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Rehmat, N, Zuo, J, Meng, W orcid.org/0000-0003-0209-8753 et al. (3 more authors) (2018) Upper limb rehabilitation using robotic exoskeleton systems: a systematic review. International Journal of Intelligent Robotics and Applications, 2 (3). pp. 283-295. ISSN 2366-5971


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Abstract—Exoskeleton assisted therapy has been reported as a significant reduction in impairment and gain in functional abilities of

stroke patients. In this paper, we conduct a systematic review on the upper limb rehabilitation using robotic exoskeleton systems. This

review is based on typical mechanical structures and control strategies for exoskeletons in clinical rehabilitation conditions. A variety of

upper limb exoskeletons are classified and reviewed according to their rehabilitation joints. Special attentions are paid to the

performance control strategies and mechanism designs in clinical trials and to promote the adaptability to different patients and

conditions. Finally, we analyze and highlight the current research gaps and the future directions in this field. We intend to offer

informative resources and reliable guidance for relevant researcher’s further studies, and exert a far-reaching influence on the

development of advanced upper limb exoskeleton robotic systems.

Index Terms—Robot-assisted rehabilitation, Upper limb exoskeleton, Clinical trials


Stroke is one of the major health care issues in the United States [1], Japan [2], UK [3], European Union [4], Australia, New

Zealand [5], and rest of the world [6]. In the United States, it is the second biggest cause of death and major cause of adult disability

[5]. According to figures from the stroke foundation of New Zealand, annually around 0.795 million people suffer from stroke and

76.72% of them are new strokes [7]. The stroke data from the less developed or developing countries are not regularly updated and,

therefore not easily available. However, it is estimated that percentage of stroke-related disability is a lot higher in these countries

[6, 8]. A stroke occurs when brain cells are impaired due to interruption of blood supply to the brain or due to accumulation and

subsequent compression of the brain due to rupturing of blood vessels. As a result, the stroke patient experiences a loss of physical

strength on one side of the body, paralysis or hemiplegia. This greatly affects the patient’s ability to perform daily life work and N. Rehmat is with Department of Mechanical Engineering, The University of Auckland, Auckland, New Zealand. J. Zuo, W. Meng, and Q. Liu are with School of Information Engineering, Wuhan University of Technology, Wuhan, China. W. Meng and S. Q. Xie are with School of Electronic and Electrical Engineering, University of Leeds, UK. (corresponding author: s.q.xie@leeds.ac.uk) H. Liang is with College of Electromechanical Engineering, Qingdao University of Science and Technology, Qingdao, China.

Upper Limb Rehabilitation using Robotic

Exoskeleton Systems: A Systematic Review

Naqash Rehmat, Jie Zuo, Wei Meng, Quan Liu, Sheng Q. Xie*, and Hui Liang



activities. After the stroke, patients are advised to undergo therapy sessions to reduce impairment and recover functional ability. In

the last two decades, various robotic systems have been developed to assist stroke survivors during the rehabilitation phase. These

devices can assist patients during rehabilitation phase to restore some function lost due to this injury. Two kinds of robotic devices

are currently available for upper limb rehabilitation, including an effector robots and exoskeleton robots. An end effector robot is

based on industrial robot arm; where human upper limb (hand or forearm) is attached to the robot through one point and the robot

exert force only at this point[9]. With one physical interface, it is very difficult to fully determine the posture of the upper limb.

This is due to the fact that upper limb consists of two unconstrained parts (humerus and forearm) and they are free to move about

their pivot at shoulder and elbow. With only one physical interface an end-effector robot cannot control each individual joint

independently. As a result, an end-effector robot has a limited workspace with movement in either robot joint space or Cartesian

space. Examples of end-effector devices are MIT-Manus [10], MIME [11], ARM Guide [12], Bi-Manu-Track [13] and Gentle/s

system [14]. An exoskeleton type device has a similar structure to the human arm and is attached to the side of the human arm at

multiple locations. The joints axis of exoskeleton robot matches that of the human upper limb joint axis. The physical interface at

multiple locations makes it much easier to fully determine posture during the movement. This also allows controlling the torque

applied to each individual joint. Since the exoskeleton is attached to the side of the human arm, therefore, it can cover the whole

range of upper limb motion. With exoskeleton robot, any part of upper limb can be targeted for training. Unlike an end effector

robot, an exoskeleton robot has a large range of motion. Examples of upper limb exoskeleton devices are SUEFUL7 [15], ARMin

