us-china partnership for climate action presentation to usaid

Post on 03-Jan-2016






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US-China Partnership for Climate Action Presentation to USAID. March 2010. WRI’s Focus Areas: Creating sustainable enterprises and opportunities Protecting the climate system Protecting the earth’s living systems Empowering people and strengthening institutions. ISC’s Focus Areas: - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


US-China Partnership

for Climate Action

Presentation to USAID

March 2010


ISC’s Focus Areas:

• Environmental management/ Resource efficiency

• Effective local climate action

• Institutional development

• Citizen engagement and community mobilization

• Advocacy & Leadership

• Public-private partnerships

WRI’s Focus Areas:

• Creating sustainable enterprises and opportunities

• Protecting the climate system

• Protecting the earth’s living systems

• Empowering people and strengthening institutions

ISC’s Work in China:

Guangdong Environmental Partnership

BUSINESS – Expands pool of qualified environment, health & safety managers to increase compliance and meet energy efficiency targets

GOVERNMENT – Strengthens provincial/municipal environmental governance and enforcement capacity

COMMUNITIES – Develops community-based energy efficiency initiatives

SCHOOLS – Educates the next generation in sustainable development

WRI’s Climate work in China:

Building Understanding and Capacity

• Promoting Technology Development– Carbon Capture and Storage Regulatory Guidelines

in partnership with Tsinghua University– Renewable Energy Deployment

• Promoting a Global Agreement– Technology Deployment Case Studies to inform the

International Agreement– MRV and the China Context

• Disseminating and implementing GHG Protocol standards and tools – To inform the design of effective business and

Government programs and policies to combat climate change


PCA Program - Goals

Achieve significant, meaningful and lasting reductions in GHG emissions in China, by:

building the capacity of high-emitting industries, the power sector, and selected cities, to:

– measure and reduce GHG emissions

– take energy efficiency actions.

To be:


PCA Program - Overview

• Three-year, $6 million cooperative agreement– 1:1 additional private leverage is anticipated

• Program designed to address priorities of the US-China cooperation on energy and climate:

–Improving energy efficiency and conservation–Quantifying and reducing GHG emissions

• Key Expected Outcomes:–Significant GHG emissions reductions–Innovative public-private partnerships–Platform for scaling-up, replicating, & sustaining



PCA Program - Key Elements

• USAID led cooperation initiative

• Public-private partnership

• Focus on scaling up energy efficiency and GHG measurement/mitigation

• Three program components: Industries, Power Sector, Cities

• Two Provinces: Jiangsu, Guangdong




Two of China’s Industrialized Provinces


PCA Program - Targets


>6.6 M tons of CO2 equivalent


>17.2 TWh of energy saved

>Equivalent to removing all 120,000 taxis in Beijing and Shanghai from the street for 3 years

GHG Emission Reduction


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PCA Program - Partners & Supporters

Implementing Partners:



Component 1:

Industry: Clean Energy & GHG Accounting

• Train >4,000 factory managers per year in EE & GHG management;

• Field test, customize and disseminate new GHG Protocol standards & tools;

• Establish a national certification protocol to include EE/GHG in collaboration with the Ministry of Human Resources & Social Security.

Combine training resources of ISC’s EHS Academies in Guangdong and Jiangsu with WRI’s global leadership in GHG accounting & measurement to:


Component 2:

Power Sector: Driving Energy Efficiency

• Establishing DSM, public finance, and behavior campaigns by sharing leading US utility practices;

• Scaling-up the Efficiency Power Plant model in terms of dollars invested and TWh of capacity;

• Building capacity in industrial sectors to identify and secure EE/RE financing.

Leverage existing projects in the power sector by:


Component 3:

Cities: Low-Carbon Urban Development

• Training and mentoring cross-agency teams;

• Focusing on scaling-up building retrofits, cutting vehicle traffic, systematic GHG accounting and integrated solutions;

• Linking Chinese practitioners with U.S. counterparts and leading global practitioners;

• Building capacity of three Chinese partners to serve as learning and networking hubs.

Promoting low-carbon urban development by building capacity for effective local climate and energy action by:


Expanding Public-Private Partnerships

• Chinese Government/Policymaking bodies

• US DOE, US EPA, State Department,


• Strategic and Economic Dialogue

• International NGOs

• Private foundations

• Multinational companies

• Multilateral donors

• Energy efficiency counterparts in the U.S.


Key Milestones To Date• Program office established and registered, program team in

place, engaged key international and Chinese implementing partners

• Secured the support of senior provincial government agencies in Guangdong and Jiangsu

• Conducted workshops in Beijing and Guangzhou to document Chinese input to draft GHG Protocol Standards for Products and Supply Chains

• Developed comprehensive, 4-day cross-industry GHG accounting training course for Chinese enterprises

• Identified and vetting 6 finalist candidates for EHS Academy in Jiangsu

• Established agreement with Southern China Grid company to implement Green Action Plan, scale up Efficiency Power Plant

• On track to implement first Climate Leadership Academy for Chinese cities in July 2010



• Chinese Government Support & Sensitivities

• Needs are Massive and Immediate

• USG Coordination


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