially impacted due to inexperience inmanaging distractions while also concentratingon safe driving. Please encourage young driv-ers to focus only on driving, for their safety andthe safety of others on the road.

    As of January 1, texting while driv-ing is banned at all times on Illinois roadways.According to the new law, drivers may not useany electronic communication device to com-

    pose, send, or read an electronic message,

    which includes e-mail, text messages, instantmessages, or requesting access to an Internetsite.

    Eoff also emphasizes that being at astop sign or stop light does not waive the tex-ting restriction. You must have the automobilein parked gear in order to be allowed to read or write messages.

    Illinois is also now banning talkingon a cell phone in a school or constructionzone, unless you are using a hands-free device.

    These violations will be treated asmoving violations, with fines starting at$75.00.

    For more info, including tips on howto help teens be better, safer drivers, call StateFarm Agent Tom Eoff at 217-245-9684 andvisit www.betterteendriving.com.

    Time to Talk with Teen Drivers About New Texting Ban

    Th C tral Prairi Chapt r of th Am ricaR d Cross will hold CPR a d First Aid trai i gfor Ja uary 2010. Pr -r gistratio a d paym tis r quir d prior to th trai i g dat .

    J 7 h - Adult/I fa t/Child/First AidR c rtificatio Class 6-9pm

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    Jo H b f Win, Win n w Y

    r o o !

    For theentire month January, Patti Ackerm will donate all prots

    nine year old Nick Fre who

    is currently undergoitreatment for brain can

    F r e e W gh lo co w h p h of w

    g p og

    P atti a ckermaIndependent Sale

    Lonzeitalian restaurant600 E. State St. - Jack

    217-2Lunch: T-S. 11:00am

    Dinner: T-Th. 5:00pm F.-S. 5:00pm

    Closed Sunday &

    Open New Ye5:00pm -

    Happy N V i r t u a l H o m e T o u r s . . .



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  • 8/14/2019 Up-beat Local News Coverage Serving Morgan County


    31 December 2009 - 6 January 2010

    StevesAppliances 312 e. s s 217.2

    f p- a RebaTeS

    FRee- B w h b

    diSCounT p n

    app(reconditioned av

    eTom Finch Tom Finch

    a u To m o Ti v eC mplete Aut m tive & C llisi n Repairs1025 W. Walnut St.- Jacks nville, IL 62650

    l f reign and D mesticl T wingl Tires & Alignmentsl C mplete Aut Service


    Present this c up n r$5 offan oil Change.Expires 01/31/2010

    Most of the newspaper writers, TVnews groups, and anyone who has a space tofill, looks to review the past year. We aregoing to review a year, but are looking back 100 years. Heres how the end-of-year reportwent for 1909.

    After eleven years, U.S. troopsdeparted from Cuba. Soldiers had beenencamped in Cuba since the Spanish-American War. The SpanishAmerican War was a 6 month conflict between Spain and theUnited States over the liberation of Cuba.

    In February, the NAACP wasfounded commemorating the 100th anniver-sary of President Abraham Lincoln's birth.The stimuli for the formation of the NAACPwere the 1908 race riots in Springfield,Illinois.

    The Hudson Motor Car Companywas founded. The company was named after department store magnate Joseph Hudsonwho provided the initial funding. The last

    Hudson rolled off the line in 1957. The com- pany merged with Nash to form AmericanMotors.

    In March, William Howard Taftsucceeded Theodore Roosevelt as the 27thU.S. President. Prior to his election, Taftnegotiated the purchase of the PhilippineIslands from the Roman Catholic Church andthen served as GovernorGeneral of thePhilippines. He served as Secretary of War under Teddy Roosevelt. Following his presi-dency, he was appointed Chief Justice of theSupreme Court where he served until hisdeath in 1930.

    Serbia accepted Austrian controlover Bosnia and Herzegovina. (Glad theyfinally got that area settled.)

    Construction began on the RMS

    Titanic at Harland and Wolff Shipyards inBelfast, Ireland. The project was funded byAmericas J.P. Morgan.

    Joan of Arc was beatified in Rome.She was canonized in 1920. Jeanne dArc was19 years old at the time of her death in 1431.

    In June, Alice Ramsey, a 22 year old housewife, drove 3800 miles from NewYork to San Francisco. The Maxwell car took 59 days. For company, Alice had 3 femalecompanions none of whom could drive.