III [16], CADEN [17], RUPERT[18]. The robotic systems used for upper limb rehabilitation can be studied based on their

mechanical structure, control system, and clinical applications. The mechanical configuration [8, 19-27]and control

systems[28-36] have been reviewed previously. A detailed insight on various end effector based system and their application in

stroke rehabilitation have also been carried out [37]. Gopura et.al produced a detailed study on the effectiveness of the robotic

system in upper limb rehabilitation, however only few exoskeleton based studies were discussed in that review [38]. Chang et.al

reviewed various end effector and exoskeleton based clinical studies [39]. But this review discussed only four studies using the

exoskeleton to provide rehabilitation. So in this paper, we will review various studies on upper limb rehabilitation using the

exoskeleton based system.

To the authors’ best knowledge, there has not been a comprehensive review on design and control of upper limb rehabilitation

exoskeleton in clinic trails. Hence we intend to conduct an systematic and informative survey, which can be served as a reliable

guidance for scientists and engineers when they engage in soft rehabilitation robots. In particular, the all-round comparisons of

existing rehabilitation robots are based on the published available data, to make researchers fully aware of the limitations and

advantages of diverse mechanical designs and control schemes. From the research point of view, this paper will also generate the

current research gaps and future directions, promoting the advent of more compliant, adaptable, intelligent and mature robots to



satisfy the sharply increasing rehabilitation demands. The rest of paper is organized as follows. Section II and III clarifies upper

limb exoskeletons with various mechanical structures and their control strategies. In Section IV, clinical trial performance of these

exoskeletons are introduced and compared. Section V discusses and analyses the research limitations and future directions. Finally,

conclusions are drawn in Section VI.


The human upper limb is a complex area with three different movement complex; shoulder complex, elbow complex, and wrist

joint complex [40, 41]. With these three-movement complexes, the upper limb has total 9 degrees of freedom [42]. The shoulder

joint effectively has 5 degrees of freedom, three degrees due to Glenohumeral joint and 2 degrees due to sternoclavicular joint[42].

The movement at the shoulder joint is shoulder abduction/adduction, shoulder flexion/extension, internal/external rotation,

shoulder depression/elevation and retraction/protraction. The elbow and wrist joints each have two degrees of freedom i-e elbow

flexion/extension, forearm supination/pronation, wrist flexion/extension and wrist ulnar/radial deviation. Majority of the

exoskeleton robots developed for upper limb provide actuation at only shoulder and elbow [16, 25, 34, 43-52]. Only a few devices

provide additional actuation for the forearm, wrist and sternoclavicular joints [53]. Only one exoskeleton (UL-EXO7[54, 55]) out

of ten used in clinical trials support seven degrees of freedom, the remaining only provides assistance at the shoulder (3DOF) and

elbow joint (1DOF) [43, 46-52, 54, 56-64]. By training shoulder and elbow joint they cover the entire range of movement for upper

arm. However their effectiveness in promoting the use of an entire upper limb is limited as most of the daily life task involves using

hand and wrist in lifting, eating, drinking and moving the objects etc. To successful retrain stroke survivors in activities of daily

living assisted movement should also be delivered to lower arm and hand. Whilst designing the mechanical structure of

exoskeleton the mechanism for the centre of rotation of shoulder joint must also be considered. A lot of devices assume shoulder

movement by only considering the movement of the Glenohumeral joint as “ball and socket type joint”. This is a not correct

assumption as the centre of rotation of human shoulder changes with the movement of shoulder joint[23, 42]. This can cause

misalignment between the robot shoulder joint and human shoulder joint. This misalignment can cause pain in the shoulder joint

and can have bad effects on patient recovery. The effect of this misalignment must be considered during the design process and

appropriate design changes should be made to compensate this. Likewise, to achieve multi-DOF motion for wrist or ankle joint,

researchers proposed parallel actuating configuration [34, 65-69]. However, these parallel-type exoskeletons seem to be mainly

designed for ankle rehabilitation, since the redundant structure are not accepted in upper limb rehabilitation.

