urban manegement final

Post on 16-Apr-2017






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By:Waheeda Mustafa Omer

M.Sc. Student

Kurdistan Region Government – IraqMinistry of Higher Education and Scientific ResearchUniversity of Duhok, Faculty of Engineering and Applied science /School of Planning

The Effect of Urban Management on

Master Plan

05/03/2023 03:05:25 PM

Eng.Waheeda 2

Background Land degradation is a central challenge to sustainable urban

development. At the global scale, key problems threatening natural

resources and the sustainability of life support systems are:1. soil degradation, about one third of the world’s agricultural land

has been damaged, mostly by soil loss caused by water erosion

2. water problems of quality and quantity, as well as spatial and temporal interdependence (highland-lowland effects).

3. natural vegetation: problems of quality, quantity and biodiversity

4. wildlife: problems of protected areas, wildlife corridors, controlled hunting and poaching. (Dumanski, J (ed). 1994).

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Eng.Waheeda 3

Sustainable Urban management , (SUM)

SUM it is defined as a knowledge-based procedure that helps integrate land,

water , biodiversity, and environmental management , to meet rising

food and fiber demands while sustaining ecosystem services and

livelihoods using land management technology, regional planning and

policy framework.( Hurni, H. 1997)

There are Five Element of Urban management:-

1. Outcome

2. Output

3. Process

4. Input

5. Internal & External Forces

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Eng.Waheeda 4

1- Outcome (city welfare for all)

The Overall , overall urban society

sustainable economically

The Group, each individual group of the urban society

sustainable socially-politically

The Past , historical/cultural background of the urban society

sustainable culturally ( Cultural preservation)

The Future , future generation of the urban society

sustainable environmentally

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Eng.Waheeda 5

2- Output ( livable city)

Efficient, productive, and competitive cities

livable / sustainable economically

Accessible and affordable cities (services)

livable / sustainable socially-politically

Attractive and culturally rich cities

livable / sustainable culturally

Healthy & resource efficient cities

livable / sustainable environmentally

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Eng.Waheeda 6

3-Process (good governance)

Continuous processes, planning, implementation, evaluation,

feedback, etc.

technical process , multi disciplinary actors

political decision making process, multi stakeholders (public-

private-community-mass media)

Participation, transparency , equity and accountability, etc.

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Eng.Waheeda 7

4- Input ( institutions)

Political support & commitment

public-private-community participation

Supporting resources

law & regulation


human resources



to do the right thing

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Eng.Waheeda 8

5- Forces (globalization)

External ( global forces)

borderless world, rapid changes, high uncertainty, etc.

Internal ( local pressures)

local needs, local culture, etc.

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Eng.Waheeda 9

Urban Management Procedure

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Eng.Waheeda 10

1- System

How to manage land & urban form???????

sustainable economically, socially, politically, culturally, and


competitive urban output

compact, mixed land use, mixed groups

heritage preservation

greenery ( urban agriculture)

multi centered city……………..etc.

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Eng.Waheeda 11

2-Network System

How to manage urban infrastructure & services ????

sustainable economically, socially, culturally, and environmentally

public transport, transportation demand management, etc

water supply, etc.

Solid waste management ….etc.

waste water management,………… etc.

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Eng.Waheeda 12

3- Institutional System

How to manage the institutional system????

sustainable economically, socially, culturally, and environmentally



human resources


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Eng.Waheeda 13

4- Spatial System

How to manage the spatial system -- the city and its hinterland ???

sustainable economically, socially, culturally, environmentally

integrated plan – management- development with its

neighboring regions ; on land use, infrastructure & services, and


local-regional-national-global scale.

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Eng.Waheeda 14

So How what???

&Why ???





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Eng.Waheeda 15

How to manage………….? land & urban form urban infrastructure & services urban institutions urban space

Livable city for all , to work, live, and play…….? sustainable economically sustainable socially-politically sustainable culturally sustainable environmentally

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Eng.Waheeda 16

Multi-level Stakeholder Approach to Sustainable Urban Management

Defined as , feasible acceptable, viable and ecologically sound

solutions at local scales management.

Consist of five major pillars of sustainability,

1. ecologically protective,

2. socially acceptable

3. economically productive

4. economically viable, and

5. reduce risk.

It is address the issue related to :

for whom will SUM be realized? for what? by what means? and with what


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Eng.Waheeda 17

Intervention levels and activities in a multi-level stakeholder approach to SLM

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Eng.Waheeda 18


It is defined as an increase   in a population   in cities  and towns versus

 rural area . It began during the industrial revolution  when worker

 moved towards  manufacturing hubs in cities  in cities to obtain job in

factories as agriculture become less common  

Patterns of Urban Growth

1. Increasing proportion of population

2. Great increase in large cities (>1,000,000)

3. Increasing rapidly in developing counties

4. Urban growth slower in developed countries

5. Poverty in urban areas increasing

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Eng.Waheeda 19

Effect of Bad Urban Management on Urbanization

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Eng.Waheeda 21

Urban Area : Inputs and Outputs

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Eng.Waheeda 22

Case study

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Study Area Location

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Duhok Governorate is a highly urbanized area with approximately 70% of its population living in cities.