    The U.S. Navy founded a navy basein Pearl Harbor, Hawaii. The purpose of the

    base in 1909 was to protect the UnitedStates from attack by the Japanese.

    Bo 1909:Barry Goldwater, American politician (d. 1998,age 89)

    Victor Borge, Danish entertainer (d. 2000, age91)

    Gene Krupa, American drummer (d. 1973, age64)

    Ann Sothern, American actress (d. 2001, age 92)

    George Beverly Shea, gospel singer and song-writer (Shea turned 100 on February 1, 2009)

    Carmen Miranda, Portuguese-born actress andsinger (d. 1955, age 46)

    Dean Rusk, U.S. Sec. of State 1961 -1969 (d.1994, age 85)

    Max Baer, American boxer and actor (d. 1959,age 50)

    Benny Goodman, American musician (d. 1986,age 77)

    Burl Ives, American singer (d. 1995, age 86)

    Errol Flynn, Australian-born actor (d. 1959, age50)

    Ruby Keeler, Canadian singer and actress (d.1993, age 84)

    Michael Rennie, English actor (d. 1971, age 62)

    Elia Kazan, Hungarian-born film director (d.2003, age 94)

    Al Capp, American cartoonist (d. 1979, age 70)

    Johnny Mercer, American songwriter (d. 1976,age 67)

    Douglas Fairbanks, Jr., American actor and Naval officer (d. 2000, age 91)

    Baseball Players: Mel Ott, Dutch Leonard,Bucky Walters, Stan Hack

    D d 1909:Geronimo (age 80), Apache leader (b. 1829)

    Red Cloud (age 87), Sioux chief (b. 1822)Two-hundred and fifty-nine men and boys inthe Cherry, Illinois mine disaster, 100 mileswest of Chicago.

    nob l P z fo Phys s: GuglielmoMarconi, Karl Braun for the development of wireless telegraphy (the radio)

    The Internet Movie Database reports 1464movie titles released world-wide in 1909.

    top g oss g U.S. mov s 1909. A Corner in Wheat Lady Helen's Escapade Princess Nicotine; or The Smoke Fairy A Fool's Revenge Her First Biscuits In Old KentuckyThe Life of MosesThe Lonely VillaThe Seventh Day

    Of the nine top grossing USmovies, seven were directed by D.W. Griffith,and the other two by Stuart Blackton.

    Robert Peary claims to havereached the North Pole, although there was notrained navigator in his exploration party.Historically he has been given the benefit of the doubt.

    The Year in Review - A Century Ago: 1909 by Robert L. Crowe

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  • 8/14/2019 Up-beat Local News Coverage Serving Morgan County


    31 December 2009 - 6PAGE6

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    Rick Mogler knew itwas time to make a major lifestyle change. After strugglingwith his weight for many years ,Rick knew he needed to lose the

    weight to improve his health. After considering hischoices, Rick decided to join the Health ManagementResources (HMR) Program at Passavant Hospital.The program required a major commitment on Ricks

    part, but he says he was ready and helooked at joining the HMR program as abig investment in my future.

    The HMR program is a nationalweight management program which focus-es on developing lasting habits to build andmaintain a healthy lifestyle. The 26 year-old program has treated over 1 million

    patients nationally and is entirely research- based. Wendy Smith, a health educator with the local program, says it is importantto understand that the main goal of the pro-gram is health management, more thanweight management. To reach this goal,

    participants not only focus on weight-loss, but also on learning skills to build andmaintain a healthy lifestyle.

    HMR Participants can choose between 2 in-clinic program options, eachwith a meal plan and education component.Track One is called Decision Free and

    patients initially eat all HMR replacementfoods. With this choice, patients lose 60 lbson average. Track two is called HealthySolutions and includes HMR replacementfoods, plus fruits and vegetables. Withtrack two, patients lose an average of 36.7lbs. With the in-clinic option, patientscome to see the HMR nursing staff and par-

    ticipate in a class once a week at PassavantHospital. A third at-home option is avail-able using the meal replacement foods and fruits andvegetables, with patients participating in phone-basededucation. These patients lose an average of 25 to 30lbs.