Exoskeleton reviewed in this paper can be categorized into three types: actuated by a motor, actuated by pneumatic muscle and

non-motorised actuation (such as hydraulic or spring). L-Exos [43, 58, 70], UL-Exo7 [54, 55], GENTLE/G [50], REHAROB [57]

and ARMin [34, 49, 62, 63] are actuated using motors (Fig.1). Pneu-Wrex [71] and BONES [49] are based on pneumatic muscles,



as shown in Fig.1 (f). T-Wrex and its commercial version ARMEO Spring only provides gravity support to the whole arm with no

robotic actuation [52, 60, 72, 73] in Fig.1 (g). TABLE I provides the detail of the studies untaken using an exoskeleton system. The

clinical trials of these exoskeletons showed their effectiveness in reducing impairment due to stroke. However, there is no evidence

to suggest that particular type of actuation is more help and clinically beneficial to the patients.






(d) (e)

Fig.1. Upper limb rehabilitation exoskeleton (a-g) is reprinted from [43, 50, 55, 57, 63, 71, 73] respectively.


Several types of control strategies have been used to control the movement of upper limb exoskeleton. The exoskeleton can

basically operate in three different ways: passive (robot driven), active (patient driven) and challenge (robot resists the applied

force). If the robotic device is active and the patient is passive during the therapy session than it is a robot driven control strategy or

passive strategy. Similarly, if the patient is active and the robot is passive than it is a patient-driven control or active strategy. In

addition to these, a robot can also resist patient movement to make it more challenging for the patient. This is an example of

challenge based control strategy. The requirements of these methods are different from each other. The passive mode of operation

is based on trajectory control, whereas in the active and challenge modes, control decision is based on the measurement of

interaction force between the human and exoskeleton. The effectiveness of active and passive control strategies have analyzed in

various exoskeleton robots[43, 46-52, 54, 56-64], as shown in TABLE I.

Patient-driven (Passive) control strategy was tested in a clinical trial of REHAROB [57]. The result showed that robot therapy in

combination with conventional therapy can be beneficial, as no significant difference was observed in robot therapy group and



conventional therapy group. The patient-driven control strategies have been implemented in T-Wrex (ARMEO Spring) [52, 56, 60,

61], L-Exos [43, 46, 59], ARMin [49, 62, 63], UL-Exo7 [54, 64], BONES [49], Pneu-Wrex [47], AJB [74] and Gentle/G [50].

T-Wrex therapy system delivers rehabilitation training by providing the gravity compensation to entire arm[56, 60, 61]. With no

robotic actuation, the T-Wrex rehabilitation system is always patient driven. This ensures that the user always had to initiate the

movement. Due to this self-initiation of the patient, the clinical results favored T-Wrex based therapy training over conventional

training with statistically significant gain [56, 60, 61]. This result was further verified in a clinical trial of ARMEO Spring (A

commercial version of T-Wrex) [52]. In L-Exos, the patient-driven strategy was implemented through impedance control to

provide guided assistance[43, 46, 59]. Gravity support was also added to ensure that patient gets a sense of arm floatation in space.

Clinical trials showed that significant improvement in impairment reduction can be achieved by training with L-Exos[43, 46, 59].

In UL-Exo7, the patient-driven strategy is implemented with an admittance control[54, 64]. Here gravity and friction compensation

are also added into the control scheme. With patient-driven strategy, a clinical trial of UL-Exo7 compared the effects of unilateral

and bilateral training on upper limb impairment. The result did not show any significant difference between bilateral and unilateral

therapy training[54, 64]. The ARMin [49, 62, 63] and Gentle/G system [50] can work in both robot driven and patient-driven

mode. In ARMin, the robot-driven mode is based on position control and the patient-driven mode is based on impedance control.

Due to both robot-driven and patient-driven mode, a patient can practice intensive and task-specific exercises. The clinical trials of

ARMin (I, II and III) validated this with a significant gain in functional abilities and impairment reduction[49, 62, 63]. The

Gentle/G provides gravity compensation using a pulley system and support 3 DOF movements through haptic master robot [75].

The clinical trial of Gentle/G compared conventional therapy with robot therapy by following two different training protocols. The

result showed a higher gain in the robot phase of the training [75]. Patient-driven exoskeleton control can also be achieved from

EMG based control. An EMG based control algorithm was clinically tested with an Active Joint brace [74]. During the trial, EMG

signals were measured from flexor and extensor muscles of elbow joint and assistance was provided based on these measurements.

