updated portfolio

Post on 30-Mar-2016






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graffiti tag


Georgia Duke






















Contextual  statement  

Following  the  weekly  briefs  to  complete  of  varying  technical  and  conceptual  difficulty  I  have  produced  my  first  portfolio  for  my  photography  module.  I  have  really  enjoyed  completing  the  week  to  week  briefs  and  producing  photographs  for  this  purpose  as  a  first  time.      

When  approaching  the  first  brief,  self  portraiture  is  something  I  know  quite  little  about  so  I  found  reading  the  article  on  reflections  on  self  portraiture  very  helpful  and  immediately  knew  what  I  wanted  to  fulfil  for  this  task  especially  as  I  took  a  more  personal  approach  and  rather  than  just  taking  a  picture  of  myself  I  wanted  to  be  creative  and  take  a  more  in  depth  approach.  I  felt  this  work  very  well  and  showed  my  ability  to  think  more  outside  the  box.  When  given  the  second  assessed  brief  unfortunately  I  wasn’t  there  to  participate  in  the  workshop  provided,  I  was  able  to  get  up  to  date  through  blackboard  but  I  feel  would  of  benefited  me  more  being  involved  in  the  workshop,  however  I  did  buy  a  new  camera  and  was  able  to  study  the  manual  and  if  puzzled  look  online  at  tutorials  to  help  with  my  10  photographs.  I  feel  that  my  process  differed  in  which  the  way  I  took  my  photographs  I  planned  before  I  captured  and  I  wanted  to  ensure  I  didn’t  take  cliché  images  I  wanted  to  be  more  creative  and  imaginative.  I  wanted  to  approach  the  brief  differently  and  inspire  myself  by  carrying  my  camera  around  and  making  full  use  of  it  through  my  pictures.  I  definitely  feel  like  the  feedback  received  in  lesson  really  helped  towards  improving  my  images  and  especially  after  seeing  all  my  peers  photographs  and  hearing  their  feedback  made  me  push  myself  further  to  reshoot  my  photos  and  improve  them.  For  example  when  seeing  most  people  had  taken  photos  of  moving  cars  for  the  movement  task  I  wanted  to  approach  it  differently  and  use  the  task  to  create  a  different  photo  to  everyone  else  for  my  idea  of  movement.    

Improvements  need  to  be  rectified  and  helpful  feedback  always  helps  to  rectify  them  completing  the  briefs  especially  towards  the  end  made  me  realise  I  needed  to  manage  my  time  more  effectively  when  given  briefs  to  complete,  the  more  time  you  spend  on  something  the  better  it  will  be.  I  need  to  improve  on  planning  and  using  brainstorms  to  help  my  ideas  process.  For  future  reference  I  will  use  brainstorms  and  include  one  or  more  ideas  so  if  all  else  fails  with  my  original  idea  I  will  always  have  backup  and  eventually  my  second  or  third  idea  might  be  better  than  my  original  was  intended  to  be  so  I  definitely  feel  that  managing  my  time  better  will  ensure  I  get  the  most  out  of  the  brief.    

I  found  week  3  was  one  of  my  favourite  briefs,  I  really  enjoyed  researching  different  photographers  and  looking  at  their  work  and  finding  out  which  photographers  interested  me  most.  I  feel  I  worked  very  well  with  this  task  because  I  found  getting  feedback  from  my  peers  really  helped  the  production  of  my  finished  image.  Originally  I  chose  to  recreate  an  image  from  Jo  Spence’s  photographs  I  hadn’t  put  much  thought  into  it  at  the  time  and  wasn’t  happy  with  my  finished  image  after  working  on  it  in  Photoshop.  I  then  decided  to  