    The meal replacement items through HMR are low in calories, high in volume, and portion con-trolled. Eating these foods allows patients to feel fulland satisfied without large calorie consumption.Foods that are on the diet include HMR meal replace-

    ments, non-caloric beverages, several low caloriecondiments and flavorings, and fruits and vegetables(for Healthy Solutions patients). HMR has a more is

    better mentality, which encourages participants toeat more than the minimum required meal replace-ments foods or fruits and vegetables if they are stillhungry. Feeling satisfied in this way is essential for weight loss success.

    Rick Mogler started the program in October

    of 2008 and says that he was committed to the diet plan through both Thanksgiving and Christmas.While this was difficult, he had a goal to lose 100 lbsand remained faithful to the meal plan. The more is

    better strategy is a successful one, according to Rick,and he says he never felt hungry or unsatisfied on the

    plan. The first couple of weeks were an adjustmentwhile Rick learned healthy habits such as increasinghis water consumption and making healthy choices,

    but he was able to remain committed to the dietdespite the holidays.

    After a patient reaches their goal weight,they are slowly transitioned to a maintenance dietthat includes lean protein, whole grains, veggies andfruits, low fat dairy products, and healthy fats. Thegoal is to follow that diet for the rest of their lives.This is done through education that teaches patients toeat right, budget their calories, and plan ahead to

    ensure success.Education is an essential component of the

    HMR program. A minimum of 18 months mainte-nance education is recommended after a patientreaches their goal because HMR studies show that ittakes that long to develop lasting habits. Wendy Smithsays that maintenance is the most important part of the HMR program because weight management is askill that requires constant education. Just like any

    other skill, w practice, plan

    Rinow 120 lbsentered the May and coclasses. Thro

    able skills suhow to read cravings in finds the mefor him to beeducators als

    required to mmanaged, as

    Thoffering a spewho signs up$100 off and first of the yeclasses. For gram, call (2

    Passavants HMR Program by Mindy Farmer

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    C TodaY, t k r s rv t sf r s w c r v

    Rick Mogler before (L) and after (R) he began the HMR program. Mr. Moglers committment to the HMR program yielded a 120 pound loss over the course of on

  • 8/14/2019 Up-beat Local News Coverage Serving Morgan County


    31 December 2009 - 6 January 2010

    e S ee - J ks nville, IL 62650

    dy BruINgtoN


    BLIShEd SINcE 1911

    Family Gardens

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    goal and isear ago. He

    program ineducational

    earned valu-

    er portions,of his food

    ay. He alsoy are a way. The healthnts to createse goals.so an impor-R program.search from

    rol Registryh group thatple keepingleast a year.90% of suc-xercise, on

    y. The HMR s to burn atek, showingd up to this

    ed a passionthrough his

    He says thaty thing for e. He lovesendorphinsnd looks for-r permitting,in the morn-

    e program,phasize thatht is a skill.nagement islth manage-s the skillsight will be

    t Hospital isear. Anyonewill receiveoin after the1, get 1 freeHMR pro-

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    have a appy i ay seas !



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  • 8/14/2019 Up-beat Local News Coverage Serving Morgan County


    Bus n ss F turus n ss F tur JACKS AUTO CLINICBY STACIE LEWIS

    PAGE11 24 December - 30 Dwww.myjacksonvillesource.com

    There is a black, 1934 Ford sit-ting in the shop area of Jacks Auto Clinic,

    but it does not belong to a customer. Itsmy latest project, says Dave Zink, theowner of Jacks. In his spare time, Zink likes to restore antique automobiles.Working on cars is just something heenjoys. A snazzy, little red number, a 1958Sunbeam, is next in line.

    Ive been tinkering with carssince probably before I was a teenager, hesays.

    He has been able to turn thathobby into a lifetime career.

    Located on West Lafayette, off the northwest corner of the downtownarea, Jacks Auto Clinic has been in busi-ness since 1979. Zink says he began work-ing at Jacks in 1985 and finally bought the

    business from Jack Wagahoff in 1996.Zink has on staff two other tech-

    nicians that work with him to handle theworkload.

    Although the shop does provideminor body repair service, Zink says theyspecialize in general auto repair and gener-al maintenance. As he puts it, We doeverything here.

    Additionally, he has begun work-ing in collaboration with Craig Kimpel as

    Jacksonville Breathalyzer, Inc., installingignition interlock devices. Zink says many places do not install the devices and therehas been a rise in demand for that type of service.