The trial produced comparable results to the other control strategy indicating that EMG based control strategy is as effective as the

other control strategy[43, 46-52, 54, 56-64, 74]. Assist as needed (AAN) strategy was implemented in Pneu-Wrex [47] and

BONES [49]. Both devices were pneumatically actuated and cover a wide range of motion for the upper limb. A sliding adaptive

control with gravity compensations was implemented in Pneu-Wrex[47]. This assists by estimating the patient’s effort by

approximating the position-dependent forces required to finish the task. The control scheme used in BONES is similar to

Pneu-Wrex. The Patient’s ability to complete the task was estimated in real-time by using the tracking error to drive a computer

model. A forgetting factor was added in both Pneu-Wrex and BONES to prevent slacking. The clinical trial of Pneu-Wrex and

BONES showed positive results for assist-as-needed control strategies. Pneu-Wrex based training revealed that 3D training with

AAN is better than conventional tabletop exercises. A clinical trial of BONES showed that therapy training with BONES is



effective however there is no significant clinical benefit of single joint therapy over multiple joint functional training and vice


While many studies have demonstrated that training with different control strategies reduces motor impairment as

assessed with various outcome measures, the only significant results observed is that patient-driven control strategy with or

without robotic actuation is more beneficial. This could be due to the intense effort put in by patients, resulting in impairment

reduction and motor recovery. Therefore it can be said that patient-driven strategy is better than a robot driven strategy to the

due inherent self-initiation property of this method. However, which control scheme with patient-driven strategy (Position

control, Impedance, and Admittance, Assist-as-needed, EMG or gravity support) is more effective for a certain upper limb

disability is yet to be determined and should be the topic of future clinical trials.



Exoskeleton Actuated DOF Actuators Control Strategy In Comparison to Conventional therapy

T-Wrex[56, 60, 61] 5 DOF LP Patient-driven with gravity compensation


Active Joint Brace[69, 74]

1 DOF EM Patient-Driven with EMG signals Effective

REHAROB[57] 3 DOF EM Robot-driven Comparable

L-Exos[43, 46, 59] 5 DOF EM Patient-driven with impedance control Effective

ARMin[51, 62, 63] 4,5 and 6 DOF for ARMin I, II and III respectively

EM Robot-driven with position control and patient-driven with impedance control


Pneu-Wrex[71] 4 DOF PMA Patient-driven with Assist-as-needed Effective

ARMEO Spring[52]

5 DOF LP Patient-driven with gravity compensation


UL-EXO7[54, 64]




EM Robot-driven with admittance control Effective

PMA Patient-driven with AAN. Effective Gentle/G[76] 3 Active and 3 passive


Robot and patient-driven with gravity compensation


T-Wrex[56, 60, 61] 5 DOF LP Patient-driven with gravity compensation


Active Joint Brace[74]

1 DOF EM Patient-Driven with EMG signals Effective

LP = Linear Spring, EM = Electric motor, PMA= Pneumatic muscle actuators


Only seventeen papers related with exoskeleton-assisted rehabilitation have reported the clinical trial data, including 309

patients met the inclusion criteria, as shown in TABLE II. Out of seventeen, eight studies were random control trials, five



studies were before-after (BA) studies and remaining studies were single case trial (SCS). Some of these selected studies

focused on exoskeleton assisted therapy versus conventional therapy method[8, 22, 50, 51, 57, 71-73]. Another studies

looked at the effects of the individual robotic device on upper limb rehabilitation following stroke [35, 43, 46, 48, 49, 58, 60,

62, 63]. Two studies compared the bilateral training method with unilateral training using exoskeleton device [54, 55]. One

study focused on effects of EMG based exoskeleton device for upper limb rehabilitation [77]. Control group performed

self-range of movement including strength training, gravity support was provided. Experimental group performed three

repetitions of 10 therapy games available with T-Wrex in [56, 71]. Then in [61], the subject performed reaching task of 12

targets positioned at the edge of the workspace. Targets were defined at different heights; lowest height corresponded to shoulder

flexion/extension at 0 degrees. The highest target was 15cm high from acromion. While in [60], the subjects were divided into the

two groups, the control group and the other one with T-Wrex. T-Wrex group received assistance from robot during the session and

control group received assistance from a trained therapist. A defined set of functionally oriented upper-extremity tasks tailored to

each subject’s motor abilities, such as moving blocks from one area to another or turning a light switch on and off [74]. For

REHAROB, subject were randomly allocated into two groups control and experimental and both groups received Bobath therapy.