change  my  idea  and  research  more  into  the  list  of  photographs  and  wanted  to  set  myself  a  challenge  and  recreate  a  famous  photograph  showing  off  my  Photoshop  skills  and  the  way  in  which  I  could  photograph  with  difficult  shadows  and  lighting.  I  was  very  happy  with  my  recreation  of  famous  Andre  Kertesz  image  of  the  fork  resting  on  the  bowl,  however  following  this  I  feel  I  didn’t  set  myself  a  challenge  with  the  4th  brief  for  my  portfolio  of  adding  or  removing  something  from  an  image  that  already  exists  on  one  hand  I  worked  exceptionally  well  in  showing  my  ability  to  work  with  the  tools  provided  in  Photoshop  given  that  Photoshop  isn’t  a  program  I’ve  really  worked  with  before  but,  in  terms  of  following  the  briefs  and  doing  what  it  asks  in  term  of  subverting  the  meaning  I  didn’t  fulfil  this  in  the  way  that  I  should,  for  my  first  attempt,  what  i  should  of  done  is  found  a  better  image  maybe  through  the  use  of  magazines  or  the  photographers  that  were  introduced  to  us  and  applied  my  Photoshop  skills  creating  an  image  that  makes  its  audience  look  and  then  look  again  rather  than  just  a  typical  image  that  hasn’t  really  subverted  or  changed  its  original  meaning,  with  my  image  I  first  produced  you  are  likely  to  look  at  it  and  think  it  was  an  image  already  taken.  After  showing  this  to  the  class  i  realised  i  had  to  create  a  new  image  in  time  for  the  portfolio  due  date.  It  was  helpful  seeing  what  everybody  else  came  up  with  and  also,  what  feedback  they  received.  I  was  then  able  to  go  away  and  work  on  this  brief  again  using  a  different  approach,  this  time  not  only  applying  my  Photoshop  skills  but  creating  meaning  to  the  image.  

Through  the  use  of  looking  at  famous  photographers  this  helped  me  to  develop  ideas  for  my  own  approach  I  was  going  to  take  to  my  photography  I  really  enjoyed  looking  at  Andre  Kertesz  photos  and  the  theme  he  carried  through  with  the  use  of  shadows  and  the  use  of  black  and  white  images,  I  was  really  inspired  by  those  particularly  which  is  why  I  chose  to  reinvent  one  of  his  famous  photographs.  I  also  really  enjoyed  looking  at  Martin  Parr’s  work  because  of  the  use  of  colour  and  how  fun  it  looks.    

Overall  I  am  very  pleased  with  my  first  attempt  at  creating  a  portfolio,  I  have  really  enjoyed  taking  photographs  for  the  briefs  to  complete  week  to  week  and  found  that  gaining  feedback  from  Katrina  and  other  peers  enabled  me  to  correct  where  I  went  wrong  and  improve  my  use  of  camera  skills.  If  I  were  to  do  this  again  I  would  ensure  I  manage  my  time  effectively  and  look  for  inspiration  such  as  going  to  different  environments  and  areas  I  would  also  work  more  on  Photoshop  to  develop  new  skills  and  understanding  of  the  use  of  tools  I  am  able  to  apply  to  my  photographs.  













Critical Reflection

For this particular brief I began by practicing as, I knew Illustrator wasn’t a program I was

familiar with and I knew it would take me some time to grasp and take advantage of the tools.

I found it personally quite difficult mastering a way of using text to represent myself. I

wanted to use graffiti style text as I am very interested in graffiti and street art and enjoy the

fun look of the text, I wanted to use this type of style so I began by sketching on a piece of

paper. I am not a confident drawer so this was a task for me. For inspiration I looked at

graffiti art on the web, I found this very useful in pin pointing the type of style and colours I

would use for my own typography. I particularly found looking over again the slideshow

shown to us in lesson was useful in knowing what style and colours I liked best. I also, used

the internet to look at different types of graffiti art and a few other examples to give me some

ideas and inspiration.

I wanted to challenge myself so I spent time on trying to draw in a graffiti style, I wanted to

try drawing text I wasn’t use to doing myself and wanted to go for something different and

unique. The text had to represent me therefore I did not want anything loud and over baring, I

prefer simple text and quite prefer a plain white background that allows you to focus in more

on the text and what it says. I also liked the idea of not filling my text as, I found when I done

this it ruined the look of my text and you weren’t able to see the detail.. I found looking at

text with lots of colours, images, lines etc makes it hard for the audience to tell what it says. I

have gone for quite a groovy text which is thick and slightly 3D. I began by sketching and

experimented to see where it would take me and I came up with this style of text. I have

chosen to use the colour blue mainly because I feel it’s a good representation of me, my eyes

are noticeably blue and I like to think they stand out which is what I wanted my text to do. I

did not think it was necessary to have a background colour I added bubbles around the text to

emphasise it and enhance it and as I was using blue as a colour I thought bubbles would add

to the effect and symbolic of me being bubbly.

Qualities of my work are I have taught myself to draw in a graffiti style which is something I

have never tried before therefore I think it’s a great attempt and shows I am able to set myself

a challenge and do something I haven’t done before. Disadvantages could be that my design

is very simple and might not catch audience’s attention although this is my own preference

some would say it does not stand out. If I were to do it again given the time I would research

more typography and possibly practice a few styles of graffiti instead of just the one idea and

see whether my second or third as sometimes they could be better than the original.










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