    While the quality of service iscertainly what draws in many customers,Zink is quick to point out that it is also the

    personal touches he is able to provide thatkeeps regular customers and attracts newones.

    For instance, he says, If a cus-tomer drops off their vehicle and needs aride to work, were happy to give them alift.

    Indeed, the ability to developrelationships with his customers and pro-

    vide a personalized service to each indi-vidual is something in which Zink takes

    pride.Jacksonville is a small town,

    he says. Its easy to get to know a lot of people.

    Zink is a lifelong resident of Jacksonville and graduated fromJacksonville High School. He is marriedto Karin and he has three children. It wassoon after he graduated from high schoolthat he began to work at Jacks.

    Zink does have a variety of other

    hobbies besides tinkering with cars. For instance, photography, playing music, andtraveling.

    I play the sousaphone with aDixieland jazz band called the St. LouisStompers, he says. Do you need me toexplain what a sousaphone is, he asks.Its a tuba.

    We travel all over the UnitedStates to play. According to Zink, asrecently as last month, the band played on

    both East and West coasts. I enjoy travel-ing and I enjoy playing music, he says,so its nice to be able to do both at thesame time.

    Closer to home, Zink says he has played the trombone with the JacksonvilleSymphony Orchestra since he was in theninth grade.

    In addition to traveling and mak-ing music, he dabbles in photography.Zink says, I like to photograph land-scapes, but I especially like to do candid

    photos.When he is not out on the road,

    snapping photos or playing music, he likesto work on cars.

    Of the antique cars that he hasrestored, Zink says his favorite is proba-

    bly my Triumph TR3.

    Sometimes Zink sells the carswhen they are finished, but, I keep a lot of them, too, he says. He adds with a smile,Storage is a bit of a problem.

    Jacks Auto Clinic is located at221 W. Lafayette Street, Jacksonville.They are open 7:30 am. to 5:30 pm,Monday through Friday. You can reachDave Zink at 217.243.6541.

    J a c k s A u t o C l i n i c

    l O I L C h A n G E S

    l B R A K E S

    l A I R C O n d I t I O n

    I n G

    l t R A n S M I S S I O n

    l E x h A u S t

    l M I n O R B O d y W

    O R K

    a l l P R e v e n T a T i

    v e

    m a i n T e n a n C e

    F o r e i g n & D o m e s t i c G e n e r a l

    Au t o Re p a i r - DAvID C. ZInK

    221 W . La f a y e t t e , J a c k s o n v

    i l l e

    2 1 7 . 2 4 3 . 6 5 4 1

    Always Quality Work.

    Jacks Auto Clinic is located at 221 W. Lafayette St. in Jacksonville. Photos by Stacie Lewis.

    Dave Zink, owner of Jacks Auto Clinic, has worked on cars since before his teenage years.

    Daves 1958 Sunbeam, pictured above, is the next project in line.

  • 8/14/2019 Up-beat Local News Coverage Serving Morgan County


    31 December 2009 - 6 January 2010

    o n E SMeat & Locker J

    Retail & Wholesale MeaFood Stamps Welcome, V

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    R t $30$21,995 Through 12/

    gr t F r F P ts/R s S

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    08 Gr at Plai s 3n 3S ctio s, no-Till Dr

    1600 Acr s

    huge diSCou$69,950

    b r i p t C .

    (217) 997-5514

    A v n An T C pmunks:T Squ akqu Rmc South County Cinemas

    (Justin Long, Matthew GrayGubler, Jesse McCartney, JasonLee, David Cross, Zachary Levi,Christina Applegate, Anna Farris,Amy Poehler, Wendie Malick,

    Directed by Betty Thomas)r d PG fo som m ld udhumo .

    Alvin, Simon, and Theodore are back and bigger than ever. While on a world tour, Alvins out-rageous behavior lands Dave in the hospital and the

    boys with no one to look after them. It is time, there-fore, to head home to be watched by Aunt Jackie,and thus begins Alvin and the Chipmunks: TheSqueakquel .

    I should start this review by stating that Idid not see the first Chipmunks movie from 2007.Did that affect my viewing of this film? Not in theslightest. There is carry over from the first movie,

    but the sequel brings the audience up to speedthrough exposition. In short, you dont have to seethe first before you see the second.