The experimental group also received additional 30 minutes of robot therapy [57]. In the experiments of L-Exos, subjects usually

perform three types of movements i-e reaching task, path following, and object manipulation [59]. Then Passive and active therapy

was provided. Active therapy included virtual ball catch exercise and labyrinth game and he training consisted of three parts

(reaching, solving cube puzzles and evaluation part) [43];. The performance was judged based on timing and smoothness. While

the training session consisted of goal direct reaching movement performed by the subject [46]. The first exercise was point

reaching task, the second exercise was drawing a circular path in VR and third exercise subject was asked to complete the puzzle

using 9 cubes. For the first version ARMin I of the upper limb exoskeleton series ARMin, first few minutes were spent by the

therapist to select patient-specific movement using teach-a-repeat procedure [62]. Then the remaining time was used for active

training and the subject with ARMin II (or ARMin II) has to move his limb to catch a ball shown on a video screen [51, 78].

Subjects were randomly assigned with a ratio of 1:1 to either receive robotic or conventional therapy. Robot group performed three

type of activities i-e mobilization, games, and training for ADL. Control group underwent conventional therapy training. For

another version ARMEO Spring, the treatment protocol for consisted of 36 intensive therapy sessions. Exercise program was

modified by physiotherapist for each patient [52]. For UL-EXOS7, subjects were divided into three groups (actual TSRT, virtual

TSRT with unilateral and virtual TSRT with bilateral) based on the type of intervention they would receive [64]. The virtual task

was practiced with UL-Exo7 and the actual task involved trained physical therapist. During the early phase of the study, subject

played video with default tasks (flower-30 minutes, joint movement- 15 minutes, paint-15 minutes and reach-15 minutes) [54].

However, as the study progressed they either played odd games or even games depending on their visit number. In the experiments



of BONES, subjects were randomized to either receive single joint training or multiple joint training based on two approaches; AB

(single joint first) or BA (multi-joint first) [49]. SJT consisted of tracking 3D upper limb phantom with one DOF actuated at a time.

MJT consisted of 40 minutes of games simulating functional activities and 20 minutes of SJT. AB-BA crossover design

(GENTLE/G) with subject was divided into two groups. Phase A consist of robot therapy in combination with conventional

therapy and in phase B subject only received conventional therapy [76]. TABLE II compares the clinical trials with detail

information about each study. TABLE II includes information on focus and aim of the experiment, intervention provided

during the trial, outcome measure, results and assumptions based on the results.


Robotic device Focus Intensity Outcome Assumptions T-Wrex[56] Robot-assisted training

versus Conventional training

1 hour, 3 times per week for eight or nine weeks

The subject in both groups showed improvement but a comparison of pre and post treatment FM between groups did show any significant difference.

Robot-based training can be as effective as conventional training.

Active Joint Brace[74]

Effects of EMG based Exoskeletal robotic brace

2-3 hours per week, 18 hours during 6-9 weeks

All subject reported improvement in FM and MAS. Severely impaired patient was also able to control device with EMG signal

EMG powered device was effective and can improve motor function.

REHAROB[57] Usefulness of REHAROB

20 sessions of 30 minutes for both group plus 30 minutes extra for the experimental group.

Both groups showed improvement on all clinical scores.

Robot therapy in combination with traditional therapy is useful

L-Exos[59] Effects of L-Exos on upper limb rehabilitation

1 hour, 3 times per week for six weeks

Improvements in FM score (average increment of 4). Improvements in MAS and ROM for elbow and wrist.

Upper limb Exoskeleton with VR can help reduce impairments.

T-Wrex[61] Improving reaching workspace with T-Wrex

2 sessions, with 36 trial in a session

Subject’s proximity to target reduced and subject can now move 22% closer to target and saw 40% decrease in the average jerk.

Improved workspace and smooth movement with T-Wrex based therapy.

T-Wrex[60] Robot training by T-Wrex with conventional training

1 hour, 3 times per week for 8 to 9 weeks

Both groups gained improvement in FM, Quality of movement and free reaching ROM. T-Wrex group showed much significant improvement in FM than the control group.

Robot-assisted therapy has a slight benefit over conventional training.

ARMin I[62] Effects of exoskeleton robot on motor recovery

Subject 1 and 2: 3 one hour session per week Subject 3 has 5 one hour session per week

FM score of all three subjects showed a gain of 3.1, 3 and 4.2 respectively. Active Range of Motion also improved for all the subjects. All subject showed improved performance on coordination test.

