us history note page 21 “resources behind the civil war”

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US HistoryNote Page 21

“Resources Behind the Civil War”

Causes of the Civil War – Video Recap!

We didn’t Start the Fire

by Icouldnotthinkofnot

Causes of the Civil WarXtra Normal Video

Causes Of The American Civil

War By Grandhistorian

Lincoln’s Election

-Lincoln wins election with no southern electoral votes

-Southern states secede in fear of gov’t where they have no voice

-S.C. first to secede, 6 others follow

- Confederate States of America formed before Lincoln takes office

-Jefferson Davis elected Confederate President


Fort Sumter, Charleston, SC

War Begins

-Election of 1860

-Confederate States of America

-Firing on Ft. Sumter

-Virginia Secedes followed by Ark., NC, and Tenn.

-11 States Leave Union

-5 BORDER states REMAIN in the Union but still allow SLAVERY!!! Missouri, Kentucky, West Virginia, Maryland, and Delaware

Modern War

-Uses both old and new methods of war


-Cavalry, Muzzle Rifles, Battlefield Formations


-Railroads, telegraph, drafts, submarines, armored ships, observation balloons,

cone-shaped bullets, gun-boats, blockade runners,

The USS Monitor and Ironclads

Trench Warfare: Defending Positions

Trenches made it very hard on the offensive

side causing high



Strategy-Union-Constrictor (Anaconda)


developed by Winfield Scott

Plan was to BLOCKADE the Confederate ports; control access to their ports and limit imports and exports

-divide the south through the Mississippi by sending GUNBOATS down the Mississippi River


To strike not only against soldiers but also against civilians and their ECONOMY


-defensive battle


The wearing down of one side by the other through exhaustion of soldiers and resources!

-European recognition:

Seeking the aid of Britain and France! Manuf. Goods.

If European nations recognize the Confederate States of America as an independent nation it will make the North look like an aggressor and Europe can send supplies/troops


-most of the population

22 Million People

-large advantages in resources

96 % Pig Iron

90% All Factories

-most of the transportation and industry

Double the South

Rail Lines….


-defending their homes

Home Ground Advantage

-strong sectional pride

-better military tradition and leadership

7 of 8 Military Colleges

Government Powers

-both sides had to increase central government powers

-raise an army

Conscription – not popular / Draft

-supply armies – food, clothing,

ammo, rifles.

-finance the war

Both ran short of cash!

-suppress any opposition

-Copperheads – Democrats in Union, opposed to war….

Raising Armies

-Northern Advantage

Huge Population!!! 22 million

-volunteers at first

-drafts begin

-riots in New York City

-bounties paid: a BONUS for soldiers who served for more than 3 years

-substitution possible: RICH’S MAN’S WAR

-many volunteers

Supplying Armies

-Union Advantages

-Industrial Capacity

-Transportation Capabilities

-Financial Centers - North

had National Treasury…

Confederate Problems

-Foraging the land (having to live off the land; hunt, take from local citizens)

-Shortages - had no way of moving food and supplies!!!

A War of Resources

…Who do you

think will win???

War Politics

-War to Preserve Union****

At the beginning it is not to END slavery, esp. in the South

-civil rights were restricted

-habeas corpus suspended: your right to a quick and speedy trial; can’t be held against your will

-Emancipation Debated

Needed higher cause

-Emancipation Proclamation

Jan. 1, 1863

Others in the War

-African Americans

Segregated Forces

54th Massachusetts: famous all black regiment known for their bravery at Fort Wagner



Clara Barton: founded the Red Cross; Sanitation Commission in charge of prison and hospital sanitation

Soldier’s Lives

-disillusionment of war

-filthy conditions

-poor food: HARDTACK; biscuit make of wheat flour

-bad medical care

-prison camps

Andersonville: most famous prison where thousands died from poor conditions; leaders tried for war crimes


The EndNote Page 21

“Behind the Civil War”

Chapter 9 / Sect 1

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