    Alvin and the Chipmunks: TheSqueakquel is a cute and cuddly comedy with high

    pitched pop music that kids will lovekids under twelve that is. There are plenty of high jinks to keepthem giggling and lots of cute big chipmunk eyeslooking out at them.

    Alvin and the Chipmunks: TheSqueakquel is an hour and a half of goofy singingand animated chipmunks jumping all over thescreen. I personally was not a fan of this film, but Ihavent been ten years old for a very long time. If you are looking for a movie your kids will enjoy thatisnt too tough for parents to take, then Alvin and theChipmunks: The Squeakquel is the answer.

  • 8/14/2019 Up-beat Local News Coverage Serving Morgan County


    PrOPertY ManaGeMentcompany seeks part-time main-tenance position. Experience

    preferred. Please call217.248.1698 or send resume to

    PO Box 937, Jacksonville, IL62651

    FOr rent 2 BeDrOOMmobile home, 10 mins NorthEast of Jacksonville. Fresh

    paint throughout. Please call217.370.1910

    ** kinG rentaLS **1 & 2 BR apartments.

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    www.aPlusP op y.2 Bedroom apartment $375. 1Bedroom Apartment $345. 3

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    ClaSSiFiedSlaSSiFiedSM O R G A N C O U N T Y W O R K SW O R K S

    PAGE10 31 December 2009 - www.myjacksonvillesource.com




    The VillAge of MeredoSiA

    315 Main StreetMeredosia, IL 62665

    217.584.1351 (p)217.584.1911 (f)

    The Village of Meredosia isnow accepting contract bidsfor mowing Village property.You may pick up a bid pack-

    age at City Hall between8:00am - 5:00pm Monday -

    Thursday and 8:00am - noonon Friday. Bids must bereturned by 3:00pm on

    Monday February 8, 2010.

    You P hw y oOppo u y s h !nu s Sup v so /rn

    Full-time position with flexi- ble hours available at PathwayServices Unlimited, Inc.Autonomous nursing practicewith assessment skills, lowstress, and pleasant atmos-

    phere. Must have 2 years clin-

    ical experience within the last5 years with preferably atleast one year experienceworking with individuals whohave developmental disabili-ties. Excellent benefits pack-age including 11 paid holi-days, PLUS, recruitment

    bonus. If interested, pleasesend resume and cover letter to Director of HumanResources, Pathway ServicesUnlimited, Inc., 1201 S. Main,P.O. Box 400, Jacksonville, IL62651 or stop by our officelocated in the Leschin Bldg. inthe Jacksonville CommunityPark to complete an applica-tion. EOE.


    nOtice OF SaLe:

    Notice is hereby given that Theresa Lonergan, Clerk of the Circuit

    Court of Morgan County, Illinois will sell for cash to the highest bid-der on the first floor of the Morgan County Courthouse at 10:00 a.m.on January 20, 2010 the real estate commonly known as 733Bedwell, 734 Bedwell and 311 Washington, Jacksonville, IL 62650which are improved with single family residences. Deed, possessionand title policy upon court confirmation of said sale, subject to rightsof any possessory interests and 2009 real estate taxes. For informa-tion contact Deborah Vortman, The Farmers State Bank and TrustCompany, 200 W. State Street, Jacksonville, IL 62650. Phone 217479 4129. The foregoing sale is pursuant to Order entered by theCircuit Court of Morgan County, Illinois, THE FARMERS STATEBANK AND TRUST COMPANY vs. JOHN G. JAMES, et al., Case

    No. 2008-CH-96.

    FLYNN & FLYNN, Attorneys at LawJacksonville, IL 62650

    M Mu y coll gseeks applications for the position of Maintenance

    Worker. For a detaileddescription of job duties

    log onto:www.mac.edu/resources/job_

    postings.asp.Interested applicantsmay send completed

    employment applicants to:MacMurray College Human

    Resources447 E College Ave

    Jacksonville, IL 62650or hr@mac.edu


    auCTion american legion,

    903 W. suPerior, JacKsonVilleSaTuRdaY, Jan. 9 2010 9:30 a.m.

    houSehold & ColleCTableSPARTIAL LISTInG & PICTuReS vIeW at midd dorfs.com or co tact a ctio rs!