The exoskeleton robot had a positive effect on the subject’s arm movement coordination, functional task, and ROM and muscle strength.

ARMin II[78] Intensive arm training and motor impairment Evaluating effect of

Subject 1 and 4:3 hour per week Subject 2 and 3: 4

The gain in FM and WMFT from baseline to 6 months follow up. This gain suggest that robotic

Intensive task training in effective and can lead to improvement in motor



L-Exos[43] robot-assisted training hours per week therapy can significantly influence outcome


Not available Improvement in FM from 25.5 ±12.99 to 31.43 ±15.41.

Improved quality and smoothness of movement and reduced timing.

L-Exos[46] Restoration of motor function in spatial reaching movement using exoskeleton

1 hour, 3 times per week for six weeks

The gain in FM and MAS score. A positive effect in movement execution, smoothness, and Range.

Improved motor function and reduced spasticity due to robot training.

Pneu-Wrex[47] Evaluating assist as needed method to improve upper limb function

1 hour, 3 times per week for 8-9 weeks

A significant gain in FM in experimental group over the control group. Similar improvement in NSA and MAL QOM and B&B test.

Robotic assistance with Assist as a needed method in the 3D virtual task is more effective than the conventional method.

ARMEO Spring[52]

Armeo Spring based rehabilitation

1 hour, 3 times a week for 12 weeks

Analysis of the result showed significant improvement on all clinical scales with a gain in both function and activity scale.

Robotic device is effective even long time after stroke

UL-EXOS7[64] Compare task-specific training by a robot with training by a physical therapist.

2 session per week for 6 weeks

Significant improvement in FM scores and range of motion for all groups. The robot groups and actual task group achieved similar gains, with no difference between unilateral and bilateral robot group.

Intensive task-specific training with robot and without robot achieved similar results,

UL-EXOS7[54] Unilateral v Bilateral training

90 minutes, 2 times per week for 6 weeks

The unilateral group had improvement in proximal area and the bilateral group had in the distal area. Bilateral improved wrist joint movement, painted area, and efficiency index and unilateral had improvement in travel distance.

No significant difference in bilateral and unilateral training method.

ARMin III[51] Effects of task-specific 3D training and its long-term effects on impairment and activities

1 hour, 3 times per week for 8 weeks

Higher FMA-UE gains in robot group. Follow up showed that Robot group remained fairly stable but those in control showed improvement and their FMA-UE score reached a similar level to that of robot group after 4 weeks.

Robotic therapy showed slightly better result however difference between the two methods was not statistically significant.

BONES[49] Evaluate the performance of the device in reducing impairment and single joint training versus multiple joint training.

1 hour, 3 times per week for eight weeks

No difference between groups except for BBT, grip strength and strength of shoulder. AB approach showed greater carryover effect when analyzed using Hill Armitage approach, however independent t-test showed no difference between them.

Improved motor function by training with exoskeleton but no significant difference between SJT and MJT

GENTLE/G[76] Effect of robot-assisted reach and grasp therapy

1 hour, 4 times a week for 12 weeks

FMA score for each subject showed improvement. Higher gain in robot-mediated phase in both outcome measure

Robot-mediated therapy with reach and grasp method gave positive results in sub-acute phase.

Seventeen studies met the inclusion criteria, and full articles were downloaded from the electronic resources. Several papers

reporting clinical trials of the end-effector based device were rejected based on the exclusion criteria. The papers included in the



review reported the results of clinical studies of robot-assisted upper limb rehabilitation using an exoskeleton device. The baseline

characteristics of subjects that participated in these studies are given in TABLE III.


Robotic device Number of Participants

Stroke Stage

Study Design Age (yrs.) Post-stroke

Time (months)

Baseline Assessment Measure

T-Wrex[56] 23 Chronic RCT 56.9±11.1 104±9.9 FM

Active Joint Brace[74] 6 Chronic BA 53 44.04 FM, MAS

REHAROB[57] 30 Chronic RCT CT : 55.9 and RT : 56.2

CT:9.5 and RT 23.5 FM (0-36)

L-Exos[59] 9 Chronic BA NA NA FM

T-Wrex[61] 10 Chronic RCT 58±14 42±23 CMSA

T-Wrex[60] 28 Chronic RCT CT : 56.4 ± 12.8 and RT :54.2 ± 11.9

CT:112.4 and RT 84.5 FM

ARMin I[62] 3 Chronic SCS 48, 65 & 55 14,40,25 FM, AS, MRC

ARMin II[78]




