upgrade manual dc330 for spot varnish - gm · upgrade manual dc330 for spot varnish grafisk...

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Grafisk Maskinfabrik A/S Bregnerødvej 92, DK-3460 Birkerød · Denmark · Phone: +45 4581 2300

Internet: www.gm.dk · e-mail: gm@gm.dk ·Fax:+45 4581 9956

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Revision 1.00 – HH

Revision 1.01 – HH

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Table of Contents Checklist .......................................................................................................................................................... 4

1. General Information ........................................................................................................................... 4

2. Installation Steps for Upgrading DC330 with the Spot Varnish option ...................................... 5

3. Galil Software Update for Spot Varnish ........................................................................................ 14

Appendix I ..................................................................................................................................................... 21

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Before starting the upgrade process, make sure that all conditions in the following part list are fulfilled:

1. Extra servo driver, programmed for spot varnish.

2. Servo motor and wiring cables.

3. Correct program for the Galil software.

4. Spot home inductive sensor including bracket.

5. Side adjustment encoder.

6. Side adjustment for varnish roller.

7. Optional: Schneider programming cable – just in case.

1. General Information

A wiring diagram of the main connectors on the servos, that will be used in this manual are shown in Figure

1 and Figure 2. Also notice that the table here below refers only to the wiring diagram in Figure 1.

Figure 1: Wiring diagram controller supply (on top of servo drive).

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Figure 2: Wiring diagram, digital inputs/outputs (in front of servo drive).

Notice that function input DI0 refers to “Enable”, and DI1 to “Fault reset”


Appendix I for more detail).

2. Installation Steps for Upgrading DC330 with the Spot Varnish option

Figure 3 and Figure 4 show the servo wiring setup before upgrade, along with the placement of the new

servo for the spot varnish nip (SRV.F).

Step 1: Mount servo F in series with the servos, and in a alphabetical order, as shown in Figure 3

(SRV.F, marked with a red square).

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Figure 3: Servo wiring (CN2) setup before upgrade and servo F (SRV.F) for spot varnish.

Figure 4: Servo wiring (CN6) setup before upgrade and servo F (SRV.F) for spot varnish.

Step 2: Notice that the following numbered steps relates to corresponding steps marked in Figure 5.

1. Disconnect the Red (24V, pin 7) and Black (0V, pin 8) wires on servo SRV.D.

2. Disconnect the CN2 plug from SRV.E and connect the plug to SRV.F.

3. Disconnect the CN6 plug from SRV.E and connect the plug to SRV.F

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Figure 5: Steps for moving plugs CN2 and CN6 from SRV.E to SRV.F.

Step 3: Notice that the following numbered steps relates to corresponding steps marked in

Figure 6.

1. Connect the white and brown wires to STO A (pin 5) and STO B (pin 6) on

SRV.D, and STO A (pin 5) and STO B (pin 6) on SRV.E, respectively.

2. Connect Red (24V) and Black (0V) wires in series for servos SRV.D and


Note: 24V and 0V connectors on SRV.D are pins 7 and 8, and pins 3 and 4 on

SRV.E, respectively.

3. Connect Red (24V) and Black (0V) wires in series from servo SRV.F to


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Figure 6: CN2 wiring setup for upgrade.

Note: Remember the wiring diagram in Figure 1 and Figure 2 for pin references for plugs

CN2 and CN6.

Step 4: Notice that the following numbered steps relates to corresponding steps marked in Figure 7

and Figure 8.

1. Start by checking if the wire connections for plug CN6 on SRV.F is connected as

can be seen in Figure 7.

2. Connect the wires for the CN6 plug on SRV.E as shown in Figure 7. If connected

from factory, check connections.

3. On the Galil board, move the 15 pin cable for E-axis to the F-axis (See Figure 8), to

make the same changes for the Galil board as for the servos.

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Figure 7: CN6 wiring setup after upgrade.

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Figure 8: 15 pin cable wiring setup on the Galil board.

Figure 9: Wiring for safety board (Cable E/F from Spot Varnish Servo (SRV.F)).

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Figure 10: Full view of safety board.

Step 5: Follow the wiring guidelines for the safety board shown in Figure 9. Notice that a full view

of the safety board is provided in Figure 10.

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Figure 11: Adjustments on master dip switch (Placed on PDC board with the Master AVR).

Step 6: Enable the spot varnish feature on the master AVR on the PDC board by switching dip

switch A2 on. The placement of the A2 switch is shown in Figure 11.

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Figure 12: Connection locations for encoder, mark reader and home sensor.

Figure 13: Wiring diagram of the X5 board.

Step 7: Wiring connections to the X5 board, and from X5 board to the Galil board is shown in

Figure 12,Figure 13 andFigure 14.

Notice that in Figure 13 the optional plugins for the spot varnish is marked with blue dotted


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Figure 14: Connections from X5 board to Galil board.

3. Galil Software Update for Spot Varnish

1) Install latest version of the GalilSuite (http://www.galilmc.com/downloads/software/galilsuite)

2) Obtain matching DC330_SINGLE_DIECUT_SINGLESPOT_vxxx.dmc program.

3) Set your PC’s wired Ethernet adapter:

a) Set IP address to

b) Set subnet mask address to

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4) Connect your PC via Ethernet cable to the Galil Ethernet port (or in network switch).

5) Start GalilSuite and click connect.

6) Select the Ethernet device from the list and click Connect.

7) From the GalilSuite main window, Click Terminal.

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8) Upload the current program on the Galil and save on your local PC as a backup.

9) From the Terminal windows, Click the Download arrow.

10) Select the DC330_SINGLE_DIECUT_SINGLESPOT_vxxx.dmc file and click open.

11) After a successful download , type BP into the terminal and press Enter.

Note: Only capital letter can be used to execute Galil commands in the terminal window.

12) Reset the Galil controller by typing RS in the terminal window and press Enter.

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4. Guidelines to Program Schneider Servo for Single Spot feature.

1. Start by downloading the latest version of SoMove and libraries needed. The latest versions are:

a) Software: SoMove 2.4

b) Library: Lexium32DTMLibrary_V1.14.01.02

To check if the installation of the software and corresponding libraries where successful, check

the firmware versions in the startup window in SoMove (Marked in the red square in the figure


2. Do a Factory Reset on the servo by following the steps here below:

a) Press ESC button on the servo.

b) Turn the (CN7) Modbus (commissioning interface) and press “ Conf “.

c) Rotate until you find “ .FCS- “ and press.

d) Rotate and select “ .rstF ”.

e) Press again and check if LED for Edit is turned on. Rotate and select “ Yes ”

f) Press ESC button until you are out of the setting mode.

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3. Press Open a Project and choose the correct file for the servo (bmh1003spot_F_ver1.psx).

4. Go to the Communication tab and press Edit Connection.

5. When the window below opens, press the Advanced Settings button in the tor right corner.

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6. Select the correct COM Port as shown in the figure below:

7. Press Scan Network to find the servo that you are connected to.

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8. Go to the Communication tab and press Connect to device.

9. Select Store to device and connect option.

10. After the configuration file has been stored to the device the window below should appear.

11. Reboot the machine.

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Appendix I

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To do list:

1) Find the correct Galil .dmc file

2) When installing the Spot Varnish, take pictures and document mounting process for the spot

home inductive sensor, side adjustment encoder and Side adjustment for varnish roller.

Check functionality for:

@IN 5 die cut safety open - Checked → @IN 5 is HIGH when Spot Varnish safety shield is open

@IN 6 spot varnish safety open – Checked → @IN 6 is HIGH when Diecut safety shield is open

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