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    nOtice OF SaLe:

    Notice is hereby given that Theresa Lonergan, Clerk of the Circuit

    Court of Morgan County, Illinois will sell for cash to the highest bid-der on the first floor of the Morgan County Courthouse at 10:00 a.m.on January 27, 2010 the real estate commonly known as 207-209South Sandy Street, Jacksonville, IL 62650 which is improved witha commercial building. Deed, possession and title policy upon courtconfirmation of said sale, subject to rights of any possessory inter-ests and 2009 real estate taxes. For information contact DeborahVortman, The Farmers State Bank and Trust Company, 200 W. StateStreet, Jacksonville, IL 62650. Phone 217 479 4129. The foregoingsale is pursuant to Order entered by the Circuit Court of MorganCounty, Illinois, THE FARMERS STATE BANK AND TRUSTCOMPANY vs. CHARLES E. YELM, JR., et al., Case No. 2009-CH-66.

    FLYNN & FLYNN, Attorneys at LawJacksonville, IL 62650

  • 8/14/2019 Up-beat Local News Coverage Serving Morgan County


    31 December 2009 - 6 January 2010

    legal notices

    in tHe circUit cOUrt OF tHeSeVentH JUDiciaL circUitMOrGan cOUntY, iLLinOiS


    )Plaintiff , )

    )vs. )

    ) No. 08-CH-96)

    JOHN G. JAMES IV,also known as )

    )JOHN G. JAMES, )


    nOtice OF JUDiciaL SaLe

    Public notice is hereby given that pursuant to a judgment of foreclosure entered bythe Court in the above entitled cause the proper-ty hereinafter described or so much thereof asshall be sufficient to satisfy said judgment will

    be sold to the highest bidder by TheresaLonergan, Clerk of the Circuit Court on January20, 2010 at the hour of 10:00 a.m. on the firstfloor of the Morgan County Courthouse.

    The name, address and telephone number of the person to contact for information regarding thereal estate is: Deborah Vortman, The FarmersState Bank and Trust Company, 200 W. StateStreet, Jacksonville, IL 62650 (217) 479-4129.

    (B) The common address and other commondescription, if any, of the real estate is:TRACT I: 733 Bedwell, Jacksonville, IL62650; TRACT II: 734 Bedwell, Jacksonville,IL 62650; TRACT III: 311 Washington,Jacksonville, IL 62650.

    The legal description of the real estate is:

    TRACT I:The South half of the following: Ten (10) feetoff of the North side of One Hundred Twenty-two (122) feet off of the West end of Lot One (1)and One Hundred Twenty-two (122) feet off of the West end of Lot Two (2) in BedwellsSubdivision of Lots Seven (7), Eight (8) and

    Nine (9) in Madeira Addition to the City of Jacksonville, Morgan County, Illinois.PARCEL NO. 09-17-313-005TRACT II:Lot Ten (10) in Bedwells Subdivision of LotsSeven (7), Eight (8), and Nine (9) in MadeiraAddition to Jacksonville, Morgan County,Illinois.PARCEL NO. 09-17-312-021

    TRACT III:The North Ninety-three (93) feet of Lot Twenty-three (23) in Charles Robertsons Addition tothe Town, now City, of Jacksonville, MorganCounty, Illinois.

    PARCEL NO. 09-21-121-002

    A description of the improvements on the realestate is: Single family residences.

    The terms of the sale are: 15% down at the timeof sale; deed and possession upon payment of

    the balance of the purchase price which will beno later than 30 days after court confirmation of said sale unless the parties agree to close sooner,subject to rights of any possessory interests.Title insurance will be furnished.

    Title will be conveyed subject to 2009 and allsubsequent taxes and assessments and ease-ments and restrictions of record.

    Dated this 15th day of December, 2009.

    FLYNN & FLYNNAttorneys for Plaintiff:

    Flynn & FlynnAttorneys at Law222 W. State StreetJacksonville, IL 62650

    217 245-2181

    r s ut ns (continued from pg. 3reminder of her resolution).

    Sam, who hands us our drshe never follows through with resolushe is not going to make one this year.

    We need to press on, so we the shopping center where we find ye

    bell ringer, Terry, at the department storsays he makes promises to himselfkeeps, quitting smoking for instance, not make them at New Years. As he satry to achieve goals Ive set for myselfit at other times of the year when its noered a resolution. Well, that is better thing.

    The sun is beginning to set, walk around the corner to the boutiqumore go at it. Here we find Maresa, SBrittany who have apparently been dtheir resolutions with each other and

    provide us with our largest concentratioolution makers yet.