Chronic SCS 52.75±9.5 45.25±57.31 FM, WMFT

Chronic BA 62.9±9.9 6 FM, MAS

L-Exos[46] 9 Chronic BA 61.4 ± 14.1 36-108 FM, MAS

Pneu-Wrex[47] 26 Chronic RCT RT: 60±10, CT:61±13 CT: 67±56 and RT: 65±47

FM, Rancho level, Nottingham Sensory

ARMEO Spring[52] 23 Chronic SCD 54.9±9.5 10.9±3.0 FM

UL-EXOS7[64] 15 Chronic RCT CT: 59.3±6.8, RTU: 54.2±20.5 and RTB: 65.2±5.4

CT: 6.4±4.4 ;

RTU: 10.2 ± 5

RTB : 8.4 ± 4.2


UL-EXOS7[54] 15 Chronic RCT NA NA FM

ARMin III[51] 77 Chronic RCT CT: 58 ±14

RT: 55 ± 13

CT: 40 ±45

RT: 52 ± 44 FM, WMFT

BONES[49] 20 Chronic BA 60±7 38±38 FM, Box, and Black, WMFT

GENTLE/G[76] 4 Sub-Acute SCS 52.25±7.67 3.75±1.70 FM, MAS

Seventeen clinical trials have been conducted for upper limb rehabilitation using exoskeleton robot. Three trials were conducted

with each of T-Wrex [60, 72, 73] and L-Exos [43, 58, 70], two trial were conducted with UL-Exo7 [54, 55] and ARMin [62, 63]

and one trial with Armeo Spring [48], Pneu-Wrex [71], ARMin III [51], BONES [49], REHAROB [57], GENTLE/G [50] and

active joint brace system [77].

Three clinical trials were conducted with T-Wrex system[60, 72, 73]. These trials produced a positive outcome, as results

showed that repetitive training could lead to a reduction in impairment[72], improvement in workspace and smoothness of



movement[60]. When analyzed with comparable conventional therapy results showed the only modest difference in favor of

T-Wrex assisted therapy. A commercial version of T-Wrex called ARMEO Spring was also tested in a clinical trial[52]. The trial

showed that therapy promoted recovery with improvement in function of upper limb and activity scale of upper limb[52]. Three

clinical trials were also conducted with L-Exos[43, 58, 70]. The tasks performed with L-Exos were very similar across three

studies. Results showed a reduction in impairment can be achieved with L-Exos[43, 58, 70]. Other benefits of training with L-Exos

were increased in the range of motion [58], improved smoothness of the movement, increased active joint ROM and decreased the

time required to complete the movement [70]. Two studies compared unilateral and bilateral training method using UL-Exos-7[54,

55]. Both studies did not report any statistically significant difference between the said methods[54, 55]. Moreover, it was observed

that intensive task training with or without robot reported a similar level of improvement [55]. ARMin exoskeleton was used in

three clinical studies[49, 62, 63]. A clinical trial of ARMin I and ARMin II were single case studies with only 3 and 4 Patients

respectively[62, 63]. Meanwhile trial of ARMin III was a randomized controlled trial with 77 stroke patients[51]. Results of two

single case studies showed that two versions of ARMin Exoskeleton are effective with improvement in movement coordination,

ROM and strength [62, 63]. A detail RCT with an updated version of ARMin (ARMin III) reported no significant difference

between conventional rehabilitation and ARMin assisted training[51]. A clinical trial of BONES compared single joint training

versus multiple joint training [49]. The result showed the benefit of training with BONES exoskeleton with improvement in clinical

scores; however, no difference was reported between single joint and multiple joint training. A significant difference between

conventional and robot-assisted therapy was observed in a clinical trial of Pneu-Wrex, a pneumatically actuated version of

T-Wrex[71]. In this study, subject improved their upper limb with a reduction in impairment with therapy based on an assist as a

needed paradigm and 3D virtual tasks[71]. An EMG based device for elbow joint was tested in an uncontrolled clinical trial. The

trial produced comparable results to the other control strategy indicating that EMG based control strategy is as effective as the other

control strategy [74]. A clinical trial of Gentle/G system compared robot-assisted therapy with conventional therapy [50]. Both

types of therapy treatments were given to set of patients. Results indicated improvement in both phases, however, gain achieved

during the robot phase was higher [50].