Duhok City is under great development pressure, it has registered a population growth from (6.4%) to (6.8%) per year over the past four years

The City faces more challenges and higher demands of environmental, social, and economical resources

Problem Definition

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Eng.Waheeda 25

Study Questions & Objectives

Study Questions

Are there a popper SUM in Duhok city?

What are the factors effecting on SUM in Duhok city?

Study Objectives :

To evaluate the effect of urban management on Duhok city master


To formulate policy and recommendations to support decision maker

and urban planner for getting SUM in Duhok City.

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Eng.Waheeda 26

Study hypothesis

There is a significant effect of Sustainable Urban Management on the Duhok master


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Data Collection

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Eng.Waheeda 28

Population Density

YearArea of urban land use

in HectaresNo. of population

Population density (per/Hec.)

1947 10.34 5621 534.61957 25.79 7680 297.81977 224.33 40191 179.11987 633.18 114322 180.51998 809.42 212469 262.52007 2794.6 250508 89.6

Population Density during (1947-2007). Source: Hirory, 2008

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Eng.Waheeda 29

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Eng.Waheeda 30

64+ years 3%

15-64 years 55%

0-14 years 42%

% of Age Groups in Duhok City

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Eng.Waheeda 31

Periodpercentage of annually population

growth rate

1947-1957 3.17

1957-1977 8.6

1977-1987 11.02

1987-1998 7.8

1998-2007 1.8

1947-2007 6.5

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Eng.Waheeda 32

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Eng.Waheeda 33

The case study (Duhok City) Cont .

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Eng.Waheeda 34

% of Development Area Per Urban Sectors

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Eng.Waheeda 35

Population Density in Duhok City

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Eng.Waheeda 36

Household Size in Neighborhood of Duhok City

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Eng.Waheeda 37

Master Plan of Duhok City to 2032

Vision: “Livable and Equitable City with Distinct


To enhance the quality of life of Duhok citizens through the conservation and protection of the natural, cultural resources, introduction of recreational opportunities and improvement of the infrastructure quality towards sustainable land use allocation

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Eng.Waheeda 38

GoalsThe master plan identifies seven goals for the City: High – quality diversified and complete living

environments. Structuring, efficient transportation networks fully integrated. A prestigious, convivial and inhabited centre. Dynamic, accessible and diversified employment areas. High quality architecture and urban landscapes. An enhanced built, archaeological and natural heritage. A healthy environment.

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Eng.Waheeda 39Duhok urban area expansion for 2032.

First stageSecond stage

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Eng.Waheeda 40


Urban area within Duhok Master Plan divided in to two type stage

First stage :up to 2017

Second stage: expansion after 2035

Total Population in Duhok city 325,000 in 2011

Duhok city Master plan able to provide land approximately for

1,3000,000 population ( Duhok Master Plan report).

Based on growth equation:

Pf=Pn(1+R)^2……………………> r will be 5% up to 2035

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Eng.Waheeda 41


Based on the statistical data from general directorate of municipality

and directorate of urban planning, There ware:

5000plots needed for compensation the landowner of Duhok


2000plots needed for(اطفاء)the landowner of Sumel and Mrena


1000 plots need to distribute for employment

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Eng.Waheeda 42

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Eng.Waheeda 43Duhok urban area expansion for 2032.

Not distributed landprivet owned

Consumed landRemaining land

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Eng.Waheeda 44

Buildup land

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Eng.Waheeda 45

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Eng.Waheeda 46


Control the speed and magnitude of growth.

Policy and legislative reform.

Participation of local people.

Academic and research institutions.

Information and data collection systems.

Land use classification and inventory

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Eng.Waheeda 47

Refrences• Dumanski, J (ed). 1994. Workshop Summary. Proc of the international workshop

on sustainable land management for the 21st century (Vol 1). Agric Inst of Canada, Ottawa.

• Hurni, H.(1996). Precious Earth. From Soil and Water Conservation to• Sustainable Land Management. Internatl Soil Conserv Org (ISCO),• and Centre for Dev and Environ (CDE), Bern.• Hurni, H.(1996). Concepts of sustainable land management. ITC journal,(Vol 3) P

2010-2015• Tyler. G. (n.d), Living in the Environment MATES, Sustainable Cities: Urban Land

Use and Management, Chapter 25 .• Kusbiantoro ,BS. 2001 “Urban Management to Reach Sustainability”. Urban and

Regional Development Institute and Bandung Institute of Technology Indonesia PECC XIV, Hong Kong, 28-30 November 2001

• Claudio .A. (2003) “The Meaning and Scope of Urban Management: an introductory note”, in Azza Sirry (2003), ‘Urban Management Practices in Secondary Cities in Egypt: the case of Belbeis’, Elias Modern Publishing House, Cairo, Egypt.

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Eng.Waheeda 48

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