    Maresa says she makes a revery year and every year it is the samtionto try not to spend so much monly lasts a month or so, but, hey, she least I keep trying.

    After coming out of a ten tionship, Sarah says she has resolved tfresh start. Im determined to finish scfocus on my kids, she says. She addsusually sticks to her resolutions.

    Brittany says she does nomake resolutions, but she has this yearMary Kay consultant, she says, and thwant to reach director status.

    You have to hand it to thewomen for their grit.

    Well, it is getting cold and side, so we will wrap up our survey anlook at the numbers.

    Some people see failurinevitable end, and so opt out of even resolution. Of the 22 people accostestreet and asked, 15 said that they almmake a resolution. That is over 68

    (please keep in mind this is all highly number crunching and data extraction)

    The remaining 32 percent oticipants that do make resolutions, offer a surprising variety of admirable include things like respect and helppositivity, all solid goals.

    If you are still undecided abing a resolution, however, maybe Femployee of a local college, can provincentive. He makes, and keeps, a revery year, because he says, Its an hthing to do for yourself.

    Thanks, Frank. Thats something to think about.

    aSSUMeD naMePUBLicatiOn nOtice

    Public Notice is hereby given that onDecember 23, 2009, a certificate was filed in theOffice of the County Clerk of Morgan County,Illinois, setting forth the names and post-officeaddresses of all the persons owning, conductingand transacting the business known as JVProperties, located at 607 State Highway 267,Murrayville, IL 62668. Which sets forth ownersas follows: John E. Bourn and Vicky L.Gresham. Dated this 23rd day of December,2009.

    Barbara J. GrossCounty Clerk.

    nOtice OF PUBLic HearinG

    The City of Jacksonville will hold a public hearing to discuss a proposed EnterpriseZone deletion of territory. The following issueswill be addressed:

    1. Purpose of the request for deletion of territo-ry from the Enterprise Zone.

    2. How much territory is involved in this dele-tion?

    3. How the economic development objectivesof this territory have been met.

    4. Should a formal request for deletion of terri-tory be submitted to the Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity?

    All interested parties are invited toattend. The hearing will be held on Monday,January 22, 11, 2010 at 6:00 p.m. in the City of Jacksonvilles Council Chambers located at 200West Douglas Avenue, Jacksonville, Illinois inthe County of Morgan, State of Illinois.

    For further information, contactTerry L. Denison, Administrator of theJacksonville/M organ County Enterprise Zoneand President of the Jacksonville RegionalEconomic Development Corporation, 221 EastState Street, Jacksonville, Illinois 62650.Phone: (217) 479-4627.

    in tHe circUit cOUrt OF tHeSeVentH JUDiciaL circUitMOrGan cOUntY, iLLinOiS



    P la in ti ff, ))

    vs. ) No. 09-CH-66 )

    CHARLES E. YELM, JR., also known )as CHARLES YELM and CHARLES )E. YELM, )

    )Defendant. )

    nOtice OF JUDiciaL SaLe

    Public notice is hereby given that pur-suant to a judgment of foreclosure entered by theCourt in the above entitled cause the propertyhereinafter described or so much thereof as shall

    be sufficient to satisfy said judgment will be soldto the highest bidder by Theresa Lonergan, Clerk of the Circuit Court on January 27, 2010 at thehour of 10:00 a.m. on the first floor of the MorganCounty Courthouse.The name, address and telephone number of the

    person to contact for information regarding thereal estate is: Deborah Vortman, The FarmersState Bank and Trust Company,2 00 W. StateStreet, Jacksonville, IL 62650 (217) 479-4129.

    (B) The common address and other commondescription, if any, of the real estate is:207-209 South Sandy Street, Jacksonville, IL62650.

    The legal description of the real estate is:

    TRACT I. Part of Lot Seven (7) in theSubdivision of Lots One Hundred Fifteen (115),One Hundred Sixteen (116) and One HundredSeventeen (117) in the Original Plat of the Town,now City, of Jacksonville, bounded and describedas follows: Beginning at the Northeast corner of said Lot Seven (7), running thence South Twenty-

    four (24) feet, thence West One Hundred (100)feet, thence North Twenty-four (24) feet, thenceEast One Hundred (100) feet to the place of

    beginning, situated in Morgan County, Illinois.PARCEL NO. 09-20-250-009

    TRACT II. Lot Three (3) in CommissionersSubdivision of Lots One Hundred Fifteen (115),One Hundred Sixteen (116) and One HundredSeventeen (117) in the Original Plat of the Town,now City, of Jacksonville, Morgan County,Illinois.PARCEL NO. 09-20-250-008

    A description of the improvements on the realestate is: Commercial building.