The performance and the recovery of the patients would suffer if the patient is not motivated and/or satisfied with the robotic

rehabilitation. Therefore it is important to consider patient feedback during and after a clinical trial. Only a few clinical studies

collected feedback at the end of the clinical trial. An RCT done with T-Wrex collected patient’s feedback at the end of the trial in

the form of survey [61]. The survey showed that 70% patient considered robotic therapy to be more effective and functional. The

patient assigned to T-Wrex group considered robot therapy to be less boring but more effective. Around 85% patients in the



conventional group also expressed similar views. Patients also gave similar feedback in a study conducted with Pneu-Wrex [47]. A

comparable survey was also conducted with a clinical trial of BONES [49]. The survey showed that patient appreciated the robotic

therapy with 4/5 and 5/5 rating gave by 44% and 38% patients respectively for the improvement in their affected upper limb. When

asked about their preference between single joint training versus multiple joint training, over 75% rated both training method

equally. This was coherent with clinical results which found no significant difference between them. A questionnaire was used in

the clinical study with ARMin II[63]. In the questionnaire, the patient reported progress of affected upper extremity. They reported

robot therapy to be more encouraging and they were keener to employ their affected arm in way of life. They were able to lift their

arm to a higher position as they feel it became lighter and less stiff.

Even though not all clinical trial collected patient feedback at the end of the study, however, an interesting trend appears when

feedback was collected [47, 49, 61, 63]. Results indicate that majority of patients enjoyed the robot-aided therapy training and

reported it to be fewer boring[47, 49, 61]. This means that patents are more engaged and motivated during a therapy session. With

a high level of motivation, patient is open to performing similar exercise at unsupervised setting such as home [61]. This will help

in impairment reduction leading to the functional recovery of their impaired arm. Significantly high percentage of patients reported

that robot-aided training is more effective and the improvement gained during physical therapy will benefit them during their

activities of daily living[47, 49, 61, 63]. Even patients assigned to conventional therapy reported liking for robot-assisted

therapy[61]. If patients are satisfied with their therapy training then they will use their affected arm more readily in their daily life.

This will ensure that their clinical gain is better utilized in daily life. Hence it can be said robot-assisted therapy is an effective

method to physical therapy and it keeps patients motivated and engaged.

The first area yet to be investigated in a clinical trial is a comparative study between an end-effector robotic system and an

exoskeleton robotic system. Both end-effector robot[14, 79-83] and exoskeleton robot [24, 43, 46, 47, 52, 61, 62, 64] have shown

potential to reduce impairments and it is difficult to compare their result as both operate differently. A comprehensive clinical study

is required to identify the potential benefits of one device over the other in reducing impairment and improvement in motor

function. Future studies could also look at the effectiveness of different control schemes such as comparing Assist-as-needed

control with EMG based control or Impedance and Admittance control. At the moment there are no standard guidelines to measure

the effectiveness of robotic therapy for stroke patients. Clinical studies have used different devices, training protocols and

evaluation criteria to judge the performance of robotic device on impairment reduction. Since every patient’s medical condition is

different, one training method may be suitable for one patient but inappropriate for others. This can potentially lead to inaccurate

results, therefore it is important to develop a standard set of guidelines for providing robot-assisted training. These guidelines must

be broad enough to cover various important stages of rehabilitation. Guidelines should cover aspects such therapy exercises/tasks,



level and type assistance, the intensity of training, standard clinical tests to measure the evaluations. For any future trial, the number

of patients recruited should be high to ensure that level of evidence to support the results must be strong.


In past two decades, many robotic devices for upper limb rehabilitation have been developed and tested. This paper has a

systematic review on exoskeleton robotic-based upper limb robotic system, including their mechanism design, control strategies

and clinical trial performance. These exoskeletons have been used in various clinical studies that measured their effectiveness

using various clinical and non-clinical tests. A clinical trial of exoskeleton robots for upper limb revealed positive outcome as this

form of therapy can easily match and in many cases produce a better result than conventional therapy. Results also indicated if the

patient is active during the therapy session than the reduction in impairment was higher. Therefore exoskeleton with patient-driven

control strategy produced significantly better results. Impact of robot-assisted therapy was not just restricted to clinical results. It

was found that patient preferred this form of therapy, found it less boring and more effective.


This research is funded by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 51675389 and No. 51475342), and the

Excellent Dissertation Cultivation Funds of Wuhan University of Technology (No. 2016-YS-060).


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