usability testing for qualitative researchers

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What qualitative researchers should

know about usability testing

QRCA - New England chapter, fall 2011 meeting

P r e s e n t e r : K a y C o r r y A u b r e y

S e p te mb er 2 3 , 2 011


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Agenda – what you will learn

1. This presentation will be an “appetizer” on usability

testing (1 hr 15 minutes)

• Overview of how to plan, run, analyze & report on a

usability study*

• Pointers to where you can learn more

2. Hands-on demonstration

• We’ll usability test the Android, iPhone, & iPad

versions of the new QRCA VIEWS app (45 minutes)


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Where does usability testing fit in with other qualitative research methods?

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What is a usability test?

• Qualitative study where typical users try to accomplish

typical tasks on their own with the product

• Point is to see how clearly the product “speaks” to

them, meets their expectations, fits into their typical

work and task flow

• Moderator & team watch participant working and keep

score of task success & failure, comments, body


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What can be usability tested?

• Web sites, software applications

• Consumer products (e.g., vacuum cleaners, ovens, mobile

phones – examples from projects I’ve done to illustrate the

range of where you can apply this technique)

• Packaging

• Customer service or ordering procedures

• Training & documentation

• Basically you can usability test any product or service

where there is user interaction

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Many Good reasons for running a usability study

• Make interaction with a product as fluid & intuitive as possible

• Avoid embarrassment – expose usability problems

• Test design concepts

• Compare design approaches

• Challenge assumptions

• To compare your product with a competitor’s

• Improve ease of use and learning

• To better understand users

• To understand training and documentation needs

• To increase sales, improve your product’s reputation, decrease need for

technical support

• To save money and time (less need to rework the design, fewer calls to

customer support)

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The test should focus on a specific aspect of the product

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Sync testing approach to product’s development stage

Test method Project stage Focus

Paper prototype Early Overall product concept,

terminology, navigation

Electronic prototype Design Task flow, visual design, page

layout, specific features,

validate redesign

Functioning product Development & QA Defaults, online help, feature

integration, performance

Comparison Post-release Product features, performance

benchmarks, can be within

your own product or against


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Where can you run a usability test?

Handout (pages 16-19 shows ways to set up the room)

Venue Pros Cons

Facility Can invite lots of observers,

fewer logistical headaches,

can test wider range of


Artificial environment, costs more

Conference room Saves money - no travel, can

test wider range of products

More logistics, artificial environment,

observers want to sit in same room as


Live online More natural (participant is

in their environment, saves

money, no travel, fewer

logistics, easy for team to


Can only test Web-based products, hear

voice but don’t see body language,

need to recruit more tech savvy

participants, firewall issues

Native habitat (mobile studies) Person is in context of use -

people use mobile phones

when they are “on the go”,

cheap & quick

Cannot easily record, only have 1-2


Stages of a usability test

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Major phases of a usability study

1. Planning the study

2. Running the study

3. Analyzing results

4. Reporting results

A typical soup-to-nuts usability study takes about 70 hours

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Planning steps

Planning a usability study includes

• Setting objectives

• Recruiting

• Creating the task list

• Managing the logistics

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Planning a study is very involved

Create project plans and check lists to keep your ducks in a row.

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Forget a step and you are dead

Just kidding

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Running the study

Sessions follow a structure that is similar to any qualitative

research session:

1. Establish rapport, help them understand what they’ll be


2. Begin with background questions

3. Do the usability study

4. Debrief to gather more feedback

5. Administer surveys & say goodbye!

During a usability study you are watching people’s behavior while

listening closely to what they say

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What type of data do you collect?

• Collect objective results (can they do it? Define up front what

“success” means for each task)

• Emotional reactions

• Practical information (how does this product design fit into their

world? What kind of training would a person need to be

productive with this technology?)

• Typical measures (task success/failure, time on task)

• When they struggle, note why

• You see patterns after 3-4 sessions but new stuff always

emerges (depending on diversity of participant backgrounds)

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Look for opportunities to collect quantitative data

Product reaction card attributes are in Appendix

Product Reaction Cards Participants quickly select 5 attributed

from among 118 choices

The attributes are balanced between positive and negative

System Usability Scale Participants answer 10 questions on key

aspects of usability

Survey produces a score between 0 and 100; a score <60 is considered poor

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Product reaction card results are fun and illuminating

Text size indicates number of times that attribute was chosen. Refer to study spreadsheet to see cards

chosen by each participant

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System usability Scale (SUS) scores cut to the chase

Product ABC Product XYZ

0 0 0 0 0 0 0


0-10 11-20 21-30 31-40 41-50 51-60 61-70 > 71





1 1

3 3

0-10 11-20 21-30 31-40 41-50 51-60 61-70 > 71

SUS scores < 60 indicate poor usability. See the study spreadsheet for details.

XYZ’s’ SUS scores from all

10 participants were

between 75 and 100

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Seek results that can be expressed in pictures

Source: Moxie Software

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Analyzing results • Tests produce huge amount of data

• Analyze as close to tests as possible – I try to transcribe to heat map

from notes right after the session

• If you are doing these on your own (no observers) need to anticipate

pushback from some quarters

• Tabulate task times, # errors, and other notable incidents

• Report across test as well as by task

• Use descriptive statistics (mean, medium, mode, ranges)

• Include team & tester quotes in results

• Need to involve client team – debrief after each session or reserve a

conference room, gather team

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Reporting – each discipline expects specific insights from the study results

Executives want a distilled version, an encapsulation of “the problems” and to

understand what is perceived as the premium this product offers

Product managers and marketing people seek insights on segmentation,

product identity, competitive information, participant reaction to feature sets

Product designers want detailed usability feedback to guide refinements to

the product’s interface and behavior. Is the design intuitive? How does it fit

into the user’s work and task flow?

Engineering needs to understand the usability bugs so they can prioritize

them and fix them (often their input is the bottom line)

Training and documentation people want to know which content to include in

their work

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Hands-on exercise – usability test qrca views mobile app

STEPS 1. Translate the objectives into a task list

2. Break into groups of 2-3 people, one person is the administrator another the participant, others are observers who will take notes

3. Run the study

4. One group will use Morae, another will use the “sled” to record participants, and others will use the more informal “chair side” approach where you just sit next to the participant and watch them work

5. Observers will record impressions on colored sticky notes (each group will have its own color)

6. We’ll reconvene and do a mini affinity diagramming session to tabulate and discuss the results and recommendations for improvement. We’ll hold a debrief.

7. Kay present our results to Monica and Eddie

8. Then we’ll eat lunch!!

The End Thank You!!

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About us

Kay Corry Aubrey, Qualitative Researcher and author of this study

Kay Corry Aubrey is the owner of Usability Resources, which specializes in user-centered research and design. Kay has over 20 years of experience in applying qualitative research methods and usability testing to technology-oriented products and collaborative software. She has led user research and usability and design efforts for dozens clients including AT&T, Affinnova, Constant Contact, Monster Worldwide, the Massachusetts Medical Society, the Mayo Clinic, and iRobot.

Kay has taught at Northeastern University and Bentley University’s Center for Human Factors and Information Design. She is the managing editor of the QRCA VIEWS magazine, a market research journal that is read by over 5,000 qualitative research consultants and buyers. Kay has an MSW from Boston University’s School of Social Work, an MS in information systems from Northeastern University’s Graduate School of Engineering, and a BA from McGill University. She is a RIVA-certified Master Moderator who enjoys doing research with both groups and individuals.

For further information on Kay’s background, please visit or contact her at

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