    The terms of the sale are: 15% down at the timeof sale; deed and possession upon payment of the

    balance of the purchase price which will be nolater than 30 days after court confirmation of saidsale unless the parties agree to close sooner, sub-

    ject to rights of any possessory interests. Titleinsurance will be furnished.

    Title will be conveyed subject to 2009 and allsubsequent taxes and assessments and easementsand restrictions of record.

    Dated this 23th day of December, 2009.

    FLYNN & FLYNNAttorneys for Plaintiff:

    Flynn & FlynnAttorneys at Law222 W. State StreetJacksonville, IL 62650217 245-2181

    Terry makes promises to himself throuthough not as New Years Resolutions.

  • 8/14/2019 Up-beat Local News Coverage Serving Morgan County


    When Bob Neff drives throughJacksonville, he enjoys seeing the many

    buildings hes had a hand in constructing,including many found at MacMurray andIllinois College. Bob came to Jacksonville in1940 after graduating from high school towork as a carpenter. He approached Smriland Gibson, the company his father workedfor, for a position and began working for them. The company has since undergone sev-eral name changes, but Bob likes to say thathe only ever received a paycheck from onecompany throughouthis entire career.

    Bob worked

    as a carpenter for Smriland Gibson for severalyears and then becamea foreman. One of hismost memorable proj-ects involved workingas the foreman for con-struction of theJacksonville HighSchool Bowl. Theunique undergrounddesign by RalphLegeman andAssociates was consid-ered cutting edge andwas even patented byits creators. The design required the buildersto be creative with its construction, due tosome of the equipment limitations they facedat the time.

    Bob fondly remembers the require-ments for building this one of a kind struc-ture. First, they built the east and west ends of the building. They did not have a crane thatwould be large enough to put a roof on build-ing after the hole for the bowl was dug, sothey built the roof next. Their third task involved digging the hole and removing thedirt through the open sides. Once the bowlwas completed, they finished building thefinal two sides of the structure. As soon as theJHS Bowl opened, Bob purchased seasontickets and he continues to be a season ticketholder to this day.

    At the age of 40, Bob became partowner of Smril and Gibson. The year before,Bob was the foreman for the Ellis Hall dor-mitory project at Illinois College. He decidedto approach Mr. Gibson about increasing hisresponsibilities and asked, Do you think there would ever be a chance for a guy likeme to be a part of your company and run jobsaltogether? Bob says Mr. Gibson replied,Well, Bob, Ill tell you something and, Bob

    jokes, I thought I was working on project. He was relieved and pleasa prised when Mr. Gibson said, youd never ask.

    Harry Crabtree and Neff whelp run the office for the next year, Gibson decided to retire. Gibson ctwo men into his office and said he wsell his business to them. They didthey could afford to buy the businessGibson made it possible for the two

    become his successors. Bob becamness ownSeptember 8, 40th birthday.

    Afterfor 48 years istruction busiretired from now Neff-C1988. Bob saand his wife oPat, are thetwo people. Ta passion f

    both near andhave visited aland seven proCanada. The traveled tEurope, inc

    Switzerland to Amsterdam cruise, anto the Mediterranean.

    Bob is not able to travelnow, but he remains active swimmtimes a week, golfing, delivering ddinners, and creating wood furnitualso an avid fan of attending his gdrens sporting events. Bob and Pattend every game and meet that thedaughter, Savannah, participates istepdaughter, Tracy Ashbaugh, says, sit in a sweltering gym watching avolleyball game or in the rain watrack meet. And he doesn't complai

    For Bob, spending time grandchildren and great-grandchildrecious because he never had the oppoget to know his own grandfathers. Bthat hes blessed and his grandchildhim a new lease on life. He even lopportunity to be a surrogate grandfgirls on Savannahs teams. Bob andlooking forward to time spent witduring the holidays, especially a Cdinner cooked by three of their gdren.

    PAGE12 31 December 2009 -

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